Roman Doctor Zhivago images and motives. Christian Motives in the Poetry "Doctor Zhivago"


The problem of revolution civil war in Russia was very important for Pasternak in understanding the fate and future of Russia. The writer believed that after the most difficult events in the history of the country, a spiritual awakening of society would certainly begin: “If God wills and I’m not mistaken, Russia will soon have bright life, an exciting new age."

The writer was looking forward to this time, with which all his dreams and hopes were connected. And the first step towards spiritual awakening was one of his best works, Doctor Zhivago.

The novel was started in December 1945. Pasternak felt a certain inner obligation to his native land, so he sought to create a novel about Russia, about its tragedy.

The realization that his creation will be a kind of guarantee of immortality, that there is no way to retreat, is most clearly expressed in the poem "Hamlet", included in the collection of works by Yuri Zhivago:

The hum is quiet. I went out to the stage.

Leaning against the door frame

What will happen in my lifetime.

In my opinion, Pasternak (like Pushkin, Lermontov and many other poets and writers) sees the proclamation of truth and truth as the main goal of creativity. However, this path is very difficult and sometimes cruel.

Once, Pasternak himself said the following about his novel: “This thing will be an expression of my views on art, on the Gospel, on a person’s life in history, and on many other things ...”. This novel has become a kind of revelation of the author. Indeed, in Doctor Zhivago, Pasternak gives his assessment human life. He is especially concerned about the theme of faith in God and Christian motives: “The atmosphere of the thing is my Christianity, in its breadth a little different than Quaker and Tolstoy, coming from other sides of the Gospel in addition to moral ones.”

So what is Pasternak's understanding of Christianity? This question can be answered, in my opinion, if we turn to the scene taking place by the bed dying Anna Ivanovna Gromeko. Yuri Zhivago says that "the words of Christ about the living and the dead were always understood differently."

According to young man, the resurrection is already in our birth. However, people do not notice this and perceive life as a series of suffering. The most important, true thing is that "a person in other people is the soul of a person." In my opinion, one cannot but agree with this. The memory becomes amazing strength, which makes everyone immortal, alive in those around them: “... this is what your consciousness breathed, ate, coexisted all your life. Your soul, your immortality, your life in others. And what? You were in others, and you will remain in others.

Thus, we can say that for Pasternak, the actions of a person are important, because only they will remain in memory. And the rest is perishable, has little value.

Although the attitude towards death in the work is also special. Yuri Zhivago claims that death simply does not exist, there is only immortal life. Such a position, in my opinion, is optimistic and has a basis, since Pasternak himself was also sure of the impossibility of death. It is important to note that initially the writer wanted to call his novel "There is no death." But in this case, the main idea of ​​the work would be too transparent. It must be only this argument that made the author refuse such a name. But this idea is very clearly seen in the novel.

Despite physical death main character yet found the "elixir of eternal life." They become creativity and actions that remain in the memory of people.

Yes, of course, Pasternak believes in some kind of predestination and divine power, which at some moments guides a person. However, in the era revolutionary events Civil war, for most people, faith in God has receded into the background. The writer understands this, but still tries to convey to people the value of striving for the beautiful, the real as a manifestation of God.

It is also important to note that Pasternak's Christianity is inevitably connected with nature. Thus, Jesus is represented as "a shepherd man in a flock of sheep at sunset." Flowers are escorted to the other world of the protagonist, because they are “the kingdom of plants - the closest neighbor to the kingdom of death. In the greenery of the earth is the concentration of the secrets of transformation and the mysteries of life.

Thus, in his perception of Christianity, Pasternak, on the one hand, confirms the basic laws of being, and on the other hand, introduces new corrections that can also be considered true. Moreover, he transfers his worldview to the plot of the novel, once again proving that death does not exist, but there is eternal life. And the content of this life depends on the actions that people perform, on their kindness, sensitivity and spiritual strength.

Pasternak in the novel does not impose Christian dogmas on others, he overestimates them. The writer gives a new explanation of faith, Christ, love, truth, believing that each of us, our deeds are the force that together gives the concept of "God". The author expressed his point of view in the novel "Doctor Zhivago"

It seems to Yuri Andreevich that the very idea of ​​remaking life is wild, since life is not a material, but an active principle, in its activity far exceeding the capabilities of a person. The result of his actions only to the extent of attention and submission to her corresponds to his good intentions. Fanaticism is destructive.

In one of the draft versions of the novel, Pasternak gave the following explanation of Zhivago’s attitude towards Strelnikov: “How he always loved these people of conviction and deed, fanatics of revolution and religion! How he worshiped them... how unmanly he always seemed to himself in front of them. And more than ever, never set out to become like them and follow them. His work on himself went in a completely different direction. He did not like the bare rightness, the bare truth of the bare holiness of the sky. And the voices of the evangelists and prophets would not have conquered him with their all-repressing depth, if he had not recognized in them the voices of the earth, the voices of the street, the voices of modernity, which in all ages was expressed by the heirs of teachers - artists. That's before whom, in conscience, he revered, and not before the heroes, and honored the perfection of creation, which came out of imperfect hands, above the fruitless self-improvement of man.

While working on the novel, Pasternak understood that he was writing about the past. In order for his text to transform half-forgotten events into a word necessary for contemporaries and calculated for participation in the spiritual life of subsequent generations, it was necessary to think about the language, to free it from obsolete particulars, the sharpness and expressiveness of which, from experience and foresight, were not durable. He said that he deliberately simplifies the style, trying “in a modern translation in the current language, more ordinary, ordinary and calm”, to convey at least some part of that undivided world, even the most expensive from afar, marked by the gospel theme “thermal, light, organic perception of life.

At the beginning of 1956, Pasternak gave the completed manuscript of the novel to the editors of the journal " New world”,“ Banner ”, negotiations were underway with the publishing house“ Fiction". In the summer, Sergio D'Angelo, an employee of the Italian radio broadcasting in Moscow, came to the dacha in Peredelkino, accompanied by a representative of the foreign commission.

He asked for the manuscript for review and received it in this official setting. The manuscript was not returned to the author. Angelo handed it over to the Italian communist publisher G. Feltrinelli, who, due to the fact that the international copyright convention was not recognized by the USSR at that time, could publish the novel without the permission of the author. Nevertheless, he informed Pasternak that he wanted to publish the novel in Italian on June 30, 1956. Pasternak answered him that he would be glad if the novel appeared in translation, but warned: “If its publication here, promised by many magazines, will be delayed and you get ahead of her, the situation for me will be tragically difficult.

The publication of the novel in the Soviet Union became impossible due to the position taken by the leadership of the Union of Writers. It was reflected in a collective letter from members of the editorial board of Novy Mir, signed by K. Simonov, K. Fedin, B. Lavrenev, A. Agapov and A. Krivitsky, and determined the domestic fate of the book for 32 years ahead. In Italy, meanwhile, the translation was successfully completed, and, despite the fact that A. Surkov made a special trip to Milan to pick up the manuscript for revision on behalf of Pasternak, Feltrinelli released the book on November 15, 1957. By the end of 1958, the novel was published in all European languages.

Since 1946, the Nobel Committee has considered Pasternak's candidacy for the prize six times. For the seventh time, in the fall of 1958, she was awarded to him "for the outstanding achievements of modern lyric poetry and continuation of the traditions of great Russian prose. In the political commentary, the awarding of the prize was arbitrarily and unambiguously connected with the release of the novel Doctor Zhivago, which was not published in the USSR and allegedly anti-Soviet. A monstrous scandal broke out, which received the name "Pasternak's case" in the press.

What is awarded honorary award was turned into shame and dishonor, became a deep grief for Pasternak. He, who at first joyfully thanked the Nobel Committee and the Swedish Academy for awarding the prize, was now forced to refuse it "due to the meaning given to it in the society to which he belongs."

February 10, 1960 Pasternak turned 70 years old. From all over the world there was a stream congratulatory letters and telegrams. At the festive dinner there were acquaintances from the artistic circle. During the winter, Pasternak was troubled by periodic back pain. He tried to ignore them, but by the end of April they had become so intense that, after copying the prologue and the first act of the play, he allowed himself to go to bed. He was getting worse. X-ray showed lung cancer. The day before the end, Pasternak called us to tell us how he was tormented by the ambiguity of his confession, which turned into complete obscurity in his homeland. “All life was only a single combat with the reigning and triumphant vulgarity for a free and playing human talent. It took my whole life,” he said.

Lesson 39 (100). Christian motives

in Doctor Zhivago

The purpose of the lesson: try to understand the meaning of Christian motives in the creative plan of Pasternak.

Methodical methods: discussion of issues homework, commented reading episodes.

During the classes

I. teacher's word

The hero of Pasternak, Yuri Zhivago, attracts with openness, the ability to love and appreciate life, insecurity, which is not a sign of lack of will, but the ability to think, doubt. Hero - Expression moral ideal author: he is talented, smart, kind, he retains the freedom of spirit, he sees the world in his own way and does not adapt to anyone, he is a person. The idea of ​​the novel is the Christian idea of ​​a free individual.

II. Discussion of homework questions.

The whole novel is permeated Christian ideas both directly (through speech) and indirectly (through symbols). The very name of the hero is associated with the image of Christ (“You are the son of the living God”: “living” is a form of the genitive and accusative cases in Old Russian). The name Yuri is also symbolic - a variant of the name George (George the Victorious). Yuri Zhivago almost does not take a direct part in the events, but his understanding of life, everything that happens is based on Christian values. The plot is based on the gospel drama of spiritual choice and sacrifice on the cross. The triad "life - death - resurrection" is constantly at the center of the hero's thoughts, and creativity is understood as "God's Word about life".

The novel begins and ends with a funeral scene. “They walked and walked and sang “Eternal Memory ...” to Yura’s mother at the beginning of the novel. At the end of it, Lara, saying goodbye to Yuri, speaks to him as if he were alive: “Your departure, my end. Again, something big, irreplaceable. The mystery of life, the mystery of death, the beauty of genius, the beauty of exposure, please, we understood that. And petty world squabbles like redrawing the globe, this is sorry, thank you, this is not our part. All events of "global significance" are "squabbles", nothing compared to the life of a person, realized every minute, now, in everyday life, in small and seemingly insignificant matters. But the last lines of the novel are poetic lines: the novel ends with the poem "The Garden of Gethsemane", the resurrection of the Son of God, immortality, life in other people.

III. Work on assignments

Exercise 1. We read and comment on the “sermon” by N. N. Vedenyapin (part 1, chapter 5).

(Nikolai Nikolaevich Vedenyapin, who renounced the priesthood, defines history as “the establishment of centuries-old works on the consistent solution of death and its future overcoming.” Vedenyapin remains true to his preaching confession. He believes that one can be an atheist, one can not know whether there is a God and why he, and at the same time to know that a person does not live in nature, but in history, and that in the current understanding it was founded by Christ, that the Gospel is its justification. " In this "sermon" Vedenyapin is very important for Pasternak's understanding of the meaning and value life. The basis for creativity in any area of ​​human activity is spiritual equipment ":" love for one's neighbor, ... the idea of ​​a free person and the idea of ​​life as a sacrifice ". The mention of Jesus Christ in the sermon of Father Nikolai is not accidental. According to N. L. Leiderman , in the system of value orientations of the novel, the Son of God and the Son of Man are both a symbol of the personal principle in man, his moral essence, and the one who was the first in the history of mankind to realize the idea of ​​immortality. This understanding of God is somewhat different from the traditional one, so the orthodox church gives mixed ratings the novel Doctor Zhivago, as well as other works where biblical motifs are used (for example, Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, Aitmatov's Block). IN the art world Pasternak, the spiritual and the earthly are closely connected, merged, and the author correlates his heroes with the ideal of the Personality, with Christ.)

Task 2. Let us pay attention to the features of the chronology of the events of the novel.

(The action of the novel is tied to the Orthodox calendar: Yura's mother died on the eve of the Intercession; in the summer of 1903, Yura and his uncle go to Voskoboinikov - It was Kazan, the height of the harvest during the civil war - “Winter was running out, Passionate, the end of Lent.” Pasternak as as if building a plot on the scale of eternity, so the meaning of even minor events deepens, expands.)

Task 3. We will find elements of the Church Slavonic vocabulary, references to the Holy Scriptures, to the gospel texts, and determine their role.

(There are a lot of such elements and references in the novel. Here are just a few of them: the scene of Anna Ivanovna's funeral (part three, chapters 15-17); Zhivago's conversation with Gordon (part four, chapter 12); the mention of biblical images in the rally scene (part fifth, chapter 7); the scene of the return to Moscow, when Doctor Zhivago first sees the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and then the domes, roofs, houses of the whole city (part five, chapter 16); the scene of Zhivago’s typhoid delirium, ending with the words “We must wake up and get up. It is necessary to rise again "(part six, chapter 15); Lara and Yuri's conversation and Lara's comparison with Adam and Eve (part thirteen, chapter 13); Lara and Sima's conversation - interpretation of the gospel texts (part thirteen, chapter 17).)

What is the role of poetry in the composition of a novel?

What are the main themes and ideas of these verses?

Analyze the figurative structure of the poems.

Lesson 40 (101). Poems by Yuri Zhivago

The purpose of the lesson: to determine the places and significance of "Poems by Yuri Zhivago" in the composition and intent of the novel.

Methodological techniques: lecture with elements of conversation, analysis of poems.

During the classes

I. Teacher's word

The novel about life on earth by Yuri Andreevich Zhivago begins with the death of his mother, and ends with his death. Larisa, on the other hand, simply disappears from the face of the earth (“once ... she left home and never returned”), “disappeared somewhere, forgotten under some nameless number from the subsequently lost lists, in one of the innumerable general or women's concentration camps in the north.” We learn about the terrible fate of their daughter, who received the “barbaric, ugly nickname” Tanka Bezcheredeva, from the conversation between Gordon and Dudorov in the epilogue of the novel. Blok's line, which friends remember ("We are the children of the terrible years of Russia"), acquires a new symbolic meaning: "When Blok said this, it had to be understood in figuratively, figuratively. And the children were not children, sons, brainchildren, intellectuals, and fears were not terrible, but providential, apocalyptic, and these are different things. And now everything figurative has become literal, and children are children, and fears are scary, that's the difference.

The novel ends with a feeling of freedom that runs through the work like a red thread. The aged Gordon and Dudorov are leafing through the notebook of Zhivago's writings, which have become his eternal incarnation, his resurrection: "Death can be overcome // By the effort of Sunday" - these are the last lines of the poem "On Passion". The poems of Yuri Zhivago are the immortality of the hero, his otherness, the eternal life of his soul and the soul of the author himself, who understood his creation as a fulfilled mission: “I finished the novel,” Pasternak wrote to Varlam Shalamov, “I fulfilled the duty bequeathed by God.”

II. Analysis of poems

Exercise. Let's read the poem that opens the cycle, with the Shakespearean name "Hamlet" and try to understand its figurative structure.

The theme of Hamlet is consonant with the theme of the novel. Tragedy of Hamlet, according to Pasternak, is not a drama of duty and self-denial, and this brings this image closer to the image of Christ. “If possible, Anna Father, // Carry this cup past,” these are the words of Christ. The poem "Hamlet" - and about Shakespearean hero, and about Christ, and about the hero of the novel by Yuri Zhivago, and about the author of the novel himself, who tragically feels his existence, and in general about a person in the position of Hamlet. Man's duty is to pay with pain for the miracle of life. Gospel images, high biblical syllable are connected with proverb, containing a simple but very deep thought: "Life to live is not a field to cross." Life is symbolic because it is significant in all its manifestations. And the subject of poetry is life itself. No wonder the next poem in the cycle is "March", the month of the awakening of the life of nature.

By what means is life affirmed in the poem "March"?

(The poem “March”, like Hamlet, is written in pentameter trochee and contains four stanzas. But the tragic sound of “Hamlet” in the last line (“To live life is not to cross a field”) is replaced by the optimistic mood of “March”. Each natural phenomenon is spiritualized, personified, filled with the highest meaning: “The sun heats up to the seventh sweat, // And the ravine rages, having gone silly”; “life smokes in the cowshed”; “the teeth of the pitchfork radiate with health”. before the next miracle of life:

These nights, these days and nights!

A fraction of drops by the middle of the day,

Roofing icicles thin,

Brooks of sleepless chatter!)

Only in Pasternak do we find a comparison of spring with a “hefty cowgirl”, in whom “things ... are in full swing in their hands.” The beautiful is life. Therefore, it smells fresh air dung”, he is “only the giver and culprit”. There is no low and no high, there is work, there is an eternal thirst for life and its endless renewal.

How are the poems "Hamlet", "March" and "On Passion" related?

(The poem "March" fastens the first and third poems of the cycle with its imaginary simplicity, ordinariness, the statement of simple life values. "... March scatters snow / A crowd of cripples on the porch." Nature itself is involved in events Holy Week: “Water bores the shore // And whirlpools blow”; “The trees stare naked // At the church lattices... // Gardens emerge from the fences, // The way of the earth shakes: // They bury God.” The renewal of life, the spring of nature brings about the Resurrection of Christ:

But at midnight the creature and flesh will be silent,

Hearing the rumor of spring,

What is just the weather,

Death can be overcome

By the effort of Sunday.)

What other connections do you see in the poems of the cycle?

(The cycle "Poems of Yuri Zhivago" also includes a yearly natural cycle: spring, summer, autumn, winter. "March", " White Night” and “Spring thaw” are associated with the awakening of nature, the awakening of human life, in which “shares // Madness, pain, happiness, torment” are mixed. Summer - "Explanation" - the return of life, her new round:

Life returned just as without a reason,

As once strange interrupted.

I'm on the same old street

As then, on that summer day and hour.)

What is the role of the words “the same”, “the same”, “again”, repeated images?

(These words and recurring images and phrases reinforce the impression of harmony, cyclicity, constant renewal.) lesson Explanatory note

... lesson development. - M.: Enlightenment. 3. Zolotareva I.V., Mikhailova T.I. lesson development By Russian literature XIX century. 10 Class. 1st semester. - M.: Vako, 2003. 4. Zolotareva I.V., Mikhailova T.I. lesson development By Russian literature ...

Boris Pasternak considered the poems that make up a separate, final part of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" as the poems of the protagonist - the doctor Yuri Zhivago, his best poems. Here, many images are associated with the Gospel. In the opening Hamlet cycle, the poet implores God to bring the cup of suffering past, but he realizes that

… A well-thought-out schedule of actions,

And the end of the road is inevitable.

I am alone, everything is drowning in hypocrisy.

Life to live ~ not a field to go.

In another poem, "On Passionate", nature mourns the death of Christ:

And the forest is stripped and uncovered

And on the Passion of Christ,

Like a line of worshipers, it stands

A crowd of pine trunks.

And in the city, on a small

Space, as at a gathering,

The trees stare naked

In church lattices.

And their eyes are filled with terror.

Their concern is understandable.

The gardens come out of the fences.

The way of the earth is shaking:

They bury God.

However, according to the poet, the miracle of the Resurrection on Easter night will restore world harmony and overcome death:

But at midnight the creature and flesh will be silent,

Hearing the rumor of spring,

What is just the weather,

Death can be overcome

Strength of Sunday.

In one of the most famous Pasternak poems, in the famous "Winter Night", a candle lit on the table, like a candle near an icon, likens a love date to a prayer:

Shadows lay on the illuminated ceiling,

Crossing of arms, cross of legs,

Crossing fates.

The candle blew from the corner,

And the heat of temptation

Raised like an angel two wings


Pasternak true love guarded by angels.

The "Christmas Star" is dedicated to Christmas. Here star of bethlehem"rose like a burning stack of straw and hay in the midst of the whole universe, disturbed by this new star." And the Magi:

They stood in the shade, as if in the twilight of a barn,

They whispered, barely choosing the words.

Suddenly someone in the dark, a little to the left

He pushed the sorcerer away from the manger with his hand,

And he looked back: from the threshold at the Virgin,

As a guest, the star of Christmas watched.

And almost all the verses of the cycle following the "Christmas Star" are already dedicated directly to Jesus Christ. In "Dawn" the poet again, after a long break, comes to faith in the Lord:

All night I read Your Testament

And as from a faint came to life.

In "Miracle" last way Christ from Bethany to Jerusalem, and the episode with the fig tree incinerated by lightning:

Find a moment of freedom at this time

At the leaves, the branches, and the roots, and the trunk,

If only the laws of nature could intervene.

But a miracle is a miracle, and a miracle is God.

When we are in confusion, then in the midst of confusion

It overtakes instantly, unawares.

Pasternak puts the Providence of God above the laws of nature, a miracle above knowledge. In "Earth" he calls, "so that the secret stream of suffering warms the cold of being." In "Bad Days" to Christ during the solemn entry into Jerusalem

I remembered the majestic stingray

In the desert and that steepness

With which world power

Satan tempted him.

Also, the poet himself had to endure many diabolical temptations from those in power in his life, but he did not betray his muse, which was proved by Doctor Zhivago. In Magdalene, Pasternak hopes

What a terrible interval I'll grow up to Sunday.

And in the final "Gethsemane Garden" the gospel landscape, where "gray-haired olive trees tried to step into the distance through the air," reports state of mind Jesus when

He refused without a fight

As from things borrowed

From omnipotence and wonderworking,

And he was now like mortals, like us.

The night distance now seemed the edge

Destruction and non-existence. space

The universe was uninhabited

And only the garden was a place to live.

Christ addresses his disciples:

… The course of centuries is like a parable

And it can catch fire on the go.

In the name of her terrible greatness

I will go into the coffin in voluntary torment.

I will go down to the grave and on the third day I will rise,

And, as rafts are rafted down the river,

To me for judgment, like the barges of a caravan,

Centuries will float from the darkness.

Pasternak needed the gospel motifs of "poems from the novel" to emphasize the Christian ethics underlying Doctor Zhivago. The sermon of Jesus illuminates not only all the centuries of subsequent history, but also the images of the heroes of the novel. It shines not only in the Universe, but also in the souls of Yuri Zhivago and Lara. Zhivago, in full accordance with the name, is alive, in Soviet society he is actually buried alive. It is no coincidence that the novel begins with the funeral of Yuri's father and the prophetic phrase: "Zhivago is being buried." And in the finale, Doctor Zhivago is destined for "complete death in earnest" - he literally suffocates in a crowded tram. But he is resurrected - in his poems that complete the novel.

Lesson summary for grade 11:

Biblical motives in the novel by B.L. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago"

PURPOSE: to acquaint with the history of the creation and fate of the novel "Doctor Zhivago", to show the place of the poetic cycle in inner world works through poems combined biblical theme, improve the skills of analyzing a lyrical work.

DECOR : reproductions with biblical scenes, an exhibition of books with the works of B.L. Pasternak; TSO - video recording of the film "The Life of Jesus".

In everything I want to reach

To the very essence.

At work, in looking for a way,

In heartbreak.

To the essence of past days,

Until their reason

Down to the roots, down to the roots

To the core.

B. Pasternak.

Nature is wise

And the most high eye sees

Every step we take

On a thorny road

There comes a moment

When each of us

At last line

Remembers God.

I. Talkov.




Based on the main moments and episodes of the life of B.L. Pasternak, which played a decisive role in his fate, in the previous lessons we singled out separate periods in his work.

Tell about them. (Basic moments).

1 period. (1890-1913) - the birth of the poet, his family, family environment, admission to Faculty of Law Moscow University, rejection of music, transfer to the philosophical department, a trip to Marburg, a break with philosophy, the publication of a book of poems "The Twin in the Clouds".

2 period. (1914-1931) - passion for futurism, acquaintance with Mayakovsky, publication of the books "Over the Barriers", "My Sister - Life", the story "Childhood Luvers", marriage to the artist E. Lurie, correspondence with M. Tsvetaeva, publication of the book "Themes and variations." The death of Mayakovsky. Biographical essay "Guarantee".

3 period. (1931-1945) - a trip to Georgia, marriage to Z. Neuhaus, publication of the book "Second Birth", translations from Georgian poetry. O. Mandelstam's arrest, Pasternak's conversation with Stalin. Translation lessons. The publication of the book "On Early Trains", a trip to the front, the book "Poems and Poems".


The theme of our lesson is "In everything I want to get to the very essence ..." We must get acquainted with the history of the creation and fate of the novel "Doctor Zhivago", talk about the place of the poetic cycle in the inner world of the work through poems united by a biblical theme.

creative history creating a novel

(student post).

Pasternak himself considered the novel Doctor Zhivago, on which he worked from 1946 to 1955, to be the result of his work. Already in the 1910s. Pasternak, turning to prose, tried to create a picture of the moral and spiritual life of his era, the history of his generation. The story "Childhood Luvers" (1918), surviving prose fragments of the 1930s. testify to the numerous approaches to this topic.

The basis of the novel, dedicated to "eternal" issues (about death and immortality, the rootedness of human life in culture and history, the role of art and nature in overcoming the disharmony that death, wars and revolutions bring to the existence of the world and man), are " new idea arts” and “Christianity re-understood”; within the framework of these ideas, culture is seen as the result of humanity's striving for immortality, and main value gospels and European literature the ability to illustrate lofty truths with the “light of everyday life” is declared. Circle philosophical problems is analyzed on the example of the fate of the Russian intellectual - doctor and poet Yuri Zhivago, his friends and relatives, who became eyewitnesses and participants in all the historical cataclysms that befell Russia in the first four decades of the 20th century. The eternity of the problems and situations in which the characters of the novel find themselves, for all their specific social and historical conditioning, is emphasized by the gospel and fairy tales poems of the protagonist, which make up the last part of "Doctor Zhivago".

The publication of the novel in the homeland of Pasternak was denied. He handed it over to an Italian publisher for publication, and in 1957 Doctor Zhivago was published in Italian, soon followed by Russian, English, French, German and Swedish editions (in the USSR it was published only in 1988).


introduction teachers. B.L. Pasternak is one of the most talented lyricists of the early 20th century of an intellectual, philosophical warehouse, and in this sense he is a direct successor to the traditions of Russian philosophical lyrics of the 19th century. He eminent master prose. B. Pasternak in his life and creative activity was guided by universal human values ​​that are eternal and unchanging for all times and peoples, by which the whole world lives, on which human closeness rests, the trampling of which leads to a moral catastrophe and general misfortune. The idea of ​​love as a truth is embodied with particular force in the novel "Doctor Zhivago", in his central character. For Boris Leonidovich, this truth was obvious and dear. The pathos of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" lies in the affirmation of the self-worth of a person, regardless of his condition, class, nationality. Everything on earth should be done for the sake of him, his happiness, peace and prosperity. Pasternak's reflections are modern now and will always be modern.


Pasternak throughout the novel does not stop thinking about Russia, its originality, historical mission. The deepest philosophical reflections crystallize into a cycle of poems that complete the novel. Emphasizing the scale and exclusivity of events, the poet refers to a different period - the time of Jesus Christ and the Gospel.

Let us turn to the poems of Yuri Zhivago, united by the biblical theme.

"HAMLET"- this poem can be considered the key to the novel "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak, it is not for nothing that he opens the seventeenth, poetic chapter of the novel (student's message).


- To whom are stanzas 1 and 2 of the poem addressed?

What ideas of Christ did the hero imbue after the return of God to his soul? - The initial quatrains are understood quite definitely. In the early youth of the hero of the poem christian religion was of decisive importance to him; during the years of the world war, revolution, civil war, perhaps for some time and after it, it faded and left the soul of the hero of the poem; but now, many years later, she's back with new force and new government. The images of "Dawn" bring man closer to God and God to man, man to nature and nature to man. Let us turn to the epigraph, the words of I. Talkov, which are intertwined with this poem.

MIRACLE"- what miracle are you talking about? - Let's turn to the Bible. (Reading the passage from the Bible about the barren fig tree.) A miracle is a belief in what you are striving for, and if you really believe in it, then it will certainly come true.


- What days are called "bad"?

What scenes from the Bible are mentioned?

The days when Jesus was betrayed and captivated are called bad, his whole life passes before his mind's eye from birth to His deeds, then the author talks about his miraculous resurrection.


What do these poems have in common? These poems are united by the story of how the sinful woman Magdalene washed Jesus' feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair and smeared with the world. And she was forgiven for her sins.

"GETHSEMANE GARDEN". Let's turn to the source (viewing the video "Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane")

The poem that closes the book of Yuri Zhivago's lyrics in the novel refers to the same episode from the Gospel that opens it - "Hamlet", only this time the Prayer for the Chalice is only mentioned, but the gospel story of Gethsemane and betrayal is described in detail and close to the original source Jude. In the feat of Christ, the poet emphasizes his humanity, the ability to reject the external Miracle as something inorganic for this world. It is the act of Christ the man, the Son of Man, according to Pasternak, that inspires and fills the life of people with meaning in all ages, since it proves the feasibility of the feat of Christ for any of those living on earth.

Final word teachers. The events depicted by Pasternak correspond with the great gospel times. The resulting connection, as it were, clarifies the ideas of Pasternak's novel about the feeling of unity of all creatures, people and nature, about the immortal beginning in man, about the Christian understanding of love and duty.

No wonder the novel ends with lines about the resurrection, rebirth to true life:

I will go down to the grave and on the third day I will rise,

And, as rafts are rafted down the river,

To me for judgment, like caravan barges,

Centuries will float from the darkness.

So - not on the third day, but after three decades - Doctor Zhivago returned to us.

“Most likely, many years after I die, it will be explained by what broad, broadest grounds my activity was directed. recent years what she breathed and ate, whom she served" (from a letter to G.Bebutov from 24 May 1958).

And now it is the novel, as a true judge, that judges - by the very fact of its publication - imaginary, false judges who have arrogated to themselves the right to judge. Those who predicted his death, threatened the author with civil destruction, tried to humiliate him. In 1958, "for outstanding achievements in modern lyric poetry and in the traditional field of great Russian prose," Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, which was perceived in the USSR as a purely political action. A campaign of persecution of the poet unfolded on the pages of the press, Pasternak was expelled from the Writers' Union, he was threatened with expulsion from the country, a criminal case was even opened on charges of treason. All this forced Pasternak to abandon Nobel Prize(the diploma and medal were presented to his son in 1989). Thus, the history of the publication of the novel, the refusal of the Nobel Prize, the persecution of the poet by the authorities is not the result of creativity, but only another and, unfortunately, its last stage. The true result of the life of a man and a poet who has fulfilled his highest duty is universal world recognition Pasternak, the study of his works at school.


Write an essay on one of the following topics: "Pasternak - a poet and a man", "Yuri Zhivago's poems, united by a biblical theme", "My favorite poem poet."

The ideological and thematic content of the novel is largely due to the way the author himself characterizes his idea in 1946 in a letter to his sister O. M. Freidenberg: “I started writing a big novel in prose. In fact, this is my first real job. I want to give in it historical image Russia for the last forty-five years, and at the same time, all aspects of its plot, heavy, sad and elaborated ... this thing will be an expression of my views on art, the Gospel, on the life of a person in history and much more. Thus, "Doctor Zhivago" was conceived as "the novel of the century" and as the author's most complete and objective lyrical statement "about time and about himself." “... I want to speak out on the topics of life and time to the end and in clarity, as it is given to me ...”, Pasternak wrote about working on the novel. For him, this is not just the result of life and work, but a concentrated expression of the whole complex of philosophical, religious, ethical ideas, a look at his own destiny and the paths of world history and culture.

One of the main themes of the novel is reflections on the history of Russia, its past, present and future in the context of world history. Pasternak is characterized by a concept close to Tolstoy's about the course historical process, which he trusts to express to Yuri Zhivago: “He again thought that he imagines history, what is called the course of history, in a completely different way, as is customary, and it is drawn to him like the vegetable kingdom. ... No one makes history, it is not visible, just as it is impossible to see how the grass grows. That is why so often in the novel the living, constantly resurgent nature is the personification of Russia and the entire history of mankind. It is not for nothing that the heroes of the novel, Yuri Zhivago and Lara, who are closest to the author, feel nature so subtly, are so close to it, as if dissolved in the natural beginning. The main ideological and thematic nodes of the novel represent the conjugation of man and nature. That is why natural images, motifs, similes are so important in his ideological and artistic system: “... past in clouds of hot dust, reared by the sun, like lime, Russia flew ...”.

The whole novel permeates and cements the multi-valued image of a blizzard, a snowstorm, a storm. Firstly, it is a cleansing storm of the revolution, a symbol similar to Blok's from the poem "The Twelve" (a symbolic picture of the November snow falling on the page of the newspaper with the first decrees of the Soviet government). Secondly, it is an outburst of feelings beyond the control of reason, sweeping over the heroes like a snow blizzard. And, finally, this image is associated with an equally sudden impulse of creativity that captured Yuri Zhivago and determined his future path. It's through the veil winter blizzard he sees from the street a circle of a candle burning in the house where Lara is talking with her future husband Antipov. Then Yuri for the first time hears the words, probably the most famous of the poems that complete the novel: "The candle was burning on the table, the candle was burning ...". This is how a poet is born, who with his work redeemed not only his life, suffering, love, but also tied together the broken ends of Russian culture and history, restoring the “connection of times”.

The entire artistic canvas of the novel is permeated with similar figurative and thematic threads, which gives it a special integrity and organicity. So at the beginning of the novel, the image of a storm appears, which recognized the ten-year-old Yura: “A blizzard was raging in the yard, the air was smoking with snow. One might think that the storm had noticed Yura and, realizing how scary she was, was enjoying the impression she made on him. She whistled and howled and tried her best to get Yurino's attention. And in the finale, it is as if the same storm gathers a thunderous “black-lilac cloud”, which catches up with the tram carrying Yury Andreevich, exhausted from the heat, out of breath, on his last journey.

It is in these last minutes of his life that the thought again comes to him about a certain “principle of relativity in the worldly stadium”, according to which there are completely unexpected, at first glance, rapprochements, meetings, intersections of people, destinies, times and spaces. This idea is heard more than once in the novel, characterizing not only its main constructive principle, but the most important idea for the author of the conjugation of all life phenomena. This also applies to the interpenetration of the human and natural principles noted above, and to that paradoxical connection between the fates of the numerous heroes of the novel, which often seemed to readers and critics something unnatural and far-fetched. Moreover, this is another important theme of the novel about the connection of a single Russian culture, which, it would seem, was cut off forever under the blows of revolutionary cataclysms. The novel itself is an artistic fusion of various styles that embody all the leading traditions of Russian culture. This is a kind of “generalized portrait of Russian culture of the 19th century. beginning of the 20th century". From this point of view, the circle of reading the heroes of the novel is indicative: “Demons” by Dostoevsky, “War and Peace” by Tolstoy, “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin and much more, which makes up the “golden fund” of Russian culture. The heroes talk about it, argue, think about it, and at the same time, the problem that is so important for the author becomes clearer and clearer: what happens when the richest culture of the people, containing its most powerful spiritual potential, collides with the militant “anti-culturalism”, lack of spirituality, after the accomplished revolutionary onny breakage of age-old traditions that filled, it would seem, the entire national cultural and historical space. In this monstrous battle, it becomes obvious what in fact from the cultural and historical heritage of Russia can be destroyed, destroyed, distorted, and what is eternal and indestructible, despite all revolutions and wars. At the same time, Pasternak does not give a “portrait” of Russian culture in isolation, but fits it into the global cultural space. Not only Russian, but also foreign literature is reflected in the pages of the novel (Dickens and Stendhal are read in Zhivago's house), various philosophical systems are discussed, political events that different heroes give various interpretations in accordance with own position. But they all emphasize the idea of ​​continuity and fusion. This is how Antipov-Strelnikov, who has completely gone into the revolutionary struggle, argues in a conversation with Zhivago: “... All this nineteenth century with all its revolutions in Paris, several generations of Russian emigration, starting with Herzen, all planned regicides ... the whole working-class movement of the world, all of Marxism in the parliaments and universities of Europe ... Lenin absorbed all this and expressed himself in a generalized way, in order to fall on the old as personified retribution for everything he had done.

Beside him rose indelibly huge image Russia, before the eyes of the whole world, a suddenly flaming candle of redemption for all the poverty and hardships of mankind. Despite the differences in their attitude to the coup, the heroes of the novel, like the author himself, recognize the inevitability of what is happening. "What a great surgery!" - exclaims Yuri Zhivago, who did not recognize the new life and did not fit into it. For all his disagreement with the new system, leveling and destroying the personality, he sees something artistically brilliant in the revolution itself. “This is unprecedented, this is a miracle of history, this revelation is gasped into the very thick of the ongoing everyday life, without attention to its course. This is just ingenious.” Obviously, the author trusts the hero to express his thoughts about the unintentionality of historical development, and therefore, despite all the horrors of the revolution, it is perceived as a given, an inevitability that draws a person, like a grain of sand, into the whirlpool of events. For Pasternak, wars, revolutions, tsars, Robespierres are the "fermentation yeast" of history. Fanatics like Antipov-Strelnikov, who make revolutions that in a few hours and days break the entire old order of life, are “geniuses of self-restraint” in the name of the “great idea” they recognize. But what follows after this?

“For decades, centuries, the spirit of limitation, leading to revolution, has been worshiped as a shrine.” This is one of the most important things for Pasteur-nak. dire consequences revolution for Russia. As a result, the kingdom of mediocrity has been established, which rejects, persecutes, destroys everything truly alive and creative. That is why people like Dudorov and Gordon were able to adapt and settle in the new life, but there was no place for a free, creative person like Yuri Zhivago. “The stereotyping of what Dudorov said and felt especially touched Gordon. ... Innocent's virtuous speeches were in the spirit of the times. But it was the regularity, the transparency of their hypocrisy that blew up Yuri Andreevich. A non-free person always idealizes his bondage. Yuri Andreevich could not stand the political mysticism of the Soviet intelligentsia, what was its highest achievement or, as they would say then, the spiritual interpretation of the era. It turns out that the revolution kills not only by its rigidity ("if the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed"), but in itself contradicts life, rejects it. “... In our time, microscopic forms of cardiac hemorrhages have become very frequent,” Dr. Zhivago notes with medical accuracy. “…This is a disease of modern times. I think her reasons are of a moral order. From the vast majority of us, they demand constant, system-built crookedness. It is impossible, without consequences for health, to manifest oneself every day contrary to what one feels; crucify yourself in front of what you don’t like, rejoice in what brings you misfortune. material from the site

So the theme of Russia, its history and culture, reflections on the laws of the historical process are inextricably linked in the novel with its main theme. philosophical theme- life, death and immortality. In the prose part of the novel, it is most clearly expressed in the thoughts of the protagonist's uncle, Nikolai Nikolaevich Vedenyapin, "who was cut short at the priest's own request." He asserts: “…man does not live in nature, but in history…in the present understanding it was founded by Christ…the Gospel is its substantiation,” and asks the question: “What is history? This is the establishment of centuries-old works on the consistent solution of death and its future overcoming. What is necessary for gaining immortality? “This is, firstly, love for one’s neighbor, this supreme view living energy ... and then these are the main components modern man without which he is unthinkable, namely the idea of ​​a free person and the idea of ​​life as a sacrifice. Thus, the main ideological and thematic lines of the novel close up and go to its main theme - the life, death and immortality of a person in the Christian understanding. For Pasternak, the appearance of Christ is the beginning of the true history of mankind: “Only after Him did life begin in the offspring, and a person dies not on the street under a fence, but in his own history, in the midst of work dedicated to overcoming death, dies, he himself dedicated to this topic. According to the author, after the advent of Christ, the history of mankind begins to be projected into eternity. The model of personality in the novel is Christ: with his coming, as Pasternak writes, “nations and gods ceased” and “man began.” It is not for nothing that Pasternak's image of Christ is "emphasized human, deliberately provincial", because thanks to this, each person gains hope for immortality. This is “... a carpenter man, a plowman man, a shepherd man in a flock of sheep at sunset, a man who does not sound proud in the slightest, a man gratefully spread through all the lullabies of mothers and through all the art galleries of the world.” The ideological center of the novel is the idea of ​​resurrection and immortality, which manifests itself in a sense of personality commensurate with the world. Indicative in this respect are the reflections of Yuri Zhivago: “There is no death. Death is not our part. But you said: talent is another matter, it is ours, it is open to us. And talent, in the highest, broadest sense, is the gift of life.” This is how the idea of ​​immortality is realized in the novel in the fate of Zhivago: after his death, the memory of him remained in the hearts of people close to him, his poems remained, which complete the entire book. "Poems by Yuri Zhivago" for the novel is a kind of catharsis, a breakthrough into immortality after a difficult plot, this breakthrough into eternity. That is why there are so many of these verses that are directly related to Christian themes, motifs and images: "On the Passionate", "Christmas Star", "Miracle", "Magdalene", "Gethsemane Garden". It is in this series that one of the most significant “eternal images” for Russian literature appears - Hamlet, and with it the problem moral choice, set in the novel as fundamental for each of the characters, goes to the universal level. The thought of the complexity and responsibility of choice, of its possible consequences, about the human right to shed blood, which runs through the entire novel, is projected onto the fate of its author and appeals to readers. So "Poems by Yuri Zhivago" are not only ideologically and thematically connected with the main lines of the work, but also complete their development at a new level of artistic generalization.

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