Millennium generations. Generation Y: Types of millennials and their relationship with brands on social media


Today everyone is discussing the generations of the future -Y,Z andA, while the most economically active people of the generation X. Little is said or written about them, but they are shaping the future of the global economy and politics. About who are the people of the generation X, and how they differ from representatives of other generations, read our article.

The most active in economic terms today are representatives of the so-called generationsX. It has largely influenced the formation of the modern business environment and has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the global economy. Gen Xers have a unique value system that allows them to excel in all areas of life.

Generation X value system

This system is a set of behavioral and social attitudes that have developed under the influence of many factors. The system has a direct impact on a person's opinion regarding certain phenomena and things that he encounters throughout his life. It is she who is the main reference point in the process of adoption important decisions. Changing the value system during life is possible, but extremely rare.

Due to the huge variety of values, it is customary to divide them into several main categories. Most often, researchers identify 2 types of values :

Value #1


This category is one of the fundamental ones. This includes all attitudes and ideals, under the influence of which the individual's ideas about the good, justice, beauty, goodness, evil, and so on are formed. It is on a set of spiritual values ​​that ideas about what is necessary and due, preferences and desires, aspirations and inclinations depend;

Value #2


TO material values include consumer values ​​expressed in material form: essentials, private property, availability of goods and services.

The final set of values ​​of each person is individual and unique. It is quite difficult to take into account each element of this system. However, there are certain combinations of values ​​(gender, family, national, professional) that are inherent in representatives of certain "generations".

generational theory

For the first time, several scientists started talking about this theory at once in the first half of the 90s. According to this theory, approximately every 20 years, a new generation of people is born whose value system is fundamentally different from the value system of their parents, grandparents. The formation of the value system of a representative of each new generation actually ends by the age of 11-15, after which it is only supplemented and strengthened. Already at this age, the first differences can be noticed: the attitude towards other people, money, material and spiritual wealth, the style of consumption and behavior in general.

The calculation and description of "generations" begins with late XIX century. Each of the generations has its own unique values, which were formed under the influence of many factors. The activities of representatives of each generation provoked the creation of new conditions, which, in turn, began to influence the formation of the value system of the next generation.

The Lost Generation (1890 - 1900)

The first generation, which in question in the mentioned theory, these are people born in 1890-1900. This era is characterized social inequality, the stratification of society, disillusionment with civilization, the decline of culture and decadence. Representatives of the "lost generation" grew up and took shape in the conditions of despotism and monarchism, and most important event that era was a hitherto unprecedented global military conflict - the First World War and the collapse of the imperialist state. As a response, representatives of the generation took an active part in the revolutionary events, the formation modern states, the creation of new ideas, the development of science and a new culture.

Winners (The Greatest) (1901 - 1925)

According to different versions, representatives of this generation were born from 1901 to 1925. These people grew up in an era of global changes in the social and political world order. Bold ideas, new areas of science and technology, the strengthening of totalitarian and authoritarian societies - all this influenced the value system of the representatives of the "winning generation". People born at this time were participants or witnesses of the Second World War, the creation of the UN, the post-war restoration of the world order.

Silent (1925 - 1945)

People born on the eve of and during the Second World War (1925-1945) are usually called the “silent generation”. They had to grow up and live in postwar period, to restore the destroyed economy and industry. The period of their activity is the beginning cold war, slow but steady economic growth, gradual improvement of living conditions and quality of life, absence of global shocks, strengthening of power structures. However, the childhood of these people was extremely difficult, which could not but leave an imprint on their whole life.

Baby boom (I) (1946 - 1964)

The representatives of the silent generation and the "winners" produced a huge number of children, resulting in a population explosion (1946-1964). The baby boom era saw the beginning of the sexual revolution, the heyday of rock music and the hippie culture. Authoritarian rulers no longer suited society, which often led to unrest and local conflicts. Demonstrations, rallies, popular performances and protests have become typical of this era.

At the same time, protest moods and narcissism begin to prevail. Generation Me people prioritized self-actualization, refusing conventional social responsibility. This generation was one of the first to start talking about the fact that the main thing in life is to have fun and change the world. People from the baby boom generation actively promoted the ideas of equality, non-violence, democracy and tolerance.

Generation X (1965 - 1979) (according to some researchers - up to 1982)

The socially active and freedom-loving baby boomers were replaced by representatives of generation X, born from 1965 to 1979 (according to some researchers - until 1982). In some cases, all children born before the 1990s and even 2000s are also included here, but this is not true.

The formation of the X's value system was influenced by: the war in Afghanistan, Chechen War, the stagnation and fall of socialist regimes, the end of the Cold War, the opening of borders, freedom of movement, globalization, the growth in the number of emigrants, the fall and subsequent rapid growth of the economy.

The representatives of the unknown became even more independent of the official authorities. However, in contrast to the worldview of the baby boomers, attempts to change the world have been replaced by the absolute or partial indifference of the "X" to what is happening in the political arena. sexual relations outside of marriage have become the norm, as well as the lack of religiosity and patriotism. Gen Xers are getting divorced more often, but family values still play one of the primary roles for them.

These people are not used to stability. Before their eyes, the whole system of the world was changing radically, and they got used to the difficulties associated with these changes. Infantilism and decadence are alien to them, they are active, quick-witted, they can be called "punching". They rely only on themselves, always have a plan "B", do not get lost in the face of difficulties and are ready for any difficult situations.

"X" changed the world beyond recognition. These people are characterized by high performance and productivity, they are persistent and diligent. For "X people" important role plays career, level of education, wealth. They strive to be successful, but often they do not look for new ways, but use long-proven routes.

HR Director at Relief

People after 45 are professional and diligent, without unnecessary ambitions. Explain this to company management

Sometimes employers are afraid that subordinates will be older than the leader. But it's not scary! The main thing is to instruct older employees suitable job not associated with high rates and constant stress. And there is always enough such work at the enterprise. For example, we have many employees in our company who are celebrating their 50th birthday this year. Just a year of anniversaries. And all these specialists work productively. Therefore, I am happy to take people over 45 years old to my department. They are more efficient, reliable, professional, and at the same time they do not have excessive ambitions (like a university graduate who does not know how, but wants a lot). I can rely on such an employee, because I am sure that everything will be done 100%. After all, he has both responsibility for the result and unwillingness to lose his job. This is exactly what HR directors should explain to top managers of the company.

Millennials (Y, YAYYA) (early 80s - late 90s)

Most economic models and incentive systems were created specifically for the Xs. Thanks to this, an HR director can quickly achieve an increase in labor productivity, while using a “standard” set of motivators, both tangible and intangible.

"X" are accustomed to achieve everything themselves. Career and life in general for them is a kind of step-by-step strategy. First you need to finish school, then go to college or university, get a profession and "crust". After that, the newly-minted specialist comes to the enterprise and starts from the “bottom” - works as a line or junior office staff with the prospect of a slow but sure career. Managerial or expert positions "X" reached (and still reach) at the age of 30-40 years.

Employee motivation X

In most cases, rapid career growth is not possible for them. Representatives of the "X" are trying to "sell themselves" more profitable, but at the same time they understand that in order to implement such a plan, you need to match the declared price. Empty ambitions are rare for them, they are well aware of their own worth and require adequate remuneration for their labors.

Material motivation plays a huge role in stimulating generation X workers. Promotion by career ladder, obtaining new powers or responsibilities, solving assigned tasks, fulfilling the production plan - all this should be noted not only in the form of praise or recognition of merits from the management, but also quite tangible material rewards. By itself, the increase or bonus may even be insignificant, but it must be.

by the most in an efficient way non-material motivation for workers "X" is the possibility of obtaining new knowledge and advanced training. Courses, seminars, business trips, webinars - all this will be appreciated by representatives of generation X.

An equally important role is played by the recognition of merit - public awards, the provision of a personal workplace, personal benefits, and so on. An excellent way to recognize the merits of such an employee is to appoint him as a mentor who should be involved in training newcomers to the team. With this technique, the personnel service can immediately decide 3 problems:

Problem #1

Increase the motivation of the mentor

By appointing an employee as a “teacher”, management demonstrates its loyalty and trust, which in turn encourages the mentor to better perform their own work;

Problem #2

Reduce newbie adaptation time

It will be easier for a new employee to join the team and get involved in work processes if an experienced employee, and not a representative of the personnel service, is engaged in adaptation and training;

Problem #3

Reduce the workload of the HR department

How to use the X's human resources

The “Unknown Generation” was formed at the dawn of the era of media communications, when the Internet and other types of mobile communications were more of a rarity than the norm. For this reason, for many Xs, live communication and real human relationships are of fundamental value. They are not so dependent on social networks and the Internet in general, so their picture of the world is much more realistic than representatives of Y and Z.

Characteristics of people from generation X

  • have rich life experience
  • have a great work experience
  • have some merit
  • have a good education
  • diversified,
  • tactful
  • sociable.

These people are best suited to perform stable and responsible work that requires perseverance and a thorough approach.

Xs are attentive to people and details, so they make excellent managers at all levels. The consistency and predictability of actions allows them to be appointed as leaders of serious projects or developing business lines.

Thanks to business acumen and the ability to build working relationships, Xs can be safely sent for negotiations to other companies. They can be entrusted with the implementation of serious projects with pre-planned results.

Disadvantages of employees X

Unlike Y people (YYYA), whose representatives are very ambitious, Xs can and will work hard. It was this generation that gave rise to the term "workaholism" - dependence on work. An unfulfilled project, failures at work, missed deadlines - all this is taken very seriously and painfully by them.

Excessive workloads and responsibilities provoke stressful situations from which the moral and physical health of these individuals suffer. For this reason, the Xs are more prone to nervous breakdowns, moral exhaustion and depression. Damage physical health manifests itself in the form of headaches, decreased sexual activity, heart attacks, early heart attacks and strokes.

Such consequences can be avoided only with the help of regular alternation of “work” and “rest” modes, creation of comfortable working conditions and a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Test yourself

What are the 2 main types of values?

  • gender and family;
  • professional and national;
  • spiritual and material.

What is the name of the generation born between 1946 and 1964?

  • lost;
  • baby boom;
  • millennials.

Which generation is the most active in the economy at the moment?

  • Baby boom;

What's different about Generation X?

  • high efficiency;
  • unwillingness to grow up;
  • protest spirit, active participation in political and public life.

The main disadvantage of generation X is:

People who have something to do with the selection of personnel, more and more often today can hear about certain generations X, Y and Z. But what does this mean? Who are these people and why should they be involved in cooperation? According to HR specialists, the young theory of generations opens up wide boundaries for attracting and managing staff.

date of birth question

For the first time, two people spoke about the features of age differences in 1991 - US researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss. They created a theory that was based on differences in the values ​​of people of different generations. These differences have been studied, as well as the reasons for them, for example, the situation in the economy and politics, the technological development of society, etc. Some time later, the theory began to be applied in practice, because. she proved to be very effective in business. Today, this theory is being used more and more.

The age theory includes three main components (generations X, Y and Z) and one additional (baby boomers). Let's consider them in more detail.

baby boomers

Baby Boomers are people born between 1943 and 1963. As a rule, they, collective labor and team game. Self-development is understood by them as an increasing ability to achieve collective goals.

Currently, most baby boomers are retired, although there are those who are still working. A distinctive feature of this category of people in Russia is enviable endurance.

Generation X

Generation X are people born between 1963 and 1983. Their distinctive features are such features as the ability to rely only on themselves, alternative thinking, awareness of what is happening in the world, willingness to choose and change. By by and large, people in this age group are loners who are focused on hard work and achieving individual success. They move through their careers for long years, keeping one direction

Generation Y

Generation Y people are people who were born between 1983 and 2003. Their understanding of purposefulness and success is different: in most cases, they do not like to start professional growth from the lower levels, counting on the fact that in a few years they will be raised. Their main focus is immediate growth. This is also considered their disadvantage.

However, this disadvantage can be partly justified by the desire for maximum awareness and professionalism in several areas at once, because. it is not permissible for these people to be experts in one thing. Generation Y is the hope modern business, because he is characterized by the highest technical literacy, a desire to work after hours and a craving for knowledge.

It can also be added here that, according to some experts, for example, Mikhail Semkin, executive director of the Labor Market Experts non-profit partnership, and Olga Pavlova, HR specialist at MDM Bank, in the next decade, generation Y will become the main workforce.

Generation Z

Those who were born after 2003 belong to Generation Z. It is too early to evaluate these people in terms of professionalism, given their age. And it is not possible at this time to say what values ​​will prevail in their minds.

But what is all this information for?

"Personnel hunting"

If you approach the question of “hunting” for employees correctly, then it suggests an answer to why HR specialists need to know about generations XYZ, because HR literally sounds like “Human Resources”, which means “ Human resources”, which means that a person occupies a dominant role here.

The attention of modern HR specialists is increasingly focused on human capabilities. And it is the potential of employees, and not the material base of companies and corporations, that becomes their main wealth.

In addition, there is an increasingly fierce competition for applicants in the personnel market, and in order to emerge victorious from it, it is necessary to provide talented representatives of each generation with only the most Better conditions. Plus, it is extremely unacceptable to evaluate these people on the same scale, because they may have diametrically opposed ideas about the “work of their life”. And employees can be understood the best way only from the position of the theory of generations XYZ.

What conditions are acceptable for each of the generations?

When working with staff, you need to understand that people of different generations will have different needs.

Baby boomers, as a generation with stable demands, are mainly focused on sustainability. It is stable conditions that are of decisive importance here, and it is possible to motivate these people without even resorting to the use of material benefits.

The main motivation for generation X is the desire to be confident in the future and a clear knowledge of all the details of their work. In addition to this, as a motivation, it is recommended to use the opportunity to constantly be in the process of learning and personal growth. If we talk about financial side question, then for people who belong to generation X, the fixed salary is most interesting, and the system of commercial incentives does not cause very positive emotions in them.

Considering that generation Y is often referred to as the “network generation”, it is also possible to attract them very successfully through the Internet, in particular, through social networks. For generation Y, the basic motivation is monetary reward, the absence of bureaucratic "troubles" and the technological component, for example, the presence of high-tech equipment at the workplace. In the same case, if the organization does not introduce new technologies and the work process is not optimized, then this may adversely affect the interest of applicants in this company and activities in it.

Among other things, generation Y prefers those organizations that have the least number of prohibitions and restrictions. A relaxed atmosphere is important here, a free style in communicating with colleagues, the opportunity to dress in a familiar manner, etc. And it will be even better if the working routine is somewhat reminiscent of a game, because this generation was brought up on computer games.

What else is important to consider?

Everyone is free to hold their own opinion, and many may consider the theory of generations XYZ to be an ordinary "fairy tale" that is not worthy of attention. However, any company that does not focus on modern trends (as well as any company that blindly takes everything on faith) slows down its development. According to the opinion of Olga Pavlova mentioned above, HR specialists must certainly take into account the interests and characteristics of the baby boomer generations, X, Y and Z. If a company needs a person from generation Y, then X or a baby boomer will never replace him. The situation is considered ideal in which person-X leads person-Y, while paying attention to his point of view and.

If due attention is not paid to the theory of generational differences, there will be a high probability negative consequences for the company, because Practice shows that very often a completely unsuitable person is hired for a vacant position. In an effort to achieve a quick result, personnel officers can “customize” the applicant to a template, which subsequently causes disappointment for both the company, the employee, and the person who approved his candidacy, and they will have to look for a new person.

Undoubtedly, guided by the principles of the theory Generation XYZ, the company can spend much more time evaluating it, compiling and analyzing personal and professional characteristics, etc., but the result is worth it, because the company gets not only the opportunity to implement strategic plans, but also a satisfied and grateful employee.

The theory of age differences can also be used to advise existing staff, as well as applicants. If the recruiter can correctly convey information to the applicant, in case of refusal, the applicant will understand that the reason for this may not be his personal indicators, but the totality of the labor market and the specifics of the company. In addition, knowledge about the theory of generations will help the person who is looking for a job to correct his actions and start moving in a new direction, if the previous one did not work out.

As for the corporate culture, the theory of the XYZ generation helps to build it properly, because focusing on the differences between generations, you can make a bias towards those values ​​that are important for representatives of the generation that prevails in the company. But the interests of others, of course, must always be taken into account.

In their work, personnel officers should focus on both traditional recruitment methods and new trends and trends in this area, because the company's success depends on the application of the most effective strategies, and those can be found in any period of time - both in the past and in the present.

We live in the 21st century high technology and rapid development. The world around us is changing, and the transformation affects all areas of our society. Someone strives to keep up with innovations, someone, on the contrary, adheres to a conservative position. What strategy of behavior a person chooses in changing conditions often depends not only on personal beliefs, but also on factors such as social environment, upbringing, belonging to a generation.

The problem of "fathers and sons" has existed in our world for a long time, and the issue of mutual understanding between generations is regularly raised in various literature both artistic and scientific. And in the modern world, the gap between generations is becoming more and more noticeable, as the conditions under which representatives of different generations grow and educate are radically changing. This, undoubtedly, has a significant impact on their values ​​and attitudes: their thinking, lifestyle, and people's attitude to leisure and work are changing.

Many argue that representatives of different generations hardly understand each other, because they grew up in radically different conditions. It is believed that the younger generation that is now entering the labor market has different work values, different job requirements and different expectations.

But do representatives of different generations really differ significantly from each other in terms of labor values? We answer this question by looking at modern research on this topic.

X, Y, Z - who are they?

In 1991, American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss published a book on the theory of generations, in which they described their ideas that approximately every 20 years in the world there is a change of generations, people with new values, a new mindset, who enter the “arena” have other life trajectories.

Recently, generational theory has gained popularity, and often we can hear references to generations X, Y and Z, which are on this moment are the most active workers and consumers of economic goods and services.

What are these generations? What makes them different? Let's try to figure it out.

Defining generational boundaries is not an easy task. Some scientists establish them based only on time intervals, that is, starting from the year of birth, someone focuses on similar values ​​and attitudes, the general conditions of education. It is worth noting that social, cultural and economic conditions have a great influence on the process of determining generations, which can vary greatly in different countries. different countries. Any turning point that affects the process of development of society can occur in different countries with a difference of decades. So, for example, the wide spread of the Internet took place in America in the 90s of the last century, and in our country it began only in the new millennium. Obviously, such significant events have an impact on the development of society and draw boundaries between generations.

Thus, the boundaries of generations X, Y and Z are not stably defined and vary somewhat depending on the countries and approaches of scientists. So, let's define the main characteristics of representatives of generations X, Y, Z.

GenerationX is the generation of people born after 1965. The upper generation limit varies for different authors, some scholars set it at the level of 1976 , others speak of 1980 or 1984 .

American scientists speak of the people of this era as " lost generation". At that time, the “age of divorce” began in America, and for many people this family event had a big impact. In Russia, the years of growing up of representatives of generation X fell on the years of perestroika, and this era had an important impact on the formation of personalities. Generation X is characterized by a high level of skepticism, social and political indifference, lack of initiative, but at the same time, they are a very educated and literate generation. Compared to the previous generation, which is accustomed to working together, representatives of the Xs are aimed at hard work and individual success. They are used to building their careers throughout their lives, gradually moving in the chosen direction.

GenerationY, also known as the network generation or millennial generation, were born around 1985 to 1995. A characteristic feature of this generation can be called the widespread use of the Internet, pop culture, mobile communications during their growing up, which had a great impact on their values ​​and attitudes. The Greeks are accustomed to constantly being in touch, communication, cooperation, and cooperation are important for them. They are not ready to spend their whole lives in one place, they strive for a variety of work, therefore they are ready for training and retraining throughout their lives. Players are more flexible, they quickly adapt to changing conditions, but at the same time they change conditions themselves, they are ready to dictate their own rules if they see that this will bring great benefits and increase efficiency.

There are other points of view, some argue that the players are used to consuming: information, pop culture, products. They do not aspire to start working, do not want to grow up, they are characterized by a “concept eternal youth and persistent narcissism.

GenerationZ- These are people born between 1995 and 2010. Now the representatives of this generation have not yet entered the labor market, so it is still difficult to talk about their work attitudes and values, but some characteristic features can be noted. Generation Z grew up surrounded by modern technology, they are less sociable than the previous generation, more self-oriented, own world. Because of this, some scientists call this generation "Generation MeMeMe", emphasizing their focus on their own thoughts and feelings, and not on other people. Due to the development of electronic technology, the zetas are accustomed to the visual perception of information. This makes it possible to assume that over time, new ways of learning and new technologies of work will appear on the market, which will be brought by representatives of generation Z.

Once again, we note that the boundaries of generations are conditional, for example, a person born in 1995 will be closer to someone who was born in 1994, that is, a representative of another generation, than to someone who was born in 2005 - a representative of his generation. Therefore, scientists note that the boundaries are calculated with the assumption of + - 3 years, and for people who are at the junction of generations, the features of both are often characteristic.

Comparison of labor values

Many domestic and foreign sociologists have been studying labor values ​​in the modern world, but it is worth noting that none of them divided the studied population into generations X, Y and Z, perhaps because such a division is very conditional. In addition, there is the problem of the lack of information about the labor values ​​of generation Z. The fact is that at the moment the representatives of generation Z are from 5 to 20 years old, and mass surveys usually cover the population from 18 years old, which is why there is no relevant information about labor values ​​yet. and beliefs of this generation. Therefore, we will determine the differences in the labor values ​​of generations X and Y.

So, let's consider what labor values ​​are typical for representatives of generation X.

According to the research of V.S. Maguna, for representatives of this generation, the main labor value is good earnings. In addition, the interest of work and the reliability of the place of work are of great value. Also, other researchers confirm that the dominant position in the pyramid of labor values ​​is occupied by high earnings.

Is it possible to argue that commercialism is the main feature of X? I think that such conclusions will be hasty and unfounded. A.N. Demin argues that in the minds of generation X, the prestige of work is invariably associated with high salary. Money is not an end in itself, it serves as a means to satisfy needs and is instrumental in nature, contributing to the achievement of a high position in society.

In general, it can be assumed that the desire for financial well-being and the desire for a reliable job may be a consequence of the changes taking place in the country in the 90s. Transition to market economy, the instability of the economic situation in the country, the crisis of 1998 - these events could have a significant impact on the working attitudes of people.

In addition to the above values, among the most common answers about the important characteristics of the workplace are the following: the ability to contribute to society, the ability to manage one's own time, and the desire to match the work to the level of human competence. It can be said that by the end of the 1990s, a transformation was taking place in the minds of Russians, which is a consequence of the transformation of society. People are becoming more free, they want to have more independence and scope for action, in addition, they want to benefit not only themselves and their families, but also other people. In society, old boundaries are being destroyed and restrictions are being lifted. If earlier in Soviet time, too much earnings were considered suspicious, and the opening of one's own business was condemned by society, now work becomes free from conventions and strict rules. Naturally, in such conditions, people strive for greater realization of their capabilities and wish to earn as much as their level of knowledge and skills allows.

Carol Jurkiewicz talks about the importance of personal growth for Generation X. However, domestic researchers do not confirm this. This difference can be explained by the fact that societies develop at different speeds, so labor factors that were important for America 10 years ago are becoming important in our country only now.

Do the work values ​​of Generation X match those of their “followers,” Generation Y?

Good wages also remain in the first place for the Y generation. The positions that follow this are an opportunity for career growth and the possibility of self-realization, which was not in the answers of the generation of Xers. Work continues to be perceived by people as a means to achieve success, a way to occupy a worthy position in society. But now not only material wealth, but also other components of labor - self-realization, position in society.

In addition to wages and self-realization, the Y generation makes high demands on the quality of work: they need good working conditions, social guarantees, and work ethics.

This is a significant difference from the previous generation, whose representatives did not name these values ​​as a priority. This means that the labor values ​​of the generation of Ys, which were formed in completely different economic and political conditions than the values ​​of Xs, are to some extent different from each other. The new generation develops positive attitudes towards work, they are ready to work, improve their knowledge and implement their skills, this predetermines high claims for decent wages and quality conditions labor.

But is it safe to say that differences in the labor values ​​of different generations really exist?

I believe there are no such guarantees, since the difference in answers may be due to differences in the methods of collecting information, for example, differences in questions.

In order to avoid this inaccuracy, let us turn to the study “Youth of the New Russia: Lifestyle and Value Priorities”, conducted in 2007 and covering representatives of two generations: young people aged 17 to 26 years old and older generation from 40 to 60 years old.

Let's compare the answers of representatives of two generations to one question: "What requirements should a job meet that could suit you?"

The most popular answers among representatives of generation X are as follows (the sum of answers exceeds 100%, since it was possible to choose an unlimited number of answers): well-paid job (87.2%), interesting for me (60.0%), with good working conditions ( 42.4%). The least important were career opportunities and prestige.

For representatives of the Y generation, the answers were distributed very similarly: good pay (84.9%), interesting work (63.5%), good working conditions (29.0%). Yet the least popular answer for this generation is tireless work.

It is noteworthy that the top of the hierarchy of values ​​is the same for representatives of the two generations, although the percentage of answers is somewhat different. However, it is noticeable that other values ​​differ in importance for representatives of different generations. Thus, representatives of the Y generation have a greater focus on professional growth and the desire for creativity in the profession, while Xs want to be useful in society, while they want work to leave more free time, do not strive for career growth.

It is difficult to say whether such differences are due precisely to belonging to different generations, that is, the conditions of upbringing and socialization, or depend only on age. Naturally, by the age of 50, a person, most likely, has already moved up the career ladder and reached a high position, if he aspired to it. Therefore, this direction ceases to be a priority for him, and other values ​​​​come to the fore, such as free time in order to spend it with his family. The younger generation has unfulfilled ambitions, so they strive for advancement and career growth.


So, generations X, Y, Z do not have clearly defined boundaries, but differ from each other in their upbringing, values, and perception of the world.

At the moment, the labor values ​​of generation Z have practically not been measured by scientists, since the representatives of this generation are mostly still educated and have not entered the labor market as active workers and consumers. Measuring the labor values ​​of this generation is an important task for modern sociologists, since they will soon become the main labor force of the country.

The main labor value for both generation X and generation Y continues to be high wage However, this is rather not an end in itself, but a means to achieve other goals, such as prestige, respect in society.

The labor values ​​of generations X and Y are somewhat different, Ys strive for self-realization through a profession, for more creative work, in addition, they claim good working conditions, for Xs it is important to have more freedom.

It is important to note that the topic is currently not well researched, but at the same time it has great value. The world is changing, the labor market is transforming, and it is necessary to take into account the needs and demands of young generations in order to make work more efficient and the potential of young generations to be realized in work.

Infographics: Natalia Sidorova

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In 1991, American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss created the theory of generations. According to it, every 20-25 years a new generation of people is born with character traits, habits and characteristics that set them apart from all the rest and then are repeated in future generations.

After studying in detail the work of scientists, website ready to talk about the last 4 generations that we often encounter today.

Howe and Strauss gave the name and compiled a description for each of the generations starting as far back as 1433. However, we are interested in representatives of the last four generations, whom we often meet today and who can easily fit into one conditional family: the youngest is Vanya ( Generation Z), his' elder sister ( Generation Y), Vanya's father ( Generation X) and grandmother ( baby boomer generation). Let's talk about each in more detail.

Generation "Baby Boomers"

Dates of birth: from 1943 to 1963

Grandma is 72 years old. Several times a week she goes to the pool, visits spas, bakes incredibly delicious pies feeling energetic and healthy.

Grandma's generation is called "Baby Boomers". It received this name because of the post-war surge in the birth rate. Representatives of this generation have a high level of patriotism. These people are optimists, they are inherent team spirit and collectivism. It is important for them to help each other, to work together and together.

They can do almost anything manual work: excellent cook, sew, fish, educated and well-versed in many sciences. Many of the "boomers" are active, go to fitness centers, master gadgets and travel. And they, we repeat, are distinguished by enviable health and energy.

Generation X

Dates of birth: from 1963 to 1984

Papa is 47 years old. He has been working for a well-known construction company for over 20 years. Started from the lowest position, and now holds the post of Deputy Director. Hardworking, responsible, and all hard work likes to do it himself.

Papa Vanya - bright representative generation X. Generations of singles focused on hard work and personal success. These are people who from childhood were taught to be independent: they did their homework, got ready for school, cooked their own dinner and did most of the things without outside help.

Generation X people tend to are distinguished by global awareness, technical savvy and independence in almost everything. Most often, they prefer to work in the same organization for 30-40 years, gaining experience and rising from the lowest level to bosses and directors.

Generation Y (or Generation Millennium)

Dates of birth: from 1984 to 2004

Vanya's older sister is 23 years old. She studies abroad, has thousands of followers on Facebook, and often visits new cafes, parties and art exhibitions with her friends. She is a representative of generation Y, or millennial.

Millennials are people often referred to as the "social media generation". External environment around them has changed incredibly fast, so millennials are not like their parents. Prestigious work and career growth is not for them. They are not ready to work for one company for many years, they prefer flexible schedule and immediate reward for the work done.

The speed of technology development is growing, so we can only assume that the next generation will be even smarter, will adapt faster and will completely get rid of all racial, ethnic, gender and other stereotypes in all spheres of life.

Generation Y or the Millennium Generation (millennials), as well as next generation, network generation, millennials - the generation born after 1981-1983, who met the new millennium at a young age and is characterized primarily by deep involvement in digital technologies. At the time the term was coined, Generation Y was contrasted with Generation X, which corresponds to the previous demographic generation. The term Yllo (Young Liberty Love) is often used.

Before starting a conversation about the features of a particular generation, it is necessary to make a historical and chronological explanation.

The founders of the theory of generations as such are the Americans Neil Howe and William Strauss. In Russia, the application of this theory has its own specifics, since the events under the influence of which generational values ​​were formed in our country are somewhat different from the American ones.

So, according to American scientists, since the beginning of the twentieth century, five generations can already be counted:

Those born between 1900 and 1923 were referred to as the GI, the “Generation of Winners”. Their values ​​evolved until 1933. In Russia, this happened under the influence revolutionary events 1905 and 1917, collectivization, electrification. Diligence and responsibility, as well as commitment to ideology were hallmarks person of this generation as a worker.

Following them, from 1923 to 1943, the “silent generation” was born, which was formed before 1953 and was distinguished, according to the observation of the American founders of the theory, by patience and law-abiding. We have a decisive influence on these people, except for the Great Patriotic War rendered Stalinist repressions and rebuilding a shattered country. Among the main values ​​of this generation are devotion, observance of rules and laws, respect for position and status, honor and patience.

The baby boomer generation, associated with a surge in births, came into this world in 1943-1963 and grew until 1973. In the USSR, its growth took place under the influence of the Soviet "thaw", the conquest of space, the improvement of the world superpower and the presence of the Cold War. As workers - these people are optimistic, interested in personal growth and remuneration, at the same time they are distinguished by collectivism and a well-developed team spirit.

1963 - 1983 years (upbringing, respectively, went on until 1993) - the appearance of "generation X", or "unknown generation". The continuation of the Cold War, perestroika, AIDS, drugs, the war in Afghanistan - all this, according to experts, formed the readiness of these people for change. They are characterized by global awareness and technical literacy, as well as individualism, the desire to learn throughout life, pragmatism, and self-reliance. But even this strong and numerous generation feels that the youth is stepping on its heels.

And youth is precisely the “Y generation”, which we will try to dwell on in more detail. Years of birth of the "Ygreks" - 1983 - 2003. Their life values continue to form today.

According to a survey on the topic “What is the most important thing in life for you?”, Conducted by the organizers of the round table of the same name on the social network Vkontakte, most young people put learning something new and self-improvement in the first place. In second place in terms of the number of votes is the desire to create a strong and loving family.

These results are very different from the priorities of generation X. And of course, their life values ​​differ, but this is precisely the secret of moving forward.

As mentioned above, the strongest influence on generation Y was the development of network communication technologies, such as Email, service short messages, online instant messaging and other new media resources like YouTube video hosting and social networks (Livejournal, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

One of the most important distinctive features psychology of today's youth is multitasking in the use of communication tools: they can chat with several people at the same time, read the text of the site on a distant topic and follow updates on Twitter and blogs. Among them, the consumption of media such as television and radio has been reduced tenfold.

Children of the Russian millennium

“Children of the Russian Millennium are, perhaps, the first generation that does not have heroes, but has idols. We assume that they themselves will become heroes and models for other generations, despite the fact that they do not always want to be such. - Coordinator of the project "Theory of generations in Russia-Rugenerations" Evgenia Shamis

The man who once said that young people will be perceived negatively at any time was right. The older generation will always look at the younger a little askance, and sometimes even with caution. And on the face is not so much a conflict of generations and not a difference in the views of fathers and children, but a natural precaution to everything new and still little known.

In order to properly understand the nature of today's Russian youth, one must turn to the time when they grew up.

Today's "young" are people under 30 years old - that is, as already indicated, the generation of the late 80s and early 90s. In literature, there is such a thing as the “lost youth” of that time. She was lost in the labyrinths of changes that were taking place at that time in our country. It has become lost both for the state and for the older generation.

A colossal reassessment of values ​​​​and an irrevocable change of all ideals made itself felt.

Thus, the childhood of modern "young" did not pass in the most simple conditions. Over time, these conditions broke someone, led them on the wrong path, someone was taught to treat everything and everyone with cynicism, and someone was made stronger and more purposeful. And the latter is the vast majority. Otherwise, the news about more and more Olympiads won by Russian students would not have sounded, and we would not have rejoiced sports achievements our young compatriots.

Of course, there are problems: these are drugs, and alcoholism, and teenage swagger. But here, as in any rule, there are exceptions. And, of course, you can not sum up all the youth under one measure. People with immoral behavior have existed and most likely will always exist.

By the way, criticism of young people is less and less heard now. The older generation, those people who have something to compare with, understand that life is changing, the world is not static, and a person, like a litmus test, reacts to the slightest changes. And if somewhere you can hear the notorious: “We were different at your age”, then, as a rule, with the addition: “The truth and the time was different ...”.

Much of what once people could only dream of has become accessible and everyday for today's youth, moreover, it has become in the order of things. The Internet, video communication, satellite telephone and other advances in technology make a person absolutely mobile and independent. And all this left a certain imprint on the character and behavior of young people.

Probably, unlike the older generations, this generation is not ready to die for the sake of a universal idea, but it can bring something new with no less success, go beyond the established boundaries and expand the horizon of its actions. All this is possible thanks to inner freedom and the ability to navigate many aspects of modern life.

Previous generations first started families, then started careers - and more often they did it simultaneously and immediately. Today, young people see and understand that having such an approach to life, their parents divorced a long time ago and to this day have an unloved job. Most of the representatives of generation Y also want a family, but they want to make it right the first time. right choice, and the same thing happens with work. But, again, every rule has its exceptions.

"Trophy Generation"

Another name for generation Y is the “trophy generation”.
This term reflects the trend modern character in competitive activities, as well as in other areas of life where there is no winner and loser, since from time to time “friendship wins”, and everyone receives “gratitude for participating in the competition”.

A survey among employers confirmed that the younger generation manifests itself in the same way in corporate culture. Some employers note that young people have too high expectations from their employment, they prefer to adjust working conditions to their lives, and not vice versa. However, they are able-bodied, want a return on their work and more participation in decision-making, often prefer to use flexible working hours.

PricewaterhouseCoopers expert Svetlana Kulganek presented interesting presentation on the attitude of employers towards people of generation Y. According to her, working with generation Y is one of the most important tasks.

Young people representing the modern labor market will actively work in the next ten years. The main features of this generation are as follows: the guys are focused on learning more than on work, they tend to leave for large cities and other countries, they have clear requirements for employers, and a well-formed worldview. They do not want to work according to the principle “this is how it should be”, they need an interest in what they are doing.

The presence of career priorities and the obligatory interest - that, perhaps, main feature generation Y.

The Greeks, as a rule, do not have such a deep fundamental education as the Xs, and many of them prefer to develop simultaneously in several areas. They are highly trained, versatile and adapt quickly. Therefore, many by the age of 23 already have more than one diploma of education, often in absolutely different areas which is reflected in their behavior in the labor market. In their environment, short-term retraining and advanced training courses are in great demand, helping to save time, which they highly value.

And although the representatives of generation Y are mostly people with higher education, they do not always become "white collar" and often find themselves in a variety of business areas, whether it be manufacturing and mining or, say, public service. Given the ability and love of young people for new technologies, many of them, unlike generation X, easily master professions related to communications and IT. Also, the Ygreks are happy to conquer completely new areas where there is still no big competition.

Youth about youth

Diving into aspects current trends development of personality, I still became interested, but how do young people characterize themselves? And is she satisfied with the behavior of her peers? Here's what I was able to find out:

Elena, 19 years old

A modern young man is bright, dynamic, independent, constantly on the move, searching. Modern students have a desire to study in order to get a decent and interesting job in the future, so as not to depend on their parents, grandparents. Many accuse the youth of being passive and inactive. This is wrong. Already during their studies, modern students try to earn extra money to help their parents. Anyway, I try and my friends too.

Kirill, 30 years old

Today's young people, especially teenagers, are always surrounded by temptations: brightly colored advertising beckons to drink beer; famous actor calls for a smoke, promising an instant solution to all problems; the slot machine causes a thirst for easy money. The unsettled children's psyche is very sensitive to such things. You need to constantly control yourself, not to succumb to temptations, not to fall into bad company ... I, in turn, could not avoid this, as a result - I have not been able to quit smoking for 10 years now.

Sergey, 25 years old

Modern youth, in my opinion, is frivolous and wants everything at once. It seems to me that our generation has not yet fully comprehended its purpose and does not have clear plans for the future. Perhaps this is due to the general instability and the fact that this very future is still unknown to anyone.

Kira, 18 years old

Whatever the current generation is, it is important to remember one thing: in order to preserve the connection between generations and times, we must pass on to our children the most valuable thing that our parents taught us. After all, there are two eternal things in the world: the sky above our heads and the youth of our souls. Both are equally important for everyone. And woe to him who sees only in heaven gray clouds and measures the age of his soul only by the years he has lived.

Anna, 29 years old

I agree that there has always been a qualitative “conflict” between generations. We can say that this is quite normal, because there is a clear difference in interests, value systems etc. But here it should be noted that the most important thing in society is morality, spiritual values ​​and morality. The current youth is in no way to blame for what is happening, because alcohol, drugs, the sex industry, luxury goods are produced under the patronage of the older generation (the capital is in their hands). Also, a certain part of the blame lies with the government, because. the country completely lacks a state, civil and moral ideology. A person as a whole, and even more so the younger generation, needs an ideological direction and a visible outline of vital principles.

Of course, the younger generation can always be blamed for something. After all, they have energy, but there is still little experience. At the same time, the same can be said about previous generation: after all, they have experience (albeit not always positive), but they no longer have energy.

Generation Y are guys who want everything at once. They are not ready to put up with routine and uninteresting work, they do not want to separate work from self-realization. They will not do something now for the sake of the future, put off the good for later, and endure hardship today. They want to leave their mark, not be a cog in the mechanism. Not laying bricks, but building a temple - that's what they want. And to make life interesting, you want to be a part of something big, achieve something, grow and develop, change the world around you, and not just make money. They are ready to work hard - but on condition that they see what they are doing it for.

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