Chords and lyrics Waltz-Boston (Rosenbaum Alexander). Autumn in artwork


Program content

Cognitive tasks: To expand and enrich children's knowledge of the autumn season by means of various types of arts (poetry, painting, music). By comparison, show the children how artists convey the image of autumn in different ways. To learn to understand the feelings conveyed by artists, composers, poets in their works.

Development tasks: To develop the ability to independently express an aesthetic attitude to nature, using various kinds children's activities ( figurative means, rhythmoplasty, arrangement of musical works).

Educational tasks: Cultivate love for native nature, art, develop Creative skills children to broaden their horizons.

Vocabulary work: Landscape, leaves like gold coins, reflected in the water.

In this integrated educational activities innovations are used that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Educational activities are aimed at developing the following qualities:

  • l personal: development of skills of cooperation with peers, mastering the basics of tolerant interaction in a team; development of independence; formation of intellectual skills;
  • regulatory: the ability to transform a practical task into a cognitive one, the ability to make an assumption and prove it, the ability to reflect on one’s actions according to a goal;
  • to communicative: expressing one's point of view, the ability to ask questions, to cooperate in pairs when performing creative tasks, proactive cooperation in collecting information based on practice;
  • P cognitive: ability to define the concept gold autumn”, the choice of a basis for comparing ways of reflecting autumn in works of different types of art.

Planned results: The ability to independently express an aesthetic attitude to nature is consolidated, using a variety of children's activities. Systematize knowledge about the autumn season; ICT - using mimio tablet; they will consolidate the skills of using visual means, the realization of creative inclinations in rhythmoplasty, arranging musical works. Creative thinking, imagination are formed, aesthetic, creative interests and needs of each child are developed.

Used programs:

  • The program of education and training in kindergarten ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova, -M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005;
  • Program for musical education children preschool age I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva "Ladushki", St. Petersburg: publishing house "Composer", 2004;
  • Program for visual activity preschool children I. Lykova "Colored palms", -M .: "Karapuz-didactics" - creative center SPHERE, 2009

Preliminary work with pupils: Walking with children and their parents in autumn in the park. Listening to the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky " autumn song”, rhythmoplastic improvisation “Birches”; contemplation landscape painting"Golden Autumn" by Isaac Ilyich Levitan; learning poetry, reading stories of Russian poets and writers about nature (Ivan Alekseevich Bunin “A forest, like a painted tower”, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy “Autumn! Our poor garden is crumbling”), acquaintance with the signs of autumn. Joint production of visual material for the lesson with parents

Didactic support: Multimedia; audio recording of the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky; children's musical instruments for one subgroup of children; reproduction of a painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"; tinted drawing paper, paints, wax crayons, cards of blue, pinkish, purple shades of color for each child; pictogram cards prepared earlier in the drawing classes with a symbolic image of parts of the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song"; forest tree layouts

Methodological techniques: Setting the goal of the lesson, problematic issues, looking at pictures, listening to musical works, summarizing the story of the teacher; arrangement of the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song", musical and plastic improvisation to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky; relaxation, art therapy, sound imitation; creation of color compositions for the work, graphic image music, the use of pictograms, dramatization of poetic and musical works, Team work children and parents


  1. From birth to school. Approximate main general education program preschool education/ ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M.: M-Sintez, 2012.
  2. The program for the musical education of preschool children by I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva “Ladushki”, a preparatory group for school, St. Petersburg: Composer Publishing House, 2004, pp. 9, 10;
  3. The program for the visual activity of preschool children by I. Lykova “Colored palms”, a preparatory group for school - M .: “Karapuz-didactics” - Creative Center SPHERE, 2009, p. 56
  4. "Listening to music" O. Radynova, senior group, With. 145

Lesson progress

Occupation stage, integration of educational areas,time

Intended actions (answers) of pupils


introductory part, integration of socio-communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic development, 2 minutes

1. Creating motivation to practice

Musical director: “The forest, like a painted tower: lilac, gold, crimson, A cheerful, motley wall stands over a bright glade,” Ivan Alekseevich Bunin wrote about autumn.

Guys, do you feel in poetry and music that the most beautiful time of autumn has come? "Forest, like a painted tower." What time of autumn is it? Right. Golden.

Today we will talk with you about autumn, its signs, listen to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky, poems by Russian poets, consider a picture of the autumn season. Let's compare them, find something in common in these works.

Under the audio recording of the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Autumn Song" children enter the hall, stand near the multimedia screen.

Children's answers:


"Gold autumn"

Audio recording sounds plays by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" on the screen multimedia is broadcast autumn landscape. Appendix 3

Main part

Integration of cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical, social and communicative development, 25 minutes:

Examination of the painting by I.I. Levitan, conversation on the picture 3 minutes;

2. Conversation bypaintingse I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Psychologist: (draws attention to the picture of I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", gives time to consider it)

What do you feel when you look at this picture? Do you like her? What mood does the painting evoke in you?

Listen to the children's responses.

“Here I am in a happy-sad mood. Why do you think?

Children's answers.

- Correctly. Happy sunny day bright colors golden autumn. It is sad that the leaves will soon fall off and autumn will come with cold rains, and there the first winter frosts. Probably, the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan, who painted this picture, had both admiration for the beauty of autumn and sadness about the upcoming cold weather, so we like this picture: it conveys our feelings.

Children look at the picture of I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

Options for children's answers: "The picture makes me feel joy (sadness; sadness; creates a cheerful mood)."

Children's answers:

"Happily from sunny day It's sad that summer has flown by.

“It's fun, because birch leaves are rustling in the wind. It's sad, because you can't swim in the river, it's cold. Autumn".

Broadcast paintings I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" on the multimedia screen.

Appendix 3

First, the teacher interviews active children with a large vocabulary, then encourages shy children to answer.

- What would you call this picture?

Children's answers.

- Isaac Ilyich Levitan called his painting “Golden Autumn”.

What signs of autumn did the artist depict in this picture?

Children's answers.

- What visual means did the artist choose to fulfill his plan? This is painting, because the main thing in it is color.

– What colors did the artist use to show that autumn is golden?

Children's answers.

- With what can you compare leaves, birch?

Children's answers.

Summarizing the answers of the children by the teacher:

- Right. Autumn leaves look like coins, they say “leaves like gold coins” about them. Repeat, please.

What do you think the day was like?

Children's answers.

Tell me about the sky and the river.

Children's answers.

Generalization of children's answers by the teacher.

- I agree with you guys. The sky and the river are depicted by the artist with bright, but cold shades of blue, blue and white colors. The sun shines in autumn, but does not warm. Although the day is sunny, it feels cool. Bushes and grass are reflected in the mirror water.

Children's answers:

"Autumn". "Gold autumn". "Autumn Day".

Children's answers: "The leaves turned yellow." "The grass dried up." "It's windy. Winter is turning green in the fields." "From the water and the sky it blows cold."

Children's answers:"Golden yellow, crimson for foliage, dull green for grass, blue-blue for sky and water."

Children's answers: “They burn in the sun like gold. leaves like sun rays fluttering in the wind."

Children's answers: "The day is sunny, shadows fall under the trees." The sky is blue with light white clouds. The sun is shining."

Children's answers: "The river is small, but deep, because the water in the foreground is dark blue, and in the distance it brightens." "Looking at the river, you feel a chill." “In autumn, the water in the rivers is cool and it is no longer possible to swim. In the water, as in a mirror, bushes and grass growing on the shore are reflected.

"The sky is cold too blue color". "White light clouds float away."

Show fragments of the picture

Listening to the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song", a conversation on its content 4 minutes;

3. Conversation based on the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song"b"

Musical director: Autumn in Russia has always been a time, which was sung by many writers, poets, artists and musicians. She was seen and unique beauty Russian nature, which dresses in a golden dress in autumn, shimmering with its magnificent multicolor. But there were other moments of autumn - this is a boring landscape, the autumn withering of nature and sadness for the passing summer.

Artists draw nature, poets write poems about it. Artists have colors, poets have words, composers have only sounds. But they can perfectly draw nature. Just as this composer does in his music. Did you recognize him? Right. This is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Tchaikovsky loved autumn very much. He spent a lot of time walking, watching how the colors of nature change, breathing in the smell of wet earth. He walked even in rainy weather, finding beauty in the rain. Tchaikovsky reflected his autumn impressions in music, which is called “Autumn Song”.

Show fragments of the picture multimedia on a larger scale.

Appendix 3

The question is addressed to shy, inactive children, since children are familiar with the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky's The Hunt, which they listened to in September, they recognize the portrait of the composer.

Please listen to this work and tell me what feelings the composer conveys in this work? What mood does this music give us? Highlight the change of mood and parts in the work with color cards, graphic pattern or with the help of pictograms (at the choice of children).

- No matter how wonderful summer is, no matter how we dream that it lasts longer, but each season has its own turn. And now the leaves and grass have turned yellow, the sky is dragging on gray clouds, drizzling dreary fine rain. I don’t even want to go outside, but only look out the window as the cold wind blows in, cuts off the dry leaves that are spinning in slow dance, descending to the ground, covering it with a golden veil.

Variants of children's answers: "Music is sad, sad, tender, light." "The composer conveyed in the play "Autumn Song" a feeling of sadness over the past summer."

The question is addressed to children with high level development of musicality, as the piece is heard for the first time.

Generalizing story of the teacher can be constructed differently, taking into account the answers of the children.

I am reminded of the lines of a poem by a Russian poet and writer:

Autumn! All our poor garden is crumbling.
Yellowed leaves fly in the wind. (Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy)

October is the real autumn. Not early, sumptuously cleaned and smart, but the other - invisible by itself, in patches of falling leaves, sad, with a quiet cry of light rain, in a word, that Cinderella, which we call in Russia in late autumn.

October, “Autumn Song” is the song of the withering of nature. The melody is dominated by sad intonations - sighs. In the middle part, there is a revival, inspiration, as if autumn wants to pamper us with the last bright, colorful days before the snow-white winter, but the third part, repeating the first, again returns to the sad “sighs”. In it, the landscape and the mood of a person merge.

“Every day I go for a long walk, find somewhere a cozy corner in the forest and endlessly enjoy the autumn air, saturated with the smell of fallen leaves, the silence and charm of the autumn landscape with its characteristic color,” wrote the composer P.I. Chaikovsky.

Children's answers:

"Alexey Tolstoy"

The question is addressed to shy, inactive children, since children are familiar with A. Tolstoy's work "Autumn!"

Rhythmoplasty "Birches", arranging the piece into subgroups using a mimio tablet 5 minutes;

4. Rhythmoplasty "Birches", arrangement of the play, art therapy, sound imitation; creation of color compositions for a work, graphic representation of music by subgroups.

- Listen to an excerpt from "Autumn Song" and convey the mood of the music in movements

- “A sad time, eyes charm,” wrote A.S. Pushkin. This time of the year was especially loved by the poet. He dedicated many beautiful poems to him.

Children perform rhythmoplasty "Birches", arrangement of the play, art therapy, sound imitation; creating color compositions for a piece, graphic representation of music by subgroups (mimio tablet)

children reading poems about autumn 3 minutes;

5. Children reading poems about autumn

- Guys, preparing for the autumn entertainment, you learned a lot of poems about the autumn season. Please read them. , have your friends help act out these verses. Take the necessary costumes, attributes for the performance.

Staging by children of poems about autumn, learned for autumn entertainment.

performance of the song and dance composition "Autumn" by Roman Gutsalyuk 2 minutes;

6. Dance improvisation.

Let's perform the song and dance composition "Autumn" by Roman Gutsalyuk

Psychologist:(A small hedgehog appears in the autumn landscape)

- Guys, look, a forest guest has come to us. I know a funny song about a little hedgehog. Do you want to listen? Did you like the song? Who is the song about? What is the mood of this piece? I propose to orchestrate it, but first you need to clap the rhythmic pattern of the song. And the little hedgehog himself will help us. Look at the screen. Who guessed how we will act? Grab your instruments, let's play the orchestra

Psychologist: And now we will be artists and draw our impressions of the golden autumn. We will draw wet paper watercolor paints. We will display the reflection of trees and bushes in the river by bending the sheet in half.

Performance of the song and dance composition "Autumn" by Roman Gutsalyuk.

Children choose their own activities.

The teacher activates activities of shy, taciturn children.

Drawing in the technique of "wet" (with reflection) of the autumn landscape 8 minutes.

7. creative work. Drawing under the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song".

Exhibition of children's drawings.

- Look at the amazing drawings we've made! Let's combine them into a single landscape.

What signs of autumn have you guys depicted in your work?

Drawing under the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song".

Children's answers:

Birds fly to warmer climes. “The leaves have turned yellow. Leaf fall.

Drawing in the technique of "wet" (with reflection) of the autumn landscape

Exhibition of children's drawings.

The teacher encourages children with average and low level speech development, since at the beginning of the lesson such questions were answered by children with a high level of speech development.

Final part, integration of socio-communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic development, 3 minutes

Musical director:- Guys, today we talked about how the composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan, the poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin conveyed the image of autumn in their work.

Each of these talented people conveyed the image of autumn in its own way. And yet, they have something in common.

Maybe someone noticed and will answer me, what unites these works?

I really liked your answers. Each of you has your own opinion, and each of you is right in your own way.

I think so too. These works create the impression of a passing summer, farewell to the bright autumn sometimes. From all works breathes light sadness.

Once again we were convinced that music can be combined with poetry, poetry with pictures, we saw how the image of autumn is conveyed in all these works of art.

What did you discover about yourself in this lesson?

I am sure that what you saw and heard today will not leave you indifferent, that the nascent love for beauty will remain with you forever

Children's answers:

“All these works of art are about autumn. Autumn is a very beautiful and bright season. This time has many colors.

“Summer has been replaced by a golden autumn, followed by a frosty snow-white winter. But there is no need to be sad. Everything in nature repeats itself. And every season is beautiful in its own way.

“For music, you can pick up a picture or a poem with a similar content.

And vice versa: you can pick up a poem for the picture”

conclusions First, it is proposed to make children with a high level of development of musicality and speech development.


The teacher encourages children to express their own opinion

Abstract of an open music lesson

Topic: "Autumn in poetry, painting, music"

Explanatory note:

This lesson is held in October, in the preparatory group. In the lesson, through the emotional perception of different types of art, preschoolers consolidate and generalize knowledge about autumn and its signs. Children are listening classical music(the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi), examine paintings by famous Russian artists (I.I. Levitan), read poems by Russian poets (A.S. Pushkin, I.A. Bunin) Through familiarization with the best examples of world culture preschoolers form the foundations of spiritual and moral culture.

Educational activities in kindergarten(summary of the lesson) 1)organizational information dominant educational area- artistic and aesthetic development

Type of activity of children: game, communicative, cognitive, musical and artistic, perception fiction, motor. 2 ) Methodical informationThe topic of educational activities is "Autumn in painting, poetry and music" Methods and techniques for implementing the content of the lesson:

Visual (demonstration of illustrations of paintings, portraits of composers

demonstration of musical instruments of the symphony orchestra)

Verbal (conversations on listening to music, reading poetry)

Practical (exercise, musical and rhythmic movements,

perception of music, music making)

3) Integration of educational areas

Social and communicative development - children learn to communicate together, the ability to express their attitude to various types of art, the ability to jointly express themselves in creative types activities

Cognitive development: continuation of acquaintance with the work of composers A. Vivaldi, P.I. Tchaikovsky, with the work of the artist I.I. Levitan, with the poetry of A.S. Pushkin.

Speech development: expansion of the vocabulary of preschoolers, the development of figurative speech of children.

Physical development: the development of motor activity in dance compositions

4) Age group: school preparatory group

5) Purpose : reveal the artistic unity of the figurative content of poetry, painting, music.

6) Tasks:

To instill in preschoolers a sense of beauty, love for nature through art, music and poetry;

Consolidate and generalize knowledge about autumn and its signs through emotional

perception of works of art;

To teach children to look at reproductions of paintings, listen to music, paying attention

attention to the means of expression used by poets,

artists and composers;

Awaken fantasy and imagination, develop associative and figurative


Encourage children to recall familiar music and analyze it;

Improve the ability to understand the mood of the musical

works, transmit it in motion;

Develop figurative speech of preschoolers, expand vocabulary children;

  • teach children to enjoy the joy of communication with various types art 7) Planned results:

Formed ideas about different types art (painting,

poetry, music)

Expand knowledge on musical culture continuing to get to know


Preschoolers have ideas about the means of expressiveness of poetry,

painting, music

Distinguish between sound and appearance various tools

symphony orchestra

8) Organization of the environment for the lesson (educational activities) projector, piano, music center, audio recordings 9) Preparation for educational activities (in the classroom, during regime moments)

Observations of autumn phenomena in nature.

Examination of reproductions of paintings depicting an autumn landscape, listening to musical works on the theme of autumn.

Learning poems and songs about autumn.

Equipment and attributes: autumn leaves; musical instruments: triangles, bells, metallophone; multimedia projector, screen; music Center;

Music material: play by P. I. Tchaikovsky “October. Autumn song” from the cycle “The Seasons”, 1st and 2nd parts of the concerto for violin and orchestra by A. Vivaldi “Autumn” from the cycle “The Seasons”,

Hall decoration: leaf garlands.

Lesson progress:

Music sounds, the children go into the hall, stand at the chairs.

1. Musical greeting "Good afternoon" (muses and lyrics by I. Menshikh)

  1. opening speech music director:

Today we have unusual occupation. We will travel with you. Where? For now, it's a mystery. But very soon you will figure it out. I suggest you now close your eyes and listen!

Listening: sounds of "wildlife" - "sounds of autumn" (rain, wind, birdsong)

What did you hear? What are these sounds?

Answers of children (noise of rain, rustle of leaves, wind, birdsong)

That's right, it's the sounds of autumn!

In one beautiful kingdom, there lived four fairy sorceresses: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. Each of them rules in the time strictly allotted only to her. An amazing time has come - the time of the sorceress of Autumn. She called artists, poets, musicians and asked: “What do you need to paint a picture autumn nature

And each of them answered differently.

What do you think the artist's response was? (need paints)

And the poet? (need beautiful words, combinations of words, rhymes)

Composer? (music sounds required)

"Good!" - said Autumn to the artists. "There will be colors for you, and you choose for yourself ...".

And Autumn answered the poets: “And you have the most beautiful rhymes, and you choose!

Well, you, musicians, have many, many sounds, only you choose.

Oh, and a difficult task was set by Autumn to artists, poets and musicians ... What did they choose for Autumn?

On the screen "Golden Autumn" by I. I. Levitan

- Is in the autumn of the original

Short but wonderful time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And radiant evenings.

Look carefully at the picture of the Russian artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan "Golden Autumn".

What is autumn like here? (Bright, elegant, light, radiant, sunny)

What paint colors did the artist use in this painting? (light - yellow, blue, green)

What is the mood of this picture? (light, good, joyful)

What is the name of the picture that depicts nature? (landscape)

Can we hear this picture? (answers)

What autumn sounds does the artist Levitan let us hear here?

Hint: at the beginning of the lesson, we listened to the sounds of nature with you. Which of these sounds are suitable for this picture? (birds chirping, leaves rustling)

What about rain, wind? (No)

Looking at the picture, we see birch trees with thin slender trunks completely covered with golden foliage. Among the trees, a transparent stream quietly murmurs, in which the sky, clouds, and grass are reflected. The golden crowns of trees dazzlingly shine, bathe in dark rays sun. The shadows are filled with blue and coolness. A warm autumn day is in the air. We involuntarily hear the rustle of leaves and the chirping of birds.

Golden autumn - joyful, magnificently harvested, rich in harvest, they love it for its generosity, for the richness of its fields, gardens, for the clear days of the azure-blue sky, for the beauty of the forests painted with gold and crimson paint. This autumn is invigorating, cheerful, fabulous!

Guys, exactly the same autumn is in the poem of the Russian poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin “Autumn”

And he will read this poem to us ... (child's name)

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken

And between the maples they turn blue.

Here and there, through the foliage,

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

During the summer it dried up from the sun.

Guys, what do you think, did the poet choose beautiful rhymes to describe the warm golden autumn? (answers)

On the screenportrait of Antonio Vivaldi

Guys, what portrait famous person we see? (answers)

We have already listened to the music of this composer

Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi dedicated a concerto for violin and orchestra to Autumn! It's called "Autumn". The concerto has three parts. Now we will listen to a short fragment of the first part.

Listen to the beginning of the 1st part of the Allegro Concerto No. 3

A. Vivaldi "Autumn"

What is the mood of this music? (light, joyful, playful)

Here is such a wonderful beautiful music chose the musician for Autumn.

And now I invite you to play. To convey this joyful, slightly playful mood in motion. We must create a bright, colorful, motley, multi-colored picture of autumn.

(Discuss possible movements with children: easy running, small jumps, jumps, hand movements are not smooth, you can shake your hands, “conduct”, pay attention to forte and piano.

Offer children attributes - autumn leaves.

On the screen - pictures of golden autumn

Dance (rhythmic) improvisation "Colors of autumn" -

with leaves

(A. Vivaldi 1st part of the concert "Autumn")

(After performance, be sure to praise the children)

Children sit on chairs.

But after a warm and dry autumn, rainy days come.

Nature quickly sheds her festive attire.

On the screen is a portrait of A. S. Pushkin.

The great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin loved Autumn very much. He dedicated a lot of poems to this season. Listen to one of them.

Child reads:

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter.

Forests mysterious canopy

With a sad noise she was naked,

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Stretched to the south: approaching

Pretty boring time;

November was already at the yard.

What is the mood of this poem? (gloomy, sad, dreary)

On the screen - slides of paintings of late autumn

Guys, what is the mood in these pictures? (dreary, gloomy)

Is there joy in these pictures? (No)

Nature seems to fade, subside, preparing for winter sleep, it seems tired, weary. It rains, the leaves fall, the birds fly away, the fabulous beauty of nature fades, leaves. It is sad to see bare trees, clouds and puddles.

All our poor garden crumbles,

Yellowed leaves fly in the wind.

Only in the distance they flaunt, there, at the bottom of the valleys,

Brushes are bright red withering mountain ash.

(A. Tolstoy)

Listen to a piece of music...

Hearing P.I. Tchaikovsky "October"

What mood does this music create? (sad, sad, mournful)

Our fairy sorceress has a different mood.

Autumn can be warm, joyful, golden and sad, dreary, sad ..

The melody of the song " autumn fairy tale"(piano)

Are you familiar with this music?

Let's sing this song. But in order to perform it beautifully, we need to sing a little. I propose to sing a "musical ladder"! But when we “rise up” - to sing brightly, beautifully, sunnyly, as if we are rejoicing in the golden autumn - to the sound “oh-oh”, and down - to the sound “ooh”, a little sad, sad, as if the foliage has already fallen we are sad that it is raining….

"Musical Ladder" - chant.

We get up. Eat while standing.

The song "Autumn Tale" - we perform 1 verse.

Work on dynamics, sound, expressive performance.

What is the nature of this song? What mood? What kind of autumn does the composer depict - golden, bright or dull, dreary?

Our journey is coming to an end. I suggest you play musical instruments. Wonderful music will help us in this ....

Sounds the beginning of the "Waltz" E. Dogi.

This music is familiar to you. This is a waltz. And what do you think, what picture of autumn can be imagined while listening to this music? What can you imagine listening to this music? (forest, trees with bright yellow leaves, etc.)

I distribute tools.

Performance of "Waltz"

So our journey ended ... We listened to music, poems by great poets, saw paintings by Russian artists.

Autumn - amazing time of the year! Can cause a variety of, even opposite moods.

How do you see autumn? I invite you in the group to draw a picture of your autumn .... how you see it ... ..

Music sounds. The children leave.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson for children preparatory group.
Using the example of works about autumn, show children the relationship between music, painting and poetry. Arouse in children an emotional response to musical, poetic and artistic images.
- To develop the ability of children to correlate musical, artistic and poetic images according to their mood; enrich the vocabulary, develop the figurative speech of children.
- Consolidate and generalize knowledge about autumn and its signs through the emotional perception of works of art.
- Cultivate love for nature and develop the aesthetic taste of preschoolers.
Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle facing the guests. Hello.
Musical director:
Guys, I want to start our lesson today with a riddle:
The fields are empty, the earth is wet,
It's raining, when does it happen?
In autumn!
Musical director:
Today we will talk about autumn. What a wonderful time of the year it is! Nature is so beautiful in autumn! And about her, the Russian people came up with many proverbs. Do you know proverbs about autumn?
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
Autumn is harvest time.
Autumn will come, he will ask for everything.
In autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, twists, stirs, tears, pours from above and sweeps from below.
Autumn - eight changes.
In autumn, cattle grow fat, and people become kinder.
Autumn will order, spring will say its own.
Autumn brings bad weather.
Autumn winter is not put in the bins.
Autumn rain is sown finely, but lasts a long time.
Musical director:
Every season is beautiful in its own way. People are waiting for the arrival of autumn, because autumn gives days full of such quiet and clear thoughtfulness that it seems that winter will not come for a long time. How pleasant it is to enjoy the golden colors of autumn, to enjoy the beauty of trees and fields. The richness of colors, their shades delights, surprises us.
Do you remember how we waited for the arrival of autumn? How I wanted to see the unique palette of autumn, treat myself to fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, nuts, enjoy its wonderful weather in its own way.
Autumn has always been a time sung by many writers, artists, musicians and poets. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin loved autumn very much, here is how he talks about its arrival:
Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

Guys, remember, what feelings did you experience when you saw that the beautiful autumn came to us? (children's answers)

Musical director:

Guys, remember the song that tells about autumn?

The song " autumn waltz”, music and lyrics by L.P. Kuklina.

Children sit on chairs.

Musical director:

In autumn, nature calms down, as if preparing for a winter sleep, it seems tired, weary. The trees are shedding their leaves. Birds leave us and fly to warm countries. When you look at this fading autumn nature, you are embraced different feelings: tenderness, surprise from admiring the beauty, and sadness from the fact that you say goodbye to summer, the warmth that the beauty of autumn is leaving. If we compare the season with the time of the day, then spring is morning, because everything wakes up, starts to move, summer is the middle of the day, and autumn is twilight, evening, end of the day.

Tell me, do you like autumn? And what happens in autumn?

Let's come with you to our magical autumn tree, we will remove the leaves from it, and, call the word that characterizes what autumn is like. (Children's answers: golden, rainy, gloomy, beautiful, cold, rainy, windy ...)

Musical director:

Autumn is so different! In early autumn, nature is adorned with colorful attire. What colors and shades you will not see! And in late autumn it rains, the leaves fall, all the fabulous beauty of nature fades, leaves. It is sad to see bare trees, clouds and puddles.

Let's take a look at how various works artists, musicians, poets and artists convey various states of autumn nature. To paint a picture: the artist has colors, the poets have words, the composer has only sounds. But they can be perfectly painted, just as Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky does.

Now we will listen to a play by the wonderful composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.

What mood does this music express? (Answers of children: sad, plaintive, sad, boring, calm, slow, etc.).

Musical director:

Guys, the composer called this play “Autumn Song”.

Indeed, this play conveys the autumn dying of nature, a dull landscape and sadness for the passing summer. The melody is dominated by sad intonations - sighs. In it, the landscape and the mood of a person are merged into one.

Look guys, this is magic picture depicted by the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan and called it "Golden Autumn". What do you see in the picture? (Children's answers: trees in yellow leaves; river; yellowed grass; sun; cloudy sky.)

Musical director:

In the picture we see birch grove in copper-gold autumn decoration. In the depths of the meadow, a river is lost, on the left bank of which there are slender white-yellow birches and two aspens with almost fallen leaves. The ground is covered with yellowing withered grass. And on the right bank of the river there is a row of still green willows, which seem to resist autumn withering. The river surface seems motionless and cold. The autumn day depicted by the artist is full of light.

A poem by Sergei Yesenin surprisingly fits this picture:

The golden grove dissuaded

Birch, cheerful language,

And the cranes, sadly flying,

No more regrets...

What feelings does this picture evoke in you? (Answers of children).

Musical director:

This picture creates a feeling of freshness of feelings on a sunny autumn day, autumn weather in this picture makes you want to wander in the forest, feel its spaciousness.

Tell me, what piece of music that you and I listened to earlier resonates with this picture in terms of mood? (Children's answers: "Autumn" from "The Seasons" by Vivaldi).

Musical director:

Let's listen to this play again, and you will tell me what kind of autumn you imagine when listening to this music? (Children's answers: colorful autumn, colorful forests, autumn leaves going to a ball, etc.).

Musical director:

What is the nature of the music? (Children's answers: solemn, bright, sings of the beauty of autumn nature, etc.).

Musical director:

That's right, listening to music, we can imagine the following picture: autumn leaves, falling, are spinning in a waltz, the sun is shining, birds are smoothly flapping their wings, flying south.

Both musical works, which we listened to, and the picture "Golden Autumn" depict calm autumn weather.

But autumn is very different! Let's sing about her.

The song "Golden Autumn" is performed.

Music by I. Boldyrev, L. Makovskaya; words by O. Vysotskaya.

Guys, what words does the poet in this song call autumn?

(Gold, fire).

Musical director:

We have already said that autumn weather is different: sad and cheerful, sunny and cloudy, golden and gray.

Let's take colorful autumn leaves in our hands and depict autumn leaf fall.

Performing dance composition"Dance autumn leaves"To the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky" Autumn.

Musical director:

The music expresses a melancholy, depressed, sad mood, consonant with an uncomfortable, bleak picture of a fading nature. The music is monotonous and mournful.

Guys, who remembers which poem by A. Pleshcheev depicts a picture of autumn bad weather?

Children read the poem "Autumn":

Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling..

Noisy water
fast stream,
The birds have flown
To warm climes.

Musical director:

And now, guys, we will play with you in fun game"Maple Leaf".

On 2 trays are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect pieces of paper piece by piece to the music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaflet from disparate particles.

Musical director:

Today in the lesson we tried to figure out what it is, autumn? And found out that it is very different. Composers, poets and artists see the character of autumn in different ways, and convey their impressions in different ways with the help of different colors, intonations, comparisons: composers - in music, poets - in poetry, artists - in their paintings.

Children say goodbye to the guests and return to the group.

List of used literature

O. P. Radynova "Listening to music": Moscow - 2009

Lesson topic: Autumn in works of art.

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of moral, aesthetic and emotional experiences of students

based on the perception of native nature

Lesson objectives: 1. Arouse interest in the beauty of the surrounding world, in its comprehension.

2. Show the versatility of the figurative solution of one topic with different types


3. Contribute to the development of artistic and creative abilities of students:

aesthetic attitude to the world, artistic imagination.

Type of lesson: Comprehensive.

Lesson type: Deepening into the topic.

Illustratively- visual material: Reproductions of paintings by I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, “Autumn Day. Sokolniki.

musical material: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song".

During the classes: Students enter the class to the music of A. Samsonov "Breath of Autumn."

Teacher: Guys, which of you paid attention to the music that sounded at that moment,

when did you enter the class? Listen to it again and tell me how it was

mood and think about what season it can be attributed to?

Students: Unusual, sad, thoughtful, a little mysterious. At the beginning, as if droplets

dripping. Most likely it is autumn.

Teacher: Yes, guys. Today we will talk about autumn. I ask you all to close your eyes and

imagine yourself in the autumn forest. Now tell me how you imagined the autumn

Students: Quiet, sunny, rainy, cold, gloomy, colorful.

Teacher: And which of you loves autumn? Why do you like her?

Students: In autumn, all the trees become colorful, beautiful and bright.

Teacher: Guys, what is the difference between early autumn and late?

Students: Early autumn- warm, beautiful. Late fall Rainy, gloomy, cold.

Teacher: Do you guys know that many writers, poets, artists loved autumn. In their

works dedicated to autumn, they conveyed their feelings. After all, each of them

autumn is described in different ways. And this is probably due to the fact that every person, be

then a writer, poet or artist experiences his own special mood when he comes

autumn. And he liked every kind of her: cold, rainy, or vice versa, warm,

sunny, when the leaves on the trees acquire different shades of colors, as if

the artist painted each of them separately. Autumn A.S. Pushkin dedicated many of his

poems. Now you will hear one of them (an excerpt from a poem sounds

A.S. Pushkin "Autumn")

Sad time, Eye charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold.

In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,

And the heavens are covered with mist,

And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

Teacher: And now let's see how artists depict autumn. pay attention to

paintings by I.I. Levitan. (demonstration of a reproduction of paintings by I.I. Levitan “Autumn

day. Sokolniki", "Golden Autumn).

Look at this work ("Golden Autumn"). What season did the artists depict, according to

how did you define it?

Students: Yellow Forest, dark water, yellowed grass, gray sky.

Teacher: Do you think, looking at this picture, you can say that the artist loved autumn?

Students: Yes. Bright juicy colors, joyful general mood.

Teacher: And now pay attention to the following work by I.I. Levitan

"Autumn day. Sokolniki. What autumn did the artist depict here? Is it possible

To say that late autumn is depicted?

Students: Not. More yellow maples, leaves on the path.

Teacher: Guys, imagine if paints could speak, then how they declared themselves in

each of these pictures?

Students: They would cry, laugh, rejoice, shout, sing, talk in whispers, talk

gently, affectionately enthusiastic, etc.

Teacher: Guys, now tell me, how would you call these works? (student answers).

Okay, now you listen to the work of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky

"Autumn time".

What do you guys think, what feelings did the composer want to convey to us? What is

the mood of this piece? If this mood were depicted with paints, what

colors would you choose? By what means musical expressiveness composer

handed over this color scheme? (discuss the juxtaposition of major and minor, relate to

rays of the sun breaking through the autumn clouds, discuss the features of the rhythm

(dimensional, heavy), direction of intonation (drooping, second, descending

moves)). What would you call this work? (student answers).

Teacher: P.I. Tchaikovsky called his work “Autumn Song”. Guys, if you go to the forest,

what sounds can be heard there?

Pupils: The rustle of falling leaves, the sound of rain, etc.

Teacher: Okay, now let's imagine that we are in the autumn forest ...

(The game "Sounds of the Forest." The roles of various weather phenomena are distributed between children).

Raindrops: rare (metallophone).

Wind carrying dry leaves (tambourine).

Falling leaves (rustling of paper).

Frequent rain (quiet tapping of fingers on the table).

Lightning, the sound of thunder (clapping hands above the head).

Cuckoo singing.

And now, I will lead you, conduct, and you make your own sound in due time

and we get the whole sound of a forest orchestra on an autumn day.

Teacher: Well, well done, and now we will listen to one song in which the composer

also with the help of certain musical means portrayed natural phenomena, a

what do you say yourself (D. Koltsov's song "Rain" sounds on the piano).

What natural phenomenon did the composer depict? By what means did he achieve

sound effect?

Students: Choppy sound of small durations with a gradual increase in tempo.

Teacher: What time of year do you think it rained and why?

Students: Autumn. Sad intonations (minor), gloomy end of the song.

Teacher: Yes, that's right. Now we will learn with you the song “Wonderful Time for Autumn” by Y. Verzhnik.

Teacher: Guys, today we talked about autumn, about the image of this season in

literature, music, painting. What can be autumn. Now that you are going

down the alley on an autumn day, look around and think about what words, sounds and

paints can depict this autumn day.

BUT homework will be like this: to any poem about autumn that you

like it, pick a color scheme and musical accompaniment. Think about it

that if the words of this poem were put to music, what should be

music: tempo, rhythm, melody movement, etc.


And outside the windows a dancer is circling,
Showering the whole forest with silver
Like a fairy - and wisdom sparkle
On her unkempt wing...
Autumn is a time for reflection
Autumn is the time to harvest...
A year has passed - nature is dying, ..
No - just goes to SLEEP ...

Loseva Elena

Hello my high school students. Today we talked about eternal topics.
Art is multifaceted, art has many faces. And not in vain!

we are all very different people. We live in small world his.
But there is something in our life that unites us.
Of course now, you still do not think about it, ...
But your soul - like the soul of any person living on earth - it is one - with our universe ...
Perhaps the wise men invented different types of arts ...
Have you ever wondered why they arose: music, fine arts, theater, literature, dance???
Why did people create these elements?
Maybe the one - who could see - made a drawing.
And the one who knew how to listen - created a melody?
You can talk for a long time...

BUT as one great man said "Music does not need words - it is the word, it is the thought ...."
What is modern music?
We have yet to answer this question.

And today is AUTUMN!
And the leaves are spinning outside the window ....
And if u talk about eternal theme- then NATURE - ETERNAL!
And the themes of nature are reflected in both musical and visual arts.
And how many poems about nature have been created. Pushkin loved AUTUMN!
And he painted the most penetrating musical impression in his work "October. Autumn Song." Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky....
Listen to these sounds...
I tried to find a processing of this music in a modern way.....but.....................there are simply no such....
and I understood why!
This music - the music of autumn does not need to be arranged ....
She is amazing in her original...
This is the value of art!
Tchaikovsky genius, talent!!!

October. autumn song

Autumn in Russia has always been a time, which was sung by many writers, poets, artists and musicians. They also saw in it the unique beauties of Russian nature, which in autumn dresses in a golden dress, shimmering with its lush multicolor. But there were other moments of autumn - this is a dull landscape, the autumn dying of nature and sadness for the passing summer as a symbol of life. Dying in nature on the eve of winter is one of the most tragic and sad pages of autumn life.

The whole play is a lyric-psychological sketch. In it, the landscape and the mood of a person are merged into one. “Every day I go for a long walk, find somewhere a cozy corner in the forest and endlessly enjoy the autumn air, saturated with the smell of fallen leaves, the silence and charm of the autumn landscape with its characteristic color,” the composer wrote.

Autumn, our whole poor garden crumbles, Yellowed leaves fly in the wind ...
A.K. Tolstoy

Autumn makes a person feel something solemn and majestic. And at the same time, “autumn breathes with longing, autumn breathes with separation” (I. Bunin).

"Autumn Song" is one of the best pieces of "The Seasons" by P. Tchaikovsky. Her melody is perhaps the most whimsical and soulful. This play can rightly be called a confession of the soul, inspired by the fading beauty of the autumn Russian nature. The song sounds calm, thoughtful, telling about something intimate. The title of the play should not be taken literally - it is not a song in the sense of a musical genre that has its own specific laws. It's more of a soul song. It is akin to what we mean when we say "the soul sings." In Russian poetry, one can find wonderful examples that describe such a state of mind, all its shades. Here are Turgenev's lines:

Autumn evening... The sky is clear
And the grove is all naked -
I search with my eyes in vain:
Forgotten leaf nowhere
No - wide alleys along the sand
Everyone lay down - and quietly sleep,
As in the heart sad days distant
The sad row silently sleeps...

In different types of art we will find wonderful expressions of feelings, moods and images of autumn. If we recall the artists closest to Tchaikovsky, then this is primarily I. Levitan. No one before Levitan conveyed the beauty of Russian nature so expressively.

Tchaikovsky better than anyone else in music expressed this state of sadness and melancholy.

And in continuation of the topic - we heard the song of Alexander Rosembauman - "Waltz - Boston"

Chords and lyrics Waltz-Boston (Rozenbaum Alexander)

Am Am7+ Am7+ On a carpet of yellow leaves Am6 Dm7+ Dm7+ In a simple dress Dm7+ G7/4 G7 C7+ C9/7+ E9- E7 From wind-blown crepe de chine E7 Am Am7+ Am7+ Dm7+ Dancing in the gateway autumn waltz-Boston. F9 hm7 A warm day flew by Dm6 E7 E9- E7 And the saxophone sang hoarsely. And from all over the neighborhood people came to us, And from all the surrounding rooftops birds flew in, flapping their wings to the golden dancer... How long, how long ago the music sounded there. E7 Am hm7 In which autumn waltz-boston dances to us. E7 Dm There the leaves fall down, the disc spins: E7 E9- Am"Don't leave, stay with me, you are my whim." E7 Am How often do I dream, my amazing dream, Am In which autumn waltz-boston dances to us. Drunk with pleasure, Forgetting about the years, The old house, long in love with its youth, Swayed with all the walls, opening the windows, And to all those who lived in it, He gave this miracle. And when the sounds subsided in the twilight of the night - Everything has its end, its beginning - Saddened, autumn wept with a little rain ... Oh, what a pity this waltz, how good it was in it. How often I see a dream, My amazing dream, In which autumn we dance the Boston waltz. There, the leaves are falling down, The disc is spinning: "Don't leave, stay with me, you are my whim." How often I see a dream, My amazing dream, In which autumn we dance the Boston waltz.


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