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The protagonist of the story dog's heart» Professor Preobrazhensky is the author of a monstrous experiment. He is a representative of the Russian intelligentsia: he lives in a beautiful seven-room apartment, has servants, speaks and dresses intelligently. Philip Filippovich embodies the dying Russian aristocratic culture: this is evidenced by the interior, dinners, representing a real ritual. Professor Preobrazhensky is talented, witty, feels confident in the company of representatives of a new class of society, does not hide his negative attitude towards the proletarian order. Preobrazhensky enjoys great prestige with the new government, as a rare luminary of medicine who knows how to perform complex rejuvenation operations. Professor Preobrazhensky considers violence against living beings unacceptable. But he decides terrible experiment to improve the imperfect nature of man: he performs an operation to transplant parts of human organs into a dog. The failure of the experiment brings the professor back to understanding the immorality of such experimental violence against nature. human life. As a result, Professor Preobrazhensky comes to the conclusion that “decorating Earth» Outstanding geniuses stand out according to the laws of evolution, not experiments. The author has an ambiguous attitude towards his hero: he respects for true intelligence and condemns for dubious and dangerous violent methods of experiments.

Dr. Bormental also occupies an important place in the system of images of the story "Heart of a Dog". Ivan Arnoldovich is young, thanks to Preobrazhensky, he turned from a poor man into an assistant professor, studied the skill of the luminary of medicine and earned good money. The experiment with the dog Sharik, who turned into a citizen Sharikov, brought Bormental close to the teacher. He was an assistant in the ongoing operation, then lived in the apartment of Professor Preobrazhensky, writing down the results of the experiment in a diary and raising Sharikov. Dr. Bormental is intelligent, but realizing the impossibility of re-educating such a "person", he is ready to strangle Sharikov in order to make life easier for his and his benefactor.

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov appears in the story after the operation performed by Professor Preobrazhensky. And at first it is a gullible dog Sharik, turned as a result of experience into an immoral person who is not amenable to upbringing and education. Sharikov is the embodiment of a society in which there are no persistent moral principles: the “illegitimate son” of the professor goes to bed in the kitchen on the floor, plays the balalaika, swears, throws cigarette butts on the floor, etc. Citizen Sharikov scribbles denunciations against "daddy" and even threatens to kill him. For two months of existence, Polygraph Poligrafovich received, got a job as head of a subdepartment. The new government supports him, considers him a useful member existing society. The anti-hero Sharikov at the end of the work becomes again affectionate dog Sharik, because the immoral, contrary to the laws of human life, actions of the new "citizen" forced the intellectual Preobrazhensky to recognize the enormity of his experiment and destroy the results.

An active participant in the plot of the story "Heart of a Dog" is the newly elected chairman Shvonder. The author deliberately depicted this hero schematically: Shvonder represents one of the "comrades", the "public face" of the new order of life. Shvonder treats class enemies with hatred, it consists in an unreasoning admiration for the power of new laws and. Shvonder indifferently looks at the miracle of the creation of man, in front of him is the society of Sharikov, who definitely needs to have a document and get a job. Main conflict The story "The Heart of a Dog" is primarily reflected in the confrontation between Shvonder and Preobrazhensky, who represent two opposite social and ethical classes.

Subject: Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Dog's heart". System

images of the story.

Goals: to find out what personality traits of the writer aroused the respect of his like-minded people and the acute rejection of the authorities, why they loved M. Bulgakov and why they were persecuted, what place the story “Heart of a Dog” occupies in his work, what is the system of characters in the work and what is the peculiarity of the author's intention.

Equipment: computer

multimedia projector

CD-RW with presentation: ". "Dog's heart"

DVD with fragment feature film V. Bortko "Dog

portrait of a writer

During the classes

1. Organizing time

Teacher's word.

In class, you are grouped. 3 of them are research, 1 is creative.

1 group engaged in the study of documents relating to the socio-political life of the country at the beginning of the 20th century. Let's name its representatives - "historians".

2 group researched scientific materials on medicine and biology. This "biologists"

3 group engaged in literary excavations, therefore, they "Literary scholars".

4 group creative, let's call the guys "actors".

2. Introductory speech of the teacher.

He was called differently: a talented writer, a bright playwright, an anti-Soviet, a man of strong convictions and unshakable decency ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov began to be remembered, his works were published with a delay: 25 years after his death. For a long time he had an enduring reputation as a "forgotten writer".

is one of the most popular writers. Glory came to him as if as a reward for the torments that he had to endure during his lifetime.

3. Presentation "" with teacher's comments.

The son of a professor, a doctor by education, a writer by vocation.

2) "He's a genius!" A. Akhmatova.

“What did they pity me for? I wanted to serve the people. I did no harm to anyone." M. Bulgakov.

3) Kyiv, st. Vozdvizhenskaya.

In this house, the first-born was born in the Bulgakov family - Mikhail, the future writer, who had to go through ordeal era of wars and revolutions.

4) Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov, the father of the writer, is a professor, doctor of theology, a teacher at the Kyiv Theological Academy.

In the family, he maintained an atmosphere of moral principles, diligence and religiosity. From his father, Mikhail Afanasyevich has an inability to prevaricate.

5) Varvara Mikhailovna Bulgakova, mother of the writer. Before marriage, she worked as a teacher. female gymnasium Karachev, Oryol province.

After the death of her husband, she was left alone with seven children (the eldest - Mikhail - was not 16). Despite the difficulties of life, she kept the peace of the family, she was always sensitive and energetic.

6) Children of the Bulgakov family. 1903 At the cottage in Bucha.

The Bulgakov family was large, friendly, cultural, musical, theatrical. The elder brother set the tone.

7) Studying at the Kyiv First Gymnasium. Love for literature, music, football, theater. Passion for philosophy, entomology.

8) Mikhail is a student of the medical faculty of Kyiv University.

After graduating from the gymnasium, he entered the medical faculty of Kyiv University. In the 3rd year, he marries Tatyana Lappa for great love. A year later, the first World War.

9) Work as a doctor.

In 1916, after graduating from the university, he received the title of doctor with honors.

Works as a volunteer from the Red Cross in front-line hospitals.

In the years he served as a doctor in hospitals in the Smolensk and Vyazemsk provinces.

He received up to 100 patients per day. Here I received not only medical, but also life experience.

10) did not accept revolutions. Twice wanted to leave Russia (in 1920 and 1921)

In Kyiv, power changed until 1920: Petliurists, Bolsheviks, Denikinists ... Bulgakov was mobilized by all the authorities, who occupied the city in turn.

11) The beginning of literary activity.

Essay "Future Prospects". Grozny newspaper. November 13, 1919.

From an autobiography: “One night in 1919, in the dead of autumn, riding in a loose train, by the light of a candle inserted into a kerosene bottle, I wrote the first short story.

In the city to which the train dragged me, I took the story to the editor of the newspaper. They printed it there."

"At the beginning of 1920, he gave up his title with honors and wrote."

12) To Moscow for permanent residence.

1921 Serves as a reporter and feuilletonist in the newspaper "Gudok". Begins to print the first short stories.

13) Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya, house 10, apartment 50.

“It was worse in the first years in Moscow. Sometimes they didn't eat anything for three days. There was no bread, no potatoes, and I had nothing to sell.” .

14) Works of years.

Essays and feuilletons: “Moscow Krasnokamennaya”, “Forty Magpies”, “Talking Dog”, etc.

Novels: Notes on Cuffs, Diaboliad, Fatal Eggs, Heart of a Dog (manuscript).

Novel: " white guard».

15) Works of years.

"Notes of a young doctor" (1925-27, last lifetime publication)

"Zoyka's apartment" (1926)

"Crimson Island (1928)

"Days of the Turbins", "Running" (1928)

"The Cabal of the Saints (Molière)" (1929)

"Dead Souls" (1930)

"The Last Days (Pushkin) (1938)

"Batum" (1939)

year. Registration of marriage with Lyubov Evgenievna Belozerskaya.

17) Heavy 30s.

In 1929, all of Bulgakov's plays were removed from the stage. They weren't allowed to work anywhere. Poverty.

In 1930 one of Bulgakov's 7 letters was read by Stalin.

- What, maybe you, really, let go abroad, we are very tired of you?

- A Russian writer cannot exist outside his homeland.

After a telephone conversation between the writer and Stalin, Bulgakov was offered a job at the Moscow Art Theater.

18) main book Bulgakov.

years - the time of work on the novel "The Master and Margarita". IN full version novel published in 1973.

19) Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya - Bulgakov's wife and muse.

Mikhail Afanasyevich fell seriously ill. He lost his sight, could neither read nor write. However, before last days life did not stop working on the novel "The Master and Margarita". Elena Sergeevna helped him in this, who wrote down what the writer dictated, made changes to the text. It was thanks to her that the novel was still published. 33 years after Bulgakov's death!

March 1940 Great master passed away.

21) Bulgakov Museum In Kyiv, on Andreevsky Spusk, in house number 13, where the happy years of the writer's life passed.

22) The first monument was erected in Kyiv.

23) There is a Bulgakov Museum in Moscow as well. He is located in apartment 50 of house number 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya.

24) "Manuscripts don't burn." Writer great fate came to us in posthumous grandeur.

4. Conversation with the class.

1) In what family was the character of Mikhail Bulgakov formed?

2) What is the attitude of the writer to the February and October revolutions? How did he explain it?

3) Can it be argued that the work of a doctor contributed to the comprehension of the essence of man? Justify your point of view.

4) What qualities of Bulgakov's character do you think are worthy of respect?

5) Do you consider the writer's life tragic? Why?

II. The history of writing the story "Heart of a Dog". The fate of the story

1. Presentation “The story “Heart of a Dog” with teacher's comments.

1) Dog's heart. (A monstrous story)." Bulgakov.

2) “The story will be no less successful than the Fatal Eggs. , editor of the literary and artistic almanac "Nedra".

3) The time of writing the story is January-March 1925.

An OGPU agent in a report: "The thing is written in tones hostile to the Soviet system."

This comment sealed the fate of the story.

4) Difficulties with publication. " satirical works It is very difficult to get Bulgakov through censorship. I'm not sure if his 'Heart of a Dog' will pass." . April 20, 1925.

5) Heart of a Dog is dangerous literature. “This is a sharp pamphlet on the present, it should not be printed under any circumstances.” Lev Kamenev, member of the Politburo.

6) “Your Bulgakov is an anti-Soviet!” May 7, 1926 search of the writer's apartment. The diaries and a typewritten copy of the story "Heart of a Dog" were confiscated. (Returned after 3 years with the assistance of M. Gorky). The Moscow Art Theater terminated the contract for staging the story.

7) "Delayed Literature". During the life of the author, the story was not published. First printed in London. Magazine "Student", 1968, Nos. 9, 10. Almost simultaneously in Frankfurt. Magazine "Frontiers", 1968, No. 69. For the first time

in Russia - in 1987. Magazine "Znamya", No. 6.

8) Change of the title of the work. “Dog happiness. (A monstrous story)." "Dog's heart. (A monstrous story)."

9) Time for great experiments.

IN state structure and social and political life.

in biology and medicine.

In literature.

The first third of the 20th century went down in the history of our country as a time of revolutions and civil war.

A group of historians, preparing for today's lesson, was looking for facts that testify to what the socio-political situation in the country was like in the 1920s.

Pause the slide show. Performances by students of group No. 1 (“historians”):

1) With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, a civil war began in Russia.

Civil War This is a tragedy for the whole people, the whole country. Here everyone is guilty of violence, destruction. This is the most terrible war. In a war between countries, the enemy is visible. He came uninvited to your land, he must be destroyed. In a civil war, things are different. Former friends become enemies brother is coming against brother, father against son, son against father. Therefore, any civil war is a bloody stain in the history of the country that survived it. Alas, Russia was no exception. Civil war engulfed the entire country. A people previously indivisible and united Russia was split into two hostile camps "red" and "white".

Unfortunately, both camps in their struggle for ideas showed fierce hatred, cruelty, and reached terror. Exist different opinions about the number of those who died during the years of the civil war in Soviet Russia: according to some data, up to 12 million, according to others, about 10 million people - this is 5 times more than during the years of the First World War. The hatred between the "Reds" and "Whites" grew into "Red" and "White" terror. The mass terror in the civil war was started by the "whites" first. No less cruel was terror and "" red ""

2) As early as December 1920, information about a famine in a number of regions of the country leaked to Moscow and Petrograd. A well-known sociologist who visited the villages of the Samara and Saratov provinces in the winter of 1921 later recalled: “The huts stood abandoned, without roofs, with empty eye sockets of windows and doorways. The thatched roofs of the huts were removed and eaten a long time ago. In the village, of course, there were no animals - no cows, no horses, no sheep, goats, dogs, cats, not even crows. Everyone has already been eaten. Dead silence hung over the snow-covered streets. Exhausted fellow villagers piled those who died of hunger in empty barns.

3) And here is a quote from a letter from M. Sholokhov, a writer whose works were approved by representatives of the Politburo of the party:

"Now collective farmers and individual farmers are dying of hunger; adults and children swell up and eat everything that a person is not supposed to eat, starting with carrion and ending with oak bark and all kinds of swamp roots."

Even very discreet information about the catastrophe in the Volga region evoked a shudder in Muscovites, hardened by the Red Terror and all sorts of hardships. An indelible impression was made by information about the diet of the starving: “Green bread, entirely from quinoa, was considered the best; worse - with an admixture of manure, even worse - whole manure. They also ate clay Ordinary clay, even if you choose pebbles and sand from it, sated forever, a person was no longer freed from it and carried it to the next world. This clay (we are talking about a special variety, rarely found in nature) satiated for a short time, but it could pass through the intestines, and so a person could live for a whole week, only gradually weakening.

Continuation of the presentation slideshow.

10) An experiment in government. October Revolution 1917. Civil war 1 years.

“Shooted, tortured, starved to death, died from epidemics from 1917 to 1921, almost 12 million people.

11) Famine in the Volga region and other regions (years). 13 million people died.

12) Experiment in science. In the 1920s there was a scientific breakthrough in the study of the functions of the pituitary gland. heyday eugenics- a science that was engaged in the "breeding" of a special breed of people.

Pause the slide show. Speech by students of group No. 2 (“biologists”):

1) For many years scientists different countries studied the functions human brain and tried to unravel the mystery of the biological nature of man.

In the 20s of the XX century special interest caused a problem rejuvenation and even physical immortality. Moreover, she was interested not only in physicians and biologists, but also in the leaders of the young state - Soviet Republic. A special institute was even created to deal with the problems of rejuvenation, foreign professors were invited. It was at this time that science flourished. eugenics engaged in the "breeding" of a special breed of people.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, many believed that our appearance determines pituitary.

2) The story "Heart of a Dog" was written in 1925, just when there was a scientific breakthrough in the study of the function of the pituitary gland. It was found that growth hormone is formed in the pituitary gland, it is responsible for the development and metabolic processes organism. Subsequently, scientists proved that the pituitary gland produces a number of hormones that regulate the function of the endocrine glands.

The most important endocrine organ is pituitary- a small gland hiding at the base of the brain in a deepening of the skull with the romantic name "Turkish saddle".

3) The pituitary gland can be called the control center inner world man: harmony depends on him, adaptation to highest level, action control.

In 1925, the physician Mikhail Bulgakov, in his Heart of a Dog, described in detail what would happen if a human pituitary gland (and seminal glands) were transplanted into a dog. Bulgakov imagined what newspaper articles would look like: “The amazing experience of Professor Preobrazhensky revealed one of the secrets of the human brain! From now on, the mysterious function of the pituitary gland - a cerebral appendage - is explained! It determines the human appearance! Its hormones can be called the most important in the body - appearance hormones! New area opens in science: a homunculus was created without any retort of Faust! The surgeon's scalpel brought to life a new human unit!"

At present (in the 21st century), scientists are engaged in such science as

Genetic Engineering. Already created medications GROWTH HORMONE, which is an exact copy of the hormone synthesized in the human body. Such drugs are successfully used to treat growth hormone deficiency in children and adults. But, as we know, it has not yet been possible to “bring out” a person artificially.

Continued presentation.

13) An experiment in literature. . "Faust" (1773). . "The Island of Doctor Moreau".

Back in 1773 German writer Goethe and, in 1896, the English writer G. Wells, addressed the issue of creating man artificially in works of art. Bulgakov and some of his contemporaries were also interested in this topic. The children of the 3rd group, who independently studied the articles, will share their knowledge with us about the features of the literary experiment. literary critics.

Pause a presentation. Speech by students of group No. 3 ("literary critics").

1). The theme of scientists' intervention in the natural course of life, the creation of a new type of man, competition with Nature was in the field of view of writers of the 20s of the last century.

This topic was addressed by contemporaries, Evgeny Zamyatin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Demyan Bedny.

But back in the 18th and 19th centuries this topic excited the mind and imagination of the masters of literature.

The most famous works are Goethe's tragedy "Faust" and the fantastic novel by Wells "The Island of Dr. Moreau".

2). The protagonist of the tragedy "Faust" by Goethe is a scientist. God sends Mephistopheles to him, trying to test the doctor if he is resistant to temptations.

Faust is a scientist, he devoted many years to science, but his knowledge is insignificant compared to the vast sea of ​​unsolved mysteries of nature.

Faust's fellow scientist Wagner, closing himself in the shadow of his office, fencing himself off from the whole world, created an artificial man. And he managed to do it. The fruit of his imagination was Homunculus - a small creature that can only live in a flask.

The philosopher Thales threw Homunculus to the bottom of the ocean in order to return him to the fundamental principle of life, to give full life.

God Proteus took Homunculus under his protection.

Goethe's task, according to literary critics, was to show readers the delusions of idealist philosophers and demonstrate to them the reality, which is the basis of life.

3). In 1896 H. G. Wells writes the story "The Island of Doctor Moreau". The idea of ​​creating this work of the writer was inspired by discoveries in the field of surgery.

Wells rejects the fashionable at that time image of the "superman", indifferent to good and evil.

In the story, Dr. Moreau, a brilliant surgeon who fled persecution to a deserted island, considers himself such a "superman". There he continues experiments on animals, turns them into strange likenesses of people.

On the one hand, he wants to surround himself with submissive beings who revere him as a god.

On the other hand, he wants to take revenge on the hated world of people by creating a gross parody of a person.

Gradually, the scientific meaning of the experiment eludes him, and the doctor himself becomes a maniac. The world on the island is terrible and hopeless, and the creator himself is lonely and unhappy.

Wells bows to science, but is well aware of what a destructive force it can become.

4). The story of M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog" was written in 1925. At the heart of it is also a scientific experiment. Professor Preobrazhensky creates a human by transplanting part of the human brain into a dog. The theme of the “new Faust” sounds in the story, but it has a tragicomic character. As a result of the experiment, the professor creates Sharikov, a homunculus with the pituitary gland of a proletarian.

This work is both fantastic and satirical. This is Bulgakov's innovation. Fantasy plays not the main role, but an auxiliary one. An experiment that is absurd from the point of view of nature helps to expose the absurdity in society. After the revolution in our country, the time came for denunciations and the destruction of those who seemed dangerous when they came to power. People like Sharikov, that is, outwardly not different from people, but having an inhuman essence, were waiting for the moment to deal with the objectionable, to grab a tidbit, to betray their own. And this happened as soon as they got power.

With his work, Bulgakov warned that aggressive balls were tenacious, that they were dangerous for people who were conscientious, decent, with high moral principles.

Continuation of the slide show.

14) Mikhail Bulgakov is an innovator. "Heart of a Dog" is a fantastic satire.

On the one hand, Bulgakov continues the traditions of Goethe and Wells, and on the other hand, he is an experimenter and innovator, because Heart of a Dog, like the previously published story Fatal Eggs, - fantastic work, which is at the same time acute satire to modernity.

15) Moscow, Prechistenka, 24.

This is a photograph of one of the houses in Moscow.

How does it relate to events? artwork Bulgakov?

(It is in the house on Prechistenka that the apartment of Dr. Preobrazhensky is located)

(part 1, Sharik's meeting with the professor)

Does Bulgakov indicate the number of the house on Prechistenka?

And why did I decide to show you a photo of a particular house?

16) Nikolai Mikhailovich Pokrovsky () - the prototype of Preobrazhensky.

Gynecologist. Uncle M. Bulgakov. Lived in an apartment at the address: Moscow, Prechistenka,

house 24.

According to Boris Sokolov, a researcher of Bulgakov's biography and work, the writer had in mind his uncle's house, which, in turn, became the prototype of the professor in the story. The description of Professor Preobrazhensky's apartment coincides in detail with the description of the apartment.

Pause the slide show.

2. Analysis of the work. characterization of the characters in the story.

1) Professor Preobrazhensky. Slide number 17.

17) Professor Preobrazhensky. “I am a supporter of the division of labor. Let them sing at the Bolshoi, and I will operate. That's good. And no devastation ... "

The main character in the story is Professor Preobrazhensky.

Give brief description this hero.

What are his scientific findings?

Has he achieved positive results? Prove it.

What is social status Preobrazhensky?

How does Sharik evaluate this hero at the moment of their first meeting? Confirm with the words of the text.

What are the definitions that Sharik calls Preobrazhensky.

The characterization that Sharikov gives shows what is the attitude of the dog towards the professor. What feelings does Sharik have towards Preobrazhensky when he looks at him from afar?

What is the last definition Sharik gives before entering the house? What feelings does he have for Preobrazhensky?

Why, then, in the hungry 20s, Preobrazhensky is full, rich, has the opportunity to live the way he wants?

But representatives of the new government invade the measured life of the professor.

The guys of the 4th group approached the comprehension of the scene of the conversation between Preobrazhensky and the Domkomomites creatively. Let's see the staging of an episode of the story (part 2) in their performance.

What does the professor say about the proletariat?

(End of part 2."Yes, I don't like the proletariat.")

Why does he not love the proletariat? How does he explain his attitude towards the representatives of the new government?

(Part 3 dinner scene. “Landlords not cut to pieces by the Bolsheviks”, “do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner”, “Kalabukhov’s house is gone”, from 1903 to 1917 there were no cases of theft, and on March 17 in 1 day they stole all galoshes, 3 canes, a coat, a porter’s samovar; electricity goes out once a month)

How does Dr. Bormental feel about the professor?

What qualities of Professor Preobrazhensky, in your opinion, are worthy of people's respect?

Is there something in his character or actions that causes condemnation?

Teacher's word. M. Bulgakov, unlike the director of the film "Heart of a Dog" Vladimir Bortko, does not idealize his hero.

Let's go back to the episode pituitary transplant surgery. Part 4

And at the end of part 3 of the “deity”, moreover, he describes the appearance of the professor, using church terminology: the cap is the patriarchal cockle, the apron is the stole.

There is no longer irony here, but sarcasm. Man sees himself as a god.

Read out.

What comparisons does it use?

- On whose side is Bulgakov's sympathy?

What was the professor's experiment for?

Teacher's word: The operation is not in the name of saving a person or an animal, but for the sake of an experiment. And this experiment is associated with human intervention in the sphere of the natural, and for believers - the divine.

The surgeon Preobrazhensky took on the mission of arbiter of fate. So how does he differ from those who took on the mission of building a new society? After all, the revolutionaries also began with the destruction of the old foundations of life, got rid of the nobles and landowners, who were indiscriminately called bourgeois. Then they began to carry out "cleansing their ranks."

Preobrazhensky, like the Almighty, creates "his" person.

How is this discovery received by the scientific community? Ordinary people?

What does the professor himself think about his "brainchild"?

What is the professor's conclusion about the results of his experiment? Read out.

(ch.8 “My discovery, damn it…it costs exactly one broken penny…”)

2) Sharik image. slide number 18.

18) Ball. “I am handsome. Perhaps an unknown canine prince incognito ... "

How does the writer introduce the image of Sharik into the story? When does it happen?

What do we learn from the "stream of consciousness"?

What can this dog do?

Prove that the consciousness of the dog is politicized.

What feelings does Sharik evoke in you? Why?

What qualities did Bulgakov endow this character with?

How do you think the author feels about this character?

And what thoughts, actions of Sharik look unworthy from the point of view of morality?

What was Sharik's "social position" before meeting the professor?

(homeless, homeless)

What did it become after meeting with Preobrazhensky?

(turns into Mr.)

Teacher's word: From the world of darkness, enmity, hunger and cold, the dog enters a world completely different from the one in which he lived. In the professor's apartment they live according to other laws: they work here, they talk politely, they treat each other with respect.

Sharik, like a child, examines the situation, is surprised, notices what the inhabitants of the apartment are used to. And draws conclusions about how to communicate with whom.

To whom does he have sympathy? Why?

Can we say that the dog respects Preobrazhensky?

What place in the house became his favorite so much that he called it paradise?

What does he call Zina? Why?

What is the name of Bormental? Why?

It turns out that he does not forgive insults to Zina and Bormental, but forgives the professor and Daria Petrovna. Why?

What does he think of himself? Read out (part 3).

(“I am a handsome man. Perhaps an unknown canine prince incognito ...”)

And how does Dr. Bormenthal describe him in his diary? Read out. ( Part 5)

Why did Sharik have a high opinion of himself in the professor's house?

(If they are valued, then for a reason)

What relation of Sharik to the owner is evidenced by the author's remarks about the dog:

“His eyes now filled with grateful tears at least twice a day at the address of the Prechistensky sage”?

What emotions and thoughts did the collar evoke? Read out.

(At first he was upset, burned with shame, and then he saw envy in the eyes of oncoming dogs and changed his mind. "A collar is like a briefcase."

It was like a prisoner, and then "followed ... like a gentleman")

Conclusion: Sharik's nature combines pity and compassion for the typist, prudence, self-esteem and at the same time arrogance, obsequiousness, cunning, selfishness. Thus, this character was written out by Bulgakov in many ways.

3) Sharikov's image. Slide number 19.

19) Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov. “I am not a master, gentlemen are all in Paris!”

Sharikov is a person obtained by artificial means. The time of his "creation" is from December 24 to January 6, that is, from Christmas Eve to Christmas.

Which person's organs did the professor transplant into the body of a dog?

(Klima Chugunkina)

What was his origin, what kind of life did he lead? Read out. (Part 5)

(Alcoholic, plays the balalaika in taverns, tried 3 times, but acquitted)

- What did the “new man” inherit from Klim Chugunkin?

What's in it from Sharik?

Read the description appearance dog man . Part 6

Which positive traits inherent in the "homunculus"?

What actions of Sharikov displease the professor, Bormenthal and other inhabitants of the apartment?

In what state does he bring his "creator" and Bormental?

Demonstration slide number 20.

20) Theory and life. “After all, for five years I have been sitting, picking out appendages from the brains ... And now the question is - why?”

What feelings towards the professor does Sharikov have? Is he grateful that the professor gave him life?

What measures did Bormenthal propose to give peace to the professor?

Why was Bormental's proposal rejected by Professor Preobrazhensky? Read out. Part 8

Doctors, scientists, turn into criminals. And they think about the crime in cold blood. What event was the last straw that overflowed the patience of scientists?

Bulgakov writes : “The crime matured and fell like a stone, as it usually happens ... Sharikov himself invited his death ...” Why?

4) Paperwork by groups.

1 gr. writes down the qualities of Sharikov's character;

2 gr. - Sharik;

3 and 4 gr. - Professor Preobrazhensky.

Checking work.

5) Demonstration of a fragment of the film by V. Bortko "Heart of a Dog".

Part 10 (epilogue)

6) Final conversation.

What scene ends the story?

What is Sharik thinking about?

Bulgakov chooses open final for your work. For what purpose?

III. Homework: prepare a written answer to the question “Can a second operation that turned Sharikov into a dog be considered a crime?”

The system of images in M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" is a debatable issue. In my opinion, two opposing camps are clearly visible here: Professor Preobrazhensky, Dr. Bormental and Shvonder, Sharikov.

Professor Preobrazhensky, no longer a young man, lives alone in a beautiful well-appointed apartment. A brilliant surgeon is engaged in profitable rejuvenation operations. But the professor plans to improve nature itself, he decides to compete with life itself and create a new person by transplanting part of the human brain into a dog. For this experiment, he chooses street dog Sharik. The ever-hungry miserable dog Sharik is not stupid in his own way. He assesses the life, customs, characters of Moscow during the NEP with its numerous shops, taverns on Myasnitskaya "with sawdust on the floor, evil clerks who hate dogs", "where they played the harmonica and smelled of sausages." Observing the life of the street, he draws the conclusion: "Janitors of all proletarians are the most vile scum"; “The cook comes across different. For example, the late Vlas from Prechistenka. How many lives has he saved? Seeing Philip Philippovich Preobrazhensky, Sharik understands: "He is a man of mental labor ... this one will not kick with his foot."

And now the professor performs the main work of his life - a unique operation: he transplants Sharik's pituitary gland from a man who died a few hours before the operation. This man is Klim Chugunkin, twenty-eight years old, convicted three times. He was engaged in playing the balalaika in taverns.

As a result of a complex operation, an ugly creature is born into the world. It inherited the proletarian essence of its predecessor. Bulgakov describes his appearance as follows: “A man of small stature and unsympathetic appearance. The hair on his head grew coarse ... The forehead struck with its small height. Almost immediately above the black tassels of the scattered eyebrows began a thick head brush. The first words he uttered were swearing and "bourgeois".

With the advent of this humanoid creature, the life of Professor Preobrazhensky and the inhabitants of the house becomes a living hell. An unexpectedly appeared laboratory creature demands to assign him the hereditary surname Sharikov, and he chooses his name Polygraph Poligrafovich. Having hardly become a kind of human being, Sharikov becomes impudent right before his eyes. He demands a residence document from the owner of the apartment, confident that the house committee, which protects the interests of the "labor element", will help him in this. In the person of the chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, he immediately finds support. It is he, Shvonder, who demands the issuance of a residence document to Sharikov, arguing that the document is the most important thing in the state.

Sharikov is alien to conscience and morality, shame and others. human qualities. They are driven only by meanness and malice.

Professor Preobrazhensky still does not leave the thought of making a man out of Sharikov. He hopes for evolution, gradual development. But there is no development and there will not be if the person himself does not strive for it. The whole life of the professor turns into a nightmare. There is neither peace nor order in the house. The good intentions of Preobrazhensky to create a "new unit of society" turn into a tragedy. He comes to the conclusion that violent intervention in the nature of both man and society leads to equally catastrophic results. He speaks of his creation with anger: “You are at the lowest stage of development, all your actions are purely bestial, and in the presence of two people with a university education you allow yourself ... to give some kind of advice on a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity.”

The professor, foreseeing future catastrophes, corrects his mistake: Sharikov is again turned into a dog who is satisfied with his fate and himself. But in life, such experiments are irreversible. And Bulgakov managed to warn about this at the very beginning of those destructive transformations that began in our country in 1917.

    • The assessment of the representatives of the intelligentsia in Bulgakov's story is far from unambiguous. Professor Preobrazhensky is a famous scientist in Europe. He is looking for means to rejuvenate the human body and has already achieved significant results. The professor is a representative of the old intelligentsia and professes the principles of morality and morality. Everyone, according to Philipp Philippovich, in this world should do their own thing: in the theater - to sing, in the hospital - to operate. Then there will be no destruction. And to achieve the material […]
    • Plan 1. Introduction 2. “There is only one counter-revolution...” (the difficult fate of Bulgakov’s story) 3. “It still does not mean to be a man” (Sharikov’s transformation into a “new” proletarian) 4. What is the danger of Sharikovism? Often referred to in criticism social phenomena or types according to the works depicting them. This is how the "Manilovshchina", "Oblomovshchina", "Belikovshchina" and "Sharikovshchina" appeared. The latter is taken from the work of M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog", which served as a source of aphorisms and quotations and remains one of the […]
    • “... the whole horror is that he no longer has a canine, but a human heart. And the lousiest of all that exist in nature. M. Bulgakov When the story "Fatal Eggs" was published in 1925, one of the critics said: "Bulgakov wants to become a satirist of our era." Now, on the threshold of the new millennium, we can say that he became one, although he did not intend to. After all, by the nature of his talent, he is a lyricist. And the epoch made him a satirist. M. Bulgakov was disgusting bureaucratic forms of government […]
    • I believe that Bulgakov received the label of "politically harmful author" from his high-ranking contemporaries quite "fairly". He was too candid negative side modern world. Not a single work of Bulgakov, in my opinion, has had such popularity in our time as “Heart of a Dog”. Apparently, this work aroused the interest of readers of the widest sections of our society. This story, like everything that Bulgakov wrote, fell into the category of banned. I will try to reason […]
    • Bulgakov was able to skillfully combine the contradictions of the era into one whole, to emphasize their interrelationships. The writer in his story "The Heart of a Dog" showed the phenomena and heroes in all their inconsistency and complexity. The theme of the story is man as a social being, on whom a totalitarian society and the state are conducting a grandiose inhuman experiment, embodying the brilliant ideas of their theoretic leaders with cold cruelty. The personality is destroyed, crushed, all its centuries-old achievements - spiritual culture, […]
    • One of the best works Bulgakov was the story "Heart of a Dog", written in 1925. Representatives of the authorities immediately assessed it as a sharp pamphlet on the present and banned its publication. The theme of the story "Heart of a Dog" is the image of man and the world in a difficult transitional era. On May 7, 1926, a search was carried out in Bulgakov's apartment, the diary and the manuscript of the story "Heart of a Dog" were confiscated. Attempts to return them to nothing led. Later, the diary and story were returned, but Bulgakov burned the diary and […]
    • Personally, I read the novel "The Master and Margarita" 3 times. The debut reading, like most readers, probably caused bewilderment and questions, not too impressed. It was not clear: what is it that many generations of inhabitants of the entire planet find in this little book? In places religious, somewhere fantastic, some pages are complete nonsense... After some time, I was again drawn to M. A. Bulgakov, his fantasies and insinuations, controversial historical descriptions and unclear conclusions that he provided […]
    • When people are completely robbed, like you and me, they seek salvation from otherworldly forces. M. Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita The novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" is unusual in that it closely intertwines reality and fantasy. Mystical heroes are immersed in the whirlpool of the turbulent Moscow life of the 1930s, and this erases the boundaries between the real world and the metaphysical world. In the guise of Woland, we see in all its glory none other than the ruler of darkness himself, Satan. The purpose of his visit to […]
    • With the advent of Margarita, the novel, hitherto reminiscent of a ship in the abyss of a storm, cut a transverse wave, straightened the masts, set sails for the oncoming wind and rushed forward to the goal - fortunately, it was outlined, or rather, opened - like a star in a break in the clouds. A guiding landmark, on which you can lean, as on the hand of a reliable guide. Probably, no one doubts that one of the main themes of the novel is the theme of "love and mercy", "love between a man and a woman", "true […]
    • The novel "The Master and Margarita" is not in vain called the "sunset novel" by M. Bulgakov. For many years he rebuilt, supplemented and polished his final work. Everything that M. Bulgakov experienced in his lifetime - both happy and difficult - he gave all his most important thoughts, all his soul and all his talent to this novel. And a truly extraordinary creation was born. The work is unusual, first of all, in terms of genre. Researchers still cannot determine it. Many consider The Master and Margarita to be a mystical novel, […]
    • “I love this novel more than all my things,” M. Bulgakov wrote about the novel “The White Guard”. True, the pinnacle novel The Master and Margarita had not yet been written. But, of course, the "White Guard" occupies a very important place in literary heritage M. Bulgakov. This is a historical novel, a strict and sad story about the great turning point of the revolution and the tragedy of the civil war, about the fate of people in these difficult times. It is as if the writer is looking at this tragedy from the height of time, although the civil war has just ended.
    • The life of M. Gorky was unusually bright and seems truly legendary. What made it so, first of all, was the inseparable connection between the writer and the people. The talent of the writer was combined with the talent of a revolutionary fighter. Contemporaries rightly considered the writer the head of the advanced forces democratic literature. IN Soviet years Gorky acted as a publicist, playwright and prose writer. In his stories, he reflected a new direction in Russian life. The legends about Larra and Danko show two concepts of life, two ideas about it. One […]
    • In a letter to Stalin, Bulgakov called himself " mystical writer". He was interested in the unknowable that makes up the soul and destiny of man. The writer acknowledged the existence of the mystical in real life. The mysterious surrounds us, it is next to us, but not everyone is able to see its manifestations. The world of nature, the birth of man cannot be explained by reason alone, this mystery has not yet been solved. The image of Woland is another original interpretation by the writer of the essence of the devil in the understanding of people. Woland Bulgakova […]
    • Depicting the Moscow reality of the 20-30s in the novel "The Master and Margarita", M. Bulgakov uses the technique of satire. The author shows crooks and scoundrels of all stripes. After the revolution, Soviet society found itself in spiritual and cultural self-isolation. According to the leaders of the state, lofty ideas were supposed to quickly re-educate people, make them honest, truthful builders of the "new society". Facilities mass media extolled labor feats Soviet people, their devotion to the party and the people. But […]
    • The ancient Yershalaim is described by Bulgakov with such skill that it is remembered forever. Psychologically deep realistic images diverse heroes, each of which is a vivid portrait. The historical part of the novel makes an indelible impression. individual characters and crowd scenes, architecture of the city and landscapes are equally talented written by the author. Bulgakov makes readers participants tragic events in the ancient city. The theme of power and violence is universal in the novel. The words of Yeshua Ha-Nozri about […]
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    • Chichikov met Nozdryov earlier, at one of the receptions in the city of NN, but the meeting in the tavern is the first serious acquaintance with him for both Chichikov and the reader. We understand what type of people Nozdryov belongs to, first seeing his behavior in the tavern, his story about the fair, and then reading the direct author's description this "broken little one", " historical man", having" a passion to spoil one's neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all. We know Chichikov as a completely different person - […]
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    Subject: Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Dog's heart". System

    images of the story.

    Goals: find out what personality traits of the writer aroused the respect of his like-minded people and the sharp rejection of the authorities, why they loved M. Bulgakov and why they were persecuted, what place the story “Heart of a Dog” occupies in his work, what is the system of characters in the work and what is the peculiarity of the author's intention.

    Equipment: computer

    multimedia projector

    CD-RW with presentation: “M.A. Bulgakov. "Dog's heart"

    DVD with a fragment of the feature film by V. Bortko "Dog

    portrait of a writer

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment

    Teacher's word.

    In class, you are grouped. 3 of them are research, 1 is creative.

    1 group engaged in the study of documents relating to the socio-political life of the country at the beginning of the 20th century. Let's name its representatives - "historians".

    2 group researched scientific materials on medicine and biology. This "biologists"

    3 group engaged in literary excavations, therefore, they "Literary scholars".

    4 group creative, let's call the guys "actors".

    2. Introductory speech of the teacher.

    He was called differently: a talented writer, a bright playwright, an anti-Soviet, a man of strong convictions and unshakable decency ...

    Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov began to be remembered, his works were published with a delay: 25 years after his death. For a long time he had a persistent reputation as a "forgotten writer".

    Now Mikhail Bulgakov is one of the most popular writers. Glory came to him as if as a reward for the torments that he had to endure during his lifetime.

    3. Presentation "M.A. Bulgakov" with teacher's comments.

    The son of a professor, a doctor by education, a writer by vocation.

    2) "He's a genius!" A. Akhmatova.

    “What did they pity me for? I wanted to serve the people. I did no harm to anyone." M. Bulgakov.

    3) Kyiv, st. Vozdvizhenskaya.

    In this house, the first-born was born in the Bulgakov family - Mikhail, the future writer, who had to go through the ordeals of the era of wars and revolutions.

    4) Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov, the writer's father, is a professor, doctor of theology, teacher at the Kyiv Theological Academy.

    In the family, he maintained an atmosphere of moral principles, diligence and religiosity. From his father, Mikhail Afanasyevich has an inability to prevaricate.

    5) Varvara Mikhailovna Bulgakova, mother of the writer. Before marriage, she worked as a teacher at the women's gymnasium in the city of Karachev, Oryol province.

    After the death of her husband, she was left alone with seven children (the eldest - Mikhail - was not 16). Despite the difficulties of life, she kept the peace of the family, she was always sensitive and energetic.

    6) Children of the Bulgakov family. 1903 At the cottage in Bucha.

    The Bulgakov family was large, friendly, cultural, musical, theatrical. The elder brother set the tone.

    7) Studying at the Kyiv First Gymnasium. Love for literature, music, football, theater. Passion for philosophy, entomology.

    8) Mikhail is a student of the medical faculty of Kyiv University.

    After graduating from the gymnasium, he entered the medical faculty of Kyiv University. In the 3rd year, he marries Tatyana Lappa for great love. A year later, the First World War begins.

    9) Work as a doctor.

    In 1916, after graduating from the university, he received the title of doctor with honors.

    Works as a volunteer from the Red Cross in front-line hospitals.

    In 1916-1917 he served as a doctor in hospitals in the Smolensk and Vyazemsky provinces.

    He received up to 100 patients per day. Here I received not only medical, but also life experience.

    10) did not accept revolutions. Twice wanted to leave Russia (in 1920 and 1921)

    In Kyiv, power changed until 1920: Petliurists, Bolsheviks, Denikinists ... Bulgakov was mobilized by all the authorities, who occupied the city in turn.

    11) The beginning of literary activity.

    From an autobiography: “One night in 1919, in the dead of autumn, while riding in a loose train, by the light of a candle inserted into a kerosene bottle, I wrote the first short story.

    In the city to which the train dragged me, I took the story to the editor of the newspaper. They printed it there."

    "At the beginning of 1920, he gave up his title with honors and wrote."

    12) To Moscow for permanent residence.

    1921 Serves as a reporter and feuilletonist in the newspaper "Gudok". Begins to print the first short stories.

    13) Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya, house 10, apartment 50.

    “It was worse in the first years in Moscow. Sometimes they didn't eat anything for three days. There was no bread, no potatoes, and I had nothing to sell.” T.N. Lappa.

    14) Works of 1922-1925.

    Essays and feuilletons: “Moscow Krasnokamennaya”, “Forty Magpies”, “Talking Dog”, etc.

    Novels: Notes on Cuffs, Diaboliad, Fatal Eggs, Heart of a Dog (manuscript).

    Novel: "White Guard".

    15) Works of 1925-1939.

    "Notes of a young doctor" (1925-27, last lifetime publication)

    "Zoyka's apartment" (1926)

    "Crimson Island (1928)

    "Days of the Turbins", "Running" (1928)

    "The Cabal of the Saints (Molière)" (1929)

    "Dead Souls" (1930)

    "The Last Days (Pushkin) (1938)

    "Batum" (1939)

    16) 1925. Registration of marriage with Lyubov Evgenievna Belozerskaya.

    17) Heavy 30s.

    In 1929, all of Bulgakov's plays were removed from the stage. They weren't allowed to work anywhere. Poverty.

    In 1930 one of Bulgakov's 7 letters was read by Stalin.

    - What, maybe you, really, let go abroad, we are very tired of you?

    - A Russian writer cannot exist outside his homeland.

    After a telephone conversation between the writer and Stalin, Bulgakov was offered a job at the Moscow Art Theater.

    18) Bulgakov's main book.

    1928-1940 - the time of work on the novel "The Master and Margarita". The full version of the novel was published in 1973.

    19) Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya - Bulgakov's wife and muse.

    Mikhail Afanasyevich fell seriously ill. He lost his sight, could neither read nor write. However, until the last days of his life, he did not stop working on the novel The Master and Margarita. Elena Sergeevna helped him in this, who wrote down what the writer dictated, made changes to the text. It was thanks to her that the novel was still published. 33 years after Bulgakov's death!

    21) Bulgakov Museum In Kyiv, on Andreevsky Spusk, in house number 13, where the happy years of the writer's life passed.

    22) The first monument to M.A. Bulgakov was erected in Kyiv.

    23) There is a Bulgakov Museum in Moscow as well. He is located in apartment 50 of house number 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya.

    24) "Manuscripts don't burn." The writer of great destiny came to us in posthumous grandeur.

    4. Conversation with the class.

    1) In what family was the character of Mikhail Bulgakov formed?

    2) What is the attitude of the writer to the February and October revolutions? How did he explain it?

    3) Can it be argued that the work of a doctor contributed to the comprehension of the essence of man? Justify your point of view.

    4) What qualities of Bulgakov's character do you think are worthy of respect?

    5) Do you consider the writer's life tragic? Why?

    II. The history of writing the story "Heart of a Dog". The fate of the story

      Presentation “The story “Heart of a Dog” with teacher's comments.

      Dog's heart. (A monstrous story)." The story of M.A. Bulgakov.

      “The story will be no less successful than the Fatal Eggs. N.S. Angarsky, editor of the literary and artistic almanac "Nedra".

      The time of writing the story is January-March 1925.

    On March 7, Bulgakov read Part 1 at the literary meeting of Nikitinskie Subbotniks. March 21 in the same place - part 2 An OGPU agent in a report: "The thing is written in tones hostile to the Soviet system." This comment sealed the fate of the story.

      Difficulties with publication. “It is very difficult to pass Bulgakov's satirical works through censorship. I'm not sure if his 'Heart of a Dog' will pass." N.S. Angarsky. April 20, 1925.

      Heart of a Dog is dangerous literature. “This is a sharp pamphlet on the present, it should not be printed under any circumstances.” Lev Kamenev, member of the Politburo.

      “Your Bulgakov is an anti-Soviet!” May 7, 1926 search of the writer's apartment. The diaries and a typewritten copy of the story "Heart of a Dog" were confiscated. (Returned after 3 years with the assistance of M. Gorky). The Moscow Art Theater terminated the contract for staging the story.

    in Russia - in 1987. Magazine "Znamya", No. 6.

      Change of the title of the work. “Dog happiness. (A monstrous story)." "Dog's heart. (A monstrous story)."

      Time for great experiments.

    In the state structure and socio-political life. in biology and medicine. In literature. The first third of the 20th century went down in the history of our country as a time of revolutions and civil war. A group of historians, preparing for today's lesson, was looking for facts that testify to what the socio-political situation in the country was like in the 1920s. Pause the slide show. Performances by students of group No. 1 (“historians”):1) With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, a civil war began in Russia. A civil war is a tragedy for the whole people, the whole country. Here everyone is guilty of violence, destruction. This is the most terrible war. In a war between countries, the enemy is visible. He came uninvited to your land, he must be destroyed. In a civil war, things are different. Former friends become enemies, brother goes against brother, father against son, son against father. Therefore, any civil war is a bloody stain in the history of the country that survived it. Alas, Russia was no exception. Civil war engulfed the entire country. The people of previously indivisible and united Russia were split into two hostile camps "red" and "white". Unfortunately, both camps in their struggle for ideas showed fierce hatred, cruelty, reached terror. There are different opinions about the number of deaths during the years of the civil war in Soviet Russia: according to some data, up to 12 million, according to others, about 10 million people - this is 5 times more than during the years of the First World War. The hatred between the "Reds" and "Whites" grew into "Red" and "White" terror. The mass terror in the civil war was started by the "whites" first. No less cruel was terror and "" red ""

    2) As early as December 1920, information about a famine in a number of regions of the country leaked to Moscow and Petrograd. The famous sociologist P.A. Sorokin, who visited the villages of the Samara and Saratov provinces in the winter of 1921, later recalled: “The huts stood abandoned, without roofs, with empty eye sockets of windows and doorways. The thatched roofs of the huts were removed and eaten a long time ago. In the village, of course, there were no animals - no cows, no horses, no sheep, goats, dogs, cats, not even crows. Everyone has already been eaten. Dead silence hung over the snow-covered streets. . Exhausted fellow villagers piled those who died of hunger in empty barns.

    3) And here is a quote from a letter from M. Sholokhov, a writer whose works were approved by representatives of the Politburo of the party:

    "Now collective farmers and individual farmers are dying of hunger; adults and children swell up and eat everything that a person is not supposed to eat, starting with carrion and ending with oak bark and all kinds of swamp roots."

    Even very discreet information about the catastrophe in the Volga region evoked a shudder in Muscovites, hardened by the Red Terror and all sorts of hardships. An indelible impression was made by information about the diet of the starving: “Green bread, entirely from quinoa, was considered the best; worse - with an admixture of manure, even worse - whole manure. They also ate clay Ordinary clay, even if you choose pebbles and sand from it, saturates forever, a person was no longer freed from it and carried it to the next world . This clay(we are talking about a special variety, rarely found innature) satiated for a short time, but it could pass through the intestines, and so a person could live for a whole week, only gradually weakening.

    Continuation of the presentation slideshow.

      An experiment in government. October Revolution of 1917. Civil war 1917-1923.

    “Shooted, tortured, starved to death, died from epidemics from 1917 to 1921, almost 12 million people.

      Famine in the Volga region and other regions (1922-1923). 13 million people died.

      Experiment in science. In the 1920s there was a scientific breakthrough in the study of the functions of the pituitary gland. heydayeugenics - a science that was engaged in the "breeding" of a special breed of people.

    Pause the slide show. Speech by students of group No. 2 (“biologists”):

    1) For many years, scientists from different countries have been studying the functions of the human brain and trying to unravel the mystery of the biological nature of man.

    In the 1920s, the problem of rejuvenation and even physical immortality. Moreover, she was interested not only in physicians and biologists, but also in the leaders of the young state - the Soviet Republic. A special institute was even created to deal with the problems of rejuvenation, foreign professors were invited. It was at this time that science flourished. eugenics engaged in the "breeding" of a special breed of people.

    Until the beginning of the 20th century, many believed that our appearance determines pituitary.

    2) The story "Heart of a Dog" was written in 1925, just when there was a scientific breakthrough in the study of the function of the pituitary gland. It was found that growth hormone is formed in the pituitary gland, it is responsible for the development and metabolic processes of the body. Subsequently, scientists proved that the pituitary gland produces a number of hormones that regulate the function of the endocrine glands.

    The most important endocrine organ is pituitary- a small gland hiding at the base of the brain in a deepening of the skull with the romantic name "Turkish saddle".

    3) The pituitary gland can be called the control center of the inner world of a person: harmony, adaptation at the highest level, control of actions depend on it.

    In 1925, the physician Mikhail Bulgakov, in his Heart of a Dog, described in detail what would happen if a human pituitary gland (and seminal glands) were transplanted into a dog. Bulgakov imagined what newspaper articles would look like: "The amazing experience of Professor Preobrazhensky revealed one of the secrets of the human brain! From now on, the mysterious function of the pituitary gland - a cerebral appendage - is explained! It determines the human appearance! Its hormones can be called the most important in the body - hormones of appearance! A new area opens in science: without any retort of Faust, a homunculus was created! The surgeon's scalpel brought to life a new human unit!"

    Even alchemists dreamed of creating a man in a laboratory way. artificial man they called homunculus.

    At present (in the 21st century), scientists are engaged in such science as

    Genetic Engineering. GROWTH HORMONE drugs have already been created, which are an exact copy of the hormone synthesized in the human body. Such drugs are successfully used to treat growth hormone deficiency in children and adults. But, as we know, it has not yet been possible to “bring out” a person artificially.

    Continued presentation.

    13) An experiment in literature. J.W. Goethe. "Faust" (1773). G.D. Wells. "The Island of Doctor Moreau".

    Back in 1773, the German writer Goethe and in 1896 the English writer H. Wells addressed the issue of creating man artificially in works of art. Bulgakov and some of his contemporaries were also interested in this topic. The children of the 3rd group, who independently studied the articles of literary critics, will share their knowledge with us about the features of the literary experiment.

    Pause a presentation. Speech by students of group No. 3 ("literary critics").

    1). The theme of scientists' intervention in the natural course of life, the creation of a new type of man, competition with Nature was in the field of view of writers of the 20s of the last century.

    Bulgakov's contemporaries Leonid Leonov, Evgeny Zamyatin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Demyan Bedny addressed this topic.

    But back in the 18th and 19th centuries, this topic excited the mind and imagination of the masters of literature.

    The most famous works are Goethe's tragedy "Faust" and the fantastic novel by Wells "The Island of Dr. Moreau".

    2). The protagonist of the tragedy "Faust" by Goethe is a scientist. God sends Mephistopheles to him, trying to test the doctor if he is resistant to temptations.

    Faust is a scientist, he devoted many years to science, but his knowledge is insignificant compared to the vast sea of ​​unsolved mysteries of nature.

    Faust's fellow scientist Wagner, closing himself in the shadow of his office, fencing himself off from the whole world, created an artificial man. And he managed to do it. The fruit of his imagination was Homunculus - a small creature that can only live in a flask.

    The philosopher Thales threw Homunculus to the bottom of the ocean in order to return him to the fundamental principle of life, to give him a full life.

    God Proteus took Homunculus under his protection.

    Goethe's task, according to literary critics, was to show readers the delusions of idealist philosophers and demonstrate to them the reality, which is the basis of life.

    3). In 1896, HG Wells wrote the story "The Island of Doctor Moreau". The idea of ​​creating this work of the writer was inspired by discoveries in the field of surgery.

    Wells rejects the fashionable at that time image of the "superman", indifferent to good and evil.

    In the story, Dr. Moreau, a brilliant surgeon who fled persecution to a deserted island, considers himself such a "superman". There he continues experiments on animals, turns them into strange likenesses of people.

    On the one hand, he wants to surround himself with submissive beings who revere him as a god.

    On the other hand, he wants to take revenge on the hated world of people by creating a gross parody of a person.

    Gradually, the scientific meaning of the experiment eludes him, and the doctor himself becomes a maniac. The world on the island is terrible and hopeless, and the creator himself is lonely and unhappy.

    Wells bows to science, but is well aware of what a destructive force it can become.

    4). M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" was written in 1925. At the heart of it is also a scientific experiment. Professor Preobrazhensky creates a human by transplanting part of the human brain into a dog. The theme of the “new Faust” sounds in the story, but it has a tragicomic character. As a result of the experiment, the professor creates Sharikov, a homunculus with the pituitary gland of a proletarian.

    This work is both fantastic and satirical. This is Bulgakov's innovation. Fantasy plays not the main role, but an auxiliary one. An experiment that is absurd from the point of view of nature helps to expose the absurdity in society. After the revolution in our country, the time came for denunciations and the destruction of those who seemed dangerous when they came to power. People like Sharikov, that is, outwardly not different from people, but having an inhuman essence, were waiting for the moment to deal with the objectionable, to grab a tidbit, to betray their own. And this happened as soon as they got power.

    With his work, Bulgakov warned that aggressive balls were tenacious, that they were dangerous for conscientious, decent people with high moral principles.

    Continuation of the slide show.

    14) Mikhail Bulgakov is an innovator. "Heart of a Dog" is a fantastic satire.

    On the one hand, Bulgakov is a continuer of the traditions of Goethe and Wells, and on the other hand, he is an experimenter and innovator, because The Heart of a Dog, like the previously published story The Fatal Eggs, is a fantastic work that is at the same time sharp satire to modernity.

    15) Moscow, Prechistenka, 24.

    This is a photograph of one of the houses in Moscow.

    What does he have to do with the events of Bulgakov's work of art?

    (It is in the house on Prechistenka that the apartment of Dr. Preobrazhensky is located)

    (part 1, Sharik's meeting with the professor)

    Does Bulgakov indicate the number of the house on Prechistenka?

    And why did I decide to show you a photo of a particular house?

    16) Nikolai Mikhailovich Pokrovsky (1868-1941) - the prototype of Preobrazhensky.

    Gynecologist. Uncle M. Bulgakov. Lived in an apartment at the address: Moscow, Prechistenka,

    According to Boris Sokolov, a researcher of Bulgakov's biography and work, the writer had in mind his uncle's house, which, in turn, became the prototype of the professor in the story. The description of Professor Preobrazhensky's apartment coincides in detail with the description of N.M. Pokrovsky's apartment.

    Pause the slide show.

    2. Analysis of the work. characterization of the characters in the story.

    1) Professor Preobrazhensky. Slide number 17.

    17) Professor Preobrazhensky. “I am a supporter of the division of labor. Let them sing at the Bolshoi, and I will operate. That's good. And no devastation ... "

    The main character in the story is Professor Preobrazhensky.

    Give a brief description of this character.

    What are his scientific findings?

    Has he achieved positive results? Prove it.

    What is the social status of Preobrazhensky?

    How does Sharik evaluate this hero at the moment of their first meeting? Confirm with the words of the text.

    What are the definitions that Sharik calls Preobrazhensky.

    The characterization that Sharikov gives shows what is the attitude of the dog towards the professor. What feelings does Sharik have towards Preobrazhensky when he looks at him from afar?

    What is the last definition Sharik gives before entering the house? What feelings does he have for Preobrazhensky?

    Why, then, in the hungry 20s, Preobrazhensky is full, rich, has the opportunity to live the way he wants?

    But representatives of the new government invade the measured life of the professor.

    The guys of the 4th group approached the comprehension of the scene of the conversation between Preobrazhensky and the Domkomomites creatively. Let's see the staging of an episode of the story (part 2) in their performance.

    What does the professor say about the proletariat?

    (End of part 2."Yes, I don't like the proletariat.")

    Why does he not love the proletariat? How does he explain his attitude towards the representatives of the new government?

    (Part 3 dinner scene. “Landlords not cut to pieces by the Bolsheviks”, “do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner”, “Kalabukhov’s house is gone”, from 1903 to 1917 there were no cases of theft, and on March 17 in 1 day they stole all galoshes, 3 canes, a coat, a porter’s samovar; electricity goes out once a month)

    How does Dr. Bormental feel about the professor?

    What qualities of Professor Preobrazhensky, in your opinion, are worthy of people's respect?

    Is there something in his character or actions that causes condemnation?

    Teacher's word. M. Bulgakov, unlike the director of the film "The Heart of a Dog" Vladimir Bortko, does not idealize his hero.

    Let's go back to the episode pituitary transplant surgery. Part 4

    And at the end of part 3 of the “deity”, moreover, he describes the appearance of the professor, using church terminology: the cap is the patriarchal cockle, the apron is the stole.

    There is no longer irony here, but sarcasm. Man sees himself as a god.

    Read out.

    What comparisons does it use?

    - On whose side is Bulgakov's sympathy?

    What was the professor's experiment for?

    Teacher's word: The operation is not in the name of saving a person or an animal, but for the sake of an experiment. And this experiment is associated with human intervention in the sphere of the natural, and for believers - the divine.

    The surgeon Preobrazhensky took on the mission of arbiter of fate. So how does he differ from those who took on the mission of building a new society? After all, the revolutionaries also began with the destruction of the old foundations of life, got rid of the nobles and landowners, who were indiscriminately called bourgeois. Then they began to carry out "cleansing their ranks."

    Preobrazhensky, like the Almighty, creates "his" person.

    How is this discovery received by the scientific community? Ordinary people?

    What does the professor himself think about his "brainchild"?

    What is the professor's conclusion about the results of his experiment? Read out.

    (ch.8 “My discovery, damn it…it costs exactly one broken penny…”)

    2) Sharik image. slide number 18.

    18) Ball. “I am handsome. Perhaps an unknown canine prince incognito ... "

    How does the writer introduce the image of Sharik into the story? When does it happen?

    What do we learn from the "stream of consciousness"?

    What can this dog do?

    Prove that the consciousness of the dog is politicized.

    What feelings does Sharik evoke in you? Why?

    What qualities did Bulgakov endow this character with?

    How do you think the author feels about this character?

    And what thoughts, actions of Sharik look unworthy from the point of view of morality?

    What was Sharik's "social position" before meeting the professor?

    (homeless, homeless)

    What did it become after meeting with Preobrazhensky?

    (turns into Mr.)

    Teacher's word: From the world of darkness, enmity, hunger and cold, the dog enters a world completely different from the one in which he lived. In the professor's apartment they live according to other laws: they work here, they talk politely, they treat each other with respect.

    Sharik, like a child, examines the situation, is surprised, notices what the inhabitants of the apartment are used to. And draws conclusions about how to communicate with whom.

    To whom does he have sympathy? Why?

    Can we say that the dog respects Preobrazhensky?

    What place in the house became his favorite so much that he called it paradise?

    What does he call Zina? Why?

    What is the name of Bormental? Why?

    It turns out that he does not forgive insults to Zina and Bormental, but forgives the professor and Daria Petrovna. Why?

    What does he think of himself? Read out (part 3).

    (“I am a handsome man. Perhaps an unknown canine prince incognito ...”)

    And how does Dr. Bormenthal describe him in his diary? Read out. ( Part 5)

    Why did Sharik have a high opinion of himself in the professor's house?

    (If they are valued, then for a reason)

    What relation of Sharik to the owner is evidenced by the author's remarks about the dog:

    “His eyes now filled with grateful tears at least twice a day at the address of the Prechistensky sage”?

    What emotions and thoughts did the collar evoke? Read out.

    (At first he was upset, burned with shame, and then he saw envy in the eyes of oncoming dogs and changed his mind. "A collar is like a briefcase."

    Tobyl as a prisoner, and then "followed ... like a gentleman")

    Conclusion: Sharik's nature combines pity and compassion for the typist, prudence, self-esteem and at the same time arrogance, obsequiousness, cunning, selfishness. Thus, this character was written out by Bulgakov in many ways.

    3) Sharikov's image. Slide number 19.

    19) Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov. “I am not a master, gentlemen are all in Paris!”

    Sharikov is a person obtained by artificial means. The time of his "creation" is from December 24 to January 6, that is, from Christmas Eve to Christmas.

    Which person's organs did the professor transplant into the body of a dog?

    (Klima Chugunkina)

    What was his origin, what kind of life did he lead? Read out. (Part 5)

    (Alcoholic, plays the balalaika in taverns, tried 3 times, but acquitted)

    - What did the “new man” inherit from Klim Chugunkin?

    What's in it from Sharik?

    Read a description of the appearance of a man-dog . Part 6

    What are the positive qualities inherent in the "homunculus"?

    What actions of Sharikov displease the professor, Bormenthal and other inhabitants of the apartment?

    In what state does he bring his "creator" and Bormental?

    Demonstrationslide number 20.

    20) Theory and life. “After all, for five years I have been sitting, picking out appendages from the brains ... And now the question is - why?”

    What feelings towards the professor does Sharikov have? Is he grateful that the professor gave him life?

    What measures did Bormenthal propose to give peace to the professor?

    Why was Bormental's proposal rejected by Professor Preobrazhensky? Read out. Part 8

    Doctors, scientists, turn into criminals. And they think about the crime in cold blood. What event was the last straw that overflowed the patience of scientists?

    Bulgakov writes : “The crime matured and fell like a stone, as it usually happens ... Sharikov himself invited his death ...” Why?

    4) Written work in groups.

    1 gr. writes down the qualities of Sharikov's character;

    2 gr. - Sharik;


    assimilation ideological content poems. Show freedom-loving motives, the image of the author. his humanity, self-respect, independence, optimism.

  • M. Bulgakov. "Dog's heart". Vitality of "Sharikovism" as a social and moral phenomenon


    “I only regret that the Soviet government was not present at this scene so that I could show it with what material it is going to build a classless socialist society.

  • Educational and methodological complex "Literature" (for students of the secondary professional department, specialty "Jurisprudence") Rubtsovsk 2008

    Training and metodology complex

    The program of the discipline "Literature" was compiled for students of the specialty "Jurisprudence". The study of literature is designed to ensure that students become familiar with the riches of domestic fiction; development of students' ability

  • Russian language Grade 5 Section I. Explanatory note

    Explanatory note

    This Russian language program for grade V was created on the basis of the federal component state standard basic general education. The program details and reveals the content of the standard, defines the overall strategy

  • Municipal educational budgetary institution

    "Average comprehensive school No. 11 im. P.M. Kamozin, Bryansk

    Literature lesson summary

    in 9th grade


    Teacher of Russian language and literature

    Didenko Larisa Dmitrievna

    Bryansk - 2012

    M.A. Bulgakov. The history of creation and the fate of the story. The system of images of the story. Poetics of M.A. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog". Humanistic position of the author. The meaning of the name. Artistic convention, fantasy, satire and their artistic role in the story.

    Topic: Cruel experience or the birth of a new life?

    (According to M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog")


    1. to consolidate the concept of satire, through "immersion in the text" to show the skill and civil courage of M. Bulgakov;
    2. develop the skills of monologic utterance through the analysis of a work of art;
    3. to bring up an active personal position in the view of the era of the 20-30s of the XX century.

    Equipment: story by M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog", computer, presentation, cutting of fragments from the film "Heart of a Dog", printouts with fragments from the story, costumes for staging

    Methods and techniques: I. By sources of knowledge

    1. Verbal: oral (story, conversation, explanation)
    1. with the printed word (reading aloud, working with additional literature)
    1. Visual:
    1. Presentation, film excerpts
    1. Practical
    1. Analysis of the story through "immersion in the text"

    II. The nature cognitive activity students

    1. Explanatory-illustrative
    2. reproductive
    3. Problem statement
    4. Partial search

    Board layout:

    Slides captions:

    Cruel experience or the birth of a new life? (According to M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog")

    Objectives: to consolidate the concept of satire, through "immersion in the text" to show the skill and civic courage of M. Bulgakov; develop the skills of analyzing a work of art, monologue; to bring up an active personal position in the view of the era of the 20-30s of the XX century.

    "Heart of a Dog" is a masterpiece of Bulgakov's satire. Bulgakov's satire is smart and sighted. V. Sakharov

    Satire is a kind of comic. The subject of satire is human vices. The source of satire is the contradiction between universal human values ​​and the reality of life. Types of satire Irony (funny is hidden under the mask of the serious) Humor (the serious is hidden under the mask of the funny) Sarcasm (caustic, caustic mockery)

    N.V. Gogol (gloomy and cheerful fantasy, composition) M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (satire, topical sounding) M.A. Bulgakov "Moscow" story "Heart of a Dog"

    Socio-political situation in Russia in the 20s restaurants bourgeois intellectuals a piece of sausage canteens of “normal” nutrition Purebred proletarians with a low level of culture hunger, theft, poverty, illness, cruelty, humiliation antithesis

    Dog-mongrel Sharik - good-natured, observant Klim Chugunkin - drunkard, proletarian Disgusting man Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov pituitary body DONORY

    SHVONDER Actor - Roman Kartsev

    Professor Preobrazhensky Actor - Eugene Evstegneev

    Violence against a person PHYSICAL IDEOLOGICAL Let's think...

    Why was the story written in 1925 published in Russia only in 1987?

    “Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts” A. Chekhov


    Role reading.

    B: Well, what are we going to do tonight?

    Sh: (blinking eyes) Let's go to the circus, best of all.

    FF: Every day at the circus is pretty boring, in my opinion. I be on your

    place at least once went to the theater.

    Sh: I won't go to the theatre. They talk, they talk... There is only one counter-revolution.

    B: Would you read something...

    F.F.: You should read Robinson Crusoe...

    Sh: I'm already reading, reading... This one... Like her... Engels' correspondence with this one... Like him -

    devil - with Kautsky. I do not agree.

    F.F. With whom? With Engels or with Kautsky?

    SH: With both. Congress, some Germans... My head swells. Take everything and share...

    B: Do you know how?

    Sh .: Yes, what's the way, it's not tricky. And then what: one in seven rooms settled in his trousers forty pairs, and the other wanders around, looking for food in trash boxes.

    F.F.: As for the seven rooms, are you hinting at me, of course? You are at the lowest stage of development, you are still an emerging, mentally weak being, all your actions are purely bestial, and in the presence of two people with a university education you allow yourself to give some advice on a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity about how to share everything ... But at the same time

    time you swallowed tooth powder ... By the way, what scoundrel provided you with this book?


    "Heart of a Dog" is a masterpiece of Bulgakov's satire.

    Bulgakov's satire is smart and sighted."

    V. Sakharov

    Quote 1.

    Read the following passages: to which of the characters do these statements belong?

    1. “Since 1903 I have been living in this house. And so, during this time until March 1917 there was not a single case - I emphasize in red pencil: not a single one - that at least one pair of galoshes would disappear from our front door with the common door unlocked. Note that there are 12 apartments here, I have a reception.In March 17, one fine day, all the galoshes disappeared, including two pairs of mine, 3 sticks, a coat and a samovar from the doorman.And since then, the galoshes counter has ceased to exist. Why, when this whole story began, did everyone start walking in dirty galoshes and felt boots up the marble stairs? of the front staircase? Does Karl Marx forbid keeping carpets on the stairs? Does Karl Marx say somewhere that the 2nd entrance of the Kalabukhov house on Prechistenka should be boarded up and people should walk around through the black courtyard? Who needs this? Why can’t the proletarian leave his galoshes below, but it stains the marble? Why the hell were the flowers removed from the grounds? Why is electricity, which, God forbid, went out twice for 20 years, is now neatly extinguished once a month?

    2. “- If you care about your digestion, my good advice is not to talk about Bolshevism and medicine at dinner. And - God save you - do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner.
    - Hm... Why, there are no others.
    - Don't read any. You know, I made 30 observations in my clinic. And what do you think? Patients who do not read newspapers feel great. Those whom I specifically forced to read Pravda lost weight.

    3. “-What is this devastation of yours? An old woman with a stick? The witch who knocked everything out

    glass, put out all the lamps? Yes, it doesn't exist at all. What do you mean by this word? It's this: if I, instead of operating every night, start singing in my apartment in a choir, I will be devastated. If, on entering the lavatory, I begin, pardon the expression, to urinate past the toilet bowl, and Zina and Darya Petrovna do the same, devastation will begin in the lavatory. Consequently, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads. So, when these baritones shout "beat the devastation!" - I am laughing! This means that each of them must hit himself on the back of the head! And now, when he hatches all sorts of hallucinations out of himself and starts cleaning the sheds - his direct business - the devastation will disappear by itself. Nothing will change for the better in our house, or in any other house, until these singers are pacified! As soon as they stop their concerts, the situation will change for the better by itself.”

    Quote 2.

    23 December. At 8.30 p.m.performed the first operation in Europe by prof. Preobrazhensky: under chloroform anesthesia, Sharik's ovaries were removed and instead of them, male ovaries were transplanted with appendages and spermatic cords taken from a 28-year-old man who died 4 hours, 4 minutes before the operation and preserved in a sterilized physiological fluid according to prof. Preobrazhensky.

    January 17. I did not write down for several days: I was ill with influenza. During this time, the shape finally took shape. This is the end of the case history. We have a new

    organism; you have to watch it first.

    From March fog, the dog suffered in the morning with headaches that tormented

    his ring on the head seam. But from heat by the evening they passed. And now it was getting better and better, and the thoughts in the dog's head were flowing warm and coherent.

    Quote 3.

    Philipp Philippovich straddled his pince-nez over his glasses and began to read. He muttered to himself for a long time, his face changing every second. "... And also threatening to kill the chairman of the house committee, Comrade Shvonder, from which it is clear that he keeps firearms. And he makes counter-revolutionary speeches, even Engels ordered his social servant Zinaida Prokofievna Bunina to be burned in the stove, like an obvious Menshevik with his assistant Bormental Ivan Arnoldovich, who secretly not registered, lives in his apartment. Signature of the head of the cleaning subdepartment P. P. Sharikov - I certify. Chairman of the house committee Shvonder, secretary Pestrukhin. "

    Quote 4.

    Sharikov - is it a cruel experience or the birth of a new life?

    1. “They seized the animal, slashed the head with a knife, and now they shun. Maybe I didn’t give my permission for the operation.”

    2. “Explain to me, please, why it is necessary to artificially fabricate spinosis, when any woman can give birth to him at any time. After all, Madame Lomonosov gave birth to this famous one in Kholmogory. Mankind itself takes care of this and in the evolutionary order every year stubbornly, singling out all sorts of filth from the mass, creates dozens of outstanding geniuses who adorn the globe.

    3. “Well, Shvonder is the most important fool. He does not understand that Sharikov is a more formidable danger to him than to me. Well, now he is trying in every possible way to set him on me, not realizing that if someone, in turn, sets Sharikov on Shvonder himself, then only horns and legs will remain of him. He has the lousiest heart of all that exists in nature!

    Quote 5.

    “Everything should be beautiful in a person: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts” A.P. Chekhov

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