Where the first bell of the world was installed. Earth Day


Colonization of distant planets and meeting with representatives of other civilizations is still a figment of the imagination science fiction, but perhaps the hour is approaching when these pictures will become an objective reality. Be that as it may, but one of the symbols - the flag of the Earth - has already been developed and exists (and not in one version). There will be something to give to aliens as souvenirs-pennants at a meeting or - to hoist on a staff on a newly developed planet!

Unrecognized symbol

But seriously, the idea is a good one, uniting countries and continents. And in the end, the planet must have its own symbol - the flag of the Earth. Although to this day this idea has not received universal support at the level of states, but exists only at the levels public organizations and artists and cultural figures. It was they who brought to our attention the current options.

UN unites nations

The flag of this organization, which was approved in the middle of the last century (1946), can be conditionally considered one of the first variants of such a symbol as the flag of the planet Earth. cloth blue color symbolizes peaceful intentions and is reminiscent of the sky or the ocean, and the emblem white color, located in the center, depicts the continents. received wide worldwide fame and can be used as a generalized flag and symbol of the Earth. It is exhibited today freely, although there are some restrictions on the use of UN symbols (for example, for commercial purposes) by law.

McConnell's Flag: View of the Earth from Space

Among private offers appearance The planetary symbol received a version of the American figure McConnell in 1969. This Earth Flag was designed to celebrate Earth Day for the first time in 1970. It was based on real photo, depicting what the Blue Planet looks like from space. The background is dark blue, reminiscent of the sky. This view of the Earth from space on the flag was subsequently replaced by a NASA image (1972). A patent (trademark) was originally obtained for this symbol, which was later canceled due to the transfer of this image to the public domain. What does not negate the popularity of this option in modern world(especially in America).

Cadle Flag: Sun, Earth, Moon

Another of the most popular images is the so-called flag of Kedl, an American farmer from Illinois, who offered his version to the world community. It depicts in descending order: the Sun, the Earth, the Moon. Sun as a segment of a circle yellow color, a blue ball of our planet, then a small white ball of the Moon. The whole design is made schematically, in a well-harmonized and memorable color scheme. This variation caused a stir among participants in programs to search for other civilizations. And in 2003, this flag of the Earth becomes in the USA.

Rönhede offer

Ann Rönhede in 2000 proposed another variation. The cloth is dark blue (but this is already natural for many options by analogy with the sky, water). In the center of it is a blue circle with a border of a white ring. All this schematic image symbolizes the ideas of peace and cooperation between countries and peoples. And the simplicity of design and lightness, availability in manufacturing made this option very popular at one time around the world.

Carroll's interpretation

The so-called World Flag was proposed by Paul Carroll in 2006 and also has the right to exist. It symbolizes the universal globalization in the modern world. In the center of the work is a map of the world. It is surrounded all over by the flags of all 216 countries recognized at that time and the traditional flag of the UN.

Pernefeld plan

Most recently, in 2015, Oskar Pernefeld, an artist from Sweden, offered the world community this modern design an international flag that can represent our planet. According to the creator of the image, this symbol will have to be used in the future in space expeditions and is intended for very specific purposes:

  • Represent the Blue Planet in space.
  • To remind the inhabitants of the Earth that this is our common Home, regardless of state borders and national accessories, and it needs to be kept in order and in peace, take care of each other and the whole planet.

On given symbol seven intertwining white rings (reminiscent of parts of the world) are shown, folding into geometric figure resembling a flower. The flower is a symbol of life and goodness. And weaving is a symbol of the fact that everything in the world is interconnected. The background of the cloth is dark blue. It symbolizes water spaces and the importance of the ocean for life on the planet. And also given graphic image indirectly resembles the Earth itself, flying in outer space. Such a comprehensive and ambiguous drawing turned out, quite in the spirit of modernity. It remains to be added what color scheme The flag also has aesthetic objectives: blue and white go well with the clothes of astronauts in the United States, contrasting against a white background. In general, almost without exception, everyone liked the version of the Earth symbol very much. But again, it has not yet been officially approved at the level of states and international communities.


In general, it should be noted that with all the variety of existing options listed above, our planet does not have its own symbol officially approved at the global level. There are only projects, although they are quite successful. The point is small: to initiate the approval of one of these flags so that the appropriate resolutions are adopted and there is something to fly with to conquer unexplored outer space!

Peace Bell on Earth Day

On Earth Day in different countries By tradition, the Bell of Peace sounds, calling on the people of the Earth to feel the universal community and make efforts to protect peace on the planet and preserve the beauty of our common house. The Peace Bell is a symbol of tranquility, peaceful life and friendship, eternal brotherhood and solidarity of peoples. And at the same time, it is a call to action in the name of preserving peace and life on Earth, preserving Man and Culture.

The first Peace Bell was installed at the UN Headquarters in New York in 1954. It is cast from coins donated by children from all over the world. UN in Vienna. The Peace Bell has been installed in many cities in Japan, in major cities Germany (1989), Poland, Turkey (1989), Mexico (1990), Australia (1992), Mongolia (1993), Philippines (1994), Canada (1996), Brazil (1997), Argentina (1998), Ecuador (1999) ), Uzbekistan (2003) and other countries.

In Russia, the action "Peace Bell on Earth Day" has been held since 1998 on the initiative and under the patronage of the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero Soviet Union A. N. Berezovoy at the International Center of the Roerichs. On grand opening the first Earth Day in Moscow Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa said: “... Earth Day is a day of responsibility to our planet, responsibility to the people who inhabit it, to nature itself, of which we are a part.”

The organizers of the action "Bell of Peace on Earth Day" in Moscow are the International League for the Protection of Culture, the International Center-Museum named after N. K. Roerich, the International Humanitarian Fund "Knowledge" named after K. V. Frolov, the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia, the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Representatives of the United Nations Information Center in Moscow, the Moscow Office of UNESCO, the Government of Moscow, cosmonauts, famous figures science and culture. This is a very important day for all the inhabitants of the country.

1. Maria Dolens ("Maria Dolens") - the largest bell in Italy:

"Maria Dolens" ("Maria Dolens") - the largest bell in Italy (weight about 23 tons, diameter 3.21 m, height 3.36 m).
This is a bell-monument to those who died of all nationalities in the First World War of 1914-1918. Perhaps it can be called the first "peace bell" (a little later there will be Japanese, American and other peace bells ...).
The idea of ​​creating this bell belonged to the priest Antonio Rosaro. In 1924, the bell was cast from cannons armies of countries, who participated in the First World War, and installed on "Miravalle Hill" near the Italian city of Rovereto, where fierce battles took place during that war. On May 24, 1925, the bell was baptized with the name "Maria Dolens".
However, the sound of the bell did not match the desired one, and in 1939 the bell was recast and then installed in its original place. It cracked in 1960. Money for a new bell was collected throughout the province, and in 1964 a new one was cast in the Capanni foundry, which Pope Paul VI christened in St. Peter's Square in Rome with the same name - "Maria Dolens".
"Maria Dolens" rings 100 times every evening at 6 o'clock. In addition, each country has its own "day of remembrance" when the bell tolls specifically for its victims. For Russia, this is March 22.
Cast on the bell wise saying: "You will lose nothing with peace, you can lose everything with war" ...

Svetlana NARozhnaya

2. First Peace Bell was installed at the UN Headquarters in New York in 1954.

It is cast from coins donated by children from all continents and is a symbol of the global solidarity of the people of the Earth. Orders and medals, other honorary signs of people from many countries are also fused into it. The inscription on the bell reads: "Long live universal world peace."
General Secretary UN Ban Ki-moon strikes the Peace Bell in celebration international day peace. September 21, 2007, United Nations, New York. (UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe):

Peace Bell Ceremony: Rose Garden, 08:45
The traditional Peace Bell ceremony will begin in the Rose Garden at 08:45. The General Secretary will strike the Bell. The ceremony will traditionally be attended by envoys of peace.

The meaning of the ceremony bell ringing on Earth Day, so that during the minute while the Peace Bell sounds, people think about how to save our beautiful planet, how to improve life on it, realize themselves as its citizens and feel the inseparability of their life from the life of the Cosmos.
3. In 1996, the same bell was installed at the United Nations in Vienna.

4. The Peace Bell is installed in many cities in Japan:

4-1. The Japanese Peace Bell installed at the UN Headquarters:

4-2. Peace Park, Hiroshima:
Peace Park, Peace Memorial Park, is a memorial complex founded in Hiroshima on the spot where the atomic bomb exploded in August 1945.

Here's what it looks like up close.

4-3. Peace Bell at Futagami, Manyo-Futagamiyama Road:

5 . Russia.

5-1. "Bell of Peace" ("Bell of Nagasaki") (Saint Petersburg):

Memorial sign "Peace Bell" in Academician Sakharov Park (Piskarevsky Prospekt at the intersection with Marshal Blyukher Prospekt) (a copy of the "Peace Bell", whose ringing marks anniversaries atomic bombing Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, donated by the inhabitants of Nagasaki to sister city Leningrad in 1988).

On August 9, 1988, the Bell of Peace monument was unveiled in Leningrad on Piskarevsky Prospekt.
It was opened on August 9, 1988. At 11:02 a.m. on the day and at the time of the nuclear bombardment of Nagasaki in 1945, the first strike of the "Peace Bell" sounded.
In July 1988, the public of the city of Nagasaki presented the sister city of Leningrad with a copy of the “Peace Bell”, the ringing of which marks the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.

The project for the design of the commemorative sign was developed in the 9th workshop of the LenNIIproekt under the guidance of architect B.A. Izborsky.
Materials: bronze - bell, sculpture of a crane; nickel-plated metal - the architectural part of the monument, an overlaid text board; polished and forged granite - base.
Captions: Blackboard text: Beat the bell of Nagasaki! / Beat the bell of Nagasaki! / About the terrible and senseless atomic bomb, / that took away our relatives and friends, / and our health. / Sound the bell of Nagasaki! / Sound the bell of Nagasaki! / And spread our prayers from the edge / to the edge of the Earth. / Written by Matsuoka Kunichi / Nagasaki Prefectural Atomic Bomb Friends Friends Society / Atomic Bomb Student Society / May 10, 1988 / President Furahori Katsuichi.

5-2. Peace Bell in Novosibirsk:

Since 1971, the Peace Bell campaign has been inextricably linked with the International Earth Day holiday and the Flag of the Earth. It was then that the UN Secretary General signed a special appeal to the peoples of the world, which noted that a new vision of the Earth and a completely different attitude towards it arose when the cosmonauts and astronauts saw and told everyone how beautiful our wonderful blue planet is - the common home of mankind.
The Peace Bell also sounds on the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated on September 21, and it is on this day that the Christian holiday of the Nativity of the Virgin falls.
In Russia, this action began to be carried out in 1998 on the initiative and under the patronage of the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union A.N. Birch; for the first time it was held at the International Center of the Roerichs (Moscow).

The first capital structure in Russia, the Peace Bell arch, was erected in the center of the city of Novosibirsk on the territory of the N.K. Roerich (street Communist, 38).
The inscription - "The Bell of Peace" - will be cast in ten languages ​​of the peoples of the Earth, the press service of the Novosibirsk City Hall reports. Bell diameter - 700 mm, height - 810 mm.
Several public organizations, including the Siberian Roerich Society, initiated the action "The Bell of Peace on Earth Day" in the capital of Siberia. “This holiday will symbolize the unity of the inhabitants of the city, reflected in the "Charter of the city of Novosibirsk" and based on love for their city, the preservation of its traditions, - the mayor of Novosibirsk V.F. Gorodetsky. “Let the Peace Bell be a reminder to us that Novosibirsk is part of the global community.”
Residents and guests of the city will be able to hear the ringing of the Novosibirsk Peace Bell several times a year - presumably on Earth Day, City Day and the day of the spring equinox.
5-3. Volgograd.

Every year on August 6 at 8-15 am, on the day and hour of the atomic bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima in Volgograd, the peace bell rings.

The Peace Bell was presented to Volgograd by the authorities of the city of Hiroshima in 1985. The Volgograd Bell of Peace is an exact copy of the one made Japanese master Masahito Katori. The bell is decorated with a diagram of the constellations - the Big Dipper and the Southern Cross, as well as the image of the "peaceful atom" and the dove of peace.

6. Austria

6-1. The New Year in Austria is signaled by the "Peace Bell" installed in St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna.

6-2. Telfs/Moesern, Austria:

The largest bell, cast by Grassmayer, is installed in a picturesque corner of Tyrol - Telfs / Moesern (Telfs / Moesern), Austria. This bell, ringing every day at 17:00, is called the "Peace Bell" as it was erected in honor of the 25th anniversary of the "Partnership of 11 Alpine Regions", concluded on October 12, 1972. The bell was cast on August 25, 1997, has a diameter of 2.54 m, a height of 2.51 m and weighs 10,180 kg. The decoration of the bell includes 11 heraldic signs and the inscription: "I call for good neighborliness and peace in the Alpine countries."

7. USA (except New York)
7-1. In Oak Ridge Tennessee Park:

The Peace Bell is a symbol of friendship between the United States and Japan. The bell was installed in a park in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in 1993 with private donations. A total of $200,000 was raised for this project.

The bell is an expression of hope for eternal peace friendship and mutual understanding among all peoples of the world.

The Peace Bell is a traditional Japanese bell that weighs about 3750 kg. The bell is cast in bronze (85 percent copper and 15 percent tin). The bell was cast in Japan and the bas-reliefs on the bell were designed in America. Unlike the Western style, there is no tongue inside the bell, the sound is produced by hitting the bell with a hanging log.

Oak Ridge designed and manufactured one of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Looking at the Peace Bell in Oak Ridge, people remember the lessons of Hiroshima and understand that atomic weapon stands guard over the world and everything possible must be done so that this weapon is not used.

Not far from the Peace Bell is the Museum of Nuclear Physics.
8. China.
8-1. Peace Bell in Huanghalou Park:

9. Osh, Kyrgyzstan:
The first Peace Bell in Kyrgyzstan sounded in Osh, calling everyone to kindness, mercy and unity. The grand opening of the monument took place on June 10 on the second anniversary of the tragic events.

The ceremony was attended by the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambaev, Mayor of Osh Melis Myrzakmatov and head of the presidential administration Jantoro Satybaldiev.

Thus began the commemorative events dedicated to the second anniversary of the tragic events of 2010. The press service of the Osh City Hall reports.

Head of the Kyrgyz State Almazbek Atambaev, speaking at a meeting-requiem in Osh, said the following:

- In order to prevent a new disaster, it is necessary to draw conclusions why over the past 50 years the fire of interethnic conflicts has engulfed the south of Kyrgyzstan three times. At the same time, it should be recognized that in the 60s and 90s the authorities limited themselves to punishing “switchmen”, but the root causes were not eliminated. Meanwhile, the split between the Kyrgyz and the Uzbek community in the south of the country became more and more evident.
In his speech, the head of the city, Myrzakmatov, stressed that the ringing of the peace bell would call people to peace and friendship.

The "Bell of Peace" was cast in Novosibirsk (Russia) from 2 kg of coins collected by oshan. 750 thousand soms were spent on its production. Of these, 100 thousand were allocated by local authorities. On a memorable composition in Russian, Kyrgyz and English written " World peace". This is the first Peace Bell in Central Asia.

10. Albania, Tirana:

In memory of that troubled historical time, of the suffering of many people, a monument was erected - the bell of peace. He was placed in the capital in front of the Khodja pyramid. The monument, in principle, is nothing special, some will not even immediately understand that this is a monument in memory of a turbulent time. It looks like a long platform made of metal with a frame surrounded by it, from which a bell hangs. The children of Shkodra participated in the development of the bell, and with their help shell casings were assembled, from which the bell itself was subsequently cast. A modest tablet in Albanian hangs on the side of the monument.
11. Uzbekistan (2003), Tashkent, Park named after Babur:

Monument Bell of Peace

The park named after Babur, on the territory of which the Bell of Peace is located, is one of the oldest parks in Tashkent. It was built back in 1932 on the initiative of the builders of the Tashkent Textile Plant, on the territory of the former stables of Governor-General Kaufman. Since the park is located in a densely populated part of the city, it is always full of visitors. Mothers with children come here, noisy companies of rollerbladers, but basically this is a park for lovers and romantics. A few years ago, a landmark appeared in the park on columns almost at the very central entrance, which was placed under a domed arbor-arch. It was called the Peace Bells. This complex was built on the initiative of the leadership of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Japanese society. He was opened April 21, 2003. The first similar bell was installed at the UN headquarters in New York in 1954. It is a symbol of the global solidarity of all people living on Earth and was cast from coins donated by children from all continents. In addition to coins, orders and medals, as well as other honorary signs of people from many countries, were also fused into it. The inscription on the Bell reads: "Long live universal peace throughout the world."
In addition to Tashkent, the Peace Bell adorns parks in more than 100 countries. It is called World Peace Bell, and it is a symbol of peace and prosperity on the planet. They say that if you are oppressed by bad thoughts or a bad mood, then by touching this bell, you can get rid of them. The Peace Bell sounds throughout the earth on April 22, Earth Day, calling on people to make every effort to preserve peace on earth and preserve our common home. On Earth Day are held various events calling to preserve the environment on the planet and world peace.


12. In the major cities of Germany (1989)

12-1. Germany, Hannover, Church of St. Egidius (DIE AEGIDIENKIRCHE)
Church of St. Egidio is one of the greatest architectural monuments medieval architecture of Hannover.
Here the main events of the Hannover Reformation took place. In 1943, during the bombing, the church was destroyed.
Today, the historic ruins of the church, overgrown with moss and vineyard, are a memorial to the victims of the war. Hanoverian sculptor - Professor Lehmann created the monument "Kneeling". Four times a day, the bell of peace mourns the fallen in these terrible years.

In Turkey (1989)
14-3. In Mexico (1990)
14-4. In Australia (1992)
14-5. In Mongolia (1993)
14-6. In the Philippines (1994)
14-7. In Canada (1996)
14-8. In Brazil (1997)
14-9. In Argentina (1998)
14-10. In Ecuador (1999).

psm 22/04/13 #46 10/09/13
psm #364 03/04/14

Planet Earth, the only one in solar system a star with a favorable environment for life. April 22 is International Earth Day. This memorable day was born in 1970, exactly 40 years ago. It was on April 22 in the United States that a well-known politician and activist, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, organized an unprecedented action by creating a group of students led by Dennis Hayes (a Harvard student) who called on the world to protect the environment and maintain a favorable climate. Since it was a time of active student movements, the initiative attracted a lot of attention.

Despite the fact that the senator and his “staff” did not have the time or resources to organize, indeed mass events, they happened (like the 20 million demonstration and hundreds of schools joining the project). As Nelson said, "Earth Day organized itself."

In 1971, due to the success of the first Day, Senator Nelson proclaimed "Earth Week" (during the 3rd week of April) as an annual event that became extremely popular among the US population.

In the wake of public and political activity awakened by Earth Day, many environmental laws and regulations have been passed in the United States (for example, famous act about clean air). In Russia, Earth Day is celebrated as part of the Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards.

In 2009, the UN General Assembly proclaimed International Mother Earth Day, deciding to celebrate it on April 22.

The symbolism of Earth Day includes the Flag of the Earth The Symbol of Earth Day.

The flag of the earth is not official symbol anything (because officially there is no planetary government or state). It is a photograph of the planet from space (currently the image taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts on their way to the Moon) against a dark blue background. Traditionally, the Flag is associated with Earth Day and many other environmental, peacekeeping and civil causes. international events.

Is the symbol of the day a green Greek letter? on a white background.

Peace Bell on Earth Day

On Earth Day, the Bell of Peace traditionally sounds in different countries, calling on the people of the Earth to feel the universal community and make efforts to protect peace on the planet and preserve the beauty of our common home. The Peace Bell is a symbol of tranquility, peaceful life and friendship, eternal brotherhood and solidarity of peoples. And at the same time, it is a call to action in the name of preserving peace and life on Earth, preserving Man and Culture.

The first Peace Bell was installed at the UN headquarters in New York in 1954. It is cast from coins donated by children from all continents and is a symbol of the global solidarity of the people of the Earth. Orders and medals, other honorary signs of people from many countries are also fused into it. The inscription on the Bell reads: "Long live universal peace throughout the world." In 1996, the same bell was installed at the UN in Vienna. The Peace Bell has been installed in many cities of Japan, in major cities of Germany (1989), Poland, Turkey (1989), Mexico (1990), Australia (1992), Mongolia (1993), Philippines (1994), Canada (1996), Brazil ( 1997), Argentina (1998), Ecuador (1999), Uzbekistan (2003) and other countries of the world.

In Russia, the action "Bell of Peace on Earth Day" has been held since 1998 on the initiative and under the patronage of the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union A. N. Berezovoi at the International Center of the Roerichs. At the grand opening of the first Earth Day in Moscow, Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa said: "... Earth Day is a day of responsibility to our planet, responsibility to the people who inhabit it, to nature itself, of which we are a part."

The organizers of the action "Bell of Peace on Earth Day" in Moscow are the International League for the Defense of Culture, the International Center-Museum named after N. K. Roerich, the International Humanitarian Fund "Knowledge" named after K. V. Frolov, the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia, the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Representatives of the UN Information Center in Moscow, the Moscow Office of UNESCO, the Government of Moscow, cosmonauts, famous figures of science and culture take part in the ceremony "Bell of Peace on Earth Day". This is a very important day for all residents of the country.

Although April 22 is considered Earth Day, it is originally celebrated in many countries on the day of the vernal equinox to mark the moment when spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) or autumn (in the Southern Hemisphere) begins. The UN celebrates Earth Day usually on March 20-21.

On February 26, 1971, U Thant, Secretary General of the United Nations, signed a special proclamation dedicated to this event. Every year on March 20-21, the Peace Bell tolls at the UN Headquarters in New York (see above).

Earth Day also marks the International Mother Earth Day (in other official UN languages: English International Mother Earth Day, Spanish Dia Internacional de la Madre Tierra, French Journee internationale de la Terre nourriciere) has been celebrated since 2010, April 22 every year. This holiday was approved by the UN General Assembly in 2009 (resolution No. A/RES/63/278).

The resolution notes that the term "Mother Earth" is generally accepted in many countries, that it reflects the relationship between the planet, its ecosystems and humans.

Inviting all UN member states, international and non-governmental organizations to celebrate "International Mother Earth Day", the General Assembly draws attention to the fact that Earth Day is already celebrated annually in many countries.

According to some reports, this International Day arose on the basis of the Day of Trees celebrated earlier in the United States.

…Earth Day is a special time to draw the attention of all people to the awareness of planet Earth as a common home and to feel our all-terrestrial community…

(From the UN message to humanity)

Earth Day (World Earth Day) is celebrated on March 21st. This date was chosen because the vernal equinox falls at this time. It is believed that every year on the day of the vernal equinox there is a change in the biological rhythm of the planet and the renewal of nature. This holiday began to be celebrated by residents of many countries of the world in order to somehow highlight the moment when spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere, and autumn begins in the Southern Hemisphere. The UN celebrates Earth Day usually on March 19-21. Every year, in honor of this holiday, the Peace Bell is rung at the UN Headquarters in New York.

The idea of ​​holding Earth Day originated in the United States. It was founded by businessman and publisher John McConnell, who also became the creator of the flag of the Earth.

In November 1969, within the framework of the UNESCO conference, dedicated to environmental protection, he presented his project for the celebration of this day. The City of San Francisco issued an Earth Day Declaration. On March 21, 1970, the first organized celebration of this day took place. Moreover, this action immediately attracted public attention.

On February 26, 1971, a special proclamation dedicated to this event was signed by the UN Secretary General. In 1971, a whole Earth week was already held. This event very quickly gained wide popularity in America. Later it turned into an international action. We can say that Earth Day is a civic initiative that any people, groups and organizations can join.

The name "Earth Day" is used in reference to various events that take place in the spring to encourage people around the world to pay more attention to our planet's environment, which is fragile and vulnerable. As you know, people themselves are destroying their planet: they cut down forests, pollute the air, soil and water, drain water bodies. All this does not go unnoticed, very big role This is the growth of the industry. The ecological situation that has developed on Earth today is very difficult and continues to deteriorate every year. Man's attitude to nature must change now, otherwise it will be too late. We should think about all this, at least in connection with Earth Day. On this day, various events and actions are held in different parts of our planet: activists organize cleaning of territories, plant trees, hold conferences, exhibitions dedicated to nature, traffic is blocked on busy streets in large cities.

Today in the world there are not even one, but two Earth Days similar to each other. One of them is held on March 21, as mentioned above, and the second falls on April 22. April 22 is International Mother Earth Day, which was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2009.

In recent years, some organizations and just ordinary participants have also held a number of similar events, timed to coincide with the time of the summer solstice.

Flag and symbol of the Earth

There is an Earth Flag in the world. However, it is not considered an official symbol. This flag is a photograph of our planet taken from space. In this capacity, the image of the planet against a dark blue background, which was taken by the astronauts of Apollo 17 on their way to the moon, is now used.

Traditionally, this Flag is associated with many other similar international events that are aimed at protecting the environment and maintaining peace. A special Symbol for Earth Day was also chosen. It represents the Greek letterΘ green on a white background. This symbol appeared in 1971, Gaylord Nelson became its author.

It is designed to encourage mankind to turn close attention to how fragile the Earth's ecosystem is and to try to do everything to preserve it. Various anthropogenic impacts lead to disruption of the structure and functioning of nature.

Traditions for Earth Day. Peace Bell

According to the established tradition, in different countries it is customary to ring the Peace Bell on Earth Day. This sound should call on all the inhabitants of the Earth, at least for this moment, to feel the universal community. They should think about preserving the beauty of our planet. The Peace Bell is a symbol of peaceful life, friendship and solidarity of all nations. In addition, it serves as a call for the preservation of life on Earth. After all, the future of our children and our planet as a whole depends on us now. The purpose of the Earth Day Bell Ringing Ceremony is that during the minute that the Peace Bell sounds, people think about how to preserve and improve life on our planet.

The first such Peace Bell was installed in the New York headquarters of the United Nations in 1954. Donated by the Japan United Nations Association. An interesting fact is that this bell was cast from coins that were donated by children from sixty countries from all continentshope that the nuclear tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will never happen again. Also, various orders, medals and other insignia from different countries were fused into it.

The bell bears an inscription that reads: "Long live universal world peace."

Then the same bells began to be installed in other countries. In 1996, such a bell appeared at the UN headquarters in Vienna. The Peace Bell has been installed in many major European cities, as well as in Australia, the Philippines, Japan, Turkey, Mongolia, South America, Russia, Uzbekistan and other countries.

World Earth Day. Environmental aspects

Earth Day could have arisen only in the twentieth century, because it was in this century that scientist man was able to calculate that the threat of total destruction of mankind is possible in 300-1000 years. Realizing such a perspective, an inevitable desire arises to think about the eternal. Mankind thought that the Earth was eternal, that people would live on it forever, but it turned out that the threat of the end of all life lurks in man himself.

A series of technological revolutions that the history of mankind has undergone have upset the balance between man and nature. In the sixties of the 20th century, when people first left the planet, the first opportunity arose to look at the Earth from space, after which everyone clearly realized that the resources of the Earth are not unlimited ...

Appreciate the beauty and wealth of the surrounding world, take care of nature and our smaller brothers. After all, the future of our planet is in our hands...


In addition, we invite everyone to familiarize themselves with the Charter and the Declaration of the Earth:

* Approved March 14, 2000 by the International Commission on the Declaration of the Earth

(UNESCO, Paris)



We are at a critical juncture in Earth's history when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes more and more interdependent and fragile, the future holds both great danger and great promise. In order to move forward, we must realize that with all the magnificence of the diversity of cultures and ways of life, we are one human family and a community of one Earth with a common destiny. We must come together to create a sustainable global community based on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace. In this aspiration, it is especially important that we, the people of the Earth, proclaim our responsibility to each other, to the great community of the living, and to future generations.

Earth is our home

Humanity is part of a vast evolving universe. The earth, our home, is alive and bears a unique community of life. The forces of nature make existence risky and unreliable, but the Earth provides the natural conditions necessary for the evolution of life. The sustainability of a living community and the well-being of mankind depend on the preservation of a healthy biosphere with all its ecosystems, a rich variety of plants and animals, fertile soil, clean water and clean air. The global environment, with its limited resources, is the common concern of all people. Protecting the vitality, diversity and beauty of the Earth is a sacred duty.

global situation

Dominant patterns of production and consumption are causing environmental devastation, resource depletion and mass extinction of species. Communities are being destroyed. Development gains are not shared fairly, and the gap between rich and poor is widening. Injustice, poverty, ignorance and armed conflict are widespread and cause much suffering. Unprecedented population growth has caused social and ecological systems to be overloaded. The foundations of global security are under threat. These trends are dangerous - but not inevitable.

Challenges to come

We have a choice: form a global partnership to care for the Earth and each other, or risk self-destruction and destruction of the diversity of life. Fundamental changes are needed in our value system, institutions and way of life. We must realize that, as long as basic needs are met, human development is primarily about living longer, not having more. We have the knowledge and technology to meet the needs of all people and reduce our impact on the environment. Global civil society urgently needs to create new opportunities for building a democratic and humane world. Our environmental, economic, political, social, and spiritual problems are interconnected, and together we can develop comprehensive solutions.

Universal Responsibility

To realize these aspirations, we must decide to live with a sense of shared responsibility, identifying ourselves both with the global community and with our local communities. We are simultaneously citizens of various nations and a single world in which the local and the global are interconnected. Each shares the responsibility for the present and future well-being of the human race and the wider living world. The spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all living things is strengthened if we live with reverence for the miracle of life, gratitude for the gift of life and modesty, corresponding to the place of man in nature.

We urgently need a vision of core values ​​that will provide an ethical basis for the emerging global community. Therefore, united in hope, we affirm the following interrelated principles of sustainable living as common standards to guide and evaluate the behavior of all individuals, organizations, businesses, governments and transnational institutions.



1. Respect the Earth and life in all its diversity.

A. Recognize that all things are interdependent and every form of life is valuable regardless of its significance for people.

b. Affirm faith in the inherent dignity of every individual and the intellectual, artistic, ethical and spiritual potential of humanity.

2. Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion and love.

a. Recognize that, together with the right to own, manage and use Natural resources there is an obligation to prevent damage environment and protect people's rights.

b. Affirm that as freedom, knowledge, and opportunity increase, so does the responsibility to promote the general welfare.

3. Build just, socially inclusive, sustainable and peaceful democratic societies.

a. Ensure that communities at all levels guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms and enable everyone to achieve their full potential.

b. Promote social and economic equity that enables all to achieve secure and sustainable livelihoods in an environmentally responsible manner.

a. Recognize that the freedom of action of each generation is determined by the needs of future generations.

b. To pass on to future generations the values, traditions and institutions that support the long-term prosperity of the human and ecological communities of the Earth.

To fulfill these four core obligations, it is necessary to:


5. Protect and restore the integrity of the Earth's ecological systems, paying special attention to biological diversity and natural processes that ensure the sustainability of life.

a. Assimilate at all levels the plans and norms of sustainable development, according to which the preservation and restoration of the environment are integrated into all development initiatives.

b. To protect the life support systems of the Earth, maintain biodiversity and preserve our natural heritage, create and protect viable natural and biosphere reserves, including untouched lands and water areas.

c. Promote the restoration of endangered species and ecosystems.

d. Control and eradicate alien or genetically modified organisms that are harmful to natural species and the environment, and prevent the introduction of such pests.

e. Manage the use of renewable resources such as water, soil, forest products, marine life in such a way that their rates of regeneration are not exceeded and the health of ecosystems is protected.

f. Manage the extraction and use of non-renewable resources - minerals and liquid fuels - in such a way as to minimize their depletion and not cause serious damage to the environment.

6. Practice the prevention of harm to the environment as the best method of environmental protection and choose the path of prudence in case of limited knowledge or insufficient information.

a. Take measures to prevent serious or irreversible damage to the environment, even if science does not yet have complete and definitive data.

b. Place the burden of proof on those who claim that the proposed activity will not cause serious harm, and hold the initiating party liable for environmental damage.

c. Ensure that decisions take into account cumulative, long-term, indirect, long-term and global implications human activity.

d. Prevent pollution of any part of the environment and prevent the accumulation of radioactive, toxic or other harmful substances.

e. Avoid military actions that damage the environment.

7. Assimilate such structures of production, consumption and reproduction that guarantee the preservation of the regenerative potential of the Earth, the observance of human rights and the well-being of society.

a. Minimize, recycle and reuse materials used in production and consumption systems and ensure that the remaining waste can be absorbed by ecosystems.

b. Use electricity economically and efficiently, increasing the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind.

c. Promote the development, adoption and equitable transfer of environmentally sound technologies.

d. Internalize the full environmental and social value of goods and services at selling prices and enable the consumer to identify products that meet the highest social and environmental standards.

e. Guarantee universal access to health care that ensures reproductive health and regulated reproduction.

f. Adopt a lifestyle that gives special meaning quality of life and material wealth in a world with limits.

8. Develop the study of environmental sustainability and promote the open exchange and wide application of acquired knowledge.

a. Support international scientific and technical cooperation in the field of sustainability, with particular emphasis on the needs of developing countries.

b. Recognize and protect traditional knowledge and spiritual wisdom in all cultures that contribute to the protection of the environment and the well-being of mankind.

c. Ensure that information vital to human health and environmental protection, including genetic matters, is made available to the public.


9. Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social and environmental imperative.

a. Guarantee human rights to drinking water, fresh air, food security, uncontaminated soil, shelter and safe sanitation by providing the necessary national and international resources.

b. Guarantee all people access to the education and resources necessary for sustainable livelihoods, provide social protection and safety nets for those who are not capable of self-reliance.

c. Recognize the outcast, protect the vulnerable, help those in need, create opportunities for them to develop their abilities and pursue their aspirations.

10. Ensure that economic activities and institutions at all levels support human development in an equitable and sustainable manner.

A. To promote a fair distribution of wealth within nations and among peoples.

b. Strengthen the intellectual, financial, technical and social resources of the developing peoples and free them from burdensome international debts.

c. Ensure that trade promotes sustainable resource use, environmental protection and progressive labor standards.

d. Demand from transnational corporations and international financial organizations "transparent" activities in the interests of the public, recognizing them as responsible for the consequences of their actions.

11. Affirm gender equality and equity as a precondition for sustainable development and ensure universal access to education, health care and economic opportunities.

a. Ensure the rights of women and girls and end all violence against them.

b. Promote the active participation of women in all spheres of economic, political, civil, social and cultural life as full partners, decision makers, leaders and beneficiaries.

c. Strengthen families and provide security and a loving upbringing for all family members.

12. Protect the rights of all people, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment that supports their dignity, health of body and spiritual well-being, with particular regard to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.

A. Eliminate discrimination in all its forms, such as discrimination based on skin color, sexual orientation, race, gender, religion, language, nationality, ethnicity or social status.

b. Assert the rights of indigenous peoples to their own spirituality, knowledge, land, resources and traditionally sustainable patterns of life.

c. Respect and support the young people of our communities, enabling them to play their essential role in shaping sustainable societies.

d. Protect and restore places of special cultural and spiritual significance.


13. Strengthen democratic institutions at all levels, ensure transparency and accountability of government, including participation in decision-making, and access to justice.

a. Protect the right of every person to receive clear and timely information on environmental matters and on all plans and activities that may concern or affect him.

b. Support local, regional and global civil society, promote the full participation of all stakeholders and organizations in decision-making processes.

c. Protect the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, peaceful assembly, association and difference of opinion. d. Establish effective and efficient access to administrative and independent judicial procedures, including redress and satisfaction for environmental damage and the threat of such damage.

e. Root out corruption in all public and private structures.

f. Strengthen local communities by empowering them to take care of their environment and establish environmental responsibilities at levels of government where these responsibilities can be best carried out.

14. Incorporate into formal education and lifelong learning the knowledge, values, and experiences needed for a sustainable lifestyle.

a. Provide everyone, especially children and youth, with the opportunity to receive an education that will enable them to actively contribute to sustainable development.

a. Prevent cruelty towards animals kept in human society and protect them from suffering.

b. Protect wild animals from hunting, trapping, or fishing practices that cause severe, prolonged, or avoidable suffering.

c. It is possible to avoid or exclude as much as possible the capture or death of individuals of species that were not the purpose of the activity.

16. To form a cult of mutual understanding, solidarity and cooperation among all people, within and between nations.

b. Apply comprehensive strategies to prevent violent conflicts and use cooperative methods to manage and resolve environmental conflicts and other disputes.

c. Demilitarize national security systems to a level that excludes the possibility of provocation, and redirect military resources to peaceful purposes, including environmental rehabilitation, a tour of tolerance, non-violence and peace.

a. Encourage and support


As never before in history, a common destiny calls us to seek a new beginning. Such renewal is promised by the principles of the Earth Charter. To achieve this vision, we must commit ourselves to applying and upholding the values ​​and ideals of the Earth Charter.

This requires a change of mind and soul. This requires a new awareness of global interdependence and shared responsibility. We must creatively develop and apply the vision of sustainable lifestyles locally, nationally, regionally and globally. Our cultural diversity is an invaluable heritage, and different cultures will find their own special ways to realize this worldview. We must deepen and expand the global dialogue that the Earth Charter is initiating as we have much to learn from the shared search for truth and wisdom.

In life, there is often tension between important values. This can make the choice difficult. However, we must find ways to harmonize diversity with uniqueness, use freedom with the public good, short-term goals with long-term goals. Every individual, family, organization and community must play a vital important role. Arts, sciences, religions, educational systems, facilities mass media, the business community, non-governmental organizations and governments are all called upon to offer creative leadership. Collaboration between government, civil society and the business community is essential for good governance.

In order to build a sustainable global community, the nations of the world must renew their obligations to the UN, fulfill their obligations under existing international agreements, and support the implementation of the principles of the Earth Charter through binding international legal mechanisms in the field of environment and development.

May ours be a time that will be remembered as a period of renewed reverence for life, determination to achieve sustainability, stimulating the struggle for justice and peace, and a jubilant celebration of life.

*This text is for information only and is not an official reproduction of a UNESCO document. The original is on the website: http://www.earthcharter.org/



As you know, on December 10 the whole world celebrates an outstanding date - the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is difficult to overestimate the role that she played in achieving the progress of mankind. But life does not stand still, and humanity has faced the problem of a global ecological crisis that threatens its very existence. In this regard, in 1992 A special UN conference on environment and development was held, at which the heads of state and government of 140 countries approved the global plan of mankind for sustainable development (Agenda 21), including the development of principles for the relationship between man and nature. In 1995 opened under the auspices of UNESCO international project for the development of the Earth Declaration. The idea of ​​preparing such a Code of Conduct for Nations and States in the spirit of respect for the rights of the Earth arose in connection with the need to preserve the biosphere - the only home for people. Further development of civilization can only take place in accordance with the laws of Nature. At the Rio + 5 conference, the Commission on the Declaration of the Earth adopted the latter version as the basis for further consultations and the formation of a truly "people's" document, with wide involvement in the process of its preparation of governments, environmental, women's, youth, peacekeeping and other non-governmental organizations, small peoples, representatives of scientific and business circles.

On March 20, 2007, the XI annual promotion“Peace Bell on Earth Day”, organized by: the Russian Federation of Cosmonautics, the International Center of the Roerichs, the International League for the Protection of Culture, the International Humanitarian Foundation “Knowledge” named after K.V. Frolova. The first Peace Bell was installed at the UN headquarters in New York in 1954. It is cast from coins donated by children from all continents and is a symbol of the global solidarity of the people of the Earth. Orders and medals, other honorary signs of people from many countries are also fused into it. The hopes and aspirations of the peoples to make universal peace a reality are, as it were, fused into it. The inscription on the Bell reads: "Long live universal peace throughout the world."

The students of the Central Music School Moscow.

The evening was opened by pilot-cosmonaut A.N. Berezovaya. He reminded those present that the Peace Bell is a symbol of tranquility, peaceful life, friendship, brotherhood and solidarity of peoples and, at the same time, it is an alarm, a warning, a call to action in the name of preserving humanity and our planet. Anatoly Nikolaevich proposed for discussion such critical issues as harmony in the family, new trends in the development of the family and family relations, traditional and modern family values, mutual understanding and interaction or conflict of generations in the family, family and culture, family and society, family and sustainable development Russia.

V.M. Afanasiev, President of the International League for the Protection of Culture, cosmonaut, called for a minute of silence in memory of those who passed away in 2007, ICR President Yu.M. Vorontsov and member of the ICR Board of Trustees K.V. Frolova. The participants of the conference were shown a short story from the video archive of the ICR “Peace Bell on Earth Day” in 1998 and 2002, dedicated to these outstanding public figures.

A.V. Stetsenko, First Deputy CEO Museum named after N.K. Roerich, in memory of Yu.M. Vorontsov reminded the audience about the main life milestones and achievements of Yuliy Mikhailovich as a diplomat and major public figure in the field of culture, a man of the widest charm and deepest convictions. Alexander Vitalyevich expressed the idea that people who create the world in which you can create live next to the creators of culture. and Yu.M. Vorontsov was just such a person, who did a lot for the preservation and development of the International Center of the Roerichs and its public Museum named after N.K. Roerich.

A word about K.V. Frolov, President of the Knowledge International Humanitarian Foundation, said N.A. Demidenko, Deputy Director of the International Humanitarian Foundation "Knowledge". He told the audience about his life and work. Konstantin Vasilyevich achieved many successes in the field of science and technology, was a member of 37 different academies. He was among the first to support the idea of ​​the "Peace Bell" and "Earth Day" in Russia. Now the fund bears the name of its founder.

M.L. Popovich, Vice-President of the ICR, Honored Master of Sports, test pilot 1st class, reminded the audience that 2008 was declared the year of the family. Marina Lavrentyevna touched upon the topic careful attitude to the children of the new consciousness. She spoke about their amazing abilities and expressed the hope that the future of the country and the planet will be theirs.

From the Committee public relations The Government of Moscow was made by M.N. Suslova. Marina Nikonovna emphasized the relevance of holding such events. She said that everyone needs to feel responsible to the planet and to themselves, and the "Peace Bell" should sound in human hearts daily. and Yu.M. Vorontsov, and K.V. Frolov gave us such an example all his life.

A.I. Leshukov, representative information center United Nations in Moscow, urged those present to think about what we can do for our planet. This day gives us the opportunity to feel like residents of one big house- Planet Earth. Andrei Igorevich recalled the growth of natural disasters over the past 50 years. He noted the importance of accumulating knowledge about the geological processes taking place on the planet in order to mitigate the consequences of natural disasters.

B.N. Kantemirov, vice-president of the Academy of Cosmonautics of Russia, participant in the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, stated the fact that in the name of profit, man has changed the role of universal human values. Boris Nikolayevich believes that in order to get out of the current crisis and save our planet, a cosmic view of things is needed.

Sh.A. Amonashvili, academician Russian Academy education, head of the International Center for Humane Pedagogy, stressed that every year more and more more kids new consciousness. The planet is sick and each of us should become a doctor of this planet. Shalva Alexandrovich believes that if we do not raise children humanely, spiritually, if we do not develop in them the most best qualities, then we will not get the society we are striving for. Children should become better than their parents. The family is the backbone of society and we must not forget that. Academician believes that best example family life was given to us by the Roerichs. This great family lived for Peace. Their life path it is necessary to study it comprehensively in order to learn how we should live. Sh.A. Amonashvili recalled that only those are strong family traditions in which people aspire to spiritual heights.

The literary and musical composition “Prayer for the Earth”, composed of fragments of the literary and philosophical heritage of N.K. Roerich, were presented by T. Chechin and V. Pavlei.

A.N. Berezovoi announced the opening of the Peace Bell ceremony; in a solemn atmosphere, three times the bell sounded a call for peace throughout the world. At the end of the ceremony, General of the Space Forces V.I. Durnev presented awards from the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia to Sh.A. Amonashvili and B.N. Kantemirov.

G.M. Machevskaya, Vice President International Foundation culture and science "Harmony", spoke about the Foundation's project aimed at supporting children from military families. Children from such families are often forced to endure the hardships and hardships associated with the service of their parents. Galina Mikhailovna told that the Harmony Foundation assists in the search for gifted children from such families. Children, developing their abilities in various creative circles and sections, achieve significant results - they take the highest places in various international competitions.

K.Sh. Mansurova, chairman of the Russian public movement "Parental Care", spoke about the parent conference "Our children were born to live happily" held on March 1, 2008 in Naberezhnye Chelny. Clara Sharafovna urged to raise children in the rays of true harmony and joy. We need a child who loves and understands. She recalled that only from a harmonious family, which is a cell of society, can we come to a single humanity.

In conclusion, the participants of the event were invited to visit the N.K. Roerich of the exhibition: "The Call of the Heart" by sculptor A.D. Leonov, "Illumination" by sculptor Yu.G. Ushkov, "Creativity and renewal" of Moscow florists and an exhibition dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Helena Ivanovna Roerich Charitable Foundation.

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