The image of a child in a work about the war. D


"... while the sun is shining, people will not forget the nationwide feat in the Great Patriotic War" Yu. O. Zbanatsky, Hero of the Soviet Union

For our generation, parents have a question: “Should we talk to children about the war?” didn't exist. The war was still a part of life, the words "before the war" and "during the war" were the most common in daily family communication. And Victory Day was not pretentious and noisy, it was not always festive either. On this day, they went to the cemetery, cried a lot, remembering the dead and that hard life which lasted 4 years.

Among the books that we read, books about the war firmly occupied the leading positions. They were cognitive, they were the main educators spiritual qualities. There were not very many books, we mostly borrowed them from school libraries, and a strict division of books into age groups did not have.

Everyone read what he could master - understand and pass through himself. The authors of these books were those who saw everything they described with their own eyes. And in those years, the question of trust in what was written in these books could not even occur to anyone.

But years have passed. We have learned that literature Soviet years was the subject of severe political censorship. We read a lot of books written in different years, lain in writers' desks and immediately became available for reading in the 80s and 90s.

It is known that there are many myths about the war - Soviet, which are still used by official propaganda, and "opposition", anti-Soviet. Researchers argue that both myths are often equidistant from the truth, sometimes they are in the middle, and sometimes they are “outside” altogether.

And the reader, especially the child, needs to be told the truth. And in this sense, it seems that it is the books written by the authors - participants in the events and published in the military and the first post-war years(maybe cleared of censorship corrections of later editions) and there are the most truthful books.

Now there are such sentiments: either - everything that is written about the war bears the stamp of the Soviet doctrine and therefore causes rejection, or - books in which human pain and tragic experiences are concentrated are unnecessarily traumatic.

Here, first to parents, and then to the most modern growing person, decide whether the theme of the Great Patriotic War is important for his reading. And it’s up to the publishers to offer the current generation best books about the war in the form of an undistorted author's text.

For the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, publishing houses have selected the best books for reprinting. CLEVER publishing house releases a series « Best War Books « , Publishing house Eksmo series "Victory Day". "Classics of military literature" , Scooter called the new "military" series - « How it was « , publishing house Speech - similar name series - " That's how it was" .

I will tell here about several writers who wrote about the war for children, whose books I read in my post-war childhood.

A.P. Gaidar

Arkady Gaidar was already at the front when his fairy tale appeared in the Murzilka magazine for 1941 "Hot Stone" . He wrote it in April of the same year, shortly before the start of World War II.

On the second day after the start of the Great Patriotic War, Arkady Gaidar began work on the script "Oath of Timur" . It was an urgent task from the Film Committee. On July 19, 1941, the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper began printing Timur's Oath.

A day later, Arkady Gaidar left for the front. At the very beginning of the war, all writers began with journalism, A. Gaidar was in the army as a correspondent " Komsomolskaya Pravda". Wrote military essays "At the Crossing", "Bridge", "At the Front Line", "Rockets and Grenades", "War and Children". In October 1941, A. Gaidar died.

Norshtein Yu. B. ( famous artist animator) to the question: - Which of the authors influenced you in childhood? - Of course, Gaidar. It's absolutely outstanding personality in literature. Today, hardly anyone can understand the phenomenon of Gaidar, who was published in a circulation of one and a half million copies. He very subtly felt the psychology of the child, was fluent in words, easily in Pushkin's way, and reading his books was a powerful literary school.

Lev Kassil and his children's books about the war

First there were stories about the war. Some of them are collected in the book Kassil Lev Abramovich "Stories about the war". The stories collected in this book were written by Lev Kassil during the Great Patriotic War. Behind each of them is a real story, they are all written on the basis of facts, they tell about what really happened.

"Tale of the Absent" . This is one of the very first works of Soviet literature, depicting the feat of the young hero of the Great Patriotic War, who gave his life to save the lives of other people. This story is written on the basis of a real event, which was mentioned in a letter sent to the Radio Committee.

"Communication line" . The story was written at the beginning of the war and is dedicated to the memory of a soldier, whose feat was mentioned in one of the front-line messages of that time.

green branch . Written at the beginning of the war on the basis of the writer's personal front-line impressions. The story is dedicated to Svetlana Leonidovna Sobinova, the wife of the writer.

"Hold on, captain!" During the war years, the writer visited hospitals where wounded children lay. The incident described in the story actually happened.

"Flammable Cargo" . This story is also based on a true story told to the author by a Stavropol teacher. But the characters actors, the very course of events and details, of course, are thought out by the writer.

"At the blackboard, Marks of Rimma Lebedeva. Written in the early years of the war, repeatedly broadcast on the radio. Also in the collection of short stories: Fedya from the submarine”, “Barabasik”, “Battery Hare” .

Clever publishing house released a book for the 70th anniversary of the victory "Street younger son» L. Kassil, M. Polyanovsky. This is a book about the hero of the Great Patriotic War, partisan boy Volodya Dubinin, who fought in a partisan detachment, died heroically along with adults ... And it was this book that stood on my bookshelf and was read almost to the holes - a favorite childhood book.

In 1944, front-line correspondent Max Polyanovsky came from the front from the liberated Kerch to the publishing house. In the hands of an unsurpassed master of reportage was a plump folder, stuffed to the laces with rough notes, clippings from army newspapers.

He came for advice and help. In the torn but unsubdued city, he learned and collected the first information about the Kerch boy, a pioneer scout, a young fighter of a partisan detachment in the Starokarantinsky quarries Volodya Dubinin.

A touching and tragic story. It is impossible not to tell the children about it. But Max Leonidovich frankly admitted: - I can't do it alone. I am not a children's writer. The publishing house staff invited a well-known children's writer: Kassil! Yes, only Kassil.

More three years their collaboration continued. Collection of materials, accumulation and study of everything that is somehow connected with the life of a young hero. Meetings, trips, inquiries. In a painful search, the plot and composition of the story were born.

"Street of the Youngest Son" was published in 1949 and at the same time received the highest state award (Stalinist). They write about this book, for example, on Wikipedia, that the authors of the book were forced to remove from the text or replace with other plants all references to cypresses at the request of the Crimean regional party committee, in connection with the campaign carried out at that time to please Stalin to cut down these trees on the peninsula.

It should also be noted that L. Kassil was a draftsman at heart. Having composed a story, novel, essay or story, he saw the "image" of his future book in all its illustrative beauty. The first edition of the book "Street of the youngest son" was designed according to the sketches of the writer.

« My dear boys « - a book about the life of teenagers in a small Volga town during the Great Patriotic War. This is a story of difficulties, dangers and adventures - fictional and very real. A story about friendship, courage and perseverance - about how you can overcome any difficulties and win in the most difficult circumstances.

"Great Confrontation" - a book about friendship and vocation, about courage, inner strength and civic duty.

An ordinary Moscow schoolgirl quite unexpectedly finds herself in the world of cinema and turns into an Ustya partisan, a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812. A few years later, the matured girl is already fighting for real: the Great Patriotic War began, and the whole country stood up to defend its borders.

“The world of the child in the book is shown very authentically. All the experiences, dreams, reasoning of the girl are told in such a way that you believe them recklessly. The narration is conducted in the first person, confidentially, easily and you forget that this is a fictional story, it is perceived as a diary of a real-life schoolgirl ... This is an honest book about pre-war-military childhood and youth, very bright, with a certain amount of romance. There is in it the first love, and the first disappointments, there are heroic pages, there are insults ... Everything is there, as in life, only there is no boredom.

This edition contains illustrations by Vladimir Leonidovich Galdyaev. The artist managed to reflect the growing up of the main character, a sincere, courageous and touching girl, to show her unusual and at the same time - extremely truthful fate.

And one more event of the war years is connected with the name of L. Kassil: on March 26, 1943, the Week of Children's Book was held in Moscow for the first time, which Lev Kassil called "Book Week" . Since 1944, this holiday has become All-Union. Children's Book Week is still held annually in schools, libraries and clubs across the country.

B. Polevoy and his "The Tale of a Real Man"

He began working as a journalist in 1928 under the patronage of Maxim Gorky. During the Great Patriotic War, B.N. Polevoy was in the army as a correspondent for Pravda. He was the first to write about the feat of the 83-year-old peasant Matvey Kuzmich Kuzmin, who repeated, according to the writer, the feat of Ivan Susanin.

Military impressions formed the basis of the books of B. Polevoy: “From Belgorod to the Carpathians” (1945), “We are Soviet people"(1948), "Gold" (1949-1950), as well as four books of military memoirs "These Four Years". Less well known are the materials about his presence at the Nuremberg trials as a correspondent for the newspaper Pravda - In the End (1969).

But the main glory to B. Polevoy and Stalin Prize brought written in 19 days, dedicated to the feat of the pilot A.P. Maresyev (in the book of Meresyev), which was published in 1946.

Meresyev was shot down in action during the Great Patriotic War. After a serious injury, doctors amputated both of his legs. But he decided that he would fly.

When Boris Polevoy's The Tale of a Real Man was published in 1946, many people learned about the legless hero pilot Alexei Maresyev. And after a film with the same name was shown on the screens of the country in mid-October 1948, Maresyev turned into a legend. He himself lived until 2001.

This book has never had claims of "untruth". Until 1954 alone, the total circulation of its publications amounted to 2.34 million copies. The story is also set opera of the same name Sergei Prokofiev.

E. Ilyina and her "Fourth Height"

The real name of the writer is Liya Yakovlevna Preis, nee Marshak, she is the sister of S. Ya. Marshak. She graduated from the verbal department of the Leningrad Institute of Art History in 1926, made her debut in print in 1925 with a story in a magazine and her first book.

Later she published in children's magazines. During the years of Stalinist repressions, she was arrested on charges of anti-Soviet activities, long years spent in camps and prisons. Author of several books, but the most famous book "The Fourth Height" about the young actress Gulya Koroleva, published in 1946.

In 1941, Gulya Koroleva was evacuated to Ufa, where she gave birth to a son and, leaving him in the care of her mother, volunteered for the front in the medical battalion. In the spring of 1942, the division went to the front in the Stalingrad region.

On November 23, 1942, during the battle, she carried 50 wounded soldiers from the battlefield, and when the commander was killed, she raised the soldiers to attack, the first broke into the enemy trench, killed 15 German soldiers and officers with several throws of grenades. She was mortally wounded, but continued to fight until reinforcements arrived.

In the preface to the book The Fourth Height, Elena Ilyina wrote:

"The history of this short life not invented. I knew the girl about whom this book was written when she was a child, I also knew her as a pioneer schoolgirl, a Komsomol member. I had to meet Gulya Koroleva in the days of the Patriotic War. And then in her life, which I did not manage to see for myself, the stories of her parents, teachers, girlfriends, and counselors made up for it. Her comrades-in-arms told me about her life at the front. I was also lucky to read her letters, starting with the earliest - on the lined pages of a school notebook - and ending with the latest, hastily written on sheets of notebook in between fights. All this helped me to learn how to see with my own eyes all of Gulin's bright and intense life, to imagine not only what she said and did, but also what she thought and felt.

L. Voronkova and her "Girl from the city"

Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova is a famous first journalist, then a writer, author of many children's books and a cycle of historical stories for children.

Her first children's book, Shurka, was published in 1940. "Girl from the City" - a story written in the harsh year of 1943. All the best in a person is most clearly manifested in years ordeals. This is confirmed by the story of the little refugee Valentinka, who found herself among strangers in an unfamiliar village. Many readers remember that this is a book about "a girl in a blue bonnet."

From the reviews:

"A very necessary book, so that the children would know what a hard life was during the war, that they would appreciate what they have and enjoy a peaceful life."

“I think this book is a must-read as a child. It's not just about war, it's about reverse side wars: not about heroism on the battlefield, but about the heroism of ordinary people, each of whom was touched by the war.

V. Kataev and his "Son of the Regiment"

By the beginning of the war, Kataev Valentin Petrovich was already an experienced well-known writer who had been publishing since the 1920s, the novel “Time, Forward!” had already been written. (1932), the well-known story "The Lonely Sail Turns White" (1936), "I, the son of the working people ..." (1937)

A story written by Valentin Kataev in 1944, for which Valentin Kataev was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1946.

The idea of ​​the story "The Son of the Regiment" began to take shape with Kataev in 1943, when he worked as a front-line correspondent. Once the writer noticed a boy dressed in a soldier's uniform: the tunic, riding breeches and boots were real, but sewn specifically for the child. From a conversation with the commander, Kataev learned that the boy - hungry, angry and feral - was found by the scouts in the dugout. The child was taken to the unit, where he took root and became his own.

Later, the writer came across similar stories more than once:

“I realized that this is not an isolated case, but typical situation: soldiers warm abandoned, homeless children, orphans who got lost or whose parents died.

The orphan boy Vanya Solntsev, by the will of fate, ended up in a military unit with scouts. His stubborn nature a pure soul and boyish courage were able to overcome the resistance of the harsh military people and helped him stay at the front, become the son of a regiment.

The image of Vanya Solntsev is charming because, having become a real soldier, the hero has not lost his childishness. It was Kataev who was the first in Soviet literature decided to tell about the war through the perception of the child. Books about heroic pioneers and the story "Street of the Youngest Son" by Lev Kassil and Max Polyanovsky appeared later.

V. Oseeva and her trilogy "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades"

Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva-Khmeleva is a children's writer. In 1924-1940 she worked as a teacher and educator in children's communes and reception centers for homeless children. During the evacuation during the Great Patriotic War, she worked as a teacher in kindergarten. She debuted with a short story in 1937, with her first book published in 1940.

With special kindness and cordiality, V. A. Oseeva warmed the works from the life of adolescents of the military and post-war period, where their amazing spiritual beauty is revealed. This is a twelve-year-old boy in the clothes of a craftsman, who dreams of replacing his older brother, who went to the front (“Andrey”), and the orphan Kocheryzhka, who found a second family, found by a soldier Vasily Voronov on the battlefield (“Kotcheryzhka”), and second-grader Tanya, respectfully referred to by those around her as Tatyana Petrovna ("Tatiana Petrovna").

In 1943, the writer began work on a book, to which she devoted several years of hard work. The trilogy "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades" is a novel-cycle of three independent books. They were originally published separately, as they were written from 1947 to 1951.

The first book is pre-war 1941.

The second book is a summer trip to Ukraine in June 1941, where the children are caught by the war. By fatal accident, not all the guys can be evacuated from the collective farm "Chervony Zirki". The pioneers who remained in the occupation actively help the partisans. Then they are evacuated.

In the third book, the guys return to hometown, help the wounded, restore the school, work in the rear.

The heroes of the book "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades" are quite ordinary boys. They have enough problems and shortcomings, they are far from perfect. They learn to be friends. Learn to forgive each other's mistakes. They learn to understand the still alien world of adults - parents and teachers. But first of all, they learn to be good people ...

In 1952, the story was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. The heroes of this book have invariably aroused the interest of each new rising generation for many years.

From the reviews:

“... in my opinion, this is one of the best books about the war, and about the participation of children in the war”, “... of course, today you understand that books are kind, but naive. They correspond to the era in which they were written, and we lived. With all the disadvantages of that time, we believed in a “bright future”, people were kinder ...”, “... a book about Vaska Trubachev, in my opinion, should be included in school curriculum high school. The story not only teaches children what good and evil are, but also vividly tells about all the hardships that children of wartime had to endure. Thanks to such books, modern children begin to appreciate what they have. “... how the book is subtly written, how well the characters of the boys are conveyed. How nicely it shows what is good and what is bad. No moralizing, the reflections of children are shown so talentedly.

A few more authors and works for children, telling about the courage and heroism shown in the war by Soviet soldiers, about heroism in the war and in the rear of adults and children

V. Kaverin(in children's literature he is best known for the novel " Two captains“, written by him in 1938-1944, there is also a large piece dedicated to the war): "From the Diary of a Tanker", "House on the Hill", "Three", "Russian Boy";

L. Sobolev: « Sea soul", "Battalion of four", "A gun without a fly" ;

K. Simonov "Infantrymen";

L. Panteleev: "On the skiff", "Marinka" ;

V. Bogomolov "Ivan";

R. Fraerman "Vanina's starling" ;

K. Paustovsky "Warm bread",

S. Zarechnaya "Eaglet"(about Alexander Chekalin) and "Warm heart" (about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya);

L. Uspensky "Skobar";

A. Beck "Panfilov's men at the first line" ;

M. Prilezhaeva "Seventh Graders" ;

N. Rakovskaya "Boy from Leningrad" ;

N. Chukovsky "Submarine chaser" ;

G. Matveev "Green Chains" .

For contemporary readers military stories are combined into collections different authors. There is, for example, this one: "From Moscow to Berlin" Children's Literature Publishing House, School Library series

The collection includes more than fifty stories by famous writers: L. Kassil, V. Kaverin, N. Tikhonov, L. Panteleev, A. Mityaev, L. Solovyov, V. Ganichev and other authors about the Great Patriotic War. Victory was forged at the front and in the rear, ordinary soldiers and famous commanders, pilots and tankers, scouts and sailors, partisans and boys who stood up for their father's machines in factories. Introduction by A. N. Tolstoy.

In 2015, a collection was published « In the name of the Great Victory. Poems and stories about the Great Patriotic War» .

The book includes poems and stories of poets and writers, eyewitnesses of the Great Patriotic War. They told us about those terrible and great events, about the heroism of a simple person.

Children read adult books

The military-heroic theme was the main one in the work of all writers in the post-war years. And it was impossible to draw a line between adult and children's literature. So:

"Star" by E. Kazakevich.

A. Tvardovsky.

"The Seagull" N. Biryukov and many other books that were not intended for schoolchildren, nevertheless, immediately entered their reading.

There were two more books on my shelf - not at all for children. But they were read many times, so I don’t remember when it was the first time, but it’s definitely still in childhood.

A. Fadeev "Young guard"

Alexander Fadeev wrote his first serious work - the story "Spill" in 1922-1923.

In 1925-1926, while working on the novel Defeat, he decided to become a professional writer. The “rout” brought fame and recognition to the young writer, but after this work he could no longer pay attention to literature alone, becoming a prominent literary leader and public figure.

His life was not at all smooth, contradictory, and his main book is also associated with many controversial discussions and events.

D. Medvedev Strong-willed»

Dmitry Nikolaevich Medvedev - commander of the partisan reconnaissance and sabotage detachment "Pobediteli", operating in the territory of Rivne and Lviv regions occupied Ukrainian SSR, colonel.

From an early age he worked at a factory, as a young man he joined the ranks of the Red Guard, took part in civil war 1918-20s. In 1920-35 he worked in bodies of the Cheka- OGPU - NKVD of Ukraine. Was on intelligence work abroad. He worked in the NKVD, but twice he was fired from there, the second time at the end of 1939, at the age of 41, he retired. In June 1941, L.P. Beria, who at one time fired Medvedev, will issue an order to reinstate him in the state security agencies.

During the Great Patriotic War, D.N. Medvedev was sent behind enemy lines to participate in the partisan movement. In August 1941, D. N. Medvedev organized in his native places - in the Bryansk forests - the partisan detachment "Mitya", which operated on the territory of the Smolensk, Oryol, Mogilev regions. In the battles, Dmitry Nikolaevich was twice wounded and shell-shocked.

Soon he receives a new responsible task: Captain Medvedev forms a group of volunteers to work deep behind enemy lines. This is how the partisan detachment "Winners" was created. Operating from June 1942 to March 1944 on the territory of the Rivne and Lvov regions of Ukraine, the detachment of D. N. Medvedev conducted 120 major battles, in which up to 2 thousand German soldiers and officers were eliminated, including 11 generals and senior state officials Nazi Germany. 81 echelons with manpower and equipment were blown up.

During the period of its activity, the "Winners" detachment created 10 new partisan detachments. Dmitry Medvedev had the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The book "Strong in spirit" (It was near Rivne) is a story about legendary scout Nikolai Kuznetsov and the heroes of past battles are interesting with documentary historical facts, imbued with the eternal memory of courageous and strong-willed people.

“It was near Rivne” , published in 1948, reprinted in the original in 1970, reprinted in an expanded and revised edition as "Strong-willed" in 1951 and since then only in the USSR it has been published more than 50 times, in 2005 last time published in Russia. There are only second-hand books on sale now, but there are many of them, and, of course, this book is in libraries.

“The main thing in the book is the truth of life. The truth is in everything: in documentary authenticity, in the absence of speculation, in the simplicity and accuracy of the language, without literary "beauties" and those overly detailed descriptions that cause mistrust. The truth is in the sincerity and interest of the author himself, for Medvedev led the people he writes about, was responsible for them with his life and honor. This interest, felt in every word, in every intonation, attaches the reader to what is happening, creates his inner connection with the author. A. Tsessarsky (one of the participants in the events).

Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov, with excellent command of German, has performed special missions as an agent since 1938. In the summer of 1942, under the name of Nikolai Grachev, he was sent to the Pobediteli special forces detachment under the command of Colonel Dmitry Medvedev, who settled near the occupied city of Rovno. The Reichskommissariat of Ukraine was located in this city.

Since October 1942, Kuznetsov, under the name of the German officer Paul Siebert, with the documents of an employee of the secret German police, conducted intelligence activities in Rovno, constantly communicated with officers of the Wehrmacht, special services, senior officials occupation authorities, passing information to the partisan detachment.

For me, this was the first book (and then films) about scouts.

At the end of the topic

For many years, one of the most active authors writing about that war for children was Sergey Alekseev. Here and on the wave of anniversary reprints of the best books from Soviet childhood On the occasion of the anniversary of the Victory, the publishing house "Children's Literature" published a series of stories by Sergei Alekseev about the Great Patriotic War.

These stories are intended for fairly young children - seven or nine years old - and maybe even 5-6 year olds will be interested. The stories are collected in six books, each of which is dedicated to one of the important events of the war:

First - Moscow battle ,

The stories in the book are small, on a page or two, large print, a lot of bright pictures, there are also maps of military operations placed on the endpapers for young historians advanced in the topic. So it turns out a fairly thorough immersion in the history of the war on the material available to elementary school students.

Sergey Alekseev depicts the war somewhere on the very thin line of a fairy tale, real history and sagas, and thus easily keeps children's attention and interest from book to book. Along the way, readers memorize new geographical names for themselves, the names of heroes and commanders, and types of weapons. And they already have a good idea of ​​​​the main events of the Great Patriotic War.

And that specific language, which at first can confuse adults with its solemnity and in some places with excessive pathos, characteristic of military books of the 50s, as they say in the reviews, does not bother children at all. Furthermore, they like it for its chanting, long phrases and strange syntax, as if it were actually an epic or a saga.

CLEVER's Best War Books series begins with a book Victor Dragunsky. Victor Dragunsky was a representative of the Moscow intelligentsia, who was not subject to conscription - he was asthmatic - and went into the militia. Got surrounded. Miraculously survived. The book "He Fell on the Grass" is an autobiographical book.

Tell us in the comments what books about the Great Patriotic War you read to children, or they read themselves. What did they like, will the children read more about this page in the history of Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former USSR.

Review prepared by Anna

Good day, dear readers! Tell me, how do you instill in your children the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland? Probably, in response, you will also ask me about the age at which this should be done. And I will say that for preschoolers, this is quite relevant. Surprised? Well, surely there are stories about animals and plants on your bookshelves. So?

In kindergartens, they are taught respect and diligence, helping the family and other people. It is from this that education and love for the country as a whole begins. But book editions for proper education are an integral part! Do you agree? At school, something more is invested in this concept, more serious works are added here. These include books about the Great Patriotic War for schoolchildren. What age should they be? And what should you pay special attention to?

People of our generation still understand the meaning of such writings, and, most importantly, their necessity. Remember how teachers told us about that difficult time? Do you know why it was and is being done? So that there is no repetition of the events of those terrible years. But, besides this, the authors are trying to convey to the little reader that it is necessary to respect loved ones, love the family and the Motherland, and be courageous.

But what kind of works will be of interest to children? Probably about the same as they are. After all, the war blurred the line of growing up. Children there immediately became adults, working in the rear and at the shooting ranges (after all, this was the case). Yes, this is heroism! All books should teach only the mind and diligence! So that thoughts do not creep into the head of the kids about the horrors that are happening to today's youth!

Features of publications for grades 1 - 2

The spirit of patriotism here, of course, must be present! But after studying the information and talking with one teacher, I will say: the more I forgive, the better. Do not immediately give memoirs of kilograms for reading. And here there should be no numbers, until the child understands this at the age of 7. Small stories will do. For example, these:

  • "Letter from the Front" Anatoly Mityaev. small stories about heroism and courage. And the most interesting thing here true facts! So the kids will go through the everyday life of soldiers.
  • "Your defenders" Lev Kassil.
  • “I am a soldier and you are a soldier” by A. Merkush.
  • "Stories about the great Moscow battle" S. Alekseev.
  • "The Story of a Loud Drum" Sofya Mogilevskaya.

Of course, a lot depends on the teacher, how he will convey this to first-graders. But after all, the family should also influence the worldview of the baby. Do you agree with this statement?

For 3rd grade about the war

Every year children grow up, and their perception of life also changes. Literature needs to get a little more serious. But the texts also should not be too long, otherwise the child will not be interested in reading. After all, we need to interest him, right?

  • "Stories about Marshal Zhukov" A.S. Alekseev.
  • "Oath of Timur" A. Gaidar.
  • "Vitya Korobkov" by E. Suvorin.
  • "Son of the Regiment" V. Kataev. When you are left completely alone, without loved ones, it becomes scary. But if you're still a child, it's doubly scary. How can a unit where the military serve become both a mother and a father for an orphan? It turns out it can.
  • "Girl from the City" L. Voronkova. Another story about an orphan who did big way but found a new family.
  • "Girls from Vasilyevsky Island" Y. Yakovlev. Honestly, a lump rises to the throat when you just read short description. The diary of a little girl who died with her family from starvation was taken as the basis.

Reading these publications, there is something to think about. The authors are trying to convey to the little reader what example should be followed in this life. And you can not lose your dignity in any, even the most difficult, situations.

4 ― 5 grades

Already such adults at this age ... Independent children. They now have many interests, they are curious to communicate with each other, hobbies appear outside the home. But the book after all should accompany and at this stage! And, most importantly, that she called big interest! I read a lot of reviews about literature for this age. And here is a list of what the kids like the most:

  • "Ivan. Zosia" Vladimir Bogomolov. Like many books, this one conveys terrible military events through the eyes of a small child.
  • "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades" V.A. Oseev.
  • “How Seryozha went to war” Yu. Yakovlev.
  • "Extreme Case" I. Turichin.

It is hard to imagine that we won the victory at the cost of children's lives. Some of them are still alive. These essays are bought for children, but many adults, having opened the book, read themselves. After all, it is interesting to know what our grandparents experienced in those terrible times. Do you have any favorite works? military theme?

6 - 8 grades

In terms of age, this is 12 - 14 years. Quite an adult, able to understand a lot, having his own position. But at this age, the kids were already going to the front. At the age of 14, my friend's grandmother became a foreman on a collective farm. And who else will feed the country?

It is such feats that are worthy of being written and talked about for many more years. But what will be interesting to read to our students in the 6th - 8th grade.

  • "Great Victories" Alekseev S. Do you think that our soldiers won only one victory, in Berlin? But no! After all, every liberated city is a great victory!
  • "Street of the youngest son" Lev Kassil.
  • "Last Cold" A. A. Likhanov.
  • “Three girls. The history of one apartment» Elena Vereiskaya. Tale of true friendship and devotion.
  • "Goodbye Boys" Boris Blather.

But the sooner we begin to introduce the child to such things, the better. Do you know why? Because a certain period of time is allotted for the upbringing of a new generation. Today it will seem difficult and too sad for us, tomorrow, it will already be uninteresting for the kids. Teach a good book as long as your child is interested.

I am very interested in what works are on the shelves in your home? What do you give children to read about the war? Perhaps add to my list? Share your thoughts by leaving comments! And subscribe to blog updates. All the best!

Tinchurin Ramil Ildusovich

A project about the remarkable works of domestic authors about heroes - peers who brought Victory Day closer in 1945



Municipal educational institution

secondary school in the village of Kobylkino

Kamensky district

Contest creative works"Victory far and near"

Nomination "Best Project"

Project "Children of War in Literature"

(based on works of Russian literature)

  1. Introduction… ………………………………………………………………..3-6
  • Relevance of the chosen topic……………………………………..3-4
  • Hypothesis……………………………………………………………….4
  • Problem……………………………………………………………... 4
  • The purpose of the project………………………………………………………….4
  • Tasks……………………………………………………………………5
  • Object of study………………………………………………...5
  • Research methods……………………………………………….. 5
  • The novelty of the project……………………………………………………...5
  • Practical significance…………………………………………...5-6
  • Project product………………………………………………………..6
  1. Main part

Chapter 1.

Analysis of works about the feat of young anti-fascist heroes.......... 6

1.1 Children of the blockade.

(According to the novel by V. Dubrovin “Boys in forty-one”)…….... 6-7

  1. Young scout.

(According to the story of V. Bogomolov "Ivan")……………………….. 7-8

  1. Brave Yolka.

(According to the story by S. Baruzdin “Her name is Yolka”)………………….. 8- 9

  1. Conclusion……………………………………………………………9-10

Chapter 2

Studying the level of awareness of classmates about exploits

Young heroes of the war…………………………………………………....

  1. The results of the survey……………………………………… 10-11
  2. Conclusion………………………………………………………….....11
  1. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………..11
  2. Bibliography…………………………………………………...11
  3. Application ……………………………………………………………....13-14
  1. Introduction

Their silhouettes are almost invisible
In marches, their voice is not noticeable at all -

Children of the Great and terrible war.
Maybe heroes, but, in essence, children.
In May, the birch trees are fresh and slender,
The sun shines for everyone...
Pure sacrifice for a dirty war
Living children, dead children.

Sergey Afonin

Relevance of the chosen topic

The problem of reading is recognized in modern world both national and state. The downward trend in interest in reading in Russia is an alarming phenomenon for a country in which reading has always been an extremely important activity.

In order to preserve and improve reading competence

students, our class, together with their parents, is working on the project “ family reading».

All 7th grade students read one piece of fiction per week from the recommended list of works for the project.

This year marks 72 years since the Great Victory over the most terrible war of mankind. On the eve of this date, many events are planned and held in our school and in the classroom: watching documentaries, meeting with participants in military battles, poetry reading competitions and reading books about the war. The material about the Great Patriotic War interested me and my classmates very much.

According to the project, we read a lot interesting books about our peers - contemporaries. But it is equally important to know about the fate of those of my peers who gave us a happy and bright future. The exploits of children in war deserve no less respect than the exploits of adults.The heroic history of our Motherland, the biographies of boys and girls in red ties, many of whom gave their lives for peace, happy childhood their current peers, each of us should know today.

Discovering the heroic pages of literature, I became deeply interested in the feat of the brave "children of war." This prompted me to take part in the competition of creative works "Victory far and near."


  • The writers' works depict the truth about the heroic fate of my peers during the Great Patriotic War. Today's schoolchildren read little about the war, do not know about the exploits of their peers.


  • For modern children and adolescents, the Great Patriotic War is a distant history. Reading children's literature about the war will help us to realize the importance of preserving the memory of the current and future generations about the history of the Fatherland, to educate on the example heroic deeds"children of war" a sense of patriotism and love for the motherland.

Objective of the project

  • Expand your knowledge about the heroic past of the young participants in the Great Patriotic War, comprehend the origins of heroism, moral strength, devotion to the Motherland of little heroes by reading works of Russian literature. Find out if my peers know about the exploits of young anti-fascist heroes.
  • Tasks:
  1. Explore fiction on this topic.
  2. Analyze the character, actions of the heroes, follow their fate.
  3. Find out the similarities or differences in the reasons that prompted the little heroes to come out in defense of the Motherland.
  4. Reveal the author's attitude to the depicted.
  5. Give your opinion on the work.
  6. Find out what modern schoolchildren know about the young heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
  7. Get your classmates interested in reading books about the war.

Object of study -works of art about the feat of my peers in the war:

  1. Viktor Dubrovin. The story "Boys in forty-one"
  2. Vladimir Bogomolov. The story of Ivan.
  3. Sergei Baruzdin. The story "Her name is Yolka."

Research methods:

  1. Analysis of fiction.
  2. Comparative method.
  3. descriptive method.
  4. Questioning.

Project novelty is that, taking part in the Family Reading project and reading books about peers, we are obliged to find out the names of our peers-liberators, who at the cost of their lives won the Victory for the sake of our happy future. Now it is necessary to involve the younger generation in reading works about the war.

Practical significance of the projectis that the results of my work can be used in the lessons on the discussion of books on the project "Family Reading", at the reader's conference; an excerpt from O. Gromova's story "Sugar Child" was chosen for reading at the municipal stage of the reading competition " Live classic". The list of works about the war will be recommended to my classmates for independent reading.

Project product

"About children-heroes".

II. Main part

Chapter 1. Analysis of works about the exploits of young anti-fascist heroes.

  1. Blockade children.

(According to the story of Viktor Dubrovin "Boys in forty-one")

This is a story about young Leningraders who remained in the besieged city during the Great Patriotic War. Careless and mischievous at the beginning of the story, the heroes go through great trials that made them, perhaps, grow up early, but not lose heart.
The story is told on behalf of the boy Volodya. His sister Galya and the dog Pirat were sent to the Urals along with an old mother's friend. The rest of the family remained in Leningrad. Here he remained best friend Volodya - Zhenya, who was a great inventor.
Autobiographical story about childhood in besieged Leningrad. Leningrad boys live for themselves, make friends, quarrel, reconcile, study ... And suddenly a war breaks into their lives. Of course, they want to beat the Nazis, fight for their city, for their homeland, they present themselves as pilots, glorious heroes. For them, war is an exciting adventure, the boys do not yet suspect that it will bring hunger, cold, pain of loss, and their life will never be the same.

The story tells not only about the children of the blockade, but also about the fact that you always need to remain human, appreciate what you have, be friends for real, admit your mistakes, be able to forgive and ask for forgiveness and never lose hope. Such books not only help to learn historical facts but also bring up respect for veterans, for our history.

  1. Junior Scout

(According to the story of Vladimir Bogomolov "Ivan")

The protagonist of the story by V. O. Bogomolov is the boy Ivan. He comes from Gomel. His father and sister died. Ivan had to go through a lot: he was in the partisans, and in Trostyanets - in the death camp.

And the hero made a decision - to take revenge on the enemy, to become useful to our army.

Ivan is still just a boy: he plays like his peers, collects knives, arming himself with binoculars, like a real commander. He would like to remain a child, but he has to face death every day.

Ivan lives for a long time in the territory occupied by the Germans, walks around the villages, towns and collects information for the headquarters about the strength of the enemy and his weapons. He sees everything, remembers everything. And the information he gets is very valuable.

Reading about the boy's stay behind enemy lines, you understand that it is hard and scary for him: he is alone, dangerous situations arise daily, and there is no one to ask for advice. How courageous do you need to be? strong-willed person- after all, I had to rely only on myself. Even the brave Kholin, in a conversation with Galtsev, said: “You have been fighting for the third year? .. And I am the third ... And in the eyes of death - like Ivan! - we may not have looked in ... Behind you is a battalion, regiment, an entire army ... And he is alone - a Child!

Kholin, Galtsev, Katasonich are Ivan's adult friends in the partisan detachment. They treat him like a father, with tenderness, they are ready to do everything for him, because they understand how dangerous the work that the boy does for the army headquarters is.

  1. Brave Yolka.

(According to the story by Sergei Baruzdin "Her name is Yolka")

The main character of the story by S. Baruzdin - Yolka - at the beginning of the work is 13 years old. She lives in a small village near Moscow beautiful name Earrings. At the Christmas tree big family, the father was convicted "for an attempt on public property." As the chairman of the collective farm, he distributed to people potatoes that were stuck in the frost. Yolka was expelled from the pioneers for this, but in spite of everyone she wore a pioneer tie and wanted to join the Komsomol.

Time passed, and Yolka's father was released from prison. But the war began. Yolka heard a message about the German offensive on the country on the radio. All the men, including her father, were taken to the war. In autumn they dug trenches and built defensive lines. Hundreds of enemy planes flew to Moscow, at night the air shuddered from the roar of machines. The entire native Yolkin village was destroyed by German shells.

The war changed the girl. Instead of a cheerful, mischievous tomboy, she became “silent, withdrawn, as if she had been replaced. Not a smile. No glibness. And outwardly unrecognizable: a grimy face, a scarf pulled over her forehead, a tattered coat, high rubber boots. Hands are red, weather-beaten, with pimples. It's from water. Is this a tree? Christmas tree. Herringbone. Christmas tree-stick ... Is she? She".

One day Yolka was called to the headquarters. She was entrusted with a responsible task - to transmit information to the other side of the Nara. Through the icy river, Yolka began to walk to a foreign, already German shore, and then returned back. Yolka's father was a detachment commander, he was located in a nearby forest and passed on through his daughter important information. The Nazis were preparing to force the Nara River. The Christmas tree was supposed to convey the father's words about the mining of the bridge over Nara. She had to go through the Germans. She courageously walked several kilometers, but then they grabbed her and locked her in the cellar. Then Yolka was taken out and forced to walk across the bridge. A column of German armored vehicles followed her. The girl bravely walked along the bridge, and when she reached the shore, a strong explosion sounded. She quickly ran to her people, because she had to convey urgent information, her back and chest were on fire. Then a German shell exploded next to the Christmas tree ... The brave girl died. She was only fifteen years old. Her friend, Lenka, also did not return from the war, he was buried in a mass grave in distant Hungary.

  1. Conclusion

Having read works of art about the exploits of my peers in the war, I would like to note that the writers each in their own way expressed their artistic view of what is happening.

After analyzing the images of the main characters, I noticed a lot in common between them. This is not accidental, since the fates of many "children of war" are similar. Before the war they were ordinaryboys and girls. But a harsh hour has come - they showed how huge a child's heart can become when a sacred love for the Motherland and hatred for enemies flare up in it.little heroes great war everywhere they fought alongside their fathers and older brothers. At the forefront, on warships, in the Brest Fortress, in the Kerch catacombs. These are the lines of the history of our Motherland and the biographies of its little citizens - ordinary boys and girls.

The young heroes of the stories have an "iron" character, they equally hate the Nazis, avenge their relatives;cherish the title of pioneers,all die the death of the brave, they are posthumously awarded a high award, the streets of our cities are named after them, schools, ships bear their names ...

Books about the war are like a monument to the dead. They solve one of the problems of education - they teach the younger generation love for the Motherland, perseverance in trials, they teach high morality on the example of fathers and grandfathers. Their importance is growing more and more in connection with the great relevance of the theme of war and peace in our days.

Chapter 2. Studying the level of awareness of classmates about the exploits of young war heroes.

2.1. Survey results.

I decided to find out what my classmates know about their peers who fought on an equal footing with adults, what they generally know about the war, about children who were direct participants or witnesses of those terrible days. I decided to find out if my peers read literature about the war. Are they interested in this topic? To this end We did a survey in class. The children were asked the following questions:
1. Do you read books about the Great Patriotic War?

  1. Name a book about the war that has had a special effect on you. strong impression.
  2. Do you know the heroes of the war, your peers?
  3. Name the authors of works of art who wrote about the war.

After conducting a survey, we found out that my classmates do not know military literature well enough. Only 2 people out of 19 (Alsu Kachaeva and Sultania Akzhigitova) read books about the war, 3 students know some of the pioneer war heroes; only one reader could name a book about the war, which caused a strong impression, 3 students named the authors of works of fiction about the war. And then I decided to eliminate these gaps in their knowledge and recommend that the guys read books about young heroes. Hold a reader's conference in order to draw attention to the book, form a collective reader's opinion, instill patriotic qualities in children, a sense of compassion and respect for people who have survived terrible years war.


A study conducted on the knowledge of students of the 7th grade of works about the war, about the heroic deeds of children showed that not all of my classmates are interested in the heroes of the war. "Heroes" of our time, unfortunately, are fictional, virtual characters from the computer world. By participating in our family project, my classmates meet new characters.

The reading level of children is on the rise.

I will try to satisfy the readership of my peers by offering them a list of fiction about the war.

III. Conclusion

Each of us learns about the war in different ways: someone heard the story of a veteran, someone watched a movie, and someone read a book by a front-line writer ...

The works of fiction I read about the feat of brave little heroes expanded my understanding of the war, returned me to the difficult but heroic events of the war years, helped me see these events through the eyes of my peers, go through severe trials with them and know the joy of a feat in the name of Victory. Written on the "hot pursuit" of events, books about the war are a kind of bridge connecting generations. For us, these books are important, because it is with their help that we can get a complete picture of the war, including historical facts and household parts. The power of the artistic word is so great that it makes the past come to life, to be in terrible hell inhuman suffering, helps to feel what befell the participants in the war. From the content of what I read, I extracted the main moral lesson: stories teach goodness, humanity, justice.

I will try to "reach out to the hearts" of my classmates, to interest them in military works, so that stories and stories about the war become their reference books

IV. Bibliography

1. Baruzdin S.A. Her name is Yolka: a story. - M .: Det.lit., 1985.

2. Brinsky A.P. The girl from Maryina grove: a war story. - M.: Det.lit., 1973.

3. Children of wartime / Comp. E. Maksimova. - 2nd ed., add. - M .: Politizdat, 1988.

4. There's a war going on folk. Poems about the Great Patriotic War / comp. N.I. Gorbachev. - M.: Det.lit., 2002.

5. Forever in the memory of the people. - M .: Young Guard, 1975.

6. Nadezhdina N.A. Partisan Lara: a story. - M.: Det.lit., 1988.

7. Pecherskaya A.N. Children-heroes of the Great Patriotic War: stories. - M.: Bustard-Plus, 2005.

8. Hour of courage: poems and stories. – M.: Ed.Oniks, 2008.

Internet resources

1. Big electronic library

V. Appendix

"About children-heroes"

for middle-aged children

  1. Avramenko A.I. The story "Messengers from captivity".
  2. Baruzdin S.A. The story "Her name is Yolka."
  3. Bogomolov V.O. The story of Ivan.
  4. Brinsky A.P. The story "The Girl from Maryina Grove".
  5. Vereiskaya E.N. The story of the three girls.
  6. Vishnev P.P. Yoongi's story.
  7. Voronkova L.F. The story of a girl from the city.
  8. Dubrovin V.B. The story "Boys in forty-one".
  9. Zharikov A.D. Collection of short stories "Young partisans".
  10. Ilyina E.Ya. The story of the fourth height.
  11. Kassil L.A., Polyanovsky M.L. The story "Street of the youngest son."
  12. Kataev V.P. The story "Son of the Regiment".
  13. Korolkov Yu.M. The stories "Lenya Golikov", "Marat Kazei", "Valya Kotik", "Zina Portnova".
  14. Kosmodemyanskaya L.T. The story of Zoya and Shura.
  15. Krapivin V.P. The story "Shadow of the caravel".
  16. Likhanov A.A. The stories "My General", "Steep Mountains", "Music", "Wooden Horses".
  17. Nadezhdina N.A. The story "Partisan Lara".
  18. Naidich M.Ya. The story "Overcoat for growth."
  19. Suvorina E.I. The story "Vitya Korobkov".
  20. Yakovlev Yu.Ya. The tale "How Seryozha went to war", the story "Girls from Vasilyevsky Island".
  21. Kozlov V. "Vitka from Chapaevskaya Street"
  22. Rudny V. "Children of Captain Granin"
  23. Sobolev A. "Quiet post"
  24. Alekseev S. "Stories about the war"
  25. Balter B. "Goodbye boys!"
  26. Bogomolov V. "Zosya"
  27. Mityaev A. "Letter from the front"

Olga Pirozhkova

No matter how much time has passed since the day of the Victory, the events of the forties of the twentieth century are still fresh in the memory of the people, and last role this is played by the works of writers. What kind of books about the war for preschool children can be advised to read to teachers of preschool institutions?

Of course, the most interesting for them will be those works whose heroes are their peers. What did their peers experience? How did you behave in difficult situations?

Children's literature about the Second World War can be divided into two large parts: poetry and prose. Stories about the Great Patriotic War for preschool children tell about children and teenagers who participated in the fight against the invaders, introduce modern children to the exploits of their grandparents. These works are filled with an informational component that requires a lot of preliminary work by both children and teachers themselves. Preschoolers empathize with the characters of A. Gaidar, L. Kassil, A. Mityaev, they are worried; for the first time they realize the cruelty and mercilessness of the war to ordinary people, they are horrified by the beasts of fascism, attacks on civilians.

Rules for reading literature about the war to preschoolers:

Be sure to read the work first, if necessary, retell it to the children, reading only a small piece of the work of art.

Carry out the mandatory preliminary work, revealing all the necessary information points.

Choose artwork according to the age of the children ( Additional information tell in your own words).

Be sure to read the works several times, especially if the children ask for it.

You can start reading books on military topics already younger preschoolers. Of course, it will be difficult for them to understand large genre forms - stories, novels, but short stories written specifically for children are quite accessible even to children 3-5 years old. Before introducing a child to works about the war, it is necessary to prepare him for the perception of the topic: give a little information from history, focusing not on dates, numbers (children at this age do not yet perceive them, but on the moral aspect of the war. Tell young readers about how bravely soldiers defended their homeland, how old men, women and children died, how innocent people were captured. stories about this hardest time in the history of the country:

Junior group:

Orlov Vladimir "My brother goes to the Army."

"The Tale of the Loud Drum" publishing house "Children's Literature", 1985

Memorizing poems about the army, courage, friendship.

Middle group:

Georgievskaya S. "Galina's mother"

Mityaev Anatoly "Why the Army is dear"

"Taiga Gift".

Poetry reading: Mother Earth» I'm Abidov, "Forever remember" M. Isakovsky

Poetry reading: mass graves" V. Vysotsky, "Soviet Warrior",

Reading the story "Father's Field" by V. Krupin,

Reading poems: “The war ended with victory” by T. Trutnev,

L. Kassil "Your defenders". Mityaeva A. "Grandfather's Order"

When children get older (5-7 years old), adults constantly remind them that they are “no longer small.” The war did not give children time to grow up - they immediately became adults! Girls and boys, left orphans, were forced to survive in the most difficult conditions wartime. The works that tell about the fate of children who have lost all their loved ones do not leave indifferent any of the readers: it is impossible to read them without tears. These war books for children will help the younger generation learn to truly love their family, appreciate all the good things that are in their lives. Preschoolers of senior preschool age can be offered the following literary works:

Senior group:

Kim Selikhov, Yuri Deryugin "Parade on Red Square", 1980

Sobolev Leonid "Battalion of four"

Alekseev Sergey "Orlovich-Voronovich", "Overcoat" by E. Blaginin, 1975

Reading the works of S. P. Alekseev "Brest Fortress".

Y. Dlugolensky "What can soldiers"

O. Vysotskaya "My brother went to the border"

Reading A. Gaidar's story "War and Children"

U. Brazhnin "Overcoat"

Cherkashin "Doll"

Preparatory group:

L. Kassil "Main army", 1987

Mityaev Anatoly "Dugout"

Lavrenev B. "Big Heart"

Zotov Boris "The fate of the commander Mironov", 1991

"Stories about the war" (K. Simonov, A. Tolstoy, M. Sholokhov, L. Kassil, A. Mityaev, V. Oseeva)

L. Kassil "Monument to a Soldier", "Your Defenders"

S. Baruzdin "Stories about the war"

S. Mikhalkov "Victory Day"

S. P. Alekseev "Brest Fortress".

Ya. Taits "A cycle of stories about the war."

retelling of L. Kassil's story "Sister"

About how fragile peace can be and how an enemy invasion can turn a person's whole life upside down, the guys will learn by listening to books about the Second World War. The war does not end in one day - its echoes resound in the hearts of people for decades. It is thanks to the works of authors - contemporaries of the terrible wartime, that today's youth can imagine the events of those years, learn about tragic destinies people, about the courage and heroism shown by the defenders of the Fatherland. And, of course, the best books about the war instill in young readers the spirit of patriotism; give a holistic view of the Great Patriotic War; teach to appreciate the world and love home, family, loved ones. No matter how far the past is, the memory of it is important: the guys, having become adults, must do everything to ensure that the tragic pages of history never repeat themselves in the life of the people.

Stories about the Great Patriotic War by Vladimir Bogomolov

Vladimir Bogomolov. Extraordinary morning

Grandfather went up to his grandson's bed, tickled his cheek with his grayish mustache and said cheerfully:

- Well, Ivanka, get up! It's time to get up!

The boy quickly opened his eyes and saw that his grandfather was dressed unusually: instead of the usual dark suit, he was wearing a military tunic. Vanya immediately recognized this tunic - grandfather was photographed in it in May 1945 on the last day of the war in Berlin. On the tunic there are green epaulettes with a small green star on a narrow red stripe, and medals on beautiful multi-colored ribbons lightly jingle above the pocket.

On the photograph, grandfather is very similar, only his mustache is completely black, and a thick wavy forelock peeked out from under the visor of his cap.

- Ivan the Bogatyr, get up! Get ready for a hike! grandfather hummed merrily in his ear.

“Is today already Sunday?” Vanya asked. - Are we going to the circus?

- Yes. Today is Sunday, - grandfather pointed to a sheet of the calendar. But Sunday is special.

The boy looked at the calendar: "What is this special Sunday?" he thought. On the calendar sheet, the name of the month, the number was printed in red ink. As always. “Maybe today is Victory Day? But this holiday happens in the spring, in May, and now it’s still winter ... Why is grandfather in military uniform

- Yes, you have a good look, - said grandfather and lifted Vanya in his arms, brought him to the calendar and asked:

Do you see what month it is? And he answered himself:

— month of February. And the number? Second. And what happened on that day, many, many years ago, in 1943? Forgot? Oh, Ivan - a soldier's grandson! I told you, and more than once. And last year, and the year before ... Well, remember? ..

“No,” Vanya admitted honestly. “I was very young then.

Grandfather lowered his grandson to the floor, squatted down and pointed to a polished yellow medal, which hung on his tunic first after two silver ones - “For Courage” and “For military merit". Soldiers with rifles were minted on the circle of the medal. They went on the attack under an unfurled banner. Planes flew over them, and tanks rushed to the side. At the top, near the very edge, it was ousted: "For the defense of Stalingrad."

I remember, I remember! Vanya shouted with delight. - On this day, you defeated the Nazis on the Volga ...

Grandfather smoothed his mustache and, pleased, boomed:

- Well done for remembering! Didn't forget, that is. So today we will go with you to the places where the fighting took place, where we stopped the Nazis and from where they drove us all the way to Berlin!

Let's go, reader, and we will follow our grandfather, and remember those days when the fate of our country, our Motherland was decided near the city on the Volga.

Grandfather and grandson walked through the winter sunny city. The snow crunched underfoot. Loud trams rushed by. Trolleybuses rustled heavily with large tires. Cars rushed by one by one... Tall poplars and wide maples nodded amiably to pedestrians with their snow-covered branches... Sunbeams bounced off the blue windows of new houses and briskly jumped from floor to floor.

Coming out to the wide Railway Station Square, grandfather and the boy stopped at a snow-covered flower bed.

Above the station building, a tall spire with a golden star rose into the blue sky.

Grandfather took out a cigarette case, lit a cigarette, looked around the railway station, the square, new houses, and again the events of the distant war years were remembered to him ... a junior reserve lieutenant, a veteran soldier.

The Great Patriotic War was on.

Hitler forced other countries, his allies, to participate in the war against us.

The enemy was strong and dangerous.

We had to temporarily retreat to our troops. We had to temporarily give our lands to the enemy - the Baltic states, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus ...

The Nazis wanted to take Moscow. We were already looking at the capital through binoculars ... The day of the parade was appointed ...

Yes, Soviet soldiers defeated enemy troops near Moscow in the winter of 1941.

Having suffered a defeat near Moscow, Hitler ordered his generals in the summer of 1942 to break through to the Volga and capture the city of Stalingrad.

Access to the Volga and the capture of Stalingrad could ensure the successful advance of the Nazi troops to the Caucasus, to its oil wealth.

In addition, the capture of Stalingrad would divide the front of our armies in two, cut off the central regions from the south, and, most importantly, would enable the Nazis to bypass Moscow from the east and take it.

Having transferred 90 divisions to the south, all the reserves, creating an advantage in manpower and equipment, the fascist generals in mid-July 1942 broke through the defenses of our Southwestern Front and moved towards Stalingrad.

The Soviet command did everything to detain the enemy.

Two reserve armies were urgently allocated. They stood in the way of the Nazis.

The Stalingrad Front was created between the Volga and the Don.

Women, children, the elderly were evacuated from the city. Defensive structures were built around the city. Steel hedgehogs and gouges stood in the way of the Nazi tanks.

At each factory, workers created battalions of volunteer militias. During the day they assembled tanks, made shells, and after the shift they prepared to defend the city.

The fascist generals received an order to wipe out the city on the Volga.

And on a sunny day on August 23, 1942, thousands of planes with black crosses hit Stalingrad.

Wave after wave came "Junkers" and "Heinkels", dropping hundreds of bombs on residential areas of the city. Buildings collapsed, huge pillars of fire rose to the sky. The whole city was shrouded in smoke - the glow of burning Stalingrad could be seen for tens of kilometers.

After the raid, the fascist generals reported to Hitler: the city has been destroyed!

And they received an order: take Stalingrad!

The Nazis managed to break through to the outskirts of the city, to the tractor factory and to the Oak ravine. But there they were met by battalions of volunteer workers, Chekists, anti-aircraft gunners and cadets of a military school.

The battle went on all day and all night. The Nazis did not enter the city.

Vladimir Bogomolov. Fedoseev Battalion

Enemy soldiers managed to break through to the railway station of the city.

There were fierce battles at the station for fourteen days. The fighters of the battalion of senior lieutenant Fedoseev stood to the death, repelling more and more new attacks of the enemy.

Our command kept in touch with Fedoseev's battalion, first by telephone, and when the Nazis surrounded the station, then by radio.

But Fedoseev did not answer the call signs of the headquarters. They called him all day, but he was silent. It was decided that all the soldiers of the battalion were killed. Morning came, and over the broken roof of one of the houses they saw a red banner fluttering. This means that the Fedoseyevites are alive and continue to fight the enemy!

The army commander, General Chuikov, ordered that the order be delivered to Senior Lieutenant Fedoseev, so that he and the soldiers retreated to new positions.

Sergeant Smirnov was sent as a messenger. The sergeant somehow got to the ruins of the station and found out that only ten people remained from the battalion. The commander, Senior Lieutenant Fedoseev, also died.

The messenger asks: “Why are you silent? Why don't you answer the calls of the headquarters?

It turned out that the projectile broke the radio. The radio operator was killed.

The fighters began to wait for the night to retreat to new positions. And at this time the Nazis again launched an attack.

Tanks in front, and machine gunners behind them.

The Fedoseyevites lay down in the ruins.

The enemy soldiers are advancing.

Getting closer. Closer.

Fedoseevtsy are silent.

The Nazis decided that all our soldiers had died ... And, rising to their full height, they rushed to the station.

- Fire! - came the command.

Machine guns and machine guns fired.

Molotov cocktails flew into the tanks.

One tank caught fire, another stalled, a third stopped, a fourth turned back, followed by fascist submachine gunners...

The fighters took advantage of the panic of the enemy, removed the banner pierced by fragments and went to their cellars to their new positions.

The Nazis paid dearly for the station.

In mid-September, the Nazi troops intensified their attacks again.

They managed to break into the city center. There were battles for every street, for every house, for every floor...

From the station, grandfather and grandson went to the Volga embankment.

Let's go after them.

Near the house where they stopped, a tank turret is mounted on a gray square pedestal.

Here, during the battles for the city, the headquarters of the main, central, crossing was located.

To the right and left of this place, trenches stretched along the entire Volga coast. Here our troops defended the approaches to the Volga, from here they repulsed enemy attacks.

Such monuments - a green tank tower on a pedestal - stand along our entire line of defense.

Here the soldiers-Stalingraders took an oath: "Not a step back!" Further, to the Volga, they did not let the enemy in - they protected the approaches to the crossings across the river. Our troops received reinforcements from the other side.

There were several crossings across the Volga, but the Nazis were especially fierce near the central one.

Vladimir Bogomolov. Flight "Swallows"

Enemy bombers hovered over the Volga day and night.

They chased not only tugs, self-propelled guns, but also fishing boats, small rafts - sometimes the wounded were transported to them.

But the rivermen of the city and the sailors of the Volga flotilla, in spite of everything, delivered the goods.

Once upon a time there was...

Sergeant Smirnov is summoned to the command post and given the task: to get to the other side and tell the head of the rear of the army that the troops will hold out at the central crossing for the night, and in the morning there will be nothing to repel enemy attacks. Ammunition needs to be delivered urgently.

Somehow, the sergeant got to the head of the rear, handed over the order of the commander, General Chuikov.

The fighters quickly loaded a large barge and began to wait for the launch.

They wait and think: “A powerful tugboat will come, pick up a barge and quickly throw it across the Volga.”

The fighters are looking - an old steamer is plopping, and it is somehow inappropriately named - "Swallow". The noise from it is such that plug your ears, and the speed is like that of a turtle. "Well, they think - you can't get to the middle of the river on this one."

But the barge commander tried to reassure the fighters:

- Don't look that the little steamer is slow. He transported more than one barge like ours. The team at the "Swallow" is fighting.

Suitable "Swallow" to the barge. The fighters are watching, but there are only three teams on it: a captain, a mechanic and a girl.

Before the steamboat had time to approach the barge, the girl, the daughter of the mechanic Grigoriev - Irina, deftly hooked the hook of the cable and shouted:

- Let's get a few people on the longboat, you will help fight off the Nazis!

Sergeant Smirnov and two fighters jumped onto the deck, and the "Swallow" dragged the barge.

As soon as they reached the reach, German reconnaissance aircraft circled in the air, rockets hung on parachutes over the crossing.

It became as bright as day.

Bombers swooped in behind the scouts and began to dive first onto a barge, then onto a longboat.

Fighters from rifles hit the planes, bombers almost touch the pipes, the masts of the longboat with their wings. To the right and left along the sides are columns of water from bomb explosions. After each explosion, the fighters look around anxiously: “Is that all. Got it?!" They look - the barge is moving towards the shore.

The captain of the Swallow, Vasily Ivanovich Krainov, an old Volgar, know the steering wheel turns left and right, maneuvers - takes the longboat away from direct hits. And all - forward, to the shore.

German mortars noticed the steamboat and the barge and also began to fire.

Mines howl flying by, splashing into the water, shrapnel whistling.

One mine hit the barge.

A fire started. The flames ran across the deck.

What to do? Break the rope? The fire is about to get close to the boxes with shells. But the captain of the longboat turned the helm sharply, and ... The Lastochka went to approach the burning barge.

Somehow they moored to the high side, grabbed hooks, fire extinguishers, buckets of sand - and onto the barge.

The first is Irina, followed by the fighters. Fall asleep fire on deck. They knock him off the boxes. And no one thinks that any box can explode every minute.

The fighters threw off their overcoats, pea jackets, they cover the flames with them. Fire burns hands, faces. Stuffy. Smoke. Breathing is difficult.

But the fighters and the Lastochka team turned out to be stronger than the fire. The ammunition was salvaged and brought to shore.

All the longboats and boats of the Volga flotilla had so many such flights that they could not be counted. Heroic flights.

Soon in the city on the Volga, where there was a central crossing, a monument to all rivermen-heroes will be erected.

Vladimir Bogomolov. 58 days on fire

From the central crossing to Lenin Square, the main square of the city, very close.

Even from a distance, passers-by from the wall of the house, which overlooks the square, notice a soldier in a helmet. The soldier looks attentively and seriously, as if asking not to forget about those who fought here, on the square.

Before the war, few people knew this house - only those who lived in it. Now this house is famous!

Pavlov's House! Soldier's House!

This house was then the only surviving house on the square, not far from the crossing.

The Nazis managed to capture him.

Having placed machine guns and mortars on the floors, the enemy soldiers began to fire at our positions.

The commander of the regiment Elin summoned scouts - Sergeant Yakov Pavlov and fighters: Sasha Alexandrov, Vasily Glushchenko and Nikolai Chernogolov.

"Here's what, guys," said the colonel, "go visit the Fritz at night." Find out how many of them are there, how best to get to them and whether it is possible to knock them out of there.

This house is a very important object in a strategic sense. Whoever owns it keeps the entire Volga region under fire ...

At night at that time the streets were as dark as a cave. The Nazi soldiers were very afraid of the dark. Every now and then they fired flares into the night sky. And as soon as they notice any movement on our part, something suspicious, they immediately open a hurricane of fire.

On such a disturbing night, Sergeant Pavlov and his comrades went on reconnaissance. Where bent over, and where they crawled in a plastunsky way, they reached the extreme wall of this house.

Lie down, not breathing. Listen.

The Nazis in the house are talking, smoking, shooting from rocket launchers.

Pavlov crawled up to the entrance and hid. He hears someone coming up from the basement.

The sergeant prepared a grenade. Then a rocket lit up the sky, and the scout saw an old woman at the entrance. And she saw the fighter, was delighted.

Pavlov quietly asks:

— What are you doing here?

“We didn’t have time to leave for the Volga. There are several families here. The Germans drove us into the basement.

- It's clear. Are there many Germans in the house?

- In those entrances we do not know, but in ours there are twenty people.

- Thank you, mother. Hide quickly in the basement. Tell the rest: do not go out to anyone. We are going to arrange a small fireworks display for the Fritz.

Pavlov returned to his comrades and reported on the situation.

- Let's act!

Scouts crawled up to the house from two sides, got used to it and threw a grenade at the window frames.

One after another, there were powerful explosions. A flame erupted. It smelled of burning.

The fascists, dumbfounded by the unexpected attack, jumped out of the entrances, jumped out of the windows - and to their own.

- Fire on the enemy! commanded by Pavlov.

The scouts opened fire with machine guns.

- Behind me! Take the floors!

On the second floor, the fighters threw a few more grenades. The enemies thought that a whole battalion had attacked them. The Nazis abandoned everything and rushed in all directions.

The scouts examined the floors in all the entrances, made sure that not a single living fascist was left in the house - and Pavlov gave the command to take up defense. The Nazis decided to recapture the house.

For a whole hour they shelled the house with cannons and mortars.

The firing is over.

The Nazis decided that the battalion of Russian soldiers could not stand it and retreated to their own.

German submachine gunners again moved to the house.

- Do not shoot without a command! Sergeant Pavlov told the soldiers.

Here are the machine gunners at the very house.

Well-aimed turns of the Pavlovites mowed down the enemies.

The Nazis retreated again.

And again, mines and shells rained down on the house.

It seemed to the Nazis that nothing living could remain there.

But as soon as the enemy submachine gunners rose and went on the attack, they were met by well-aimed bullets and scout grenades.

For two days the Nazis stormed the house, but they could not take it.

The Nazis realized that they had lost an important object from where they could fire on the Volga and all our positions on the shore, and decided to knock out of the house at all costs Soviet soldiers. Fresh forces were thrown in - a whole regiment.

But our command also strengthened the garrison of scouts. Machine gunners, armor-piercers, machine gunners came to the aid of Sergeant Pavlov and his soldiers.

For 58 days, Soviet soldiers defended this home-line.

You can get to the Krasny Oktyabr plant by trolley bus along Lenina Avenue.

Vanya perched at the window and every time they drove past the tank towers on pedestals, he joyfully shook his grandfather and shouted: “More! One more!.. Again!.. Look, grandfather! Look!.."

- I see, granddaughter! I see! This is the front line of our defense. Here the fighters fought to the death, and the fascist troops could not break through further.

The trolleybus stopped.

“Next stop is Red October!” the driver announced.

- Our granddaughter! Get ready to leave.

Factories of Stalingrad.

In their workshops, city workers stood at the machines in two or three shifts - they cooked steel, assembled and repaired tanks and guns disabled by the enemy, and made ammunition.

Militia workers came from the shops to fight the enemy for their native city, for their native factory.

Steelworkers and rolling mills, assemblers, turners and locksmiths became soldiers.

Having beaten off the attacks of the enemy, the workers again returned to their machines. Factories continued to operate.

Hundreds of brave workers became famous defending their native city, native plant, and among them - the first female steelworker Olga Kuzminichna Kovaleva.

Vladimir Bogomolov. Olga Kovaleva

The enemy is one and a half kilometers from the tractor plant, in the village of Meliorativny.

A detachment of militiamen received the task of dislodging the Germans from the village.

The battle began near the village, on the outskirts of it.

The militias went on the attack. Among them was the squad leader, Olga Kovaleva.

The Nazis opened heavy fire on the attackers from machine guns and mortars ...

I had to lay down.

The militias clung to the ground, they can not raise their heads. Look - the Germans went on the attack. Here they go around.

At this time, the chain of fighters reported that the commander of the detachment had died.

And then Olga Kovaleva decided to raise the fighters in a counterattack. She stood up to her full height and shouted:

Follow me, comrades! Let's not let the enemy to our factory! To our city!!!

The workers heard the call of Olga Kovaleva, got up and rushed towards the enemy.

- For the native plant! For our city! For the Motherland! Hooray!..

The Nazis were driven out of the village.

Many militias were killed in that battle. died

and Olga Kuzminichna Kovaleva.

In honor of the militia heroes, monuments were erected at the factory gates.

On the marble slabs are the names of those who gave their lives in battles for the city, for their native factory.

Workers go to the factory and swear to the fallen to work in such a way as not to disgrace their military honor.

They return from the shift - they mentally report what has been done during the working day.

On tractor factory a real T-34 tank is installed at the central entrance.

Such combat vehicles were produced here in the war.

When the enemy approached the city, the tanks were heading straight from the assembly line into battle.

Many heroic deeds were performed by Soviet tankmen during the great battle on the Volga.

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