How to survive losing a competition. Sports psychology: trauma - a tragedy or a reason to think? The practice of helping children


We decided to start a new column, within the framework of which, once a week, the psychologist-consultant Konstantin Karakutsa will answer questions that concern us. The first issue is devoted to a problem from the field of male psychology - how to survive the loss of your favorite team. The season in most championships has already begun or is about to begin, so we believe our material will be very useful.

How to survive the defeat of your favorite football team?

The answer is simple. Get drunk with friends beer. Go look for the fans of the other team to fill their faces. Return "on the horns" home and make a scandal there for your loved one? Wake up in the morning, go to work or study, and there all day long and tell everyone about what kind of failure you experienced yesterday and how angry you are at the whole world. A familiar picture? Now, jokes aside, let's try to think about this topic more seriously.

Why is it so hard to deal with defeat? Well, to a greater extent it has to do with the process of identification, namely, with the identification of oneself with the group. When a person deeply sympathizes with some football team, he can seem to dissolve in what is happening to his pets. There is no more Vasya from the fifth floor, who studies economics and plays the guitar. All this is unimportant. Now attention is occupied by what is happening on the field. And a goal scored in "our" gate is perceived as a personal defeat. This goal was not scored hundreds and thousands of kilometers away. No. This goal is scored right here in my kitchen, against my goal. And I'm ready to bite my elbows from annoyance that I missed this ball.

This identification with your favorite team can be enhanced when you are in the stadium or watching a football broadcast in a sports bar with a large number of other fans. In this case, special group processes begin, which are very difficult to resist. Waves of feelings and emotions can overwhelm you. That is why people gather in places like this. But it's one thing when the team won and this whole crowd is infected with feelings of stormy fun and euphoria. Another thing is when there are losses. Here's how it goes. Either everyone will complain to each other and seek solace from a neighbor, looking for the perpetrators of the defeat, or, in a fit of collective violence, they will begin to throw out annoyance at the first person who comes to hand.

This goal was not scored hundreds and thousands of kilometers away.
No. This goal is scored right here in my kitchen, against my goal.
And I'm ready to bite my elbows from annoyance that I missed this ball.

A little about aggression. Violence is often the result of powerlessness. When a person is faced with something that he cannot influence, or when he feels cornered, a beast can wake up in him, which is ready to tear and throw, destroying everything in its path. So, back to the topic of losing. If the team we love loses, there is nothing we can do about it, and in connection with this, a feeling of powerlessness may appear in the soul. It is all the more acute, the more you have merged together with the team you support. There are two ways to help yourself get through this defeat.

First, you can try to bring yourself back from heaven to earth. You need to remember who you are, why and why. For example, it could look like this: “Yes, they lost, but my life does not end there. Actually, I have a lot of other things in life, there is a study (work) where I can succeed and feel satisfied. I have a loved one (and if not, then there is an opportunity and desire to meet him). I have many other tasks in life that are now in front of me (buy a car, an apartment, go on a trip, etc.). All this requires strength from me, and by solving these problems, I can feel like a winner in my life. The idea here is simple - to help yourself return to your own life without getting stuck in virtual world with which you are not directly connected.

And the second option is to find this connection with the world of the game, the world of football. What is meant? For example, the team lost, and you feel annoyed, do not know where to put yourself, your strength and energy. Here it is useful to ask yourself a couple simple questions: how can I personally help my team now, what can I do for it?

The answers to these questions may vary. It all depends on your abilities and creative imagination. For example, you could support and develop a fan club where you live; could organize some events or promotions on the Internet that would somehow help your team; or, for example, they would give ten good and expensive balls to the football club located near you (in order to support Russian football and its development in the future). There may be many options. When you direct your energy into a specific action and strive to do something so that your team wins in the future, this can bring you satisfaction, giving you the feeling that you, albeit not so much, but still influence the result. Agree, this is better than doing nothing, but only getting angry or suffering from defeat.

Experiencing defeat in sports

Defeat, loss, significant failure are some of the basic experiences of a person. Situations that provoke corresponding experiences occur in any activity throughout life, and therefore attitude towards failure is important characteristic personalities, defines behavior person in many situations. The attitude towards failure is formed in the process of experiencing a significant defeat. In the practice of sports, there is often a situation when, when an athlete is defeated, others insist on reducing the depth of his experience: “Don't worry, this is nonsense!”.

Such a position may perniciously affect personal experience athlete, especially a child. The situation needs to be experienced emotionally and extract the experience that will make a person stronger (more mature). You can extract a full-fledged experience if you include an emotional experience. Just a rational assessment of the situation does not give this experience.

An athlete needs from 2-3 to 48 hours to independently experience the situation of lost competitions, should be allowed to feel the grief of defeat, the collapse of everything, the state of hopelessness.
On one's own- for someone in general alone, for others - in the presence of a person who understands, but does not try to influence the intensity and depth of the experience, does not try to reduce the significance of what happened. This is the time when a person psychologically processes the situation.

After that, you can offer the following tasks, aimed at conscious processing of the situation of defeat.

1. It is necessary to determine what was done well in this speech, it turned out, despite the negative final result. It must be understood that all assessments are relative, and the assessment “everything is bad” is nothing more than a “prism” of perception, the result of perception from a certain angle. Finding the good, the positive, in any bad performance provides a source of motivation and strength to overcome. “If at least I’m good at this, then I can do more (in principle, more is possible).” Increasing self-esteem by highlighting good moments should be specific, based on real actions or facts.

2. The next step is to name 1-2 specific problems, which are on this moment most hinder to perform better. These are the points of application of forces in the upcoming period of preparation (what needs to be changed), for example, set two tasks to work on yourself: one is a priority, the second is additional (next, background, spare) in case the work on the first task fails . It’s not worth highlighting more at the same time, working on many tasks at once is psychologically difficult and does not contribute to increasing confidence.

3. Eliminate the use of the word "unlucky". Its use is the first step to the next loss, the result of the fact that a person subconsciously does not want or is not accustomed to analyze the situation and look for the reasons for his failures in himself. This means that finding a mistake will lead to the recognition of something unpleasant, unusual for a person, and he defends himself with the word "unlucky." A person who is “unlucky” will not change anything in himself, but will simply wait for the next competition, where, perhaps, he will be more lucky. There are always mistakes in any speech.

Example: “What could I have done to avoid this situation? And what didn't I do? What was not taken into account? What in my preparation for the competition led me to such an accident? Even if this is objectively debatable, it is still useful to have the attitude: “There are no accidents in sports at all.”

Example: “If I lost, then it means that I made mistakes. If the opponent won, then it means that he had fewer mistakes.

In practice, there are situations when an athlete loses several competitions in a row, and at the same time neither the athlete nor the coach changes anything in preparing for the competition, in their behavior. (Without thinking about the fact that if you do everything the same as always, then it will turn out, the same as always.) As a rule, the athlete and the coach have some suspicions about the reasons for the failures, maybe he does not consider them justified or refuses to admit it to himself. Such assumptions must be made, if only to be refuted.

4. A paradoxical but justified step is the task develop a clear plan of action (constructive) in case of defeat, "what will I do if I lose again." For example, what I will try to change in my behavior and my preparation. Uncertainty (fear of the unknown) is removed, which reduces possible fear failure and increases confidence in the possibility of solving the problem. To avoid defeat in some cases, you must first accept the fact of its possibility. In order for this task not to be a setting for defeat, it is necessary to develop a plan not for the defeat itself, but for actions after a possible defeat.

5. Cultivate the psychological acceptance of a mistake, setting the fact that the error and its selection are necessary for development. Having made mistakes does not mean incapable, everyone makes mistakes, this does not say anything about the personality and abilities in general. Recognition of one's mistakes should not become something to be ashamed of for an athlete, this is an occasion to work, and it's good that there is something to do. Now, if there are no errors, it threatens to stop creative growth and development, if you do not set yourself a more difficult task in time. The following questions need to be asked.

Example: “What needs to be worked on? What is stopping you from reaching your goal? What do I do when I find a mistake?

Effective experience of defeat leads to the fact that the athlete, getting the experience of getting out of the "field of hopelessness of negative emotions", ceases to be afraid of them, ceases to be afraid of defeat, which leads him to greater mental and motor freedom and significantly increases the likelihood of victory, while unsurmounted and "unlived » The fear of defeat fetters the athlete, puts him into a stupor, the person ceases to objectively and timely assess the situation. An athlete who is afraid of losing, diverts his attention to this fear, thinks about how not to lose, i.e. thinks about actions that should not be done, as a result of which he does precisely these actions.

Because they were the focus of his attention, even if they were marked with a "NOT" sign. There is no room for technically correct and winning actions in the field of attention. Subjectively, defeat is not necessarily actually occupied place in the results sheet. The experience depends on what the athlete himself was counting on. In some situations, penultimate place can be an encouraging success, and in others, second place is subjectively tantamount to defeat.


Sports psychology: trauma - a tragedy or a reason to think?

“Missed the competition due to injury”, “did not have time to recover ...”, “season down the drain”, “completed sports career due to injury." How often do we hear these words from athletes themselves? different levels, coaches, television commentators, and how rarely do we think about the true meaning of these words. How little we know about the causes of injuries and their consequences. How much they hurt not only the body, but also the soul of the athlete ...

For example, figure skating is among the top ten most traumatic sports. And the reason for this is not only the ever-increasing technical complexity. Features of the sport itself, which requires the simultaneous demonstration of high accuracy of movements in combination with the expressiveness and emotionality of skating, subjective assessment of the performance, high price plucked element, create additional stress on the figure skater's psyche.

Traditionally, the main causes of injury are considered to be physical factors, such as muscle imbalance, falls during the performance of elements, collisions at high speed, overtraining, physical overwork, etc. But few people think about the psychological component of traumas, which play by no means the last role.

The reality of today's sport is such that, coming to the rink at the age of 4-5 "for health", a young skater (and a representative of any other sport) involuntarily joins in the pursuit of results. And sadly, in addition to a demanding coach, there is a certain category of parents who diligently make a “star” out of their child. The child is taught that he must conquer, achieve, win ..., thereby driving him into neurotic state. A skater set up in this way enters the ice with a sense of fear, afraid of not meeting the expectations of a coach or parents. He is in constant nervous and, as a result, muscle tension, which is one of the main sources of injury.

As sportsmanship matures and grows, everyday and personal problems begin to be added to the above stressors. IN adolescence physical exercise figure skater increase many times. In addition, this age is a period of high mental stress, because. the “sense of adulthood” that is being formed here constantly pushes the teenager to self-affirmation, and he still does not have enough opportunities and skills for this. Hence its conflict and inconsistency.

At first glance, it may seem strange, but it is conflicts, both interpersonal and intrapersonal, that are the most important psychological factor that increases the likelihood of sports injuries. Tensions with a coach, partner, parents directly affect the concentration and composure of an athlete on the ice. Intrapersonal conflict is complicated by the fact that it is most often not noticeable to others, which makes it difficult to resolve. For example, an athlete faces a choice: end his sports career or continue. In this case, all his thoughts are occupied with weighing the pros and cons, attention is scattered, nervous tension is transferred to the muscles, the body "stops obeying" and ... Thus, internal conflict resolved by injury. In a situation where the injury is not severe, the athlete gets a pause to rest and think. In the event of a serious injury, he is forced to end his career, then the dilemma is resolved by itself.

When reaching the level of the highest sportsmanship, an athlete, as a rule, is faced with an exacerbation of already chronic, untreated injuries. In sports, there are rare cases when a person has the opportunity to recover until a full recovery. There are many reasons for this, ranging from high level motivation, ending with pressure from the inner circle. Non-recovery, both physical and psychological, entails the fear of recurrence of the trauma. Uncertainty appears, especially before the element, during the execution of which the damage was received. Uncertainty coupled with negative thoughts and disturbances muscle tone, sadly, again leads to injury.

How does sports psychology explain why the above stressful situations cause injuries? First, the feeling of "threat" leads to increased levels of anxiety. Which, in turn, causes a number of changes in concentration. It also reduces the ability to analyze the situation. And, finally, a violation of concentration of attention forces the athlete to pay attention to extraneous objects, to allow thoughts that are not directly related to the case.

Secondly, an increase in the level of anxiety leads to an increase in muscle tension and disrupts coordination, movements become constrained, and “inhibition” appears when perceiving information. In this case, from the athlete you can hear such phrases as “the body does not obey”, “wooden legs”. All of these increase the risk of injury.

Trauma is serious challenge the willpower of an athlete. How a person reacts to trauma depends more on their individual characteristics: a serious injury can be tolerated quite easily by one athlete and not have negative consequences. Whereas for another, even a small injury is a whole tragedy.

The most typical, "normal" reaction of most people to trauma is the reaction of grief, which includes several stages. Immediately after the incident, the person does not believe in what happened, tries to deny the very fact of the injury. Then, after awareness, the second stage begins - the stage of anger, when the athlete begins to scold and blame himself and others. Next comes the deal. For example, an athlete may promise that if he is "lucky" to recover quickly, he will warm up more thoroughly, train harder, become more attentive, etc. At the fourth stage, there is a full awareness of the fact of trauma and its consequences. This stage is dangerous with the possibility of the appearance of depressive moods. The fifth phase is the acceptance phase, when the athlete emerges from depression and is ready to focus his energy on rehabilitation and return to physical activity.

The speed of passing through all five stages can vary from 1-2 days to several months, depending on the individual characteristics of the person. These are mandatory stages that every injured athlete goes through, only their duration can be different. But sometimes trauma is accompanied by extremely negative psychological consequences, such as irritability, depression, increased levels of fear and anxiety. The skater worries about whether he will be able to recover, whether he will not get re-injured. A decrease in self-confidence can lead to a decrease in motivation, a drop in self-esteem. In an injured athlete, intrapersonal conflicts become aggravated, an uncontrolled invasion of obsessive thoughts about a traumatic situation may occur. However, with the help of certain psycho-corrective influences, it is possible to shorten the time for passing through these stages, mobilize the athlete, prevent the development of a pathological reaction, preventing him from getting hung up on his misfortune.

Trauma is always a stop, it is a time of doubt, fear, reassessment of reality. However, it is during this period that a new strategy for the preparation and behavior of a skater in competitions can be developed. A forced pause can both give an impetus to the transition to the next stage in the development of sportsmanship, and nullify the efforts and achievements of past years. A coach always has the opportunity to help his athlete emerge victorious from this crisis. Regardless of whether the symptoms of a “negative” reaction have appeared, the coach needs to apply some methods of psycho-corrective influence. True, it is first necessary to soberly assess whether he will be able to influence the athlete on his own or whether the help of a specialist will be required.

Unfortunately, sport is always associated with injuries. However, this is not a reason to get depressed and give up on yourself. Trauma is an experience, a very important experience of overcoming pain, fears, doubts. Use this time to reflect on what needs to be changed in your life that led to the trauma and thereby protect yourself from such troubles. After all, an injury is not a tragedy, but an occasion to think!


Fascinated by the beauty of stadiums and rings, the sounds of fanfares and the crackle of fireworks, we watch the Olympics, competitions, championships, matches. The plasticity of perfection, passion, luck - all this is created by people of sports. What is the value of their victories? Exorbitant loads, fatal breakdowns, fortitude, fear of defeat ... The price of victory is life and fate.

Each of us has faced defeat and failure along the way, because we, regardless of the chosen field of activity, overcome the distance of a lifetime. Basically, everyone has their own treadmill, boxing ring, Ice Arena and a chess game.

How to survive defeat, how not to lose motivation, where to get internal forces to rise up, be able to see the mistakes and start working on them? What to do when you are overwhelmed with feelings of pain, disappointment, anger, fear and guilt? Guilt for the unjustified expectations of those for whom you are an idol, those who invested in you strength, time, preparing for the next fight. Coach of the club of mixed martial arts "Styag" Alexey Goremykin believes that defeat is a turning point, but not a decisive moment for an athlete.

“For any athlete, not only in the field of martial arts, defeat is always turning point in a career. Entering the ring or cage, you must be mentally prepared for any outcome, of course, you only need to tune in to win, but, unfortunately, defeat is also part of any sport. How the career of a fighter will develop further will depend only on him. It is wrong to think that it was all you could do and you did your best. The correct perception of loss is to return to the hall, study the mistakes, highlight weak sides and work three times more.”

The ability to effectively cope with defeat is the key to the success of an athlete. Unfortunately, very often the people surrounding the athlete downplay the significance of the current situation. One of the few ways to give support are the words: "Don't worry, it's just an experience, everything will be fine" . But thereby, there is a depreciation of the feelings of a person who has suffered a sports failure. This relation negatively affects the personality of the athlete, especially if it is a child, and the chances of coping with this situation are minimized. In the event of a sports defeat, it is important to give yourself the opportunity to emotionally live the situation, in other words, to grieve, because any defeat is a loss, the loss of something important and valuable. On average, this period lasts from several hours to 2-3 days. At this moment it is very important that next to the athlete there is a significant person for him - a parent, a coach, a psychologist. Further, it is very important to consciously analyze the situation, from the standpoint of what was done well, despite the negative result. Finding good and positive moments provides a source of motivation and strength to overcome.

Trainer Alexey Goremykin also believes that the fact of defeat should not be denied, but it is also wrong to focus on it.

“I advise you not to dwell on it. Understand and accept that this happens and there is no escape from it. In any case, you need to have a good rest and with renewed vigor in the gym. Carefully analyze the fight with the coach and the team. Work on the bugs and tune in to a new fight. The indicator of the correct attitude to the loss is a victory in the next fight.

It is necessary to rely on real actions and facts. After that, one or two specific problems should be highlighted that prevented a positive result from being achieved. These problems are the points of application of forces in the forthcoming preparation, one task will be a priority, the second - additional, in case the work on the first fails. It is important to realize the fact that there are always mistakes, it is important to see them and find resources to correct them. A mistake does not mean the fact that you are not capable! It is very important to exclude the concept of “unlucky”, because a person who is not lucky will not change anything in himself, this closes the possibilities for analysis, and this is the first step to the next loss. A paradoxical but justified step is the development of a constructive plan of action in case of defeat: What will I do if I fail again? For example: what I will try to change in my behavior and my preparation. Uncertainty (fear of the unknown) is removed, which reduces the possible fear of failure and increases confidence in the possibility of solving the problem. To avoid defeat, in some cases, you must first accept the fact of its possibility. In order for this task not to be a setting for defeat, it is necessary to develop a plan not for the defeat itself, but for actions after a possible loss. This is a fairly in-depth analysis, which is best done in conjunction with a psychologist, since the effective experience of defeat requires time and special skills.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of one of the most successful athletes of our time Michael Jordan:

“I've lost almost 300 games in my career... 26 times I've been trusted to take the big shot and missed. I have failed in my life over and over again. And that's exactly what made me successful. You are not a loser until you give up!

This is how champions are born!

The article was prepared by: Alena Samarina, head of the sports psychology department of the Styag mixed martial arts club

Special thanks to the coach of KSE "Styag" Alexey Goremykin

There are many situations in life when everything ends not our way. How to deal with it? How to teach a child to accept defeat with dignity? What is absolutely impossible to lose? Priest Vitaly Vorona, Rector of the Church of the Pochaev Icon Mother of God Kramatorsk, helped us understand these difficult issues.

Success or failure?

Before you understand how to lose, it is worth defining what success is, what behind this concept is for us. Very often, victories and losses are not at all what they seemed at first. If we take the most tall example- the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, - then from a worldly point of view, He lost: he was betrayed, scolded, ascended the Cross, on which he died. But after some time, this defeat turned into the greatest victory: the salvation of the whole world. Or the first canonized Russian saints, Boris and Gleb - they also failed: they were killed, and the power went to another person.

Goals and victories are different, it all depends on the point of view and perspectives. It is not always easy to assess the situation in real time. It is necessary to see what results what is happening will bring, and only then can we say whether it was a success or a defeat. King Herod was considered by many contemporaries to be like a god. He had a special honor, dressed in rich clothes, sat on the throne, had eloquence, but it all ended very badly: he fell ill terrible disease, and he was literally eaten by worms.

Against all odds, don't give up

Wikipedia gives the following definition: “Success is the achievement of some goal or result in the business begun; public acceptance". What success should be depends on the person and the goals he has set for himself. What may be a failure for one may be a victory for another and have a deep meaning.

It is very important to teach children to treat losses correctly, because success is possible only through overcoming defeats and failures. This is evidenced by numerous achievements and scientific discoveries, many of which were not spontaneous, but were the result of hard work in achieving the goal. Goals, it would seem, illogical and impossible, but there were people who had the desire to achieve it. A classic example is Edison and his light bulb. To find the right material for the filament, he had to try six thousand options. It is important not to give up when you fail. It is necessary to convey to the children that losing is not when you fail, but when you refuse to succeed.

It is important not only not to be afraid to lose, but also to set goals correctly. All human life is a struggle between good and evil, a daily choice between them. For the right goal-setting, the correct system of values ​​is important. This also needs to be taught to children, but first you need to learn it yourself. Children usually do not what we tell them, but what we teach them. own example. You can tell anything in theory, but if we do not act as we say, it will be even worse than if we did not teach anything at all. Therefore, first of all, you yourself need to learn how to adequately lose and bet the right goals.

The practice of helping children

If we talk about how to practically teach a child to adequately accept a loss, then we must start from age. For example, children under five years of age have a completely different way of thinking than ten-year-olds. Moreover, they themselves can often teach us a lot. But even at this age, we notice in them certain inclinations of character, on which, among other things, the ability to lose depends. It will be easier for a phlegmatic child to survive a loss than for a sanguine or choleric child.

In such a situation, you just need to support the child. Try to make love come first. First, we, adults, must believe and understand that success is impossible without falls and defeats. Secondly, we must show that our attitude towards the child is in no way connected with his success or failure. He must believe that he is loved, and loved not for victories. Thirdly, it is important to teach that, despite failures, one must still try to reach the goal. If he does not want to do this - and there is always such a temptation - it will be necessary to convince him. I think that it is categorically impossible to quit what has been started.

Don't lose life

In the same way, we, adults, should not lose our lives - not to lose the most important goal of our existence, which will sanctify all the goals that we set for ourselves every day. So we get up in the morning, drink some tea, some coffee, and some cocoa, and in the meantime set goals for ourselves: what to do during the coming day. Our day is filled with meaning. But if we do not have main goal- salvation of the soul - then these daily tasks can become false.

It may happen that, approaching the end of our lives, we will see: the achievement of all worldly goals is left behind. We still have a certain period of time, but we do not know how to fill it. If we set ourselves a goal that will lie beyond the limits of our earthly existence, then, firstly, we will protect ourselves from such a situation. Secondly, our daily tasks will remain the same in nature, but will be consecrated with a different meaning: the search for the key to paradise. This key is love. The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of love, and he who does not have it cannot enter there. This means that he will not be able to achieve the most important, most genuine success of his life.

About humility and SMS from God

The main goal in life cannot be achieved without humility. Without it, you can't learn to lose, and if you don't know how to lose, you won't learn to win. If we are not humble, then our life and attempts to win will be akin to scourging: in the end, a person simply cannot stand the pain of disappointment. Humility is when we accept the will of God, entrust ourselves to it. We must try to accept everything that we have, and think about how we can develop what is given to us. An ignoramus can become an erudite if he is a humble ignoramus, that is, if he takes his situation for granted and does not stop trying to correct it.

Why don't we have humility? We think we are better than we really are. Very often you have to argue with people who profess the "religion of success." They put their whole lives on this altar, trying to somehow amuse themselves and provoke them, but at the same time they miss the main thing - humility. They are like the poor who, in an attempt to act like the rich, buy a car on credit that they can't even fill up. It's sad when success becomes an end in itself.

Often we discuss the task of humility with these people. They say: you, Orthodox, consider yourself sinners, poking around in yourself, what's the point? And the point is to understand who I really am. Am I really who I think I am? The Lord helps to stop stepping on the same rake, to reach Right way. And the failures that happen along the way are SMS from God that He sends to us when we go the wrong way.

Co-creation with God

Let us recall the parable of the talents: the one who did not increase what was given by the master lost. The Lord, when he gives talent, does not indicate exactly how to implement it. This is our co-creation with God: no matter how you multiply your talents, it is important to multiply. This is something that absolutely cannot be lost. You need to continue to work, look for ways to realize it, do not stop on this path, because if you stop, then you die - let you still walk, but you no longer live inside, you lost your life. Non-church people remain so until they touch the main goal. As soon as they understand that they need to set the bar as high as possible, in eternity, then any segment of life is filled with meaning, sanctified. The Lord sanctifies it, brings His order into it, and this is the most important thing.

Once again about the children: it is not a great achievement to raise a successful Herod. It is important to give children the opportunity to joyfully go through life. Failure is a stepping stone to success. The faster you get through them, the faster you will reach your goal. Therefore, defeats should be perceived not as a result, but as new point countdown closer to the target than the previous one.

Recorded by Ekaterina Shcherbakova

Official comment:
Direction allows you to reflect on victory and defeat in different aspects: socio-historical, moral and philosophical,
psychological. Reasoning can be connected both with external conflict events in the life of a person, country, world, and with the internal struggle of a person with himself, its causes and results.

IN literary works often shows the ambiguity and relativity of the concepts of "victory" and "defeat" in different historical conditions and life situations.

Aphorisms and sayings famous people:
The Greatest Victory- victory over oneself.
The possibility that we may be defeated in battle should not prevent us from fighting for a cause that we consider just.
A. Lincoln
Man is not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.
E. Hemingway
Be proud only of the victories you have won over yourself.

Socio-historical aspect
Here we will talk about external conflict social groups, states, about military actions and political struggle.
Peru A. de Saint-Exupery owns a paradoxical, at first glance, statement: "Victory weakens the people - defeat awakens new forces in it ...". We find confirmation of the correctness of this idea in Russian literature.
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - famous monument literature Ancient Rus'. The plot is based on the unsuccessful campaign of the Russian princes against the Polovtsians, organized by the Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavich in 1185. main idea- the idea of ​​the unity of the Russian land. Princely civil strife, weakening the Russian land and leading to ruin by its enemies, make the author bitterly sad and complain; victory over enemies fills his soul with ardent delight. However, the defeat, not the victory, is described in this work. ancient Russian literature, because it is the defeat that contributes to the rethinking of the previous behavior, the acquisition of a new view of the world and of oneself. That is, defeat stimulates Russian soldiers to victories and exploits.
The author of the Lay addresses all the Russian princes in turn, as if calling them to account and demandingly reminding them of their duty to their homeland. He calls them to defend the Russian land, "to block the gates of the field" with their sharp arrows. And therefore, although the author writes about defeat, there is not even a shadow of despondency in the Lay. The "Word" is as concise and laconic as Igor's appeals to his squad. This is the call before the fight. The whole poem, as it were, is turned to the future, permeated with concern for this future. A poem about victory would be a poem of triumph and joy. Victory is the end of the battle, while defeat for the author of the Lay is only the beginning of the battle. The battle with the steppe enemy is not yet over. The defeat should unite the Russians. The author of the Lay calls not to a feast of triumph, but to a feast-battle. This is written in the article "The Word about the campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich" D.S. Likhachev.
The "Word" ends happily - with the return of Igor to the Russian land and the singing of glory to him at the entrance to Kyiv. So, despite the fact that the “Word” is dedicated to the defeat of Igor, it is full of confidence in the power of the Russians, full of faith in the glorious future of the Russian land, in victory over the enemy.
The history of mankind consists of victories and defeats in wars. In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy describes the participation of Russia and Austria in the war against Napoleon. Drawing the events of 1805-1807, Tolstoy shows that this war was imposed on the peoples. Russian soldiers, being far from their homeland, do not understand the purpose of this war, they do not want to lay down their lives senselessly. Kutuzov understands better than many the uselessness of this campaign for Russia. He sees the indifference of the allies, the desire of Austria to fight by proxy. Kutuzov protects his troops in every possible way, delaying their advance to the borders of France. This is explained not by distrust of the military skill and heroism of the Russians, but by the desire to save them from senseless slaughter. When the battle turned out to be inevitable, the Russian soldiers showed their constant readiness to help the allies, to take the brunt. For example, a detachment of four thousand under the command of Bagration near the village of Shengraben held back the onslaught of the enemy, "eight times" outnumbering him. This made it possible for the main forces to advance. The miracles of heroism were shown by the unit of officer Timokhin. It not only did not retreat, but struck back, which saved the flank units of the army. The real hero of the Shengraben battle was the courageous, resolute, but modest captain Tushin before his superiors. So thanks in large part to Russian troops the battle of Shengraben was won, and this gave strength and inspiration to the sovereigns of Russia and Austria. Blinded by victories, preoccupied mainly with narcissism, holding military reviews and balls, these two men led their armies to defeat at Austerlitz. So it turned out that one of the reasons for the defeat of the Russian troops under the sky of Austerlitz was the victory at Shengraben, which did not allow an objective assessment of the balance of power.
All the senselessness of the campaign is shown by the writer in the preparation of the highest generals for the battle of Austerlitz. So, the military council before the battle of Austerlitz does not resemble advice, but an exhibition of vanities, all disputes were not conducted with the goal of reaching a better and correct solution, but, as Tolstoy writes, “... it was obvious that the goal ... of objections consisted mainly in the desire let General Weyrother feel, as self-confidently as schoolchildren, who read his disposition, that he was dealing not only with fools, but with people who could teach him in military affairs.
But still main reason We see the victories and defeats of the Russian troops in the confrontation with Napoleon when comparing Austerlitz and Borodin. Speaking with Pierre about the upcoming battle of Borodino, Andrei Bolkonsky recalls the reason for the defeat at Austerlitz: “The battle is won by the one who firmly decided to win it. Why did we lose the battle at Austerlitz? .. We told ourselves very early that we lost the battle, and lost And we said this because we had no reason to fight: we wanted to leave the battlefield as soon as possible. "We lost - well, run!" We ran. If we had not said this before evening, God knows what would have happened. And tomorrow we won't say that." L. Tolstoy shows a significant difference between the two campaigns: 1805-1807 and 1812. The fate of Russia was decided on the Borodino field. Here, the Russian people had no desire to save themselves, no indifference to what was happening. Here, as Lermontov says, "and we promised to die, and we kept the oath of allegiance in the Battle of Borodino."
Another opportunity to speculate about how a victory in one battle can turn into a defeat in a war is provided by the outcome of the Battle of Borodino, in which Russian troops gain a moral victory over the French. The moral defeat of Napoleon's troops near Moscow is the beginning of the defeat of his army.
The Civil War was so significant event in the history of Russia, that it could not but be reflected in fiction. The basis for the reasoning of graduates can be "Don stories", " Quiet Don» M.A. Sholokhov.
When one country goes to war with another, terrible events: hatred and the desire to defend themselves make people kill their own kind, women and the elderly are left alone, children grow up as orphans, cultural and material values cities are destroyed. But the warring parties have a goal - to defeat the enemy at any cost. And every war has a result - victory or defeat. Victory is sweet and immediately justifies all losses, defeat is tragic and sad, but it is the starting point for some other life. But "in civil war every victory is a defeat" (Lucian).
Life story central hero epic novel by M. Sholokhov "The Quiet Don" by Grigory Melekhov, which reflected the drama of the fate of the Don Cossacks, confirms this idea. War cripples from the inside and destroys all the most precious that people have. It forces the heroes to take a fresh look at the problems of duty and justice, to seek the truth and not find it in any of the warring camps. Once at the Reds, Grigory sees all the same as the Whites, cruelty, intransigence, thirst for the blood of enemies. Melekhov rushes between the two belligerents. Everywhere he encounters violence and cruelty, which he cannot accept, and therefore cannot take one side. The result is logical: “Like a steppe scorched by fires, Grigory’s life became black ...”.

Moral-philosophical and psychological aspects
Victory is not only success in battle. To win, according to the dictionary of synonyms, is to overcome, overpower, overcome. And often not so much the enemy as himself. Consider a number of works from this point of view.
A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The conflict of the play is a unity of two principles: public and personal. Being an honest, noble, progressive-minded, freedom-loving person, main character Chatsky opposes the Famus society. He condemns the inhumanity of serfdom, recalling "Nestor of noble scoundrels", who exchanged his faithful servants for three greyhounds; he is disgusted by the lack of freedom of thought in noble society: "Yes, and who in Moscow did not shut up lunches, dinners and dances?". He does not recognize servility and sycophancy: "Who needs it: for those who are arrogant, they lie in the dust, and for those who are higher, flattery, like lace, was woven." Chatsky is full of sincere patriotism: “Will we ever rise again from the foreign power of fashion? So that our smart, peppy people, although by language, do not consider us Germans. He strives to serve the “cause”, and not individuals, he “would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve.” Society is offended and, defending itself, declares Chatsky crazy. Its drama is exacerbated by a sense of ardent but unrequited love to Famusov's daughter Sofya. Chatsky does not make an attempt to understand Sophia, it is difficult for him to understand why Sophia does not love him, because his love for her speeds up “every heartbeat”, although “the whole world seemed to him dust and vanity.” Chatsky's blindness with passion can justify him: his "mind and heart are out of tune." The psychological conflict turns into a social conflict. Society unanimously comes to the conclusion: "crazy in everything ...". Crazy society is not terrible. Chatsky decides to "search around the world where the offended feeling has a corner."
I.A. Goncharov assessed the finale of the play as follows: “Chatsky is broken by the number old force, inflicting on her in turn death blow the quality of the new power." Chatsky does not give up his ideals, he only frees himself from illusions. Chatsky's stay in Famusov's house shook the inviolability of the foundations Famus Society. Sophia says: “I am ashamed of myself!”
Therefore, the defeat of Chatsky is only a temporary defeat and only his personal drama. On a public scale, "the victory of the Chatskys is inevitable." The “past century” will be replaced by the “current century”, and the views of the comedy hero Griboyedov will win.
A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". Graduates can reflect on the question of whether Katerina's death is a victory or defeat. It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Too many reasons led to a terrible ending. The playwright sees the tragedy of Katerina's position in the fact that she comes into conflict not only with Kalinov's family customs but also with itself. The straightforwardness of Ostrovsky's heroine is one of the sources of her tragedy. Katerina is pure in soul - lies and debauchery are alien and disgusting to her. She understands that, having fallen in love with Boris, she violated moral law. “Ah, Varya,” she complains, “I have a sin on my mind! How much I, poor thing, wept, no matter what I did to myself! I can't get away from this sin. Nowhere to go. After all, this is not good, because this is a terrible sin, Varenka, that I love another? Through the whole play, there is a painful struggle in Katerina's mind between the understanding of her wrong, her sinfulness and a vague, but more and more powerful sense of her right to human life. But the play ends with Katerina's moral victory over the dark forces that torment her. She expiates her guilt immeasurably, and escapes bondage and humiliation by the only path that has been opened to her. Her decision to die, if only not to remain a slave, expresses, according to Dobrolyubov, "the need for the emerging movement of Russian life." And this decision comes to Katerina along with internal self-justification. She dies because she considers death the only worthy outcome, the only way to preserve the higher that lived in her. The idea that Katerina's death is in fact a moral victory, the triumph of the real Russian soul over the forces of the "dark kingdom" of the Wild and Kabanovs, is also strengthened by the reaction of other heroes of the play to her death. For example, Tikhon, Katerina's husband, for the first time in his life expressed his own opinion, for the first time decided to protest against the suffocating foundations of his family, joining (even if only for a moment) in the fight against " dark kingdom". "You ruined her, you, you..." he exclaims, turning to his mother, before whom he has trembled all his life.
I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The writer shows in his novel the struggle between worldviews of two political trends. The plot of the novel is built on the opposition of the views of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov, which are prominent representatives two generations that don't get along. Differences on various issues have always existed between the youth and the elders. Same here, rep. younger generation Yevgeny Vasilievich Bazarov cannot, and does not want to, understand the "fathers", their life credo, principles. He is convinced that their views on the world, on life, on relations between people are hopelessly outdated. “Yes, I will spoil them ... After all, this is all pride, lion's habits, foppery ...”. In his opinion, the main purpose of life is to work, to produce something material. That is why Bazarov disrespectfully treats art, sciences that do not have a practical basis. He believes that it is much more useful to deny what, from his point of view, deserves to be denied, than to watch indifferently from the side, not daring to do anything. “At the present time, denial is most useful - we deny,” says Bazarov. And Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is sure that there are things that cannot be doubted (“Aristocracy ... liberalism, progress, principles ... art ...”). He values ​​habits and traditions more and does not want to notice the changes taking place in society.
Bazarov is a tragic figure. It cannot be said that he defeats Kirsanov in a dispute. Even when Pavel Petrovich is ready to admit his defeat, Bazarov suddenly loses faith in his teaching and doubts his personal need for society. "Does Russia need me? No, apparently I don't," he reflects.
Of course, most of all a person is manifested not in conversations, but in deeds and in his life. Therefore, Turgenev, as it were, leads his heroes through various trials. And the strongest of them is the test of love. After all, it is in love that the soul of a person is revealed fully and sincerely.
And then the hot and passionate nature of Bazarov swept away all his theories. He fell in love with a woman whom he highly valued. “In conversations with Anna Sergeevna, he expressed even more than before his indifferent contempt for everything romantic, and left alone, he indignantly recognized the romance in himself.” The hero is going through a severe mental breakdown. "...Something...was possessed in him, which he never allowed, over which he always mocked, which revolted all his pride." Anna Sergeevna Odintsova rejected him. But Bazarov found the strength to accept defeat with honor, without losing his dignity.
So all the same - did the nihilist Bazarov win or lose? It seems that in the test of love, Bazarov is defeated. First, his feelings and himself are rejected. Secondly, he falls into the power of the aspects of life he himself denies, loses ground under his feet, begins to doubt his views on life. His life position turns out to be a pose in which, however, he sincerely believed. Bazarov begins to lose the meaning of life, and soon loses life itself. But this is also a victory: love made Bazarov take a different look at himself and the world, he begins to understand that life does not want to fit into a nihilistic scheme in anything.
And Anna Sergeevna formally remains among the winners. She managed to cope with her feelings, which strengthened her self-confidence. In the future, she will build a sister well, and she herself will successfully marry. But will she be happy?
F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"."Crime and Punishment" is ideological novel, in which non-human theory collides with human feelings. Dostoevsky, a great connoisseur of the psychology of people, a sensitive and attentive artist, tried to understand modern reality, to determine the degree of influence on a person of the then popular ideas of the revolutionary reorganization of life and individualistic theories. Entering into polemics with democrats and socialists, the writer sought to show in his novel how the delusion of fragile minds leads to murder, shedding of blood, maiming and breaking young lives.
Raskolnikov's ideas are generated by abnormal, humiliating conditions of life. In addition, the post-reform breakup destroyed the age-old foundations of society, depriving human individuality of connection with long-standing cultural traditions society, historical memory. Raskolnikov at every step sees a violation of universal moral standards. It is impossible to feed a family with honest labor, so the petty official Marmeladov finally becomes an inveterate drunkard, and his daughter Sonechka is forced to trade herself, because otherwise her family will die of hunger. If unbearable living conditions push a person to violate moral principles, then these principles are nonsense, that is, they can be ignored. Raskolnikov comes to this conclusion when a theory is born in his inflamed brain, according to which he divides all of humanity into two unequal parts. On the one hand, this strong personalities, "super-humans" such as Mohammed and Napoleon, and on the other - a gray, faceless and submissive crowd, which the hero awards with a contemptuous name - "trembling creature" and "anthill".
The correctness of any theory must be confirmed by practice. And Rodion Raskolnikov conceives and carries out the murder, removing the moral prohibition from himself. His life after the murder turns into a real hell. A painful suspicion develops in Rodion, which gradually turns into a feeling of loneliness, rejection from everyone. The writer finds a surprisingly accurate expression characterizing internal state Raskolnikov: he "as if with scissors cut himself off from everyone and everything." The hero is disappointed in himself, believing that he did not pass the test for the role of the ruler, which means, alas, he belongs to the "trembling creatures".
Surprisingly, Raskolnikov himself would not want to be the winner now. After all, to win means to perish morally, to remain with your spiritual chaos forever, to lose faith in people, yourself and life. Raskolnikov's defeat was his victory - a victory over himself, over his theory, over the Devil, who took possession of his soul, but could not forever displace God in it.
M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". This novel is too complex and multifaceted, the writer touched on many topics and problems in it. One of them is the problem of the struggle between good and evil. In The Master and Margarita, the two main forces of good and evil, which, according to Bulgakov, should be in balance on Earth, are embodied in the images of Yeshua Ha-Notsri from Yershalaim and Woland - Satan in human form. Apparently, Bulgakov, in order to show that good and evil exist outside of time and for thousands of years people live according to their laws, placed Yeshua at the beginning of a new time, in the fictional masterpiece of the Master, and Woland, as the arbiter of cruel justice, in Moscow in the 30s. XX century. The latter came to Earth to restore harmony where it had been broken in favor of evil, which included lies, stupidity, hypocrisy and, finally, betrayal that filled Moscow. Good and evil in this world are surprisingly closely intertwined, especially in human souls. When Woland, in a scene in a variety show, tests the audience for cruelty and decapitates the entertainer, and compassionate women demand to put her in her place, the great magician says: “Well ... they are people like people ... Well, frivolous ... well, what same... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts... ordinary people... - and loudly orders: "Put on your head." And then we observe how people are fighting because of the gold coins that fell on their heads.
The novel "The Master and Margarita" is about the responsibility of a person for the good and evil that is done on earth, for his own choice life paths leading to truth and freedom or to slavery, betrayal and inhumanity. It all-conquering love and creativity, elevating the soul to the heights of true humanity.
The author wanted to proclaim: the victory of evil over good cannot become end result social and moral confrontation. This, according to Bulgakov, is not accepted by human nature itself, should not be allowed by the entire course of civilization.
Of course, the range of works in which the thematic direction"Victory and defeat", is much broader. The main thing is to see the principle, to understand that victory and defeat are relative concepts.
Wrote about it R. Bach in the book "Bridge Through Eternity": “The important thing is not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we change because of this, what we bring out for ourselves, how we can apply it in other games. In a strange way, defeat turns out to be victory."

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