Illustrations by Ukrainian artists. Painting in Ukraine of the 20th century: History of development


One of the most popular areas of collecting in Ukraine is Soviet painting of the second half of the 20th century, i.е. from 1945 to 1989. If you look at the statistics of thefts in domestic regional museums, paintings from this particular period are most often stolen - and not by accident.

Thanks to the practice of forming museum funds, carried out by the Soviet Union of Artists and the State Fund, even small regional museums can boast of interesting collections.

At least in almost every regional museums you can see the work of the "stars" Soviet painting, like Sergei Shishko, Nikolai Glushchenko, Sergei Grigoriev, Tatyana Yablonskaya and others.

Perhaps that is why small museums with good collections become relatively easy prey for thieves - over the past 10 years 40 regional museums have been robbed.

Experts say that it is impossible to sell a stolen work. At the same time, art dealers admit that they do sell paintings of criminal origin - they say they are bought by collectors who ordered thieves to get a specific painting by a specific artist from a specific museum. The attractiveness of the picture Soviet period determines first the name of its author.

With the help of gallerists and dealers, Ukrayinska Pravda Zhizn made up the top 10 most expensive artists on the Ukrainian market of the second half of the 20th century (the prices given are the “estimate”, i.e. the lower limit from which bargaining begins. These names have not lost in price even in times of crisis, and, according to gallery owners, collectors always appreciate them.

Andriy Kotska

People's Artist of the USSR, student of Erdeli. A peculiar business card of the artist - a row portraits of women"gutsulok" and "tops". His style is recognizable, but many of the paintings repeat the same motifs, opening the way for the sale of stolen paintings or fakes. During 2006-2007 several of his works were stolen from museums and private collections.

Hutsulka in a red scarf - 8-10 thousand dollars (April 2010)

Verkhovinka V red scarf - 12-17 one thousand dollars ( c eseptember 2009)

Now 4 paintings by Kotsky are wanted: "Verkhovinka" (80x60, oil, canvas), "Mountain Village" (60x80, oil, canvas), "Girl" (50x40, oil, canvas) and "Flowers in a Vase" (96x105, oil, canvas.

Sergey Grigoriev

People's Artist of the USSR, twice awarded the Stalin Prize.His small work will cost from 7-8 thousand dollars.Grigoriev's paintings are mainly in the capital's museums like the National Art Museum of Ukraine or the Tretyakov Gallery or in private collections.Grigoriev's works are not wanted - his paintings stored in museums are too recognizable (for example, "Admission to the Komsomol", "Discussion of the deuce", "Goalkeeper", etc.).

Young teacher - 8-11 thousand dollars

P and oner - 11 one thousand dollars

There were precedents of possible fakes “under Grigoriev.For example, in June 2004, Grigoriev's work "Quiet backwater" was called a fake by his grandson Ivan Grigoriev.According to Ivan Grigoriev, presentedonmy grandfather's work was very reminiscent of Levitan's landscape "By a dry pond» .

Isaac Levitan "The Dried Pond"

Sergey Grigoriev "Quiet backwater"

Fedor Zakharov
People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Master of landscapes, marine painter. He worked in the south of Ukraine - his paintings depict an area that is relatively little represented by other masters. He died in 1994, meaning the works could have been bought directly from him, which reduces the likelihood of forgeries. Zakharov's paintings are not on the wanted list.

Last snow - $15,000 (April 2009)
1976, oil on canvas, 64 x 94 cm

Pier in Mysovoe - 22-25 thousand dollars (April 2010)
1980, oil on canvas, 58 x 123 cm

Tatiana Yablonskaya
People's Artist of the USSR, student of Krichevsky. The best works are in major museums- among the most famous are "Bread", "Wedding", "Youth" and others. It is characterized by a recognizable hand and a wide range of topics.

In addition, Yablonskaya gave a lot of works, so new, previously unknown works of her are constantly appearing on the market. After the incident at the exhibition “Ukrainian Painting 1945-1989. From private collections” (2004), during which the artist’s family expressed doubts about the authenticity of four of Yablonskaya’s works, prices for her works fell. Since 2004, only her daughter Gayane Atayan has been examining Yablonskaya's work.

Summer day - 13-17 thousand dollars
1978, oil on canvas, 55.5 x 59.5 cm

On the forest glade - 20-30 thousand dollars
1959, oil on canvas, 65 x 65 cm

Now five paintings by Yablonskaya are on the wanted list: “Interior with a Shelf” (49x54, cardboard, tempera), « Red corner" (50x61, cardboard, tempera), « Autumn Window" (60x80, oil on canvas), two works from the series "Polesye Interiors" (49x70, cardboard, tempera and 49x59, cardboard, tempera) .

Joseph Bokshay
Artist of the Transcarpathian school, famous for landscapes and genre works. Worked with Adalbert Erdeli. The initial cost of paintings at auctions is from 20,000 dollars.

On the Internet, a 50x70 oil painting by Bokshay is sold for $10,000, a pastel work - from $3,000. If you follow the auctions, you will notice that the paintings of this artist have risen in price a little.

autumn trees over lake Synevyr - 25-30 thousand dollars (September 2009)
1950s, oil on canvas, 85 x 60 cm

On my way - 35-40 thousand dollars (April 2010)
1956, oil on canvas, 68 x 95 cm

Now five paintings by Bokshay are wanted: “Vorochanskaya Rock on the Uzh River” (95x115, oil on canvas), “Girl” (60x80, oil on canvas), “Madonna and Child” (87x82, oil on canvas), “Nevitsky Castle” (100x120, oil on canvas), "Field with red poppies" (60x80, oil on canvas).

Alexey Shovkunenko

People's Artist of the USSR. Known primarily as an author of still lifes, industrial landscapes oils, his watercolors are also known. The visiting card of the artist are landscapes and still lifes with roses. His work is not wanted.

Bouquet of roses - 30-40 thousand dollars
1970s, oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm

Valentina Tsvetkova

People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Traveled a lot. Her paintings are interesting due to the combination of the canons of academic Soviet painting and "exotic" themes - Cannes, Nice, North Africa. There is no search for her work.

Bouquet of flowers on the windowsill - 25-30 thousand dollars
1950s, oil on canvas, 83 x 114 cm

spring morning - 40-50 thousand dollars
1961, oil on canvas, 200 x 100 cm

Adalbert Erdeli

Master Western Ukrainian painting, the founder of the art school of this region, Bokshay's teacher.

The name of Erdeli is associated with a criminal history caused by the rise in prices for the work of this artist. In September 2004, robbers attacked the premises of the artist's widow and took out 48 paintings. total cost stolen - 1 million dollars. And one human life- During the robbery, 88-year-old Magdalena Erdeli died of a heart attack.

Shepherdess - 45-65 thousand dollars
1930s, oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm

Sergey Shishko

People's Artist of the USSR, student of Fyodor Krichevsky. He painted mainly landscapes of Kyiv - pre-war and post-war. Prices for his works rise in proportion to the increase in the size of the canvas - it is easy to see at the starting price.

Rumor has it that Dmitry Tabachnik*** has a good collection of Shishko's works. They also say that this artist was deliberately “promoted” on the domestic art market.

Particular co-owners say this auction house“Golden Section”: “Tabachnik has one of the largest collections of paintings by Shishko in Ukraine - he participated in the promotion of this artist, he can be thanked for the fact that Shishko has grown in price.

Autumn. Askold's grave - 40-50 thousand dollars
1947, oil on cardboard, 50.5 x 58 cm

View of Ayu-Dag - $70,000
1956, oil on canvas, 53.5 x 79 cm

Now 4 paintings by Shishko are wanted: “Winter Study” (37.5 x52, oil on canvas), “ Winter morning"(55x45, oil on canvas)," At the top of the Carpathians (85x67, 5, oil on canvas), "Autumn in Goloseevo" (80x100, oil on canvas).

Nikolai Glushchenko
People's Artist of the USSR. Glushchenko is one of the most popular domestic market Ukrainian artists of the Soviet period. His target audience are local consumers - outside Ukrainian borders may be of interest only genre works this artist.

Prices for Glushchenko's canvases are invariably high, their fluctuations depend, in particular, on the size of the work, as in the case of Shishko. A meter and a half painting will cost about $100,000.

Glushchenko's style is close to french impressionism. His works can be perceived as an alternative much more expensive than the works of the French Impressionists.

First green - 70-90 thousand dollars
1971, oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm

Vladimirskaya Gorka - 90-120 thousand dollars
1953, oil on canvas, 100x130

Three works by Glushchenko are currently on the wanted list: “Barges” (44.5 x 65 cm, oil on cardboard), “Snowy Road” (70 x 99 cm, oil on canvas), “Forest” (37.5 x 54 cm, oil on canvas).

Prices for the paintings of this "dozens" are determined, first of all, by the name of the artist - but an interesting Ukrainian painting the second half of the 20th century is not limited to the works of these authors.

"Ukrainian landscape".

Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Ukraine, Union Soviet socialist republic located in the southwest of the European part of the USSR. The area is 601 thousand square kilometers. The population is over 44 million people (1963), including 50% urban. 76.8% of Ukrainians, there are also Russians, Jews, Poles, Belarusians, etc.; 362 cities and 826 urban-type settlements (as of January 1, 1964). The capital is Kyiv.

The most important rivers: the Dnieper, the Southern Bug, the Dniester, the Northern Donets, the Prut, the mouth of the Danube. Minerals: coal (Donbass, Dvovsko-Volynsky basin), brown coal (Dnieper basin), rock salt (Donbass), iron ore (Kryvyi Rih, Kerch), manganese (Nikopol), peat (in Polesye districts), oil ( foothills of the Carpathians, Poltava region etc.), combustible gases, building materials, etc.

The oldest finds human culture on the territory of modern Ukraine belong to the Paleolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age(Trypillian culture). In the 4th-6th centuries, in the interfluve of the Dnieper and Dniester, an alliance of East Slavic tribes, the Ants, arose, whose main occupation was agriculture. Since the 9th century, the territory of modern Ukraine was part of the feudal state - Kievan Rus. By this time, the territory of Ukraine was inhabited East Slavic tribes: glades, buzhans, tiverts, drevlyans, northerners, etc. Economy and culture ancient Russian state in the 9th-12th centuries reached a significant level. Old Russian nationality was the single root of three fraternal peoples: Great Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. In the 13th century, the lands of Southwestern Rus' were conquered by the Mongols. The formation of the Ukrainian nationality took place in the 14th-15th centuries. Having begun the seizure of Ukrainian lands in the 14th century, the Polish gentry after the Union of Lublin in 1569 established heavy feudal oppression over the Ukrainian people. The Ukrainian people waged a hard struggle against aggression Crimean Tatars and Sultan's Turkey. Big role Zaporizhzhya Sich played in the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people. The people's liberation war of 1648-54 led by Bogdan Khmelnytsky against the oppression of the Polish feudal lords ended with the reunification of Ukraine with Russia (Pereyaslav Rada 1654). Poland held until the end of the 18th century the Right-Bank Ukraine and Western Ukraine, part of the latter then came under the rule of Austria. Left-bank, as well as Sloboda Ukraine, were part of the Russian state. Transcarpathian Ukraine was under the yoke of Hungary. The invasion of Charles XII in 1708-09 caused in Ukraine people's war against the Swedish invaders and the hetman-traitor Mazepa. After a number of restrictions, the tsarist government in the 2nd half of the 18th century liquidated the autonomy of Ukraine and the Cossack organization - the New Sich. Cossack foreman received Russian nobility. In March 1821, the Southern Society of Decembrists was organized in Tulchin, headed by P. I. Pestel. In December 1825 there was an uprising of the Chernigov regiment. In December 1845 - January 1846, a secret political organization arose in Kyiv - the Cyril and Methodius Society, the revolutionary-democratic direction of which was headed by T. G. Shevchenko. In 1847 the tsarist government brutally cracked down on revolutionary-minded members of society. In 1861 a peasant reform was carried out in the Ukraine, which accelerated the development of capitalism. A rapid growth of industry began, especially coal in the Donbass and iron ore in Krivoy Rog. The development of the revolutionary democratic and labor movement in Ukraine in the 19th and 20th centuries was part of the all-Russian revolutionary movement. In 1875 the South Russian Union of Workers was organized in Odessa. In the 1980s and 1990s, Marxist circles appeared in Kyiv and Kharkov. At the beginning of the 20th century, social democratic organizations arose. The mass peasant movement of 1902 and the political strikes of 1903 in Ukraine played important role in the preparation of the revolution of 1905-07, during which mass revolutionary actions of Ukrainian workers and peasants took place. During World War I (1914-18), hostilities took place on the western outskirts of Ukraine.

The Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 liberated the Ukrainian people from social and national bourgeois-landlord oppression. The 1st All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets [Kharkov December 11 (24), 1917] elected the first Soviet government of Ukraine, which led the struggle against the bourgeois-nationalist counter-revolutionary Ukrainian Central Rada, expelled from Kiev in January 1818. By February 1918 Soviet authority won over almost the entire territory of Ukraine. During the years of foreign military intervention and civil war(1918-20) the Ukrainian people waged a patriotic war of liberation against the German occupiers, the Anglo-French interventionists and their henchmen in the person of Hetman Skoropadsky, the counter-revolutionary Directory, Denikin, Wrangel, and the Polish invaders. With the help of the working people of Russia, the enemy was expelled from Ukraine. In December 1920, a military-economic treaty was concluded between the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR. With the formation of the USSR on December 30, 1922, the Ukrainian SSR became part of it. During the years of the pre-war five-year plans, a powerful industry was created in the Ukraine and the collective-farm system was established. In November 1939, Western Ukraine, which had previously been under Polish rule, reunited with the Ukrainian SSR. In August 1940, part of the territory of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, which had seceded from Romania, were reunited with the Ukrainian SSR. During the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 The Ukrainian SSR was occupied by the Nazi invaders, who established a regime of the most severe terror. The occupiers inflicted enormous damage on the population and national economy Ukrainian SSR. Together with other peoples of the USSR, Ukrainians fought heroically in the ranks Soviet army, in partisan detachments. By mid-October 1944, the entire territory of the Ukrainian SSR was liberated from the Nazi occupiers. On June 29, under an agreement between the USSR and Czechoslovakia, Transcarpathian Ukraine was reunited with the Ukrainian SSR. Thus, all Ukrainian lands were reunited into a single Ukrainian soviet state. In 1954 Soviet people solemnly celebrated the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. In February 1954 The Supreme Council The USSR adopted a resolution on the transfer of the Crimean region from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR. In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia and for the outstanding successes of the Ukrainian people in the state, economic and cultural construction of the Ukrainian SSR, she was awarded the Order of Lenin (May 22, 1954). For major successes in increasing the production of agricultural products on November 5, 1958, Ukraine was awarded the second Order of Lenin.

In terms of economic importance, Ukraine occupies the 2nd (after the RSFSR) place in the USSR.

Encyclopedic Dictionary. " Soviet Encyclopedia". 1964

Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov.
"Ukrainian landscape".

Before the Tatar invasion, neither Great, nor Little, nor White Russia existed. Neither written sources, nor the people's memory has preserved any mention of them. The expressions "Little" and "Great" Rus' begin to appear only in the XIV century, but neither ethnographic nor national importance Dont Have. They originate not on Russian territory, but outside it, and for a long time they were unknown to the people. They arose in Constantinople, from where the Russian church was ruled, subordinate to the Patriarch of Constantinople. Until the Tatars destroyed the Kievan state, its entire territory was listed in Constantinople under the word "Rus" or "Russia". The metropolitans appointed from there were called metropolitans of "All Rus'" and had Kyiv, the capital of the Russian state, as their residence. This went on for three and a half centuries. But the state ruined by the Tatars began to become easy prey for foreign sovereigns. Piece by piece, Russian territory fell into the hands of the Poles and Lithuanians. Galicia was captured first. Then the practice was established in Constantinople to call this Russian territory that had fallen under Polish rule Little Russia or Little Russia. When, following the Poles, the Lithuanian princes began to take one after another the lands of Southwestern Rus', these lands in Constantinople, like Galicia, received the name of Little Rus'. This term, so disliked by Ukrainian separatists these days, who attribute its origin to the “Katsaps”, was composed not by Russians, but by Greeks and was not generated by the life of the country, not by the state, but by the church. But in political terms, it began to be used for the first time not in Moscow, but in Ukrainian borders.

Nikolay Ulyanov. Russian and Great Russian. "Miracles and Adventures" No. 7 2005.

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
"Ukrainian night".

By the time Mazepa was elected hetman, Left-Bank Ukraine had the following administrative-territorial division and internal administration. It was divided into ten regiments: Gadyachsky, Kyiv, Lubensky, Mirgorodsky, Nezhinsky, Pereyaslavsky, Poltava, Priluksky, Starodubsky, Chernigovsky. These administrative-territorial formations, in turn, were divided into hundreds (up to about 20 in each regiment), hundreds were divided into kurens, and the latter united several villages.
Ukraine was governed by a hetman, whose election was confirmed by a royal charter. In his hands was concentrated not only administrative and military power, but also the highest judicial: without his sanction the death penalty did not take place. Under the hetman, there was a general sergeant-major, consisting of a general baggage officer, who was in charge of all the artillery, a general judge, who was in charge of the general court, a general clerk, who was in charge of financial affairs, a general clerk, who was in charge of the chancellery, two general captains-inspectors of the army and adjutants of the hetman; approximately the same functions were endowed with the general cornet and the general bunchuk. The general foreman also made up the outer layer of the feudal class - for example, Mazepa owned 100 thousand peasants in Ukraine and 20 thousand in neighboring counties of Russia.

B. Litvak. "Hetman-villain".

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
"Evening in Ukraine".

The morning was sunny. The first snow fell during the night. Winter has come and, as often happens in Ukraine, suddenly in the spring a breeze blew through the winter. In the shade - frost, and melts in the sun. Sparrows chirp, doves coo on the sunny eels of golden church domes. In the orchards, cherries and apple trees, covered with hoarfrost, stand white as in spring blossoms. And under the snow, the white walls of the Cossack huts seem dark, and even dirtier - the dirty houses of the Jews. (Notes by S. I. Muravyov-Apostol).

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.

While passing through Vinnitsa, he noticed that Ukrainian children never wear glasses, and their teeth do not need the services of dentists, and this made a very strong impression on the Fuhrer. To Martin Bormann, he pointed out:

Take care of this matter... for the sake of the future of the German nation! Tall and blond children with blue eyes should be taken away from their parents to be raised in the Nazi spirit.

The helpful Bormann, agreeing with Hitler, immediately came up with a theory that the Ukrainians are an offshoot of Aryan tribes related to the ancient Germans. Heinrich Himmler's headquarters these days was located near Zhitomir, Himmler's armored car daily ran between Vinnitsa and Zhitomir, Hitler did not forget to remind the Reichsfuehrer SS:

Heinrich, it's time to think about the selective selection of Slavic children to replenish the reserves of manpower of our Reich, because the Ukrainians outwardly represent an excellent eugenic material...

Valentin Pikul. "Square of the Fallen Fighters".

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
"The head of a peasant - a Ukrainian in a straw hat."

Ukrainians (self-name), people in the USSR. Number of 42 347 thousand people, the main population of the Ukrainian SSR (36 489 thousand people). They also live in other union republics, including the RSFSR (3658 thousand people), the Kazakh SSR (898 thousand people), the Moldavian SSR (561 thousand people), the BSSR (231 thousand people), the Kirghiz SSR (109 thousand people), the Uzbek SSR (114 thousand people). Outside the USSR, they live in Poland (300 thousand people), Czechoslovakia (47 thousand people), Romania (55 thousand people), Yugoslavia (36 thousand people), as well as in Canada (530 thousand people), the USA (500 thousand people), Argentina (100 thousand people), Brazil (50 thousand people), Australia (20 thousand people), Paraguay (10 thousand people), Uruguay (5 thousand people). The total number of 45.15 million people.

They speak Ukrainian. Writing since the 14th century based on the Cyrillic alphabet. Russian is also widespread, Western Ukraine Polish languages. Believing Ukrainians are mostly Orthodox, some are Catholics. Ukrainians, together with closely related Russians and Belarusians, belong to Eastern Slavs. In Polissya, sub-ethnic groups of Litvins and Poleshchuks are distinguished, and in the Carpathians - Hutsuls, Boykos, Lemkos.

The formation of the Ukrainian nationality took place on the basis of a part of the East Slavic population, which was previously part of a single ancient Russian state (9-12 centuries).

In the 16th century, the Ukrainian (so-called Old Ukrainian) book language was formed. On the basis of the Middle Dnieper dialects at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, the modern Ukrainian (New Ukrainian) literary language was formed.

The name "Ukraine" was used to refer to various southern and southwestern parts of the Old Russian lands in the meaning of "land" as early as the 12th-13th centuries. Subsequently (by the 18th century), this term in the meaning of "krajina", i.e. the country, was fixed in official documents, became widespread among the masses and became the basis for the ethnonym of the Ukrainian people.

Along with the ethnonyms that were originally used in relation to their southeastern group - "Ukrainians", "Cossacks", "Cossack people", in the 15-17 centuries (in Western Ukraine until the 19th century) the self-name "Ruska" (" Russians"). In the 16th and 17th centuries, Ukrainians were often called "Cherkasy" in official documents of Russia, later, in pre-revolutionary times, they were mainly called "Little Russians", "Little Russians" or "South Russians".

The food varied greatly different layers population. The basis of nutrition was vegetable and flour foods (borscht, dumplings, various yushki), cereals (especially millet and buckwheat); dumplings, donuts with garlic, lemishka, noodles, jelly, etc. Fish, including salted fish, occupied a significant place in the food. Meat food was available to the peasantry only on holidays. The most popular were pork and lard. From flour with the addition of poppy seeds and honey, numerous poppy seeds, cakes, knyshes, and bagels were baked. Such drinks as uzvar, varenukha, sirivets were widespread. As ritual dishes, porridges were the most common - kutya and kolyvo with honey.

Like Russians and Belarusians, in public life In the Ukrainian village until the end of the 19th century, despite the development of capitalism, remnants of serfdom and patriarchal relations remained, a significant place was occupied by the neighboring community - the community. Many traditional collective forms of labor were characteristic (cleaning, spousing - similar to Russian helpers and "paruboch hulks" - associations of unmarried guys) and recreation (evenings and dosvitki, New Year's carols and schedrovkas, etc.).

"Peoples of the World". Moscow, "Soviet Encyclopedia". 1988

Vasily Shternberg.
"Fair in Ukraine".

We were going to read a little on the plane, but fell asleep instantly. And when we woke up, the plane was already flying over the fields of Ukraine, as fertile and flat as our Midwest. Beneath us lay the endless fields of the gigantic granary of Europe, the promised land, turning yellow with wheat and rye, harvested here and there. There was no mound or elevation anywhere. The field stretched all the way to the horizon, flat, rounded. Rivers and streams meandered and meandered along the valley.

Near the villages where the battles took place, trenches, ditches and cracks zigzagged. Some houses stood without roofs, in some places black patches of burnt houses could be seen.

There seemed to be no end to this plain. But, finally, we flew up to the Dnieper and saw Kyiv, which stood above the river on a hill, the only hill for many kilometers around. We flew over the ruined city and landed in the vicinity.

Everyone assured us that outside of Moscow everything would be completely different, that there was no such severity and tension. And indeed. Right on the airfield, we were met by Ukrainians from the local VOKS. They smiled all the time. They were more cheerful and calmer than the people we met in Moscow. And there was more openness and cordiality. The men are almost all large blonds with gray eyes. A car was waiting for us to take us to Kyiv.

Poltava Regional Art Museum. Nikolay Yaroshenko, Poltava.

The collective farm "Shevchenko-1" was never among the best, because the land was not the best, but before the war it was a quite prosperous village with three hundred and sixty-two houses, where 362 families lived. All in all, they were doing well.

After the Germans, eight houses remained in the village, and even these had their roofs burned. People were scattered, many of them died, the men went as partisans into the forests, and God only knows how children took care of themselves.

But after the war, the people returned to the village. New houses grew, and since it was harvest time, houses were built before work and after, even at night by the light of lanterns. To build their little houses, men and women worked together. Everyone built the same way: first one room and lived in it until another was built. It is very cold in Ukraine in winter, and houses are built in this way: the walls are made up of hewn logs fixed at the corners. A shingle is nailed to the logs, and on it, to protect against frost from the inside and outside a thick layer of plaster is applied.

In the house there is a canopy that serves as a pantry and a hallway at the same time. From here one enters the kitchen, a plastered and whitewashed room with a brick stove and a cooking hearth. The hearth itself is four feet from the floor, and bread is baked here, smooth dark loaves of delicious Ukrainian bread.
Behind the kitchen is a common room with a dining table and decorations on the walls. This is a living room with paper flowers, icons and photographs of the dead. And on the walls are medals of soldiers from this family. The walls are white, and the windows have shutters that, if closed, will also protect against the winter frost.

From this room you can get into the bedroom - one or two, depending on the size of the family. Due to difficulties with bed linen the beds are not covered with anything: rugs, sheepskins - anything, as long as it is warm. Ukrainians are very clean, and their houses are perfectly clean.

We were always convinced that on collective farms people live in barracks. It is not true. Each family has its own house, garden, flower garden, large garden and apiary. The area of ​​such a plot is about an acre. As the Germans cut down all the fruit trees, young apple, pear and cherry trees were planted.

John Steinbeck. "Russian diary".

"Ukrainian girl".
Kyiv National Museum Russian art, Kyiv.

It is necessary to tell about breakfast in detail, since I have not yet seen anything like it in the world. To begin with, a glass of vodka, then each was served a scrambled egg of four eggs, two huge fried fish and three glasses of milk; after that a dish of pickles, and a glass of homemade cherry brandy, and black bread and butter; then a full cup of honey with two glasses of milk, and finally another glass of vodka. Of course, it sounds incredible that we ate all this for breakfast, but we really ate it, everything was very tasty, although then our stomachs were full and we did not feel very well.

John Steinbeck. "Russian diary".

Vladimir Orlovsky.
"View of Ukraine".

The colonel himself is from Kyiv, and he has light blue eyes, like most Ukrainians. He was fifty, and his son was killed near Leningrad.

John Steinbeck. "Russian diary".

Vladimir Orlovsky.
"Ukrainian landscape".

Holy Rus'... Often we pronounce this familiar phrase as something taken for granted, without thinking - why, in fact? Have you ever heard about, say, the saints of Kazakhstan, Estonia, America, France, Iraq, China, Madagascar, Australia?.. You can continue this series indefinitely without finding a convincing explanation for the mysterious phenomenon. Agree, it would never occur to us to doubt the deeply organic connection of two short words, their enduring, some kind of tectonic inviolability.

Just as, having become witnesses of something that was done, in our opinion, not in a human way, we habitually lament: somehow not in Russian This. Agree, it would never occur to us to say something similar, that it is, they say, somehow not in Kyrgyz, not in Latvian, not in Uruguayan ... In one audience I recently received a curious note: “To the piggy bank of your examples of Russianness. In Ukraine they say (in the imperative mood): "I speak Russian to you ..."».

Vladimir Irzabekov. "Secrets of the Russian word".

Ilya Efimovich Repin.
"Ukrainian peasant".

Ukrainian got into a shipwreck. Lived for two years on a desert island. Suddenly a boat pulls up, in it is a beautiful woman.

Man, come here! I'll give you what you wanted for two years.

Ukrainian rushes into the water, swims to her.

Vareniki! Vareniki!

Yury Nikulin. "Jokes from Nikulin".

Ilya Efimovich Repin.
"Two Ukrainian peasants".

I spoke with completely benevolent Kievans, who, by the way, would still like to live with us in the same state, but, nevertheless, they believe that they are “Ukrainians”, because it is not the first generation that is engaged in Ukrainianization. They believe that Ukrainians are a different people, but still, in one state, we would be very happy. Quite such friendly people of Kiev. I told them that: do not be offended by me, but what kind of people are you? Look here. I can speak Move a little clumsily, but I will not read and perceive by ear clumsily, but that's all. So, if I move to Kyiv and live there for five years, then they will no longer distinguish me, and if you live five years in Moscow, then they will no longer distinguish you in Moscow. But the Siberian will be seen in Moscow even in ten years: he has more features, more differences than a Muscovite with a Kievan. This is an example from my private conversation, not a scientific debate. And they couldn't answer me. We are really similar. In a conversation, everyone can speak their own language so as not to break, not to make the other laugh. I can talk to a Galician. I had a long controversy in 1991 with the Galicians on the street of Lvov, there was no bloodshed. Moreover, they did not just speak Ukrainian, they spoke a very peculiar Galician dialect. But I understood everything, and I myself spoke as always, like a Muscovite. And everything was fine, we understood each other. And you can't talk like that with a Pole.

Vladimir Makhnach. "What is a people (ethnos, nation)." Moscow, 2006.

Ilya Efimovich Repin.
"Ukrainian house".

Ukrainians began to live in grand style

Scientists of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design conducted anthropometric studies among the inhabitants of Ukraine. Their goal is quite pragmatic: to determine the direction light industry countries for the coming years, find out what sizes of clothes and shoes will become the most popular. For the last quarter of a century, such a survey was carried out for the first time.

Experts came to the conclusion that the population of Ukraine has grown by 8-10 cm, and the inhabitants of the northern part of the country have grown more than the "southerners". On average, the size of running shoes increased by two numbers for both men and women. At the same time, the Ukrainians grew fat and hunched over. Flat feet, caused by a sedentary lifestyle, as well as changing social conditions, have noticeably spread.

"Miracles and Adventures" No. 3 2005.

Konstantin Yakovlevich Kryzhitsky.
"Evening in Ukraine".

"Moonlight Night in Ukraine".
Painting from the estate of A. N. Kuropatkin Sheshurino.

Nikolay Efimovich Rachkov.
"Ukrainian girl".
Second half of the 19th century.

Nikolai Pimonenko.
"Ukrainian night".

Nikolai Pimonenko.
"Harvest in Ukraine".

"Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians".
Engravings of the 19th century.

Born in 1975 in Kharkov, Ukraine. Received art education in Kharkov state college arts, then continued his studies at the Kharkov State Academy of Art and Design, where he received a master's degree in arts, studying under the guidance of Professor A. A. Khmelnitsky. Among other things, he studied the art of frescoes and mosaics.

Romantic Impressionists. Mikhail and Inessa Garmash

Mikhail Garmash was born in 1969 in small town Luhansk in Ukraine, started painting at the age of three. At the age of six, he began his education at the Lugansk Center for Youth Creativity. Recognizing his natural talent, teachers began to send the artist's works to various exhibitions of the former Soviet Union.
Inessa Garmash, nee Kitaichik, was born in 1972 in the city of Lipetsk, Russia, and already in early childhood became interested in drawing.

Talented Ukrainian artist. Igor Tuzhikov

Igor Tuzhikov (Tuzhikov Igor) is a talented Ukrainian artist. Born in 1979 in Kharkov, Ukraine. In 2000 he graduated from the painting department of the Kharkov State Art College. In 2006 - a graduate of the Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, specializing in " easel painting",

Ukrainian artist. Maria Zelda

Maria Zelda is a contemporary Ukrainian artist, born in 1955 and grew up in Ukraine, studied to be a pianist and, at the same time, shared her love between music and painting, calling them twin sisters. In the early 90s Maria moved to Mexico where she currently lives and works. Over the past 15 years, Maria has dedicated her creative potential learning different methods of painting and design.

Stolyarova Irina. Genre painting

Stolyarova Irina Sergeevna, a talented contemporary artist, was born in 1982, in the city of Zhytomyr, Ukraine. Professional education She started visual arts at the age of 7. She graduated from the art and graphic faculty of the University of KD Ushinsky in Odessa (she defended her diploma with honors at the Department of Painting). Since 2010, a member of the UNAU.

Modern artists of Ukraine. Irene Sheri

Irene Sheri was born in 1968 in the city of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Ukraine. Her rich and varied heritage probably makes her one of the most clear examples a new generation of intercultural artists emerging from Europe Without Borders. Her blood is a mixture of Bulgarian and French. She was born and raised in the Ukrainian city of Odessa, where they mingle freely different cultures, which makes Odessa one of the most colorful, vibrant and multinational cities in the world. Studied at St. Petersburg art academy. Her works are in many private collections and presented in galleries in many countries of the world: in France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Russia and the USA.

New mythology. Vlad Safronov

Over the years, Vlad Safronov has created his own artistic world, which he calls "New Mythology". So that the artist does not write: animals, people, cities or abstract compositions, the plots of his paintings are always wonderful and cause rave reviews from viewers and critics. Vlad has his own unique style, which endows the figures and objects in his paintings with a strange mixture of archaism and modernity ... His unique method painting includes several types classical painting oil, as well as modern materials, from which the artist creates the basis, when combined, they give rise to works of fine art that make Vlad Safronov a famous artist.

Impressionism, with elements of expression. Nelina Trubach-Moshnikova

"Like a light, like a line, like rain, like a color, like a woman, like... What more can be said when so much has been said already? But I want to say...:"
I was born in Belarus, in 1982 I graduated art school in Minsk, the workshop of Professor A.K. Glebov and now I live and work in Yalta, Crimea. I find it extremely interesting to be able to see colors and lines that hide something obvious. Basically, she works in oil on canvas or mixed.

Pencil drawings. Denis Chernov

Denis Chernov is a talented Ukrainian artist, born in 1978 in Sambir, Lviv region, Ukraine. After graduating from the Kharkov Art College, in 1998, he stayed in Kharkov, where he currently lives and works. He also studied at the Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts.

Modern artists of Ukraine. Denis Chernov

Modern Ukrainian artist Denis Chernov was born in the city of Sambir, Lviv region of Ukraine. Educated first at the Kharkov Art College, which he graduated in 1998, then, in 2004, at the Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts (Graphics Department). He regularly participates in art exhibitions both in Ukraine and abroad. Most of Denis Chernov's works are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Italy, England, Spain, Greece, France, USA, Canada and Japan. Some of the works were sold at the auction of the famous auction house Christie.

The beauty of a woman. Andrey Kartashov

Andrey Kartashov is a talented Ukrainian artist. Born in Uzhhorod, Ukraine, in 1974. In 1990 he entered the Art School of Applied Arts in Uzhgorod. In 1994, he took part in an art action at the open

Ukrainian muralist. Kirilenko Ivan

Kirilenko Ivan Mikhailovich is a talented Ukrainian muralist. Born in 1983 in the city of Khotyn, Chernivtsi region in Ukraine. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Received higher education, graduating from Chernivtsi National University them. Yu. F

As long as I breathe, I hope. Konstantin Shiptya

Konstantin Shyptia is a talented Ukrainian artist.

Konstantin about himself: "I was born and live in Ukraine. I graduated from a children's specialized art school. In my paintings I want to show eternal themes: Crazy love and burning hatred, longing for loneliness and wild joy, fleeting grief and unbridled joy.

Modern artists of Ukraine. Alexey Slyusar

contemporary artist Alexey Slyusar was born in 1961 in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, then another of the republics of the Soviet Union. Like most children, he began to draw in sponge childhood, but unlike many, after some time he did not give up his hobby. Received art education in high school art school hometown, which he graduated in 1979, and then entered the Dnepropetrovsk Institute at the Faculty of Architecture. For some time after his studies, he worked as an architect, interior designer, sculptor and decorator.

Urban landscapes. Dmitry Danish

Dmitry Danish, contemporary Ukrainian artist, known for his works in the Impressionist style, was born in 1966, in Kharkov, Ukraine. He began to draw in early childhood and even then dreamed of becoming an artist. His mother, an artist herself, was the first person to notice Dmitry's talent and began to develop her son's talent with all her might.

Since ancient times Ukraine has been famous for its artists. Taras Shevchenko, Ilya Repin, Kazimir Malevich ... - the list of outstanding masters of the brush and palette can be continued for a long time. And who is the pride of the national fine arts today? Here is a list of the 10 most highly paid (read - the most talented) contemporary Ukrainian artists.

1. Anatoly Krivolap

To date, this is one of the most successful and best-selling Ukrainian artists. Fans and collectors are acquiring his work at an incredible rate (some already have over 50 pieces). Krivolap's paintings are sold at crazy prices at the world's leading auctions, exhibited in almost all Ukrainian museums.

Anatoly Krivolap was always worried about the question of how to paint a picture with pure colors and so that they match perfectly. He has been working on this problem since the 1970s. Incredible warm sunsets, mysterious silhouettes of people and animals, houses and tree shadows - all this miraculously appeared from under his brush.

Since the 1990s, Kryvolap has become one of the most expensive Ukrainian artists. The last successfully sold work is “Night. Horse” ($124,343) - entered the TOP-10 most expensive daily lots of Phillips de Pury & Co. Every year the prices for his works are growing, and experts say that in five years his paintings could cost about half a million dollars.

A. Krivolap. From the series "Ukrainian motive"

A. Krivolap. "Horse. Evening"

A. Krivolan. "Horse. Night"

2.Alexander Roitburd

Alexander Roitburd participated in more than a hundred exhibitions and art projects. His works are presented in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow and the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in art museums Ukraine, Russia, USA, Slovenia, in many public and private collections. In addition, Roitburd has participated in the Venice Biennale and Documenta. Most notable works: "Geisha" ($20,641), "Goodbye Caravaggio" ($97,179) and "Escape to Egypt" ($57,700).

A. Roitburd, "Geisha"

A. Roitburd, "Self-portrait"

3. Oleg Tistol

Oleg Tistol is a key figure in the Ukrainian new wave". He represented Ukraine at the Sao Paulo Biennale (1994) and the 49th Venice Biennale (2001).

Oleg Tistol was the only one who managed to make Ukrainian national symbols interesting and understandable in the West: both native hryvnias (Ukrainian Money project) and Crimean palm trees (U. Be. Ka project). The most famous works are Lampa ($26,225), Gurzuf ($12,300) and Stranger No. 17 ($20,000).

O. Tistol, "Third Rome"

O. Tistol, "Roksolana"

O. Tistol, "Gurzuf"

4. Ilya Chichkan

Ilya Chychkan is one of the most famous, exhibited, highly paid Ukrainian artists. Works in different types of fine arts: painting, photography, installation, video. He filmed rabbits, giving them LSD injections, photographed the mentally ill and children of mutants, painted in the form of A.S. monkeys. Pushkin and the Pope. Once the artist was commissioned to paint a portrait of Iosif Kobzon. At first he refused, but then changed his mind. Having finished the work, on the back Chichkan brought out the name: “Kobzon oh ... th”, which the singer really liked.

The works of Ilya Chichkan have been exhibited in leading galleries and museums in Europe, the USA and South America, as well as at prestigious international forums and festivals contemporary art: biennale in São Paulo (1996), Johannesburg (1997), Prague (2003), Belgrade (2004), at the European biennale Manifesta (2004), and also Venice (2009). The most famous works: "From the Life of Insects" ($24,700) and "Heavyweight Curator" ($8146).

I. Chichkan, "Geisha"

I. Chichkan, "Pushkin"

Opens our "seven" - Anatoly Krivolap. In October 2011, his work “Horse. Night" was sold for 124 thousand dollars at an auction in London.

"Horse. Night by Anatoly Krivolap

Two years later, she went under the hammer work "Horse. Evening" for 186 thousand dollars. Krivolap is called a master of non-figurative painting.

"Horse. Evening by Anatoly Krivolap

The artist calls red his favorite color. And he claims to have found more than fifty variants of this shade!

“Red is a very strong color. It can be festive and tragic. The whole emotional palette in this one color. I was always worried about how you can convey what you are experiencing with the help of shades. The palette is just a set of shades behind which there are real feelings or their absence.

Once Anatoly Krivolap burned about two thousand of his sketches. Here is how the artist himself tells about this story:

“In two days I burned about two thousand of my sketches. All of them are written on cardboard. You can’t even call them paintings, many remained unfinished. I specially drew on cardboard, knowing that no one would buy such works - the galleries did not accept them, they were not interested in collectors. Only my Pole bought. But I had to train, grow. Now that I have become noticeable, I want only the best things to remain after me. Why sell the stages of your formation, such half Crooked Paw? Then I decided to burn everything. He fired for two days, kindling a fire in his own area. And my grandson brought me work in a wheelbarrow. Only a small part of those paintings remained. But there will be time, I will burn them too.

Ivan Marchuk - Ukrainian artist, which the British included in the list "100 Geniuses of Modernity". His creative heritage has more than 4000 thousand paintings and more than 100 solo exhibitions.

The works of the Ukrainian artist are sold out for collections in different countries peace. Ivan Marchuk founded a new style in art. He himself, jokingly, calls this style plentanizm - from the word "weave". His paintings seem to be created from balls of wonderful threads.

“Art is hard labor. I work 365 days on the river and I can’t live without it. Tse award share, karma, virok, prirechenіst. I'm not going anywhere. I want to bask on the beach, lie down by the grass, listening like wild growth, I want to marvel, like spitting gloom in the sky, I want to be quiet, have fun, chat in the company, not having to drink before school, so I can learn something there. And then I think: but I also want to grow up myself. Impossible thought!

Odessite Alexander Roitburd became famous all over the world in 2009.

His painting "Farewell Caravaggio" was sold in London for 97 thousand dollars.

He wrote this work under the impression after stealing the "Kiss of Judas" from the Odessa Museum of the Western and Oriental art. Roitburd's painting is two-layered - the lower layer is a copy of Caravaggio, the upper one is the author's abstraction.

Another of the leaders of contemporary Ukrainian art is Viktor Sidorenko. One of his paintings - "Untitled" from the Reflection into the unknown series - was sold at a British auction for $32,800. Viktor Sidorenko's works are characterized as bright and expressive. He is a candidate of art history and professor at the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, as well as the founder of the Institute for Contemporary Art Problems.

The scope of the artist's creative interests includes the specific realities of our time: the problems of memory, the legacy of post-totalitarian regimes, the issues of personal identification in the modern increasingly complex world, the perspectives of a person in a new globalization model of life.

Tiberiy Silvashi - the leader of the Ukrainian school of abstract art. His paintings are in the museums of Munich, Vienna, New Jersey, Kyiv, Uzhgorod, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, as well as in private collections in Europe and the USA.

“I already have a lot of readers. Fathers ahead. Batkivska love is the smut of creativity. If I only thought of becoming an artist and taking some books from libraries, then Tetyana Yablonska was also for me. I never thought that I would study it. From її hands I took over and professional skills, and special skills. Diligence, early in the evening, practice in the main, love and groan. The process of learning is trivatime until the rest of my days. I still love Rembrandt. I respect yoga as one of the most important aspects of the world's art. Yakby in Kiev there was no “Portrait of the Infant Margaret” by Velasquez, my creative path would be known otherwise.

- a fan of bright realistic painting. The artist writes his works about the world around him - about what is clear and close to everyone. In 2009, at an auction by Phillips de Pury & Company, his " sea ​​battle Bought for $35,000.

annually holds more than a dozen new exhibitions in Ukraine, Russia, France, Belgium, England, the Netherlands and other countries. Has several own galleries. Her works are kept in European museums and private collections of connoisseurs and artists.

The popularity of Gapchinskaya is also evidenced by the fact that many artists write copies of her paintings or paintings “under Gapchinskaya”. The price of her paintings ranges from 10 to 40 thousand dollars.

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