Acquaintance of children with their native city by means of museum pedagogy (from work experience). Scenario of extracurricular activities "acquaintance with the school museum"


Usually a museum is a place where you are not even allowed to breathe on the exhibits. In the "Experimentarium", which we visited together with our guys from Pechatniki, everything is completely different. The main rule here is touch and test! What, without hiding their joy, the guides report at the first meeting.

The museum is brand new, opened in spring 2011. For Russia, such institutions are still something not quite typical, isn't it?! Among the large interactive centers can be called "Lunarium" in the Big Planetarium of Moscow, "Umnikum" on Ligovsky in St. Petersburg main/ , Igrotech at the Polytechnic Museum . For the sake of honor, we must also recall the Leningrad “House of Entertaining Science”, opened back in 1935 by Yakov Perelman (yes, that very famous popularizer of science), but irretrievably lost during the blockade ...

There will be more examples in Europe and the USA, and they are bigger: the Danish Experimentarium, the Swedish Tom Tits Experiment, the Finnish Eureka » . In San Francisco there is a reference "Exploratorium" , in Chicago - the Museum of Science and Industry , in Washington the whole Smithsonian town.

But I believe we have everything ahead!

And before we finally make our way entertaining science Let me tell you some interesting facts. The museum is located in the building of the machine-building plant "Znamya" in a room with high ceilings and brick walls - what could be better for the flight of thought and freedom of action?! But until 1935, there was nothing industrial at all on the site of the Experimentanium: there was the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of which only a modest part with a bell tower has survived. And according to unconfirmed (I hope so far) data, Napoleon once spent the night at this place just before leaving Moscow. That's it!

Well, let's follow our guys to the second floor and take a good look at everything there!

The first exhibit we stopped at was Bernoulli's levitator... we didn't learn how to fly ourselves, but we understood why this happens with a wooden plate placed under a calm downward airflow.

“Is it scary to sit on nails? Does it hurt?” I ask Seryozha. "No! There are a lot of them!” he replies briskly. I make a surprised face, asking for an explanation, but someone is ahead of Serezha with his correct answer: “The pressure is located on all the nails.” Great! The essence of the phenomenon is clear - you can move on to the following exhibits.

After the nails, the real “highlight” of the program on the second floor was the mirror labyrinth (this is where many of the guys ran free time). It's really cool: to wander among the mirrors in search of a way out. Yes, there is no light inside the labyrinth, only a dozen light bulbs on the floor.

And Lena especially liked pedaling the bike: “I feel so good, the breeze blows on me. And the faster I turn, the stronger it blows. It only remains for me to add that she receives the energy for the operation of the fan with the help of her own legs.

We stayed in the room for a long time soap bubbles. Sasha and Nina perfected the technique of creating soap bubbles, as well as films and spheres,
and everyone admired this spectacle: “What can be more wonderful than them? They are light, airy, a little mysterious ... a colorless soapy solution shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow!

The collection of puzzles in the museum is also impressive: assemble squares in different ways from different sets of figures, disassemble the rings connected by a cord in the middle, solve the tangram. And by the way, during his exile to St. Helena, Napoleon had a tangram set and a book containing problems and solutions. In general, we have become real enthusiasts of the tangram - we will use it for pedagogical purposes!

Yes, it’s very good that the puzzles are of varying complexity: preschoolers, older children, and adults, of course, can try their hand too!

A large area on the second floor is devoted to beautifully made anatomical models. Here you can learn about everything: the structure of the human brain and its sense organs, skin, lungs and skeleton, as well as muscles, teeth and more. Somewhat unexpected for me and Nina was that the most big interest caused a demonstration model of human embryonic development in children.
Although ... why unexpected. After all, there is always a genuine interest in miracles, which undoubtedly is the development of man, and this process is shown so clearly in the museum!

The pride of the museum is the generator of tornadoes (tornadoes), specially brought from America. Warm and cold air whirlwinds right in front of us twisted into a real tornado, which could take Ellie and Totoshka into magical land Oz!

On the second floor, sometimes it can be tiring to stay for a long time. And the reason for this is a loud trio: xylophone, bass guitar and drum set. However, who will reckon with an excessive load on their eardrums, when here it is - a tangible opportunity to feel like a real rock guitarist or drummer?!

It's time to go down to the first floor. Ilya (the tour guide and, by the way, the twin brother of our classmate and Nina - so you can be sure that the tour was first class!) showed and told us numerous examples visual illusions: Impossible Trident, Impossible Escher Cube, Stroop Effect, Illusion of Railway Tracks, Achromatic Contrast and more. Fans of visual illusions and phenomena will appreciate the link

In "Experimentanium" there is a clear million "stars". It was placed on the purple gate at the stairs to the second floor. Exactly one million tiny stars - not a speculative value, but real million, which is close at hand. So we counted all together!
It's a joke, of course, but did you believe it?

In the museum, in general, everything around is so real and tangible that it seems that the American truck Freightliner (“Fred”, as he was called by the people) will soon go, even if his engine has been cut down. The children climbed into the cabin together, and all at once, ten of them. Still would! Such trucks are driven by truckers and spend a significant part of their lives in the cab, so there should be roomy there and there should be room for us.

Wood's box pleased the guys in full! It is a cylindrical cabinet with a smoke generator inside. Smoke fills the cabinet. A movable membrane with a round hole is installed on the top surface of the pedestal. Striking the membrane with our hand, we quickly pushed a mass of air out of the box along with smoke. Alena, Lena, Nastya train especially hard ... getting it is not easy ordinary clouds, but real rings of fog. But, of course, everyone was noted here!

And each of the guys had the opportunity to assess the plausibility of the legend about Archimedes, the one when he was ready to move the planet with the help of a system of blocks and levers and another Earth. Our 4-unit system did a great job of lifting not-so-lightweight adults…

For the fourth year in MBDOU Child Development Center No. 89 “Sail”, Yakutsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), we have been working on the experimental program “Origins”. The logo of the program - “source” - means that the child, together with the adult, draws from the inexhaustible well of the universal culture of knowledge, developing and enriching each other.

Chapter " Aesthetic development” involves introducing the child into the world of art, developing his artistic culture in the socio-cultural environment of the museum.

Realizing the importance of this direction in the upbringing of children, its expediency, we began phased preparation To her.

First of all, at the beginning school year we signed an agreement with the National Art Museum visual arts Yakutsk about weekly visits to children senior group. The conditions, main tasks and forms of work were discussed with the senior educator and the museum employee.

We divided the activities with children into three stages:

  • Preparing children for kindergarten to visit the museum (conducted by the educator).
  • Work with children on excursions in the museum (carried out by a museum teacher - art historian).
  • Work with children to consolidate museum impressions (carried out by an educator and a museum teacher - an art critic).

At the first stage of acquaintance with the art museum special meaning has an inner readiness of the child to perceive art collections, his emotional mood. Therefore, we started the first classes on introducing children to the world of the museum back in the group: classes were held on the rules of conduct in the museum, we examined with children reproductions of paintings, portraits of artists, postcards, illustrations from books, products of masters of arts and crafts, sculpture of small forms.

If before that, many children did not know what a museum is, then after the first conversations, we noticed the interest that arose: they are happy to look at reproductions on their own outside of class, are interested in who painted it, etc. A gratifying moment was that when the children came to the museum for the first time, they immediately recognized and named the painting by I.K. Aivazovsky, which we talked about in one of the classes.

At present, visiting the museum by children has become a real holiday for our preschoolers. With great interest, children examine paintings of different genres, learn to understand, distinguish between ways of depicting ( oil painting, gouache, crayons, charcoal, etc.)

An art historian worked with children in the museum Sizykh Olga Vasilevna. A teacher by education, she talks about the exhibits, artists, the museum itself in a fascinating form of “travel games”, paying special attention to the architecture of the building, the interiors of the halls.

Based on the knowledge gained in the classroom for fine arts, children recognized and named Dymkovo toys got acquainted with Kargopol toys. Considering these two types, they compared the differences and similarities of the paintings, the forms of these figures, which plays an important role in the development cognitive activity, the ability to analyze and contributes to the development of coherent speech.

The children also visited the exhibition hall of Komdragmet. There we got acquainted with the works of our Yakut artist - Lena Gogoleva. For the first time, children saw with their own eyes sketches of costumes and the costumes themselves from the performances of “Romeo and Juliet”, “KyysDebiliye” (costumes of the heroes of the Upper and Lower Worlds, the costume and mask of the devil), saw carnival costumes and costumes for the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin. The impressions from what I saw were amazing: I saw interest, fear, and joy in the eyes of the children. I think that all this even more aroused interest in further visits to the museum. On the next visit, the children got acquainted with the new exposition, this time the work of the sculptor Xenophon Nikolaevich Pshennikov was waiting for us. Here they got acquainted with a new kind of art for them - sculpture. It was interesting to talk about how it is possible to convey the mood, desire, feeling of a person through the art of sculpture. We learned that sculptures are different: portraits-busts, genre compositions, the children again remembered the sculpture of small forms. Looking at and directly touching the sculptural works, feeling them with their hands, the children learned that they are made from different materials. If made of metal or stone, then they are cold, if made of wood, plaster or clay, then they are warm. The lesson was held in a playful way, the children played with great pleasure: they showed the mood of the person depicted in the sculpture with facial expressions, turned into “ living sculpture”, depicting various genres. They could “crumble” and “fall”, because they were made of sand, they walked heavily - that means they were made of metal and stone. Here we once again noted for ourselves the qualitative difference between museum pedagogy and verbal methods, that such an emotional disclosure of the child can only be achieved through visual (visual) contact of the child with genuine work art.

By system phased work with children, we conduct classes to consolidate museum impressions. This is a kind of reflection of a child. Our practice of work has confirmed its expediency. We sometimes conduct these classes in the nursery. art studio at the museum, in some cases in the art studio at the kindergarten. We conduct classes together with a museum teacher. In these classes, children reveal their creative abilities: they draw, sculpt from clay, dough, their impressions of what they see, enter into a dialogue about what they see. Based on the results of knowledge, one can judge changes in the aesthetic and cognitive development of the child. Lesson topics:

“My favorite toy”, “Whistle toy”, “Still life of my mood”, “What did I like the most?”, “We decorate”, “My landscape”, “My favorite picture”, etc. After each lesson, children receive homework- draw or mold your favorite picture, sculpture and tell your parents. We visited the exhibitions “Decorative and Applied Art of Yakutia”, “Old Town” and had a family viewing of the sculptures of the city.

In the conditions of a group room, a mini-museum of children's works, "Corner of the Russian Room" was opened, where I conduct classes with children in the form of gatherings on RNC, integrated classes, in the corner the children play independent games with pleasure.

All work is carried out, guided by the methodological literature from the series of the program “Origins” (authors L.V. Panteleeva “Museum and Children”, T.N. Karachunskaya “Museum Pedagogy and Visual Activities in Preschool Educational Institutions”).

So, working on this system, summing up the results of the work done, we can already draw the following conclusions:

Direct acquaintance with the museum's collections - authentic historical exhibits, as well as with the architecture of buildings, the interiors of the halls have a huge emotional impact on children, and this, of course, is invaluable in shaping the personality and spiritual and intellectual potential of society as a whole. In the visual (visual) contact of a child with a genuine work of art, there is a qualitative difference between museum pedagogy and verbal methods.

It is necessary to create a special systematic training program, according to the scheme: - before the museum - in the museum - after the museum.

Observations, conversations and analysis of children's works have shown that children have formed an “image of a museum”, visual memory, artistic thinking and imagination are developing, progress in general is noticeable. cultural level and enrichment of visual activity. Our children have repeatedly taken part in various competitions. children's drawing where they won prizes.

The craving for drawing, for brushes and paints is not preserved in all children, but the addiction to visiting art museums, interest in people and objects, feelings and events, times and countries will not only enrich the soul and mind of future engineers, farmers, politicians and entrepreneurs, but will also make them more useful for their homeland.

More details about the experiment can be found in my article, published in the journal No. 3, 2006. Chomchuk Saas. Yakutsk Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Over the past 5 years, work in the direction of RNC in the mini-museum "Russkaya Gornitsa" of the Parus Center for Creative Recreation has been carried out in the third generation of children of different ages.

Over the years, a large amount of material, manuals, toys, and souvenirs has been acquired and created. A lot of literature, both methodical and for children, has been accumulated for reading, looking at illustrations, and demonstrative material.

Exhibitions of children's literature "Russian folk tales" were created for different age categories. Video materials have been collected for viewing not only fairy tales, but also sections of oral folk art according to the age of children. Theatrical corners are open for independent performances of Russian folk tales.

A lot of classes, matinees, gatherings, entertainment on RNA were held. I would like to introduce you to one of the activities with older children in more detail.

Open lesson on the topic “Pavlovo Posad shawl”


  • Introduce children to Pavlovo-Posad shawls and shawls. Teach children the difference between scarves and shawls. Continue acquaintance with the folk traditions of the Russian people.
  • Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of rhythm, color. Generate a desire to learn more about folk traditions and crafts of the Russian people.
  • Cultivate love for the art of folk masters.

Equipment: Pavlovo-Posad shawls and shawls, slides.

Lesson progress

I hour Teacher: In front of you are large, colorful woolen scarves. They are called Pavlovsky Posad, because they are made in the city of Pavlovsky Posad. Look, even the edge of the scarf is depicted on the coat of arms of the city. This city is located near Moscow. For more than 100 years, the masters of Pavlovsky Posad have been making such scarves. Here is the very first worsted plant, where they began to produce them in large quantities.

At first, a very long time ago, scarves in Pavlovsky Posad were made entirely by hand. The warp was woven on a loom. Weaving is a traditional occupation of Russian women. These scarves were also painted by hand.

And this is how the worsted plant has become in our time. Looms have become more perfect. Working on scarves different masters. Weavers weave fabric from woolen threads, dyers dye the fabric in different tones. Paints are applied under computer control, mixing of the finished paint is performed without human intervention. Artists make patterns, printing is carried out on printing presses. The most critical operations are carried out manually.

Do you know that in the old days in Rus' a piece of matter was called “Plat”? This is where the word “handkerchief” came from. And here are other products of the Pavlovo Posad masters - shawls (shows the children a shawl).

Look carefully and tell me what is the difference between a shawl and a scarf? The scarf is smaller than the shawl; the shawl is decorated with tassels, but the scarf is not). Do any of you have Pavlovskoposad shawls or shawls at home? Who wears them? (mother, grandmother, aunt). (To several girls): You can throw a scarf or shawl around your shoulders. Feel how warm and comfortable you are.

Fizminutka. Musical game "Burn, burn brightly ...".

Part II. Do you know how else to use shawls and scarves? It turns out that they can be laid like a tablecloth, thrown over the back of an armchair or sofa for beauty, decorate a wall in a village house or in the country.

All Pavlovo Posad shawls are different. Each has its own background and its own pattern, ornament. The background is the main color of the scarf on which the elements of the pattern are located. What color is the background of this scarf? And this one? What patterns are used for scarves? (leaves, flowers). What color are the flowers? Please note that the entire pattern is located at the edges and corners.

Part III And now we will be craftsmen from Pavlov Posad and for our guests we will decorate the bases of scarves with patterns. To get started, review and select samples. Application. Children's work.

Questions to the children: What is the name of the handkerchiefs that you made? Why do you think these are scarves and not shawls? What are scarves and shawls for? How were handkerchiefs made in the past? And in our time? What patterns did Pavlovo Posad shawls and shawls decorate with? (at the end of work, children give their scarves to guests).

Pavlovsky Posad shawls and shawls are so beautiful and warm that residents of different cities of Russia and other countries wear them with pleasure.

Today I will tell you what a museum is, and we will visit a real museum.

So, museum - this is the place where various objects are stored and studied. They may or may not be valuable. But all these items can “tell and tell” us a lot: about their history, about their origin and about what they are needed for and how they are used. And these things are called exhibits. This word is new for you, let's repeat it all together: "Ex-po-na-you"

Museums can be different and the exhibits in them are also different. For example look here (shows the theme album) local history museums, they contain exhibits that tell about the history, nature and culture of one city or village. We also have such a museum in Osa.

IN historical museum exhibits will be presented that tell us about the history of the city, region or even whole country.

Guys, tell me, do you collect any items or toys at home?

The collection of such items is called collection.

Collections various items often exhibited in various museums. And it's already called exhibition. We can come with you to the museum for an exhibition and admire some collection: paintings, dishes, coins, etc.

And as I already promised you, today we will also visit the museum, but the museum is not ordinary, but created in our group.

I invite you on an excursion to our museum "Tea stories".

Guys, what is a tour?

-Excursion is a trip to the museum in order to learn something new and interesting.

Here we will learn something new and interesting. And I will be yours tour guide.

Guys, but before going to the museum, we must find out how you can behave in the museum and how not. How do you think?

You are absolutely right, because if you make noise and run around, you will interfere with other people. If you are viewing the exhibits, then do not block the view of other visitors to the museum. When the guide speaks, you can not laugh out loud, talk and interrupt him. The exhibits of our museum can be touched and picked up, but only carefully so as not to break. But if you see such a sign next to the exhibit (shows the sign "crossed palm"), this means that the exhibit is valuable and should not be picked up.

Do you understand the rules of conduct in the museum?

I hope you follow them.

Now come closer, I'll tell you about our museum. (introduces children to the mini-museum, talks about the exhibits, the collection, the history of the exhibits, tries to interest children in unusual exhibits, etc.)

Our museum also has books to look at, coloring books and games for you to borrow and play.

Excursion to the school local history museum "MEMORY OF THE BEGINNING".
Subject: Getting to know the museum.
The tour is conducted by: the head of the museum, a teacher of history and social studies Khodykin A.V. and members of the "Young Historian" circle.
Goals and objectives:
Introducing students to school museum.
The development of the research beginning in children.
Introducing students to the culture of their region.
Materials for the lesson:
1. Expositions of the school local history museum:
- "Native village".
- "Our school yesterday and today."
- Echoes of War.
2. Illustrations for the game - "What should the student do?"
3. Songs.
Preparation for the event:
1. Create three groups of guides.
2. Prepare a performance of an excerpt from the song "I look into the blue lakes ...".
3. Prepare proverbs about the Motherland.
Event progress.
Org. Moment: Head of the Museum:
- Guys, today you came to the school museum of local history for the first time. My assistants and I will conduct an unusual excursion, but very important for each of us. Listen to our guides, and at the end of the event, tell us what you learned today.
I. 1st group of guides:
- The first school in the village of Tali was opened in 1861. In the village there was Sunday School. It had 65 girls and 19 boys aged 12-17. Classes were conducted 32 days a year by two teachers and one teacher of the law. The students were divided into four groups: 1 - illiterate, 2 - studied one winter, dropped out for some reason in the middle of the year, 3 - studied 2-3 winters, 4 - studied 5 winters at school.

In the 1960s, the Talovskaya General Educational Labor Polytechnic School with industrial training conducted agricultural experiments on an area of ​​95 hectares and had its own duck farm. In 1963, for raising 50,000 ducks, she was awarded a diploma of the second degree by the Committee of the Council of the VDNKh of the USSR. The eighties of the last century… The life of the school is rich and interesting. Pioneer gatherings, Komsomol meetings, ceremonial rulers dedicated anniversaries, sport competitions. In spring and summer, hikes to places of military glory, fervent songs around the fire, collecting waste paper and scrap metal. The work of the production team in the fields and the current of the Pobeda collective farm, and of course, in the garden. It was there that the guys learned the basics of rabbit breeding and growing seedlings.
- During the holidays, trips to hero cities and the capitals of the Union republics. Where the students of our school have not been: Moscow, Leningrad, Volgograd, Baku, Kiev, Minsk, Chisinau, Riga, Odessa.

School! For us and our successors you were, are and will be the temple of science. Scientists and machine operators, senior officers and livestock breeders, teachers and pilots, diplomats and builders, geologists and doctors received a start in life within your walls. They are their feat of arms and selfless work defended, restored and glorified their homeland!

What happened to the graduates of our school? Scattered their fate all over great country. Have they forgotten their home school? No! The year before last, graduates of 1956 gathered for a meeting.

The current school building was built in 1972.
- Raise your hands, who taught at our school dads and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers.

Warm-up game (using pictures) “What should a student be like?”
(the guides of the first group show the guys pictures that show how and what the student is obliged to do and what he should not do, ask questions)
II. 2nd group of guides: (may replace the head of the museum)
- Head of the museum:
A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.
For your homeland, do not spare either strength or life ...
- Every year, on May 9, the Victory salute thunders, and the immense suffering of the war years and the immense courage of the people are still alive in the memory of the people. What is this holiday, who will tell me? This holiday is celebrated in every family, in every home. On this day, we bow with gratitude to the heroes who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of the Motherland. Soviet people, having defeated the fascist invaders, defended peace on Earth.
And in the summer of 1942, the Germans occupied the village of Tali.
The village of Tali was under occupation for only half a year, but how much grief and separation it brought to fellow villagers. On December 19, 1942, our village was liberated after a hard battle. In the battles for Tala and Bugaevka, several hundred Soviet soldiers of the 267th Infantry Division fell, the names of 20 officers and 221 soldiers and sergeants are known. They all rest in mass graves located in the center of the village of Tali, on the street. Stepnoy, st. Lugovoi, in the villages of Bugaevka and Chekhurovka. Monuments and steles are installed on the graves. Local residents carefully look after the graves. Every year on May 9, villagers come to these graves and honor the memory of fallen soldiers, officers, sergeants. Do not forget those who survived.
Veterans of the 267th Infantry Division are grateful to the residents of the villages of Tala, Bugaevka, Chekhurovka for good memory about the wars of liberation. The surviving veterans have visited the mass graves of their fallen friends more than once. Relatives of the dead also often came.
During the war years, almost the entire adult male population went to the front. 309 men did not return from the battlefields. A native of the village is Lieutenant General A.M. Gorodnyansky (1896 - 1942), commander of the 6th Army of the Southwestern Front. He died near Kharkov in 1942, and was buried there.
III.3rd group of guides:

Our village Tali was founded by the Cossacks of the Ostrogozhskaya Hundred in the south of the Voronezh province on the left bank of the Bogucharka River. The name of the village Tali comes from the river plant willow. According to one of the legends, the Bogucharka River, which flows into the Don, got its name thanks to Peter I. Once the emperor was sailing along the Don River and found out that they were going to poison him by offering him a cup of poisoned wine. When they gave him a cup of wine, he poured it into the river and said: "God's cup!".
Interesting names had streets in Tala had names - Governor, Passing, Shapovalova. Dovgalaevskaya street stretches along the river bank. Near the bay is Bratasheva Street, which got its name from the name of a rich Cossack who lived on it, here were the courtyards of two Talov priests. At the highest place stood the Nicholas Church.
Freedom, as it was supposed to in those distant times, for safety, was surrounded by a "palisade", the gates of which were locked at night and guarded by a detachment of guards. Behind the palisade and the river stretched meadows, forests and arable lands of the Slobozhans. The main occupation was agriculture, cattle breeding and carting.

In front of you you see things that our ancestors used. What things do you know the meaning of?
- Looking at the things that your great-great-grandmothers, great-great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, grandfathers and grandmothers used, and even now parents use some of them, what do you think they did? How did you spend your free time?
(students list) (Listening to an excerpt of the song on the gramophone “Outside the window, fragrant bird cherry”)
3rd group of guides:
- Yes, our ancestors were mainly engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. And now let's remember the proverbs about the Motherland (mother, bread, etc.)
3rd group of guides:
Proverbs about the Motherland:
To live is to serve the motherland.
There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.
For the motherland - the mother is not afraid to die.
Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Native bush and hare roads.
WITH native land- die, don't leave.
Own land and in a handful is sweet.
native side- mother, stranger - stepmother.
- And what proverbs about the Motherland do you know? (Children's statements)
3rd group of guides:
- Motherland is the house in which we live, and the Russian birch, and the cry of the cuckoo, and the clearing. This is the place where you were born and raised. A village whose history we are proud of! The motherland is also our ancestors, our mothers, fathers, grandparents, who gave us life and a name. The love of a person for the Motherland was expressed by the Russian people in their proverbs and sayings. Our fatherland, our motherland is Mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us; and mother - because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, learned her language, how a mother protects and protects us from all kinds of enemies ... There are many things in the world, and besides Russia, all kinds of good states and lands, but one for man own mother- He has one homeland.
- Head of the museum: Russia. Which beautiful word- and dew
and strength, and something blue...
S. Yesenin
IV. The song “I look into the blue lakes ..”
v. Final word museum manager.

Introducing children 4-6 years old to the world of beauty and museum ethics. Preparing for the first trip to the museum - advice from an art teacher.

Art teacher N.L. Kulchinskaya, based on her observations and communication with children and parents, offers several of her reflections on the aesthetic. Theoretical work reinforced various games available under our terms and conditions. All this will help prepare the child psychologically for such cultural event like going to a museum.

The first visit to the museum in childhood is remembered for a lifetime, it is associated with the feeling of a heavy door, with difficulty moving forward, with an unusual, somehow mysterious smell...

Muscovite mom decided to take her four-year-old son to Tretyakov Gallery. It was decided to start from the hall where her favorite paintings by the artist I. Aivazovsky hung. However, on the way to the hall, the child was distracted - he was interested in literally everything, he asked questions, pulled his mother in one direction or the other, and when they reached the right hall, it turned out that the baby was tired and had an emotional response to his mother’s favorite works, what was expected of him did not happen.

There are several reasons for the failure, and all of them are related to the fact that two worlds - the world of childhood and the world of art - came into contact, having their own laws, features and language.

Have you thought about the fact that existing museums have developed as "adult" institutions? The specifics of the museum environment with its historically established ethics of behavior is built on a number of prohibitions and restrictions - do not speak loudly, do not touch the exhibits with your hands, do not move quickly - creates the most comfortable conditions for an adult viewer and conflicts with the peculiarities of children's perception. After all, children 4-6 years old are not yet spectators. They just have to become spectators. So what, wait until the child grows up?

Far from it. Museum ethics is easily assimilated by children during their direct stay in the museum; the absence of this experience in adulthood leads to the fact that a person implements, as a rule, a childish pattern of behavior, i.e., strives for the most short term to see as much as possible without even starting to deepen perception.

Parents do not yet know who the child will be when he becomes an adult, but they want to develop him Creative skills, to cultivate responsiveness to all manifestations of the beautiful in life, to instill a love for art. And, of course, they are absolutely justified in first turning to the experience of the museum.

But here questions immediately arise: is it possible to develop and teach a child what you, a parent, are not a specialist in. And one more thing: what to do if the family does not live in big city where there are museums and parks with sculpture, but in a village or a small town? Finally, wouldn't the first failed attempt to bring a child into a museum do more harm than good?

Many years of experience shows that the main guarantee of success is the willingness to set off on the path of comprehending the beautiful, the world of art together with the child, treating him as an equal, complete and interesting partner. Learn with him, enriching him with your own life experience, often learning from him freshness of perception, non-stereotypical thinking, imagery of comparisons and observations. It is also important to know that before you go to the museum with your child, you need to learn to see the beauty in your environment, in nature.

At this first stage, rural residents are in a better position than urban ones. nature in different time of the year provides a wonderful opportunity for observation, careful peering, close and long-distance travel, during which you can perform tasks for the development of aesthetic and artistic perception, using the games we suggested and inventing your own games (see pp. 68-71).

Introduction little man to the world of beauty, it is desirable to start in familiar conditions, focusing on classes - conversations, observations, creative tasks and excursions in nature, at home, and then in the halls of a local history or biological museum.

Travel first. Form

Watching children 4-6 years old, you can see that they are full of interest in the world around them and the desire to experiment in it. At this time, a pronounced connection, "kinship" with the outside world - a plant, an animal, a character in a fairy tale - is found in the child. The ability to spiritualize the environment makes it sensitive to various types art and to all manifestations of beauty in life.

The beauty of the simplest natural forms. Search game. Start outdoor activities by asking your child: can he give an example of the beauty of what he sees around him? Having heard the answer (for example, a butterfly, a flower, a leaf), carefully examine the flower together, admire its bright color, the delicate line of the curved stem.

Offer, closing your eyes, to smell the flower, feel the glossy surface of the leaves and feel the fluffiness of the stem, look at the gap of the flower petals with thin veins. Compare a flower with a butterfly and note that the wings of a butterfly are similar to the petals of a flower and diverge from the back in the same way that the petals of a flower extend from its core.

Admire the beauty of nature - the sunset, the color of leaves and flowers, the colors of insects, iridescent shadows in the snow - at different times of the day you can endlessly. However, you need to be patient so that the child himself begins to notice the beautiful. For this to happen, adults need to pay attention to the beauty of nature as often as possible, encourage independent discoveries, and share the joy of what they see. During walks, you can see the outlines of spots drying on the pavement after rain, clouds running across the sky, the changing pattern of foam on the surface of the water, Frost patterns on glass, stone veins or cracks in tiles. The most bizarre images are hidden in their contours - heroes of fairy tales, fantastic and real animals and birds, portraits and silhouettes of people, and much, much more.

Attentive examination of shells on the seashore, admiring the stones captivate children and adults. In the forest, intricately intertwined branches and roots, trees covered with snow can also become an impetus for the development of fantasy and imagination. development of perception and figurative thinking questions and creative tasks with which adults turn to the child help: “Tell me, what does it look like? What does it remind you of?

At the first acquaintance of a child with a brush and paints, it is necessary to show how to use them correctly, how to mix colors on the palette to get new ones, for example, green (blue + yellow), orange (red + yellow), lilac (blue + red), and also how to handle white for soft and delicate shades.

Is this familiar to you? Acquaintance with the forms of nature, their originality and expressiveness can be continued by looking at albums, slides, photographs, herbariums and collections of butterflies, minerals, shells, stamps depicting fish, animals, plants and birds together. These observations give children great pleasure. During such joint sessions, it is not necessary to build a detailed dialogue, but one question must be asked: tell me, what did you especially like about everything that we saw?

We've got it all. Of course, classes involve the creation of a favorable psychological climate. To do this, it is necessary to create and maintain a trusting, friendly atmosphere, a friendly and respectful attitude towards the child, regardless of his success. Children subtly feel and support humor. In the group, it is necessary to refuse the nomination and support of the leader. Your own, even unconsciously expressed, preference for one can hinder the development of others.

Development of emotions. The development of empathic emotions in a child: sympathy, empathy, assistance, the education in him of kind, humane feelings for the environment will help to appreciate the "beautiful", to identify the commonality of the living and the inanimate, the person and the things created by him, to feel part of the world around him.

In the future, outside of special classes, it is necessary to draw the child's attention to the suffering or pain of animals, causing him sympathy, a desire to help.

Journey second. Color

Color is all around us. Are we able to distinguish shades in the sky illuminated in different ways - clear, overcast, during sunset, before a thunderstorm? Have you noticed how many shades of green there are in just one small forest clearing?

colored shadows. Winter is snow, and taking an apple, an orange or a simple mitten with you for a walk, throw them on the snow - that's when you can see colored shadows. Review them with your child. In good light, it is enough to bring a bright cloth or a book in a bright, plain cover to your neck and go to the mirror. You will see a colored shadow on the chin. Such simple experiments are remembered by children in their first acquaintance with color. As a rule, such activities give impetus to the children's imagination, which begins to work in this direction, inventing their own games.

Color perception. Acquaintance with color for young children is not so much recognition and understanding as perception. How do children perceive color? Does color perception differ between children and adults? Yes, of course they are different. Today we know that perception in adults is very individual, depends on mood, differs in men and women. What is important to know when working with a child?

First of all, we must remember that babies who are at the very beginning of their life path, assessments of the psychological, physiological and aesthetic order act on an equal footing and are closely merged with moral ones. So for a preschooler, red, yellow, pink, blue and orange are joyful, bright, cheerful and kind colors. But brown, black, dark blue, white, dark green are sad, serious, boring, angry, ugly colors.

Of the 70 children we interviewed, 68 preferred five colors: red, blue, pink, yellow, orange. And only 2 - purple and black. It is known that a person in need of physical rest, emotional peace instinctively chooses dark tones. If, however, the organism needs to release energy through outwardly directed activity or intellectual creativity, then the choice falls on warm, bright colors.

Another feature of color perception in young children is its specificity: "green grass", "blue sky", "blue sea". In these combinations themselves, one can guess the "stamps" or "sensory standards" developed by a given culture. The child, passing the path of mastering the world around him, must gradually master these "sensory standards". With their help, he will later be able to systematize what he sees and what he acts with.

It is obvious that the narrower and more specific the set of standards (in this case we are talking about color culture and color standards), topics longer baby as it grows older, it will be within the limits of "children's perception", that is, focus on 4-6 primary colors. And vice versa, the wider and more varied the set of color combinations, the wider the choice, the thinner analytic skills perception.

A remarkable property of children's perception is its integrity. Vision, sound perception, tactile sensations, smell, motor skills - all these are ways and means of exploring the world around us.

Color and sound. preschool age- this is the best time to let the child feel how close the concepts of sound and color are. Have you ever thought about how colors sound, or, if I may say so, what each color sounds like? Do you agree with these observations:

  • "Yellow is a typical earthy color. Yellow cannot be particularly deepened. The rise of yellow sounds like a trumpet that is being blown more and more strongly, or as raised to high altitude fanfare sound.
  • Blue is a typically celestial color. A very deep blue will give an element of peace. Lowered to the limits of black, it receives an overtone of human sadness.
  • IN musical image light blue is like the sound of a flute, dark blue is like a cello. Deepening and deepening, it becomes like the amazing sounds of a double bass. In a deep solemn form, the sound of blue is equal to the sound of a deep organ..."

This small fragment from Wassily Kandinsky's article "On the Spiritual in Art" opens up another way for us to get acquainted with the properties of color. Is it possible to introduce a child into this wonderful world? How to do it? We play "Patches and Bells" (see p. 69).

Classes-games to develop the perception of color and shape in children 4-6 years old are a good preparation for visiting museums, getting acquainted with works of art.

Journey third. Museum

We know that little child when meeting a new object, it is necessary to get in touch with it.

Facing the museum. Our first acquaintance with the museum begins on the street, in front of the facade of the building. If the museum building is of the palace type, mansion or wooden house with a beautifully executed decor, you need to pay attention to all the details of the design. You can ask a few questions: does the child know what a museum is, what is in it, does he want to see what is there, what do the sculptures and paintings look like? Such a technique in museum pedagogy is called actualization. Of course, you will answer all the questions yourself, but you will surely arouse interest in the child - the main driving force knowledge of the new. The journey of children to a wonderful country - a museum, where everything is beautiful and unusual, will continue in the halls. Preschoolers will gradually get acquainted with the decoration of rooms - paintings of walls and ceilings, floors lined with parquet or marble, solemn doors decorated with bronze, door handles ... Children are offered a game of searching for something beautiful in the museum, during which they remember, compare: that reminds and settles in a new space with a plus sign.

In every museum, arranged with love, you can find "beautiful" - carved window frames, smooth surface of polished wood, the color of the walls; even the creaking steps of the stairs can give you the opportunity to gaze, listen and admire, that is, everything that creates the uniqueness of this particular place.

For the first time, you can introduce the children to the decoration of the museum as a whole (especially if the museum is small) and give them the opportunity to draw when they come home. Although the child's desire may come later.

You can choose another way - to admire the decoration of one hall and go to another with pictures or sculptures on the theme ancient Greek myths with storylines.

Animated Statue. Watching the children in the halls of the museum at the moment when they are looking at an unfamiliar relief, sculpture, you can see that they spontaneously try to assume the pose of a statue.

The child is not enough visual perception and the story of an adult, he uses motor movement as a way to comprehend the new. Spontaneous plastic assimilation - a kind of "revived" sculpture or painting.

Intermission. Children 4-6 years old get tired quickly, so after the first 10-15 minutes it is better to sit on a bench and tell or read a myth to the child (prepare yourself in advance), and then find the work in which it is conveyed.

Traveling with your child through the museum, you carried out a search game for 20-30 minutes, read, played with a sculpture that came to life, drew and, thus, used another pedagogical technique - a shift different types activities. Switching relieves fatigue, however, there are so many impressions that it is better not to overload the baby and, leaving the museum, be sure to give him a snack with a pre-cooked apple or sandwich.

In 20-30 minutes of the first acquaintance with the museum, the child should feel the main thing - the museum has a lot of new, interesting things, here you can do your favorite things - play, listen to fairy tales, draw. If your child has a strong desire to come here again, then your efforts have not been in vain.

About painting. Next time you can continue your acquaintance with the museum in the halls of painting.

At the age of 4-6 years, children easily learn the concept of genres - portrait, landscape, still life. But it is important to know that they perceive the picture not as a whole, like adults, but through the details. If you ask a child to tell what is shown in the picture, he will very sparingly list what he sees, rejoicing at recognizing familiar objects. Often children pay attention to details that are secondary to the work, but emotionally significant for them, as they are the impetus for associations related to their personal experience.

So, for example, in the picture french artist XVII century Claude Lorrain "The Abduction of Europe" children celebrate girls weaving wreaths, a ship and a stone in the foreground, which bends around a stream of water, forming chippers. Children immediately remember the summer, tell where and with whom they spent it, and "they also saw a stone and how small waves are around it ..."

Memories of summer tend to be the most enjoyable for children. Often the plot of the picture, giving impetus to these memories, provokes another feature of children's perception, which can be called self-projection. So, in the painting by Claude Monet "Haystack in Niveria" children seem to put themselves in the picture, they talk about what they like - a haystack, because you can hide in it or move down from above; they imagine themselves as characters in the picture, and this helps them to emotional level feel artistic image- summer day, long shadows from trees, grass and flowers - all this beckons the child to "enter" into art space to become a part of it.

Other museums. No less interesting for children can be trips to natural science museums. Each museum has its own specifics, speaks to us in its own special language. Natural science museums - Biological, Zoological, Paleontological, with the idea of ​​the development of all life on Earth embedded in them, teach us logic and generalization, while art museums appeal primarily to our feelings and emotions.

Returning to the questions posed at the beginning of the article, we think that now you will be able to answer them yourself.

N.L. Kulchinskaya, Ph.D. Sciences, art historian
A.A. Kulchinskaya, artist-teacher
Article from the magazine "Man"

Comment on the article "I will take you to the museum? How to prepare a child for the first trip to the museum"

My children, 6 and 9 years old (at that time), and I went specifically to the Egyptian Hall, before that they looked at something about mummies and they were very interested in it. For the average child, the Hermitage (the Russian Museum too, but to a lesser extent) is too huge, visually ...


Regarding the Hermitage with children and visiting the Hermitage in general: everything is possible and even children will be interested if they set a specific goal - what to see. It's one thing to run through the halls and say "I was here", but at the same time it is clear that it is impossible and tiring to run through everything, and specific halls are another matter. My children, 6 and 9 years old (at that time), and I went specifically to the Egyptian Hall, before that they looked at something about mummies and they were very interested in it. Then, in our plan, there was a room dedicated to the war of 1812 (as I understood, this is not a permanent exhibition), and since the senior school somehow touched on this topic, we went there. Then to the throne room (well, it's clear that children are interested), and dad wanted to see the Impressionists. Neither children nor adults were enough for more, but at the same time they remained untortured and satisfied. I believe that any big museum that's the only way to see it.
Our friends, St. Petersburg residents themselves, visit only in this way. We went, for example, to Holland - visited art museums there - I wanted to see the collection of the Dutch in the Hermitage, and so on and so forth.
And here is only one drawback of the Hermitage: it is very badly organized there with the entrance and tickets.

If you have rare, simply exceptional 5-year-olds who prefer quiet looking at paintings and interior items to all entertainment - welcome to the Hermitage. For the average child, the Hermitage (the Russian Museum too, but to a lesser extent) is too huge, visually oversaturated and incomprehensible place. It’s just a pity to spend the whole day from a short trip on something that will not please the child, but will only tire, most likely.
I am based on own experience, we lived in St. Petersburg for 5 years: my 2-3 grade (my sister, respectively, was 4-5 years old) and my 9-11 grades (my sister was in 3-5). Our parents are very active, we have been everywhere, but if I remember Peterhof "from childhood" with delight, as an unusual, magical place, then I remember three things about the Hermitage - an unimaginably large queue, stairs and buzzing legs. Of course, at an older age I "permeated", but at the age of 5-7 I definitely didn't need it.
Tested on my daughter - musical, drawing, who loves to go to museums - at the age of 8, when we arrived in St. Petersburg for 2 days, I didn’t even offer her to go there (but Zoo museum and the dolphin show went with a bang). At the age of 12-13, the Hermitage in her plans for a 2-week trip to St. Petersburg was in first place (the Japanese exhibition in the artillery museum was in second :), and Peterhof was in third). After an hour and a half of "walking" on it, the baby whined that she could no longer and why she had been brought here at all, it would be better if they just walked around the city for an extra day ... and, remembering myself, I understand her.

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