Ethnoi: tribes, peoples, nations. Interethnic interactions according to Shirokogorov


There are about 2 thousand nations, nationalities and tribes in the world. Most often, one country includes several nations, such states are called multinational, and these concepts are studied in detail in grade 8. Now let's try to figure out what the concepts of genus, nationality, ethnicity, nation, tribe, nationality mean, to identify their similarities and differences.


Ethnos is a common collective name for numerous consanguineous groups of people who form a tribe, nationality or nation.

It is possible to attribute a person to one or another ethnic group depending on his biological and social characteristics.

Each ethnic group has features that are characteristic of its representatives. They are formed over a long period of time and under the influence of various factors: natural and climatic conditions, territory of residence, historical past.

On appearance and the nature of people are influenced by the natural conditions in which for a long time their people lived. For example, strong winds, sandstorms define narrow eyes, and a hot, sunny climate has led to people with swarthy and black skin. The remoteness of the place of residence, isolation was reflected in the way of life and relationships with other people.

So let's select a number of characteristics of an ethnic group as a stable community of people:

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  • blood relations;
  • commonality of historical development;
  • general area of ​​residence;
  • common traditions;
  • common cultural heritage;
  • unity of life and language.


This is the most early form ethnos. Its appearance was preceded by the unification of people into families, clans and clans.

The family is the smallest of the groups based on consanguinity. It brings parents and children together. The union of several families forms a genus. Several clans that have entered into an alliance become a clan. An association of several clans is called a tribe.

The tribes had their own language, lived on the same territory. In addition, at this time the control system was already in its infancy. Each tribe had its own leader, as well as a special council in which the most important issues were discussed. Traditions and ceremonies were formed.

Ethnos: nations and nationalities


This is a more developed form of the ethnic group, which replaced the tribe. Its main differences in that:

  • it included more people;
  • its appearance was associated with the emergence of states that united large territories into one whole;
  • The unification of people now took place not only by blood ties, but by linguistic, territorial, economic and cultural characteristics.


This is a type of ethnic group, the largest group of people united common institutions and values.

Nation signs:

  • single territory;
  • common language;
  • commonality of the economic system;
  • a single national character, a sense of solidarity.


People tend to constantly move due to natural disasters, military operations, the development of new territories for farming. Some peoples were forced to move from their homeland, as a result of which they joined another culture, territory, established ties with other ethnic groups, adopted their features. The place to which they moved became their historical homeland.

Four types of ethnic or ethno-social communities are known in history, which are closely interconnected and which can be considered as certain stages in the development of an ethnos from small social groups to large ones. These include clan, tribe, nationality and nation.

Genus- This is a small ethnic group whose representatives are connected by blood ties and trace their origin along the same line (maternal or paternal). The genus replaced the primitive herd and its most important feature was exogamy, that is, the prohibition of marriages within the clan. Due to the latter circumstance, clans could not exist in isolation from each other and united into tribes, since otherwise it was impossible to ensure the physical reproduction of the population.

Tribe - this is ethno social community primitive communal (pre-class) system, which is a set of clans connected by a common culture, the unity of religious ideas, consciousness of a common origin, as well as the presence of self-government and self-name. It was the tribe that served as the basic social unit primitive order, since it provided the necessary set of functions of social reproduction and, above all, the function of physical reproduction of new generations. The clan was a large consanguineous family, and it is more correct to consider it not so much as an independent ethno-social community, but as the main structural component of the tribe. The formation of the clan and tribe was associated with the same segment on the scale of historical time - the transition from the primitive herd to the social state.

The clan and tribe were the product and main form of existence of the primitive communal system, however, tribal relations persist today, and not only among small peoples living in isolation from the rest of the world (the natives of Australia and the like), but also in such quite civilized countries as India, Brazil, Indonesia, among some peoples of the Caucasus, Central Asia and so on. - wherever significant elements of the traditional way of life have been preserved.

If the genus and tribe arise during the formation of the primitive communal system, then nationality appears during its decomposition. Nationality is an ethnic and social community that historically follows the tribe and precedes the nation. A nation grows out of a mixture of different tribes and education tribal unions associated with a specific area. Nationality, therefore, is based not on consanguinity, but on territorial unity. Within the framework of a single territory, common economic and cultural ties arise between the tribes, a common language, a single religion, and a common self-name are formed. However, it should be borne in mind that residence in a certain area is general condition formation of any ethnic group, and nationality is no exception in this respect. Each tribe always had its own territory, delimited from the territories of other tribes by some natural boundaries, but for the tribe, the main pivotal factor was still not the common territory, but blood ties and relationships. For the nationality, the commonness of the territory became such a main constitutive factor, and kinship, tribal ties faded into the background.

What is the new quality? community of territory at the people? As already noted, nationality arises during the period of decomposition of primitive collectivism and the establishment of a society based on social differentiation and social inequality. The inevitable product of such a society is state, which begins to control a certain territory, relying on legitimate coercion. The unity of the territory, maintained by state coercion and becomes the main constitutive condition and hallmark of that new ethnic and social community, which is nationality.

So, nationality- this is a historical type of ethnic community that arises during the period of decomposition of the tribal organization of society and is based not on consanguinity, but on territorial unity, which is supported by state coercion. In other words, the basis of the nation is political unity, supported primarily by the power of state power.

The first peoples of the slave-owning era were formed - the ancient Egyptian, ancient Hellenic, etc. The process of the formation of nationalities in Europe ended mainly in the period of feudalism. In other parts of the world, this process continued in subsequent eras.

Nationalities usually consisted of several tribes, close in origin and language. For example, the Polish nationality was formed from the Slavic tribes of the Polans, Visslans, Mazovshans, etc., the German - from the Germanic tribes of the Swabians, Bavarians, Alemans, etc. , the French people arose from a mixture of Gallic tribes, Roman colonists and Germanic tribes.

The formation of nationalities went hand in hand with the process of the formation of the state, however, in the course of further historical development, nationalities could no longer coincide with the state either territorially or in language. So, for example, in the East of Europe, where in the feudal era the formation of centralized states, they included a number of nationalities. The decisive role in these states was played by the most politically and economically developed nationalities, for example, the Russians. Nationality is a product and the main ethno-social group of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages.

As the transition from a traditional agrarian society to an industrial one begins, the process of turning a nationality into a nation begins. Nations are usually further ethnic development certain nationalities and retain their names, although the territorial boundaries of those and others may not coincide. So, the peoples who were cut into pieces by new state borders, gave rise to several national entities(Portuguese and Galicians, Germans and Luxembourgers, etc.). At the same time, there are cases when several nationalities participated or are participating in the formation of one nation. Thus, the Indonesian nation was formed from Javanese, Sunds, Madurese and other nationalities.

It should be added to what has been said that the process of turning peoples into nations is not universal or all-encompassing. Many nationalities, especially small and lagging behind in their development for a number of reasons, eventually enter into closer ties with other, more developed peoples and nations and gradually lose their ethnic characteristics in the field of culture and life, assimilate the culture and language of more developed peoples and gradually merge with them. Such a process is called assimilation.

Nation represents the latest socio-ethnic formation from a historical point of view. She is a product and typical shape existence based on market economy bourgeois industrial society. The nation is an object of study of many sciences, including not only ethnography and sociology, but also history, social philosophy, demography, political science, law, etc. The complexity and versatility of the very phenomenon of the nation is manifested in the variety of approaches to determining its main features.

One of these approaches, which goes back to H. Spencer, is the definition of a nation as a continuation and complication of consanguineous, tribal relations. At the forefront here are the signs of a biological property associated with the similarity of physical traits, the unity of blood, the unity of the race. We have already spoken about the cognitive possibilities of such an approach; its initial premises and conclusions are refuted by reality itself.

Another understanding of the nation is offered by the so-called cultural-psychological theory. Its representatives (O. Bauer, R. Springer) consider the nation as a purely cultural community with a single self-consciousness and historical destiny and not rigidly associated with a certain territory or state affiliation. This theory formed the basis cultural and national autonomy programs.

This approach to understanding the nation has certain grounds. History really knows peoples who were or are in a state of diaspora or dispersion and do not have a compact residence in any territory, as well as a single statehood. Jews and Armenians can serve as an example. For such peoples, the only unifying basis remains ethnic self-consciousness - the preservation of the language, common cultural traditions, ideas about a common historical destiny, etc. And yet, most nations have both state and territorial certainty, and in their respect the cultural-psychological theory under consideration does not work well. The characteristics of the nation which this theory brings to the fore coincide with the most common features of any ethnic group and do not allow to differentiate its individual types, for example, to distinguish a nation from a nationality.

The following approach to the definition of a nation (we will call it provisionally statist) considers the nation as a co-citizenship, as a political community, as a collection of citizens of one state, regardless of their race, religion, language and cultural differences. This approach has its own historical foundations; it took shape in the 17th-18th centuries. during the first bourgeois revolutions in Western Europe when the first secular nation-states were formed in the struggle against the feudal theocratic state. However, this approach also has its own definite limitations. In purely theoretical terms, from the standpoint of the etatist approach, it is rather difficult to distinguish between a nation and a nationality, since the latter is also a state-political community. This approach, voluntarily or involuntarily, leads to the idea that an ethnos turns into a nation only when it acquires its own statehood. Perhaps this thesis corresponded to the historical conditions of Western Europe in the 17th-18th centuries, but it clearly contradicts the conditions of modern life.

The number of states on our planet is an order of magnitude less than the number of existing ethnic groups. The vast majority of states are multiethnic and multinational, so the demand for their own statehood for each nation inevitably leads to an aggravation of interethnic contradictions and the growth of national separatism. To this it should be added that at present there are very few pure ethnic groups, which, without mixing with others, live compactly in a certain territory. From this it follows that in modern world the sign of a nation is not so much the presence of its own statehood, but the presence of statehood as such, belonging to a particular state including multinational.

In ordinary life, people most often identify state and nationality, while sociology considers the state and the nation as interrelated, but different social phenomena. “British” and “English”, “Russian” and “Russian” are not coinciding concepts. The first concept in each pair characterizes the state affiliation of the individual, the second - his nationality. A British subject can be not only an Englishman, but also a Scot, Welsh or Greek, just like a citizen Russian Federation according to his nationality, he can be Russian, Tatar, Chechen, Bashkir, etc.

The most important difference between state and national belonging, from the point of view of sociology, is that the state is a social institution, while the nation is a social community. Relations between the state and its subjects are built on completely different principles compared to relations between representatives of the same nation. The former is based on the real relationship between the subject and the object of management, the latter is based on national self-consciousness, built on the identification of an individual with collective ideas about a common historical fate and about their difference from other similar ethnic formations.

At the same time, it is impossible not to see that in practice there is some kind of mutual attraction between the state and the nation. The state seeks to appropriate the authority of the nation in order to strengthen its own demands on its subjects, and the nation seeks to take shape in the state and seize its power potential to realize its ethnic interests, which may include territorial, economic and cultural (religious, linguistic, etc.), and simply the need to strengthen the cohesion of the nation.

Every ethnic group, to one degree or another, is characterized by the so-called ethnocentrism- the conviction that one's own ethnic group and everything related to it is correct, morally approved and that one's own ethnic group, its interests should be given preference in any situation. extreme form Ethnocentrism is the belief in the biological and cultural superiority of members of one's own ethnic group over other groups, but even in its mildest forms, ethnocentrism manifests itself as the tendency to evaluate all other ethnic groups in terms of one's own interests.

In relation to the nation, ethnocentrism manifests itself as nationalism. Belonging to a nation is understood by him as a fate that is stronger than any person: it is the unity of the nation, its common destiny precede any economic or political interests and really give these interests meaning and weight. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Nationalism usually requires power, that is, the right to use violence, in order to ensure the safety and continuity of the nation. The state power, which has a monopoly on violence, is best suited for this purpose. As soon as one succeeds in identifying the state with the nation, presenting it as an organ of self-government of the nation, the chances of success for nationalism increase sharply. Government makes it possible to enforce exclusive use national language in all official institutions, to ensure control over education and culture as a whole with the aim of universal and mandatory introduction into the consciousness of every member of society of the values ​​of the dominant nation in this state and thereby make everyone national patriots from birth.

For its part, the state is also interested in nationalism, or rather in identifying itself with the nation. The state always needs to legitimize its power, to convince its subjects of its legitimacy, of the need to fulfill all its requirements. In a modern democratic society, this is most often achieved through rational persuasion with references to calculations and benefits. If the state manages to fully identify itself with the nation (of course, this does not apply to multinational states), then the situation changes fundamentally. The national state acts on behalf of the nation and requires submission not for the sake of any specific calculations and benefits, but in the name of the interests of the nation, which do not need any special justification, but are a value in themselves. Disobedience to the state now becomes something even worse than breaking the law - it turns into a betrayal of the cause of the nation, into a heinous immoral act that deprives the one who committed it of human dignity.

Thus, just as the state needs nationalism to legitimize itself, so nationalism needs the state to be more viable. The nation-state is the product of this mutual need. However, nation-states are much rarer in the modern world than one might expect, and this is explained by the fact that one of necessary conditions The emergence of such a state is the absolute predominance and compact residence of any ethnic group in a certain territory. Such ethnic groups are extremely rare today. In the Russian Federation, for example, out of 21 republics, only in 5 the titular population exceeds 50% of the population of this republic (including Chechnya). Nation states are most often formed as a result of the collapse of various kinds of empires, for example, the colonial system of imperialism in the countries of Asia and Africa, or many nation states built according to the national-territorial principle - former Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, USSR.

Summing up what has been said, it should be noted that the national community cannot be replaced by a state community, as well as by a racial, tribal, cultural, religious or territorial community. There are many different nations that are mostly of the same race. Representatives of the same nation often profess different religions, just as the same religion is professed by representatives of different nations. There are nations that live in one state and do not have their own national statehood, and vice versa, there are many nations, some parts of which live in different states (for example, Russians in the CIS countries). This, of course, does not mean that listed signs have nothing to do with the nation we are talking only that they do not reveal the essence of the concept of a nation, do not allow to distinguish it from others historical types ethnic and social communities.

The concept of a nation, of course, includes a common language, culture, ethnic identity, psychological make-up, and a certain state and territorial affiliation, and joint economic life. But what is the main one of the listed series? Which of the named signs is the initial, constitutive sign of a nation - a sign that distinguishes it from other historical types ethnic communities, and, above all, from the nationality?

In modern and recent history, such a sign is community of economic life, which is formed on the basis of the formation of the domestic market. The development of industrial capitalism creates a socio-territorial division of labor that binds the population economically into a single economic organism. This also leads to political concentration - to the creation of nation-states in place of the former feudal fragmentation.

So, summing up, we can give a definition of a nation. Nation- an ethno-social community that has historically developed in a given territory, which is characterized by the unity of economic life (a single internal market), a common language, culture, and typical features of a mental warehouse. Nations are formed when political unity within a territory begins to be maintained not only and not so much by state coercion, but also by economic interest in the functioning of a single economic mechanism, a single market.

Nations arise from kindred and unrelated tribes, races and nationalities. The Russian nation was formed from related East Slavic tribes, but at the same time many elements from the surrounding West and South Slavic, Germanic, Finno-Ugric and Turkic-speaking peoples joined it. The French nation was formed as a result of the merger of the Gauls, Germans, Normans, etc. The North American nation arose from immigrants from almost all European countries, with whom, in part, Indians and Negroes from Africa mixed.

The prototypes of the nation arose already in antiquity. They formed where the market arose around major cities, there was trade, and people on large territories communicated in the same language. However, such communities of people were local in nature and did not differ in stability. Only the development of an industrial capitalist society led to the formation of an internal, and then a world market, and thereby laid the foundation for the formation of nations as a global phenomenon.

The epicenter of the formation modern nations became Europe. Here earlier than in other regions began national movements and a system of nation-states emerged. XVI - XVIII centuries. and the first half of the nineteenth century. - the era of the formation of nations in Western Europe, North America and Russia. In the twentieth century The process of nation formation received an additional impetus due to the collapse of the world colonial system in the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Last colonial empire Portuguese broke up in the 70s. 20th century

Ethnic communities are

3) marginals

4) nationalities


Types of ethnic groups: clan, tribe, nationality, nation.

Answer: 4

What community is characterized by the following features: peculiarities of language, culture, common historical memory?

1) professional

2) territorial

3) demographic

4) ethnic


Ethnos - a group of people united by common features: origin, language, culture, territory of residence, self-consciousness, etc.

The correct answer is 4, because professional communities imply a single position in the labor system, territorial ones are characterized by state-administrative education, demographic ones - by the age and sex characteristics of individuals, and ethnic ones - by the common origin of language, culture, and a single historical memory.

The correct answer is number 4.

Answer: 4

Subject area: Social relations. ethnic communities

Which of the signs, first of all, distinguishes ethnic groups?

1) community of professional interests

2) a similar level of income and quality of life

3) commonality historical experience, historical memory

4) belonging to a single age group


An ethnos is a group of people united by common features: objective or subjective. Various directions in ethnology include origin, language, culture, territory of residence, self-consciousness, etc. in these signs. Signs:

Firstly, it is the language of a given nation, nationality, as the main tool for communication, communication, which forms in people a sense of a single linguistic community.

Secondly, it is social historical education which, as a rule, has a long history of formation.

Thirdly, the presence of a specific material and spiritual culture of the ethnic group, expressed in the originality of housing buildings.

Fourthly, the peculiarity of the life of ethnic groups is associated with family and everyday behavior.

Fifthly, these are the norms of everyday behavior, etiquette of address, greetings, characteristic gestures and symbols.

The correct answer is number 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. ethnic communities

One of the signs of a people as an ethno-cultural community is

1) single citizenship

2) unity of beliefs

3) common social status

4) community of religion


Under the ethno-cultural component, we mean everything that contributes to the development of creative possibilities, gives a more complete picture of the richness of the national culture, the way of life of the people, their history, language, literature, spiritual goals and values, which contributes to the development of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality, a patriot of their homeland , a highly moral person, tolerant towards the peoples of the world civilization.

The correct answer is number 4.

Answer: 4

Subject area: Social relations. ethnic communities

One of the main trends in the development of modern interethnic relations, associated with the gradual rapprochement various peoples and nations in the economic, political, spiritual spheres of society is called

1) international differentiation

2) international integration

3) cultural pluralism

4) ethnic conflict


Conflict is a clash of parties, opinions, forces.

Interethnic differentiation is the process of separation, separation, confrontation of various nations, peoples, ethnic groups.

International integration is a process of gradual rapprochement, unification of various ethnic groups, peoples through the spheres of public life.

Cultural pluralism is the presence and simultaneous coexistence of various ethnic cultures within the framework of one national entity.

The correct answer is numbered: 2.

Answer: 2

The historical varieties of ethnic communities include

1) states

2) tribes

3) estates

4) confessions


An ethnic community is a stable set of people that has historically developed in a certain territory, possessing common features and stable features of culture, language, mental make-up, self-awareness and historical memory, as well as awareness of their interests and goals, their unity, difference from other similar entities.

Types of ethnic communities - clan, tribe, nationality, nation.

The state is a political-territorial sovereign organization of public authority, which has a special apparatus for the purpose of exercising an administrative, supportive, protective function and is capable of making its orders binding on the population of the whole country.

One of the ways to prevent interethnic conflicts in a democratic society is

1) consistent buildup of the military potential of the state

2) compact settlement of people of one nationality within a multinational state

3) ensuring the rights and freedoms of all citizens, regardless of nationality

4) creation of nationally homogeneous states


The method of a democratic state is to ensure the rights and freedoms of all citizens, regardless of nationality. All other methods involve the violation of any human rights, such as movement, choice of place of residence, etc. Consistent build-up of the military potential of the state does not solve the problem at all.

The correct answer is numbered: 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Interethnic relations, ethno-social conflicts and ways to resolve them

All components of the social structure of society are mediated by man:

  • - ethnic and demographic components are rooted in the biotic nature of the individual and represent the biotic in the social;
  • - settlement and stratification components - are objectively social, that is, generated in the civilizational field and formed as a result of the division of labor and the emergence various forms and types of activities.

Consider social structure society, starting from the generic stage of its formation, that is, from ethnic background- clan, tribe, representing the initial social communities.

The demographic structure of society was already secondary, that is, it represented social stratification ethnos.

The ethnic structure of society. Clan, tribe, nationality, nation.

Genus and tribe. The first, specifically human form of community that replaced the herd way of life was the clan. The clan represented an association of blood relatives with a common origin, common customs and beliefs.

Genus was the first social formation in the history of society, as it developed at two levels - ethnic and social, which led to the birth of a family, human reproduction, education and upbringing of children, care for the elderly. The clan was multifunctional, laying the foundations of the craft in the process of hunting and fishing, inventing and making devices for them, processing the extracted, equipping the places of residence.

The necessary conditions for the existence of the clan were communal ownership of a certain territory with hunting (fishing) grounds and their protection from external encroachments. The distribution in the clan was egalitarian, labor productivity was primitive.

A higher form of community of people in that historical time was a tribe.

Tribe . - association of several genera. Like the clan, the tribe was based on blood ties. However, the appearance of tribes marked the beginning of the dismemberment of a single multifunctional tribal community. The tribe carried only part of the public significant functions associated with the maintenance of customs, the strengthening of faith, the protection of the territory, the language of communication, and the tribal community remained the economic unit. This fact laid the foundation for the separation of the ethnic social community - the tribe - from directly economic functions. With the emergence of the family (paired living), there was a tendency for the isolation of family relations, a tendency for the separation of consanguineous ties from ethnic ones.

Nationality - a higher form of social association than a tribe, which is a historically established linguistic, territorial, economic and spiritual community.

The need for intertribal economic and spiritual ties, the migration of the population, the struggle for territory contributed to the formation of an alliance of tribes. Private property was born, stronger tribes dictated their conditions to the weak ones, class division began, kinship ties gave way to territorial ones, and a new social community appeared - nationality. Nationality evolved historically for a long time. Its basis was more high way production, economic, spiritual, linguistic and territorial community of life. The formation of states also contributed to the strengthening of the nationality, although in the process of historical development they could not coincide both territorially and in language. For example, France - Belgium, Sweden - Norway, Rus' - White Rus' - Little Rus'.

The nationality did not have the integrity of economic life, subsistence farming prevailed.

Nation. The formation of a nation is historical. It took shape through interrelated processes to form its own territory, establish and develop economic relations, national language, legal framework, state, mentality, culture. With the development of society and the state, economic and spiritual ties gradually strengthened, a national market arose, economic fragmentation was eliminated, and the scattered elements of a separate nationality united into a single social whole: nationalities developed into nations.

Historically, the emergence of nations has no single basis. Some nations on the planet arose as a result of transformations within one nationality (Swedes, British and some others European peoples), others - by rallying into a nation a number of peoples who are generally close in language and culture (the French nation was formed as a result of the merger of the northern French and Provencal peoples). It is typical for European nations to form them within the framework of centralized states on the basis of one or more ethnically close peoples, however, some of them developed under conditions political fragmentation(Italians, Germans). In the East and South-East of Europe, the formation of nations took place within multi-ethnic empires (Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Ottoman).

The nation is a unique historical formation of mankind. The uniqueness of the nation is due to the geographical and historical environment, mentality, originality of economic development, way of life, traditions, culture, state structure. Formed its own special image of spirituality, morality, national character and self-consciousness. However, there are no nations similar in all respects on the planet, although they may be in close territorial proximity, like Russians and Belarusians, Hungarians and Austrians, Turks and Bulgarians, Czechs and Slovaks. But geographical proximity only emphasizes national features, and does not erase them.

Signs of a nation. First sign- common territory.

The commonality of the territory is an important feature of the nation, since the territory is the formal space for people in which they historically live and carry out activities. Such concepts as "motherland", "fatherland", "country", "state" are essential in the territorial unity of the nation, but with their own conceptual specificity. At the same time, the residence of people in one territory does not in itself consolidate them into a single nation. A unique example in recent history that demonstrates the declarative nature of territorial unity is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR), as well as the Union Independent States(CIS) - non-confederal association of part of the republics former USSR. "Soviet people", "one nation", declared by the Soviet political system, its Communist Party, did not become them, and the CIS states, after the collapse of the USSR, still do not find common understanding in many respects of the social structure and life, although constitutionally they lived on the same territory. It is appropriate to recall the fact that the East Slavic tribes, and then the nationalities, occupied the territory of the European part of our country for a long time, nevertheless, the formation of the Russian and Ukrainian nations took place only in recent centuries, and the formation of the Belarusian nation could only be completed in the 20s. 20th century

Second sign- common language.

The national language is the speech and administrative language of people, understandable to the entire nation, entrenched in literature and jurisprudence. Only a linguistic community provides a full-fledged economic, managerial, scientific, pedagogical, defense and other life of the country.

However, it must be borne in mind that the language may be the same for several peoples, but they do not constitute a nation: Austria - Germany, Spain - Argentina, France - partly Belgium and Canada. The commonality of the language is considered in conjunction with other features of the nation.

Third sign- common economic life.

This is the essence of a nation. The point is not that the nation produces any single product, but that the industrial and economic specialization of the country's regions, the strengthening of financial and trade relations within the state contribute to the unity of the nation, strengthening its international position, strengthening its defense capability, etc. According to its Constitution, Russia included 89 subjects of the Russian Federation. Currently, the process of consolidation of the subjects of the Federation is underway. According to the results of nationwide referendums in the subjects of the Federation, the Perm Region and the Komi-Permyatsky Region were merged. autonomous region V Perm region; Irkutsk Region and Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug to Irkutsk Region; from the Chita Region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug to the Trans-Baikal Territory, several more federal unification processes are in the process of being resolved. Each subject of the Federation has its own economic features, allowing them to participate in the planned economic life of the country. The specialization of regions in the economic sphere of public life allows the state to build a unified economic policy that meets national needs and interests.

The fourth sign- common features of mentality and culture.

The mentality of a nation is a historical phenomenon, it is a reflection in the minds of the people of the peculiarities of its existence and the entire system of relations. The mentality represents the measure of the spiritual values ​​of the nation. It manifests itself in the peculiarities of its national character, state structure, mores, customs, traditions, habits, inclinations; is reflected in music, in songs, in dances, in painting, in literature, in architecture, in language, in all kinds and types of activity. A special role belongs national identity, which is formed throughout the history of the formation and development of the nation, allowing people to proudly identify themselves in the nationwide "We". Self-awareness of the nation is valued in essence - it is love for one's Motherland, internal civil position, readiness to serve the Fatherland with valor and defend it, the main thing is a satisfied sense of self-distinction from other nations: for example, the Germans have pedantry, the Americans have superiority, the Norwegians have thoroughness. We, the Russians, have inflexibility, bordering on complaisance, resurgent right-wing antiquity, historical catholicity. With regard to culture, it is necessary to note the fact that it reflects all the best in the nation. The culture of a nation is that valuable thing that it has created in its history in all spheres of public life and is worthily passed on from generation to generation. In this regard, Russia has something to be proud of: we were the first to conquer outer space, carry out a thermonuclear reaction, create an icebreaker fleet, develop rocket technology and zero gravity production technology, develop seaplane construction, implement laser location, founded the world's leading schools of ballet, chess, figure skating, sports dances on ice, etc.

Fifth sign- unity of legal norms, statehood.

Law in its essence historical phenomenon. It originated along with the birth of society, the formation of the state and developed as national independence was formed, in accordance with national characteristics, state structure and government. Law includes two levels - natural and positive. Natural law is objectified by the triad: formal equality, freedom and justice. Positive law represents legal dogma or law. A nation is a complex historical formation that requires substantive legal and state security, without which its formation and development is very problematic. The natural right of people comes to the fore, nationality which is fixed within the borders of the state. From the point of view of establishing formal equality, each representative of the nation has the same opportunity to realize their needs and abilities. Equality is the legal principle of the state formation of the nation, the national structure of the state, the norm of behavior of free individuals. With regard to freedom - the second criterion of natural law, this is a nationwide awareness by people of the necessary measure. Freedom is a form of the state structure of the nation, a form of the national structure of the state. In terms of justice - the third criterion of natural law, every individual, every subject of the national community, the nation as a whole uses this property of law to consolidate the value and significance in the national state system. The state must act as the guarantor of formal equality, freedom and justice for the entire nation. Natural law is reflected in positive law - legal norms, legal acts of the state: constitutions, laws, decrees, resolutions that contribute to both comprehensive national development and the holistic functioning of the spheres of society: economy and ecology, management and pedagogy, science and art , medicine and physical culture, defense and public safety, including a wide range of intra-national relations.

Conclusion: nation is a social community that historically arises on the basis of a common economic life, language, territory, state structure, legal norms, mentality, and culture.

The difference between a nation and a nationality is that it is a more stable social community, and stability is given to it, first of all, by the state, economic and legal factors.

In historical terms, social communities of people were preceded by ethnic ones, on the basis of which they appeared in the process of development and complication of human relations.

IN social philosophy the study of ethnic communities of people began to be carried out much later than many other things, but in its importance and significance it occupies a leading place. To date, among scientists there is no single point of view on this issue.

- This large groups people united by a common language, cultural and historical identity. They usually include tribes, nationalities and nations.

Such communities are formed in a certain territory in the course of a joint. Their members have common features of a psychological make-up, and are also clearly aware of their unity and difference from other similar communities. For a group to be recognized as an ethnic community, at least one of the following conditions must be met:

  • community members are aware of their belonging to it;
  • supposed common origin community members;
  • community members have linguistic and cultural unity;
  • there is an internal social organization, normalizing the relationship within the community and contacts with others.


Historically, the formation of ethnic communities can be counted from the moment of the collapse of the primitive human herd. Initially arises genus A group of people who are related by blood. Members of the clan were aware of their relationship and wore a common generic name. The genus included several or many families.

The appearance of the genus was facilitated by the emergence primitive community, the economic basis of which was communal property. Joint management of the economy on the basis of communal property, the natural-equal distribution of things, primarily food, joint life and entertainment contributed to the formation of such a community as a clan. It can be said that genus acts as the very first industrial, social and ethnic group of people, united into one joint labor activity, consanguineous origin, common language, common religious and mythological beliefs, customs and features of life.

Several genera could be united in clans - tribal unions. The unity of the clans was based on the belief in a common origin.

Several clans could make up tribe. The basis of the unity of the tribe is blood and family ties; in addition, the tribe lives in a certain territory, its members have a common language or dialect, their own customs and cult, joint economic activity, rudiments internal organization(tribal council).

The appearance of the tribe driven primarily by the need conservation and protection of the habitat(territories of residence, places of hunting and fishing) from encroachment by other human associations. A more numerous composition of the population greatly facilitated the task of resettlement and arrangement of life in new territories. Of no small importance was also the protection against the degeneration of the genus, which threatened it because of sexual relations between consanguineous Homo sapiens.


Nationalities begin to take shape from tribes after the appearance of the first states. The nationality is characterized by a territorial community, united by economic and cultural activities, as well as a common language. Belonging to a nationality is no longer determined only by blood and family ties.


Nation - highest form socio-ethnic community. And this is not surprising, because. the unification of people nationality creates the best conditions for people to live, the organization of production, economic, socio-political and cultural life. Common economic life, a single language, a common territory, some features of the mental make-up of people, manifested in specific features cultures are the basic features of a nation.

It can be said that nation is a stable association of people connected by a common language, common territory, the commonality of economic life and some features of the mental make-up of people, expressed in the specific features of the culture of a given people.

The unity of the nation is promoted by:

  • common historical memory;
  • developed national identity.

Historical memory - it is knowledge of the past, the best achievements of national culture, outstanding representatives of the nation in the field, as well as the desire to act in accordance with the best examples presented in history.

However, since in the history of every nation there were not only heroic pages, but also hard ones, historical memory also suggests that a nation should admit its guilt for the mistakes made and draw conclusions from the lessons of the past.

National identity - a sense of belonging to a nation, the identification of its interests with its own.

These interests imply, on the one hand, the desire to preserve the national culture, protect its identity, and on the other hand, the desire to enrich one's own national culture the best achievements.

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