Ethno-disco for adults "Dances of Joy!". Spontaneous, intuitive, spiritual and meditative dances


Intuitive Dance both ancient and new at the same time modern man a way of self-expression and improvement of the physical body. It doesn't have mandatory movements, there are no schemes, rules. You hear the music and move to it the way you feel you need to move.

Meaning- allow energy to be redistributed throughout the body. It's more than a dance in a disco, because in the club we are limited by social boundaries.

For example, you have sat for 8 hours at the computer, and you feel that your rhomboid muscle (between the shoulder blades) has hardened like a board. Music plays and you arch your back, lower your head, feel the need to stretch right hand forward. You have just cleared the congestion in the rhomboid muscle and removed the pathogenic energy through the right arm. It is both pleasure, and creativity, and self-help.

You do not need to follow the rhythm, you can freeze in any ridiculous position, the main thing is that your body asks for it.

Best for beginners fit dance, in which they are used - this way you will quickly liberate the body, you will move more naturally, and the distribution of energy will go automatically. A brick is placed on each palm, they must lie freely, you cannot squeeze them with your fingers, and then you will find out why. The teacher turns on the music, the student's task is to move as the body tells, while rotating the palms with blocks in a horizontal or vertical plane clockwise or counterclockwise. The idea is that in order to hold the bricks, you have to adjust your whole body, activating areas that under normal conditions “sleep” for you. Muscles and tendons that are not involved in everyday life begin to work.

When the movement of palms with bricks in the horizontal and vertical planes is mastered, you can move on to rotation in eights: towards yourself, away from you, diagonally. You can perform movements above your head, or go to the ground, crouching or completely lowering to the floor.

Over time, when your body remembers how to move, you can practice without bricks, reproducing the sensations that arose when moving with them. If you suddenly feel that you have begun to become enslaved again, return the bricks.

What effect does it have?

There are more than 600 muscles in the human body, but half of them are not used due to a sedentary lifestyle. Dancing is a great way to keep your body active.

You will improve the overall flexibility of the body and coordination - which, by the way, is very useful for the "youth" of the brain.

During the intuitive dance, channels for free circulation of energy are opened, stagnation is removed, blocks and clamps are removed.

A person begins to feel the lines of concentration better, relaxes the mind and opens up creativity.

Dance to your heart's content, and the Ramayoga store will provide you with everything you need to practice!

We invite you to an ethnic disco for adults - Dances of Joy!

This is a space for adults who are tired of: alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pop music, the same type of movements, stupid faces and consummation.

This is a space for Joy, Communication, Free expression through dance and movement.

Dances of Joy is an explosion of energy, it is a permission to live different states, feelings and emotions, it is a joy to be open, to be free, to be real… This is a holiday!!!

Sometimes muscle clamps and bodily blocks poison our lives, not giving the opportunity to feel life in its entirety. However, in Lately
there is a panacea that allows Not only shake off the burden of fatigue, but also get rid of emotional hardships and worries- and her name " intuitive dances". They are now gaining great popularity among all those who are thirsty get in touch with your own body and fully know your spiritual world.

body talk

Dance has long been famous as one of the oldest forms of expression. Learning plasticity and flexibility from animals and birds, our ancestors mastered new ways of body movement, comprehended the art of putting meaning into certain gestures. With time the dance has become a sacred ritual to connect with the spirits: he was credited with mystical power, capable of opening the door between the worlds.

The one who dances, the sun shines

When a man wakes up to dance, he"dances", expresses in it his worldly problems and difficulties - and then, transformed, enters into new life purified and enlightened. Therefore, the main credo of intuitive dance is not to think, but to feel. Only by relaxing and letting go of oppressive thoughts, one can be free for true movement.

Developing both body and soul intuitive dances contribute to the disclosure of the true potential of the individual. Thanks to the intuitive dance, carefully strengthens major muscle groups significantly improved coordination of movements and elasticity of ligaments. Also intuitive dance allows you to reveal the true essence human nature: He promotes the development of intuition and the acceptance of one's true essence.

As the ancients said: Dance is a language that the whole world understands". Indeed, dance is a unique means of self-expression, for which no cultural and language barriers. It allows us to reveal our natural magnetism and charisma and to affirm our faith in own forces and abilities - after all the spiritual potential of any human being is practically unlimited.

In our space, you can move the way your body wants.
without worrying about what others think. After all, they will live their dance, their life. And it is absolutely natural that during the dances, various energies will flow in you, and maybe you will feel pain, anger, fear, joy, pleasure. And it will be great if you allow all this to be expressed through movement and sound., turning each new dance into a dance of fear, or pain, or maybe pleasure or joy, depending on what will manifest itself in each new moment. Thus becoming sentient, alive, real, fluid, leaving everything unnecessary. And let it be really dances of Joy!

An incredible selection of music awaits you at the disco : incendiary latina, songs from the old Soviet films, hip-hop, shamanic drums, heavy metal, mantras, rock and roll, folk dances… and much more.

Our dances do not require any special preparation.

At the beginning of each hour, the facilitators explain the basics of intuitive dancing.

We use spontaneous, intuitive, simoron and shamanic dances. Dances of the peoples of the world, round dances, dances. Dynamic and Osho Meditation Techniques. You are waiting for outdoor games and entertainment.

You can enter and exit dances at any time. There is a place to relax and have tea.

With myself: comfortable shoes, a changeable T-shirt (if you are going to dance until you sweat, then a towel). You can bring a yoga mat with you if you want to lie down.

The price includes tea, sugar, biscuits. You can take something with you. Please register in advance so that we can purchase the required amount of products and supplies.

Practicing Intuitive Dance - unique method work with the subconscious, allowing you to consciously resolve any life situation, from diseases of the physical body to psychological dramas. At present, it is not in vain that there are so many body-oriented practices, because through the body you can fully know yourself and at all energy levels.

The human body is an instrument through which Soul and Spirit manifest themselves in physical life on Earth, in this incarnation.

The body can't lie , and that is why during the dance you can find out the truth about yourself. We have been working with the practice of intuitive dance for ten years, and every time we are surprised by its effectiveness!

This work is for those who can honestly look at themselves and change what they need in themselves!


As long as humanity exists, thinking and developing, so many questions exist that move people forward along the path of progress, stimulating it to development.

Where did we come from on this planet? What was before us? Why does a person live? What happens to him after physical death? What is left of him? How does our world work, and is there a connection between the creatures living in it? Most main question, over which philosophers of all times are struggling - what is primary, Spirit or matter, Being or Consciousness? Most religions claim that the Soul and the body are substances of a different order, and in order to gain immortality, you need to give up material world and from most of the needs of the body, minimize them.

However, we live in a body and this body reacts to everything that happens to us. Mental and spiritual experiences turn into physical sensations, and we cannot ignore them. When we are afraid, we suck in the stomach, take our breath away. When we rejoice, we feel light and full, and when something irritates or angers, we grind our teeth, clench our fists and blur our vision. All these reactions can be read by tracking gestures, movements, facial expressions. Can be measured with modern appliances, the simplest of which is a lie detector. It clearly demonstrates the reaction of the body to various information. All this proves that the body is a universal conductor, it manifests things in the physical world that are completely non-material.

Since we are social beings, we learn from childhood to hide our true reaction so that others do not read us and do not guess about our feelings and experiences. We learn to behave correctly, that is, as society requires. For example, if you are angry at a work colleague or a salesperson in a store, you want to scream, hit this person, stomp your feet. Your eyes become bloodshot and your hands clench into fists, but you stop talking and become extremely polite, only the dryness and coldness of your tone betrays your anger. Where does the energy of your anger go? Leaves the body and causes spasm or inflammation, increases pressure or causes headache. What you did not show, but experienced, remains in your body for a long time. If you experience this every day, your health may fail, and the pills will be powerless to help in this case.

In the course of the activity of an esoteric psychologist, one has to find out the causes of physical discomfort or discomfort that have gone deep into the depths. psychological problem that has arisen in a person's life. Often the cause is hidden in the distant past, and may be the result of the manifestation of the Soul's experience gained in past incarnations.

Another point is that the body is connected with its environment. At one time, Vernadsky outlined in his writings the theory of the noosphere - a mental field created by people and carrying all the information developed by mankind. Esotericists call it the Network of the United Consciousness, the Akashic Chronicles, theosophists speak of the Divine Consciousness, the One World Soul. It all comes down to one thing - there is a person and there is an environment with which he is connected energetically, informationally and psychologically, and therefore the body can respond with sensations not only to what the consciousness experiences, but also to those processes that occur in its environment. Through the body, as a conductor, one can find out the state of the environment and other people in it. And you can influence the environment by changing it energetically and informationally.

In ancient times, people understood this connection and therefore included elements that involve the body in their rituals. Everyone knows such powerful rituals as circle dances, shamanic dances, bodily practices such as yoga, qigong and many others, in which the body expresses the state of the soul and by training the body, the Spirit is trained.

In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition raged in Europe and almost all bodily practices were banned. Christianity actively preached the separation of spirit from matter and the rejection of physical world for the salvation of the Soul.

In our enlightened time, there are a great many bodily practices, because they are effective, allow you to penetrate deeply into the subconscious and correct conditions and situations in life that are practically not solved by other methods.

A unique tool for the manifestation of the states of the Soul through the body is dance.

Based on the above, we have in the center of self-improvement " solar world”has developed a unique method of working with the conscious and subconscious with the help of intuitive dance. It is surprisingly simple and elegant. Under specially selected music, a person simply allows the body to manifest what is in the depths of his Soul, in accordance with the task that he solves. Any question concerning relationships between people, health, work, disclosure of any abilities, business, even social moments, property, etc.

Sometimes the answers lie on the surface and are associated with a simple misunderstanding or incorrect behavior. And sometimes simple life questions relate to deep processes that occur at the level of the soul and affect the experience of past incarnations.

Over the years of work (since 2006), we have learned to understand the language of dance better than human speech, and sometimes a barely noticeable movement is the key to understanding the meaning of everything that has manifested itself. It does not matter at all what a person thinks about what he is trying to find out through dance. The body will still reveal the truth. The situation is corrected in the same way, and nothing here can be manipulated, hidden or distorted, because the body cannot lie. Therefore, through an intuitive dance, everything secret, hidden from understanding, becomes clear.

We are constantly working in Solar seminars and Planetary trainings. There we work with the help of an intuitive dance not only with ourselves, but also with the consciousness of the planet and humanity. These are amazing works in which people recognize themselves and join in eternal secrets discovering new depths of our reality.

In my work, I use many techniques, techniques and techniques, but until today, intuitive dance is the most strong practice, both in terms of self-knowledge, and in the aspect of helping someone in resolving his issues. This is confirmed by many participants in such works.

Dance is a prayer in which the whole body is involved and a service in which every molecule participates. The whole Universe, being included in this magical process, dances in one rhythm, revealing its most wonderful and inaccessible secrets. I invite everyone to dance!

Larisa Rezinkina, August 2014

is one of the amazing, softest yet powerful techniques for discovering the true self, giving impressive results, contributing to rapid development in areas where other techniques may take years.

The work of intuition has not yet been scientifically explained, but there are plenty of facts of its help in the life of any person. I note that intuition in men can be developed much stronger than in women. A woman thinks subconsciously from the position of the one who is entrusted with the mission of procreation. Therefore, a woman is inherent in caution, some kind of earthy thinking. Women rarely think globally. Men, precisely because of their isolation from reality, the ability to take risks, are capable of a global breakthrough and unexpected success. Among men, there are more great scientists who have made a brilliant discovery, or businessmen who have achieved an impressive fortune from scratch. Not because it is a consequence of patriarchy. It's just that men act differently. Where a woman waits until an intermediate result is reached in order to move on a reliable path further, the man will go at risk. Men's ideas are broader and not provided with lengthy arguments, as with most women. And this is true, because while the hunter is thinking, the beast will kill him. Women's intuition is more intertwined with everyday life, with feelings and with the health of loved ones here and now. And not with the future, like men. Women are more likely to think non-linearly, and there is more emotion in their actions. Women tend to complicate things, while men tend to simplify things. Women's intuition has many details, while men's is clear and specific. But it is these differences in the use of intuition that have allowed us all, men and women, to develop, and, most importantly, to build a common future. Each of us completes the world to perfection.

Of course, developed intuition helps in life, and in particular, in communicating with the opposite sex. The role of intuition cannot be overstated. It is trust in one's inner instinct that prevents many people from getting into unpleasant stories, helps to bypass most of life's traps. And there are lucky ones whom intuition allows to be in right place V right time, pull out the same ticket or avoid mortal danger. Such stories are not uncommon. But I will say more: someone reading these words now was also led here by intuition. And this corresponds to the pattern "who seeks - he will always find." You had a question. Maybe I can help you find the answer. How to know.

My intuitive painting technique is specially tuned to help find the actual or the path to it for everyone. specific person, for his evolving personality to date. Intuitive drawing allows, if necessary, to return to the roots and tune in to the future, see hidden talents in yourself, gain new opportunities, catch the melody of your own harmony, find mutual language with yourself and with your loved ones. Intuitive painting removes blocks and frees from blinkers, helps to solve problems, accept the past and look into the future, building it as you wish.

Also, in the process of intuitive painting, each student is engaged in personal color therapy (1), that is, he corrects himself through intuitive work with desired color. From time immemorial, color has been revered by healers as a mechanism for launching those processes in the body and consciousness that lead to healing. That is why children are so fond of multicolor, brightness of colors and kaleidoscopes. I will tell you a secret that religions have adopted the knowledge of color for a very long time. This is one of the reasons why colored stained-glass windows were installed in temples - each person could not only admire the beauty or be inspired by the scenes from the sacred books, but also “gather” the color he needed, in which the rays of the sun passing through the stained-glass windows were painted, thereby harmonizing his internal state and consequently health.

The most important thing in the process of intuitive drawing is developing intuition. Many great events, such as the discovery of America by Columbus or Mendeleev's periodic table, became possible thanks to the subtle intuition of their discoverers. They were confident of success, they felt they were capable, they inspired other people around them. This is the creative power of intuition.

intuitive creative perception made possible the birth of rock paintings the art of painting, and from a stretched thread such an amount string instruments. It is the ability to convey a unique vision, and not just copy, that gave us everything known species arts. So among artists, the most famous and long remembered are those who were able to invest new meaning on public topics. They received this insight through the ability to hear their intuition and appreciate it. They were able to see and convey the beauty of the world in their own way, thereby not only opening up new eras, but helping humanity to develop. Their cloths also become really great and significant, only in contact with them at the subtlest level of feelings.

Everyone has intuition, that's a fact. But rarely does anyone pay enough attention to it. Having a car and knowing how to drive are not the same thing. So what is the obstacle to the full use of all intuitive potential? The whole difficulty lies in the inability to hear intuition due to the inability to trust oneself. The block of distrust and disbelief in one's own strength deprives one of strength. Starting to draw intuitive painting, each person's creative potential is revealed with new force and in new colors, with new possibilities, as it begins to activate right hemisphere of the brain, the processes of restructuring and adjustment of connections between neurons that did not work to the fullest are launched, new ones are being built. Movements with a brush or pencil, every line and shape is born by right-brain thinking, a person creates a new creation from the heart, not the mind. There is an immersion in a pleasant state of relaxation. And while a person is able to create, he "drinks" from the fountain of youth, as he is constantly open to the new. The processes that take place during intuitive drawing, can be called meditation, as there is communication with your true Self, which is obviously wiser and always leads to finding happiness.

(1) Color therapy or color therapy has been used since ancient times by peoples from all over the world.

Most famous example- the color spectrum of the lamp for indoor plants affects their growth and flowering in different ways.

IN Ancient Rome, Ancient China color was given a special role. In search of harmony, health and longevity, healers and sages compiled numerous recipes.

Today, in the early 30s of the twentieth century, the Indian scientist D.R. Ghadiali described in detail what therapeutic effect this or that color has on the body.

Some colors, according to his observations, stimulate the work of the organs and systems of the human body, while others, on the contrary, slow it down.

What is very useful to know at least when choosing the color of the walls in the apartment.

In the mid-1950s, the Swiss scientist Max Luscher compiled a special color text.

Having carried out numerous experiments, he singled out those colors from 4500 tones and shades that most changed the functions of the systems of the human body.

Benois, a scientist from Algeria, has also studied the effects of color on male birds today.

So, for example, according to his observations, orange-red, the color associated with human sexuality, affects birds as well as people.

And black, on the contrary, inhibits the sexual activity of males of some bird species.

The impact of color on the psychology and physiology of individuals is universal.

This is a universal language, understandable not only to every person, regardless of his age and ethnic group but also to all living beings.

Of course, for preventive purposes it is useful to take colored baths, use lamps in the rooms that give light of warm tones,

admire beautiful pictures, especially if they are drawn by the person who filled them with those colors that are beneficial for him today.

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July 7, 2013 Altai, Katu-Yaryk pass! Plein air + Intuitive dances! Together with Tatyana Sham!!!



Bed linen is included in the price, towels to take with you. Boiling water for free.

TO beds with spring or latex mattresses, pillows and blankets synthetic winterizer.

Meals in a cafe-bar, 3-time complex, a choice of menus of Russian and Altai cuisine, always own pastries.

There are no residential villages, no service. Firewood for free. Fishing. The fish is always fresh.

Rafting at the neighboring (2 km) base KATU-YARYK, ​​for super experienced craftsmen- Category 6, not the fact that you will survive. The raft is carried by hand along the shore, bypassing the rapids - back into the water

Toilets on the territory, cold shower - river water (the barrel is heated by the sun), washbasins are also on the territory.

Sauna on the very bank of the river for temperature contrast.

The place is completely isolated from any means of communication: mobile phones, phones, computers, TVs are idle. The ear is caressed only by the splash of water, the singing of birds, the rustle of leaves and grass. Intoxicating purity, blue air and delicious water. Electricity from the generator, lighting until one in the morning, After one hour huge flashing stars and dense night darkness flavored with herbs. A living star map before your eyes.

Beach sandy shore near a calm backwater. The scorching sun and very cool water perfectly invigorate the body, exhausted by the heat of the day.

Near the campfire, every evening an acquaintance with how you can reveal yourself through dance, learn how to dance your desire, be filled with the splendor of the Nature of Nature.

In the morning, stretching the body and harmonizing the energy in it, under open sky and under careful and competent guidance.

In the evenings under the open sky, intuitive dances, helping discover in everyone a source of inexhaustible love for the world around. This an effective program is aimed at studying the sacred knowledge about the universe of the person himself, revealing the paths and building roads for the realization of the desired, accumulation energy through creation and knowledge of the capabilities of your body.

During the day, open-airs await you, revealing the talent of a painter in everyone. Disclosure creativity in such a sacred place under the skillful guidance of a connoisseur and great teacher-artist Sham Tatyana Nikolaevna, will positively and tangibly change your life.

Departure July 07, 2013 at 15 o'clock from M "River Station".
We arrive at the base in the morning, 7-8 o'clock. Meals for the day and a bath are paid.

You can take mats with you - "foams" for classes. Warm socks, jackets are desirable. The nights in the mountains are cool. Sleeping in houses and villages is very comfortable, you don’t freeze.

We are waiting for you!

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Gift for a beloved man

Dancing is another key to self-expression in the world. Of course, movements are born within the capabilities of the physical body and in accordance with the laws of physics. Despite this, the dance is able to bewitch and immerse the observer in special states. This was known and used in the ancient kingdoms, but in our time, dances have not lost their charm.

A woman, especially if she is beloved, dancing for her lover, is beautiful and delightful. The body itself conveys her feelings. If you look from the side, then a woman not only tightens her tummy, straightens her shoulders, her body lines become perfect, a woman’s eyes light up with an alluring light that sinks into the very heart of a man.

women want to have beautiful figure and an amazing walk - dance more often for your loved one! This is the most grateful audience. It is through the dance that he will again see in you a woman, fragile and tender, who will want to adore and protect, protect. Dance is not just mating games in the animal kingdom, for people it is a short way to talk about complex feelings.

Each woman has a special body, manner of movement, character, inner world. It is this special set of external qualities that attracts a particular man. The first thing that men pay attention to, so that they do not speak, is the individuality of a woman, showing through in her appearance. Every man is an artist at heart. If the image of a particular woman caresses his eyes, he will need her.

Of course, over time, feelings can become dull if they are not given due attention. But they can be revived by adding a twinkle in his eyes, while he still appreciates what he is with you for.

And if a woman can show herself with new side, she will create an updated image in the man’s head, which will for a long time beckon him to her.

It is no coincidence that in Eastern culture girls from wealthy families were taught the arts from an early age lap dance for the future spouse.

Dance for a loved one is a hymn to femininity.

The dance style can vary from movements to oriental style to modern strip plastics. The main thing is to show your unique charm for your man with better side, present yourself as a gift so that he has a feeling of wanting to try you again and again.

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Your life is a dance!

Dances for adults at the School of Creativity Tatyana Sham CREATE YOURSELF are aimed at those who want to develop grace and plasticity in themselves, improve posture, achieve a beautiful confident walk, strengthen muscles, that is, create a harmonious figure, as well as for those who want to try something that's new. Classes are a special series of stages that will systematically lead to desired results. We start with stretching, but end with improvisation and performance. Thus, each lesson allows you to discover new facets of yourself. Most people are very constrained, their movements are limited. They are not used to moving naturally, sitting freely, relaxing to sleep, which leads to a sick spine, problems with blood vessels, intestines, bad sleep. Accordingly, there is no full-fledged supply of oxygen to the whole organism, therefore it is subject to earlier aging. It is no coincidence that sports and dancing are included in any professionally compiled diet. Because a diet is not a restriction of the diet, but balanced diet nutrition, as a process of accepting energy, and a diet of physical activity, as a process of giving back to the world what you have taken from it.

Very important point- Choice of music. The mood of the group is created by the coach not only by his mood or his own words, but, of course, by the music. musical rhythm may go against the inner melody of the dancers. Then, at the end of the lesson, they will be exhausted and emotionally more tired than before the start of the lesson. Dance and music should go hand in hand and help people through physical activity unload emotionally, release stress through sweat and breath, and, as they say, “reboot the brain”.

And this is true, since only a calm emotional person is not susceptible to most diseases. As soon as you feel that the internal spring begins to twist, do not expect it to be overstressed - discharge. You thereby prolong your youth and life.

Dances, especially intuitive ones, are an expression of a person's inner world through movements. A person dances and gets rid of grief and adversity. This is called - dancing the situation. You can also dance to treat, for example, the throat. Just allow yourself the movements that the body asks for. Relax and flow with your inner rhythm.

And dancing is a great help when you are looking for an answer or a way to move forward. This dance can also be called movement meditation. From the depths of the soul, a call to space is born, and through movements, processes are launched in the surrounding space.

It is enough to really want changes and they will begin to materialize. Another question is what kind of changes it will be.

It is important to direct your life yourself, otherwise it will be directed by others.

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Children's educational dances

Every parent wants their child to develop harmoniously and successfully. And of course, many people know that what has been instilled in a person since childhood directly affects his life. It's getting harder and harder to get kids out these days because of computers and TVs. They have problems in their studies, their eyesight, posture, character deteriorate, their ideas about good and evil, relationships, and the world as a whole are distorted. Of course, it is possible to force a child to study and attend extracurricular activities, but this is always fraught with a deterioration in relations with him, manifestations of his ever-increasing secrecy from you and alienation of the child.

Neither the school nor the additional sections are aimed at solving this problem. The only way out is to find points of common interaction with the child and together find an area interesting to the child, an alternative to the computer and TV. Won't fit here authoritarian method. Because when the reason is not clear, the process of investing physical or mental strength becomes meaningless. The child does something not for himself, therefore the results will not fully please him.

When you go to choose a teacher together with your child, after meeting and talking, ask his opinion about the person in whose hands you are going to send your child. Good teacher will positively affect your child’s life, the best one will help the child find himself, find an inner position and grow as a strong personality. Sometimes one meeting is enough for even a brief interaction with a person to be remembered for a lifetime by its positive contribution.

If your child chose a dance direction or a dance teacher from the classes and circles you suggested, it means that it is important for his inner nature to manifest itself through dance. It is important to listen to this and help the child discover his talents through dance. Even if the child's ear, as they say, "the bear has stepped" and he moves like a "wooden", he can learn to dance. Perhaps it will not be ballet, and not even hip-hop, or another well-known or little-known dance direction. The ability to express one's feelings and emotions through dance already certainly makes it attractive. Because this is no longer a set of movements, but a process of self-expression. This is the key to the development of a harmonious personality.

In Tatyana Sham's School of Creativity "Create Yourself", a person with any background and any age can dance. But we pay special attention to each group, we are looking for individual approach. Children's classes at Tatyana Sham's School of Creativity are designed specifically for the needs of modern children. Many parents have long known that drill and authoritarianism have lost their power over children, and endless repetitions to the point of automaticity deprive children of the desire to do this.

It is important for modern children to see in an adult a friend, mentor, equal to himself and at the same time wiser, always reliable. Then the child can trust completely. And it is under such conditions that he is able to make a new achievement every time, with interest putting the personal power of creativity into his studies.

In our classes, everyone enters a special territory of development and creativity, where the tradition of blind motor repetition for the teacher is given only additional role, but never the main one, as happens in standard classes. Because the True Dance is a conversation of a person with the world through gestures, movements of the whole body, facial expressions. This is a conversation that everyone can understand. Then it's art. It is the art of dancing that we teach children. And the methods and techniques can be very different - improvisation, performance, exercises for the development of leadership qualities, team games, elements classical choreography, modern dance directions, exercises for flexibility and plasticity, exercises for opening acting skills, voice work, and much more.

The most important thing for us is that the process of dancing should please and inspire every child who comes to the School.

Dances at the School of Creativity Tatyana Sham "CREATE YOURSELF" develop ear for music, remove the consequences stressful situations, remove complexes, teach harmonious interaction with people and the world, comprehensively develop physical body(stretching, muscles, plasticity, body lines), improve memory, activate the power of imagination, learn to creatively perceive obstacles, show flexibility and be able to maintain balance not only of the body, but also of character. In addition, the ability to express one's feelings through movements strengthens vital stability, allows you not to drive the negative inside, which leads to many diseases.

The path of life is not lined with silk carpets. But if a person is flexible and plastic, then the winding road will not bring him so many difficulties.

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Dance! Be an individual!

Dear teenagers!

School of Creativity Tatyana Sham "Create Yourself" invites young people from 10 to 16 years old to dance classes in various styles. You will learn how to dance in the styles of go-go, modern, bellydance, etc., you will feel what improvisation and performance means. Extra folds will go away, strengthened muscles will give you a beautiful silhouette for many years, the development of stretching and plasticity will give a special charm to your gait! But most importantly, you will begin to feel and carry yourself like a king. And then, thanks to classes at the School of Creativity Tatiana Sham "Create Yourself", you can become the star of any evening!

Dear parents!

School of Creativity Tatyana Sham "Create Yourself" is primarily aimed at developing the personality of your children. Therefore, it is important for us that you feel calm and confident when sending your children to us. All classes are built specifically for children, according to their age. And the needs that require their present development.

Children adolescence go dancing primarily for themselves, their image and self-perception in a group of peers.
Therefore, classes for teenagers should not only develop their physical abilities, but strengthen their self-esteem and develop leadership skills.

People who practiced dancing in childhood and youth can be seen right up to old age, by their light gait and graceful posture. The muscles that are developed at a young age can be seen along the lines of the body throughout life, with proper nutrition.

The load that we give to students is harmoniously distributed over all major muscle groups, ligaments and joints.

Also, the classes include certain training elements that will help your children understand themselves, feel their strength, and show their personality from a new perspective.
In our class there is no common mass, there are only bright individuals. We support the desire of people of all ages to express themselves. We help every child and adult to find their own personal style, a unique flavor of movements.

We pay a lot of attention to facial expressions, because dance without facial expressions is impersonal. Developed facial expressions are the prevention of most stresses. It gives freedom to self-expression.

As a result, your children are freed from many clamps and blocks, they learn to behave correctly under stress, to be natural and confident in any situation.

When a person is harmonious and in harmony with himself, he owns his own source of happiness and is able to give happiness to others!

Flamenco is the dance of a woman who knows how to stand up for herself.

How often do you contradict yourself, agreeing with the opinions of others?
Often you have to go on about circumstances, do not have enough strength to take the situation into your own hands?

Come to flamenco classes and you will learn how to say your I brightly and proudly, like graceful Spanish women!
This dance will ignite new rhythms in you!
You will feel like a woman worthy of admiration!

You will learn to hold your back and head in a royal way, which will form beautiful lines your figure, and people, even strangers, will begin to treat you differently.
Your hands will become your pride, because your gestures will begin to attract attention and fascinate.
But most importantly, you will get rid of fears and clamps in the body that stop and prevent you from acting freely.

Tenderness and strength, grace and passion - that's what flamenco is!
Woman, dancing flamenco- bright and desirable, passionate and tender, supple and rebellious, different, knowing what she wants and able to express herself.

Wedding dance is always young

A wedding dance is, first of all, a show, in its best sense, for guests at the first holiday of a nascent family. The wedding dance is not just a tribute to tradition, but a gift to those who joined the sacrament of marriage, witnessed and blessed the newlyweds with their gifts.

Options for staging wedding dance infinite set. Now wedding dances have become fashionable in Russia, starting with the traditional first waltz of the young, unexpectedly changing to the peppy rhythm of groovy hits. Here, mothers will not be able to cry: “Oh, how the children have grown! Ah! .. Ah! ..” Of course, after such a performance, everyone laughs together, clapping for the young, and the young, proud and happy, sit down at the table.

But this scenario today is at almost every wedding, not only for young people, but also for respectable newlyweds. Many couples want something new.

At Tatyana Sham's School of Creativity, CREATE YOURSELF, wedding dance performances are approached very individually, focusing on the capabilities of each of the couple. In such a responsible matter, not only the bride, but also the groom must show themselves only from the best side. Any lack of stretch, flexibility and plasticity must be bypassed to avoid absurdities and sympathy.

'Cause these moments can be embellished acting and a successful dance script.

Yes, we do not just put on wedding dances, we, together with the future newlyweds, prescribe the script for their dance. The basis can include both the whole history of their relationship, and only acquaintance. Imagine how surprised and fascinated guests and relatives will be when the sacrament of the first meeting will be restored before their eyes! And since this meeting of two people is unique, your dance will be unique, bright and full of those feelings that connect you both.

The wedding dance scenario can contain any events in your life. And mankind has accumulated more than enough means for expression. It may not only be dance moves, but also pantomime, and the song of the groom or bride, and the masculine strength of the groom's support or the grace of the bride - this is what each of you is strong in.

The most important thing for us is that you are happy and enter into new stage your life bright and victorious! The wedding, the first day of married life becomes the start. And may your finish never come!

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