A small encyclopedic article about in and out. Biography of Dahl Vladimir Ivanovich: interesting facts from life and photos


Born in the Yekaterinoslav province in the Lugansk plant. The son of a linguist and physician, a Dane by nationality, Ivan Matveyevich Dahl, and a German, Maria Khristoforovna, nee Freitag.

He was educated in the Naval Cadet Corps in Kronstadt, after which he served in the Black Sea Fleet for several years. In 1826 he left the service. He continued his education at the University of Dorpat at the Faculty of Medicine. He served as a military surgeon, participated in a campaign against the Poles, Turks. After the war, he entered the St. Petersburg military land hospital as an intern. In medicine, he was a specialist in ophthalmology and homeopathy.

He began his literary activity in 1832 with the publication of Russian Fairy Tales. The book caused displeasure of the authorities, and the writer was arrested. Thanks to the intercession of V.A. Zhukovsky, everything ended well, but Dahl could not publish under his own name for several more years. By the name of his native city, he often used the pseudonym Cossack Lugansk.

because of close attention III of the gendarme department was forced to go to serve in Orenburg, where he worked for seven years. In 1837 he accompanied the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II, on his journey around the region.

Since the end of the 1830s. Dahl published many works on ethnography, vocabulary and dialects of the Russian language, textbooks on botany and zoology, essays on Russian life, novels and short stories.

In 1839-1840. participated in the Khiva military campaign, after which he returned to St. Petersburg. Since 1841, the secretary of the Deputy Minister of appanages. In 1849-1859. was the manager of the Nizhny Novgorod specific office. From 1859 he lived in Moscow, in a house near Presnensky Ponds (Bolshaya Gruzinskaya street, 4/6). A.F. Pisemsky, S.T. Aksakov with his sons and others.

In 1861-1868. Dahl's main creation was published - " Dictionary living Great Russian language”, materials for which he began to collect while still being a naval doctor. In 1868, the ethnographer was elected an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Dahl was one of the initiators and organizers of the Russian Geographical Society.

Living in St. Petersburg, Vladimir Ivanovich was close to many writers and poets of his time: V.A. Zhukovsky, I.A. Krylov, N.V. Gogol, Prince V.F. Odoevsky. Was a friend of A.S. Pushkin. After the poet was wounded in a duel, Dal was inseparably at the bedside of the dying man, and after his death, he received a ring and a frock coat, shot during the duel, in memory of Pushkin.

Dahl was married twice. The first time since 1833 on Julia Andre, who died young of consumption. Had a son Leo, an architect. The second time he married in 1840 to Ekaterina Lvovna Sokolova, from whom he had daughters: Olga; Maria - married to a Bulgarian emigrant Konstantin Stanishev; Catherine. Dahl's passion for the gypsy Cassandra is known, whom he bought out while serving in Iasi, and later dedicated the story "Gypsy" to her.

At the end of his life he became interested in spiritualism. Before his death, he converted to Orthodoxy. Died in Moscow. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, whose biography will be described in this article, is a Russian scientist and writer. He was a corresponding member of the Physics and Mathematics Department of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. He was one of the 12 founders of the Russian Geographical Society. He knew at least 12 languages, including several Turkic ones. He was best known for compiling the Explanatory Dictionary of the Great Russian Language.

A family

Vladimir Dal, whose biography is well known to all fans of his work, was born in 1801 on the territory of modern Lugansk (Ukraine).

His father was Danish and Russian name Ivan took along with Russian citizenship in 1799. Ivan Matveyevich Dal knew French, Greek, English, Yiddish, Hebrew, Latin and German was a physician and theologian. His linguistic abilities were so high that Catherine II herself invited Ivan Matveyevich to St. Petersburg to work in the court library. He later went to Jena to train as a doctor, then returned to Russia and obtained a medical license.

In St. Petersburg, Ivan Matveyevich married Maria Freitag. They had 4 boys:

  • Vladimir (born 1801).
  • Carl (b. 1802). He served in the Navy all his life, had no children. Buried in Nikolaev (Ukraine).
  • Pavel (born 1805). He suffered from consumption and, due to poor health, lived with his mother in Italy. Didn't have children. He died young and was buried in Rome.
  • Leo (year of birth unknown). He was killed by Polish rebels.

Maria Dahl knew 5 languages. Her mother was a descendant of an old family of French Huguenots and studied Russian literature. Most often she translated into Russian the works of A. V. Iffland and S. Gesner. Maria Dahl's grandfather is a pawnshop official, a collegiate assessor. In fact, it was he who forced the father of the future writer to get the medical profession, considering it one of the most profitable.


Primary education Vladimir Dal, whose brief biography is in textbooks on literature, received at home. Parents from childhood instilled in him a love of reading.

At the age of 13, Vladimir, together with younger brother entered the Petersburg Cadet Corps. There they studied for 5 years. In 1819, Dahl graduated as a midshipman. By the way, he will write about his studies and service in the navy 20 years later in the story "Midshipman Kisses, or look back tenaciously."

Having served in the Navy until 1826, Vladimir entered the medical faculty of Dorpat University. He made a living giving Russian lessons. Due to lack of funds, he had to live in an attic closet. Two years later, Dahl was enrolled in state-owned pupils. As one of his biographers wrote: "Vladimir plunged headlong into his studies." He especially leaned on Latin language. And for his work on philosophy, he was even awarded a silver medal.

I had to interrupt my studies with the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war in 1828. Plague cases increased in the Transdanubian region, and the army in the field needed to be strengthened medical service. Vladimir Dal, whose brief biography is known even to foreign writers, passed the exam for a surgeon ahead of schedule. His dissertation was entitled "On a successful method and on a latent ulceration of the kidneys."

Medical practice

During the battles of the Polish and Russian-Turkish companies, Vladimir showed himself to be a brilliant military doctor. In 1832, he got a job as an intern at the St. Petersburg hospital and soon became a well-known and respected doctor in the city.

P. I. Melnikov (Dal's biographer) wrote: “Departing from surgical practice, Vladimir Ivanovich did not leave medicine. He found new passions - homeopathy and ophthalmology.

military activity

Biography Dahl, summary which shows that Vladimir always achieved his goals, describes the case when the writer showed himself as a soldier. This happened in 1831 when General Ridiger was crossing the (Polish company). Dahl helped build a bridge over it, defended it, and after crossing it, destroyed it. For non-fulfillment of direct medical duties, Vladimir Ivanovich received a reprimand from his superiors. But later, the tsar personally awarded the future ethnographer with the Vladimir Cross.

First steps in literature

Dahl, whose brief biography was well known to his descendants, began his literary activity from scandal. He composed an epigram on Craig - the commander-in-chief of the Black Sea Fleet and Yulia Kulchinskaya - his civil wife. For this, Vladimir Ivanovich was arrested in September 1823 for 9 months. After the trial, he moved from Nikolaev to Kronstadt.

In 1827, Dahl published his first poems in the Slavyanin magazine. And in 1830 he revealed himself as a prose writer in the story "Gypsy", published in the Moscow Telegraph. Unfortunately, within the framework of one article it is impossible to tell in detail about this wonderful work. If you want to get more information, you can refer to thematic encyclopedias. Reviews of the story can be in the section "Vladimir Dal: Biography". The writer also compiled several books for children. Biggest Success used "First Pervinka", as well as "Different Pervinka".

Confession and second arrest

As a writer, Vladimir Dal, whose biography is well known to all schoolchildren, became famous thanks to his book Russian Tales, published in 1832. The rector of the Derpt Institute invited his former student to the Department of Russian Literature. Vladimir's book was accepted as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Now everyone knew that Dahl was a writer whose biography is an example to follow. But trouble happened. The work was rejected by the Minister of Education himself as unreliable. The reason for this was the denunciation of the official Mordvinov.

Dahl's biography describes this event as follows. At the end of 1832, Vladimir Ivanovich made a detour around the hospital where he worked. People in uniform came, arrested him and took him to Mordvinov. He attacked the doctor with vulgar abuse, waving "Russian Fairy Tales" in front of his nose, and sent the writer to prison. Zhukovsky helped Vladimir, who at that time was the teacher of Alexander, the son of Nicholas I. Zhukovsky described to the heir to the throne everything that happened in an anecdotal light, describing Dahl as modest and talented person, awarded medals and orders for military service. Alexander convinced his father of the absurdity of the situation and Vladimir Ivanovich was released.

Acquaintance and friendship with Pushkin

Any published biography of Dahl contains a moment of acquaintance with the great poet. Zhukovsky repeatedly promised Vladimir that he would introduce him to Pushkin. Dal got tired of waiting and, taking a copy of the "Russian Fairy Tales", which were withdrawn from sale, went to introduce himself to Alexander Sergeevich on his own. Pushkin, in response, also presented Vladimir Ivanovich with a book - "The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda." Thus began their friendship.

At the end of 1836, Vladimir Ivanovich arrived in St. Petersburg. Pushkin visited him many times and asked about linguistic findings. The poet really liked the word “creep out” heard from Dahl. It meant the skin that snakes and snakes shed after wintering. During the next visit, Alexander Sergeevich asked Dahl, pointing to his coat: “Well, is my crawl out good? I won't crawl out of it soon. I will write masterpieces in it!” In this frock coat he was in a duel. In order not to cause unnecessary suffering to the wounded poet, the “creep out” had to be flogged. By the way, even Dahl's biography for children describes this case.

Vladimir Ivanovich took part in the treatment of the mortal wound of Alexander Sergeevich, although the poet's relatives did not invite Dahl. Learning that a friend was badly wounded, he came to him himself. Pushkin was surrounded by several distinguished doctors. In addition to Ivan Spassky (the Pushkins' family doctor) and court physician Nikolai Arendt, three more specialists were present. Alexander Sergeevich joyfully greeted Dahl and asked with a plea: “Tell the truth, am I going to die soon?” Vladimir Ivanovich answered professionally: "We hope that everything will be fine and you should not despair." The poet shook his hand and thanked him.

Being a gift, he gave Dal his gold ring with an emerald, with the words: "Vladimir, take it as a keepsake." And when the writer shook his head, Alexander Sergeevich repeated: “Take it, my friend, I am no longer destined to compose.” Subsequently, Dahl wrote about this gift to V. Odoevsky: “As soon as I look at this ring, I immediately want to create something decent.” Dahl visited the poet's widow in order to return the gift. But Natalya Nikolaevna did not accept him, saying: “No, Vladimir Ivanovich, this is for your memory. And yet, I want to give you his frock coat pierced by a bullet. It was the crawl-out frock coat described above.


In 1833, Dahl's biography was marked important event: he took Julia Andre as his wife. By the way, Pushkin himself knew her personally. Julia conveyed her impressions of her acquaintance with the poet in letters to E. Voronina. Together with his wife, Vladimir moved to Orenburg, where they had two children. In 1834, the son Leo was born, and 4 years later, the daughter Yulia. Together with his family, Dahl was transferred as an official for special assignments under the governor V. A. Perovsky.

Ovdovev, Vladimir Ivanovich remarried in 1840 to Ekaterina Sokolova. She gave birth to a writer three daughters: Maria, Olga and Catherine. The latter wrote memoirs about her father, which were published in 1878 in the Russky Vestnik magazine.


In 1838, for the collection of collections on the fauna and flora of the Orenburg region, Dal was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences at the department of natural sciences.


Anyone who knows Dahl's biography knows about the writer's main work, the Explanatory Dictionary. When it was assembled and processed to the letter "P", Vladimir Ivanovich wanted to retire and fully concentrate on working on his brainchild. In 1859, Dahl moved to Moscow and settled in the house of Prince Shcherbaty, who wrote The History of the Russian State. In this house passed final stages work on a dictionary, which is still unsurpassed in volume.

Dahl set himself tasks that can be expressed in two quotes: “The living language of the people should become a treasure trove and a source for the development of competent Russian speech”; " General definitions concepts, objects and words - this is an impossible and useless task. And the more everyday and simpler the subject, the more intricate it is. The explanation and transmission of the word to other people is much more intelligible than any definition. And examples help to clarify the matter even more.

To achieve this great goal, the linguist Dahl, whose biography is in many literary encyclopedias, spent 53 years. Here is what Kotlyarevsky wrote about the dictionary: “Literature, Russian science and the whole society received a monument worthy of the greatness of our people. Dahl's work will be the pride of future generations."

In 1861, for the first editions of the Imperial Dictionary geographical society awarded Vladimir Ivanovich with the Konstantinovsky medal. In 1868 he was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences. And after the publication of all volumes of the dictionary, Dal received the Lomonosov Prize.

Last years

In 1871, the writer fell ill and invited an Orthodox priest on this occasion. Dahl did this because he wanted to take communion according to the Orthodox rite. That is, shortly before his death, he converted to Orthodoxy.

In September 1872, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, whose biography was described above, died. He was buried with his wife for six years later, his son Leo was also buried there.

In 1805 the family moved to the city of Nikolaev.

Vladimir Dal was educated at home and wrote poetry as a child. In 1815 he entered the Naval Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg. Dahl later described his studies in the corps in the story Midshipman Kisses, or look back tenaciously (1841).

In 1819, after completing his studies in the corps, he was sent to serve as a midshipman in the Black Sea Fleet. At this time, Dahl began to write dialect words and began the main work of his life - the creation of the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language".

In 1826 he retired and entered the medical faculty of the University of Dorpat (now the University of Tartu).

In 1829, Dahl defended his thesis and was sent to Russian-Turkish war in the army, where he worked as a surgeon in a field hospital. After the end of the war, he continued to serve as a military doctor and epidemiologist.

In 1831, Dahl participated in the Polish campaign and distinguished himself during the crossing of General Fyodor Ridiger across the Vistula near the town of Yuzefov. In the absence of an engineer, he built a bridge (military engineering skills obtained in cadet corps), defended it during the crossing and then destroyed it himself. For failure to fulfill "his direct duties," Dal received a reprimand from the leadership of the medical service of the corps. For this feat, through the efforts of General Ridiger, Dahl received a diamond ring and the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree.

After the end of the war, Vladimir Dal became an intern at the St. Petersburg military land hospital and became close friends with the poets and writers Alexander Pushkin, Vasily Zhukovsky, Ivan Krylov, Nikolai Yazykov, and Prince Vasily Odoevsky.

Vladimir Dahl's first story "The Gypsy" was published in 1830.

Later, in the 1830s and 1840s, he published essays under the pseudonym Cossack Lugansky.

In 1832, he published a collection of "Russian fairy tales from folk oral tradition to a civil diploma, adapted to everyday life and decorated with walking sayings by Cossack Vladimir Lugansky. First heel." Censorship saw in the book a mockery of the government; Dahl was saved from prosecution only by his military merit.

In 1833, Dahl was sent to serve in Orenburg, where he became an official for special assignments under the military governor. During the years of his service, Dal wrote stories about the Kazakhs "Bikei and Maulina" (1836) and about the Bashkirs "The Bashkir Mermaid" (1843).

He collected collections of flora and fauna of the Orenburg province, for which in 1838 he was elected a corresponding member Imperial Academy Sciences.

All this time, Dahl did not leave medicine either, preferring ophthalmology and homeopathy - one of the first Russian articles in defense of homeopathy was published by him in Sovremennik in 1838.

In 1837, having learned about Pushkin's duel, he arrived in St. Petersburg and was on duty at the poet's bedside until his last minute. In 1841, shortly after the Khiva campaign of the Russian army (1839-1840), in which Dal took part, he moved to St. Petersburg and began working as a secretary and official for special assignments under the Minister of the Interior.

In 1849, Dahl was appointed to the position of manager of the Nizhny Novgorod specific office. In addition to direct official duties (writing peasant complaints, etc.), he performed surgical operations.

In 1859, Vladimir Dal moved to Moscow and devoted all his time to processing materials collected for the explanatory dictionary. In 1861-1862, he published a collection of proverbs of the Russian people, containing 30,000 proverbs. Dahlem also published the books "On the dialects of the Russian language" and "On the superstitions and prejudices of the Russian people." In 1861, the first volume of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language was published, containing 200 thousand words, and the first edition was completed by 1868.

For his dictionary, Dal was awarded the Lomonosov Prize of the Academy of Sciences, the Prize of the Dorpat University, and the Konstantinovsky Gold Medal of the Russian Geographical Society.

In 1868 he was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences.

AT last years In his lifetime, Dahl worked on the second edition of the dictionary, expanding the vocabulary and writing children's stories. He made an arrangement of the Old Testament "in relation to the concepts of the Russian common people", and textbooks on zoology and botany were written.

On October 4 (September 22, old style), 1872, Vladimir Dal died in Moscow. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Dahl was married twice. In 1833 Julia Andre (1816-1838) became his wife. They had two children - son Leo and daughter Julia. Widowed, in 1840 Vladimir Dal married Ekaterina Sokolova (1819-1872), daughter of the hero Patriotic War 1812. In this marriage, three daughters were born - Maria, Olga and Ekaterina.

On November 22, the birthday of Vladimir Dahl, Russia celebrates the already traditional holiday Russian Literature - Dictionary Day. On this day, numerous events are held in Russian schools dedicated to Vladimir Dahl as a symbol of Russian lexicography, and to the formation and development of a culture of using dictionaries.

In 1995, the Museum of Vladimir Dal was created in Moscow in an old wooden mansion on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street. After the death of the ethnographer, his son Lev Dal, an academician of architecture, who took part in the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, lived in this house.

The Dahl Museum was also opened in 1985 in his homeland - in Lugansk.

It became known that the State Literary Museum in Moscow will bear the name of Vladimir Dahl.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources


1 LEXICOGRAPHY AND WORKS OF VLADIMIR DAL Iskalieva A.R. Uralsk Thinking about true intelligence, they say: “The Russian room intelligent person this is a table, chair and Dal ... "Unfortunately, for a long time the name of V. Dahl was associated with me mainly with famous dictionary and a few books on our library shelf. And what admiration and pride aroused in me this amazing person when I got to know his work better! Turning to the creative heritage of V.I. Dahl, it is necessary to get acquainted with the main milestones in the life path of this remarkable figure of Russian culture. After all, it is fate, which is called a biography in encyclopedic reference books, that has a decisive influence on the formation of a person’s worldview, his views, leaves an indelible imprint on creativity. Speaking about the problem of studying the creative heritage of V.I. Dal, one cannot but touch on the analysis school programs and a Russian language textbook for a mass general education school. Undoubtedly, programs preschool institutions and elementary school provide the perception of the creative heritage of V.I. Dal, but the study of his heritage and acquaintance with the personality of a talented and wonderful person carried out in grades 5-6 of secondary school. The authors of the program already in the 5th grade, when studying the section "Vocabulary", introduce the student to the personality of V.I.Dal and his creative heritage. The section "Vocabulary" is represented by the following topics: "The vocabulary of the Russian language", "The lexical meaning of the word", "Unambiguous and polysemantic words”, “Direct and figurative meaning words”, “Homonyms”, “Synonyms”, “Antonyms”, “Common and restricted words”, “Archaisms”, “Neologisms”, “Borrowed words”, “Phraseologisms”. Already when studying the first topic of the "Vocabulary" section, it is advisable to draw the student's attention to the largest 17-volume Dictionary of Modern Russian literary language"and, looking into the history of Russian lexicography, introduce children to 4-

2 volume "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" (the latest edition of the dictionary dates back to 1998, published in Moscow by the publishing house "Russian Language"), which is primarily of great value for the study and dissemination of Russian culture. The next lesson in 5th grade is dedicated to lexical meaning words, that is, each child is given a practical opportunity to work with explanatory dictionaries. The teacher introduces children to the ways of arranging words in a dictionary, to the structure of a dictionary entry. And again, "The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V.I. into nests, and at the head of such a group of "single nests" a verb or a name is placed. The chosen way of arranging words, according to V.I. Dahl, contributes to the comprehension of the spirit of the language and reveals the laws of its word formation; 2. V.I. Dal gives the interpretation of the word not with the help of a detailed definition, but by selecting a group of synonyms and words for the word that are more or less similar in meaning; 3. as illustrative material V.I.Dal uses proverbs and sayings, short author's sayings. In this way, practical work a student with explanatory dictionaries, firstly, forms the skill of practical use of dictionaries, and secondly, will form an idea of ​​V.I. Dal’s “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” as a unique dictionary in terms of structure and cultural significance. The life of any person, and even more so of a creative, extraordinary personality, is always unique. It woven inherited from parents and achieved by their own work, combined sorrows and joys, success and failure. The life of such a talented person as V. Dal is a kind of multi-page book, leafing through which, we are approaching the comprehension of the mystery of the genius of this great Russian man. In fact, V. Dal lived more than one life. He was an excellent naval officer, a diligent university student, a brave warrior and a talented surgeon, a conscientious government official and popular writer, and of course

3, an outstanding lexicographer. Everything that V. Dahl had to do was marked by God's gift, but the most important thing is that he was a crystal-clearly honest and decent person, caring son, husband and father, faithful friend, defender of the disadvantaged and unfortunate. Now let's get acquainted with the most important stages in the life of V. Dahl. V. Dal was born in Lugansk on November 10, 1801 in the family of a doctor. His father, Johann Dahl, a Dane, was very an educated person knew many languages. Even Catherine the Second invited him to St. Petersburg for the position of a librarian. Johann Dahl responded positively to this proposal and remained in Russia. V. Dahl's mother was a German, very educated woman. Together with her husband, they created a real Russian family. Having received the profession of a doctor in Germany (he believed that in this position he would bring more benefit to Russia), Johann returned to Russia again and did not leave it anymore. V. Dahl was lucky to be born into a family of very educated, intelligent and decent parents. They gave their firstborn the old Russian name Vladimir. It’s a paradox, but at this time, when families of Russian origin spoke exclusively French, in a family created by a Dane and a German, only Russian was spoken. One day, Volodya's grandmother asked if he, like her, wanted to become a translator? The boy replied: “I don’t want to look for words all the time.” Who would have thought then that the search for words would become the main business of his life? The Daley family had to move the restless doctor Johann Dahl, the defender of the disadvantaged, irritated the local authorities. He constantly told the children: “Be proud that you are Russian!”. At the age of 13, Vladimir entered St. Petersburg, in the Naval Corps. Studying there was not easy. foreign languages, maths, exact sciences. Humiliation, beating, flogging of the guilty were practiced in the corps. by the most happy days there were exits to the sea. After graduating from the corps in 1819, Vladimir goes home. The road was very long, and it was here that he heard for the dictionary the first word uttered by the coachman to rejuvenate, which meant to become cloudy. That is, it can be assumed that it was from that day that the famous Dahl dictionary began to be created. In 1832, Dahl was a medical resident at the St. Petersburg military hospital. According to colleagues and patients, it was

4 a real healer, professional, hard worker, and most importantly, a kind and compassionate doctor. There is something in common in the profession of a doctor and a writer, perhaps an appeal to people. We know many examples of the combination of these talents (Chekhov, Veresaev, modern Y. Krelin and Dm. Pritulla, M. Chulaki) Vladimir Dahl can be safely put in this row first! In those days, anesthesia did not exist, and the success of the operation depended on the skill and speed of the surgeon. Patients often died from pain shock. V. Dal operated faster and more successfully than anyone else in the hospital. And here he did not stop working on the dictionary. Dahl writes down sayings and jokes from the words of the wounded, the number of which is increasing with great speed. At this time, he began to write his first fairy tales. He always emphasized that he needed not fairy tales, but the Russian word. The first significant book by a novice writer, the collection "Russian Tales", was published in 1832 under the pseudonym Cossack Lugansky. Dahl wrote a very kind, heartfelt preface to his first collection: “Good people, old and small, children on wooden horses, old men with sticks, girls ... Go, old and young, listen to wonderful and whimsical tales!” After the release of "Tales ...", which were enthusiastically received in literary circles, Dahl started to get into trouble. The circulation of the book was confiscated at the denunciation of ill-wishers. The secret police revealed the background of Dahl's fairy tales, which spoke of the superiority of the common people over the crooked officials, parasites and loafers. In the work of collecting material for the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V.I. Dahl, in addition to the author, many officials, friends of V.I. Dahl took part. V. I. Dal arranged the collected lexical material according to the system of word nesting, although this system was often violated by the compiler himself. encyclopedic dictionaries. The dictionary was conceived by V.I. Dahl as a thesaurus-type dictionary, but it cannot be classified as a purely descriptive, registering dictionaries, it also clearly shows signs of a normative dictionary, which is reflected, in particular, in the selection

5 and ways of describing borrowed words and expressions, exclusion of rude and obscene language, the presence of direct regulatory labels. The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language is also a reference dictionary for various branches of knowledge in the Russian language, dialectology, ethnography, history and culture. One of the features of V. I. Dahl's dictionary is its didactic focus. The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language combines the features of a dictionary for scientific purposes and a practical guide. The dictionary is a valuable resource for scientific research not only in linguistics, but also in ethnography, folklore, history, cultural studies and other branches of science, while special value present materials of the dictionary for research in the field of phraseology, dialectology, etymology, history of the Russian language. Another one distinguishing feature Dictionary of V. I. Dahl, his richest phraseological material. In various dictionary entries, V. I. Dal placed about thirty thousand proverbs. Methodically well-organized practical work with dictionaries in the Russian language lesson will ensure the successful mastering of subsequent topics in the "Vocabulary" section, in which a special place should be given to the topic "Phraseologisms". Because most of phraseological units reflects deeply folk distinctive character of the Russian language, then, continuing the conversation about folk speech creativity, it is appropriate to inform schoolchildren about the dictionary "Proverbs of the Russian people." High school students can continue to study the creative heritage of V.I. Thus, the study of the creative heritage of V.I. Dal at school provides not only a linguistic, but also an ideological, cultural aspect of studying the Russian language. From 1861 to 1862, V. I. Dal created a separate collection, which included a significant part of the phraseological units he had collected over many years, which were partially included in the Explanatory Dictionary. The collection "Proverbs of the Russian people" is built according to the thematic principle, all of its material is divided into 180 thematic groups.

6 In 1833, Dal moved to Orenburg, where he was an official for special assignments under the military governor. There he was sent to the land of the Ural Cossacks to study the situation in connection with the threat of Cossack riots. Dahl liked his new service. He traveled on horseback over a vast territory, got acquainted with different people, continued to collect material for the dictionary. It was in these places that Dahl met Pushkin. Meetings with Pushkin occupy a special village in the life of V. Dahl. This needs to be said separately. Despite the brevity of their communication, this relationship can be safely called friendship. Dal dreamed of meeting his favorite poet, showing him his fairy tales. It was after meeting Pushkin that Dal entered the literary elite of Russia. Another meeting with Pushkin took place near Orenburg. The poet traveled thousands of miles to get acquainted with the places that he was going to describe in the "History Pugachev rebellion". Dahl spent several days with Pushkin. They did not part for a minute and became close friends. He closed Pushkin's eyes, opened the body and wrote a conclusion about the cause of death. The widow gave him a ring, which Pushkin considered his talisman. And the same frock coat in which Pushkin first appeared to him in front of Dahl. Pushkin called this frock coat “crawl out”, a word given to him by Dal (a skin that a snake throws off). Dal was very upset by the death of Pushkin, and as a doctor, he constantly thought about whether it was possible to save him. Throughout his life, Dahl remained a famous writer. AT XIX years century, his stories were published in the magazines: Sovremennik, Moskvityanin. Was successful and the first big story"Bedovik", published in 1839. But main passion, the main duty of all his life was the work on the dictionary. Serving in the office, Dahl organized the collection of words for his dictionary throughout Russia. Letters came on sheets from notebooks, sometimes illiterate people of different classes sent Dahl words and sayings to the lexicographer. They were sorted out by special scribes. In the end, the collection of words supplanted its "rival" writing, and then the public service. In 1859, the family moved to Moscow to a huge, uncomfortable house on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya. Here, in this house, the final stage of work on the dictionary took place. Dahl was saved from overload by the fact that, as a doctor, knowing how to maintain his strength, he walked daily for one and a half, two hours.

7 In 1860, Dahl spoke at a meeting of the Society of Lovers Russian literature with a report on his vocabulary. By this time he was a stately white-haired man with a portly white beard. He was 60 years old at that time. Four volumes of the dictionary came out from the years. It was decided to publish the first half of the dictionary (Dal at the same time almost ruined the whole thing, saying that he might not have time to finish all the volumes). There were no funds to publish further volumes. A high-ranking official who once served with Dahl helped. He reported to Alexander II about the difficulties with the publication, and the king agreed to finance the publication of three volumes. In 1863 Dahl's dictionary was completed. The Russian Geographical Society awarded the dictionary with a gold medal. When Dahl was already in his eighties, the famous Tretyakov approached him with a proposal to paint his portrait, which he was going to order from the artist Perov, saying: “Descendants will be interested to see what was famous writer and compiler of the dictionary. "Descendants?" Dahl chuckled. How could he imagine how famous his name would be in Russia in subsequent years! In the portrait is an old man with a snow-white beard, his gaze is calm, he has completed his work, the superbly sculpted hands of the surgeon are striking. In the last years of his life, Vladimir Ivanovich prepared the 2nd edition of the dictionary (he replenished the entries of words), wrote a lot for children. Dahl died on the twenty-second of September. By this time he was already a widower. Shortly before his death, he was baptized, explaining his act to the children in a simple way: “I want to lie with my wife in the same cemetery.” But there were probably deeper reasons for this. The last word into his dictionary he dictated to his daughter (pronounced by the nurse) shortly before his death. literary heritage V. Dahl 145 stories, 62 short stories, articles and essays. Gogol noted: “Everything is true with him, each of his lines teaches me, moving closer to the knowledge of Russian life and folk life". V. Dahl's dictionary is unique. There is no such dictionary Slavic peoples. It contains more than words, from this book you can get information about all aspects of the life of the Russian people: about dwellings, households, utensils, religion, customs. Literature:

8 1. Bessarab M. Vladimir Dal. M., Dal V.I. // National history in 5 volumes. T.1. M., 1994. With Porudominsky V.V.I. Dal. M., Alefirenko N.F. Phraseological representation of the Christian worldview (on the material of East Slavic languages) // World of Orthodoxy. Issue 2. Sat. scientific articles. Volgograd, S Arkhangelsky V.L. On tasks, objects, sections of Russian phraseology as a linguistic discipline // Problems of stability and variance of phraseological units. Tula: Izdvo Tula State. ped. in-ta, S Akhmanova O.S. Essays on general and Russian lexicology. M.: Uchpedgiz, p.

Explanatory note This program compiled on the basis of the program of E.N. Tikhonova “Dictionaries as a means of knowing the world”, “Program and methodological materials. Russian language. 10 11 class, Bustard, Moscow,

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Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801-1872) writer, doctor, lexicographer, creator of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. In honor of his homeland, Lugansk took the pseudonym "Cossack Lugansk". For my biography

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Belarusian State University I APPROVE Vice-Rector for academic work A. L. Tolstik ..2016 Registration UD- / account. Russian lexicography: theory and practice Training program institutions of higher




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Annotation to the work program for training course"Russian Literature" Grade 5 (according to the program of R.I. Albetkova "Russian Literature. From Word to Literature". Bustard, 2009.) Work program of the elective

Class: 5 Hours per week: 6 Total hours: 210 p / p Calendar-thematic planning Subject: Russian language Section, topic of the lesson Number of hours on the topic Practical part of the program K R R R I term 10.6 training

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1. Explanatory note. Language is a system of verbal expression of thoughts, knowledge, ideas about the world, serving as a means of communication between people. Mastering the norms of the native language, effective use linguistic

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2. EXPLANATORY NOTE This program was developed on the basis of the author's program “Fundamentals of Russian Literature. From word to literature. For grades 5-9, edited by R. I. Albetkova. M.: Bustard, 2011.

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Belarusian State University APPROVED by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs A. L. Tolstik. RUSSIAN LEXICOGRAPHY


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Lesson topic: Great scientists - Russianists. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal -

Lexicographer and ethnographer


Educational: introduce students to the name of Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, study information from the life of a scientist, find out what the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” is, whether the dictionary is in demand in our time.

Developing: to help students see and feel the inexhaustible possibilities of the Russian language, improve vocabulary skills, improve oral and written speech, contribute to the formation of the ability to establish causal relationships, draw conclusions, summarize and process information.

Educational: to promote the education of respect for the historical heritage of the Russian language, pride in it, the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture.

Lesson type: combined.

Technologies: health-saving, competency-based approach.

Equipment: presentation of the life and work of V.I. Dahl, “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”, proverbs and sayings, leaf of wisdom.

During the classes:

There is no less life in the word, as in the person himself ... (V.I. Dal)

The word shows the exceptional ability of man

To express one's thoughts and feelings publicly, the gift to speak, to communicate intelligently ... (V.I. Dal)

I organizational moment.

II Updating knowledge:

Teacher's word about language as a living organism.

What do you know about the extraordinary person V. Dal.?

What is he famous for?

Appeal to the reproduction of the painting by V. Perov “V. I. Dal”

III Announcement of the topic and joint goal setting.

Interview with students:

Read the topic of the lesson and say what feature of the language we will consider.

Read the epigraphs and think about why we are addressing this topic today.

IV Dal is a man of encyclopedic knowledge.

Short messages, presentation:

  1. Dahl is a naval officer.
  2. Dahl is a talented doctor.
  3. Dahl is an engineer.
  4. Dahl is a scientist.
  5. Dahl is a linguist.
  6. Dahl is a writer.

V "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V.I.Dal - main work his life.

The teacher's word about the dictionary:

  1. Getting started with the dictionary. Dramatization of "Dal's Conversation with Pushkin".
  2. Popular pictures and a dictionary.
  3. Dictionary feature.
  4. Location of words in a dictionary.
  5. Techniques for interpreting words in a dictionary.

VI “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl as an encyclopedia of Russian life.

Finding out the differences between proverbs and sayings.

Appeals to the thesaurus phraseologism.

Language game "Vocabular gold":

Finish the proverb:

Do not be proud of the title ... (But be proud of the knowledge)

What is the spin ... (such is the shirt)

The soul knows the soul ... (gives heart)

There would be a drip ... (and the crow will sit down)

Do not be afraid of a smart enemy ... (be afraid of a stupid friend)

Start a proverb:

... do not fix both (What you yourself do not like)

... like a horse (Work)

... but don’t give free will to your hands (Language shallow)

... and the wife in Tver (Husband at the door).

including those presented in in electronic format on various information media), to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life ...

Thus, the ability to use various sources of information, including dictionaries of various types, is declared in the Russian Language Standards as a general educational skill, and this determines its significance and importance in the system of graduates' skills.

In the Second Generation Standards, in the fundamental core of the content of general education (Russian language)in the Language section. Culture of Speech” among the topics is the following: “Types of linguistic dictionaries and their role in mastering the vocabulary and norms of the modern Russian literary language. This involves not only acquaintance, but also learning to work with dictionaries of different types.

Thus, vocabulary culture is an indicator common culture how individual as well as the whole society.

Dahl's dictionary is not only a reference book, but also a rich collection of raw lexical and ethnographic material for studying the living Great Russian language in terms of its structure and everyday content, and, at the same time, material for the history of the Russian language. Dahl was one of the first to study Russian dialectology, and if the lack of philological training prevented him from using his rich knowledge vernacular and characterize the dialectical features familiar to him, however, his dictionary will always be a capital repository lexical wealth our modern living language and will serve as an important guide for future workers in the same field. Derpt University offered to its former pupil, Dahl, for

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