Teaching musical notation for children. Musical development of older preschoolers in teaching singing and musical literacy



(MDOU d / s No. 107 "Iskorka", Volzhsky, Volgograd Region)

Game for children musical instruments kindergarten Lately special attention is paid, since children's music-making expands the scope musical activity preschooler, increases interest in music lessons, promotes the development musical memory, attention, helps to overcome excessive shyness, stiffness, expands musical education child.

The color system, common abroad, is convenient for children to quickly master playing instruments. A certain color designation (color keys, metallophone plates) is assigned to each sound. The child has a record of the melody in color designation: colored circles are used or color image notes, with and without rhythmic notation. It is very easy to play according to this system, but with this method of playing (I see a green note designation - I press the green key), the ear does not participate in the reproduction of the melody, the child plays mechanically.

In a similar way, children are taught to play by the numbers pasted next to each metallophone plate, and to record the melody in digital notation. The designation of duration can also be modeled (long and short sticks, etc.)

The digital system proposed in the 30s. N. A. Metlov, at that time, perhaps, was justified, but later it began to be used less frequently, since it leads to mechanical reproduction of the melody.

Both methods of teaching children (using color and numerical designations) make it easy and quick to obtain the desired result, but do not have a developmental effect: the share of mechanical reproduction of the melody is too large in these methods.

The greatest developmental effect of learning is achieved when playing by ear. But this method also requires constant development of hearing, serious auditory training. Difficulties in teaching children to play musical instruments contributed to the search for a new way of teaching children - playing notes.

Studying methodological literatureMusical alphabet» N. Perunova and other developments) on the use of musical notation is necessary for the teacher to find ways and methods of teaching to play musical instruments.

Children preparatory group already know how to play noise instruments, drums, glockenspiel.

Education musical notation can be carried out as music lessons as well as in group work. On initial stage planning is required:

Development of a long-term plan,

Selection musical material accessible, interesting and feasible for children;

Search non-traditional methods and teaching methods.

It is important to keep children interested and active in these tasks. Only by playing, the child devotes himself to learning and masters musical literacy. It is very important to educate children in emotional responsiveness and love for music.

The sequence of teaching older children preschool age musical notation

The first stage of education is the development of rhythmic pulsation in children

At first, children are offered game exercises:

call the name with claps

call the word clap

name the proposal with claps

determine the number of syllables in words (chair - hole - car - TV)

Then the children pick up words from the pictures and independently play the rhythmic pattern on musical instruments.

Then the task becomes more difficult. Children get acquainted with the stressed syllable and highlight it with an accent.

Introduction to duration. Short syllables are written with a stick (with a flag or tail) and are called eighth and quarter.

So gradually the guys get acquainted with the duration. Interesting poems, nursery rhymes, benefits. cards, didactic games help children clearly understand the various rhythms and model them in rhythmic patterns.


1. Hide the word in a rhythmic pattern (pictures)

2. Define the word according to the rhythmic pattern (Bunny - bunny - bunny)

3. "Live notes"

Description of the game: in the hands of children, 1 duration. They line up. The leading child slams the established rhythmic pattern.

Children with notes in their hands change places. The game is repeated.

4. “Stomp - clap” - at the beginning of line 1, palms are drawn, and boots are on the bottom line. The rhythm is laid out

notes - magnets. The child reproduces the rhythmic pattern with clapping and stomping. Here the children are introduced to the pause (a sign of silence).

The second stage of training - acquaintance with notes

Usage " musical clock” helps in getting to know the name of the notes (where which one lives). Interesting verses about the musical staff, treble clef, notes contribute to the development of musical notation. Children easily and firmly remember the location of each note on the rulers.


1. "The notes got lost"

2. "The notes are hidden in the words"

3. "Name the neighbors"

4. "Musical Tales"

5. Music Domino

The third stage of learning - playing by notes

Illustrated method of notation of notes and designation of steps conventional signs allows you to quickly and efficiently teach children to play children's musical instruments and the basics of musical notation.

On musical instruments (metallophones and xylophones), pictures denoting notes are pasted;

DO - house (rain). RE - turnip, MI-bear (head), FA - apron, SALT - sun. LA - frog, SI - lilac

(see Appendix 3 "Didactic Games").

Children first play on 1, then on 2 sounds. Songs can be easily transposed, as children quickly navigate and find the right sound. At the beginning of training, the recording of notes is given in pictures (without rulers), later - on rulers.

Children learn a song with words, then naming notes and sounding gestures, they move on to playing an instrument (“Note alphabet”).

Thus, the unity of the visual, auditory and motor spheres, meaningful awareness music text enables successful development in children musical ear, memory, imagination and creativity, the development of his independence when working on learning a piece of music.


1. Bim! Bam! bom! One hundred secrets of music for children. Games with sounds. - St. Petersburg: Musical palette, 2003

2. T.E. Tyutyunnikova “I am learning to create. Elementary music making: music, speech, movement" Moscow 2005

3. Elementary music making - "a familiar stranger" // Preschool education. -1997, No. 8, p116-125

4. E.K. Koroleva "Music in fairy tales, poems and pictures", Moscow "Enlightenment" 1994

5. V.A. Shein "Gamma" Scenarios of educational games for teaching children 3-5 years old musical literacy Moscow Publishing House Gnom i D 2002.

Material Description: One of the key techniques that can interest, capture, make any audience, both adults and children, penetrate the topic of conversation is a story, a fairy tale, a parable. It is easiest to capture the attention of children, to arouse interest in the topic of conversation with the help of a fairy tale. Then the children, having penetrated into the "fairytale land", sit with bated breath and listen.

Our fairy tale, written together with our daughter Ksenia, will help children aged 6-8 to learn musical notation, and just make friends with music and its magical sounds.

Target: Updating children's knowledge on the topic "Notes"

Tasks: Get the kids interested in the topic. Help me learn musical notation.

Help to understand that the melody consists of individual notes. Learn to isolate individual sounds from a melody. Introduce the concepts of "high and low voices”, learn to identify high and low sounds by ear.

To teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale.

To learn to "feel" music, to define and convey the nature of music in motor improvisations or with the help of pictures-images of animals and birds.

Consolidate previous knowledge.

Preliminary work: Listening to music, musical and motor improvisations, acquaintance with stave and writing notes on rulers.


In one fabulous musical country, there lived, there were notes. Each note had its own name. Notes, like children, were notes of boys who were very fond of climbing ladders, like all boys in the whole wide world, and there were notes of a girl. They, like all laughter girls, were very fond of dressing up. There were many outfits, and therefore their father King Treble Clef built a magnificent palace for them. For each girl was arranged separate room, But more on that later.

The boys' names were: DO, MI, SOL and SI. Once they gathered for a walk in the park, and there was a high ladder. DO was the youngest of all the brothers, and could only climb the lowest step on the ground (extra). He stood there and rejoiced: "That's how clever I am!" And the older boys, MI, SOL and SI, decided to arrange a competition: who will climb the highest. SI turned out to be the most dexterous, he climbed onto the third step. SALT a little lower, to the second, and MI only to the first. “Hurrah, I won,” shouted SI, “I am above all.” DO was not offended by his brother, but said that he, standing on his extra step, sees worms on the ground. MI was not upset either, because from his first step he saw how his mother was returning from work. SALT from his second step saw the most beautiful bird in the world.

What do you see there, SI?

I can see the clouds and the sky from the third step!

At the same time, the girls chose their rooms.

I will live downstairs on the first floor! - said PE, - I don’t like ladders, and settled under the first ruler.

Then I will occupy the second floor, between the first and second lines, - said the FA, - I really like to look out the window at our wonderful apple orchard, but I can’t see it from above and below.

Well then, the third floor is mine, - said LA, - I really like to climb the ladders. And settled between the second and third rulers.

That's how we lived together funny notes and still live, if you want to check, then go to the fabulous musical line. And funny guys-notes will be waiting for you in their houses.

TO - on an additional ruler.

PE - under the first ruler.

MI - on the first line.

FA - between the first and second lines.

SALT - on the second ruler.

LA - between the second and third rulers.

SI - on the third ruler.

See you soon in fairyland!

A fairy tale can be told at any time of the day, even at night. But in the morning you can draw notes and their houses, or you can play.

Didactic game "High - low"

Needed to play a sheet of paper with a drawn stave (five lines) and small ovals of black colored paper.

An adult either plays high or low notes on the piano, or simply sings any notes, high or low. The child guesses the boys have climbed the notes high or low and puts the ovals on the stave, respectively high or low.

And also pictures depicting animals can “walk” along the musical staff: bears, bunnies, wolves, birds. Each animal has “its own” song.

Five lines of musical line

We named the stave

And on it all notes-points

Placed in place.

And now you guys, remember where the notes live and place them in your houses.

No. Classes

Topic of the lesson


Musical and noise sounds

teach children to distinguish between noise and musical sounds

High and low sounds

Keys and keyboard

introduce children to the keys and keyboard


learn the arrangement of octaves on the keyboard

Sheet music and staff

reveal in stages the content of concepts related to each other: staff, notes, key

Treble clef

introduce children to the treble clef


introduce children to specific note names

Tact and barline

explain to children what tact and bar line are

Note durations

help children learn the relationship between note duration and counting

Note with a dot

explain to children what a note with a dot means


based on the knowledge gained about the duration of notes, introduce children to the musical size


introduce children to the concept of pause


teach children to distinguish musical strokes: staccato and legato

dynamic shades

memorize dynamic shades as peculiar musical colors

Major and minor modes

introduce children to musical modes: major and minor

Lesson 1

Musical and noise sounds


  • teach children to distinguish between noise and musical sounds.

Noise sounds are deliberately explained in poetic form, and musical sounds are mentioned only at the end.

All children in the world know

Sounds are different:

Cranes farewell scream,

Airplane loud roar

The rumble of cars in the yard,

Barking dog in a kennel

The sound of wheels and the noise of the machine,

Quiet breeze.

These are noise sounds.

There are only others:

Not rustling, not knocking -

There are musical sounds.

Exercise 1 . Lead the child to an independent understanding of what is musical sound. By hearing, determine where - noise sounds, and where - musical.

Lesson 2.

High and low sounds


  • learn to distinguish between high and low registers

Explanatory note

Preschool children think figuratively, they have a well-developed imagination. The knowledge of the surrounding world, into which they enter, is inseparable from deep immersion into the fairy-tale, toy world, loved by them with all their heart. Favorite toy is able to revive the lesson, help in the assimilation of new material. The difference between high and low sounds is assimilated faster if it is illustrated with the help of a typewriter, doll, bunny, parrot.

1. Explanation of the topic

The teacher, showing how the piano works, focuses on the difference between high and low registers. At the same time, the child involuntarily associates the voice of a low “thick” sound with a thick string, and a high one with a “thin” string. The child not only hears, but also sees why the voices of the key become ever higher, “thinner” when the teacher’s hand, performing individual sounds, moves along the keyboard to the right (in the fairy tale “About the girl Nina”, this is how the cat moves).

A fairy tale about a girl Nina, a cat Murka and a piano

There lived a girl in the world. Her name was Nina. Someone gave her a piano for her birthday, but she didn’t know how to play it: so let’s knock on the keys, she scared even Murka the cat. Nina got angry and went to sleep. Nina fell asleep, and she had an amazing dream:

As if at home she and a cat,

And they sit by the window.

Behind him: “Boom! Boom!"

Nina turned around, hearing the noise,

He sees - the piano is walking,

The lid, as the mouth opens,

And under the cover of the keys in a row,

Like teeth sticking out.

Here comes the angry piano

Swallow the girl Nina.

Oh, how scared she was! She wanted to run away, but she couldn't.

But then the cat on the keys - jump!

And a miracle happened in an instant.

Murka goes on the keys,

And the piano sings, sings.

Murka steps inaudibly,

And the piano gently answers her.

Then the second miracle happened -

The cat suddenly learned to speak:

"Meow, I'll tell you everything.

If you want, I'll show you a secret! -

She says to Nina

And he orders to look into the piano.

She wags her tail,

Presses keys with paws.

Murka will go to the left -

And if you turn right -

The sounds are higher and softer.

As soon as Nina looked into the piano, she gasped: a hammer is attached to each key, and behind a whole row of strings, but all are different!

And the strings are short and thin,

And the thicker, longer the string -

The lower it sounds.

Murka presses the key -

The hammer strikes the string:

The string rings, sings,

The girl Nina thinks:

“Not a strange piano at all.

Just don't hit him.

Do not beat him with your fists,

And carefully touch the keys -

So it won't bite."

Then the morning came, and the dream was interrupted. Nina stood up and gently touched the keys. In response, the kind voices of the strings were heard.

P.S: And vice versa, the sounds become lower, “thinner” when the teacher plays the same sounds in the opposite direction.

2. Fixing the material

a) The teacher performs a scale with his right hand, alternately up and down (except for the scale, at the discretion of the teacher, short (sounds) motifs, distant sounds, etc. can be played). Left hand him, in which he holds a toy, moves above the keyboard in the same direction as the right one, but according to the sounds: either rising or falling.

b) The teacher plays the scale. At this time, the student, with the help of a toy, shows the direction of movement of sounds.

3. Repetition

The toy is not involved. The teacher plays the scale. The student, standing with his back to the keyboard, guesses: a car is driving down a hill or up a hill (a doll is walking), a parrot is flying from the top branch to the bottom or vice versa.

It will help children to consolidate the material covered task 2.

Lesson 3.

Keys and keyboard


  • introduce children to the keys and keyboard.

In order to present this difficult material to children in an entertaining, interesting way, we use poems and drawings.

Miracles are here, and only!

That's because there are so many different keys!

And they only have seven names.

How can I not confuse them?

Do you see the row of black keys?

There are two of them, then three in a row,

Just press two black ones,

You will find re between them.

On the left - to, and on the right - mi,

Press them in order:

Do, re, mi.

Side by side now, look

See, there are three black keys?

From them to the left fa lives,

He sings his song.

Near fa - salt, la sit

And both of them look at si.

Well, si quite easy,

It's very easy to find:

to the right of three blacks keys

You will make her at home.

Now say:

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si,

Play them friend after friend

And quietly repeat:

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.

Only si you will call -

Next to you will find again.

If we are from to gone,

They reached another -

So a whole octave

Together we went through.

Come on, quickly, one, two, three,

Repeat this word: OCTAVA.

Miracles are here, and only!

Although there are so many different keys -

I know what their names are

I know where they live.

To learn in practice the location of the keys will help children

tasks 3 and 4.

Lesson 4.



  • learn the arrangement of octaves on the keyboard.

Explanatory note

It is useful to use the cards with pictures of animals from task 2, those that helped in learning the registers. To do this, they must be placed on the keyboard in the following order:

  1. Subcontroctave - elephant
  2. Kotroktava - baby elephant
  3. Big octave - bear
  4. Small octave - teddy bear
  5. First octave - cat
  6. Second octave - kitten
  7. Third octave - mouse
  8. Fourth octave - mouse

Tasks 5 - 6.

Used to secure the material. task 7 , where the concept is introduced - up to the second octave.

Lesson 5.

Sheet music and staff


  • reveal in stages the content of concepts related to each other: staff, notes, key.

Explanatory note

In order to make the assimilation of new material more solid, information about the key is not mentioned in this topic, and if so, then the notes are explained for the time being simply as signs with which musical sounds are designated. Later, after the children are introduced to the treble clef, specific note names will be discussed.

With such a sequence of studying notes, the teacher aims to show the children how the signs-notes look and where they are written - on the rulers, between the rulers, under them and above them.

At the same time, initial ideas about the duration of notes are given - task 8 . To explain to children that sounds are long and short, you can use the example of a song. To do this, it is necessary that the children sing several of its lines, at the same time clapping the rhythmic pattern of the melody with their hands.

This material will help you better understand. task 9 .

The concept of "staff", which children learn about from a poem, should be supplemented with another name for the staff - a musical staff.

Here is a five-story building.

Signs live in it.

The stave house is called,

Signs-notes live in it.

(Show an illustration of a house with notes)

Lesson 6.

Treble clef


  • introduce children to the treble clef.

Explanatory note

After the children got acquainted with the "Tale of wise owl”, the teacher should explain: the key is called “violin” because it seems to know the notes, in which the sound is as high as that of the violin.

The Tale of the Wise Owl

A very wise and kind owl lived in the forest. Everyone forest dwellers that owl helped. And so…

Somehow a bird flew to her - a grayish little one,

She began to cry, sigh, and spoke like this:

- Good owl, help, save me from trouble.

Everyone knows that I sing my song every morning.

I meet the sun with her

I help him wake up

But today the evil spiders

Hid all the notes in chests.

And those chests were locked,

And the keys to the locks were buried in the ground,

I can't live without a song.

How can I help the sun now?

- Do not worry, I will help you out of trouble, - the owl reassured the bird. She took a branch, drew a staff on the ground and began to draw something on it, saying:

I'll first draw a squiggle like this,

Round at the top

Oh, some goose came out

I'm a little afraid of him.

No! I'll do it like this:

So that there was not a goose, but a sign,

Fast line straight

I'll end with a bold dot.

So the key came out great,

And he is called violinist.

And there is a second name

I'll write it here: the key is salt.

Remember, the bird is a little gray,

It is called so because

What's the beginning of the curl

On the second line they draw, -

Just on the very second line where the note is written salt first octave. Take this key, birdie, and fly to the spiders to open chests. As soon as you fly up to them, first listen to which of them your notes sound, then unlock that chest.

The little gray bird thanked the good owl and flew off for its notes.

This is how the owl helped the bird to return its song.

Writing treble clef children can learn by doing task 10 . The play "Folk Rhyme" should first be played with the 3rd finger right hand, and then with the 3rd finger of the left hand.

Lesson 7.



  • Introduce children to specific note names.

To play plays

Notes must be known.

Vot - do, re Vot la and si

Learn the names of the notes and where each one lives.

The rainbow has seven colors

And music has seven notes.

Only who without clues

Will you understand these notes?

As if the droplets are similar

We cannot distinguish them.

Here's what: we'll decorate everything with notes,

Let's paint like a rainbow.

And we will immediately remember

Where is fa, and where is mi.


Facilitate the assimilation of this material task 11 .

The tale of the cockerel

(Read the story, naming the notes instead of the missing syllables).

Once upon a time there was a cock in the world

what good was Petya!

In the morning the sun will just wake up

Petya is foaming up,

Sing a ringing song

And the goo goes to the meadow

mo ma, mo garden,

Mo broken fence

Will go and come back

He will take care of his business.

Will put in order,

The stove will fire, and then

Petya goes into the garden.

There, peas will pick,

Yes, but there are tons of spikelets -

Here breakfast is ready.

He puts on a clean little cup,

On the table he will change the tablecloth,

Put, treats.

Oh yes, Petya! Zag denier!

Here friends are knocking on the window.

- Come in, I'm glad to see you!

Lesson 8.

Tact and barline


  • explain to children what tact and bar line are.

Explanatory note

This topic does not require additional comments, since the material in tasks 12 - 15 quite complete. To consolidate the theme, “Change” is given: by correlating the image of the rooms in the house with the image of the staff, the children will count the number of rooms in the house and easily determine the number of “rooms-bars” on the staff.

Lesson 9.

Note durations


  • help children learn the relationship between note duration and counting.

Explanatory note

When studying this topic, children experience certain difficulties. To facilitate the assimilation of this material, the fairy tale "Friendly family" is offered.

As you know, children and adults have different dynamics (children are much more mobile than adults). On the basis of this principle, this fairy tale is built: in it, eighth notes are called children, quarter notes are called mothers and fathers, half notes are grandmothers, and a whole one is great-grandmother. All this clearly explains the relationship between duration and score.

Friendly family

There lived a friendly family:

Great-grandmother, two grandmothers

Moms with dads

And the kids

They often went to the park together for a walk. And then one day, to make it more fun to walk, the guys came up with an occupation for themselves: to count their steps. The alley in the park was long, they had to take many steps, and they could only count up to four.

They thought, thought about how to lengthen the score, and came up with: after each number 1,2,3,4, the guys decided to add the letter “and”. No sooner said than done.

Children run along the road

And they count the steps of the little rascal,

And they come out like this:

See how fast they run.

Mom and dad heard them

And they instantly counted their steps:


One and two and three and four and

Here they did it!

Well, and grandmothers, so as not to be left behind,

Like this:


One and two and three and four and

Then the great-grandmother said quietly:

And I also counted the steps:


One and two and three and four and

Oh, how slowly she walked!

They walked, they walked

And went home to rest.

So it's time for the story to end.

P.S.: At the initial stage of learning, one should not be upset because children sometimes call it “grandmother” instead of a specific name for the duration of a note (for example, half). In this case, it is important to ask the child to remember the real name of the duration of this note. From the use of both names of durations (“grandmother”, half) one can gradually move on to using only the real name.

After getting acquainted with the proposed material through reading a fairy tale, we proceed to tasks 16 - 18 - all this will make the job.

Lesson 10.

Note with a dot


  • explain to children what a note with a dot means.

Explanatory note

Verses and task 19 will make it easier for children to master this rather difficult topic. But in order to make this material easier to perceive, it is useful at the initial stage to draw a calm at the point like this: or like this:

Lesson 11.



  • based on the knowledge gained about the duration of notes, introduce children to the musical time signature.

Explanatory note

The theme does not require additions. For a better understanding of the material, it is useful to use task 20 - "Music Lotto".

Lesson 12.



  • introduce children to the concept of pause.

Explanatory note

To get acquainted with the concept of a pause, the fairy tale "Inseparable friends" is offered. When reading it, one should draw the attention of children to the fact that pauses in music should be listened to and counted in the same way as notes.

inseparable friends

Once upon a time there was a boy Kolya in the world.

He studied at the music school

And he had a book.

And then one night, when Kolya fell asleep, such a story happened.

Only the clock struck twelve

Suddenly this book was quickly opened.

And who do you think discovered it?


Yes, yes, the notes are small,

Who lived on the first pages.

They cried, they burned,

They began to tell each other something.

Then they ran through the book without looking back,

Only heels flashed.

Far fled from the native staff,

Stopped on one page, look,

And the place is unfamiliar to them.

Some signs are moving towards

They ask the music: “How did you find yourself here?”

Notes vying with each other began to tell:

Oh, you know, we almost disappeared altogether.

The boy who studies according to this book

Makes us sing without a break.

You would only know

How tired we are!

After all, we can not sound all the time,

We also need to rest sometimes.

Look what happened to us

What trouble happened:

Half note, poor

She became terribly pale.

Whole so long sang

That even all turned gray.

The quarter note is blackened from work.

And we, eighth notes, cheerful, mischievous,

Before that they sang, tried,

They listened to their unfamiliar signs and say:

Well, don't worry about it

Shed burning tears.

We are just signs of silence

We designate a break in the sound.

Pauses are calling us.

Here we are all here.


Whole rest Half Quarter Eighth

One and, two and, three and, four and. One and two and one and one

So we met you, notes.

Now you will sing differently.

Climb to our staff,

Let's live together

There is nothing more for you to worry about.

We will become inseparable friends.

The notes rejoiced, climbed to the pauses and began to live - to live, not to know grief.

Referring to "funny pictures" will help children quickly and firmly remember what pauses look like. It is easy for them to imagine that a whole pause, like a tablet, hangs on a ruler; half, like a chest on a shelf, lies on a ruler; the quarter is like a snake; and the eighth resembles a figure skater.

Lesson 13.



  • teach children to distinguish musical strokes: staccato and legato.

Explanatory note

The theme is clearly revealed in the verses and drawings given in task 27 . Need to learn:

Dot above note and dot below note,

Tell us, dot, who are you?

Know guys, my name is staccato,

I make the notes dance.

Staccato - short, abrupt.


Oh, the arc, what here!

What, tell me, is your name?

The league is called me.

And remember, friends

In plays, my role is important,

Notes really need me

In order to teach them

Walk with a smooth step.

Well, and that step, guys,

It's called legato.

Legato - smoothly, coherently.

Lesson 14.

dynamic shades


  • remember dynamic shades, like original musical colors.

Explanatory note

Drawings and listening to the play by D.G. will help to assimilate the topic. Turk "I'm so tired" in a different manner of performance from tasks 28 .

The first time the teacher plays inexpressively, with an even sound, and the second time he accurately performs all the dynamic shades so that the children prefer not a monotonous, but a colorful performance that fully reveals the meaning of the play.

After that, you can go directly to the acquaintance with the names and appointments. dynamic shades. The distribution of color brightness of colors on the palette will contribute to a better perception of the essence of dynamic shades.

Lesson 15.

Major and minor modes


  • introduce children to musical modes: major and minor.

Explanatory note

It is known how difficult this topic is to explain to young children and how difficult it is for them to perceive it. The fairy tale "Two brothers" will facilitate its perception.


Long ago, in a fairyland called Soundland, King Ding-don-Seventh ruled. More than anything in the world, he loved to sleep and be bored.

Sometimes he sits on his throne and misses.

From boredom, he will chat with his feet,

Out of boredom, he will order cookies to be served,

And sing a song to the soldiers.

His soldiers were unusual -

All as one, the singers are excellent.

And for this, by the way,

Ding-Don began to call them Sounds.

The Sounds will sing to the king one song, another,

The king will start to snore, and Sounds will also go to the side.

They sleep until the morning.

In the morning they will get up, shout: "Hurrah!"

The king will wake up, turn from side to side,

And everything will start again:

Boredom, cookies, soldiers' singing.

From this life the Sounds have become so lazy,

That they completely forgot how to sing properly.

The king was terribly upset.

He even stopped being bored.

Makes them sing this way and that

And they don't want to.

But one day, two brothers, Lada, arrived in Soundland from the distant country of Ladia. One was a cheerful dancer-laugher, the other sad, thoughtful. Merry was called MAJOR, and sad - MINOR. Major and Minor found out about the trouble of the king and decided to help him.

They came to the palace

The king was duly bowed.

Hello, Ding Dong, they say. -

We want to hear from your soldiers.

Well, - the king commanded the Sounds, -

Sing it all!

One, two! One, two!

Sounds sang, some in the forest, some for firewood.

The brothers could not stand this music,

Come on, they say, Ding-Dong, we will help you,

Let's put together a good song from your sounds.

Lined Major Sounds in a row -

It turned out SOUND.

Major commanded them: “Calculate on a tone, a semitone!”

Sounds quickly settled:

Tone, tone, semitone,

Tone, tone, tone, semitone.

sing along! Major commanded. Sounds sang:


We all amicably stood in a row, according to - lu - chil - zu - row.


Not simple - stand ma - zhor - ny, joyful - dost - ny, for - dor - ny!

Finished the Sounds to sing - Minor stepped forward. He commanded: "On a tone, a semitone, calculate - and - hide!" For some reason, the sounds immediately became sad, reluctantly paid off:

Tone, tone, semitone,

Tone, tone, semitone,

Tone, tone.

sing along! Minor commanded. Sounds sang.


We are a mi - nor - ny sound - a - a series of sad - sounds - a long - series


Dog - nu sadness - well - yu on - eat and this - hour we are for - ro - vom.

Since then, there has been order in Soundland.

Ding Dong began to live differently,

Under new music stopped sleeping.

He will be sad - Minor will appear,

If he wants to have fun, Major will appear.

Sounds began to live well,

And the songs sounded good!

If you want to learn music on your own or with your child, then first of all, you should get an idea of ​​what exactly music is. The fact is that notes are recorded sounds. Just like in speech, letters are written sounds. And therefore, both in language and in music, you first need to get at least a little familiar with the sounds, and only then with their styles.

This mini-guide suggests a way to learn music notes in a series of steps. The guide is suitable for teaching children as well as for self-study musical notation for adults.

Stage 0 - getting basic ideas about high and low musical sounds

Music is an art, and each of the arts speaks its own own language. So, the language of painting is colors and lines, the language of poetry is words, rhythms and rhymes, movements, beautiful postures and facial expressions are important for dance. The language of music is musical sound. So, we repeat once again that only a musical sound recorded on paper is called a note.

There are a lot of musical sounds, they are different - high and low. If you build all the sounds in a row, starting with low sounds and up to the highest, you get a musical scale. In such a scale, all sounds lined up as if “by height”: low ones are big, tall notes, like cubs, and high ones are small, like birds and mosquitoes.

So, the scale can be large in composition - the sounds in it are just a sea. For example, on the piano keyboard, you can take and play as many as 88 sounds. Moreover, if we play the piano in a row, then it seems to us that we are climbing the steps of the musical ladder. Try it and listen for yourself! Do you hear? This is a very valuable experience!

Advice! If you don’t have a piano instrument or any of its analogues (synthesizer) in your house, then look for yourself virtual keyboard or install the Piano app on your phone.

Stage 1 - pronouncing the names of the notes aloud

So, there are a lot of sounds in the scale, but there are 7 main ones - this is DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI. You already know these names, don't you? These 7 sounds are constantly repeated, only at a new height. And each such repetition is called an octave.

The scale, divided into octaves, in which 7 sounds are constantly repeated, resembles in its structure multi-storey building. Each new octave is a new floor, and the seven basic sounds are a musical staircase from one floor to the next.

Be sure to do this exercise. Draw a multi-storey building on the sheet, inside there are ladders of seven steps. And now, turn on your imagination and come up with some story for the child - for example, about the pioneer Vasya, who decided to help the kitten that climbed into the attic. Your goal is to go up and down the musical ladder several times in a row.

The fact is that the series “do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si”, as a rule, is easily pronounced by all children, but in reverse side"si-la-sol-fa-mi-re-do" - very few. This exercise this matter is easy to fix, and fixing it is very important!

For the same purpose, you can use the well-known "counters":

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si -
The cat got into a taxi!
Si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, do -
The cat got on the subway!

Stage 2 - ladder on the piano

Now we need to turn to the piano again, it is important to establish auditory associations. Exercise with ladders must be done at the piano, with real sounds. At the same time, the arrangement of notes on the piano keyboard is remembered along the way.

What is this location? The piano has white and black keys. All whites go in a row without any special features in their order. But the black ones go in small groups - then two keys, then three, then two, then three again, and so on. You need to navigate on the piano keyboard by the black keys - where there are two black keys, to the left of them, at the bottom “under the mountain” there is always a note DO.

Then you can ask the child (and the adult - ask himself) to find all the notes of DO on the keyboard, and it is important not to confuse them with the FA keys, which will occur at the beginning of groups of three black keys. Then, from the note DO, you can line up a series of all the other sounds and play this series up and down. You can read more about the arrangement of notes and octaves on the piano.

Stage 3 - recording notes on the stave

There are special notebooks for writing letters and numbers - in a cage or in a ruler, your child probably already knows about this! Explain to him that there is also special paper for recording notes - with staves.

Please note that there is no need to immediately teach the child to memorize notes on the stave, first you just need to practice writing notes. The musical staff consists of five rulers, notes can be written:

A) on the rulers, putting them like beads on a string;

B) in the intervals between the rulers, above and below them;

C) in a row - on the lines and between them without gaps;

D) on additional small rulers and between them.

All these ways of writing notes must be tried by both the child and the adult. No violin and bass clefs not needed at this stage. The truth must be explained main principlehigh notes are located higher than low ones (the same principle of a ladder).

Stage 4 - study of the treble clef and the arrangement of notes on the staff

At this stage of musical literacy with a child, you can enter a treble clef. At first, you can just draw the treble clef. Along the way, it is necessary to explain that in a different way the treble clef is also called the KEY of SOL, since it is tied to the second line, that is, to the same line where the note SOL of the first octave is written.

There are two ways to draw a treble clef:

  1. start with the second line and end with a crochet;
  2. start from the bottom, from the hook and end on the second ruler.

Both of these methods can be shown to the child, try to draw on paper and in the air, and then leave one, the most convenient way.

The next step is to study the notes on the stave, you need to start with the note SALT, which is written on the second line. And then you should again turn to the musical ladder and find out which notes are adjacent to the SALT, which are located above and below it. The same notes (FA and LA) will be the neighbors of SALT on the stave as well.

Further study of notes can be built according to the following scenario:

  1. Name and write down five notes that we will meet if we climb the musical ladder up from SALT (this is SALT, LA, SI, DO, RE). DO and PE in this case are already notes of the second octave, the possibility of moving to the next octave must be explained to the child.
  2. Name and write down the five notes that you will meet if you go down the musical ladder down from SOL (SOL, FA, MI, RE, DO). Here, the child's attention should be drawn to the note DO, which did not have enough space on the stave, and therefore it is written on an additional ruler. The child must remember the note DO as an unusual note and subsequently immediately recognize it.
  1. Name and write down the notes of the first octave that are written on the rulers (DO, MI, SOL and SI). “Do, mi, salt, si - they sit on the rulers” - there is such a counting chant.
  2. Name and write down the notes of the first octave, which are written between the rulers (RE, FA, LA, DO).

In the same way, gradually (but not on the same day and not at once) you can master the notes of the second octave. It is not worth rushing too much and straining the child with musical notation, so that interest does not disappear.

Stage 5 - work with the "musical alphabet"

What is a children's book? The image of letters and objects whose names begin with these letters. If the development of musical notation is difficult (for example, if the child is still quite a baby at the age), then it makes sense to be distracted for a while and dilute the seriousness of the lessons with beautiful visual materials.

Stage 6 - developing the skill of reading music

Training the skill of reading music at the initial stage of mastering musical notation should be practiced regularly. The methods of work here can be different - the usual reading of a musical text with the name of all the notes in order, rewriting the notes in music book, signing all the notes in the melody already transferred to the notebook.

Reading examples can be found in any solfeggio textbook. As a rule, examples in solfeggio textbooks (excerpts of various melodies) are small in size (1-2 lines), which is very convenient. Firstly, the child does not get tired during the lesson and can complete the work. Secondly, it takes very little time to work out one or two numbers, this is what allows you to turn to this species activities two or three times a day.

Examples for reading music

Stage 7 - consolidation of knowledge

One of the ways to consolidate the learned notes can be a variety of written and creative tasks. good selection exciting tasks for learning and memorizing the notes of the first and second octaves are contained in workbook in solfeggio for grade 1 by G. Kalinina. We recommend that you purchase this notebook and use it in the future, since with the help of this manual in a lively and exciting way (puzzles, riddles, etc.) you can work out many important things.

A selection of tasks from the workbook of G. Kalinina

The one who was not too lazy and worked through all the stages, turn back to the past. Now you can see the fruits of your labor. Did you manage to teach the notes to your child? Was it difficult? We think it was exciting and interesting. Please share your experience in the comments!

Author information

Kaliberda Elena Ivanovna

Place of work, position:

MBOU DOD DSHI Essentuki, teacher

Stavropol region

Resource characteristics

Levels of education:

Additional education for children









The target audience:

Teacher of additional education

Resource for a specialized school:

Resource for specialized school

Resource type:


Brief description of the resource:

The program is designed to simplify the development of musical notation in a playful way. The program is aimed at children 5-6 years old, made in the form of a cartoon fairy tale, which meets the needs of the child given age. Main character- the cartoon note travels around the staff with the participant and reacts in a friendly way to his answers. The plot of the fairy tale is based on the passage of levels from simple to complex. The program has 12 levels. All the time of the passage of the program sounds classical music.

1. Introduction.

Working as a piano teacher at the Children's School of Art, I have to face certain difficulties in mastering musical notation by children. Parents often ask the question: “Why doesn’t my child run to the instrument with joy?” The teacher, in turn, asks other questions: “Who is to blame?” and “What to do?”, and also: “Why does the current generation of children learn the basics of musical notation with great difficulty?”. More recently, when analyzing the complaints of parents that their child spends hours computer games, enjoying the virtual destruction of animals, people, other fictional characters, I acted as an active opponent of information computer technology(hereinafter ICT). Today I have radically changed my position on this issue. In the 21st century, communion modern child to questions musical art takes place in an extremely saturated information field. The perception of the child is changing, he lives in the world of technological symbols and electronic signs. The use of computer technology greatly expands the activity of students.

The personality of the teacher, of course, remains the main guide in learning and the leader at all stages of the lesson, while the computer acts as a tool that helps in solving the tasks.

The teacher ceases to be the only source of information, but becomes the organizer of the educational and cognitive activity of students.

Today, a teacher must master modern methods and new educational technologies in order to communicate with children in the same language.

In my opinion, the increased use of modern educational technologies for mastering the content of education and development of children, application information technologies in the system of classes for the development of cognitive and creative activity students are one of the most important tasks of modern education.

thinking about modern lesson music, I have identified some leading ideas for myself:

1. The curriculum provides only two lessons with a teacher in the specialty per week, and at home the child is left to himself, which reduces his interest and complicates the learning process. Given the child's attachment to the computer and his skills in information technology, I decided to combine the implementation of my pedagogical tasks with the child's desire to play on the computer.

2. One of the conditions for successful learning at home, of course, is the use of audio and video materials.

3. One of the most important components is the student's motivation. The use of information technology makes learning bright, memorable, interesting for students of any age.

All of the above allowed me to seamlessly incorporate ICT into my music lessons at home.

It helps to solve effectively educational goals, to achieve a new quality of learning.

It should be noted that the idea of ​​using educational computer programs is not new in itself. However, existing programs have a number of shortcomings in relation to learning on the piano instrument. There are programs that use the sound-pitch ratio of sounds, which is more applicable to solfeggio lessons (for example, Fruit Lines), or programs that require additional hardware in the form of an electronic keyboard (for example, NoteTrainer).

2. Program description.

The implementation of the above tasks led to the creation of this computer program"Adventures of Notes".

The essence of the program lies in the easier development of musical notation in a playful way.

The program is aimed at children 5-6 years old, made in the form of a cartoon fairy tale, which meets the needs of a child of this age.

The main character is a cartoon note that travels around the musical staff. The plot of the fairy tale is based on the passage of levels from simple to complex. The program has 12 levels, of which from the 1st to the 6th level are written for the treble clef, from the 7th to the 12th - for the bass clef.

1. Initial window- "Menu" - The name of the program with the image of the note.

Button "Start" - to start the program.

The "Rules" button to access the help window, which describes the rules of the game for the child.

2. Level 1 window opens automatically when you press the "Start" button from the "Menu" window.

Initially, all circles with the level number are inactive, except for the 1st one. If the level is passed, it turns yellow. When you exit the program, the passage of levels is remembered. Against the background of the picture, puzzles are placed before the start, which the child must guess. During the passage of the level, classical music sounds (see the list of used musical compositions on page 15). Then the “Start” button is pressed, and notes appear on the stave and alternately move from left to right in their position, according to the level of difficulty. For one level, a note appears on the corresponding ruler and moves from left to right at different speeds (8sec, 6sec, 4sec). Each level moves a different number of notes, depending on the level of difficulty.




8. SALT, FA.

9. MI, RE, DO (small octave).

11. SI, SOL, MI, DO (small octave).

During the movement of the note, you need to have time to click on the desired key on the drawn keyboard (when you move the cursor, the key along the contour is highlighted). If the note is guessed correctly - the key turns blue, and the face smiles for 2 seconds, if it is wrong - the key turns red, sad for 2 seconds. Until you press the key - the face is neutral. When passing the level without errors, a colorful mark "5" appears and the transition to new level- the corresponding level number is highlighted at the bottom of the window.

In case of unsuccessful passage, the phrase "Try again" appears, and the level starts again.

If the program has already been launched and several levels have been passed, then the program opens at the level at which the successful completion ended. From this level, you can go to any successfully completed level by clicking on the corresponding star, for example. When you hover over the button, the button is highlighted.

From any level, you can return to the "Menu" by clicking on the picture. If the program is successfully completed, all completed levels are saved in it. Starts the game new baby, in this case the passage of levels can be reset using the button

3. List of used music in the Note Adventures program.

Screensaver "Menu" - A. Vivaldi - Concerto for two mandolins and orchestra

1. W. A. ​​Mozart - part 2 of the string quartet

2. A. Vivadi - Concerto for cello and orchestra

3. W. A. ​​Mozart - opera "The Magic Flute" Duet of Papageno and Papagena.

4. F. Chopin - Etude in G-flat major op.10 No. 5

5. L. Beethoven - German Rondo Dance.

6. A. Vivaldi - Violin Concerto in A minor

7. N. Paganini - Cantabile

8. L. Beethoven - Concerto for piano and orchestra No. 3 c-moll-op37--III-Rondo.

9. W. A. ​​Mozart - opera "Don Giovanni" K. 527

10. J. S. Bach - Joke.

11. W. A. ​​Mozart - “Little Night Serenade”.

12. W. A. ​​Mozart - Turkish March.

Screensaver "Five" - ​​D. Rossini - overture "The Thieving Magpie" (fragment).

Screensaver "Hurrah!!" - P. I. Tchaikovsky - Concerto for violin and orchestra,

Op.35 in D major (fragment).

4. Minimum system requirements to PC

OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32 or 64 bit) and DirectX 9.0c or later.
System Memory: 1GB
Video Card: DirectX 9.0 compatible, Shader Model 3.0 compatible

5. Summary

By creating this game, I pursued certain goals and objectives:

・Learning musical notation

Development of cognitive activity

Development of aesthetic taste

Development of memory, thinking and attention

Formation positive attitude, program "Successful child".

Learning musical notation

The program is designed for homework. Having explained to the child in the lesson the location of the notes on the stave and their name, the teacher sets as homework training, (for example, at the 1st level, passing the notes Do, Re, Mi). The next lesson involves training with the passage next level. The transition from level to level takes place under the strict control of the teacher, depending on the assimilation of this material.

cognitive activity

Developing games in which the child needs to guess riddles, decipher rebuses and puzzles, of course, are loved by all children. One of the most popular and entertaining puzzles is the rebus. Fascinating puzzles for children are excellent gymnastics for the development of intelligence.

Musical puzzles, in addition, help to remember the name of the notes (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si).

Solving puzzles is an excellent developmental and, at the same time, fun activity, excellent gymnastics for the development of attention, flexibility of thinking in a child.

A rebus is a type of riddle in which the words to be solved are given in the form of drawings in combination with notes and syllables.

Unlike a simple riddle, where the basis is a verbal description, the rebus also develops creative thinking, teaches the child to perceive outside the box graphic image and also trains visual memory. Rebuses very well develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, the ability to reason logically.

If the child has learned to recognize letters, then it is quite possible to start with the easiest puzzles. In such tasks, there are only one or two letters and a note on the stave.

Development of aesthetic taste.

In the life of children there should be music, as well as a fairy tale, a game. With the help of music, you can show the beauty of the surrounding world, develop spiritual strength and creative activity little person.

The ability to perceive music is organically connected with the spiritual and aesthetic side of the personality. It is noticed that babies stop crying when listening to music.

The Japanese corporation "Sony" on the basis of its kindergarten did a study trying to find out what kind of music young children like. This study gave rather unexpected results - children's songs were on last place. Popular songs took second place, the kids liked the most and Beethoven's 5th symphony took first place. complex musical composition turned out to be the most attractive for kids.

The experts also state that classical music beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive system person.

We ourselves know how sometimes it is simply necessary to listen to your favorite music that has a beneficial effect on our state of mind. The same can be applied to children.

Music helps children to understand the world, develops not only them artistic taste And creative imagination but also love for life, nature, everything around. This helps to form a full-fledged personality of a person who is able to feel and sympathize.

Therefore, the priority direction in the musical development of modern children is the enrichment spiritual world through highly artistic examples of musical art. Acquaintance with them introduces features of integrity and harmony into the attitude and character of children, determines the norms of behavior and relationships.

Modern psychological and pedagogical research has convincingly shown that only through contact with true art it becomes possible to instill in a child a love for music, the ability to perceive it, to develop the ability to feel and understand its content, to develop fantasy and imagination.

The selection of music in this program was carried out by me, taking into account age (5-6 years). The program includes masterpieces of world musical art, music by V.A. Mozart, J.S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, F. Chopin,

L. Beethoven, P.I. Tchaikovsky. IN musical arrangement I used music written for different instruments: violins, cellos, piano, mandolins, as well as vocal opera and orchestral music.

Development of memory, thinking and attention

Playing a fairy tale game, the child develops in several directions at once:

· Task number 1 - remember the names of the notes and their location on the stave.

· Task number 2 - to know the location of the notes on the keyboard.

· Task number 3 - to find a correspondence between the stave and the keyboard.

· Task No. 4 - to develop the speed of reaction in working with the "mouse" of the computer, and in the future, the speed of working with the piano keyboard and good reading from the sheet.

Formation of a positive attitude, the program "Successful Child".

The program uses a child incentive system. Everyone knows how a child loves to get "fives". Excellent score affects positive mood child, praise and encouragement from the parents and the teacher, which entails his self-affirmation and desire to achieve more. In this regard, the program does not use grades below the "five". If the child did not cope with the passage of the level, he is invited to pass the level again.

In addition, to create a positive mood during the passage of the program, at each level the child meets his favorite characters from fairy tales and cartoons: Snow White, Chip and Dale, Leopold the cat, Matroskin the cat, cartoon characters "Madagascar" and " glacial period". Once in a circle of friends, the child boldly solves the riddles set before him and overcomes difficulties. Another hero was used as the host in the program - fictional character Note. His cartoon image and perky look quickly win you over. Notka guides the child through all the trials and responds in a friendly way to his answers.

The program was successfully tested by students in my class.

The game "Adventure notes" was enthusiastically accepted by children and their parents. Using this program, I realized the goals and objectives: the children easily and quickly memorized the name and location of the notes on the stave.

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