Family Day in the preschool educational institution “Folk arts and crafts. Artistic and aesthetic development of children in kindergarten by means of arts and crafts


municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a kindergarten of a general developmental type with a priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 8 "Teremok".


« Folk crafts»

Project type: cognitive, creativelong term.

Project participants: pupilssenior

groups 5-6 years old No. 8.

Implementation period: November 2016May 2017of the year.

FulfilledA: Ivanova M.K.

Target: the formation of children's cognitive interest in Russian folk culture through familiarization with the folk crafts of the Russian people and the organization of artistic, productive and creative activities.


- fto form a steady interest in the art of the people of Russia;

- Rdevelop artistic and creative abilities in children;

- fto form an aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; -Vto nurture independence, activity and creativity in the application of previously learned ways of depicting, using expressive means.

The implementation of moral and aesthetic development the personality of the child;- to promote the development of speech:

Enrichedatand activeiratedictionaryb, increaseathis expressivenessbe, developvatskillAndverbal communication in joint activities.


Nowadays, little attention is paid to introducing children to various types of arts and crafts and folk traditions. The cultural heritage of the people is a huge wealth, which every child needs to learn how to properly dispose of, own it in such a way as to preserve and increase it. It is necessary to sow and nurture in the child's soul the seeds of love for native nature, to home and family, to history and culture.

The main content and methods of project implementation

Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage:

1. Definition of the problem, goals and objectives of the project.

2. Study regulatory framework: Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution”, “Family Code of the Russian Federation”, “Declaration of the Rights of the Child”, “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, etc.

3. Study of literature, selection of material (theoretical justification), development of abstracts and scenarios of events, drawing up a long-term plan, finding and establishing effective relationships with parents.

4. Diagnostics.

Project implementation

- conversations with children about arts and crafts;

Examination of types of painting;

Execution of work on visual activity;

Mobile and sedentary folk games;

ExhibitionAnddrawings and crafts based on folk art;

Working with parents;

- joint work with children;

ConsultingAndfor parents;


Enrichment of the subject-developing environment;

Creating a presentation for an open lesson on folk decoratingto the great creativity "Folk crafts";

Open display of the NOD "Folk Crafts"

Final (summary)

Presentation of the project for parents and teaching staff of the kindergarten;


The main forms of work with children: joint activities of an adult and a child; independent activity of children; viewing samples, photographs, illustrations; reading and discussion of fiction; productive activity to the music; games and exercises for the texts of poems; observationVnaturese; viewing and discussing attractive subjects; physical education minutes; exhibition design.

Project implementation principles: Accounting for the leading, gaming activities of preschoolers; the timeliness of the development of children's creativity; individual and differentiated approach; integration of educational areas; availability; gradualness; the relationship of participants in the educational process.

Working with parents:

1. Consultation "Decorative and applied art"

2. Consultation «Arts and crafts in kindergarten and at home»

3. Consultation "Introduction of children and parents to Russian folk art"

5. Conversation "Types of folk arts and crafts”

6. Selection of materials forchildren's creativity.

7. Replenishmentvisual materialBydecorative and applied arts.

Necessary conditions for introducing children to creative activities:

Organization of the developing environment;

Organization of the educational process:

    in joint educational activities;

    organization of independent activities of children;

    interaction with parents.

Content selection:

    making crafts from salt dough;

    drawingbased on arts and crafts;

In order for the process of the comprehensive development of the child to be harmonious, the help of parents is needed. In order to involve parents and children in a common interesting business, involving direct communication between adults and the child, in a groupsupposedart exhibitions. There are information folders in the reception area, which contain interesting materials for study.

In my work I useYuthe following methods and methods of work:

Didactic games;

Finger games;

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands;

Games and exercises for the formation of sensory standards;


Reading educational literature.

Scroll creative games and exercises for the development of creative imagination.

Direct educational activities


1 .D / and “From what, from what?” (Khokhloma wood, clay-Dymka, porcelain-Gzhel, etc.)

Tasks: to cultivate interest in the native culture.

2 .Theme: "Dymkovo turkey" (paper design, appliqué)

3. Theme: "Lady" (drawing, application)

Tasks:to cultivate respect for the history of Russia.


D / and “Collect the dishes” (“fragments of broken” Gzhel dishes, split pictures)

1. Theme: "Blue-blue miracle" (making paper dishes, painting based on Gzhel masters)

2 .Theme: continuation of "Blue-blue miracle"

Tasks: to develop interest in arts and crafts.


1 .Theme: "Funny nesting dolls" (manual labor, application)

Tasks: to cultivate interest in creativityfolk craftsmen

2. Theme "Matryoshka" (testoplasty)

Objectives: to arouse a desire to learn more about arts and crafts.


D / and "Guess what painting"

Learn to recognize the painting by the elements of the ornament.

1 .Theme: "Gorodets bouquets" (drawing elements)

2. Theme: "Wonder Birds" (based on the Gorodets painting)


Cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature;

Develop a sense of form and proportion;

Teach children to creatively reflect their ideas about nature.


Learning the poem by E.A. Nikolaeva "Golden Khokhloma".

Tasks: develop oral speech.

1. Theme"Khokhloma twig" (gouache; using cotton swabs).


Raise interest in the world around;

Continue to learn how to create expressive images.


D / and "Call it right"

To consolidate knowledge about folk art crafts.

1. Theme "Modeling the Dymkovo turkey" (testoplasty)


Cultivate curiosity, independence, initiative.

2. Theme "Jug" (testoplasty, based on Khokhloma masters)


Cultivate an interest in the visual arts.


D / and "Find the differences"

Learn to find the similarities and differences between the elements of the ornament.

1. Theme "Khokhloma samovar" silhouette painting


To consolidate knowledge about folk crafts.

Expected results

- hlearning by children various kinds arts and crafts: Dymkovo toys, Khokhloma, Gzhel,Gorodetspainting.

- atthe ability of children to navigate in various types of painting.

- atchildren's ability to make patterns based on folk paintings.

- atparents will increase the general cultural level.


Decorative and applied art enriches the creative aspirations of children to transform the world, develops in children non-standard thinking, freedom, emancipation, individuality, the ability to peer and observe. In our kindergarten, much attention is paid to introducing children to the origins of folk culture. We live where there is no opportunity to see the direct technological process of making artistic dishes, household items and toys, there are no museums. But it is necessary to give children the joy of creativity, to acquaint them with the history of folk art, to show prima molding and work with a brush, to acquaint them with the figurative stylization of floral and geometric ornaments. So that every child feels proud that he is a citizen of Russia.

Consulting And for parents.

Arts and crafts in kindergarten and at home.

Decorative and applied art is perhaps one of the most ancient. Its name comes from lat. decoro - I decorate, and the definition "applied" contains the idea that it serves the practical needs of a person, while simultaneously satisfying his basic aesthetic needs.

Decorative and applied art is one of the important means of artistic education of preschool children.

Folk art is rich and varied. Today, almost every family has works of folk craftsmen - Russian nesting dolls, Gzhel dishes, Khokhloma bowls and spoons, Pavloposad shawls, woven towels. Interest in this art form is growing.

Dear moms and dads!

The upbringing and development of the child, including creative, is impossible without the participation of parents.

Every child has their own abilities and talents. The task of the family is to see in time, to discern the abilities of the child, and the task of the teacher is to develop his abilities, to prepare the ground for these abilities to be realized.

Starting work on introducing preschool children to folk art, we turn to folk craft -Dymkovo toy , since it is the Dymkovo toy that has a versatile effect on the development of the feelings, mind and character of the child.

From the history…

A long time ago, beyond the dense forests, beyond the distant seas, on the banks of the blue river Vyatka, opposite the city of Kirov, there was a large village. Every morning people got up, lit the stoves, and blue smoke curled from the chimneys. There are a lot of houses and a lot of smoke. So they called that village Dymkovo .... In ancient times, the masters of the Dymkovo settlement near Vyatka sculpted toys from clay: ladies under an umbrella, ruddy gentlemen, horses, bears, deer, ducks and roosters. Almost all of them are whistles, festively painted on white clay with multi-colored stripes and lines, rings and dots, circles that look like flowers.

We are sure that your child will be happy to repeat at home what he already drew in kindergarten. Apply the Dymkovo ornament to the stencil together with your child, let your horse come to life! In modeling classes, children develop a three-dimensional vision of objects, comprehend the plastic features of the form, and develop a sense of the integrity of the composition.

We invite you to enjoy joint creativity at home with your child!

1. To mold a horse figure, you need to divide a piece of plasticine into two parts. From the first piece we blind the torso and legs. The second piece will be left for the head and mane. Roll out the first piece in the form of a cylinder, separate both ends with a stack.

2. We begin to work with the second piece of plasticine. We divide it into two unequal parts. The head and neck are molded from one piece of plasticine. We connect the parts, carefully smooth the junction and stretch the head. We get the mane and tail from a thin "sausage" rolled up with a "pigtail"

3. The last step will be painting our horse. First, we apply the base with white gouache, then draw the elements black, and, finally, we apply a bright multi-colored painting on the white background of the toy.

Together you will definitely succeed!

We wish you success and Have a good mood!

The study of the creative heritage of ancestors helps to draw attention to spiritual values, develop interest and respect for the historical past, and this opens up great opportunities for the development of a person as a person who is able to understand and appreciate what was created by the labor of the people.

Decorative and applied art.

Acquaintance of children with the life and traditions of the Russian people is of great importance in the moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren as full-fledged citizens of Russia. And this issue is again given a lot of time. And here, as in any other issue of pedagogy, one cannot do without the help of the family and parents. And in order for parents to help their children get acquainted with traditions and folk crafts, we will try to refresh their knowledge of folk arts and crafts.

Decorative and applied art is an extensive section of art, covering various areas of artistic activity and focused on the creation of utilitarian items. The aesthetic level of such works, as a rule, is quite high.

The collective term combines two types of art - applied and decorative. The first has features practical application, the second is designed to decorate the human environment.

Applied art - what is it? First of all, these are objects whose characteristics are close to the artistic style, and their purpose is quite diverse. Vases, jugs, dishes or sets made of fine porcelain, as well as many other items decorate living rooms, kitchen sets, bedrooms and children's rooms. Some items may be works genuine art and yet belong to the category of applied art.

Applied art - what is it from the point of view of the master? Labour intensive creative process or a simple craft made from improvised materials? Certainly, this is a work of art that deserves the highest appreciation. The utilitarian purpose of the product does not detract from its merits.

Decorative and applied art is a wide field of activity for artists and sculptors, designers and stylists. Exclusive works of art created in a single copy are especially appreciated. At the same time, mass-produced products are classified as souvenirs.

Decorative and applied art - what is it, if we consider it as part of the aesthetic filling of the domestic environment?

It is safe to say that all products and objects located around reflect the tastes of people who are in close proximity to them, as a person tries to surround himself with beautiful things. Decorative and applied art makes it possible to decorate housing, office space, recreation area. Particular attention is paid to the design of rooms for children.

And, finally, applied art - what is it in the understanding of the public?

These are exhibitions, vernissages, fairs and many other public events that introduce people to culture. Fine arts and crafts increases the level of human development, contributes to the formation of his aesthetic taste. In addition, visiting the expositions broadens the general horizons. Each exhibition of applied art is an acquaintance of the general public with new achievements in the field of artistic creativity. Such events have special meaning in educating the younger generation. decorative and applied art.

Folk arts and crafts originates in Russian villages. Simple crafts by homegrown craftsmen are often classified as products in the category of "folk arts and crafts".

A good example of the folklore style is the so-called Dymkovo toy - painted cockerels, figurines, red clay ornaments. The fishery is rooted in the past, it is more than four hundred years old. The ancient arts and crafts appeared thanks to the national holiday "Whistle", when the entire female population sculpted clay whistles for this day in the form of chickens, lambs, horses. The party went on for two days. Over time, the holiday lost its significance, and folk arts and crafts continued to develop. Products are traditionally covered with whitewash and painted with bright, rich colors. Fairy tale characters, invented by the inhabitants of Russian villages, are displayed in the famous Palekh caskets, Zhostovo trays, wooden Khokhloma products.

The applied art of Russia is diverse, each direction is interesting in its own way, the products of Russian masters are in high demand among foreign collectors.

It is still unclear what applied art is - work, craft or artistic creativity. In fact, each product requires some effort to create it, and at the same time it is necessary to give the image artistic value. IN certain cases the theme of artistic creativity can be addressed to the younger generation.

special value have products made by children's hands. The spontaneity inherent in boys and girls of preschool age, naive fantasy mixed with the desire to express their innermost feelings give rise to real masterpieces. Children's arts and crafts, represented by drawings, plasticine figurines, cardboard little men, are the most real artistic creativity.

Modern Russian Applied Art Photographs, daggerotypes, etchings, engravings, prints, as well as many other examples, are also artistic creations. Products can be very different. At the same time, they are all united by belonging to social and cultural life under common name- decorative and applied arts. Works in this area are distinguished by a special folklore style. It is not for nothing that all art crafts originated in the Russian hinterland, in villages and villages. There is a homegrown unpretentiousness and a complete absence of that pretentiousness that is sometimes found in works of fine art in the products. At the same time, the artistic level of folk art is quite high.

Folk arts and crafts - one of the means of aesthetic education, helps to form artistic taste, teaches children to see and understand the beauty in the life around us and in art. Acquaintance of children with objects of folk art and folk crafts beneficial effect for development children's creativity. The nature of folk art, its emotionality, colorfulness, originality are effective means for the development of mental activity in children and the comprehensive development of the child. The art of folk craftsmen not only instills aesthetic taste in children, but also forms spiritual needs, feelings of patriotism, national pride, high citizenship and humanity. The child learns that wonderful colorful objects are created by folk craftsmen, people gifted with imagination, talent and kindness.

Types of folk arts and crafts.

"To folk traditions should be

greatest attention, they must be studied and

take with all your heart, they must be mastered "

A. V. Saltykov
Today, almost every house has works of folk craftsmen - Gzhel teapots, Khokhloma bowls, woven towels, painted Gorodets bread bins or salt shakers.

They enter our lives not as utilitarian objects, but primarily as works of art that meet our aesthetic sense; become an adornment of both rural and urban housing. It would seem that in our dynamic age, the age of scientific and technological progress, why do we need wooden spoons, when there are cheap metal ones? Why do we need candlesticks when there is electricity everywhere?

The fact is that this expresses the need of people for beauty. Folk art was created mainly by the peasantry, as well as artisans and handicraftsmen who were engaged in subsidiary crafts, and at the same time did not break away from Agriculture, as a result, traditions are developed that play a role in the development of modern decorative art.

1. Khokhloma - incomparable beauty. The birthplace of the fiery Khokhloma is the Nizhnenovgorod region. Talented hereditary masters of fire painting live here, and the only artistic vocational school of Khokhloma painting in the world is also located here. Her address is the city of Semyonov. Probably, its origin dates back to the 17th century, and its final formation to the 18th century. In the drawings you see grass painting, bushes, birds, berries. In the compositions of Khokhloma artists, everything is subject to a strict rhythm, which they learned from nature, where everything is rhythmic: the alternation of the seasons, the frequency of sunrise and sunset, the rhythmic structure of the stripes on the skin of animals, the skin of lizards. What about sounds? Let us recall the fractional sound of a woodpecker, the cuckoo's call, the murmur of a stream.

2. Gorodets painting. In the 60s, painted boards, salt shakers, benches, children's rocking chairs, round wall panels began to appear on the shelves of Gorky's shops, on which unprecedented birds, slender thin-legged horses, flowering kupavas and roses flaunt. The products were in demand and the factory grew and developed.
Gorodets is a small ancient city on the banks of the Volga, the oldest in the Gorky region. It was founded in 1152 by Yuri Dolgoruky. Since ancient times, Gorodets has been known for its carvers. It is the carved pattern of the Gorodetsky huts, an original and outstanding phenomenon in Russian folk architecture. It brought the main glory to Gorodets. Later, the carving is replaced by beautiful flower painting.

3. Blue Gzhel. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, not far from Moscow, among the forests and fields stands the town of Gzhel. A long time ago, brave and skillful, beautiful and cheerful craftsmen lived there. Once they got together and began to think about how it would be better for them to show their skills. Thought and thought and thought. They found wonderful clay, white, white, in their native side, and decided to mold different dishes from it. Yes, such as the world has not seen. One blinded the teapot: the nose is in the form of a cockerel's head, the handle is in the form of a tail. Another master looked, marveled, but did not begin to sculpt a teapot, but blinded a jug for kvass (kvass) and decorated it in his own way, with stucco figures: two goats are standing, and cockerels are fighting at the top.
But Gzhel craftsmen decorated their products not only with stucco, they painted dishes with blue paint of different shades. They painted on the dishes various patterns of nets, stripes, flowers. Depicted fabulous animals and birds. People liked the beautiful dishes and began to call her "gentle - blue miracle."
To this day, the ancient town of Gzhel stands not far from Moscow among forests and fields.

4. Zhostovo. Zhostovo craft originated 160 years ago in a village near Moscow. At first, paper trays were made from papier-mache, but already in the description of the All-Russian Exhibition in 1889 it was mentioned that the peasants Philip Nikitin and Osip Vishnyakov presented things made of tin ...

5. Dymkovo toy. Motherland - Kirov region. (Vyatka). People brought whistles made of clay to the festivities, organized fairs selling toys. Masters do not make sketches, they immediately create a form. Each craftswoman follows her own tradition. Plots - animals, birds, ladies, peasants. The painting includes elements: circles, dots, rings, stripes, wavy lines, mesh, etc.

6. Filimonov toy. The village of Filimonovo, Tula region, is located near deposits of white clay. Plots are also young ladies, peasants, soldiers, dancing couples, riders on horseback. This toy is distinguished by painting: stripes, arcs, dots, intersecting lines.

7. Kargopol toy. The toy is also made of clay. Distinguished by painting. IN color scheme includes black, dark green and brown colors. They also depict people, love rural themes, animals.

Introducing children and parents to Russian folk art

“Education, created by the people themselves and based on popular principles, has that educational power that is not found in the best systems based on abstract ideas or borrowed from another people. But besides, only public education is a living organ in the historical process. people's development… A people without a nation is a body without a soul, which can only undergo the law of decay and be destroyed in other bodies that have retained their originality.”
K.D. Ushinsky

The most terrible thing in a child is indifference, indifference, lack of interest in phenomena and objects. One of the most effective ways to eliminate indifference is to educate a child's ability for aesthetic susceptibility. Aesthetic feelings, susceptibility to the beautiful, not only enrich the life of the child, his spiritual world, but also organize and direct his behavior and actions.

Everyone needs beauty, but above all, children need it. Folk art, cheerful in color, lively and dynamic in design, captivates and fascinates children. Respect for the art of one's people must be cultivated patiently, tactfully, not forgetting the personality of the child, his views, interests and desires.

In oral folk art, the traits of the Russian character, the moral values ​​inherent in it - ideas about goodness, beauty, truth, fidelity, etc., were reflected nowhere else. special treatment to work, admiration for the skill of human hands. Due to this, folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children.

Consultation for parents "The role of parents in the revival of Russian traditions"

“At all times, for all peoples, the main goal of education is to care for the preservation, strengthening and development of good folk customs and traditions, care for the transfer to the younger generations of everyday, industrial, spiritual experience accumulated by previous generations.

The strength of folk traditions, first of all, lies in a humane, kind, humane approach to the personality of the child, and the requirement on his part of a reciprocal philanthropic attitude towards others.

One of the most effective forms of influence on the personality was and is a folk tale. In most Russian folk tales, the main character, the hero, takes care of his loved ones, his people, fights various monsters and destroys evil, establishes justice and harmony in the world.

In fairy tales, an example of a responsive attitude to the environment is often given: to animals, plants, water, household items.

In order for a person to remain a person, he needs to remember his roots. No wonder in the old days every child knew his relatives, almost to the seventh generation. Attentive attitude to their relatives, compilation of their genealogy, strengthened the humanistic orientation of the developing personality.

The ideas of humanistic education are briefly and concisely expressed in folk proverbs, sayings, lullabies, and incantations.

The lullaby, first of all, reflects the world of thoughts and feelings of a mother absorbed in caring for a child. A child who is tired of screaming and worrying is promised to be beaten in irritation, they are frightened by an old man, a twig, a wolf, a mysterious beech living under a barn, but more often they are persuaded by the promise of gingerbread, rolls, renovation. Such simple tricks are aimed at capturing the attention of the child, calming him down.

The upbringing of activity, dexterity, and quick wits in children is fully deployed in an immensely diverse game. The game forms intellectual and physical features with which the child will live for many years. And A. V. Lunacharsky was right when he said: “The game is to a large extent the basis of all human culture.” Games develop dexterity, speed, strength, accuracy, accustom to ingenuity and attention.

The games use "counters" - one of ancient traditions. With their help, they determine who "drives", and those who find themselves in a favorable position for themselves.

The habit of counting comes from the everyday life of adults. The tradition of counting in counting rhymes has been transformed: children enjoy the very opportunity to play with words - there are combinations of syllables and words that are funny in their absurdity.

In tongue twisters, verses were offered with a deliberate accumulation of difficult-to-pronounce syllables. When these verses are repeated, the likening effect of some syllables on others arises - and as a result, errors occur, a shift in the sound range, and a distortion of meaning.

Various kinds of sentences also passed from adults into children's life - an appeal to a snail - “liza”, divination by the flight of a “ladybug”, various sentences about a cow, a calf, about birds - cranes, sparrows, crows, etc. Before diving, they asked "godfather, dove" to forgive for unknown sins. They got rid of the water poured into their ears by jumping with a sentence - "pour water on the oak bark." They threw a fallen milk tooth into the oven with a request to the mouse to give a bone tooth.

But not only fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, incantations have a positive effect on the development and upbringing of the child, but also numerous customs and traditions in folk holidays.

Folk holidays were and are a true code of unwritten norms and duties. The rituals reflect the moral foundations of the Russian people, strengthen the sense of loyalty to friends, and develop aesthetic feelings. This is vividly represented in such holidays as the Trinity, Maslenitsa, Epiphany, Yuletide evenings.

The main attributes of the celebration of Christmas time are caroling and caroling. The very word "kolyada" - some authors etymologically associate with the Italian "calenda", which means the first day of the month, others suggest that the ancient "colada" meant "circular food". Indeed, collected in a "fur" - a special bag - a treat, carolers ate together in a circle.

The meaning of all Christmas activities is an attempt to look into the future, to determine what the coming year will bring. People turned to nature with prayers for a good harvest, health for family members, and girls also for marriage. How fate will come true, they tried to find out through fortune-telling.

On Epiphany Christmas Eve, older people did not eat until the first star or holy water. Returning from prayer with candles, they put up crosses, either with soot from a candle, or with chalk "so that the devil does not crawl through." On this day we went (and now we go) for holy water. It is believed that this water is a salvation from all ailments.

Introducing children to folk traditions mainly takes place in kindergartens and this happens in the form of games and children's holidays. At the same time, it is important not only to give children new knowledge, but also to organize direct participation in the performance of rituals, singing folk songs, and dramatizations.

Another thing to keep in mind important point: the whole life of the people was closely connected with nature. From time immemorial natural phenomena served the people as a means of influencing the personality of the child.

A.P. Chekhov wrote that people learned “not from books, but in the field, in the forest, on the banks of the river. The birds themselves taught them when they sang songs; the sun, when it set, left behind a crimson dawn; the trees and grasses themselves. That is why it is so important that the child's developmental environment is natural.

In order for all this to be conveyed to the parents of our group, we post all the information in the corner for parents, use various screens, folders - sliders. We invite parents to open days, matinees, days of entertainment. We use tongue twisters, sayings, incantations, riddles in educational activities, we read fairy tales. We give the task of making toys from threads, bast, rags.

cognitive development

Conversation "What is folk arts and crafts" - to clarify children's ideas about folk art, its types.

Conversation "Russian folk toy" - acquaintance with the manufacture of toys (matryoshka, Dymkovo,Gorodetstoys).

Conversation "Blue of Russia" - acquaintance with Gzhel painting (with slideshow)

Conversation "Golden Khokhloma" - continue to acquaint with the painting of objects, painting elements

Conversation "Merry Gorodets" - continue to acquaint with the painting

Consideration of the thematic folder "Folk Art"

Regional component

Examination of furniture, folk dishes, embroidery.

Purpose: to develop interest in folklore. P / and "Paints", "Kite"


-I.A. Lykova Program of artistic education, training and development of children 2-7 years old

"Colored palms" M. 2009

-I.A. Lykova Visual activity in kindergarten (planning, notes, guidelines) M. 2007.

-I.A. Lykova Fine art in kindergarten. Traveling in slippers, felt boots, flippers, barefoot, on an airplane carpet and in a time machine. M. 2009

-N. Alekseevskaya Naughty pencil - through the game to perfection. M. 1998

- Lykova I. A.folk art , Moscow, publishing house"colored world" , Volgograd, 2014

- Gavrilova V. V., Artemyeva L. A."Decorative drawing with children 5 - 7 years old" , publishing house"Teacher" , 2014

- Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. Introducing children to the origins of Russianfolk culture . SPb. Childhood-Press, 1998.

- Klienov A.P.Folk crafts . Moscow. White City, 2002.

- Komarova T. S.Folk art in the education of preschoolers Moscow. Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.

- Komarova T.S. Classes in fine artsactivities in kindergarten . Moscow. Enlightenment, 1991.

- Komarova T. S. Fineactivities in kindergarten : learning and creativity. Moscow. Pedagogy, 1990.

- Shvaiko G.S. Classes in fine artsactivities in kindergarten (st. group) . Moscow. Humanitarian publishing center Vlados, 2001. 11. Gzhel. Ch. ed. Dorofeeva A. Visual and didactic manual Publishing House"Mosaic-Synthesis" , M. 1999.

-T.N. Prosnyakova Mastery lessons. Educational literature. 2004

- Cheerful do-it-yourselfer. M. 1995

-V.M. Kudeylo Unusual ways drawings for big and small dreamers. M. 2007

Svetlana Podzolkova

Family day« Folk arts and crafts»

TARGET: Formation and development of the foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of children and their parents through familiarization with folk arts and crafts.


1. Introduce children and their parents to the views folk arts and crafts, with wonderful creations craftsmen.

2. Arouse interest and involve parents in active participation in creating a mini-museum in kindergarten

3. create a comfortable and favorable atmosphere for rallying and uniting the children's team and adults;

4. to cultivate such qualities as mutual assistance, partnership, friendliness, justice; to promote the establishment of interpersonal relations between the children of the group, their parents and teachers; interest in folk art

Hello dear parents and children!

This year, a program has been developed and approved by the Department of Education in our kindergarten "Development" « moral education through love for the native land ". As part of the program, since October 2015, a project for the 300th anniversary of Omsk has been implemented in the kindergarten "Our beloved city of Omsk". The aim of the project is to create a museum room in the kindergarten. Moral education is the education of love for the native land, for nature, for the history of the native land, for applied art.

The more we value the past,

And in the old we find beauty,

Although we belong to the new ...

The culture of Russia cannot be imagined without folk art. Artistic works created folk craftsmen, always reflect love for the native land, the ability to see and understand the world around. A person has long tried to decorate his home and did it with the help of the material that was next to him - this is wood, clay, bone, etc. Just as a tree cannot live without roots, so a person cannot feel free in society, not based on the customs and traditions of their people.

Reading poems:

Child 1

My homeland is rich and free.

And fishing she is popular

There is Tula, Gzhel and Suzdal

And Pavlovsky Pasade,

Zagorsk matryoshka,

And Khokhloma outfit.

Child 2

All over Russia - mother,

Wherever you look

Folk craftsmen craft with love.

And now the parents, together with their children, will be divided into two teams, each team will present its name.

All masters worked, creating something with their own hands. Let's remember proverbs and sayings about work. (For each proverb, the team receives a chip).

And now we will play Russian folk game"Brook", but we will not just play, but direct our «» stream to the magic table. (products are displayed on the table folk craftsmen) (Under Russian folk music) (photo1,2)

Photo1 Children play in a stream photo2 Parents play in a stream

And now you carefully look and listen about the products folk arts.

Khokhloma: There once lived a miracle master in the Nizhny Novgorod forests. He built a house on the bank of the river and began to make and paint wooden utensils. Cups and spoons looked like gold, the master passed on his secret to the villagers "Khokhloma", and disappeared. Khokhloma is a decorative painting of dishes and furniture in black and red, as well as occasionally in yellow and green on a golden background. traditional elements Khokhloma - herbal patterns, berries, flowers and branches.

Polkhov-Maidan matryo scale: Characterized by bright flowers with a distinct black outline. Matryoshka dolls were made in the village of Polkh-Maidan.

Pink, yellow, red, purple, blue and green paint, sonorous under varnish, make them very elegant!

Zhostovo trays: In the beginning, trays were made from "broken paper"- papier mache. Usually the trays are black, they depict bright, very beautiful flowers, fruits and berries, fabulous birds.

Gzhel: The most famous large folk ceramic craft - Gzhel near Moscow. Masters created elegant dishes (Kvass, jugs, mugs, dishes). For Gzhel, one paint is used - blue, the most favorite pattern of masters is the Gzhel rose. In addition to roses, there are other flowers - daisies, bluebells, poppies, tulips, and next to them - birds, fish, trees, and even entire cities.

Dymkovo toy: From the high bank of the Vyatka River, on which the city of Vyatka stands, you can see the village of Dymkovo. And why is it called that? In the old days - both in winter, when stoves were heated, and in summer, when fog, this village - as if shrouded in haze, everything is in smoke. Here, in ancient times, a toy was born., Which was called that - "Dymkovskaya". In the beginning there were whistles. Fairy-tale horses, turkeys that look like firebirds, sheep in panties, ladies and gentlemen, roundabouts, even stoves - one with Emelya, and the other with kids, and all this is a real miracle. First, toys are molded from clay, then dried in an oven. Hardened, strong, sonorous figurines come out of the oven. They are whitewashed with chalk diluted in milk, then they begin to paint. And come out from under the brush patterns: circles, straight and wavy stripes, cells, spots, dots.

Gorodets painting: Features bright, free-style painting with white and black graphic strokes. Main motives: floral patterns (roses, cups with symmetrical leaves, figurines of horses and birds, genre scenes(riders on horseback, young ladies with gentlemen, the tree of life. Spinning wheels, furniture, shutters, doors, household utensils were decorated with paintings.

Now each team in turn will make riddles about handicrafts.

1. Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There the grass curls and flowers

Grow unearthly beauty.

They shine like gold

Or maybe sun-drenched.


2. This painting

On white porcelain

Blue sky, blue sea

blue cornflowers,

Ringing bells.

blue birds

On thin branches.


3. Kohl on the board girl

Ile daring fellow

Wonder Horse and Wonder Bird

This means … .


4. Cheerful white clay,

Circles, stripes on it,

Goats and lambs are funny

A herd of colorful horses

Nurses and water carriers,

Both riders and children

Dogs, hussars and fish.

Well, call me!


5. Round, iron,

Useful in the household.

Black, yellow, red,

Amazingly beautiful!

(Zhostovo trays.)

6. There is another toy for you,

Not a horse, not Petrushka

beautiful girl,

She has sisters. Each sister-

For a small dungeon. (Matryoshka)

Let's sum up our quiz. And parents together with their children will create their own toys.

photo 5 Exhibition of crafts of parents and children

Related publications:

“Decorative and applied art. Filimonov painting. Synopsis of GCD with children 5-6 years old“Decorative and applied art. Filimonovskaya painting "Direct educational activities with children 5-6 years old with disabilities.

Decorative and applied art as the basis of aesthetic education of preschoolers“The development of the student's aesthetic consciousness through the development of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world, the creative activity of the aesthetic.

Decorative and applied art in the general system of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers A necessary condition for building a modern system of aesthetic education and development of the aesthetic culture of the individual is the use.

Abstract of a lesson on art activity in the senior group "Decorative and applied art in the technique of" testoplasty " Prepared and conducted by the Educator: Ergart Lyudmila Fedorovna Abstract of the lesson on fine arts in senior group"Folk.

Artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children is characterized as a process of purposeful influence by means of art on the personality of a preschooler, thanks to which the pupils develop a sense of taste, interest in art, the ability to enjoy it, and develop creative abilities. The value of artistic and aesthetic education lies in the fact that it makes the child more harmonious, positively affects his morality, elevates sensuality, and decorates life.
As a means of forming creative abilities in preschoolers, you can use arts and crafts, which has a strong aesthetic and emotional impact on the personality of the child, and also has great cognitive, developmental and educational opportunities.
Acquaintance of children with various types of folk arts and crafts directly through educational activities in decorative drawing will help teach them to perceive the beauty of the world around them, introduce them to folk traditions, and lay the foundation for artistic and aesthetic education.
The organization of directly educational activities in decorative drawing allows children to feel like a decorator, to reflect in their work an aesthetic vision and feeling of the world around them.
My work on this topic is built in two stages:
Acquaintance with folk craft
Learning how to sculpt and draw
The work begins with the creation of conditions for introducing children and parents to folk culture. Various surveys are conducted for parents in order to identify the level of knowledge about arts and crafts, how they introduce their children to it. Find out if they want their child to study arts and crafts at preschool. Selected for children educational literature about folk craft, about the features of patterns, about the history of craft, the methods and techniques used to familiarize children with decorative and applied arts are specified.
We begin teaching children by examining Dymkovo toys and their images, making the necessary explanations along the way to help children understand the features of Dymkovo painting.
The Dymkovo toy amazes children with its colorfulness, incomparable beauty, originality of execution. contrast combinations, bright colors applied on white background, arouse in children an interest in the Vyatka toy, arouse the desire to learn how to sculpt and paint clay products themselves.
When introducing children to a Dymkovo toy, we set ourselves the following tasks:
To acquaint with the Dymkovo toy and to form curiosity towards this type of folk art.
Create the necessary conditions for introducing children and parents to folk art through modeling and painting Dymkovo toys.
To form knowledge about the elements of Dymkovo painting and their symbolism, which is reflected in the surrounding nature.
To develop in children an aesthetic taste, the formation of independence and creative abilities.
Carry out patriotic education through the study of national heritage.
To solve these problems, we use the following methodological techniques:
Reading fiction.
Didactic games.
Education in the form of directly - educational activities.
Working with parents.

At the beginning of directly - educational activities, children get acquainted with the Dymkovo toy, examine products, colorful illustrations. Children listen with great interest to the teacher's story, because each toy can be presented vividly, emotionally, using various comparisons, epithets, and poems.
When examining Dymkovo toys with children, we pay attention to the features of Dymkovo painting, the ability to express one's impressions of the perception of these toys, to emphasize the brightness and variety of colors of Dymkovo toys, since the child is emotionally responsive to color. Thus, the goal is achieved - introducing children to folk art and highlighting the elements of Dymkovo painting. The guys learn to draw some elements of this painting: a straight line (holding the brush vertically from a sheet of paper) and a dot (poke).
This causes interest in the Dymkovo toy and a feeling of joy from the first sketches.
In the future directly - educational activities, children get acquainted with new elements - wavy line, circles, cells, grain-shaped forms and also fix the color scheme. Before we start drawing painting elements on paper, we draw them in the air.
Not all children are up to the task. Therefore, I conduct individual work outside of class, using didactic games, such as: “Circle the Element” - the goal is to teach the technique of drawing new elements, “Circle and Color”, this game helps to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, fix the color scheme with children, which was used by the Dymkovo masters. During the individual work I take into account the capabilities and abilities of each child.
When I introduce children to this or that element, I pay attention to the specificity of each pattern, each detail, and then the children begin to draw individual elements more and more confidently.
Preschool children have an unstable memory, poorly developed fine motor skills fingers. Therefore, training is built from simple to complex. In the process of learning the technique of drawing, children learn to independently select and combine colors with each other.
This is how their creative abilities gradually develop. After the technical skills in children are formed, I begin to develop in children creative imagination using didactic games that develop imagination, memory, and creative ability to analyze in their free time.
Didactic game "Pictures - twins"
Tasks: continue to introduce children to the Dymkovo toy; identify and name elements; develop attention, thinking, creative imagination, visual memory, the ability to analyze.
Didactic game "Decorative mosaic"
Tasks: to acquaint children with the elements of various murals, highlighting the elements of the Dymkovo painting; be able to find a couple; develop attention, the ability to analyze.
Didactic game "Collect the puzzle"
Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about the "haze", to teach how to assemble a whole from several parts; develop thinking, creative imagination.
Didactic game "Find a similar pattern on the finished product"
Tasks: to learn to compare pictures with individual Dymkovo patterns and ready-made clay toys, to find the same elements, to develop attention, thinking, visual memory, and the ability to analyze.
These games help children come up with new compositions, children learn to draw various patterns on their own without my help. When painting paper templates, children choose the elements of painting and colors as they wish.
Throughout the entire period of children's education, she organized exhibitions of children's works for parents, invited them to open classes in order to show parents the success of their children in mastering the modeling and painting of the Dymkovo toy. In the course of the implementation of the tasks set, it is necessary to monitor the results of children. To do this, I conduct diagnostics according to certain criteria, which shows the growth of children's interest in folk art.
Diagnosis of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities in children middle group
in folk arts and crafts. Dymkovo toy.
Main criteria:
1. Color:
Knows the color scheme for Dymkovo painting;
Knows colors, sometimes forgets colors;
Doesn't know colors.
Draws simple and complex elements of Dymkovo painting, the pattern conveys accurately;
Draws accurately simple elements, and complex distorts a little;
Draws only simple elements with distortion, and complex ones fail;
(simple elements: dot-pea, straight line, circle; complex elements: cell, arc, wavy line, grain-shaped forms).
3. Ability to work with the tip of the brush:
Good at drawing with the tip of a brush;
Able to work with the tip of the brush, but the manner of writing with the whole brush prevails;
Does not know how to work with the tip of the brush.
4. Composition:
The child decorates the entire clay blank, using simple and complex elements of Dymkovo painting;
The child decorates only the front of the figure;
A crowded image grouped in one of the parts of the figure.
5. The level of independence in the performance of work:
Independently performs work, supplementing the image with suitable elements;
A little help from a teacher is needed;
Can't get the job done.
High level.
Shows interest in the Dymkovo toy, knows the color scheme for the Dymkovo painting; draws simple and complex elements; the pattern conveys accurately; has a good command of the skill of drawing with the end of the brush; the child sees and decorates the entire figure; using simple and complex elements of Dymkovo painting; can independently perform the work, supplement the image with suitable elements.
Above average.
Shows interest in the Dymkovo toy, knows the color scheme, sometimes forgets the colors; draws precisely simple elements, and slightly distorts complex ones; knows how to work with the end of the brush, but drawing with the whole brush prevails; the child sees a part of a planar silhouette and decorates it; when performing independent work, a little help from the teacher is needed.
Average level.
Shows little interest in the Dymkovo toy, does not name all the colors of the Dymkovo painting (at least 5), does not accurately draw simple elements, and strongly distorts complex ones; works mainly with the whole brush; decorates part of a planar silhouette, creates a crowded image. When doing independent work, he often resorts to the help of a teacher.
Low level.
Shows no interest in the Dymkovo toy, does not know the color scheme for the Dymkovo toy (can name 2-3 colors). Depicts simple elements with distortion, but complex ones fail; does not know how to work with the end of the brush; no composition. Cannot do the work on his own.
I called my project “Colored Miracle”, because a miracle is really born before the eyes of children. From a shapeless, absurd clay mass that has a specific color and even a smell, we, like the ancient masters, create a beautiful toy, cheerful in color, lively and dynamic in design, captivating and enchanting children, corresponding to their aesthetic feelings.
As a result of directly - educational activities in decorative drawing, viewing illustrations, products of Dymkovo masters, conversations, didactic games, reading poems about this toy, observations in nature, working with parents, children may develop a steady interest in the Dymkovo toy, children will learn to focus well on sheet of paper, they will learn the colors of this painting, they will become better at using a brush, they will be able to name all the elements of the Dymkovo painting. All this will contribute to the development of their creative abilities. Directly - educational activities and didactic games on Dymkovo painting will enable children to learn drawing techniques and teach how to make patterns on various forms.
Since we live in Russia, children need to be introduced to the folk art of the Russian people.
The inclusion of a child in various types of artistic activity based on the material of folk art is one of the main conditions for the full-fledged aesthetic education of a child and the development of his creative abilities.
Beautiful examples of the Dymkovo ornament found a vivid expression in various works of the centuries-old creativity of the Russian people: in fine patterns jewelry, colorful embroideries and patterned fabrics, hats, colorful mosaic leather shoes, etc.
The motifs and patterns of various household products reflect the richness of the artistic thinking of the people, a subtle sense of rhythm, proportion, understanding of shape, silhouette, color, and material.
Further study of decorative and applied arts in the senior and preparatory groups will allow children to develop the ability to build a pattern, arranging its elements in a certain rhythm: on a strip, circle, square, arrange the elements of the pattern in a certain sequence: in the middle, in the corners.
At senior preschool age, children continue to develop interest in fine arts with the inclusion of elements of the Dymkovo ornament and the creation of decorative compositions based on folk products. Children consolidate the ways of drawing Dymkovo patterns: circles of various diameters, grain-like shapes, cells, stripes, wavy motifs. The guys get acquainted with the rules for the symmetrical arrangement of elements in a pattern on clay blanks.

For individual work, you can use the following didactic games:
“Find an extra ornament”, the purpose of the game: to consolidate the knowledge of children of the elements of the Dymkovo ornament, to recognize, name, describe the appearance and characteristics by which it was determined.
“Make a pattern from parts”, goal: to teach children the actions of synthesis, the ability to isolate parts and make up a whole, consolidate knowledge of the elements of the Dymkovo ornament, develop creativity and imagination.
“Draw the desired element”, goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the principles of constructing symmetrical elements, to teach the basic techniques for drawing symmetrical patterns, to develop the eye and fine motor skills of the hand.
“Find the Dymkovo toy in the picture”, goal: to consolidate the knowledge of children about Dymkovo toys (lady, goat, horse with rider, carousel and others).
“What do the colors in Dymkovo toys symbolize?” Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the symbolism of the colors of Dymkovo patterns and teach them to connect them with nature.
These games contribute to the development of interest in national culture, to come up with new compositions, children learn to combine different types of Dymkovo patterns on their own. Thinking, memory, attention, fine motor skills of fingers develop, the vocabulary of preschoolers is enriched.
In the preparatory school group, children need to develop an aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the world around them. Preschoolers learn to independently apply visual skills and abilities in decorative activities using the expressive means of painting the Dymkovo ornament. Developing decorative art children on the basis of the assimilation of Russian folk - applied art. Children make more complex patterns on paper and clay blanks based on visual samples of the Dymkovo toy.
In the process of introducing children of the middle group to decorative and applied art, I came to the following conclusions:
Classes in arts and crafts contribute to the formation of logical thinking of preschoolers. When getting acquainted with products of decorative and applied art, the diversity of the national heritage of the culture of the Russian people is revealed to children, original traditions, rituals and rituals, passed down from generation to generation, are studied.
A preschooler learns to analyze the results of his activities and find their application. In addition, the very process of working on crafts gives children great pleasure, makes it possible to feel like Dymkovo masters, and allows you to create a “colored miracle”.
In progress in-depth study folk arts and crafts, children learn a lot about the elements of the Dymkovo toy ornament, its symbolic meaning, connection with the surrounding nature.
Looking at illustrations of Dymkovo patterns, children learn figurative perception: clay toys look like characters from a fairy tale. Describing the products of Vyatka masters, children talk about their meaning, form, history of creation, which contributes to the development of competent coherent speech.
Many elements of the ornament are drawn not only with brushes, but also with a whole set of special wooden sticks - pokes. The guys and I experimented using cotton buds instead, as one of the ways of unconventional drawing.
Thus, we can conclude that the study of arts and crafts as part of the artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers helps develop children's creativity, curiosity and desire for experimentation, logical thinking, imagination, aesthetic feelings and pride in the cultural heritage of our masters.

1. Historical patterns of development of decorative art 3

2. Kindergarten dating tasks 11

3. Programs for teaching arts and crafts 14

4. Methods of introducing children to arts and crafts 16

5. Practical part 19

1. Historical patterns of development of decorative art

Decorative art has gone a long way of development - from elementary decorations by primitive people of various tools, pottery, clothing to a complex set of numerous items in a modern interior, city. This development proceeded in several directions, or cuts. One of them is the genre development of decorative art. Decorative creativity gradually captures an ever wider range of environmental objects into its orbit and today it has become almost universal. New genres arose and are emerging in it not only when new phenomena were drawn into the sphere of decorative art, for example, shipbuilding in the 10th-11th centuries, book printing in the 14th-15th centuries, landscape gardening in the 16th-15th centuries. XVII centuries etc. They also appear due to the development of technologies for decorative processing of materials. Thus, in the 17th - 18th centuries, the European production of porcelain tableware arose, which soon gave impetus to the development of small decorative plastics. In the 19th century, as a result of progress in metallurgy and metalworking, the genre of easel art chasing was born, which has now become very widespread along with its new genre - monumental, which went out into the street.

It is characteristic that soon after the appearance of the first electric lighting devices, attempts were made to use them for the evening illumination of the city (“Russian light” in Paris on the Eiffel Tower). Today, thanks to the simplicity and safety of the arrangement of complex systems of electrical illumination, the decorative theatricalization of space and actions with the help of light, which was already used in antiquity with the use of torches (for example, torchlight processions), has gained grandiose scope.

The genre development of decorative art is significantly influenced by the social development of society, which is steadily leading to the democratization of life, the involvement of ever larger sections of society in vigorous activity. In particular, with the transition from the slave-owning socio-economic formation to the feudal one, the development of folk decorative art and its peculiar genres, often unique among different peoples, begins: embroidered or embroidered towels, clay toys, carved decoration of the facades of huts, carpet weaving, etc. In the modern era decorative art was marked by an even greater development of the amateur beginning, including amateur performance among children and schoolchildren. It has firmly penetrated into social life, production and educational processes, becoming their necessary element in the form of wall newspapers, bulletin boards, invitation cards, posters, visual teaching aids, etc.

A feature of the development of decorative art, associated with the specifics of its aesthetic function to serve as an artistic enrichment of the environment of life, is that its genres, once having appeared, no longer die. Some of them for a time, sometimes significant, seemed to be forgotten.

There is no strict classification of decorative art genres. It is customary to distinguish them according to the characteristics of the material, technique of execution and types of purpose. Currently, there are the following main genres of decorative art: interior design (domestic, public, industrial, educational), design of museums, exhibitions and exhibition areas, garden art, street decoration, including evening, on holidays, etc., theatrical and decorative art, clothing, decorative household products and decorations, souvenirs and badges, toys, small graphics, forms, decorative posters and wall newspapers, easel chasing, monumental views chasing, painting and graphics (included in the design of interiors, territories, streets), tapestry, art furniture, jewelry, etc.

Another cut in the development of decorative art is the change of artistic styles.

In decorative art, the peculiar features of the artistic style are most clearly found in the organization and design of interiors, street and garden ensembles, that is, in the principles, techniques and means of a comprehensive solution of the decorative environment that are specific to a particular era. The leading role of these genres in the stylistic development of all decorative art is explained by the fact that the impulses for stylistic development come from architecture, with which these genres are most closely connected. Styles in architecture in their main features almost immediately find a response and support, development in decorative art. Therefore, the periodization of the styles of the latter basically coincides with the stylistic periodization of the history of architecture. However, when studying the history of decorative and applied art, one must take into account that there were separate periods when this type of art played a more important role in creating the artistic image of the interior compared to architecture. This applies in particular to modern interior residential and public buildings. Their architectural and construction basis is distinguished by constructive rationalism, one of the reasons for which is the strict economic standards of mass construction.

The third section of the historical development of decorative art is the themes, motifs and plots of works, including ornamentation. Their change occurs in direct connection with the emergence of new genres in the decorative arts and the change of styles. The themes and motifs that are associated with the economic, industrial and social activities of people have always been and will always be displayed in the subject of decorative art. In the monuments of art of nomadic tribes, we see almost exclusively images of animals, on which the interests and thoughts of man were concentrated. In the themes of decorative art of sedentary agricultural peoples, the flora and diverse, sometimes cosmological, symbolism, associated with the main cycles of nature and agricultural activities, decisively prevail.

In the following centuries, the thematic structure of the decorative arts became much more complex. But it still shows quite clearly, albeit often not directly, the impact of the main interests Everyday life of people. True, the spread of Christianity in Europe in the 6th - 10th centuries led to a certain leveling of local thematic features decorative art, to the internationalization of themes and motifs. Nevertheless, some specific national motifs are preserved, especially in folk art, woven into compositions of a pan-European type.

They were much more strongly preserved and in many respects have survived to this day. national characteristics in the artistic interpretation, manner, handwriting of the construction of forms and the nature of expressive techniques and means.

Today, in the decorative arts, themes and plots of modern economic, industrial and social activities of people are also widely developed, for example, such as industrial production, Scientific research, space exploration, the struggle for peace, concern for the preservation of ancient monuments, etc. This mainly applies to the visual genres of decorative art: monumental painting, graphics, easel chasing. But even in its ornamental genres, the influence of the modern way of life is easily traced, indirectly expressed in laconism, accuracy and non-traditional rhythms, color combinations, textures, silhouettes and other compositional qualities of the works.

The folk craftsmen are described in the Ipatiev Chronicle. A visual representation of the colorfulness of the ancient choirs is given by the miniatures of the Ostroum Gospel. The Izbornik of Svyatoslav of 1073 contains images of painted facades of buildings.

The folk craft of Kievan Rus was represented by masters of many professions, including art and decoration.

The places of concentration of folk arts and crafts were determined long ago and are primarily associated with the presence of one or another natural material, as well as with crossroads of trade routes, cultural centers and a number of other factors. By the 16th - 17th centuries, the current geography of crafts had already developed on the lands of our state, their national and local identity was determined in compositional solution forms, in the understanding of the material, in drawing and plasticity, color and decoration.

The close connection of folk applied art with the whole life of people, its conditions and traditions determined in it the features of truthfulness and emotional immediacy. So, the graphic quality of the monochrome, stingy in color Mezen painting, which originated in the North of the country, is not accidental. It is natural and constant aspiration of the peoples of the solar Central Asia to a bright multi-color palette in ceramics, carpet weaving, and mosaics. Peoples often borrowed from each other the technique of execution, recipes for finishing products and even their shape. But each time, having got into new conditions, the borrowed elements were processed in the spirit of national traditions or acquired a new sound due to a peculiar national basis products.

Folk applied art often absorbs certain achievements in the work of professional craftsmen. Known, in particular, the role of painters of the late XIX - early XX century in the activities of the Moscow region and Smolensk art crafts, in the revival of the Vyatka toys, in the development of small bone plastics.

The main type of material for artistic crafts in the forest regions of the country from ancient times to the present day is wood. The handwriting of its processing is very different, for example, carving in Sergievsky Posad, Bogorodsky (Bogorodsk carving) and Khotkovo, turning with coloring in Semenov, Khokhloma and Rorodets. For a long time, the technique of inlaying wood with metal, colored stones, shell mother-of-pearl, “tortoise”, as well as the technique of intarsia - a set of pictures or ornaments on the surface of objects and boards from different-colored pieces of wood of different species, including valuable imported ones, has also been used for a long time.

In the central strip of the country, many products were produced from the vine of bird cherry and willow - in Kostroma, Kineshma, in Ivanovo region. Birch bark was also used almost everywhere, from which beetroots (tueski) were made for water, milk and kvass, nabirukha, or baskets, for berries and mushrooms, boxes and pesteri (a type of shoulder box). For the manufacture of various household products and toys, straw of cereal plants was also used (in the Baltic states and in the south - reeds, in the Caucasus - bamboo).

Making pottery has always been one of the most common crafts throughout the country. From century to century, it has been improved: they have learned to select varieties of clay, knead it with additives, burn it under various conditions, pour glass, paint, stamp. Depending on the resources of raw materials and fuel, specialization appeared: pottery is produced in Skopin, Balkhar, Dymkovo, Chernigov, etc., majolica - in Gzhel, Kosovo, etc., faience and porcelain - on the Upper Volga.

Clothing decoration is one of the most massive and original types of creativity among all the peoples of our country. Fabric, which is almost always the main material for the manufacture of clothing, is subjected to a wide variety of artistic finishes. An ornament from carved boards (a heel) is stuffed onto it, it is painted, embroidered, including pearls and beads, corrugated, decorated with knitted lace (Vologda, Vyatka, Yelets, Ryazan, etc.). There was a craft of patterned weaving in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Woolen knitting has long been widespread in the Baltic States, Ukraine and the Caucasus.

Carpet weaving, initially appearing in the nomadic economy, was adopted and developed by settled peoples. In the North, carpets were made from skins, in Kazakhstan and in the mountainous Caucasus - felted.

Among the sedentary agricultural peoples of Central Asia, Ukraine and others, a busy woven carpet, hand-woven on large looms, reaches a high level of perfection.

The north of the country was famous for products made of fur and leather. They were embroidered with colored thread, beads, beads. Often fur, leather and cloth were combined in one product. Leather was dyed and embossed here (in the Baltics), often tinting the embossed ornament.

Like clay products, metal products have been widely used since ancient times as a product of folk craft. Metal was forged, bent, poured, minted, engraved, inked. Tin products in Zhostovo were signed. A fairly large range of household products was made from metal, gradually expanding. Often, decorative metal parts, mainly from sheet and strip iron, were used as building decorations with a useful function: chimneys, aquarius, door fittings, etc. They were also widely used in furniture.

In the northern regions of the country (Kholmogory, Tobolsk, Yakutia), a prominent place was occupied by small bone sculpture, engraving on walrus tusks, and carved bone for decorating small utensils. During the excavations of ancient Novgorod, many bone items were also found, including chess pieces. To the south, for example, near Moscow in Khotkovo, but especially in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus (Kislovodsk, the villages of Dagestan, etc.), there is still a trade for processing horn.

Amber craft occupies a prominent place in the Baltic republics to this day. Since ancient times, the Baltic States has been a supplier of amber to the whole world. Polish writer Y. Makhovsky in his book "History of sea piracy" wrote that filibusters, corsairs, privateers specially hunted for ships that were going from the Baltic to Egypt with a load of amber. In Palanga, in the Tyszkiewicz Palace, an amber museum has now been established.

Later, other crafts began to develop stone processing (Urals, Altai) and the manufacture of glassware (Leningrad, Gus-Khrustalny, etc.).

In the Central regions of Russia at the end of the 19th century, on the basis of icon painting and paintwork, a wonderful lacquer miniature began to appear on small caskets and later on small scarves (Fedoskino, Palekh, Mstera, Kholuy). This is one of the examples of the relatively recent emergence of a new genre in folk arts and crafts. Plaster casting has also become very widespread (piggy banks in the form of cats, figurines), lubok pictures etc. It should also be noted such apparently ancient types of art crafts as painting eggs (Ukraine, southern Russia) and baking curly and patterned carved gingerbread (Tula, Moscow, etc.).

In general, the diversity of fisheries is extraordinary. They appear, in fact, where there is some kind of free material and, of course, a certain artistic idea. Today, one can sometimes see on the market, for example, relatively slightly processed (without a plot) influxes on tree trunks, interesting and somewhat reminiscent of plant roots, etc. The fame of Russian masters of art crafts has long become worldwide. Our country is rich in artistic talents. Only in the Russian Federation now more than 70 thousand craftsmen work. Among them are prominent artists such as the Hero of Socialist Labor, folk artist USSR N. Zinoviev, lace maker N. Vasilyeva, people's and honored artists of the RSFSR Palesha B. Ermolaev, master of Khokhloma painting O. Lushina, Kubachin R. Alikhanov and many others. Over the past few years, more than 30 folk crafts artists have become laureates of the I.E. Repin. IN different cities countries organized exhibitions of folk art.

A huge role in replenishing the cadres of masters of art crafts belongs to the modern school and preschool institutions, fruitfully working in it artists-teachers, many of whom are themselves enthusiasts of arts and crafts based on folk traditions.

2. Tasks for acquaintance in kindergarten

The task of developing the creativity of children, educators, teachers, university professors was put forward as one of the central tasks of the entire education system in our country.

The development of creativity in a society that rejects the "spiritual monopoly" is becoming one of the primary tasks of educating the younger generation. Today, the need to form a new person is emphasized, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.

The tasks of restructuring the system of public education in the country, set in the documents of the reform of general education and vocational schools, including its first link - preschool institutions, require the development of independence, initiative and creativity of children in all areas of their activity. This work should begin from early childhood and be carried out by various means, among which a special place belongs to artistic and creative activities. One of these activities is arts and crafts. It starts getting attention early.

In the classroom for decorative and applied painting, aesthetic perception, representation, aesthetic feelings develop. Sensory experience is accumulated, speech is enriched. Children develop thought processes: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization. IN Lately the importance of classes in decorative and applied painting in kindergarten is emphasized for the formation of collective forms of work, the ability to work together, act in concert, together, and help comrades. The ability to rejoice at the successes of each pupil, the achievements of the entire team of the group develops. All this creates the basis for the further education of true collectivism, mutual exactingness and, at the same time, comradely mutual assistance.

Teaching decorative and applied painting to preschoolers contains great potential opportunities for the comprehensive development of the child. However, these opportunities can be realized only when children gradually master this activity in accordance with age characteristics and receive satisfaction from it. If the children do not feel joy from what they have created, if the creative process does not cause them a good mood, but on the contrary, the children will experience dissatisfaction, disappointment that what they have planned does not work out, then this will gradually lead to a loss of interest in painting, and then they influence on the comprehensive development of the personality will not be with a plus sign, but with a minus sign. In this regard, we were faced with the task of finding ways to optimize activities in order to increase its impact on the comprehensive upbringing of the child's personality, the development of his abilities and creative potential.

Of exceptional importance in the spiritual development of preschool children, in their labor and aesthetic education, in preparing them for work in the national economy, is arts and crafts. Folk arts and crafts is an integral part of culture, actively influences the formation of artistic tastes.

The high spiritual and ideological significance of folk arts and crafts has a powerful influence on the formation of the inner world of children. Systematic classes in various types artistic processing materials have a beneficial effect on the development of the aesthetic taste of children and, at the same time, are associated with the acquisition of the skills necessary for their further work. The technological process of processing materials is based on industrial equipment and at the same time is impossible without the use of hand tools, the ability to master the techniques of the work of a carpenter, turner, miller, puncher, welder, solderer, moulder, electrician, blacksmith and many others. Being engaged in the artistic processing of materials, preschoolers master the skills of these specific professions, acquiring the skills of a creative approach to the performance of labor operations.

Various types of artistic processing of materials make children involuntarily come into contact with technical and technological tasks. Thanks to interest in these activities, enthusiasm for them, industriousness and perseverance in work are brought up. Through the process of creating beautiful, aesthetically justified products of arts and crafts, gradually, unobtrusively, but very productively, love for various professions is instilled in children.

Classes in arts and crafts combine the foundations of many sciences that are of primary importance in the polytechnical development of children.

Decorative and applied arts, like no other type of educational and creative work of preschoolers, allows, simultaneously with equipping them with technical knowledge, developing their labor skills and abilities, psychological and practical preparation for work, for choosing a profession, to reveal the beauty, the enormous spiritual value of products of folk craftsmen, their high skill and art, to form an aesthetic taste and an aesthetic ideal.

Thus, the specificity of arts and crafts, expressed in the unity of the form and practical purpose of a decorative thing, in the unity of labor skills, skills and artistic and aesthetic taste, allows for an integrated approach to the organization of classes in arts and crafts in kindergarten, determines the organic unity of labor and aesthetic education of preschool children. This unity is also due to the modern requirement of international standards in industrial products, which is expressed not only in a highly efficient level of workflow, but also in the requirements of technical aesthetics.

The greatest educational effect is given by the acquaintance of preschoolers with the arts and crafts of folk art crafts.

The products of folk craftsmen are distinguished by their sense of material, the organic unity of the utilitarian (practical orientation) of a thing with its decor, national color, and high moral and aesthetic merits. There is so much educational charge in folk art (not only in finished products that please the eye, but also in the process itself, in the technology of their creation), that the question naturally arises of its most active use in working with preschoolers.

The task of the educator is to guide the creative process of preschoolers, orienting them to the study of samples of folk arts and crafts. The principle of focusing on folk art should form the basis of the content of classes with preschoolers in various areas of arts and crafts.

3. Programs for teaching arts and crafts

Scientific interest in folk art as a means of education in Russian pedagogy has especially increased in the last two decades. It was at this time that historical and pedagogical works appeared, highlighting the problems of folk pedagogy, including issues of aesthetic education.

Scientists rightly note that the growth in the number and expansion of the number of historical and pedagogical research on folk issues that have occurred in recent decades is one of the largest achievements of historical and pedagogical science. The importance of these studies cannot be overestimated. Only with their help can all the complexity and diversity of the process of development of the national school and pedagogy be revealed in the organic unity of the all-Russian, national and regional manifestations of this.

Recently, publications and Ph.D. dissertations have appeared that reflect progressive tendencies methods of teaching decorative drawing and aesthetic education by means of folk art.

Dissertation works of the 90s reflect different levels of adaptation of the achievements of pedagogical theory and the achievements of art history in the content of aesthetic education and training. It is important to note that the studies concern the main links in the system of aesthetic education and training of children and adolescents.

So, Ph.D. thesis of S.V. Maksimova "The role of folk applied art in the artistic development of children aged 5-7 years" is devoted to determining the meaning and place of children's fine arts using samples of Russian folk arts and crafts in the system of aesthetic education in kindergarten.

When developing the problems of the continuity of the visual activity of kindergarten children and younger schoolchildren, this study may be useful for determining further ways of the most effective pedagogical influence on the development of children's creativity under the influence of folk applied art.

Methods of teaching decorative drawing on the basis of folk art in primary school several dissertations have been devoted (R. Khasanov, Ya.A. Savzonov, L.N. Lyubarskaya, V.S. Belova).

In a study by R. Khasanov and Ya.A. Savzonov on the material of the folk art of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, a sequence of tasks was tested, devoted to the study of the specifics of oriental ornament in decorative work with younger schoolchildren.

In the dissertation of L.N. Lyubarskaya "Development of artistic and creative activity among younger schoolchildren in the process of fine arts" on the material of Ukrainian folk painting shows the process of formation of abilities for aesthetic assimilation of reality and needs for productive aesthetic activity through the development of a sense of decorativeness in schoolchildren of I - III classes.

Research by B.S. Belova "Ways to improve the methods of teaching fine arts in teacher training primary school(decorative drawing in relation to the faculties of pedagogy and methods of primary education)" is aimed at solving an important problem - identifying ways to more successfully solve the pedagogical task of improving aesthetic education and education of primary school teachers to guide the visual activity of children.

It is important that in the work of B.S. Belov for this purpose are shown effective ways solutions visual tasks in decorative and applied arts with the wide involvement of the folk art of the Mari Republic, contributing to the revitalization of fine arts in general.

In his Ph.D. thesis, D.G. Pilipenko "Study of the aesthetic and educational opportunities for decorative art in kindergarten" reflects some provisions on the importance of folk art in the aesthetic education and training of preschoolers when the author determines an approximate systematization of certain types of decorative and artistic activities of children of the older and younger groups.

4. Methods of introducing children to arts and crafts

The different goals facing the academic subjects "fine art" and "artistic work" determine and different approaches in the aesthetic understanding of folk art materials. Thus, acquaintance with arts and crafts in kindergartens located in places of traditional arts and crafts is aimed at mastering the basics of arts and crafts by children. In the practice of dating in kindergartens of this type, there are excellent examples of solving the indicated goals. For example, the experience of a kindergarten in the village of Kubachi in the implementation of a system of educational and creative work in the classroom for artistic work in mastering the skill of artistic metal processing. The team of educators in their work relies on a set of methodological materials: a proven program of artistic work, albums, books, tables dedicated to the history of Kubachi art. Educational work not limited to classes. Appreciate and respect the work of a folk master is taught here in everyday life. The experience of folk pedagogy of the Kubachins, when for many centuries in every family the father passed on the secrets of processing expensive materials to his son, found a modern transformation in the aesthetic and labor education of preschoolers.

An active search for the program content of art work lessons is conducted by kindergarten teachers on the basis of art craft enterprises in the Gorky region. Thanks to the joint efforts of workers in the system of preschool education in kindergartens of the region, the study of the basics of folk artistic painting on wood is carried out with the help of folk craftsmen from the factories "Khokhloma Artist" (Semino village) and "Khokhloma Painting" (Semenov), craftsmen of wood painting in Polkhov-Maidan and Gorodets.

In understanding the aesthetic content of education in labor classes in kindergartens on the basis of folk art craft enterprises, the work of employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Art Industry is of great help to educators. For example, the two-volume book "Fundamentals of Artistic Craft". Employees of the Institute of Art Industry are developing a series of programs for art work lessons, taking into account the specifics of traditional folk art techniques that have developed art schools skill.

The involvement of folk decorative art as an active means of aesthetic education in the system of decorative drawing lessons in kindergarten has its own advantages. The main ones are the broad horizons of aesthetic knowledge and the diverse aspects of the educational impact of folk art in the process of harmonic education of the personality of a preschooler.

Acquaintance with the advanced pedagogical experience of aesthetic education by means of folk decorative art in kindergartens of the Russian Federation allows us to talk about numerous examples of the implementation by educators of effective methods and techniques that reveal the features of the style of different art schools of folk art in order to more fully use the educational functions of the works of folk masters. For example, teachers of senior groups in Kostroma and the region are enthusiastically working with children on topics related to folk art painting and woodcarving. To this end, there is an acquaintance not only with the monuments wooden architecture native land, but also the art of folk craftsmen from neighboring regions: Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Gorky. Thanks to pedagogical skills, small conversations in the classroom of decorative drawing turn into a series of exciting journeys to the country of beauty and goodness, created by the hands of folk craftsmen,

In kindergartens in Zagorsk, Moscow Region, a center for the production of traditional Russian wooden toys, teachers conduct classes in a variety of ways based on the art of Russian toys. Many educational opportunities open up before the kindergarten to promote Russian folk art in collaboration with the staff of the Zagorsk State Museum-Reserve.

Inexhaustible wealth artistic ideas is fraught with the study of folk costume, and, as practice shows, two directions in the development of this topic are especially promising. The study of the history of the folk costume of the native land and the interpretation of motives in the illustration of legends, historical events edges, creation of souvenirs. This approach is reflected in the work of kindergarten teachers in the city of Pavlovo, Gorky region. Another interpretation of the topic is related to the study of the current center of folk art crafts, the production of which is associated with the use of folk aesthetic traditions in modern costume. Such work is carried out by specialist educators in the city of Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region, where the famous printed Pavlovian shawls, shawls, and printed woolen shawls are produced.

5. Practical part

Building new system educational and creative tasks based on folk decorative arts, we consider as the construction of a part of the system of classes in fine arts in kindergarten as a whole. The system of studying fine arts, like any methodological system, is characterized by the leading idea (goal) and didactic principles that determine the selection of the content of the program, the originality of teaching methods.

The leading goal set by society in front of our subject is to achieve a close unity of labor, moral and aesthetic education for the comprehensive development of the personality of each child. In the educational process in the classroom for decorative drawing, we see the solution to such an important state task in the implementation of a system of educational and creative tasks based on the material of folk decorative art. Such a system should serve to reveal the spiritual powers of the child, be effective for the aesthetic development of the personality of the preschooler, and activate the children's decorative creativity.

social order modern society should be reflected in the content of teaching decorative drawing by means of folk arts and crafts. To this end, we took into account the unity of the content and procedural aspects of education from the point of view of didactics, the development state of the art teaching fine arts in kindergarten. This gave us reason to determine the following leading factors for building a system of educational and creative tasks:

Systematic and integrated planning of educational goals and objectives in the classroom of decorative drawing;

Systematic selection of works of folk arts and crafts, objects of reality for aesthetic knowledge and decorative work children;

Differentiation of methods, techniques of pedagogical guidance, methods of stimulation both by the process of aesthetic knowledge and by the decorative work of children;

Accounting for the assessment of the levels of aesthetic education based on the results achieved by children in decorative work.

Taking into account the named methodological prerequisites in the construction of a system of educational and creative tasks allowed us to highlight the essential aspects of the educational process at the level: types of decorative work of children; leading aesthetic knowledge and forms of aesthetic knowledge; intersubject and intrasubject communications; volume of graphic skills and abilities.

Based in the study of folk art on the implementation of the most important didactic principles, we sought to generalize methodological techniques, determine the place and significance of the artistic analysis of folk art in the classroom of decorative drawing, as well as to develop criteria for the levels of aesthetic education of children, keeping in mind the ultimate goal of effective creative development preschooler personality.

Fundamentally important in this system is the unity of aesthetic knowledge and the content of the decorative work (labor activity) of children on the basis of folk arts and crafts, and such methodological techniques are being developed that stimulate creative creation children of independent compositions, and not a simple imitation of the methods of folk art. For this purpose, folk painting of Gorodets, Polkhovsky Maidan, Khostov, Khokhloma, clay Dymkovo and Filimonovo toys, wooden folk toys, household products of the masters of the North, embroidered products from Ryazan, Vladimir, Torzhok, works of masters of artistic varnishes Palekh are involved in decorative drawing classes. In working with children, the aesthetic knowledge of preschoolers is deepened and systematized on the basis of acquaintance with the folk ceramics of Gzhel, Skopin, with folk heeling, folk engraving - popular prints.

The concretization of the essential aspects of the educational process in the classroom for decorative drawing, conducted on the basis of a system of educational and creative tasks, can be seen in the dynamics of the forms of aesthetic knowledge and types of decorative work of children (Table I).

Table 1

Approximate forms of aesthetic knowledge of children

List of used literature

    Belyaev T.F. Exercises for the development of spatial representations of students. - M., 1989.

    Moran A. History of arts and crafts. - M., 1986.

    Fundamentals of decorative art at school. - M., 1981.

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Decorative and applied arts in kindergarten

1. Historical patterns of development of decorative art

2. Tasks for acquaintance in kindergarten

3. Programs for teaching arts and crafts

4. Methods of introducing children to arts and crafts

5. Practical part

1. Historical patterns of development of decorative art

Decorative art has gone a long way of development - from elementary decorations by primitive people of various tools, pottery, clothing to a complex set of numerous items in a modern interior, city. This development proceeded in several directions, or cuts. One of them is the genre development of decorative art. Decorative creativity gradually captures an ever wider range of environmental objects into its orbit and today it has become almost universal. New genres arose and are emerging in it not only when new phenomena were drawn into the sphere of decorative art, for example, shipbuilding in the 10th-11th centuries, book printing in the 14th-15th centuries, landscape gardening in the 16th-17th centuries, etc. They also appear due to the development of technologies for decorative processing of materials. Thus, in the 17th - 18th centuries, the European production of porcelain tableware arose, which soon gave impetus to the development of small decorative plastics. In the 19th century, as a result of progress in metallurgy and metalworking, the genre of easel art chasing was born, which has now become very widespread along with its new genre - monumental, which went out into the street.

It is characteristic that soon after the appearance of the first electric lighting devices, attempts were made to use them for the evening illumination of the city (“Russian light” in Paris on the Eiffel Tower). Today, thanks to the simplicity and safety of the arrangement of complex systems of electrical illumination, the decorative theatricalization of space and actions with the help of light, which was already used in antiquity with the use of torches (for example, torchlight processions), has gained grandiose scope.

The genre development of decorative art is significantly influenced by the social development of society, which is steadily leading to the democratization of life, the involvement of ever larger sections of society in vigorous activity. In particular, with the transition from the slave-owning socio-economic formation to the feudal one, the development of folk decorative art and its peculiar genres, often unique among different peoples, begins: embroidered or embroidered towels, clay toys, carved decoration of the facades of huts, carpet weaving, etc. In the modern era decorative art was marked by an even greater development of the amateur beginning, including amateur performance among children and schoolchildren. It has firmly penetrated into social life, production and educational processes, becoming their necessary element in the form of wall newspapers, bulletin boards, invitation cards, posters, visual teaching aids, etc.

A feature of the development of decorative art, associated with the specifics of its aesthetic function to serve as an artistic enrichment of the environment of life, is that its genres, once having appeared, no longer die. Some of them for a time, sometimes significant, seemed to be forgotten.

There is no strict classification of decorative art genres. It is customary to distinguish them according to the characteristics of the material, technique of execution and types of purpose. Currently, there are the following main genres of decorative art: interior design (domestic, public, industrial, educational), design of museums, exhibitions and exhibition areas, gardening art, street decoration, including evening decoration, on holidays, etc. , theatrical and decorative art, clothing, decorative household products and decorations, souvenirs and badges, toys, small graphics, forms, decorative posters and wall newspapers, easel chasing, monumental types of chasing, painting and graphics (included in the design of interiors, territories, streets) , tapestry, art furniture, jewelry art, etc.

Another cut in the development of decorative art is the change of artistic styles.

In decorative art, the peculiar features of the artistic style are most clearly found in the organization and design of interiors, street and garden ensembles, that is, in the principles, techniques and means of a comprehensive solution of the decorative environment that are specific to a particular era. The leading role of these genres in the stylistic development of all decorative art is explained by the fact that the impulses for stylistic development come from architecture, with which these genres are most closely connected. Styles in architecture in their main features almost immediately find a response and support, development in decorative art. Therefore, the periodization of the styles of the latter basically coincides with the stylistic periodization of the history of architecture. However, when studying the history of decorative and applied art, one must take into account that there were separate periods when this type of art played a more important role in creating the artistic image of the interior compared to architecture. This applies, in particular, to the modern interior of residential and public buildings. Their architectural and construction basis is distinguished by constructive rationalism, one of the reasons for which is the strict economic standards of mass construction.

The third section of the historical development of decorative art is the themes, motifs and plots of works, including ornamentation. Their change occurs in direct connection with the emergence of new genres in the decorative arts and the change of styles. The themes and motifs that are associated with the economic, industrial and social activities of people have always been and will always be displayed in the subject of decorative art. In the monuments of art of nomadic tribes, we see almost exclusively images of animals, on which the interests and thoughts of man were concentrated. In the themes of decorative art of sedentary agricultural peoples, the flora and diverse, sometimes cosmological, symbolism, associated with the main cycles of nature and agricultural activities, decisively prevail.

In the following centuries, the thematic structure of the decorative arts became much more complex. But it still shows quite clearly, albeit often not directly, the impact of the main interests of people's daily lives. True, the spread of Christianity in Europe in the 6th-10th centuries led to a certain leveling of local thematic features of decorative art, to the internationalization of themes and motifs. Nevertheless, some specific national motifs are preserved, especially in folk art, woven into compositions of a pan-European type.

National features in artistic interpretation, manner, handwriting of the construction of forms and the nature of expressive techniques and means have been much more firmly preserved and in many ways have survived to this day.

Today, in the decorative arts, the themes and plots of modern economic, industrial and social activities of people are also widely developed, for example, such as industrial production, scientific research, space exploration, the struggle for peace, concern for the preservation of ancient monuments, etc. This mainly applies to fine genres of decorative art: monumental painting, graphics, easel chasing. But even in its ornamental genres, the influence of the modern way of life is easily traced, indirectly expressed in laconism, accuracy and non-traditional rhythms, color combinations, textures, silhouettes and other compositional qualities of the works.

The folk craftsmen are described in the Ipatiev Chronicle. A visual representation of the colorfulness of the ancient choirs is given by the miniatures of the Ostroum Gospel. The Izbornik of Svyatoslav of 1073 contains images of painted facades of buildings.

The folk craft of Kievan Rus was represented by masters of many professions, including art and decoration.

The places of concentration of folk arts and crafts were determined long ago and are primarily associated with the presence of one or another natural material, as well as with crossroads of trade routes, cultural centers and a number of other factors. By the 16th - 17th centuries, the current geography of crafts had already developed on the lands of our state, their national and local originality was determined in the compositional solution of form, in the understanding of material, in drawing and plastic, color and decoration.

The close connection of folk applied art with the whole life of people, its conditions and traditions determined in it the features of truthfulness and emotional immediacy. So, the graphic quality of the monochrome, stingy in color Mezen painting, which originated in the North of the country, is not accidental. It is natural and constant desire of the peoples of sunny Central Asia to a bright multi-color palette and in ceramics, and in carpet weaving, and in mosaics. Peoples often borrowed from each other the technique of execution, recipes for finishing products and even their shape. But each time, having got into new conditions, the borrowed elements were processed in the spirit of national traditions or acquired a new sound due to the original national basis of products.

Folk applied art often absorbs certain achievements in the work of professional craftsmen. Known, in particular, the role of painters of the late XIX - early XX century in the activities of the Moscow region and Smolensk art crafts, in the revival of the Vyatka toys, in the development of small bone plastics.

The main type of material for artistic crafts in the forest regions of the country from ancient times to the present day is wood. The handwriting of its processing is very different, for example, carving in Sergievsky Posad, Bogorodsky (Bogorodsk carving) and Khotkovo, turning with coloring in Semenov, Khokhloma and Rorodets. For a long time, the technique of inlaying wood with metal, colored stones, shell mother-of-pearl, “tortoise”, as well as the technique of intarsia - a set of pictures or ornaments on the surface of objects and boards from different-colored pieces of wood of different species, including valuable imported ones, has also been used for a long time.

In the central strip of the country, many products were produced from the vine of bird cherry and willow - in Kostroma, Kineshma, in the Ivanovo region. Birch bark was also used almost everywhere, from which beetroots (tueski) were made for water, milk and kvass, nabirukha, or baskets, for berries and mushrooms, boxes and pesteri (a type of shoulder box). For the manufacture of various household products and toys, straw of cereal plants was also used (in the Baltic states and in the south - reeds, in the Caucasus - bamboo).

Making pottery has always been one of the most common crafts throughout the country. From century to century, it has been improved: they have learned to select varieties of clay, knead it with additives, burn it under various conditions, pour glass, paint, stamp. Depending on the resources of raw materials and fuel, specialization appeared: pottery is produced in Skopin, Balkhar, Dymkovo, Chernigov, etc., majolica - in Gzhel, Kosovo, etc., faience and porcelain - on the Upper Volga.

Clothing decoration is one of the most massive and original types of creativity among all the peoples of our country. Fabric, which is almost always the main material for the manufacture of clothing, is subjected to a wide variety of artistic finishes. An ornament from carved boards (a heel) is stuffed onto it, it is painted, embroidered, including pearls and beads, corrugated, decorated with knitted lace (Vologda, Vyatka, Yelets, Ryazan, etc.). There was a craft of patterned weaving in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Woolen knitting has long been widespread in the Baltic States, Ukraine and the Caucasus.

Carpet weaving, initially appearing in the nomadic economy, was adopted and developed by settled peoples. In the North, carpets were made from skins, in Kazakhstan and in the mountainous Caucasus - felted.

Among the sedentary agricultural peoples of Central Asia, Ukraine and others, a busy woven carpet, hand-woven on large looms, reaches a high level of perfection.

The north of the country was famous for products made of fur and leather. They were embroidered with colored thread, beads, beads. Often fur, leather and cloth were combined in one product. Leather was dyed and embossed here (in the Baltics), often tinting the embossed ornament.

Like clay products, metal products have been widely used since ancient times as a product of folk craft. Metal was forged, bent, poured, minted, engraved, inked. Tin products in Zhostovo were signed. A fairly large range of household products was made from metal, gradually expanding. Often, decorative metal parts, mainly from sheet and strip iron, were used as building decorations with a useful function: chimneys, aquarius, door fittings, etc. They were also widely used in furniture.

In the northern regions of the country (Kholmogory, Tobolsk, Yakutia), a prominent place was occupied by small bone sculpture, engraving on walrus tusks, and carved bone for decorating small utensils. During the excavations of ancient Novgorod, many bone items were also found, including chess pieces. To the south, for example, near Moscow in Khotkovo, but especially in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus (Kislovodsk, the villages of Dagestan, etc.), there is still a trade for processing horn.

Amber craft occupies a prominent place in the Baltic republics to this day. Since ancient times, the Baltic States has been a supplier of amber to the whole world. The Polish writer J. Makhovsky in his book "The History of Sea Piracy" wrote that filibusters, corsairs, privateers specifically hunted for ships that were going from the Baltic to Egypt with a cargo of amber. In Palanga, in the Tyszkiewicz Palace, an amber museum has now been established.

Later, other crafts began to develop stone processing (Urals, Altai) and the manufacture of glassware (Leningrad, Gus-Khrustalny, etc.).

In the Central regions of Russia at the end of the 19th century, on the basis of icon painting and paintwork, a wonderful lacquer miniature began to appear on small caskets and later on small scarves (Fedoskino, Palekh, Mstera, Kholuy). This is one of the examples of the relatively recent emergence of a new genre in folk arts and crafts. Gypsum casting (piggy banks in the form of cats, figurines), popular prints, etc., also became very widespread. It should also be noted that, apparently, ancient types of art crafts, such as painting eggs (Ukraine, southern Russia) and baking curly and patterned carved gingerbread ( Tula, Moscow, etc.).

In general, the diversity of fisheries is extraordinary. They appear, in fact, where there is some kind of free material and, of course, a certain artistic idea. Today, one can sometimes see on the market, for example, relatively slightly processed (without a plot) influxes on tree trunks, interesting and somewhat reminiscent of plant roots, etc. The fame of Russian masters of art crafts has long become worldwide. Our country is rich in artistic talents. Only in the Russian Federation now more than 70 thousand craftsmen work. Among them are prominent artists such as Hero of Socialist Labor, People's Artist of the USSR N. Zinoviev, lacemaker N. Vasilyeva, People's and Honored Artists of the RSFSR Palesha B. Ermolaev, master of Khokhloma painting O. Lushina, Kubachin R. Alikhanov and many others. Over the past few years, more than 30 folk crafts artists have become laureates of the I.E. Repin. Exhibitions of folk art are organized in different cities of the country.

A huge role in replenishing the cadres of masters of art crafts belongs to the modern school and preschool institutions, fruitfully working in it artists-teachers, many of whom are themselves enthusiasts of arts and crafts based on folk traditions.

2. Tasks for acquaintance in kindergarten

The task of developing the creativity of children, educators, teachers, university professors was put forward as one of the central tasks of the entire education system in our country.

The development of creativity in a society that rejects the "spiritual monopoly" is becoming one of the primary tasks of educating the younger generation. Today, the need to form a new person is emphasized, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.

The tasks of restructuring the system of public education in the country, set in the documents of the reform of general education and vocational schools, including its first link - preschool institutions, require the development of independence, initiative and creativity of children in all areas of their activity. This work should begin from early childhood and be carried out by various means, among which a special place belongs to artistic and creative activities. One of these activities is arts and crafts. It starts getting attention early.

In the classroom for decorative and applied painting, aesthetic perception, representation, aesthetic feelings develop. Sensory experience is accumulated, speech is enriched. Children develop thought processes: comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization. Recently, the importance of classes in decorative and applied painting in kindergarten has been emphasized for the formation of collective forms of work, the ability to work together, act in concert, together, and help comrades. The ability to rejoice at the successes of each pupil, the achievements of the entire team of the group develops. All this creates the basis for the further education of true collectivism, mutual exactingness and, at the same time, comradely mutual assistance.

Teaching decorative and applied painting to preschoolers contains great potential opportunities for the comprehensive development of the child. However, these opportunities can be realized only when children gradually master this activity in accordance with age characteristics and receive satisfaction from it. If the children do not feel joy from what they have created, if the creative process does not cause them a good mood, but on the contrary, the children will experience dissatisfaction, disappointment that what they have planned does not work out, then this will gradually lead to a loss of interest in painting, and then they influence on the comprehensive development of the personality will not be with a plus sign, but with a minus sign. In this regard, we were faced with the task of finding ways to optimize activities in order to increase its impact on the comprehensive upbringing of the child's personality, the development of his abilities and creative potential.

Of exceptional importance in the spiritual development of preschool children, in their labor and aesthetic education, in preparing them for work in the national economy, is arts and crafts. Folk arts and crafts is an integral part of culture, actively influences the formation of artistic tastes.

The high spiritual and ideological significance of folk arts and crafts has a powerful influence on the formation of the inner world of children. Systematic classes in various types of artistic processing of materials have a beneficial effect on the development of the aesthetic taste of children and, at the same time, are associated with the acquisition of the skills necessary for their further work. The technological process of processing materials is based on industrial equipment and at the same time is impossible without the use of hand tools, the ability to master the techniques of carpenter, turner, miller, puncher, welder, solderer, moulder, electrician, blacksmith and many others. Being engaged in the artistic processing of materials, preschoolers master the skills of these specific professions, acquiring the skills of a creative approach to the performance of labor operations.

Various types of artistic processing of materials make children involuntarily come into contact with technical and technological tasks. Thanks to interest in these activities, enthusiasm for them, industriousness and perseverance in work are brought up. Through the process of creating beautiful, aesthetically justified products of arts and crafts, gradually, unobtrusively, but very productively, love for various professions is instilled in children.

Classes in arts and crafts combine the foundations of many sciences that are of primary importance in the polytechnical development of children.

Decorative and applied arts, like no other type of educational and creative work of preschoolers, allows, simultaneously with equipping them with technical knowledge, developing their labor skills and abilities, psychological and practical preparation for work, for choosing a profession, to reveal the beauty, the enormous spiritual value of products of folk craftsmen, their high skill and art, to form an aesthetic taste and an aesthetic ideal.

Thus, the specificity of arts and crafts, expressed in the unity of the form and practical purpose of a decorative thing, in the unity of labor skills, skills and artistic and aesthetic taste, allows for an integrated approach to the organization of classes in arts and crafts in kindergarten, determines the organic unity of labor and aesthetic education of preschool children. This unity is also due to the modern requirement of international standards in industrial products, which is expressed not only in a highly efficient level of workflow, but also in the requirements of technical aesthetics.

The greatest educational effect is given by the acquaintance of preschoolers with the arts and crafts of folk art crafts.

The products of folk craftsmen are distinguished by their sense of material, the organic unity of the utilitarian (practical orientation) of a thing with its decor, national color, and high moral and aesthetic merits. There is so much educational charge in folk art (not only in finished products that please the eye, but also in the process itself, in the technology of their creation), that the question naturally arises of its most active use in working with preschoolers.

The task of the educator is to guide the creative process of preschoolers, orienting them to the study of samples of folk arts and crafts. The principle of focusing on folk art should form the basis of the content of classes with preschoolers in various areas of arts and crafts.

3. Programs for teaching arts and crafts

Scientific interest in folk art as a means of education in Russian pedagogy has especially increased in the last two decades. It was at this time that historical and pedagogical works appeared, highlighting the problems of folk pedagogy, including issues of aesthetic education.

Scientists rightly note that the growth in the number and expansion of the number of historical and pedagogical research on folk issues that have occurred in recent decades is one of the largest achievements of historical and pedagogical science. The importance of these studies cannot be overestimated. Only with their help can all the complexity and diversity of the process of development of the national school and pedagogy be revealed in the organic unity of the all-Russian, national and regional manifestations of this.

Recently, publications and Ph.D.

Dissertation works of the 90s reflect different levels of adaptation of the achievements of pedagogical theory and the achievements of art history in the content of aesthetic education and training. It is important to note that the studies concern the main links in the system of aesthetic education and training of children and adolescents.

So, Ph.D. thesis of S.V. Maksimova "The role of folk applied art in the artistic development of children aged 5-7 years" is devoted to determining the meaning and place of children's fine arts using samples of Russian folk arts and crafts in the system of aesthetic education in kindergarten.

When developing the problems of the continuity of the visual activity of kindergarten children and younger schoolchildren, this study may be useful for determining further ways of the most effective pedagogical influence on the development of children's creativity under the influence of folk applied art.

Several dissertations (R. Khasanov, Ya.A. Savzonov, L.N. Lyubarskaya, V.S. Belova) are devoted to the methodology of teaching decorative drawing on the basis of folk art in primary school.

In a study by R. Khasanov and Ya.A. Savzonov on the material of the folk art of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, a sequence of tasks was tested, devoted to the study of the specifics of oriental ornament in decorative work with younger schoolchildren.

In the dissertation of L.N. Lyubarskaya "Development of artistic and creative activity among younger schoolchildren in the process of fine arts" on the material of Ukrainian folk painting shows the process of formation of abilities for aesthetic assimilation of reality and needs for productive aesthetic activity through the development of a sense of decorativeness in schoolchildren of I - III classes.

Research by B.S. Belova "Ways to improve the methods of teaching fine arts in the training of primary school teachers (decorative drawing in relation to the faculties of pedagogy and methods of primary education)" is aimed at solving an important problem - identifying ways to more successfully solve the pedagogical task of improving aesthetic education and education of a primary school teacher to guide the fine children's activities.

It is important that in the work of B.S. Belov, for this purpose, effective ways of solving visual problems in decorative and applied arts with the wide involvement of the folk art of the Mari Republic are shown, which contribute to the revitalization of visual activity in general.

In his Ph.D. thesis, D.G. Pilipenko "Study of the aesthetic and educational opportunities for decorative art in kindergarten" reflects some provisions on the importance of folk art in the aesthetic education and training of preschoolers when the author determines an approximate systematization of certain types of decorative and artistic activities of children of the older and younger groups.

4. Methods of introducing children to arts and crafts

The different goals facing the academic subjects "fine art" and "artistic work" also determine different approaches in the aesthetic understanding of folk art materials. Thus, acquaintance with arts and crafts in kindergartens located in places of traditional arts and crafts is aimed at mastering the basics of arts and crafts by children. In the practice of dating in kindergartens of this type, there are excellent examples of solving the indicated goals. For example, the experience of a kindergarten in the village of Kubachi in the implementation of a system of educational and creative work in the classroom for artistic work in mastering the skill of artistic metal processing. The team of educators in their work relies on a set of methodological materials: a proven program of artistic work, albums, books, tables dedicated to the history of Kubachi art. Educational work is not limited to the classroom. Appreciate and respect the work of a folk master is taught here in everyday life. The experience of folk pedagogy of the Kubachins, when for many centuries in every family the father passed on the secrets of processing expensive materials to his son, found a modern transformation in the aesthetic and labor education of preschoolers.

An active search for the program content of art work lessons is conducted by kindergarten teachers on the basis of art craft enterprises in the Gorky region. Thanks to the joint efforts of workers in the system of preschool education in kindergartens of the region, the study of the basics of folk artistic painting on wood is carried out with the help of folk craftsmen from the factories "Khokhloma Artist" (Semino village) and "Khokhloma Painting" (Semenov), craftsmen of wood painting in Polkhov-Maidan and Gorodets.

In understanding the aesthetic content of education in labor classes in kindergartens on the basis of folk art craft enterprises, the work of employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Art Industry is of great help to educators. For example, the two-volume book "Fundamentals of Artistic Craft". Employees of the Institute of the Art Industry are developing a series of programs for the lessons of artistic work, taking into account the specifics of the traditional technique of folk art, the established art schools of excellence.

The involvement of folk decorative art as an active means of aesthetic education in the system of decorative drawing lessons in kindergarten has its own advantages. The main ones are the broad horizons of aesthetic knowledge and the diverse aspects of the educational impact of folk art in the process of harmonic education of the personality of a preschooler.

Acquaintance with the advanced pedagogical experience of aesthetic education by means of folk decorative art in kindergartens of the Russian Federation allows us to talk about numerous examples of the implementation by educators of effective methods and techniques that reveal the features of the style of different art schools of folk art in order to more fully use the educational functions of the works of folk masters. For example, teachers of senior groups in Kostroma and the region are enthusiastically working with children on topics related to folk art painting and woodcarving. For this purpose, they get acquainted not only with the monuments of wooden architecture of their native land, but also the art of folk craftsmen from neighboring regions: Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Gorky. Thanks to pedagogical skills, small conversations in the classroom of decorative drawing turn into a series of exciting journeys to the country of beauty and goodness, created by the hands of folk craftsmen,

In kindergartens in Zagorsk, Moscow Region, a center for the production of traditional Russian wooden toys, teachers conduct classes in a variety of ways based on the art of Russian toys. Many educational opportunities open up before the kindergarten to promote Russian folk art in collaboration with the staff of the Zagorsk State Museum-Reserve.

An inexhaustible wealth of artistic ideas is fraught with the study of folk costume, and, as practice shows, two directions in the development of this theme are especially promising. The study of the history of the folk costume of the native land and the interpretation of motifs in the illustration of legends, historical events of the region, the creation of souvenirs. This approach is reflected in the work of kindergarten teachers in the city of Pavlovo, Gorky region. Another interpretation of the topic is related to the study of the current center of folk art crafts, the production of which is associated with the use of folk aesthetic traditions in modern costume. Such work is carried out by specialist educators in the city of Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region, where the famous printed Pavlovian shawls, shawls, and printed woolen shawls are produced.

5. Practical part

We consider the construction of a new system of educational and creative tasks based on folk decorative art as the construction of a part of the system of classes in fine arts in kindergarten as a whole. The system of studying fine arts, like any methodological system, is characterized by the leading idea (goal) and didactic principles that determine the selection of the content of the program, the originality of teaching methods.

The leading goal set by society in front of our subject is to achieve a close unity of labor, moral and aesthetic education for the comprehensive development of the personality of each child. In the educational process in the classroom for decorative drawing, we see the solution to such an important state task in the implementation of a system of educational and creative tasks based on the material of folk decorative art. Such a system should serve to reveal the spiritual powers of the child, be effective for the aesthetic development of the personality of the preschooler, and activate the children's decorative creativity.

The social order of modern society should be reflected in the content of teaching decorative drawing by means of folk arts and crafts. To this end, we took into account the unity of the content and procedural aspects of education from the point of view of didactics, the development of the current state of teaching fine arts in kindergarten. This gave us reason to determine the following leading factors for building a system of educational and creative tasks:

Systematic and integrated planning of educational goals and objectives in the classroom of decorative drawing;

Systematic selection of works of folk arts and crafts, objects of reality for aesthetic knowledge and decorative work of children;

Differentiation of methods, techniques of pedagogical guidance, methods of stimulation both by the process of aesthetic knowledge and by the decorative work of children;

Accounting for the assessment of the levels of aesthetic education based on the results achieved by children in decorative work.

Taking into account the named methodological prerequisites in the construction of a system of educational and creative tasks allowed us to highlight the essential aspects of the educational process at the level: types of decorative work of children; leading aesthetic knowledge and forms of aesthetic knowledge; intersubject and intrasubject communications; volume of graphic skills and abilities.

Based in the study of folk art on the implementation of the most important didactic principles, we sought to generalize methodological techniques, determine the place and significance of the artistic analysis of folk art in the classroom of decorative drawing, as well as to develop criteria for the levels of aesthetic education of children, keeping in mind the ultimate goal of effective creative development preschooler personality.

Fundamentally important in this system is the unity of aesthetic knowledge and the content of decorative work (labor activity) of children on the basis of folk arts and crafts, and such methodological techniques are developed that stimulate the creative creation of independent compositions by children, and not a simple imitation of the methods of folk art. For this purpose, folk painting of Gorodets, Polkhovsky Maidan, Khostov, Khokhloma, clay Dymkovo and Filimonovo toys, wooden folk toys, household products of the masters of the North, embroidered products from Ryazan, Vladimir, Torzhok, works of masters of artistic varnishes Palekh are involved in decorative drawing classes. In working with children, the aesthetic knowledge of preschoolers is deepened and systematized on the basis of acquaintance with the folk ceramics of Gzhel, Skopin, with folk heeling, folk engraving - popular prints.

The concretization of the essential aspects of the educational process in the classroom for decorative drawing, conducted on the basis of a system of educational and creative tasks, can be seen in the dynamics of the forms of aesthetic knowledge and types of decorative work of children (Table I).

Table 1

Approximate forms of aesthetic knowledge of children Examples of decorative work

1. Familiarization with the floral pattern in the products of the masters of modern Gorodets and Polkhovsky Maidan.

2. The concept of pattern, rhythm.

3. The simplest techniques of folk hand painting (berry by poking; a leaf by applying a brush; decorative flower "rosan").

4. Interpretation of techniques.

Independent execution of the design of sketches of objects, in the decoration of which the simplest ornamental compositions are possible: alternation of elements in a strip (for decorating the back of a children's high chair, window casing of a fairy-tale house, an ornamented frieze strip for decorating a room, etc.).

1. Acquaintance with Russian matryoshka, with Russian wooden and clay toys.

2. Elementary concepts about the unity of practical purpose, design and pattern (ornamental composition).

3. Elementary concepts about creating a decorative image based on the processing and generalization of objects of reality.

4. The simplest techniques of folk brush painting.

5. Interpretation of techniques.

Independent implementation of sketches of toys. Painting toys made in labor classes, according to sketches.

1. Familiarization with the plot-decorative painting in the household items of the masters of the North, in the lacquer miniature of Palekh.

2. Aesthetic, assessment of the phenomena of reality in a decorative way.

3. Techniques of folk painting, the significance of the silhouette as a means of decorative composition.

Independent execution of sketches of artistic items, in the decoration of which the simplest plot-decorative compositions are possible: painting a kitchen cutting board, painting a commemorative cup, painting a souvenir box for Russian gingerbread, etc.

1. Acquaintance with the works of the masters of folk ceramics Gzhel, Skopin.

2. The concept of the connection between the practical purpose of ceramic products and pictorial elements in the form of an artistic thing as a whole.

3. Further insight into the creation of a decorative image based on the processing of the forms of real animals and birds.

Independent execution of sketches of artistic items based on the unity of the decorative image and the practical purpose of the subject: a sketch of a figurative vessel, butter dish, teapot, candlestick, figurine for a fountain in a children's park, etc.

List of used literature

    Belyaev T.F. Exercises for the development of spatial representations of students. - M., 1989.

    Moran A. History of arts and crafts. - M., 1986.

    Fundamentals of decorative art at school. - M., 1981.

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