Rose of the world summary. So, for example, there is a sakwala of Orion involtations


This book began when the danger of an unheard-of disaster was already hanging over mankind; when a generation that had barely begun to recover from the shocks of the Second World War was convinced with horror that a strange haze was already swirling and thickening over the horizon - a harbinger of an even more terrible catastrophe, an even more devastating war. I began this book in the darkest years of tyranny over two hundred million people. I started it in a prison that was called a political isolator. I wrote it in secret. I hid the manuscript, and good forces- people and not people - hid her during searches. And every day I expected the manuscript to be taken away and destroyed, as mine was destroyed. Previous work, which took ten years of my life and led me to a political isolator.

The book "Rose of the World" ends a few years later, when the danger of a third world war no longer rises like misty clouds from behind the horizon, but spreads over our heads, closing the zenith and quickly descending from it down, on all sides of the sky.

Or maybe it will cost? – Such a hope is warm in the soul of everyone, and without such a hope it would be impossible to live. Some try to back it up with logical arguments and active actions. Some people manage to convince themselves that the danger is exaggerated. Still others try not to think about it at all, plunging into the cares of their little world and once and for all deciding to themselves: come what may. There are also those in whose soul hope smolders like a fading spark, and who lives, moves, and works only by inertia.

I am finishing the manuscript of the "Roses of the World" in freedom, in gold autumn garden. He, under whose yoke the country was languishing, has long been reaping in other worlds the fruits of what he sowed in this one. And still last pages I hide the manuscripts in the same way as I hid the first ones, and I do not dare to devote a single living soul to its contents, and still I have no confidence that the book will not be destroyed, that the spiritual experience with which it is saturated will be transferred to at least someone. anything.

Or maybe - it will cost, tyranny will never return? Maybe humanity will forever keep the memory of the terrible historical experience Russia? – Such a hope glimmers in the soul of everyone, and without this hope it would be sickening to live.

But I belong to those who are mortally wounded by two great calamities: world wars and sole tyranny. Such people do not believe that the roots of wars and tyrannies have already been eradicated in humanity or will be eradicated in short term. The danger of a given tyranny, of a given war, may be removed, but some time later the threat of another will arise. Both of these disasters were for us a kind of apocalypse - revelations about the power of the world Evil and its eternal struggle with the forces of Light. People from other eras would probably not understand us; our anxiety would seem to them exaggerated, our worldview morbid. But this notion is not exaggerated. historical patterns which has been burned in a human being by half a century of contemplation and participation in events and processes of unprecedented scope. And the result that was formed in human soul as the fruit of the activity of its brightest and deepest sides.

I am seriously ill, the years of my life are numbered. If the manuscript is destroyed or lost, I will not have time to restore it. But if it ever reaches at least a few people, whose spiritual thirst will make them read it to the end, overcoming all its difficulties, the ideas embedded in it cannot but become seeds that give birth to sprouts in other people's hearts.

And whether this happens even before the third world war or after it, or the third war will not be unleashed in the coming years at all - the book will not die anyway, if at least one friendly eye passes, chapter by chapter, through its pages. Because the questions she is trying to answer will still excite people in the distant future.

These questions are not limited to the problems of war and state structure. But nothing will shake my conviction that the most terrifying dangers that threaten humanity now and will threaten for more than one century is the great suicidal war and absolute world tyranny. Perhaps the third world war- in our era - humanity will overcome, or at least survive in it, as it survived in the first and second. Perhaps it will endure, one way or another, a tyranny even more extensive and merciless than that which we have withstood. It may also happen that in a hundred or two hundred years new dangers for the peoples will arise, no less disastrous than tyranny and a great war, but different. Maybe. Probably. But no efforts of the mind, no imagination or intuition are able to draw the dangers of the future, which would not be connected, one way or another, with one of the two main ones: with the danger of the physical destruction of mankind as a result of war and the danger of its spiritual death as a result of absolute world tyranny.

There is an instance that for many centuries claims to be the only unswerving uniter of people, preventing them from the danger of a war of all against all, the danger of falling into chaos. Such an institution is the state. Since the end of the tribal system at all historical stages the state was essential. Even the hierocracies that tried to replace it with religious power turned into varieties of the same State. The state cemented society on the principle of violence, and the level moral development necessary to cement society on some other principle has not been achieved. Of course, he is not reached and offered. The state is still the only proven remedy against social chaos. But the presence in humanity of ethical principles of a higher type is being clarified, capable of not only maintaining, but also improving social harmony: and, more importantly, ways are outlined for the accelerated development of these principles.

IN political history In recent times, two general human orientations, polar to each other, are easily distinguished.

One of them seeks to re-develop state beginning as such, to strengthening the comprehensive dependence of the individual on the state, more precisely, on the authority in whose hands the state apparatus is located: the party, the army, the leader. States such as fascist or national socialist - the clearest example of the phenomena of this kind.

Daniil Leonidovich Andreev

Daniil Leonidovich Andreev

Daniil Andreev's father is the well-known classic of Russian literature Leonid Andreev. Mother Alexandra Mikhailovna came from the Polish family of the Veligorsky (Vielgursky) counts, and through the female line she was related to the classic Ukrainian literature Taras Shevchenko. Daniel, their second son, was born in Berlin on November 2, 1906, but soon the 26-year-old mother died of "puerperal fever." The father went mad with grief and could not see the newborn - the "cause of death" of his beloved wife. So the baby ended up in a different family, to his mother's relatives - to her older sister Elizabeth and her husband, Dr. Philip Alexandrovich Dobrov. They brought him up in the best traditions of the Moscow patriarchal intelligentsia, in a house near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Godfather the boy was Alexei Maksimovich Gorky, who eventually became a classic of socialist realism.
Surrounded by care and attention, the boy was brought up in his aunt's family as own son. The Dobrov House was one of the literary and musical centers of the then Moscow; I.A. Bunin, M. Gorky, A.N. Scriabin, F.I. Chaliapin, actors of the Art Theater, etc. Under the influence of the atmosphere at home, the boy begins to write poetry and prose early.
In September 1917, Andreev entered the Moscow Gymnasium E.A. Repman, which he graduated from in 1923. In 1924, he continued his studies at the Higher Literary and Art Institute. Bryusova (Higher state literary courses Mosprofobra). Then work on the novel "Sinners" begins. In 1926 he joined the Union of Poets.
Daniel began to write very early, from childhood - both poetry and prose. A close friend At home, Nadezhda Sergeevna Butova, an actress of the Moscow Art Theater, introduced the mysticism of church services to a fifteen-year-old youth. faith and artistic creativity became for him equally great inspirers of life. After school, he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses, but immediately realized that he, as a poet, had no place in Soviet reality. A cousin helped him master the craft of a graphic designer; writing typefaces provided a modest but sure income. And he always wrote, and always "on the table", not for publication.
The first event of methohistorical insight, which played big role in developing it inner world, happened in August 1921, when he was not yet 15 years old. In his book “Rose of the World”, Daniil Andreev describes this event as follows: “It happened in Moscow, at the end of the day, when I, who by that time was very fond of aimlessly wandering the streets and dreaming pointlessly, stopped at the parapet in one of the squares surrounding the temple Christ the Savior and raised above the embankment. Moscow old-timers still remember what a wonderful view opened from there to the river, the Kremlin and Zamoskvorechye with its dozens of bell towers and multi-colored domes. It was evidently already seven o'clock, and the bells were ringing for vespers in the churches... The event I was talking about opened before me, or rather above me, such a raging, blinding, incomprehensible world that embraced the historical reality of Russia in a strange unity with something immeasurably greater than it, that for many years I internally fed on images and ideas that gradually floated from there into the circle of consciousness. The mind could not cope with them for a very long time, trying to create new and new constructions that were supposed to harmonize the inconsistency of these ideas and interpret these images ... "
He experienced the second event of illumination in the spring of 1928 in the Church of the Intercession in Levshin. “For the first time remaining after Easter matins for early mass; this service, which begins at about 2 o'clock in the morning, is marked, as you know, by the reading - only once a year - of the first chapter of the Gospel of John: "In the beginning was the Word." The gospel is proclaimed by all the priests and deacons participating in the service from different parts of the church, in turn, verse by verse, on different languages- the living and the dead. This early mass is one of the pinnacles of Orthodox—Christian in general—world worship in general. If the Matins preceding it can be compared with the rising of the sun, then this mass is a real spiritual noon, full of light and universal joy. The inner event I am talking about was, both in content and in tone, completely different from the first: much wider, connected, as it were, with the panorama of all mankind and with the experience of world history as a single mystical stream, it, through the solemn movements and sounds of the service performed before me, gave me a sense of that highest region, that heavenly world in which our entire planet appears as a great Temple and where the eternal worship of enlightened humanity is continuously performed in unimaginable splendor.
Later, the experience of “real super-reality” became wider and wider - the proximity of Seraphim of Sarov during divine services, the foretaste of monsters and demons ruling over a totalitarian state and large cities, a brotherly tender feeling for nature, where everything was alive, and Earth and Sky, and Wind and Snow, Rivers and Flowers... He loved many days of wandering alone, always (according to the conditions of Russian weather) barefoot, because he felt the Earth differently in different places. I spent the night in a haystack, in the forest on the moss. The poetry created during those wanderings is a book of psalms glorifying the Creator, who gives life and joy to all creation.
In 1937, Daniil met his future wife, Alla Alexandrovna (we owe it to her that Andreev’s word has come down to our days!), And at the same time he began writing the novel “Wanderers of the Night” about the Russian intelligentsia under Stalinism, for the manuscript of which they both were sentenced in 1947 to capital punishment, temporarily replaced in that year by 25 years in prison. And during the Great Patriotic War he was in besieged Leningrad (about which he wrote the poem "Leningrad Apocalypse"), served in the funeral team, secretly reciting prayers for the dead over the mass graves of Soviet soldiers. Returning home, he discovered that the manuscript of the novel, buried in the ground for conspiracy ... was blurred and unsuitable for reading - I had to start all over again.
But in 1947, it was this manuscript that became the pretext for the arrest of many people close and not close to Andreev as "participants in a terrorist group" who, under his leadership, allegedly prepared an "assassination attempt on Stalin." Together with Daniil's archive, the KGB destroyed the manuscripts of his father, the classic of Russian prose Leonid Andreev. Alla's wife was sent to the Mordovian camps. And himself - in the infamous "Vladimirsky Central" since pre-revolutionary times.
Being in prison cell Daniel turned the long rows of nights into continuous contemplation and comprehension of insights. Deep memory began to send more and more distinct images to consciousness, illuminating with new meaning both the events of his personal life and the events of history. “Meetings happened during the day, in a crowded prison cell, and I had to lie down on a bunk, facing the wall, to hide the flow of tears of exciting happiness. The closeness of one of the great brothers caused an increased heartbeat and a thrill of solemn reverence ... "

His wife says that at first he wrote in the cell on random scraps of paper. During the "shmons" these sheets were taken away. He wrote again. The whole cell participated in the preservation of what was written, including the "war criminals", the Germans and the Japanese, who, not knowing the language, did not know what they were helping to hide - this was the solidarity of the prisoners.
The Soviet academician-physiologist, atheist Vasily Vasilyevich Parin, a cellmate of the poet, later told his widow with surprise: “There was such an impression that he did not write, in the sense of“ composes ”, but barely had time to write down what was pouring on him.”

Alla Andreeva and Daniil Andreev in 1959.

He was released ten years later, in 1957 - Alla, who had been released a year earlier, was already waiting for him, miraculously managing to take her husband's belongings out of prison, and in them - outlines of a new book "Rose of the World", written by a terminally ill writer on scraps of prison paper.
The last period of his life was devoted to collecting the text and comprehending the visions experienced in Vladimir. His wife later recalled: “Daniil Leonidovich demanded that no one except me should know about his work on the Rose of the World. He demanded that I destroy all letters addressed to him, he believed that we were still being monitored.” Finally, on October 12, 1958, at the House of Artists in Goryachiy Klyuch in the Caucasus, the book was completed. “It felt like the angel who supported him all the time, with the last line of this book, quietly unclenched his hands - and everything rushed towards death.” On June 4, the elderly couple got married in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe on Shabolovka in Moscow, and eight months later, on March 30, 1959, he passed away. Buried at Novodevichy cemetery(on the site, which his father Leonid Andreev acquired in 1906 for himself).
The writings of Daniil Andreev were first published almost 40 years later.


- File for download Daniil Andreev "Rose of the World" 1.13 MB (file for download). 1950–1958
Fundamental treatise, the main work of Daniil Andreev, work on which went from 1950 to autumn 1958. The author devoted the last two years of his life after his release from imprisonment in 1957. The book is based on the spiritual and mystical experience of the author, sets out the most complex picture of the transphysical arrangement of the universe and the metahistorical process that he perceives, capturing the physical world of our planet in unity with many other layers of the planetary cosmos. The cornerstone issues of ontology, ethics, religious worldview and religious practice, historiosophy (expanded to the limits of the metaphilosophy of history), the theme of Russia's destiny in the world, spiritual analysis great works of Russian literature and the fate of their creators - all this, as well as much more, is an integral part of the composition and fabric of the book.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

The book is undoubtedly worth reading ... There are a lot of thoughts that are quite justified when looking at society and a person ... The only, very sad future is prophesied, and hopeless, but again, given the desire of the higher structures of society for total control over each individual , the author’s view cannot be called completely utopian ...

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from nakorz 22.01.2018 15:48

This book has no competition today. I still don’t know people like Daniil Andreev, so that in a physical body I could see things like that, and even write about it, and in such conditions. No one except him described such a world order. This is heroism. And those who write negative comments would be better off spending time on their "growth" ......

Hope. 21.01.2018 17:41

Damn smart author. But this is hardly necessary for God and 99% of people who are trying to find a way to it with their simple lives. Mayakovsky is not a talent, but a genius. But to whom did he give himself? From that I received it. Here is the darkness of darkness, arguing. I know who deserves to be there. Only God knows this by definition. And who imagines himself ...! Its place is in discounted goods. Do not try to confirm the fairy tale: what beautiful clothes(naked king), otherwise you are not smart. Unconditional talent, but for what? This is the opinion of a man whose labor feeds not seven generals, but now an army of generals. Don't join them. Better just work, multiply, love and keep in your soul and multiply the Higher
This is the assessment of a talented wandering person. Not for the people.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Living Rose 15.12.2017 20:04

Not every person has developed the organ of perception of the texts of this book. It's time, people!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Sergey 04.12.2017 14:26


Grade 5 out of 5 stars by svetlana 03.08.2017 10:01


Grade 5 out of 5 stars by svetlana 08/03/2017 09:41

The book is not for everyone and not for everyone, you need some abstraction from the standard religious outlook, some kind of internal emancipation. the ideas that are embedded in it may be sharply discordant with our official religious beliefs ...

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Oleg 11.07.2017 17:12

The text of the rose for understanding a not very prepared mind is quite complicated, and one time to read the book is clearly not enough. This is what puzzled me. Danilov brings historical defendants into the holy synclite, who clearly do not belong there. For example, Lenin, after all, monstrous crimes are on the conscience of this person -demolition of historical monuments, explosions of cathedrals, executions of priests, creation of an emergency commission, etc. And yet this little evil man in Danilov is almost canonized. Next, Mr. Pushkin. Great poet, the sun of Russian poetry? And we won’t argue - everything is so, but as a person to whom nothing human is alien, an ordinary libertine and gambler, whose card debt at the time of the duel was more than 140 thousand rubles - in those days it was just a lot of money and the duel was just the way out from this hopeless (pardon the pun) hopeless situation. In addition, in order to justify himself in the eyes of friends, he himself concocted these anonymous letters that caused a duel with Dantes. this, but I read a bunch of materials, trying to get to the bottom of the truth, as far as possible, in order to understand what events led to this tragic duel. where he languishes to this day. Jesus, I think, asked Judas to fulfill this unseemly role for him.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars by fritz 29.05.2017 16:59

"Rose of the World" was a real revelation for me. After reading it and having a stunning impression of the unconscious reality, I plunged into Abd-ru-shin's books "In the Light of Truth. The Grail Message". I recommend that those who have not figured out the "Rose of the World" should go back and re-read it again. You will be surprised to understand. that those words, previously incomprehensible to you, suddenly gained meaning and your horizon expanded. We live at a time when Revelations are transmitted through initiates from the Universe. Do not pass by, but pass each word through your heart. These books are given to us for the salvation and improvement of our SOUL.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Evgeny 13.11.2016 17:02

I first read this book in 1992. At that time I was 22 years old, I studied at a technical university and was fond of philosophical and religious teachings. There were big changes and much literature has emerged that was not previously available. Questions of meaning human life; stability of the laws of nature; the presence in human nature of consciousness, moral principles, sensory perception; variety of life forms on Earth; the beauty, mystery, infinity of the starry sky on the one hand, and the destructive forces in the universe on the other, inclined me to search for an answer to them. It was not possible to explain the listed phenomena from the point of view of materialistic philosophy. I got acquainted with the book "Rose of the World" after I had read "Bhagavad-Gita", "Life of the Buddha" by Ashvaghosha, "New Testament". Spiritual thirst, religious experiences opened in my heart the answers to some of the above questions. I came to realize the idea of ​​God as the creator of all things, of the immortality of the soul, but there were questions that remained a mystery to me. The question of the origin of evil, both in human nature and on a universal scale, and the justification of God as a creator who is not involved in anything evil, dark, selfish. It was during this period of my life that I got acquainted with Daniil Andreev's book "The Rose of the World". From the first pages of the book, I was fascinated by her ideas. The truth was revealed to me, which was realized by me intuitively. And if Vladimir Solovyov in "Justification of the Good" on the basis of a synthesis of philosophical and religious ideas builds the foundation of moral philosophy, then Daniil Andreev supplements it with new methods of cognition that can expand the creative possibilities of a person, as well as contribute to the disclosure of the organs of spiritual hearing, spiritual vision, deep memory (one who reads the book of Daniil Andreev will understand which spiritual organs in question). Now I am over 40 years old, but the books of Daniil Andreev are my desktop books. To a person who is trying to find an answer to questions - What is the meaning of human life? Is there a soul or not? What awaits a person after death? How are the worlds surrounding our planet Earth arranged? - Daniil Andreev's book "Rose of the World" will be very useful.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Alexander 08.11.2016 23:37

Very cool

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Dmitro 07/09/2016 16:13


Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Alena 06/12/2016 00:43

The book is a masterpiece! A simple writer without help from above and in such a terrible time will not write a fairy tale!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Sergey 10.05.2016 22:44

Good book, read with pleasure, fascinating, sometimes scary


Prophecies of the Rose of the World:

World War III and the War of Good and Evil, the Golden Age,
the special role of Russia and the united World Religion, the beginning of the world Movement,
the subjugation of people by the dark ones and the causes of wars and bloodshed, the incarnation on Earth of the Anti-God - Antichrist

Rose of the World by Daniil Andreev

Daniil Andreev is one of the most mysterious and extraordinarily deep creators of Russian culture.
In terms of the scope and depth of the topics covered, the creations of Daniil Andreev can only be compared with the Vedic scriptures.
The Vedas are the oldest and most complete scriptures on earth. They can provide surprisingly accurate and comprehensive information about the structure of the universe, about the cycles of time, about the past and the future. It is amazing how many coincidences there are between what is stated in the Rose of the World and the Vedas.
Andreev describes the world laws of Karma and Reincarnation, develops the idea of ​​the multifaceted structure of the universe, the presence of life in different worlds and on other planets.
And if the Vedas give full information about the creation and existence of the entire Universe, then Daniil Andreev focuses directly on our planet and the worlds connected with it. The Seer describes these worlds, their structure and inhabitants in such detail and detail that the crystal logic of the thoughts of the author of The Rose of the World is a serious argument for even the most skeptical minds.

Consonance of Andreev with the Vedas and other revelations

“The spirit breathes where it wants. The certainty that the revelation dawned only on the fathers of the church remains in the type of consciousness that finds adequate forms for itself in the old Christian denominations. The consciousness of a new type hears the voices of revelation both in the hymns of the Vedas and Akhenaten, and in the high spiritual soaring of the Upanishads, and in the insights of Gautama Buddha and Ramanuja "...

Rose of the World

Freedom - Love - God-creation
Born in 1906, Daniel was brought up in the tradition of Orthodox Christianity. Subsequently, his worldview unfolded far beyond the narrow dogmas of Christianity.
In The Rose of the World, he calls Jesus the messenger of God on Earth, the Planetary Logos. Residing now in more high worlds, he has the ability to clothe himself in the luminiferous-etheric bodies created by Him.
His power has grown immeasurably, and gradually ascending from strength to strength, for nineteen centuries he, along with other great personalities, has been leading the struggle of all the bright beginnings of the planet against demonic forces.
Daniil Andreev reveals main principle maintaining the life of the entire universe: “Not a single hair will fall without the will of the Heavenly Father, not a single leaf will move on a tree”, and at the same time, he attaches great importance to another cosmic law - Free Will.

In the "Rose of the World" a formula is derived for each soul: the condition is freedom, the path is love, the goal is God-creation.
This means that each person, first of all, has the freedom of choice, is free to determine his own path.

However, the purpose of each, the purpose of the very fact of the creation of the soul is its establishment on the path of co-creation with God, service. There is only one way through which this can be realized - Love.
Modern researchers can make a clear connection between this concept and the bhakti yoga described in the Vedas.

Breakthroughs of consciousness into other worlds - Cosmology "Roses of the World"

The "Rose of the World" represents the world as a multi-layered reality, divided into rows of worlds - the worlds of the ascending row (leading to God), and the worlds of the descending row (created by anti-God forces led by Lucifer).
On our planet Earth, the number of such worlds-layers of space is 246, and each has its own time dimensions. They exist together and are connected to each other.
The whole Universe is a field of creativity and formation of many individual spiritual units created by God - monads. Each monad is similar to God in its own way and possesses an inexhaustible creativity and freedom.

Heavenly Russia

The Rose of the World describes one of the total set of worlds:
“Heavenly Russia, or Holy Russia, is connected with the geography of the three-dimensional layer, approximately coinciding with the outlines of our country. Some of our cities correspond to its great centers; between them are areas of enlightened beauty of nature. The largest of the centers is the Heavenly Kremlin, standing above Moscow. Its sanctuaries shine with alien gold and alien whiteness.
The total number of inhabitants of Heavenly Russia is unknown to me, but I know that about half a million enlightened ones are now in the Heavenly Kremlin.
New aliens appear in Heavenly Russia in special sanctuaries, while having the appearance of not babies, but already children.
The change of ages is replaced by an increase in enlightenment and spiritual strength. There is no conception, no birth. Not the parents, but the recipients prepare the conditions necessary for the enlightened soul ascending here. In the faces of some of the brothers of the synclite, one could guess the features familiar to us during their life in Enrof: now these features are luminous, dazzling; they shine with spiritual glory, thinned and lightened. Produced by the transfigured body, their clothes glow by themselves. For them, movement in all four directions of space is not forbidden; it remotely resembles the soaring of birds, but surpasses it in lightness, freedom and speed. There are no wings. There are many layers available to the perception of the enlightened…
..Recovery process vitality here it is similar to breathing. The growth of spirituality gradually brings the enlightened one to the next great transformation of the body.
Those who were geniuses and messengers on Earth continue after enlightenment and transform their creativity here...

I could list several names of figures of Russian culture and history who entered Heavenly Russia: Leskov, Gumilyov, Rachmaninov, Sergei Bulgakov, John of Kronstadt, Fet, L. Andreev, Alexander Blok, Chaliapin, Pushkin, Gogol, Leo Tolstoy, Alexei Tolstoy , Dostoevsky, Kutuzov, Lermontov, Vladimir Solovyov, Pavel Florensky.
During the entire existence of the Russian zatomis, several dozen people have risen through it to the Synclite of the World, of which the following names are known to me: Yaroslav the Wise, Alexander Nevsky, Sergius of Radonezh, Andrey Rublev, Lomonosov, Ambrose of Optinsky, Seraphim of Sarov.

The emergence of evil and the beginning of the confrontation between good and evil

According to Daniil Andreev, in the depths of time, one of the greatest monads (Lucifer), using the inalienable right to freedom, committed an act of apostasy and fell away from the Divine Fullness; it was followed by many other monads - thus evil arose.
Since then most of The Universe has become the arena of the struggle between the forces of Good and Evil.
This struggle manifests itself as in life individual people, in the form of confrontation between evil and good sides human soul, and in the development of mankind as a whole - in history. However, history is only the visible part of the iceberg of what is happening. The main struggle unfolds in other-material realities. To display the fullness of this struggle in the Rose of the World, the term "metahistory" is introduced. Metahistory covers not only historical processes, but also what is their cause, that is, the struggle between the godless and Providential forces.

Demon worlds and their leader

On our planet, the forces of evil are represented by a great demon, one of the associates of Lucifer, who once invaded the planet with hordes of smaller ones. His name is Gagtungr. It was a long and stubborn struggle, as a result of which he managed to create several demonic layers and turn them into impregnable strongholds.
The habitat of Gagtungr is the worlds of Digma and Shog. Here is how the seer describes this demon and its worlds:
“Immensely terrible is his appearance, as seen by his spiritual eyes of a few people who penetrated the dark heights of Digma - the world of his dwelling. As if reclining on a raging purple ocean, with black wings spread from horizon to horizon, he raises his dark gray face to the zenith, where infralilac glows blaze, prominences sway and go out, and at the very zenith shines a luminary of an unimaginable color, vaguely reminiscent of purple . Woe to the one on whom Gagtungr lowers his gaze and who meets this gaze with open eyes. Of all the carriers of dark missions among people, only one (Torquemada) found the strength to remember God's name at that moment. The rest of the monads became slaves of the devil for innumerable ages.”
“There is also an even higher demonic layer: this is the multidimensional Shog, the materiality of which was created by the great demons. Powerful streams of inspiring, involting God-fighting forces flow in here from the depths of the Universe, and no one, except Gagtungr, can enter this layer.
This is the anti-cosmos of the Galaxy, the center of the forces of Lucifer himself in it.

Demonic influences on people
It is from these worlds that demonic influences and subtle emanations come today, to which people of our era and our dimension are exposed.
First of all, demonic beings try to influence the leaders of human society, passing on and instilling in them on a subconscious, and sometimes conscious level, their vile and vicious ideas and worldview.
Since they themselves do not have the opportunity to incarnate here in our world, Gagtungr and his associates prepare and contribute to the incarnation here of some souls, chosen by them from among those who have especially manifested themselves in the field of evil.
And some leaders of the human society of our time are also going to conclude direct deals and agreements with the forces of evil.
Unlimited power, everything more money, profit at the expense of others, sex and debauchery - these are the levers with which they seduce and control those who succumb to their influence.
The result of their influence today we can observe, and it is obvious.
Humanity is heading for the abyss. More bloody wars, constant threats of terrorism, man-made and natural disasters, more and more new viral and deadly diseases.
More and more humanity is immersed by these demonic forces into the illusion-Matrix of slave existence. Their ideology: take everything from life, enjoy it as you like, there are no prohibitions, there are no special problems, you only live once - it is increasingly being implanted in modern society.
And as a result, these souls that have succumbed to their influence, after inevitable death, are directly sent to the lower worlds of retribution and redemption.
The intermediate goals of demonic beings are being successfully carried out by them: more and more bloodshed on the planet. After all special kind radiation or energy released during physical bloodshed, whether human or animal, is a kind of food for them.
And now judge for yourself how many constantly bleeding local wars and conflicts, as well as legalized animal slaughter - are now feeding these otherworldly bloodsuckers.
The ultimate goal of demonic forces is complete control over humanity, with the help of implanting special microchips into each.
But in order to resist these dark plans, the forces of Good exist and operate.
Unlike demonic influences, light forces do not impose their ideas, decisions and ideologies. They offer their help and never violate the free will of man.
They continue to work tirelessly for the enlightenment of all mankind and the approach of the Golden Age.
The intention of the forces of Light is the salvation of all victims. The intention of Gagtungr and the demonic forces is to turn everyone into victims.
Daniil Andreev in The Rose of the World warns all of us: “The course of development has led to the proximity of a now decisive battle due to the primordial aggressiveness of the demonic principle and its desire for universal tyranny ... Each soul is a field for their (Holy Forces) struggle against the demonic principle, and all the life of the soul is a chain of choices that confront the "I", reinforcing or paralyzing the help to him from the Holy Principles.
And right now, in our time, the conscious choice of every soul becomes decisive in the ongoing war between Good and Evil.

Prophet of the Golden Age and One World Religion
Daniil Andreev saw that in the coming, 21st century, humanity was waiting for the Golden Age. Rose of the World Andreev poetically calls the future world interreligion of mankind, which will unite all the religions of the world.
By the time the world unites, the Rose of the World will play leading role in activity state system Earth, and will hold a series of events to transform nature and human society. In particular, all military spending will be redirected to economic spending, and the killing of animals for any purpose will be stopped.
As a result, the conditions of material, cultural and spiritual well-being and prosperity will be established on the Planet - the Golden Age.

The special role of Russia

According to the thinker, Russia should play a special role in this process. Russia and Russian metaculture arose by the will of Providence precisely in order to become the gates through which the Rose of the World will come to Earth. In order for Russia to be able to fulfill its mission, it must cease to be an empire. In turn, this will become possible if there are no empires left in the world that threaten the existence of the Russian metaculture.

Heralds of the One World Brotherhood
It would be simply absurd to say that the actions of such personalities as Daniil Andreev, Srila Prabhupada and other harbingers of the predicted Golden Era were coordinated by one of the people.
Rather, we are talking about a different kind of interaction.
In the "Rose of the World" it is explained that a huge number of people are now sent by God to spread interreligion on Earth. They become the heralds of the Golden Age, the tasks of which Andreev formulates as follows:
“education of a man of an ennobled image; the establishment of universal material prosperity; development assistance in humanity higher abilities and bright creativity; consolidation of efforts with all the teachings of light orientation;
the transformation of the planet into a garden, and the World Federation of States into a Brotherhood.

Didn't Srila Prabhupada and other great saints preach the same thing based on the Vedas and other scriptures?
Maybe a little different words, but the meaning is equivalent.
In the ancient Vedic work Brahma-vaivarta Purana, the following is said about the present time:
“The whole world will become one. It will be composed of devotees of the Supreme Lord.
And since the devotees of the Lord are very pure, anyone who comes in contact and associates with them will be cleansed of the reactions of their sins. This era will last 10 thousand years.

Born before in India, the seer himself chose his future incarnation in Russia
According to the seer, in his last incarnation on Earth, he was born in India.
And this is his last incarnation in Russia - and in the most tragic times, he, being in higher worlds, chose himself, to fulfill a certain mission:
“I don’t know where and when I will die this time, but I know where and when I died in last time before being born in 1906 to live in Russia.
My last death took place about three hundred years ago in a country that leads a very ancient and powerful metaculture. All my present life, since childhood, I have been tormented by longing for this old homeland; perhaps it is so burning and deep because I lived in that country not one life, but two, and, moreover, very rich ones.
I could freely choose one of two things: either an ascent to Heavenly India, the end forever of the path of reincarnations, its replacement by ascending transformations through other material layers; or one more, maybe several, existences in Enrof (the earthly world), but not as a result of unreleased karma - it was unleashed - but as a means to the implementation of certain tasks, only entrusted to me and freely accepted by me.
Before me opened the possibility of descending back, already within the limits of another metaculture with a huge future.
The task that I accepted had to be related to a great task that went far beyond the limits of this metaculture and was supposed to embrace the world in the distant future. Thousands of souls have already been prepared for this task.
And I chose this opportunity. I now understood that I had taken such a burden on my shoulders, which it was no longer possible to throw off unhindered.
And from Gotimna (Heavenly) India, I was transferred to Gotimna (Heavenly) Russia: there my preparation for the fulfillment of the mission, which was accepted by my Self from above, ended.
So the "Rose of the World" is an amazing and unusual bridge between the philosophical breadth of the modern West and the depth of the ancient Vedic East.

Predictions of the dark times and the incarnation of the Antichrist
Daniil Andreev foresaw that sometime in the future the era material well-being And cultural heyday will lead to "tiredness from spiritual light" and satiety with social freedom, boredom and thirst for dark passions will cover half of humanity.
(In the Vedas, this gloomy era is described as the Kali Yuga - the Iron Age of vices).
Then he will be born in one of the countries Latin America the anti-Logos and the Anti-God - the Antichrist, whose mother will be the legendary Lilith, the first wife of Adam, who specially descended to Earth for this purpose.
Her child will be none other than the one who was incarnated as Stalin in his last incarnation in Russia. Passing through the demonic worlds final stages preparation, this unprecedented creature will come close to its last, fatal birth.
With the genius of the anti-Logos - the Antichrist will surpass all the geniuses of mankind that have ever lived, and no one can resist his hypnotic power.
By the age of 33, he transforms his body into a special substance, "karroh", becoming practically invulnerable and immortal, then, after holding a fake referendum, the Antichrist will become the Ruler of the world. He will embody the spirit of his mother Lilith in human flesh and declare her the image of the Eternal Feminine, and himself - God the Father. New and unprecedented dark miracles and persecution of believers and all who do not submit to the usurper will begin.
The Antichrist will establish an unbridled cult of sexual freedom, allegedly reflecting in our world the cosmic marriage of the "two hypostases of the Trinity." Hosts of women, attracted by the demonic charm of the Antichrist, will pay with death for a few moments of pleasure spent in his arms.
A third of the world's population will die a martyr's death. The technical inventions of that time will make possible almost absolute control over the psyche of people and reading thoughts at a great distance, so the black ruler of the Earth will be able to nip any resistance in the bud.
All history will be rewritten, books and monuments will be destroyed - everything that came from God. Temples of all religions will be destroyed or turned into satanic temples. New generations will not learn about the existence of other religions in the past and the appearance of Christ.
In the end, only the ideology that the Antichrist will create will remain. At this time, science will unite with magic, reaching unprecedented power. Finally, the Antichrist and Lilith will give birth to a new tribe of intelligent super-beings, "half-humans-half-igvas", who will destroy people in order to take their place on the planet. In order to find a place to house these rapidly breeding monsters, the Antichrist will destroy all animals.
And then a complete and universal sabbath will begin, when science, philosophy, art, laws, public institutions- everything will work to “unbridle the“ sexual element ”. All sorts of perversions will be preached - the streets and squares of cities will turn into a place of continuous orgies. But the most "exquisite" sexual pleasures associated with torture will be available only to the servants of the Antichrist, and the Prince of Darkness reserves cannibalism exclusively for himself.
He will be convinced that he is not subject to death, and, consequently, to posthumous retribution.

The Fall of the Antichrist and the Beginning of the Age of Salvation
But the Anti-God - Antichrist will not have time to complete the creation of the kingdom of darkness.
The continuous and intense struggle between the light and demonic forces will begin to approach its climax.
The universal power of the one who was embodied on Earth as Jesus Christ will increase immeasurably over these centuries.
And now the Planetary Logos himself will appear for the soul of the Antichrist, which will fall "through all the worlds of retribution to the very bottom of the Galaxy."
The time of anarchy and the debunking of the Antichrist will come, the surviving followers of the true religion will come out of the catacombs, the vicious world state will disintegrate, there will be wars between people and half-igvas and between people. A bloody orgy will engulf the whole world, the earth will plunge into chaos.

Few will retain reason and faith.
And then "terrible and inexplicable" phenomena will begin - signs of the end of the world. All true believers will gather in Siberia, and at that moment the world will tremble - Christ will appear.

“The act of the second coming must take place simultaneously in many points of the Land of Enrof (the earthly world), so that not a single creature is left without seeing or hearing Him. In other words, the Planetary Logos must achieve such unimaginable powers in order to appear simultaneously in as many forms as there will be then on the planet of perceiving consciousnesses.
This is precisely what the prophecy of Christ speaks about His second coming, which will be like lightning, shining from east to west, so that all peoples and countries of the earth will see the Coming One on the clouds of heaven.
The faithful will be enlightened and remain on the transformed planet, the rest, bodily changed, but without dying physically, will go to the worlds of retribution, so that later, having redeemed their karma, their sins, they will rise to one of the bright layers of the Earth.
Christ will descend into the dark layers of the planet, saving anti-humanity and the souls that are at the bottom of hell, which, together with him, will then rise to our Universe to begin a new life.
The next one will come historical era, whose task will be "the salvation of all, without exception" and the bright transformation of all the worlds of the Earth.

Transformation of all the worlds of the Earth
"Rose of the World":
“Neither human birth, nor disease and death, nor the suffering of the soul, nor enmity and struggle will know the second aeon; he will know only love and creativity for the sake of redeeming the dead and enlightening all layers of matter.
For this is what all mankind and all commonwealths and all hierarchies of Light exist for. For this we incarnate here, in a dense, not yet illuminated materiality.
Evil will no longer remain in humanity, but dark forces will still resist in the demonic worlds.
No one, except the All-Knowing, knows how many millennia the reign of the righteous will last on earth. Time itself will then become different from what it is now, it will turn into a golden symphony of parallel flowing times, and what we call history will dry up. Not history, but the growth of world harmony will be the content of time.
By the end of this period of history, there will be only one planetary demon - Gagtungr. When he says yes! God, the earth will be able to rise to higher levels being.
“Thus will end the mystery of the struggle between Darkness and Light for the mastery of the Earth and the defeat of Darkness.”
According to the "Rose of the World", in this way, all the creatures inhabiting the earthly worlds will ascend to the light, until nothing dark remains in their life, and it will be devoted only to joy and creativity.
Each soul is a field of their (Holy Forces) struggle with the demonic beginning, and the whole life of the soul is a chain of choices facing the “I”, strengthening or paralyzing the help to it from the Holy beginnings.
Daniil Andreev, "Rose of the World"

So, for example, there is a sakwala of Orion's involtations.

Orion - a system of bramfaturs of gigantic power, completely freed from demonic principles; it plays a colossal role in the life of the Galaxy. Of course, the list of names of the ten layers that make up this sakwala cannot, by its poverty, cause anything but disappointment in the reader. But I don't know - maybe even these names will come in handy someday.
- Yumaroya. Odgiana. Ramn. Veilra. Ligeia. Fianna. Eramo. Weathernor. Zaolith. Natolis. Despite the dissimilarity of the conditions that reign in the physical layer of Jupiter or Neptune, with our conditions, we must get used to the idea that many of the planets and their satellites have bramfaturs. Jupiter, even in our layer, in Enrof, is inhabited by highly intelligent beings, but so different from us and living in such unthinkable conditions for us that in Enrof's plan, no communication between us ever arises. But communication exists in the five-dimensional layers of both bramfaturas. The elite of Jupiter and its satellites created two layers of their involtations inside Shadanakar, one layer was created by Saturn and its satellites, one by Uranus and one by Neptune. All of them make up the sakwala of planetary involtations.

The universal plan of Lucifer is the opposite.
Each of the monads that have joined him is only his temporary ally and his potential victim. Each demonic monad, from the greatest to the smallest, cherishes a dream - to become the master of the Universe: pride tells her that she is potentially stronger than everyone.

It is guided by a kind of "categorical imperative", expressed to some extent by the formula:
I am and there is not-I; all non-I must become me, in other words, everything and everyone must be absorbed into this one, absolutely self-affirming Self.
God gives himself; the anti-God principle seeks to absorb everything.

That is why it is, first of all, a vampire and a tyrant, and that is why the tyrannical tendency is not only inherent in any demonic I, but is its integral feature. Therefore, the demonic monads unite temporarily among themselves, but, in essence, they are rivals not for life, but for death. With the seizure of local power by their group, this contradiction is soon revealed, a mutual struggle begins and the strongest wins. The tragedy of the course of the cosmic struggle for the demons is also due to the fact that the Lord creates new and new monads, while the demons are unable to create a single one, and the balance of forces is constantly increasing not in their favor.

New falling away is not taking place and will never happen again, there are absolute guarantees for this, and I deeply regret that the exceptional difficulty of this problem does not allow me to find the necessary series of concepts in order to state it in any intelligible way. In any case, all demonic monads are very ancient origin, all of them are longtime participants in the great uprising. True, they were committed later, and are still being committed now - not falling away, but something outwardly similar: a highly conscious being, sometimes even a whole group of them, temporarily opposes themselves to the Providential will. But this theomachistic choice is made not by the monad itself, but by the lower Self, spiritual, limited consciousness. Therefore, his atheistic activity does not take place in spiritual world, but in material worlds, subject, by the will of the demons themselves, to the law of retribution. By this very rebellion is doomed in advance, the one who committed it enters the long path of redemption.

Daniil Andreev



Rose of the World and its immediate tasks

This book began when the danger of an unheard-of disaster was already hanging over mankind; when a generation that had barely begun to recover from the shocks of the Second World War was convinced with horror that a strange haze was already swirling over the horizon, thickening - a harbinger of an even more formidable catastrophe, an even more devastating war. I began this book in the darkest years of tyranny over two hundred million people. I started it in a prison that was called a political isolator. I wrote it in secret. I hid the manuscript, and good forces - people and not people - hid it during searches. And every day I expected that the manuscript would be taken away and destroyed, just as my previous work was destroyed, which took ten years of my life and led me to political isolation.

The book "Rose of the World" ends a few years later, when the danger of a third world war no longer rises like misty clouds from the horizon, but spreads over our heads, closing the zenith and quickly descending from it down on all sides of the sky.

“Maybe it will work?” - Such a hope glimmers in the soul of everyone, and without such a hope it would be impossible to live. Some try to back it up with logical arguments and active actions. Some people manage to convince themselves that the danger is exaggerated. Still others try not to think about it at all, plunging into the cares of their little world and once and for all deciding to themselves: come what may. There are also those in whose soul hope smolders with a fading spark, and who lives, moves, works only by inertia.

I am finishing the manuscript of The Rose of the World in freedom, in a golden autumn garden. He, under whose yoke the country was languishing, has long been reaping in other worlds the fruits of what he sowed in this one. And yet I hide the last pages of the manuscript in the same way as I hid the first ones, and I do not dare to dedicate a single living soul to its content, and still I have no confidence that the book will not be destroyed, that the spiritual experience with which it is saturated , will be transferred to at least someone.

“Or maybe it will cost, tyranny will never return? Perhaps humanity will forever preserve the memory of the terrible historical experience of Russia? - Such a hope glimmers in the soul of everyone, and without this hope it would be sickening to live.

But I belong to those who are mortally wounded by two great calamities: world wars and sole tyranny. Such people do not believe that the roots of wars and tyrannies have already been eradicated in humanity or will be eradicated in a short time. The danger of a given tyranny, of a given war, may be removed, but some time later the threat of another will arise. Both of these disasters were for us a kind of apocalypse - revelations about the power of the world Evil and its eternal struggle with the forces of Light. People from other eras would probably not understand us; our anxiety would seem to them exaggerated, our worldview morbid. But such an idea of ​​historical regularities is not exaggerated, which has been burned into a human being by half a century of contemplation and complicity in events and processes of unprecedented scope. And the result that has formed in the human soul as the fruit of the activity of its brightest and deepest sides cannot be painful.

I am seriously ill, the years of my life are numbered. If the manuscript is destroyed or lost, I will not have time to restore it. But if it ever reaches at least a few people, whose spiritual thirst will make them read it to the end, overcoming all its difficulties, the ideas embedded in it cannot but become seeds that give birth to sprouts in other people's hearts.

And whether this happens even before the third world war or after it, or the third war will not be unleashed in the coming years at all - the book will not die anyway, if at least one friendly eye passes, chapter by chapter, through its pages. Because the questions she is trying to answer will still worry people in the distant future.

These issues are not limited to the problems of war and state structure. But nothing will shake my conviction that the most terrifying dangers that threaten humanity now and will threaten for more than one century is the great suicidal war and absolute world tyranny. Perhaps the third world war - in our era - humanity will overcome, or at least survive in it, as it survived in the first and second. Perhaps it will endure, one way or another, a tyranny even more extensive and merciless than that which we have withstood. It may also happen that in a hundred or two hundred years new dangers for the peoples will arise, no less disastrous than tyranny and a great war, but different. Maybe. Probably. But no efforts of the mind, no imagination or intuition are able to draw the dangers of the future, which would not be connected, one way or another, with one of the two main ones: with the danger of the physical destruction of mankind as a result of war and the danger of its spiritual death as a result of absolute world tyranny.

There is an instance that for many centuries claims to be the only unswerving uniter of people, preventing them from the danger of a war of all against all, the danger of falling into chaos. Such an institution is the state. Since the end of the tribal system, at all historical stages, the state has been an essential necessity. Even the hierocracies that tried to replace it with religious power turned into varieties of the same state. The state has cemented society on the principle of violence, but the level of moral development necessary to cement society on some other principle has not been achieved. Of course, he is not reached and offered. The state is still the only proven remedy against social chaos. But the presence in humanity of ethical principles of a higher type is being clarified, capable of not only maintaining, but also improving social harmony: and, more importantly, ways are outlined for the accelerated development of these principles.

In the political history of modern times, two general human tendencies, polar to each other, are easily distinguished.

One of them seeks to re-develop the state principle as such, to strengthen the comprehensive dependence of the individual on the state, more precisely, on the authority in whose hands the state apparatus is located: the party, the army, the leader. States such as fascist or national socialist - the clearest example of the phenomena of this kind.

Another stream of phenomena that arose as early as the 18th century, if not earlier, is a stream of humanistic orientation. Its origins and milestones- English parliamentarism, the French Declaration of the Rights of Man, German social democracy, and finally, the liberation struggle against colonialism. The far-reaching goal of this stream of phenomena is the weakening of the cementing violence in the life of peoples and the transformation of the state from a predominantly police apparatus that upholds national or class domination into an apparatus of universal economic balance and the protection of individual rights. In historical reality, there are still original formations that may seem like hybrids. Essentially remaining phenomena of the first type, they modify their own appearance to the extent that it is appropriate to achieve the goal. This is just a tactic, a disguise, nothing more.

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