Traveling through works. "Manuscript Found in a Suitcase" by Mark Helprin


No words about travel can replace the pleasure of the journey itself. Just push him. Therefore, we have collected 12 inspiring quotes that we hope will inspire you to your long-awaited accomplishments.

These are words from people who loved traveling as much as their profession.

“Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel” (I. Bunin)

Photo: 2

“My opinion on travel is brief: when traveling, do not go too far, otherwise you will see something that will then be impossible to forget” ( Daniil Kharms)

Photo: cult-personality.rf
Photo: 3

“Look at the world without glasses and curtains, with greedy eyes grab everything that is good in our land and what is good in the West” (V. V. Mayakovsky)

Lake Kuiguk, Altai. Photo: 4

“It is not guided tours that come to God, but lonely travelers” (Vladimir Nabokov)

Church of Santa Maria in Araceli in Rome. Photo: 5

“Well, they say, travel is the best way to educate yourself in everything: the truth, exactly the truth! How much can you learn here? (Nikolai Chernyshevsky)

Photo: 6

“Even in the summer, when you go on a voyage, take something warm with you, because how can you know what will happen in the atmosphere?” (Kozma Prutkov)

Photo: 7

“What can be dearer to the heart of a traveler than the first minutes and hours spent in a country where you have never been before and about which you still know nothing?” (I. Ilf, E. Petrov)

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"Wandering - the best activity in the world. When you wander, you grow, you grow rapidly, and everything that you see is deposited even on your appearance. People who traveled a lot, I recognize immediately from a thousand. Wanderings purify, intertwine meetings, centuries, books and love. They make us related to the sky. If we have received the unproven happiness of being born, then we must at least see the earth. (K. G. Paustovsky)

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“Going to Paris with your wife is like going to Tula with your own samovar” (A.P. Chekhov)

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“There is nothing more useful for nerves than to go where you have never been” (A. Akhmatova)

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“In order to truly understand that there is this or that country or this or that place, you have to go there in winter, of course. Because in winter life is more real, more dictated by necessity. In winter, the contours of someone else's life are more distinct. For a traveler, this is a bonus ”(Joseph Brodsky)

Photo: flickr by Angelo Amboldi 12

“Everyone believes that life in Rus' is boring because of its monotony, and they travel from here abroad to have fun, while I affirm and will have the honor to prove to you that life is nowhere so replete with the most sudden varieties as in Russia. At least I am leaving here abroad precisely to calm down from the kaleidoscopic variegation of Russian life and I think that I am not the only specimen of my kind ”(N. S. Leskov)


And literature

MBOU secondary school No. 36

Tomsk - 2012

Goal of the work: to consider the features of the travel genre in Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries.

The achievement of this goal will be facilitated by the solution of the following tasks:

Analyze the history of the appearance of the genre of travel;

using texts works of art, to reveal the features of the travel genre in the works of N. Karamzin, A. Radishchev, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol.

Abstract structure

The abstract consists of an introduction, the main part, a conclusion and a list of references.

Introduction - p.3 - 4

Main part - p.5 - 12

Conclusion - p.13

References - p.14


There are two types of travel:

One - to start off from a place into the distance,

The other is to sit still

Scroll back the calendar.

The genre of travel has been and remains the most beloved in Russian literature: Afanasy Nikitin's Journey Beyond the Three Seas, Radishchev's Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow, Pushkin's Journey to Arzrum. Roads in Russia have always represented more than just the direction of travel. Classical works of Russian literature are directly related to the road. Here is a wagon moving with Chichikov, who is buying "dead souls". And officer Pechorin wanders along the Caucasian roads on official business. There was a snowstorm on the road, and the newlyweds got lost, which became the basis of Pushkin's story "The Snowstorm". In my work, I consider the genre of travel in Russian literature, the importance of the genre for revealing the characteristics of the character of the characters, expressing the author's thoughts.

Journey - a literary genre based on the description of the hero's wanderings. This may be information about the countries and peoples seen by the traveler in the form of travel diaries, notes, essays, and so on.

Since the adoption of Christianity, travel from Kievan Rus to Constantinople and the Christian East, mainly to Palestine, has become more frequent. In addition to the commercial and military interests that guided the travelers of the pre-Christian era, the tasks of the Russian church organization were now added. Representatives of the Russian church went to the East either for books, icons and other items, or simply in search of church leadership and to strengthen ties with more authoritative church organizations. More than seventy works written in the genre of "walking" are known; they made up a significant part in the reading circle of Ancient Rus'. Among the "journeys" the so-called "travelers" are known - brief route indicators containing only a list of points through which the pilgrim's path from Rus' to the Holy Land ran.

Pilgrimages to "holy places" created in Russian literature a special literary genre of "walking", "wanderers", "travellers" - descriptions of pilgrimages. by the most famous works of the genre of "walking" or "walking" of ancient Russian literature of the XII-XV centuries are: "Walking" by Hegumen Daniel, "Walking over three seas" by Athanasius Nikitin, a work of the 15th century.

The definition of travel genre is formulated and included in the Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary (1987) and the Literary Encyclopedia of Terms and Concepts (2001). emphasizes that a literary "journey" can take various forms of presentation: "notes, notes, diaries (magazines), essays, memoirs", and also focuses on the reliability of the narrative. .

1) The genre of travel notes has its own specifics, which is manifested in the principles of selection of material and features of the narrative. The genre of travel notes has its own subject matter, genre content and form. The travel notes are based on a description of the movement in space and time of the traveling hero, a story about the events that occurred during the trip, about the traveler's impressions, his thoughts about what he saw.

2) Travel notes appear as a genre at the end of the 18th century on the basis of the evolution of pilgrimage and secular travel.

The golden age of travel in Russian literature is divided into two parts:

years are characterized by the growth of travel descriptions performed by journalists and literary means. This is the era of expansion. Formerly tongue-tied, Russian literature acquired a language, a voice, a color. Simultaneously with the expansion of the territory of the empire, works of literature appear, mastering new regions and countries. Pushkin set the tone with his Journey to Arzrum. Later, the novels of Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Goncharov were written (in passing they described the images of the host countries).

The second part of the golden era of travel - 1840-1910s. In the 1840s, Russian literature began to master all the wealth of travel. The basis was the genre of "physiological" essays on the customs, life of cities and localities in Russia (the essay "Caucasian"). The greatest success was achieved at the beginning of the 20th century. Vasily Rozanov, whose essays about the Volga (“Russian Nile”), about travels to Italy, Germany, the Caucasus are still read in one breath.

The central figure, the measure of all things in the literature of travel is a person, he wanders, finds himself in unknown states and areas, comprehends their history, geography and ethnography, social structure and laws, sees from the inside other living cultures, the life of the people, studies languages. That is, he develops spiritually and enriches himself, becomes a citizen of the universe. At the same time, on the way, a person comprehends himself, better understands his character, interests, spiritual roots and traditions, his country and his people, learns everything in comparison. The attraction of this genre for writers and its popularity among readers are understandable.

Main part

"Journey Beyond the Three Seas" by Afanasy Nikitin is of considerable value as a kind of harbinger of essay literature, as an indicator of the high cultural level of the Russian people.

In "Journey Beyond the Three Seas" main character Afanasy Nikitin describes his journey. It describes how people live in other countries. He describes the customs of the peoples living in India: “And here the Indian country, and ordinary people walk naked, and their heads are not covered, and their breasts are bare, and their hair is braided in one braid, and everyone walks, belly, and children are born every year, and they have many children. From common people men and women are all naked and all black. Wherever I go, there are many people behind me - they marvel at the white man.

The autobiographical and lyrical nature of Journey Beyond the Three Seas, which conveys the author's emotional experiences and moods, were new features in ancient Russian literature, characteristic of the 15th century. personal character"Journeys", the ability of its author to reveal to us his state of mind, his inner world - with all these features, the diary of Afanasy Nikitin became a kind of basis for creating new works in the "travel" genre.

The protagonist of the novel N. Karamzin "Letters from a Russian Traveler", written already in the 18th century, goes on a long-awaited journey and in letters reflects his impressions and emotions caused by him during this journey. In the first letter sent from Tver, the young man tells that the realized dream of travel caused in his soul the pain of parting with everything and everyone that was dear to his heart, and the sight of Moscow receding made him cry. In St. Petersburg, the hero learns that the passport obtained in Moscow does not entitle him to cruise, and the hero has to change his route and experience inconvenience from the endless breakdowns of wagons, trucks and wagons.

The cherished dream of the traveler was a meeting with Kant. He goes to him on the day he arrived in Konigsberg. Quite quickly, he gets to Berlin and hurries to inspect the Royal Library and the Berlin menagerie mentioned in the descriptions of the city. Arriving in Dresden, the traveler went to inspect art gallery. He not only described his impressions of the famous paintings, but also added to his letters biographical information about the artists: Raphael, Correggio, Veronese, Poussin, Giulio Romano, Tintoretto, Rubens, etc. From Dresden, the traveler decided to go to Leipzig, describing in detail the pictures of nature that open up to the view from the window of a mail coach or long walks. Leipzig struck him with an abundance of bookstores, which is natural for a city where book fairs are held three times a year. Switzerland - the land of "freedom and prosperity" - began for the hero from the city of Basel. Later, in Zurich, the author met Lavater on several occasions and attended his public speeches. The events taking place in France are indicated very carefully - for example, a chance meeting with Count D'Artois with his retinue, who intended to go to Italy, is mentioned.

The traveler enjoyed walks in the Alpine mountains, lakes, visited memorable places. He discusses the peculiarities of education and expresses the opinion that in Lausanne one should study French, and comprehend all other subjects at German universities.

The village of Ferney was also a place of pilgrimage, where “the most glorious of the writers of our century” lived - Voltaire. The Traveler noted with pleasure that on the wall of the room-bedroom of the great old man there was a portrait embroidered on silk. Russian empress with an inscription in French: "Gifted to Voltaire by the author."

On December 1, 1789, the author turned twenty-three years old, and from early morning he went to the shores of Lake Geneva, reflecting on the meaning of life and remembering his friends. After spending several months in Switzerland, the Traveler went to France. First French city on his way was Lyon. Everything was interesting to the author - the theater, Parisians stuck in the city and waiting to leave for other lands, antique ruins. The ancient arcades and the remains of the Roman plumbing made the author think about how little his contemporaries think about the past and future, they do not try to "plant an oak tree without the hope of resting in its shade." Here in Lyon he saw new tragedy Chenier "Charles IX" and described in detail the reaction of the audience, who saw the current state of France in the performance. The Young Traveler writes: "Without this, the play could hardly have made an impression anywhere."

Soon the writer goes to Paris, impatient before meeting with the great city. He describes in detail the streets, houses, people. Anticipating the questions of interested friends about the French Revolution, he writes: “Do not think, however, that the whole nation will participate in the tragedy that is now being played in France.” The Young Traveler describes his impressions of meeting with royal family, accidentally seen by him in the church. He does not dwell on the details, except for one - purple clothes.

In Paris, the young Traveler visited almost everywhere - theaters, boulevards, Academies, coffee houses, literary salons and private houses. At the Academy, he became interested in the Lexicon of the French Language, which was praised for its rigor and purity, but condemned for its lack of proper completeness. He was interested in the rules for holding meetings at the Academy, established by Cardinal Richelieu. Conditions for admission to another Academy - the Academy of Sciences; activities of the Academy of Inscriptions and Literature, as well as the Academy of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.

Coffee houses attracted the attention of the author by the opportunity for visitors to speak publicly about the latest in literature or politics, gathering in cozy places where you can see both Parisian celebrities and ordinary people who wandered in to listen to poetry or prose reading.

The hero leaves Paris and goes to London. Already the very first English impressions of the author testify to a long-standing interest in this country. The first acquaintance with the best English audience took place in Westminster Abbey at the annual performance of Handel's oratorio "Messiah", where the royal family was also present. The author immediately drew attention to the fact that well-bred Englishmen, who usually know French prefer to speak in English. He visited London courts and prisons, delving into all the circumstances of the legal proceedings and the detention of criminals. He noted the benefits of a jury trial, in which a person's life depends only on the law, and not on other people. His reasoning about English literature and theater is very strict, and he writes: “I repeat again: the English have one Shakespeare! All their newest tragedians only want to be strong, but in fact they are weak in spirit.

The last letter of the Traveler was written in Kronstadt and is full of anticipation of how he will remember what he has experienced, “be sad with my heart and be consoled with friends!”.

A sentimental journey is necessary in order to reveal the spiritual qualities of a person, to show the weaknesses and virtues, the inconsistency of character and the importance of momentary impressions for its formation.

The protagonist of the work A. Radishcheva "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" travels from Petersburg to Moscow. Choosing his genre, Radishchev consciously relied on the Russian tradition of travel, but put a fundamentally new content into the old form. The writer filled it with topical political content; instead of scattered notes and observations of a traveler, deep in his own thoughts and experiences, occupied only with himself, we find in Radishchev a completely different hero - a Citizen, a Fighter, living in the interests of his people, Russia.

At different stations and in different cities, he meets new people who tell him about their lives. The traveler thinks about their problems and reassures himself that this is not happening to him and that he is doing well.

For example, when the hero is heading from Tosna to Lyuban, he sees a peasant who plowed "with great care", despite the fact that it was Sunday. The plowman said that six days a week his family cultivates the land of the masters and, in order not to die of hunger, he is forced to work on a holiday, although this is a sin. The hero reflects on the cruelty of the landowners, and at the same time reproaches himself for the fact that he also has a servant over whom he has power.

On the way from Chudovo to Spassky Polest, a fellow traveler sits next to the hero and tells him his sad story: having trusted his partner in matters of ransom, he was deceived, lost all his fortune and was brought to criminal court. His wife, surviving what had happened, gave birth prematurely and died three days later, and the premature baby also died. Friends, seeing that they had come to take him into custody, put the unfortunate man in a wagon and ordered him to go "wherever his eyes look." The hero was touched by the story of his fellow traveler, and he is thinking about how to bring this case to the ears of the supreme authority, "for it can only be impartial." Realizing that he is unable to help the unfortunate man in any way, the hero imagines himself to be the supreme ruler, whose state seems to be prospering, and everyone sings his praise.

At the Podberezye station, the hero meets a seminarian who complains about modern learning. The hero reflects on the science and work of the writer, whose task he sees as enlightenment and praise of virtue.

In Zaitsev, at the post office, the hero meets an old friend Krestyankin, who served in the criminal chamber. He retired, realizing that in this position he could not benefit the fatherland. Krestyankin told the story of a cruel landowner whose son raped a young peasant woman. The bridegroom of the girl, protecting the bride, broke the rapist's head. Together with the groom there were several more peasants, and according to the Code of the Criminal Chamber, the narrator had to sentence them all to death penalty or life imprisonment. He tried to justify the peasants, but none of the local nobles supported him, and he was forced to resign.

In Krestsy, the hero witnesses the separation of his father from his children, who are going to serve. The hero shares his father's thoughts that the power of parents over children is negligible, that the union between parents and children should be "based on tender feelings of the heart" and that a father should not see his son as his slave.

through plot"Journey" is the story of a man who knew his political delusions, discovered the truth of life, new ideals and "rules" for which it was worth living and working, the story of the ideological and moral renewal of the traveler. The journey was supposed to educate him. The writer pays great attention to the personality of the traveler. Closely following his hero, he exposes his moral wealth, emphasizing his spiritual delicacy, responsiveness, merciless demands on himself. An intelligent and subtle observer, he is endowed with a sensitive heart, contemplation and indifference to people are alien to his active nature, he knows how not only to listen, but always strives to help those who need it.

After Radishchev, the genre of travel in Russian literature was firmly associated with the theme of Russia. It was the image of the road that made it possible to organize the endless Russian open spaces and the diversity of Russian customs into a single artistic space.

Structure of the novel "Hero of Our Time" fragmentary, therefore the novel is a system of disparate episodes-tales, united by a common hero - Pechorin. Such a composition is deeply meaningful: it reflects the fragmentation of the main character's life, his lack of any goal, any unifying principle. The life of the hero passes at crossroads in the eternal search for the meaning of human existence and happiness. Pechorin is on the road almost all the time. “This is the world on the road,” Gogol said about the “Hero of Our Time”. The motive of wandering is one of the leading ones in the novel "A Hero of Our Time". Pechorin calls himself a "wandering officer". Indeed, in almost every chapter of the novel, he appears for a while, and then leaves again, so as not to return back. The only exception is the chapter "The Fatalist".

The novel consists of five parts, the action of which takes place at different times, in different places. are changing characters, the narrators on whose behalf the narration is being told change. With the help of this creative technique, the author manages to give a versatile characterization of his main character. called such a composition of the novel "five paintings inserted in one frame."

A young officer goes on business to the Caucasus. On the way, he stops in Taman. There he meets with smugglers, they rob him and even try to drown him. (The story "Taman".)
Arriving in Pyatigorsk, the hero is faced with a "water society". An intrigue ensues, leading to a duel. For participation in the duel in which Grushnitsky dies, Pechorin is sent to serve in the fortress. ("Princess Mary")

While serving in the fortress, Pechorin persuades Azamat to steal Bela for him. When Azamat brings his sister, Pechorin helps him steal - Karagez, Kazbich's horse. Kazbich kills Bela. (The story of Bela.)
"Once it happened (Pechorin) to live for two weeks in a Cossack village." Here the hero tests in practice the theory of predestination, fate. At the risk of his life, he disarms a drunken Cossack who had killed a man shortly before. (The story "The Fatalist")

Having survived a lot, having lost faith in everything, Pechorin sets off to travel and dies on the road. (The story "Maxim Maksimych".)

In each of the parts of The Hero of Our Time, Pechorin is shown in a completely different environment, in a different environment: they are free, accustomed to living according to the harsh laws of nature and patriarchal life highlanders ("Bela"), then the world of "honest smugglers" ("Taman"), then the idle secular society, on the Caucasian mineral waters ("Princess Mary"). There is a kind of “wandering” of Pechorin through various layers modern author public life in Russia. The plot of the novel is constructed in such a way that the hero is involved in all the spheres of life depicted, but at the same time is constantly rejected, separated from them, finds himself in the position of a wanderer, a wanderer.

The motive of wandering, wandering in the novel deepens more and more, takes you beyond the limits of a specific fate central hero. And in "The Fatalist", the final chapter of "The Hero of Our Time", in Pechorin's bitter reflection, wandering directly correlates with the theme of the generation. Pechorin, reflecting on himself and on the character of his generation, directly speaks on behalf of this generation, writing the following in his diary: “And we, their miserable descendants, wandering the earth without conviction and pride, without pleasure and fear, except for that involuntary fear, squeezing the heart at the thought of the inevitable end; we are no longer capable of great sacrifices, either for the good of mankind, or even for our own happiness, because we know its impossibility, and indifferently we pass from doubt to doubt.

Sadly, I look at our generation!

His future is either empty or dark,

Meanwhile, under the burden of knowledge and doubt

It will grow old in inaction.

The travel genre continues with its work "Dead Souls". It was on him that Gogol pinned his main hopes. The plot of the poem was suggested to Gogol by Pushkin. Gogol began work on the poem in the autumn of 1835. As the writing of "Dead Souls" Nikolai Vasilyevich calls his creation not a novel, but a poem. He had an idea. Gogol wanted to create a poem by analogy " Divine Comedy" written by Dante. The first volume of "Dead Souls" was conceived as "hell", the second volume - "purgatory", and the third - "paradise".

Censorship changed the title of the poem to "The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls"And on May 21, 1842, the first volume of the poem was published.

The purpose of the poem is to show Russia through the eyes of one hero, from which the theme of the journey follows, which has become the pivotal and connecting theme in Dead Souls, since the main action of the protagonist is the journey.

The image of the road performs the function of characterizing the images of the landowners whom Chichikov visits one after another. Each of his meetings with the landowner is preceded by a description of the road, the estate. For example, this is how Gogol describes the way to Manilovka: “Having traveled two versts, we met a turn onto a country road, but already two, and three, and four versts, it seems, were done, but the stone house with two floors was still not visible. Here Chichikov remembered that if a friend invites you to a village fifteen miles away, it means that there are thirty miles to it. The road in the village of Plyushkin directly characterizes the landowner: “He (Chichikov) did not notice how he drove into the middle of a vast village with many huts and streets. Soon, however, he noticed this remarkable jolt, produced by a log pavement, in front of which the city stone was nothing. These logs, like piano keys, rose up and down, and the careless rider acquired either a bump on the back of his head, or a blue spot on his forehead ... He noticed some special dilapidation on all village buildings ... "

"Dead Souls" is rich in lyrical digressions. In one of them, located in Chapter 6, Chichikov compares his worldview to the objects around him on a journey.

“Before, a long time ago, in the summers of my youth, in the summers of my irretrievably flashed childhood, it was fun for me to drive up to an unfamiliar place for the first time: it doesn’t matter whether it was a village, a poor county town, a village, a suburb, - I discovered a lot of interesting things in him a childlike curious look. Any building, everything that bore only the imprint of some noticeable feature - everything stopped me and amazed me ... Pass by the county official - I was already wondering where he was going ... Approaching the village of some landowner, I looked curiously at a tall narrow wooden bell tower or a wide dark wooden old church…

Now I indifferently drive up to any unfamiliar village and look indifferently at its vulgar appearance; my chilled gaze is uncomfortable, it’s not funny to me, and what in previous years would have awakened a lively movement in the face, laughter and incessant speeches, now slips by, and my motionless lips keep an indifferent silence. Oh my youth! Oh my freshness!

The image of the road arises from the first lines of the poem; one can say that he stands at its beginning. "At the gates of the hotel provincial city NN drove in a rather beautiful spring small britzka ... ”etc. The poem ends with the image of the road; the road is literally one of the last words of the text: “Rus, where are you rushing to, give me an answer?”.

But what a huge difference between the first and last images of the road! At the beginning of the poem, this is the road of one person, a certain character - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. In the end, this is the road of the state, Russia, and even more, the road of all mankind, on which Russia overtakes "other peoples."
At the beginning of the poem, this is a very specific road along which a very specific britzka is dragging, with the owner and two of his serfs: the coachman Selifan and the footman Petrushka, harnessed by horses, which we also imagine quite specifically: both the indigenous bay, and both harness horses, chubar and brown, nicknamed the Assessor. At the end of the poem, it is rather difficult to imagine the road specifically: it is a metaphorical, allegorical image, personifying the gradual course of all human history.

IN digression about the "bird troika" at the end of the poem there are words that fully express author's attitude to the road. For Gogol, the whole Russian soul is on the road, all its simple and inexplicable charm, all its scope and fullness of life: “Oh, troika! three bird! Who made you up? To know that you could only be born among a lively people ... ". Gogol draws an open parallel between the “bird troika” and Russia: “Isn’t it you, Rus, that the brisk, unbeatable troika, are rushing about?” Thus, the road for Gogol is Rus'. What will happen to Russia, where does the road lead, along which it rushes so that it can no longer be stopped: “Rus, where are you rushing?” This was the question that bothered the writer, because in his soul there lived an unlimited love for Russia. And, most importantly, Gogol, unlike many of his contemporaries, believed in Russia, believed in its future. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the road in Gogol's work is the road of Russia to a brighter future.


People wandered at all times, there were different journeys ... But they always loved to listen and read the stories of wanderers both in ancient times and in modern times. A person embarks on a journey in search of happiness, answers to questions, in search of a way out of difficult life situations in the hope of being rescued. The result of the path - moral, spiritual - a person became better, changed internally.

1. The basis of the genre of "journey" is a description of the movement of a traveling hero in space, a narrative about the events that occurred during the trip, a description of the traveler's impressions, his thoughts after what he saw, and a broad informational and cognitive plan. In literary travel, unlike scientific and other kinds, information material is illuminated on the basis of the artistic and ideological concept of the author.

2. Literary travel emerges as a genre in the 18th century on
the basis of the evolution of "journeys" into travel notes, for further development
The genre is influenced by European patterns of literary travel.
Subsequently, in the 19th century, the genre continued to develop in the form of diary
epistolary and memoir travel notes of an artistic or
artistic and journalistic character.

3. Reading works in the travel genre, we can follow how the hero behaves in different situations throughout our journey, we can see changes in his character, soul. Travel embodies the idea spiritual search, the motive of wandering becomes one of the ways to reveal the character of the hero.


1. Literary Encyclopedia terms and concepts, ed. . RAN. M.: NPK "Intelvak", 2001

2. Afanasy Nikitin "Journey beyond three seas". 1466-1472.

3. Karamzin, N. Selected works in two volumes. M.; L., 1964.

4. Lermontov,. Poems. Masquerade. Hero of our time. M.: Artist. Lit., 19s.

5. Gogol, souls: Poem. M.: Statistics, 19s.

6. Creativity Gogol. Meaning and form: Yuri Mann. Moscow, St. Petersburg University Press, 2007.

7. Radishchev, A. Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Liberty. Prose/Notes , . L.: Artist. Lit., 19s.

Internet resources:

8. http:///feb/irl/il0/il1/il123652.htm

9.http:///read. php? pid=10884

10. http:///puteshestviye-radishev

11. http:///nikolaev/205.htm

12. http://dic. /dic. nsf/enc_literature/3857/%D0%9F%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%88%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B5

13. http://palomnic. org/bibl_lit/drev/andr_perets/

Travel descriptions have been known since time immemorial. These were stories about unknown lands and peoples, about adventures and dangers that befell the traveler. So, for example, the son of the Venetian merchant Marco Polo in his "Book" (1298) told Europeans about travels to the East, about his life in China, and the Russian merchant from Tver Afanasy Nikitin in "Journey Beyond the Three Seas" - about the outlandish India of the 15th century . Today, T. Heyerdahl’s “Journey to the Kon-Tiki” opened modern humanity ancient culture Easter Islands, and Yu. A. Gagarin's "Road to Space" made it possible to see Earth from spacecraft orbit.

The roots of many literary journeys should be sought in mythology and folklore, where the hero's journey becomes the most important test for him.

The literary journey has many faces. It acts both as a special genre (for example, Homer's Odyssey, ancient Russian "journeys"), and as a kind of poem, essay, novel ("Who should live well in Russia" by N. A. Nekrasov, "Journey to Arzrum" by A. S. Pushkin, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by M. Twain), and as an integral part of the work ("Onegin's Journey" in Pushkin's novel). Most of the time, travel is compositional basis literary work, as it gives the author complete freedom to deploy and connect events.

One of the oldest mythological and folklore stories is a journey to realm of the dead: Orpheus is looking for the deceased Eurydice there, Ivan Tsarevich - the kidnapped Vasilisa the Wise, in the Babylonian epic Gilgamesh goes to the underworld in search of human immortality, the hero of the Kalevala Väinämöinen steals the mill of happiness and abundance Sampo in the other world. In ancient and medieval literature such a journey becomes the plot and compositional basis of great works - Virgil's Aeneid (I century BC) and Dante's Divine Comedy (1307-1321). Fruitful for literature was also folklore tradition a merry carnival journey through the underworld, which is given in the fourth book of the famous French novel Renaissance "Gargantua and Pantagruel" F. Rabelais.

An important role in the history of literary travel was played by the transfer of the reader's attention from the external plane to the internal - to the feelings and experiences of the traveling hero. At the origins of this turn is the "Sentimental Journey through France and Italy" of the English writer XVIII V. L. Stern, which brought to life a whole literature of sentimental travel, for which the travel route was no longer significant: it was possible to travel without leaving your room, by the will of the imagination and with the help of a geographical map. Sentimental travels at the end of XVIII - early XIX V. become the object of parody, which testifies to the flourishing and popularity of the genre: thus, the untitled "My cousin's journey into pockets" (1803) describes the contents of the pockets. One witty person counted 506 reasons for wandering at this time.

In Russian literature late XVIII V. the experience of a sentimental journey entered in a transformed form in N. M. Karamzin's Letters of a Russian Traveler with their deep reflections on Russia's place in European history and culture. It also reflected in outstanding monument Russian artistic journalism - "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" by the revolutionary writer A. N. Radishchev, who painted scary pictures Russian reality and openly opposed the autocracy and serfdom.

Romantic writers of the 19th century they cultivate a form of lyrical journey, the theme of the "spiritual wandering" of a romantic hero (a typical example is "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" by J. Byron). Travel for romantics with their cult of freedom is a manifestation of the simplest of human rights - the right to travel, as opposed to captivity. Not accidentally a favorite motif romantic poem becomes an escape from captivity (“Brothers Robbers” by A. S. Pushkin, “Mtsyri” by M. Yu. Lermontov).

It is difficult to overestimate the place of travel in the history of the formation and development of the novel genre. The motive of wandering becomes the organizing idea of ​​the novel, one of the leading ways of testing and revealing the character of the hero (from Apuleius' Golden Ass to Ch. Aitmatov's Block).

IN psychological novel the journey embodies the idea of ​​a spiritual search, which is especially important for the so-called novel of education (“Wilhelm Meister's Years of Wanderings” by J. W. Goethe). The hero's journey in the novel has another metaphorical meaning - it acts as a school of life. The wanderings and trials of a novel hero usually embody the essence of his life path, his fate (“The Story of Tom Jones, a Foundling” by G. Fielding, the movement of the hero from the province to the capital in the novels of Stendhal and O. de Balzac). It is also possible to replace movement in space with travel in time. This type of literary journey is most actively developed by science fiction writers ("The Time Machine" by H. J. Wells, "Thunder Came" by R. Bradbury, etc.).

Travel is an ever-living, non-hardening literary phenomenon. Almost every famous literary journey sooner or later becomes the object of parody. Rabelais parodies Dante, Cervantes parodies the chivalrous journey, Stern parodies the journeys of enlightenment writers, and A. F. Veltman's The Wanderer parodies sentimental journeys. The literary traveler is free to choose any mode of transportation - from an old raft (Huck Finn) to a cannonball (Baron Munchausen).

A characteristic metaphor has developed: reading is a journey. The reader, as it were, wanders along with the hero, goes through the school of life with him.

Travel is a genre that allows you to include a letter and a diary in the narrative, sentimental story and an autobiography, a love story and a moralizing sermon, freely alternating between them, as if imitating the natural, unorganized course of life itself. In this freedom of the genre, which knows almost no boundaries, lies its attraction for ancient and new literature.

Especially for travel lovers, we offer a selection of fiction or non-fiction literature about travel and life in other countries, people and customs, discoverers and adventurers.
The store has collected a unique selection of culinary journeys, travel notes, historical opuses, contemporary stories and much more. For convenience, the books are sorted by continent.
Read, get inspired and plan your trip!


Road to Auroville.
... told in the first person the story of a former musician who did not find a place in modern life and became disillusioned with the ideals of the "consumer society". Interested in information about the "city of the future" Auroville, he goes to India, so that after living there for several months, on his own experience to get an impression of the life and structure of this unique settlement. Numerous meetings with people, both in Auroville itself and on the way to it; communication with Aurovilians and tourists - primarily our compatriots; various funny and unusual situations; description of the life of the city and its surrounding nature; road impressions and Indian realities are a good reason to think about the fate of our civilization and the place of man in it, looking for a way spiritual development.

Paradise on someone else's passport. Author: Linda Lynn
Linda Lynn is a mathematician by education, a translator and traveler by vocation, and a wild yogi by the will of her soul. From Sakhalin to El Salvador, from Karelia to Calabria, she is a frequent visitor to all airports in the world. Her book is woven from a life full of interesting events and meetings and an exciting personal story. Someone will find an exciting story in it and believe in love at first sight, someone will be carried away by sketches along the tourist routes of Thailand ...

Silk. Author: Alessandro Baricco
Graceful eroticism, aching melancholy and sweet tenderness, long journeys, the search for real happiness that flickers in the distance and beckons behind it (but in fact it is very close, only the hero does not see him in pursuit of a dream!) - all this is in the novel " Silk”, a tender and exciting book about love…

Turbid waters of the Mekong.
A very young, very self-confident, but at the same time a truly brave American woman goes on an extreme journey through Vietnam.
In seven months, she will cross the country four times from the Mekong Delta to the Chinese border, walk, drive and swim 6,400 miles on a bicycle, motorcycle, train, bus, truck, buffalo, horse, motor boat, plane, bamboo canoe and their two. And also learn 1800 Vietnamese words, wait 42 hours waiting for a ride, fix a motorcycle 52 times...

China. Shark fin soup.
This book is a story about an English girl who went to China to learn the language. However, the power of love for food changed the fate of a foreigner who, over the years, became a true connoisseur of oriental culinary traditions and considered the Celestial Empire in all its diversity. Winner of several prestigious literary awards, Fuchsia Dunlop discovered China in 1994. Since then, she has mastered the secrets of creating the most incredible wonders of Chinese cuisine. And happy to share them with others. Inspired by storytelling, you are transported from the bustling markets of Sichuan to the plains of northern Gansu, from the oases of Xinjiang to the charming old city of Yangzhou...

Year in search of "Wa". The story of one failed attempt to become a real Japanese woman.
One morning, Karin Müller realized that at the age of 34, having tried dozens of professions, traveled to many countries, learned six languages ​​​​and finally forgot three of them, went through all the existing hobbies, she lost interest in life and again found herself at a crossroads.
And then, because of her passion for judo wrestling, she had the idea to go to full of secrets Japan in order to find that state which the Japanese call "Wa". With this hieroglyph they denote the process of achieving harmony with the world and others.

Sakura and oak. Sakura branch. Oak roots Author: Vsevolod Ovchinnikov
Vsevolod Vladimirovich Ovchinnikov is an international journalist, a writer who has worked for many years in China, Japan, and England. "Sakura Branch" and "Oak Roots" - were and remain truly a masterpiece of domestic journalism. The striking brightness and imagery of the language, the amazing depth of penetration into the original world of English and Japanese national culture captivate the reader and serve as a key to understanding foreign reality.

Mishima's sword. In the Footsteps of the Legendary Writer and Samurai.
It happened on November 25, 1970: after the failed coup attempt, Japanese writer, playwright, director and actor Yukio Mishima plunged a knife into his muscular stomach, after which he was beheaded with his own ancient sword.
Thirty years later, Christopher Ross came to Tokyo in search of the sword of Mishima, trying to unravel the meaning of life and the untimely death of this unique and complex man.
This book, like the very life and death of Mishima, is an unclassifiable mixture of travel writing, biographical material and philosophical research, a fascinating account of modern Japan seen by the author from the inside, about the meaning of life and about mysterious death one of the most unusual people of the twentieth century.

Himalayas. Roof of the world .
For the first time in Russian, the books of the famous British traveler, President of the Royal Geographical Society Great Britain, writer, actor, Monty Python show participant and TV presenter Michael Palin.
An exciting journey to the Himalayas - the highest mountain system on Earth, with a length of almost five thousand kilometers.
Incredible adventure and amazing stories about the mysterious countries of Asia.


Journey through Africa.
"Journey through Africa" ​​by the great German naturalist of the 19th century, author of the famous "Life of Animals" Alfred Edmund Brehm was first published in 1855 - and since then it has been on the list for 150 years the best stories about travels of all times and peoples.
From the pages of this superbly written documentary story, we are confronted in all its beauty and diversity by the virgin nature of Africa, and the mysterious and difficult life of the tribes inhabiting it, and the vicissitudes of the expedition itself, and the figure of the author - a seventeen-year-old youth, a noble romantic and an unsurpassed storyteller, scientist and humanist. , connoisseur and protector of nature.
African love and carrots. Author: Makarevich Valeriya
African Love and Carrots is a lively book full of healthy and delicious recipes as well as adventure and romance. The author of the book, Valeria Makarevich, has been living in Africa, more precisely in the Republic of South Africa for the past five years. During this time, she not only got used to the exotic climate, but adapted to the peculiarities local life, but also mastered the preparation of amazing dishes of unusual African cuisine. In this book you will find recipes that are easy to follow and extremely tasty, while, according to the author, you will not need any freshly picked coconuts - you can easily find all the ingredients in the store near your house! However, the book "Love and African Carrots" would become a banal collection of recipes if it did not contain the most curious stories about the customs, culture, nature of Africa, the people who live there.


Under the canopy of a drunken forest. Author: Darrell Gerald
Gerald Durrell is a great naturalist writer, a famous traveler, the owner of a unique gift for storytelling and subtle humor. "Under the Canopy of the Drunken Forest" is a lively, gripping tale of how Gerald and Jackie Durrell traveled through the South America in search of new specimens for a unique zoo collection.

Stephen Fry in America.
Stephen Fry appears in a new incarnation. Now he is also a traveller. The famous actor and writer travels around America and describes it from his own, Fraev's, point of view. Unexpected, bright and incredibly interesting.
The book is full amazing facts, sharp observations, irony and sympathy. Fry talks not about formal America, but about real America, without embellishment. He travels on endless roads American states while driving his favorite car, a black London cab. He visited every state and told about the most interesting things he saw there.

God save America! Watching the Americans.
Get lost on the highway, get gang attacked in Miami, get caught by the cops, dress up in a kilt and become famous, kiss wax figure queens all this in the spirit of Paul West, the indefatigable British traveller. This time, he and his next French girlfriend must go to America to earn money, because in France Paul found himself in a real financial merde.

"Foreigner" is an ironic story about the life of our compatriots in America, a gallery of involuntary caricatures of Russian emigrants.

Solid Hand. filibusters.
The action of action-packed adventure novels by the French writer Gustave Aymar takes place in Texas, Canada, Mexico, Tierra del Fuego, the heroes are Indians, pirates, European travelers, adventurers. Many novels were written "from nature" - Emar sailed as a cabin boy on a fishing boat, participated in military campaigns, was captured by the Indians and even stood at the torture post. For lovers of unpredictable stories and travel to distant countries.

Keep your legs crossed, or Russian tales of an English obstetrician.
The hero of the novel works in London as a gynecologist-oncologist and specializes in pathological pregnancies and complicated childbirth. "This book is a kind of in-flight journal that records the events that have happened over the twenty years of my journey through life. A journey that led me from a small Georgian provincial town Sweat in the heart of London A journey that taught me to love life and hate death in all its manifestations A journey that taught my eyes to fear and my hands to do A journey that taught me to laugh even when no one was laughing and cry when no one sees"

Good old England. From London to Newcastle. Author: Morton Henry Vollam
Henry Wollam Morton traveled half the world, but his native country always remained in his heart - good old England. And one day he undertook a trip undertook a trip around England to see with his own eyes all those places that are commonly called the English hinterland and which, repeating R. Kipling, "is the honor and glory of England." Surprisingly, in this area, from London to Newcastle, little has changed, and to this day life here remains in many ways the same as Henry Morton saw it. Waiting for us... waiting for industrial Manchester, business Liverpool, like frozen in time York, resort Blackpool... Welcome to the real England!

Word on the way.
The collection "The Word on the Road" includes travel essays and essays published in different years in periodicals, as well as fragments from interviews also dedicated to the topic of travel. This book can be read in different ways: as a guide, as a collection of art and literary essays, and as autobiographical prose. The collection also includes three chapters from the unfinished book "Paintings of Italy", the heroes of which are the artists Giotto, Simone Martini and Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti.

The golden sun of Liguria.
The American family (husband, wife and two children) is teetering on the brink of divorce. To avoid this, they make a very non-trivial decision. The family intends to unite in order to confront difficulties together. And since there are big problems in our beloved homeland with real difficulties, then as a country that is famous for its extreme conditions residence, they choose the Ligurian coast of Italy.

France. On the trail of Cezanne.
Peter Mayle treats his readers to another bestseller - a real delicacy, in which love and glamor are mixed in equal proportions, high art and haute cuisine, crime and farce, the south of France and other wonderful places. The main components of the dish: a despotic New York editor, famous for ordering two tables at once for business lunches; the main villain and swindler from art; a reckless young photographer who accidentally witnesses how a priceless Cezanne painting is loaded into a plumber's van; a charming heroine who looks amazing in a beret.

Venice. Under the skin of the city of love.
The city, as if constantly choking on the oncoming wave. A city turned into a myth. The city that we see through the eyes of enthusiastic tourists - from the front facade. London native, young English writer with Indian roots named Bidisha, whose diary will become a kind of guide for you, had a chance to come across the real Venice.

Sicily. Sweet honey, bitter lemons.
Someone likes to travel with a camera in hand, prefers beaten tourist routes. There are also desperate daredevils climbing into unknown distances. So they discover something completely new in the familiar. Matthew Fort traveled through Sicily, hungry and eager to learn the island's secrets. What he saw and heard formed into a travel novel, a gastronomic diary novel, a reflection novel - notes of an ordinary person in an unusually beautiful, controversial and intriguing place.

Around the world

Around the world in 80 Days .
For the first time in Russian, a book by the famous British traveler, president of the Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain, writer, actor, participant in the Monty Python show and TV presenter Michael Palin.
A fascinating story about the journey along the route that was once laid by the legendary Phileas Fogg of Jules Verne: from London to New York through Paris, Venice, Athens, Cairo, Qatar, Mumbai, Singapore, Shanghai, Tokyo and others - and at the same time no swindle!

Around the world with Clarkson. Peculiarities of national riding. Author: Jeremy Clarkson
Famous British journalist, cynic and wit Jeremy Clarkson (host of the BBC's TopGear program) traveled around the world and in his unique manner told how things are with cars (and along with many other things) in eleven countries around the world . The book will be an exciting read for those who are interested in cars, and for those who simply prefer a common sense of life.

Around the world by car with Yuri Geiko.
A fascinating book about the journey of Yuri Geiko - the popular and beloved host of "Autoradio" - around the world by car. With trademark humor and love for everything automotive, Yuri talks about roads, traffic inspectors, people and customs in many countries. Most of his journey fell on the territory of Russia - and here it turned out to be no less funny and incredible than such mysterious neighbors on the planet.
Laugh and sympathize, experience and rejoice as you go around the world through the pages of this book together with Yuri Geiko - the trip is described day by day, as if in the pages of a diary.

Notes of a cyclist.
The cult musician and composer, Oscar and Grammy winner, founder of the great Talking Heads, appears in this book with new side- as a traveler and storyteller. However talented person talented in everything, and reading David Byrne's travel notes is unusually exciting. Having traveled all over the world without exaggeration, the musician was convinced that it is best to observe the life of different cities from the saddle of a "two-wheeled horse"...

Far, far...
Fascinating sunsets of Easter Island, monumental buildings North Korea, the unhurried and dangerous icebergs of Antarctica, the amazing lunar landscapes of Iceland, the Martian rocks of the USA and the technogenic beauty of Dubai and rural scenery Burma - I saw all this through the lens of my camera and showed us one of the most popular Runet bloggers - Sergey Dolya. Sergey not only publishes great photographs, he also tells that strange, interesting and fascinating things can be found in those places.
This book is not a guide or a photo album, although the photos in it can be looked at for hours.
This is the world through the eyes of a smart and interesting person. Here are collected only a part of the reports about Sergey's travels to the amazing corners of our planet.

Mysterious islands to visit before you die. , Shlosman Mark
English traveler and journalist Steve Davey and photographer Mark Shlosman talk in this book about the 40 most amazing islands in the world. Among them are the well-known Hong Kong in China and Sit in Paris, and the harsh desert Svalbard, and the legendary Easter Island, and tropical Palawan in the Philippines. The authors accompany their narrative with magnificent photographs, as well as useful information for those who decide to see these mysterious corners of the planet with their own eyes.

  • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." (Lao Tzu)
  • “When I contemplate the wonders of a sunset or the grace of the sea, my soul bows in reverence before the Creator.” (Mahatma Gandhi)
  • "Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer" (author unknown)
  • “The world is a book. And who did not travel through it - read only one page in it. (St. Augustine)
  • "Once a year, go where you've never been." (Dalai Lama)
  • "Don't tell me what you know, tell me how far you've gone." (Prophet Muhammad)
  • “To reach the goal, a person needs only one thing - to go.” (Honore de Balzac)
  • "The journey is important, not the destination." (From the movie “Step Up 3-D” (StepUp 3-D))
  • “Live is not necessary. Traveling is essential." (William Burroughs).
  • "No wind is fair if you don't know where you're sailing." (Robert Benchley)
  • "A leg that can walk is worth a thousand others." (Sinhala proverb).
  • “It doesn’t matter what exactly you do, it is important that everything you touch changes shape, becomes different from before, so that a particle of yourself remains in it. This is the difference between a person who simply cuts the grass on the lawn and a real gardener. The first one will pass, and it will be as if it never happened, but the gardener will live for more than one generation.” (Ray Bradbury "451 Fahrenheit").
  • “We know a person not by what he knows, but by what he enjoys.” (Rabindranath Tagore)
  • “It is better to travel all the time and never arrive at your destination.” (Buddha)
  • "A good path does not have a clear plan, and this path does not have a specific goal." (Lao Tzu)
  • “You are a traveller. Do not say: I have such and such a city, but I have such and such. Nobody has a city; city ​​- mountain (in heaven); and the present is the way. And we travel every day as long as nature moves.” (John Chrysostom)
  • "Move, breathe, soar, swim, receive what you give, explore, travel - this is what it means to LIVE." (Hans Christian Andersen)
  • “The big changes that are happening in our lives are, to some extent, a second chance.” (Harrison Ford)
  • "An offer of unexpected journeys is a dance lesson taught by God." (Kurt Vonnegut. "Cat's Cradle")

About enjoying life

  • “Don’t think about what you will tell when you return. Time is here and now. Seize the moment." (Paulo Coelho. "Aleph")
  • "We're enjoying a lot, just looking forward to it." (Claude Adrian Helvetius)
  • "I can handle anything but temptation." (Oscar Wilde)
  • “Being alive is a gift. Being happy is your choice." (Osho)
  • “Life gives a person at best one single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible.” (Oscar Wilde)
    • "I love life obscenely." (Salvador Dali)
    • “If you want to be happy, be happy! And don't put off anything for tomorrow. Create your life right now." (Author unknown)
    • "Life is too short to drink bad wine." (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)
    • "No consciousness and no deed can be compared with the pleasure of sailing on the waves into unknown distances." (Yukio Mishima. Golden Temple)
    • "Wake up all alone in unfamiliar city- one of the most pleasant sensations in the world. (Freya Stark)
    • “Loving life is easy when you are abroad. Where no one knows you and you are alone, and your whole life is in your hands, you feel like a mistress more than ever. (Hannah Arendt)
    • “Once I was bitten by a traveler beetle. I didn't take the antidote in time. Now I'm happy." (Michael Palin)
    • “You can lie on the bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander through the swamp in red boots, or curl up in a ball and listen to the rain pounding on the roof. It's very easy to be happy." (Tove Jansson. "All about the Moomins")
    • “We are not leaving yet, if that is what you mean,” the first swallow replied. - We are only busy with plans and preparations. We discuss which way we should fly and where we will stop to rest and so on. That's half the fun." (Kenneth Graham. "The Wind in the Willows")
    • "Most nice moment travel fees. The barking of a dog is worse than the dog itself. A woman is often more beautiful from the back. My kind can destroy your dreams." (from the animated film Spice and Wolf)
  • “My aunt dreams of Paris,” said the professor. She dreams of drinking coffee from small cups on the left bank of the Seine.
    "Yes, that's fine," Clara said.
    - No I do not understand! the professor said. Why not? – How can the taste of coffee change depending on the place where you drink it.
    - But that's just the way it is!
    - Let it! But I didn't experience it.
    Clara Jorgensen looked at him sympathetically.
    “It's not about drinking coffee,” she said. - The main thing is the mood.
    - Do you drink mood?
    - Yes. Traveling is a sensory experience.” (Christine Valla. "Muscat")

Why do we need travel?

  • "He who does not travel does not know the real value of human life." (Moorish proverb)
  • “Knowledge of the countries of the world is the decoration and food of human minds.” (Leonardo da Vinci)
  • “If you pour the contents of your wallet into your head, no one will take it away from you.” (Benjamin Franklin)
  • “When we strive to seek the unknown to us, we become better, more courageous and more active than those who believe that the unknown cannot be found and there is no need to search.” (Plato)
  • “Three things make a person happy: love, an interesting job and the opportunity to travel.” (Ivan Bunin)
  • "The road teaches patience." (Benjamin Disraeli)
  • “What the hell is there to do at home?” (Fyodor Konyukhov)
  • “It’s not my fault if strange things happen to me that have never happened to anyone before. This is because I love to travel and am always looking for adventure, and you sit at home and see nothing but the four walls of your room. (Rudolf Erich Raspe. "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen")
  • "Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us rediscover ourselves." (Albert Camus)
  • “Only roads can push back old age. When you drive all the time and go to bed, knowing that an alarm clock will wake you up at night in order to catch a plane that goes to hell knows where and generally the devil knows why you are flying on it, then time stops. (Yulian Semenov)
  • “They say that travel is the best way to educate yourself in everything: the truth, exactly the truth! So much to learn here." (Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky)
  • “Increasing knowledge, I consider strangers to visit the region good deed I" (Sebastian Brant. "Ship of Fools")
  • “It happens to me too. I look at the map - and suddenly there is a wild desire to go to no one knows where. As far as possible from the conveniences and benefits of civilization. And to see with your own eyes what kind of landscapes there are and what is happening in those parts. To fever, to shiver. But where this desire came from in you, you can’t explain to anyone. Curiosity in its purest form. Indescribable inspiration." (Haruki Murakami. "1Q84")
  • "Curious! Curious! thought Passepartout, returning to the ship. “Now I see that traveling is a wonderful thing, not useful if you want to see something new.” (Jules Verne. "Around the World in Eighty Days")
  • “When a person wanders, he, without noticing it, experiences a second birth. Every now and then he finds himself in new situations for himself, his days are long, around him most often sounds a language unknown to him. He is like a baby that has just left its mother's womb. And he pays much more attention to what surrounds him, because it depends on whether he survives or not. He becomes more accessible to people, because they can come to his aid in Hard time. And he perceives the fleeting mercy of the gods with glee and will remember it until the end of his days. And at the same time, since everything is new to him, he notices only beauty and is happy just because he lives. (Paulo Coelho. "The Magician's Diary")
  • “First we embark on journeys in order to lose ourselves, and then we go all the way and find ourselves. We embark on journeys to open our eyes and hearts, to learn something new, something that is not printed in newspapers and textbooks. We travel to bring to the world that little, but what we are capable of, what our knowledge allows us to do. And we travel to slow down time and fall in love like when we were young.” (Pico Ayer)
  • “The most beautiful thing that can happen to a traveler is to stumble upon something that he did not go to.” (Lawrence Block)
  • "Life while traveling is a dream in its purest form." (Agatha Christie)
  • "Life is motion. As soon as the movement ends, the river of life turns into a swamp.
  • “Personally, I don’t travel to be somewhere, I travel for movement and fellow travelers. Movement is the most beautiful thing in life.” (Robert Louis Stevenson)
  • “Of course, travel does not prevent bigotry. But if a person sees that we all cry, eat, laugh, worry and die, then he will understand that we are all alike, and we can all become friends.” (Maya Angelou)
  • "The road makes a wise person better, and a fool - stupider." (Thomas Fuller)
  • "Travel reveals not so much our curiosity about what we are going to see, but rather the weariness of what we are leaving." (Alphonse Carr)
  • “Travel teaches more than anything else. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home. (Anatole France)
  • "Traveling develops the mind, if, of course, you have one." (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
  • "Traveling is discovering that everyone is wrong about their countries." (Aldous Huxley)
  • “In 20 years, you will be more disappointed with the things you didn't do than with the things you did. So depart from the quiet harbor. Feel the tailwind in your sail. Move forward, act, open!” (Mark Twain)
  • “Don't compare. Compare nothing: no prices, no cleanliness, no quality of life, no transport. Nothing! You don't travel to prove you're better off. Get to know the lives of others and find what you can learn from them.” (Paulo Coelho)
  • “Walking alone with a beloved being in a strange city, among strangers, is somehow especially pleasant: everything seems beautiful and significant, you wish everyone good, peace and the same happiness that you yourself are filled with.” (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. "On the Eve")
  • “For a person who has never traveled, any new place, in any way different from native land, looks very tempting. Apart from love, travel brings us the most joy and comfort. For some reason, everything new seems to us very important, and the mind, in essence, only reflecting the perceptions of our senses, is inferior to the influx of impressions. On the way, you can forget your beloved, dispel grief, drive away the ghost of death from yourself. In the simple expression "I'm leaving" lies a whole world of feelings that find no way out. (Theodore Dreiser. "Sister Kerry")
  • “Wandering is the best thing in the world. When you wander, you grow rapidly, and everything that you see is deposited even on your appearance. People who traveled a lot, I recognize from a thousand. Wanderings purify, intertwine meetings, centuries, books and Love. They make us related to Heaven. If we have received the unproven happiness of being born, then we must at least see the earth. (K.G. Paustovsky. "Romantics")
  • Nothing opens your eyes to the world and expands your horizons like travel.” (Charlize Theron)
  • “One of the benefits of traveling is the opportunity to visit new cities and meet new people.” (Genghis Khan)
  • "Travel is a great escape from loneliness." (Michelle Williams)
  • “They say that people who have seen the world are distinguished by ease of manners and are not lost in any society. But this is not always the case: perhaps traveling through the boundless Siberia in a sleigh pulled by dogs, or long walks on an empty stomach and alone, are not to the heart of black Africa. the best way acquisition of secular gloss. (Herman Melville. "Moby Dick, or the White Whale")
  • “I realized that the most the right way to find out whether you like a person or not is to go on a journey with him. (Mark Twain. "Tom Sawyer Abroad")
  • “Hurry towards Adventure, heed the call now, before it stops. All you need is to slam the door behind you, joyfully take the first step, and now you have already left the old life and entered the new one! And then someday, not very soon, please roll home if you feel like it, when your cup is drunk and the game is played, sit down by your quiet river and sit in the company of beautiful memories. (Kenneth Graham. "The Wind in the Willows")
  • “For him, only two favorite moments remained in his life: when he approached a big city and when he left it.” (Peter Hoeg. "The Woman and the Monkey")
  • “I have always believed that travel is best time for memories, especially a journey on water, because water is an image of time. I have never forgotten that I am the son of a photographer and that my memory only develops film." (From the film "One and a half rooms or Sentimental journey home")
  • "A train ticket excites more hope than a lottery." (Paul Moran. "Allure Coco Chanel")
  • “Salvation is in wandering.<…>The “fasten seat belts” sign lights up, and you are disconnected from problems. Broken armrests take up over broken hearts." (Alex Garland. "The Beach")
  • “Far from our native language and loved ones, deprived of all our usual disguises and supports (after all, you don’t even know the price of a tram ticket), we are completely on the surface. But at the same time, feeling out of place, we discover in every object and in every wonderful creature their true magical essence. (Albert Camus. "Love of life")
  • “... I generally like to leave, because without leaving one city, it’s rather difficult to come to another, and I like to come more than anything in the world.” (Max Fry. "Big Cart")
  • “... everyone believes that life in Rus' is boring with its monotony, and they travel from here abroad to have fun, while I affirm and will have the honor to prove to you that life is nowhere so replete with the most sudden varieties as in Russia. At least I am going abroad from here just to calm down from the kaleidoscopic diversity of Russian life and I think that I am not the only specimen of my kind. (Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov. “Laughter and grief”)
  • "To change the world, you have to see it." (From the movie "Lost" ("Traveller"))
  • "Traveling helps to understand the beauty of space and the pricelessness of time" (Georgy Alexandrov)
  • "Travel increases the outlook and reduces the level of denseness." (Georgy Alexandrov)
  • “It is impossible to appreciate in hard currency the feeling of freedom and timelessness that the mountains give you when you stand on a high spur under a perfectly blue April sky and look around.” (Jonathan Coe. "Before the Rain Falls")

With whom to travel?

  • "Travel only with those you love." (Ernest Hemingway. "A holiday that is always with you")
  • “Any relationship is a journey. And the journey is always full of dangers. Therefore, the best thing to do is to find a companion with whom you are not afraid to go on a trip. ” (Richard Paul Evans. "Sunflower")

Who needs travel?

  • “In any part of the world, I feel at home. For a type like me, the hardest thing is to feel at home, right at home.” (Henry Miller "Books in my life")
  • “At times, especially in autumn, he suddenly began to feel sad about some wild lands, and strange visions of unfamiliar mountains filled his dreams.” (John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings)
  • “But, in spite of everything, traveling remains my great and true love. All my life, from the very first trip to Russia at the age of sixteen with the money saved (sitting with the neighbor's kids), I knew that I was ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of traveling, that I would not regret any money on them. I kept the fidelity and constancy of this love, unlike my other hobbies. I feel about travel the way a happy mother feels about a terrible, colicky, screaming baby around the clock - I don't care what trials await me. Because I love. Because it's mine." (Elizabeth Gilbert. "Eat, Pray, Love")
  • "To the merry one the whole world looks merry." (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)
  • “If you are young, healthy and eager to learn new things, then I conjure you - travel. And go as far as possible. Sleep on bare ground if you have to, but stick to that idea. Learn from people about life, learn from them how to cook, and in general everything, wherever you go.” (Anthony Bordian.)
  • "If you can guess at complete darkness to get to your own bed without hurting yourself once, then it's time to travel. (Boris Krieger)
  • “Traveling is what one should do real artist (creative person), because this is real art - a gem that the traveler must subsequently process. (Freya Stark)
  • “Adventure is the way. Real adventure is undertaken by self-determined, purposeful people. And as a rule, it is always risky. Sometimes you have to "eat straight from the hands of fate." Only when you have traveled a sufficient distance will you meet real gratuitous kindness and boundless cruelty and realize that you are capable of both. All this will radically change you, and the world will no longer be black and white for you. (Mark Jenkins)
  • “When I was still very young and I was haunted by the craving to roll somewhere where we are not, mature people assured me that in maturity this itch was cured. When my age approached this measure, I was promised advanced years as a remedy. In my old age, I heard assurances that with time my fever would still pass, and now, when I hit fifty-eight, it remains, apparently, to hope for a deep old age. So far, nothing has helped. Four hoarse steamer whistles make the fur on the back of my neck stand on end, my feet begin to stomp on their own. I will hear the roar of a jet aircraft, the warming up of the engine, even the clatter of hooves on the pavement - and immediately the eternal trembling in my whole body, dry mouth, wandering eyes, heat in the palms and the stomach rolls up somewhere under the very ribs. In other words, there is no recovery; in other words, the grave will fix the tramp. I'm afraid my illness is incurable. I talk about this not for the edification of others, but for myself for information. (John Steinbeck. Traveling with Charlie in Search of America)
  • “I am not a tree, born to always stand in one place and not know what is behind the nearest mountain.” (Jack London. "Beauty Li-Wan")

To whom is travel contraindicated?

  • "Travel is fatal to prejudice, hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness." (Mark Twain. "Simples Abroad")
  • “If you refuse food, ignore traditions, fear religion and avoid people, you better stay at home.” (James Michener)
  • “The traveler is bad who, having gone out into the open sea, believes that there is no land anywhere.” (Francis Bacon)
  • "The wind of wandering does not blow for pessimists." (Igor Subbotin)
  • “He who has seen one cathedral 10 times has seen at least something; the one who saw 10 cathedrals, but only once, he saw a little less; and the one who stayed in a hundred cathedrals for half an hour, did not see anything at all. (Sinclair Lewis)
  • “Your planet is very beautiful,” he said. - Do you have oceans?
    “That I do not know,” said the geographer.
    - Oh-oh-oh ... - disappointedly drawled the Little Prince.
    - Are there mountains?
    "I don't know," said the geographer.
    What about cities, rivers, deserts?
    - I don't know that either.
    - But you are a geographer!
    "That's right," said the old man. - I am a geographer, not a traveler. I miss travellers. It is not geographers who count cities, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans and deserts. The geographer is too important a person, he has no time to roam. He doesn't leave his office." (Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "The Little Prince")

Where to go?

  • “Leaving Barcelona is stupid. Coming to it is a criminal frivolity.” (Slava Se. "Summer is a small everything")
  • "...He will take her to London so that she will love everything that he loves - parks, squirrels, rain, grass, chestnuts, pubs, funny dogs and old cars." (Tatyana Ustinova. "Vices and their admirers")
  • "Paris is a holiday that is always with you." (Ernest Hemingway)
  • “Paris is the envy of those who have never seen it; happiness or misfortune (depending on how lucky) for those who live in it, but always - chagrin for those who are forced to leave it. (Honore de Balzac)
  • “No city in the world is more conducive to bliss and idleness than Vienna, where the art of walking without a goal, contemplating in inaction, being a model of grace has been brought to truly artistic perfection ...” (Stefan Zweig. “Fantastic Night”)
  • “If there is a paradise on earth ... then it is definitely located on the East coast of Australia, somewhere in the Great Barrier Reef area ...” (Sol Shulman. “Australia –Terra Incognita: When the animals were still people”)
  • “Europe for me is like a magic box from an old children's fairy tale. (Jennifer Lopez)
  • "I grew up in Europe - where the story comes from." (Eddie Izzard)
  • "To understand Europe, you need to be a genius - or a Frenchman." (Madeleine Albright)
  • "The 20th century was the century of Europe, the 21st century is the century of Asia." (Sho Kosugi)
  • "Asia is time flowing through your fingers." (Gennady Prashkevich. "Cain's Paradox")
  • “It's funny how oriental flavor combined with the aroma of mystery affects Europeans. They're downright numb." (Boris Akunin. Black city)
  • “East… One day, a close sultan said, “Be afraid of the night, because completely different forces rule at night than those that rule during the day.” And in the East, the forces of mysterious magic and mysteries rule. The East is the realm of illusions and mirages framed within the framework of our world. This is the sharp smell of spices in the bazaars of Baghdad, this is the rustling of women's bedspreads in the narrow streets of Samarkand, this is the intricacies of calligraphic tie in the mosques of Khorezm. The East… is a small pearl that everyone has in their soul… after all, the beauty of the oriental ornament, the mystery of the tales of 1000 and 1 nights of Scheherazade will not leave anyone indifferent.” (From the site
  • "The sun goes to the West,
    But to be born again
    In a hurry to the East ... "(Igor Talkov)
  • "The Swiss build beautiful landscapes around their hotels." (George Mikes)
  • “So, I am already in Switzerland, in the country of picturesque nature, in the land of freedom and prosperity! It seems that the local air has something revitalizing in itself: my breathing has become easier and freer, my camp has straightened, my head rises by itself, and I proudly think about my humanity. (Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. “Letters from a Russian Traveler”)
  • “What is the difference between America and England? Americans think that a hundred years is an era, and the British think that a hundred miles is a distance. (Earl Hitchner)
  • “America has two friends that no other nation has and never had better. These are the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. (Will Rogers)
  • “The island of Mauritius was created long before God created paradise. He served as his model." (Mark Twain)

How to travel?

  • "For those who have just walked out the door, the hardest part is over." (Dutch proverb)
  • "I don't like to feel at home when I'm abroad." (George Bernard Shaw)
  • “Why on earth visit the same place when there are so many unexplored corners in the world ?!” (Mark Levy “Those words that we did not say to each other”)
  • “Traveling and living is much more interesting if you follow sudden impulses.” (Bill Bryson "Journey through Europe")
  • "In America, there are two types of travel: the first and with children." (Robert Benchley)
  • “Even in the summer, when you go on a voyage, take something warm with you, because how can you know what will happen in the atmosphere?” (Kozma Prutkov)
  • "The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he came to see." (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
  • “There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second is like miracles all around. (Albert Einstein)
  • “Seek and see miracles all around you. You get tired of looking at yourself, and this tiredness makes you deaf and blind everywhere to everything else. (Carlos Castaneda "The Teachings of Don Juan")
  • “...wandered the streets, looking around not with the eyes of a tourist who looks out for what is supposed to be admired, and not with the eyes of a writer who is looking for his own everywhere (and can find a beautiful phrase in the colors of a sunset or guess the character in a counter face), but with the eyes of a tramp, for whom, whatever happens, everything has its final meaning. (William Somerset Maugham. "Ashenden, or the British Agent")
  • “When you travel, the main thing is not to forget that the meaning is in the journey itself, and not at its end. If you are in too much of a hurry, you will miss the destination for which you are traveling.” (Felicite Robeo de Lamenne)
  • “Do not be afraid of the beaten paths. They are not just trodden. If millions of people before you gasped at the sight of Notre Dame de Paris, don't hesitate to gasp too. (Peter Weil)
  • "A person who goes on a trip to a country whose language he does not know, in fact, goes to school, and not on a trip." (Francis Bacon)
  • “The border is not only a border guard booth, passport control and a man with a gun. At the border, everything becomes different; life will never be the same again after your passport is stamped.” (Graham Greene)
  • “Expedition - this is what it means: everyone goes one after another, in single file ...” (Alan Alexander Milne. “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”).
  • “I’m talking about real travel, son. Not about any nonsense from tourist brochures. The Pont Neuf in Paris in the early morning, when there is no one, only tramps crawl out from under the bridges and from the subway, and the sun is reflected in the water. NY, Central Park In Spring. Rome. Ascension Island. Cross the Italian Alps on a donkey. Sail away from Crete on a greengrocer's caique. Cross the Himalayas on foot. There is rice from the leaves in the Ganesha temple. Get caught in a storm off the coast of New Guinea. Meet spring in Moscow when whole winter dog shit crawls out from under the melted snow. (Joan Harris. Blackberry Wine)
  • “It is very correct to come to a foreign city in the morning. By train, plane, whatever. The day starts like clean slate... "(Sergey Lukyanenko. "The Last Watch")
  • “You can rush around the world as much as you like and visit all sorts of cities, but the main thing is to go later to where you will have the opportunity to remember that bunch of things that you have seen. You won't really be anywhere until you get home." (Terry Pratchett. "Mad Star")
  • “When traveling, it is important not to forget the main thing – when one thing ends, something else begins.” (From the movie "Love happens" ("Love Happens"))
  • “Traveling must be a serious work, otherwise it, unless you get drunk all day, becomes one of the most bitter and at the same time the most stupid things." (Gustave Flaubert)
  • “At the beginning of a journey, we cannot look too far into the future. We are glad that the first part of the journey went well.” (John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings)
  • "Never skimp on something you can't duplicate." (Tony Wheeler)
  • “You learn a lot by traveling if you don’t close your eyes.” (Joan Harris. Blackberry Wine)
  • "Don't follow where the path leads, go where it doesn't exist, and leave the path behind you." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  • “No adventure-rich journey will be forgotten. Traveling without adventure is not worth a book. (Lewis Carroll. "Symbolic Logic")
  • “The average admiring tourist is satisfied with everything because he escaped for a while from the usual cycle of life: he does not have to push around in public transport, buy food for dinner, take out the trash, checking the appliances, calculate the rent, go to bed early, prudently putting an alarm clock at the head, tossing and turning from side to side, compose answers to tricky questions, which tomorrow morning the boss will certainly ask - nothing like that at all. The lifelong slave of the routine is drunk from the sudden onset of freedom, he is so good that he almost does not see the city, which he sincerely praises; it is not surprising that the natives are only annoyed by his inappropriate enthusiasm, like the babble of a tipsy reveler who suddenly finds himself among sober, busy, preoccupied daily affairs of people." (Max Fry. "Big Cart")
  • “My opinion about travel is brief: when traveling, do not go too far, otherwise you will see something that will then be impossible to forget ...” (Daniil Kharms)
  • “Adventure is experienced during the journey, not at the point of arrival. The point of arrival is just a pause before the next journey. Enjoy your journey. It's completely on its own." (Joe Vitale)
  • "The journey to your dreams begins today." (JK Rowling. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone")
  • "The wind hits only the worthy in the face." (Pavel Sharpp)
  • “Trains are amazing; I love them still. Traveling by train means seeing nature, people, cities and churches, rivers - in essence, this is a journey through life. (Agatha Christie)
  • “The road traveled is better measured by the acquired friends, and not by the kilometers traveled.” (Tim Cahill)
  • “The real journey is not about discovering horizons, but about meeting new people.” (Marcel Proust)
  • Angels always speak German. It's traditional." (From k / f " dangerous method» ("A Dangerous Method"))
  • “When you travel without knowing English, you begin to understand what it means to be born deaf and dumb.” (Philippe Bouvard)

Travel as a search for oneself and the meaning of life

  • “Life is not how many breaths you take, but how many times you catch your breath.” (Maya Angelu)
  • “Man takes himself with him when he travels. Here he goes beyond his limits, becomes richer in fields, forests, mountains. (Ernst Simon Bloch)
  • “Rejoice! Rejoice! The business of life, its purpose is Joy. Rejoice in Heaven, in the Sun, in the stars, in the grass, in the trees, in animals, in people. And see to it that this Joy is not disturbed in any way. If this Joy is violated, it means that you made a mistake somewhere – look for this mistake and correct it. Everything is in you and everything is now.” (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
  • “Trust life. Wherever fate takes you, travel is essential. You have to cross the field of life experience and check for yourself where is the truth and where is the lie. And then you can return to your inner center - the soul, purified and wiser. (Louise Hay)
  • "Only two things we will regret on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little." (Mark Twain)
  • “I follow my path, but I don’t know where it leads. And I don't know where I'll be, and that inspires me." (Rosalia de Castro)
  • “Is it fair to reproach the traveler for spending so much time on the road, when overcoming the path is the subject of his wandering?” (Kozma Prutkov)
  • "I could spend my whole life walking around a new city every day." (Bill Bryson. "Journey through Europe")
  • “Open your eyes wider, live as greedily as if you were going to die in ten seconds. Try to see the world. It is more beautiful than any dream created in a factory and paid for with money. Do not ask for guarantees, do not seek peace - there is no such beast in the world. (Ray Bradbury. "451 degrees Fahrenheit")
  • “To lose your way while traveling is unpleasant, but to lose the sense of going further is even worse.” (from the movie "One Tree Hill")
  • “A tourist, as soon as he arrives somewhere, immediately begins to want to return. And the traveler ... He may not return ... "(Paul Bowles. "Under the cover of heaven")
  • "It's good to have a ship in a safe harbor, but that's not what it was built for." (John A. Shedd)
  • "People don't travel... people travel." (John Steinbeck)
  • “I am no longer the same person who looked at the shining moon on the other side of the planet.” (Marie Anne Redmacher)
  • "Like all travelers, I remember less than I saw, and I remember more than I saw." (Benjamin Disraeli)
  • “A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft, rounded shapes.” (Jacques Elise Reclus)
  • "The purpose of the journey is not to visit as many foreign places as possible, but to set foot on one's own land as if it were someone else's." (Gilbert K. Chesterton)
  • "The road makes us humbler, because we understand how insignificant we are." (Scott Cameron)
  • “The road meant its own special world. You take a bag and a staff, go beyond the threshold - and you are already a resident of this world, you are a wanderer. Yesterday is forgotten, tomorrow is unknown, you go and look for something beyond the horizon. You don’t know for sure, but you hope that there will be food and a fire, and maybe a roof over your head - preferably low and without stars, but at least boundless and with stars. You hum a song under your breath and understand: this world with its dangers and quirks can also be loved. (Nadeya Yasminska. "Green Songs of Erminthia")
  • “To hell with any work, if you live only for this! I have worked enough in my life and I can work no worse than any of them. Since we have been wandering, I have firmly understood one thing: work is far from everything in life! Crap! Yes, if all life consisted only in work, then it would be necessary to cut your own throat as soon as possible, and goodbye. (Jack London. Moon Valley)
  • “There are probably few experiences in the world comparable to the feeling one gets in the early morning on a sun-drenched street about which one knows nothing, in a city about which one knows nothing, in a crowd of people one knows nothing about. The joy of discovery seethes in you, because around the next corner, anything can happen. With bated breath, you expect something, as in childhood, when you read about the fairy-tale prince: “And he went to roam the wide world.” Ah, I always liked it when the prince went wandering around the wide world, because then the adventures began, there you could find in the grass Golden Apple, and the galoshes of happiness were just waiting to be put on their feet. (Astrid Lindgren. "The Adventures of Katya")
  • “Trust life. Wherever fate takes you, travel is essential. You have to cross the field of life experience and check for yourself where is the truth and where is the lie. And then you can return to your inner center - the soul, purified and wiser. (Louise Hay).
  • “If a traveler, returning from distant lands, would begin to tell us about people completely devoid of stinginess, ambition or vindictiveness, finding pleasure only in friendship, generosity and patriotism, we would immediately, on the basis of these details, discover the falsity in his story and prove that he lies, with the same certainty, as if he had filled his story with tales of centaurs and dragons, miracles and fables. (David Hume)

Diving Quotes

  • “Diving is like meditation! Man is aware of every moment and every breath. Just imagine, because you can live like this all your life - live full life every moment ... every moment ... ”(from the movie“ Life can not be boring ”(“ Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara ”))

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