Drawing tests in psychology. Interesting psychological pictures for self-knowledge


Do you want an online Luscher test? Today is another psychological test in pictures. I adapted this test based on the Luscher color psychological test. Psychological express diagnostics of your emotional state.

Tests in pictures from the psychologist of happiness.

This is not the first one I post on the psychology of happiness blog.

I adapt well-known tests for psychological express diagnostics of character traits, personality types or moods.

Here is a selection of several tests in pictures (and not only):

I'm sure you've had enough fun taking part in these methods and testing yourself against these psychological tests.

Psychological test in pictures based on the Luscher technique

I adapted the technique for the blog format.

In the picture below, there are 8 cards of different colors in random order.

Choose 2 pictures-colors of the Luscher test.

Luscher test online from a psychologist of happiness

Test instructions:

Choose sequentially looking at the picture 2 colors.

The first color is the one that you really like in this moment.

The second color is the one you like the least at the moment of testing.

Attention! Don't choose your favorite colors at all. The Luscher test online measures your emotional condition not now! and characterizes your psychological picture for today.

Psychological interpretation of the selected colors-pictures of the Luscher test online:

The Luscher picture test online gives interesting results of your psychological portrait - use its findings carefully and it is better to contact the psychologist - the author of this blog for support.

Luscher test online: deciphering the result of choosing a picture-color

Interesting tests in pictures - what distinguishes the blog of the psychologist of happiness


You like. You strive for agreement, trust, understanding, sympathy. Now you are experiencing emotional comfort, calmness, gentleness, daydreaming. You are disposed to communicate with friends.

You do not like. You are restless. Perhaps there was a recent breakup of a close relationship. You are lonely and upset.


You like. You are confident, even self-confident. Now is the peak of your strength, self-respect. You are capable of many things and strive to seize power in communication. Get the upper hand over the interlocutors. Perhaps on the contrary, you took up psychological defense.

: green color- the color of money!

You do not like. You are frustrated by the lack of attention and respect from your partner. You are humiliated, offended, hurt and de-energized. You have no strength left to resist.


You like. Now you are emotionally aroused. The mood is upbeat. You strive for achievement, success. You step on, perhaps pushing too hard. You are assertive, sometimes aggressive.

You do not like. You are constantly irritated and overexcited. You are deeply stressed. Sometimes you seem to be exhausted or even tired.


You like. Optimism fills your soul and makes your heart beat faster. You are relaxed and full of dreams of good luck. You are ready for change, for complete release from relationships or obligations.

You do not like. You are frustrated to the point of despair. You are distrustful and suspicious. You rush about, the emotional state is unstable: either an upsurge, or a sharp decline.


You like. You flirt right and left, trying to have at least some kind of sexual affair. You seek to please, receive support or a compliment. The mood is even, but not calm.

You do not like. You strive to be inconspicuous and hide from undue attention. Modesty, control of feelings and behavior are inherent in you right now.


You like. You are tired and long for rest and emotional stability. You are psychologically tired and hungry for a supportive relationship. Underneath you are afraid of something and do not feel safe. You need sense gratification.

You do not like. How are you stretched string. You deny all your emotional and physical needs. You run from weakness by limiting yourself in everything.


You like. Negativism, rejection, rejection of pleasure and aggression filled your entire mind and body. You are hostile and can explode with rage at any moment. You are close to destroying yourself or relationships.

You do not like. Outwardly, you are calm and confident. However, you simply drove the aggression deep inside and switched to the rails of denial and self-flagellation.


You like. You are looking for a shoulder to lean on. You want to hide from everything superficial that is in your life, to find emotional peace and refuge. You mimic and disguise your true feelings under the mask feigned indifference and indifference.

You do not like. You are more proactive than ever. You are fully involved in the here-and-now situation. You are contacts, moderately cheerful and resourceful. You have a goal and you gain confident peace of mind in tomorrow. You seem to have found a purpose.

Share your Luscher test results online in pictures!

Details about the Luscher color test online

The Luscher color test is a psychological test based on ​color perception, is a powerful and unique tool for studying a person's personality.
This method refers to the so-called color psychology - a science that studies the relationship between color and the human psyche. The preference given to one color, and the rejection of another, have a certain meaning: this choice accurately reflects the focus of the subject on a certain activity, his mood and emotional state. The Luscher test is built on this dependence.

Structure and procedure of the Luscher Test

There are currently two versions of the test: short and full. Short version CTL is a set (table) of 8 colors: - gray (conditional number - 0), dark blue (1), blue-green (2), red-yellow (3), yellow-red (4), red-blue or purple (5), brown (6) and black (7).

The full version of the CTL - "Clinical color test" consists of 7 color tables:

1. " gray color»
2. "8 colors"
3. "4 primary colors"
4. " of blue color»
5. "green"
6. "red"
7. " yellow color»
General rules are:
blue - inner satisfaction,
red - self-confidence,
green - self-respect,
yellow - inner freedom.
other colors are “problematic”, symbolize internal conflicts.

A clear preference for any color or a clear dislike for it speaks of the presence given quality in a person or his absence. M. Luscher's color test has a very broad scope applications, but its most productive use is in areas such as:

  • Medicine - assessment of the current neuropsychic status of the patient and the effectiveness of the ongoing psychotherapeutic intervention; diagnosis of the causes of neuropsychic distress;

  • Management - selection of managers and specialists with high neuropsychic potential, development of recommendations for optimizing the style of the leader's activity, etc.;

  • Armed Forces - identification of persons prone to depressive states and affective reactions; selection of individuals with high psychological reliability; Professional sports - calculation of the intensity of loads, development of measures to achieve the optimal neuropsychic state of the athlete, forecasting the success of performance in competitions, etc.

Negotiations in color

Tens of thousands of experiments with the Luscher color test on people of the most diverse levels of culture, almost all over the world, have shown that the influence of color exists everywhere and does not depend on race, gender and social status.

Write in the comments , which 2 colors you have chosen, which color of the dough you like now, and which one you don’t. How does this choice relate to today's events in your life?

Read the best materials of the psychologist of happiness on this topic!

  • Another psychological test using pictures will help you determine what kind of person you are on the Internet. An 8-picture personality test will show how your […]

This test is ideal for large and cheerful company and helps to identify some of the character traits of the subjects. This will require clean sheets papers and pens according to the number of participants. Ask your colleagues to draw a pig without looking or with a scarf over their eyes. Then collect the drawings and hang them up so that they can be seen by all the test-takers. Usually, the images of the animal are so funny that they charge with fun for the whole holiday. After the merits of each drawing are commented on by your colleagues, announce the results. You can ask the test participants to sign the drawings in advance, if they, of course, want to be recognized.

Interpretation of drawings

The pig is shown at the top of the sheet.

This means that the person who painted it is very positive and well-mannered, endowed with a fair amount of optimism. His life credo is that everything should be honest, and if trials fall out in life, they must be endured stoically, because the black stripe is always replaced by white.

The pig is shown closer to the middle of the sheet.

The drawing in the middle of the sheet indicates that the person who depicted it is a realist by nature.

Even in childhood, he was not prone to dreams, from childhood he set specific goals for himself and achieved them. Sobriety and calculation - these are the principles he adheres to in life.

The pig is depicted at the bottom of the sheet

Only a pessimist can draw like this. However, despite the fact that he sees the world in gray-black colors, this does not prevent him from amusing himself with petty pranks and vulgar jokes regarding both relatives and friends and colleagues.

The pictured pig is looking to the left.

This suggests that a person is a conservative by nature, always and in everything adheres to traditional views on life. He also has an excellent memory for dates.

The depicted pig is looking to the right.

The person who drew such a pig is an innovator by nature, constantly striving for something new. Family values not for him. Having gone headlong into creativity, he forgets about everything in the world, even about a loved one. And with this, few can come to terms.

The depicted pig is looking straight ahead.

belief evil spirit and straightforwardness in judgment - that's what distinguishes the one who painted such a pig. The latter quality often prevents the establishment of friendly contact. The only thing that can be advised to this person is to try to avoid disputes, otherwise you can make many enemies.

The pig is depicted with many details.

An analytical mind, caution and suspicion - this is what characterizes a person who has tried to depict a pig as accurately as possible. It is best for such an artist to work in the security service, where he can express himself to the fullest.

The pig is not shown in full

This means that the person who painted it is very emotional, distinguished by naivety and a love of risk. He is best at creative work, such as writing advertising texts.

The pictured pig has less than 4 legs

A person who portrays a pig without at least one leg is very dangerous. In his head, he hatches insidious plans, which, fortunately, are not allowed to come true due to his timid nature and lack of willpower.

The pig is depicted with 4 legs

This means that the person who painted it is firm in his views, very reliable and firmly on his feet. You can hide behind it, like behind a stone wall.

The pig is depicted with ears

The presence of ears good sign. This indicates that the person knows how to listen. And how well he does it, indicates the size of the ears: the larger they are, the better.

The pig is depicted with a tail

The presence of a tail indicates the ability to love. Size, just like with ears, matters.

Test "Draw a house"

This simple, but fun, and most importantly psychologically true test always evokes a lot of emotions. Give each participant a blank piece of paper and a pencil and give them the task of drawing a house. A few strokes will be enough to judge the character of a person. At the end of the test, collect the sheets with pictures and announce the results.

Interpretation of drawings

city ​​house

The person who painted the multi-story building is the owner of a very complex character. Most likely, he is distinguished by isolation and a tendency to focus on his own problems.

low house

Rest, peace, harmony and pleasant memories - this is what a person who has drawn a low house needs.

The fatigue accumulated over the years of hard work makes itself felt, therefore, in order not to undermine your own health, it is better to go on vacation for at least 2-3 weeks.


Complete frivolity, frivolity and childishness distinguish the person who painted the castle.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, especially for the fairer sex.

The main thing is not to take on the burden of responsibility in the form of a family or a responsible post, otherwise you may not be able to cope with your responsibilities.

Spacious country house

Such a drawing means that its author has a need to deal with the housing issue, for example, buying new apartment or at home. For bachelors and childless persons, such a drawing should speak of a hidden need for love and hearth who has a large and friendly family.

Big house behind a high fence

The person who painted the house with a high fence can be judged by the latter: the more impregnable the fence, the more closed the character. If the house is surrounded by a hedge of picturesque bushes, this indicates gullibility and sociability.

Test "Choose a figure"

To pass this test, you will also need blank sheets of paper and pencils, 12 to be handed out before the announcement of the task. Draw a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a circle and a zigzag on the poster in advance and attach it to the wall so that everyone can see it.

Invite the participants to choose and draw the figure with which they associate themselves, or the figure that first caught their eye. After that, give the task to draw the remaining figures in order of personal preference. Explain to the audience that the figure chosen first characterizes the dominant features of a person, the characteristics of his behavior, while the rest complement the image, make it multifaceted and complex. You can either read out the characteristics given below in front of the audience, or print it out on a piece of paper in advance and distribute it after passing the test.

Psychological characteristics of personality forms


If a square is in the first place, this means that a person is by nature an incorrigible workaholic. Unusual perseverance and diligence ineradicable need to bring any matter to the end - these are the main qualities of the Square. Methodism, patience, attention to detail, love of order and excellent memory allow him to become an excellent specialist in his field.

The ideal of the Square is a planned, organized and predictable life. He does not like violations of the usual course of things, because in this case everything will have to be calculated and ordered again.

Such qualities are very useful in work, but interfere with personal life, so the Square, as a rule, is very lonely. Family happiness is guaranteed to him if on his own life path he will meet the same man obsessed with work and order.


The triangle is a symbol of leadership. And most Triangles feel this on a subconscious level. The true representatives of this figure have the ability to focus on main goal, which they are helped to achieve by such qualities as willpower, a tendency to analytical analysis, energy, self-confidence and self-righteousness, as well as ambition and the ability to grasp everything on the fly.

Triangle Life - eternal struggle and rivalry for the first place and the right to decide everything and for everyone on your own, both at work and in your personal life. They don't like to admit their mistakes and change decisions made. Their categoricalness sometimes borders on cruelty, which, of course, cannot but affect relations with others.


This figure, chosen as the main figure, symbolizes a state of constant change. A rectangle is a person who is always dissatisfied with the way he lives now, so he is always busy searching better share. His most character traits- inconsistency and unpredictability of behavior. Regardless, Rectangles is not alone. Courage, curiosity, a keen interest in everything that surrounds them and gullibility attract people to them. Many take advantage of their naivety and manipulate them to their advantage.


The circle symbolizes harmony. The one who chooses him as the main figure appreciates most of all in life good relations with people. Krug is a philanthropist, thanks to which any work team becomes a friendly team, and the family becomes harmonious union He is distinguished by the ability to hear and listen, high sensitivity and the ability to empathize. In addition, he is well versed in people and unmistakably recognizes a hypocrite and a liar.

There is nothing more difficult for the Circle than to take part in interpersonal conflict. For him, a bad world is better than a good quarrel, so he strives with all his might to improve relations in the team. Being a born psychologist, the Circle is a useless organizer, so it is better for him to work in a team with Squares and Triangles.


This figure differs from the rest in its open shape and symbolizes creativity, creativity, dissent, expressiveness and eccentricity. People who choose it are characterized by intuitiveness, creative thinking the ability to see beauty in the ordinary. Zigzags are unsurpassed aesthetes and idealists. In their work, they need complete freedom, but under the condition of tacit control, since they often quickly lose interest in the subject under study and sometimes do not finish the job.

The impracticality and naivety of zigzags sometimes annoys others, but their wit, cheerful disposition and ease of communication compensate for these shortcomings.

Test "What do the doodles say?"

Many of us, during boring lectures or meetings, in thought or simply because there is nothing to do, begin to draw different patterns on a piece of paper. If this happens to your colleagues, try to collect a collection of such drawings, so that later you can decipher them in the presence of the whole team. Everyone will be interested to know what his scribbles say.

Interpretation of drawings

spirals, circles, wavy lines

A person who draws spirals, circles and wavy lines is not interested in other people's problems. All his thoughts are focused exclusively on his own emotional experiences. Perhaps at the moment he is in a crisis, so others should not pay attention to him or be offended, even if he has gone too far with his egocentrism. After some time, he realizes his mistake and apologizes.

Flowers, sun, garlands

It may seem to some that flowers, the sun, all kinds of garlands are a sign Have a good mood. However, this is not the case. The person who draws them suffers from a lack of communication, dreams of true friendship, as well as attention from the opposite sex. It is simply necessary to surround him with care and tenderness, and then everything will work out in his life.


A person drawing grids, for some reason unknown to others, feels a sense of awkwardness. Having a soft and compliant nature, he tends to often swallow resentment and hide irritation. If things go on like this, he will face a spiritual crisis. The task of others is to prevent this from happening.

intertwined hearts

Drawings resembling patterns on wallpaper

Such patterns indicate that a person is experiencing great boredom. Perhaps he was tired of sitting in an endless meeting or enduring a long telephone conversation, or maybe he was tired of the lifestyle that he is forced to lead. Lately but have not yet found another way.


The man is clearly on to something. Most likely, this is a feeling of guilt that arose as a result of telephone conversation. However, worries and worries are in vain. Maybe in what happened, there is a share of his guilt, but you don’t need to shift everything onto your shoulders.

Various little men

Little people express a person's desire to evade their duties. Perhaps he does not have enough moral support to do what is entrusted to him.

Triangles, squares and other geometric shapes

Such figures are evidence that a person has clear goals and firm convictions. It is difficult to knock him off the intended path. He will try by all means to achieve what he has planned. He can be entrusted with any difficult task and not be afraid for its failure.

Honeycomb of bees

Harmony and beauty, calmness and tranquility - this is what a person who draws a honeycomb strives for. It is good to be with him, as he radiates goodness and warmth. In addition, he has a need to constantly take care of someone.

Chess fields

A person who draws chess fields is most likely tormented by hidden complexes and a sense of his own worthlessness. But his experiences are groundless and far-fetched, because others respect him, value him as an excellent specialist in his field and good friend, so you should not hide from everyone in a shell, but you need to live a normal and fulfilling life.

intertwined circles

The intertwined circles speak of the desire to have a stable relationship with the opposite sex. In addition, they may also indicate that a person wants to be in the thick of things, to participate in all public affairs. With his enthusiasm, he can move mountains.

Test "Non-existent animal"

This test allows you to identify the characteristics of a person's character, his inclinations and preferences. Hand out blank sheets of paper to those who wish to pass it. simple pencils(a felt-tip pen or pen is not suitable) and offer to draw a non-existent animal and come up with a non-existent name for it. Then collect the drawings and characterize them using the following description.

Interpretation of drawingsThe position of the animal on the sheet

The location of the picture in the center of the sheet is the norm and indicates the harmony of the individual. Deviations from the center indicate the presence of certain qualities.

The location of the animal is closer to the upper edge of the sheet

This suggests that this person:

A high self-evaluation;

Dissatisfaction with their position in society;

Lack of recognition from others;

The desire to move up the career ladder;

The tendency to self-affirmation.

The location of the animal at the bottom of the sheet

This testifies to:


Low self-esteem;



Disinterest in one's position in society;

Lack of desire for self-affirmation.

The central part of the figure (the head or what is depicted instead of it)

Head turned to the right

This indicates that a person has such qualities as:


The desire to achieve goals;

Striving for self-realization.

Head turned to the left

This person has:

Increased reflection;

tendency to think;

Lack of desire for activity;


Fear of action.

The head is straight

The person who depicted this animal in this way is characterized by:


Concentration on own experiences and problems.

On the head, as a rule, the sense organs are drawn: ears, mouth and eyes.

Ears - an indication of a person's interest in the information he receives, as well as the significance of the opinions of the people around him about him.

Mouth - an indication of a number of signs. The image of a parted mouth with a tongue, but without lips, indicates talkativeness. The same mouth, but with drawn lips, speaks of sensuality. An open and outlined mouth without a tongue and pronounced lips is considered a sign of mistrust, fears and frequent fears about something. A mouth with drawn teeth is nothing more than verbal aggression in response to condemnation and censure, a defense against criticism. The rounded shape of the outlined mouth in the drawing of a child or teenager betrays a feeling of anxiety and timidity.

Eyes have special meaning. The presence of fear in the soul of a person is given out by the eyes with a careful drawing of the iris. Eyelashes testify to the hysteroid-demonstrative demeanor, the desire of a person to be recognized by those around him, their admiration for his external beauty and manner of dressing.

The size of the head also matters. If it looks larger compared to the body of an animal, this indicates that a person in himself and others appreciates intelligence and the ability to make rational decisions.

The presence of horns and other details on the head, especially in combination with bristles, claws and

needles) is a sign of aggression towards others.

Feathers are a pronounced tendency towards a demonstrative type of behavior, self-justification and self-decoration.

Hair on the head or mane indicates sensuality, sexuality and emphasizing one's masculinity or femininity.

Paws, legs, a pedestal on which a figure is depicted

When interpreting such details of the drawing as legs, paws or a pedestal, which often depicts an animal, great importance has their size in relation to the whole figure.

Large paws, legs and pedestal

It speaks of:

The desire to think about decisions;

Solidity in everything;


Based on verified information.

Small paws, legs and pedestal or lack thereof

A person who depicts these details in this way or who does not draw them at all is characterized by:

Superficiality of judgments;


Unfounded judgments;

Impulsiveness in decision making.

Equally important is the nature of the connection of the paws or legs with the body. The unidirectionality and uniformity of the shape of the paws or legs indicate the banality of the decisions made and the standard of thinking. And vice versa, the variety of forms and positions of the limbs testifies to the originality of judgments, the originality of attitudes, independence and the desire for creative self-expression.

Figure details rising above the figure

Such details can be purely functional (wings, tentacles, additional limbs or parts of the shell) or be decorative (bows, feathers, curls, flowers, etc.).

Functional details

Their presence in the figure indicates that such a person has:

Ability to understand various areas of knowledge and activity;

Tendency to dictate;

Self confidence;


Active life position;

The desire to win their place under the sun;



Decorating details

They testify to such personality characteristics as:

Propensity to outrageous;


Dependence on the opinions of others.


By the tail, one can judge a person’s attitude towards himself, his decisions, behavior and words. At the same time, you need to pay attention to which way this detail of the picture is turned.

Tail turned to the right

The tail turned to the right expresses the attitude towards one's actions. If it is directed upwards, this means that the author of the drawing is satisfied with his behavior and does not allow criticism in his address. If the tail is lowered, then this indicates low self-esteem. If it is depicted neither raised nor lowered, this indicates an objective attitude towards oneself.

Tail turned to the left

By turning the tail to the left, one can assume a person's attitude to his thoughts and speeches. Whether this ratio is positive or negative also depends on the vertical position of the tail.

Contours of the figure

When analyzing a non-existent animal, its contours are also important (the absence or presence of spikes, shields, needles, shells, etc.), as well as the quality of drawing the contours. Numerous protrusions (especially sharp corners) and careful contouring indicate the presence of aggression towards others, as well as the fact that a person feels threatened by society and subconsciously seeks to protect himself from danger.

The so-called dirty contours of the figure indicate that the author of the drawing is in fear and anxiety. A doubling contour line, shields and all kinds of barriers suggest that in the soul of such an "artist" there is a place for suspicion and fear about something.

It is worth paying attention to what direction the protrusions have: upward (upper contour) means protection from superiors or older ones, downward (lower contour) - from disrespect from subordinates, their ridicule and condemnation, directed to the sides (lateral contours ) - readiness to defend in any situation. This is also evidenced by the details of the type of shields depicted inside the main contour, that is, on the body of the animal. Moreover, those located on the right testify to the desire to protect, defend their activities, and those located on the left - to protect their beliefs and thoughts.

Energy rating

The number of details depicted (in addition to the most necessary ones, which include the head, paws, tail and body) indicates the level of vital energy in a person. The more of them, the higher it is. The absence of additional elements may indicate the presence of chronic diseases, especially in combination with a poorly traced, cobweb-like contour.

A bold contour, made with strong pressure, in the absence of additional details, is a sign of anxiety. What it is attached to will tell the element of the picture, made in this way

The nature of the line and some details of the figure

It is necessary to evaluate the nature of the line according to the following criteria

Line dubbing;


Inaccurate connections;

Contour sections from overlapping lines;

Sketching the details of the drawing;

Line deviation from the vertical axis;

Unidirectional lines;

Fragmentation of forms and lines;

Broken and unfinished drawing.

All depicted animals can be divided into 3 conditional groups: threatening animals, threatened and neutral. The animal itself demonstrates an attitude towards its own person, gives an idea of ​​the position of a person in the world and his identification of himself by significance (for example, with a lion or an insect).

A non-existent animal is a psychological portrait of the author of the drawing. The characterization can begin with the position in which the animal is located: it stands on 4 or more legs or differs in upright posture, whether it is covered with wool or dressed in human clothes, whether it looks like a person in some way. separate parts of his appearance. The last two signs speak of the emotional immaturity and infantilism of the author of the drawing. Moreover, the greater the similarity between the animal and man, the stronger these qualities are expressed.

How aggressive a person is can be judged by the number, nature and location of the corners in the figure. These are the direct symbols of aggression (claws, beaks, needles and teeth), which were discussed above.

Do not ignore the symbols associated with sex (udder, nipples, breasts, etc.), which will tell about a person's attitude towards his own and the opposite sex, as well as his obsession with the problem of sex.

The presence of a circle in the figure (especially not drawn with a pencil) indicates the secrecy and isolation of a person, his unwillingness to give information about himself to others.

A special case is the image of an animal with mechanical details, which can be in the form of a pedestal, a tripod, tank or tractor tracks, screws, propellers, antennas, keys, lamps, handles, etc. Such drawings are most often observed in mentally ill people.

About the absence creativity can be judged by the similarity of a non-existent animal with an existing one (for example, a cat with flippers, a fish with a snout, a pig with wings, etc.). The larger it is, the less creative potential.

Animal name

The most interesting thing in this test is the name of a non-existent animal. It is often a rational combination of parts of a word (elephant, pig cat, etc.) or a word formed with the help of Latin, book-scientific suffixes and endings (turla-metius, etc.). The first option points to such a feature as rationalism, the second - to the demonstrativeness of one's own knowledge and erudition.

Sometimes an animal is given a sound name without any understanding (for example, lulula, kalushara, bukatupa, etc.), meaning a frivolous attitude to everything, an inability to recognize a danger signal, and irrationality of thinking.

Ironic and humorous names (gupochurka, tazoland, etc.) indicate a condescending attitude towards people. Names with repetitive elements (zi-zi, boom-boom, etc.) speak of infantilism.

A dreamer and an indefatigable visionary are given out by overly long names such as bramkamdun-samosis.

Test "Guess who it is"

This is a test of ingenuity and non-standard thinking. To conduct it, you will need to prepare several posters that show the following figures.

Test participants need to guess what is shown on the posters. To do this, they will need to distribute blank sheets of paper and pens. Whoever writes the answers on his piece of paper the fastest wins. Of course, provided that the answers are correct.


1. A bear climbing down from a tree.

2. Mexican in a sombrero.

3. A dwarf in a telephone booth plays the trombone.

4. Pencil.

5. Sandwich with potatoes.

6. Polar bear in the snow.

7. Train in the tunnel.

8. Border guards with sheepdogs sit in ambush.

You haven't been self-digging for a long time. Therefore, we have found for you a psychological test that is easy to perform, but very effective in terms of the results obtained. Pass it - and such secrets of your "I" will open before you that you will want to destroy all our servers out of harm's way.

So, first of all, you must run up and with all your foolishness hit your head against the wall (preferably about the corner). Now let's count the points. Stop! We got a little confused. This is a completely different test.


For today's test, you will need a pencil and an A4 paper.

Got it?


Now draw an animal that definitely does not exist anywhere in the world, even in Australia and Pripyat.

The main condition: avoid ready-made templates, your beast must be absolutely unprecedented. You can’t draw either incredible characters already invented by someone else (Cheburashka), or those creatures that you love to draw since school (five-armed sparrow). Depict a completely new animal for our world.

And don't forget to call her the same new name for this dimension.

Draw in silence, without witnesses.

Draw now! What are you waiting for? For the purity of the experiment, you should not know any more details about this test. To make it easier for you to break away from reading and start drawing, we will fill the next couple of lines with some nonsense. Pew pew pew! Brym-dy-smoke! Woah-woah! Zhzhzhzhzhzhzh. Bloop-bloop-bloop! Let's draw already! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbebebebearbearing. Plop plop plop!

Projection spotlight

It's time to explain what you just did.

Psychodiagnostic test "Drawing of a non-existent animal" belongs to a very large group projective techniques(“Rorschach spots”, for example, from the same opera). Perhaps you will be overcome with some pride if you find out that the author of the "animal" test was not some Viennese psychoanalyst, but the psychologist Maya Dukarevich, who developed this technique in the wilds of the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian.

“The projective technique assumes that the features of your personality are, as it were, projected onto everything that you do, say or, in this case, draw,” explains a consultant psychologist, a specialist in self-relationship, candidate psychological sciences Tatyana Sviridova.

When you draw without relying on ready-made templates (after all, you did that, right?), your personal characteristics begin to crawl out of you onto paper and leave traces in every squiggle.

The brain is on its way least resistance, and it is easiest for him to project himself onto the sheet.

That is (very, very briefly) the theory.

Now, when we begin to analyze the drawing point by point, looking for your conscious and unconscious ideas about yourself in it, you will either agree (“Yes, I am exactly like that!”), Or go into deep unconsciousness (“Bullshit!”). Both are indicators that the test is working. In the second case, rejection is the result of the work of protective mechanisms, since by drawing, you tried to hide a lot from yourself. (Alas, but nothing can be done: you are just a platypus raised by a human family.) This, of course, does not mean the infallibility of the methodology. “Many factors can affect the result, ranging from fatigue to the length and sharpness of the pencil.” Be that as it may, possible deviations are not critical, and in general, the test gives a rather heapy hit on your personality traits.

Let's get started!

Position of the picture on the page

In a perfect world an ideal person, who accepts himself as he is, would draw his unknown little animal in the center along the middle line of the sheet.

Congratulate yourself if you are just such a perfect individual.

“The closer the animal is to the upper edge, the higher your self-esteem,” our consultant is in a hurry to please you. Maybe you really are that good, but besides, it shows dissatisfaction with your current position. In addition, you lack the recognition of others, and, having climbed higher, you betrayed your desire to please everyone (for this you strive with all your might to comply with the norms accepted in your circle).

If your drawing is located at the bottom, you are not too confident and indecisive. It looks like you've already resigned yourself to your fate. However, perhaps it's all about ordinary fatigue or the handcuffs that you are fastened to the radiator in this dark basement.

Having dealt with the top and bottom, let's move on to other coordinates. According to Carl Jung and the collective unconscious, then:
the left side of the sheet means the past;
right - the future;
and the middle is real.

Left? You are prone to introspection and reflection. You tend to scroll through a long-standing conversation in your head for a long time and come up with new witty remarks that you didn’t think of right away (“How did I not guess to tell the hooligans that you shouldn’t beat me ?!”). You are not a man of deeds, but of intentions.

Is your amoeba's head pointing to the right? Good sign! You not only plan something, but you always start to fulfill your plan.

The animal that you depicted full face, not taking your eyes off you, speaks of egocentrism. This can also be interpreted in such a way that you are a contact person who easily makes acquaintances.

“You should also pay attention to which direction the whole figure is more shifted,” says Tatyana.

In the picture of a cheerful, healthy, successful person(these usually live in bank advertisements) the animal should be evenly located in all three tenses and be directed from the past to the future.

If the pattern is pressed against the left side- perhaps this is due to the negative experience received in childhood, which still comes back to haunt (the divorce of the parents or the meatball that the singing teacher threw to you in the second grade by the collar). Or maybe recent events have again reminded you of an old experience and moved the beast to the left.

A strong move to the right can be interpreted as a defensive reaction. You are running from the present (or the same past) into the future. Live in hope for tomorrow. However, if tomorrow is Saturday, you can understand.

General impression

Non-existent animals, like those that exist on the Animal Planet channel, are divided into those who:

threatens others(for example, something toothy);

who is being threatened(something hare-like);
who has not yet decided(saber-toothed hippo hare).

Whoever you choose as your totem is a reflection of how you see yourself in this world. You are a bug or an elephant - draw your own conclusion.

If your individual wears human clothes or is too anthropomorphic(at the same time, it is not necessary for her to resemble a humanoid, it is enough just to be upright), then you, baby, are emotionally immature and infantile.

Our expert is almost one hundred percent sure that you, being a normal person, cannot draw the genitals of your beast(“This is only characteristic of young children who are not yet sufficiently aware of the norms”). Otherwise, you are not completely healthy, the control functions are weakened. Even the banal udder (the image of a female breast) in your owl betrays your unhealthy fixation on sex.

Dimensions and proportions

Medium sized drawing, harmoniously looking on the page (it may be clumsy, but organically fit into the sheet), indicates a positive attitude towards the world and oneself.

Animal too big- narcissism. As an option: a hefty creature can appear as defense mechanism personality. “Very large animals are most often drawn by preschoolers. Children invest their inflated self-esteem in drawings of animals of huge sizes, ”explains Tatyana. Also, your megalomania may be caused by a reaction to recent stress.

Small creature at the bottom of the page- a sign of mental problems. It is unlikely that this applies to you, but keep in mind: nanoanimals are usually drawn by schizophrenics and other people with an interesting brain structure. So that tiny winged booger *, somehow painted by Carlson, alas, makes us look at his actions in a new light.

* Note Phacochoerus "a Funtika:
« A Very Lonely Rooster”, watercolor, 1955. Exhibited at the Stockholm Museum of Modern Art »

“In addition, the mentally ill tend to be sketchy and sophisticated in interpreting a drawing,” our consultant added. When we asked how a drawing could be schematic and sophisticated at the same time, Tatyana gave an example: “A man draws a stick with legs and says that this is Emperor Paul.” Hm, but a stick with legs really looks like Pavel!

Needles, horns, shell - in general, everything that serves as protection for an animal can be replaced in the drawing simply by a careful outline drawn several times.

Therefore, immediately note for yourself: even if your creation is at first glance defenseless before the world, this is not at all the case if some lines and protrusions are thicker than others.

The most important thing is which side your animal has armor on.

If the shell covers the animal from above, you protect yourself from those in relation to whom you are in a subordinate position. It can be bosses, government agencies or just parents.

If the bottom of the beast is closed, you are afraid of those whom you consider your equals, or those who are completely weaker than you. That is, you fear for your authority.

Armor on the sides shows your readiness for self-defense in any life situation. “At the same time,” Tatyana emphasizes, “drawing the lines on the right indicates that you really value your taste, preferences and beliefs and are ready to fight for them.” (By the way, although we disagree with your beliefs, we are ready to sign somewhere in a collective letter for your right to express them.)

If any of the details are distinguished by the thoroughness of the drawing or by stronger pencil pressure (the lines are visible on reverse side sheet), this signals your anxiety.

Unfortunately, you can only give an explanation why you have drawn something more thoroughly than anything else.

There can be any number of interpretations.

For example, in an animal, anxiety is localized in the legs. If you rely on the interpretation of the images of the collective unconscious, it turns out that you are not confident in yourself. But maybe you just walked a lot today. So we leave you alone to struggle over the interpretation of the riddle, why did you tear through the paper, drawing the hump of a marsupial partridge.

Feet are another window to the soul. Traced legs show self-confidence, thoughtfulness of decisions. If the beast has no legs at all or they are very frail, this emphasizes the impulsive nature of the painter and his frivolity. (NB! A powerful pedestal painted under seemingly weak legs plays the role of missing strong legs. After all, it is this pedestal that serves as a support for the figure.)

It is also important how the legs connect to the body. As this connection is, so is your control over words and decisions. The legs are poorly or not attached to the body at all - you do not follow the accuracy of your words too much, you do not attach much importance to your own speeches. The legs are well attached to the body - your judgments are balanced and at least convincing for you.

Now study the shape of the legs. If both legs are on the same face (lines, size, bend are exactly repeated), you are a conformist, and your creative solutions do not shine with novelty and invention. But if the lower limbs of your animal are different (one leg is raised for a kick, and the second is your cattle scratching the third), you are our man. You are independent in your judgments and generally a creative person. Hand, comrade!

By the way, if we're talking about creative beginning: people with clichéd thinking use ready-made templates (fish, pig, bird). A cow with wings is not original, it is just a formal combination of two blanks - a cow and a bird. And in general, this is not a non-existent animal, but an ordinary skliss!

The more elements and the more unexpected their combinations, the higher your creative potential and life energy in general.

If you drew a headless pendelpop, skip this paragraph. But if your creation has some kind of muzzle, you will have to analyze it.

Big head shows that the painter attaches particular importance to erudition and, in general, to the rational principle, both in himself and in those around him.

prominent ears- a sign that it is important for you to know how others treat you. Plus, this is an indicator of your interest in the world, in the information that you draw from it.

Mouth. Open, and even with a tongue, cries out about your talkativeness. Drawn lips betray sensuality (sorry if this sounds like a quote from an astrology manual). A toothy mouth is drawn by people prone to verbal aggression. Moreover, this aggression is often defensive in nature (you snap, scold everyone and everything). If the mouth in the picture is open, but neither the tongue, nor the teeth, nor the tari bird is visible there, there is an opinion that you are suspicious and always afraid of something.

Although the nose is a phallic symbol, in the drawings of men it does not carry a special additional information. But if you analyze the drawing of a girl, in which the animal will have a particularly long or too traced schnobel, feel free to assume that she is not sexually satisfied.

Eyes. The emphasis on the pupil (say, strong shading) indicates that you are currently in anxiety. You are clearly afraid of something. Did you draw eyelashes? Oh no no no! You give too much importance to your appearance. Drawing eyelashes is not appropriate for men at all.

In the drawings made by girls, eyelashes in many cases mean a hysteroid-demonstrative demeanor.

"This is the manipulation of other people's feelings for your own purposes," translates into understandable language dark term Mrs. Sviridova. Don't be quick to gloat. Hysteroid-demonstrative behavior is also found in men. We hope this is not your case, but if ... In short, here's a gun for you - you know what to do with it. (A shot muffled by the door is heard, and then the sound of a falling body.)

Well, here we come to the top. Hair (mane, dreadlocks, bald patches) most often simply correspond to the gender of the painter. Although in some cases a characteristic hairstyle may indicate sexual orientation. Horns and other piercing growths indicate aggression. But whether it serves as protection from others or for attacking them, you yourself will say more precisely. A harmless feather or crest is interpreted as a desire to stand out.

Any non-functional, but purely decorative details that go beyond the drawn figure - like lush feathers, tassels on tails and curls - indicate some unnatural behavior and a desire to attract attention.

Don't be surprised if your car is tattooed on the back with an airbrushed drawing of a tiger being swallowed by a dragon.

The presence of seemingly superfluous, but still practical limbs(tentacles, spare legs, wings, proboscis) - an indicator that you want to cover (or maybe cover) many areas of activity at once. All these offshoots are your many hobbies or just your multi-station at work. Or it means the same thing, but with a minus sign: you often get into your own business, interfere with those around you with your omniscience.

The tail is what trails behind you. Your deeds, your intentions, your words. Here again, the timeline will come in handy (if you go to the left, you will get into the past, etc.). Follow where the tail points. To the right - you have some important plans for the future, to the left - you still remember and analyze past actions. To figure out whether these future or past actions of yours are causing positive or negative feelings, pay attention to whether the tail is looking up or down. Tail upright - you are either proud of something you have done, or you are looking forward to future victories. Fallen tail - fear of the future and regret about the past.

Among other things, the tail, who would doubt it, is a phallic symbol.

Therefore, the direction (up-down) can be just a momentary indicator of your potency. Nothing, nothing, it happens to every man.

In rare cases, an inquisitive eye will discover inanimate details in the body of a beast.(wheels, batteries, propellers, USB inputs). Such additions appear either from a great mind (the draftsman uses all his imagination, trying to invent a non-existent animal), or, conversely, from a damaged mind - in patients with schizophrenia.

Those details that your beast does not have are also important.

No legs - you are not confident in yourself (see the meaning of the lower limbs). There are no arms or tentacles - you do not influence the world, but prefer to passively wait for something to happen.

If you carefully read the task and gave your non-existent animal an unprecedented name, and not just called it, as usual, Vitaly Sergeevich, you will surely find a name among these options that is something similar to yours.

Rational connection of two or more semantic parts: elephant-footed, creeping horse, dog-eater. Shows practicality, rationality of thinking, strict adherence to the task, the desire to comply with the rules.

Pseudo-scientific name: latinoimenius, East European burdock goat. It shows that you are proud of your erudition and erudition. And you don't even think of yourself as a fool.

Nonsensical set of sounds: blew, hivoramira, vlyau. It is characteristic of a frivolous person who does not think about the consequences of his actions. In addition, such a kuluvlyau can emphasize that for the person who invented this name, the aesthetic element is more important than the rational one.

Funny name: chuchuchka, popencia. An indicator of your ironic-condescending attitude towards miserable others.

Repeating sounds: Flu-flu, visa-visa, joom-joom. Infantilism. Sorry, but we didn't invent it.

Title too long: zelofukiropotestoral, colibarnofurucase. Typical for a lover to fantasize and soar in the clouds.

Finishing touch

Now that you have figured out all the ins and outs about yourself and are sitting over a tear-stained drawing, try to recoup on your acquaintances. Of course, it takes practice to improve your skill.

“The more you analyze your drawings, the easier it will be to analyze the drawings of others”,- Our expert promised, and then she spoke in the sense that you should beware of unequivocally approaching the interpretation of fictional animals. All of the above is just the basics and cannot explain all of the cheek pouches and tentacles. Trust your intuition. If it seems to you that the Hitlerian mustache on the mountain penguin that your girlfriend drew means her secret desire to have a threesome, then most likely it is.

About one artist

Here's a small part of what our expert found out when he took a look at the umbrella toad, drawn by the fitness editor.

The creature has no arms. And where they are expected - the mouth. It can be assumed that verbal contact is the main way of interacting with environment. Umbrella with needles - a person expects an attack, but with some provocations from the outside, he tends to behave quite aggressively. Zhabokon - a name with a certain amount of irony. Self-esteem is ambivalent. A toad is perhaps something that is ironized by a person, and a horse is something that she is proud of and that she is more accepted by.

So, in order for the test results to be as accurate as possible, you cannot read the key before you draw the task. It's in your best interest, so show willpower and do not look at the answers ahead of time.

Stage 1. Take a sheet of paper (or draw in graphics editor on a computer, it doesn't matter). Draw a composition on a sheet, a complete picture on which will be located: house, lake, tree, sun, road, fence and snake.

Stage 2. After completing the drawing, we look at the clue and decipher the picture.

it is you. This object shows a person's self-esteem: the larger the tree in the overall scale of the drawing, the more confident the person is. If the branches of a tree stretch up, you are an optimist, a sociable and cheerful person, down a pessimist, or you just Bad mood at the time of the test.

House man's attitude towards money. A large and complex house in the figure means that it is very important for a person material values. If the house is small, for example, wooden, one-story, money is not the main thing for you. Anyone who has drawn a cottage with many traced details can be considered a materialist.

Lake represents mother. How close the lake is to the tree determines how close your mother is to you. If the lake in the picture is large, then your mother means authority for you, if it is small, her opinion is not decisive for you in life, or you already have your own children.

Sun symbolizes the father. The painted sun over the tree means that the father is a protector, you are calm and good with him. If the sun is somewhere behind a tree, breaking through because of it, the father is not the main person for you. The further the sun is from the tree, the less your father means to you in life. The sun not fully shown in the corner of the sheet may mean that you grew up without a father.

Road this is your career. If you have drawn a straight and wide road, this means success in your activity. A narrow and winding path of complexity in business. If a wide road leads to your home, it means that you have achieved a lot in life. A drawn road that goes beyond the edge of the drawing, the search for one's place in life.

Snake your attitude towards sex. The bigger it is, the more important sex is to you. If you drew a snake far from the tree, on the edge of the sheet you are dissatisfied with sex. A sinuous, carefully drawn snake signifies diversity. intimate life person.

Fence it is your character. If you drew an ordinary wooden fence, you are a kind and honest person. If the fence is iron and has sharp rods, you have a difficult, difficult character. A stone fence shows that a person is strong and strong-willed.


The location of objects and their proximity is of great importance. If the house is drawn across the road from the tree, your material path is only at the start, or there are obstacles.
The sun is over the lake, and next to it is a harmonious family tree.
A beautiful snake is drawn next to the tree, which does not touch the lake; there are conditions for sex (live separately).
The tree and the lake are separated by a fence, resentment against the mother or a quarrel with her.

Each person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. in the best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projective drawing that will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something that we don’t think about, the result shows not the logical, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can erupt unconsciously projected on paper.

You will need privacy to take the test below. No one should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, handle or pencil. Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector, draw a dot in the middle
  • in the second sector draw small square or rectangle
  • in the third sector there should be something similar to the "=" sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should get something similar:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what comes to your mind right away.

In the first three sectors, just draw what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. You don't need to draw something complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, move on to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also do not spend a lot of time on it.

Deciphering the drawings

Sector one

This section represents your isolation or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same applies, for example, to a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more elements you applied, the better. The only exception is circles. They should be as few as possible.

Sector two

This section shows your kindness and responsiveness, as well as the level selfishness. You may consider yourself kind person, if what you drew is connected in some way to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open people often draw a wall, which indicates their focus on the company and the team. Many draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this indicates that you need to think - maybe you are selfish.

Sector three

This sector will show how you consider yourself successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt. There should be as few drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most people call it). People who are satisfied with their relationship with the opposite sex usually draw a smiley face to make something like "=)". Worst of all, if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily piled up, this is an indicator of your self-doubt in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything is extremely simple here. This sector shows you what you are in love and in relations. If the sea turned out to be restless, then you prefer dynamic love that breaks your head. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warm and only pleasant, ordered emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is difficult to draw, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were not discussed), stars, living creatures, the Moon, the Sun - speak of your romance. If none of this is there, then you are strong in character, and romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest at first glance test can show each person his true face. Psychological personality tests of this kind are the most accurate, since the test subject does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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