We study musical notation in kindergarten. Musical development of older preschoolers in teaching singing and musical literacy


Imagine the vibrant colors of nature! The red color of the sky at sunset. Orange color orange orchards. Yellow tulips. Green coniferous forests. The height of the blue sky. Reflection of the mountains in the blue of the lake. Delicate cloud of purple lilac bushes.

Colored notes for kids

A musical signs monotonous black. How to teach a child about notes if the appearance of these icons does not cause any interest at all? Just need to add some magic! Why not make them colorful?! About how musical signs and color are connected, as well as how to quickly learn notes - today the musical fairy of the House of Music will tell you.

To better understand music, learn to sing, you need to understand how it works. Well, for this it is worth getting acquainted with the basics of the language of music - with notes. This means that it would be good for both children and adults to first learn the name of the notes on musical staff. But first, let's touch on the history of musical signs a little.

Symbols for recording music were invented in the 11th century. At first, the notes were square, and there were only 4 rulers. But then the image of the notes changed. Starting from the 18th century, they began to draw notes in the form of oval icons on a stave of 5 lines. You can read more about the history of the appearance of notes in our article “”.

Why is it better to use colored notes for toddlers? If you have paid attention to how notes are written, then you know that they usually have a boring black and white view. When studying musical literacy, it is not easy for kids to perceive the schematic representation of sounds on the rulers. And the color of the notes can make this task easier. Therefore, for children younger age created a special technique.

How does this multi-colored technique work?

There are several channels for perceiving information, and the visual channel is one of the strongest. Therefore, when colored notes are used, it is easier for kids to understand the principle of schematic notation of notes and learn them faster.

What color is the note

The world of musical sounds is magical! Bright colors rainbows did their best, and the notes became colored! Let's see what colors correspond to each note:

Before - red;
re - orange;
mi - yellow;
fa - green;
salt - blue;
la - blue;
si - purple.

Seven notes - seven colors. Doesn't this remind you of anything? Yes, of course - these are notes for the colors of the rainbow!

Who came up with the idea to combine music and color

To be honest, I did not find exact data about the author who came up with the method of colored notes for teaching children. Many people take credit for this wonderful invention. But it is known that since ancient times there were musicians with the so-called color hearing. They saw or, more correctly, felt certain colors when sounding different keys and chords.

Who combined colors and music? There is evidence that the composer Alexander Scriabin was the first to arrange notes according to the color spectrum. Seven notes - seven colors of the rainbow. Everything ingenious is simple! Gradually, colored notes began to be used for teaching musical literacy children around the world.

Engaging the Right Hemisphere of the Brain in Learning Music

Matching notes to the colors of the rainbow is used in many countries to teach children music. When using this method, the associative way of perceiving information is turned on, and boring musical notation turns into an exciting color game. What does it have to do with right hemisphere brain? The fact is that it is the right hemisphere that is responsible for imagination, intuition and creativity. When colored notes are used in teaching a child, it goes active work namely the right hemisphere. As a result, the baby simply remembers or even sees a color before his eyes, and not a schematic representation of a musical sign.

Learning music notes with children using colors

There are several different options color notes. The simplest is the usual recording of notes on a stave, just instead of black notes, color ones are used.

But there are other options as well. For example, only color fields are used: vertical or horizontal, without rulers. Look what an unusual stave with typewriters we made with the members of the House of Music!

And there is also a technique in which the recording is in a schematic form using colored circles that are on the same line or are connected into patterns.

How convenient and correct is this? It's hard to judge, but I personally prefer the game color recording option, but still on the usual 5 lines.

Colored keyboard to help the young musician

The technique of colored notes is used not only for learning the basics of musical notation, but also for teaching kids to play the piano. There are a lot of keys on the keyboard, and all of them are only black and white. How to find the right note? Help the child and show the location of the notes on the piano with the help of flowers. To do this, take strips of seven colors of the rainbow and stick them on the keys, starting from the note “to” of the first octave.

This method helps you quickly learn the location of the notes on the piano. This technique also helps to different types memory and makes the learning process as visual as possible. Yes, and the colored keys look much more fun and attractive for the baby.

Colored notes for kids: what are their advantages

And one more important point to which I would like to draw your attention. When we learn sheet music with toddlers in a playful way using fabulous images, marking notes with colors, we actively develop the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imagination, creativity, intuition and creative abilities.

Games with colored notes allow you to use the associative way of perceiving information. As a result, the baby simply remembers or even sees a color before his eyes, and not a schematic representation of a musical sign.

Colored notes are not only a way to learn musical notation, it is an effective and interesting way development of the child's intelligence!

But what to do next? How to play with colored notes?

Come to the unique Music Quest Houses of music "", and we will be merry, music games with notes to develop our kids.

Musical director


Playing children's musical instruments in our kindergarten special attention is paid, since children's music-making expands the scope musical activity preschooler, increases interest in music lessons, promotes the development of musical memory, attention, helps to overcome excessive shyness, stiffness, expands musical education child.

Why did I decide to teach music to children? Color system, widespread abroad, is convenient for children to quickly master playing instruments. A certain color designation (color keys, metallophone plates) is assigned to each sound. The child has a record of the melody in color designation: colored circles are used or color image notes, with and without rhythmic notation. It is very easy to play according to this system, but with this method of playing (I see a green note designation - I press the green key), the ear does not participate in the reproduction of the melody, the child plays mechanically.

In a similar way, children are taught to play by the numbers pasted next to each metallophone plate, and to record the melody in digital notation. The designation of duration can also be modeled (long and short sticks, etc.)

The digital system proposed in the 30s. , at that time, perhaps, was justified, but later it became less frequently used, since it leads to a mechanical reproduction of the melody.

Both methods of teaching children (using color and numerical designations) make it easy and quick to obtain the desired result, but do not have a developmental effect: the share of mechanical reproduction of the melody is too high in these methods.

The greatest developmental effect of learning is achieved when playing by ear. But this method also requires constant development of hearing, serious auditory training. Difficulties in learning to play musical instruments gave me the idea to teach children to play notes.

After studying the literature, I chose " musical alphabet"N. Perunova," she added, summarized the material for herself, and came to the conclusion that children quickly master playing a musical instrument, knowing the notes.

Children preparatory group already know how to play noise instruments, drums, glockenspiel. When I suggested organizing an orchestra in the group and teaching how to play from notes, the children were delighted.

Education musical notation I spend on music lessons and separately in a circle, which the children called "FA - SOL - KA". Developed perspective plan(see Annex 1 "Planning") and set the goal:

Choose material that is accessible, interesting and feasible for children;

To achieve the activity of children in game tasks;

Maintain interest by using unconventional methods learning;

To educate children in emotional responsiveness, love for music.

The sequence of teaching children of senior preschool age musical notation

The first stage of education is the development of rhythmic pulsation in children

First, I teach the children game exercises:

call the name with claps

call the word clap

name the proposal with claps

determine the number of syllables in words (chair - hole - car - TV)

Then the children pick up words from the pictures and independently play the rhythmic pattern on musical instruments.

Then the task becomes more difficult. Children get acquainted with the stressed syllable and highlight it with an accent.

Introduction to duration. Short syllables are written with a stick (with a flag or tail) and are called eighth and quarter.

So we moved on to durations, interesting poems, nursery rhymes, manuals. cards, games helped children to clearly learn the rhythmic pattern.

1. Hide the word in a rhythmic pattern (pictures)

2. Define the word according to the rhythmic pattern (Bunny - bunny - bunny)

3. "Live notes"

Description of the game: in the hands of children, 1 duration. They line up. The leading child slams the established rhythmic pattern.

Children with notes in their hands change places. The game is repeated.

4. “Stomp - clap” - at the beginning of line 1, palms are drawn, and boots are on the bottom line. The rhythm is laid out

notes - magnets. The child reproduces the rhythmic pattern with clapping and stomping. Here I introduce children to a pause (a sign of silence).

The second stage of training - acquaintance with notes

Using " musical clock”, I introduced the children to the name of the notes (where which one lives). Interesting poems about the musical staff, treble clef, helped children quickly memorize and recognize notes.


1. "The notes got lost"

2. "The notes are hidden in the words"

3. "Name the neighbors"

4. "Musical Tales"

5. Music Domino

The third stage of learning - playing by notes

I use the illustrated method of notation and notation of steps conventional signs, which allows you to quickly and efficiently teach children how to play children's musical instruments and the basics of musical notation.

On musical instruments (metallophones and xylophones) I pasted pictures denoting notes;

DO - house (rain). RE - turnip, MI-bear (head), FA - apron, SALT - sun. LA - frog, SI - lilac

(see Appendix 3 "Didactic Games").

Children first play on 1, then on 2 sounds. Songs can be easily transposed, as children quickly navigate and find the right sound. At the beginning of training, the recording of notes is given in pictures (without rulers), later - on rulers.

Children learn the song with words, then name the notes and use sounding gestures, and only then move on to playing the instrument. (See Appendix 2 "Notation ABC").

Thus, the unity of the visual, auditory and motor spheres, meaningful awareness music text enables successful development in children musical ear, memory, imagination and creativity, the development of his independence when working on learning a piece of music.


1. Beam! bam! boom! One hundred secrets of music for children. Games with sounds. - St. Petersburg: Musical palette, 2003

2. “Learning to create. Elementary music making: music, speech, movement" Moscow 2005

3. Elementary music making - "a familiar stranger" // Preschool education. -1997, No. 8, p116-125

4. "Music in fairy tales, poems and pictures", Moscow "Enlightenment" 1994

The program of the circle "Domisolka"

According to musical literacy

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 28"

G.Troitsk Chelyabinsk region.

Implementation period: 1 year

Age: 6-7 years old.

Quantity: 8 people

Musical hands Revtsova L.M.

Explanatory note

The program of the circle "Domisolka" - teaching musical literacy, is designed for children 6-7 years old. Additional work educational activities planned taking into account age features children.

Music has amazing strength impact on a person, and therefore it is one of the excellent and very powerful means for internal development child. Meeting music is like having an intimate, very open communication with another person. The child experiences music in the way he could experience real events in your life, and getting to know music is an opportunity to get a positive life experience. In addition, it is through music that a child learns to express his feelings.

Friendship with music should be started as early as possible, when children are still open to any knowledge. And the adult who is nearby should do everything possible so that the child loves what he does, so that he admires, enjoys. And therefore, the relevance of this educational activity is aimed at organizing the musical hearing of the child and its development, the education of musicality, artistic taste and creative abilities. The means for the proper organization of hearing are: educating children in a clear, accurate orientation in the modal connections of a melody, harmonic accompaniment, in the ratio of voices polyphonic music; development of a sharp and precise sense of rhythm; teaching a lively and meaningful perception and intonation of a musical phrase, period, form as a whole; education and development of a sense of style.

The goal of the program is to activate the inner ear, ensuring the right direction musical taste child and enriching their memory with a sufficient supply of valuable artistic images life.

It is impossible to consider the sole purpose of musical literacy only to teach reading sheet music and pure intonation. It would be just as wrong to define tasks in this way, as if we, defining the task of learning to play the piano, limited it only to the ability to clearly and at the right tempo to convey the indicated notes on the keyboard.


1.Develop musical ability: modal hearing, sense of rhythm.

2. Give an idea about music, its expressive possibilities, about the diversity of the range of feelings, moods.

3. To teach and master a number of musical terms: tempo, rhythm, pause, reprise, dynamic shades etc.

4. Promote the development of mental, independent and creative activity.

5. Education of musical culture.

One of priorities musical literacy is the task of arousing the child's interest in classes. The fascination of classes in musical literacy is absolutely necessary condition to achieve positive results. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the correct direction of the process of educating an ear for music, so that it gives living, practical, effective skills, and does not teach how to perform formal tasks that are needed for the exam, but cannot be used in musical practice.

The sections of musical literacy that determine the planning of the teaching process and its prospects are: modal education; rhythmic education; development of inner ear and musical memory; development of "melodic", "harmonic" and "polyphonic" hearing.

Forms of study:

Collective activities

Individual work.

Teaching methods:




Expected results:

As a result of additional educational activities, the child will learn to understand musical terms, purely intonation, convey the rhythmic pattern of the melody, understand and talk about the content of music, which is a necessary basis for learning, an indispensable condition for achieving deeper goals.

The musical material does not coincide with the program, but expands and deepens knowledge in the work of mastering musical literacy.

Summing up form:

Generalizing open lesson.

Material support:

Music center, discs, noise musical instruments.

Circle "Domisolka" - held once a week for 25 minutes.


"Music" N.B. Ulashenko

"Solfeggio" - M. Kotlyarevskaya.

"The Tale of Music" - L.V. Svetlichnaya.

"Musical literacy" - E. Davydova.

"Music alphabet" - N, Konchalovskaya.

"New musical primer" - O. Ivanova.

Educational-thematic plan-34 weeks per year







"Musical and noise sounds

10 min.


"High and Low Sounds"

10 min.


"loud quiet"

10 min.


"Major and Minor"

10 min.


10 min.


"Long and Short Sounds"

20 minutes.


"Tempo in Music"

10 min.


"Forte and Piano"

10 min.


« strong beat-weak share

10 min.


"Treble clef"

Introduction to music notation

10 min.


« Musical notation»



20 minutes.


Calendar-thematic planning of additional educational activities

For 2016-2017









"High and Low Sounds"

Introduction to high and low sounds.

Lesson form:

Conversation, creative workshop.


story, conversation,

explanation, visual method.

Development of melodic and harmonic


Development of inner ear.






"High and Low Sounds"

"Loud quiet"

"Major and Minor"

Acquaintance with the terms: "loud", "quiet", "major", "minor".

Lesson form: conversation.

Methods: story, explanation, visual, auditory.

Ladish perception.

Major and minor.







"The ascending and descending movement of the melody"

"Long and Short Sounds"

Introduction to ascending and descending movement.

Long and short sounds.

Form of employment: conversation.

Methods: conversation, explanation. visual, auditory.

rhythmic education.

The development of hearing, musical memory.

Ladish education.

Hearing development.

Auditory definition of loud and soft sounds

Major and minor.






"Long and Short Sounds"

"Tempo in Music"

Disclosure of the concept of tempo in music.

Form of occupation: game

rhythmic perception.

Hearing development.

musical memory.


"Forte and Piano"

"Strong share - weak share"

Disclosure of the concepts of "forte" and "piano", strong and weak share.

Form of occupation: conversation, game.

Methods: story, conversation, explanation, visual, auditory.

The development of melodic hearing.

Development of a sense of rhythm.




"Strong beat-weak beat"

"Treble clef"

Introduction to music notation

Acquaintance with the treble clef and musical notation.

Lesson form:

Conversation, game.

Methods: story, conversation, visual, auditory.

Learning to read music


"Musical notation"

Disclosure of the concepts of "music staff" and the location of notes on the stave.

Form of occupation: conversation, game.

Methods: conversation, explanation, visual, auditory.

Teaching musical notation.

Development of musical memory


"Musical notation"

"Repetition and consolidation of the material covered"

To fix the concept of "stave", the location of the notes on it.

Form of occupation: conversation, game.

Methods: story, conversation, explanation, visual, auditory.

Teaching musical notation.

The development of musical memory.


"Repetition and consolidation of the material covered."

Consolidation of previously learned terms. Form of occupation: conversation, game.

Methods: explanation, conversation, visual, auditory, practical.

The development of a modal feeling.

Sense of rhythm.

Musical memory and hearing.

Didactic and lecture material

Lecture material

Didactic games

"musical and noise sounds"

“Learning to distinguish sounds” c13 (Music).

“Who lives in the house” (Classes in kindergarten p. 47)

“Listen carefully, repeat carefully” p.48.

“We are going to look for sounds” p.49

"Noisy table" p.71

"Sounds of the forest" p.78.

"High and Low Sounds"

Fairy tale "Wolf and goats" p. 133.

"Three Bears" p.139.

"The Tale of the Girl Nina, the Cat Murka and the Piano".

"Guess who's calling!" p.61.

"Giants and Lilliputians" p.136.

"Loud quiet"

"Loud quiet"

"Major and Minor"

Fairy tale "Senior Major and Senior Minor" p.97.

"Harlequin and Pierrot" p.97.

"The ascending and descending movement of the melody"

Fairy tale "Musical steps.

"Let's listen to the scale" p.162

"Long and Short Sounds"

The poem "Grandma Nota is walking in the park" p.185

"Long and Short" p.182

“Watch with an alarm clock” p.183.

Tempo in Music"

"Carousel" p.102

"Young Thrush" p.102

"Forte and Piano"

"The Tale of Forte and the Piano" p.120

“How it sounds” p.115

“Right, wrong” p.116

"Strong beat-weak beat"

“How the pears were divided into shares” - a fairy tale game.

"Counting game" p.187

“One and two count the shares” p.188.

"Treble clef"

Introduction to music notation.

"The Tale of the Wise Owl"

Notes and staff - a poem.

“Each step has a name” p.165

"Musical notation"

"The Tale of the Cockerel"

"Musical Staircase"

lesson planning


Subject: "Musical and Noise Sounds"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear. Acquaintance with terms: composer, performer, noise and musical sounds.

Acquaintance with musical and noise sounds.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : Story, explanation, visual, auditory.


1. Entry under the march.

2.musical greeting.

3. Conversation "Musical and noise sounds": we learn to distinguish between sounds, what sounds and what is silent.

4.Musical didactic games: “Who lives in the house”, “We are going to look for sounds”

5. Physical education minute.

6. Acquaintance with musical sounds, demonstration of musical instruments.

Expand the concepts: composer, performer.

7. Generalization.

To bring children to the concepts: musical and noise sounds.

Draw them at the request of the children.

March exit.


Subject : Music and noise sounds.

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear. Consolidation of terms: "musical", "noise" sounds.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : Story, conversation, visual, auditory.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Consolidation of concepts: composer, performer, musical and noise sounds.

4. Musical - didactic games: "Listen carefully, repeat carefully", "We'll go look for sounds."

5. Physical education minute.

6. Playing children's musical noise instruments.

D \ W to make noise instruments with parents.

Entrance from the hall under the march.


Subject: "High and Low Sounds"

Program tasks: Introduce children to high and low sounds. Explain the concept of high and low sounds.

Form classes: Conversation.

Methods: story, conversation, visual, auditory.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Checking D\Z. Consolidation of the concepts of musical, noise sounds, composer, performer. Musical and didactic game "Noisy table".

4. Conversation about high and low sounds. "The Tale of the Girl Nina, the Cat Murka and the Piano".

March out of the hall.


Subject : "High and low sounds"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Consolidation of the concepts of high and low sounds.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : story, conversation, visual, practical.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Fixing the concepts of high and low sounds.

Fairy tale "Wolf and goats"

4. Musical and didactic game "Speak with your voice" p.64

5. Playing on children's musical noise instruments.

6. Exit under the march.


Theme: "Loud-quiet"

Program tasks: Introduce children to the concepts: loud, quiet.

Form of occupation: Conversation.



1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation about loud and quiet sound.

"The Tale of the Cat"

4. Musical and didactic game "Loud - quiet."

5. Playing musical noise instruments.

6. Exit under the march.


Subject: "Loud - quiet"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear. Consolidation of concepts: loud, quiet.

Form of occupation: Conversation.



1.Entrance to the hall under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Fixing, talking about loud and quiet sound.

Musical and didactic game "Loud - quiet".

4.Fixation: high and low sounds.

Musical and didactic game "Guess who is calling you."

6. Marching out.


Subject : "Major and minor"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear. Acquaintance with the concepts: major and minor.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1.Entrance to the hall under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation: major and minor p.97.

Fairy tale "Signor major and signor minor" p.98.

4. Musical and didactic game "Harlequin and Pierrot" p.97.

5. Fix concepts: loud, quiet.

7. Exit under the march.


Subject : "Major and minor"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear. Consolidation of the concepts of major and minor. Definition for dry major and minor sounding.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : Conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Fixing the concepts: major and minor. Remember the fairy tale "Senior Major and Senior Minor".

4.Musical and didactic game "Harlequin and Pierrot".

5. Fix the concept: loud, quiet.

Musical and didactic game "Loudly - quietly."

6. Playing musical instruments.

7. Exit under the march.



Program tasks: Introduce children to the ascending and descending movement of the melody. Develop musical memory, melodic and harmonic hearing.

Handicap classes: Conversation, game.

Methods : Conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. consolidation of concepts: major and minor.

4. Conversation: ascending and descending movement of the melody.

Fairy tale "Musical steps".

6. Playing musical instruments.

7. Exit under the march.


Subject : "The ascending and descending movement of the melody"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear and musical memory.

Form of occupation: Conversation, game.

Methods: conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. The entrance of children to the music.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Consolidation of concepts: ascending and descending movement of the melody.

4. Recall the fairy tale "Musical Steps".

5. Musical and didactic game "Listen to the scale" p.162.

6. Playing musical instruments.

7. Exit under the march.


Subject : "Long and short sounds."

Program tasks

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1.Children marching.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation. The poem “Grandma Nota is walking in the park” p.185.

4. Musical and didactic game "Long and Short" p.182.

6. Exit under the march.


Subject : "Long and short sounds"

Program tasks

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : Conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation. Remember the poem "Grandma Nota is walking in the park"

4. Musically - didactic game "Watch with an alarm clock."

5. Playing musical instruments.

6. Exit under the march.


Subject : "Long and short sounds."

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner hearing and sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : Conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Recall the poem "Grandma Note is walking in the park."

4. Introduce note durations: quarter, eighth.

5. Musically - didactic game "Watch with an alarm clock."

6. Playing musical instruments.

7. Exit under the march


Subject : "Long and short sounds"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory and sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : Conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. A conversation about the duration of notes, recall the poem "Grandma Note is walking in the park."

4. Musically - didactic games: "Who will get it", "Long and short".

5. Playing musical instruments.

6. Exit under the march.


Subject : Tempo in music.

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory and sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation about tempo in music. Carousel game.

4. Musically - didactic game "Young Thrush".

5. Playing musical instruments.

6. Exit floor march.


Subject : Tempo in music.

Program tasks

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : Conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. The entry of children into the hall to the music.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Talk about pace, remember the game "Carousel".

4. Recall and play musical and didactic games: “Harlequin and Pierrot”, “Guess who is calling you”, “Let's listen to the scale”.

5. Playing musical instruments.

6. Exit under the march.


Subject : "Forte and piano"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner hearing and sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : Conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation about forte and piano. The Tale of Forte and the Piano. Remember the carousel game.

4. Musically - didactic game "How it sounds."

5. Playing musical instruments.

6. Exit under the march.


Subject : Forte and piano.

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory and sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Continue talking about forte and piano.

4. Musically - didactic games "How it sounds", "Right, wrong."

5. Playing musical instruments.

6. Exit under the march.


Subject: "Strong share - weak share"

Program tasks

Form of work: Conversation.

Methods : Conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation about strong and weak shares. Fairy tale - the game "How the pears were divided into shares."

4. Musically - didactic games "How it sounds", "One or two sit the shares."

5. Playing musical instruments

6. Exit under the march.


Subject: "Strong beat - weak beat."

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear. Musical memory and sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : conversation, explanation, visual. practical.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Continue talking about strengths and weaknesses.

4. Recall the musical and didactic games “How it sounds”, “Counting game”, “Right, wrong”.

5. Playing musical instruments.

6. Marching out.


Subject: " Strong share - weak share "

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner hearing, sense of rhythm.

Form of work: Conversation.

Methods : Conversation, explanation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Continue the conversation about strong and weak parts, consolidate these concepts.

4. Musical - didactic games: "Right, wrong", "How it sounds", "Game - counting rhyme"

5. Playing musical instruments.

6. Exit under the march.


Subject: " Treble clef", "Introduction to music notation".

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory, sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Explanation, conversation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation about the treble clef, musical staff. Tale of wise owl. Poems about notes and musical staff. Spelling of the treble clef.

5. Playing musical instruments.

6. Exit under the march.


Subject: " Treble clef". "Introduction to musical notation".

Form of occupation: Conversation.



1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Continue talking with the children about the treble clef, notes and the stave. Recall the tale of the wise owl, poems about notes and a musical staff. Spelling of the treble clef.

4. Musically - didactic game "Each step has a name."

5. Playing musical instruments

6. Marching out.


Subject: "Treble clef" "Introduction to music notation"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory, sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods : Explanation, conversation, visual, practical.


1. The entrance of children to the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Recall the fairy tale about the wise owl, poems about notes, musical staff.

Spelling of the treble clef. The story of the Cockerel.

4. Musical - didactic game "Musical ladder".

5. Playing musical instruments.

6. Exit under the march.


Subject: "Treble clef". Introduction to the note DO.

Form of occupation: Conversation.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Continue talking with children about the treble clef, its spelling. Remember the tale of the wise owl.

4. Introduce children to the note DO, its location on the stave. The story of the Cockerel.

5. Musical - didactic game "Musical ladder".

6. Playing musical instruments.

7. Exit under the march.


Subject: "Treble clef". Acquaintance with the note RE, fixing the note DO.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Explanation, conversation, visual, practical.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation about the treble clef, musical staff.

4. Acquaintance with the PE note, the location of the note on the stave and its spelling.

5. Fixing the note DO on the stave, its spelling. Recall the tale of the wise owl, poems about notes and the stave.

6. Musical - didactic game "Musical ladder".

7. Playing musical instruments.

8. Exit under the march.


Topic: "Treble clef", "Introduction to musical notation"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory, sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Conversation, explanation. visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march

2. Musical greeting.

3. Acquaintance with the MI note, the location of the note on the stave and its spelling.

4. Remember the verses about the notes, fix the locations of the notes DO and RE on the stave. Spelling of notes.

5.”Musical and didactic games “Each step has a name”, “Musical staircase”.

6. Playing musical instruments.

7. Exit under the march.


Subject: "Notation".

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory and sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Explanation, conversation, visual, practical.


1. Entry under the march.

2.musical greeting.

3. Acquaintance with the note FA, location on the stave, spelling.

4. Fix the note DO, RE, MI. Remember the story of the owl.

5. Musical - didactic game "Musical ladder".

6. Playing musical instruments.

7. Exit under the march.


Topic: "Notation"

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory. Sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Explanation, conversation, visual, practical.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Acquaintance with the note SALT, its location on the stave, spelling.

4. Musical and didactic game "Know a musical instrument", "Loud - quiet", "Dance of the rose"

5. Rhythmic minute: Clap, play the rhythm of any song.

6. Playing musical instruments. The main types of musical instruments: wind, strings, percussion.

7. Exit under the march.


Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory and sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Game, practical, visual, conversation, explanation.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Acquaintance with the note LA, its location on the stave, spelling.

4. Consolidation of knowledge about the treble clef, stave, about the notes passed: DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, as well as consolidate knowledge about long and short sounds.

5. Games: “At the mirror”, “Guess who we are”, “the fox is eavesdropping”.

6. Remember the name of the musical instruments and the main types. Playing musical instruments.

7. Marching out.

18 .04.

Topic: "Music notation", "Position of notes on the stave".

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory and sense of rhythm.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Explanation, conversation, visual, practical.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Acquaintance with the SI note, its location on the stave, spelling.

4. Fairy tale - the game "Matryoshka", consolidation of knowledge about the notes: DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA. Describe the role of music.

5. Creativity in playing musical instruments.

6. Games: “Troubles”, “We went to a concert”, “One or two shares walk”.

7. Exit under the march.


Topic: "Repetition and consolidation of the material covered."

1 Topic: "Musical and noise sounds".

2. Topic: "High and low sounds."

Program tasks: Development of melodic and harmonic hearing. Development of inner ear, musical memory, sense of rhythm..

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Explanation, conversation, practical, visual.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation about musical and noise sounds, "What makes noise, what sounds." Remember the fairy tale "About the girl Nina, the cat Murka and the piano."

4. Physical education.

5. Musical and didactic games: “Who lives in the house”, “Guess who is calling you”.

6. Recall and consolidate the concepts: composer, performer, conductor.

7. Marching out.


Theme: "Loud and Quiet"

Theme: "Major and Minor"

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Conversation, explanation, practical, visual.


1. Entry under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation about loud and quiet sound, remember the fairy tale "Senior Major and Senor Minor."

4. Physical education minute.

5. Musical and didactic games "Loud-quiet", "Harlequin and Pierrot",

6. Recall musical instruments, their main types, read the poem "The instruments are different - they are all beautiful."

7. Exit under the march.


Repetition and consolidation of the material covered.

Theme: "The ascending and descending movement of the melody."

Topic: "Tempo in music."

Theme: "Forte and piano".

Program objectives: To develop melodic and harmonic ear. Develop inner ear, musical memory, sense of rhythm.

The content of the work: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the ascending and descending movement of music, about the tempo in music. Recall the tale of Faure and the piano. Review the main genres in music.

Form of occupation: Conversation.

Methods: Explanation, conversation, visual, practical.


1. Entry of children under the march.

2. Musical greeting.

3. Conversation about the scale, remember the fairy tale about musical steps.

4. Read the poem "Grandma Nota is walking in the park", give children the opportunity to reveal the concept of "tempo in music", play the game "Carousel".

5. Musical and didactic games: “Watch with an alarm clock”, “Long short”, “How it sounds”, “Correctly wrong”, “Young blackbird”.

6. Repeat with children the main genres in music, listen and identify the musical genre by ear.

7. Exit under the march.

If you want to learn music on your own or with your child, then first of all, you should get an idea of ​​what exactly music is. The fact is that notes are recorded sounds. Just like in speech, letters are written sounds. And therefore, both in language and in music, you first need to get at least a little familiar with the sounds, and only then with their styles.

This mini-guide suggests a way to learn music notes in a series of steps. The guide is suitable for teaching children as well as for self-study musical notation for adults.

Stage 0 - getting basic ideas about high and low musical sounds

Music is an art, and each of the arts speaks its own own language. So, the language of painting is colors and lines, the language of poetry is words, rhythms and rhymes, movements, beautiful postures and facial expressions are important for dance. The language of music is musical sound. So, we repeat once again that only a musical sound recorded on paper is called a note.

There are a lot of musical sounds, they are different - high and low. If you build all the sounds in a row, starting with low sounds and up to the highest, you get a musical scale. In such a scale, all sounds lined up as if “by height”: low ones are big, tall notes, like cubs, and high ones are small, like birds and mosquitoes.

So, the scale can be large in composition - the sounds in it are just a sea. For example, on the piano keyboard, you can take and play as many as 88 sounds. Moreover, if we play the piano in a row, then it seems to us that we are climbing the steps of the musical ladder. Try it and listen for yourself! Do you hear? This is a very valuable experience!

Advice! If you don’t have a piano instrument or any of its analogues (synthesizer) in your house, then look for yourself virtual keyboard or install the Piano app on your phone.

Stage 1 - pronouncing the names of the notes aloud

So, there are a lot of sounds in the scale, but there are 7 main ones - this is DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI. You already know these names, don't you? These 7 sounds are constantly repeated, only at a new height. And each such repetition is called an octave.

The scale, divided into octaves, in which 7 sounds are constantly repeated, resembles in its structure multi-storey building. Each new octave is a new floor, and the seven basic sounds are a musical staircase from one floor to the next.

Be sure to do this exercise. Draw a multi-storey building on the sheet, inside there are ladders of seven steps. And now, turn on your imagination and come up with some story for the child - for example, about the pioneer Vasya, who decided to help the kitten that climbed into the attic. Your goal is to go up and down the musical ladder several times in a row.

The fact is that the series “do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si”, as a rule, is easily pronounced by all children, but in reverse side"si-la-sol-fa-mi-re-do" - very few. This exercise this matter is easy to fix, and fixing it is very important!

For the same purpose, you can use the well-known "counters":

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si -
The cat got into a taxi!
Si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, do -
The cat got on the subway!

Stage 2 - ladder on the piano

Now we need to turn to the piano again, it is important to establish auditory associations. Exercise with ladders must be done at the piano, with real sounds. At the same time, the arrangement of notes on the piano keyboard is remembered along the way.

What is this location? The piano has white and black keys. All whites go in a row without any special features in their order. But the black ones go in small groups - then two keys, then three, then two, then three again, and so on. You need to navigate on the piano keyboard by the black keys - where there are two black keys, to the left of them, at the bottom “under the mountain” there is always a note DO.

Then you can ask the child (and the adult - ask himself) to find all the notes of DO on the keyboard, and it is important not to confuse them with the FA keys, which will occur at the beginning of groups of three black keys. Then, from the note DO, you can line up a series of all the other sounds and play this series up and down. You can read more about the arrangement of notes and octaves on the piano.

Stage 3 - recording notes on the stave

There are special notebooks for writing letters and numbers - in a cage or in a ruler, your child probably already knows about this! Explain to him that there is also special paper for recording notes - with staves.

Please note that there is no need to immediately teach the child to memorize notes on the stave, first you just need to practice writing notes. The musical staff consists of five rulers, notes can be written:

A) on the rulers, putting them like beads on a string;

B) in the intervals between the rulers, above and below them;

C) in a row - on the lines and between them without gaps;

D) on additional small rulers and between them.

All these ways of writing notes must be tried by both the child and the adult. No violin and bass clefs not needed at this stage. The truth must be explained main principlehigh notes are located higher than low ones (the same principle of a ladder).

Stage 4 - study of the treble clef and the arrangement of notes on the staff

At this stage of musical literacy with a child, you can enter a treble clef. At first, you can just draw the treble clef. Along the way, it is necessary to explain that in a different way the treble clef is also called the KEY of SOL, since it is tied to the second line, that is, to the same line where the note SOL of the first octave is written.

There are two ways to draw a treble clef:

  1. start with the second line and end with a crochet;
  2. start from the bottom, from the hook and end on the second line.

Both of these methods can be shown to the child, try to draw on paper and in the air, and then leave one, the most convenient way.

The next step is to study the notes on the stave, you need to start with the note SALT, which is written on the second line. And then you should again turn to the musical ladder and find out which notes are adjacent to the SALT, which are located above and below it. The same notes (FA and LA) will be the neighbors of SALT on the stave as well.

Further study of notes can be built according to the following scenario:

  1. Name and write down five notes that we will meet if we climb the musical ladder up from SALT (this is SALT, LA, SI, DO, RE). DO and PE in this case are already notes of the second octave, the possibility of moving to the next octave must be explained to the child.
  2. Name and write down the five notes that you will meet if you go down the musical ladder down from SOL (SOL, FA, MI, RE, DO). Here, the child's attention should be drawn to the note DO, which did not have enough space on the stave, and therefore it is written on an additional ruler. The child must remember the note DO as an unusual note and subsequently immediately recognize it.

  1. Name and write down the notes of the first octave that are written on the rulers (DO, MI, SOL and SI). “Do, mi, salt, si - they sit on the rulers” - there is such a counting chant.
  2. Name and write down the notes of the first octave, which are written between the rulers (RE, FA, LA, DO).

In the same way, gradually (but not on the same day and not at once) you can master the notes of the second octave. It is not worth rushing too much and straining the child with musical notation, so that interest does not disappear.

Stage 5 - work with the "musical alphabet"

What is a children's book? The image of letters and objects whose names begin with these letters. If the development of musical notation is difficult (for example, if the child is still quite a baby at the age), then it makes sense to be distracted for a while and dilute the seriousness of the lessons with beautiful visual materials.

Stage 6 - developing the skill of reading music

Practicing the skill of reading music initial stage music notation should be practiced regularly. The methods of work here can be different - the usual reading of a musical text with the name of all the notes in order, rewriting the notes in music book, signing all the notes in the melody already transferred to the notebook.

Reading examples can be found in any solfeggio textbook. As a rule, examples in solfeggio textbooks (excerpts of various melodies) are small in size (1-2 lines), which is very convenient. Firstly, the child does not get tired during the lesson and can complete the work. Secondly, it takes very little time to work out one or two numbers, this is what allows you to turn to this species activities two or three times a day.

Examples for reading music

Stage 7 - consolidation of knowledge

One of the ways to consolidate the learned notes can be a variety of written and creative tasks. good selection exciting tasks for learning and memorizing the notes of the first and second octaves are contained in workbook in solfeggio for grade 1 by G. Kalinina. We recommend that you purchase this notebook and use it in the future, since with the help of this manual in a lively and exciting way (puzzles, riddles, etc.) you can work out many important things.

A selection of tasks from the workbook of G. Kalinina

The one who was not too lazy and worked through all the stages, turn back to the past. Now you can see the fruits of your labor. Did you manage to teach the notes to your child? Was it difficult? We think it was exciting and interesting. Please share your experience in the comments!

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