Statements about the world. Ancient thinkers about the world and man


In our time, many systems have appeared that offer us development and self-improvement.
I have met many people in this life. But I settled on one.
MODERN SYSTEM OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE WORLD AND HUMAN - author Ostanin Alexander Nikolaevich or simply Sanne.
I have been using this system for over 9 years now. Little experience has been gained. I like this system because I can apply it in any situation, wherever I am, whatever I do. I entered this system and it became a way of my life. I want to say that the system makes it possible to work on oneself, with one's past, future in the present moment. It gives you the opportunity to manage situations, develop, understand, realize your mistakes. Learn to work with information, develop your integral vision, restore your inner world and your flesh. This is knowledge for the man of the Earth. the main thing is to have a desire to change yourself when the world around us changes.

Who is Sanne?

human phenomenon

the phenomenon of love

phenomenon of fate and life

phenomenon of consciousness and reason

phenomenon of faith

phenomenon of social life

phenomenon of motivation and behavior

phenomenon of being

- Writer, author of 18 published books, including: "The Age of Renewal", "Secrets of the Destiny of Man", "The Seeker of Truth", "Insight", "Situational Analysis and Life", "The Overthrow of Evil", "The Search for the Way of Salvation.The method of sounding numbers.

The information contained in the books helps the reader to take a different look at himself and the world in which he lives. A person should be able to form his own point of view, exploring his life and his personal past.

- Karmic psychologist , which takes into account the influence of the past on the present moment and the future. In his practice, he explores relationships:


man god

man Woman

- Analystengaged in the analysis of incredible events and situations that affect what is happening, both in the World as a whole and on Earth.Skeptic empiricistwho finds confirmation of his hypotheses in the course of daily counseling practice. Expert, which evaluates the influence of ideas on the Inner World of a person and the environment.

- Developer of unique methods healing and restoration of function, both of the flesh and of the soul.

- Diagnostician, which reveals and eliminates the causes of unstable states of such systems as man, the planet and the World.

- Teacher, which is divided unique knowledge and experience with those who wish to learn from him.For the system of knowledge that he offers is open and accessible to all inhabitants of the planet.Group and individual training is provided.

- Art therapist, who developed unique methods restoration of the Inner World of a person through work with form and color.He is one of the authors of the album “The Inner World of Man. Harmony of form and color”, as well as series graphic works"Coloring pages for adults".

- Chief Editor newspapers "Light" produced since 1998.

- Manwho came to Earth in June 1960. His cosmic name is Sanne.

- The presidentInterregional public organization Educational center "SANNE". In the social environment Ostanin Alexander Nikolaevich.

The system of knowledge about the Inner World of a person is built on the knowledge obtained from information systems the Universe and the Absolute, as well as from the Creators of different hierarchical levels.

Man is a substance not only on a planetary scale. He lives on other levels of being. The person who creates another person is God in relation to the created person. A person has the ability to be divided into two parts. One part of a man is a man, the other is a woman. The halves find each other in order to live in love and joy.

As a result of theoretical and applied research, such new concepts as the cosmic name of a person, a personal symbol, a personal Temple, the Disc of Destiny, the Disc of Love, the Line of Destiny, in the most detailed way all signs of a planetary person are described, and most importantly, a clearly structured matrix model of the Inner Self of a person is proposed.

IN new system knowledge theory and practice are merged. It is impossible to live theoretically. Life is very practical. A person will change his life, and will succeed when he understands himself, when he believes in his own strength and in God. Man was not created on Earth. Man is a divine creation.

Knowledge is detailed in the books of Ostanin A.N. and Korotkova O.V. Read and a new one will open before you, invisible world in all its depth and inconsistency.

Educational center "SANNE" develops a number of directions in applied development, among them art therapy (album "The Inner World of Man. Harmony of Color and Shape", "coloring pages for adults", video course), meditations for everyone (on chakras, systems, energy centers and other healing methods.

The knowledge system is cast in the form of lecture-practical seminars, where students, ordinary people, learn to see and hear God integrally, acquire the skills of self-healing and purification, strive to fully realize the past, present and future.

We are open for cooperation and invite both individuals and organizations to creative search. Life will change for the better if we join forces.

Did the ancient Greeks believe in the existence of centaurs? What do the ancient Indian Vedas tell about? Whom did the ancient Chinese consider " noble man"? Would we like to live in Plato's ideal state?


Features of mythological consciousness, values ​​of the West and East.

People have long tried to explain the existence of society. How did it come about? Why did groups occupying different social positions arise? In what direction is it changing public life? Should we encourage these changes? in different historical eras people gave different answers to these and similar questions. At an early stage community development the main way of understanding the world was mythology (from the Greek. Mythos - legend, legend).


Myths existed among all peoples and covered wide circle topics: the origin of the world, the birth and death of man, the emergence of crafts, the emergence of isolated social groups etc. So, the origin of the world in myths is often associated either with its creation by some higher being, or with development from some initial state, where the fundamental principles of the universe are still mixed, indefinite. IN ancient Chinese myths Both such scenes were present. In one of the myths, Nyu-wa, a half-man, half-snake, is considered the progenitor of the world: she created people and all things. In another legend, the image of the initial state of the world is an egg, in which the earth and sky are still merged together.

The protagonists of myths, as you know from the history course, are gods, heroes, people, and also fantasy creatures(often these are half-humans-half-animals, like the already mentioned Nuwa in ancient Chinese mythology or the centaur - half-people - drink in ancient Greek mythology). The inclusion of such creatures in stories encouraged people to later eras believe that a myth is a kind of some fairy tale. But for people at an early stage of social development, the myth was quite real and truthful; no one doubted the reality of the events described in it. The people of those distant times were characterized by a special consciousness, which the researchers later called mythological, since it was in myths that its features were most fully manifested. For example, the very appearance of mixed types (half-humans-half-animals) indicates that man has not yet completely separated himself from the natural world. This is also evidenced by the humanization of inanimate nature. So, the month in Australian myths is represented by a person of one of the influential tribes, while the sun is a girl who rose to heaven with a tree.

A myth always talks about something specific, but this often takes on the meaning of a symbol. For example, the ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris, the dying and resurrecting god, known to you from the history course, symbolizes the cycles of nature. The benefits already existing in society (the use of fire, craft, agriculture) are explained by the actions of a hero (remember which of the heroes ancient Greek myths gave people fire, who taught them crafts).

Thus, in mythology, the urgent need of a person to comprehend himself and the world around him was expressed. With the help of myth, the past was connected with the present and the future, a spiritual connection between generations was provided.

Along with mythology, their answers to eternal questions being searched for by religion and philosophy. India and China in the East, Greece in the West became civilizations where religious and philosophical pictures of the world appeared, which influenced the worldview * of many generations of people.

Ancient Indian VEDAS about the origin of the WORLD

The first source of philosophical wisdom in ancient india became the so-called Vedic literature ("Veda" - knowledge) - a large set of texts, formed over nine centuries (1500-600 BC). Why does dawn drive away darkness, day turns into night, why is a person born and dying? Because there is a universal cosmic order to which everything is subject. So thought the ancient thinkers. One of the Vedic hymns says that at first there was "one thing", undivided, amorphous, which had the only property - breathing. "Besides this, there was nothing else, darkness was in the beginning, darkness covered with darkness..." The beginning of creation was laid by sacrifices. According to the Vedas, the cosmic giant Purusha was divided into parts and became the source of life for all living beings. So, "everything that exists and in all the gods has one beginning - sacrifice." Indeed, the Sun gives its warmth and light so that all creatures on Earth can live, donate strength and health to raise their children, rain gives its moisture to the fields, and man gives his knowledge to people.

The diverse world of the Universe is filled with people and spirits. They inhabit not only the Earth, but also numerous cosmic worlds, the Sun, stars. People with their complex social structure, animals, plants, rivers and streams, snow and wind - everything must live immortal soul, so you can beg the mountain, ask for forgiveness from the tree, order the clouds.

Thus, for the ancient Indians, the dependence and interconnection of human life, the Earth and the Cosmos were obvious.

Statements about the world

The world is a book, the pages of which are opened to us with every step. Alphonse Lamartine

Man is a world that is sometimes worth any worlds... Amadeo Modigliani

The world is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. Blaise Pascal

Each individual person the whole world, born and dying with him, under each tombstone - the history of the whole world. Heinrich Heine

Every day the world is getting better and better, every evening it gets worse and worse. Frank Hubbard

Poetry is a special way of perceiving the outside world, a special organ that sifts matter and, without changing it, transforms it. Gustave Flaubert

A humble world is better than magnificent victories. Lion Feuchtwanger

One has only to get used to work - and it is no longer possible to live without it. Everything in this world depends on work. Louis Pasteur

Architecture is also a chronicle of the world: it speaks when both songs and legends are already silent. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Great ideas come when the world needs them. Austin Phelps

Chance is the greatest novelist in the world. Honore de Balzac

God is just a word invented to explain the world. Alphonse Lamartine

Nothing great in the world is accomplished without passion. Friedrich Goebbel

It is much easier to win a war than a peace. Georges Clemenceau

There is no such unreasonable person who prefers war to peace. In peacetime, sons bury their fathers, and in wartime, fathers bury their sons. Herodotus of Halicarnassus

Man is the truth of the world, the crown, not everyone knows this, but only the sage. Omar Khayyam

Apart from the edge of the current moment, the whole world consists of that which does not exist. Karol Izhikovsky

To dry a tear of suffering with love is more glorious than to splatter the whole world with blood. George Noel Gordon Byron

The world organism is an inseparable whole. Mark Tullius Cicero

To be in the world and not signify one's existence in any way - that seems terrible to me. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. Ludwig Wittgenstein

Why is the world so arranged that people who know how to live for their own pleasure never have money, and those who have money have no idea what it means to “burn life”? George Bernard Shaw

There is nothing immortal in the world. Edmond Goncourt

The earth's axis passes through the center of every city and town in the world. Oliver Wendell Holmes (senior)

For a person there is nothing more interesting in the world than people. Wilhelm Humboldt

There is nothing in the world more difficult than straightforwardness and nothing easier than flattery. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Lucky is the person who manages to leave this world alive. William Claude Fields

Peace in the midst of peace is not true peace. Only when you find peace in movement, you truly comprehend the heavenly nature. The length of time is determined by our perception. The dimensions of space are determined by our consciousness. Therefore, if the spirit is calm, one day will be compared with a thousand centuries, and if thoughts are broad, a tiny hut will contain the whole world. Hong Zicheng

There is no greater pleasure in the world than a friendly conversation. John of Damascus

The object of the senses is the material world. Solomon Ivanovich Dodashvili

The world is ruled by the young - when they grow old. George Bernard Shaw

We are a source of joy - and a mine of sorrow. We are a reservoir of filth - and a pure spring. A person, like a world in a mirror, has many faces. He is insignificant - and he is immensely great! Omar Khayyam

All over the world and for all time. Lucius Apuleius

There is no good in war, we all ask you for peace. Publius Virgil Maro

If I could describe the limits of the world, they would simply cease to be its limits. The limit of the world is not the limit of something extended, it is inherent in the world itself. Ludwig Wittgenstein

The whole world would have to be taken apart to explain the straw. Remy de Gourmont

The perfection of the world is always adequate to the perfection of the spirit contemplating it. The good one finds heaven for himself on earth, the evil one already tastes his hell here. Heinrich Heine

Let us glorify the woman - Mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breast fed the whole world! Maksim Gorky

The modern world is not destined to see the future if we do not understand that instead of striving for everything that is extraordinary and exciting, it is wiser to turn to what is considered boring. Gilbert Chesterton

Remember that, with one small exception, the world is made up of others. Oliver Wendell Holmes (senior)

Blessed are the peacemakers on earth, love everyone, trust the elect, do no harm to anyone. William Shakespeare

The true sage is convinced of this truth: “Everything in this world goes for the better". Clement of Alexandria

Making others happy is the most the right way become happy in this world; to be virtuous means to care for the happiness of one's own kind. Paul Henri-Holbach

No person is like another person. Therefore, everyone is obliged to think: for the sake of me the world was created. Sages of the Talmud

Between a genius and a madman is the similarity that both live in a completely different world than all other people. Arthur Schopenhauer

Man is the whole world, if only the basic impulse in him were noble. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Overcome the illness with joy and do not languish with the sorrow of the world: believe me, it is not worth a single moment of torment! Zahireddin Muhammad Babur

The most miserable of people is the one for whom there is no work in the world. Thomas Carlyle

The world is by nature not only piece of art but also an artist. Mark Tullius Cicero

In direct proportion to the increase in the value of the world of things, the depreciation increases human world. Karl Marx

A person's interest in the world arises from an overabundance of interest in oneself. George Bernard Shaw

Cast out greed from your heart, expect nothing from the world, and immediately the world will appear to you as immensely generous. Abu Abdallah Jafar Rudaki

If we want to enjoy the world, we have to fight. Mark Tullius Cicero

Fact is what a person owes to the world, while fantasy, fiction is what the world owes to a person. Gilbert Chesterton

Work hard! The world will not be a paradise for those who want to live lazy. Hans Sachs

real world- the best. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

There is no one to blame in the world. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

During times of turmoil and turmoil, worse man, the easier it is for him to take over; only honest and decent people are capable of ruling in peacetime. Publius Cornelius Tacitus

There is no sweeter friend in the world than a book. Nizamaddin Mir Alisher Navoi

The laws that were issued in time of peace, for the most part the war abolishes, and those published during the war, peace abolishes. Titus Livy

The world holds everything in its arms. Mark Tullius Cicero

For a man of passion, love and peace are a riddle, for a sensitive man, a truth as old as the world. Gilbert Chesterton

Atlas could not hold the world if he thought about its size. Elbert Hubbard

Even if the world is good for nothing else, it is still a wonderful subject for discussion. William Gaslitt

Best Order things - the one in which I was meant to be, and to hell with the best of worlds if I'm not in it. Denis Diderot

Man is equal to all creation, and he who saves one soul is as if he had saved the whole world. Sages of the Talmud

The world was not created in time, but along with time. Aurelius Augustine

In the hustle and bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters in personal life. Karl Marx

If a person has even one selfish thought, his firmness will turn into cowardice, his knowledge into recklessness, his mercy into cruelty, and purity into depravity. His whole life will be ruined. That is why the ancients considered selflessness the greatest asset. Whoever possesses it will rise above the whole world. Hong Zicheng

Sunday only happens once a week and I regret it. Man is so constituted that he could endure two Sundays. I often think about how easy it was to do this and how the opportunity was missed. It cost nothing for the Almighty Creator to create the world not in six days, but in three days - and here you have two Sundays in a week! But who am I to criticize the wisdom of the Creator?.. Mark Twain

The actions of the creator are worthy of surprise! Our hearts are filled with bitterness, we leave this world, not knowing either the beginning, or its meaning, or its end. Omar Khayyam

It took six days to create the world, but it would take at least six thousand years to destroy it. Thomas Brown

Don't think about leaving this world before the world regrets your departure. Samuel Johnson

If your path leads to knowledge of the world, no matter how long and difficult it is, go ahead! Abulkasim Firdousi

The world has never been able to be corrected or terrified by punishment. Karl Marx

Every burnt book lights up the world. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The drunkard is the true center of the world; everything revolves around him. Emile Ogier

I want to love my neighbor not because he is me, but precisely because he is not me. I want to love the world not as a mirror in which I like my reflection, but as a woman, because she is completely different. Gilbert Chesterton

Friends, we offer you a collection of photographs, postcards, sayings, aphorisms and quotes. This collection, if God permits, will be replenished.

We believe that these quotes and aphorisms about peace and war, the statements of great people about peace in the world, about the world around us, about peace on earth and the statements of children are the best of all correspond to the truth!

Correct, supplement and enrich this collection by offering your statements, quotes, aphorisms about war, peace and life in the comments.
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Wise Quotesabout war, about memory

Tell me what makes you so sad?

The whole world.
Ernest Hemingway

I unshakably believe that science and peace will triumph over ignorance and war, that peoples will come together not for destruction but for creation, and that the future belongs to those who will do more for suffering humanity.

Louis Pasteur

“Those who lie about the past war bring the future war closer. There was nothing dirtier, tougher, bloodier, more naturalistic than the last war in the world. Don't heroic war to show, but to frighten, because war is disgusting. We must constantly remind people about it so that they do not forget. With your nose, like blind kittens, poke into a dirty place, into blood, into pus, into tears, otherwise you won’t get anything from our brother.

How many people lost in the war, then? You know and remember. It's scary to name the true figure, right? If you call it, then instead of a parade cap, you need to put on a schema, kneel on Victory Day in the middle of Russia and ask your people for forgiveness for a mediocrely won war, in which the enemy was heaped with corpses, drowned in Russian blood.

“If we talk about the attitude towards this war, well, what can I say, I was a very Soviet young man, voluntarily went to the front, fought against fascism, stayed alive, returned, reviewed a lot, suddenly realized that if we discard the word “fascism”, then they were two identical systems that were competing with each other. Two totalitarian systems.

Well, there was a purely external difference, of course. There was a swastika, and here was a hammer and sickle. There was a possessed Fuhrer, and here was a brilliant leader of all peoples. They openly hated the Jews there, but here they shouted about their love for the Jews and quietly destroyed them. This was the difference. And in principle, two identical systems collided. I began to understand this, of course, after the war, much later. Therefore, I believe that this massacre cannot be called a great war, it is indecent. A carnage is never great."
Bulat Okudzhava

How senseless everything that is written, done and rethought by people, if such things are possible in the world!

Something in ourselves does not allow us to see complete picture peace!

To what extent our thousand-year-old civilization is false and worthless, if it could not even prevent these flows of blood, if it allowed hundreds of thousands of such dungeons to exist in the world.

Only in the infirmary you see with your own eyes what war is.
EM. Remarque, "On Western front no change"

I want to live without wars. I want to know that the cannons around the world have somehow turned to rust overnight, that the bacteria in the shells of the bombs have become harmless, that the tanks have fallen through the highway and, like prehistoric monsters, lie in pits filled with asphalt.
Here is my wish.
Ray Bradbury, Rust

I called my grandson from the yard to the open window.
- What is your game?
— In submarine warfare.

— To the war? Why do you need a war?

- Listen, commander:
The people do not need war. Play better in the world.

He left after taking advice. Then he came again
And quietly asks: - Grandfather, how to play in the world?

Catching the news that broadcast the ether in the morning,
I thought: it's time to stop playing with the war,
So that the children learn to play in the world!

Can anything be more absurd than the fact that such and such a person has the right to kill me because he lives on the other side of the river or the sea and because his government is at odds with mine, although I have no quarrel with him.

And the world passes, and its desires, and the one who does the will of God will live forever.
John the Evangelist
Have a soft heart modern world It's courage, not weakness.
Michel Mercier

War is murder. And no matter how many people come together to commit murder, and no matter how they call themselves, murder is still the most worst sin in the world.

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The war will last as long as people have the stupidity to be surprised and help those who kill them by the thousands.

War turns people born to live as brothers into wild beasts.

They will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into sickles; the people will not raise the sword against the people and will no longer learn to fight. Isaiah
The inscription on the wall at the UN building in New York

Over the 6 thousand years of the existence of civilization in different parts of our planet, more than 15 thousand wars have taken place, in which direct losses are likely to be about 3.5 billion people. In its entire history, mankind has lived in the world for only 300 years.
During the period from 1945 to the present day, the guns were silent on Earth for only 26 days.

One of American astronauts said: each of us flies into space as a patriot of his country, and arrives as a patriot of the Earth. Our planet. And you can't say better.

Looking at the Earth from above, you feel our planet as a single, living being. Which hurts from fires, destruction, earthquakes. Wars. And you understand that humanity must unite in the name of the future. Sooner or later. Better earlier.

It was and remains an honor for me to refuse military service. I have found that the real enemy is not the one you point the gun at, but those behind and above you who demand you pull the trigger.

War is not an adventure. War is a disease. Like typhoid.

Man dominates man to his detriment

War is the rich people's way of protecting their interests by sending the children of the middle and poor classes to their deaths.

Peace is more than the absence of war.
Peace is unity and harmony. This is harmony.

Do you know that over the past 3500 years the civilized world has lived without wars for only 230 years?
He said:
- Tell me these 230 years, then I will believe you.
I can't name it, but I know it's true.
- And about what civilized world you say!
Jonathan Safran Foer

War is the most terrible thing. People of one belief fight for their beliefs with people of other beliefs.

To be created to create, to love and win is to be created to live in the world. But war teaches everything to lose and become what we were not.

The real victories are the victories of peace, not of war.

Only in a world free from war, for the first time in the history of mankind, will it be possible to fully use the knowledge and work of people to meet their needs.

War is a political cancer that eats away at the body of the most powerful states.

The worse a person thinks about the world around him, the worse this world becomes for him.

The war has eaten away my soul.
For someone else's interest
I shot a body close to me
And he climbed on his brother with his chest.
Sergei Yesenin "Anna Snegina"

There are people who consider it fair to destroy objectionable,
to make the world a better place... their world...

All military propaganda, all cries, lies and hatred, always come from people who will not go to this war.

Cruel age. The world is conquered by guns and bombers, humanity - by concentration camps and pogroms. We live in times when everything has turned upside down... The aggressors are now considered the defenders of the world, and those who are persecuted and persecuted are the enemies of the world. And there are entire nations who believe this!

The world continues to waste trillions on useless military spending. How is it that it is easier to find money to destroy people and the planet than to protect them?

We live in strange times; the war has moved to a new space. Means became the battlefield mass media and in this new conflict it is difficult to separate Good from Evil.

It is difficult to understand who is good and who is evil: it is worth switching to another channel, and the opponents change places. Television brings envy into the world.

The enemy is not Ukraine, not Russia, not the USA and not the European Union. The enemy is the absence of love.

To teach people to love justice, it is necessary to show them the results of injustice.

An ingenious invention in the form of military awards. This ancient trick allows any power to make a very profitable exchange. A person gives the regime hearing, sight, years and limbs, and in return receives ... a shiny plaque. As a rule, the victim of such fraud is very glad that he was fooled, and is proud of the symbol of his stupidity.

The progress of civilization cannot be denied - in each new war we are killed in a new way.

The old people declare war, and the young go to die.
(Herbert Hoover)

The most dangerous type of mass epidemic is not plague or cholera, but psychosis, covering entire sections of the population. Remember Danish crusade. Or a medieval witch hunt. And what is war if not a mental illness that affects entire countries, and even continents?
Boris Akunin

Statements and aphorisms about the world and life

Whole huge world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. And I will open them all my life, because this is the most interesting, most exciting activity in the world.
Vitaly Bianchi

AND the world a person is illumined by his own, inner Light. The world around us is the way we make it. Man is a kind of lamp. His Inner Light, his love and true kindness is the power that illuminates the world around him. And around each of us there is always exactly as much Light as we gave it away.
Angel de Coitet
The main thing I would like to be sure of is that in our world above talent, above energy, concentration, purposefulness and everything else, there is kindness. The more kindness and cheerfulness in the world, the better this world is.
Stephen Fry
"Return your sword to its place, because all who take the sword will die by the sword"
Jesus Christ

Light is in man. And the surrounding world of a person is illuminated by his own, inner Light. The world around us is the way we make it. Man is a kind of lamp. His inner Light, his love and true goodness is the power that illuminates the world around him. And around each of us there is always exactly as much Light as we gave it away. The more you open up, the brighter it becomes around you.
Angel de Coitet

Every morning when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand new hours to live. What a precious gift! We have the potential to live this day in such a way that these twenty-four hours will bring peace, joy and happiness to us and others.

I am here on this planet. And at this moment I look at the delightful stars that, with their twinkling, want to tell us so much. I look at this beautiful night that knows so many of our secrets. And if you look closely, you can see how miracles begin to make their way into every home and in the morning become part of the life of those who believe in them. And I see how the flowers enjoy their short moments. Oh, God, what a wonderful life you have made for them!.. Oh, how beautiful this night is... So much so that you want to shout “thank you” and that these echoes touch all the worlds!
From the Internet

I'll say this, amigo - build your house, give birth to your son, water your tree ...
And you will be happy. AND good name. And there will be no war.

The world looks amazing in the eyes of amazing people.

Know how to take the position of another person and understand what he needs, and not you. Whoever manages to do this will have the whole world.

People were made to be loved, and things were made to be used. The world is in chaos because everything is the opposite.

We live in incredible fantasy world but we don't notice it.

And no matter what language you write in, no matter what you do as an artist and as a person in your life, they can take your body, like some thing, and dispose of it as you like.
Emir Kusturica

You change yourself, the outside world changes with you - there are no other changes.
Kobo Abe

Don't rely too much on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in the dark.

Oh, if only you were attentive to my commandments! Then your world would become like a river and your righteousness like sea ​​waves. Your offspring would become as numerous as sand, and the descendants descended from you would be like grains of sand.

A person notices in the world only what he already carries in himself.

Nothing lasts forever in our sinful world, not even our troubles.

All this hatred in our world is terrible. Forget nations, forget skin colors, forget different religions. We are all humans. The only thing that makes one of us better than another is good deeds.

A person is obliged to develop in himself an aversion to any military action and to realize that all people are brothers and must live in peace and unity, working for the common good and prosperity.

Happy are those who live, those who truly live, who carry in themselves a grain of hope, from which a whole world will grow - a world of hope, new world which will be better than before.

The house is not objects worth several thousand dollars and not the delights of modern designers, but cozy little things, the voices of children, the smell of homemade food, toys scattered on the floor, a bookcase and just the feeling of your own cozy little world ...

They tell me that I want to turn the world upside down with my statements. But would it be bad to turn the upside down world?

The modern world saves a person from the need to think. Our eyes are replaced by education, thoughts are rules, own opinion- stereotypes, desires - commercials. Everything has already been invented, fixed, laid out in its place ... Do not think, but listen, look and remember. You've already been taken care of. Wash your hair with this shampoo, sleep in these beds, wear these jeans. Yes, of course, you have the right to choose, but what is it for? While you choose, reflect, analyze, time will pass. Here also do not hammer a head any nonsense. Live comfortably, let your every day be a holiday of unlimited consumption.

It has been noticed: what color are the words we utter, what color is the world around us ...

Sincerity is always attractive. Whenever we meet it in someone, it captures our heart. The only pity is that in our world it resides more in children. Sincerity is rare in adult society. However, like everything real, genuine.

The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of any person, but too small to satisfy human greed.

In any gloomy or tragic moments of life, one should not forget the most important thing: the joy that you are still alive, that you can help someone, bringing an atmosphere of peace and protection through yourself. Only a joyful person sees clearly and can act to the full extent of things.

Peace is the highest good that people desire in this world.
Miguel Cervantes

Who contemplated the greatness of nature, he himself strives for perfection and harmony. Our inner world should be similar to this pattern. Everything is clean in a clean environment.
Honore de Balzac

If you are able to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.

Happy is he who can see beauty in ordinary things, where others see nothing! Everything is beautiful, you just need to be able to look closely.
Camille Pissarro

The world always looks a little brighter if we do something for each other and not for ourselves.
Charles de Lint

If peace is not established between the great, so-called civilizations, nations, then it can be assumed without exaggeration that the same fate will befall everyone and every country participating in the war will sink into eternity ...

When you want to break out of the system,
Then you will understand how many chains are in it:
Built stereotyped walls,
Puppets are made from people.

Success at any cost is the "meaning of life"
They made love a trademark.
To get sick, to give birth, and it is dangerous to walk:
Blood is shed daily for money.

What to do? Clubs, sex, partying and shopping -
Culture gives us such outlets.
Outside - bright, but in the soul - darkness.
This is how the people of the Earth live now.
But there are still people in this world,
who are able to support
They live according to Conscience and believe: the sun will come!
And morality seeks to revive.

They broke the strings of the system
And learn to love this whole world,
Help each other with advice
And live together, harmoniously, honestly!
Elena Smolitskaya

I am desperate because people in this world lack empathy, love, common sense. Because someone can easily talk about the possibility of dropping nuclear bomb, not to mention giving the order to drop it. Because we, who are not indifferent, are only a handful. Because there is so much cruelty, suspicion and malice in the world. Because big money can turn an absolutely normal young man into a vicious and cruel criminal.
John Fowles

Nowhere in the world will we find a country that is foreign to us; from everywhere you can equally raise your eyes to the sky.

One who has achieved inner peace and tranquility finds peace and tranquility everywhere.

In a world full of worries and doubts
only the one who knows how to love is happy.
You can live without clothes and money
but without love it is impossible to live!

I believe in man, I believe in humanity. This is the worst and best thing that has happened to this world.


The world is full good people. If you can't find one around you, then be one yourself.
If you want to live in a clean and beautiful world then start with yourself.

In this world, tired of falsehood, only love inspires to live, be filled with love, and then try not to kill it ...
You will not find anything in the world around you that is not in your soul. How more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you will discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in people and in the world around you ...

Stay calm. With calmness comes awareness and peace. With peace comes joy. Happiness comes with joy.

The main thing that life teaches a person is not that there is suffering in the world, but that it depends on him whether he turns suffering to his own good, whether he turns it into joy.
Rabindranath Tagore

The best idea in the world won't do you any good if you don't act on it. People who want milk should not sit on a chair in the middle of a field hoping that the cow will come back to them.

If you yourself do not value yourself highly, the world will not offer you a penny more.
Sonya Henie

Doing good is like breathing air
A need given to people by God.
Warm the world with the rays of the heart,
And to give, and not to consider that he gave a lot ...
From Inet.

Change the world with a smile, but don't let the world change your smile!

You feel like if you can't see something, it doesn't exist. No, you just do not notice in the world what is not inside you. Evil person sees no good. To the greedy, everyone seems greedy; loving the world seems to be filled with love, and to the hater - with hatred. The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.

It is foolish to hope to accomplish something global, for example, to establish world peace, to arrange happiness for everyone, but everyone can do some small deed, thanks to which the world will become at least a little better ...

Remember that even though it is raining in the outside world, if you keep smiling, the sun will show its face and smile back at you.
Anna Lee
The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you...

Man with with a pure heart sees purity in everything. After all, the outside world is just a reflection of your heart. If you fill it with love, you will feel love everywhere...

Living in the world without trying to understand its meaning is like walking around a huge library and not touching the books.

They assure us that the further the world is, the more it unites, is formed into fraternal communion, by the fact that it shortens distances, transmits thoughts through the air.
Alas, do not believe such a unity of people.
Understanding freedom as an increase and quick satisfaction of needs, they distort their nature, because they generate in themselves many senseless and stupid desires, habits and the most absurd inventions. They live only for envy of each other, for carnal pleasure and swagger.
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, 1880

What makes us rich in this world is not what we get, but what we give.

The more I watch the world, the less I like it. Every day confirms to me the imperfection of human nature and the impossibility of relying on seeming decency and common sense.
Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice"

Turn away from evil and do good, seek peace and strive for it.

We humans cannot on their own to accomplish something global, for example, to establish world peace, to arrange happiness for everyone, but everyone can do some small deed, thanks to which the world will become at least a little better.

When I open my eyes in the morning, I want to see a more perfect world, a world of love and friendliness, and this alone can make my day beautiful and worthy of being.

Everyone in the world is looking for happiness. There is a sure way to find it - control your thoughts. Happiness does not depend on external circumstances, but on internal state. It doesn't depend on where you are or what you do, but what you think about it.

There is no better feeling in the world than the feeling that you have done at least a drop of good for people.
L. N. Tolstoy

If you want the world to change, become that change yourself.

There are too many people in the world who have not been helped to wake up.
Antoine de Saint-Exepuri

I want to continue to live in a world where loyalty still exists, and vows of love are given forever ...

Peace to those who are not afraid of a dazzling dream,
For him, delight lurks, for him flowers bloom!
K. Balmont

God has always sought to unite mankind, and mankind has always sought to separate

Peace is the highest good that people desire in this life.

  • Administrative and public control in the labor protection management system
  • Ancient myths about man and society. At the dawn of human development, knowledge about society, man and nature spread in the form of myths. They existed among all peoples, they spoke about the origin of a particular people, its further growth and development, about ancestors, etc. In terms of genre and volume, as well as in content, myths are different. Usually they connect the past of the social environment with its present. Each generation passes on their knowledge, religious beliefs, views and their skills to subsequent generations. Thus, a person's desire for self-knowledge, clarification of his origin, interest in revealing the secrets of nature is carried out through myths, the main idea of ​​which is the idea of ​​a universal Creator. However, its interpretation in the myths of each nation is peculiar and individual.

    The plots of ancient legends that have existed among the people since ancient times are associated with the names celestial bodies, earth, sky, settlements, the origin of clans and tribes, with social and historical-heroic events, the life and work of individuals.

    The legend about the origin of the Turks from Kok 6opi ( gray wolf) has long turned into symbolism and exists to this day. Examples of how firmly rooted concepts cake 6өpi, zheti kat cake(seven heavens) kok teniz(blue ocean), kok aspan(blue sky), colors and shades in them in the minds of people are often found now.

    Ethnogenic kök among the ancient peoples, which tell about the origin of the Kazakhs, suggest a lot to people's thoughts. Indeed, in the legends about the origin of the three zhuzes, individual clans, there is a lot of truth. There are legends about the religion of Islam and its spread among the Kazakhs.

    Ancient philosophers about the world and about man. According to ancient Chinese thinkers, man is neither the king of the universe nor the conqueror of nature. He must not violate the laws of the natural development of matter and phenomena, because they are connected with nature itself by thousands of threads and, like a particle of it, eventually grow together with it. Man is on the "central middle path." Heaven sends all the blessings of the Almighty to earth.

    In the VI-V centuries. BC e. a doctrine appeared that idealizes a person who lives "not for himself", but for the sake of society. The concept was associated with the ideas Chinese philosopher confucius, who lived in 551-479 BC, and his followers. According to his teachings, the fate of a person is determined by "Heaven", people are divided into "noble" and "low". Society should be dominated by humanism and mercy. The triumph of principles was required: "help others, achieve your goal on your own; what you do not wish for yourself - do not wish for others."

    Considering society on a par with the state, Confucius paid special attention to the issues of the correct organization of the state system. The state "is like a big family, its ruler -" the son of Heaven "- is equivalent to parents. The ruler must be a philosopher, a writer, a scientist, and a good administrator.

    Even in ancient times, different opinions were expressed about society, man and his social entity. The teachings of the thinkers of that time - Socrates, Democritus, Plato, Epicurus and others - have been preserved among the people in various ways and have come down to us.

    One of the titans of the ancient era Plato led an active struggle against the materialistic views of his time.

    Plato (428/427-348/347 BC) - ancient Greek philosopher, founder of objective idealism, author of more than 30 philosophical dialogues. Proceedings: "Parmenides", "State", etc.

    He began to study the causes of the origin of inequality between people and injustice in the organization. social order. The highest form of unity and joint

    noah life is the state. It must protect its inhabitants and territory from external enemies. In his theory of society, Plato idealized aristocratic state and considered labor to be its main condition. It should have sensible, educated, intelligent and wise people. Plato refers them to the highest category of people. Their main goal is justice. A state based on justice is guarded by "guards" and "warriors" belonging to the second category. It provides people material wealth, creates conditions for their spiritual and creative development. The third category of people are peasants and artisans. They are engaged physical labor and produce the necessary commodities. According to Plato, interests individual person should be subordinated to the interests of the state. The state does not exist for the individual, but the individual exists for the state.

    Paying attention to the non-political needs of people, Plato distinguishes them from political ones. However, he left political functions to a certain part of society: protection of the population and territory; establishing order within the country, providing a structure for the relationship between people striving to unite in the state. State system and human soul are similar. From a methodological point of view, the state is a "macro anthropos", a "giant man". There is no difference between the state and the family, and the latter is part of the former.

    Great thinker ancient era Aristotle higher driving force considered the mind and intellect of man. Wisdom and the ability to think are inherent in people higher genus. Slaves are people of the lowest category, inferior citizens of society who do not have intellect and will, therefore they are obliged to work under the supervision of their masters. Aristotle saw the state as higher form authorities, considering these concepts equivalent and interchangeable. character social connections determined by the relationship between dominators and subordinates. "Domination and submission are necessary and useful," since people by nature are such: "some are created for domination, others for submission." Dominance should not be used in the interests of an individual, it should serve society. The interests of the citizen are subordinated to the interests of the state.

    Aristotle was not against private property. He called the middle strata the backbone of society, and considered the property of the rich as wealth "acquired dishonestly." The main tasks of society, according to Aristotle, are to prevent the establishment of unlimited power in the state individual, control citizens pursuing personal gain and keep slaves in constant obedience.

    Aristotle (384-322 BC) - an ancient Greek philosopher, encyclopedic scientist who laid the foundations of logic and other sciences. Plato's student. Proceedings: "Politics", "Metaphysics", etc.

    Teachings of Korkyt-ata. Seeking but not finding eternal life, Korkyt urged people not to be afraid of difficulties and fight them. In every case, he wanted to see nobility and goodness, he preached spiritual strength that could resist death. He asserted humanism, beauty, submission to the laws of nature. He warned about the need to get out from under the yoke of everyday turmoil, spoke about the pricelessness of life and its uniqueness.

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