Prose competitions starting in June. S-T-I-K-S Universe Novel Competition


1. Independent literary award "Debut"

The most famous literary award in Russia for young authors. Established International Fund"Generation". Awarded based on open competition authors literary works in Russian, who have not reached the age of 35 at the time of the award. Publishing houses, mass media, public organizations, participants have the right to nominate literary process as well as the authors themselves. Overall size prize fund - 6 million rubles.

2. Literary Prize named after V.P. Astafiev

Established by the V.P. Astafiev Charitable Foundation (Krasnoyarsk). The award is given regularly at the end of the year on the basis of a competition, the task of which is to identify and support the most talented young writers.

Any writer from 18 to 40 years old can take part in the competition for the award; competition covers territory Russian Federation. Candidates are nominated in the following categories: prose, poetry, another genre (essays, critical, literary, culturological works that have an independent artistic value), "Early Debut" (special nomination for authors from 9 to 18 years old with exceptional abilities in the field of fiction and created original works, worthy of the attention of readers, while still in school).

The V.P. Astafiev Prize has a monetary value and is awarded together with the Diploma of the Laureate of the Prize. V. P. Astafieva.

3. Russian National Literary Award "National Bestseller"

It was established by the fund of the same name, which was formed by individuals, with the global support of the Eurofinance Bank and the support of the United Financial Group.

Can be nominated for the award prose works, which were first published in Russian during the past calendar year, or manuscripts, regardless of the year of creation, with a volume of at least 3–4 copyright sheets(1 author's sheet is equal to 40 thousand characters or 700 poetic lines).

The motto of the award is "Wake up famous."

4. Annual all-Russian literary award "Yasnaya Polyana"

The award was established in 2003 by the museum-reserve of the same name and Samsung Electronics.

The Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize is awarded for the best work of art in the traditional form in three categories:

  • "Modern classic".
  • "XXI Century".
  • "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth "(works for children are considered).

The texts submitted for consideration should not have previously been awarded major literary prizes. Only published works can be nominated for the award.

To date, the prize fund of the award is 2,100,000 rubles.

5. Ivan Petrovich Belkin Literary Prize

The prize is awarded annually for the best story in Russian. The story must be first published in a magazine (newspaper) or book (for the first time) within a calendar year. The country of residence of the author does not matter.

Publishing houses, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, creative organizations, literary critics have the right to nominate. Online publications and manuscripts cannot be nominated for the award.

6. Annual literary award "NOS"

The award was founded in 2009 by the Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Foundation "to identify and support new trends in contemporary Russian literature."

Accepted for the Prize prose texts various artistic genres in a wide range from traditional novels to radical experimental prose, written and published in Russian in book and/or magazine/newspaper formats, as well as in electronic media.

The right to nominate for the Prize belongs to book publishers, funds mass media, creative unions and associations, literary agencies.

The winner of the Prize receives an award in the amount of 700 thousand rubles and a figurine symbol of the Prize; each finalist who made it to short list, receives 40 thousand rubles each, and the reader's choice prize, which is awarded to the author of a work based on the results of voting on the Internet or a TV show, is 200 thousand rubles.

As part of the award, there is a special project dedicated to children's literature: « Baby-NOSE". A work written for children from 5 to 12 years old can be nominated for the Baby-NOS award. Prose works published since January 1, 2000 in book and/or magazine/newspaper formats, as well as in electronic media are accepted for consideration.

7. International competition of short prose "White Tablet"

Founder - OOO "Zolotaya Strofa". Annual international competition short fiction, has been held since 2010. The purpose of the award is to "identify and support talented authors, writing stories, essays, miniatures in Russian; promoting their creativity within target audience giving them the opportunity to print their works; familiarization of publishers with new names in modern prose; financial support of the best authors in the field of short fiction”. Awarded twice a year in four categories. The laureates are awarded a diploma and a monetary reward.

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Actual literary competitions for 2019 for experienced and novice writers. Placed in accordance with deadlines (dates when the acceptance of works ends). The necessary information is indicated: nominations, age of participants, topics and genres, amount of accepted works.

International competitions-2019

31.01. Annual International Internet contest "Family Glory Page". Works devoted to wars and conflicts, pages from the history of the family, fellow internationalists, home front workers are accepted. This project is for people of all ages and professions. Conditions: You must register on the site.

15.03 . Literary competition "History and legends". Everyone who wants to participate. Prizes: diplomas, gifts, publication for the winners. Submit your work to: [email protected]. There are formatting requirements. Genres: historical novel or stories, epics, fairy tales, folklore, epics, ballads, odes, poems, visions, fiction, fantasy. Themes:

  • "Smeda". The basis should be a legend about a brave Bulgarian woman named Smeda, who in the 16-17 centuries, together with her 14 sons, founded the village, and then the city of Smyadovo.
  • "Sofrata". Tell about the area of ​​Sofrata - an energetically charged stone plateau in the forest, on top of a mountain, where electronic devices stop working and even fail. According to one version, this is an ancient Thracian sanctuary. A Swedish scientist, having examined Sofrata, expressed a fantastic version that Sofrata is a transition (gateway) to another dimension.

31.03. Contest short story"From great to funny"(3000-5000 characters, weekly, send to [email protected]). Participants: Ages 14+. Prizes: the winning stories are broadcast on the Gomel Plus radio on Saturdays and Sundays at 18.15, the names of the winners are announced weekly in the social groups of the organizer. Radio broadcast on the Internet at You can familiarize yourself with the rules of the competition.

01.04. International poetry competition. Humorous poetry is accepted. Those who wish to participate without restrictions on age, nationality and citizenship - who writes on English language. Prizes: money, publication.

15.04. International Literary story contest in the genre of fantasy XXII "Span of fantasy". Requirements for stories: in Russian; only fantasy (but in the broadest sense!); size from 7000 to 40000 characters without spaces; previously unpublished (including on the Internet).

15.07. Competition for the competition International Literary Prize them. I. F. Annensky (only manuscripts, poetry and prose). There are no age restrictions. Prizes: publication in journals, possibly a prize.

Russian competitions-2019

10.01. Literary award "Antonovka. 40+". Participants: interested, who are 40 years old and over. If your works of art written in the best traditions of Russian literature and humane, just right to send them by e-mail [email protected] marked "Antonovka Prize". The award was established in memory of the poet, prose writer, playwright and critic Alexei Antonov. Nominations:

  • "Poetry" (a selection of poems or a poem with a volume of no more than 350 lines);
  • "Prose" (stories or short stories up to 80 thousand characters);
  • "Dramaturgy" (plays, including in verse);
  • "Literary criticism" (reviews, articles, essays up to 40 thousand characters).

10.01. Literary competition "LitoDrama 2019"". Those who wish to participate. Previously unpublished plays are accepted. Acceptance of work: [email protected]. There are additional conditions. Nominations:

  • "Plays" (on free theme, volume up to 140 thousand characters);
  • "Free Space" (realistic plays, up to 140 thousand characters);
  • "Plays for children and teenagers" (up to 100 thousand characters);
  • "Prose Theater" (monologues, up to 20 thousand characters);
  • “Plays without action (up to 100 thousand characters);
  • “A play for Nastya” (plays for actress Anastasia Obolenskaya from Belgorod, up to 140,000 characters);
  • "Fantastic plays" (up to 100 thousand characters);
  • "Kazan History" (plays about Kazan, up to 140 thousand characters).

14.01. Competition in memory of St. Cyril- in honor of his 1150th anniversary of the Assumption (February 14, 2019), one of the brothers-creators of modern Slavic alphabet. Those who wish to participate. Stories and poems are accepted. Topics: "Creators of the alphabet"; "Slavic alphabet"; "The meaning of the creation of the Slavic alphabet"; "We and the word"; “We write in Cyrillic”, as well as other related topics related to Slavic literature. Up to 5 works are accepted from one participant. Registration on the site is required. Prizes: diplomas, gifts.

31.01 . Contest non-fiction literature from the publishing house Animedia Company. Texts in Russian with a volume of 5 author's sheets are allowed. It can be both separate completed works, and included in the series. Works proposed by the author for participation in the competition should not be placed in in electronic format on any of the trading platforms on the Internet. The following must be submitted to the contest: full text works, annotations and brief information about the author on email [email protected]. The subject of the letter should begin with the word "Competition". The results of the competition will be summed up on March 1, 2019. The main prize for 3 winners: a contract for the publication of the book by a publishing house, which provides for the placement of the work in all the leading online stores in the world, high percentages of royalties and other nice little things.

11.02. Competition "New Start" by Animedia Company. Category: novel ( modern prose, love story, thriller, detective, etc.). Prizes: a publishing contract, high percentages of royalties and many other pleasant things. Conditions: the volume of the work is from 5 author's sheets, the novel should not be placed on trading floors in the Internet.

28.02. Big Book Award. Nominations: novels, short stories, collections of short stories and/or short stories, non-fiction, memoirs, author's translations. Conditions: manuscripts also participate. Prizes: up to 3,000,000 rubles.

01.03. National Agency for Press and Mass Media "Russian literary center" on a competition basis accepts works in the regular literary and artistic almanac "NISERMI". Participants: willing, but undoubtedly talented. Participation without payment registration fee, but the selection will be tough. P Works are accepted in the following genres: short story; story; poems; feature article; essay; haiku; flash fiction and fan fiction; fairy tale or parable; other genres of small prose or poetic form. Requirements for texts: prose - from 800 to 25,000 characters; poetry - from 8 to 120 lines. The author can send one or more works corresponding to the specified volume in a single doc file, to the address: [email protected]. Prizes: publication.

31.03. Poetry Competition"Bereshchenye-2019": open, non-commercial project aimed at supporting the poetic creativity of the participants, popularizing universal values. The theme of the competition is “Life is the most valuable thing in the world”. Are being considered poetic works on the topic of value human life, the uniqueness of each human life. Competition prizes. Grand Prix: the winner will receive a summer VIP picnic set and a certificate for publishing an interview in Showbiz’24 magazine (Moscow). The winners of the competition will receive diplomas and souvenirs of the project. Also, the winners in the "Grand Prix" and "Sympathy of Bereshchenya" nominations will receive certificates for free audio recording of their works in a professional recording studio in their city of residence.

31.03 . Literary competition "Popadanets". Those who wish to participate. Previously unpublished novels with a volume of 400,000 characters or more are accepted, not marked 18+. Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, where main character- a man-a hitman, brave and decisive. The love line may be absent or be secondary. Registration on the site is required. Prizes: honorary publication of the book.

05.04, until 19.00.Competition "New Children's Book" from the publishing house "ROSMEN". Register. Prizes: the main prize is a contract with the ROSMEN publishing house, the best works of the contest participants are published in an illustrated collection. Nominations:

  • "Stories for the little ones"
  • "Young Adult: Thriller. Mystic. Horror,
  • "New Children's Illustration".

10.04. Love story short story competition. Age of participants: 18+. The volume of the story: 8000-32000 characters. Texts written specifically for the competition and not previously published anywhere participate. Condition: indefinite publication on the website of the contest organizer. Criteria for evaluating stories: literacy, artistry, plot. Prizes: diplomas, money.

15.04. Literary competition "Your Fantasy on Amazon". Those who wish to participate, who write in Russian. Only new novels with 90-120 thousand words are accepted. Genres: Epic, action or adventure fantasy. Registration on the site is required. Prize fund- 2500 dollars.

30.04. "Cyberpunk" from Litnet. Nominations: cyberpunk novel, science fiction, LitRPG, realRPG. me: the volume of the novel is from 10 author's sheets. Prizes: a royalty-free publication in the publishing house “Litnet Publishing” with a circulation of at least 3,000 copies, there are other goodies.

30.04 . Competition “New Writers”. Nominations: prose (up to 30,000 characters), poetry (no more than 200 lines). Conditions: participation is paid. Prizes: up to 10,000 rubles. + publication in the almanac.

10.05. open literary competition "Heroes of the Great Victory-2019" for the best literary story, essay, poem, song (text) of epic, historical and military-patriotic content. Organizers: Writers' Union of Russia, Russian Military Historical Society, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, etc.
Any citizen can participate in the competition, regardless of citizenship and nationality. Age restrictions: no. The competition is held in order to preserve and perpetuate the memory of what was shown during the Great Patriotic War heroism Soviet soldiers and the courage of Russian soldiers who defended the borders of the Motherland, as well as military personnel who participated in local wars and military conflicts.

15.05. All-Russian competition of teenage writers "Teenager N". Nominations: "Dystopia"; "Fantasy"; "Young adult"; "Non-fiction"; "A story for high school". Prizes: discounts in the "Labyrinth" laptops, publication of the book of the winner in the publishing house "CompassGid" and 10 author's copies.

20.05. The non-profit partnership "Wikimedia RU" and the Russian Union of Writers launched the first literary futurological competition "WikiFuture". Topic: the future of Wikipedia and similar resources, global knowledge bases and the impact of wiki technology on tomorrow. Nominations: "Sci-fi story" and "Futurological article". Only 1 work from 1000 to 20000 characters with spaces is accepted from one author.

Venues for the competition: "Samizdat" and "". Prizes: for laureates in each nomination - prizes with the symbols of "Wikipedia", works will be published in a special collection "WikiFuture"; finalists receive diplomas from Wikipedia and the Russian Union of Writers.

31.05. Competition "Electronic letter". Nominations: short stories, novels, novels with a volume of 4000 characters or more. Award nominations:

  • "Best Writer"
  • "Bestseller" (special nomination).
  • Choice of Experts (special nomination).
  • "Readers' Choice" (special nomination).

Prizes: promotion of book winners on all resources of the LitRes group of companies. Condition: only works published in electronic form on LitRes can participate.

31.12. Prizes newspapers "Litaratura and Mastatstva":

  • Prize named after B. Mikulich - for the worst publication of the work of prose on the front pages of the newspaper "Lim";
  • Prize named after A. Bachyly - for the most poetic publication on the front pages of the newspaper "LiM";
  • Prize named after R. Byarozkin - for the worst literary and cover publication.

The creations at the contest are promoted by the editorial staff of the newspaper "Litaratura and Art" ( [email protected]) from the 1st student of 2019 with the titles "Prose", "Paezia", ​​"Krytyka". Information on the competition budze was overruled in the newspaper “Litaratura i mastastva” no later than 31st student, 2020.

You can also see what are

If you have not yet decided whether to participate in competitions, the article may be useful:

P.S. Do you participate in literary competitions? What do they give you? Share your thoughts. And I wish you, colleagues, light keys and nimble mice!

Do you have information about the adult writing competition? Email me: [email protected].

Have you discovered the grain of writing talent in yourself and want to be appreciated? In this case, there are at least two scenarios. The first is that you gain patience and start bombing publishing houses with a synopsis of your work and the text itself from morning until late at night for days on end in the hope that someone will want to publish young talent at your own expense. At the same time, get ready for long months of waiting - in most cases, publishers need from a month to three to review one manuscript.

Or the second option - you send your work to a prestigious competition. If everything goes well, you win and gain popularity, and now you are no longer chasing publishers, but vice versa. However, even if the victory goes to someone else, any competition of a wide scale is a good opportunity to light up. So keep it up! And especially for you, we have compiled a list the best competitions for young and promising!

1. International literary competition "Russian Prize" (150,000 rubles)

When: Follow the information on the website.
Organizers: Development Foundation "Eurasian Research Institute".

"Russian Prize" is the only Russian prize, which is awarded to a Russian-speaking writer living outside of Russia. The purpose of the competition is to preserve and develop the Russian language and support Russian-speaking writers of the world. The prize is awarded in three categories: "Large Prose", "Small Prose" and "Poetry". The winners are awarded prizes in the amount of 150 thousand rubles. There are no age restrictions for applicants for the award. It is important that both published and previously unpublished works can participate in this competition.

2. International Literary Competition "Coronation of the Word"

When: information about the start of the competition appears annually in the summer, so writers need to follow the updates on the website: and in the media.
Organizers: Tatiana and Yuri Logushi.

The competition is held in the nominations "Novels", "Scenarios", "Plays" and "Song Lyrics", as well as "Coronation of Words for Children". Manuscripts of previously unpublished works are accepted for participation. The decision on the results of the competition is made by the jury. Winners receive cash prizes. Last year, the 1st prize in the nomination "Novels" was 20 thousand hryvnias, in the nomination "Scenarios" - 15 thousand, "Plays" - 10 thousand, "Song poetry" - 8 thousand. Also awarded a series special awards. Today the competition "Coronation of the word" is one of the most prestigious in Ukraine.

3. Competition "Writer of the Year-2016"

When: Until November 1, 2016.
Organizers: Your Publishing House (Moscow)

The competition is held with the aim of "discovering new talented names and promoting their promotion to the literary Olympus," as stated on the publisher's website. Authors over 18 years of age are allowed to participate. The place of residence does not matter. To participate, the author needs to apply on the page. At the end of the year, eminent representatives literary world choose one or more of the most interesting authors who will be offered special conditions for cooperation with the publishing house and presented with a nominal award.

4. Competition "Poet of the Year-2016"

A similar competition "Poet of the Year - 2016" is held by "Your Publishing House" for poets.
To take part in it, the author needs to apply on the page.

5. International literary competition of one story at LITER-RM.RU

When: until May 15, 2016.
Organizers: leaders and editorial board literary project LITER-RM.RU - writers, publishers, members of the Writers' Union of Russia, graduates of the Literary Institute. M. Gorky.

The purpose of the competition is to promote literary creativity, find talented youth, and also determine the geography of authors who create in Russian. Russian-speaking prose writers over 14 years old from anywhere in the world can become participants. The competition budget is 15 thousand rubles.

The competition is held in three categories "Realistic story", " fantasy story"and" Fantasy story, fairy tale ". Winners in each nomination receive a monetary reward in the amount of 3 thousand rubles, as well as a diploma. You can find out the details of the competition.

6. International competition of one poem at LITER-RM.RU

Also, a similar competition - the International competition of one poem on LITER-RM.RU - is held for poets.
Deadline - until December 1, 2016

The competition is held in two age groups: from 12 to 27 years old inclusive and from 28 years old. The winner will get money prize in the amount of at least 2 thousand rubles (from 12 to 27 years old) or 3 thousand rubles (from 28 years old). Subject, form and content of competitive works can be any. The details of the competition can be found.

7. International Literary and Pedagogical Competition "Kind Lyre" (Pedagogical Recognition Award)

When: until February 29, 2016.
Organizers: Union of Writers of Russia, Union of Writers of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Studies teacher education, Education Support Foundation, St. Petersburg State University, Humanitarian Pedagogical Center "Citizen of the 21st Century", Information Support Center scientific research, Lyceum of Information and Communication Technologies No. 590 of St. Petersburg.

The purpose of the competition is to increase the importance of modern Russian literature in the field of education younger generation and also to draw interest in the book as a source of morality. There are no restrictions for authors by age, citizenship, place of residence. The award is given in the following categories: Fiction- Jr school age"and" Fiction - no age limit. Competitive works must be written in prose in Russian, are not limited in subject matter and cannot be published earlier. The winners will receive diplomas, and the best works will be included in the final collection. Competition details: on the website.

8. International competition for the best work for children "Korneichuk Prize-2016"

When: before May 1, 2016.
Organizers : Public organization Regional Development Agency.

The Korneichuk Prize is a competition for the best works for children that have not been published before, and a real chance for novice children's authors. The works of the competition laureates attract the attention of major publishers in the country, which means that your story, story, fairy tale or poem may soon find its reader. At the end of the competition, the organizers form a collection the best works. Most bright works also included in literary almanacs.

The competition is one of the main events of the IV Odessa International Korneichuk Festival of Children's Literature, which is held as part of the XX International book fair"Green Wave" The winners in each nomination will receive diplomas, commemorative figurines and cash prizes in the amount of UAH 10,000.
Contest page.

9. Literary competition L'Officiel Online

When: all the time.
Organizers: L'Officiel Ukraine.

Recently, the Ukrainian editorial office of the world famous magazine L'Officiel launched a literary competition in the novel genre. The volume of competition works is up to 2 thousand characters. Each week, the best novel will be published on L'officiel Online. No prizes, winners and losers are expected. However, if the quality of the text is high, the editors promise to best author.
All details on the site.

10. 100% Fiction Science Fiction Competition

When: until February 14, 2016.
Competition coordinator: Kolesnikov Oleg Ernstovich.
Jury President: Vladimir Evgenyevich Churov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

11. Literary competition of the publishing house "Smoloskip"

When: until December 31, 2016.
Organizers: Smoloskip publishing house.

We wish you good luck writers!

Literary competition "History of the Popadans"

Previously unpublished works about hitmen with a volume of 50,000 characters or more in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition "Love and magic"

Previously unpublished works in the fantasy genre with a mandatory love line with a volume of 50,000 characters or more in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Literary award "Bella 2017"

Poems and essays in Russian and Italian are accepted.


Russian poem(for Russian-speaking authors aged 18-35)

– Literary-critical or biographical essay about modern poetry(up to 60 thousand characters without age limit)

– Optimism is the fragrance of life (Tonino Guerra nomination)

Prizes: There is!

Creative competition "New Year's non-stop"

Photos and notes about the preparation and celebration of the New Year in different cultures, countries and localities are accepted.


- Best photo essay

– Best note

- People's Choice Award

Prizes: There is!

Competition of fantastic stories on the site ""

Stories with a volume of 5-15 thousand characters in the genre of science fiction (in all its diversity) on the topic "Do not regret anything" are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

International Essay Contest “Letter to the Hero of Aurora”

Essays will be accepted in the form of a letter to one of the four finalists for the 2016 Aurora Prize: Marguerite Barankitse, Sede Ghoulam Fatima, Tom Catena or Bernard Quinvi. The stories of each of the four finalists are presented on the competition website. The volume is up to 600 words in Armenian, English and Russian. There are strict application requirements.

Prizes: There is!

Bodley Head/Financial Times Essay Competition

Anyone aged 18-35 can take part. Dynamic, authoritative and vibrant essays of no more than 3,500 words in English are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Competition in memory of A.T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower"

The competition is dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. Works for children in 2 nominations are accepted. Registration on the site is required.


– prose (up to 8 thousand characters)

- poems (up to 48 lines)

Prizes: There is!

Demon Love Romance Competition

accepted romantic stories up to 80 thousand characters on the theme "Love of the Demon". The competition is anonymous.

Prizes: There is!

Short story contest "High heels-8"


– Revelations

- Romantic comedy

Science Fiction and Fantasy Competition

Works in the genre of science fiction or fantasy with a volume of at least 200 thousand characters are accepted. No more than 3 works from each participant.

Acceptance of work: [email protected] Be sure to indicate in the title: "Competition - full name of the participant", in the letter provide all the information for the participant's profile.

Prizes: There is!

Russian-Japanese Tanka Poetry Competition

Citizens of Russia and Japan can take part. Accepted poems in the tanka genre in Russian or Japanese, which have never been published before. Theme: Mountains and waters.

Prizes: There is!

Essay Contest "Leader of Tomorrow"

Students who are not older than 1987 can participate in the master's or postgraduate program of any university. Essays up to 2100 words in English are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition for children and youth "For the good of the Motherland 2016-2017"

Children, boys and girls aged 7-25 can participate.

– Stories connecting thread

- The fate of the native language

– Free theme


– prose (story, essay, essay, biography)

- poetry (poetry)

– journalism (reportage, interview, article, chronicle)

Prizes: There is!

Pioneer Song Creation Contest

Organizer: Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization. The texts of pioneer songs are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

XII International Literary Prize. P.P. Ershov

The prize is awarded for works of prose, poetry, drama, works in the field of journalism that continue the best traditions of Russian culture and are aimed at readers of childhood and adolescence, regardless of publication and volume.


- From the descendants of P.P. Ershov - for the preservation and development of the best traditions of Russian children's literature

– Connection of times — nomination named after V.G. Utkov, for the preservation and development of the best traditions of children's cognitive (popular science) literature

- Choice of a patron - for a work for children and youth that continues the traditions of the fairy tale genre.

Prizes: There is!

Story Contest "Life can be cruel!"

We accept stories about an event that severely affected your life or the lives of loved ones, people you know. Registration on the site is required.

Poetry competition "Mine is someone else's"

Poems are accepted about missed opportunities in love, about uncertainty in relationships, regret about what has been done or vice versa not done to save love. Registration on the site is required.

Film script competition about the exploits of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

At the first stage, detailed synopses of feature-length scripts are accepted. feature film in Russian with a volume of at least 20 pages. The script must save historical truth and memory of the heroic past of our Fatherland, to continue and develop the best traditions of Russian and Soviet drama, to form spiritual and moral values, responsible civil position and patriotism.

Prizes: There is!

7 Youth poetry competition"CaeRomania"

The competition is dedicated to the poet K.R. (Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov). Young poets aged 14-27 can take part. Authors aged 18-35 participate in a special nomination of the competition for young journalists. No more than 5 poems with a total volume of no more than 300 lines are accepted. Nominations:

– Mirror (remakes are accepted on famous poem Nikolai Zabolotsky "Love painting, poets!")

- The whole world is a theater ... (accepted philosophical reflections about the world and relationships between people or specific personal experiences)

– Optimistic (poems that have the size of a march are accepted)

– Offering to Pavlovsk (poems dedicated to Pavlovsk are accepted, inspired by its history, architecture, nature)

– An amazing meeting (a nomination for journalists, texts are accepted about an event, place, phenomenon, person in the field of culture and art that struck them)

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition "The Little Prince"

The competition is dedicated to the work of Exupery "The Little Prince". Anyone under the age of 25 can participate. Need to come up with a continuation of the story about little prince, in which the hero Exupery arrives on the 8th planet and gets acquainted with its inhabitant. The language of the competition is French. Volume competitive work- up to 2500 characters.

Prizes: There is!

Competition of stories "Algebra of the word"

Stories up to 20,000 characters are accepted. There are no genre or theme restrictions.

Competition of short stories "Dialective"

We accept stories for children aged 8-14 in the dialectic genre with a volume of up to 60 thousand characters. The story should reveal the dialectical process and show its beauty. For details about the genre of dialects, see the link.

Prizes: There is!

Short story competition “Russia. It's time for a change. Alternatives»

The competition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary October revolution. Accepted stories in the genre of alternative history of the times of 1917-18 years in the amount of 2-20 thousand characters. The competition is anonymous.

International scenario competition "Potential 2017"

Screenwriters and directors aged 18-35 can take part. Scripts for short films in Russian with a duration of 7-15 minutes are accepted.

Prizes: There is!

Translation competition "Sensum de Sensu 2017"

Anyone under the age of 30 can participate. We accept transfers from foreign languages into Russian specially prepared tasks from the competition website.


– translation of special text from English

– literary translation of prose from English

– translation of a special text from German

– literary translation of prose from German

– literary translation of poetry from German

– literary translation of poetry from Polish

– literary translation of poetry from Czech

– translation of a special text from Spanish

– literary translation of prose from Spanish

– literary translation of poetry from Spanish

– translation of the text from French

International Literary Competition of Popular Science Works "Polar Explorers' Wives"

Essays dedicated to wives, girlfriends, brides, muses of famous polar explorers are accepted. The work must be based on real historical facts and contain links to archives, documents, chronicles, diaries. Attention: there are strict requirements for registration of the application!

The proposed list of heroines: Eva Nansen, Jane Franklin, Kathleen Scott, Josephine Dibich Piri, Juliette Jean, Galina Kirillovna Papanina, Vera Fedorovna Schmidt, Vera Valerianovna Sedova, Sofia Fedorovna Kolchak. Also, participants can choose the heroines themselves.

Prizes: There is!

All-Russian competition of theatrical reviews "I write about the theater"

Students of grades 9-11 of schools and students of professional educational organizations(colleges, technical schools, etc.) living in Russia. Theatrical reviews are accepted for any repertoire performance of any of the theaters in Russia with a volume of at least 5 thousand characters.

Acceptance of work: [email protected]

7th International Grushinsky Internet Contest

Literary nominations:

– poetry (a selection of 3 works up to 120 lines)

small prose(essays, articles, stories up to 15,000 characters)

For information on other nominations, see the link below.

Competition of novels "Witch secrets"

Novels based on a detective mystery are accepted. The volume is not less than 420 thousand characters. Registration on the site is required.

Prizes: There is!

Essay competition "Ideas of Likhachev and the present"

Young people aged 15-18 can participate. Essays are accepted for the competition, in which a specific provision is developed from the scientific and socio-political heritage of Academician D.S. Likhachev, formulated in one of the proposed quotations.

Prizes: There is!

Citizens of the Russian Federation 14-30 years old can participate.


- screenwriting skills

– Artistic skill

Prizes: There is!

Competition for students "Encyclopedia of Tourism"

Students from Russia can participate without any age limit. Acceptance of work at [email protected] with clear filling of the application (see website)


– Design “Postcard from the Little Motherland”

– Essay “I was born in…”

– Photo project “My view”

– Research “My Small Motherland in national cinema"

– Encyclopedia of tourist sites

– Encyclopedia of tourist routes

– School Museum

Prizes: There is!

All-Russian creative competition"Thanks for the victory!"

Students from Russia can participate without any age limit. Acceptance of works with a clear filling of the application (see website)


– Social poster (for participants aged 13 and over)

– Drawing’ (for participants under the age of 12 inclusive)

- Essay "Why I say thank you!"

– Faces of Victory (photographs of veterans of the Great Patriotic War)

– Conversations with veterans (film-interview with veterans of the Great Patriotic War - participants in the Battle of Moscow)

– Excursion "Route of Victory" (to the places of military and labor glory in the Great Patriotic War)

Prizes: There is!

Topic: “Imagine you are an advisor to a new Secretary General UN. What global problem would you help him decide in the first place? What advice would you give to help him deal with her decision?” Volume up to 20 thousand characters.

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition "Hacked Future"

Accepted stories that are dedicated to difficult life a person in the rapidly approaching world of global communications and digital surrogates, total surveillance and invisible cyber warfare, artificial intelligence and unusual social structures. The genre and themes of the stories may be broader than classic cyberpunk, however information Technology should be a key element in the plot. Volume up to 30 thousand characters.

Prizes: There is!

VIII International Competition "New Children's Book"

Works in Russian and not previously published in commercial editions (over 1000 copies) are accepted.


– Poems and fairy tales for the little ones (works for children under 5 years old, up to 20 thousand characters)

– World of fantasy (works for children aged 10-16 years old with a volume of 320-600 thousand characters.

Prizes: There is!

S-T-I-K-S Universe Novel Competition

Novels with a volume of 420,000 characters or more are accepted. based on Artyom Kamenisty's series "S-T-I-K-S". Registration on the site is required.

Prizes: There is!

Competition of novels "Love extraterrestrial"

Novels with a volume of 420,000 characters or more are accepted. in the romantic fantasy genre, both serious and humorous. The main condition is that one of the heroes should NOT be human. Registration on the site is required.

Prizes: There is!

8 Literary competition "North - a country without borders 2017"

We accept stories in Russian up to 20 thousand characters without spaces, where the main character is Sever

Prizes: There is!

All-Russian competition of journalists "Entrepreneurship in Russia: history, problems, successes"

Journalistic materials in Russian are accepted (publications, news reports, radio, TV spots, illustrations and photographic materials) informing about the activities of entrepreneurs and the investment climate in Russia in order to create a positive image of an entrepreneur and a professional in Russian society.


– Material about entrepreneurship on TV

– Material about entrepreneurship on the radio

– Material about entrepreneurship or the investment climate in Russia in a print publication, online media, on the website news agency or in the blogosphere

– Illustration for the theme of entrepreneurship or investment climate

– Material on the topic staffing investment projects in regions

Prizes: There is!

III All-Russian literary competition "Heroes of the Great Victory-2017"

Anyone can participate. Accepted stories, essays, poems, songs, highlighting the feat, fate real hero, military-historical and heroic event.

Prizes: There is!

International literary competition "Warm words 2017"

Artistic texts dedicated to the original Russian traditions of the stove business are accepted.


- Song of the stove-maker (poems dedicated to the stove business, the work of stove-makers with a volume of up to 2 thousand characters)

– Tale by the fireplace (fairy tales, stories from fantastic plot, using images of a stove or fireplace, up to 10 thousand characters)

– Warm deeds of the master (realistic stories, essays, essays on the stove business, the fate of stove-makers up to 20 thousand characters)

– The stove is the head of everything (poetry and prose based on the work of the winners of the All-Russian drawing competition “The stove is the head of everything”, held in 2016, the volume is up to 10 thousand characters)

Acceptance of work: [email protected]

Prizes: There is!

Creative competition "World Pushkin"

Anyone under the age of 35 can participate.


literary criticism and journalism on the work of A.S. Pushkin (article, review, review up to 40 thousand characters)

- literary translation of a poem by A.S. Pushkin into a foreign language

Prizes: There is!

Literary Prize. S. Yesenin "My Rus'"

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate. The competition accepts works both dedicated to Sergei Yesenin and inspired by his work, stylistically or in spirit consonant with his poetry. There are no explicit volume limits. Registration on the site is required. Attention: participation is paid!


– poetry

Prizes: There is!

XV All-Russian competition " best lesson letters-2017"

Students from schools, universities, colleges, cadet corps, art studios etc., as well as school principals, teachers of schools and universities, leaders of children's clubs, etc. Children's letters and drawings are accepted.


- I glorify the Fatherland, which is, but three times - which will be (together with the Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov)

- There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland ... (with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)

– Dedicated to the Year of Ecology: What am I doing to save the nature of Russia (together with the Ministry of natural resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation)

- Recipes happy family(supported by the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives)

– Generation of Caring: Warm Heart (supported by the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives)

- From the depths of time. Stories and legends of my family (with the support of the Writers' Union of Russia)

– I have an Amur tiger living at my house, the nomination is aimed at students of secondary and lower grades. Held with the support of the Center for the Study and Conservation of the Amur Tiger Population

Let's imagine that ten years later you become the president of a bank. Your first steps… (together with Post Bank)

- Cool story. Stories happen to those who know how to tell them… (with the weekly children's publication ‘ Cool magazine’)

– The best methodical development conducting a writing lesson (together with the editors of CJSC "Teacher's newspaper")

Prizes: There is!

Literary competition "George Ribbon"

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate. Works of a historical and patriotic orientation are accepted, glorifying the civil and military prowess of Russian soldiers and home front workers, as well as the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace on earth. Attention: participation is paid!


- poetry (a selection of 10 poems with a total volume of up to 250 lines)

– prose (story, essay, essay up to 40 thousand characters)

Literary competition "Writer of the Year"

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate. Works are accepted but one of the nominations in prose. Registration on the site is required. Attention: participation is paid!


- Writer of the Year

- Fantastic

– Memoirs

- Children's literature

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