History of quilling technique. The true history of quilling and its development


Quilling. History, the use of technology in working with children

Vorobieva Alina Alexandrovna, teacher additional education BOU DO "CTR and GO" in the city of Tara, Omsk region
Material Description: the work is devoted to the theme of quilling art, its history, current state and the use of this technique in working with children.
Purpose: the content of the article is addressed to teachers art schools, teachers of additional education.
Target: revealing the relevance and importance of teaching quilling in the educational process.
The art, which in Russia is called "paper rolling", arose in Europe at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries. IN Western countries it is called the word quilling (quilling). The English word "quilling" originates from the word "quill", which means "bird's feather".
Another name quilling- "paper filigree". This is a simple type of needlework that does not require large expenses, but at the same time very beautiful and original. Paper spirals create the basis for colors and patterns, which are then used to decorate cards, gift wraps, holiday scrapbooks and photo frames. Also, products made from paper ribbons can be used as jewelry or wall decorations. This art came to Russia from Korea. In each country, with the advent of quilling, their own directions in this technique arose.
quilling- a new, popular and fashionable type of needlework in the modern world. The art of quilling requires perseverance and accuracy. In addition, he develops fine motor skills hands, calms, relieves aggression, and gives vent to fantasy, so there is an opinion that quilling is considered useful occupation. But its special charm is that already the first time it turns out beautiful work. But still, to make complex three-dimensional compositions, practice and good spatial thinking are necessary.
quilling- not a new art, but very old.
Extremely popular art quilling became in the Renaissance. Monks and nuns created graceful medallions, twisting paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's feather, decorated various religious objects, icons with strips of gold paper, thereby imitating very expensive gold filigree.
Antique icon decorated with quilling

Quilling becomes a favorite pastime of English ladies in the 18th-19th centuries. They came up with patterns, made copies of each other's especially successful products and were proud of their works, which decorated the interior of their home, furniture, and even candles. Today, paper rolling is a popular hobby in countries Western Europe, especially it is widely known in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it fell into the hands of oriental masters. The richest traditions of paper making and working with it, the finest graphics and plastic art have given the art of paper plastic new life. In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of various areas of paper art.
In the XV century. quilling was rightfully called an art. 19th century - an era in which quilling was considered ladies' entertainment. And in the XX century. paper filigree was practically forgotten. Interest in it resumed only at the end of the last century, and quilling began to turn into art again. Quilling decorations could be seen everywhere: on ladies' accessories, purses, paintings, caskets, vases, baskets and wine barrels. Quilling was especially actively used for decorating furniture; on some furniture, recesses were made in the front panels specifically for paper lace. Quilling elements were also used in combination with other types of creativity, such as paper-plastic, origami, embroidery, painting.
Antique box decorated using quilling technique

For hundreds of years, the quilling technique has not undergone practically any changes, its main point- this is cutting strips of paper, twisting them with a special device and gluing them to the base. Although in the modern world such devices have been created with which you can create a 3D image using the quilling technique.
To date, several masters work in the quilling technique, many of whom are from Russia. Yulia Brodskaya (Yulia Brodskaya) was one of the first to work in the technique of contour quilling in combination with appliqué. Natasha Molotkova, a native of Novosibirsk and a graduate of the University of Worcester, performs design projects in the same technique.
as well as Y. Brodskaya lives and works in the UK. Julia Brodskaya is considered one of the leading professionals in this field. Its clients include such world famous brands as Nokia, Starbucks, Ferrero, BostonGlobe, TheNewYorkTimesMagazine, Redbook, DesignWeek and others.
Quilling Y. Brodskoy

Today, the tool for serious quilling is different. In the European school, a special plastic or metal stick with a split end is used to twist thin strips of paper. You can make a replacement for it yourself from improvised means, for example, from a rod for ballpoint pen, with a slit at the end. This tool is suitable for the novice craftsman and is also child-friendly. In the East, paper strips are twisted with a thin awl. Such a tool can be replaced with an ordinary thick needle and cork. It also works well with a toothpick, especially in children.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky quite accurately expressed himself about children’s needlework: “The origins creativity and gifts of children at your fingertips. Figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow from the fingers, which feed the source of creative thought. In other words: the more skill in the child's palm, the smarter baby". Paper is one of the first materials children's creativity. She is known to everyone from the very beginning. early age. With the help of a paper sheet, children begin to craft and create unique products. They feel like artists, designers and constructors, imagining themselves limitlessly creative people. And also at junior schoolchildren paper does not cause any special technical difficulties; it is the most accessible and easily processed material. Lessons with paper develop the eye of the child, the muscles of the hands, prepare for the development of writing skills, and also contributes to aesthetic development. Children acquire the ability to correctly select combinations of paper colors, sizes, shapes of product details.
Since ancient times, paper has undergone tremendous changes, and in modern century it has a great variety. Today it is available to all strata of society. It can be white and colored, velvet and glossy. Use paper to make a cute toy or a gift box, fold a puzzle, decorate children's space for the holiday, and much more that will interest the child. Paper at a glance ordinary material, but they can work in a variety of techniques and gradually it acquires new modern directions. This is a material that has its own face and has constructive and plastic properties.
The most traditional technique in our country for using paper for children's creativity is japanese art origami - folding figures from a sheet of paper. But the art of paper rolling is already being introduced into the training course for children of primary school age.
Children are impressed by the performance of products from strips of paper. Usually, when creating paper strips of various lengths and widths, children have a desire to twist, bind, and connect them with each other. By combining different small details, children will have new images that they can embody using strips of paper. If you direct their activities in the right direction, then ready-made compositions appear. This type of work has great potential for implementation creativity children. Children can work with paper for quite a long time, draw inspiration and create unique crafts. They are constantly coming up with ideas to create new combinations. At the same time, their imagination and fantasy are manifested.
If you organize the work correctly, then quilling can become an interesting exciting activity for a child and he will have an incentive to work and master the intricacies of craftsmanship. Classes will give him in-depth knowledge of the possibilities of paper, promote familiarization with the decorative arts.
Children's work in quilling technique

The art, which in Russian is called "paper rolling", in the West is called the word quilling (quilling). The English word "quilling" comes from the word "quill" - "bird feather". The art of paper rolling originated in Europe at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century.

IN medieval Europe nuns created elegant medallions by twisting paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes.

Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little remains of medieval masterpieces. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world. Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but due to the fact that paper, especially colored and high-quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art only for ladies from higher strata society.

So, in the 15th century it was considered art. In the XIX - ladies' entertainment. For most of the 20th century, it was forgotten. And only at the end of the last century, quilling began to turn into art again. In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In a word, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of plain paper.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it was adopted in the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of paper plastics. In South Korea, there is a whole Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of the most different directions paper art.

It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, therefore loves fast techniques. Oriental craftsmen create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small parts.

Handicraft is experiencing an unprecedented rise today. In contrast to the abundance of stamped things, it has become popular to decorate your home, present it as a quality, or simply delight yourself with things made by yourself. One of the varieties of needlework is quilling ("quilling"). The passion for quilling appeared a long time ago and has gained considerable popularity all over the world. So what is quilling?


The origin of the concept and the history of quilling

Quilling is the art of performing various volumetric and flat figures from strips twisted in a spiral. The term quilling comes from English word quill - bird feather. It was on a bird feather that medieval monks, who are considered the founders of this fascinating art, wound strips of paper. Often, the concepts are used as synonyms for the word quilling. "paper rolling" or "paper filigree".

There are several versions about the time and place of the origin of the art of creating objects from twisted strips of paper. Some call ancient Egypt where they rolled papyrus ribbons. Others consider China to be the birthplace of paper rolling, where this unique material appeared. But most researchers call the fifteenth century Europe the place where quilling appeared. Initially, quilling figurines were used by monks to decorate icons and books, make medallions and were considered works of art.

By the nineteenth century, this technique had become an entertainment for wealthy ladies and was considered more needlework than art, and in the twentieth it was almost forgotten. The revival of interest in quilling in the middle of the last century is associated with the name of the English Queen Elizabeth, whose works made in this technique are exhibited in the expositions of many British museums.

Modern trends in quilling

Quilling today has two distinct directions. European school of quilling is decorative. Masters of the Old World mainly make decorations for postcards and crafts, interior items. Asian school of paper rolling characterized by the presence of many small details from which large quilling paintings and compositions are created.

The practical benefits of quilling

Quilling is not only interesting hobby and a way to relax for adults, but also a useful and uncomplicated activity for children. Creating compositions from paper strips develops fine motor skills in kids, forms accuracy, attention and perseverance. This can bring all family members together and strengthen mutual understanding and bonding between them.

Quilling for beginners

The quilling technique is quite simple to master even for beginners. It does not require any major financial costs and easy to perform.

To start doing paper filigree, you need to prepare the basic materials and tools.

  1. Strips of paper with a width of 3 to 10 millimeters. It is better not to save on paper, since the quality and durability of quilling products depend on it. It is not necessary to buy special paper, you can use thick colored office paper or double-sided color paper, the density of which will allow you to make strong crafts.
  2. Strip twisting tool. For a beginner, it is not necessary to purchase a special tool. It can be replaced with an awl, a thin knitting needle, a toothpick, or a device made from a thick needle and a pencil with an eraser.
  3. Template with circles of different diameters.
  4. Stationery knife.
  5. Tweezers.
  6. PVA glue.
  7. Fine brush.
  8. Pins for fixing parts of the figurines.

Technique for performing quilling elements

The main element used in the quilling technique is a roll, which is twisted from a strip of paper of a certain width and length. The roll can be tight and loose.

To perform a tight roll, you need to take a strip of paper, fix one of its edges on the working tool and make several turns to secure the material. Then hold the strip with your free hand and form a tight roller. The end of the strip is fixed with glue. The tight roll is ready. Such an element is the basis for many quilling compositions: for example, butterflies.

The process of making a free roll practically does not differ from the manufacture of a tight element. The difference is the dissolution of the winding of the strip to the required diameter before fixing the tip with glue. For convenience, accuracy and uniformity of element sizes, you can use a template with circles of different diameters.

A variety of forms of quilling details provides ample opportunities for imagination and creative searches. In general, all forms can be divided into closed and open forms.

The basis for closed quilling forms is the basic free roll. With the help of simple manipulations, it can be changed into a huge number of details.

  • Off center circle gets if you slightly pull the center of the roll to its outer contour.
  • A drop it will turn out if you squeeze the free roll on one side.
  • For creating eye shape it is necessary to press the base part from two opposite sides.
  • Month it will turn out with a gentle squeeze on the circle on both sides and pull out two corners.
  • By squeezing the free circle from four sides, you can get a figure square.
  • Triangle done by pressing on the part with three sides.
  • Arrow made from a triangle by bending one side in half.

Open figures are made directly from a strip of paper by twisting its free ends.

  • free spiral performed as a tight roll, but its tip is not fixed with glue.
  • For execution V - shaped spiral fold a strip of paper in half and twist its ends outward.
  • Cordially it will turn out if the ends of the folded tape are twisted inward.
  • S-shaped spiral performed by twisting the ends of a straight strip into different sides.
  • twig obtained by bending the strip into unequal parts and twisting its ends in one direction or in the opposite direction.

There are a lot of forms of quilling figures. Their appearance limited only by the imagination and skill of the author.

Often held exhibitions of quilling compositions show that you can create from ordinary colored strips of paper as the most simple work, as well as fantastic in complexity and beauty compositions worthy of being called works of art. In the technique of paper filigree, you can create

The top skill of the quilling master can be considered the creation of quilling compositions from thick woolen threads, which are wound into rolls in the same way as strips of paper. Thread quilling requires a much greater degree of concentration and accuracy than the classic paper technique. Works made of threads are distinguished by airiness and lightness and resemble lace products.

Master class "Greeting card"

Quilling classes should start with simple crafts. It can be both flat compositions and elementary three-dimensional objects. by the most a simple element many works are flowers. You can make a beautiful composition from them, decorate a greeting card with them, use them in room decor.

To decorate a greeting card, you will need a few small flowers and basic details in the form of twigs. To make one flower, we need one tight roll and six teardrop-shaped pieces, as well as a few pieces of green stripes in the form of twigs.

To create a flower, fasten a tight roll with a pin, and place petals around it, which also need to be secured with pins. Pinning the parts with pins is very important for beginners in quilling, as this will help to more accurately complete the work and neatly connect the parts to each other! Connect the petals to the center with a drop of glue. And also all the petals in the center are connected to each other. After that, you need to let the figure dry and only then remove the pins. The flower is ready! You need to make several such figures.

To create a postcard, you need to take a sheet of thick paper, fold it in half. In the lower corner from the side of the fold, arrange flowers and twigs in random order and fix them with a small amount of glue. greeting card handmade will be a pleasant surprise for family and friends.

Quilling is a simple hobby that not only helps to relax, but also helps to become attentive and accurate. Over time, the level of skill will increase, and the level of work performed will make their production not only a pleasant experience, but also a source of income, because handmade gifts will always be unique and original.

There are many ways to please yourself and loved ones by making crafts with your own hands. One of them is to make a picture using the quilling technique, as experienced needlewomen advise. Of course, in order to master the basic techniques of this applied arts It will take a lot of time and a fair amount of perseverance. But the result will exceed all expectations! With patience, you will understand how to work with quilling and you will be able to compose beautiful compositions.

Quilling - the art of paper rolling

Quilling is the art of paper rolling, that is, the manufacture of flat or voluminous compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals. Finished spirals are given a different shape. This is how modules are obtained from which works are created - paintings, postcards, albums, frames, figures, etc. The art of paper rolling arose at the end of the 14th century in Western Europe. It is believed that quilling was invented by monks. Cutting off the gilded edges of the books, they wound them around the tips of bird feathers (hence the name, since quill means “bird feather” in English) and thus created an imitation of a golden miniature.

In the 15th - 16th centuries, paper rolling was considered an art, in the 19th century - ladies' entertainment (and almost the only needlework worthy of noble ladies). In the 20th century, interest in the quilling technique faded, and only at the end of the century the art of paper rolling again entered the life of art lovers.

The Korean school of work in the quilling technique is different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Oriental masters create complex works, more like masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest volumetric "lace" is woven from hundreds of small details.

Another manufacturing technique deserves special attention - contour quilling. Works in this technique are also created from long narrow strips that are placed on the edge. Due to the use of the same material, this technique of working with paper is also called quilling, but due to the fact that the stripes are placed on the edge, the pattern is contoured. Products look more lively and realistic. And “mixed” works look especially good, where both quilling techniques are used - regular and contour.

Quilling technique for beginners: what tools and materials are needed for work

Before you start quilling, you need to know what you need to work. Next, you will learn what tools and materials beginners need for the quilling technique.

Paper. In quilling, long paper strips are used, which are 3 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm, 10 mm and 1.5 cm wide. You can cut the desired strips yourself with scissors. There are also special desktop machines for cutting paper into strips for quilling. But it must be borne in mind that the quilling strips are of the same color on all sides, i.e. not only from the wide side, but also from the side of the rib, while the usual colored paper, if cut, often gives White color ribs.

The strips come in different densities, metallic, glittery, etc. Which strips to choose depends solely on your imagination and the future picture.

Stripes can be bought in one color or with transitional tones in one set. There are sets of different colors. As a rule, the length of all strips is about 30 cm (AA sheet length). If necessary, you yourself make the strips shorter by cutting them, or longer by gluing several strips together.

Pen. As a rule, this tool is simply called "quilling tool". It can be metal and wooden, double-sided, single, only with a fork and a ball. What is it?

In essence, this is a pen, at the end of it there is a fork, into the slot of which a paper strip is inserted and twisted. The fork comes in different heights: 3 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, 1.5 cm, i.e. corresponds to the same parameters as paper. It is best to have several tools on hand, for example, 5 mm will fit 3 mm and 5 mm, and 1.5 cm will fit 10 mm and 1.5 cm. It can be two different instruments or one tool with two tips.

You can even do with improvised means - use a toothpick, a needle or a match. You can make the tool yourself: take a needle with a large eye, bite off the small tip of the eye (you get a fork), and stick the needle itself into a cork or a wooden handle.

Diameter template. Speaking of quilling tools and materials, we must not forget about templates. This is a regular ruler with circles of different diameters. It is convenient to use it to create elements of the same size: twisting the desired spiral, you lay it in a circle of the desired diameter, and measure all the rest in the same circle.

As a rule, in our stores they sell rulers only with circles, but if you want to delve into this type of creativity, I recommend that you look at the rulers on foreign websites, in which there will be templates for all geometric shapes.

Tweezers. There are tweezers with different spouts, the most popular one is with an angled spout, i.e., with a spout down. But you can also use stationery tweezers (in the absence of such, you can take tweezers from a manicure set). Tweezers are used not only to lay out the finished modules during assembly, but also to firmly press the tip of the paper strip to the spiral when gluing.

Glue. It is best to use PVA, but a good glue stick, stationery or transparent glue can also work. The most important thing is that I applied quite a bit of glue so that the paper does not deform.

And what additional tools needed for quilling? Every year a collection of new tools is added to improve the quality of your work while reducing costs. There are various templates for making flowers, snowflakes and other items, a machine for creating corrugated strips, a quilling coach (a tool for making even spirals), “combs” for creating looped quilling, etc. Quilling paintings are made up of small pieces called "modules". Modules are different forms. They are always created according to the same principle: first, the roll is twisted, after which it “opens up” slightly, and the tip is sealed. Such a part is called a "spiral", and modules are created from the spiral by different pressure on it.

Various elements of quilling: a technique for performing basic modules for creating compositions

Various elements are used to work in the quilling technique.

Tight spiral - twist the tape and glue the tip without removing the spiral from the needle so that the tape does not unwind.

Bagel - before making this one of the main elements of quilling, twist a tight spiral, slightly loosen and unwind the inside so that an empty space forms.

Bundle with a spiral - twist a tight spiral, loosen slightly so that there is more at the edges of the paper, but do not unravel completely.

Tight oval - take a pen or pencil, wind a strip of paper around them and glue the tip. As a result, you will get a bagel with a large hole. Then lightly press down with your fingers on both sides, giving the module the shape of an oval. Loose spiral - twist the tape, loosen it a little to the desired volume and glue the tip.

A drop is one of the basic elements of quilling. Make a loose spiral and squeeze it on one side, giving the shape of a drop.

Petal - make a “drop” quilling module and slightly pinch the rounded tip. You can pinch at different levels, thereby changing the shape of the petal. Curved drop (paisley) - there are two ways to make this module. The first is to make a drop, and then bend it into the right direction. The second, and more accurate, way is to simultaneously bend and create a drop. Then the paper will be bent evenly and neatly.

Eye - make a free spiral, then pinch on both sides at the same time, trying to maintain symmetry.

Curved petal - make a free spiral, press lightly, giving the workpiece the shape of an oval, then pinch and bend first on one side, then on the other. When making this element using the quilling technique, do not forget that you need to bend in different directions - one side down, the other up.

Bird's foot - make a free spiral, squeeze the triangle. Bend two corners towards the third and press firmly.

Flower (or circle with a notch) - make a free spiral and, holding the workpiece with your fingers, press down on one side with a pen or pencil.

Lily of the valley - make a "flower" module and twist the tips outward with an awl or the base of a quilling tool.

How to make basic geometric elements using quilling technique

Square - make the "eye" module, place it between the large and index fingers so that the corners are clearly under the fingertips. Now squeeze the module and release. You've got four corners equidistant and you can form a square.

Triangle - make a loose spiral and squeeze it in three places to make a triangle.

Semicircle - make a loose spiral, lightly press it with your fingers, giving it a slight oval shape. Now pinch the “sharp” parts of the oval and slightly lower it down.

Arrow 1 - make an eye module, then fix one corner between two fingers, press the other corner so that you get a sharp triangle. Let go and you will see that four corners have formed, resembling an arrow.

Arrow 2 - make a free spiral, compress it into a triangle. Press two corners to each other - you get an arrow.

Star - at an equal distance, pinch five times.

Such quilling elements are called open to create a composition that does not need to be glued together, i.e. close. They are created by twisting the tape in one direction or the other.

Below you will learn about the step-by-step quilling technique when performing various applications.

How to make a craft "Lavender" using the quilling technique: step-by-step work

The most common form of quilling is floral motifs of varying complexity. The following is a description of the creation in the technique of quilling simple option, which will allow you to understand all the basics of creating, building and combining elements.

To perform the application "Lavender" using the quilling technique, you will need:

  • base paper
  • stripes for quilling division and lilac (you can take 2 lilac colors- one for the flowers and the other for the bow)
  • template ruler
  • PVA glue
  • quill tool
  • brush for glue

First, we twist spirals from one strip, unravel them in the same way using a ruler with a template, glue the tail and squeeze it slightly, turning it into an oval. Such modules must be made at the rate of 9 pieces per flower.

We make stems. To do this, glue 2-3 green strips so that they can be seen better, spread glue on the rib and place a strip of glue on the paper. Do not glue the bottom of the strip yet.

Collect finished parts.

Now let's make the leaves. To do this, we twist a spiral of 2 strips and give it the shape of a “curved petal”.

Let's move on to creating a bow. Let's make ribbons first. They are made in the same way as leaves, i.e. have the form of "Curved petal". It is enough to take 1 lilac spiral.

Now, when working with paper using the quilling technique, we make the bow itself. We twist a spiral from two strips, unravel it and squeeze it so that we get a shape that looks like a heart.

We add new modules to the already glued ones.

To finish the bow, cut off small strips of the same color as the bow itself and simply glue them between the stem and the bow. Spread the tips of the stems as you like and fix them with glue.

Below is a step-by-step description of how to make an Owl picture using the quilling technique.

How to make a picture "Owl" using the quilling technique: a step by step description

Creating such a work is technically just as easy, but it takes more time, because. much more details.

You can prepare a sketch in advance, you can improvise, letting go of your imagination when drawing the details of this cute owl.

To create an Owl composition using the quilling technique, you will need:

  • base paper size not less than A4
  • quilling stripes: burgundy, dark blue, black, two kinds gray color, as well as some white, beige and green for the eyes
  • PBA glue
  • quilling tool
  • tassel
  • template ruler

Let's start with the eyes. To do this, take half a black strip, half white, one whole green, one brown and half a dark blue strip. Twist everything into a tight spiral.

Using two burgundy stripes and one blue, twist the spiral, unravel it, glue the tip and make a crescent moon module. You need to prepare two such details.

Using 1 blue and 1 black stripe, make a "curved petal" module. You also need two of these.

Using 1 burgundy and half blue stripe, make a "drop" module.

We assemble the modules, forming the face of an owl.

We make two small triangles each from one black stripe.

We substitute them to the formed face.

We make many “petal 2” modules from burgundy stripes. One strip is enough to create a module.

We substitute ready-made modules, forming the body of an owl.

Now we create a lot of spirals using gray, blue, black colors.

Since these are future feathers, they need to be made in different sizes - from larger to smaller.

The large feather will consist of one full gray, one whole blue, and one whole black stripe.

We assemble wings from ready-made modules. If you used two types of gray stripes, alternate them with each other.

By the same principle we make internal feathers. They can be of any color and size.

With small tight spirals we decorate the gaps between the feathers.

We make a tail. To do this, it is necessary to make feathers of different lengths - from larger to smaller.

To make the tail beautiful and different from the wings, decorate the feathers with tight spirals.

Glue a tight spiral to the finished pen and glue the entire part with an additional dark blue or black stripe.

To give the owl a more complete look, make two banana-shaped pieces and one intricate piece with a triangular edge.

To do this, use the instructions for creating a semicircle and pinch on one side to make a corner.

We substitute the finished modules to our owl. "Bananas" will frame the wings, another detail will complete the bird's head. The picture is ready.

The next section of the article describes how to make a Delicate Flowers quilling craft.

How to make a composition "Flowers" from paper using the quilling technique

To make crafts "Flowers" from paper quilling technique, you will need:

  • A4 base paper
  • quilling paper yellow, cream, pink, green in several shades
  • template ruler
  • PVA glue
  • adhesive sealant or hot gun
  • quilling tool

We will do this work with contour quilling elements - two hearts in the center will be in this technique.

To do this, take 10 strips Pink colour and glue together, gluing each subsequent strip just below the previous one.

Then twist the resulting strip and release.

We glue the edge of the resulting curl. From two such details we form a heart.

Let's move on to creating flowers. Flowers are created from individual petals. From two cream and two yellow stripes, twist the spiral and dissolve it.

Then lightly squeeze the part and wrap it around something round, like a pencil. While pinching the edges, pinch the center to make the petal sharper.

Glue the ends of the petal together and clamp with a clothespin.

For each flower, you need to make 6 such petals.

Now let's make simple little flowers. Tight spirals will be the center of the flower.

Spirals from two stripes will become the core of large flowers, from one strip - small flowers.

Once you've got the right amount of detail for the flowers, also make lots of paisley pieces to create some greenery around the flowers.

Now we start collecting work. First glue the hearts.

In order to make the flowers more voluminous, it is necessary to fix the petals at an angle.

To do this, use a glue gun or glue-sealant.

This glue not only sticks the petal to the base paper, but also creates a cushion that lifts the petal.

Glue flowers step by step.

Then we frame them with green modules.

To create volume, stick some modules on top of each other.

With the help of tight harnesses, additionally decorate the work.

The next section of the article will be devoted to how to make the Firebird product using the quilling technique step by step.

How to work in the quilling technique: the product "Firebird"

Create more complex work better with a prepared sketch. Draw what you want to get. There is no need to draw each module and all colors, it is enough to determine the general color scheme and those modules that are important for conveying your idea. Here is another quilling idea.

For the product "Firebird" using the quilling technique, you will need:

  • base paper not less than A3
  • quilling paper
  • quilling tool
  • PVA glue
  • quilling needles or comb

We will create not only one-color contour modules, but also rainbow ones. To do this, several strips of different colors are glued together. We can mix as many colors as we want, in any order. It can be a smooth transition from yellow to red, then when twisting this gradient will go from the center outward. Or it can be contrasting colors, then one color will frame the other.

We twist free spirals of different sizes and colors.

Then we give them the desired shapes: drops, paisley, semicircles, petals, arrows, tight spirals.

Some of the elements are best assembled separately.

Now we will make curved beautiful lines, the same method is used in contour quilling. Choose the colors that you want to make a curl from and glue the strips on top of each other at the tip. The more stripes, the more "fluffy" curl you get.

Then twist into a spiral, but not tight, so that the strips do not touch when wrapped.

Remove the coil from the instrument and loosen it slightly.

Now we glue the strips in turn, from bottom to top, each time, slightly loosening the tension of the strip to form a space.

In this way, we create the number of curls we need in different sizes, colors and shapes.

There is a technique in quilling called “quilling on a comb”. The name speaks for itself - the elements here are created by winding paper in different ways on the combs of a flat comb. We will not delve into this method, we will only master the simplest way to create a module in this technique, and for this we do not need a comb at all! After all, we are making a fairly large object; in our case, there is no point in winding stripes on a comb. With the help of needles and Styrofoam, we will create our "comb" on a large scale.

We glue several strips. The resulting long strip is carefully wound on needles, be sure to pinch at the base. This is necessary not only for convenience, but also in order to create correct form. If you don't pinch, the band will begin to loosen the tension and you won't get the shape.

Having completely wound the strip, glue the tip, and also drip a drop of glue at the base so that all rows stick.

Using this technique, we create the number of elements of different colors and sizes we need. Please note that the location of the needles can be changed each time, or you can leave it the same.

Having made the main part of the elements, we collect our bird, but do not glue it.

Some details can be emphasized favorably by combining them with each other: for example, so that the body of a bird does not merge with the wing and tail, it can be pasted over with a contrasting stripe.

Now the assembled parts can be glued. Strive to glue the details tightly together, then the picture will look more openwork, and the background will become barely noticeable.

To fill the resulting voids, it is not necessary to manufacture new modules. It will be enough to make tight spirals of different colors and sizes. They will not only fill the space, but also visually enrich and complicate the drawing.

Having collected and glued the bird, you can think about what will surround it.

But do not overdo it, our bird itself turned out to be very bright, rich in elements, so it will be enough to make a small green twig and a small bud.

The following describes how to make a Vase craft out of paper using the quilling technique.

Craft "Vase" in the technique of quilling do-it-yourself

On the one hand, creating figures from quilling modules is a very easy task, on the other hand, it is extremely difficult.

But the whole difficulty lies only in fastening the parts and fixing them correctly.

To make a do-it-yourself "Vase" craft using the quilling technique, you will need:

  • quilling paper in any color
  • PVA glue
  • adhesive sealant
  • quilling tool

First, create the bottom of the vase. To do this, we twist a large tight spiral and glue it with small tight spirals.

We glue the glued spirals with yellow stripes.

If the vase is straight, not expanding upward, then it is enough to evenly glue the finished modules tier by tier.

If you need to give a curving shape, use an adhesive sealant.

Drop it on the edge of the module in the same way as in the master class for creating delicate flowers, and fix it in the desired position.

While the sealant dries to prevent the modules from slipping, place something to hold the parts.

Make as many tiers as you like.

In this case, modules of various shapes can be used.

To further decorate the vase, make ordinary flowers, then stick them on the vase.

The vase is ready. It remains to let it dry completely, and you can put something tasty there.

Now you know how to do some quilling work, which means you can start practical tasks.

Abstract of the lesson.

Lesson topic: History of quilling technique. Materials and tools.

Target: introduce the quilling technique, introduce the history of the emergence of the quilling technique, give an idea of ​​​​the use of technology in decorative and aesthetic registration; introduce and teach how to perform the basic elements of quilling;  develop fine motor skills of fingers, develop creative thinking, develop logic of thinking and memory;  to cultivate interest in the study of paper plastic techniques, to cultivate an aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, creative attitude to ordinary things..

Tasks: Introduce children to a brief history quilling. To form children's interest in quilling techniques. Cultivate the ability to behave in a team.

Lesson type: familiarity with the technique of paper rolling quilling.

Methods: story, conversation, explanation, demonstration, practical exercises, survey. Equipment: for the educator: samples of work performed by children (in the past academic year) using the quilling technique, a multimedia projector and a screen (for showing presentations), presentations “Quilling: Basic Elements”; for children: strips of 0.5 x 30 mm white paper, PVA glue and glue brush, toothpicks.

Lesson I. Organizing time. The teacher greets the group. The readiness for the lesson and the organization of the workplace are checked, materials are distributed (pre-cut strips of white paper). Adjusts the emotional state of children to work.

II. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson. Today in the lesson you will get acquainted with the technique of paper plasticity - quilling. This is a unique way to create openwork, the thinnest, voluminous products that look like lace. We will learn the history of the emergence and spread of this type of needlework, learn how to perform the basic elements of quilling. By the end of the lesson, you should have a collection of elements of various shapes, which will be used to make a three-dimensional figure in the next lesson.

III. Main part

1. A story about the history of the quilling technique. Quilling, paper rolling, paper filigree - the art of twisting long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modifying their shape and composing volumetric or planar compositions from the resulting parts. On English language this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather". The art of paper rolling originated in Europe at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century. In medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by spinning paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little remains of medieval masterpieces. Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art for ladies from the wealthy sections of society. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world. In the 15th century it was considered an art, in the 19th century - ladies' entertainment, most It was forgotten in the 20th century. And only at the end of the last century, quilling began to turn into art again. Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany. In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in a museum in London. But this art became most widespread when it “moved” to the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of paper plastics. In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of various areas of paper art. It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling (they call it paper rolling) is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. The thinnest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details. We have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility associated with paper, but quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In general, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of plain paper.

2. Display of products created using the quilling technique. What quilling looks like today, what kind of work children do in this technique, you will learn from the presentation (slide show using a media project and screen or printed as pictures).

3. Acquaintance with the basic elements of quilling. In order to create works in the quilling technique, you need to learn how to make the main elements, from which, with the help of your imagination, create any openwork compositions. All quilling elements start with a basic round shape. Look at the flow chart showing how to make a round shape. ( Routing is shown on the screen gradually over the slides, accompanied by the comments of the educator and the reading of the stages of making a round shape by the students themselves).

4. Practical exercise on the implementation of the basic element of a round shape. Now we will practice to make base element round shape.

To do this 1. Take a strip. Slightly pull back with your fingernail and round off the end. Put a skewer on it. Wind the strip, trying to make the first turns tighter.

2. When the paper "grabs" with the stick, it will be possible to rotate only the stick to the very end of the strip.

3. Twist an even washer to remove it, slightly move the wand.

4. Now dissolve the workpiece to make a ring with a twisted spiral. The diameter should be 12-14 mm. Sometimes it is enough just to let go of the workpiece. If it was twisted very tightly, then you need to lightly shake it with your fingers to open it. Glue the tip with a small drop of PVA glue.

5. Acquaintance with closed and open elements quilling. To fulfill the intended object, it is necessary to give various shapes to the round blank. To get the “Drop” shape, pull the middle of the spiral to one side, on the other side, squeeze a few layers to get a sharp end. (The teacher shows slide 4 of the presentation, reads with the children, examines the kart, then practically shows how to complete the drop-shaped element). Thus, any element can be executed. All quilling elements are divided into closed ones, i.e. are made from a glued round shape, and open, i.e. are made without glue, only winding them. Consider slide 5, which shows the forms of closed elements. Think about why they are so named and how to perform them, consider what they look like. (The teacher comments on the content of the slide and answers the questions that have arisen). Similarly, slide 6 is being worked out - open quilling elements

IV. Practical work. We got acquainted with the main closed and open elements of quilling, and now we will practice making each of these elements. At runtime practical work The teacher provides individual assistance to children and monitors the correctness of the work. V. Consolidation of the studied. We learned a lot in this lesson, learned how to make various elements, and to check how attentive you were and what you filled out, answer the quiz questions. What is another word for paper rolling? (quilling, paper filigree) - What products can be made using the quilling technique? (air constructions, panels, paintings, applications, voluminous souvenirs) - What is the difference between open and closed elements? (Closed ones are made from a glued round shape, and open ones are made without glue, only by winding them). - What forms of open and closed elements do you remember? (Closed - "drop", "eye", "square", "triangle", "arrow", "crescent"; open - "heart", "horns", "curl", "twig".) VI. Summing up the lesson - What did you like most about today's lesson? - What new things have you discovered for yourself? - What emotions did you experience during the lesson? What worked and didn't work for you in class? At the end of the lesson, I want to wish you Have a good mood, be open to new knowledge and be good at doing what you enjoy. And in the next lesson, from the elements that you made today, we will perform a three-dimensional application.

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