Wise and profound quotes from The Little Prince. Quotes from the book "The Little Prince" by Exupery


« A little prince"- a legendary work French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This children's fairy tale for adults was first published in 1943, since then there is no person in the world who does not know its main character - a boy with golden hair.

The Little Prince has been translated into more than 180 languages, films have been made based on it, music has been written. The book became part modern culture and scattered into quotes.

“But if it is some kind of bad herb, you need to uproot it as soon as you recognize it.”

In the allegorical narrative of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the planet is the soul, inner world a person, and bad grass - his bad thoughts, deeds and habits. The seeds of the "bad grass" should be disposed of immediately, before it takes root, becomes a trait of character and destroys the personality. After all, if the planet is very small, and there are a lot of baobabs, they will tear it to pieces.

“I must endure two or three caterpillars if I want to meet butterflies”

Some people are unpleasant to us, "slippery" and dodgy, like caterpillars. But this does not mean that they do not have anything beautiful inside. Perhaps they are just looking for their way, and someday they will turn into beautiful butterflies. One must be more tolerant of the shortcomings of others and be able to see the beautiful even in the impartial.

“How to call so that he hears, how to catch up with his soul, escaping from me ... After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country of tears ...”

To sympathize with someone else's pain, sincerely and delicately, is difficult. Almost the same as asking for forgiveness when offended. All words seem unnecessary and wrong. "Land of Tears" is truly incomprehensible. But the main thing is not to forget how to empathize, not to harden, unscrewing another stubborn bolt.

“After all, all adults were children at first, only few of them remember this”

Children are amazing. Until they are taught to think "correctly", in their heads are born great ideas. Their imagination is boundless and pure. It is a pity that adults do not remember how innocent and beautiful the "planet" of the child is. Antoine de Saint-Exupery throughout the book reminds us how important it is to keep the child inside and not bury your childhood dreams and talents in the ground.

“Words only get in the way of understanding each other”

People speak billions of words. Most of- useless and empty. And how many words do you have to regret? But this is how the world works - without words, there would probably be no society. It is only necessary not to forget what power they possess - with one phrase a person can be made happy or unhappy, made to cry or laugh. Be careful. And take care of the people with whom you feel comfortable being silent - this is priceless.

"Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it all your days"

“Earth is not an easy planet! Humans don't take up much space on Earth." We are 7 billion. Even more. But each of us has only a couple of truly close people. Cynically, we love not people, but the time spent with them. Shared experiences and adventures are what makes your rose unique, unlike thousands of other roses.

“When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens to cry”

Singles are easier. For himself, but he will not be deceived, it will not hurt. It's hard to trust. Rather, very scary. If there were still shops where friends trade, many would become regular customers. But, fortunately, they are not. And you have to "tame". Damn scary. After all, we all know that a rare friendship does without tears.

"Then judge yourself," said the king. – This is the most difficult. It is much harder to judge oneself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.”

If anyone is truly wise, it is de Saint-Exupery. People love to “judge” each other (especially on the Internet - don’t feed bread, let me write a condemning comment). It's so simple. He told the person what he was wrong about, and nothing more needs to be done. Another thing is to judge yourself. At a minimum, you will have to weed the baobabs.

“Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes”

"Listen to your heart" - this phrase can often be heard in songs and films. Perhaps it is the second most popular after "I love you." That's why we don't take it seriously. But this does not negate its depth and wisdom. You can’t believe only external things, you can’t be rational always and everywhere. Trust your heart, it won't let you down.

"You are forever responsible for everyone you tamed"

These are words that do not require reasoning. Not for a minute, not for a second, you can not forget about loved ones. We must make sure that they never enter the land of tears. We are obliged to cover them with the glass jar of our care.

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1 Graduation party-2016 (based on the book by A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince") (music) Voice behind the stage: we dedicate our holiday to those boys and girls who were once our adult graduates, their parents and teachers. After all, all adults were children at first, only few people remember this. (on the stage, only glare of light. A graduate comes out with a slow, smooth step, leading a first-grader by the hand.) (music at the beginning) First-grader. And what will happen now? Fairy tale? Graduate. Fairy tale. First grader. Terrible? Graduate. uh, sad. First grader. oh she will a happy ending? Graduate. Undoubtedly! All fairy tales have a happy ending. oh this tale had a very happy start... Many, many years ago, when the trees were big, the paths in the school yard were long, and the school stairs were steep and high, mothers and fathers brought boys and girls to school. Thus began this bright fairy tale called "Childhood". First grader. I know this tale. I myself live in this fairy tale! Graduate. about for us today this fairy tale comes to an end. And we go into the big adult world. First grader. And you won't go back to your childhood? Graduate. no, we won't be back. It will remain here in this book. And now you will become the guardian of Childhood. (The graduate passes the book to the first grader. The first grader waves his hand to the graduates and slowly leaves the stage. The light turns on.) (the song “Star Country” from the film “The Little Prince” performed by the quartet SHO 1 sounds) Graduate: A star fell from the sky into the palm of his hand. "Hey baby," I said, "Who are you? Where?" That little star answered me like this: “Oh, graduate, what an eccentric you are. As for the galaxies, as for the heavens, After all, there are so many different miracles on earth. You were recently just a baby, and today in the big hall there will be your ball, finest hour graduation, May I, my friend, stay with you? Let the eyes sparkle brighter today Star in the palm of your hand. Not a tear? Graduation ball Are you happy about this? Today is your rise, not your meteor shower. (fanfare) Ved.2: Good evening, dear guests, friends, teachers, we are glad to welcome you to this hall. Ved.1: Today we have a wonderful holiday - a holiday that the graduates were looking forward to. And not because school ends with him, but because there is no school life more exciting moment than when you last time you enter

2 walls of your native school as a student, and you come out as an independent, adult person, belonging to another life. Vedas 2: This holiday is dear to everyone who is in this hall today. He is dear to his parents, who for eleven years worried about their children and experienced victories and defeats together with them. Ved.1: He is dear to teachers, because no one spent more time with us than they did. Vedas 2: And we are sure that now in the heart of any teacher there are notes of pride for each of today's graduates. Vedas 1: And, of course, it is dear to the heroes of this holiday themselves. We say "heroes" and not "culprits", as they overcame the very first stage on big way titled Life. Everything that meets on this path will be tomorrow, and today is a wonderful holiday, the triumph of youth and beauty, friendship and fidelity! Ved.2: A holiday of music and songs, love and hopes, an evening of dancing until you drop and uncontrollable fun ... Leading (together). Alumni Celebration! Ved.1: The school is full of guests today, Festive noise and confusion. Ved.2: Music will sound until late The school has a graduation ball today! Lead 1: Our guys say goodbye to the school, Leading together. Today they will be awarded certificates! Vedas. 2: So, the solemn moment has come, Everyone's heart will probably tremble. We invite Graduates to the last ball to say goodbye to childhood. Vedas.1: We meet the Graduates of 2016 with friendly and prolonged applause! 11 "a" class and classroom teacher 11 "b" class and class teacher 11 "c" class and class teacher (music of the entrance of graduates) Ved.1: gala evening, dedicated to the presentation of certificates of complete secondary education to graduates of the state budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School", is declared open. (anthem of the Russian Federation) Ved.2: The word for congratulations is given to the director of the school. (director's speech) Ved.2: Today there are guests at our holiday, these are Vedas. 1: The word is provided ( greeting guests) (music from the film "The Little Prince") Narrator: In addition to such major planets, like Jupiter, Mars, Venus, there are hundreds of others that have not even been given names, and among them are so small that it is difficult to see them even with a telescope. There is a planet that no one, even the most scientific astronomer, can see even with the most powerful telescope - this is the planet of Childhood. This is a very small planet. o if the planet is very small, this does not mean at all that the people who live on it are insignificant and uninteresting. Storyteller: Once upon a time there was a Little Prince. He lived just on such a planet, which was slightly larger than himself. And then one day a day came when the planet became small for him, because he grew up.

3 (video fragment on the slide from the film "The Little Prince"), the words of the Little Prince: There is such a firm rule. You got up in the morning, washed your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. It is imperative to weed out the baobabs every day, as soon as they can already be distinguished from rose bushes: young sprouts are almost the same. It's a boring job, but not hard at all. Storyteller: How glad I am to see you today. After all, you are entering adult life during an amazing period. Today you put your planet in order for the last time. The Little Prince: You don't understand. Adults never understand anything themselves, and for children it is very tiring to endlessly explain and explain everything to them. Storyteller: oh, today you have become an adult. Little Prince: I don't want to get old and serious. It's difficult and tedious. I don't want to be like them. Storyteller: in my lifetime I have met many different serious people. I lived among adults for a long time. I saw them very close. And from this, to confess, did not begin to think of them worse. Little Prince: What should I do. I'm here all alone. I have no friend, no adviser. Storyteller: Do you want me to send you on a journey? Little Prince: Where do you advise me to go? Storyteller: First, visit the planet of diamonds. amazing planet, the light of a thousand small stars emanates from it and spreads throughout the Universe Dance sketch “Flight”, the girls freeze in different poses. Prince: Why are the stars frozen? The prince goes around the girls, touches them. Prince: How interesting. This is my first time touching the stars. They are not prickly at all, as I used to imagine them, but quite the contrary. Vedas: Actually, these are not stars yet, but they can become them. our medalists are the brightest stars of the universe. Certificates to medalists are presented by the director of the school (certificates are presented to medalists, nomination "Planet of Diamonds") Song "I will never forget you", duet SHO 1) (Flight music sounds) Narrator: The closest thing to the planet of diamonds were asteroids with strange numbers instead of names. So he decided to visit them too: he must find something to do, and learn something. Storyteller: The second planet, asteroid L-2016, was very entertaining. She seemed the smallest. and it only fit that the book of issuing certificates and the deputy director. The Deputy Director is a person whose work makes sense. When he opens his book, it's like another star or flower is being born. And when he closes it, it is as if a star or a flower falls asleep. Great job. It's really beautiful because it's useful. Little Prince: Good afternoon. Why did you open the book now? Head teacher: Such an agreement. Good afternoon. Little Prince: And what is this deal? Head teacher: Issue certificates to graduates. Good afternoon. Little Prince: Why did you close it again? Head teacher: Such an agreement. Little Prince: I don't understand. Head teacher: And there is nothing to understand. A deal is a deal. Good afternoon. My job is hard. Once it made sense. I opened the book for issuing certificates and issued certificates against signature. The Little Prince: And then the deal changed? Head teacher: The agreement has not changed. That's the trouble! The planet rotates faster and faster, certificates are issued before the signature is put in the book, and the agreement remains the same. Little Prince: And I like this man more and more, who is so true to his work.

4 Storyteller: And so the contract never changes, Anna Viktorovna Buleeva, Deputy Director for Education Once again will open its book of issuing certificates and present certificates to our graduates. (presentation of certificates, nomination "L-2016", lamplighter) (music number, SHO 3) (Flight music sounds) Little Prince: We spoke in such detail about the asteroid L-2016 and its inhabitants and even gave its number just because adults. Adults are very fond of labels and numbers. When they talk to you, they will never ask about the most important thing: "What mood are you in today?", "How did you like yesterday's party?", "How many minutes can you be present at school today? After all, you have so many important things to do!" , "And why did you change your shoes? You have such beautiful Italian boots!" They ask: “Why did you skip history class yesterday?”, “Why didn’t you change your shoes? How many times will I tell you about this?”, “50% on the first pair, 25% after a big break, I wonder if everyone will come for certificates? " Storyteller: These adults are such a people. you shouldn't be angry with them. Children should be very lenient towards adults. After all, those of them who understand life, of course, laugh at numbers and labels. Little Prince: Yes, adults strange people, and I'm afraid to become like adults who are not interested in anything but numbers. oh, after a month, the adults and children of this school will part, each will have his own life. They will meet with someone, and they will never see someone again. And adults will no longer ask their children their strange questions, because the children themselves will grow up. Storyteller: The third planet where the Little Prince went is the planet of compliments and wishes. Ambitious: Oh, here come the admirers! Little Prince: Good afternoon. What a funny hat you have. Ambitious: This is to bow. To bow when they greet me. Clap your hands. (The little prince and the storyteller clapped their hands. The ambitious man raised his hat and bowed modestly.) Ambitious: Are you really my enthusiastic admirers? Little Prince: And how to read it? Ambitious: To honor means to admit that on this planet I am more beautiful than everyone, more elegant than everyone, richer than everyone and smarter than everyone. Where are the excitement? Where is the swoon of happiness? Little Prince: Why, there is no one else on this planet! Storyteller: uh, give him pleasure, admire him anyway! Little Prince: I admire (said the Little Prince with a slight shrug). What joy does he get from this? It's true, adults are very strange people! Ambitious: Oh, yes, here is a full hall of admirers! Storyteller: Excuse me, my dear, but this is no longer for you, but for our graduates! Certificates to graduates are presented by the deputy director (presentation of certificates to graduates, nomination "Ambitioner") (music number, SHO 2) 1: It's time to grow up and part, Leaving childhood behind, Dream about the future, say goodbye to the school that has become our own. 2: And to you, teachers, praise and honor, And do not think that this is our flattery.

5 You fought heroically for us and with us, And we are very proud of you. 3: We are proud of ourselves too, We almost crawled out of our skin from zeal. Today the day has come, and everyone is happy to receive their mature certificate. 4: On the day when dreams come true, You look at the school, let everyone know That it is our school that produces such talented people, like us! 5: Thank you teachers for being round earth For Troy and for Carthage, For benzochloropropylene, For Zhi and Shi, for twice two, For your kind words Those that we now keep in ourselves, For everything we THANK YOU! 6: We thank our teachers The time has come and we have so many words. A teacher, like love, is always from God, Sometimes in life there are no people closer. 7: Let sometimes you had to get angry, about you showed stamina and pity, Let us often get it from you, We had an approach to souls and hearts. 8: Thank you for the peace in our souls, For accepting us any way, And often sparing in punishment, Thank you for having us already! (Flight music sounds) Vedas: are you satisfied? If you want, we can see other planets in our galaxy. Prince: Of course. Did you fly? Vedas: Let's fly! next planet very young in our galaxy. It is called Acting. Are we flying? Prince: Of course! (The music of the flight sounds. The host takes the prince by the hand, and they leave. Light music) They take out the throne. The King comes out and sits on the throne. The host and the prince approach the throne. King: And here are the subjects. Prince: How did he recognize me? Because he sees me for the first time. King: Come on. I want to consider you. The prince walks closer and yawns. King: I forbid you to yawn in the presence of the king. Vedas: oh, he was on the road for so long. The kid is just tired. King: Good! I command you to yawn. It's even curious. So. Yawn! Prince: Oh, I can't take it anymore. King: Good. Then I command you to yawn, then not to yawn. Prince: May I sit down? King: I command, sit down! Prince: May I ask? King: I command, ask! Prince: Your Majesty, what do you rule? King: Everyone.

6 Prince: And to everyone, what is this? King: I rule the world. The world is everything. So I rule everything. Prince: And who are your subjects? King: My subjects are people. I will say to live they live, I will say to speak they speak, I will say to be silent they are silent. Prince: You are the real king. Listen. I love watching the sunset so much. Command the sun to set. King: If I tell the general to flutter like a butterfly or turn around sea ​​gull, but he will not fulfill, who will be to blame for this? Me or the general? Prince: You. King: Here. Everyone should be asked what he can give. I will command the sun to go down, but this requires favorable conditions. Prince: And when conditions are favorable? King: Today it will be at 12 o'clock. Prince: Sorry. I can't wait that long. I still have so many planets to visit. They told us to fly. King: Good. I command you fly! Presenter: Certificates are presented to graduates by the responsible school department 3 (presentation of certificates to graduates, nomination "King") (music number SHO 2) Yes, our school life was full of surprises. Graduate and Memories of school days we will keep for life. (graduate runs in) Ashley! 1 What did you find? 2 ashley the magic hat. 1 What hat, 3 What did you come up with again? Misha, bring her here. (Misha takes out the cap.) 2 And what is the magic here? 1 How? C Why me? (puts on a hat) S Music “It's not a problem in my head.” You see, with its help you can find out the innermost thoughts of a person. Yes, simple. You wear a hat. You ask a question. u, for example, what does Andrey think about 11 school years? For the purity of the experiment Okay, now your thoughts. Great! And let's see what our teachers think about us, about the school, and about themselves. You can also listen to the thoughts of graduates.

7 1 What are you guys? 2 Why is that? 1 Do what you want, but we won't look at it. ikita S. (Descends into the hall) Just think, fu-you, well-you. uh, go ahead! Who do we start with? Of course with the director! Music: Where did the circus go, it was yesterday Music: Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes. Music: I shout, and in response silence Music: Twice two four Music: e rash salt on my wound Music: Sea, sea Music: And the battle continues again Music: wasp snub noses sniffle. Music: Ah, what a woman. What does the director of the school think about today? And how did Evgeny Grigoryevich gather his athletes for training? And what does Yulia Ivanovna think when our computer freezes? And what did Tatyana Aleksandrovna teach the math class? What does Anna Viktorovna think about passed attestation? And how is Irina Vladimirovna going on vacation? And now we will find out what awaits Alexander Anatolyevich tomorrow. And what did Irina Sergeevna see when she entered her class? Can we listen to the thoughts of graduates? u, for example, what does Elgun think about the headmaster? What does graduation mean to him? Music: Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence Music: Farewell, from all train stations Feel free to keep up, comrades You know, there will still be And again we return to our teachers, What feelings they are now experiencing, because today we have graduation. But seriously, we thank our teachers 1: We have absorbed all the best from our teachers - From Tatyana Aleksandrovna purposefulness. - From Galina Ivanovna severity. - They borrowed the mind from Alexandra Ikolaevna. - And also Oksana Pavlovna's kindness. - And Olga Vyacheslavovna is like that, like that. Let's add beauty. - Seriousness from Lyudmila Borisovna.

8 - And humor, do not forget humor. - We'll take it from Vladimir Andreevich. - And Anna Vladimirovna has lightness. - Let's add Elena Sergeevna's pepper there. What if you don't know how to program? - We'll grab this from Adezhda Pavlovna. - Decisiveness of Tamara Vasilievna - And smartness of Valery Fomovich. - The originality of Lyudmila Ikolaevna. - The ability to speak German from Marina Vladimirovna. - Responsibility from Olga Viktorovna. - Susceptibility of Lyubov Ivanovna - And Zinaida Ivanovna has the ability to understand people. - Tatyana Vladimirovna's integrity. - The ability to make friends with Boris Evgenievich. - Clockwork character of Alexander Vasilyevich. - The generosity of Anastasia Ikolaevna. - Alexey Leonidovich's punctuality. And finally, the most important thing they taught us is to work in a team, because our teachers are a team of loyal, dedicated friends. (flight music sounds) Little Prince: I wonder where else you will send me? Storyteller: Visit planet Earth. She has a good reputation. There you will find your friends. And besides, it is today that the grown-up children of the planet Earth are having a holiday of farewell to Childhood. High school prom. You will learn that being an adult is interesting. Do good and generously bring it to your descendants, and I will send you firmness and strength from the heavenly heights. Hurry, you still have time. (The music of the flight sounds, the sound of a rushing train, electric train is heard) The Little Prince: Good afternoon! Sorter: Good afternoon. Little Prince: What are you doing? Sorter: Sorting graduates. I send them on space trains twenty-five people at a time, one train to the right, the other to the left! Little Prince: How they hurry! What are they looking for? Sorter: Even the machinist himself does not know this. Little Prince: Are they coming back already? Sorter: no, these are others, this is an oncoming one. and it is those who only this year are going to connect their fate with the school. The Little Prince: Were they not well where they were before? Sorter: It's good where we are not. Little Prince: They want to catch up with those first ones? Sorter: What they don't want. They press their noses against the windows and try to consider their future. Little Prince: Only children know what they are looking for. Their happiness. Sorter: According to the schedule, now the graduates have a stop. They must stop, comprehend everything, answer all questions, remember those who met them on the way and receive their important document. Presenter: Certificates are presented to graduates by the responsible school department 2 (presentation of certificates to graduates, nomination “Sorter”) (music number, song “I am free”, SHO 1)

9 Storyteller: I want to draw your attention, Little Prince, to another asteroid. Little Prince: What is this asteroid? Narrator: This is the 2018 World Cup asteroid, strong, dexterous and courageous people live on it. It has another name, people call it the Planet of Athletes. Presenter: Graduation certificates are presented to graduates by the class teacher of class 11 "c" (certificate presentation, "Athletes" nomination) Graduates: How did you start? From nothing. Decided to reach the ceiling. it worked out. e got it. about straightened up became higher. And then more: In order I began to do exercises from top to bottom. For the head, For the arms and legs I did exercises. There was a sense: Let it be a little bit, And it became stronger. That's how fun it is to start life. Snow fell, snowdrifts lay down: They are waiting for the first test. And when we have winter Get up on skis just right. Climb up the hill and down the hill. Hey, look, don't turn around! u, and if you fall, get up and go again. There was everything: tears, failures, falls, ups, oh, it cannot be otherwise. You coped with everything, and it became clear: Your patience is not in vain. (song performed) (flight music sounds) Storyteller: oh, here, and this is asteroid 1002, the planet of class teachers. Little Prince: I wonder who the class teachers are? Fox: They are agents of light in the darkness. It's not work. This is destiny. Little Prince: I wonder what class teachers are for? Lis: Class teachers are for our graduates to be tamed. Are you not from here? What are you looking for here? Little Prince: I'm looking for a way to the planet of Childhood. And how is it to tame? Fox: This is a long forgotten concept. It means: to create bonds. Little Prince: Ties? Lis: Exactly. At first, all the boys and girls who come to school are just little boys and girls, just like a hundred thousand other boys and girls. And class teachers for them are just ordinary adults, exactly the same as a hundred thousand

10 other adults. o when they are tamed, they need each other. They're the only ones in the whole world now. Little Prince: I'm beginning to understand. There is one rose, probably she tamed me Fox: Very possible. and the Earth just does not happen. Little Prince: It wasn't on Earth. Fox: And some other planet? Little Prince: Yes. Fox: Are there schools on that planet? Little Prince: no. Fox: How interesting! Are there class teachers? Little Prince: no. Fox: Is there a USE? Little Prince: no. Fox: em in the world of perfection! You know, tame me! Little Prince: I'd love to, but I don't have much time. I still have to find friends and learn different things! Fox: You can only learn things that you tame. If you want a friend, tame me! Little Prince: And what should be done for this? Fox: be patient Narrator: So the Little Prince and the fox tamed each other. And now it's time to say goodbye. Fox: I will cry for you. Little Prince: It's your own fault. I did not want you to be hurt, you yourself wished to be tamed Fox: Yes, of course the Little Prince: oh you will cry! So you feel bad about it? Fox: no, I'm fine. I want to reveal one secret to you: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. Words only make it difficult to understand each other. All tamed roads to each other, because they gave the other all their days and strength. People began to forget this truth, but do not forget: you are always responsible for those whom you have tamed. Storyteller: And here is the time to invite to the stage those who devoted all their days and efforts to graduates: our respected class teachers. (class teachers enter the stage) Ved.: Certificates to our graduates are awarded by class teachers of the 11th grade. (granting certificates, nomination) Prince: Can you draw? Cl. hands: Yes! I can draw Prince: draw me a lamb! Please! Cl. hands.: I would draw, but I will get a very sad lamb. Prince: Why? Cl. Hand: Because I'm sad. My students are leaving school today. I part with them. Prince: Yes. It's really sad. Do you love your students? Cl. hand: Of course. Prince: I understand you. and my planet has a rose. I looked after her, watered her, and now she is far away. I don't know what's wrong with her, who's taking care of her now, who's pulling out the weeds so they don't block the sun from her. oh don't be sad! If you love the only flower, which is no longer on any of the millions of stars, that is enough: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: "Somewhere there lives my flower." Cl. hands.: I know that everything will be fine with our graduates, but I still feel sad to part with them. And they are sad. Oh, we have prepared a surprise for them, look! (SPEECH BY CLASS TEACHERS, video)

11 (Flight music sounds) Narrator: The last planet on our list, but not the last in the Universe, belongs to the parents. They are serious people, they are not up to chatter. In the eleven years that their children have been in school, they have only been interrupted three times. The first time, eleven years ago, when their children entered first grade. There was a terrible commotion in the family, and mom and dad had to take a break from work for the whole day. For the second time, two years ago, when their children finished 9th grade, and for the third time today on the Day of farewell to childhood. They are serious people, they have no time to roam! oh it's the best important people in the life of every child. Therefore, the next performance is dedicated to you, the closest and dearest (appeal to mom, dad) (quiet music sounds) Graduate. Mommy, school is over, And there is no need to learn lessons. How many nerves were damaged! How glad I am, Mom! Are you happy? Why are you crying, my dear? She bit her lips stubbornly. Smile, because school is over, laugh at my dear mother! Eleven years is not one moment, They walked both crooked and straight. Eleven years of your patience, Fear, tears and doubts, mother. I know you are very happy And admiring your sweet daughter. Why is autumn in your eyes, Do you cover your face with a handkerchief? Maybe she remembered me as a little girl, Felt a palm in her hand? As she whispered: “Scarlet flower, eat shawls in class, baby. Listen, baby, strict teachers, don't draw on your notebooks! And met me at the doorstep, Kept the briefcase in order. And now your daughter has grown up, about the tears running stubbornly. Well, the school is over, period. Congratulations my mom! (music, appeal to dad) “My beloved, daddy! our story with you began long before my appearance. I was not there yet, and you were already waiting for me. probably, he waited as they do not expect anything else and never in whole life. And you already loved me with all your heart, putting your ear to your mother's belly. I know for sure that when I first shouted something to this world, you cried with happiness. Since childhood, I remember your hands holding me over the crib. Or how you threw me, screaming with fear and delight, to the very sky. And I always knew that you would catch me. It was you who was the most patient and attentive of all my teachers, it was you who taught me to love and recognize this world. You always knew how to take care of me. how did you know! Tried). You know, sometimes I missed you and your words. I know that you work hard, but I know that you do it for us. Do you remember the very first first of September in bows and with huge gladioli? and in the lineup you were very proud and funny, as if it was you going to first grade, not me. Remember our fights in high school? Under your gaze, I wanted to sink through the ground, but to my plaintive “just don’t tell mom,” you sighed and covered me.

12 You always rejoice at my successes and do everything to make me proud of you. And I'm proud of you because you know how to make my mom happy. You taught me to respect not only my own life, but also the lives of others. Your lessons are forever in my memory. Although, sometimes you yourself drive the car so much that you want to grab the belt and fasten you. I remember everything, I remember it all, daddy. My father. My dad. He will understand, he will always support, no matter what happens. He is strength. He is a support. Just because he is my father, he is my guardian angel. He is my fortress. Every person needs a dad. Dad, not a word. And you know, if they ask me: “Whose dad is the best in the world?”, I will answer “mine”. Maybe this is not entirely true, but I am a patriot of my dad!” (music number, song for parents) (song "Starland" in the background) Narrator: You know, baby, on the day when you bitterly regret the abandoned planet of Childhood, look at the stars. Little Prince: I would like to know why the stars shine. Storyteller: probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone can find their own. Every person has their own stars. For those who wander, they show the way. For others, they are just little lights. For scientists, they are like a problem to be solved. For a businessman, they are gold. oh for all these people the stars are dumb. And you will have very special stars. Little Prince: How is it? Storyteller: You look at the sky at night, and there will be such a star where you lived in your childhood, where you laughed, and you will hear that all the stars are laughing. You will have stars who know how to laugh. As if instead of stars you were given a whole bunch of laughing bells Little Prince: In my opinion, this hall today is the most beautiful and saddest place in the world. Here the Little Prince first appeared on Earth, and then disappeared. Storyteller: Take a closer look so that you will certainly remember and recognize this place. If you happen to pass here, I implore you, do not hurry, hesitate a little under this star. And if it suits you a little boy with golden hair, if he laughs loudly and does not answer your questions, you will certainly guess who he is. Little Prince: And at night we will listen to the stars When you are happy, the stars will laugh softly. Like hundreds of little bells Vedas: Listen! The clock is already striking. It's time to part now... To the music Graduates line up on the steps 1 It's so touching to see kind, dear faces around 2 We fly out of the nest like birds and promise to remember our native school. 3 We leave and leave a piece of our heart here. 4 There will always be a mark in our hearts. Together "School number 1002" (Graduates sing a song to the motive "I wish you") Vedas: The gala evening dedicated to the presentation of certificates of complete secondary education to school graduates is declared closed.

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"Mothers Day" preparatory group. Children enter the room in pairs. They dance the waltz to the music of the Viennese Waltz. Host: Dear guests! It has already become a tradition in Russia every last Sunday of November

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Children: " Good night visiting the guys” March 8 matinee for children 3-4 years old. In March, the sun shines brighter for both children and adults. Whose holiday are we celebrating with you today? Mom! Moms dear, dear Happiness we

The legendary fairy tale for adults and the allegorical story is the most famous work Antoine de Saint-Exupery- was first published on April 6, 1943 in New York and is currently translated into more than 180 languages ​​of the world. It seems that there is no person in the world who does not know a boy with golden hair, who lives with a rose on a separate planet.

For those who have not re-read this touching and wise tale-parable for a long time, we have chosen best quotes about love and friendship, which will help to look at the world warmer and friendlier:

  • All adults were children at first, only few of them remember this.
  • It's very sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone had a friend.
  • People get on fast trains, but they themselves do not understand what they are looking for. Therefore, they do not know peace and rush first in one direction, then in the other ... And all in vain.
  • You live in your actions, not in your body. You are your actions and there is no other you.
  • There is a hard and fast rule. You got up in the morning, washed your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.
  • “It’s better to always come at the same hour,” the Fox asked. - For example, if you come at four o'clock, I will feel happy from three o'clock. And the closer to the appointed hour, the happier. And if you come every time at a different time, I don’t know what hour to prepare your heart for ... You need to follow the rites.
  • Adults never understand anything themselves, and for children it is very tiring to endlessly explain and interpret everything to them.

  • - On your planet, - said the Little Prince, - people grow five thousand roses in one garden ... and do not find what they are looking for ...
    "They don't," I agreed.
    - But what they are looking for can be found in a single rose ...
  • - Where are the people? The little prince finally spoke up again. It's so lonely in the desert...
    - It's lonely among people too.
  • People no longer have time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But after all, there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.
  • When you say to adults: “I saw beautiful house made of red brick, it has geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof, ”they can’t imagine this house in any way. They should be told: "I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs." And then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”
  • Adults are very fond of numbers. When you tell them what you got new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What kind of voice does he have? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognized the person.
  • It is enough just to move the chair a few steps. And you look at the sunset sky again and again, you just have to want to.

  • - If you want to have a friend, tame me!
    - What should be done for this? asked the little prince.
    “You have to be patient,” Fox replied. “First, sit down over there, at some distance, on the grass. Like this. I will look askance at you, and you keep quiet. But every day, sit a little closer...
  • You are forever responsible for the one you tamed.
  • - Once I saw the sunset forty-three times in one day!
    And a little later he added:
    - You know ... when you are very sad, it's good to see how the sun goes down ...
    - So, on the day when you saw forty-three sunsets, you were very sad?
  • Words only make it difficult to understand each other.
  • “You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. “I don't want to die for you. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But she alone is dearer to me than all of you. After all, it is her, and not you, I watered every day. He covered her, not you, with a glass cap. He blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind. For her, he killed the caterpillars, only left two or three for the butterflies to hatch. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her even when she was silent. She is mine.

  • I wish I knew why the stars shine. Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone could find their own again.
  • Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower filled my whole planet with fragrance, but I did not know how to rejoice in it.
  • Love is when there is nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to fear, do you understand? When they don't let you down, they won't betray you. When they believe
  • He didn't answer any of my questions, but blushing means yes, doesn't it?
  • If you love a flower - the only one that is no longer on any of the many millions of stars, that's enough: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “Somewhere there lives my flower ...”


In my life I have met many different serious people. I have lived among adults for a long time. I saw them very close. And from this, I confess, I did not begin to think about them better.
And all roads lead to people.
Whether it's a house, a star or a desert, the most beautiful thing about them is what you can't see with your eyes.
Adults... imagine they take up a lot of space. They seem majestic to themselves, like baobabs.
I felt terribly awkward and clumsy. I did not know how to call so that he would hear how to catch up with his soul, escaping from me ... After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country of tears.
Adults are very fond of numbers. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: "What kind of voice does he have? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies?" They ask, "How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn?" And after that they imagine that they recognized the person. When you say to adults: “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, it has geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof,” they cannot imagine this house in any way. They need to be told: "I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs," - and then they exclaim: "What a beauty!"
It's very sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone had a friend.
It's stupid to lie when it's so easy to catch you!
And I'm afraid to become like adults who are not interested in anything but numbers.
Adults never understand anything themselves, and for children it is very tiring to endlessly explain and interpret everything to them.
May be true to word and yet lazy.
In the same way, if you tell them: “Here is the evidence that the Little Prince really existed: he was very, very nice, he laughed, and he wanted to have a lamb. And whoever wants a lamb, he certainly exists, ”if you tell them so, they will only shrug their shoulders and look at you like an unintelligent baby. But if you tell them: "He came from a planet called asteroid B-612," this will convince them, and they will not bother you with questions. Such people are these adults. You shouldn't be angry with them.
Children should be very lenient towards adults.
When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens to cry.
When you really want to be sarcastic, sometimes you involuntarily lie.
Kings look at the world in a very simplified way: for them all people are subjects.
The astronomer then reported on his remarkable discovery at the International Astronomical Congress. But no one believed him, and all because he was dressed in Turkish. Such people these adults! In 1920, that astronomer again reported his discovery. This time he was dressed in the latest fashion, and everyone agreed with him.
The most important thing is what you can't see with your eyes...
The little prince had never seen such huge buds and had a presentiment that he would see a miracle. And the unknown guest, still hidden within the walls of her green room, was getting ready, all preening herself. She carefully chose the colors. She dressed up leisurely, trying on the petals one by one. She did not want to come into the world disheveled, like some kind of poppy. She wanted to show herself in all the splendor of her beauty. Yes, it was a terrible coquette! The mysterious preparations went on day after day. And then, finally, one morning, as soon as the sun rose, the petals opened.
Water is also necessary for the heart ...
His half-open lips trembled in a smile, and I said to myself: the most touching thing about this sleeping Little Prince is his fidelity to a flower, the image of a rose that shines in him like a flame of a lamp, even when he sleeps ... And I realized that he is even more fragile than it seems. Lamps must be protected: a gust of wind can extinguish them ...
Do, do I never hear him laugh again? This laughter for me is like a spring in the desert.
And then he also fell silent, because he began to cry ...

A little prince

If you go straight and straight, you won't get far...
Well, if you once had a friend, even if you have to die.
There is a hard and fast rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.
We woke up the well and it sang...
You know... when it gets really sad, it's good to watch the sun go down...
And people lack imagination. They only repeat what you tell them ... At home I had a flower, my beauty and joy, and he always spoke first.
People get on fast trains, but they themselves do not understand what they are looking for, - said the Little Prince. - Therefore, they do not know peace and rush first in one direction, then in the other ... And all in vain ...
I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a purple face. He never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He never loved anyone. And never did anything. He is busy with only one thing: he adds up the numbers. And from morning to night he repeats one thing: “I am a serious person! I am a serious person! - just like you. And straight up puffed up with pride. In fact, he is not human. He is a mushroom.
People grow five thousand roses in one garden... and they don't find what they're looking for.
But what they are looking for can be found in a single rose, in a sip of water ...
I did not understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these miserable tricks and tricks one should have guessed tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I didn't know how to love yet.
Do you know why the desert is good? Somewhere in it springs are hidden ..
Only children know what they are looking for. They give all their days to a rag doll, and it becomes very, very dear to them, and if it is taken from them, the children cry ...
Each person has their own stars. For one, those who wander, they show the way. For others, they are just little lights. For scientists, they are like a task to be solved. But you will have stars that no one else has. Only you will have stars who know how to laugh!
The eyes are blind. You have to search with your heart.
Vain people are deaf to everything but praise.
Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower filled my whole planet with fragrance, but I did not know how to rejoice in it.
It's like a flower. If you love a flower that grows somewhere on a distant star, it is good to look at the sky at night. All stars are blooming.
I imagined that I own the only flower in the world, which no one else has anywhere else, and it was the most ordinary rose. All I had was simple rose Yes, three volcanoes are knee-deep in height, and then one of them died out and, perhaps, forever ... what kind of prince am I after that ...
I wish I knew why the stars shine. Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone could find their own again.
When he lights his lantern, it is as if another star or flower is being born. And when he extinguishes the lantern - like a star or a flower - they fall asleep. Great job. It's really useful because it's beautiful.
If you love a flower - the only one that does not exist on any of the many millions of stars, that is enough: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “My flower lives somewhere ...” But if the lamb eats it, it’s the same as if all the stars went out at once!
You know... my rose... I'm responsible for it. And she's so weak! And so simple. She only has four miserable thorns, she has nothing more to defend herself from the world ...
We are responsible for those we have tamed.


Only one heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.
There is no perfection in the world!
Words only make it difficult to understand each other.
You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.
You can learn only those things that you tame, - said the Fox. “People don’t have enough time to learn anything anymore. They buy things ready-made in stores. But after all, there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.
"If you tame me, we will need each other. For me, you will become the only one in the whole world. And for you, I will become the only one in the whole world" - Said the Fox to the Little Prince...
My life is boring. I hunt chickens, and people hunt me. All chickens are the same and people are all the same. And my life is boring. But if you tame me, my life will be like the sun will shine. I will distinguish your steps among thousands of others. Hearing human footsteps, I always run and hide. But your walk will call me like music, and I will come out of my shelter. And then - look! See, over there, in the fields, the wheat is ripening? I don't eat bread. I don't need spikes. wheat fields they don't tell me anything. And it's sad! But you have golden hair. And how wonderful it will be when you tame me! Golden wheat will remind me of you. And I will love the rustle of ears in the wind ...
“People have forgotten this truth,” said the Fox, “but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your rose.
Go and look at the roses again. You will understand that your rose is the only one in the world.
Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it your whole soul.


I love you!.. And it's my fault that you didn't know that.
Decided to leave - so leave.


– Where are the people? The little prince finally spoke up again. It's lonely in the desert...
“It’s also lonely among people,” the snake noticed.
The little prince looked at her carefully.
“You are a strange creature,” he said. - Not thicker than a finger ...
“But I have more power than in the finger of a king,” the snake objected.


Everyone should be asked what he can give. Power, above all, must be reasonable.
If I order my general to turn into a sea gull, he used to say, and if the general does not follow the order, it will not be his fault, but mine.
If I order some general to flutter like a butterfly from flower to flower, or compose a tragedy, or turn into a sea gull and the general does not comply with the order, who will be to blame for this - he or I?
It is much harder to judge oneself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.


It's good where we're not.


Because flowers are ephemeral... This means: the one that should soon disappear.

1) If you go straight and straight, you won't go far...

2) There is such a firm rule, - the Little Prince told me after. - Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

3) You know... when it's very sad, it's good to watch the sun go down...

4) I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a purple face. He never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He never loved anyone. And never did anything. He is busy with only one thing: he adds up the numbers. And from morning till night he repeats one thing: "I am a serious person! I am a serious person!" - just like you. And straight up puffed up with pride. In fact, he is not human. He is a mushroom.

5) If you love a flower - the only one that is no longer on any of the many millions of stars - that's enough: look at the sky - and you are happy. And you say to yourself: "Somewhere there lives my flower ..." But if the lamb eats it, it's the same as if all the stars went out at once! And it doesn't matter to you!

6) In vain I listened to her, he told me trustingly one day. - You should never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower filled my whole planet with fragrance, but I did not know how to rejoice in it.

7) I did not understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these miserable tricks and tricks one should have guessed tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I didn't know how to love yet.

8) Then judge yourself, - said the king. - This is the most difficult. It is much harder to judge oneself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.

9) I have a flower, - he said, - and I water it every morning. I have three volcanoes, I clean them out every week. I clean all three, and the extinct one too. Few things can happen. Both my volcanoes and my flower benefit from the fact that I own them. And the stars are of no use to you...

10) Here is a man, - the little prince said to himself, continuing his journey, - here is a man whom everyone would despise - and the king, and the ambitious, and the drunkard, and the businessman. And meanwhile, of all of them, he alone, in my opinion, is not funny. Maybe because he thinks not only about himself.

11) It's really useful because it's beautiful.

12) My beauty and joy are short-lived, the little prince said to himself, and she has nothing to protect herself from the world: she only has four thorns. And I left her, and she was left on my planet all alone!

13) Exactly, - said the Fox. “You are still just a little boy for me, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I am only a fox for you, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be for me

the only one in the world. And I'll be the only one for you in the whole world...

14) You can learn only those things that you tame, - said the Fox. “People don’t have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But after all, there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends. If you want a friend, tame me!

15) And if you come every time at a different time, I don’t know what hour to prepare my heart for. Rituals must be observed.

16) You are forever responsible for everyone you tamed.

17) Words only interfere with understanding each other.

17) You are beautiful, but empty, continued the Little Prince. - I don't want to die for you. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But she alone is dearer to me than all of you. After all, it is her, and not you, I watered every day. He covered her, and not you, with a glass cap. He blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind. For her, he killed the caterpillars, only left two or three for the butterflies to hatch. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her even when she was silent. She is mine.

18) Only one heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

19) It's good where we are not.

20) But what they are looking for can be found in a single rose, in a sip of water ...

21) It is necessary to search with the heart.

21 wise phrase Dedicated to those adults who did not read the book to the end. It was only at the beginning that the author tested your imagination with drawings of “a boa constrictor on the outside and a boa constrictor on the inside”. Pass the book through your heart, because only it sees the main thing.

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