There is a unique profession in kindergarten - music director.


The most the main problem in Russian musical education - the preservation of the musical director himself as a professional.

The music director of a kindergarten is a special profession. And it appeared relatively recently - in the post-war years (1948). Prior to this, the educators themselves were engaged in musical education. Sometimes they were helped by musicians who came to the kindergarten when it was necessary to prepare and hold a holiday. And since such a position appeared, which was called something differently: “ music worker», « music teacher», « music director”- the idea has formed in society that a muzruk is needed mainly so that children have a holiday. That is, that this profession is something between an accompanist and an entertainer.

Probably, it seems to many from the outside that this work is easy, “festive”, not requiring special talents. Well, just think, what is so difficult here: to entertain children and spend a holiday! Therefore, the attitude towards the profession of a music director has developed quite definite: the work is “not dusty”, takes part-time work, etc.

Probably, it was this attitude that led to such a blatant injustice, when the work of a music director who has a double education (musical - by the way, expensive and laborious - and pedagogical), is paid accordingly one level lower than the work of an educator or teacher, when it is necessary to prove that the music director is a teacher who works with children, teaches them music and is therefore entitled to a seniority pension.

Alas! It is still very difficult to achieve justice.

But this is not enough!

Despite the meager wages (the salary of the musical director, as well as preschool teacher, below the subsistence minimum), work in last years becomes more and more difficult. In addition to the usual duties (conducting music lessons with children, preparing them for the holidays, advising parents on musical education, etc.), another requirement appeared: diagnostics of the musical development of children.

By what methods? For what? To prove the effectiveness of their work? Is it possible that without special diagnostics (tables with formal numbers, circles of different colors, etc.), a teacher cannot analyze his work, talk about the problems and achievements of his students?

Just like that, the search continues various forms planning, which would reflect all the work of the music director. The question arises: for whom and for what is the plan needed? For children, a teacher or for inspectors? And if for the teacher, then we will give him the opportunity to determine how, in what form and to what extent he will plan his work.

So, to summarize: Lately The music director's salary is getting lower and the demands are getting higher. Although the problem is not only in wages, but also in relation to the administration and managers in this category of specialists.

And what is the result? More and more kindergartens are left without a music director. After graduation music schools and institutes, few young professionals come to kindergarten. Teachers over 40 years of age are mainly trained in advanced training courses. Another 5-10 years - and there will be almost no musical directors left.

What to do? Perhaps, it is possible to rectify the situation somehow, to retain unique specialists - musical directors of kindergartens (by the way, only in our country this profession has such a wide creative focus)?

And in this regard, we appeal to you, dear methodologists, heads and chief specialists of all levels!

Look at our music directors!

It's them they have no right to get sick, because without them there will be no holiday for children.

It's them everyone should be able to do everything: play a musical instrument, sing, dance, draw, sew, compose poetry, write scripts, etc.

It's them should always smile, cheer up children and their parents.

It's them must constantly learn, buy new methodical literature, audio cassettes, video films, etc.

It's them should always be beautiful, fashionably and tastefully dressed, as music directors are the "face" of the institution.

It's them should be psychologists and diplomats who can negotiate with all specialists in kindergarten, administration, parents about the organization of the holiday.

It's them they bring everything from home: paints, paper, fabrics, clothes and all kinds of attributes for classes and holidays with children.

It's them on weekends and in the evenings they compose new scripts.

It's them ... yes, it’s impossible to list everything.

And if we want to They did not leave work They came to us after graduating from music schools and institutes to They could work quietly, realizing their creativity, their vocation for the profession, it is necessary to take care of them and create conditions.

Which? Here are a few of those requirements:

  • respect and appreciate the work of the music director, do not force him to replace teachers or other kindergarten employees (of course, taking into account the wishes of the music director himself);
  • create a good, high spirits and prevent stressful situations at work (because Bad mood the music director can also affect the mood of the children);
  • do not require copying the experience of other teachers, if it does not correspond to the capabilities, inclinations of the music director;
  • provide financial support in the acquisition of notes, manuals, musical instruments, costumes, attributes and other materials necessary for work (since the music director cannot pay everything from his meager salary);

And last, but perhaps most important, is the creation of a creative, friendly atmosphere that stimulates the work of a teacher-musician.

Take care of the music director!

Maybe it is he who will teach children beauty and thereby save the world!

Our maestro.
If you want your children to take the first possible step towards Nobel Prize, start not with chemistry, but with music. Because the vast majority Nobel laureates were surrounded by music as children.
Author - Mikhail Kazinik.
There is a unique profession in kindergarten - a music director. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the music director must be able to do absolutely everything: play musical instruments, write scripts, sing, dance, draw, compose poetry, etc. And besides this, he must cheer up children and their parents, must constantly learn , to be a psychologist and a diplomat who can negotiate with all the specialists in the kindergarten. Not so long ago, the music director, Khakimov Tagir Valievich, came to our kindergarten.
Behind short period time, the teacher showed himself as a creative, purposeful person, always in a state of search. He immediately became a close friend to all children in the kindergarten without exception, he gladly gives them his knowledge and skills. Tagir Valievich tries tactfully to inspire the child's soul with hope and confidence in own forces to help girls and boys succeed in their future careers.
Under the strict guidance of the music director, children learn to play metallophones, pipes, Russian folk musical instruments, develop singing skills, social activity and stage presence.
Tagir Valievich is not only an entertainer, screenwriter, director, but also the soul of all holidays. First of all, this universal master who discovers and develops individual abilities and talents inherent in every child.
All holiday scenarios prepared by our music director are interesting, original and unique. Traditional "Christmas carols", "Seeing off winter", "Defender of the Fatherland Day" and other matinees, thematic entertainments turn into fun, bright, sparkling events for children and their parents.
A vivid confirmation of the above is the material published in the regional newspaper "Forward" on May 9, 2015.
“In April, the Kindergarten “Firefly” hosted significant event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory. Children of two generations met - children of war and modern children. The main organizer and director of the holiday was the music director Khakimov Tagir Valievich. Little artists danced, sang military songs, recited poems. They managed to convey the spirit of wartime, patriotism and love for the Motherland, many teachers and guests sometimes could not hold back their tears.”
The general emotional background, the atmosphere in Firefly has changed. Teachers are happy to help the music director. Together they discuss and “tailor” scenarios, play fairytale heroes, prepare costumes, try to contribute to education artistic taste, love for music among pupils.
Tagir Valievich for short term won the sincere love of children, the respect of colleagues and parents, he rightfully receives the biggest award in the world - a child's smile and children's laughter. And he also has one indisputable advantage, which gives the boys the right to shake hands with him, and the girls faithfully look into the eyes - he is the only male teacher!

Everyone knows that music has its own "language". And it is important not only to teach a child to sing expressively and clearly or to move easily to music, but to arouse in him a desire to “communicate” with it, to respond emotionally to it. The tasks of musical education are inextricably linked with the education of such qualities as kindness, mercy towards other people, the ability to sympathize, to regret.
This direction has become a priority in my work with preschoolers. It has long been proven that every child from birth is endowed with a huge mental potential, which, under favorable conditions, develops effectively and enables the child to achieve high altitudes in its development. It is equally important that the child develops creatively with art. And for this it is necessary to develop not only mental capacity, but at the same time both physical and creative, musical abilities.
I consider it my calling to find and develop in every child the talents and abilities that everyone must have. little man. I feel comfortable because the children communicate with me, that they need me both as a music director and as a person. The origins of my joy is that I can contribute to the upbringing of a harmonious person.
Education and self-education
To the music director preschool increased demands are made, since not only the pedagogical technologies, methods, and communication skills used by him should be a standard for children, colleagues, parents, and others. Therefore, continuous education, including self-education, is an integral part of the process of improving the qualification level of a music director.
Pride in the profession
I am proud of my profession. She is honored by leaving good feeling, allows you to feel your involvement in their fate, and therefore, your usefulness. A person will meet many faces in his life, the face of a music director will be remembered by him forever. Only a teacher receives the biggest award in the world - a child's smile and children's laughter.
A musical director is a person who will instill hope and self-confidence in the soul of a child, which will help girls and boys to succeed in the future.
The modern rhythm of life requires a constant professional growth, creative attitude to work, dedication. The professional experience of the music director provides him with a qualification professional activity in various teams social groups– pupils and their parents, colleagues.
The areas of professional, business competence of the music director are: special pedagogical education, participation in psychological help, educational and socio-pedagogical activities, organization and management of education, research activities in the professional field.
Key features professional nature a music director with extensive experience is kindness, responsibility, optimism, patience, energy, dedication to their work, respect and love for their students, professional honesty and decency.
A music director studies all his life, developing and improving his professional experience and generously sharing it with colleagues, like-minded people, and parents.
Positive is a child at any age! This Eternal youth- the music director has no time to grow old, this is a constant development - whoever stopped, he fell behind, this is a lot of options for creativity - from writing notes for classes to scientific works. This is a profession where constant joyful communication is inevitable, where you are never left alone and you certainly will not get bored.

The most favorable period for development musical ability than childhood is hard to imagine. Development musical taste, emotional responsiveness in childhood will create a foundation musical culture man as part of his spiritual culture in the future. Parents should be well aware that what is missed in childhood cannot be compensated in adulthood!
Musical education and development of children preschool age carried out at music lessons in kindergarten. In over 25 years as a music director, I have learned that the main task my work is to develop children's emotional responsiveness to music, to instill interest and love for the art of music, musical activity, to bring joy to children from contact with the beautiful, so that the lesson is based on the expectation of a miracle, magic, surprise and admiration. In addition, from October, the "Circle of intensive (in-depth) musical development of the child" will begin to work in the kindergarten.
Who is the music director in kindergarten? The music director of a kindergarten is a special profession. We must be able to do everything: play a musical instrument, sing, dance, draw, sew, write poetry, write scripts, etc. We must cheer up children and their parents, we must constantly study, be psychologists and diplomats who can negotiate with all specialists in kindergarten, administration, parents regarding the organization of the holiday and other issues.
But the music director is not only an entertainer, screenwriter and director of the holidays. First of all, it is a universal master, without which the development of children is impossible! After all, music contains the whole world of a child, is the language of his soul!
Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Music is the most miraculous, the most subtle means of attracting goodness, beauty, humanity. The feeling of beauty musical melody reveals its own beauty to the child - small man realizes his dignity, develops the spiritual strength of the child, his creative activity. The life of children without music is impossible, just as it is impossible without games and fairy tales. ”
The musical lessons of children in kindergarten are an entry into an unusual, wonderful world music. And the main task of my work is to introduce the child to this wonderful world, to teach them to understand this world and enjoy it, to develop the musical and creative abilities of children, to help through artistic perception musical images, through movement, through theatrical activity to realize the connection musical art with the surrounding world, to form a moral and aesthetic attitude towards it, the desire to actively, creatively empathize with the perceived.
Each of my working days is not like the previous one, because the work of a music director is a constant search for something new, interesting, informative, educational.
With today's children, one cannot be the musical director of "yesterday's knowledge." The world is rapidly moving forward, and I try to keep up: I am interested in all the problems of the child in order to lead the learning process of preschoolers. Working under the program "Childhood", I use modern pedagogical technologies of musical education: technology for the development of song creativity, technology for the development of performing skills, technology for the development of dance creativity, technology for development in the process of using small forms of folklore, technology for organizing a children's orchestra, technology for designing a music-enriched environment V music hall and groups.
Mini-Museum "Rainbow of Sounds"
She has been working in a kindergarten for two years.

Great love for children, for my favorite work, full dedication of strength and knowledge, determination - these qualities help me overcome all difficulties in my musical and educational activities.

Take care of the music director!

A.I. Burenina, head of the department
pre-school and primary school education LOIRO

Somehow imperceptibly for all, the 21st century has come. And this fact makes us think about many problems - personal and public, private and global.
The music director of a kindergarten is a special profession. And it appeared relatively recently - in the post-war years (1948). Prior to this, the educators themselves were engaged in musical education. Sometimes they were helped by musicians who came to the kindergarten when it was necessary to prepare and hold a holiday. And since such a position appeared, which was called differently: "music worker", "musical educator", "musical director" - the idea has been formed in society that a muzruk is needed, mainly in order to the children had a holiday. That is, that this profession is something between an accompanist and an entertainer.
Probably, it seems to many from the outside that this work is easy, “festive”, not requiring special talents. Well, just think, what is so difficult here: to entertain children and spend a holiday! Therefore, the attitude towards the profession of a music director has developed quite definite: the work is “not dusty”, takes part-time work, etc.
Probably, it was this attitude that led to such a blatant injustice, when the work of a music director who has a double education (musical - by the way, expensive and laborious - and pedagogical), is paid accordingly one level lower than the work of an educator or teacher, when it is necessary to prove that the music director is a teacher who works with children, teaches them music and is therefore entitled to a seniority pension.
Alas! It is still very difficult to achieve justice.
But this is not enough!
Despite the meager wages (the salary of the music director, as well as the teacher of the preschool educational institution, is below the subsistence level), work in recent years has become more and more difficult. In addition to the usual duties (conducting music lessons with children, preparing them for the holidays, advising parents on musical education, etc.), another requirement appeared: diagnostics of the musical development of children.
By what methods? For what? To prove the effectiveness of their work? Is it possible that without special diagnostics (tables with formal numbers, circles of different colors, etc.), a teacher cannot analyze his work, talk about the problems and achievements of his students?
Similarly, the search continues for various forms of planning that would reflect the entire work of the music director. The question arises: for whom and for what is the plan needed? For children, a teacher or for inspectors? And if for the teacher, then we will give him the opportunity to determine how, in what form and to what extent he will plan his work.
So, to summarize: recently the salary of the music director is getting lower, and the requirements are getting higher. Although the problem is not only in wages, but also in relation to the administration and managers in this category of specialists.
And what is the result? More and more kindergartens are left without a music director. After graduating from music schools and institutes, few of the young professionals come to kindergarten. Teachers over 40 years of age are mainly trained in advanced training courses. Another 5-10 years - and there will be almost no musical directors left.
What to do? Perhaps, it is possible to rectify the situation somehow, to retain unique specialists - musical directors of kindergartens (by the way, only in our country this profession has such a wide creative focus)?
And in this regard, we appeal to you, dear methodologists, heads and chief specialists of all levels!
Look at our music directors!
It is they who do not have the right to get sick, because without them there will be no holiday for children.
They should all be able to do this: play a musical instrument, sing, dance, draw, sew, compose poetry, write scripts, etc.
It is they who should always smile, cheer up children and their parents.
It is they who must constantly study, purchase new methodological literature, audio cassettes, video films, etc.
It is they who should always be beautiful, fashionably and tastefully dressed, as musical directors are the “face” of the institution.
It is they who should be psychologists and diplomats who can negotiate with all the specialists in the kindergarten, the administration, and parents regarding the organization of the holiday.
It is they who carry everything from home: paints, paper, fabrics, clothes and all kinds of attributes for classes and holidays with children.
It is they who write new scripts on weekends and in the evenings.
It's them ... but it's impossible to list everything.
And if we want them not to leave their jobs, so that they come to us after graduating from music schools and institutes, so that they can work in peace, realizing their creativity, their calling to the profession, we need to take care of them and create conditions.
Which? Here are a few of those requirements:
respect and appreciate the work of the music director, do not force him to replace teachers or other kindergarten employees (of course, taking into account the wishes of the music director himself);
create a good, high spirits and avoid stressful situations at work (after all, a bad mood of a music director can also affect the mood of children);
do not require copying the experience of other teachers, if it does not correspond to the capabilities, inclinations of the music director;
provide material support in the acquisition of sheet music, manuals, musical instruments, costumes, attributes and other materials necessary for work (since the music director cannot pay everything from his meager salary);
And last, but perhaps most important, is the creation of a creative, friendly atmosphere that stimulates the work of a teacher-musician.
Take care of the music director!
Maybe it is he who will teach children beauty and thereby save the world!

Last Saturday in the Kachug nursery music school the third inter-district competition of performing skills "Music connected us" was held. It was attended by young vocalists of the regional music school with. Elantsy (director S.G. Aleksandrova), children's art school with. Bayandai (acting director L.Ts. Istaev) and the Kachug Children's Music School (director L.I. Moshkireva). The vocalists of the Children's Art School in Zhigalovo did not come to the competition.

Participants of the competition, their leaders, teachers of children's musical groups, the fans were greeted by L.I. Moshkirev. Before the competition, Larisa Ivanovna spoke with love about her native village:

We love our Kachug, Siberians with open mind, loving song admiring the indescribable beauty of nature...

The guests enjoyed watching the clip, voiced by a song about Kachuga, in which there is a chronicle of the village.

On behalf of the staff of the Kachug Children's Music School, words of gratitude were expressed to P.I. Kozlov, mayor of the municipality "Kachugsky district".

Pavel Ivanovich always favors culture, always supports gifted youth. Talented children glorify our Prilensky region, - said L.I. Moshkirev.

The hosts of the competition S. Klavdieva and D. Belousova presented an independent jury consisting of the chairman I.V. Arbatskaya, excellent student of education, teacher of the Irkutsk Regional Pedagogical College, Department of Music Education; jury members: V.M. Vasiliev, a teacher who works at the college together with I.V. Arbatskaya, S.B. Maksakov, musical director of the kindergarten "Rainbow".

The competition was opened by the junior group of vocalists, then the participants of the competition of the middle group performed, and the song festival ended senior group vocalists. ringing voices young talents like spring streams filled cozy room music school.

Young vocalists felt confident on stage, were artistic, and beautiful stage costumes became an addition to their talented performance of songs.

The theme of the songs was varied - from military to lyrical. The youngest vocalist Masha Artyomova conquered everyone, performing the songs “The Sun and I”, “The Fairy of the Sea”. Masha, like a real artist, freely walked around the stage with a microphone, dancing to the rhythm of the music. In a fluffy blue dress, she looked like a princess.

The future defender of the Fatherland Matvey Motoshkin in a soldier's cap and tunic masterfully performed the song "Heroes of Bygone Times". This was helped by a beautiful voice, facial expressions, gestures, reincarnation as a soldier.

There were no equals in the performance of songs by the contestants Daria Rudykh and Victoria Volynkina, who have well-placed voices and artistic abilities. Daria sang the song "Mom". It was felt that she put her whole soul into it, showed her love, sang, looking at her mother. The touching performance of the song penetrated the depths of the souls of women sitting in the hall with tears in their eyes. T.F. Rudykh - professional music teacher, a wonderful vocalist, known to everyone in our area, region. Love for music, singing art Tatyana Fedorovna passed on to her daughters. Masha graduated from the Kachug Children's Music School, now she is a student, and Dasha is a future graduate of the Children's Music School, she participates in all events. Daughters of T.F. Rudykh tries to be like her mother in everything.

A lot of applause was addressed to Victoria Volynkina, who performed the song "Star River". The jury also appreciated her performance.

The competition ended, while the jury was summing up the results, the contestants staged a concert.

It must have been difficult for the jury to evaluate the best of best performers. And yet, the names of the winners, prize-winners of the competition, who were awarded with Diplomas and memorable gifts, were named.

D. Rudykh (Kachug children's music school) and V. Volynkina (district children's music school in the village of Elantsy) became the winners of the vocal competition in the senior group.

Second place went to Irina Oshchepkova (Kachug Children's Music School), third place went to Ivan Okunev (Kachug Children's Music School) and Tatyana Kuznetsova (District Children's Music School in the village of Elantsy).

IN middle group first and third places were not determined. Second place went to Matvey Motoshkin (Children's Art School in Bayanday) and Yulia Osipova (Kachug Children's Music School).

Winner in junior group Masha Artemova (Children's art school in the village of Bayanday) took the second place, Vera Trifonova (Kachug Children's Music School) came in second, Arina Lukashina (District Children's Music School in the village of Elantsy) took the third place.

Many Diplomas, Thanks, gifts were received at the awarding ceremony by the contestants, as well as the heads of music schools received Diplomas "For active participation in the competition."

After the competition, the chairman of the jury I.V. Arbatskaya reported good news: Vlad Vorozhtsov, a graduate of the Kachug Children's Music School for performing a song on Italian won the Grand Prix international competition vocalists, which took place in March this year in Ulan-Ude. Vlad participated in All-Russian competition"Star Project" These are the heights reached by V. Vorozhtsov! And he continues to conquer the heights of singing art, thanks to the wonderful teachers of the Kachug Children's Music School, who taught him how to perform and love a song, opened the way to the world of art. According to I.V. Arbatskaya, Vlad has a rich future.

Talented teachers have talented children. It is very pleasant that in our college they continue their studies at the department " Musical education"nine graduates of the Kachug Children's Music School," Irina Vladimirovna noted, and announced that on April 13 the teachers of the "Music Department" of the Irkutsk Pedagogical College would hold a Day open doors at the Kachug Music School with the aim vocational guidance. Graduates of the ninth grades of district schools will be invited to the meeting. Together with the teachers, the graduates of the last year of the Kachug Children's Music School, now college students, will come to the Open Day and show their creative skills.

No for the heart best moment if the student sings sublimely...

Musical education in kindergarten.

The purpose of musical education in kindergarten is to educate noble man through the influence of musical art - the formation of interests, needs, abilities, aesthetic attitude to music.

Tasks of musical education:

Cultivate an interest in music.

Enrich the musical experience of children by introducing them to a variety of musical works.

Introduce children to elementary musical concepts, to teach the simplest practical skills in all types of musical activity, sincerity, naturalness and expressiveness of the performance of musical works.

To develop emotional responsiveness, sensory abilities and fret-altitude hearing, a sense of rhythm, to form singing voice and expression of movement.

To promote the emergence and initial manifestation of musical taste based on the impressions and ideas about music received.

To develop creative activity during the types of musical activities available to children. To form independence, initiative and desire to apply the learned repertoire in Everyday life play music, sing and dance.

Our main task is to educate a musically developed listener and performer who is able to sensitively, emotionally perceive the world, to experience various phenomena and events, to realize and express their attitude to everything that happens. During the musical events music director:

Develops musicality (sense of rhythm, intonation, pitch hearing, musical memory);

Choosing musical material, forms the child's ability to perceive different styles of music, instills a taste, develops a singing range, introduces the basics of music theory;

Develops emotionality, empathy, the ability to contemplate;

Forms the ability to transmit music through movement, plasticity, develops motor freedom, coordination, communication, a sense of ensemble and partnership;

Captivates children with folklore and the work of composers, instills a sense of confidence;

It offers a wide choice of images, performance techniques, and the child, imitating the teacher, develops and improves himself.

We are all naturally musical. Every adult needs to know and remember this, since it depends on him what his child will become in the future, how he will be able to dispose of his natural gift. Music of childhood good teacher and reliable friend for life. Wanting to make friends with her baby, relatives and friends need to remember the following.

The early manifestation of musical abilities indicates the need to start musical development child as soon as possible.

The path of development of musicality of each person is not the same. Therefore, you should not be upset if your baby is not in the mood to sing or dance something, and if such desires arise, then singing, in your opinion, seems far from perfect, and the movements are funny and awkward. Dont be upset! Quantitative savings will certainly turn into qualitative ones. This will take time and patience.

Do not "stick" your child with a "label" - non-musical, if you have not done anything to develop this musicality in him.

If you, dear adults, want your child's heart to strive for goodness, beauty, humanity, try to teach him to love and understand music! Teach him, learn with him! Perhaps some tips will help you and your baby enter a huge and beautiful world great musical art.

Any musical composition you need to listen without being distracted by anything else. The main thing, of course, is to want to listen. Music will always reward the listener for this, giving him a new feeling, a new mood.

It is better to choose a short piece to listen to.

Listening to sounds, try to hear and distinguish dynamic shades musical speech (loud, soft, moderately loud, etc.)

Listen vocal music easier. After all, the text will always tell you what the composer wanted to say.

From time to time it is necessary to return to listening to the same works.

Try to make listening to music a regular activity. Select for this special time. Nothing should distract the child from communicating with music.

It is very useful to listen to the same compositions performed by different soloists and groups.

Forms musical work in kindergarten.

Music lessons.

Holidays and entertainment.

Circle work (additional education).

Concerts and theatrical performances.

Musical lounges.

Musical and theatrical productions, etc.

In kindergarten music lessons are held twice a week. In these classes, children learn to listen and understand music, sing, learn to move to music, dance, play, play musical instruments. Conducted once a month musical entertainment that deepen musical performances children, improve musical perception. Several times a year holidays are held - Autumn, New Year, March 8, Graduation to school and others that contribute comprehensive development children. They influence the formation of the personality of a preschooler, allow him to show his skills, abilities, creative initiative, sum up a certain result. pedagogical work. In everyday life musical education carried out by the educator. Each group has a music corner. There is a certain set of musical instruments, musical and didactic games that enable the educator to carry out artistic development all children.

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