War in the work of Sholokhov is the fate of man. The Great Patriotic War in the works of Sholokhov M.A.


The theme of war is deeply and fully revealed in the works of the great writer of the 20th century Mikhail Sholokhov.

In his work, Sholokhov expressed his attitude to the war, which was a tragedy for the people. It is disastrous for both sides, brings irreparable losses, cripples souls. The writer is right: it is unacceptable when people, rational beings, come to barbarism and self-destruction.

In the midst of the Great Patriotic War, Sholokhov began work on the novel "They Fought for the Motherland." Since 1943, the first chapters began to be printed in newspapers, and then came out separate edition. The published chapters tell about the dramatic period of the retreat of the Russian troops under the onslaught of superior enemy forces. Russian soldiers withdrew with heavy fighting, and then stood to death near Stalingrad.

The novel simply and truthfully reproduces the heroism of Soviet soldiers, front-line life, comradely conversations, unbreakable friendship sealed with blood. The reader closely got to know and fell in love with the worker-miner Pyotr Lopakhin, combine operator Ivan Zvyagintsev, agronomist Nikolai Streltsov, Siberian armor-piercer Akim Borzykh, corporal Kochetygov. Very different in character, they are connected at the front by male friendship and boundless devotion to the Motherland.

It is appropriate to recall one meeting between Sholokhov and Stalin, which took place on May 21, 1942, when Sholokhov arrived from the front to celebrate his birthday. Stalin invited Sholokhov to his place and advised him to create a novel in which "truthfully and vividly ... both the heroes of the soldiers and the brilliant commanders, participants in the current terrible war...". In 1951, Sholokhov admitted that "the image of the great commander does not work."

In the novel "They Fought for the Motherland" the Russian national character, clearly manifested in the days of severe trials. The heroism of the Russian people in the novel is devoid of outwardly brilliant manifestation and appears before us in a modest attire of everyday life, battles, transitions. Such an image of the war leads the reader to the conclusion that the heroic is not in individual feats, although they are very bright, calling for them, but the whole front-line life is a feat.

In the early spring of 1946, i.e. in the first post-war spring, accidentally met Sholokhov on the road unknown person and heard his confession. For ten years the writer hatched the idea of ​​the work. And in 1956, the epic story "The Fate of a Man" was completed. This is a story of great suffering and great endurance of a simple Soviet man. The protagonist Andrei Sokolov lovingly embodies the features of the Russian character, enriched in the Soviet way life: fortitude, patience, modesty, a sense of human dignity, merged with a sense of Soviet patriotism, with great responsiveness to someone else's misfortune, with a sense of collective cohesion.

The fate of Sokolov, the protagonist of this story, is full of such severe trials, such terrible losses, that it seems impossible for a person to endure all this and not break down, not lose heart. It is no coincidence, therefore, that this person is taken and shown in the utmost tension of spiritual forces. The whole life of the hero passes before us. He is the age of the century. The war broke all hopes and dreams. He goes to the front. From the beginning of the war, from its first months, he was twice wounded, shell-shocked, and, finally, the worst thing was captured. The hero had to experience inhuman physical and mental anguish, hardship, torment. Sokolov has been experiencing the horrors of fascist captivity for two years. At the same time, he managed to maintain the activity of the position. He tries to escape, but unsuccessfully, cracking down on a coward, a traitor who is ready, to save his own skin, to betray the commander. With great clarity, self-esteem, tremendous fortitude and endurance were revealed in the moral duel between Sokolov and Muller. The exhausted, exhausted, exhausted prisoner is ready to face death with such courage and endurance that it amazes even the commandant of the concentration camp, who has lost his human appearance. Andrei still manages to escape, he again becomes a soldier. But the troubles do not leave him: his home was destroyed, his wife and daughter were killed by a Nazi bomb. In a word, Sokolov now lives - the hope of meeting his son. And this meeting took place. IN last time a hero stands at the grave of his son, who died in the last days of the war. It would seem that everything is over, but life "distorted" a person, but could not break and kill him living soul. The post-war fate of Sokolov is not easy, but he steadfastly and courageously overcomes his grief, loneliness, despite the fact that his soul is full of a constant feeling of grief. This inner tragedy requires a great effort of strength and will of the hero. Sokolov wages a continuous struggle with himself and emerges victorious from it, he gives joy little man, adopting an orphan like him, Vanyusha, a boy with "eyes as bright as a sky." The meaning of life is found, grief is conquered, life triumphs.

Sholokhov's story is permeated with deep, bright faith in man. At the same time, its title is symbolic, because it is not just the fate of the soldier Andrei Sokolov, but it is a story about the fate of a man, about people's destiny. The writer feels himself obliged to tell the world the harsh truth about what at a huge cost paid the Soviet people the right of mankind to the future. All this is due to the outstanding role of this short story. "If you really want to understand why Soviet Russia won great victory in the Second World War, watch this film," one English newspaper wrote about the film "The Fate of a Man", and therefore about the story itself.

works appear, including a number of teaching aids, the authors of which resolutely reject the significance of the "Science of Hatred" created during the war, and the chapters of the novel "They Fought for the Motherland", and the immortal "The Fate of Man". As you know, A. Solzhenitsyn became the most implacable opponent of The Fate of a Man, declaring the "weakness" of the story, the "paleness and unconvincingness" of its military pages.

Serafimovich, Mayakovsky, Furmanov, and after them young writers opposed the depiction of the revolution, civil war as elements, emphasized the organizing role of the party in the popular movement. Sholokhov turned to the theme of the civil war following Furmanov and Serafimovich. From these writers, he received high praise and recognition. It can be assumed that Sholokhov's works on the civil war were approved by Furmanov, primarily because they were close to his ideological positions, because they were alien to the idealization of the elemental principle in revolutionary movement. A. Serafimovich also valued Don Stories for life's truthfulness. He was the first to point out the features creative manner Sholokhov; simplicity of life, dynamism, figurativeness of the language of stories, a sense of proportion in “acute moments”, “a thin grasping eye”, “the ability to pull out the most characteristic of many signs”,

IN early stories Sholokhov realistically visibly, from the ideological positions of the writer of the new world, explains the social meaning of the events that took place on the Don in the early years of the formation of Russian power. The first collection of Sholokhov's "Don stories" (1926) opened with the story "Birthmark". The commander of the red squadron, Nikolai Koshevoy, is waging an uncompromising struggle against the white gangs. One day, his squadron encounters one of the gangs, headed by the father of Nikolai Koshevoy. In battle, the father kills his son and accidentally recognizes him by his mole. Opening the collection with this story, Sholokhov thereby drew attention to one of the central thoughts of the entire collection - an acute class struggle demarcated not only the Don, the village, the farm, but also the Cossack families. One side defends property, class interests, the other - the gains of the revolution. Communists, Komsomol members, and the youth of the village are boldly breaking with the old world, heroically defending the interests and rights of the people in severe battles with it.

The second collection "Azure Steppe" (1926) begins short story of the same name, the introduction to which, written in 1927, is frankly polemical. The author sneers at the writers, who very touchingly lisp "about the smelly gray feather grass", about the Red Army soldiers - "brothers" who allegedly died, "choking on pompous words." Sholokhov claims that the Red fighters died for the revolution in the steppes of the Don and Kuban "ugly simply." Resolutely speaking out against idealization, false romanticization of reality, he portrays the struggle of the people for Soviet power how complicated social process, traces the growth of revolutionary sentiments in the Cossack environment, overcoming difficulties and contradictions on the way to a new life.

Almost simultaneously with Sholokhov, such writers as S. Podyachev, A. Neverov, L. Seifullina and others revealed the sharpness of the brutal class struggle in the countryside during the Civil War, showing the new that the revolution brought to the countryside. However, a number of writers continued to focus on the "idiocy" of the village, on the supposedly eternal inertia of the "muzhik", not noticing the revolutionary renewal of the village and its people. Sun. Ivanov in the collection "Secret Secrets" artificially isolated the peasants from the social struggle, carried away by the image of their biological instincts. K. Fedin in the story "Transvaal" and the stories of the collection of the same name did not notice the triumph of new, social relations in the Russian village. By exaggerating the role of the kulak, he thereby violated the real balance of forces, and focused primarily on the inertia and stagnation of rural life.

In 1925, L. Leonov's novel "Badgers" was published, in which the writer, unlike early stories, claimed the victory of the organizing principle in the revolution over the elements of the old world. However, the author has not yet achieved a clear demonstration of the stratification of the village. The class struggle was replaced by an accidental litigation between two villages for the ownership of the fields. This litigation determined the attitude of the peasants towards the Russian authorities. Drawing two brothers, Semyon and Pavel Rakhleev, participating in the struggle on the side of two hostile camps, L. Leonov is guided not so much by the need to show the class struggle that even divided families, but by the desire to base the work on a psychologically intense conflict.

Sholokhov, on the other hand, was interested in the class, social struggle, which led to the ideological delimitation of members of the same family. In the story "Wormhole", the writer depicts the "break" of a wealthy kulak family. Opposes his father and brother, who are hostile to the Russian authorities, younger son, member of the Komsomol Stepan. He cannot be silent, knowing
that they are deceiving the Soviet government, hiding the surplus of grain. The enmity in the family comes to the point that Yakov Alekseevich and his eldest son Maxim kill the hated Stepan.

The influence of war on the fate of man is a topic to which thousands of books are devoted. Everyone theoretically knows what war is. Those who felt her monstrous touch on themselves are much less. War is a constant companion human society. She contradicts everyone. moral laws, but despite this, every year the number of people affected by it is growing.

The fate of a soldier

The image of a soldier has always inspired writers and filmmakers. In books and films, he commands respect and admiration. In life - detached pity. The state needs a soldier as a nameless manpower. His crippled fate can excite only those close to him. The influence of war on the fate of a person is indelible, regardless of what was the reason for participating in it. And there can be many reasons. Starting from the desire to protect the homeland and ending with the desire to earn money. One way or another, it is impossible to win the war. Each of its participants is obviously defeated.

In 1929, a book was published, the author of which, fifteen years before this event, dreamed of getting to his homeland at all costs, nothing disturbed his imagination. He wanted to see the war, because he believed that only she could make a real writer out of him. His dream came true: he received many stories, reflected them in his work and became known to the whole world. The book in question is Farewell to Arms. Author - Ernest Hemingway.

About how the war affects the fate of people, how it kills and maims them, the writer knew firsthand. He divided people related to her into two categories. The first included those who fight on the front lines. To the second - those who kindle the war. About the latest american classic judged unequivocally, believing that the instigators should be shot in the first days of hostilities. The influence of war on the fate of man, according to Hemingway, is devastating. After all, it is nothing more than a "brazen, dirty crime."

Illusion of immortality

Many young people begin to fight, subconsciously unaware of possible final. tragic end in their thoughts does not correlate with their own destiny. The bullet will overtake anyone, but not him. Mina he can safely bypass. But the illusion of immortality and excitement dissipate like yesterday's dream during the first hostilities. And with a successful outcome, another person returns home. He does not return alone. With him is the war, which becomes his companion until the last days of his life.


About the atrocities of Russian soldiers in last years began to speak almost openly. Books by German authors, eyewitnesses of the Red Army march on Berlin, have been translated into Russian. The feeling of patriotism weakened for some time in Russia, which made it possible to write and talk about mass rapes and inhuman atrocities carried out by the victors on German territory in 1945. But what should be the psychological reaction of a person after an enemy appeared on his native land and destroyed his family and home? The influence of war on the fate of a person is impartial and does not depend on which camp he belongs to. Everyone becomes a victim. The true perpetrators of such crimes usually go unpunished.

About responsibility

In 1945-1946, a trial was held in Nuremberg to try the leaders Nazi Germany. The convicts were sentenced to death penalty or long-term imprisonment. As a result of the titanic work of investigators and lawyers, sentences were passed that corresponded to the severity of the crime committed.

After 1945 wars continue around the world. But the people unleashing them are sure of their absolute impunity. More than half a million Soviet soldiers died during Afghan war. Approximately fourteen thousand Russian military personnel account for the losses in Chechen war. But no one was punished for the unleashed madness. None of the perpetrators of these crimes died. The effect of war on a person is all the more terrible because in some, although rare cases, it contributes to material enrichment and strengthening of power.

Is war a noble cause?

Five hundred years ago, the leader of the state personally led his subjects on the attack. He risked the same as ordinary fighters. The picture has changed over the past two hundred years. The influence of war on a person has become deeper, because there is no justice and nobility in it. Military masterminds prefer to sit in the rear, hiding behind the backs of their soldiers.

Ordinary fighters, once on the front line, are guided by a strong desire to escape at any cost. There is a “shoot first” rule for this. The one who shoots second, inevitably dies. And the soldier, pulling the trigger, no longer thinks about the fact that there is a person in front of him. There is a click in the psyche, after which it is hard, almost impossible to live among people who are not versed in the horrors of war.

More than twenty-five million people died in the Great Patriotic War. Every Soviet family knew grief. And this grief left a deep painful imprint, which was passed on even to descendants. A female sniper with 309 lives on her account commands respect. But in modern world the former soldier will not find understanding. Tales of his murders are more likely to cause alienation. How does war affect the fate of a person in modern society? Just like the participant in the liberation of the Soviet land from the German occupiers. The only difference is that the defender of his land was a hero, and whoever fought on the opposite side was a criminal. Today, war is devoid of meaning and patriotism. Even the fictitious idea for which it is kindled has not been created.

Lost generation

Hemingway, Remarque and other authors of the 20th century wrote about how war affects the fate of people. It is extremely difficult for an immature person to post-war years adapt to civilian life. They had not yet had time to get an education, their moral positions were not strong before they appeared at the recruiting station. The war destroyed in them that which had not yet had time to appear. And after it - alcoholism, suicide, madness.

Nobody needs these people, they are lost to society. There is only one person who will accept the crippled fighter as he has become, will not turn away and refuse him. This person is his mother.

woman at war

A mother who loses her son is not able to come to terms with it. No matter how heroically a soldier dies, the woman who gave birth to him will never be able to come to terms with his death. Patriotism and lofty words lose their meaning and become ridiculous next to her grief. The influence of war on becomes unbearable when this person is a woman. AND we are talking not only about soldiers' mothers, but also about those who, along with men, take up arms. A woman was created for the birth of a new life, but not for its destruction.

Children and war

Why is war not worth it? She's not worth it human life, maternal grief. And she is not able to justify a single tear of a child. But those who conceive this bloody crime are not touched even by children's crying. World history full of terrible pages that tell of atrocious crimes against children. Despite the fact that history is a science necessary for a person to avoid the mistakes of the past, people continue to repeat them.

Children not only die in the war, they die after it. But not physically, but mentally. It was after the First World War that the term "children's homelessness" appeared. This social phenomenon has different preconditions for its occurrence. But the most powerful of them is war.

In the 1920s, orphaned children of war filled the cities. They had to learn to survive. They did this by begging and stealing. The first steps in a life in which they are hated turned them into criminals and immoral creatures. How does war affect the fate of a person who is just beginning to live? She deprives him of his future. But only Lucky case and someone's participation can make a child who lost his parents in the war, a full-fledged member of society. The impact of the war on children is so profound that the country that participated in it has to suffer its consequences for decades.

Fighters today are divided into "murderers" and "heroes". They are neither the same nor the other. A soldier is someone who has been unlucky twice. For the first time - when he got to the front. The second time - when he returned from there. Murder oppresses a person. Awareness comes sometimes not immediately, but much later. And then hatred and a desire for revenge settle in the soul, which makes unhappy not only former soldier but also those close to him. And it is necessary to judge for this the organizers of the war, those who, according to Leo Tolstoy, being the lowest and vicious people, received power and glory as a result of the implementation of their plans.

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Project for the competition: "Singer of the Don Land" Theme: A man at war in the works of M. Sholokhov. Municipal educational institution Lyceum "Politek" Author: Shepetina Ksenia Yuryevna, student of the 10th grade. Address: 31 Mira Ave., apt. 135. Phone: 89185377196 Head: Mironova Elena Ivanovna, Teacher of the Russian language and literature. Volgodonsk-2015

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History must be handled carefully, researched and written in truth. M. Sholokhov.

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Contents: 1. Introduction 2. 2.1. M. Sholokhov - successor humanistic traditions Russian classical literature 19th century. 2.2. A man at war in the works of M. Sholokhov - “Don stories” - “ Quiet Don- "The science of hatred" - "They fought for the Motherland" - "The fate of man" 2.3. Features of the humanistic solution of the problem of human life in war in the works of M. Sholokhov 3. Conclusion. 4. Used resources.

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Introduction: Relevance of my research work lies in the fact that the works of M.A. Sholokhov were written in Soviet era. Behind recent decades the attitude towards the era itself and the works written at that time changed. But it was M.A. Sholokhov, in my opinion, in his works managed to reflect serious problems of their time, that they have not lost their relevance today. The purpose of the work: to explore the works of M.A. Sholokhov, which expresses the attitude of the writer to the war. Object of study: the work of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov. Subject of study: "Don stories", "Quiet Don", "They fought for the Motherland", "The science of hatred", "The fate of man" M.A. Sholokhov. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of M.A. Sholokhov, the study of literary literature, critical articles, Internet resources. Hypothesis: the theme of a man in the war in Sholokhov's works is "a bow to the hero people, who did not attack anyone, but always knew how to defend with dignity what they created, defend their freedom and honor, their right to build their own future of their own choice." The works of M. Sholokhov about the war are evidence of the writer's love and compassion, his humane attitude towards people, as following the traditions of classical literature of the 19th century.

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The main thing in this chronicle of life is the fate of the people. Sholokhov teaches to understand and appreciate people, to know their being, souls, lofty aspirations and incalculable suffering. He became an example of the search for truth in its main content - humanistic. The highest definition of a writer in the mouth of V.G. Belinsky was - "the lawyer of mankind." Sholokhov accepted, continued, developed this aspiration, the noble pathos of the figures of the Renaissance, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gorky. Our time is a new stage in the development of public consciousness. We are looking for the fullness of truth. And Sholokhov is close to us now precisely because he was truthful from the beginning of his work to the end. This was his conscious creative attitude, close to the one that L.N. Tolstoy at the end of the story “Sevastopol in May”: “The hero of my story, whom I love with all the strength of my soul, whom I tried to reproduce in all its beauty and who has always been, is and will be beautiful, is true.” F.G. Biryukov

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Don stories. Most of all, Sholokhov is concerned about the loss of moral guidelines in the human soul, with faith in God's commandments uprooted with blood, the decomposition of human souls begins, a fratricidal war begins. Even animals seem to be more merciful, they do not need, for example, to choose which of the children to leave to live (“ Family man”), is it worth saving a brother at the cost of his father’s life (“Bakhchevnik”), killing a child if he is “adopted from a White Guard spy”, or leaving him alive (“Shibalkovo seed”). They live according to the habitual laws of their world. And this orderly world of living beings of Sholokhov is opposed to the fanaticism of people. She turned the circle of people, they lost their moral guidelines, and now the father of the son is killed in "Mole", the son of the father in the "Food Commissar", the husband is the wife, leaving the child an orphan, in the story "Shibalkovo seed", the son of the father and brother in "Koloverti", the father their children in the story "The Family Man", tragic murder love ends in "Crooked Stitch", in front of a child the offended father is killed in "Grievance", the father takes the life of his son together with his eldest son in "Wormhole", they mock and kill children in front of the old father in the story "Azure Steppe".

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Don stories. Only man himself can change the world. He must rise above insults, forget about grief, learn to forgive enemies and love his neighbor, that is, try to return to life according to the commandments of Christ, and then the world will slowly but gradually begin to be cleansed. The path of purification is long, there will be many victims, and first of all, those who have taken the first step will suffer, but this step is important, otherwise the process of dehumanization of society will be irreversible. This is the main idea of ​​the stories "The Foal", "Alien's Blood" and "Aleshka's Heart". The writer teaches us to open our hearts to each other and thus come to an agreement (story "One language"). Sholokhov's stories are directed against any violence against a person. The writer also shows a way out of the bloody mess of human cruelty.

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Quiet Don. The tragedy of Grigory Melekhov. The battle scenes themselves are of no interest to Sholokhov. He is worried about something else - what does war do to a person. The moral protest against the senselessness and inhumanity of war is clearly expressed. Against the broad epic background of the movement of the masses in the revolution, the conflicting searches and tragic fate of Grigory Melekhov, a truly philosophical problem of the relationship between the individual and the people, the place of the individual in the revolutionary struggle, are filled with special meaning. In his difficult path With sharp turns, with torments and doubts - not the path of a renegade, but the path of the people themselves. In Grigory Melekhov, more than in others, the humanistic essence was embodied, which is constantly, throughout the work, subjected to the most difficult trials. So, even at the very beginning of the war with Germany, Gregory deeply, painfully worries that he killed a man. "I, Petro, am tired of my soul," he says to his brother. And further: "My conscience is killing me ... I cut down a man in vain and I am ill through him, the bastard, with my soul." It was Gregory who was so outraged when the Cossack Chubaty killed the prisoner. The human principle does not allow Sholokhov's hero to accept someone's truth - he does not find the truth either among the whites or the reds. Both there and here he is repelled by cruelty, inhumanity.

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Quiet Don. Violence breeds more violence. M. Sholokhov revealed his view of history, showed its terrible truth, looked into the eyes of the merciless truth: there were no and could not be right in that war, there was evil, fratricide, loss of humanity in people. And the soul of Grigory Melekhov cannot accept all this. "...People were pitted; and don't get caught! The people have become worse than biryuks. Malice is all around." These words are spoken by Sholokhov's hero during the war of 1914. But anger is even more terrible and fierce during the civil war. This war was also terrible in that it made close people enemies, giving rise to mistrust towards each other, enmity and hatred. Grigory Melekhov himself, who was an active participant in that war, feels this evil in himself and deeply experiences it. His words are filled with endless despair when, having gone through such a difficult path, he admits to himself: “I was so smeared with someone else’s blood that I didn’t have any stings left for anyone. I have no thought. The war has drained everything from me. I have become terrible to myself... Look into my soul, and there is blackness, like in an empty well."

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Quiet Don. At the end of the work, the hero finally realizes that there is no truth worth serving by sacrificing his life and other people's: "I served mine. I don't want to serve anyone else ... let it all go to waste!". It is also significant that Grigory goes home, to his farm, without waiting for the promised amnesty. He did not break in all the trials, his personality is not destroyed. He is ready to be punished - "I agree to serve time for the uprising," he does not expect forgiveness. His fate expressed one of the most significant philosophical problems being - the problem of personality and history, the fate of an individual, a family at a turning point. The writer compares the fate of Gregory with a scorched by spring fires, ominously black, dead, charred steppe, around which “young grass is greening merrily”, life is in full swing. “Like a steppe scorched by fires, Gregory’s life became black ... But he himself still convulsively clung to the ground, as if in fact his broken life was of some value to him and to others.” So, despite the desire of many to see a happy end to the fate of Grigory Melekhov, Sholokhov preferred to tell the reader the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. And this is the fate of not only Grigory Melekhov, this is the fate of the people.

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The Science of Hate. great son In Russia, M. Sholokhov worked as a war correspondent during the Great Patriotic War. In the essay "The Science of Hatred" he reveals the character of a Russian man who went through the "science of hatred" in battles. The story about the fate of Gerasimov begins with a metaphor: "In war, trees, like people, each have their own fate." The mighty oak, which was hit by an enemy shell, came to life in the spring. Lieutenant Gerasimov, who had grayed early, looked at him and smiled "a simple and sweet, childish smile." The author compares his hero with a mighty oak, draws attention to the close connection of a Russian person with his native land. Lieutenant Gerasimov is broken by suffering in captivity, but not morally broken. His mighty spirit helps to cope with difficult trials and difficulties. In the most severe days of the Great Patriotic War, Sholokhov argued: a people imbued with sacred hatred for the enemy and filial love for the Motherland is invincible.

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They fought for their country. In the novel "They Fought for the Motherland" M. Sholokhov refers to the most bitter pages in the history of the Great Patriotic War - the retreat of the army. Sholokhov's picture of 1942, which he began to paint right there, in the days of the battles themselves, is striking in the frankness of the story about all the difficulties that then befell our people, our army, which was in trouble. About difficulties, mistakes, about chaos in the front disposition “some wild units roam the steppes, the front commander himself probably does not know the situation, and no strong hand to put it all in order ... And such devilry always happens when retreating! And at the same time - about the feat on the front line. Sholokhov then wrote it in such a way that not only the flame of the soul became visible, but also real torment, and all the horror of human flesh torn apart by the deadly metal. Petelin V.V. Mikhail Sholokhov. Essay on life and work - M .: Voenizdat, 1974. - S. 20 ..

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They fought for their country. The artist allowed us to experience everything inwardly: the state of an exhausting march, prayer under bombs, the madness of battle, the pain on the operating table, the moment before death ... Sholokhov does not at all want to dissolve in this complexity that sharp, sacred feeling of hatred for the enemy, which then united everything truly human: “Everything that was dear and dear to the heart in life, everything remained there, under the rule of the Germans ... And again, for the umpteenth time during the war, Lopakhin suddenly felt that suffocating attack of dumb hatred for the enemy, when even swear word unable to escape from the instantly drying throat ... ”Describing our temporary defeats, Sholokhov nevertheless wrote not the psychology of the retreating army, but the state of future winners, who are currently experiencing military disaster, bitter failures. By all their behavior, way of thinking, mental attitude, one can quite clearly imagine how any of these fighters will behave in Stalingrad, and on the way to Berlin, and in the lair itself ...

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They fought for their country. M. Sholokhov, revealing the idea of ​​his novel “They fought for the Motherland”, said: “I am interested in the fate of ordinary people in the last war. Our soldier proved himself a hero during the Patriotic War. The world knows about the Russian soldier, his valor, his Suvorov qualities. But this war showed our soldier in a completely different light. I want to reveal in the novel the new qualities of the Soviet warrior, which so exalted him in this war ... ”I. Aralichev. Visiting Mikhail Sholokhov. - Vympel, 1947, No. 23, p. 24..B unfinished novel"They fought for the Motherland" the war was comprehended by M. Sholokhov not only as a heroic feat of arms people, but also as the greatest test of all the moral qualities of a Soviet person. The impressive disclosure of the depth and purity of the patriotic feeling of the people was combined in them with heartfelt lyricism in the depiction of destinies. individual people in a time of nationwide troubles and trials. M. Sholokhov in his works about the Patriotic War remains true to the single democratic line of his work: in the center of their simple people, privates great war, workers - miner Pyotr Lopakhin, combine operator Ivan Zvyagintsev, MTS agronomist Nikolai Streltsov, driver Andrey Sokolov ... The soldiers in the novel by M. Sholokhov not only fight. They intensely reflect on the fate of the state, talk about the goals of the war, think about military partnership, remember the peaceful past, their families, children, loved ones ... The tragic tension of the battle is suddenly replaced by comic scenes and episodes. This depth, this fullness of life is a very remarkable quality of M. Sholokhov's novel. It allows the writer to comprehend the true measure of the resilience of the people, to discover the origins of the heroic.

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The fate of man. "The Fate of Man" opened a new stage in the depiction of the events of the Patriotic War, outlined new paths leading to a deeper disclosure of the moral origins of the great feat Soviet people. M. Sholokhov addresses the topic of fascist captivity. For that time it was a taboo subject. And the writer made the reader not feel sorry for his hero, but admire him. The great folk tragedy of wartime was embodied by Andrei Sokolov, the hero of the story "The Fate of a Man." This is an ordinary person, the father of a family, an honest worker. He emerged victorious from cruel trials, without losing his humanistic, ideological and moral values, retaining his vitality, fulfilling his soldier's and civic duty to the end. In a duel with Muller in the face of death, he thinks about how to preserve the honor of a Russian soldier: “I wanted to show them, damned, that although I’m dying of hunger, I’m not going to choke on their sop, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.

If the enemy attacks our country, we writers, at the call of the party and the government, will lay down our pen and take up another weapon, so that from the volley of the rifle corps, which Comrade Voroshilov spoke of, it would fly and smash the enemy and our lead, heavy and hot, like our hatred of fascism! Having defeated the enemies, we will still write books about how we beat these enemies. These books will serve our people and will remain as a warning to those of the invaders who happen to be unfinished…”. Preparing for military trials, Sholokhov was full of plans and ideas. He is working on completing the second book of "Virgin Soil Upturned", the hall washes new novel about the work of the collective farm intelligentsia big changes in the village. The writer gives a lot of effort social activities.
In July 1941, the regimental commissar of the reserve Sholokhov was drafted into the army and, together with others Soviet writers went to the front. He participated in the battles near Smolensk on Western front, near Rostov - on the Southern Front, shared harsh days with the soldiers Battle of Stalingrad, walked along front-line roads to the very borders of Germany.
In the summer of 1943, Sholokhov addressed a letter to the American people, in which, on behalf of the citizens of the allied country, he offered friendship, called for the fight against the Nazis, pointed to possible consequences slowness and hesitation of allies. “In the fate of each of us,” wrote Sholokhov, “the war has entered with all the weight that an attempt by one nation to completely destroy, absorb another brings with it ... The events of the front, the events of a total war in the life of each of us have already left their indelible mark ...
On the first anniversary of the war, Sholokhov published in Pravda, imbued with journalistic passion and unshakable confidence in the triumph of a just cause, the story “The Science of Hate”. Giving a high appraisal to this story, Pravda wrote a few days later: “How inextinguishable hatred for the enemy is born in the heart of a soldier of the Red Army, the writer Mikhail Sholokhov recently told in his wonderful fiction story“ The Science of Hatred ”. The author based this story on real events, which one of the participants in the war told him about at the front. The fighter really did not want his relatives to find out about his military hardships, about the ordeals he experienced in Nazi captivity, and asked not to give his last name. Yes, and Sholokhov did not need to close himself within the framework of a private fate. drawing close-up the character of Lieutenant Gerasimov, who went through the “science of hatred” in severe battles with the enemy,
The writer artistically visibly revealed the national character of the Russian man, torn off by the war from peaceful labor, showed the formation and hardening of the Soviet warrior.
The "Science of Hate" and "The Science of Victory" are organically linked, one is inconceivable without the other.
The will to live and resist, the desire to live in order to fight, the high military spirit of Gerasimov, who went through the school of hatred for the enemy, the ineradicable thirst for victory are revealed by Sholokhov as typical national traits of the Russian people, which unfolded with all their might in the years great battle.
The finale of the story is connected with a metaphorical introduction to it. Expanded artistic comparison, on which the whole story is built, the writer fills with great inner meaning, illuminating the entire narrative and giving it artistic integrity. With gray temples of Gerasimov, who suddenly smiled with a “simple and sweet, childish smile,” Sholokhov compares with a mighty oak. The lieutenant is broken by the experience, but his “gray hair obtained by great hardships” is pure, his life force. He is powerful and strong as an oak tree. Such is the whole people, feeding on the life-giving juices of their native land. He will not be broken by any, even the most difficult, trials and difficulties. People, full of life and the will to fight, imbued with sacred hatred for his sworn enemy and ardent filial love for the Motherland, is invincible. This is what the great humanist and patriot Sholokhov stated in the most severe days of the Great Patriotic War

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Publicism of the war years in the work of Sholokhov

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