Description of the types of theater in the dhow. Theatrical activities in the dow according to the federal state educational institution






Toolkit for the center of theatrical games

Fairy tale with your own hands

Goncharova Inna Anatolyevna, teacher

Donetsk 2016


Creative activity and development creativity human is component socio-economic and spiritual directions of the modern social structure. The word "creativity" in the social sense means to seek, to depict something that has not been encountered in past experience, individual and social. Creative activity is an activity that gives birth to something new; free art to create a new product that carries a reflection of the personal "I".

Children's creativity is one of actual problems preschool pedagogy and child psychology. It was studied by L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, JI. I. Venger, N. A. Vetlugina, B. M. Teplov, O. M. Dyachenko, A. I. Volkov and many others. creative personality.

Theatrical activity- this is the most common type children's creativity. It is close and understandable to the child, lies deep in his nature and is reflected spontaneously, because it is connected with the game. The child wants to translate any of his inventions, impressions from the life around him into living images and actions. Entering the character, he plays any role, trying to imitate what he saw and what interested him, and getting great emotional pleasure.

There are quite a few types of children's theater, and they all help the child together:

Build the right behavior for modern world;

Boost common culture to introduce the child to spiritual values;

Introduce him to children's literature, music, fine arts, rules of etiquette, rituals, traditions, instill a steady interest;

To improve the skill of embodying certain experiences in the game, to encourage the creation of new images, to encourage thinking.

Main part

Organization of the theater in kindergarten

What types of theaters in kindergarten can be organized? IN pedagogical literature it is proposed to carry out such activities with preschoolers as: table theater; bench; riding; wrist; floor; live puppet theatre. In turn, each of these species is divided into subspecies. stand theater A poster theater is a surface on which figures-characters and scenery are attached. This type includes: Theater on a flannelograph (a board covered with cloth). To organize this type of activity, you will need an industrial or self-made flannelograph and figurines-characters of the selected artwork, on which it is necessary with reverse side attach Velcro. Thus, as the plot develops, the child is invited to attach the necessary figures to the flannelgraph. Magnetic is, in fact, the same as the previous view, only a metal board is used, and magnetic strips are attached to the figures instead of Velcro. The basis and, accordingly, the characters of such a theater are of very different sizes: from a small table version to a full-fledged screen for an auditorium or music hall. shadow theater in gardens - the most mysterious and unusual for the perception of children, preschoolers enthusiastically participate in such a game. To organize this type of theater, you will need a screen (vertically stretched white fabric), a lantern or table lamp (depending on the size of the screen), and black cardboard figures. Instead of toy characters, shadows can be created directly with the hand and fingers. This view is called "theater of living shadows."

table theater The name of this type of theater speaks for itself - gaming activities are carried out on the table. Its peculiarity is that the scenery and characters should be small in order to be able to place all the necessary attributes of the game on the surface. What is a table theater in kindergarten: Paper (cardboard). Often such a finished theater can be found in any children's magazine- you just need to cut and assemble all the necessary details and you can start the performance. Magnetic is a metal board with magnets - the characters of a fairy tale. theater from natural material, for example, cones, chestnuts, acorns, etc. It is convenient to place such characters in a box of sand. " Wrist" theater This type includes theatrical activities, which require attributes such as finger puppets or toys - "gloves". There are the following "wrist" types of theaters in kindergarten: finger; glove. What is needed in order to organize such a theatrical activity? First of all, you need a screen. Its size depends directly on the size of the characters. In turn, dolls are most often made independently by the teacher. But pupils can also take an active part in the creation of characters. For example, finger puppets can be made from cardboard cones, fabric, tennis balls, and other materials. "Glove puppets" can be made, for example, from mittens or socks, sewn to the base necessary elements(face, hands, clothes, etc.). It is important to note that the finger theater, in addition to other advantages, effectively develops fine motor skills preschoolers, which, in turn, directly affects the formation of children's speech

horse theater What is a horse theatre? This term was introduced by Russian puppeteers in the 16th century. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the dolls are taller than the person who controls them. There are the following types: In the cane theater, puppets are used, which, respectively, are fixed on a high cane, and the person who controls the characters is hidden behind a screen. The theater "Bee-ba-bo" is gaining great popularity. In principle, this is the same “glove” one, since the dolls are put on the hand. The only difference is that it is used high screen and thus the characters are shown to the audience at a level above the puppeteer's height. No less interesting is the theater of spoons in kindergarten. Attributes for such gaming activities are very easy to make on your own. For this you need a wooden spoon. The face of the character is drawn on its convex part, and clothes are put on the handle fairy tale hero. During staging children's play little puppeteers hold characters from spoons by the handle.

floor theater The floor theater uses puppets. Making them yourself is quite difficult, so most often they are purchased in specialized stores. Due to this feature, this type of theatrical activity is held in kindergartens infrequently. But it is the puppet theater that causes a storm of emotions and delight in preschoolers. Since the kids do not yet understand the mechanism of action of such dolls, the children imagine that the toys "came to life" themselves. It is this element of "miracle", "fairy tale" that contributes to the emergence of positive emotions in preschoolers.

Live Puppet Theater But more often than others, a "live" puppet show in kindergarten. Such activities can be carried out as a lesson on the development of speech, the world around us, the study foreign language as well as during leisure time. In addition, a live theater production can be dedicated to some holiday, for example, Maslenitsa or the New Year. Distinguish the following types described game activity: mask theater; giant puppet theatre. The latter is carried out most often as a leisure activity in a preschool educational institution. The roles of giant dolls are performed either by adults or older preschoolers. Younger children can only act as spectators. Then like a theater masks fit for children of any age. Even the smallest pupils have the opportunity to "reincarnate" in the hero of a fairy tale. The teacher can invite the children to retell the story that the kids love in such an unusual way or prepare a full-fledged performance for the parents. Preschoolers can make masks for the upcoming performance on their own under the guidance of a teacher, for example, in classes for artistic and aesthetic development or during leisure activities. In order to organize a theatrical activity with preschoolers, various attributes will be required, including masks, puppets, and scenery. Of course, the necessary equipment can be purchased in specialized stores. But, by offering the kids to make the necessary equipment for theatricalization of a fairy tale, it is possible not only to diversify educational process preschoolers, increase motivation for labor activity but also to realize the main educational and educational goals. What can you make a theater for preschoolers from? For most species, this creative activity theater screen needed. Kindergarten usually has the specified inventory either in the playroom or in music hall. But in the absence of a screen of the required size, you can make it yourself. The easiest way to make such an attribute for a theatrical game is to stretch a thick fabric in the doorway. Depending on what type of activity is supposed to be carried out, a “window” is cut out in the material, or an indent is made from above to accommodate the characters. screen for finger theater. To organize a finger theater, you need a small screen. Therefore, you can make the specified attribute from cardboard boxes at the bottom of which you need to cut a hole. Such a screen then needs to be aesthetically designed. It is recommended to decorate the box with universal decorations so that you do not have to make a new screen for each fairy tale separately. So, you can arrange it in the form of a forest clearing, place a “house on the edge”. Dolls for the theater in the preschool educational institution from improvised materials Preschoolers really like to make their own from unusual materials puppet characters for theatrical games. From what can such attributes be made? Educator, practitioner creativity in his work, he is able to make figurines from the most unexpected materials. For example, a paper theater is the simplest and most fast way homemade characters. You can also use wooden sticks from ice cream, pasting them with felt, foil, colored self-adhesive film. Materials for the manufacture of puppet theater characters: cardboard, making two holes for fingers in the lower part; matchboxes; tennis balls; balloons; disposable tableware: plates, cups, spoons; socks, mittens, gloves; plastic bottles; natural material, etc. Thus, it is possible to organize different types theaters in kindergarten. It is important for the teacher, when planning such activities, to take into account age and individual characteristics pupils and their interests. In addition, it is necessary not only to correctly conduct a theatrical game, but also methodically correctly think over the preparatory and final stages work with children. The efficiency depends on these factors. pedagogical work with preschoolers in general.

Practical part

The childhood of each of us passes in the world role playing which help the child learn the rules and laws of adults. Each child plays in his own way, but they all copy adults, favorite characters in their games, try to be like them. Children's games can be seen as improvised theatrical performances. The child is given the opportunity to play the role of an actor, director, decorator, props, musician. The production of props, scenery, costumes gives rise to the fine and technical creativity of children. Children draw, sculpt, sew, and all these activities acquire meaning and purpose as part of a common idea that excites children.

To organize such creative process the area of ​​theatrical activity is used. It is located in a well-lit area next to the music and book corners.

toys for table theater can be made of paper and cardboard. These flat toys are glued together from two parts and placed on wooden, plastic or cardboard stands. These are toys on a cone, a cylinder and a disk (our little innovation in the table theater). The image is pasted on the finished model. If use flat images, then you get a theater of pictures.

Very interesting finger theater. It can be made from paper, fabric, knitted from

thread. The main desire and your imagination.

I can't show you mitten theater. It is made of paper in the shape of a triangle, which

allows the toy to be stable.

Children also enjoy playing with puppets from gloves - washcloths.

The theater on plastic or wooden spoons is very interesting for children. The doll is very easy to make. The image of the character is pasted on the spoon and voila - ready spoon theater.

bibabo dolls You can buy or make your own from stockings.

In the area of ​​theatrical activities must be present shadow theatre: finger and flat. It is not difficult to make them by cutting out a character figure from black cardboard.

Caps of heroes from fairy tales or, in other words, mask theater should also be present in the theater area. Masks are made of cardboard (for strength) and, if desired, can be laminated.

To such creative corner was even wider, you can include: Theater on magnets, Reed theater, costume theater

Didactic material

Didactic game The game "Play theater"

Target: Introduce children to theatre. Give an initial idea of ​​​​how the theater works, who works in the theater, how performances, the stage, etc. are prepared. To broaden the horizons of children, to cultivate interest in the new, love for the theater, the desire to become an "actor".

Equipment: the game is a stage and backstage, attributes are props for playing a scene, a performance: a chair, a table, a sofa, a layout summer garden, decoration of the room, part of the yard. Set of cards depicting people different professions theater and a set of cards depicting the activities of this profession.

Material: The game is made of cardboard and comes with a set of small toys for acting out scenes from the play. Cards from the dense laminated cardboard.


In our experience, we have seen that children:

1. master the skills of expressive speech and the rules of behavior,

2. etiquette of communication with peers and adults; interest and desire for theatrical art,

4. able to convey various feelings using facial expressions, gestures, intonation

5. independently perform and transmit images fairy tale characters.

Thanks to common efforts, the life of our children has become interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting things and the joy of creativity. The skills acquired in theatrical activities children use in Everyday life


2. Organization of theater in kindergarten………...4

3. Practical part…………………………16

4. Didactic material……………………22

5.Conclusion…………………………………. 24

6. List of references…………………………26


1. Migunova E.V. Theater Pedagogy in kindergarten, shopping center Sphere, 2009.

2. Shchetkin A.V. Theatrical activity in kindergarten Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

3. Dodokina N.D., Evdokimova E.S. Family theater in kindergarten, Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008

4. Gubanova N.F. Game activity in kindergarten Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

5. Baranova E.V., Savelyeva A.M. From skills to creativity Mosaic - Synthesis, 2009.

6. Gubanova N.F. Development of game activity Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

The value of theatrical activity Theatrical activity allows you to decide
many pedagogical tasks related to
expressiveness of the child's speech,
intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education.
Theatrical activity - inexhaustible
source of development of feelings, experiences and
emotional discoveries, a way of joining
spiritual wealth.
As a result of theatrical activity
the child learns the world with his mind and heart, expressing
their attitude towards good and evil; knows joy,
related to overcoming the difficulties of communication,

Feelings and
Theater assistant in
speech development,
We become
We are getting smarter
quick wits,
We become

Tasks for the development of speech: 1. Replenishment and activation of the dictionary (due to words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs); 2. Z

Tasks for the development of speech:
1. Replenishment and activation of the dictionary (for
counting words denoting the names of objects,
actions, signs);
2. Consolidation of the skill of using a direct
and indirect speech;
3. Improvement of monologue and
dialogical forms of speech;
4. Education of a culture of speech communication,
ability to act in concert

Active in theatrical activities
dialogue develops as a form
socialized (communicative) speech.
The stage dialogues are perfect
"correct", that is, verified
chronological, logical, emotional.
Learned during preparation for the performance
literary images of speech children use
later as finished speech material V
free verbal communication.

Theatrical game Tasks: To teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to build a dialogue with a partner for

Theatrical play
Objectives: To teach children to navigate in
space, evenly spaced
platform, build a dialogue with a partner on
given topic. develop ability
voluntarily tense and relax
separate muscle groups, memorize words
heroes of performances, develop visual
auditory attention, memory,
observation, imaginative thinking,
fantasy, imagination, curiosity
stage art.
Objectives: Develop skill
voluntarily respond to
team or musical
signal, readiness
act in concert
develop coordination
movement, learn to remember
given poses and figuratively
transfer them.
Main areas of work with children
Work on the play
Culture and technique of speech
Tasks: To develop speech breathing and
correct articulation, clear
diction, varied intonation
the logic of speech; learn how to write small
stories and fairy tales, pick up the simplest
rhymes; speak tongue twisters and
poems, vocabulary.
Tasks: Learn to compose etudes according to
fairy tales; develop action skills
with imaginary objects;
develop the ability to use
intonations expressing
various emotional
states (sad, happy,
angry, surprised, delighted,
plaintively, etc.).

Forms of organization of theatrical activities

Forms of organization
When choosing material for dramatization, you need to
start from age opportunities, knowledge and
children's skills, enrich their life experience,
stimulate interest in new knowledge, expand
creative potential:
1Directly organized educational
- theatrical activity;
- theatrical game in other classes
2. Educational activities in progress
regime moments:
- theatrical game;
- dramatization game;
3 Independent theatrical and artistic
activities, theatrical play in everyday

The object-spatial environment provides a joint theatrical activity of children, is the basis of independent creativity.

Object-spatial environment
provides joint
theatrical activities of children,
is the basis of independent
creativity of each child, a kind
form of self-education.
The variety of theaters contributes
increasing children's interest in
theatrical activities.

In pedagogy and psychology, the problem of
relationship between personality and creativity.
Preschool pedagogy today is looking for ways to develop children in
purely children's activities as opposed to learning
school type.
It is the game that should be predominantly used
L.S. Vygotsky defined play as a leading activity
V preschool age. L.I. Bozovic considers it necessary
so that the leading activity is the main
the lives of the children themselves.
Thus, the game is a kind of center around
which focuses the main interests and
experiences of children.
Theatrical activity is a kind

Theatrical activities in kindergarten
organizational can permeate all regime
moments: to be included in all classes, in a joint
activities for children and adults in their free time,
carried out in the independent activities of children.
Theatrical activities can be organically
included in the work of various studios and circles;
theatrical products
(dramatizations, dramatizations, performances, concerts and
etc.) can be included in the content of holidays,
entertainment and sweet Fridays.

Of all types of puppet theater in kindergarten
the most popular are:
- picture theater (on flannelgraph, cardboard,
- theater of toys and parsley (glove)
By way of management theatrical puppets divided into two
the main types are riding and floor.
Mounted are those that the puppeteer controls
because of the curtain.
In turn, they are glove and cane.
Floor puppets "work" on the floor, puppeteer
manages them in front of the audience.
Outdoor puppets include puppets and large (growth)

Theatrical activity is presented in
puppet theater and theatrical
which are divided into two groups:
directorial and dramatization games.

Director's games in DOW include:
1. table theatrical games:
- table toy theater (theater
walking, conical (or cylinder, box)
- table-top theater of pictures (theatre of toys and toys, can theater (on mugs,
transparent glasses), plane theater)
2. poster theatrical games:
- stand-book,
- shadow theater
- Theater on flannelgraph.

Theater on hand.

Finger theater - contributes to better control of the movements of their own fingers.

Puppet theater on the table - contributes to the possession of the technique of controlling table theater puppets (dolls from paper cones, cylinders, boxes

Puppet theater on the table - promotes possession
table theater puppet control technique
(dolls from paper cones, cylinders, boxes.

Toy theater


can theater


Plane theater "Hare-boast".


Shadow play

Puppet show

Theater on a flannelgraph: can be used as independent entertainment as part of an educational activity

dramatization games

The types of dramatization are:
games imitating images of animals, people,
literary characters;
role-playing dialogues based on the text;
dramatization of works (rhymes, small
fairy tales, songs, small literary texts;
performances by one or more
works (dramatic performance,
musical drama performance, children's opera,
choreographic performance, performance
rhythmoplasty, pantomime, musical).

Dramatization games in preschool educational institutions include:
Finger Dramatization Games - Attributes
the child puts on his fingers, but, as in dramatization,
acts for the character.
(For example, the fairy tales "Turnip", Goat and seven kids,
"Swan geese".
The display of such fairy tales can be shown by two, three children,
which are located behind the screen).
Dramatization games with bibabo dolls - in these games
a doll is put on the fingers of the hand. The movements of her head
arms, torso are carried out with the help of movements
fingers, hands.

Types of theater in kindergarten Types of theaters used in the classroom Theatrical corners Theatrical corners Theater of masks Finger theater Theater of mittens or gloves Theater of pictures on a flannelograph Telling tales using reference pictures. The sequence of the story is well remembered. Theater of spoons Theater on sticks Children like it very much. Easy and comfortable to hold. The image of the character is two-sided. Beanie Theater Shadow Theater Dolls Bi Ba Bo Bibabo - the simplest doll, consisting of a head and a dress in the form of a glove. The head has a hole for forefinger, and big and middle finger serve for gesticulation with the doll's hands  Such a doll determined the fate of Sergei Obraztsov, who writes in his memoirs:  Mom gave me a little funny doll. This Bibabo doll was called and consisted of a celluloid head and a blue dressing gown that was put on the hand like a glove ... Everything Bibabo did was funny and a little touching. I both loved him and pitied him, as the children of little kittens love and pitied him. I even took him for a walk, and he stuck out in the sleeve of my sheepskin coat, looking at passers-by, a policeman, children on Chistoprudny Boulevard or a shop window ... Is it because the sky is blue, and the earth is my lover in this festive cleaning, I give you poems , funny as bibabo and sharp and useful as toothpicks! (Vladimir Mayakovsky) Puppet theater The use of scarf puppets develops plasticity and coordination of movements. Table theater Palm theater on plates Masks-mittens. The theater is made from disposable paper plates. Painted with watercolors, covered with colorless varnish. Tantamaresque Theater Tantamaresque is a stand with a bright pattern that contains a funny story, and holes are cut in place of the heads of the characters. Characters are given interesting poses, you can place them against the backdrop of a fairy-tale land or space, it depends on your imagination. Tantamaresque is a puppet with the help of which facial expressions, emotional expressiveness of speech and gestures, expressiveness of movements are practiced. Staging fairy tales 2. Theatrical and game activities in different age groups The first junior group 1. Acquaintance with the theater doll Bi-ba-bo and theatrical games. 2. Simulation games. 3. Working out the main emotions. The second junior group Consistent acquaintance with the types of theaters, the basics of acting. 1. Games-imitations of individual actions of a person, animals and birds. 2. A game-imitation of the images of well-known fairy-tale characters. 3. Game-improvisation to music. 4. One-dark wordless improvisation game with one character based on the texts of poems and jokes. 5. Game-improvisation based on the texts of short fairy tales, stories, poems. 6. Role dialogue of the heroes of fairy tales. 7. Staging fragments of fairy tales about animals. 8. Single-theme improvisation game with several characters based on folk tales and author's texts. Middle group Puppet theater should be combined with a theatrical game. 1. Multi-character games-dramatizations based on the texts of two-three-part fairy tales about animals and fairy tales. 2. Dramatization games based on the texts of stories on the topics “Children and their games”, “Guys and animals”, “Adult labor”. 3. Staging a play based on the work. 4. Acquaintance with facial expressions and pantomime. 5. Theater productions based on poetic and prose works (S. Marshak "The Tale of stupid little mouse”, K. Chukovsky “Confusion”). 6. Finger theater in independent activity (“We lived with granny”, S. Mikhalkov “Kittens”, L. Zubkova “We shared an orange”) Senior group B senior group all children actively participate in theatrical games and dramatizations. 1. Children already have access to independent productions of performances, including those based on a “collage” of several literary works. 2. Cool puppets, puppets with a live hand are added. 3. Russian folk tales-fables about animals are used. Preparatory group B preparatory group theatrical games are distinguished by more complex characters, difficult to develop mise-en-scenes (the location of the actors on the stage). Develop skills to perform the same actions in different situations, circumstances and in different ways. Goodwill and sociability are brought up in communication with peers. Children learn to respond appropriately to the behavior of partners. Children compose etudes with imagined circumstances. The content of classes on theatrical activities       View puppet shows and conversations on them; Dramatization games; Exercises for social and emotional development; Correctional and educational games; Diction exercises (articulatory gymnastics); Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness;  Games-transformations (“learn to control your body”), figurative exercises;  Exercises for the development of children's plasticity; Rhythmic minutes (logorhythmics); Finger game training for the development of hand motor skills, necessary for puppetry; Exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of the art of pantomime; Theatrical sketches; Separate ethics exercises during dramatizations; Preparation (rehearsals) and acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations; Acquaintance not only with the text of a fairy tale, but also with the means of its dramatization - gesture, facial expressions, movement, costume, scenery (props), mise-en-scene, etc. One of the conditions for the successful mastering of theatrical activities by children, improving speech is effective interaction with parents. Thus, a theatrical game has an impact on the development of coherent speech in children if it arouses interest and desire to join the game, and age and individual abilities are also taken into account.

  • 1. Desktop toy theater. This theater uses a wide variety of toys - factory and homemade, from natural and any other material. Here, fantasy is not limited, the main thing is that toys and crafts stand steadily on the table and do not interfere with movement.
  • 2. Desktop theater of pictures. All pictures - characters and scenery - must be double-sided, since turns are inevitable, and in order for the figures not to fall, supports are needed, which can be very diverse, but must be sufficiently stable. This is ensured by the correct ratio of the weight or area of ​​​​support to the height of the picture. The higher the picture, the more or more weighty the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport is needed.

Actions of toys and pictures in the table theater are limited. But they should not be lifted and carried from place to place. It is important to imitate the desired movement: running, jumping, walking and at the same time pronouncing the text. The state of the character, his mood is conveyed by the intonation of the presenter - joyful, sad, plaintive.

Characters before the start of the game is best hidden. Their appearance in the course of action creates an element of surprise, arouses the interest of children.

In order to create an idea of ​​​​the scene, use scenery elements: two or three trees - this is a forest, green cloth or paper on the table - a lawn, a blue ribbon - a stream. Do not spend a lot of time on such preparations and involve children in them, teach them to fantasize, come up with new original details for the scenery - and then everyone will become interested.

  • 3. Stand-book. Dynamics, the sequence of events is easy to depict with the help of successive illustrations. For games like traveling, it is convenient to use a stand-book. Attach it to the bottom of the board. On the top - place the transport on which the trip will take place. In the course of the trip, the host (first the teacher, and then the child), turning over the sheets of the stand-book, demonstrates various plots depicting events and meetings that take place on the way. You can also illustrate episodes from the life of a kindergarten if each page shows a new regime process.
  • 4. Flannelgraph. Pictures are good to show on the screen. They are held together by flannel, which covers the screen and the reverse side of the picture. Instead of flannel, pieces of sandpaper or velvet paper can also be glued onto the pictures. Pick up drawings with the children from old books, magazines, and you can finish the missing ones. It makes the kids happy. Use natural materials as well.

Screens of various shapes allow you to create "live" pictures that are convenient to show to the whole group of children. On prism screens, all the guys can work in pairs at the same time during classes. The scenes on the screens are different, and children will be able to see the variety of options for depicting the same topic.

This type of game makes it easy to depict mass scenes, such as "Air Parade", "Bird Flight", "Space Rocket Launch", etc.

5. Shadow theater. Here you need a screen made of translucent paper, expressively carved black plane characters and a bright light source behind them, thanks to which the characters cast shadows on the screen. Very interesting images obtained with fingers. For example, you can make a goose, a hare, a barking dog, an angry turkey, fighting boxers, etc. Just remember to accompany the display with the appropriate sound.

To show a scene with several characters at the same time, set a bar at the bottom of the screen on which you can strengthen the figure. For example, the grandfather pulls the turnip first. Strengthen his figure on the bar and bring out the headstock, etc. Place the figures near the screen so that the shadows are clear. Position yourself below or to the side of the screen so that your shadow does not fall on it.

Shadow theater is good to use during leisure hours.

6. Finger theater. The child puts attributes on his fingers, but, as in dramatization, he himself acts for the character whose image is on his hand. In the course of the action, the child moves one or all of his fingers, pronouncing the text, moving his hand behind the screen. You can do without a screen and depict actions, moving freely around the room.

Finger theater is good when you need to show several characters at the same time. For example, in the fairy tale "Turnip" new characters appear one after another. Such a performance can be shown by one child with the help of his fingers. The tales "A Goat and Seven Kids", "Twelve Months", "Malchish-Ki-Balchish", "Geese-Swans" and others with many characters can show two or three children who are located behind a screen. Showing stories like this crowd scenes possible thanks to finger attributes.

7. Bibabo.

In these games, a doll is put on the fingers of the hand. The movements of her head, arms, torso are carried out with the help of movements of the fingers, hands.

Bibabo dolls usually operate on a screen behind which the driver is hiding. But when the game is familiar or the children themselves drive the dolls, that is, the moment of mystery has disappeared, then the drivers can go out to the audience, communicate with them, give them something, take someone by the hand, involve them in the game, etc. Such "exposure" does not reduce, but rather raises the interest and activity of the guys.

When children see an adult play with bibabo dolls, they will most likely also want to learn how to drive them themselves. If the doll is large for a child's hand, then two fingers can be inserted into the head instead of one. Shorten the doll's sleeves so that the children's fingers fit into the chucks of the hands. You can make dolls for children's hands. For this, well-preserved parts from old broken toys, soft animals will come in handy. Dress them up and make up for the role you want. Show the children how the doll should move, how to move it along the screen.

8. Improvisation - playing a theme, plot without pre-training- perhaps the most difficult, but also the most interesting game. All previous types of theater are being prepared for it. And yet, the children will be at a loss if you suddenly invite them to play this or that scene. Prepare them for this - come up with a theme together, discuss how to portray it, what roles, characteristic episodes will be.

The next step is to let each participant in the game portray the theme in their own way. And even more difficult task: the child chooses a topic and plays it himself. Next time, the guys themselves ask each other topics. And finally, with the help of facial expressions, intonation, attribute, you can guess a riddle. The answer is the theme, which is also played out.

The world of the theater is a path to the child's inner feelings, his soul.
L.S. Wygodsky

What is theater?

This is the best, according to K.S. Stanislavsky, a means for people to communicate, to understand their innermost feelings. This is a miracle that can develop creative inclinations in a child, stimulate the development of mental processes, improve bodily plasticity, form creative activity; help bridge the spiritual gap between adults and children

Theater is a collective theatrical activity, and it is aimed at a holistic impact on the child's personality. The child becomes liberated, begins to create independently, through the theater the child learns himself and begins to grow as a person. The theater creates conditions for the socialization of the child in society, enhances adaptive abilities, corrects communicative qualities, helps to realize a sense of satisfaction, joy, success.

The prosperity and development of theatrical activities in kindergarten is not possible without the use of puppet theater. It is the main link in the development and improvement of children's knowledge in the field of theatrical art. Puppet theater is one of the most favorite shows for children. It attracts with its brightness, colorfulness, dynamics. In the puppet theater, children see toys familiar and close to them, which come to life and move, speak and become even more attractive and interesting. Puppet theater brings a lot of pleasure, joy. It is one of the most accessible art forms for children.

Types of puppet theaters

  1. Table puppet theatre.
  2. Stand theater.
  3. Theater on hand.
  4. Riding puppets.
  5. Floor dolls.
  6. Live Puppet Theatre.
  7. Table puppet theatre. Table theater toys can be made of paper, foam rubber, boxes, wire, natural materials, etc.
  • Theater on a flat picture
  • Theater on mugs
  • cone
  • Toy theater
  • flat toys

On the cardboard, draw two sides of the character and cut it out, from the bottom you need to leave a small part of the cardboard on both halves. Then bend these parts and glue a circle to them - a stand. You can also use as a stand: corks from plastic bottles, halves of Kinder - eggs, etc.

  • theater on a flat picture
  • Theater on mugs
  • Cut out a picture of a character and stick it on a mug or glass.
  • cone theater

Toys from cones and cylinders.

To get a cone, you need to cut a circle, fold it in half and cut along the fold line. Glue cones from semicircles, turning them into figures, glue the details.

To get a cylinder, glue them from rectangular sheets thick paper. Decorate with an application by gluing the details of the character

Toy theater

Ready-made and home-made from different materials: kinder - eggs, flour salt, plasticine, etc.

table theater

The table theater can also include: theaters of knitted toys, theaters from boxes, on disks, on cubes and many others.

2. Poster theater

  • flannelgraph
  • Shadow play
  • Magnetic
  • stand book

Flannelgraph Draw figures on thin cardboard, cut them out, on back sides glue the pieces of flannel. Screen - thick cardboard or plywood covered with a piece of flannel

shadow theater

1. Finger.

Cut out the character's head from cardboard and glue it to it. paper tube for the index finger of the performer. The performer's hand is the torso of the character, and the middle and thumb are the legs.

2. Theater "live" hand shadows.

With the help of fingers, various animals, birds, objects, etc. are depicted.

3. . Cut out silhouettes.

cut out of cardboard different silhouettes and stick them on long sticks. During the show, the silhouette must be held by the stick and moved as needed.

Shadow screen device.

The screen is made of any translucent material (fabric, tracing paper), stretched over a frame made of plywood, cardboard, installed like a regular screen, behind it a light source is installed - a lamp.

Theatrical performance is also shown on the reverse side. Only the silhouettes of the characters are visible from the front.

Magnetic theater

Stick a piece of magnet on the back side of the cardboard with the image of the character. The theater is ready to use

Stand - book

3. Theater on hand

The characters are placed on the hand of a child or an adult; when the fingers move, the impression of the movement of the character is created.

  • Finger
  • Mitten
  • glove
  • Theater on hand


Characters for finger theater can be made from different materials: knitted from threads, sewn from fabric, from foam rubber, etc.

22. Mittens Theatre.

Characters are sewn from

fabrics in the form of mittens. She can represent the head of a doll, while thumb serves as the character's nose. And also it can be turned into a whole little animal, then the thumb will be the tail, and the mitten itself will be the body, the head and other details are sewn to it. You can use old unnecessary mittens.

3 Glove.

The head, clothes, necessary details of the character are sewn onto the glove.

4. Riding puppets

Puppets that are necessary when showing a theatrical performance using a screen.

On spoons

Cane puppets

1 Theater on spoons - The oval or round part of the spoon is shaped like a head (thread hair, eyes, mouth, etc.), then a body is attached to the head in the form of a dress, a shirt - a piece of fabric.

2 cane puppets - Cane puppets can be made in the form of a toy on a stick - a cane or in the form of a cardboard toy, which is also glued to a stick.

3 Bibabo - The head of the doll is put on the index finger, and the thumb and middle finger serve as hands. Dresses are sewn for them, decorated with details. (pocket, apron, belt). Heads can be made from foam rubber, fabric, papier-mâché. For the head, you need to make a circle from any fabric, collect it around the perimeter on a thread, fill it with cotton. Sew on nose, hair, etc.

5 Floor dolls


The characters of the puppet theater are also made from different materials. Details can be sewn according to the manufacturing principle soft toys according to a pattern - a pattern that is superimposed on the fabric, circled with chalk, cut, simple details are sewn together. The principle of operation of such toys is due to the fishing line tied to the cross.

6 Living Puppet Theater

  • Puppets
  • doll people
  • Masque

The puppet theater is wonderful trip to the land of a living fairy tale! Not only every child, but also an adult who has kept in his heart live perception life, crosses the theatrical threshold with a justified expectation of a miracle and magic! It is here, seeing the heroes of books and fairy tales come to life, that the child begins to learn the joy of co-creation, empathy, love for art in the broadest sense of the word!

I wish everyone creative success in the development of theatrical art.

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