Characteristics of the main character is the hero of our time. The main characters of the novel the hero of our time characteristic


Purpose: to characterize the characters, determine the role of each of them in the novel.

Equipment: presentation.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Message of the topic of the lesson.

The novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time” is “the story of the human soul”, one personality that embodied in its unique individuality the contradictions of an entire era. Each chapter is separate story, which, of course, has its main characters. All of them are united by one character - Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin. Despite the fact that Lermontov confronts him with many people, he is very lonely. Most readers and critics consider Pechorin negative character. It brings only pain, disappointment, and sometimes death.

Today in the lesson we will try to understand the complex relationship between the main character and the people he was destined to meet (view 1 slide).

Speaking of the novel, it is impossible not to notice that the author has given great attention female images. Pechorin himself warns us right away that he is not ready for a serious relationship.

(Slide #2)

In the work, our hero will meet with several women.

– Is he capable of falling in love, surrendering entirely to this feeling?

Pechorin is disappointed in love, he is in constant search, but, unfortunately, does not find what he was looking for.

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Once in Pyatigorsk, he finds himself in a “water society”. What awaits him there? All the same people, envious intriguers, devoid of noble aspirations and elementary decency. An aversion to them grows in his soul. To annoy an old acquaintance of Grushnitsky, Pechorin begins to court Mary.

Under what circumstances does the meeting take place?

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  • Let us turn to the description of Mary.
  • What attracted Pechorin to her?
  • How does Mary's doubt manifest itself regarding Pechorin's feelings?
  • How is the explanation going with Mary? What feelings does Pechorin experience at the same time?
  • How does their relationship end?

In relation to Mary, Pechorin, of course, acted meanly.

- Why do you think Pechorin hurts Mary so painfully?

How does he feel about his actions?

The next heroine of the novel is Bela. This is a proud Circassian who did not avoid meeting with Pechorin.

(Slide number 5)

  • What attracted Bela Pechorin?
  • How does Pechorin behave in the house?
  • Why did she start accepting the hero's advances?
  • Who did Bela consider herself in Pechorin's house?
  • Was Bela happy?
  • When did she feel that Pechorin had stopped loving her?
  • Was Bela's death a way out for Pechorin?
  • What are the feelings before death?

Bela attracts Pechorin with his wildness, unbridledness. When he sees her, he can no longer control himself. To achieve its location becomes main task for Pechorin.

- Did Pechorin love Bela?

One of the main female images is Vera. This is the only heroine for whom Pechorin has genuine feelings.

(Slide number 6)

  • Recall the description of Vera.
  • Were they familiar with Pechorin before?
  • How did Vera react to the meeting?
  • What feelings did Pechorin have for her?
  • What does Vera feel when she leaves Pechorin?

Pechorin is deeply worried when he learns of Vera's departure. When he rides after her, we see the true Pechorin, who does not hide his feelings and experiences under the guise of indifference.

The three heroines presented to us are very different. They are united by one thing - they loved Pechorin.

Did he love any of them?

The novel also features male characters. Let's take a few heroes. Pechorin had a hard time getting along with people, considering male friendship to be something unnecessary and optional.

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- What do you think, is Pechorin's opinion fair and why does he think so?

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  • Who is Maksim Maksimych?
  • Description of the hero.
  • Under what circumstances did they meet?
  • What distinguishes Maxim Maksimych from other heroes?
  • When is the next meeting and how does Maxim Maksimych expect it?

- How can you explain Pechorin's behavior at a meeting?

- What did Maxim Maksimych remind him of?

Pechorin's cruelty towards the old man is outward manifestation his character, and under this external lies the doom of the hero to loneliness.

One of interesting heroes novel is Grushnitsky. He is the complete opposite of Pechorin. Remember the meeting of heroes.

- What feelings does Pechorin have?

(Slide number 9)

  • Description of Grushnitsky.
  • What annoys Pechorin?
  • What is the meaning of life for Grushnitsky?
  • How does the duel scene with Pechorin characterize the hero?

Dr Werner - only person with which Pechorin finds mutual language. They are not friends, they are friends. Together they spend a lot of time.

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  • Description of Werner
  • Character traits.

What brings the characters together?

Why do their paths diverge?

Pechorin, like Werner, is in conflict with the nobility. But Werner is passive. His protest is limited to caustic mockery on the sly. Werner's inaction sets off Pechorin's activity.

We examined the characters and actions of secondary characters. But what about Pechorin?

(Slide number 11)

  • How does Maxim Maksimych describe the hero?
  • What do we know about the character of Pechorin?
  • What is striking about his appearance?
  • How does he feel about life?

Pechorin is very lonely. Tired of high society, he goes to the Caucasus to experience new sensations, to find the meaning of life.

Pechorin - moral cripple but he wasn't born that way. He was raised by society. Nature gave him a deep, sharp mind, and a sympathetic heart, and a strong will. He is capable of noble deeds and humane impulses.

* What is Pechorin's opinion about his life?

In the novel "A Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov deliberately introduces such a number of secondary characters. In a collision with them, the image of the main character, Pechorin, is revealed. All characters are individual. They have nothing in common, but it is they that allow us to understand the essence of Pechorin, to give him a true characterization.

- Who is to blame? beautiful impulses Pechorin's souls were doomed?

Society is to blame social conditions in which the hero was brought up and lived.

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M.Yu. Lermontov deeply and comprehensively revealed the inner world of his hero, his psychology, told the “history of the human soul”, compared several types of human characters.

(Slide number 13)

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question: yes or villain Pechorin. But, of course, that this is a person who deserves our attention.

Mikhail Lermontov combined rare talents: virtuoso versification and the skill of a prose writer. His novel is known no less than his lyrics and drama, and maybe more, because in "A Hero of Our Time" the author reflected the illness of a whole generation, historical features of his era and the psychologism of a romantic hero who became the voice of his time and an original manifestation of Russian romanticism.

The creation of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" is shrouded in mystery. There is not a single documentary confirmation of the exact date when the writing of this work began. In his notes and letters, the writer is silent about this. It is generally accepted that the end of work on the book dates back to 1838.

The first were "Bela" and "Taman". The date of publication of these chapters is 1839. They, as independent stories, were published in the literary journal Otechestvennye Zapiski and were in great demand among readers. In February 1840, The Fatalist appears, at the end of which the editors promise the imminent release of Lermontov's entire book. The author completed the chapters "Maxim Maksimych" and "Princess Mary" and in May of the same year released the novel "A Hero of Our Time". Later, he once again published his work, but with a "preface", in which he gave a kind of rebuff to criticism.

Initially M.Yu. Lermontov did not think given text as something whole. These were kind of travel notes, with its own history, inspired by the Caucasus. Only after the success of the stories in " Domestic notes» The writer added 2 more chapters and connected all the parts with a common plot. It should be noted that the writer very often visited the Caucasus, since from childhood his health was poor, and his grandmother, fearing the death of her grandson, often brought him to the mountains.

The meaning of the name

The title already brings the reader up to date, revealing the true intentions of the artist. Lermontov foresaw from the very beginning that critics would consider his work a personal revelation or banal fiction. Therefore, he decided to immediately identify the essence of the book. The meaning of the title of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" is to state the theme of the work - the image typical representative 30s of the 19th century. The work is not dedicated to the personal drama of some fictional character, but to what an entire generation felt. Grigory Pechorin absorbed all the subtle, but authentic for young people of that era, characteristics that make it possible to understand the atmosphere and tragedy of the personality of that time.

What is this book about

In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov tells about the life of Grigory Pechorin. He is a nobleman and an officer, we first learn about him “from the lips” of Maxim Maksimych in the chapter “Bel”. The old soldier told the reader about the eccentricity of his young friend: he always achieves his goals, no matter what it costs him, while he is not afraid of public condemnation and even more serious consequences. Having kidnapped the beautiful mountain girl, he longed for her love, which over time was born in the heart of Bela, another question is that Gregory no longer needs this. With his reckless act, he signed the girl’s death sentence in an instant, because later Kazbich, in a fit of jealousy, decides to take the beauty away from the kidnapper, and when he realizes that he cannot leave with a woman in his arms, he mortally wounds her.

The chapter "Maxim Maksimych" reveals Grigory's coldness and sensual barrier, which he is not ready to cross. Pechorin very restrainedly greets his old friend - the staff captain - which greatly upsets the old man.

The chapter "Taman" lifts the veil of the hero's conscience. Gregory sincerely repents that he got into the affairs of "honest smugglers." Willpower character is also shown in this fragment at the time of the struggle in the boat with Ondine. Our hero is inquisitive and does not want to remain in ignorance of the affairs taking place around him, which is why he follows the blind boy in the middle of the night, interrogates the girl about the nightly deeds of her badna.

The secrets of Pechorin's soul are truly revealed in the part "Princess Mary". Here he, like Onegin, who, out of boredom, "dragged" after the ladies, begins to play an ardent lover. The ingenuity and sense of justice of the hero at the time of the duel with Grushnitsky amaze the reader, because pity lives in a cold soul, Grigory gave his comrade a chance to repent, but he missed it. The main line in this chapter is love. We see the hero as loving, yet he knows how to feel. Faith melted all the "ice", forcing the old feelings to ignite even brighter in the heart of the chosen one. But his life is not created for the family, his way of thinking and love of freedom indirectly affect the outcome of relations with his beloved. All his life, Pechorin broke the hearts of young ladies, and now he receives a “boomerang” from fate. She did not prepare family happiness and the warmth of the hearth for the secular dandy.

The chapter "The Fatalist" discusses the destiny of human life. Pechorin again shows courage, penetrating into the house of the Cossack, who hacked Vulich with a saber. Here we are presented with Gregory's reflections on fate, predestination and death.

Main themes

Extra person. Grigory Pechorin is a smart, intelligent young man. He does not show emotionality, no matter how much he wants it. Coldness, prudence, cynicism, the ability to analyze all his actions - these qualities distinguish the young officer from all the characters in the novel. He is always surrounded by some society, but always there is a "stranger". And the point is not that the hero is not accepted by the high society, by no means, he becomes the object of everyone's attention. But he pushes himself away from the environment, and the reason lies in his development, which has gone beyond "this age." A penchant for analysis and sober reasoning is what truly betrays a personality in Gregory, and, therefore, an explanation of his failures in the “social” sphere. People who see more than we want to show will never please us.

Pechorin himself admits that he is spoiled by the high society, and this is the reason for satiety. After being released from parental care, Gregory, like many young people of any time, begins to explore the pleasures of life available for money. But our hero quickly gets bored with these entertainments, the mind is gnawed by boredom. After all, he also falls in love with Princess Mary for fun, he did not need it. Out of boredom, Pechorin begins to play big "games", involuntarily destroying the fate of people around him. So, Mary stays with broken hearted, Grushnitsky is killed, Bela became a victim of Kazbich, Maxim Maksimych is "disarmed" by the coldness of the hero, "honest" smugglers have to leave their beloved shore and leave the blind boy to the will of fate.

The fate of a generation

The novel was written during a timeless period. Then the bright ideals of active and active people who dreamed of changing the country for the better. In response, the state outraged these good intentions and exponentially punished the Decembrists, so after them came lost generation, disappointed in serving the motherland and satiated with secular amusements. They could not be satisfied with innate privileges, but they saw perfectly well that all other classes vegetated in ignorance and poverty. But the nobles could not help them, their opinion was not considered. And in the face of his hero Grigory Pechorin M.Yu. Lermontov collects the vices of that apathetic and idle era, it is no coincidence that the novel is called "The Hero of Our Time".

Boys and girls received proper upbringing and education, but it was impossible to realize their potential. Because of this, their youth passes not for the satisfaction of ambitions by achieving goals, but for constant fun, hence satiety originates. But Lermontov does not reproach his hero for his actions, the task of the work is different - the writer tries to show how Grigory came to this state of affairs, he tries to show the psychological motives for which the character acts in one way or another. Of course, the answer to the question is the era. After the failures of the Decembrists, executions the best representatives in society, young people, in front of whom such things were happening, did not trust anyone. They were accustomed to coldness of mind and feelings, to doubt everything. People live, looking around, but at the same time, without showing a mind. These qualities were absorbed by the hero of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov - Pechorin.

What's the point?

When the reader first meets Pechorin, he develops an antipathy towards the hero. In the future, this hostility decreases, new facets of Grigory's soul are revealed to us. His actions are evaluated not by the author, but by the narrators, but they do not judge the young officer either. Why? The answer to this question is the meaning of the novel "A Hero of Our Time". M.Yu. Lermontov, with his work, rebuffs the Nikolaev time, and through the image extra person shows what a person is led to by "a country of slaves, a country of masters."

In addition, in the work, the author described in detail romantic hero in Russian realities. Then this direction was popular in our country, so many word artists tried to embody the latest trends in art and philosophical trends in literature. hallmark The innovative motive was psychologism, for which the novel became famous. For Lermontov, the image of Pechorin and the depth of his image became an extraordinary creative success. We can say that the idea of ​​the book is the psychoanalysis of his generation, fascinated and inspired by romanticism (the article "" will tell you more about this).

Characteristics of the main characters

  1. Princess Mary is a girl not deprived of beauty, an enviable bride, she loves male attention, although she does not betray this desire, she is moderately proud. Arrives with his mother in Pyatigorsk, where he meets Pechorin. Falls in love with Gregory, but unrequited.
  2. Bela is a Circassian, the daughter of a prince. Her beauty is not like the beauty of the girls of high society, it is something unbridled and wild. Pechorin notices the beautiful Bela at the prince's wedding and secretly steals her from the house. She is proud, but after Gregory's long courtship, her heart thawed, allowing love to take possession of him. But she was no longer interested in him, because only the forbidden fruit is really sweet. Dies at the hands of Kazbich. we described in the essay.
  3. Vera is the only person who loves Pechorin for who he is, with all the flaws and oddities. Once Grigory loved her in St. Petersburg, and, having met her again in Pyatigorsk, he again feels warm and strong feelings. She has a son and has been married twice. In a fit of emotions, she tells her second husband about Pechorin's duel with Grushnitsky about her relationship with Grigory. The husband takes Vera away, and the lover burns to death in fruitless attempts to catch up with his beloved.
  4. Pechorin is a young officer, a nobleman. Gregory was given a brilliant education and upbringing. He is selfish, cold in heart and mind, analyzes every action, smart, handsome and rich. He trusts only himself, he is disappointed in friendship and marriage. Unhappy. It is discussed in more detail in an essay on this topic.
  5. Grushnitsky is a young cadet; emotional, passionate, touchy, stupid, conceited. His acquaintance with Pechorin takes place in the Caucasus, the details of this are silent in the novel. In Pyatigorsk, he again runs into an old friend, this time the young people have one narrow road that someone will have to get off. The reason for Grushnitsky's hatred for Grigory was Princess Mary. Even a vile plan with an unloaded pistol does not help the junker get rid of his opponent, and he dies himself.
  6. Maxim Maksimych - staff captain; very kind, open and smart. He meets Pechorin while serving in the Caucasus and sincerely fell in love with Grigory, although he did not understand his oddities. He is 50 years old, single.

Doppelgangers in the novel

In the novel "A Hero of Our Time" there are 3 doubles of the main character - Grigory Pechorin - Vulich, Werner, Grushnitsky.

The author introduces us to Grushnitsky at the beginning of the chapter "Princess Mary". This character is always in the game of "tragic spectacle". For each question, he always has a prepared beautiful speech accompanied by gestures and a life-affirming posture. Oddly enough, this is precisely what makes him a counterpart of Pechorin. But the junker's behavior is more like a parody of Gregory's behavior than an exact copy of it.

In the same episode, the reader is introduced to Werner. He is a doctor, his views on life are very cynical, but they are based not on internal philosophy, like Pechorin’s, but on medical practice, which clearly speaks of the mortality of any person. The thoughts of the young officer and the doctor are similar, which gives rise to friendship between them. The doctor, like Grigory, is a skeptic, and his skepticism is much stronger than Pechorinsky. What can not be said about his cynicism, which is only "in words". The hero treats people rather coldly, he lives according to the principle “what if you die tomorrow”, in communication with the environment he acts as a patron. He often has in his hands the “cards” of a person, the alignment of which he should do, because he is responsible for the patient’s life. In the same way, Gregory plays with the fate of people, but puts his life on the line.


  • The problem of finding the meaning of life. Throughout the novel, Grigory Pechorin is looking for answers to the questions of life. The hero feels that he has not achieved something high, but the question is, what? He tries to fill his life interesting moments and intriguing acquaintances, to experience the full range of their capabilities, and in these strivings for self-knowledge, it destroys other people, therefore it loses the value of its own existence and wastes the allotted time ineptly.
  • The problem of happiness. Pechorin writes in his journal that pleasure and a real feeling of happiness are saturated pride. He does not accept easy accessibility. Despite the fact that he has all the aspects to saturate his pride, he is unhappy, so the hero embarks on all sorts of adventures, hoping at least this time to amuse his pride enough to become happy. But it becomes only satisfied, and then not for long. True harmony and joy elude him, since Gregory is cut off by circumstances from creative activity and does not see the value in life, as well as the opportunity to prove himself, to benefit society.
  • The problem of immorality. Grigory Pechorin was too zealous a cynic and an egoist to stop himself in the game with human lives. We see the hero's constant thoughts, he analyzes every action. But he finds that he is not capable of either love happiness or strong long-term friendship. His soul is filled with incredulity, nihilism and fatigue.
  • Social issues. For example, the problem of an unjust political system is obvious. Through his hero M.Yu. Lermontov conveys to his descendants an important message: a person does not develop under conditions of constant restrictions and rigid despotic power. The writer does not judge Pechorin, his goal is to show that he became such under the influence of the time in which he was born. In a country with a huge number of unresolved social issues, such phenomena are not uncommon.


The stories in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" are not located in chronological order. This was done in order to more deeply reveal the image of Grigory Pechorin.

So, in "Bel" the story is told on behalf of Maxim Maksimych, the staff captain gives his assessment to the young officer, describes their relationship, events in the Caucasus, revealing one part of the friend's soul. In Maxim Maksimych, the narrator is an officer, in a conversation with whom the old soldier remembered Bela. Here we get descriptions of the hero's appearance, because we see him through the eyes of a stranger, who, naturally, first encounters the "shell". In "Taman", "Princess Mary" and "The Fatalist" Gregory himself tells about himself - these are his travel notes. These chapters describe in detail his spiritual upheavals, his thoughts, feelings and desires, we see why and how he comes to certain actions.

It is interesting that the novel begins with a story about the events in the Caucasus and ends in the same place - a circular composition. The author first shows us the assessment of the hero through the eyes of others, and then reveals the features of the structure of the soul and mind, found as a result of introspection. The stories are arranged not in chronological, but in psychological order.


Lermontov opens the eyes of readers to the inner components of the human soul, masterfully analyzing the personality. With an unusual composition, a change in the narrator, twin characters, the author reveals the mysteries of the innermost inner peace hero. This is called psychologism: the narrative is aimed at depicting a person, and not an event or phenomenon. The focus shifts from the action to the one who does it and to why and why he does it.

Lermontov considered the timid silence of people frightened by the consequences of the Decembrist uprising to be a misfortune at the beginning of the 19th century. Many were dissatisfied, but took down the offense and more than one. Someone patiently suffered, and someone did not even suspect about their misfortunes. In Grigory Pechorin, the writer embodied the tragedy of the soul: the lack of realization of his ambitions and the unwillingness to fight for it. The new generation was disappointed in the state, in society, in itself, but did not even try to change something for the better.

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Already at the first acquaintance with Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time", the characterization of the characters, the analysis of their images become necessary for understanding the work.

Pechorin - the central image of the novel

The protagonist of the novel Grigory Pechorin, an extraordinary personality, the author drew " modern man as he understands him, and met him too often. Pechorin is full of apparent and real contradictions in relation to love, friendship, he is looking for the true meaning of life, he decides for himself the questions of the destiny of a person, the choice of a path.

Sometimes main character unattractive for us - he makes people suffer, destroys their lives, but there is a force of attraction in him, forcing others to obey his will, sincerely love him and sympathize with the lack of purpose and meaning in his life.

Each part of the novel is a separate story from the life of Pechorin, each has its own characters, and all of them, from one side or another, reveal the secret of the soul of the “hero of time”, making him a living person. Who are the characters who help us see "a portrait made up of the vices of the entire generation, in their full development"?

Maksim Maksimych

Maksim Maksimych, "a man worthy of respect," as the young officer-narrator says about him, open, kind, in many ways naive, content with life. We listen to his story about the history of Bela, we watch how he strives to meet Grigory, whom he considers an old friend and to whom he is sincerely attached, we clearly see why he suddenly "became stubborn, grumpy." Sympathizing with the staff captain, we involuntarily begin to be hostile towards Pechorin.

At the same time, with all his ingenuous charm, Maxim Maksimych is a limited person, he does not know what drives a young officer, and he does not even think about it. It will be incomprehensible for the staff captain and the coldness of his friend when last meeting that hurt to the core. “What does he have in me? I’m not rich, I’m not official, and in terms of years I’m not at all a match for him. ” The heroes are completely different tempers, outlook on life, worldview, they are people different eras and different origins.

Like other main characters of Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time", the image of Maxim Maksimych prompts us to think about the cause of Pechorin's selfishness, indifference and coldness.

Grushnitsky and Werner

The images of the characters are completely different, but both of them are a reflection of Pechorin, his “twins”.

Very young Junker Grushnitskyordinary person He wants to stand out, to impress. He belongs to the type of people who “have pompous phrases ready for all occasions, who are simply not touched by the beautiful and who are importantly draped in extraordinary feelings, sublime passions and exceptional suffering. To produce an effect is their delight.” This is the counterpart of the main character. Everything that Pechorin experienced sincerely and through suffering - discord with the world, unbelief, loneliness - in Grushnitsky is just a pose, bravado and following the fashion of the time. The image of the hero is not just a comparison of the true and the false, but also the definition of their boundaries: in his desire to stand out, to have weight in the eyes of society, Grushnitsky goes too far, becomes capable of meanness. At the same time, it turns out to be “more noble than his comrades”, his words “I despise myself” before Pechorin’s shot are like an echo of the very disease of the era that Pechorin himself is afflicted with.

Dr. Werner it seems to us at first very similar to Pechorin, and this is true. He is a skeptic, insightful and observant, "studied all the living strings of the human heart" and has a low opinion of people, " evil tongue”, under the guise of mockery and irony hides his true feelings, their ability to empathize. The main similarity that Pechorin notes, speaking of a friend, is “we are rather indifferent to everything, except ourselves.”

The difference becomes apparent when we compare the descriptions of the characters. Werner turns out to be a cynic more in words, he is passive in his protest against society, limiting himself to ridicule and caustic remarks, he can be called a contemplative. The egoism of the hero is completely conscious; inner activity is alien to him.

His dispassionate decency betrays Werner: the doctor is not looking for changes in the world, much less in himself. He warns his friend about rumors and conspiracy, but does not shake hands with Pechorin after the duel, not wanting to take his own share of responsibility for what happened.

The character of these heroes is like a unity of opposites, both Werner and Grushnitsky set off the image of Pechorin and are important for our understanding of the entire novel.

Female images of the novel

On the pages of the novel, we see women with whom Gregory's life brings. Bela, Undine, Princess Mary, Vera. They are all completely different, each with its own character and charm. It is they who are the main characters in the three parts of the novel, telling about Pechorin's attitude to love, about his desire to love and be loved and the impossibility of this.


Circassian Bela, "a nice girl," as Maxim Maksimych calls her, opens a gallery of female images. Goryanka brought up on folk traditions, customs. The impetuosity, passion, ardor of the "wild" girl, living in harmony with the outside world, attract Pechorin, resonating in his soul. Over time, love awakens in Bela, and she gives herself to her with all the power of the natural openness of feelings and spontaneity. Happiness does not last long, and the girl, resigned to her fate, dreams only of freedom. "I myself will leave, I am not his slave - I am a princess, a prince's daughter!" Strength of character, desire for freedom, inner dignity do not leave Bela. Even grieving before death that he will never meet more soul her with Pechorin, to the offer to accept another faith, she replies that she "will die in the faith in which she was born."


Image Mary Ligovskaya, princesses from high society, written out, perhaps, in the most detail of all the heroines. Belinsky's quote about Mary is very accurate: “This girl is not stupid, but not empty either. Her direction is somewhat ideal, in the childish sense of the word: it is not enough for her to love a person to whom her feelings would attract, it is imperative that he be unhappy and walk in a thick and gray soldier's overcoat. The princess seems to live in an imaginary world, naive, romantic and fragile. And, although she feels and perceives the world subtly, she cannot distinguish between a secular game and genuine spiritual impulses. Mary is a representative of her time, environment and social status. At first, paying attention to Grushnitsky, then he succumbs to Pechorin's game, falls in love with him - and receives a cruel lesson. The author leaves Mary without telling whether she is broken by the experiment for the sake of exposing Grushnitsky, or, having survived the lesson, she will be able not to lose faith in love.


About Mary, the author tells a lot and in detail, Faith but we, the readers, see only in love for Pechorin. "She the only woman in a world that the hero would not be able to deceive, the one who understood him “perfectly, with all the petty weaknesses, bad passions.” “My love has grown together with my soul: it has darkened, but has not died out.” Faith is love itself, accepting a person as he is, she is sincere in her feelings, and perhaps such a deep and open feeling could change Pechorin. But love, like friendship, requires self-giving, for the sake of it you have to sacrifice something in life. Pechorin is not ready, he is too individualistic.

The main character of the novel reveals the motives of his actions and motives largely thanks to the images of Mary and Vera - in the story "Princess Mary" you can consider in more detail psychological picture Gregory.


IN different stories In the novel A Hero of Our Time, the characters not only help us understand Pechorin's most diverse features and, as a result, allow us to penetrate into the author's intention, follow the "history of the human soul", and see the "portrait of the hero of the time." The main characters of Lermontov's work represent different types human characters and therefore paint the image of the time that created Grigory Pechorin.

Artwork test

The cult novel "A Hero of Our Time", the description of the characters and its storyline went down in history domestic literature like an undying classic. Each character is written in such a way that the reader involuntarily has a feeling of presence in the unfolding actions of the novel.

The history of the creation of the work

Mikhail Lermontov, obviously, did not imagine that the characters in his story about the notorious ensign Pechorin would forever go down in history and be perceived by contemporaries as heroes of our time. The description of the characters leaves no doubt that the author made a lot of efforts to turn separately existing stories into a whole novel. Lermontov wrote it for three years, publishing each chapter separately in the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski.

The development of events in the novel is due to the writer's stay in exile in the Caucasus. Literary critics have not fully established the chronological sequence of writing individual chapters of the work, but they have found many facts indicating the similarity of the characters with some personalities with whom Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov contacted in exile.

Literary techniques of the author to convey the image of the characters

The description of "A Hero of Our Time" cannot be reliable unless it is indicated that this is one of the first in history. Russian literature a novel written in the style of socio-psychological realism. It should be noted that the writing of the work was influenced by the global changes in the literary field that prevailed at that time, when novelists switched to fundamentally new level descriptions of their characters.

Mikhail Lermontov was the first to present to the attention of readers the image of the main character from the position of several sides. The main characters are the ensign Pechorin, Princess Mary, the prince's daughter Bela, Kazbich, the staff captain, the son of Prince Azamat, the cadet Grushnitsky. The story of the intertwining of their destinies in the novel is revealed by three narrators. The author specifically used this technique so that the “heroes of our time” would appear as accurately as possible before the readers. Thanks to this, the description of the heroes came out complete and symbolic. The fact is that Mikhail Yuryevich not only came up with a good description of events from the position of three different personalities, but also resorted to a psychological trick, where three types of people acted as narrators: the central character of the events, an outside observer, and, finally, a person who was not involved in the events.

The special technique with which the author masterfully coped with the task assigned to him - to highlight all the subtleties of Pechorin's soul - is a violation of the chronological sequence in the chapters. Lermontov, who decided to combine individual stories into a novel, decided to inflame the atmosphere and make the reader tremble in anticipation of the denouement.

"Heroes of Our Time" (description of heroes) is the quintessence of the author's vision of lost souls, defiled by inconsistency, rushing about in the gloomy environment of being of that time. The main role is assigned to Pechorin, who became the link between all the independent fragments of the novel. The remaining characters are needed in order to reveal additional facets of the ensign's personality through the prism of their interaction.

in "A Hero of Our Time" Description of the heroes of Bela, Kazbich and Azamat

The extremely capacious image of a young ensign became a reflection of a typical young youth of the 30s of the 19th century. Being endowed beautiful appearance, wealth and opportunities, this hero did not feel satisfaction from life, could not enjoy all the benefits surrounding him. However, contrary to the ingrained stereotype that a character with such spiritual content had to go with the flow, Lermontov attributes to Pechorin a passionate desire to find the meaning of life through a constant "dispute" with fate.

The novel "Heroes of Our Time", the description of the heroes and events with absolute accuracy reflect all the spiritual depravity of the Lermontov generation. The author with absolute accuracy describes not only the characters of the characters, but also their appearances so that the reader can better understand how Pechorin's "never laughing eyes" might look in a certain situation.

An important role in the work is played by the contradictory and capacious characters of Bela, Kazbich and Azamat. Lermontov endows each of these characters with a unique limitation of the soul, while seeming organic. The author hints in the novel that the power of traditions and customs has a strong influence on human behavior, but this does not at all indicate the development of the individual.

The main emphasis in the image of Kazbich Lermontov makes on the description of the integrity of his nature. Perhaps, for this purpose, the writer tries to limit himself to in simple words narrating about the external features of the hero. Kazbich appears before the reader as a strong-willed and determined man who most of all appreciates freedom and exploits - a true highlander. Lermontov does not try to make him a kind of romantic warrior, but points to a strong connection with established traditions. mountain people for whom duty and honor are valued above all else.

Azamat looks no less traditional in terms of describing the highlanders. He is like a young prototype of Kazbich, who has not yet lost his mischief and prowess, but in years will turn into his brother.

Bela, thanks to the efforts of Lermontov, appears before the reader as a passionate nature, capable of love from the very heart. In it, see from the very beginning, a person is read who wants a worthy appeal to her. She is not deprived of her spirit not to be broken by expensive gifts or voluptuous courtship. She got mean lines in the novel. Apparently, the author wanted the reader to guess about the raging passions in the girl's heart, analyzing her actions.

The social meaning of the novel

The description of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" demonstrates that Lermontov is the first among his contemporaries who succeeded in the development center storyline put not the events themselves, but central character. He was able to describe Pechorin's spiritual quest as an ongoing process, not a static state. The writer managed to achieve this effect thanks to a literary trick with a violation of the chronological events in the story, which makes it impossible for the reader to concentrate on the events, he is forced to direct his attention to the only object he knows that unites all the chapters - Pechorin.

Lermontov managed to describe the souls of the characters so organically that they are forever rooted in the minds of readers as heroes of our time.

A novel called "A Hero of Our Time" became one of the most popular works of his era. It was written in the 30s years XIX century. By describing one personality, Lermontov managed to present collective image man of his time. In different chapters, the author confronts his main character with different heroes. However, he still remains alone. There are complex relationships between him and the people he meets.

Pechorin and his attitude towards women

Grigory Pechorin - main character works "A Hero of Our Time". The description of the hero should begin with his difficult relationship with women. He immediately warns that he is not ready for any serious connections. Pechorin is a young officer who easily wins the hearts of young aristocrats. Most of his lovers are women from secular circles. The only exception is a Circassian named Bela, a real savage, a true inhabitant of the Caucasus. In St. Petersburg, he meets a married Vera, the relationship with which ends in a break.

Failures in love Pechorin

In the description of Pechorin in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" it is worth including a story about his other meetings with women. Then he meets "Ondine" in Taman, and she turns out to be a smuggler. She makes an attempt to drown him and on the same night tries to escape with her beloved - also a smuggler. In Pyatigorsk, the hero decides to “drag” after the young beauty Mary in order to get rid of boredom. Pechorin takes care of both Mary and Vera at the same time. Mary falls in love, but Pechorin leaves her. Then Pechorin enters the service in the fortress N, where he meets Bela. He steals it, and for four months they live well, until the hero's feelings for the Circassian cool down. Bela is kidnapped by the robber Kazbich, wounds her, and she dies.

Contradictory image

Pechorin is a smart and educated young man. In himself, he feels great forces, which, however, are wasted. Entering into life, says Pechorin, he feels as if he is reading a dull parody of a book he has long known. The description of Pechorin in "A Hero of Our Time" also contains his physical characteristics, through which spiritual qualities character. He is aristocratic, which is manifested through the thinness of his hands. When walking, he will never wave his arms - so Lermontov sought to emphasize the secrecy of his nature. When Pechorin laughs, his eyes remain empty and sad, and this is a sign that he is constantly experiencing emotional drama.

Lermontov himself says this about his character: “He is definitely a portrait ... However, not one person, but a whole generation. Pechorin is made up of his vices in all their development. At the same time, it is impossible to call the main character of the work “A Hero of Our Time” completely positive or negative. The description of the hero must contain all the characteristics that Lermontov gives him. The inconsistency of the hero lies in the fact that, although he loves women, he does not want to marry. His love does not bring happiness to him or his beloved.


It is also necessary to mention Vera, Pechorin's mistress in "A Hero of Our Time". The description of the heroes of this work will be interesting to every reader who is seriously interested in this work. Vera is a woman to whom Pechorin once had feelings. She is a distant relative of Mary and Princess Ligovskaya. Lermontov writes about Vera's appearance that she is "pretty, but very sick, it seems." Her face expresses a feeling of deep sadness. But while relaxing in the Caucasus, Vera is gradually recovering. She has a son from her first marriage. Vera loves Pechorin sincerely and accepts all his shortcomings, while sacrificing herself. She meets Pechorin secretly from her first husband, and then from her second.


Lermontov, on the pages of his novel, gradually introduces the reader to the new characters of the "Hero of Our Time". The description of the heroes, which is considered in this article, we continue with the characteristics of another female character- Mary. The image of this heroine is practically inseparable from her relationship with Pechorin. It was the protagonist who drew her into the story, which she might have avoided if she had other character traits.

Or these events could happen, but with much less sad consequences. Mary loves love stories, covered with a romantic veil. Lermontov notes that she is fond of Grushnitsky as the owner of a "grey soldier's overcoat". Mary felt that he was demoted for a duel - and it is this fact that arouses romantic feelings in her. As a person, he is indifferent to her. Having learned that Grushnitsky is an ordinary cadet, she begins to avoid him. But in the same way, her interest in Pechorin arises.

The experience of the protagonist, shown in interaction with Mary

Mary has no doubts about her attractiveness. Pechorin speaks of her as a "pretty" princess, but immediately notices her inner emptiness. Despite the fact that Mary reads English and knows mathematics, this is not her natural inclination, but only an attempt to fit in with fashion. Pechorin is in no hurry to speak flatteringly about Mary, and this offends her. Having identified her weak point, he begins to hit at this point, slowly getting to know her. Pechorin frightens her with his impudent trick, tries to arouse hatred for himself. But then, as soon as he pays attention to her, she will feel like a winner. The protagonist of the work “A Hero of Our Time” already knows all this by heart. The description of the heroes considered in this article gives them brief description and helps to form an impression of the main actors story.


A young Circassian and daughter of the prince, Bela immediately attracts Pechorin with her beauty. At first, she is shy of her admirer, does not want to accept gifts. But the main character does not leave his attempts and finally reaches the goal. The description of Bela in A Hero of Our Time is as follows: Bela is only 16 years old, she has beautiful eyes and black hair. According to her religion, the girl is a Muslim. She practically does not speak Russian, although she is studying the language. She is poorly educated, although she is good at needlework. She reciprocates Pechorin, however, as was indicated, soon his passion cools. Bela starts to languish. She is stolen by a robber, and she tragically dies.

Description of Grushnitsky in the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

This character, as Lermontov describes him, is mediocre, but he loves pathos very much. For any situation, he will find magnificent phrases. Grushnitsky is a young military man and a poor nobleman. His age is about 20 years old. All that is known about his appearance is that he is handsome and has expressive features. Grushnitsky loves to produce an effect, he is a kind of parody of the main character - that is why Pechorin hates him so much. Going crazy with jealousy when Mary falls in love with the protagonist, Grushnitsky becomes dangerous.

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