Scenarios of the game program for children paint summer. Pedagogical development


Filimonova Natalya Yurievna
Job title: educational psychologist
Educational institution: MBDOU "TsRR - d / s" Goldfish "
Locality: Abakan city, Republic of Khakassia
Material name: Pedagogical project
Subject:"Colors of summer"
Publication date: 29.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Pedagogical project "Colors of Summer"

Crisis phenomena in society, the highest rates of its development, environmental situations

tions, social instability, declining living standards are the main causes

we are deteriorating the health of children. Physical and mental health problem

the younger generation today is especially relevant due to the fact that in

risk groups are children already with preschool age. Since the preschool

education is the first stage of social education, then it is on us that the

both educational and health-improving tasks. One of the forms of

bots for the implementation of the tasks set is the organization of a summer recreation

rest of children. Summer is the most favorable time for strengthening health and developing de -

tei. An important factor is that children spend most of their time

outdoors, on fresh air.

It will be interesting to use the basic methods and techniques of work taken from art

therapy. Active participation in entertainment, leisure activities, competitions enriches children with new

experiences, develops Creative skills develops communication skills,

creates positive emotions - and all this contributes to the preservation of health, not only

physical, but also mental.

Relevance of experience conditioned essential components saving children


rational organization of the educational process,





mental and physical stress;

interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process.

The week is designed for the fact that the activities of its participants will be aimed at real -


Creation of conditions for promoting the preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental and

th and social health of pupils of the preschool educational institution.


Create conditions that ensure the protection of life and health of children

Develop motor and mental abilities of preschoolers,

Build positive emotional states.

Project organization:

Form: the project is organized as a week of psychology.

Each day has its own theme and is associated with a certain phenomenon.

nature. Each day is preceded by an announcement for parents in the admissions group.

The day begins with the sound of a song at the entrance to the kindergarten, which says that

what the day will be about.

Everyone is involved in the project PEI specialists(suggested games,

relay races,



age group, which is according to the plan), as well as children of all age groups.

Activities are held at the kindergarten sites. The project is being carried out in

first week of summer.


s t a n e t joint

instructor in physical culture holiday "Health Day" for parents and

kindergarten children, as well as the publication of the newspaper Alyonushkiny Izvestiya.

Expected results

The formation of a positive attitude in the child to his "I".

Relieving stress, getting a positive motor experience.

Development of imagination, creativity.

harmonization of the emotional state.

Development of self-regulation mechanisms.

Plan of events "Colors of Summer"

Educational, educational, developmental events

Educational psychologist

Physical Instructor


speech therapist / musical


Monday - Rainbow Day (song "Rainbow", E. Arkhipova)

1. Action "Rainbow of Mood"


rainbows (finger painting)

3. Promotion for parents "Color


4. Relaxation before going to bed "Rainbow".

1 . « Rainbow

b r y z g i »

(throw the ball up - catch)

2. Relay "Rainbow" (children



Tuesday - Sandbox Day

1. Games with kids.

2. Sand castle competition.

3. Action "Footprints in the sand."





"Games in the sandbox".

1. Basic

d i g e n i i :

m e t a n i e


2. Es tafety:

« Transition

desert" (jumping over

hoop on one leg)

3. Game of low mobility

"Cactus" (like "Sea

in o l n u t s i

m e m e r e t

and s o r a z i v

different positions of cactus in


Sand games for development



fine motor skills.

Wednesday - Day air bubbles(song "I Blow Soap Bubbles")

Entertainment "In the Kingdom of the Soap Bubble"

Thursday - Flower Glade (song "Magic Flower")

1. "Nominal flower".


Group collage.

3. Tea drinking "Healing aroma".

4. Study "Flower"

5 . R e l a x a t i o


1. Mobile game "Flower

- seven-color "

2. Relays:






about b u h a m and

« p o s a d k a



"Important Flowers" (walking with

pouches on the head).

Breathing exercises:


breath holding).

Vision exercises:

c o w e t ke »

(circular motion)

« A n u t i n s

g l a z k i »


vice versa).




" Talk

Friday - sun bunny(song "I'm lying in the sun"


their palms, paint them,

cut out.

glued in a circle, starting

from small ones, to one "sun",



relay races




Breathing exercises:



the sun's air flow).

finger games

Mobile game "Burners with

thus creating rays.

Asphalt drawing competition.

Relaxation before bed.



l about f to e) ,

« In o k r u g

s ol n y sh k a

The game "Me and my shadow" (in




Final event - Joint sports and recreational leisure for parents

and children "Oh, summer."


"Rainbow Day"

Action "Rainbow of Mood"

Track the dynamics of mood changes during the week;

Prepare materials to improve well-being, activity and mood;

Get feedback about the progress of the action.

The day before, a poster was made informing children and adults about the upcoming action.

The action was held in the senior and preparatory groups for school.

Action progress

In the reception area of ​​the groups, a poster depicting a rainbow is drawn - “Rainbow of Mood”.

Every morning throughout the week, children are met by a teacher familiar with

the essence of the action, and offers children tokens with their names. Then they need to look into

themselves and assess the mood with which they came to kindergarten, and then correlate it with

a certain color of the Mood Rainbow, and attach a token to a certain

When the children leave, they do the same.

Thus, you can follow the change in mood during the day, and then

the whole week.

Group collage "All the colors of the rainbow"

Purpose: group cohesion, development of the ability to negotiate among themselves.

On a piece of wallpaper, an adult draws the outline of a rainbow, which the children must color in.


mixed up


cut out and hung from the roof of the playground. She turns into a tool

For breathing exercises: drawings drawn by children descend from the rainbow on strings



are given



breathing. Such a rainbow can hang all summer long.

3. Relax before bed

Unusual rainbow”

Goal: relieve emotional stress. Stimulation of emotional imagination

Promotion for parents "Colorful mood"

Goal: improve mood.



hung out



a gypsy woman offering to tell fortunes. Nearby are three boxes of different colors, in which

there are cards - wishes.

Predictions are divided into three groups.

Positive: a gift awaits you, luck is on your side, a pleasant surprise,

long-awaited conversation, etc.;

Motivating: do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today; without

you can’t even catch a fish from a pond with labor; cast aside doubts - act, etc .;

Mysterious: she will definitely help you, he remembers you, a secret admirer

will show itself, etc.


"Day in the Sandbox"

1. Games with kids.

Purpose: development of tactile sensations, imagination.

An adult introduces the Sand Fairy (doll) to the children and introduces the rules of the game in


Sandbox rules for kids

Leading. The sand fairy is sad because her sand friends are lost and

unable to return home to the sandbox. The sand fairy asks you, baby:

1. Take care of the grains of sand - do not throw them out of the sandbox. If by chance the sand spilled out,

show it to an adult and he will help them get back to the sandbox. Cannot select

kick the sand out sandboxes.

2. Sand grains really don't like being taken in the mouth or thrown at other children.

You can not take sand in your mouth and throw it at other people.

3. The sand fairy loves when children have clean hands and noses. Played with sand

wash your hands and show your clean hands to the mirror.

Exercise "Sand rain"

Purpose: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation.

Sand fairy. In my country may go unusual sand rain and blow pe-

juicy wind. It is very nice. You yourself can arrange such rain and wind.

See how it goes.

The child slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, on la -

the bottom of an adult, on your palm.

The child closes his eyes and puts his hand on the sand with fingers apart,

an adult pours sand on any finger, and the child names this finger. Then they me-

take on roles.

Exercise "Unusual traces"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity, imagination.

« Bear cubs are coming” - the child presses hard on the sand with fists and palms.

“Hares are jumping” - with the fingertips, the child hits the surface of the sand, moving

going in different directions.

“Snakes are crawling” - the child makes with relaxed / tense fingers -

the surface of the sand is wavy (in different directions).

“Spider bugs are running” - the child moves all his fingers, imitating the movement of a nase -

clods (you can completely immerse your hands in the sand, meeting under the sand with your hands

the other - "bugs say hello").

"Krokazyabla" - children leave a wide variety of footprints in the sand, come up with

name for a fantastic animal that left such traces (later

this animal can be drawn and made into a resident of the sand country).

Exercise "Patterns in the sand"

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about sensory standards, establishment of patterns.

An adult with a finger, a palm edge, a brush in the upper part of the sandbox draws

personal geometric figures(in accordance with the age standards of development), pro-

solid / complex patterns (straight and wavy paths, fences, ladders). The child must

draw the same pattern below in the sand, or continue the pattern of an adult. Option:

an adult draws on the board, gives verbal instructions to draw a certain

The same patterns on the sand are made by laying out in a given sequence

objects such as pebbles, acorns, large buttons, etc.

2. Competition of sand castles.

Purpose: development creative fantasy, group rallying.

The competition is held among children of the senior and preparatory groups.

They are invited to make a castle in the sandbox. The sand must be wet. In progress

manufacturing, you can use waste material as decorations. educators

groups assist in the construction of the castle.

3. Action "Footprints in the sand"

A group of children and caregivers leave their handprints on the wet sand in

sandbox, which are photographed and posted in the reception group. From prints

hands, you can add some kind of pattern, ornament.

4. Relaxation before bed "By the sea"

Purpose: This exercise is used to help children feel calm and

serenity, which in turn leads to self-acceptance and increased confidence in

5. Consultation for parents "Games in the sandbox".

Playing with sand, water and clay

Appendix 5


"Bubble Day"

Bubble Festival

Middle and senior groups

Together with educators, preschool teachers

IN: Today we are going to a distant country of soap bubbles.

Now I'll take a simple straw in my mouth,

I will draw water into it, then blow it slightly

Into a straw - and behold,

Blue with a smooth film, stretching in breadth,

The thinnest sparkling bubble will appear!

Teachers blow bubbles

B: Soap bubbles are light, airy, obedient to the breeze. They love to play

with kids.


"Help the soap bubbles fly over the rope"

Children participate middle group(two teams of 6 people).

Equipment: racks, ropes, bubble blowing kits.

Children blow soap bubbles and blow on them so that they fly over the rope.

"Go across the bridge"

Children participate senior group(two teams of 6 people).

Equipment: flags, chairs, boards for the "bridge" over the path, sets for

blowing soap bubbles.

Children alternately walk along the bridge to the flag, blowing a bubble.

"Catch the Bubble"

Equipment: sets for blowing soap bubbles.

Q: open caps, blow bubbles!

Here they are - look!

All of them are airy, very disobedient!

How would we catch them - hold on the palm of your hand!

Children of the older group blow soap bubbles, children of the middle group try to

"Who has more magnificent foam"

Children of the senior group participate.

Equipment: plastic basins with soapy water, straws for a cocktail.

Children (three to four) are located around the pelvis and with the help of tubes create

abundant foam.

Outdoor games


Q: Bubbles are funny people -

IN soap bubbles lives.

So now you will be bubbles, and hoops will be your houses. Keep them busy.

On a signal, the children of the middle group run out of the hoops and “fly”. (At that time

1-2 hoops are removed) On a signal: “Home!” - children return to hoops. The one who does not

enough hoop, out of the game, becomes a fan. The game is repeated several times.

"Naughty hands and soap bubbles"

Children of the older group stand in a circle and perform movements together with the leader.

B: children, children, look,

We are funny bubbles!

(They put their feet alternately on the heel.)

One, two, three - bubbles grow.

(Shake hands)

Grow, shimmer - more and more inflated!

(Turn around.)

Suddenly, palms appeared, bubbles started to catch!

(Traps appear - children of the middle group.)

Clap, clap, one, two, three, watch out for bubbles!

(Trappers clap their hands, wag their fingers.)


are catching up.


the traps did not touch.

Final part.

All children participate.

Watch out for bubbles...

Oh what! Look!

Are bloated! Shine!

Come off! Fly!

Mine is plum!

Mine is walnut!

Mine didn't burst the longest!

Music sounds, children blow bubbles.


"In the Flower Field"

1. "Name flower"

Stroke: The teacher prepares a flower layout, which is filled in together with the group

come up with




flower petals. Then the child chooses what he liked best. on this petal

a butterfly cut out of paper is attached. And children should call their favorite names

each other all day. A teacher, a speech therapist, is involved in the creation of the “named flower”.

2. Competition "Best flower bed".

Purpose: development of fantasy and creative imagination; development of fine motor skills of the hand.

The teacher makes riddles about flowers, and then the children make the flower that they









laid out in one large "flower bed". Flower beds are hung at the entrance to the kindergarten.

flower cut out of colored paper.

There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt,

Golden heart.

What it is?


First to get out of the ground

On the thaw.

He is not afraid of frost

Even though it's small.


Long thin stem

Above - a scarlet light.

Not a plant, but a lighthouse

It's bright red...

Grown from an onion

But it's not good for food.

On a bright glass

It looks like a flower.


Though I'm not a beast and I'm not a bird,

But I can defend myself!

Spread my claws -

Just touch my flowers!

I turn white like a fluffy ball in the field

and the breeze blew - the stalk remained.


Worth Antoshka

On one leg.

Where the sun will be

That is where he will look.


Z is like a star -

The name is translated as such.

I'm closer to autumn color,

To get into bouquets for schoolgirls.

Bright, odorous -

Ah ah ah! prickly!

3. Tea drinking "Healing aroma"

Purpose: disease prevention.

Progress: Tea is brewed from medicinal flowers: chamomile, lime blossom, thyme,

Tea can be served as a walk after creative task as well as before dinner.

4. Study "Flower"






“Squat down, lower your head and arms. Imagine that you are seeds from which

beautiful flowers will grow. Here a warm ray of the sun reached the earth and warmed the seed in it.



stand up

raise and spread your arms to the sides. A flower basks in the sun. Substitutes heat



lift up






smile, slowly turn your head to the right and left. Now tell me what you

felt when they were a flower.

5. Relaxation before bed "Butterfly"

6. The mobile game "Flower - seven-color"

Purpose: to develop an eye and accuracy.

Equipment: eight cups, cut from plastic bottles, fastened in

the shape of a flower with paper clips (one cup in the center, seven around it),

eight tennis balls or plastic cases from Kinder Surprises.

Children throw balls at a target (flower - seven-color) and score points: hitting

the center of the flower - 5 points, in the petals - 2 points. You can also shape the target

triangle, square, line, etc.


"Sunny day"

1. Action. Sunshine for Kindergarten.


cut out.

palms are glued in a circle, starting with small ones, to one "sun", creating,

thus rays.

2. Competition of drawings on asphalt.

Senior and preparatory group.

Materials: colored crayons.

Participants of the competition gather at the sports ground. The song "Clouds" sounds.

B: I have seen

What no one has seen

A goat jumped across the sky

A dragonfly followed her.

The people around could not understand

Who is moving without legs.

And it was - you know who?

Bunny in daddy's coat.

I propose





sunshine during the rain.

To the music, children with teachers go to designated places on the pavement.

Q: There is no country more magical,

Clouds live in it.

This cloud is a kitten.

This cloud is an elephant

This is a tiger hippo,

He will bring joy.

So let's draw!

Children are taken to work, the teacher encourages their imagination.

After 30 - 40 minutes, everyone again gathers on the sports ground.

Q: Today, with the help of crayons, you made small miracle. We were able to see

magical sky-high country and get to know its inhabitants.

Music sounds, children are given commemorative emblems.

3. Relaxation before going to bed "On the seashore"

4. Action for parents "Wall"

Purpose: feedback.

Progress: on the facade of the building there is a strip of whatman paper, lined "into bricks",

in which parents can leave their wish, feedback on the work done.

5. A joint holiday for parents and kindergarten children.


Averina I.E. Physical education in kindergarten. Practical guide. – M.:

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Azarova T., Bityanova M., Zemskikh T., Koroleva E., Pyatkova O. Week

psychology at school. School psychologist №34 1999.

Alyabyeva E.A.




driving: Toolkit. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006.

Bityanova M. Rainbow games. School psychologist No. 45, 46 1999.

Bityanova M., Vachkov I. Meetings in the universe. School psychologist №40

Pilipko N. Communication in situations of request and refusal. School Psychologist No.

Sosedova L. Gifts of summer // Child in kindergarten No. 3, 2006.








psychologist №43 2002.

Vopel K. Cohesion and tolerance in the group. Publishing house "Genesis",

M., 2002.

10. Tselishcheva




Before teachers in summer period there is a problem: how interesting and entertaining to organize the leisure of children. Solving this problem, the preschool educational institution developed a plan of thematic weeks for the summer - recreational period. As part of this plan, as a result theme week"Summer, summer, what color are you?" was the event "Colors of summer".



In the summer, teachers face a problem: how interesting and entertaining it is to organize children's leisure time. Solving this problem, the preschool educational institution developed a plan of thematic weeks for the summer - recreational period. As part of this plan, the result of the thematic week "Summer, summer, what color are you?" was the event "Colors of summer".

Theme: "Colors of summer"

Target: form artistic taste, aesthetic perception of nature.

Tasks: To consolidate children's knowledge about summer as a natural phenomenon, about color scheme summer; Fix primary colors, associate color with summer natural phenomenon(blue - the sky, cornflowers, bluebells; yellow - the sun, dandelions, buttercups; green - grass, leaves on trees, etc.).

Continue to develop in children an interest in fine arts - activities, a desire to draw with crayons on the pavement.

Create a positive emotional state.

Materials and equipment:a spider with an elastic band, paper flowers, multi-colored ribbons, clothespins, a brush, paints, plastic balls of four colors, baskets, felt-tip pens, painted bouquets of flowers, jumping balls, multi-colored crayons, colored pencils.




Kikimora colorless



red paint

orange paint

yellow paint

green paint

blue paint

blue paint

purple paint

Event progress:

Leading Hello kids and teachers! Today we will make an amazing journey to visit Summer. (A spider falls from the hands of the presenter to the floor and starts jumping on an elastic band, a green leaf is tied to it, and there is a note on it) Guys, look: in my opinion, miracles are already beginning for you and me.

(Spider bounces on a string.)

Leading What? Do you want to miss us? Strange... What do you want? (Spider jumps again). So that we read what is written on this piece of paper? Fine.

The leader reads, the children listen carefully. The spider disappears. “Dear guys, I can’t come to your holiday. Devilry enchanted me, only you can help me. If you are friendly and brave, resourceful and funny, go to a fairy tale. And colorful flowers will show you the way. I'm waiting for you. Summer".

Leading Well, guys, let's go help Summer out of trouble? (Answer children). Then - go!

Flowers grow in our clearing, and the note said that the flowers would show us the way, how should I help to collect everything that grows in the clearing. Who will collect flowers ??? (children collect everything to the cheerful music and give it to the host)

kikimora . Hello, please! They came, not dusty, my dears! But why did you complain? This is now my kingdom. I, colorless Kikimora, have bewitched everything here. Not a single paint here will come to life anymore. Everything will become so gray, colorless, like myself. It's good that you collected all the colorful ones.

presenter . And we came for Summer. Didn't you hide it from us?

kikimora . I!!! I can't stand this color scheme. Yes you do, don't be shy. I'll make you colorless too.

Leading . Well, I do not! We do not want to be so gray and gloomy. Really guys?

Kikimora. Whether you like it or not, you will have to obey me. Because as long as I don't have a single bright paint on me, my power is limitless. So do not cross me, but rather sit down comfortably. And I'll go and get a bucket with my magical colorlessness. I will anoint you, and you will be so gray and colorless with me - you will admire! Be right back! (Leaves).

Leading. Guys, this should never be allowed. It was not enough for us to turn into such dullness. Did you notice that Kikimora let it slip: she said that as long as there is not a single bright paint on her, her power is unlimited. So you need to color it. different colors. Let's call Paints for help.

Children come out with colorful ribbons.

Red paint: I am clear as the sun! Red is beautiful!

And in winter and summer I paint red

Cloak bullfighter, cranberries, tomatoes,

Apples in the garden, poppies in the meadow!

Orange paint:Orange color was absorbed by apricots, tangerines -

A very joyful picture became a bright decoration!

yellow paint: How yellow-skinned and lemon and banana!

And a yellow-yellow dandelion looks like the sun!

Green paint: I can color the grass and the frogs in the pond

Even a Christmas tree and a groove - I will come to the aid of everyone.

blue paint: In the blue fabric of the lake dressed up and sparkle,

The banks are covered with a continuous pattern of forget-me-nots.

blue paint: I will add blue to the sea, rivers and streams,

It’s more fun to murmur, the ships would be driven.

Purple paint:Eggplant in the sun warms the purple back.

Like a rainbow, the multi-colored tail of a peacock is full of colors.

Leading . Help us, please, dear Paints. Kikimora colorless wants to turn us and the guys into gray and colorless. She went now for her magical colorlessness.

Paints: Here are some colorful ribbons for you. Hide them behind your back. And when the colorless Kikimora appears, start waving them together. We think she won't like it.

(Kikimora appears, carries a bucket of water and a brush.)

Kikimora. So my colorlessness is ready. Well done, kids, they are already standing, they are waiting for me.

(Children begin to wave colorful ribbons.)

Kikimora. Oh oh oh! What kind of disgrace is this?! Remove it quickly! My eyes are blind! Hey, hey, I don't see anything!

Leading . It's good that you don't see anything. We'll get you up and running in no time.

Kikimora. What else have you come up with? I don't want-o-o-o! (Crying).

(They seat Kikimora on a chair, attach colored ribbons to it with clothespins)

Kindness - barbariki

Leading .Admire how beautiful and elegant you have become!

Kikimora (mimicking ). Beautiful, elegant! .. Only now I'm sad, no one plays with me, no one dances. If only someone would cheer me up. Look, I could be better. And I would give you Summer.

Leading. Well, guys, do you agree to cheer up Kikimora? (Answer children). Only you, Kikimora, should do everything with us.

Kikimora. This please!

(Dance of little ducks.Dancing Kikimora and children)

Kikimora. Wow! You have amused me to glory!

Leading. Kikimora, we fulfilled your condition. Now you will release summer to us ???

Kikimora. I'll let you go as long as I'm good!

Leading. Thank you Kikimora! Goodbye!

(Kikimora leaves)

Leading. Guys, but still, what is Summer?

Children read poetry

1. What is summer?

That's a lot of light

This is a field, this is a forest,

It's a thousand wonders

It's clouds in the sky

It's a fast river

These are bright flowers

This is the blue of heights

This is a hundred roads in the world

For baby feet.

2. Here comes the summer -

The strawberries blushed;

Turns sideways to the sun -

Everything will be filled with scarlet juice.

Red carnation in the field

Red clover…

... Look at this:

And wild rose hips in summer

All covered in red...

It can be seen that people are not in vain

They call summer red!

3. Summer sun rolled in

shone, shone

Cherries, daisies,

Buttercups, porridge.

Summer! Summer! Summer! Summer!

Dressed in bright colors

Warmed by the hot sun

Let the summer be longer!

Leading. What good fellows you guys are! I see that you are ready to meet the summer. Then let's clap.

(summer appears)

Summer I'm glad you guys! For your friendship and resourcefulness, for kindness and ingenuity, I will give you the most beautiful and warmest time of the year. Round dance (Here it is what our summer is) Do you want to play?

Game "Magic brush"

Summer Here is a magic brush, it can mix any color. Now she will show you different colors, and those who have these colors in their clothes will sit down. Did you get the task? Well then:

tassel magic paint show me

Tell me the color in the clothes of each child!

(Summer dips the brush into paints and brushes across white sheet paper attached to an easel or board, the colors are taken from the colors of the rainbow. Children carefully examine themselves, and if their clothes have this color, they squat down.)

Summer Guys, look what a beautiful rainbow turned out - downright alive. Let's name all the colors of the rainbow in unison.

Children (in chorus): Red, orange, yellow, blue, blue, green, purple.

Game "Colorful balls"

Summer scatters on the floor colorful balloons. Children have to put the balls into baskets by color.

Game "Revive the bouquet"

In turn, the participants of each team will "revive - paint flowers."

Children color one flower at a time and return to their place. Two teams are playing.

Game "Who is faster"

The participants are divided into two teams. In turn, the participants of each team must jump on the ball - the jumper to the pins and return back.

Summer Now it's time guys

Solve the riddle for you all:

You have to take me in your hands

To write something.

I'll leave a mark on the board

And I'll fix all the mistakes.

If they write a lot,

I'm getting shorter! (chalk).

Vedas: On the pavement our children

They love to draw very much.

colorful crayons

They love to spill paint.

Summer - Now we'll see

Now we will see

Who draws the best.

Summer smiles on us all today!

Drawing Contest Begins!

(Children draw on the pavement)

Summer (gives children pencils)

Get my gift

But first guess:

What do I want to reward you with?

What do I want to give you?

If you sharpen it

Draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach

What is it? ... (Pencil)


Ekaterina Stolyarova
Summer project for middle school children age group"Colors of Summer"

Summer project for middle age children

"Summer colors"

Passport project.

Type project: creative

Timing project: medium term(from 31.07.2017 to 25.08.2017)

Members project: teacher - Stolyarova E. V., children middle group"Bell", parents, music director - Kolegaeva N.A.

Target: create maximum effective conditions to organize work aimed at the protection and promotion of health children in summer period, taking into account individual features, the formation of children knowledge about seasonal phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

Tasks project:

Learn children celebrate summer changes in nature, experiment, identifying cause-and-effect relationships.

Form at children emotional-figurative perception through the artistic word.

Develop observation creative imagination, ideas about the world around, arbitrary memory and attention;

educate at children interest, love and careful attitude to nature;

Enrich vocabulary children with new words.

Form at children knowledge about the relationship between nature and man.

Relevance project:

Summer- beautiful and wonderful time! In summer, the daily schedule of the kindergarten provides for a maximum stay children on outdoors . It is very important that life children during this period was informative and interesting. Children middle group continue to study the world. And, therefore, it is very important for children of this age development of elementary sensory representations, visual-effective thinking. Directly- educational and experimental research activities, didactic games contribute to the development of children cognitive activity. mobile games, entertainment, morning exercises, outdoor physical education, sand games provide the necessary level of physical and mental health children.

Expected results:

Reducing the incidence rate among children;

Development of social and moral, communicative qualities child;

Increasing interest in beautiful world nature, to its knowledge;

The manifestation of such qualities as kindness, mercy, care.

Health and physical development.

Morning gymnastics. Exercise after sleep. Folk and outdoor games. Sport games.

hardening procedures.

Walking barefoot. Sunbathing. Bathing and washing feet.

The development of curiosity.

Observations. Excursions. Experimental activity.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Drawing. Application. Modeling.

Labor skills. Flower garden. Territory cleaning. Crafts.

Reading fiction.

Implementation plan

1-Preparatory stage includes myself:

1. Selection necessary literature on this topic.

2. Selection of motor exercises and outdoor games.

3. Plan development project.

2- The main stage implements the weekly Topics:

"Wonders from the Forest"

from 31.07. until 04.08. 2017

Monday "Inquisitive"

Conversation "Forest House"

Target: To give an idea that the forest is the green outfit of our planet, a lot grows in the forest plants: shrubs, flowers, mushrooms.

To consolidate the knowledge that the forest is a home for animals and birds.

Looking at pictures and illustrations.

Reading a fairy tale "What is a forest?" (Yu. Dmitriev)

Di "Trees"

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing paints"Tree"

Riddles about trees.

Reading a poem about a birch.

Observation while walking: for the weather and the sun

Work: putting things in order on the site.

Wednesday"Health and Wellness"

Conversation "Trees in the Forest"

Target: Expand knowledge about trees, that the forest is coniferous and deciduous.

Di "What Animals Can Do"

P\u003e "At the bear in the forest", "Run to the named tree".

Path of health

Reading a story "First Hunt" V. Bianchi

Observation while walking: for the ants.

Thursday "Mikrosha"

Application (break) with drawing elements "Birch".

Reading a fairy tale "Three piglets" (English, translated by S. Marshak)

Di "Guess what tree", "Guess what's in your hand"

Observation while walking: behind the birch.

Friday "Weird"

Construction "Teremok"(constructor Lego, cubes)

Di "Funny Matryoshkas", "What is this bird?"

"Sister Fox and the Wolf"

Observation while walking: for insects.

Work: cleaning sand around the sandbox.

P\u003e "Hunter and Hares"

"Young Firefighters"

from 07.08. to 11.08. 2017

Monday "Inquisitive"

Conversation "These matches are small"

Target: Make it understandable children the purpose of matches in the house, to explain their danger if they fall into the inept hands of an inattentive, irresponsible person.

Learn, if necessary, to dial the telephone number of the fire department, police and "Ambulance".

Di "Which? Which? Which?"

P\u003e "Move item".

Reading a fairy tale "Flint" H.-K. Andersen

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing "Cat house"

Observation while walking: behind the sun.

Experience: "Property of dry sand and wet".

P\u003e "Sun and Rain"

Reading a poem "Confusion" K. Chukovsky

Wednesday"Health and Wellness"

Conversation "Do you know the rules fire safety T. A. Shorygina

Observation while walking: for butterflies.

Reading a fairy tale “How a fire tower was built in the village”.

Thursday "Mikrosha"

modeling "Cat"

Target: to develop the ability to portray domestic animals.

Observation while walking: behind the janitor.

P\u003e "Cat and Mice"

Reading a poem "Uncle Stepa" S. Mikhalkova

Friday "Weird"

Experience: "Guess by Smell"

game exercise "Where did Matryoshka hide"

Observation while walking: behind the wind.

Work: Sweep the track.

P\u003e "Aircraft"

Reading a story "Entertainers" N. Nosova

"Miracles in the garden"

from 14.08. to 18.08.2017

Monday "Inquisitive"

Conversation "Where do vitamins live"

Target: Fixing the names of fruits and vegetables. The development of ideas about the necessary vitamins for a person, the habit of healthy lifestyle life.

Riddles about fruits and vegetables.

Di "Merry Garden"

Observation while walking: for flowers.

P\u003e "The Birds and the Cat"

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing by the content of the riddles "Mysteries from the Garden"

Target: To develop the ability to convey the shape of vegetables according to their description in riddles.

Observation while walking: what grows in the garden.

Work: weeding and cleaning the grass in the flower bed.

P\u003e "Sparrows"

Reading a fairy tale "Fruit Tale"

Wednesday"Health and Wellness"

Conversation about the benefits of juices, compotes (What is made of what)

finger game "Orange" (memorization)

Breathing exercises "Bee on Daisy"

A game "Wonderful bag"

Reading Russian folk tale (optionally children) .

Thursday "Mikrosha"

Application "Fruits and vegetables on a plate"

Using experience to find the truth.

"Comparing an apple - an orange"

With orange skin

Similar to a ball

But the center is not empty

And juicy and delicious!

Di "What is planted in the garden".

Reading a Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear".

Observation while walking: for medicinal plants.

P\u003e "At the bear in the forest".

Friday "Weird"

C\r game "Vegetable shop"

Di "Young Chef"

poetry reading: Y. Tuwim "Vegetables"; Ya. Egorov "Radish", "Pumpkin", "Carrot", "Peas", "Cucumbers".

"Flag of Russia"

from 21.09. to 25.08.2017

Monday "Inquisitive"

Conversation "The History of the Russian Flag"

Target: generate interest in the Russian flag; cultivate respect for their country.

Di "Collect the flag of Russia".

Observation while walking: behind inanimate nature.

P\u003e "Squat Traps".

Tuesday "Hardworker"

Drawing "Flag of Russia".

Target: Develop fine motor skills, imagination, accuracy in working with paints.


Observation while walking: behind the cloud.

Work: Sweep paths.

A game "Pass the Flag".

Wednesday"Health and Wellness"

Conversation "The symbolic meaning of the flag of Russia".

Target: Introduce symbolic meaning the flag of Russia; to cultivate love and respect for their homeland, pride in their country.

Learning a poem "Colorful flag of Russia" M. Bebina

A game "Collect the Russian flag" (from cubes, mosaics).

Work: Collection of flower seeds.

Thursday "Mikrosha"

modeling "Russian flag".

Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands; cultivate accuracy in work.

Listening to the anthem of the Russian Federation.

Reading poems about the flag.

Observation while walking: behind the trees.

P\u003e "Colored Cars", d\u "What season".

Friday "Weird"

C\r game "Family".

Drawing with crayons on asphalt "Flag of Russia".

Observation while walking: for the weather and the sun.

Work: Tidying up around sandboxes.

P\u003e "Aircraft".

Stage 3 - Final

Show presentation "Nature"

Exhibition of children's works

Working with parents.

Advice for parents "The Benefits of Vitamins".

Advice for parents "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy".

Exhibition of joint works "Russian flag".

Photo exhibition "How I spent summer!"

Attracting the attention of parents to questions about vitamins, about their correct use.

Implementation of a unified educational approach in teaching a child the rules of fire safety.

Enhancing the involvement of parents in the work of the kindergarten. Development of positive relationships between parents and employees of preschool educational institutions.

Material Description: This project can be used by both the music director and kindergarten teachers. The project has an integration that combines all 5 educational areas. Children from 4 to 7 years old can participate in this project.


Summer! This is an amazing time in nature, when beauty can be seen at every step. It is only necessary not to miss the exciting moments, but to show them to the children. Once, while walking, the children saw insects and noticed that they were of different colors. And all around a different color. The reaction of the guys was mixed. Some of the children expressed joy and genuine interest, others expressed complete indifference. During the conversation, it turned out that the knowledge of preschoolers about summer, as a natural phenomenon, is very scarce. Thus, there was a problem: Why is summer so different? The participation of children in the project will allow them to form ideas about summer as a season, about insects, their benefits or harm, about plants and mushrooms; will develop creative abilities and search activity.

To provide every child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the summer period.

1. To form an artistic and aesthetic perception of the world around preschoolers.

2. To promote the development of motor independence, motor creativity, initiative and quick wits.

3. Cultivate children's ability in various types artistic and aesthetic activity.

Implementation period: 1 month.

Project type: information-oriented with elements of creativity.

Implementation plan.

Preparatory stage includes:

1. Selection of the necessary literature on the topic.

2. Selection of motor exercises and outdoor games.

3. Informing parents about the implementation of the project.

4. Development of a project plan.

main stage implements weekly themes:

"Early summer" ( green week);

“Summer is beauty” (red week);

"Journey of a Droplet" (blue week);

"The sun shines for everyone!" (yellow week).

The first week "Summer in the field and in the forest" (green week) includes:

1. Conversation about the nature of the native land.

2. Conversation with illustrations, riddles, proverbs, sayings.

3. Volume application"Grasshoppers".

4. Drawing "Summer in the field and in the forest."

5. Entertainment on the street "Crocodile-sun swallowed ».

The second week "Summer is beauty" (red week) includes:

  1. Conversation "Red - no more beautiful!" (Flowers, ladybugs, butterflies.)

2. Volume application "Flowers".

3 Drawing "Insects" Ladybug ".

4. Songs: "Butterflies", "Colored Meadow!"

5. Mobile game "Find your flower", "Learn by color".

6. Drawing "Colors of summer".

7. Modeling "Bouquet of flowers".

8. Entertainment on the street "Little Red Riding Hood visiting the guys."

The third week of the "Trip of a Droplet" (blue-blue week) includes:

1 . Mimio project "Journey of a drop".

2. Application "Decorate the sundress" (Gzhel).

3. Songs "Bell", "Rain".

4. The mobile game "The sea is worried."

5. Learning proverbs and sayings about water.

6. Entertainment on the street "Visiting Captain Vrungel".

Fourth week "The sun shines for everyone!" (yellow week) includes:

  1. Conversation "The sun is clear, the most beautiful!".
  2. Drawing on the sand.

3. Musically - speech game: "Rays".

4. Game exercise "Collect the rays."

5. Outdoor fun “The sun, air and water are our best friends!

The final stage consists in creating, presenting “Here it is, our summer!”

Expected result:

  • Children name the colors of summer and their meaning;
  • Show emotions when performing a fun repertoire;
  • Know summer plants, insects, animals.

In a friendly communicative environment, involving in games and dramatization, children were given the opportunity to plunge into the colors of summer! The children understood the main thing that any season has its charm and purpose. That summer is not in vain called the “day of the year”, because all nature blooms multi-colored paints to our joy!


  1. A collection of scripts for kindergarten "A fairy tale has come to visit us"
  2. Svetlichnaya T.A. Holidays no problem. Scenarios for kindergarten Publisher: TTS Sfera Year of issue: 2009.

"We will find colors for the summer." Scenario summer fun for children 5-7 years old

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director of MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 "Northern Tale", Petrozavodsk

Material Description: summer entertainment scenario for senior preschool age may be interesting music directors and educators to celebrate Children's Day on June 1.

Target: Creation joyful mood in children

- to consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers related to the summer theme.
-improve skills and knowledge acquired music lessons
- to promote the development of positive emotions in children

Preliminary work:
- learning poems, songs, dances

For the celebration we will use 2 halls - sports and music. We decorate the music hall with forest decorations. We decorate the gym with flowers, balloons, toys

Children to the music "Let's go to the garden for raspberries" (backing track) enter the gym).

Presenter: Hello guys. Listen to the riddle
The forest is full of songs and screams,
Strawberry juice splashes
Children splash in the river
The bees are dancing on the flower...
What is the name of this time?
Guess kids... (SUMMER)

Children: Summer

Leading: Today is the first day of summer.
We celebrate the holiday of summer
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
Sun, sun, hotter gray!
The holiday will be more fun!

1 child:
Summer laughs again
In an open window.
And sun and light
Full again

2 child:
To ring out cheerful laughter,
The kids didn't cry
The sun shines for everyone
Shines the same
General dance "The sun came out"

Leading: Let's call Summer to us. We've been waiting for him for so long.

Summer, come visit
Bring us warmth!

Music "Straw summer" sounds

Leto enters the hall to the music.

I send you all hello guys,
I am red summer, rich in sun
Have you been waiting for me?

Leading: Waited. We love summer

Summer: What do you know about this time of year?

1 child:
Summer is famous for mushrooms,
Berries and flowers
And in June the nightingales
Songs will begin to sing

2 child:
Trills are sonorous output!
The kids go to the river
Sunbathing on the sand
Learn to swim in the river.

3 child:
More pants and t-shirts
They lie on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow

4 child:
Butterflies flutter around
Harvest from flowers
Both in gardens and orchards
Nature is generous to the fruits

5 child:
So this is the time of year
Paying people for their work
And it's not for nothing that he's called
Summer is red, summer is clear
Summer is good, fertile!

Summer: Ay, well done! They didn’t miss anything, everyone told about me. Tell me guys, how did you spend your day?

We will tell everything in order:
Exercised in the morning

Summer: How?

Children: Like this, like this, and like this, and like this!
(show exercises)

Summer: And then?

Leading: They sat down for breakfast, ate breakfast with appetite

Summer: How?

Children: (imitate how "they eat porridge with a spoon")

Summer: And then?

Leading: We went for a walk, caught colorful butterflies

Summer: How?

Children: (pretend to catch butterflies with their hands - clapping their hands)

Summer: And then?

Leading: Then they swam, swam in the river, splashed!

Summer: How?

Children: (swimming movements with two hands)

Summer: And then?

Leading: Then they worked in the garden with a watering can, with a chopper

Summer: How?

Children:(pretend to "water the beds, water the beds")

Summer: And then?

Leading: We sat down to dinner, without a trace everyone finished up!

Summer: And then?

Leading: They lay down and fell asleep soundly!

Summer: How?

Children: And this is who, how, you can do it, you can do it!

(show - hands under cheeks, close eyes)

Summer: Amazing!

Would you like to visit summer forest? It's full of wonders!

Children: want

Hold hands tight
Stand one after another.
I'll go ahead
I will take you children to the forest.

Children move to the music sports hall and go to music hall.

Enter the music room. In the hall, a soundtrack of birdsong sounds against the background of calm music.

Summer: Here we are in the forest. Do you hear how the birds sing? This is how they welcome guests.

Summer: And what is this bird? (answers) It's a woodpecker.
He sits on a tree, his nose is hollowing out a dry trunk.

The phonogram of rain (rain) sounds:

Leading: looks like it's starting to rain...

Summer takes a large umbrella decorated with green leaves.

Summer: Here we will wait out the rain.
(children hide under an open umbrella)

Gradually decrease the volume of the phonogram ...

Summer: It looks like the rain is ending.

(children come out from under the umbrella, the sound of the rain becomes louder again)

Summer: it's so rain invites us to play with it.

The game "Whose circle will gather faster"

(children stand in 3 circles around three multi-colored umbrellas - red, yellow, blue).

1 part of the music - walk around the umbrellas
Part 2 of the music - they run loose

3 at the end of the music, the children line up around the umbrellas, near which they started the game)

Summer draws attention to a sheet of drawing paper folded and tied with a ribbon under the tree. On the picture in black and white colors the sun, clouds, dandelions, grass, flowers, ladybugs, a river, trees with foliage are drawn ...

Summer: wonder what it is? (unfolds a sheet of paper). Look, it's the same picture. There's just something missing from her. What do you think is missing?
Children: she is black and white. Not enough colors.

Summer: it was the rain that messed up - washed away all the colors from summer picture.
We will not lose heart - we will look for paints.

Leading: Where do we look for paint for the picture?

Beautiful gentle music sounds. Against the background of music, a voice is heard:

Summer: let's go look for the magic flower.
Children walk around the hall to the music, find a flower with multi-colored petals (yellow, green, red, blue), on which riddles are written. The petals are inserted into the slot in the middle, they can be easily removed and inserted.

Summer: Hello, colorful flower.

The voice of a flower sounds:

Hello my friends.
I will be glad to help you.

Multi-colored riddles live on my magic petals. If you can guess them, they will give you colors for your picture.

Leading: Well, what, guys, will solve riddles? Shall we return the paint to the painting?

Children: Yes.

Summer takes a flower - a multicolored flower (4 petals on a flower - red, yellow, green, blue flowers). As they guess the riddles in the picture, the children with the teacher shade the pictures with felt-tip pens of the corresponding colors

yellow - sun, dandelion
red - ladybugs, flowers,
blue - river, sky, clouds
green - grass, flower stems

Leto removes the petal with riddles and reads:

Summer: we will pick the petal and we will read the riddle.
(pulls off 1st petal)

1. A hot ball in the sky shines,
Anyone will notice this ball.
In the morning he looks at us through the window,
Joyfully shining, (sun)

Dance of the sun and rays (girls)

2. All of it is golden,
Soft and fluffy.
He is a chicken's child,
And his name is ... (chicken)

What color did the riddles give us?

Children: yellow

Leading: let's give it to the picture? What can they decorate?

sunshine, dandelion

(children with a teacher shade with a yellow felt-tip pen in the picture the image of dandelions, the sun)

Summer: Again we will pick the petal and we will read the riddles:

(pulls off 2nd petal)
The sun sets in the evening
He spends in the sky with a brush.
Doesn't want to leave in vain
Leaves a trail ... (dawn)

What kind of trees
Do they have needles?
What red balls
But you can't see the tinsel?
So beautiful along the fence
In the summer they sing ... (tomatoes)

She eats aphids from the branches,
And he helps us in the garden.
Deftly perched on a leaf
This is ... (ladybug)
Dance "Ladybug"
(music and movements by T. Suvorova)

Leading: what color will we give the picture? (red)

(children with a teacher shade with a red felt-tip pen in the image picture ladybugs, colors)

Summer: we will pick the petals again and we will read the riddles
(pulls off 3rd petal)

In the June garden
We build like good fellows
Grow in the garden ... (cucumbers)

This beauty
All the guys like it.
Balls, stars, needles
At an elegant slender ... (Christmas tree)

A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks galloping ... (grasshopper)

Game "Grasshoppers"

(children are divided into 2 teams. On the floor for each team there are mock-ups of green leaves. On command, one at a time, the child puts a rim of grasshopper antennae on his head, jumps over all the leaves in turn, returns to the team, passes the rim, ... etc.)

Leading: what color will we give the picture? (green)

(children with a teacher shade with a green felt-tip pen in the picture images of grass, flower stalks, tree leaves)

Summer: let's solve the riddles from the remaining petal.

(pulls off 4th petal)

A snake rushes over the hills,
Bringing moisture to the trees.
washing the shores,
It flows through the fields ... (river)

He will weep over the gardens
The garden will be filled with fruits.
Even dusty plantain
Glad to wash in the summer ... (rain)

Song "Rain"

Summer: on the petals of a multi-colored flower, we solved all the riddles. Look, the picture has become multi-colored. We gave her paints. Thank you, colorful flower!
(referring to the multi-colored flower): thank you, flower for the donated paints.

Guys, let's go. Let's return the colored petals to him. They may still come in handy.
(insert the petals back into the slots)

Leading: nice summer, it's very good visiting you, but it's time for us to return home.

Summer: I had a lot of fun with you, my friends. In parting, I want to treat you to my delicious gifts. This is a delicious healthy juice and juicy apples. Eat them with pleasure and be healthy.

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