Merkin G.S. to make a literature lesson a necessity


Perederieva Galina Anatolyevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU Shchedrovskaya school, Chertkovsky district

UMK G.S. Merkina in the light of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard

In today's rapidly changing world, reproductive transmission

to the younger generation, the amount of knowledge is no longer a guarantee of its successful

integration into society. Society today needs educated, moral,

creative people who can independently make responsible decisions in

choice situations. Therefore, the main factors for building a personal vector

development become the ability to navigate in a sea of ​​information and the ability to

make the right decisions based on data from various sources.

The priority goal of modern Russian education is not

reproductive transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student, and

full-fledged formation and development of the student's abilities independently

outline a learning problem, formulate an algorithm for solving it, control

process and evaluate the result - teach to learn.

A distinctive feature of the new standard is its active nature,

putting main goal student personality development. Education system

abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge,

skills and abilities, the wording of the standard indicates the actual activities,

which the student must master. Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results.

An integral part of the core of the new standard are universal training

actions (UUD). UUD is understood as "general educational skills", "general methods

activities”, “over-objective actions”.

An important element in the formation of universal educational activities of students on

stages of basic general education, ensuring its effectiveness

are the orientation of schoolchildren in information and communication

technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to correctly apply them (ICT-competence).

Implementation of the program for the formation of UUD at school is a key task

introduction of a new educational standard.

Requirements for results

The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic

the educational program of basic general education:

  1. personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development,
  2. the formation of motivation for learning and cognition, the value-semantic attitudes of students, reflecting their individual and personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities;
  3. the formation of the foundations of civic identity.
  4. meta-subject, including mastered by students universal learning activities(cognitive, regulatory and communicative), providing mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts.
  5. subject, including mastered by students in the course of studying subject experience of activity specific to a given subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as a system of fundamental elements scientific knowledge underlying the modern scientific picture of the world.

Literature - an academic discipline that forms the spiritual image and moral guidelines younger generation. She owns leading place in the emotional, intellectual and aesthetic development of the student, in the formation of his

understanding of the world and national identity, without which the spiritual development of the nation as a whole is impossible.

The basis of the content of literature as an academic subject is reading and textual

a new study of works of art that make up the golden fund of Russian classics.

The study of literature in primary school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

upbringing spiritually developed personality, the formation of a humanistic worldview

knowledge, civic consciousness, feelings of patriotism, love and respect for literature and

values ​​of national culture;

development emotional perception artistic text, figurative and analytical

intellectual thinking, creative imagination, reader culture and understanding of the

torso position; the formation of initial ideas about the specifics of literature in

a number of other arts, the need for independent reading of works of art

references; development of oral and written speech of students;

*development texts of works of art in the unity of form and content, based on

new historical and literary information and theoretical and literary concepts;

mastery of skillsreading and analysis of works of art with the involvement of basic literary concepts and necessary information on the history of literature; revealing in the works of concrete historical and universal content; competent use of Russian literary language when creating your own oral and written statements

I have been working for the third year at the UMK G.S. Merkin.

This Program is focused on the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on December 17, 2010 No. 1897, the provisions of which provide a multifaceted and deep assimilation of the course of literature in grades 5-9, as they contribute to the means of fiction, literary criticism and literary criticism to provide:

“1) awareness of the importance of reading and studying literature for one’s further development; formation of the need for systematic reading as a means of knowing the world and oneself in this world, harmonizing relations between a person and society, a multidimensional dialogue;

2) understanding of literature as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the people, as special way knowledge of life;

3) ensuring cultural self-identification, awareness of the communicative and aesthetic possibilities of the native language based on the study of outstanding works of Russian culture, the culture of its people, world culture;

4) education of a qualified reader with a formed aesthetic taste, able to argue his opinion and formulate it verbally in oral and written statements of various genres, create detailed statements of an analytical and interpretive nature, participate in the discussion of what he has read, and consciously plan his leisure reading;

5) development of the ability to understand literary works of art, reflecting different ethno-cultural traditions;

6) mastering the procedures for the semantic and aesthetic analysis of the text based on understanding the fundamental differences between a literary literary text and a scientific, business, journalistic text, the formation of skills to perceive, analyze, critically evaluate and interpret what is read, realize art picture life, reflected in a literary work, at the level of not only emotional perception, but also intellectual comprehension.

In accordance with the requirements of the Standard, the program in literature for grades 5-9 educational institutions is based on the application of a "system-activity approach that provides:

– formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education;

- active educational and cognitive activity of students;

– construction of the educational process, taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students”.

Features of UMK G.S. Merkin in literature (grades 5-8)

3. Textbook G.S. Merkina is structured taking into account the thematic lines of the standard, which are built from era to era, from writer to writer.

4. A feature of this UMC is its end-to-end logic of the movement of material.

6. Foreign literature is well represented.

7. great attention in textbooks, it is given to the development of the idea of ​​interdisciplinary connections.

8. In textbooks of literature (5-8 cells) G.S. Merkin, the comparative aspect is strengthened, the dialogue of times and cultures is more clearly outlined. (for example, the legend of Kitezh as interpreted by writers of the 20th century, comparison Nart epic and one of the plots of the "Odyssey", a comparison of the description of the steppe in "Taras Bulba" and in Chekhov's story of the same name).

In UMK G.S. Merkin's works of the writer are studied from 5th to 9th grade sequentially. They provide information about childhood (grade 5), years of study (grade 6), the image of the writer (grade 7), personality identity (grade 8), main milestones creative biography(Grade 9). Here is information about creative history of the work under study and about the facts of life associated with the creation of this text.

These textbooks contribute to the formation of reader independence, the development of the proposed works as the art of the word; developing the skills of creative in-depth reading, identifying subtext, understanding the features of an artistic image; the formation of speech skills - the ability to draw up a plan and retell the text, outline an article, comment on what is read, explain the word, line and see their role in the work, perceive the writer in the context of national culture, history and world art.

Works of art read outside school hours and discussed in the class help to expand the students' understanding of the writer's work, give hope for a serious, conscious attitude to reading. Home reading students are sent with lists of recommended literature indicated in the program and in textbooks.

The teaching of literature at school is based on the unity of the lesson and extracurricular activities schoolchildren.

The most important skillsthat form and developin grades 5-9 are as follows:

Correct, fluent and expressive reading of texts of artistic and journalistic works;

Expressive reading of works or excerpts from them by heart;

Comprehension and analysis of a work of art studied at school or read independently (a fairy tale, a poem, a chapter of a story, etc.);

Determining whether a work belongs to one of literary genera(epos, lyrics, drama), to one of the genres or genre formations (epic and dramatic texts);

Substantiation of one's judgment, drawing up a characterization of the characters, a reasoned review of the read work;

Identification of the role of the hero, portrait, description, details, author's assessment in disclosing the content of the read work;

Drawing up a simple and complex plan of the studied work;

Explanation of the role of the artistic features of the work and work with help desk textbook;

Possession of monologue and dialogic speech, preparation of a message, report, abstract;

Drawing up a written answer to questions, writing an essay on literary and free topics;

Expressing one's own opinion about illustrations;

Comparison of works different types art, writing an essay on a painting.

Directing the efforts of schoolchildren to ensure that they deeply understand the meaning of books and reading, the role of their own reading of the work, the teacher forms the interest of schoolchildren not only in the creative reading of the work, but also in co-creation, i.e. in a deep and penetrating dialogue between the reader and the writer. (“There are three types of readers: the first are those who enjoy without reasoning; the other are those who judge without enjoying, and the third, middle, are those who judge while enjoying and enjoy reasoning. It is these latter who recreate the work anew.” - I. W. Goethe.)

So in the 5th grade when working on the teaching materials G.S. Merkin, the transition from the initial literary education(lessons of literary reading) to a systematic course of literature. One of priorities the study of literature is the formation of an aesthetic ideal, the development artistic taste. The main component of the literature lesson should be a worldview problem. Understanding complex moral categories occurs when discussing the following topics: “The humanistic orientation in the “Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs” by A.S. Pushkin” For the children, the tasks are to identify the folk basis of the tale, the meaning of the opposition of the evil queen and the princess, the beauty of the external and internal, the role of artistic and visual means. Lexical work with words is carried out at the lessonmeekness, chastity. The kids say that meekness - this is peace, kindness. Chastity - purity. Next topic: “Love as the highest moral basis is considered on the example of the works of M.Yu. Lermontov "When the yellowing field is agitated ...", here the blessed merging with nature and the whole world causes a state of inner enlightenment in the lyrical hero. F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the original autumn ...", the poem creates a vivid and distinct feeling inseparable connection a person with the environment; F.I. Tyutchev " spring waters”, the poem is filled with a poetic feeling of joy arising from the realization of the infinity of life; E.A. Baratynsky "Spring, spring! How clean the air is!..”, the renewal and rebirth of nature in the spring cause a desire to merge with the spring day, the contemplation of nature awakens in a person the desire for high feelings, for the ideal; A.A. Fet "A wonderful picture ...", the lyrical hero feels unity and even merging with nature. In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "Live Age - Love Age" shows the affirmation of a sense of unity with the world, love as the fundamental principle of the universe. Topic family tradition and influence on the formation of personality is revealed in the work of A.P. Platonov "Nikita", the author shows the world through the eyes of a child, the boy understands that there is no father and the workday is salvation for him and for his mother. The father is back. “During the day, my father was cutting boards in the barn to re-lay the floor in the hut, and he also gave Nikita a job - to straighten crooked carnations with a hammer ...

Let's all work hard, and everyone will be alive.

Come on, son, - agreed the father. Father believed that Nikita would remain kind for his entire long life.

Teaching Literature in Grades 5-9 of the TMC G.S. Merkin is focused primarily on the formation of interest in the personality of the writer and in the works under study; establishing a connection between the worldview of the author and his work.

For the lessons devoted to the study of the facts of the writer's biography, students prepare individual reports in the genre of an artistic and biographical story, compose a retelling, thesis or citation plan of a textbook article. These lessons include slide presentation tours of the portrait gallery, memorial sites of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol and others.

The result of the work is the compilation of a dialogue on the topic of the lesson based on the materials of the reflective table, the filling of which is provided during listening to the messages of the teacher or students, and most often both the teacher and the students.

A distinctive feature of the UMK G.S. Merkin also lies in the fact that all works must be read in advance. The analysis of a work is the central stage in the work on a monographic theme, the main attention is paid directly to the text, the study of its artistic features.

At the stage of text analysis, lexical work takes place, helping to replenish the vocabulary of schoolchildren. For example, in a poem by A.S. Pushkin " Winter road» working with wordsmonotonous, long, native. When studying the work of N.A. Nekrasov guys explain the meaning of wordsof course, verse, chaff, chukhna.

Students write down the definition of moral and aesthetic concepts in a workbook. Such work is focused on the formation of the ability to see in literature a reflection of objective reality, one's own attitude to the author's aesthetic ideal, as well as the ability to correlate the ideal of the writer with his idea of ​​beauty in life, nature, and man.

The lessons devoted to the analysis of the fable talk about the features of the genre: a clear distinction between two parts - the plot and morality, conventionality, allegorical figurative system, confrontation of ideas at the heart of the conflict. When studying the topic “I.A. Krylov "The Wolf in the Kennel", "Demyanova's Ear", "The Pig under the Oak", the students are given the task of learning to expressively read fables in faces by heart. In addition, the guys should know what the allegorical meaning of fables is manifested in. Lexical work is carried out with the word hypocrisy . Students are given the freedom to choose to memorize the fable they like, so the reader's interest is revealed.

When analyzing the story, the guys and I discuss the details-symbols in the description of the landscape, portrait, interior, the leading emotional tone that allows us to recreate the atmosphere inner life hero in this moment, the nature of the plot denouement. We determine the role in the narrative of descriptions, dialogues of characters, we talk about the features of the character of the hero, determine the function of secondary and episodic characters in the story. When analyzing the story of A.P. Platonov "Nikita" I propose an independent research work with the text, lexical work is carried out with wordsworkday, millet, gapped, grin, I will live forever. The guys fill in the right side of the table point by point:an empty barrel, a well, two earthen burrows, an old stump, a table, a sauna. When summing up the lesson, the students answer in which words the main idea of ​​A. Platonov's story "Nikita" is clearly and fully manifested. They say: "Let's all work hard, and all the living will be"

The analysis of a poetic text has specific features, due to the emotional reaction caused by reading the text, and referring to visual means.

A special direction of work in the literature lesson within the framework of this system of lessons is the formation of the historical and cultural erudition of students, starting from the 5th grade. Individual and group assignments are focused on the formation of a system of historical knowledge and views that allow assessing the author's position. In this EMC, the system of work is focused on the implementation of interdisciplinary connections between literature, music and fine arts. In the lessons of studying the biography of the writer, students turn to works of fine art.

At the lessons of literature, the development of written speech of schoolchildren takes place in the course of creating statements on a given topic. The following tasks contribute to this: write a dictionary entry, a funny story about a case from life, a proverb story with which you can complete your story, a note or a letter of comic content, a fairy tale, a fable, an essay on behalf of a participant in the event, an essay - reflection. The kids love this kind of work. They enjoy reading their work. In the classroom, we finalize their compositions. These classes are fun and interesting. In UMK G.S. Merkina grades 5-9, the main activities of the teacher and students in literature lessons are working with the textbook, messages from the teacher and students, conversation, lexical work, drawing up associative series, presentation of books, filling in reflective tables, creating slide presentations, correspondence excursions to places of life and creativity of writers, artistic retelling, expressive reading, reading by roles and reading by heart, drawing up quotations and abstract plans, designing dialogues based on textbook materials, creating questions that allow students to correct the initial perception of the text by students, working with portraits of writers, illustrations, oral verbal drawing, quizzes on the writer's work.

These areas of work on the TMC G.S. Merkin in grades 5-9 contribute to the formation of a spiritually developed personality, the development of aesthetic and creativity students, fostering interest in scientific activity, increasing the level of educational motivation.

The program for grades 5-9 takes into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and the Exemplary Program in Literature; is based on the concept of systematic and systematic familiarization of students with Russian literature from folklore, ancient Russian literature to the literature of the 20th century, clearly focused on the consistent deepening of the comprehension of literary works, understanding and understanding of development creative way each writer and the development of literature in general, the formation of the skills necessary for every competent reader.

Love for Russia and man - that's the main moral- the philosophical core of the course, which defines it educationally- educational value. Annotations to the sections of the program correspond to the general concept of the course and are designed to orient the teacher in the problems of the studied works, to highlight the main thing that makes them ideologically.- aesthetic value.

In general, the presented program of literary education in grades 5-9 is addressed to a student of a modern general education school, a person of the 21st century, who inherits the spiritual experience of the great Russian culture.

How should a teacher teach literature in the transition to a new standard?

  1. Fight for the young reader;
  2. Comprehend literature in the context of national culture;
  3. Pay attention to the problem of the dialogue of cultures, to the literature of the peoples of Russia;
  4. Master new technologies to achieve the "old" goals: educating the heart and educating the mind as a unity.

Life does not stand still, new educational standards make adjustments to studying proccess on literature. Such changes are coming and WMC G.S. Merkin.

Here are the directions for finalizing the teaching materials on literature by G.S. Merkin (grades 5-8) and S.A. Zinina, V.I. Sakharova, V.A. Chalmaeva (grade 9)

  1. Adjustment of content in connection with the Model Program
  2. Development of interdisciplinary connections (color insert; methodological support)
  3. Refinement of the methodological apparatus:

Formation of universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory, communicative)

Strengthening the personal orientation of tasks to comprehend the problems of works.

* Taking into account the requirements of the modern information environment

Previous editions (5th grade)

Edition according to the new standard (grade 5)

From mythology. Odysseus on the Island of the Cyclopes. Polyphemus "(in the retelling of N.A. Kuhn)

I.A. Krylov "The Crow and the Fox", "The Wolf in the Kennel", "Demyanova's Ear", "The Pig under the Oak"

F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the autumn of the original ...", "Spring Waters"

I.S. Turgenev "Mumu", "Sparrow", "Russian language"

I.A. Bunin "Dense green spruce forest near the road ...", "In the village"

A.P. Platonov "Nikita"

From mythology. Odysseus on the Island of the Cyclopes. Polyphemus" (in the retelling of N.A. Kuhn)"Homer. Odyssey. The Ninth Song” (fragment, translated by V.V. Veresaev)

I.A. Krylov "The Crow and the Fox""Wolf and Lamb""Wolf in the kennel", "Pig under the oak"

F.I. Tyutchev "Spring Storm", "Spring waters", "There are in the autumn of the original ..."

I.S. Turgenev "Mumu""Two rich men" , "Sparrow", "Russian language"

I.A. Bunin "Dense green spruce forest by the road", "In the village","Snowdrop"

A.P. Platonov "Nikita""Flower on the ground"

V.P. Astafiev "Vasyutkino Lake"

Colored insert with reproductions of paintings

List of works for memorization

Final questions and tasks

Previous Editions (Grade 6)

Edition according to the new standard (grade 6)

From mythology

A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning"

M.Yu. Lermontov "Clouds", "Sail", "Leaf"

A.A. Akhmatova "Courage", "Victory"

O. Henry "Leader of the Redskins"

From mythology. In the section "For you, inquisitive!": briefly about the "Kalevala", "The Song of Roland", "The Song of the Nibelungs"

A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning", "Winter Evening"

M.Yu. Lermontov "Clouds", "Sail" , In the wild north stands alone ... ","Leaf"

A.A. Akhmatova “There are days before spring such…", "Courage", "Victory","Motherland"

From foreign literature. O. Henry "Leader of the Redskins","Gifts of the Magi"

Colored insert with reproductions of paintings.

Previous Editions (Grade 7)

Edition according to the new standard (Grade 7)

G.R. Derzhavin "To Rulers and Judges"

DI. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

A.S. Pushkin "To Chaadaev", "In the depths of Siberian ores ...", "Cloud", "Song of prophetic Oleg”, “Poltava”

M.Yu. Lermontov "Motherland", "Song about .."

A.A. Fet "Rye ripens over a hot field ...", "Evening"

M. Gorky "Autobiography", "Childhood", "Old Woman Izergil"

A.I. Kuprin "Lilac Bush", "Alez"

S.A. Yesenin "I left my dear home ...", "The golden grove dissuaded ..."

I.S. Shmelev "Russian song"

V.M. Shukshin "A word about a small homeland"


Russian poets of the XX century about Russia

W. Shakespeare. Sonnets No. 30, 54, 90, 102

G. Tukay "Book"

G.R. Derzhavin "To Rulers and Judges"+

"Psalm of Asaph" - under the heading "Research project" (task for

Comparison of the poem with the original source)

DI. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" + J.B. Molière

“The tradesman in the nobility” (fragment) - under the heading “For you, inquisitive!”

A.S. Pushkin "To Chaadaev"“Two feelings are wonderfully close to us ...” (+ heading

"Research project" - a task for comparing editions of a poem),

"In the depths of the Siberian ores ...", "Anchar",

"Cloud", "Song of the Prophetic Oleg", "Poltava"

M.Yu. Lermontov "Three Palms (Eastern legend)", "Motherland", "Song about ..."

F.I. Tyutchev "The kite rose from the clearing ...", "Fountain"

A.A. Fet "I came to you with greetings ...","Evening"

A.I. Kuprin "Wonderful doctor"," Alez!

M. Gorky "Autobiography", "Childhood",

"Chelkash", "Old Isergil"

A. Green " Scarlet Sails» (fragment)

S.A. Yesenin "Goy you, my dear Rus' ...",“I left my dear home ...”, “the golden grove dissuaded ...”

I.S. Shmelev "Russian Song""Summer of the Lord" (chapter "Apple Spas")

M. Karim "Immortality" (fragments)

V.M. Shukshin "Freak" , "A word about a small homeland"


  1. Literature program for grades 5-11 of a comprehensive school Authors - compilers: G.S. Merkin, S.A. Zinin, V.A. Chalmaev. 4th edition5, corrected and enlarged. M.: " Russian word", 2008
  2. Sample programs for academic subjects. Literature grades 5-11

Second generation standards. M.: "Enlightenment", 2011

  1. Information disk of the publishing house "Russian Word"
  2. Literature lessons. To the textbook "Literature. Grade 5" (author - compiler G.S. Merkin). Methodological guide / F.E. Solovyov; ed. G.S. Merkin. M .: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2010

MERKIN Gennady Samuilovich

Honorary Professor of SmolGU,

doctor of pedagogical sciences

[email protected]


Annotation. The article raises questions of the specifics of pedagogical technologies and methodological techniques in the process of teaching literature; problems of modern approaches to methodological innovations. Suggested types research projects in Literature at the Basic Educational School.

Key words: pedagogical technologies, teaching methods, innovations and conservatism in education, types of research projects.

abstract. The article raised questions of educational technologies" specificity and methodical techniques in teaching Literature; problems of contemporary approaches to methodical innovation. Types of research projects for Literature in secondary school are proposed.

Keywords: educational technology, methodical techniques, innovation and conservatism in education, the types of research projects.

AT last decade a new formation, technology, has entered the pedagogical lexicon. It seems to have finally replaced the concept of a methodical device. The fundamental difference between the two concepts is significant. The reception is variable, it allows changes both in the structure and in the methodological content and forms of implementation. Technology, to be fundamentally accurate and picky about semantics, does not allow changes, because any deviation from a technological solution deprives hope of a positive result. Technology dictates: it is possible and necessary in this way and only in this way. This installation is hardly appropriate in the teaching of literature, which runs away from unambiguous, precisely stipulated postulates and assignments. The literature does not give and, we believe, does not know unambiguous answers. Whenever everything seems to be completely clear, new horizons for interpretations, ideas, understanding of the artistic idea of ​​the text, etc. open up in the work. with the writer and his characters directly, without an intermediary and translator, who often becomes a teacher of literature.

At the same time, it would be dangerous to exaggerate the role of the methodical device in the teacher's activity. The methodological approach is predominantly individual, personal character. The technique is quite difficult to replicate, since the choice of a methodological path is always superimposed by a mass of seemingly minor, but in fact the most important circumstances. This is the uniqueness or at least the originality of the composition of the students in this class (it is probably not necessary to prove that each person is extremely generalized and extremely unique); the level of real reading culture of schoolchildren of this particular class, the personality of the language teacher, and much more. More important is the methodological idea, which over time acquires new meanings and meanings due to continuous evolution, including technological evolution in the technical sense of the word.

Let me explain with one example. M.A. Rybnikova in her teaching practice used such visual aids, which she designated as montages. They were of two sizes: in Whatman sheet and half-sheet - for ease of storage and use. The contents of these montages were all kinds of illustrative materials, tables, diagrams, and so on. Strictly speaking, this methodological solution comes from the historical tables of V.A. Zhukovsky, who used them in the process of teaching the future Emperor Alexander II, and to be even more attentive and accurate, it goes back to the principle of visibility, which is associated in the history of pedagogy with Ya.A.Komensky. Over time, without canceling this widely used visual aid, filmstrips began to be used in the lesson, and our industry created them for the school. It was a new technological solution, although the idea remained the same. Then the LETI apparatus replaced the filmstrip, that is, a device with manual control: the same filmstrip, but with a remote control. The technology improved, the idea remained. ETU "LETI" was replaced by a computer with its wide technological capabilities (creating author's presentations, making changes to already created films, direct inclusion in the presentation of "live", including sound, material from the Internet, etc.). The technology has changed beyond recognition, but the idea has remained the same. Innovations and so-called innovations that have become one of the criteria for evaluating a teacher's performance and are included as almost mandatory for implementation in instructional documents: programs, standards, "cores" - in their essence cloud the clarity of the idea and thereby practically distort it, without offering a positive and better meaning, content, solutions. So, for example, the authors of some programs declare as a novelty in their methodological system the multi-level principle of reading a literary text. It turns out that this refers to the principle of repeated reading, a new return of schoolchildren to reading and characterizing the text. I will not discuss the real possibility of applying this approach due to the fact that the number of lessons per subject has decreased and will probably continue to decrease. I note another thing: the principle of integrity in the study of literary reading was proposed by G.A. Gukovsky, and then developed in the works of T.G. Brazhe, primarily in her monograph “Holistic study epic work» . This principle was based on the consistent movement of the student in the process of studying a work of art from naive-realistic reading to the development of all ( largest number) text components. This is what allowed the teacher to lead students to a deep and complete perception of the artistic idea and the author's intention. The content of this approach includes fundamentally new solutions, which today are denoted by the concepts of the research method, the motivation of the student to read, the understanding of the importance of referring to the figurative and expressive means of the literary text and perceiving it as part of the content of the work. Without repeated reference to the text, its fragment, episode, artistic image, composition, plot moves, etc. (depending on the goals and objectives of the lesson, these elements of poetics are determined by the teacher), the reader's perception will almost always remain at a naive-realistic level.

In the mass pursuit of innovation and innovation, the principle of careful attitude to a positive past, taking it into account in latest system education and teaching. In fact, only a verbal statement of the need for attention to the experience and achievements of our predecessors remained. Without becoming truly innovative, our methodological and pedagogical system ceased to be conservative in best value this concept. Conservatism in methodology means caution in introducing untested and unverified proposals into teaching practice, not to mention new system requirements and attitudes. That is exactly what is happening now. New approaches and attitudes are replaced during the life of one student generation by others, sometimes directly opposite, bringing immeasurable harm not only to the school, but to individual students and their mentors. The concept of professionalism has lost its original meaning. The dubious thesis that people who do not have a higher professional education can teach at school (after minor retraining they can go to the classroom) has led to the incompetence of many, many current school employees - I cannot call them teachers. In higher education, the methodology of teaching literature disappears as a system-forming subject. training course. In a number of cases, for additional loading of teachers, methodological courses are transferred to other specialists, and often these teachers have no practice of working at school at all, and are simply ignorant in the theory of methodology. A vicious circle arises: not having received due vocational training, young professionals go to school and teach the way they were taught by non-professionals, that is, they are unable to realize the potential of the subject in all its exclusivity and versatility. The provision that graduates of any bachelor's degree can go to the magistracy leads to the fact that higher professional education get undergraduates who are completely unprepared for this. So this supposedly progressive university system becomes a sham and discredits the idea. The standards, on the other hand, require a competency-based approach, neglecting the idea that an incompetent person is not able to form any competencies in students.

The foregoing does not mean at all that new ideas, methodological techniques and approaches are not introduced into the real practice of the teacher. Novelty gives positive results, as a rule, only after repeated verification of either a pedagogical experiment or something that was born by the practice of individual teachers and became the property of many as a result of skillful replication of someone else's experience.

The desire to arouse students' interest in the subject, in reading has always been one of the most important tasks of the subject teacher. In modern conditions of a global loss of interest in literature, this task becomes even more urgent. New technical capabilities, universal computerization, multiplied by the allegedly innovative practice of an electronic textbook, distance the student from the book, from the reading process, in which the young reader learns the changing world and himself "at the speed of turning a page." Under these conditions, the teacher of literature is forced to look for the best ways to change the situation. One of these is finding ways to increase the internal motivation of the student. The creation of such a methodological model, in which the student is not forced to read and reread, but is placed in conditions under which this process is necessary for him, is the most productive way in solving the problem. The student is introduced into a situation in which he acts as a discoverer, and his discovery not only satisfies his personal claims, but also becomes socially significant. To implement such an approach, it is necessary to strictly observe the principle of voluntariness. Another setup is related to high bar which the student can overcome at the final stage of his research. This is the awareness of the need for personal participation of the student in collective activities; high level social significance project, implementation of the results of the project: replication of the prepared collection, placement of materials on the Internet, participation in student exhibitions, etc.

There are different types of research activities. One of them is related to the orientation towards the search, systematization and generalization of material from various sources. In the process of this type of activity, students learn to set microtasks and implement them step by step, choose from the proposed topics the most preferable for themselves, prepare for a collective discussion during work creative circle or a scientific student conference, edit the results and prepare material for replication, etc. key results for the process of learning and self-education of the student. The student is accustomed to systematic intellectual work, the results of which are important not only for himself, but also for many others: for the class and school, for parents, whose respect for their own child increases, especially at the time of collective debriefing: the school especially thanks parents for their stimulating the child to active creative activity.

An example of this type is the work on the project “Epic Heroes: Encyclopedia. 7th grade". The teacher invites students to participate in the creation of a new type of book dedicated to epic heroes. From the list of sections of the future encyclopedia, children optionally choose one:

- Russian researchers of epics (I.P. Sakharov, P.N. Rybnikov, A.F. Gilferding, F.I. Buslaev, V.V. Stasov, O.F. Miller, K.S. Aksakov).

- Performers of Russian epics (M.D. Krivokolenova, T.G. Ryabinin, I.T. Ryabinin, P.I. Ryabinin-Andreev, N.S. Stepanova, A.M. Kryukova).

- In the artistic world of epics (the origin of epics; classification, historicism).

- Heroes of the epic epic (Svyatogor, Mikula Selyaninovich, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich).

- Evil forces in epics.

- Images and themes of epics in fine arts.

Epic themes and motives in music. Opera N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Sadko".

The choice of a particular topic depends not only on the desire of students, but also on their number in given class(parallels of classes). With a sufficient number of people willing to take part in the work on the encyclopedia, schoolchildren can work individually, in pairs, in small groups. Students can be involved in the project, taking into account their inclinations: artists, designers, illustrators, musicians. In the process of studying epics in literature lessons, their content can include a variety of messages from among those prepared for the project, the exhibition of books, illustrations and reproductions. The result and at the same time the implementation of the project will be a student scientific conference, or an oral historical and literary journal, or a meeting in a club of Russian history lovers - any of the proposed types organically implements intra-subject, inter-subject and meta-subject possibilities. The reports and messages of students at the conference after editing and converting the material into dictionary entries are replicated depending on the capabilities of the school, but the circulation of the publication is determined from the need to hand over one copy to the project participants, in school library, including a number of back-up copies, to the Literature Room, Consultant, and Project Manager. In parallel with the paper version of the encyclopedia, it is appropriate to create a presentation using all the possibilities of modern computer technology and the Internet, including sound and visual series.

Modern computer technologies, the ability to work on the Internet online allow the teacher to significantly expand the methodological possibilities of the ideas of M.A. Rybnikova, in particular, the activity of the teacher together with students to create photomontages. As an example, we will give several options for methodological solutions related to the study of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". After reviewing the material, the teacher will say: “What is new here? I have been working fruitfully with illustrations for works for a long time.” The fact of the matter is that there is little methodological novelty in the examples below - they are not imposed by directives, they have been tested in real school conditions by thousands of teachers for decades. The novelty is only technological: the ability to select material, comprehend it, refer to the episodes of the novel with the help of Internet resources here and now. Most importantly, this conversion occurs in the process vigorous activity in the lesson of students (student) and the process of repeated reading for them (him) is an absolutely necessary and natural act.

When designing a lesson, the teacher sets himself several pedagogical tasks, including:

- development figurative thinking schoolchildren,

- modeling situations that require repeated reference to the text,

aesthetic development students.

During the lesson, a literary and artistic quiz can be used; competition-exhibition of illustrations and reproductions offered by students to various episodes of the novel; design project for the publication of the novel. I emphasize once again: if it is possible to turn on the Internet and interactive whiteboard in the process of searching, students find illustrative material, fragments of the text of the novel, etc. with the help of these information carriers.

The head of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time" "Bela": V.A. Agin. Bela (1840s); V.A.Ferber. "Bela in the fortress" (1939); L.E. Feinberg. "Bela and Azamat" (1941); F.D.Konstantinov. "Bela" (1962); M.A. Zichy. Bela's Death (1881); V. G. Bekhterev. Bela's Death (1936).

Possible activities of students: drawing up a quotation plan for a chapter or writing down words - carriers of motifs associated with Bela; caption to the episode depicted by the artist, from the text of the novel; comparison of illustrations by different artists to the same episode of the novel.

In addition to those indicated, reproductions from paintings by I.E. Repin, V.A. Serov, M.A. Vrubel, E.E. Lansere are introduced into the content of the lesson. Students determine the episode associated with the plot of the reproduction and select captions for it from the text of the novel. This type of work can be included in the content of the quiz, if the teacher plans to conduct it.

A variety of tasks are worked out in the lesson as a kind of sample on the example of the chapter "Bela". Further, students, working in pairs or small groups, perform tasks of this type on their own and at the end of the lessons present and comment on their results.

Of the activities already familiar to students in previous classes, it is possible to create motivational dictionaries. So, for the chapter “Maxim Maksimych”, motivational dictionaries are compiled for the narrator: waiting for an opportunity, recording the story of Maxim Maksimych, longing (boredom), meeting with Pechorin, perception of the portrait, variability of impressions from Pechorin; for Maxim Maksimych: culinary skills, a story about himself, the news of Pechorin’s arrival (“he’ll come running right now”), expectation of a meeting with Pechorin, grief, new useless expectation, anxiety, running to a meeting, meeting (“I wanted to throw myself on Pechorin’s neck”) , “stupefied” and “greedily grabbed his hand”, disappointment, thirst for dialogue, “the old man was sad and angry”, question about the diary; for Pechorin: indifference and boredom, a “cold” meeting with Maxim Maksimych, refusal to dialogue, a strange reaction to the mention of Bel, covered with a forced yawn, refusal to continue the meeting with Maxim Maksimych, a hasty departure, indifference to the papers left behind.

Chapter "Taman". Final creative work: correlation of the illustration by F.D. Konstantinov with the text of the chapter and its tone.

Chapter "Princess Mary". Episode title; texts for episodes illustrated by artists V.V. Vereshchagin, M.A. Vrubel, D.A. Shmarinov, V.A. Serov, F.D. Konstantinov.

Chapter "Fatalist". Illustrations by K.A.Savitsky, F.D.Konstantinov. Keywords-motives; characterization of the episode depicted by the artist.

Final work: selection of key words and combinations of words for the portrait of Pechorin: medium height, “thin waist and broad shoulders”, ability to endure the difficulties of nomadic life, clothing, “thinness of pale fingers”, gait and signs of secrecy of character, nervous weakness in posture, childishness in a smile, feminine tenderness in the image (blond curly hair, white noble forehead), traces of wrinkles, “a sign of the breed”, upturned nose, dazzling white teeth, brown eyes that did not laugh when he laughed. Reflection in the portrait of the hero of the inconsistency of his personality.

Along with the above models of lessons, which require schoolchildren to be able to find the right episodes from the text, select keywords and word combinations, select texts for the proposed illustrations by artists created either directly for the work, or based on the work, or close to the text on the subject ( case in point- “Reflections at the front door” by N.A. Nekrasov and “Barge Haulers on the Volga” by I.E. Repin).

Lessons are effective, during which the result of the activity of students is a significant philological discovery. A remarkable teacher from Vyazma, a biologist by education, P.M. schoolchildren during their search activity made discoveries that can be used by science. Naturally, such cases cannot be frequent, they are possible in exceptional cases. Thus, schoolchildren under the guidance of Vyazma teachers P.M. Zaporin and S.I. Borisov in the middle of the 20th century carried out archaeological research so successfully that they received permission from the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences for this activity. Many exhibits found and described by them served as the basis for the creation of a local history museum in Vyazma. Pathfinders-local historians, under the guidance of their mentors, discovered an ancient city near Vyazma, previously unknown to archaeologists and historians.

Literature can be no exception for real scientific research, especially since a literary work, as a rule, does not have a final, forever given reading. Moreover, in not only different periods, but also minutes, hours, days, the same person can interpret the same text in completely different ways. The writer gives the reader every reason to do so. Rather, this foundation should be based on the ability to identify various semantic meanings the words. They should be based not only on knowledge actual material often associated with the life of the author, his worldview, but also with personal experience performer reader. Then, without changing a single word in the text, when reading the work aloud, the reader is able to express the complex and sometimes polar semantics of the text and its emotional content. So, the actor K.V. Vakhterov, who participated in the recording of literary works on the radio, while reading Pechorin’s reflections on the eve of the duel (series “Phonochrestomatiya”, grade 9, 1970s) performed this text, placing special emphasis on the interjection “a” . He pronounced it, bringing the sound almost to a scream, stretching it intonation. And such a pronunciation gave the teacher, after listening, a reason to feel in detail the state of the hero, his attitude to the upcoming duel, to compare the attitude of Onegin and Pechorin to the duel. In the future, students will be able to characterize the role of interjections in A. Blok's poem "The Twelve" or, conversely, returning to what they have learned, rethink the role of what they read using interjections in A.S. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit". AT theatrical performances, in films, this technique allows the director and actors to give an unexpected or different, compared to the existing tradition, interpretation of the stage image, character, personality of the hero, and features of the plot. So it was, for example, with the film adaptation of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" directed by G. Kozintsev with Innokenty Smoktunovsky as Hamlet.

The special and differently conscious intonation of the text makes it possible to interpret differently not only poetic and dramatic texts, but also lyrics, or, perhaps, lyrics - first of all. Here is an example of such an interpretation of S.A. Yesenin's poem "Kachalov's Dog". Several options may be offered expressive reading poems. One of them is when the text is initially listened to by the master artistic word, for example V.I.Kachalova. (The second and third readings of this poem are given by the teacher. Each new reading can also be demonstrated by specially trained students.)

Second reading. Words in italics are read in a special way: with a tragic, ironic-tragic intonation. The sign "/" means a pause, two separating dashes "//" - a long pause. The motives of the tragic perception of life are highlighted in bold italics.

For quiet, / silent / weather.

After all, // you don't know // what /(!) life is,

You don't know / what (!) / / it's worth living in the world.

My dear Jim, / among your guests

There were so many // all sorts and not all sorts of //.

But the one that is all silent and sadder,

Didn't // accidentally // come here // by chance?

She will come, / I give you a guarantee.

And without me, // in her staring gaze,

You // for me // lick her // gently // hand

For everything that // was // and was not // to blame.

During the discussion, students come to the conclusion that while listening to such reading, there is a feeling of farewell not only to the beloved, but also to life in general. The basis for this conclusion is the facts of Yesenin's biography and the date of writing the poem - 1925, the year of the tragic death of the poet.

The third reading is associated with a completely opposite interpretation of the text. It differs not only and not so much in autobiographical details (Yesenin came to Kachalov’s apartment when there was no one there except Jim’s shepherd dog. Jim let the guest in, but don’t let him out). This was the external reason for the creation of the poem. However, the main task is different: to say that a person has the greatest happiness - the happiness of living and loving, even if this love is not mutual. The poem is colored with lyrical sadness and an optimistic perception of the vicissitudes of a person's fate.

Give, / Jim, / for good luck / paw to me,

I have never seen such a paw.

Come with you // we will bark / under the moon

For quiet, / silent / weather.

Give, Jim, // luck / paw to me.

Please, / my dear, / don't lick.

Understand with me / at least the simplest.

After all, // you don't know // what / life is, (!)

You don't know / what // to live (!) in the world /

costs (!).

Your master is both sweet and famous,

And he has guests / happens in the house // many,

And everyone, / smiling, / strives

You on wool velvet / to touch.

You are devilishly beautiful like a dog,

With such a sweet / trusting / friendliness.

And, not a drop / without asking anyone,

Like a drunken friend, // you climb / kiss.

I realized a long time ago that in the process of learning it is necessary to bring children to an understanding of the need not only for "programmed", that is, the best literature for reading and studying at school, but also for the latest literary works, in any case, fragments from them. To discover something new, you need to know what others have already done. Of course, often the student discovers something new for the second time, not suspecting that this discovery has already been made. And this is normal, of course. It is important that the young reader comes to the same understanding that researchers have already come to before. But more effective and effective for the student is the process in which he leads a discussion with a known interpretation, looks for his own solution and even sometimes finds it. It is important that the student in this section of the search, with the unobtrusive help of a language teacher, get acquainted with the works of the largest literary critics that are quite accessible to him: V.M. Zhirmunsky and his “Composition of a lyric poem”, Yu.M. for the student readership, B.M. Tomashevsky - at least in fragments of a book about verse and language, and some others. Probably, there should not be many of these works - after all, children do not study at the philological faculty, but in a real educational school. But it is hardly expedient to withdraw philological works from the reading circle of children. The science of literature cannot exist only for literary critics. The reader needs it if he is formed as a real reader, which is what the instructional documents insistently call for. The trouble is that, at the same time, genuine literary criticism, under various far-fetched pretexts, is being squeezed out, if not expelled from literature as a school subject.

The possibilities of attracting literary sources in the process of comprehending the text, its artistic idea, its background are shown by us in the textbook for grade 7 on the example of studying the message "To Chaadaev" by A.S. Pushkin, in grade 9 - on the example of introducing a textbook into the text frequency dictionary proper names in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

When designing lessons, I always think about how to arouse students' interest in the topic, reflections on what they read, the desire for independent individual or collective searches. In each case, it is necessary to create such a lesson in which the student, not as a punishment, but out of deep inner necessity, would look for material in an already read text, reread it again and again and often rethink it.

I will give examples of such assignments and topics that, as shown by a real test in many schools of various types: rural small schools, village, ordinary urban and elite (gymnasium, lyceum) - gave positive results. Indispensable conditions for the achievement of these tasks are the purpose of the activity clearly understood by the students; internal motivation of students, and above all - awareness of a job well done; attempt to make scientific discovery, in the implementation of which the mark becomes a secondary factor, and the assessment becomes primary and significant. Important for motivation is the orientation towards the implementation of research results.

The above types of lessons do not cover the whole variety of lesson models that can arouse the student's interest in " school literature”, self-search and ultimately largely determine the path to yourself. The result is achieved only with an internally motivated need for reading and intellectual activity. A real opportunity for such an activity, which involves a natural combination of fixed and extracurricular work, system classes and creative associations, circles, a lesson and an elective course, a lesson and an elective course in a subject, are becoming less and less, and portfolios are swelling. It is desirable that the methodical piggy bank of a literature teacher be replenished on the basis of actually completed tasks that led to the ability of schoolchildren to read and characterize not only the text and its components, but also the details of the images, the behavior of the characters, the plot, everything that helped to understand themselves and more deeply - life around.


1. BRAGE T.G. Holistic study of the epic work. - M, 1964.

2. Gukovskiy G.A. The study of a literary work at school: Methodological essays on the methodology. — M.; L .: Education, 1966.

3. MERKIN Gennady. A.S. Pushkin.

"To Chaadaev" // Merkin Gennady. Literature. Grade 7: Textbook-reader for educational institutions: At 2 hours - M .: Russian Word, 2015. - Part 1. - S. 130-134.

4. MERKIN Gennady. "Eugene Onegin": In the artistic world of the novel // Merkin Gennady. Literature. Grade 9: Textbook for educational institutions: At 2 hours - M .: Russian Word, 2011. - Part 1. - S. 195-207.

"Literature in School". - 2016 . - No. 7 . - S. 5-9.

“Reviewed at a meeting of the MO” “Agreed” “Approved”

Minutes No. dated "____" September 2011 "___" September 2011 "___" September 2011

Head of the Ministry of Defense Deputy Director for WRM Director

ON THE. Litvinova _________ E.A. Ignatchenko __________A.V. Chebunin
Working programm

Subject: Literature

Class: 7

Teacher: Lisitsa Marina Dmitrievna, teacher of the 1st quarter

Planning is based on:

Program: Literature program for grades 5-11 of a general education school // Author-editor: Merkin G.S., Zinin S.A., Chalmaev V.A. - 5th ed., Rev. and additional - M .: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2010

Textbook: Literature. Grade 7: Textbook - reader for educational institutions: At 2 hours / Authors. G.S. Merkin. - M .: "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2008.

Hours: 102

  1. Explanatory note.

This literature program for grade 7 was created on the basis of the federal component state standard basic general education and the program of educational institutions "Literature" edited by G. Merkin, 6th edition, M. "Russian Word" 2008. The program details and reveals the content of the standard, determines the general strategy for teaching, educating and developing students by means of a school subject in accordance with the goals of studying literature, which are defined by the standard.

The work program on literature is a holistic document that includes four sections: an explanatory note; educational and thematic plan; calendar-thematic planning, a list of educational and methodological support.

Fiction is of paramount importance in the formation of a spiritually rich, harmoniously developed personality with high moral ideals and aesthetic needs. The course of literature at school is based on the principles of the connection between art and life, unity of form and content, historicism, traditions and innovation, understanding of historical and cultural information, moral and aesthetic ideas, mastering the basic concepts of the theory and history of literature, developing the ability to evaluate and analyze works of art, mastery of the richest expressive means Russian literary language.

According to the state educational standard, the study of literature in primary school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • education of a spiritually developed personality who is aware of his belonging to his native culture, who has a humanistic worldview, an all-Russian civic consciousness, and a sense of patriotism; fostering love for Russian literature and culture, respect for the literatures and cultures of other peoples; enrichment of the spiritual world of schoolchildren, their life and aesthetic experience;

  • development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities, oral and written speech of students; the formation of a reading culture, ideas about the specifics of literature in a number of other arts, the need for independent reading of fiction, aesthetic taste based on the development of literary texts;

  • mastering knowledge about Russian literature, its spiritual, moral and aesthetic value; about outstanding works Russian writers, their life and work, about individual works foreign classics;

  • mastering the skills of creative reading and analysis of works of art with the involvement of the necessary information on the theory and history of literature; the ability to identify concrete historical and universal content in them, to use the Russian language correctly.
Based on the requirements of the state educational standard in the content of the work program, it is supposed to implement the currently relevant competency-based, student-oriented, active approaches that determine learning objectives:

  • the formation of the ability to understand and aesthetically perceive the works of Russian and foreign literature;

  • enrichment of the spiritual world of students by introducing them to moral values and artistic diversity literature;

  • development and improvement of oral and written speech of students.
The work program ensures the interconnected development and improvement of key, general and subject competencies.

According to the current school curriculum working programm provides for the following organization of the learning process: in the 7th grade, training is expected in the amount of 68 hours. In accordance with this, a modified program is being implemented, the source material for which was a program and a textbook edited by G.S. Merkin. Based on these documents, which contain requirements for the minimum content of education in literature, an advanced level program is being implemented in the 7th grade. Taking into account the specifics of the class, a system of training sessions was built, goals and tasks were designed.

The leading problem of studying literature in the 7th grade is the features of the writer's work, his position, the image of a person as the most important problem of literature.

Reading a work of foreign literature in the 7th grade is carried out at the end of the school year.

The program includes a list of necessary types of work on the development of speech: vocabulary work, different kinds retelling, oral and written essays, reviews, reports, dialogues, creative works, as well as works for memorization, lists of works for self-reading.

  1. Thematic planning
Total - 68 hours; per week - 2 hours

  • extracurricular reading - 8

  • speech development - 5

  • cool essays - 3

  • home compositions - 2

  • tests - 6

  • HCC GOS (regional component) - 7

Topic, section

Number of hours







From ancient Russian literature



From Russian literature XVIII century


From literature XIX century



Russian literature of the XX century



Foreign literature



Final Lessons




Education: higher, Smolensk State pedagogical institute them. K. Marx, Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. Specialty "Teacher of Russian language and literature"

Academic degree, title: candidate philological sciences, docent

Sphere of business (scientific) interests: methods of teaching the Russian language and literature, analysis of literary text, history of Russian literature of the 19th century, children's literature, folklore.

List of publications:

  1. Merkin B.G. Works for children in the context of the literary process (A. Pogorelsky's fairy tale "The Black Hen, or underground inhabitants”) // Preparing a Primary School Teacher: Experience, Problems, Prospects. Smolensk: SGPU, 1999.
  2. Merkin B.G. Smolensk in the Time of Troubles on the pages of A.O. Ishimova "History of Russia in stories for children" // Stone necklace of Russia. Smolensk: SGPU, 1999.
  3. Merkin B.G. The evolution of a literary fairy tale//Culture. Philosophy. Methodology: Sat. works. Smolensk: SGPU, 2000, pp. 52-59.
  4. Ilyin V.V., Merkin B.G. Glinka S.N. // Smolensk Regional Encyclopedia. T. 1. Personalities. Smolensk: SGPU, 2001.
  5. Merkin B.G., Smirnova L.G. "Vasily Terkin" // Alphabet. Smolensk: SGPU, 2002.
  6. Merkin B.G. Artistic features of K.D. Ushinsky for the smallest as a model of creative work of students and schoolchildren // Actual problems professional training of primary school teachers. Materials of the scientific-practical conference June 3, 2002 Smolensk: SGPU, 2002.
  7. Merkin B.G., Smirnova L.G. "Vasily Terkin" // Smolensk region. Encyclopedia. T. 2. Smolensk: SGPU, 2003.
  8. Merkin B.G. Some features of L.N. Tolstoy for children // World literature about children and for children. Collection of materials of the VIII scientific-practical conference. M., 2003.
  9. Merkin B.G., Smirnova L.G. Prepare for Russian language tests. Textbook Smolensk: Universum, 2003.
  10. Merkin B.G. Genre and thematic features of children's works by L.N. Tolstoy (According to the materials of the frequency dictionary of vocabulary). // World literature about children and for children. Issue. 9. M., 2004. S. 46-53.
  11. Merkin B.G. Genre and thematic features of children's works by L.N. Tolstoy (According to the materials of the frequency dictionary of vocabulary). preliminary observations. // Phenomenon elementary school student in modern psychological and pedagogical research. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Primary and special education. Smolensk: SGPU, 2004, pp. 68-71.
  12. Merkin B.G., Smirnova L.G. Axiological picture of the world in the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" // Culture and writing of the Slavic world. T. 3. Smolensk: SGPU, 2004.
  13. Merkin B.G., Smirnova L.G. "Vasily Terkin" // Alexander Tvardovsky. Encyclopedia (Working materials). Smolensk: SGPU, 2004, pp. 77-85.
  14. Merkin B.G., Smirnova L.G. Get ready for the exams. M .: "Russian Word", 2004.
  15. Merkin B.G., Smirnova L.G. Russian language. Preparation for the exam, ed. 3rd, corrected. M .: "Russian Word", 2006.
  16. Merkin B.G. “Artistic controversy L.N. Tolstoy and K.D. Ushinsky" // World literature about children and for children. Issue. 11. M.: MSGU, 2006.
  17. B.G. Merkin Psychologism of children's stories L.N. Tolstoy. M .: "Russian Word", 2010. S. 75-85.
  18. Literary reading: A textbook for the 2nd grade of educational institutions: in 2 hours, Part 1. / Auto-stat. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. Moscow: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2009.
  19. Literary reading: A textbook for the 2nd grade of educational institutions: in 2 hours. Part 2. / Auto-stat. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. Moscow: TID Russkoe Slovo-RS LLC, 2009.
  20. Literary reading: A textbook for the 3rd grade of educational institutions: in 2 hours, Part 1. / Auto-stat. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. Moscow: TID Russkoe Slovo-RS LLC, 2010.
  21. Literary reading: A textbook for the 3rd grade of educational institutions: in 2 hours. Part 2. / Auto-stat. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. Moscow: TID Russkoe Slovo-RS LLC, 2010.
  22. Literary reading: Textbook for grade 1 educational institutions / Ed. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. Moscow: TID Russkoe Slovo-RS LLC, 2010.
  23. Literary reading: A textbook for the 2nd grade of educational institutions: in 2 hours, Part 1. / Auto-stat. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. 2nd ed. Moscow: TID Russkoe Slovo-RS LLC, 2010.
  24. Literary reading: A textbook for the 2nd grade of educational institutions: in 2 hours. Part 2. / Auto-stat. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. 2nd ed. Moscow: TID Russkoe Slovo-RS LLC, 2010.
  25. Literary reading: A textbook for the 3rd grade of educational institutions: in 2 hours, Part 1. / Auto-stat. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. 2nd ed. Moscow: TID Russkoe Slovo-RS LLC, 2010.
  26. Literary reading: A textbook for the 3rd grade of educational institutions: in 2 hours. Part 2. / Auto-stat. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. 2nd ed. Moscow: TID Russkoe Slovo-RS LLC, 2010.
  27. Literary reading: A textbook for the 4th grade of educational institutions: in 2 hours, Part 1. / Auto-stat. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. Moscow: TID Russkoe Slovo-RS LLC, 2010.
  28. Literary reading: A textbook for the 4th grade of educational institutions: in 2 hours. Part 2. / Auto-stat. G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.A. Bolotov; ed. G.S. Merkin. Moscow: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2010 ..
  29. Merkin G.S., Merkin B.G. Literature. Grade 9 Part 1. ( tutorial). Moscow: Russian Word, 2011.
  30. Merkin G.S., Merkin B.G. Literature. (textbook). M .: "Russian Word", 2013. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.
  31. Plot features of L.N. Tolstoy for children (article) // News of Smolensky state university, 2013, No. 2. pp. 31-38.
  32. Artistic features of L.N. Tolstoy "God sees the truth, but will not tell soon" // News of the Smolensk State University, 2014, No. 4. pp. 35-42.
  33. Formation of axiological guidelines for young people on the example of studying the work of A.T. Tvardovsky // Regional aspects of modern historical and legal, philological and cultural, psychological and pedagogical, natural science and economic research: Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Bryansk State University named after acad. I.G. Petrovsky and the 20th anniversary of the branch of the university in Novozybkov. Novozybkov, Bryansk region, October 15-16, 2015: In 2 parts, Part 2. Bryansk: Ed. BSU, 2015. S. 227-234.
  34. The author's definition of the genre as a key to understanding the idea of ​​the work. MM. Prishvin "The pantry of the sun" // Bulletin of the Smolensk State University, 2016, No. 3. P.43-52.

The textbook corresponds to the program on literature for grades 5-9 (author-compiler G.S. Merkin), and also retains continuity in relation to the course "Literary reading" for grades 1-4 (author-compiler G.S. Merkin, B.G. Merkin, S.L. Bolotova). The textbook acquaints schoolchildren with folklore, works of Russian and foreign literature from antiquity to the 20th century inclusive, contains textbook texts.
The textbook is intended for educational institutions: schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. The methodological apparatus of the textbook allows you to organize training both at the basic and advanced levels.

Secrets surrounded the ancient man everywhere. And he sought to know them and explain them. This was vital for our ancestors: they needed to know how to avert trouble, how to survive, how to provide food for the family. And they thought not only about the material. They were no less worried about the spiritual, because, in their opinion, the fate of a person depended on it. Ancient people rightly considered themselves part of a single world in which everything is connected, merged inseparably. The connection with the cosmos was felt by them naturally and constantly: the sun and rain, successful hunting and the birth of a child, fire at the hearth - everything depended, according to their ideas, on the higher heavenly powers. These beliefs, attitudes towards life and the surrounding world were passed down from generation to generation, from tribe to tribe.

In ancient times, each nation developed unique, often similar, judgments and concepts about nature, life and death, about those. who controls fate - the gods, and about those. who performs feats - heroes. All this was reflected in myths.

The book is your friend!
ancient myth
Odysseus on the island of the Cyclopes. Polyphemus
Homer. Odyssey. Canto Nine (Fragment)
Russian folk tales
Princess Frog
Tales of the peoples of Russia
About the literature of Ancient Rus'
From "The Tale of Bygone Years"
Resettlement of the Slavs
Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv
Tribute to the Khazars
Raven and Fox
Fox and grapes
Jean de La Fontaine
Fox and grapes
Russian fables
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov
“Two Astronomers happened together at a feast ...”
Ivan Andreevich Krylov
A Crow and a fox
Wolf and Lamb
Wolf in the kennel
Pig under the Oak
Russian fable in the XX century
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes
Rhythm. Poetic and prose speech
Literary say
Ruslan and Lyudmila (Excerpt)
Winter road
M.Yu. Lermontov. "When the yellowing field is agitated..."
E.A. Baratynsky. "Spring, spring! how clean the air...
F.I. Tyutchev. spring thunderstorm
spring waters
"There is in the autumn of the original ..."
L.A. Fet. "Wonderful"! painting..."
Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Christmas Eve
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Poems in prose
Two rich people
Russian language
Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov
peasant children
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
Prisoner of the Caucasus
Plot and plot
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Humor. Detail. Dialog.

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