Star hobbies: unusual and strange hobbies of celebrities. Interesting facts about Leonardo DiCaprio

How And ordinary people, celebrities are not alien to having hobbies to which they devote their free time from filming or concerts, parties or family worries. Someone just collects antiques, someone good guitars, someone madly loves movies on videocassettes, while someone does not have enough time for such hobbies. But there are some stellar hobbies that, without exaggeration, are simply confusing.

Johnny Depp

The actor became famous all over the world not only for his talent for impersonation, but also for his love of collecting. He collects guitars, Barbie dolls, fancy hats that he wears to everyone. public events, drawings of psychopathic killers, figurines of clowns, which he is scared to death, collects dried beetles, bats, skeletons and stuffed animals, and this is probably not the whole list strange hobbies.

And the last celebrity hobby is diving in the pool with sharks, during which one of the sharks bit off his hand. This means that the person wanted thrill.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio keeps up with his colleagues and does everything his heart desires. real passion actor - poker for money, where he lowers and wins fortunes in an evening. He gives himself to this gambling hobby and free time, and during filming, and even trips with charity events.

Leo also enjoys skydiving from various tall buildings. For unauthorized entry into them, DiCaprio was repeatedly detained by the police.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Performer of the role of Cary Bradshaw in the series "Sex in big city"For many years he has not given up dancing, yoga, karate and cycling. But the actress has a special love for a very outdated hobby, unlike her fellow stars, knitting, and she mostly knits clothes that she herself then wears.

David Lynch

The famous director of the series "Twin Peaks" not only makes mystical films, but he has enough horror in real life. Since childhood, he was attracted by the collection of dead animals and flies, which he continues to collect until now. And while studying at the university, he visited the morgue, where his acquaintance worked, to observe the corpses, and at night he painted dead people.

Nicole Kidman

Very aristocratic and restrained Nicole Cadman lacks extreme sports in her life. Therefore, from time to time she jumps from an airplane without a parachute. The rest of the time, the actress writes stories and collects ancient Jewish coins, which she can look at for hours in between filming.

Tom Hanks

The actor has a passion for old typewriters. He even published an article for The New York Times, where he wrote: “the sounds from the“ flight ”Smith Corona Skywriter are comparable to the muffled shots of James Bond’s Walter, and the half-century-old Royal is comparable to human voice saying "so-so-so".

He has in his collection machines with Latin, Russian and even Arabic letters. They say that Tom takes one of the cars with him on every trip. Its collection includes more than 200 exhibits.

Elton John

It is hard not to notice that the singer has a special love for glasses, or rather unusual frames for them. Elton John spends a lot of money on such a hobby. His collection contains such unusual specimens that they confuse the public, but the singer is absolutely not shy about putting them on people.

Penelope Cruz

The Spanish actress surprised the world by admitting that she collects ... hangers. On this moment she has about 500 pieces in her wardrobe.

Angelina Jolie

The most sexy woman planet since the age of 12 has been collecting very unfeminine things - knives. The actress received the first exhibit of her collection from her mother, and now she herself passed on her passion for edged weapons to her eldest son Madox.

Rod Steward

On the third floor in the house of Rod Steward, a whole museum railway. He recreated the Chicago of the 1940s in it, where there are terminals with trains, and parks, entire warehouses and much more. The singer spends all his free time with trains, plays with them, and even takes some with him on tour.

The image created by Leonardo DiCaprio is so good that we prefer to ignore the things that betray him as a person.

Leonardo DiCaprio - perhaps main character of our time: a sweet boy turned into a brutal man, playboy, philanthropist and socialite. Vladimir Putin himself considers him a “real man”, and such recognition from the lips of the “main alpha male” according to Wikileaks is worth a lot. There is not a single dark spot in DiCaprio's biography, only a few muddy areas that neither the actor's fans nor journalists loyal to him like to remember. Not because these facts can compromise Leo, but because they turn him from a character from the cover of a male gloss into an ordinary man around forty.

Leonardo DiCaprio is capable of debauchery.

Leonardo DiCaprio can be aggressive not only in the movies

In 2000, the Phoenix Hotel Bar in Los Angeles closed its doors to Leo for good. His administration had good reasons to refuse to visit a world-famous celebrity: DiCaprio and two dozen of his friends drank too much and smashed the institution. In response to the exhortations of the manager, the naughty guests suggested that he go to known direction and by morning turned the fashionable bar into an American branch of Sarajevo after the Balkan conflict.

It would seem that this incident is nothing special: bombing drinking establishments in Hollywood is a common thing, even Angelina Jolie's children do it. But Leo is not one of those - he protects his reputation, and therefore he learned a lesson from what happened and for more than ten years he has not broken either chairs or even toothpicks in a cafe.

Leonardo DiCaprio is addicted to gambling.

Leonardo DiCaprio really loves cards

Leonardo DiCaprio makes no secret of his passion for poker, but it's better not to know how far it goes. Fans were convinced of this after a single card scandal involving Leo, which happened in 2011.

It all started with a criminal case against the head of the Ruderman Capital Partners investment fund, Brad Ruderman, who stole $ 25 million from investors. It soon became clear that Ruderman needed the money in order to pay off his gambling debts. At the same time, the names of creditors became known. They were WWF board member Leonardo DiCaprio, exemplary family man Ben Affleck, talented actor Tobey Maguire and no less talented Matt Damon. These respected gentlemen, just a couple of weeks before the thread, robbed the unlucky financier in small underground casinos.

Fortunately for DiCaprio, the scandal around him died down pretty quickly; the actor did not even have to return the money won. Did Leo learn from this story? Undoubtedly. Now he plays poker much more accurately. But where and with whom - we don't even want to know.

Leonardo DiCaprio lives with a man.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Lukas Haas

Rumors that Leonardo DiCaprio is a homosexual did not arise yesterday or even the day before yesterday. About unconventional sexual orientation the actor whispered after the release of the film " Full eclipse”, in which Leo masterfully played the poet Arthur Rimbaud. He was barely 21 years old, and the reputation of "gay undercover" has already stuck to him tightly. Neither novels with long-legged models, nor the role of a heartthrob hero, nor an interview with Esquire magazine, in which DiCaprio emphasized six times that he was not gay, helped him get rid of her. The latter, perhaps, even prevented.

The main argument in favor of the fact that Leo is not completely sincere with his fans was his strange relationship with Lukas Haas. The 37-year-old actor who starred in Witness, Mars Attacks! and "Brick", has been living in DiCaprio's house for many years and relentlessly accompanies the star not only on trips around the world, but also on walks with girls.

Leonardo DiCaprio treats women like things.

Leonardo DiCaprio on the set of The Wolf of Wall Street

Leonardo DiCaprio and his clone army similar friend on a friend, like two drops of water, girlfriends-models - managed to become a byword. Leo has not yet broken up with Toni Garrn, and everyone already knows what his next lover will look like. Why does DiCaprio not cheat on the type he has chosen once? There are several answers: we don’t even want to think about the first (see paragraph 3), the second is no less sad - the actor treats women as beautiful things. He even hinted at it in an interview with Psychologies magazine in 2011.

Answering a journalist's question about why he only dates supermodels, DiCaprio referred to the example of Howard Hughes, the hero of the movie The Aviator. The eccentric millionaire only dated top movie stars, and Leo thinks his love for women was like his love for airplanes. " beautiful women, planes, cars, films, Hughes filled a gaping gap in himself ... And I definitely don’t have such a gap. There is something else, but I’m unlikely to formulate it,” the actor said.

Leonardo DiCaprio plans to take a break from his career.

Leonardo DiCaprio passionate about ecology

In January 2013, Leonardo DiCaprio announced that he was leaving the cinema for a while. This news shocked his fans: no one believed that Leo loves poker, beach holiday and charity more than his career. And rightly so - just a couple of months after the sensational interview, DiCaprio began work on the thriller "The Devil in the White City", not only as an actor, but also as a producer. He does not even remember the decision to suspend filming, and we do not want to think that the tireless Leo also needs time for himself.

Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most famous actors Hollywood, who achieved success solely due to his talent. Next are waiting for you little known facts from the life of an actor and pretty interesting news which have not been widely publicized.

Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most prominent actors in Hollywood, who became famous as a young man in the melodramatic roles of Romeo and Jack from the Titanic, which he brought far beyond the melodrama, which earned him the fame of the main sex symbol of the planet and almost a movie god. The second half of the 90s can be safely called the era of DiCaprio in the cinema. Today, Leonardo has done everything to get away from melodrama. He plays in complex psychothrillers, choosing heavier characters. Five-time Oscar nominee.
As explanations for why the choice did not fall in favor of Leonardo, film critics used various arguments that many considered, and still consider, extremely ridiculous. Perhaps the absence of an Oscar in DiCaprio's collection of film awards only plays into the hands of the actor - he still has something to strive for.

Leonardo DiCaprio was born into a hippie family and grew up in one of the most dangerous suburbs in Los Angeles.
Named after Da Vinci, but not because his parents loved the work of the Italian painter.
On vacation in Florence, DiCaprio's parents walked around Uffizi gallery. His mother was already pregnant with him. In front of one of Da Vinci's paintings, the baby began to kick hard. The father could only say: "It's an omen."

He considers himself half Russian, which he personally stated in a conversation with Vladimir Putin during one of his visits to Moscow. The actor's grandmother, Elena Stepanovna Smirnova, left the USSR for Germany, where she married the German Wilhelm Indenbirken. The actor himself, however, in conversation with Russian President noted that his grandfather was Russian. Irmelin DiCaprio has a deep attachment to his mother - she has accompanied the actor on the red carpet of social events more than once and, according to rumors, influences the choice of her son's beloved. But little is known about Leonardo's father - George DiCaprio divorced Irmelin when Leo was only a year old; he works as an author and publisher of satirical comic book magazines.

For the first time, little Leo appeared in front of the camera at 2.5 years old, when his father brought him to a children's TV show. At first, the producers were happy with the appearance of a stormy, colorful child in the frame, but then he dispersed so much that they regretted it. In fact, the boy caused a lot of trouble for the film crew.
Leonardo DiCaprio studied at primary school at Seeds University, where he attended courses acting skills. Then, for a more in-depth education, he went to Los Angeles. All the time it seemed to him that these lessons were not enough, the desire to participate in performances in front of a live audience was very great. Therefore, the boy joined an avant-garde troupe called "The Mud People" and began touring Los Angeles with them.

Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Stephen Dorff and even Tom Cruise auditioned for the lead male role in Titanic. But director James Cameron opted for Leonardo DiCaprio - this role was a real breakthrough for the young actor.
By the way, Kate Winslet never takes off the ring that Leonardo gave her on the set of Titanic. There is an inscription on the ring, but only Kate knows what it is.

lucky ticket in the world of cinema for both actors was "Titanic". The roles of Jack and Rose not only glorified artists all over the world, but also helped to make friends. During the filming of James Cameron, Winslet helped DiCaprio cope with excitement and even tears ( young actor I was very worried when the director began to criticize his game). The ordeal of fame rallied the celebrities. They continued to communicate 11 years later, when a proposal for a new joint project directed by Sam Mendes (at that moment he was listed as Kate's husband). "Revolutionary Road" told the story married couple tired of many years life together. After the release of the film, DiCaprio himself joked that Jack and Rose's relationship would have ended in such a routine if both of them were destined to stay alive after the disaster. The picture helped Kate get the Golden Globe, and Leonardo took only a nomination.

Scorsese demanded that in the film "Gangs of New York" everything be natural. Therefore, on the set, Cameron Diaz really hit Leo in the face. Then the actor complained: "Cameron has a hard hit. After a few takes, my face was numb and my head was clouded." On the set of The Beach, DiCaprio nearly drowned. He and other actors were washed off the boat by a sudden oncoming wave. Leo also suffered on the set of Quentin Tarantino in the western "Django Unchained": during one of the scenes, he had to violently beat his hand on the table, but the blow fell on a crystal glass. According to eyewitnesses, the artist courageously continued filming - his bloodied hand can be seen in the frame.

Leonardo DiCaprio is persistent. Head of Warner Bros. Jeff Robinov believes that if "Leonardo DiCaprio has an idea for a film, it will definitely be made."
DiCaprio received public praise from Vladimir Putin. This happened in November 2010, when Leonardo, with great difficulty, reached St. Petersburg from the USA to the International Forum, dedicated to conservation of the Amur tigers. "A real man!" - this is how Putin described the actor's insistence on coming to Russia, despite two emergency landings of Leo's planes at the airports of New York and Helsinki.

Leonardo DiCaprio is an ardent fan of the Lakers. Once, for the sake of their game, he missed a party to which Gwen Stefani, Salma Hayek, Halle Berry and many other celebrities were invited.

Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't have a favorite movie genre.
DiCaprio never tries to guess what kind of work he will like. He is reading the script. Then intuition works: does something push the actor to this project? If yes, then it will be removed.
Dreams of playing more than anything else - Joseph Stalin. The only thing that stops the actor is that he still hasn't met good script.

Leonardo DiCaprio has been fond of anthropology since childhood. At the age of five, he did not get out of the Museum national history. Now in his house you can see the remains of several predatory dinosaurs. Also collects art. For a long time the actor liked Jean-Michel Basquiat. His drawing is DiCaprio's first investment as a collector.

After the ceremony "Oscar-2014" the entire Internet was full of mockery of DiCaprio. The reason for this was the coveted statuette, which slipped out of Leo's hands for the fifth time. In 2013, Leo, realizing that the title " best actor“He definitely doesn’t shine anymore - he went into producing. But even here only a nomination awaited him (for“ The Wolf of Wall Street ”).
Thus, in a 25-year career, DiCaprio earned 4 Oscar nominations for best actor and one for producing.
DiCaprio nominated for the first time. Start in the "Oscar" was the nomination in the title "Best Supporting Actor" (the film "What's Eating Gilbert Grayle"). The competitors were: Ralph Fiennes, Pete Postlethwaite, John Malkovich, Tommy Lee Jones. Overtook Leo Tommy Lee Jones in '94.
In 2005, the premiere of the film "The Aviator" was held with resounding success, for which DiCaprio was nominated in the category "Best Actor". He competed with: Don Cheadle, Johnny Depp, Clint Eastwood, and Jamie Fox won.

In 2007, Leonardo DiCaprio played leading role in the film "Blood Diamond", for which he was nominated. "God loves a trinity," DiCaprio thought hopefully as he waited for the winner to be announced. But this time, God did not help Leo. He was overtaken by Forest Whitaker.
The most "fat" "Oscar" for DiCaprio was in 2014. Leo starred in two of the best films of the year: The Wolf of Wall Street and The Great Gatsby. This time the competition for the best male role was Christian Bale, Bruce Dern, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Matthew McConaughey won. Become a Producer Best Film 2013 "was interrupted by a competitor -" 12 Years a Slave "produced by Brad Pitt (well, finally, a friend of "unfortunately" Brad got at least something).

Leonardo DiCaprio has a large apartment in New York and several houses in Los Angeles. He also bought himself an island in Belize in 2009, where he wants to make an eco-resort. The actor is actively involved in environmental movements, uses a hybrid car, flies on regular flights, not charter ones; solar panels were installed in his house.

In 1998, he founded a nominal fund for the protection environment Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, actively collaborating with the Conservation Council natural resources USA, Global Green USA, National Geographic Kids, makes significant donations to WWF.

Name: Leonardo DiCaprio

Age: 43

Birthplace: Los Angeles, USA

Height: 183 cm

Occupation: actor and producer

marital status: Not maried

Leonardo DiCaprio: biography

Having built dizzying career and having earned a huge fortune, Leo still cannot decide on the choice of his future wife, and he is already 43 ...

The only child of an assistant judge and illustrator was born in the poorest area of ​​Los Angeles. Leo is an American, but Italian, German and Russian blood flows in his veins: Leonardo's maternal grandmother Elena Smirnova was born in pre-revolutionary Russia.

The family legend says: the mother tried to develop the baby even before the birth - during pregnancy she listened to Mozart, visited art galleries. A woman was admiring a painting by Leonardo da Vinci when she felt the first movement of the fetus. That is why the parents decided to name their son after the great artist.

Childhood, family

When Leo was only a year old, his parents separated, and the boy stayed with his mother, while his father visited him on weekends. He drew comics and early years instilled in his son the idea: a rich imagination can give you any life you want.

At two and a half years old, Leo appeared on a TV show where his father brought him, and at five he participated in another TV project - however, he was soon expelled from there for inappropriate behavior.

Leonardo grew up as a screamer and an upstart, he did not study well, for which his classmates called him "brake". He often ran away from lessons and retired somewhere on a park bench to dream. He did not want to return to the dirty closet, for which he and his mother always did not have enough money to pay.


In their neighborhood, there were only two ways for boys to "elevate" themselves: become a drug dealer and get jail time, or rob people and end up in jail too. Leo swore to himself that he would be able to break out of this criminal environment. At the age of 14, he already went to auditions for commercials and sometimes even got a job, and then he began to look for an agent.

Professionals laughed at him and advised him to change two things first: an unfashionable haircut and a wonderful name. This angered Leo, but he still found an agent who was quite happy with both his hair and his name. DiCaprio got roles - in several series, including Santa Barbara, and at the age of 17 he was invited to a big movie: it was comedy movie horror Critters-Z.

The image of a cute blonde was in demand both in advertising and among filmmakers. But Leonardo longed for serious, deep roles. After filming with Robert De Niro in This Boy's Life, he was invited to duet with Johnny Depp in the drama What's Eating Gilbert Grape, where Leo played a rather difficult role mentally retarded teenager. From that moment on, an endless series of nominations for DiCaprio began - for the Oscar, the prestigious British Prize BAFTA, "Golden Globe", - which gave rise to many jokes in Hollywood. And yet, time after time, he took only second place: there was always someone better.

During his long career, the actor managed to show himself in a variety of film genres, earned a lot of money, achieved world fame, but he became the first only in terms of the number of unreceived awards. Even for the "Titanic", which gave him the status of a sex symbol! with the creators of romantic movie there was an embarrassment: they simply “forgot” to nominate Leo for Oscar nominations. But after the film "Romeo + Juliet" DiCaprio was called the best Romeo in the history of cinema.

Leonardo took everything that happened with a grain of irony - and again plunged into work. His roles in the films "Man in iron mask”, “The Beach”, “The Aviator”, “The Great Gatsby”, “The Wolf of Wall Street” and others received different ratings from critics, but were received with a bang by the audience.

Finally, in 2016, Leonardo managed to break through this wall - for the film The Revenant, the 42-year-old actor received his first Oscar. His fans cheered. Leonardo himself took this event philosophically. Is this a joke or real fact, but there were rumors that he forgot his long-awaited golden figurine in a taxi.

For one ads Leonardo DiCaprio receives five million, his average fee for the film is 20 million, and the entire fortune of the star is estimated at $ 245 million. Growing up in poor family, who had barely scraped together money for food, today DiCaprio is buying luxury real estate in Manhattan and an island in the Caribbean - he plans to build an eco-resort on it. After all, their true purpose Leonardo sees not the art of cinema, but the protection of the planet. His foundation collects tens of millions of dollars, and DiCaprio personally donated 15 million to protect African animals.

IN ordinary life Leonardo does not look like a millionaire: he wears clothes of non-prestigious brands, walks along the streets of New York; he does not have collections of diamonds or cars - there is only one eco-car in the actor's garage. However, Hollywood jokers claim that Leo still has one hobby: he “collects” beautiful models.

Leonardo di Caprio: biography of personal life

Women Leo usually chooses the same type of long-haired blondes. And although he was never a womanizer, he received a reputation eternal bachelor: no matter how long his relationship lasted, the actor never called for the crown of his beloved. The only love Leonardo was and still is his mother Irmelin. He always consults with her, including on matters of personal life.

The first strong passion of the young DiCaprio was the Danish model Helena Christensen - one of the few brunettes on his list of girlfriends, moreover, five years older than the actor. She was replaced by Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen, with whom the relationship lasted five years. Giselle has the status of the highest paid model on the planet, so her relationship with Leo was definitely not mercantile.

After parting with her in 2005, the "best Romeo" became interested in the Israeli model Bar Refaeli for three years and was even ready to marry her, but ... fell in love with the Russian beauty - model Anna Vyalitsyna. Leonardo honors his Russian grandmother and has a weakness for Russian women, but Anna managed to interest him only for six months. Lasted the same beautiful romance with actress Blake Lively, who in 2011 was replaced by Victoria's Secret Angel Erin Heatherton, then Tony Garrn, Lorena Ray, Kelly Rohrbach and Sarah Snyder (of course, also models). In response to the jokes of journalists, DiCaprio smiled: “For I don't have the courage to get married!" And in a private conversation with friends, he admitted: he values ​​\u200b\u200bfreedom too much to let someone ring him.

Gossip insisted: the actor has developed a phobia against women - he is afraid that they do not love him, but only his money. However, two years ago, in the midst of an affair with a young supermodel Nina Agdal (17 years younger than Leo), the artist, unexpectedly for himself, made her a marriage proposal - right in the road eatery where they ate hamburgers. The news spread all over the world tabloids, but the couple did not announce the date of the wedding. And a year later, during a holiday in Malibu, the bride was jealous of Leo for another blonde, which was the reason for the breakup.

IN recent months Leonardo is seen in a relationship with Camila Morrone, a 20-year-old actress and model from Argentina. They say that the lovers were introduced by Al Pacino himself, who meets with Camila's mother. But, knowing the habits of DiCaprio, it cannot be ruled out that he will go in search of a new lady of the heart. So if you are a young, beautiful and slender blonde, then you may well win the heart of Hollywood's most enviable groom!

Author of the biography: Marina Soboleva 409

Life of the Stars


11.11.14 09:18

They say that Leonardo DiCaprio is very attracted to the figure of one of the Soviet leaders - Joseph Stalin, debunked by the 20th Congress of the Communist Party. The star simply dreams of embodying this complex image on the screen! He doesn’t really look like a Georgian, but that doesn’t stop him Hollywood celebrity: everything is not found worthwhile script. Everyone's life famous person overgrown with rumors and legends. We do not vouch that all the facts below are true, but, as they say, for what we bought, for that we will sell!

In honor of a genius

Enough rare name which immortalized genius High Renaissance gave to son loving mother. Irmelin, being "very pregnant", enjoyed the canvases in one of the Italian museums - she believed that everything beautiful was useful for an unborn baby. And when she stood in front of the painting by da Vinci, the child began to vigorously kick his legs and push his mother in the stomach. The woman understood: he wants to be called Leonardo!

By the way, one of the former agents of the young artist (Leo was then only 10) suggested that he take the pseudonym "Lenny Williams" - simply and clearly. Leonardo disagreed.

half russian

Meeting with Vladimir Putin, Leo boasted that he was half-Russian blood (the grandfather and grandmother of the actor are from Russia, the grandmother used to have a completely “ordinary” and common name and surname: “Elena Smirnova”).

Already at the age of two and a half future star"Titanic" and "The Departed" knew the taste of glory. His father brought him to a TV show, and then advertisers laid eyes on the blond angel. He looked very good in the frame!

DiCaprio says he hates close attention to his personal life and does not want to show his true feelings in front of the crowd. And what about the numerous photos with lovers? He was not very shy about something, apparently, he was disingenuous.

"Animal lover" and fan

One of the longest love stories actor is an affair with an outstanding woman and very successful model Gisele Bundchen. The two have been together for almost five years. But the relationship fizzled out.

It was Giselle who presented Leo with a cute puppy - a French bulldog. The ex-boyfriend did not think for a long time, he named the new favorite Django. Do you think in honor of the hero of the western Tarantino, in which the actor starred? No. In honor of the popular jazz artist!

Even before the bulldog, DiCaprio had a hefty Rottweiler named Rocky. Leo, a great animal lover, literally saved this poor fellow - he was tormented by epileptic seizures.

And another favorite of the artist - a tricolor cat Mixi - was picked up by him in the bushes. He took the tramp and brought it to his mother - Irmelin did not mind her son's next whim.

Love for four-legged animals has been with Leonardo since childhood. Another passionate attachment is the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. DiCaprio is just a fan of her! For the sake of his idols, he is ready for a lot. One day, he neglected a lavish "star" reception to go to a game. The organizers were very upset by the absence of the guest, although there were enough celebrities at the evening - from Gwen Stefani to Halle Berry.

Shame, success and praise

The biggest cinematic shame of the actor is his participation in the film "Cafe" Dons Plum ". In it, he starred with best friend, Tobey Maguire. What attracted them to this story is unclear. Of course, Toby then (in 2000) was not yet in great demand, but Leonardo had the Titanic looming behind him!

By the way, the fame that fell on him after the Cameron blockbuster was as stunning as it was unexpected. The real "Leomania" followed, the guy had crowds of female fans. And since then, DiCaprio has acquired a certain mania: from now on it seemed to him that almost every girl who dreams of meeting him is not chasing him, but his success and money.

Shooting in this picture was hard for the whole group. But the "Beach" almost became fatal for DiCaprio - the boat with him was covered by a wave, and the actor almost drowned.

One of the most flattering praises was addressed to him by the British actor, a longtime member of the Royal Shakespeare Guild, Sir Ben Kingsley. He said Leonardo was the best Romeo Kingsley had ever seen (referring to Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet).

Stubborn bachelor!

Leonardo is 40 years old, and he still has not taken a single girl to the crown! What is the matter is not clear, but we will name a couple of reasons. DiCaprio is the one Sissy. Irmelin is an indisputable authority for him. And if mom didn’t like another passion, her son is with her Serious relationships will not start. This woman for an actor is the most close friend, for her, Leonardo does not feel sorry for anything. “Only my mother can give diamonds and other precious things,” the star admits.

What is the second reason for such a long “bachelorhood”? He is too independent and does not tolerate pressure. To report to someone? Yes, for nothing!

And what is the ideal woman for Leo? If you look at the sequence ex girls, then the trend is as follows: model appearance, blondes, light-eyed and long-legged. He himself said that he was attracted high growth(the growth of the artist himself slightly exceeds the mark of 1.80 m), luxurious hair (long hair) And a slim body. Aha! And myself in Lately put on a lot of weight!

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