Twenty-five poets of Altai: an essay on modern poets in honor of World Poetry Day. Famous people of the Altai Territory: life stories


", including the most famous and beloved authors of our region. Robert Rozhdestvensky and Vasily Shukshin are not among them - they belong to the history of Russian literature.

Mark Yudalevich

"In Russia, a writer must live long," said one literary critic.
"An interesting game - who rememories whom," another echoed him. Mark Iosifovich in relation to memoirs is beyond competition. He was born in 1918, communicated (according to him) with Pasternak and Zabolotsky. When necessary, he wrote poems about Stalin, when it was no longer necessary - about Barnaul and the Altai Territory (he will type in a whole reader). Author of novels, plays and poems. Granddaughter famous writer was not averse to having a Barnaul street named after him. But the city decided otherwise. Of the heritage of the classic, we most of all like his lyrical poems.

Autumn leaves crunch underfoot

slightly shimmering with cast silver,

I remember once we were walking in the park

the same fine old September.

It was deserted, everything was silent around -

Who is in the park at noon?

And it seemed to me that this was the beginning

something big that we will have.

But no, what I thought didn't happen

and the days flew by, rejoicing, mourning,

years flew by, cheerful and gloomy,

but all without you, as always, without you.

I forgot about many things, aging over the years,

whiskey has long been covered with gray hair,

and less aspirations, but still regret

that you are not with me, never with me.

And yet, he still has not parted with desire,

even though you're far away now,

but if it happens that the leaves rustle

managed to remind you of me.

Sergey Bozhenko

The author's talent is partly lyrical: he wrote stories built purely on intonations, published more than a dozen thin books and several thick ones.
Bozhenko's theme is absurdity and anti-absurdity, the behavior of an ordinary person in unusual circumstances and the behavior of an unusual person in ordinary scenery.

“As a child, I believed in God. Everything was simple. Aunt Masha, a front-line soldier, came from the village and instilled faith in me. She said:

If you take sweets without asking, God will punish you.

I was concerned:

Aunt Masha triumphed. She elaborated:

Which is at the top. Sees everything!

I pulled in my head. Ignoring the ceiling. The god was cleverly hiding.

The existence of the unknown God was indirectly confirmed by the learned neighbor Uncle Ilyukha. Sometimes he shouted:

In the triune God and mother corn!

Misunderstandings were dispelled by my friend Pashka Pashkov. He reported:

My grandmother's God lives on a litter box. Behind the icon. I turn off the lights when I'm bullshitting. For him not to see...

I followed Pashkin's example. Sinned in the dark.

Sergey Bozhenko

Viktor Sidorov

Sidorov wrote adventure books about children all his life.
You can bet on anything - his collections were in any intelligent family, in any city reading room. In the story "Treasures of the Ancient Mound" Sidorov draws the Soviet Holden Caulfield from the Altai regional center Klyuchi: a three-year-old and a spiritually rich personality. He is in love, of course, with an excellent student from his 7th grade, the main character is confronted by some hooligans and majors, and teachers and mentors, as always, obscure and dispense information. The book ends with a Soviet happy ending. But the hero is quite a living person, with whom even now every schoolchild can be identified. "Fedka Sych loses his nickname" and "The Secret of the White Stone" have already been written about city boys, for whom watching the black-and-white film "Suvorov" on TV is an event. After all, the action of the books takes place in the distant 60s ... We strongly recommend this writer. Classic, no discount.

Leonid Merzlikin

Photo: archive of the Shishkov Library

The poet studied at the Literary Institute, was friends with the "Moscow".

Now a street in Barnaul bears the name of Merzlikin.

The 1990s, like many writers of that generation, could not survive. Did not "fit into the turn." He became out of tune with the era and was not needed, he could not reorganize on capitalist lines. But his poems will remain in Russian poetry. Such is the mysticism of life. A young lover will make a date with a girl on Merzlikin Street.

It used to be in April, on the day of the water field,

Having spent the last stream behind the hut,

Driven into the interstices willow stakes,

They ran into the ravines to look at the willow.

On wet spruces, overgrown with grass,

Where the rook squinted on the horned bush,

To the sound of balalaikas they converged in a crowd,

They gave handkerchiefs, played bast shoes.

And the evening lightning by painted the sky,

And spring songs burned to the ground,

And mother with a twig stood at the spindles,

I couldn't get my sons to dinner.

Now springs are different.

But in my heart I did not find resentment.

All the same humming over the spruce pines,

Willow barefoot looks into the water.

And again, it does not sit still,

And again I run into the loud expanse,

And again in the evening in lightning and songs

I was shot point-blank with a willow bud.

I will fall to the ground, on wet clods,

And ready to cry in the spring meadow.

Earth, you understand, I do not grieve for anyone,

I just can't do it any other way...

Vladimir Bashunov

Photo: archive of the Shishkov Library

The poet did not live very well long life(1946-2005), was successful and recognized during his lifetime - the author's first book was published when he was just a fifth-year student at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University.

For many years he worked at the Altai book publishing house.

But the exhausting need to earn with one's hump - after the Soviet sinecure - led to depression and early death. Many remember Vladimir Methodievich as a sympathetic interlocutor, a wise man and patron of talents. And from his poems a chill runs down the back.


You're talking nonsense, okay

go on, I won't interfere.

Life flies at random and awkwardly,

so that it seems there is nothing to breathe.

Soothsayer, fortune teller,

hint about fate and price -

I do not feel sorry for crafty pieces of paper,

just me in your chatter?

What can you understand from gossip

thin lines covering the palm?

And is it open to third-party sight

the fire beneath them?

It flows through all the capillaries...

About the outcome of love and longing

what can you learn from the blows,

radiating into the hands?

You fool cold souls,

bypassing the crowded station;

you won't breathe about them, you won't cry...

And why did God punish you?

I watch you swing your skirts

how you smartly and affectionately lie.

I would have warned you - you will not hear,

and if you hear it, you will hardly understand.

Alexey Nikiforov

Knyazeva Galina Ivanovna
Job title: science teacher
Educational institution: BPOU RA "Gorno-Altai Pedagogical College"
Locality: Republic of Altai Gorno-altaisk
Material name: Article
Subject: Ecological content of folklore and works of poets and writers of Altai
Publication date: 18.12.2016
Chapter: secondary vocational

Ecological content of folklore and works of Altai poets

and writers
The love of the Altaians for their native nature was highly appreciated and recognized by the international community. Yadrintsev spoke very highly of the ancient folk wisdom of people living in the blessed Altai. “My eyes are constantly turned to the shining peaks of Altai, where my heart is left...”, “Altaians are a people with a bizarre mythology that is not inferior to the Greek highly artistic culture.” The famous traveler P.T. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky spoke about the song art of the Altaians with great love: “The folk art of the Altaians amazes with a variety of motives. There are many songs glorifying the beauty of Altai, and among them a song (rather lament) about the ruin of Altai makes a special impression. “It would be better for us to die than to see with our own eyes your ruin, our beautiful Altai,” the Altai people sing. Beauty, the beautiful, the heroic in oral poetry are presented in organic unity with the renewing nature. In harmony with nature, the epic hero is presented in the heroic tale. He is the protector of the family, the earth and serves as the basis for harmony and order in the world. Negative characters represent base, ugly, chaos. Heroes fighting for their people embody a lofty beginning, oppose base, evil forces. Here, for example, is the content of the widespread epic legend "Maadai-Kara", many lines of which echo the most pressing problems of our time. The happy people of the wise alyp (hero) Maadai-Kara live in the sunny Altai: The people in his country are great, Peace-loving and bright-faced, Eloquent, sharp-tongued, - Filled the sunny Altai And overflowed over the edge, Lives, knowing no need, The eyes of anyone are two stars. But alyp becomes old, sleeps for a long time. And now the riots begin: Decline and confusion are everywhere - Cattle of various colors are dispersed, The front herds are coming, Grass is eaten to the roots, The rear herds are weaving And licking the earth between the stones. Speaking in modern language, the legend tells how the disorganization of the system of rational nature management caused economic collapse and loss of justice in people's relations. And in
It was in this situation that the alyp who came to his senses discovered a picture that is not alien to our times: .. All my lands are feasting, Every family is walking. IN bygone years my people Crowned honest work with fun. Why now does he drink on weekdays, And in honor of what do they feast here? Surely the terrible hour is near... And indeed, the trouble did not keep itself waiting. The cruel and dishonest Khan of Kara-Kula invaded Altai with his horde and enslaved the people of Maadai-Kara. The biggest atrocity of Khan Kara-Kul was the attempt of what we call ecocide, the complete destruction natural environment in the conquered country. But the forces Altai nature surpassed his capabilities: Rivers of the sacred blue Wanted to turn the course. He collapsed from the effort, But he could not turn him. Maadai-Kara entrusted his newborn son to the forces of his native nature, leaving him in a cradle suspended on a birch. And he was not mistaken: the foster grandmother, the personification of the spirit of Altai, found and raised a child. Raising a liberator, she taught the boy: Don't strive for the khan's cattle Raid, seize by force, But think about how to return your native people to the Altai region. The purpose came true. The boy became the invincible hero Kogudey-Mergen. He destroyed Khan Kara-Kul and brought liberation to his people. But there was still a people who had previously been subject to the murdered khan and were anxiously asking about their fate. The answer of Kogyudei - Mergen read: There can be no bad land, a person can be bad. You can live in peace By these mountains, by these rivers. If evil is gone forever, The water will be cleared in the rivers. And in gratitude for the labors, the Earth will give you fruits. Needless to say, if all people learned the wisdom of life from the Altai legends, then a good half of the problems that humanity suffers from today would simply not arise. The pastoral, agricultural type of the economy of the Altaians determined the nature, content and form of all types of folk art, including drama (elements of rituals, games, verbal and musical
folklore). These are various actions and oral poetic works that accompany household and household ceremonies, wedding and funeral rituals, the holidays “Chaga Bayram”, “Jylgayak”, “Sary Bur”, “Jzhyl Bur”, game songs, the art of performers: singers, improvisers, storytellers - epic kaichi, shamans, storytellers. The song is the soul of the people. And in storytelling, and in folk song, and in folk holidays there is an enduring feature - the worship of their land, Altai. Inseparable bond people and their land is sung in all prayerful wishes, songs and legends. With good wishes, the most kind, innermost feelings are expressed to Altai, the nature of Altai, the nurse. The praise of Altai, the expression of good wishes to him is directly related to respect and careful attitude to the richness of nature: With the Pole Star rising early in the morning, With the star Venus rising in the early evening, My sky with the Sun and the Moon, Give children a good life. Altai, spread out like a saddlecloth, His pass - bow, Sea with rolling waves, His ford - bow! In the Altai riddles, as in other genres of oral creativity of the people, certain periods and stages of development of society, its rituals and customs, life and economy, fauna and flora of the mountainous region. The language of folk riddles is rich in colorful expressions, the diversity and accuracy of poetic images:  The golden staff flashed - the whole Altai started (lightning and thunder);  A girth (rainbow) is stretched across the mountain;  Foot in the ground, head in the sky (mountain);  The envoy arrived from the king-ruler, all the people bow to him (wind and trees).  With a slender gait, in shoes made of yellow cloth (roe deer),  Red-eyed guys play on the mountain (black grouse). Researchers of the 20th century noted the fusion of the Altaian with nature (according to the definition of V. Radlov, the Altaian is a “child of nature”). These words are confirmed by the content of the well-known fairy tale "Yrystu". A boy named Yrystu calls his mother the lake of Altai, his father - the mountain. “The mountain feeds me with flower beds, the lake gives me water,” he says. The child of nature did not know sorrow and evil. In difficult moments of life, the owner of Altai comes to his aid in the form wise old man on a white horse, on the advice of which the boy Yrystu conquers evil. At the beginning of the 20th century, this fairy-tale world was described by Gurkin. G.I. in the work "The Lament of an Altaian in a Foreign Land". Altai and its mountains, valleys and its rivers became the main themes of the paintings of the outstanding artist Ch. Gurkin, as well as his successors.
We observe similar plots and motives in the works of all Altai poets and prose writers. In all folklore and written sources, Altai is perceived as a Spiritual Center, suggesting the unity of natural and cultural diversity. For us, cultural and natural wealth was, is and should be in eternal synthesis. According to the worldview of the Altaian, everything around had its owner. The spirit of Altai is eternal, omnipotent, holy and requires a special respectful attitude towards itself. It was difficult for an Altaian to renounce the customs and traditions of his ancestors, however, during the years of atheistic upbringing, he was forced to “disguise himself”, remaining a pantheist in his soul. In the 20-30s, poets, singing the beauty of the blue Altai, expressed their dissatisfaction with the destruction of harmony in nature. In this sense, the lines of G.A. Chagat-Stroev from the poem "Kara-Korum" again sound like the lament of an Altaian due to disharmony: The valleys are free, completely devastated lie, The high mountain was - Now trampled down, low. The river was deep - Now it is muddy, shallow. Altai poets remain pagans in their worldview: they revere fire, deify nature, worship the master of the Earth (the spirit of fire, mountains, rivers). Hence the motives of well-wishes, blessings of praise, hymn in the lyrics. (verses by S. Surazakov, B. Ukachin, P. Samyk, B. Bedyurov, S. Sartakova, B. Burmalov and others). Not only fire, but the whole nature of Altai remains a holy temple for many poets. In their works they praise the rituals and customs performed on the passes: tying a ribbon, sprinkling Altai with milk, treating the spirits of Altai. It is no coincidence that S. Surazakov in the poem “The Master of the Mountains” referred to such a custom: “On the tops of the mountains, do not speak, do not shout. Be silent as a stone, do not anger the owner of the mountain. Hence the verses of modern poets, deeply connected with the ritual action (poems by B. Ukachin "Good wishes", "Spell of a bear's head", "Prayer at the cedar", etc., B. Bedyurov "Blessing of the cedar", "Lamentation of the killed bear" , “On the language and customs of hunting”, etc., P. Samyk “Prayer to the spirit of Altai”, “Sun worshiper, etc.). The main thing that unites the Altai poets is a sincere desire to tell about their homeland, about their people, about inspired filial love for the Altai Mountains. L.V. Kokyshev is a singer of the Altai nature. native nature taught the young poet purity and loftiness of feelings. Man in his poetry is only a part of nature, space: I woke up early in the dewy taiga. The needles in the cold rays bronzed. And next - in the tall, flowering grass -
The capercaillie love song was in full swing. And the ancient joy woke up in me, And I looked around the forest half-darkness So greedily, as if I had returned in a dream From a distant planet to my native Earth. In the verses of L. Kokyshev, a complete picture of the universe emerges. Love for the Motherland, for Altai is understood by him as salvation from all adversity. The children of the single mother nature are people, animals, plants, and the elemental forces of nature. The name of E. Palkin as a talented poet and prose writer and public figure is widely known in Gorny Altai and beyond. With his works, he invites readers to the wonderful world of beauty and kindness, to the world of real poetry. The main theme of Palkin's lyrics is the native land and its people, as evidenced by his collections of poems: "New Man", "New Time", "Morning of the Motherland", etc. The poet is sensitive to natural phenomena, attentive to the fauna and flora of Altai, ahead of his time , asks the question: “Several centuries will pass, will Altai remain the same primordial?” (poem "Altai"). His lyrical hero is worried about the future, feels his responsibility to the time: Like a blue wolf whines, My soul sings bitterly, Without guilt, feeling guilty, We live on this earth. The poet's plot verses reveal dramatic events ("Two swans", "Cranes", "Deer with black eyes", etc.). So the poet empathizes with the loss of the swan's partner, shot by poachers. The image of a swan embodies the ideal of beauty and tenderness. A gray bird, a poplar tree, a white road covered with snow are sad along with the lyrical hero. In the collection “Such a Custom”, he told the reader about the blue Altai, the unique beauties of its nature, about courageous and kind, hospitable and humble people- shepherds, about their countrymen. The reader learns from the poet's book about ancient customs and traditions Altai people, sincere generosity, fidelity in friendship. Whatever the poet writes about in his poems, he is always true to his calling - to tell the truth. Here is a golden eagle sitting on an ancient burial mound. But right next to it, a powerful tractor turns over the layers of this ancient land: ... Enchanted I peer into the distance, Where the mounds sleep - no one will wake them up, - Where, with carved drawings, the Stones stand proudly, strict, high, like people. Communication with time, with painful points of the planet, thoughts about the native people, their fate, how to make life more beautiful and richer - these thoughts permeate all subsequent poetic works of Palkin: bright, like me in my native Altai. I wish that for everyone. I sing about that.
A. Adarov's contribution to the Altai poetry lies in a deep understanding of the history of his people, their culture and traditions. His poetry is what was born under the stars Gorny Altai streaming their light over the passes. Adarov has a poem "My Altai". It is about the origins of everything dear to him, about his homeland, about the blue expanses ... My beloved Altai! Strings of mountains And boundless blue expanse. Let us preserve forever the bright forests, Tender rivers, bird voices.... And as long as the blood flows in the veins, May love for the Motherland never cease! The image of the Altai Mountains is drawn in inseparable connection with the Motherland and world culture: When I say: “Oh my Altai!” - The echo returns to me: “My altar”. When a tear flashes in my eyes, bright, I see you in the distance, Ulala .... From history - to myself, from myself to the history of my people, such is the ideal of the poet's creative work: I am a valley, all the winds whipped me, I am a taiga, all the snow covered me. I am an Altaian, people, I am the owner of valleys and ridges, There are scars in my heart From countless arrows and blades. Cedar is the most revered tree of the Altai people. The image of the cedar is not new. It is in the works of many poets and writers, but in Adarov's poems it is perceived as fresh: Our centennial cedars are dying, Altai heroes are dying. Warriors fall with a pierced heart. There's another one collapsed, look! Is it resin? No, these are tears that ooze to the ground in a living stream .... In the preface to the collection “Fate native land Adarov writes: “The main thing in my poems is reflection on the fate of my land, people.” The native land always remains a support for the Altai poets - they begin the comprehension of their high time from it, they have rooted to it with their hearts. Native nature, feeling native land- this is the basis, it is always present in their poems. The nature of the Altai Mountains entered the poetry of B. Ukachin both as a philosophical concept and as an aesthetic reality. In the work of Ukachin, the theme of nature has become social.
I, the hunter Adnay, the son of Tuymesh, Growing up in the protected mountains, I swear, I never sought to exterminate all the animals of Altai. And a bear with the intent to kill I have never pursued! (“Spell of a bear's head”) In many works, the concept of the unity of the past, present and future in the spiritual life of the people can be traced: The world of nature is disinterested, It gives free of charge Shadow and rustle of juicy leaves, Fertile drops ringing. The natural world has not changed. In breadth and kindness, Pure, innocent, frank, Like a spring in the earth's layer. He is connected with mutual love with the mind of people: Bread and salt, wine for the feast - Take everything, and eat, and drink. But, nature's guest, drunk, Do not burn the house of the hostess! Even in generosity there is a measure And there is an end to patience. Uncalculated and unconcealed, Seen in depth, boundless upwards, The world of nature is defenseless- Remember this, man! The artistic worldview of the Altai poets consists of different categories: ethics and aesthetics, science and religion, history, philosophy, etc. On the whole, it is the relation of man to nature, society, the universe, and, finally, to himself.

The Public Altai Territory Writers' Organization turned 57 in the anniversary year of the formation of the Writers' Union of Russia. All these years, the writers of Altai - members of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the Russian Federation, together with the fertile Altai Territory - the richest natural pantry that gave Russia copper, silver, gold, polymetallic ores - raised virgin lands, ennobled villages and towns, built factories and factories, residential buildings , administrative buildings, schools, kindergartens and roads ... They built Koksokhim and the city of Zarinsk, rejoiced at the success of our builders, farmers, livestock breeders ... Together we survived the difficult nineties of perestroika and stagnation. All this is reflected in our books.

Fading into oblivion older generation writers, there are no front-line soldiers with us - Nikolai Dvortsov, Lev Kvin, Georgy Yegorov, Vasily Grishaev, and younger ones - Leonid Merzlikin, Gennady Panov, Evgeny Gushchin, Vladimir Bashunov .... But the memory of the departed comrades is alive in our hearts!

In our region, like nowhere else in Russia, along with the All-Russian Shukshin Days in Altai, there are 11 more traditional regional literary readings dedicated to fellow writers (our residents are kind and memoryful), and three poetic meetings: in the cities of Belokurikha, Slavgorod and the village of Romanovo. In 2007, we won a convincing victory in the regional administration's competition for grants by presenting our project "Literary Readings as a Cultural Phenomenon".

With the money won in the first grant competition of the Administration Altai Territory, purchased: video projector, video camera, laptop and large screen. Also, a colorful album was published with these funds: “Human memory is also life” (History of literary readings in Altai) and solid (hardcover, volume - 150 pages) poetic books of the laureate of the regional literary prize them. N.M. Cherkasov - Vladimir Korzhov "Freezing", and the winner of the regional literary prize named after. L.S. Merzlikin - Sergey Klyushnikov "Autumn squall of contradictions".

With the publication of books, things are certainly not rosy for us, but this does not depend on us, although we make every possible effort to achieve our goals. In 2007 - 2008 we are together with government agency culture of the Altai Regional Universal scientific library named after V.Ya. Shishkov" published a solid Bibliographic Dictionary "Writers of the Altai Territory", a two-volume "Literary Altai", the 17th volume of the book series Library "Writers of Altai" - first announced in 1998, a poetic collection by Sergei Klyushnikov, "Where the junction of centuries, there is the scrapping of contradictions." In 2001, the writers' organization published the essay "Literary Belovodye" for the 50th anniversary of the Altai Territory Writers' Organization, and in 2007 - "Belovodie - 2" (the history of the writers' organization for the 55th anniversary of OAKPO). At active work of our writers a book series is published: “ City Library”, it comes out under the patronage of the mayor of Barnaul Vladimir Kolganov, thanks to the project of the writer Vladimir Svintsov, who is also the editor-in-chief of the Barnaul magazine. In 2007-2008, 20 books were published, and by the end of the year 10-12 books by Altai writers will be published. The poet Valery Tikhonov, editor-in-chief of the Literary and Educational Fund "August" (founded in 1992), works productively in the publishing field. For 16 years in "August" about forty books of Altai poets have been published. With sponsorship last year and this year, prose writers: Vladimir Svintsov, Sergey Buzmakov, Georgy Ryabchenko, Valery Kotelenets, Zoya Desyatova, Dmitry Sharabarin published their books, and the regional writers' organization opened a book series with a collection of poems - "Secret Similarity" by the talented poetess Natalya Nikolenko: "The Poetry Library - THE FIRST BOOK". On the occasion of his 70th birthday, the prose writer Vladimir Svintsov, with the financial support of the regional, city administration and sponsors, publishes seven volumes of selected works, and on the 90th anniversary of the oldest writer in the region, M.I. Yudalevich is preparing a three-volume book - "Favorites".

IN anniversary year the most deserving of our writers for books published in last period, will receive 10 regional literary awards.

The Public Altai Territory Writers' Organization is registered - 34 people, average age who are 55 years old. The Altai Writers' Organization has always been famous for the stability and cohesion of its ranks; in different years, our organization was headed by M.P. Kudinov, L.I. Quinn, Yu.Ya. Kozlov, and three terms of V.B. Leads. The most productive writers are: Ivan Kudinov, Vladimir Svintsov, Vasily Nechunaev, Vladimir Kazakov, Vladimir Korzhov, Valery Kotelenets, Sergey Filatov, Valery Tikhonov, Sergey Klyushnikov, Ivan Mordovin and others. They are being replaced by young writers, which is evidenced by regional literary seminars, regularly held every two years.

As a result of the seminar, held in April 2007, to which writers from Omsk were invited as leaders - Sergey Prokopiev and Valentina Erofeeva-Tverskaya (Chairman of the Omsk branch of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation) and Deputy. editor-in-chief of the magazine "Day and Night" Ivan Klinova, the authors of the best manuscripts N. Volkovinskaya and O. Ivanova, led by a member of the RF SP V.M. Korzhov, took part in the All-Russian Conference of Young Writers in the city of Kamensk-Uralsk near Yekaterinburg. In November of the same year, Yulia Nifontova, a member of the Russian Union of Writers, represented the Altai Regional Writers' Organization at the conference of the Ural Writers' Association in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the northern city of Muravlenko. As a result of the conference, we were admitted to the Association of Writers of the Urals. In March 2008, in the capital of the Altai Territory, on the basis of the Barnaul State Pedagogical University and the State Museum of the History of Literature, Art and Culture of Altai, the Interregional Poetry Festival - "Towards Spring" was held, writers from Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo and the Altai Republic.

At the Altai Regional Writers' Organization in the city of Barnaul, directly in the Writer's House. Vasily Shukshin, for 20 years, a literary association has been operating: "Spectrum" - head Elena Ryabova, and a regional literary studio: "Ob Waves" - the department "Poetry" is led by a member of the Russian Union of Writers, poet Ivan Mordovin, the department "Prose" is a member of the Russian Union of Writers prose writer Sergei Buzmakov, literary club "Belovodie" - led by Yulia Nifontova, a member of the Russian Union of Writers, literary associations also work in major cities: Biysk, Rubtsovsk, Slavgorod, Novoaltaysk ... Young poets and prose writers involved in literary associations, are regularly published in regional periodicals and publish sponsored books reviewed by well-known writers in the region.

In 2007, we held the first city essay competition based on the works of E.G. Gushchin, and for the first time we managed to hold a regional literary competition among students on the work of V.M. Shukshina: “My Quiet Homeland”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Altai Territory, (together with the Education Committee of the city of Barnaul, the State Museum of the History of Literature, Art and Culture of Altai, the Regional Branch of the Just Russia party). According to the results of the competition, Anastasia Neshpor (Biysk) and Igor Mukhortov (Novoaltaisk) under the leadership of S.V. Filatova represented the Altai Territory at the All-Siberian Literary Festival "The world speaks through the mouths of children", where Anastasia Neshpor took second place in the prose nomination. In September-December 2008, it is planned to hold a city competition of calendars - "I draw with a brush of love" based on the works of poets of the region among students of secondary schools and art educational institutions cities dedicated to the year of the family.

Every year in the region, writers hold more than 200 meetings with readers in traditional holidays: "Knowledge Day", "Day Slavic writing and Culture”, “Month of the Elderly”, “Museum Night”, “Children's Book Week”… In addition, many of us worked with readerships personally.

The writers' organization works closely with regional and city committees for culture and public education, universities, colleges, museums, and libraries. So in 2008, together with federal agency by education, State Educational Institution of Higher vocational education"Barnaul State Pedagogical University", Center " Children's reading”, a textbook for schoolchildren “Literature of the native land” was published.

During 2007-2008, the writers of our organization are successfully implementing the "governor's" program, which provides for the speeches of members of the Russian Union of Writers in all regions of the Altai Territory - at least 15 meetings a year, reviews of which are the warmest.

We not only speak a lot at meetings with readers, but also receive guests. It is clear that when coming to the Shukshinsky holiday, well-known writers in Russia will not pass us by. In 2007, at the All-Russian Shukshin Days in Altai, we were visited by the Co-Chairman of the Board of the Council of Writers of the Russian Federation Gennady Popov (Orel) and the head of the Omsk Writers' Organization Valentin Erofeeva-Tverskaya. This year, we were invited (at our invitation) to honor Shukshin: the head of the Association of Writers of the Urals and Western Siberia, Alexander Kerdan, and a poet from Omsk, Yuri Perminov.

Moreover, for the first time in last years we had the opportunity to talk with one of the leaders of the writers' organization of the united Germany - prose writer Felix Kube. These meetings at the Writer's House and State Museum the history of literature, art and culture of Altai dispelled the myth that foreign writers live worse than ours.

On June 6, 2008, on the day of the Pushkin Readings, we held a presentation of the official website of our organization, which gives us the opportunity to introduce the work of our organization and our writers to those readers who prefer e-books. Our website address:, and the address Email: [email protected]

Galina Kolesnikova, Executive Secretary of the Public Altai Regional Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia, Secretary of the Board of the Writers' Union of Russia

Mysterious and mysterious Altai gave the world dozens of wonderful people. Talented and bright, and at the same time, good-natured and humane people grow up in this wonderful land. Famous people of the Altai Territory are distinguished by their boundless love for life and everything around them.

Originally from the Altai Territory

Born and raised under the protection of the Altai mountains, today's cosmonauts, researchers, actors, athletes, politicians always speak of their homeland with love. Famous people of the Altai Territory (list):

  1. V.V. Bianchi is a writer of children's stories about animal life.
  2. A.I. Buldakov - People's Artist of Russia.
  3. M.S. Evdokimov is a Russian politician and artist.
  4. V.S. Zolotukhin - actor and writer, awarded the title National artist Russia.
  5. M.T. Kalashnikov - developer of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, a successful weapons designer.
  6. I.P. Miroshnichenko - People's Artist Russia
  7. I.I. Polzunov is a self-taught scientist who invented the steam engine and the world's first two-cylinder steam engine.
  8. A.V. Pankratov-Cherny - actor of the Soviet and Russian cinema, director.
  9. N.K. Roerich is an artist, philosopher and public figure.
  10. R.I. Christmas - famous poet times of the USSR, the author of poems and texts for many songs.
  11. E.F. Savinova is a Soviet actress.
  12. G.S. Titov is a pilot-cosmonaut who made the first long flight into space.
  13. V.M. Shukshin is a writer, screenwriter and film director.

Live for the motherland, for fellow countrymen

Famous people believe that there is no place in the world more beautiful and better than their homeland. Mikhail Sergeevich Evdokimov was no exception. Born in a simple family, the boy always wanted to do good deeds and bring joy to people. Evdokimov chose the appropriate profession - in the cultural education school he received an education in the specialization of a balalaika player. Before the army, he worked as a grinder and a canteen administrator.

The talented guy decided to change his life and moved to Moscow in 1981. Fame came to him in 1984. His parodies and monologues scattered into quotes. He began to actively act in films, in such films as "I don't want to get married", "Don't play the fool" and others. He had 4 author's programs, including "C light steam!" on Channel One. The recognition of his popularity was solo concerts and a music CD which was released in the US.

But not only actor career attracted Evdokimov. In 1995, he spoke about the desire to go into politics and in 2004 became the head of the Altai Territory. He lived and worked for his region, for his countrymen. Evdokimov did everything to raise his land to new level and he succeeded. Only death could stop him, which overtook him on August 7, 2005 in a car accident.

The bullet of pain is double-sided

Celebrities of the Altai Territory were often from simple families. Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov was one of those. He was born in the village of Kurya in a family of peasants. Even as a child, he was drawn to technology, and thoughts about creating a perpetual motion machine hovered in his head. He was drafted into the army in 1938 as a tank driver. Already at this time, he distinguished himself by ingenuity and improved the tank. In one of the battles of the Great Patriotic War he barely got out from under the machine-gun fire of the enemy. And it was this that gave rise to the idea to create an automaton in him.

He worked on drawings of his creation both in the hospital and on wounded leave. By creating the AK-47, Kalashnikov failed to impress the military leaders, but managed to prove himself as a good designer. Kalashnikov was recognized as the best creator of weapons in 1947, according to the results of tests of a machine gun chambered for. After the successful release of an experimental batch, the Kalashnikov assault rifle was launched into mass production.

Music of the Soul

In the village of Kosikha, Altai Territory. Show your Creative skills he became in his youth, like many famous people of the Altai Territory. Biography Soviet poet filled with happy and sad moments. Parents divorced early, father died in one of the battles in Latvia in 1945.

In 1950, he failed to enter the Literary Institute on his first attempt. The second attempt a year later was successful. The poet published his first book in 1955 under the title Flags of Spring. Subsequently, Rozhdestvensky published the collections "Test", "My Love", "Your Window". Dozens were put on his poems popular songs, including "Echo of Love", "Only for You", "It's time to go home", "If there is love in the world" and many others.

More than a day in space

Celebrities of the Altai Territory in literature, cinema, political activity and even in space showed themselves as legendary figures. The conquest of the latter was placed on the shoulders of German Stepanovich Titov.

He connected his life with space in 1960, when he got into the cosmonaut corps. In April 1961, he managed to be Yuri Gagarin's understudy, and already in August of this year he made the world's first long-term orbital flight.

One day and one hour lasted flight in space. During this time, he managed to make seventeen revolutions around globe. In addition, Titov became the youngest cosmonaut in history, because at that time he was only twenty-five years old. Titov is undoubtedly a legendary man, in his honor the seamount is named in pacific ocean, an island in the Gulf of Tonkin, as well as streets, schools, scientific centers different cities.

Vitaliy Bianchi - alone with nature

Vitaly Valentinovich was born in St. Petersburg in 1894. But, despite this, he considered the city of Biysk the most dear and beloved, where he began to develop as a writer. Got to the Altai Territory of Bianki during October revolution, but upon its completion, he did not return to St. Petersburg, but remained to work as a teacher in Biysk.

His career as a writer began with small publications in a local newspaper. Subsequently, he married a French teacher and returned to the city of his childhood. In Biysk, he spent a lot of time alone with nature, which became the basis for his famous works: "Forest houses", "Whose nose is better", "Who sings than".

"Where is the nofelet?"

Almost all the famous people of the Altai Territory come from small settlements. So Alexander Pankratov-Cherny is a native of the village of Konevo. At the age of three, he lost his father, his mother was left alone with four children in her arms.

As a child, all Pankratov-Cherny's thoughts were occupied by clowning, with which he wanted to connect his life. But with age, he decided to dedicate himself to acting. He graduated first from Gorky theater school, and then VGIK in the class of directing. He also acquired his last name as a student. The prefix Cherny distinguished him from the namesake Alexander Pankratov, who studied with him at the same faculty.

Dozens in his arsenal famous films, but "Where is the nophelet?" loved by absolutely every inhabitant of the country.

The one that walks around Moscow

Famous people of the Altai Territory are mostly male. There are few women who glorified him. One of this small number is a graduate of the Moscow Art Theater, the magnificent actress Irina Petrovna Miroshnichenko. She made her film debut in the film "I'm walking around Moscow", also in her arsenal of shooting in the films "They were only known by sight", "Andrei Rublev", "A soldier came from the front", " Winter cherry”(second and third parts) and many others.

The actress was married three times, but all marriages ended in divorce. The wonderful air and atmosphere of Altai endowed the actress with a wonderful smile, which contributed to her work in the filming of commercials for the Calcium D3 Nikomed advertisement.

The actress maintains a personal blog where she shares her thoughts and feelings with readers. She also answers questions from fans and thanks them for such a warm attitude.

Adarov, Arzhan Oinchinovich (1932-2005).

Born June 15, 1932 in the village. Kayarlyk, Ust-Kansky district. WITH early childhood helped his mother in the parking lot. My father died at the front during the Great Patriotic War.

In 1952, after graduating from the regional national school, together with L. Kokyshev and E. Palkin, he was sent to study at the Moscow Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.

In 1956, the first collection of poems "Ursul" was published in Gorno-Altaisk. Published in many languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and abroad. In 1971 on Kazakh language the book "Altai motives" was published, in 1983 the collection "Eternal Mountains" was published in the Tuvan language.

A. Adarov worked as a correspondent for the newspaper "Altaidykh Cholmony", editor-in-chief, director of the Gorno-Altai branch of the Altai book publishing house, literary consultant for the Gorno-Altai branch of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR.

Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1982), Chairman of the Union of Writers of the Altai Republic (1994-2005), laureate of the State Prize. G. I. Choros-Gurkina. He was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. People's Writer RA (2004).

Bedyurov, Brontoy Yangovich (1947).

Born March 23, 1947 in the village. Ongudive in the family of the poet Yanga Bedyurov. He received his secondary education at the Gorno-Altai regional national school.

Graduated from the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky (1967-1972), postgraduate studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976-1980).

From 1966 he worked in the Gorno-Altai Regional Radio Committee, the editorial office of the newspaper "Altaidykh Cholmony" (1972-1975), a writer's organization.

Academician of the Academy of Russian Literature. Laureate of the All-Russian Literary Prize. N.M. Karamzin "For Fatherland Studies".

Honored Worker of Culture Russian Federation.

People's Writer of the Republic of Altai (2007).

Yeredeev, Alexander Yanganovich (1937-2008).

He studied at the regional national school. In 1958 he graduated from the veterinary technical school.

Since 1959 he worked as a livestock specialist, then as a teacher and librarian in his native village.

Since 1963 he lived in the city of Gorno-Altaisk. He worked as a proofreader in the Gorno-Altai branch of the Altai book publishing house, as a correspondent for the newspaper "Altaidykh Cholmony", and the regional radio committee.

In 1967 he graduated from the Correspondence Department of the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1969).

Kalkin, Alexei Grigorievich (1925-1998).

Born April 3, 1925 in the village. Passeparties of the Ulagansky district. Visually disabled since childhood, he did not have to study. But from an early age he was immersed in the world of oral folk art, performing heroic poems Altai people. Lived in with. Yabogan, Ust-Kansky district.

A.G. Kalkin is an outstanding Altaic kaichi storyteller. With sample execution heroic epic performed since 1948 in Moscow, Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Ulan-Ude, Gorno-Altaisk. His repertoire included more than 30 heroic tales, each of which has a volume of one to ten thousand poetic lines.

From him a large number of Altai heroic tales were recorded and published, of which the epic "Maadai-Kara" was published in 1973 by the Institute of World Literature named after. A.M. Gorky in the academic series "Epos of the Peoples of the USSR". The heroic epic "Maadai-Kara" is recognized as a folk-poetic monument of world significance.

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1978).

Katash, Sergei Sergeevich (1925-2003).

In 1948 he graduated from the literary department of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.

In 1958 he defended his PhD thesis.

1973-75 - Doctoral student of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR.

Since 1962 S.S. Katash worked at the Gorno-Altai Pedagogical Institute, professor at the Department of Altai Philology.

He has been engaged in literary work since 1950. The author of literary works, articles, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids on Altai folklore and literature. S.S. Katash took an active part in the preparation of the multi-volume edition of the Altai heroic epic "Altai baatyrlar".

Doctor philological sciences, laureate International Prize"Unity", Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Awarded with the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1972).

Kozlov, Konstantin Ivanovich (1918-1996).

Childhood and early teenage years were spent in the city of Gorky, in an orphanage. Graduated from FZU, worked as a turner, studied at evening department workers' faculty.

In 1936 he left for Central Asia, studied at the Pedagogical College of Samarkand.

Since 1974 he lived in Gorno-Altaisk. He worked as a correspondent for the newspaper Zvezda Altai and on the radio.

The first book of poems "In the mountains of the blue Altai" was published in 1952 in Barnaul. Author of collections of poems and essay books.

A distinctive feature of K. Kozlov's poetry is the dialogue between Russian and Altai cultures and mythopoetics. He turned to Altai folklore, reworked its plots using the rhythmic of the Altai heroic epic, translated poems of Altai poets into Russian.

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1957).

Kokyshev, Lazar Vasilievich (1933-1975).

Born October 20, 1933 in the village. Kumzhulu Shebalinsky district. My father died at the front during the Great Patriotic War.After graduating from the regional national school, from 1952 to 1957 he studied at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.

L.V. Kokyshev worked as an editor of the Gorno-Altai book publishing house, executive secretary and consultant of the Gorno-Altai branch of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR, and a correspondent for the regional radio. Elected Member of the Regional Council people's deputies.
Started writing from school bench. The first book was published in 1956. In 1959, the first Altai novel "Arina" was published, which was translated into Russian, Kazakh and Tuvan languages. L. Kokyshev translated the poems of A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. A. Nekrasov, R. Burns and other poets.
Outstanding Altai writer, author of the first Altai novel "Arina".

Manitov, Sergey Kunduchinovich (1938-2010).

In 1957, after graduating from the regional national school, he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army.

In 1964 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Gorno-Altai State Pedagogical Institute.

He worked as a teacher of the Altai language and literature in the schools of the Ongudai region.

S.K. Manitov was the editor of the Ongudai regional radio newspaper, the executive secretary of the regional society "Knowledge".

Poems began to be written in school years. The first collection of poems for children was published in 1966. In total, he published 8 books of poetry and prose.

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1988).

Chevalkov, Mikhail Vasilievich (1817-1901).

Born in 1817 in the village. Karasuk. In 1824, the Chevalkov family moved to the village. Ulalu.

In Ulala, M. Chevalkov independently learned to read and write and began to study folk art. At the request of the folklore collector of the peoples of Siberia N.I. Ananin, he writes down and translates into Russian Altai fairy tales, legends, songs, proverbs and sayings.

In 1860, cooperation began with the ethnographer V.V. Radlov, who also asked for help in collecting material on the oral folk art of the Altaians. The materials collected by Chevalkov were included in the first volume of V.V. Radlov "Samples folk literature Turkic tribes living in southern Siberia. Among these materials, an autobiographical essay "The Life of Chevalkov" was presented. This is the first work of art in the written Altai literature.

Thanks to M. Chevalkov's acquaintance with almost all scientists who visited Gorny Altai during his lifetime, he had the opportunity to learn Russian literature and try his hand at literary translation.

A significant place among the translations is occupied by the fables of I.A. Krylov. Imitating Krylov's fables, M. Chevalkov himself writes poems on themes from the life of the Altaians. The first book of poetry "Instructive articles in verse in the Altai language" was published in Kazan in 1872.

Creativity M.V. Chevalkov gave impetus to the formation and development of modern Altai literature, it is studied in educational institutions Republic of Altai.

In 2002, by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Altai and the State Assembly of El-Kurultai National Library The Republic of Altai was named after the educator and missionary M.V. Chevalkov.

Chichinov, Valery Ivanovich (1936-1999).

Born in with. Cheposh Elikmanar region. He grew up without a father, lost his mother early. Childhood passed in Anos.

In 1956, after graduating from school, he entered the Gorno-Altai Pedagogical Institute, after which he devoted himself to journalism and pedagogical work.

He was in charge of the Literature Sector of the Gorno-Altai Research Institute of History, Language and Literature, was the scientific secretary of the institute.

He worked as a teacher in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, Minister of Culture of the Altai Republic.

V. Chichinov's book "The Path of Young Literature", written in collaboration with S. Katash, was published in 1973. In 1976, the book "The Address of Poetry - Gorny Altai" was published - the author's work of a critic and literary critic. These works are today an indispensable primary source in the study of Altai literature.

Member of the Union of Writers and the Union of Journalists of Russia. Was a member of the Board International Foundation Humanitarian initiatives at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Co-Chairman of the International Roerich Society "Altai - Himalayas".

Awarded with the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Choros-Gurkin, Grigory Ivanovich (1870-1937).

He worked in an icon-painting workshop, taught in the villages of Ulala and Paspaul.

In 1899 he was enrolled as a volunteer in the landscape class of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

In 1900 he returned to Altai and settled with his family in the village. Anos.

In 1907, the first personal exhibition took place, which had resounding success and brought fame and glory.

The artist's Peru also owns vivid literary essays about Altai.

G.I. Choros-Gurkin is an outstanding Altai artist. Chairman of the Altai Mining Duma (1917-1918), Chairman of the Karakorum-Altai Council (1918). suffered from repression. October 11, day tragic death Altai artist and public figure, in the Republic of Altai declared the Day of Remembrance.

Chunizhekov, Chalchyk Anchinovich (1898-1973).

In 1916 he graduated from the three classes of the parochial school, there was no opportunity to continue his education further.

Love and recognition of readers won autobiographical story"Munduzak", translated into Russian by A. Kitainik.

Ch.A. Chunizhekov worked as a secretary of the village council, a collective farm accountant.

From 1938 to 1958 worked in the editorial office of the newspaper "Altaydyҥ Cholmony".

He was awarded medals "For Valiant Labor during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)" and "For Labor Valor".

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1958).

Shatinov, Shatra Pepishevich (1938-2009).

In 1957 he graduated from the Gorno-Altai Regional National School. Studied at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky.

Sh.P. Shatinov worked as an editor in Gorno-Altaisk department of the Altai book publishing house, a literary collaborator in the newspapers "Altaidykh Cholmony" and "Zvezda Altai".

He began to engage in literary creativity in 1959.

Translated one-act plays by A.P. Chekhov, the story "Pepe the Little Cuban" by V. Chichkov and the tragedy by M. Karim "On the night of a lunar eclipse".

Laureate of the State Prize. G. I. Choros-Gurkina.

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1978). People's Writer of the Republic of Altai (2007).

Shinzhin, Tanyspay Boksurovich (1936).

Born on June 29, 1936 in the Ulegem tract of the Ongudai district. From an early age he remained an orphan, brought up in an orphanage.

Learned from childhood various types throat singing.

In 1963 he graduated from the Gorno-Altai Pedagogical Institute.

T.B. Shinzhin worked as a teacher of the Altai language and literature in the schools of the region, a methodologist at the regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, and an employee of the Gorno-Altai RIIL.

In 1977 he became a laureate of the All-Russian and All-Union Review amateur performances. WITH throat singing performed in Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Moscow, Alma-Ata, Yakutsk, Elista, Ulaanbaatar, Paris, Geneva, Florence.

Knows about thirteen great epic tales.

He has published more than a dozen books of poetry and prose. He published more than 300 scientific articles about kaichi singers, about Turkic-Mongolian narrators and issues of Altai folklore.

He published the monograph "Storyteller A. G. Kalkin" in Altaic and Russian.

T.B. Shinzhin is awarded Honorary diploma Board of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1976). People's Storyteller of RA (2005).

Shodoev, Ivan Vasilievich (1914-2007).

Born on September 25, 1914 in the village. Ust-Kan, Ust-Kansky district. Started working at the age of 14. He studied at the regional Soviet party school.

In 1935 he graduated from the Odessa All-Union School of the Children's Movement.

I.V. Shodoev worked in the apparatus of the district committee of the Komsomol, the district committee of the CPSU and the regional executive committee, executive secretary of the Gorno-Altai Writers' Organization, correspondent and editor of the newspaper Altaidy Cholmony.

Member of the Great Patriotic War.

He began his creative activity in 1939.

The first book for children "Bunny" was published in 1958. Since then, others have also been published: "Altyn-Sume", "Do you know?", "First Steps", "Karas", "Irbizek", "At Dawn", "Terrible Years" ...

Chairman of the Ulagan aimaks executive committee (1954-56). He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, two Orders of the Badge of Honor and medals.

Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1969). People's Writer of the Republic of Armenia (2004).

Edokov, Vladimir I. (1936-1995).

From 1953 to 1957 he studied at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the Gorno-Altai State Pedagogical Institute.

In 1958 he entered the Faculty of Theory and History visual arts Leningrad Institute of Painting, Graphics, Sculpture and Architecture. I. Repin. This is where the main theme of his scientific research- the life and work of the first professional Altai artist G.I. Choros-Gurkin.

Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, was a member of the National Coordinating Council for artistic crafts Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, member of the Creative Commission for Art History and art criticism USSR Academy of Arts, member of the Board of the Union of Artists of Russia, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Armenia.

Yalatov, Nikolay Kokurovich (Shunu Yalatov, 1927-2002).

After graduating from the veterinary technical school, he worked as a veterinarian in the villages of the Shebalinsky district. Constantly visited remote livestock camps, in free time told their inhabitants heroic tales and tales.

The peculiar form of performance of the epic made it accessible to listeners.

Performed by N.K. Yalatov is well aware of the legends "Katan-Mergen" and "Katan-Kekshin", "Kestoy-Mergen", "Olengir", "Kaltan-Kaan", as well as prose tales and songs.

Member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation (1994).

A source of information:

  1. Altaidin kaichylary: Rus.-Alt. inform. Sat. - Barnaul: Azbuka LLC, 2010.
  2. Who's who in the Altai Republic: reference-biogr. ed. Issue. first. - Gorno-Altaisk: IP "Alternative". - 1998.
  3. Laureates of the G. I. Choros-Gurkin Prize. - 2010.
  4. My fate in the fate of Altai: biogr. ref. - Gorno-Altaisk, 2006.
  5. Writers of Gorny Altai: biobibliogr. ref. - 1988.
  6. Republic of Altai: short encyclopedia. / Ch. ed. A. S. Surazakov. - Novosibirsk: ARTA, 2010. - 366 p. : ill., tab.
  7. fate and literary heritage repressed: a view from the XXI century. - Gorno-Altaisk: Type. "Altai polygraph", 2010. - 189 p.
  8. Proceedings of employees of the Gorno-Altai Institute for Humanitarian Research, 1952-1995. : spec. lit. - Gorno-Altaisk, 1997.

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