Downshifter is… Definition, basic principles and interesting facts. Who are downshifters and what do they do?


Studying at a prestigious university, working in a highly paid position, owning a house and a car - these items make up the ideal life scenario for most people. Most, but not all. There are those who have decided that such benefits are not capable of making him happy. Their name is downshifters.

As a rule, such people change office cabinet on a comfortable home chair or small house in the village. It also happens that a person leaves a high position and becomes an ordinary office manager. Why is this happening? Are there any advantages to this? And what dangers might lie in wait? Let's find out a little lower.

Crowdfunding is not enough even for downshifting.
Viktor Pelevin. Love for Three Zuckerbrins

Downshifters - who are they?

These people, like the bulk, also at one time worked from 8 to 5, waited for Friday evenings, vacations, as well as salaries and bonuses. But at one point they stopped and asked themselves: “For what? Why live for other people's goals, sacrifice time and effort not in your favor? It is this question that gives rise to a new life as a downshifter.

Downshifting, as a social phenomenon, appeared relatively recently, although in fact it existed before. Translated from English, this word means "switching to a low gear" (from automotive terminology). Simply put, a downshifter is a person who has abandoned his usual way of life (home-work-home) in favor of a measured life "for himself."

Modern downshifters often oppose themselves to "white collars" - successful careerists who strive for material well-being and do not shun daily work in offices.

For downshifters, this way of life seems inferior. In their opinion, financial side- not the most important thing in life.

One of the brightest examples of this trend is German Sterligov. He traded life in an elite area for a farm and livestock.

Downshifter - strong or weak personality?

Now there is an active debate about whether downshifting is a manifestation of willpower and determination, or, conversely, a downshifter is a weak person.

Psychologists share two opinions: the first say that this is the right direction from a scientific point of view. Others think that downshifting represents selfishness and laziness. In their opinion, a downshifter is a person who escapes from temporary financial difficulties and stressful situations that happen to almost everyone. Thus, he tries to avoid banal responsibility.

Experts also identify three main groups of people who become downshifters:

  1. Hostages of parental attitudes.
    They choose the specialty that mom and dad impose on them, get an unloved job just because it pays well. Subsequently, such people usually become dependent on their spouses.
  2. Those who can not cope with the moral pressure.
    Psychological and physical exercise become unbearable for them.
  3. The one who is tired of the luxurious life.
    Typically, this group includes businessmen and politicians. Realizing that the income will be enough for several generations to come, they decide to "live for themselves."
So who are they really? Of course, if you look at this issue only superficially, we can conclude that these are the most common parasites and selfish people who avoid everyday duties. In fact, the main goal pursued by downshifters is independence from society. Their own peace of mind is most important to them.

Five reasons to "live for yourself"

  1. Striving for harmony;
  2. Desire for maximum self-expression;
  3. Inconsistency with personal goals;
  4. Desire to improve health, get rid of stress;
  5. Awareness of one's own incompetence.

Downshifting: PROS

Downshifters are independent individuals who do not limit themselves to rigid limits of time and requirements. They make their schedule only at their own discretion.

After fundamental changes there is a lot of free time. Here, downshifters themselves decide how to use it: work at night and sleep until dinner, travel and live in exotic countries, and much more.

If a person does everything right for himself, then soon he will feel a surge of new strength, the absence of a terrible mood and constant lack of sleep.

Appears personal and professional growth. After such life changes, a desire to develop oneself arises.

Downshifting: CONS

Man is a social being. We communicate, we work, we continue our race. Psychologists confirm that human society able to preserve itself only at the level of the species.

This fact is not immediately realized if the individual fails to enter into a single rhythm of society. Against this background, a false impression is created that avoiding everyday problems will help personal growth and lead to peace of mind.

If a person decides to move away alone, then over time there will be a feeling of isolation from the outside world. That is why many downshifters return to their former life. An excellent example will again be German Sterligov, who lived with his farm for about 4 years. After that, he again returned to life in the metropolis.

Is it that easy to be a downshifter?

A person chose a carefree “life for himself”, found harmony and happiness. But is everything so rosy? Let's figure out what problems downshifters face, especially at the beginning of a new life.

material side

This is the first and most basic problem that will get in the way. A stable income has an important advantage - confidence in tomorrow. Many downshifters cannot boast of this.

Initially, it is very difficult to switch to new status, especially if in the past there was a stable high income.

Public opinion

As a rule, the attitude towards such people in society is not the most positive. Most are not able to understand how a person could get away from a stable income, choosing a carefree life in the province.

Loss of status in society

Many downshifters lose all contact with relatives and stop communicating with friends against this background.

old habits

It will be very difficult for conservatives to switch to new round life.

Western and Russian downshifters

Downshifting is primarily a social phenomenon. Therefore, it will depend on the mentality of the country. What is the difference between our and Western downshifters? Let's try to figure it out.

According to the observations of psychologists and sociologists, a calm attitude to a career and earnings directly depends on the standard of living in the country. Initially, this phenomenon developed in the West. Statistics show that most downshifters today live in the United States and Australia.

The Western downshifter is predominantly a middle class representative with a stable high income. He can afford to lose some of his earnings and rebuild his life.

There are very few downshifters in Russia - about 5%. Basically, they are represented by very rich people. After all, not everyone can afford to cut their income even a little. Our townsfolk prefer to go with their families to the Russian hinterlands, hit farming in the Tula, Voronezh and other regions.

Among Russian downshifters, other countries are also popular: Thailand, Turkey, Bulgaria, etc.


Downshifting is an interesting and multifaceted social phenomenon.
Some choose such a life forever, but for someone a short period of time is enough to gain invaluable experience and move on. Of course, this does not solve absolutely all problems, however, it can help in discovering its unknown sides.

Do not forget about the difficulties that are encountered along the way. Not all downshifters are ready for a significant reduction in material wealth and, in some cases, life without the usual comfort.

What do you think, are such cardinal changes of one's own free will necessary?

” I spoke briefly about the path that led me to a minimalist life and an irrepressible thirst for travel. Now I wanted to answer the question “What is downshifting” as fully as possible and take a slightly broader look at its causes and features.

Downshifting is the abandonment of the intense and frantic race in quarries, rat races and office work in favor of a quiet and measured life with a subsequent decrease in income and consumption levels.

True, in the post-Soviet space this concept is not as widely known as in the West. And the reason is very simple: our people have not yet had time to get enough of the benefits material society consumption, since periods of social stability and prosperity in our countries are a very shaky business.

The reaction of the majority to your personal choice still sounds like a reproach or condescension to a bad whim. We have few downshifters who could form the backbone of any movement. More often these are retired office workers who, after 3-4 months of traveling around India and Southeast Asia, return to their cozy little offices.

At one time, I was exactly the same: searched, tried, retreated and gave up. I was drawn to stories about $2 a day life and crowded Indian trains. Even for the same psychos, I wrote an article about how you can. And every time, after another similar homelessness (for example, nights on), I returned to cozy, warm offices and lived in hope until the next vacation.

However, I was inspired historical examples:

First known downshifters

  1. Siddhartha Gautama, better known as the Buddha. Leaving the family royal throne and a carefree life, the prince went in search of the truth. He wandered for a long time, but very effectively! The result is teaching, followers, and over 2,500 years of experience. If he had perished back in the wilds of history and the genealogies of the kings of the Shakya family, few people would remember his influence today.
  2. Nikola Saint - one of the first downshifters Kievan Rus. Having received power, a tower and servants from the princely family, he became disillusioned with the worldly and went into Orthodox monks, for he was more interested in relations with God than diplomacy and the needs of the fatherland.
  3. Roman emperor Diocletian, who abdicated his throne in favor of growing cabbages
  4. Count Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy with the idea of ​​simplification and approach to nature.
  5. Uncle Fyodor, who left the city to live in the countryside. His wild charisma, despite his young age, inspired even his parents. Remember the final phrase of one of Prostokvashinsky cartoons? “If I had a second life, I would spend it here in Prostokvashino!”.

Of course, these stories are very interesting, but I was even more inspired by the living carriers of the idea. Someone quit a hated job for the sake of hobbies and hobbies; and someone just went to wild trash without earnings and any understanding of what would happen next. In travels, you can often often meet both the first and second, but which of them is more - I have not yet understood.

Downshifter's mug

However, I am very clear that...

Downshifting has its pros and cons

And for the most part, the pros and cons are dictated personal experience one downshifter or another. There is no objective division here: they say, this is good, but this is not. Everything is purely individual ... However, operating general characteristics, all adherents can be divided into 2 camps: creators and idlers.

To answer the question “who is a downshifter” in more detail, we will describe these 2 types in a little more detail.


Most often, people who do not run away from the system, but go towards a specific goal, fall into this camp. For example, those who leave their homes in favor of ecovillages, work and life in the village, or for the benefit of some own project. These are healthy and open personalities, without bad habits, smoky voices and red eyes. Their motivation is in close communication with the family, self-development and attentive attitude to environment.

Among them, you can often meet measured travelers, who impress with the scope of their interests and a deep view of the world. You can meet sedentary citizens whose meaning of life is in creative work on earth. But despite the external differences, all of them are united by a meaningful attitude towards their own goals, which subsequently leads to upshifting, i.e. raising the standard of living. The common phrase about finding something to your liking and not knowing what work is until the end of your days is about them.

They earn with their own labor and do not sit on anyone's thin necks, therefore they evoke persistent reverence in those around them.

And there is more...


This category can sometimes be confused with the first, especially if downshifters suddenly find themselves in common boiler, for example, at one table somewhere. However, they differ from the first in their manic passion for freebies. Who would you meet to eat for free? Who would make eyes to buy a return ticket? Whom to grease up with to get free hashish? They are furiously pissed off entry tickets in sights, fares in transport (however low they were) and any mention of labor and effort.

Some of them rent a room-apartment in Moscow, which adds a certain degree to the irrepressible thirst for freebies. own importance. It is they who can most often be found drunk in asshole and stoned to green snot. The worst thing is when, according to such adherents, the attitude is transferred to you ...

The most interesting thing is that I myself sometimes meet the characteristics of the second type, but I can’t see it right away. Especially after I suddenly find out the prices for entrance tickets in Sri Lanka or China.

The stories of these “seconds” are most often savoryly replicated by the media as an edification to yuppies and hamsters: they say, don’t poke your nose, freedom is dangerous ... see how many people suffer from unbearable drunkenness on the beaches of Bali? And these are still flowers ... For example<и далее по списку>. It is clear that such emissions are the easiest way to attract attention, because few people will suddenly be interested in a Russian peasant who suddenly moved to Belize to build a house. Is there any envy that arises?

Downshifting to Thailand or Goa?

I often come across publications about how another manager from Russia (mainly from Moscow or St. Petersburg) suddenly becomes disillusioned with serving the golden calf and decides to give up everything for the sake of a quiet and unhurried life somewhere in warm countries. Mostly or Thailand. I don’t know what exactly these two directions look at our compatriot so much, but the fact is on the face.

Of course, many here settle down, dissolve, rent a small modest apartment (especially if the property is in the capital) and don’t blow a mustache. More precisely, they blow, but exclusively with charas and exclusively for spiritual and educational purposes (as they explain to themselves). Such a contingent, despite the quirkiness of forms and expressions, is quite quiet and relaxed and almost does not cause trouble. I often cross paths with him and we even build friendly and good neighborly relations.

Worse, if a person starts to roll off the coils. And then the whole black side of Goa or Thailand absorb it with great appetite. Drugs, substances, relaxation, sex tourism, and complete irresponsibility. In such conditions, rolling down is a great pleasure. And despite all the downshifting, the acquired speed reaches enormous proportions. And as a result - overstays, deportations, a crooked conscience and pissed off money.


Nevertheless, no matter what type this or that adept belongs to, his “decrease in turnover” is very unprofitable for industrialists and sellers. The level of consumption is declining... Just remember the hippies! In my opinion, they had a huge impact on social sphere, culture and politics. In those 60-70s, full of idealism and the spirit of freedom, hippies and their worldview were a reaction to the slowly decaying bourgeois morality and unhealthy tendencies to resolve conflicts in foreign countries by military means (for example, in Vietnam).

Things are a little different these days. Yes, and the scale is much more modest. Well, purely technically downshifting is now easier. Around, freelancing and earning opportunities via the Internet. Young idealists no longer needed status trinkets, they began to be attracted by a free lifestyle and the ability to handle the Internet in such a way as to profit from it.

This is how the “new rich” appeared: a special caste of entrepreneurs leading a minimalist lifestyle and turning over very good capital. True, I am sure that soon there will be reactionaries to this trend, forcing us to think about the truth of our efforts and the consciousness of our choice.

Sometimes there are questions on the net, like “how to become a downshifter”? As if there were any detailed guides. Any label is nothing more than an exemplary model that describes certain trends in the most general approximation, nothing more. Therefore, if you decide to simply reduce the level of consumption and change the vain metropolis to the village silence, you can safely be called a downshiftet)

I think common questions like “what is downshifting?” and "how I came to him" are more than fully revealed. Perhaps a little later I will have an addition, or some new understanding that will inspire me for a new article.

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Good afternoon friends! Elena Nikitina is with you, and today we will talk about such a fashionable phenomenon as downshifting: what is it, what are the positive and negative sides he has, whether he is associated with the transition to remote work and which countries are suitable for a downshifter.

History of the term

It is believed that the term "downshifting" was first used in 1991 by the American journalist Sarah Ben Breatna. The phenomenon itself originated a little earlier, but, as usual, it came to Mother Russia with some delay.

Downshifting is a conscious decrease in the material level by a person who has achieved a certain position in society for the sake of personal interests. This general definition behind which there are different points of view on the causes, essence and consequences of this process.

As a rule, the reason for the decline in turnover is a protest against imposed values: careers, the race for status and the cult of consumption. Let's take a closer look.

Downshifter - a slacker or a purposeful person?

Downshifter - a person who voluntarily lowered his social and material status. But these people are perceived differently. This is because there is still no common understanding of the details in society.

Some recognize as such all those who, for whatever reason, have changed their stuffy office to Coast. These are hippies, plowing the expanses of the Crimea and Goa, and in various parts of the world, and remote workers in Bali. Others call a true downshifter only one who ends his career, following the idea and doing creative work. In the 19th century, these were populists who refused to serve in order to educate peasant children.

It should be clarified whether all those who quit their jobs should be considered downshifters. One situation was when a worker had a good position and a good salary, a profitable business and acquired skills. It’s a completely different matter - yesterday’s student worked for a couple of years at a medium-sized enterprise and, disappointed in a modest salary and boring work, went to Indian Sikhs or fell on his mother’s neck. The second would be more accurately called a dependent.

It doesn't hurt to say about psychological reasons"escape from the world". Every downshifter will say that they are tired of stress and the pursuit of false ideals and want "freedom and peace." But if the parting with the former way of life is of a vivid protest character, it is worth considering. Protest is another challenge to the world, often temporary. A person who understands his true needs does not argue with anyone and does not prove anything to anyone - he goes to himself.

The real downshifter - who is it?

For further discussion, let's clarify the concept - we will describe the signs of a true downshifter:

  • Downshifter - successful man. He has a job behind him that brought him experience and income. Perhaps a career and position in society (but this is not necessary, for example, an IT specialist can have an impressive salary in the absence of a career).
  • This diligent person. He worked for the good of society (although he may have realized that this is a relative good, because he made a profit from the sale of chips and soda).
  • This idea man walking towards his dream. He had long thought about working as a lifeguard on south beach, growing a garden for his family (also a service to society) or blacksmithing. Or he wanted to write a book - from the point of view of careerism, he is also a downshifter, but in the future he may become a famous writer.
  • This strong man capable of withstanding adversity. He guessed that he would have to tighten his belt, and managed to direct the penance for good.
  • It doesn't matter what he does. It can be any creative work for money or for the soul, if there is a source of income.

So, the office worker feels that he does not live his own life and it is time to change something. To do this, he takes the following steps.

Step 1. Decide what you would like to dedicate later life. It's good if the answer to the question has already been found: there is less chance of making a mistake.

Step 2 Thinking about how to earn income. Not always the first and second points coincide. Options:, interest on the deposit (not the most reliable way in the Russian economy), renting out housing, hobbies, working in another position (often coincides with a hobby).

Step 3 Along the way, it is accumulating finances to create a “safety cushion” for the transition period.

Step 4 Selects a region to live in.

Step 5 Provides information about local features: climate, laws, financial situation, development of education (if we are talking about a family with children), the labor market, the opportunity to live on the expected income.

Step 6 Coordinates his decision with loved ones in order to avoid conflict situation. Have you seen the movie Revolutionary Road (2008) with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet? It's just about that.

Step 7 Leaves work tactfully and without unnecessary festivity. Might have to go back.

Step 8 Fulfills the dream.

Downshifting and remote work

These phenomena are not necessarily related.

For example, a well-deserved journalist of a popular publication or an eminent coach retired and write from a piece of paradise, each about his own. This is downshifting and remote work.

But people can earn remotely with young years, having no career behind him, is no longer downshifting.

And finally, leaving the hustle and bustle big city, downshifters don't necessarily work remotely. And they don't always strive for it.

A downshifter is a person who has left the former blessings in the name of work for pleasure, whether it is removed or not.

Possible consequences of downshifting

Now a few words about the results of the changes. There are four scenarios here:

  1. The person who changed his image enjoys life for a while, then the finances run out, and the income at the new job is below the subsistence level. Disappointment in the change of events makes return to the old way of life.
  2. Tired of a frantic race, he rests, recuperates and returns to his former, perhaps somewhat modified, way of life. Whether he originally planned it or not, the rest became a significant reboot for him, an attempt to understand himself and reach a new level.
  3. Yesterday's downshifter does not return to its previous positions, but when the need to "replenish the balance" is brewing, earns just enough to live on.
  4. The ideal case is if our hero managed to secure a sufficient material level for himself (having passive income or earning in a new place) and keeps doing what you love, for which everything was started.

Best countries for downshifting

Now let's discuss where the downshifter should go.

There are several criteria for choosing a region for living (or wintering):

  • climate,
  • cheapness of life
  • flight cost,
  • visa regime of the state,
  • the country's legislation (for example, only a local citizen can officially work as a guide in Thailand, but many know workarounds).

The bulk of Russians gravitate towards warm countries.

Most Popular Southeast Asia : Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia. The flight there costs about 15,000 rubles. If you get to the action or take care of the search in advance, you can significantly.

In Thailand You can stay with a visa for 60 days, without - 30 days, then cross the border with the nearest country and again live for a month without a visa. A visa to Vietnam (to stay in the country for more than 15 days) is issued in advance for six months. In Indonesia, Russians arriving for the purpose of tourism can stay for a month only with a stamp in their passport, a longer stay will require a visa (for 2 or 6 months).

Tropical Asia attracts with cheap accommodation (prices depend on the country and area), exotic nature, interesting culture and gentle sea. Mostly the Slavs living there work as guides (combine work and a love of travel), own a business or.

No less loved by our fellow citizens India. Only in Goa, 1.5 - 2 thousand Russians live permanently. This means both the native language environment and the usual form of leisure. Plus all the joys of fans of Buddhism and yoga. A tourist visa is issued for up to six months and cannot be extended.

Also, a three-month wintering (up to 60 days without a visa plus a month of extension of stay by crossing the border) pleases Türkiye. Heat is not expected there at this time - great option for those who want to see the sights in a comfortable temperature and at reduced prices. A flight from Moscow will cost 5,000 - 7,000 rubles (winter prices).

However, it is worth considering that in the country high prices for intercity buses. My husband and I explored the option of hitchhiking in the summer: movement is possible, but rather slowly.

European countries. As a rule, they are chosen by those wishing to build a career, but downshifters can also find acceptable options for themselves. The climate in the region is milder than the Russian one, and holders of Schengen visas will appreciate the opportunity to travel with the help of a developed network of low-cost airlines.

It is worth paying attention to the states with low prices: Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic. The first three are especially good during the swimming season, and in Montenegro you can live up to 30 days without a visa. Those wishing to extend their stay cross the border with Croatia or receive a visa for 90 days in advance (extension is not provided, if you wish to stay, you will have to apply again). The advantages of Europe also include the low cost of the flight.

New World. The road will cost a pretty penny, but holders of a Schengen, British or American visa can save money by buying tickets with a transfer. There are many visa-free states, moving between which, you can not return to Russia for several years.

Dominican Republic attracts residents of the middle lane with a comfortable temperature (from September to April + 25-30 degrees). Up to 30 days stay in the country is allowed by tourist map(costs $10), at the police station it can be extended for another month or two. An important point: the country has a departure fee of $ 20. Working on a tourist visa is punishable by law, and the labor market is not so developed. Therefore, the state is more suitable for remote workers.

IN Ecuador, where you can combine mountains, plains and the sea, and the temperature is comfortable all year round, Russians can stay for three months without a visa.

You do not need a visa for the same period Chile, just get ready to show return tickets home or to any other state at the border. The standard of living in the country is also low, which attracts downshifters who like to open new horizons.

Popular regions of Russia

There are many downshifters in Russia who do not want to leave their homeland.

Most popular for moving Krasnodar region . According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, for 2015-2017. 150,000 Russians from other regions settled there.

The advantages are obvious: the sea, warm climate, real estate prices are lower than in Moscow. Options for earning: rental housing, travel services, remote work. In the summer we met a family from Sochi, who rents out their apartment to vacationers and lives in a tent outside the city all season. They also work there: they make rugs from stones.

From all over Russia people flock to Voronezh region : climate - average between Central Russia and the Black Sea coast, the economy is quite developed, fertile soil creates good conditions for agriculture.

The metropolitan suburbs are suitable for connoisseurs of familiar infrastructure. Leningrad region And Moscow region. Rental housing is cheaper than in the capital, the transport network is well developed, which means that you can make cultural and business trips to the city, living in more environmentally friendly conditions.

The national idea of ​​Russian downshifting is moving from the city to a small town or village. This is explained by a relatively recent break with the traditional way of life. Often those who leave stay within the region, which has a number of advantages: it is easier to decide to move, family and friendship ties are preserved, and there is less hassle when renting an apartment.

In recent years, the movement of eco-settlers has been actively developing in our country - many of them can also be called downshifters. According to various sources, 350-450 tribal settlements are registered in Russia. The largest number of them falls on the warm Krasnodar Territory and the Yaroslavl Region, the Central Region, the North and the Altai Territory are also popular. There are both villages of wealthy people - former and present businessmen, and modest associations of environmentalists.

This summer, my husband and I visited the settlement "Living Spring", located in the Abinsk district Krasnodar Territory, and watched as people, once tied to city amenities, drive on dirt roads, carry water from a well and cook in a wood-burning stove.

Resources for Downshifters

We decided to get to know the idea of ​​downshifting better - take a look at these sites:

  • is a site whose authors tried to give the most objective information about the causes, essence and possible consequences downshifting. There are no rose-colored glasses, no rejection of the topic. Here you will find several true stories, interesting ideas and helpful tips.
  • - a site about living and earning opportunities in various countries of the world.
  • - a group of downshifters on VKontakte. There is both useful information and the opportunity to communicate, and garbage.
  • is a catalog of ecovillages in Russia and the CIS.
  • is a VKontakte group for village lovers. It increases motivation well, but does not take into account the disadvantages of relocation.

Subscribe to blog news and learn more new and interesting things. Good luck and smart decisions!

I will not write here formulaic phrases from Wikipedia that downshifting is so-and-so. For what?! You're not interested at all, because it's all banal. I want to present a slightly different perspective on the question.

Downshifting- is the implementation of plans for any move from a large city to a smaller settlement for the purpose of long-term residence in it. This is when a person or a group of people (for example, a family) moves from their overused, dusty, dirty and smelly city to a village, village, just to a forest or field (by buying a plot or taking it by self-capture). Or moving to a resort place in order to constantly relax and laze around.

Now many migrants can be called downshifters, but everyone has different goals. But some are offended when they are called by this term. For example, downshifters of the first option (see below) may be offended because they do not want to associate themselves with the second option. "We are not like that!" - these settlers mean, and they are completely right. I have identified two main types of downshifting: this is a move for the purpose of a long settled life on one's own land (bought, rented or self-acquisition) and downshifting as a protracted party at some resort. I will write more about this below.

Now let's take a closer look at both of these options:

Creator Downshifting (Peasant Downshifting)

Downshifting is like moving from a city to a village, a village, "to an open field", in order to create your own farm there for yourself and your family, get cattle, grow vegetables, engage in crafts, etc. Raise children in environmentally friendly conditions, eat healthy food that is not poisoned by pesticides, breathe clean air, well, you understand me ... This kind of downshifting is a creative option when a person is not afraid of work and reaches for the earth.

This option also has a beneficial effect on other people, ordinary residents of cities or neighbors in the village, since in the conditions of a peasant farm, as a rule, the peasant tries to sell the surplus of his products, i.e. supply to the markets. This creates a favorable environment for the development of the country's economy, because the country, as a result, will not need to purchase products from abroad, but will have the opportunity to take its own. Yes, the pricing policy causes various disputes, but, with a reasonable approach, compromises can be accepted for both parties. However, those oligarchs who make their profits by importing foreign products (primarily speculative capital), of course, will be against this and will dissuade it in every possible way, arguing that this will only harm the economy, since the product is purchased from abroad for more low price.

Therefore, by moving to the countryside, a person improves his living conditions and creates prerequisites for the development of various industries. It may even create new jobs. I can't find any cons in this.

The family of German Sterligov is the most famous example"creative downshifting"

Russian family of downshifters in Belize

the famous Ukrainian downshifter V. Sergienko "Koshasty"

residents ancestral settlement"Creation" under the auspices of the "Ringing Cedars" movement

Downshifting the Idler

It has swallowed up a lot of people. What is this option based on and what does it represent? It is what I already wrote about above, that is, a simple move, most often to resort places in hot countries, in order to hang out there for a long time(ideally unlimited). However, its ideology is built on the theses of human self-development. The essence of such downshifting is individualism , that is (as almost all adherents of this type of downshifting say) life for oneself, life for oneself, the destruction of the old system of values ​​for the sake of an individualistic new one, in which only my "I" will exist and I will live only for myself.

What value system are both types of downshifters opposed to? Against the imposed system of endless consumption, career and material well-being as the goal in life, against the constant race and fuss for material values and life according to the "law of the jungle". In this, both options are the same. What are the differences? And the differences, in fact, are in the ideological base that the downshifters share. In general, there are only three ideologies that humanity has invented in its entire history: Socialism, Conservatism and Liberalism. If a socialist strives for downshifting, then he tries to create large settlements, revive the village, create big family where everything will be equal and there will be justice.

The conservative also strives for a large settlement or for the creation patriarchal family with traditional values, many children, a large household. But a liberal, when striving for downshifting, does not at all strive to create a large settlement where everyone will be busy working in the field, or any settlement in general, most often does not even want to start a family and have children, since his ideology of individualism, in which his "I" comes first, does not provide for the presence of children, since children will take away from him a lot of time that he could spend on himself, traveling the world, surfing, relaxing in Thailand, Goa, Bali or elsewhere. Life in self-improvement and self-development. You hear? Self-improvement and self-development. That is, focusing only on yourself.

an example of "downshifting a slacker" as a way of burning life

dreams of an office worker about permanent rest and life only "for one's own sake"

And now many representatives of this species, that is, professional loafers, may disagree with me and give an example of some monks, to which I will answer that monks improve themselves, passing through colossal trials in strict asceticism and with great difficulty, effort, while liberal downshifter spends time in Southeast Asia, hanging out and taking pictures of various sights. Is there a difference or not? Or do you want to say that these your attempts to "meditate" for 15 minutes in the morning - this is the asceticism and hard work of a monk (of any denomination)? I am begging you. It's one thing when you do it reluctantly, through force you go to spiritual feat, and another thing is 15 minutes a day, before the resort movement that is expected of you further?

This is nothing but hippie downshifting. Like the whole trend of hippies, this version of downshifting is only purely consumer in nature. What?! - you ask me. Yes, we are just running away from this imposed system of consumption! But consumption is different, it's not necessarily just food or household items. Travel and tourism, for example, as a form of consumption.

Being in exile, such a downshifter, as a rule, receives money by renting out his property, or by working remotely via the Internet. However, a rural resident cannot afford this in all cases due to poor communications and simply a lack of communication on his site, but he can also rent out his property. But here the point is not in this, but in the fact that both of them still need money. Another thing is how they manage them. No, I don't count other people's money, but the attitude itself - after all, we are talking about supposedly refusing to consume.

Since, while living in a resort in a hotel, you do not have the opportunity to start your own household, you are not tied to this land, and, therefore, you are mobile and can leave whenever you want. And if you are not tied to your land and you do not have a farm that can feed you and your family at the very least (and often quite well), then you are forced to constantly spend money to ensure your livelihoods. It’s somehow not economical to start a family and children here, since there won’t be enough money from renting one apartment for everyone, here even without individualism this is understandable. As a result, such a person simply falls out of society and ceases to bring any benefit to him. For the society that brought him up and gave birth to the world, no matter how bad or good it was. Or for some other society in the country in which it is located.

This is exactly the egocentrism and egoism that dictates to him his new ideology, the ideology of liberalism. Moving away from the old values ​​of consumption and material well-being, a person comes to new ones. By the way, people often think that having left the old values, they are freed from imposition and diktat, i.e. they think they are moving away from ideologies, religions and all that. However, this is a deep delusion, because, leaving one, they come to another. "A holy place is never empty". One energy goes from one state to another - remember from physics?

hippie downshifters in Goa, period 60-70s

Now the most interesting, what is the thing that any downshifter, good and bad, creative and wasteful (bestial) is trying to get away from? What is this endless consumption and craving for material well-being? And this is nothing but the same liberalism, only a view from the other side! Liberalism as an ideology in its economic doctrine implies a free market, capitalism, where this very imposition of endless consumption takes place, so that the owner of a corporation can get the maximum profit from the sale of his goods or services.

If a person has money, then he can afford to consume goods and services, and if he does not want to consume certain goods and services, then he will consume other goods and services. Or do you think that the tourism industry does not exist? Remember this, dear friend, the next time you are somewhere near the bar of some resort / tour. places when you are Once again you will consider yourself "free".

Remember and understand that it is impossible to get out of the consumption system in this way, you just switched to another type of consumption, and instead of one race (career and material), you got another - a race to satisfy your idleness, desire to endlessly have fun, have fun, hang out, mess around, play the fool, burn life. What's so bad about enjoying life, you say? Nothing! - I will answer, but it's one thing to enjoy life, and another thing is to enjoy burning this life. What do you mean by "life"? Namely: the same fun, idleness, to which such downshifters devote their lives.

Do not confuse life and burning through this life. After all, what is life? Not just life as a simple biological existence of a mammal, like survival on this planet, but life in a humanitarian sense. Life is an activity, these are actions that a person performs to improve the world around him. This is the activity that is aimed at creating something, and not just burning your energy, your calories, for the sake of acquiring only ordinary emotions. After all, emotions are just the reward of the body for the action taken, but what is the use of the stupid action that this kind of downshifter performs at his resort? Does he improve the world, himself, his children, create something new, invent some kind of mechanism, write a book, examine a leaf of a plant through a microscope, come up with a theory, grow vegetables, build a house, help someone?

No, he's just having fun. It also imitates vigorous activity: surfing on the waves, bungee jumping, lying in a hammock, drinking a cocktail, wandering around the city, pointlessly photographing everything and posting it on social networks, considering himself a "man of art" and a highly spiritual person, gets drunk in the evening in the club, dancing to acid music. Those. the purpose and meaning of life of such a downshifter become positive emotions. After all, what is "the joy of life"? This is emotion. Therefore, if a person sets as his main task the constant receipt of emotions, and not work and creation, then he turns from a person into an animal. That's why I called this option "Animal Downshifting", or "Animal Downshifting" (Slacker Downshifting). Well, am I not right? So it turns out that the first type of downshifting is a creative type, Downshifting the Creator and the second is destructive, Downshifting Animal. When a person, instead of striving to discover, conquer and improve the world, reaches for idleness, then he turns from a person into an animal, because this is what distinguishes us from animals - the desire for creative activity. After all, it was not monkeys or cheetahs who invented the same computer with which you are now reading this article, but a person. This means that the desire for creative activity makes us human beings from animals, and a downshifter of such a plan strives to become a beast, strives to turn back from a person into an animal, without noticing it or simply not wanting to notice it.

Only when a person is drawn to work, his activity has a creative character. When he is not afraid of work, be it physical, mental or spiritual work. When he creates something new, gives birth and raises children, helps people, is not afraid of difficulties and difficulties, then he becomes passionate and goodie, to which I am ready to devote articles, and empty pastime under a palm tree, or vice versa, some stupid and stupid "rides" on something that people usually represent as an active activity - all this is an indicator of the meaninglessness and worthlessness of being such a person.

When such a person claims that he "really lives", that he truly enjoys life, then he is mistaken. Yes, one should enjoy life, but only from life, and not from imitation of life. From present activity and not from imitation of this activity. And when your activity bears fruit in the literal and figurative sense, then only then your existence here is valuable, endowed with meaning and idea.

Modern life is characterized by high speeds, and a person spins in it like a squirrel in a wheel. Among the people exhausted by the frantic rhythm, those who are called downshifters began to appear. And since there are more and more of them every day, it is necessary to figure out who the downshifter is.

Who is a downshifter?

In the context of the formation of a consumer society, for the majority it looks strange the desire of some members of the community to drop everything and find quiet place on this land, where you can live without fussing and without wasting your nerves, that is, become a downshifter. This is all the more surprising that such thoughts are often visited by people who have taken place in life, who become what they call a downshifter - who it is will help to understand the social characteristics of the modern hermit.

As a rule, a downshifter is a person:

  • living in a metropolis;
  • having higher education;
  • aged 20 to 45 years;
  • occupying a good position in career ladder;
  • whether he is financially secure even if he has amassed a certain capital, therefore money does not have significant significance for him;
  • often the child of wealthy parents.

Concerning psychological portrait, then the views of a downshifter are the opinion of a person free from the conventions of a civilized society:

  • he is tired and annoyed by the useless, from his melancholy view, bustle of big cities;
  • in the first place brings a quiet life without bosses, loans, observance of subordination;
  • doesn't count making money main goal life;
  • feels like the master of his life, in the broadest sense of the word;
  • confident in promoting health in an environmentally friendly environment on products produced by with my own hands;
  • claims that life outside the city gives meaningfulness, since the results of one's work are immediately visible.

Country downshifter - what does it mean?

Even the smallest state can always be found on the map, but there is a country that cannot be found, although it exists. The downshifter country is presented differently for its inhabitants, because for each it is its own. And you can get there when you want to give up a high position, get away from the hustle and bustle and live for yourself and your children. There, enjoy the silence and harmony of nature, peace and voluntarily become a downshifter leading a hermitic lifestyle.

Downshifting - what is it?

The concept of downshifting appeared in the lexicon relatively recently. IN English language it means switching the car to a lower speed. But there is another meaning, denoting the slowdown of a process. In the case of downshifters, this refers to the rejection of the benefits of civilization, financial success, career growth, which leads to a decrease in the level social status. That is, downshifting is a voluntary departure from society for the sake of one's own peace of mind and personal ideas about happiness outside of society.

Downshifting - reasons

Reasons that cause a desire to get away from the hustle and bustle modern world, becoming a downshifter - a lot. Not every person can adapt to the frantic pace of life, increasing physical and moral stress, come to terms with the environmental problems of big cities. Therefore, to find out who a downshifter is, a list of reasons contributing to the formation of this desire will help:

  • deterioration in physical health;
  • too fast career advancement, for which a person is not always mentally prepared and instead of joy is disappointed;
  • striving for harmony, unity with nature;
  • search for your own "I".

Downshifting - pros and cons

Renunciation of the benefits of civilization and retreat into the world of wildlife is typical for people who are mature and fully aware of the consequences of a step towards becoming a downshifter. Now downshifting has also become a fashionable trend that unites representatives of the “golden youth” who are fed up with a carefree life, who perceive it as a fun adventure, so many people have a question whether downshifting is good or bad, and this is worth understanding. It is positive that:

  • there is a lot of free time;
  • increase the opportunity to communicate with your family;
  • conditions are created for obtaining additional labor skills;
  • health status improves.

But any medal has another side, so it is not surprising that researchers of this social phenomenon celebrate it. negative consequences for which a novice downshifter may not be ready - what this means, he will understand when he finds himself in an unusual environment for him, if the decision is not thoroughly thought out, weighed and analyzed. It entails:

  • decrease in social status;
  • worsening financial situation;
  • disappointment from unjustified hopes for a fun pastime.

What do downshifters live on?

If a person decides to leave a civilized society, his good intentions must be backed up by the realization that in a village in a forest, in a country house, it is unlikely that he will be able to engage in business as usual that generate income and will require new knowledge and skills. In this case, it is important to understand who a downshifter is and what he does, so as not to starve to death and turn into a banal tramp.

Most believe that it is possible to master new profession, which will not let you break ties with the world, but can generate income. It could be. Programmers, designers, accountants, copywriters, journalists, photographers and others can work remotely. Those who have an apartment have the opportunity to rent it out and receive money for rent. This is how downshifters often make a living.

How to become a downshifter?

The desire to connect with nature, to get away from the hustle and bustle of big cities appears in many people, however, not everyone knows what downshifting is, how to start it and what is needed for this. Before you accept important decision and to become a downshifter, you need to seriously weigh all the pros and cons and understand what the transition to a new state will lead to, especially if the future hermit has a family and children.

Making a decision to change your place of residence, to leave a big city for a small town or village is not all. It should be taken into account that not only the downshifter will feel the changes in life - what this means, the members of his family will also feel, so it will not hurt to hear their opinion and find out whether they will be happy with such changes, whether they are ready to radically change their lives. In addition, you need:

  • visit the places where you plan to travel;
  • find out options for communication "with the mainland";
  • find out the sources of food purchases;
  • if there are schoolchildren in the family, determine how and where they will receive education.

The most important thing is to evaluate your psychological condition and understand how serious decision become a downshifter. Perhaps it is temporary or the result of a conflict with superiors or loved ones. It is possible that as soon as the "storm" subsides, the opinion about the transition to downshifting will disappear by itself. A hasty decision can break the fate of a future downshifter.

Downshifting in business

It has been established that the decision to become a downshifter is often made by successful people, among whom the lion's share is businessmen. Many people think that they are, as it is commonly believed, “crazy with fat”, but this is far from the case. Wealthy, but tired of the race for success, businessmen are ready to accept downshifting as a way of life; management, especially top management, makes such decisions more often than others.

Famous downshifters

The history of downshifters has long roots, although the movement itself took shape recently. Vivid examples downshifting in history and modernity:

The life of modern downshifters is also no secret. Known names:

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