Decorative arts design work. Decorative and applied art



Decorative applied art - view creative activity to create household items designed to meet the utilitarian and artistic and aesthetic needs of people.

Decorative and applied arts include products made from a variety of materials and using various technologies. The material for the subject of DPI can be metal, wood, clay, stone, bone. A wide variety of technical and artistic techniques manufacturing of products: carving, embroidery, painting, chasing, etc. salient feature the subject of DPI is decorativeness, which consists in imagery and the desire to decorate, make it better, more beautiful.

Decorative and applied art has national character. Since it comes from the customs, habits, beliefs of a certain ethnic group, it is close to the way of life.

Folk arts and crafts is one of the time-tested forms of expression of a person's aesthetic perception of the world.

An important component of decorative and applied arts are folk art crafts - a form of organization artistic work based on collective creativity, developing cultural local tradition and focused on the sale of industrial products.

key creative idea traditional crafts - the assertion of the unity of the natural and human world.

The main folk crafts of Russia are:

Woodcarving - Bogorodskaya, Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya; (illustrations 2-8)

Painting on wood - Khokhloma, Gorodetskaya, Polkhov-Maidanskaya, Mezenskaya,

Decoration of products from birch bark - embossing on birch bark, painting;

Artistic stone processing - processing of hard and soft stone,

Bone carving - Kholmogory, Tobolsk. Khotkovskaya,

Miniature painting on papier-mache - Fedoskino miniature, Palekh miniature, Msterskaya miniature, Kholuy miniature,

Artistic processing of metal - Veliky Ustyug black silver, Rostov enamel (painting with enamel on metal), Zhostovo painting on metal,

Folk ceramics - Gzhel ceramics, Skopinsky ceramics, Dymkovo toy, Kargopol toy,

Lace making - Vologda lace, Mikhailovsky lace,

Painting on fabric - Pavlovian scarves and shawls,

Embroidery - Vladimirskaya, Color interlace, Gold embroidery.

In Russia, there are more than 80 types of folk applied art, revived and traditionally substantiated. These are: artistic embroidery, Russian artistic varnishes, ceramics, art painting on fabric, clay, wood, etc. Today in Russia there are 12 educational institutions that train students in the most complex traditional areas of folk applied culture, these include: the Semyonov School, the Ural School of Arts, Lomonosov school bone carving, the Torzhok school of gold embroidery, the Mstera art and industrial school, etc.

Decorative and applied art. Folk art.

1. Since ancient times, it has been human nature to strive for beauty in

the objective (material) world surrounding it. For this purpose, simple fabrics were coated with embroidered patterns, ceramics were decorated with ornaments. Metal products were cast in figured molds, covered with embossing and notching. The pattern, decoration, as it were, was “applied” to the object, and it became more beautiful, richer, more elegant. It retained its utilitarian (practical) fundamental principle, its usefulness, but now one could just admire it, show it as a landmark. And such an object was already valued not only because it was simply useful, but also for its pattern, for the skill of decoration, the nobility of the material and subtlety. Later, in the 19th century, this area of ​​​​artistic development of the objective world was defined as “applied art”.

applied arts serves a practical purpose and at the same time

decorates our life, creates a certain emotional mood.

Decorative art. Spread during the era

slavery. It is the desire of people to adorn themselves with necklaces, bracelets,

rings, pendants, earrings, etc. Later there were also objects

clothing decorations, and then home decorations, such as carpets, on

which they no longer sat or reclined, but hung on the wall for beauty, or floor vases - also not for flowers and not for water or wine, but for

front hall decorations. Here beauty comes first. Their

The only "benefit" was that they were beautiful. This is art in the 18th and 19th centuries.

called decorative(from the French words "decor" - "decoration"). Products

decorative arts exist only to decorate the room,

clothing or person. If design objects are produced in the millions

circulations, applied art - in the thousands, then decorative products -

tens or even units. In them, the artist shows, first of all, his

individual taste. The most important thing in the works of decorative

art - the general artistic expressiveness, the beauty of the thing as a whole. Applied and decorative types The arts demonstrate the taste and imagination of the artist, they reflect the material and spiritual interests of people, national traits.

Applied and decorative arts in many cases complement each other.

friend. In this case, one speaks of arts and crafts.

Decorative art is one of the types of plastic arts.

Decorative art is a work that, along with architecture,

artistically forms the material environment surrounding a person and

introduces into it an aesthetic, ideological and figurative beginning.

Types of decorative art: arts and crafts,

design, theatrical and decorative, monumental and decorative,


Folk art.

Behind these words stands a great and important phenomenon: folk poetry and

theatre, music and dance, architecture and visual arts. Folk art is the foundation on which the building of world artistic culture has grown.

Distinctive features folk art:

1. Folk art is different beauty and benefit.

2. Skills of technical mastery and found images are transferred from

generation to generation. Because of this, fixed for centuries

tradition selects only the best creative achievements.

3. Collective creativity . Everything in the work is dictated

centuries-old tradition: the choice of material and methods of its processing,

the nature and content of the decoration.

The amazing cheerfulness of folk art comes from consciousness

own strength, because behind every thing is the talent, work and unanimity of many people, ideally a whole nation. Beauty also comes from this source. And of course from native nature from which the master learns.

Folk art can also be a source of ideas and inspiration

professional artists.

3. Ornament

Great importance V folk art given to the ornament, which

decorates an object or is its structural element.

Ornament (from the Latin "ornamentum" - "decoration") - a pattern,

built on rhythmic alternation and combination of geometric or

pictorial elements. The main purpose of the ornament is to decorate

the surface of the object, emphasize its shape.

Types of ornament: geometric, natural, animalistic.

The works of arts and crafts show

material and spiritual interests of people, national traits.

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Arts and Crafts(from lat. deco - decorate) - a wide section of art that covers various branches of creative activity aimed at creating art products with utilitarian and artistic functions. The collective term conditionally unites two broad kinds of arts: decorative and applied. Unlike works of fine art, intended for aesthetic enjoyment and belonging to pure art, numerous manifestations of decorative and applied art may be of practical use in everyday life.

Works of arts and crafts meet several characteristics: they have an aesthetic quality; designed for artistic effect; serve for decoration of everyday life and interior. Such works are: clothes, dress and decorative fabrics, carpets, furniture, art glass, porcelain, faience, jewelry and other art products. In academic literature from the second half of the 19th century, it was established classification of branches of arts and crafts by material(metal, ceramics, textiles, wood), according to the execution technique(carving, painting, embroidery, printing, casting, embossing, intarsia (paintings from different types of wood), etc.) and by functional signs of using the object(furniture, dishes, toys). This classification is due to the important role of the constructive-technological principle in arts and crafts and its direct connection with production.


Tapestry -(fr. gobelin), or trellis, - one of the types of arts and crafts, a one-sided lint-free wall carpet with a plot or ornamental composition, woven by hand with a cross weave of threads. The weaver passes the weft thread through the warp, creating both the image and the fabric itself. In the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, a tapestry is defined as "a hand-woven carpet on which a picture and a specially prepared cardboard of a more or less famous artist are reproduced with multi-colored wool and partly silk."

BATIK - hand-painted on fabric using reserve compositions.

On the fabric - silk, cotton, wool, synthetics - the paint corresponding to the fabric is applied. To obtain clear boundaries at the junction of paints, a special fixer is used, called a reserve (reserving composition based on paraffin, gasoline, water-based - depending on the chosen technique, fabric and paints).

Batik painting has long been known among the peoples of Indonesia, India, etc. In Europe - since the 20th century.

PRINT -(stuffing) - a type of arts and crafts; obtaining a pattern, monochrome and color drawings on the fabric by hand using forms with a relief pattern, as well as a fabric with a pattern (printed fabric) obtained by this method.

Heel molds are made of carved wooden (manners) or type-setting (type-setting copper plates with studs), in which the pattern is typed from copper plates or wire. When stuffing, a form covered with paint is applied to the fabric and hit on it with a special hammer (mallet) (hence the name “heel”, “stuffing”). For multi-color designs, the number of printing plates must match the number of colors.

Making a heel is one of the ancient types of folk arts and crafts, found among many peoples: Western and Central Asia, India, Iran, Europe and others.

Printing is inefficient and almost completely replaced by printing a pattern on fabric on printing machines. It is used only in some handicrafts, as well as for reproducing large patterns, the repeating part of which cannot fit on the shafts of printing machines, and for coloring piece goods (curtains, tablecloths). Characteristic patterns of folk stuffing are used to create modern decorative fabrics.

BEADING - type of arts and crafts, needlework; the creation of jewelry, artistic products from beads, in which, unlike other techniques where it is used (weaving with beads, knitting with beads, weaving from wire with beads - the so-called bead weaving, bead mosaic and bead embroidery), beads are not only a decorative element, but also a constructive and technological one. All other types of needlework and DPI (mosaic, knitting, weaving, embroidery, wire weaving) are possible without beads, but they will lose some of their decorative possibilities, and beading will cease to exist. This is due to the fact that the technology of beading is original.

EMBROIDERY - a well-known and widespread needlework art to decorate all kinds of fabrics and materials with a wide variety of patterns, from the coarsest and densest, such as cloth, canvas, leather, to the finest fabrics - cambric, muslin, gas, tulle, etc. Tools and materials for embroidery: needles, threads, hoops, scissors.

KNITTING - the process of making a fabric or products (usually clothing items) from continuous threads by bending them into loops and connecting the loops to each other using simple tools manually (crocheting hook, knitting needles, needle, fork) or on a special machine (mechanical knitting). Knitting, as a technique, refers to the types of weaving.



MACROME -(fr. Macrame, from Arabic - braid, fringe, lace or from Turkish. - scarf or napkin with fringe) - nodular weaving technique.

LACE - production of mesh fabric from woven thread patterns (linen, paper, woolen and silk). There are laces sewn with a needle, woven on bobbin, crocheted, tambour and machine.

CARPET WEAVING – the manufacture of artistic textiles, usually with multi-coloured patterns, which serve primarily to decorate and insulate rooms and to ensure noiselessness. The artistic features of the carpet are determined by the texture of the fabric (pile, lint-free, felted), the nature of the material (wool, silk, linen, cotton, felt), the quality of dyes (natural in antiquity and the Middle Ages, chemical from the second half of the 19th century), format, ratio borders and the central field of the carpet, ornamental set and pattern composition, color scheme.

QUILLING - Paper rolling(also quilling English quilling - from the word quill (bird feather)) - the art of making flat or voluminous compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.

The finished spirals are given a different shape and thus quilling elements are obtained, also called modules. Already they are the "building" material in the creation of works - paintings, postcards, albums, photo frames, various figures, watches, jewelry, hairpins, etc. The art of quilling came to Russia from Korea, but is also developed in a number of European countries.

This technique does not require significant material costs to start its development. However, paper rolling cannot be called simple, since in order to achieve a decent result, it is necessary to show patience, perseverance, dexterity, accuracy and, of course, develop the skills of twisting high-quality modules.

SCRAPBOOKING -(English scrapbooking, from English scrapbook: scrap - clipping, book - book, lit. "book of scraps") - a type of handicraft art, which consists in the manufacture and design of family or personal photo albums.

This type of creativity is a way of storing personal and family history in the form of photographs, newspaper clippings, drawings, notes and other memorabilia, using a peculiar way of preserving and communicating individual stories using special visual and tactile techniques instead of the usual story. The main idea of ​​scrapbooking is to preserve photos and other memorabilia of any events for a long time for future generations.

CERAMICS -(ancient Greek κέραμος - clay) - products made from inorganic materials (for example, clay) and their mixtures with mineral additives, made under the influence of high temperature, followed by cooling.

In a narrow sense, the word ceramics refers to clay that has been fired.

The earliest pottery was used as pottery made of clay or its mixtures with other materials. At present, ceramics is used as a material in industry (engineering, instrumentation, aviation industry, etc.), construction, art, and is widely used in medicine and science. In the 20th century, new ceramic materials were created for use in the semiconductor industry and other fields.

MOSAIC -(fr. mosaique, Italian mosaico from lat. (opus) musivum - (work) dedicated tomuses) - decorative, applied and monumental art of various genres, the works of which involve the formation of an image by arranging, typing and fixing on the surface (usually on a plane) multi-colored stones, smalt, ceramic tiles and other materials.

JEWELRY ART - This is a term that refers to the result and process of creativity of jewelry artists, as well as the totality of objects and works of jewelry created by them, intended mainly for the personal adornment of people, and made from precious materials, such as precious metals and precious stones. In order for a piece of jewelry or an object to be unambiguously classified as a jeweler, this piece of jewelry must meet three conditions: at least one precious material must be used in this piece of jewelry, this piece of jewelry must have artistic value, and it must be unique - that is, it must not be replicated by the jeweler who makes it.

In the professional jargon of jewelers, as well as students and students of educational institutions in the specialty "jewelry", the slang version of the word "jeweler" is often used.

Although it is believed that the concept of "jewelry" includes all jewelry made using precious materials, and the concept of "jewellery" - jewelry from non-precious materials, but, as we can see, at present the difference between jewelery and costume jewelry is becoming somewhat blurred, and the assessment of whether to classify a given product as jewelry or costume jewelry is each time taken by experts individually in each specific case.

LACQUE MINIATURE - Miniature painting on small objects: boxes, caskets, powder boxes, etc. is a kind of arts and crafts and folk art. Such painting is called lacquer because colored and transparent varnishes serve not only as full-fledged painting materials, but also as the most important means of artistic expression of the work. They add depth and strength to paints and at the same time soften, unite them, as if melting the image into the very flesh of the product.

The birthplace of artistic varnishes is the countries of the Far East and South-East Asia: China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, where they have been known since ancient times. In China, for example, back in the 2nd millennium BC. e. lacquer tree sap was used to cover cups, caskets, vases. Then lacquer painting was born, which reached the highest level in the East.

This type of art came to Europe from India, Iran, countries Central Asia, where in the XV-XVII centuries. lacquer miniature, executed with tempera paints on papier-mâché objects, was popular. European craftsmen significantly simplified the technology, began to use oil paints and varnishes.

Artistic varnishes have been known in Russia since 1798, when the merchant P.I. Korobov built a small papier-mâché lacquerware factory in the village of Danilkovo near Moscow (later it merged with the neighboring village of Fedoskin). Under his successors, the Lukutins, Russian masters developed unique methods of Fedoskino painting. They have not been lost to this day.

Palekh miniature - folk craft that developed in the village of Palekh, Ivanovo region. The lacquer miniature is executed in tempera on papier-mâché. Caskets, caskets, capsules, brooches, panels, ashtrays, tie clips, needle beds, etc. are usually painted.

Fedoskino miniature - a type of traditional Russian lacquer miniature painting with oil paints on papier-mâché, developed at the end of the 18th century in the village of Fedoskino near Moscow.

Kholuy miniature - folk craft that developed in the village of Kholui, Ivanovo region. The lacquer miniature is executed in tempera on papier-mâché. Caskets, capsules, needle cases, etc. are usually painted.


Khokhloma - an old Russian folk craft, born in the 17th century in the district of Nizhny Novgorod.

Khokhloma is a decorative painting of wooden utensils and furniture, made in red, green and black on a gold background. When painting a tree, not gold, but silvery tin powder is applied to the tree. After that, the product is covered with a special composition and processed three or four times in the oven, which achieves a honey-golden color, giving the effect of massiveness to light wooden utensils.

Gorodets painting - Russian folk art craft. Exists since mid-nineteenth century near the town of Gorodets. Bright, laconic Gorodets painting (genre scenes, figurines of horses, roosters, floral patterns), made with a free brushstroke with white and black graphic strokes, adorned spinning wheels, furniture, shutters, and doors. An artel was founded in 1936 (since 1960, the Gorodetskaya painting factory), which produces souvenirs; masters - D. I. Kryukov, A. E. Konovalov, I. A. Mazin.

Mezen painting - palashchelskaya painting - a type of painting of household utensils - spinning wheels, ladles, boxes, brothers, which had developed by the beginning of the 19th century in the lower reaches of the Mezen River. The oldest dated spinning wheel Mezen painting refers to 1815, although the pictorial motifs of such a painting are found in handwritten books of the 18th century, made in the Mezen region.


Zhostovo painting - folk craft of artistic painting of metal trays, existing in the village of Zhostovo, Mytishchi district, Moscow region.

Enamel - (Old Russian finipt, khimipet, from Middle Greek χυμευτόν, the same from χυμεύω - “I mix”) - the production of works of art using vitreous powder, enamel, on a metal substrate, a type of applied art. The glass coating is long-lived and does not fade over time, while enamel products are distinguished by their special brightness and purity of colors.

Enamel acquires the desired color after firing with the help of additives for which metal salts are used. For example, gold additives give the glass a ruby ​​color, cobalt - blue, and copper - green. When solving specific pictorial problems, the brightness of enamel can, unlike glass, be muffled.

Limoges enamel - (fr.émail de Limoges), formerly known as the Limoges work ( fr.Œuvre de Limoges, lat. Opus lemovicense) is a special technique for processing enamel products, called champlevé enamel, which appeared in the middle of the 12th century during French city Limoges, historical province Limousin. Having received the deepest recognition in the states of Western Europe, the enamellers stopped using this technique in the middle of the 14th century.

Subsequently, from the end of the 15th century, in France appeared new technology manufacture of enamel objects - artistic enamel, or also known as painted enamel. Very quickly, artistic enamel, like champlevé enamel, at one time began to be exclusively produced in Limousin workshops.

Currently, in the production of enamel products, some craftsmen use classical technology, while others use technology updated with modern achievements.


Gzhel - one of the traditional Russian ceramics production centers. The broader meaning of the name "Gzhel", which is correct from a historical and cultural point of view, is a vast area consisting of 27 villages united in the "Gzhel Bush". Gzhel Bush is located about sixty kilometers from Moscow along the Moscow-Murom-Kazan railway line. Now the Gzhel Bush is part of the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. Before the revolution, this area belonged to the Bogorodsky and Bronnitsky counties.

Dymkovo toy - Vyatka toy, Kirov toy - one of the Russian folk clay art crafts. It originated in the suburban settlement Dymkovo near the city of Vyatka (now in the territory of the city of Kirov).

There is no analogue of the Dymkovo toy. Bright, elegant Dymkovo toy became a kind of symbol of the Vyatka land.

Filimonov toy - ancient Russian applied art craft, formed in the village of Filimonovo, Odoevsky district, Tula region. According to archaeologists, the Filimonovo fishery is more than 700 years old. According to other sources, about 1 thousand years.


stone carving (Glyptic)(from Greek glypho - cut out, gouge) - the art of carving on colored and precious stones, gemmah. One of the most ancient arts.

wood carving - kind of arts and crafts (also carving is one of the types artistic processing wood along with sawing, turning), as well as art in general.

bone carving - type of decorative art. In Russia, it is distributed mainly in the Northern regions: the Arkhangelsk region (Kholmogory carved bone), the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamal carved bone), the city of Tobolsk (Tobolsk carved bone), Yakutia and Chukotka (Chukotka carved bone)

ARTISTIC LEATHER TREATMENT - 1) A type of arts and crafts, the manufacture of various items from leather, both for household and decorative and artistic purposes; 2) branch of the textile industry, decorating clothes, shoes, leather haberdashery. Receptions:

STAMPING- There are several types of embossing. In industrial production, various stamping methods are used, when the pattern on the skin is squeezed out using molds. In the manufacture of artistic products, stamping is also used, but typesetting stamps and embossing are used. Another way is embossing with filling - cutting out elements of the future relief from cardboard (lignin) or pieces of blinders and placing pre-moistened yuft under a layer, which is then pressed along the contour of the relief. Small parts extruded without lining due to the thickness of the skin itself. When it dries, it hardens and "remembers" the relief decor. Thermal embossing - extrusion of decor on the surface of the skin with the help of heated metal stamps.

PERFORATION- or carving - one of the oldest techniques. Actually, it boils down to the fact that with the help of punches of various shapes, holes are cut in the skin arranged in the form of an ornament. This technique is also used to create complex compositions like a stained-glass window or an arabesque (for example, in jewelry, wall panels, etc.).

WEAVING- one of the processing methods, which consists in connecting several strips of leather using a special technique. In jewelry, macrame elements are often used, made from a “cylindrical” cord. In combination with perforation, weaving is used for braiding the edges of products (used for finishing clothes, shoes, bags).

PYROGRAPHY- a new reception, but with an ancient pedigree. Apparently, initially, leather burning was a side effect of thermal embossing (first mentioned in Russia from the 12th century, and in Europe from the 13th century), but then it was widely used as an independent technique. In its classical form, pyrography is the application of various ornaments to the surface of dense leather (blinders, saddlecloth). This was done with the help of heated copper stamps and was used mainly for finishing horse harness. Modern pyrography owes its expressive possibilities to the invention of the burning device (pyrograph). With the help of pyrography, very thin and complex patterns can be applied to the skin. It is often used in combination with engraving, painting, embossing when creating panels, jewelry, making souvenirs.

ENGRAVING- used when working with heavy, dense skins (shora, saddlecloth, less often - yuft). This is done as follows - a pattern is applied to the front surface of the soaked skin with a cutter. Then with a road builder or a chisel (or any oblong-shaped metal object), the slots are expanded and filled with acrylic paint. When dried, the contour drawing retains its clarity, and the lines - thickness. Another way is to use a pyrograph instead of a road builder. In this case, the color and thickness of the lines, as well as the depth of engraving, are controlled by changing the degree of incandescence of the pyrograph needle.

APPLICATION- in the leather business - gluing or sewing pieces of leather onto a product. Depending on which product is decorated, the methods of application are somewhat different. So, when finishing garments, decor elements are made of thin leathers (flasks, chevro, velor) and sewn to the base. When creating a panel, making bottles or souvenirs, appliqué fragments can be made from any kind of leather and pasted onto the base. In contrast to intarsia, when applying, it is permissible to connect the elements "overlapped".

INTARCIA- in fact, the same as inlay or mosaic: image fragments are mounted "butt-to-butt". Intarsia is performed on a textile or wooden base. Depending on this, leather varieties are chosen. When working with a textile base, thin plastic leathers are used (flask, chevro, velor and thin yuft), and when working on a board, heavy ones (shora, saddlecloth). To achieve the proper quality, according to a preliminary sketch, exact patterns of all fragments of the composition are made. Then, according to these patterns, elements are cut out from pre-dyed leathers and glued onto the base using bone glue or PVA emulsion. The intarsia technique is mainly used to create wall panels, but in combination with other techniques it can be used in the manufacture of bottles, souvenirs, and furniture decoration.

In addition, the skin can be painted, it can be molded, giving any shape and relief (by soaking, gluing, filling).


metal plastics - technique for creating relief images on metal. One of the types of arts and crafts. It differs from embossing in that it is produced exclusively on thin sheets of metal up to 0.5 mm thick by extruding the contour of the pattern with special tools (and not with a blow, as in embossing), due to which smooth deformations of the metal are formed. A thicker sheet is not amenable to such processing, and a sheet thinner than 0.2 mm may tear. Metal-plastic has been used since ancient times to decorate furniture, make various decorative elements, or as an independent work of art.

Due to the simplicity and accessibility of techniques, it was included in curriculum Soviet school in the 20s. However, then this technique was forgotten, and only recently interest in it has increased again.

Christian pewter miniature - a modern form of Christian arts and crafts to create a miniature sculpture of small forms. The craft appeared at the end of the 20th century in Russia against the backdrop of the revival of the life of the Russian Orthodox Church after communist persecution. It is a separate direction from the military-historical tin miniature, which uses a combination of Christian round sculpture, iconography and the ancient technology of tin casting metal-plastic.

Miniatures can depict figurines of holy saints or scenes from a biblical story. The figurines are not objects of cult religious worship. Miniatures are a living tradition in the Byzantine art of carving round ivory sculpture, lost in the 12th century. The difference is only in technical execution.

This kind Christian creativity is perceived in the church ambiguously, since the icon is traditional in Orthodoxy. The rejection of sculpture in Orthodoxy is due to the fact that there were bans on sculpture in the church. But the most authoritative theorist of church art L. A. Uspensky notes: “ Orthodox Church not only has it never banned sculptural images, but ... there can be no such ban at all, since it could not be justified by anything. From the first centuries, the Church did not reject sculpture. This is evidenced at least by the quite numerous statues of the “Good Shepherd” that have come down to our time.

Artistic forging - production by metal processing, which has common name forging, any forged products, for any purpose, having without fail the properties of a work of art.

Artistic casting from precious metals, bronze and brass

Artistic cast iron casting

Chasing - the technological process of making a drawing, inscription, image, which consists in knocking out a certain relief on a plate. One of the types of arts and crafts.

It is one of the options for artistic metal processing.

The chasing technique is used to create dishes, decorative panels, various jewelry.

The relief on sheet metal is created with the help of specially made tools - chasing and punching hammers, which are made from both metal and wood.

For chased works, metals such as brass, copper, aluminum and steel with a thickness of 0.2 to 1 mm are used, in some cases gold and silver.

A relief or pattern can be minted by placing a sheet of metal on the end of a birch or linden ridge, on felt, thick rubber, a canvas bag with river sand, a layer of plasticine or resin. In some cases, a lead plate is more convenient.

Decorative - applied art.

Decorative and Applied Arts (DPI) - the art of making household items that have artistic and aesthetic qualities and are intended not only for practical use, but also for decorating dwellings, architectural structures, parks, etc.

The whole life of primitive tribes and civilizations was connected with paganism. People worshiped various deities, objects - grass, the sun, a bird, a tree. To "appease" some gods and "drive away" evil spirits, ancient man, building a house, he necessarily supplemented it with "amulets" - a relief, platbands on the windows, animals and geometric signs that have a symbolic and iconic meaning. Clothing necessarily protected the owner from evil spirits with a strip of ornament on the sleeves, hem and collar, and all dishes had a ritual ornament.

But since ancient times, it was also characteristic of man to strive for beauty in the objective world around him, so images began to acquire more and more aesthetic appearance. Gradually losing their original meaning, they began to decorate a thing more than carry some kind of magical information. Embroidered patterns were applied to fabrics, ceramics were decorated with ornaments and images, first squeezed and scratched, then applied with clay of a different color. Later, colored glazes and enamels were used for this purpose. Metal products were cast in figured molds, covered with embossing and notching.

The arts and crafts are and artistically made furniture, dishes, clothes, carpets, embroidery, jewelry, toys and other items, as well as ornamental paintings and sculptural decorative trim interiors and facades of buildings, facing ceramics, stained-glass windows, etc. Intermediate forms between DPI and easel art are very common - panels, tapestries, plafonds, decorative statues, etc. - which are part of the architectural whole, complement it, but can also be considered separately, as independent works of art. Sometimes in a vase or other object, it is not functionality that comes first, but beauty.

The development of applied art was affected by the living conditions, the life of each people, the natural and climatic conditions of their habitat. DPI is one of ancient species art. For many centuries, it has developed among the people in the form of folk arts and crafts.

Embroidery. It takes its origins in ancient times, when bone and then bronze needles were used. Embroidered on linen, cotton, woolen clothes. In China and Japan they embroidered with colored silk, in India, Iran, Turkey - with gold. Embroidered ornaments, flowers, animals. Even within one country there were completely different types embroideries, depending on the area and the nationality living there, such as, for example, red thread embroidery, colored embroidery, cross-stitch, satin stitch, etc. Motives and color often depended on the purpose of the object, festive or everyday.

Application. Multi-colored pieces of fabric, paper, leather, fur, straw are sewn or glued onto a material of a different color or dressing. Application in folk art, especially of the peoples of the North, is extremely interesting. Application decorate panels, tapestries, curtains. Often the application is performed simply as an independent work.

Stained glass. This is a plot decorative composition made of colored glasses or other material that transmits light. In a classic stained glass window, individual pieces of colored glass were interconnected by spacers made of the softest material - lead. Such are the stained-glass windows of many cathedrals and churches in Europe and Russia. Also used was the technique of painting on colorless or colored glass with silicate paints, which were then fixed by light firing. In the 20th century stained-glass windows were made of transparent plastics.

Modern stained glass is used not only in churches, but also in residential premises, theaters, hotels, shops, subways, etc.

Painting. Compositions made with paints on the surface of fabrics, wooden, ceramic, metal and other products. Murals are plot and ornamental. They are widely used in folk art and serve as decoration for souvenirs or household items.

Ceramics. Products and materials made of clay and various mixtures with it. The name comes from the area in Greece, which was the center of pottery production since ancient times, i.e. for the manufacture of pottery and utensils. Ceramics is also called facing tiles, often covered with paintings. The main types of ceramics are clay, terracotta, majolica, faience, porcelain, stone mass.

Lace. Openwork products from threads. According to the technique of execution, they are divided into manual (woven on turned sticks - bobbins, sewn with a needle, crocheted or knitting) and machine-made.

Weaving from birch bark, straw, vines, bast, leather, thread, etc. one of the oldest species decorative and applied art (known since the Neolithic). Mostly weaving was used to make dishes, furniture, bodies, toys, boxes.

Thread. A method of artistic processing of materials, in which sculptural figures are cut out with a special cutting tool or some kind of image is made on a smooth surface. In Rus', woodcarving was the most common. She covered the platbands of houses, furniture, tools. There is a carved sculpture made of bone, stone, gypsum, etc. Many carvings are ornaments (stones, gold, bronze, copper, etc.) and weapons (wood, stone, metals).

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"Center for Extracurricular Activities"

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"Design in arts and crafts"

Decorative arts play a special role in the development of children's emotional and aesthetic attitude to national culture Decorating the interior of your home is a great art that requires certain knowledge, skills, patience and aesthetic taste.

Decorative and applied art organically combines such disciplines as fine arts and labor.Being a part of the material and spiritual culture of society, arts and crafts are most firmly connected with the life and life of a person. This material presents the theoretical basics of fine and decorative arts.


  1. Communication and consolidation of knowledge in fine and decorative arts.
  2. Acquaintance with products of folk craftsmen, types of paintings, with concepts : application, collage, coloring, layout, composition and its laws.
  3. Introduction to concepts:perspective and its laws, color science, drawing and painting, types, laws and image techniques.
  4. Development of individual artistic and creative abilities by means of aesthetic education and mastering the language of fine and decorative arts.

Simple and beautiful art products of folk craftsmen help to instill in children a love for their native land, to see and love nature, appreciate the traditions of their native places, and respect the work of adults.

Design - designing things, machines, interiors, based on the principles of combining convenience, economy and beauty.

Designer - graphic designer, design specialist

Application (from lat. attachment) - a way to create ornaments, images by sewing, gluing onto fabric, paper, etc. multi-colored pieces of any material (fabric, paper, fur, straw, etc.) of a different color or dressing, as well as an ornament, an image created in this way, giving them a special relief. Application is one of the oldest ways of decorating clothes, it is still used by many peoples.

Collage (from French gluing) - a technical technique in the visual arts, gluing materials that differ from it in color and texture to any base, as well as a work entirely made by this technique. Collage is used mainly in graphics for the emotional sharpness of the texture of the work, the unexpected combination of various materials. Collage was introduced by the Cubists, Futurists and Dadaists (gluing scraps of newspapers, photographs, wallpaper, pieces of fabric, wood chips, etc. to the canvas)

Layout (from French and Italian - sketch) - an architectural, three-dimensional image (made of plaster, wood, plastics, cardboard and other materials) of an already built or planned building, architectural ensemble, city. Models are made in various scales. The layout either reproduces the original in all details, such a layout is called a model, or with varying degrees of approximation; serves to test and improve architectural composition. Models are also an important element of museum exposition.

Composition is the core discipline in design. As a result of studying the course "Composition", students should gain the knowledge and practical skills they need in their future, independent creative work. The “Composition” training, which includes “Fundamentals of Composition”, “Paper Construction”, is based on the logical connection of tasks from planar to volumetric, from volumetric to spatial solutions, with a gradual complication of concepts and requirements. From theoretical calculations to practical exercises, from them to their own conclusions and creatively completed tasks. The proposed scheme of specific tasks allows the teacher to be creative and place accents, depending on the requirements of the time, trends in design, the contingent of the group, etc. In composition lessons, it is recommended to widely use visual material: photographic material, transparencies, specialized publications, etc. Also in the composition program, students are invited to get acquainted with very interesting and fashionable types of arts and crafts today, such as Batik and Tapestry.

coloring - the general nature of color combinations in a picture, drawing, exposition.

Composition - subsequence visual techniques organizingthe construction of a work of art and the arrangement of its main elements and parts in a certain system and sequence

TO overall composition include the patterns of creating works of art on a two-dimensional picture plane, designed for their perception with the help of human emotional feelings. All works of art created with the help of three-dimensional structures belong to a special composition.

The laws of composition:

  • symmetry,
  • asymmetry,
  • balance and rhythm
  • statics and dynamics,
  • subordination of the secondary to the main,
  • highlighting the visual center,
  • contrast and nuance
  • centrifugal and length, etc.

Composition specificsvarious objects and products is that their shape should correspond to their purpose, the material from which they are made, and the constructive scheme that determines their structure.

The composition must unite the disparate and diverse, must harmonize the individual elements among themselves, find ways of mutual subordination of all elements of the interior to a single goal -artistic image.

Types of compositions . In the architectural composition, the following types of it are considered: volume-spatial, volume-frontal and deep-spatial.

Volumetric-spatialcomposition is a creative combination of three-dimensional structures with each other, taking into account the area on which they are located.

Volume-frontalcomposition is a connection of volumes with each other at the level of the observer's eyes. It is used during the creation appearance products.

deep-spatialcomposition is a compositional connection of three-dimensional objects between themselves and space. This method is used in the creative development of the interior.

perspective - the science of spatial image the surrounding world. The laws of perspective: as they move away from the viewer, all objects are perceived as decreasing; All horizontal lines, parallel to each other, leaving the viewer in depth, Vision and perception of a person are subject to change under the influence of systematic training and the acquisition of life experience.

Laws of perspective:all objects are perceived as decreasing as they move away from the viewer; all horizontal lines parallel to each other, leaving the viewer in depth, that is, not parallel to the picture plane, converge at the main vanishing point; all horizontal lines parallel to the picture plane retain their horizontal direction; All vertical lines remain vertical in perspective; all circles and circles in perspective take the form of ellipses.

An important factor in the development of composition is the process of shaping in nature, art and technology. conceptabout shape and formincludes an understanding of the patterns of the theory of shaping as a science: the concept of architectonics as a harmonious construction of the shape of a product; combinatorics, which studies the patterns of variant placement of volumetric and flat figures in two and three dimensions

Unity - the quality needed for composition in any art form. Without unity, composition does not exist. Using examples from life, as well as analyzing products selected from visual aids, the essence of the concept is revealed, emphasizing the difference in the perception of individual objects and objects that make up sets and ensembles.

Unity is expressed in the use of methods of organization of form, subject primarily to functional requirements. Unity is aesthetic category, because along with functional dependence the form is influenced by the laws of perception - the laws of beauty.

Equilibriumas a property of composition - a constructive property, an aesthetic property. Balance in the picture is achieved by finding and correctly placing the center of the composition. The center of the composition is an object (part of an object, a group of objects), which is located so that it attracts the attention of the viewer with its semantic meaning. It should contain artistic and emotional meaning, expediency.

The students then practice searching composition center and ways to achieve balance artwork, analyzing paintings and products selected by the teacher as samples.

floristry - a science that studies and explains the phenomena of color, the origin of the color of bodies and all observed objects, the changes that colors undergo under different illumination and at different distances. The combination and interaction of colors and the basis of their harmonization. The objective of the course is to give students a certain amount of theoretical knowledge and teach them to apply this knowledge in practical activities. The knowledge gained helps in independent creative activity: they develop the mental and artistic abilities of students, the ability to present, compare and analyze color. The ability to analyze and study the color features of works of art by artists of different eras, trends and styles. Mastering the subject should also be aimed at expanding the range of students' interests, cultivating in them an emotional and aesthetic attitude to reality, and creative imagination.

This color science program consists of topics that include both theoretical justifications and practical work. Students perform the main practical work in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher. For fixing educational material homework is also done. Practical work is necessarily analyzed and discussed by the teacher and students. Classes should be accompanied by a demonstration of reproductions from paintings by artists and a display the best works students. Depending on the age of the students, appropriate changes can be made: rearranging topics, increasing or decreasing practical work in general and by topic.

Drawing and Painting –this course is aimed at the comprehensive artistic development of students: at the development of artistic perception, at mastering the theoretical knowledge of the basics of painting and drawing, and above all at the practical mastery of the skills of building a form, artistic means images of reality. These tasks reflect the consistent goal of interrelated tasks, gradually becoming more complex and carried out on the basis of work from nature. The method of teaching drawing and painting is based on a comprehensive study of nature. In all tasks in painting, strict adherence to a competent drawing is necessary. In the course of teaching, the teacher must take into account individual characteristics each student, carefully preserving and developing positive sides his gifts. Painting material - watercolor, later - gouache, tempera, oil. The size of the work, in general, should not exceed the natural size of the image object.

Drawing types. At the heart of all kinds visual arts, including graphics, lies drawing. The word “drawing” replaced the Old Slavonic words “banner”, “sign”, meaning “creation of an image”, and “drawing”, “inscription”, indicating the technique of making an image. Since the 18th century, the word “drawing” has become a term denoting an image as the creation of an image using lines, features that are important for recognizing the features of an object: shape, size, structure, movement, which are transmitted in all types of art.

The simplicity of line drawing techniques and the versatility of the principles of form construction made drawing the basis of graphics and other art forms. When comparing a drawing, for example, with a drawing, its remarkable features become apparent. First, the drawing is done by hand. This speeds up the execution of the image and, therefore, makes it possible to quickly respond to various events of the current life. Secondly, the drawing is done approximately, capturing the object not only as it is, but also as it seems. This visible image is understandable and accessible to everyone. Third, drawing visual; he illusory conveys the main external signs object, its materiality, volume, illumination, spatial arrangement, etc. Fourthly, the drawing not only depicts the diverse external features of the object and environment, but through their relationship expresses the inner content of this object and environment evokes certain thoughts and feelings in the viewer.

For a more complete study of the features of the drawing, several types are conditionally distinguished, differing in visual, material and technical means and in purpose.

By use visual means drawings are linear and tonal. Linear drawing is, as a rule, light, light, generalized. The lines are created artistic image, tables, diagrams, drawings on the blackboard are performed (Fig. 1a).

Drawing in tone allows you to give more complete description object and environment by transferring the volume of the form,illumination, materiality and spatial relations. Such a drawingcalled tonal or tonal.

In the mass and contour of some objects, character, movement and other properties are very clearly expressed. Therefore, for their image they sometimes choose simplest form tone pattern - silhouette - contour drawing filled with one even tone.

According to the technique of execution, the drawings are original and printed. Original drawings are made by the artist by hand in one copy. Printed ones are made with cliches, prints on paper and are called prints. There are several types of prints. The main ones are engraving (on wood - xylography, on linoleum - linocut, on metal - etching) and lithography (an impression from a lithographic stone on which a drawing was made with a lithographic pencil and acid etching).

According to the intended purpose, academic drawings and creative drawings are distinguished. academic drawing- this is a long drawing, performed with the aim of teaching drawing, mastering image techniques and studying various forms and signs. It is characterized by the fixation of all the main features that determine the appearance of the subject of the image. A creative drawing is a work of fine art that figuratively expresses the artist's thoughts, feelings and worldview.

Sketch, sketch, sketch are widely used in educational and creative work. A sketch is a short-term drawing. The main means of sketching is a line, supplemented by a rare hatching or its rubbing. A detailed study of the subject of the image or part of it is carried out through a study. It traces and notes for a relatively long time the most important external and internal properties and features of the object. The living material studied in etudes and sketches is actually used to create creative drawing or paintings, the composition of which begins with a preliminary drawing - a sketch.

Painting objects.The word "painting" is formed from the words "live" and "write". “Painting,” explains Dahl, “to depict faithfully and vividly with a brush or with words, with a pen.” For a painter, depicting correctly means accurate transmission. appearance seen, its most important features. We were able to convey them correctly by graphic means - line and tone. But it is impossible to convey vividly with these limited means the multicolor of the surrounding world, the pulsation of life in every centimeter of the colored surface of an object, the charm of this life and constant movement and change. Painting, one of the types of fine arts, helps to truly reflect the color of the real world.

Color - main pictorial and means of expression in painting - it has tone, saturation and lightness; it seems to fuse into a whole everything characteristic in the subject: both what can be depicted by a line, and what is inaccessible to it. Painting, like graphics, uses light and dark lines, strokes and spots, but unlike it, these lines, strokes and spots are colored. They convey the color of the light source through glare and brightly lit surfaces, sculpt a three-dimensional form with object (local) color and color reflected by the environment, establish spatial relationships and depth, depict the texture and materiality of objects. Colors themselves are perceived emotionally, and taken as characteristic features of an object, they become “objectified”, capable of extremely strongly influencing a person and evoking in him not only general, but also specific associations and feelings. The task of painting is not only to show something, but also to reveal the inner essence of the depicted, to reproduce "typical characters in typical circumstances." Therefore, a truthful artistic generalization of the phenomena of life is the basis of the foundations realistic painting. Multi-colored strokes, laying down one after another and changing their shade, depict a vibrating surface. It seems that everything they present is full of movement and deep meaning.

Painting is divided into monumental, decorative, theatrical and decorative, miniature and easel.

monumental painting - special kind paintings on a large scale, decorating the walls and ceilings of architectural structures. She reveals holding big social phenomena who have had a positive impact on the development of society, glorifies them, perpetuates them, contributing to the education of people. The loftiness of the content of monumental painting, the significant size of its works, the connection with architecture require large masses of color, strict simplicity and laconism of composition, clarity of contours and generalization of plastic form.

decorative painting is used to decorate buildings, interiors in the form of colorful panels that realistic image create the illusion of a wall breakthrough, a visual increase in the size of the room, or, on the contrary, deliberately flattened forms confirm the flatness of the wall and the isolation of space. Patterns, wreaths, garlands and other types of decor that adorn the works of monumental painting and sculpture link together all the elements of the interior, emphasizing their beauty, consistency with architecture. Things are also decorated with decorative painting: caskets, caskets, supplies, trays, chests, etc. Its themes and forms are subordinate to the purpose of things, which is described in detail in the next chapter.

Theatrical and decorativepainting (scenery, costumes, make-up, props, made according to the sketches of the artist) helps to reveal the content of the performance more deeply. The special theatrical conditions for the perception of scenery require taking into account the many points of view of the public, their great distance, the effect of artificial lighting and colored highlights. The scenery gives an idea of ​​the place and time of the action, activates the viewer's perception of what is happening on the stage. theater artist strives in the sketches of costumes and make-up to sharply express the individual character of the characters, their social status, era style and much more.

miniature painting was greatly developed in the Middle Ages, before the invention of printing. Handwritten books were decorated with the finest headpieces, endings, and detailed miniature illustrations. Painting technique Russian artists of the first half of the 19th century skillfully used miniatures to create small (mainly watercolor) portraits. The pure deep colors of watercolors, their exquisite combinations, the fineness of the painting distinguish these portraits, full of grace and nobility.

easel painting, performed on an easel, uses wood, cardboard, paper as a material basis, but most often a canvas stretched on a stretcher. easel painting, being independent work, can depict absolutely everything: actual and fictional by the artist, inanimate objects and people, modernity and history - in a word, life in all its manifestations. Unlike graphics, easel painting has a richness of color, which helps to emotionally, psychologically multifaceted and subtly convey the beauty of the surrounding world.

Painting subdivided into oil, tempera, fresco, wax, mosaic, stained glass, watercolor, gouache, pastel. These names were derived from the binder or from the method of using material and technical means.

oily painting is done with paint worn off on vegetable oils. Thick paint, when oil or special thinners and varnishes are added to it, liquefies. oil paint you can work on canvas, wood, cardboard, paper, metal.

Tempera painting is done with paint prepared on egg, yolk or casein. Tempera paint dissolves with water and is applied pasty or liquid on the wall, canvas, paper, wood. Tempera in Rus' created wall paintings, icons and patterns on household items. In our time, tempera is used in painting and graphics, in arts and crafts and in art and design.

fresco painting decorates the interiors in the form of monumental and decorative compositions applied on wet plaster with water-based paints. The fresco has a pleasant matte surface and is durable in indoor conditions.

wax painting (encaustic) was used by the artists of Ancient Egypt, as evidenced by the famous "Fayum portraits" (1st century AD). Binder encaustic is bleached wax. Wax paints are applied in a molten state to a heated base, after which they are cauterized.

Mosaic painting, or mosaic, is assembled from separate pieces of smalt or colored stones and fixed on a special cement ground. Transparent smalt inserted into the ground under different angles, reflects or refracts light, causing color to flash and flicker. Mosaic panels can be found in the subway, in theater and museum interiors, etc.

Stained glass painting - works of decorative art designed to decorate window openings in any architectural structure. The stained-glass window is made up of pieces of colored glass fastened with a strong metal frame. The luminous flux, breaking through the colored surface of the stained-glass window, draws spectacular, multi-color patterns on the floor and walls of the interior.

The purpose and content of a painting require the choice of such material and technical means, with the help of which it is possible to most fully express the ideological and creative intent of the artist. Painting helps a person to see the beauty of the world, contained in the most ordinary things, brings up attention to the environment, the desire to comprehend its meaning.

Ornament - a pattern consisting of rhythmically ordered elements is intended to decorate various objects. Ornament - system for decorating garments and utensils.

Motive - the main attribute of the ornament, which determines its content and affects the constructive basis. In the structure of the ornaments, one can trace the shape (drawing) and the field of the ornament.

Symmetry - a natural phenomenon in the organization of the beautiful form of objects in nature and the composition of the ornament. Asymmetry introduces some variety into the compositional structure of the ornament, but does not always agree with the shape of the object.

The repeatability of elements in a stripe ornament is carried out in the form specular reflection, translation or rotation.

The sequence of creating an ornament:

  • clarification of the purpose and task of the composition of the ornament and evaluation of the ornamented object;
  • collection and study of reference and information material;
  • sketches and sketches of ornament motifs;
  • drawing of the ornamented object, taking into account the place of the ornamental strip on it;
  • execution of a final sketch of an ornament in color or material.

Man has always tried to embellish his life, introducing elements of aesthetics and creativity into it. Craftsmen, creating household items - dishes, clothes, furniture, decorated them with ornaments, patterns, carvings, inlaid precious stones turning into true works of art.

Decorative art, in fact, existed in prehistoric times, when he decorated his dwelling with rock paintings, but in academic literature it was singled out only in the 50s of the 19th century.

Term meaning

The Latin word decorare translates as "to decorate". That it is the root of the concept of "decorative", that is, "decorated". Therefore, the term "decorative art" literally means "the ability to decorate."

It is subdivided into the following constituent types of art:

  • monumental - decorating, painting, mosaics, stained-glass windows, carvings of buildings and structures;
  • applied - applies to everyone, including dishes, furniture, clothes, textiles;
  • decoration - a creative approach to the design of holidays, exhibitions and shop windows.

The main feature by which the decorative is distinguished from the elegant is its practicality, the possibility of using it in everyday life, and not just aesthetic content.

For example, a painting is a piece of fine art, while a carved candlestick or a painted ceramic plate is applied art.


The branches of this art form are classified by:

  • Materials used in the process of work. It can be metal, stone, wood, glass, ceramics, textiles.
  • Execution technique. A variety of techniques are used - carving, inlay, casting, printing, embossing, embroidery, batik, painting, weaving, macrame and others.
  • Functions - the object could be used in different ways, for example, as furniture, dishes or toys.

As can be seen from the classification, this concept has a very wide scope. Closely associated with artistry, architecture, design. Objects of arts and crafts form the material world that surrounds a person, making it more beautiful and richer in aesthetic and figurative terms.


Throughout the ages, artisans have tried to decorate the fruits of their labor. They were skilled craftsmen, had excellent taste, improved their skills from generation to generation, carefully guarding the secrets within the family. Their goblets, banners, tapestries, clothes, cutlery and other household items, as well as stained-glass windows, frescoes were distinguished by high artistry.

Why did the definition of "decorative art" appear precisely in the middle of the 19th century? This is due to when, in the course of the rapid growth of machine production, the manufacture of goods from the hands of artisans passed to plants and factories. Products have become unified, non-unique and often unattractive. Its main task was only rough functionality. Under such conditions, applied craft literally meant the production of a single product with a high artistic value. Craftsmen applied their art, creating exclusive decorated household items, which, under the conditions of the industrial boom, began to be in special demand in the rich sections of society. And so the term "arts and crafts" was born.

History of development

The age of decorative art is equal to the age of mankind. The first objects of creativity found belong to the Paleolithic era and represent cave drawings, jewelry, ritual figurines, bone or stone household items. Considering the primitiveness of tools, decorative art in ancient society it was very simple and rude.

Further improvement of the means of labor leads to the fact that objects that serve practical purposes and at the same time decorate everyday life become more and more elegant and refined. Masters put their talent and taste, emotional mood into household items.

Folk decorative art is permeated with elements of spiritual culture, traditions and views of the nation, the nature of the era. In its development it covers vast temporal and spatial layers, the material of many generations is truly immense, therefore it is impossible to line up all its genres and types in one historical line. The stages of development are conditionally divided into the most significant periods, within which the most striking masterpieces of arts and crafts stand out.

Ancient world

The decorative art of Egypt is one of the most significant pages in the history of applied art. Egyptian masters perfected such artistic crafts such as bone and wood carving, metal processing, jewelry making, colored glass and earthenware, the finest patterned fabrics. Leather, weaving, pottery were at the height. Egyptian artists created marvelous monuments art that the whole world admires today.

No less significant in the history of applied art were the achievements of ancient Eastern masters (Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, Syria, Phenicia, Palestine, Urartu). The decorative art of these states was especially pronounced in such crafts as carving on ivory, chasing on gold and silver, inlay with precious and semi-precious stones, artistic forging. hallmark the products of these peoples were the simplicity of forms, love in decor for small and detailed details and abundance bright colors. Reached a very high level

Products of artisans of antiquity are decorated with images of plants and animals, mythical creatures and heroes of legends. The work used metal, including noble, faience, ivory, glass, stone, wood. Cretan jewelers achieved the highest skill.

The decorative art of the countries of the East - Iran, India - is permeated with deep lyricism, refinement of images, combined with classical clarity and purity of style. Centuries later, fabrics are admired - muslin, brocade and silk, carpets, gold and silver items, chasing and engravings, painted glazed ceramics. The chandelier and border tiles that adorned secular and religious buildings amaze the imagination. Artistic calligraphy has become a unique technique.

The decorative art of China is distinguished by its unique originality and exclusive techniques, which had a serious influence on the work of the masters of Japan, Korea, and Mongolia.

The art of Europe was formed under the influence of the arts and crafts of Byzantium, which absorbed the spirit of the ancient world.

The identity of Rus'

Folk decorative art was influenced by the Scythian culture. Artistic forms have achieved great pictorial power and expressiveness. The Slavs used glass, rock crystal, carnelian, amber. Jewelry and metalworking, bone carving, ceramics, decorative painting temples.

A special place is occupied by Easter eggs, woodcarving, embroidery and weaving. In these types of art, the Slavs reached great heights, creating sophisticated, exquisite products.

The basis of decorative art was national ornament and patterns.

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