Where did the custom come from? What is a custom: definition, history, sources and interesting facts


What does the name Vyacheslav mean in translation from Old Russian? This is a complex, two-basic word formed by the merger of the roots -vyasche- (-vyache-) and -slav- (a), meaning "the most glorious", "heading gloriously". There is another meaning of the name Vyacheslav - “more glorious”, implying military prowess, courage.

Historians associate the origin of the name Vyacheslav with our pagan ancestors. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the person named so was closer to the gods, could communicate with them. The closest translation to modern language will sound like "vysoslav". Usually this was the name of boys born in the families of leaders or priests.

According to astrology and numerology, such a characteristic of the name Vyacheslav can be given: stable, soft, strong, restrained, conservative. In general, men with this name are distinguished by an enviable constancy, the obstinacy of a bull in good sense words.

They are purposeful, responsive, capable of noble deeds. Fighters for justice, can stand up for the weak. At the same time, they are sociable, gentle, rarely come into conflict, have many friends.

  • Lucky number is four.
  • Color - golden, orange.
  • The best time of the year is autumn.
  • The day of the week is Friday.
  • The ruling planet is Venus.
  • Minerals that bring good luck - jasper, topaz, malachite.
  • Protective plants - heather, hazel.
  • The patron animal is a buffalo.

There is another secret of the name Vyacheslav - extraordinary sexuality is inherent in its owner. Women appreciate him for tact and charm, the ability to open up, to be liberated in sex. But at the same time it is faithful, loving and caring husband incapable of change.

Vyacheslavs are talented and multifaceted personalities. They are good mathematicians and financiers, brilliant actors and musicians. The owners of this name are endowed with a wonderful artistic taste often draw well.

Characteristics of boys named after Vyacheslav

Let us consider in detail the meaning of the name Vyacheslav for a child. Children named by this name are unusually hardy, have good health and are prone to sports. However, they are very vulnerable, communication with their parents is important for them.

Talk to them more often, support, guide, and reciprocal gratitude will not take long. These are diligent students striving for knowledge. With due effort, they can achieve excellent results.

The full name Vyacheslav can be shortened to affectionate Slavik, Glorious, Vyachik, Cheslav. The etymology of the name is such that even in the shortest version, the strength and nobility of its owner are felt. Your baby will feel “glorious” from an early age.

IN adolescence young men can plunge headlong into protest, which means disagreement with the rules that restrict them from achieving their desired goal. They are stubborn fighters, not looking for easy ways. They are also sociable guys who have many friends, and in the family there are loving and caring sons.

At this age in boys begins to wake up male character, requiring to be the first in everything. However, the prudence inherent in the owner of this name will not allow evil deeds to be committed. Vyacheslavs are not religious, but in adulthood Orthodoxy can become an outlet for them.

Fate, family, marriage

For a person named Vyacheslav, the meaning of the name can become fateful. These are good loving fathers protecting their family from any trouble. Their house is a full bowl, among them there are practically no people who abuse alcohol. Vyacheslavs prefer to express themselves through work and hobbies, achieving excellent results.

The very interpretation of the name Vyacheslav implies glory, therefore an extraordinary woman should become a life partner for him - wise, kind, able to support and understand in any situation. They are monogamous, so they thoroughly approach the choice of a candidate for the role of a future wife. Consider the compatibility of the name Vyacheslav with common female names.

The union of Olga and Vyacheslav can mean love, loyalty for life. This is the most favorable combination, strong relationships, harmony. Spouses are destined to go through life hand in hand, give birth to strong, healthy children.

Anna is not an easy person, such a union will boil from the heat of passion. But if the spouses learn to listen to each other, they will be very happy. This combination promises sexual harmony, which is important in marriage.

Vyacheslav and are a calm and balanced couple. Anastasia pacifies her husband's temper with her gentleness, love, and Vyacheslav protects, gently protects her. Very happy children often grow up in such a union.

And Vyacheslav is a "lion's union", a secular couple. Both are very sociable, brilliant, bright, have many friends. Such couples are envied, even take an example from them. Spouses will be happy if they overcome the desire for superiority, learn to trust each other.

Natalia in alliance with Vyacheslav is strong, loving couple who finds joy in the most ordinary things. In such families there are many children, prosperity and stability.

With Vyacheslav - well-matched names promise their owners longevity and a strong family.

Vyacheslav. Usually Marinas are creative people, artists, writers, their element is the sea. For them it is not important material wealth but kinship of souls, common interests. If Vyacheslav is lucky to touch Marina's heart, she will devote herself to him without a trace.

Sveta, Larisa, Elena can also become a good couple for Vyacheslav, the family will be strong, prosperous. Jeanne, Elsa, Clara are less successful options, but such unions can bring happiness. The most important quality for a life partner of such a man is loyalty, honesty, love. After all, once having been disappointed in a woman, he will only be able to trust her again with great difficulty.

The name Vyacheslav appeared in Ancient Rus'. It was formed due to the merger of the words "vyache" (more), "glory" (glory). It means in translation “one who has gained great fame.” In this article, we will take a closer look at the name Vyacheslav - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope, etc.

Name origin

In the old days it had other forms: Vecheslav, Vyaceslav. Thus, the name Vyacheslav origin and meaning is quite interesting. In part, it is still written a little differently today: Wenceslas, Wenceslas. The abbreviated form of the name Slava is found in most female names (Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Vladislav, Miroslav), which allows us to talk about their commonality. In ancient Rus', many names were popular that contained the stem "glory".

What else is interesting about the origin of the name Vyacheslav? With the advent of Christianity, it was no longer given to boys at baptism. Although after the death of Vyacheslav Czech, the prince, who was worried about the Christian enlightenment of his native people, given name gained popularity again. It is worth noting that at the same time, the energy of the name makes its bearer a friendly, straightforward and active person.

A bit of history

As mentioned above, the name Vyacheslav has an Old Russian origin. Initially, it was secular (not ecclesiastical). After the canonization of Vyacheslav Czech, it fell into the category of baptismal. Vyacheslav became a prince at the age of 18. He had the glory of a just and wise ruler. According to history, the prince built churches and put a lot of effort into the Christian enlightenment of the people. At the same time, he himself was a peace-loving person who revered the clergy, to which he called others.

Vyacheslav does not end there. After the death of the prince, this name lost its popularity; they did not name children until the 19th century. Only during the reassessment of values, cultural and spiritual in particular (in the Renaissance), the name again became popular. But then he was chosen for a newborn son exclusively by the "cream" of society. Although it eventually penetrated into various sectors of society, becoming incredibly popular. Total in Orthodox Church there are six saints named so. They were all distinguished by piety and true faith.

What else can be said, considering the origin of the name Vyacheslav? It is worth noting that among the celebrities who wear it, a large number of athletes creative people. It is worth remembering at least Vyacheslav Nevinny and Vyacheslav Tikhonov - actors, as well as fashion designer, artist Vyacheslav Zaitsev, hockey players Vyacheslav Bykov, etc. If you look at these people, the mystery of the name becomes clear, and also what it means for a person: they all achieved great success and became known for their hard work and talent.

Day Angel

The Orthodox name days of Vyacheslav are celebrated on January 14, March 17, 16 and 23.08, 11 and 13.10. But the Catholics only in September 28th.

Astrological characteristic

Vyacheslav, the meaning of the name, origin, the characteristics of which we are considering in this article, has the following astrological characteristics:

  1. Planet: Venus.
  2. Zodiac: Libra.
  3. The most favorable colors: cherry, brown.
  4. Name colors: red, pale gold, and orange-red.
  5. Stone: topaz.

Person's character

In the article above, we analyzed the origin of the name Vyacheslav. What does it mean for a boy? Little Glory- hardy, strong child. He has excellent health, therefore, his parents will be right if they give him to some sports section. The owner of this name early years reacts very sharply to injustice. If he fails to stand up for his peers, whom stronger children offend, he loses his temper, becomes aggressive. Adult Vyacheslav also does not tolerate injustice. If this man finds that the boss is biased towards him, he will quit his job without hesitation. Having cooled down a bit and let off steam, Slava will repent of his deed.

The origin of the name Vyacheslav and his character are equally interesting to many. It is worth noting that such a person is conceited, he always strives to occupy a leading position. A man with this name has nothing against competition, on the contrary, it motivates him, makes it possible to overcome life difficulties. Although sometimes a person loses faith in himself, becomes passive and apathetic. At these moments, he, more than ever, needs the support of his family.

Slava is an endearing, friendly man. He does not like it when one of the people close to him swears. The owner of this name tries to maintain confidentiality with everyone, warm relationship. If he decides to stop communicating with someone, Vyacheslav does not remember evil, he is able to forgive and will never harm his offender.

The man named so (we discussed the origin of the name Vyacheslav in the article above) is sociable and cheerful. He is strong mentally and physically. But from time to time Slava loses control over himself - at these moments he easily succumbs to bad influence. Although Vyacheslav is a representative of conservatism, a law-abiding citizen who adapts to innovations with difficulty.

Vyacheslav needs money only to create comfort around him. The owners of this name rarely become rich, although they earn enough. Such a man is hardworking. If necessary, he immediately rolls up his sleeves and gets to work. He is no stranger to physical labor.


Vyacheslav is rarely lonely, he often changes his partners. At the same time, having fallen in love, he becomes an attentive, sensitive man who makes a lot of efforts to ensure that his woman is happy. He values ​​mutual feelings, patience and understanding most of all.

Slava's relationship with Marina, Yulia, Elena, Irina, Margarita, Larisa and Anna can be successful. While Tatyana, Oksana and Kristina are not able to satisfy the needs of this man.

In love

This man (see the origin of the name Vyacheslav in the article above) is responsible for his own actions, decent. Although sometimes, under the influence of a random desire, he is able to change his chosen one, which he will later regret. At the same time, Slava does not tolerate lies, if his beloved woman deceives him, she will lose his trust forever.

The love life of this man is filled with positive emotions and adventures. Although he approaches the choice of the chosen one responsibly, he loves understanding, gentle and affectionate women.

Vyacheslav, who was born in the summer, is mostly restrained in the manifestation own feelings. He demonstrates indecision and modesty in communicating with the girl. Wherein winter men We are convinced that there should be no restrictions or prohibitions in romantic relationship. Vyacheslav during love tries to be as natural as possible, masterfully learns to adapt to the desires of his beloved.

In family

Slava is trying to delay the moment of entering into a legal marriage. At the same time, once having met the girl of his dreams, a man for this responsible step still decide. Vyacheslav is a loving husband, a caring father, a good family man. He tries to be faithful to his wife, in addition, he values family relationships. He will not be afraid to take a girl as his wife, not having intimacy, however, will later regret it.

Vyacheslav, having legalized relations with his beloved, remains just as kind and courteous. He always tries to look attractive, which means that he requires a similar behavior from his wife. A man with this name really wants her to be liberated, beautiful, self-confident, not like all other girls.

Slava will not divide duties into “male” and “female”. If necessary, he can help his wife with the housework, cook dinner or look after the children. You can rely on him in everything, while his thriftiness makes it possible for the family to live in prosperity and comfort. This man is well versed in technology and cars, knows how to craft.

The owner of this name cannot be called jealous. Vyacheslav completely trusts his chosen one, although, once caught in treason, he will never forgive her. The deceived Slava is able to get angry at all the girls and abandon the idea of ​​​​marrying again.

The House of Glory is full of guests. Despite this, some men with this name are prone to excessive alcohol consumption, therefore, numerous feasts should not be encouraged for their spouses.


Vyacheslav likes technical professions the most. But he can, if desired, achieve success in any industry, since this man has many skills and talents. Scrupulousness and attention to detail make it possible for Slava to become an accountant or an archivist.

Employers appreciate him for his responsible and conscientious attitude to duties, in addition, the desire to finish what he started. A man with this name comes to work on time, he is never late for important meetings. At the same time, Vyacheslav works without enthusiasm; one should not expect initiative from him.

Slava does not know how to work long and hard, he always needs a break. This man loves money, while for the sake of wealth he is not ready to go on an adventure. At the same time, a successful businessman can come out of it. His leadership qualities are poorly developed, he fails to manage the team.

Vyacheslav always stands for justice, although if this man is asked to intercede for someone, to take any side, he will choose to move away, where he will wait until the conflict exhausts itself.

Famous Vyacheslavs

This name was glorified by the director-animator Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin, who created the famous "Well, you wait!", A cartoon beloved by several generations of adults and children. Many also know the musician Vyacheslav Butusov. writer, made a huge contribution to the study of Siberian culture. At the same time, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Russian actor, love and know for their roles in the films "Zosya", "War and Peace", "Kill the Dragon", "Waiting Room". DB

Names: origin and forms

Vyacheslav- (from Old Russian) great glory.

Old: Vecheslav.
Derivatives: Vyacheslavka, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya, Slavuha, Vyacha, Vava.

Directory of Russian names

big glory(from Old Russian).

As a child, inquisitively naive. With age, it becomes not so clear, precise, especially in practice. Committed to the idea. Ready to lay down his head for the assigned work. Human rumor rewards him. Usually lonely, capable of tenderness: both loves and suffers.

The secret of the name oculus.ru

Vyacheslav- the most glorious (Old Slavonic).
The name of a person with a traditional outlook on life. Even 50 years ago, this name was called quite often. Now it is less popular.
name zodiac: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: pale golden.
Talisman Stone: topaz.
auspicious plant: hazel, heather.
name patron: buffalo.
Happy day: Friday.
happy season: autumn.
Main features: kindness, clarity in business.


Vyacheslav Czech, prince, martyr, March 17 (4), October 11 (September 28). He pleased God with concern for the spread of the Christian faith in the Czech Republic, love for church prayer, mercy. He was killed in the 10th century by his brother Boleslav on the threshold of the church, where he went for morning prayer.


On the day of Vyacheslav, children are sprinkled from a sieve on the threshold from the evil eye, for health.


As a child, Slavik is a touchingly naive, nervous child. Parents should calm him down and just look with approval and understanding, otherwise he will have tantrums, it will seem to him that they do not like him, do not want to communicate with him. It is necessary to strengthen the body of the child, go in for sports. Then, as a teenager, Vyacheslav becomes a strong and athletic boy, thanks to his will and determination, he can achieve high results.

Vyacheslav - talented person, and not in any particular area, but in many. But in order for his talents to be realized, life circumstances must develop favorably. If not, then, having passed the forty-year milestone, his nervous system will calm down and he will work normally, without worrying about lost opportunities. Vyacheslav is equally good in many specialties, but most of all he will succeed in technology. His clarity and scrupulousness will help him in archival affairs. Vyacheslav treats any work responsibly, brings everything to the end, but works without passion. He loves to drive a car, he can repair it himself.

Vyacheslav - sociable, cheerful person. He has many friends and just good acquaintances. He treats people well and rarely comes into conflict. Vyacheslav is kind, but quick-tempered, quickly cools down and does not remember insults. Women love him for his charm, courtesy, gentleness, frankness in sex.

IN family life reliable, helps his wife, nurses the children. He has a strong sense of duty towards his family.

Vyacheslav builds relations with his wife on trust, but, disappointed, does not trust a single woman. His wife is usually smart, charming, she has an individuality and no complexes. Vyacheslav's marriage is successful with a woman named Anna, Elena, Irina, Larisa, Margarita, Maria, Yulia.

Surname: Vyacheslavovich, Vyacheslavich, Vyacheslavovna, Vyacheslavna.


Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov (1873-1945) - Russian writer. He lived a long life full of events and impressions. Born in the city of Bezhetsk, Tver Province, into a merchant family. He graduated from the Vyshnevolotsk Technical School, after two years of practice at construction work in the Novgorod and Vologda provinces, in 1894 he left for work in Siberia.

For twenty years, Shishkov served in Siberia, performing work on the survey of waterways and land roads. He rode and sailed thousands of kilometers in boats, rafts, steamboats, measured and captured on special maps the Yenisei, Irtysh, Ob, Lena, Biya, Katun, Chulym, Angara. On the Lower Tungussk, he almost died. According to the project of Vyacheslav Shishkov, the Chuysky tract was built from the city of Biysk to the borders of Mongolia.

Shishkov's activities made an invaluable contribution to the study of Siberia. His research was highly appreciated by the famous scientist, explorer of Asia - G.N. Potanin. Many captains and raftmen, sailing along the great Siberian rivers, passing dangerous conspicuous places, recalled kind word the one who left detailed descriptions these waterways - their depths, shallows and rapids, thus laying the foundations of modern navigation charts.

Vyacheslav Shishkov was not indifferent to big world various characters And human destinies met him on the labor path. He deeply studied these people their simple, strong, figurative language, came face to face with nature and the inhabitants of Siberia "in all their curious and rich diversity."

In 1908, V. Shishkov's fairy tale "Kedr" first appeared in the newspaper "Siberian Life". Then stories and essays about the life of the peoples of Siberia began to be published. They accurately described it, accurately depicted the details folk life. It seemed to Siberians that this was not a writer, but they themselves were telling each other different events that had happened to them. The writer G. Markov recalled that "the similarity of individual life circumstances and human images reproduced in the stories of Vyacheslav Yakovlevich, with the fact that the listeners stopped the reader and asked this or that place to re-read again."

Siberian reality and its themes entered the flesh and blood of the writer Vyacheslav Shishkov. Since 1915, living in Petrograd, he remembered Siberia, she approved in him the passion of the artist that never died out.

The completion of the Siberian theme of essays, short stories and novels was the epic "Gloomy River". This work, which is the widest in terms of coverage of people and events, embodies everything that the artist himself saw and heard, thought, felt and experienced during the difficult years of his stay in Siberia. G. Markov figuratively wrote about this book: "The Gloomy River", like the deep Baikal, absorbed thousands of rivers and streams, representing the most diverse aspects of life at that time, to which the book was dedicated... "The Gloomy River" is a novel about Russia's most complex historical period - period maturing with us social revolution and its reversal". "Gloomy River" was filmed and became the most popular television film.

The pinnacle of V.Ya. Shishkova is historical novel"Emelyan Pugachev". The writer worked on it for 10 years, in the most detailed way studying in the archives historical facts, events, understanding the reasons that gave rise to a particular phenomenon. A huge panorama unfolds before readers, covering all the main events of the international and inner life Russian state second half XVIII century. Brightly, artistically, figuratively given portraits of almost one and a half thousand actors, hundreds of various pictures of historical reality have been created. The language of the work is rich and picturesque. figurative vernacular, crafty humor, proverbs and sayings - all the colors that adorn the Russian language abound in "Emelyan Pugachev". Only to such a comprehensive connoisseur of folk life, who has seen so much on his way different people Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov, who closely knew their way of life, customs and customs, who had a grandiose talent and managed to absorb the simplicity and wisdom of man into his consciousness - Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov - was able to portray this huge historical epic.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Vojislava, Wenceslav, Dobroslav, Svetislav, etc.) names.

Name Vyacheslav in different languages

Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 維亞切斯拉夫· (Wéi yǎ qiè sīlāfū·). Japanese: ヴャチェスラフ (Vu~yachesurafu). Korean: 뱌체슬라프 (byacheseullapeu). Hindi: व्याचेस्लाव (Vyācēslāva). Ukrainian: Vyacheslav. Thai: ลาฟ (Lāf). English: Vyacheslav (Vyacheslav).

origin of the name Vyacheslav

The name Vyacheslav comes from Old Russian words"vyache", meaning "more", and "glory", that is, "glory". This name is Slavic and is translated as "more glorious", "the most glorious." The old form of the name is Vecheslav, Vyaceslav. Analogues of the name Vyacheslav, used in others Slavic languages, are Wenceslas, Wenceslas and Wenceslas.

The character of Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav is very eager for fame. He has a strong desire for leadership, competition. But it happens that the difficulties that arise in his way force Vyacheslav to abandon his plan and completely lay down his arms, not to take any part in the future. In such cases, Vyacheslav can be completely morally crushed and it will be very difficult for him to get back on his feet, gain strength and faith in himself.

Vyacheslav can support a good relationship with others and would like everyone around to be happy. But if he decided that he was breaking off any relationship, then return the former location or good relations it will be very difficult. Vyacheslav is vindictive, but not vindictive. He will simply stop communicating and maintaining any contacts.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color name: cherry

Radiation: 93%

planets: Mars

Stone-mascot: topaz

Plant: heather

totemic animal: buffalo

Main traits character: stubborn, stubborn, hardy, strong

Additional name feature:

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.

Self-realization(character): 89%

Psyche: likes to achieve goals

Health Vyacheslav: must be protected nervous system.

Interests and hobbies of Vyacheslav

In a hobby, Vyacheslav is not superficial and gullible, but deep, knowledgeable and original thinking person. He repairs his own car. He likes to receive guests, does not abuse alcohol.

Implementation in society with Vyacheslav

He does not give preference to certain professions, he can equally well succeed in any field, although there is a noticeable craving for technology.

Career and business Vyacheslav

important place work in life. He brings all things to an end. Responsible for any assignments. However, Vyacheslav is not inclined to long, hard work. Of course, he is not indifferent to wealth and money, but he fights for them sluggishly, passively, without passion and fire.
Successful entrepreneurs are those Vyacheslavs whose fathers are Alexander, Anatoly, Vasily, Viktor, Vladimir, Ivan and Fedor.

Horoscope named "Vyacheslav"

Vyacheslavs are patronized by Aries, and their planet is the warlike Mars, which has always patronized the warriors. Heather is a lucky plant for Vyacheslav, and its colors that bring good luck are brown, cherry and red. As a talisman, it is better for Vyacheslav to choose products from amber, sard and jasper.

Characteristics of the name Vyacheslav according to B. Khigir

Translated from Old Slavonic - "great glory". Vyacheslavs are strong boys, they have endurance and good willpower. Parents need to give Vyacheslav to the sports section. Possessing physical force, he will always fight injustice, protect the weak. Vyacheslav is quick-tempered, can flare up instantly, prone to impulsive actions. Can give vent to fits of anger. Just as quickly cools down and, feeling guilty, becomes more accommodating. He tries to marry a smart girl. IN future wife will appreciate beauty, individuality, the absence of complexes. He is reliable in the family, provides help around the house, takes care of children. All Homework is the same for him. He can cook dinner, make shelves himself, builds relationships in the family on trust, but if he is deceived, he will refuse trust forever. Work plays an important role in life. He brings all things to an end. Responsible for any assignments. Equally successful in any profession. If Vyacheslav has a car, then repair work will try to do it himself. He likes to receive guests, does not abuse alcohol.

Positive traits of the name

The desire to be the first everywhere, while the lack of selfishness, ambition. Vyacheslav loves to overcome obstacles, he finds "sporting interest" in this. He "does not look for easy ways." People respect him for honesty and justice, love him for his cheerful disposition. Vyacheslav tends to defend those who have lost or are offended. He is a patriot, trying to benefit his homeland.

Negative traits of the name

Susceptibility to depression, grief at the manifestation of any injustice. On this basis, he may have conflicts with others and even with the authorities. In his youth, Vyacheslav is illegible in relations with people, he can get involved in a dubious company. His fame may turn out to be "bad". But the most interesting thing is that Vyacheslav will be respected in the criminal environment for the same desire for justice.

The sexuality of the name Vyacheslav

His sex life full of variety and adventure, he is never left without the warmth of a loving partner. Vyacheslav is picky, he chooses his girlfriend carefully, preferring an affectionate and gentle woman who is able to understand his intimate desires by one of his gestures.

The “summer” Vyacheslav has a rather bleak sex life, deep down he suspects that other men have it much brighter and more interesting. In dealing with a woman, he is constrained, indecisive.

"Winter" Vyacheslav makes love without prohibition and restrictions. He tries to choose an experienced partner who knows a lot about sex, but at the same time wants her to be slim, with a beautiful bust. The breast of a woman especially attracts and excites Vyacheslav.

Possessing gentle soul and warmth, rich in imagination and ingenuity, he always succeeds. His woman never remains unsatisfied, she does not just strive for him, but is captured by an irresistible desire to be with him as often as possible.

Vyacheslav has a very developed sense of duty to his girlfriend, he is frank and natural in sex, tries to get to know the sexual capabilities of his partner as fully as possible, loves to bring her to ecstasy. He is extremely sensitive to foreign smells - to such an extent that he may even fail during intimacy and never meet this woman again.

Vyacheslav is able to marry without knowing the sexual possibilities of his future wife and subsequently pay for it.

The meaning of the name Vyacheslav for life

Vyacheslav is quick-tempered and impulsive. Can't deal with injustice. After an outburst of anger, he usually feels a sense of embarrassment, reproaches himself for incontinence for a long time, worries that he offended someone in vain. Vyacheslav marries early, but the first marriage is often unsuccessful. The second time, he is more careful in choosing a wife. At the same time, it takes into account not only its external data, but also the mind, a sense of independence, independence, the absence of complexes. great attention draws on the sexuality of the future wife. He himself is temperamental, loves beautiful women, will not miss the opportunity to start another romance. Meanwhile, in family life, this is a wonderful owner, he knows how to do everything with his own hands. He himself sees what needs to be repaired, checks whether the taps are leaking, whether everything is in order with the doors and windows. However, he is overly thrifty and is very worried if the dishes break, the furniture deteriorates. Vyacheslav is a strict father, but he enjoys taking care of children. The distribution of household duties is taken for granted, does not divide them into male and female. Not too jealous, he believes that the main thing in the family is trust in each other. He does not tolerate lies, having been deceived once, he will never believe again. Loves comfort, knows how to earn money. Most spends time at work. IN free time enjoys fishing or hunting. Likes hunting dogs. He drives a car perfectly, he knows how to repair it himself, but rarely does it.

The meaning of the name Vyacheslav for sex

His sex life is full of variety and adventure, he always basks in the warmth female love. Vyacheslav is picky, chooses his girlfriend carefully, prefers affectionate and gentle women who are able to understand his intimate desires in one gesture. The "summer" Vyacheslav's sex life is rather bleak, deep down he suspects that other men have it much brighter and more interesting. In dealing with a woman, he is constrained, indecisive. "Winter" Vyacheslav makes love without prohibition and restrictions. He tries to choose an experienced partner who knows a lot about sex, but at the same time wants her to be slim, with a beautiful bust. The breast of a woman especially attracts and excites Vyacheslav. Vyacheslav has a very developed sense of duty to his girlfriend, he is frank and natural in sex, tries to get to know the sexual capabilities of his partner as fully as possible, loves to bring her to ecstasy. He is overly sensitive to foreign smells, to such an extent that for this reason he can even fail during intimacy and never meet this woman again. Vyacheslav is able to marry without knowing the sexual possibilities of his future wife, and subsequently pays for it.

Compatibility of the name Vyacheslav and patronymic

Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich, Arkadievich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich, Fedorovich, Yakovlevich is easily excited, flares up over trifles. Impulsive, emotional, selfish. A wonderful speaker, he knows how to speak beautifully, which seduces girls. Gallant gentleman, possesses good manners, witty and funny. In the family, however, it is somewhat different - capricious, irritated for any reason, grumbling endlessly, dissatisfied with something. It's hard to please him, it's better to just ignore him - he will calm down. This Vyacheslav is in no hurry to start a family, at first he tries to firmly stand on his feet. He takes as his wife a smart, practical woman, not a spender, independent, educated. Always remember the proverb that money goes to money. He loves children very much, he has children of different sexes.

Vyacheslav Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich is reliable, obligatory. He has a highly developed sense of duty. He enters into marriage at a mature age and quite consciously. Knows how to provide for his family, a good owner. Willingly helps his wife in the conduct household, thrifty and thrifty. In his house there is always something to meet unexpected guests, to surprise unusual dish. Hospitable, tries to have either his own house or country cottage area, enjoys tinkering in the garden, vegetable garden, he makes stocks for the winter. Enjoys hunting. He gives birth to children of different sexes, to whom he pays much attention.

Vyacheslav Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich often falls in love and each time believes that for life. But a new hobby makes him forget about the past. In everyday life, he is prudent, clearly represents his life purpose. As a rule, he achieves everything that he outlined in his youth. He marries in adulthood - he does everything on time, he is never late and does not miscalculate. He is patient and persistent, knows how to wait, find a convenient moment, he will not miss his chance. He chooses a smart, cheerful, outwardly pleasant wife, always sexy woman, - in his family life this is one of the important aspects. The first marriage is not always successful. The second is durable. Vyacheslav is born more often than girls.

Vyacheslav Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich, Filimonovich has a hard, hardened character. In his youth, his life is difficult, he has to achieve everything on his own, overcome many obstacles. But later on, all efforts pay off handsomely. Vyacheslav is a tireless worker, assertive, stubborn, passionate. Good host. His wife does not know worries, he himself provides for the family financially, brings food, can cook a festive lunch or dinner, help and wash and clean the apartment. Vyacheslav is an avid hunter, this is his weakness. As soon as the hunting season comes, it is difficult to keep him in the house, and the wife will have to put up with it. Such Vyacheslav good father who devotes a lot of time to children. Children of different sexes are born to him, and in different marriages, since the first is most often unsuccessful.

Vyacheslav and pets

Vyacheslav, as a rule, loves nature, often he has a plot of land where he grows fruit trees with pleasure, tries to build a cottage, but always well-maintained. Vyacheslav can easily raise a hunting dog, easily provides it with the necessary physical exercise, he is energetic and mobile. Vyacheslav's pets are well suited for the nicknames Simon, Silva, Maximilian, Zara, Zita, Jerome, Lidzhana, Elsa.

Orthodox name day Vyacheslav celebrates

January 14, March 17, August 16, August 23, August 25, October 11, October 13

Catholic name day Vyacheslav celebrates

Vyacheslav name compatibility

Vyacheslav name incompatibility

From this article you will learn what the name Vyacheslav means for a boy and a man. If you are considering it for your son, then it is best to carefully read the information below to note for yourself what meaning this name has for the child.

The name Vyacheslav, abbreviated is Glory, consists of two old Russian words "vyache" and "glory", which in translation mean “more” and “glory”, therefore it is interpreted as “more glorious”. This name is popular in Russian-speaking countries, as well as in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Bulgaria. Complete male name Vyacheslav is usually used in abbreviation as Slava, or Slavik.

  • The name Vyacheslav is of great importance for the boy. As a child, the bearer of the name Vyacheslav is a rather mobile, cheerful child. It is worth noting his excessive impulsiveness, and even at a young age to give this quality special meaning so that it does not accompany a person throughout life.

    The boy grows obedient and kind, but sometimes many perceive his kindness as naivety. Child friendly, loves funny Games, but they can show excessive emotionality, thereby scaring off children.

  • IN school years Vyacheslav shows great success in his studies and is even ready to study extra classes to learn more about science. He has a predisposition to exact sciences, so parents should pay attention to this, and develop the child's abilities already at that age. Slavik loves constructors and is ready to devote all his free time to them. To the surprise of adults, the boy is pedantic and always keeps order in his territory, but not beyond.

During his school years, Vyacheslav shows great success in his studies and is even ready to engage in additional classes

  • Adult Vyacheslav is endowed with such character traits as kindness, decency, simplicity and conservatism. Impulsivity is no longer so obvious in communication, but sometimes it can be pissed off. Slava has the makings of a leader, and these qualities are more clearly visible in the case that will most interest the owner of this Slavic name.
  • TO positive traits Vyacheslav's character can be attributed to the desire for leadership without selfishness and ambition. He is relatively calm about his own achievements or the expected business, and sees in this race only "sporting interest." He is very honest and fair, and for these qualities he received great respect from others. He is ready to support the weak or the losers, and is also a patriot of his country. Also, this guy is funny, and he makes a great conversationalist.

  • TO negative traits character can be attributed to his tendency to become depressed if he was treated unfairly. In such a situation, he is able to go into conflict with absolutely any person. He is not entirely picky in people, and can get into a dubious company. But even in the criminal world, he will earn respect for striving for justice.

The secret name of such a man is narcissism and pride. It is they who cause his impulsive behavior. If a man named Vyacheslav is significant to you, you should not annoy him with or without reason, so as not to cause such a reaction.

  • The owner of the name also needs to attach importance to this feature of his behavior and better consider decisions made. He is surrounded by a huge number of friends and even more acquaintances. He values ​​​​friendship, is attentive and caring to others, but if he has to defend a friend and risk his reputation or life, he will most likely step aside and watch what is happening at a safe distance.

Vyacheslav Dovzhenko - actor


  • As a child, the boy has good health, but it is better to strengthen it sports activities. Often, due to increased impulsivity at a young age, a child can ignore the preparation and warm-up before the main classes, which can lead to injury. Both the child and the coach should know about this, and give more importance to the warm-up.
  • Adult Vyacheslav should pay attention to the nervous system, and less succumb to emotional disorders. Against this background, the food system may suffer, so you should improve the quality and diet of your diet. Do not get carried away with alcohol, otherwise you can drag yourself into the "pit". Healthy sleep will cause a good mood and well-being.

Vyacheslav Gennadievich Butusov - Soviet and Russian rock musician, leader and vocalist of the rock bands Nautilus Pompilius and Yu-Piter, writer.

Marriage and family

  • The bearer of the name Vyacheslav is popular with women, but is in no hurry to seal the relationship by marriage.
  • After marriage, it can manifest itself from a completely different side. If you awaken leadership qualities in him, it will become good family man, loving husband and father. He does not tolerate female betrayals, and he himself is inclined to remain faithful in marriage. He will not forgive a woman, convicting her of deceit. He does not show love for children immediately, he may get used to the title of father for some time. He likes to do household chores and keeps order. Quite hospitable and responsive.

Vyacheslav is popular with women, but is in no hurry to seal the relationship by marriage

Career and hobbies

He will choose a profession in which he needs to work with his hands with technology, and in this area he will be able to become a good leader. It will be more difficult for him to do business, but those who become an exception are lucky. He is generous, ready to do charity work.

Vyacheslav celebrates his birthday on October 11, March 7 and 17. On October 11, it is customary to sprinkle children with sacred water from the evil eye and bindings.


  • Vyacheslav Polunin, entertainer, National artist Russia.
  • V. Kotenochkin, director-animator.
  • V. Butusov, musician.
  • V. Shalevich, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  • V. Tikhonov, People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin, famous composer and singer, and others.

Vyacheslav Grigorievich Dobrynin - Soviet and Russian composer, crooner, the author of about 1000 songs.

Other options

Dear readers, so you have learned what the name Slava means. I would like to note that the fate of a person will be influenced not only by the name, but also by the date of birth with a patronymic. When choosing a name for a child, consider this fact, and also pay attention to its consonance with the surname and patronymic. On this site you will find other options for names that you can consider for your son. I suggest reading the characteristics of some of them.

  • Patient and painstaking in any business is the carrier. He can focus on one thing and get things done. Does not strive for leadership, but knows how to make good money. Home comfort and family warmth are important to him, so a woman who can provide this to him will become the happiest wife.
  • Likes to charm others. He tries to please everyone, and expects the same attitude towards himself. He loves to travel, so he will choose an attractive wife, easy-going, who cooks deliciously.
  • Is a successful person. He has well-developed leadership qualities, he is able to soberly assess any situation, and makes informed decisions. He likes to take care of a woman and give her pleasant surprises.

Dear readers, write in the comments what name you have already chosen for your baby, and what qualities in it are more valuable to you. I wish you success and good health!

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