Information and research project "Tales of Bazhov".


Project “Following the pages of P. P. Bazhov’s tales”

Relevance of the project implementation:

Homeland ...... Everyone has their own. For someone it whole country, for someone it is a sweet corner of the heart, his hometown. And no matter how long a person lives on earth, there is only one homeland for him. The upbringing of patriotic feelings is the task of every parent, educator, and teacher. Need to start with small-with love To hometown, edge. The Ural region is rich in its history, its secrets, its masters and craftsmen. Yes, our region is famous for its writers and storytellers. It is they who tell in their works about the life of our region, about its features and traditions. Acquaintance with the work of our writers is the basis and foundation for the formation of knowledge about the native land. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov wrote many interesting tales in which reality is closely intertwined with fiction. He told us about the life and life of the inhabitants ancient Ural. Reading his works, we plunge into the world of unusual, amazing. The developed project “Following the pages of P. P. Bazhov’s tales” gives children the opportunity to get acquainted with Kokovanya and the magic goat, with Podarenka and her cat.
Target: formation moral values in children preschool age through acquaintance with the work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov.
- to acquaint children with the work of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhov;
- to form a sense of pride in their native land;
- develop Creative skills children;
- involve parents in cooperation;
- to interest children in participating in competitions.
Project author: educator: Ostanina Victoria Alexandrovna
Project type: creative, information and research.
Project type: family, group.
children do not have sufficient knowledge about the work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov.

Expected results:

expanding the horizons of children in the field of knowledge of the creativity of the Ural writers, developing the creative abilities of children, familiarizing parents and children with joint activities establishing trust and partnerships with them.
Location: MDOUDS No. 53 " silver hoof».
Dates: 2nd week of February.
Working mode: outside of work.
Number of project participants: 2 educators: Ostanina V.A., Pepelyaeva A.Yu., children - 17 people, parents - 23 people.
Children's age: 4-5 years.

Conduct form:

Game activities, conversations, an exhibition of books and illustrations “Through the pages of P. P. Bazhov’s tales” (joint activities of parents, children and educators), making applications “Illustrations for the tale “Silver Hoof” (collective work), making works for participation in the city competition "Ural Demidov and Stroganov" (joint work of the educator and children).

Material and equipment:

Books by P. P. Bazhov, illustrations for the tales of P. P. Bazhov, “malachite” box, demonstration set “Stones of the Urals”, colored paper, glue - pencil, gouache, brushes, drawing paper, cardboard, beads, PVA glue.

Acquaintance of children and parents with the theme of the project. Explanation of its value and significance for children. Involving parents in the design of the exhibition in a group dedicated to the work of the writer.

Educator: Guys, tell me, what is the name of our kindergarten?
Children's answers.
Educator: Right. Our kindergarten is called "Silver Hoof". Do any of you guys know why it's called that. Where did this name come from?
Children's answers.
Educator: This name came to us from the tales of the Ural storyteller Pyotr Petrovich Bazhov. He wrote many interesting tales about our land, about the Urals. It was in his work that a magical goat lived, whose name was the Silver Hoof. Let's read this tale so that everyone understands what it is about. (The teacher reads to the children the tale "Silver Hoof")
After reading the story, the children answer the following questions:
- Who are the main characters of the story?
- Who do you like the most. Why?
- Should I have caught the Silver Hoof?
Does such a goat really exist?

Organization of project activities.
3.1. Artistic and speech activity.
Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children in the field of creativity of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov, to cultivate love and respect for their native land, to teach to listen carefully, to develop speech and memory.
Reading the tales of P. P. Bazhov.
Conversation: “How people lived in the Urals”, “Truth or fiction?”, “Ural professions”.
Reading proverbs and sayings about people's lives, about their native land.
Musical and theatrical activity.
Purpose: to teach to listen and hear music, to perform movements to the beat of the music, to follow the task received, to try to show the given hero with facial expressions and gestures, to convey his character, to skillfully enter the role of heroes of fairy tales.

3.2. Artistic and aesthetic activity.
Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children in the process of joint activities, to teach them to be careful when working with paper and glue, to continue to learn to draw with gouache.
Application from torn paper "Illustrations for the tale" Silver Hoof ";
Production of works for the competition "Ural Demidov and Stroganov", nomination "Secrets and legends of the Ancient Urals".
3.3. Exhibition of books and illustrations "Pavel Petrovich Bazhov and his tales"
Purpose: to draw attention to the work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov, to involve parents in joint activities with children.

Stage 4. Project product.

4.1. Collective works “Illustrations for the tale of P.P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"
4.2. Exhibition of books and illustrations in the group "Pavel Petrovich Bazhov and his tales".
4.3. Production of works for the participation of children in the competition "Ural Demidov and Stroganov", nomination "Secrets and legends of the Ancient Urals"


"Wise Tales

P.P. Bazhov"

Developer: Lyamina Svetlana Sergeevna

Educator MDOU kindergarten "Cheburashka"


Relevance of the project implementation

The upbringing of patriotic feelings is the task of every parent, educator, and teacher. You need to start small - with love for your native city, edge.

The Ural region is rich in its history, its secrets, its masters and craftsmen.The Urals is "a rare place both in terms of craftsmen and beauty." It is impossible to know the beauty of the Urals if you do not visit the amazing, enchanting silence and peace of the Ural ponds and lakes, in pine forests, on the legendary mountains. Here in the Urals, talented craftsmen lived and worked for centuries, only here Danila the master could carve his stone flower, and somewhere here the Ural craftsmen saw the Mistress of the copper mountain.

Indeed, the Urals are very fond of their nature, but they are rather unfamiliar with the richness of the Ural fairy tale. literary heritage. But the images created by Pavel Bazhov are directly related to national self-identification. According to the apt expression of the historian and professor of linguistics Maya Nikulina, “the nature of the language conveyed in the Ural tales by Pavel Bazhov is the language of the Russian Odyssey. And Bazhov himself, by today's standards, is a real cult writer who created a new Ural mythology based on legends and traditions.

M. P. Nikulina, historian: “Bazhov’s roots should not be sought in the working Ural folklore, but in a wider and more distant space - in ancient myths that frankly insist that the Urals is a land marked, occupying a special place on the planet.”

Yes, our region is famous for its writers and storytellers. It is they who tell in their works about the life of our region, about its features and traditions.The Ural land itself gave birth to legends and fairy tales. P. P. Bazhov learned to see and understand the wealth and beauty of the mountainous Urals. Bazhov's tales were absorbed plot motifs, fantastic images, coloring language of folk legends and folk wisdom. Talking about the art of the Ural craftsmen, reflecting the colorfulness and originality of the old mining life, Bazhov at the same time puts in the tales general issues- about true morality, about the spiritual beauty and dignity of a working person.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov wrote many interesting tales in which reality is closely intertwined with fiction. Reading his works, we plunge into the world of unusual and amazing. Acquaintance with the work of our writers is the basis and foundation for the formation of knowledge about the native land.

Problem: children do not have sufficient knowledge about culture and traditions Ural people and the work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov.

Causes of the problem:

1. The educational program provides for the inclusion of a regional component, but the content of the section "Fiction" does not allow, within the framework of direct educational activities, to fully acquaint with the works of the Ural storyteller.

2. Modern society builds his life in the light of the latest resources and information, sometimes forgetting that the past and future of mankind are connected. Family education pays less and less attention to familiarizing children with traditions and culture small motherland, including due to low level parental competence in this matter.

3. There is an information starvation in the field of propaganda and in the field of historical and cultural heritage, traditions native land.

Objective of the project : deepening knowledge about the culture and traditions of the Ural people through acquaintance with the works of the storyteller P. P. Bazhov.


    to form ideas about the Ural storyteller P. Bazhov, his tales, as part of the culture of the Ural people;

    teach parents the basics patriotic education preschoolers aimed at familiarization with cultural heritage native land;

    create conditions for expanding the social experience of preschoolers in the process of getting acquainted with the historical and cultural heritage and traditions of the Urals"

    develop the creative abilities of children through productive activities, stimulate the desire to create beautiful things with their own hands;

    to form a sense of pride in their native land;

Project type: creative, information and research.

Project type: family, group.

Project implementation timeline : February March.

Project participants: pupils of the senior group, educators, parents, music. worker

Expected Result:

- the knowledge of children in the field of creativity of the Ural writer was enriched; have an idea about the life of people in the Urals;

Actively engages with teachers and peers various types activities;

Expresses his opinion, retells episodes of works; enriched lexicon;

Manifests creative individuality and independence in productive activities;

Parents are active participants in the implementation of the project.

Project implementation

Stage 1. Preparatory.

To introduce the theme of the project to children and parents;

Conduct a consultation for parents "Patriotic education of preschoolers through the works of P. P. Bazhov"

Organize an exhibition of books on the writer's work;
Pick up proverbs, sayings about the native land and about work.

Stage 2 Basic.

Cognitive - research activities:

Conduct conversations with children: “How did people live in the Urals”, “Truth or fiction?”.

Examination of illustrations for the tales of P.P. Bazhov.

Presentation "Wealth of the Urals".

Communication activities:

Reading the tales of P.P. Bazhov, retelling of episodes.

Reading and discussion of proverbs and sayings about work, about the Motherland.

Telling poems about the native land.

productive activity:

-"Lizard". Non-traditional drawing techniques (illustrations for the tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain");
-Illustration for the tale "Silver Hoof". Non-traditional application techniques (teamwork).

Making a stone flower (plasticine, pebbles, pine nuts).

Musical artistic activity:

Learning on musical lesson:

Round dance "Uralsky";

The song "Native land".

Stage 3. Final .

Public event"Wealth of the Urals";

Exhibition children's creativity according to Bazhov;

Final session " Kind storyteller P. P. Bazhov

Design of the book “Wise Tales of P.P. Bazhov"

(children's drawings based on fairy tales, made together with parents)


At preschool age, such character traits begin to develop that form the basis of moral and patriotic education: diligence, mercy, humanity, etc. The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is surprised at, what evokes a response in his soul. And although many impressions are not deeply realized by him, but passed through children's perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

Childhood- the age of an inquisitive mind and vivid impressions, and we have the potential for the formation of social feelings, moral, patriotic. Patriotism, citizenship as personality traits are a deep spring that nourishes vitality of a person, colors actions, affects the worldview, social qualities of a person.

Address direction: submitted pedagogical experience in the field of the topic under study can be used by preschool specialists in solving specific educational problems.

Baby creative work In the project's boundaries.

A joint artistic creativity according to Bazhov

Crafts for the fairy tale "Silver Hoof"

Illustration for the tale "Silver Hoof"


Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

    On the other side, the Motherland is doubly mile.

    One per person own mother, he has one homeland.

    Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.

    Who is a mountain for the Motherland, he is a hero.

    In what nation you live, keep that custom.

    Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.

    People's friendship and brotherhood are dearer than any wealth.

Proverbs and sayings about work.

    Without work and rest is not sweet.

    You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

    Every skill comes with hard work.

    Where there is desire, there is skill.

    Actions cannot be replaced by words.

    Business - time, fun - hour.

    What is the master, such is the work.

    Finished the job - walk boldly.

    Dig and you will find.

    A small deed is better than a big idleness.

Summary of the final lesson

based on the work of P. P. Bazhov

"Good storyteller P. P. Bazhov"

Children's age : 5-6 years.

Form of organization: fabulous living room.

Form of joint activity: group.


1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the work of the Ural storyteller P. P. Bazhov;

2. Develop speech activity in children, activate vocabulary;

3. Improve the ability to expressively tell poems, answer questions with a full answer;

4. Form the skills of joint activities, evoke an emotional response;

5. Educate in childrenmoral values ​​through the works of P. P. Bazhov.

Course progress.

The group organized exhibitions: book (with the writer's tales), creative (with children's drawings and crafts based on tales).

(1 slide topic of the lesson)

Guys, today the topic of our lesson is "The good storyteller Pavel Petrovich Bazhov." We will try to remember everything that was said and read about this wonderful person, about his magical and instructive tales. We all know that Pavel Petrovich was born in the Urals.

(2-3 slides - photo of the Urals)

Now let's listen to poems about the land of the writer. (Children recite poems)

1. Now friendly, then harsh

The dawn descends from the stone mountains.

You are beautiful, the land of Bazhov,

Labor Ural-land!

2. Flowers sprout through the rocks,

The mountain blazes with fire
These new ones write tales

Miners and craftsmen.

3. Dawns over the Ural Range

Man-made fire burning

Polished Gems

Life, joy and work.

4. And the word becomes a deed,

In every stone - flowers bloom ...

Bazhov's tale continues,

Life and Labor continue!

(4 slide intro)

    Girls dance a round dance with headscarves (under the Russian folk song"The baby walked along the forest" (-)

- The work of Pavel Bazhov is inextricably linked with the life of the mining Urals. The riches of the local bowels are inexhaustible, the beauty of this region with its wooded mountains, deep transparent lakes is uniquely original. There is one legend about the Urals:

They say that when God created the earth, he decided to do good to people. He took gold, copper, semi-precious stones ... and scattered all over the earth. Where, of course, it is thicker, where it is rare at all. However, everywhere at least a little, but horrible. He looks, but there is still a handful of gold, gems and other things left. The Lord thought, and poured them out between Europe and Asia. So as if Ural mountains and got. Anyone who has been to the Urals knows: the forests stand - emerald and malachite, lakes - shimmer with rock crystal, mountain ash burns like a ruby ​​in autumn. And the people who live here are pure gemstones: hard-working, craftsmen... That's exactly what we meet in " Ural tales» P.P. Bazhov.

(5 slide)

And who, guys, remembers in which city the writer was born? (In Sysert)

(6 slide) The teacher reads the poem written on the slide.

(7 slide)

Let's take another look at the writer's room.

I will remind you thatBazhov discovered his writing talent when he was almost 60 years old. In 1939, the first book "Tales of the Old Urals" was published - "Malachite Box" (The teacher shows the book). Pavel Bazhov said that the basis of his tales is "a true story with elements of a fairy tale."

Guys, who remembers how a tale differs from a fairy tale? (A fairy tale is fiction, and a tale is a description real events, but with fantasy elements.)

Right! Bazhov's stories are whimsical, breathtakingly wonderful. The heroes of the tales are serfs, Ural workers: miners, stone-cutters, lapidaries. They are hardworking and talented.

(8 slide)

Now I propose to answer the riddles from the malachite box, and at the same time check which stories you remember. Ready?

(9 slide)

About whom in question?

Someone is sitting at the window in the hut,

A little goat stands on the edge.

Hit with a hoof - stones fly,

And their placers shine under the moon.

With a goat next to the cat Muryonka,

And looks at them from the window.

(10 slide intro)

    The game "The goat was walking through the forest" is being played.

(11 slide)

What stories are these lines from?

“Why, this is the Mistress herself. Her clothes are. Made of silk malachite dress»

(12 slide)

“Tanyushka ran a lot - a little around the house and climbed into the hut to play with her father's pebbles. I put on a headband, hung earrings ... "

    The game "Collect the stones" is held

(13 slide)

“He looks, - and the old woman came out of that water window. Height is not more than three quarters. Her dress is blue, the scarf on her head is blue, and she herself is all bluish, but so skinny that the breeze blows and smashes the old woman.

(14 slide)

Who did the Mistress of the Copper Mountain turn into?

(15 slide)

From what stone did Danilushka make a stone flower? Well done guys, you've solved all the puzzles. Now let's go to the exhibition, once again admire your drawings and crafts for the tales. (Children go to the exhibition. The teacher asks the children what stories their work was made for.

Summary of the lesson.

(16 slide photos of the writer)

These tales brought their author well-deserved fame. There are streets in Moscow named after Pavel Bazhov and Malahitovaya. According to the stories of Bazhov, several cartoons were shot, there is a play "Silver Hoof", an opera by Kirill Molchanov " Stone Flower”, Sergei Prokofiev’s ballet “The Tale of the Stone Flower”.

(17 slide)

In memory of the writer in the regional city of Yekaterinburg there is a monument and a house-museum.

Guys, what do the tales of P. P. Bazhov teach us? (Children's statements) This concludes our lesson. Everyone is great today!

Scenario of the event "Wealth of the Urals"


    Systematize and consolidate children's knowledge about the wealth of their native land;

    Develop speech and motor activity in children; activate dictionary;

    To form in children the skills of joint activity, to provide emotional comfort.

    Improve the skills of the simplest verbal and non-verbal ways of conveying mood (gestures, intonation, imitative movements);

    To educate in children a benevolent attitude towards each other, a culture of behavior in society, a respectful attitude towards the Motherland.


Multimedia: presentation "My Motherland-Russia";

Literary: poems about Russia, Kachkanar;

Musical: audio recording of the songs “Burn, burn clearly”, “My Russia”, “Our Motherland”.

Equipment : screen, projector, map of Russia; 2 boxes decorated to look like malachite; "pebbles"; candies; makeshift mountain; garland with lights; 3 Christmas trees.

Types of children's activities: cognitive-research, game, communicative, musical and artistic.

Event progress

Vedas. Guys, today we will talk about our Motherland, the place where we live. (1 slide. A photo of Russia appears on the screen)


Our homeland is a country, it is very, very big,

Our homeland is our home, where we all live together in harmony

(The song "Our Motherland" is performed)

Vedas. Guys, let's say in chorus the name of our Motherland. (Russia) Let's listen to beautiful poems about Russia.

(2 slide. Nature of Russia)

1.Russia...As from songs word,

Birch young foliage.

Around forests, fields and rivers,

Expanse, Russian soul.

2. I love you, my Russia,

For the clear light of your eyes,

For the mind, for the deeds of the saints,

3. I love, I deeply understand

Steppe pensive sadness.

I love everything they call

In one broad word "Rus".

4. There is no more beautiful Motherland in the world

Fighting country heroes

Here she is named Russia

From the seas stretched to the seas! (show on the slide)

(Dance is performed to the song "My Russia")

Vedas. Guys. and let's show Russia on the map. (looks for a map) Oh, where is she? She's been here. I don't understand anything.

Kikimora. (comes with map)

Yes, yes, that's interesting!

Very interesting! (Looks at the map)

Vedas. Hello dear! Who are you?

Kikimora. Hello, hello! I am a kikimora. Well, you don’t have to introduce yourself, I don’t have time to mess with you. I can't figure it out with the picture.

Vedas. Kikimora. And this is not a picture, it looks like our map, which the guys and I lost.

Kikimora. Map? Have you buried a treasure somewhere? Well, where, quickly show!

Vedas. No, Kikimora. The guys and I wanted to show on the map where Russia is located.

Kikimora. A! Well, well, let's show.

Vedas. Who guys wanna show?

Kikimora. Wow! How big is your Russia! Yes, it is also multi-colored.

Vedas. Yes, Kikimora, Russia is shown in different colors on the map. Russia has many forests, rivers, lakes...

Kikimora. (interrupts) And Kikimor is the darkness! Forest and swamp is my home. Only I'm not from Russia, I live in the Urals. Have you heard about this one?

Vedas. Hey Kikimora! Even all the guys here know that the Urals are a part of Russia. Now they will show you where it is. (The child shows the Urals on the map and tellspoem)

(3 slide. Photo of the Urals)

When they talk about Russia

I see my blue Ural.

Like girls, pine trees are bare

Escape from the snow-covered rocks.

By your beauty and strength

I have nothing to compare the Urals with.

Russia seems different here:

Harsh, stricter, perhaps.


Can you find a more beautiful Ural region!

Here mountain rivers play in the gorges,

Here are mountains in shaggy green dresses,

There are treasures deep in the mountains and lakes...

Kikimora. Well, what treasures are hidden in the Ural land?

Vedas. Let's guys tell in chorus about the riches of the Urals. (Children tell in choruspoem)

Riches are hidden in my land:

She keeps gold

And next to copper - malachites

Iron, marble and granite.

Kikimora. And I, by the way, am very rich! I have a box, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself gave it to me. Have you heard about this? And, you probably read Bazhov's fairy tales? So, what stone is this box made of?

Vedas. Guys, let's invite the Mistress of the Copper Mountain to visit. (Children clapping)

Mistress of Copper Mountain. (enters with music)

Hello dear guys and guests. I am the daughter of the iron serpent Great Snake. My father guards the bowels of these mountains, fraught with great wealth. Sometimes I help people find different riches, I don’t show them, but I put them on the trail. (Takes the box and shows the pebbles) In my box, the stones are different, they are special - each contains a mystery for you. Are you ready to solve my riddles? (Yes OK! If you cope with all the riddles, then the mountain will sparkle with its precious stones.

1 riddle (4 slide. Trees)

Which tree leaves do you see on the screen? Do all these trees grow in the Urals?

2 riddle (5 slide. Animals)

Name only those animals that live in the forests of the Urals.

3 riddle. (6 slide. Kachkanar)

The Urals is a large region, there are many regions and cities. What area and what city do you live in?

What are the inhabitants of your city called?

What is the name of the main street of your city? (Slide 7. Sverdlov Street)

In which microdistrict is your kindergarten located? (8 slide. 8 microdistrict)

Name the largest enterprise in your city. (9 slide GOK)

Name the corners of your city that are depicted. (10 side.)

What reservoir is there in your city? (11 slide. Pond)

(Kikimora holds the game "Swim across the pond")

4 riddle.

On what body of water does cranberry grow?

Name the berries of the Ural land correctly. (12 slide. Berries)

Kikimora. Hostess, you have the last pebble left in your casket. May I ask the guys a question?

And tell me, guys, and how do you know all this? Do you read a lot of books? Or do you watch smart-reasonable programs?

Vedas. Well, about this, Kikimora, the guys and I will have to talk for a long time. Let's better all together see how the guys study their native land.

(Viewing the presentation "My Motherland - Russia» from 13 to 20 slides)

Vedas. Dear guests! The guys want to perform for youdance "Burn, burn brightly."

At the end of the dance, the mountain lights up with lights.

Kikimora. Wow! What a beauty! Did the guys answer all the riddles correctly?

(21 slides)

Mistress of Copper Mountain. Yes, Kikimora, the guys are just great! And I can't help but reward them. Well, bring another box of stones as soon as possible. I want to reward these inquisitive kids.

(Kikimora brings a box. The Mistress of the Copper Mountain distributes “pebbles” to the children)

Mistress of Copper Mountain. These pebbles are not simple, they are with a surprise. (Candies are wrapped in foil)

I'm sorry, but it's time for us to say goodbye.

I will never forget meeting you!

Kikimora. Bye! Bye! Our little friends!

Vedas. Guys, let's say goodbye to the guests. (Children wave after, say "goodbye!")

Nadezhda Sharifyanova

project « Tales of Bazhov»

Relevance project. In the midst of our mainland there is a region where you live, where your native home and wherever you go, you will always remember your native Ural. Wonderful nature of the Urals, forest mountains, blue lakes, fast rivers. But not only this is the beauty of the Ural land. She fabulous rich and famous all over the world for its stones (malachite, gems, jasper, marble); minerals (coal, ore, gold). And what kind of people live in the Urals - real masters of their craft! Wrote about everything famous writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Introducing children to the work of P.P. Bazhov, We talk about the beauty of the region in which they live, we get acquainted with its past, with the rites and customs of people, their way of life.

Problem: At present, children know little about the history of their region, and therefore they are happy to listen to the works of the Ural storyteller Bazhov P. P. "Fire-Rap", "Sinyushkin well", "Silver Hoof", "Golden Hair", "About the Great Poloz", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Stone Flower" etc.

Information card project

Organization « Kindergarten No. 5", Miass.

Address: Chelyabinsk region, Miass, st. Zhukovsky, d. 5

Kind, type project: medium-term, creative, information and research. Members project: children of the group preparatory to school, parents, educators.

Target: To introduce children to the work of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhov.


To acquaint children with the life and work of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhov, which turned 138 years old in 2017;

Expand children's information about the history of the Urals;

To form in children an emotional-figurative perception of works through artistic description images;

Cultivate the ability to enjoy artistic word, the appropriateness of using it in one's own speech (folk statements, sayings);

To teach children to negotiate, help, support, show interest in doing collective and individual work;

Formation of ideas about diversity skazov P. P. Bazhov, bring up positive attitude to them;

To acquaint with the customs and traditions of the Ural region;

Invite parents to family reading literary works;

Create conditions for search activities.

Location: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5", Miass

Children's age: 6 - 7 years

Expected results:

Subject to the implementation of this project the following can be assumed results: For children:

Creation in the group of conditions for familiarizing children with the work of P. P. Bazhov:

Reading works and looking at illustrations skazam P. P. Bazhov;

Drawing competition "Mistress of the Copper Mountain";

Creating a Teamwork "Mistress of the Copper Mountain";

Drawing up a card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs;

Expanding the horizons of children;

Cohesion of the children's team;

Creating a three-dimensional doll tale"Stone Flower";

Development of communication skills;

Development of creative thinking and imagination;

Development of skills of independence, self-organization, freedom and responsibility;

Development of interest in the collective, teamwork with all participants in the educational process.

For teachers:

Self-realization, increase of creative potential;

Increasing competence in the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process.

For parents:

Increasing the interest of parents in the values ​​of student-centered education;

The conscious involvement of parents in educational process with children at home;

Optimization of parent-child relationships;

Creation of an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation with all participants in the educational process;

Increasing the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Implementation plan project

Stage 1 - preparatory (one week).

The solution of the crossword puzzle on the work of P. P. Bazhov. Revealing children's knowledge about P.P. Bazhov and his works.

Stage 2 - the main, organizational and practical (two weeks).

Implementation of the main activities in the direction project. Presentation (group)

Stage 3 - final (final).

Includes collection and processing practical materials, correlation of the set and predicted results with the result of the work; generalization of materials project and presenting the results data.

Evaluation of performance based on the results of work is carried out according to three directions: children, parents, teacher.

Assessment of children's interest, their success in common cause monitored through observation and analysis of children's activities, classes, conversations with children.

Assessment of interest and participation in project parents occurs through participation in the conduct joint activities, analysis of participation in joint search activities.

Evaluation of the activation of teachers' activities is monitored by the quality of work with children within the framework of project.

Equipment and materials: Books of the writer P. Bazhov; pictures and illustrations for the works of P. Bazhov; board and printed games; video, audio recordings; tape recorder, computer; materials for productive visual activity.


1. Tolstikova O. V., Smirnova Z. I. We live on Ural: educational program taking into account the specifics of national, sociocultural and other conditions in which educational activities with preschool children. - Ekaterinburg: GAOU DPO SO "IRO". – 2013 -103s.

2. Bazhov P. P. Silver hoof: Skaz - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural book publishing house, 1985. - 16 p.

3. Bazhov P. P. Ognevushka- gallop: Skaz - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural book publishing house, 1976. - 24 p.

4. Bazhov P. P. blue snake: Tales - Moscow, ed. "Contemporary", 1991. - 92 p.

5. Bazhov P. P. Tales / Preparation of the text, after and comments. Slobozhanina L. M. - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural book publishing house, 1988. - 496 p.

6. Stories and tales Soviet writers . - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural book publishing house, 1990. - 544 p.

7. Bazhov P. P. Malachite box. ill. T. Lyakhovich. – M.: Ed. in EKSMO, 2004. - 592 p.


Event Objectives Responsible Persons Deadlines

Stage I - preparatory

Crossword on the work of P.P. Bazhov

To reveal the knowledge of children about the work of P.P. Bazhov. Educators 1st week

Library selection

Cultivate children's interest in art

P.P. Bazhov

3 Registration of the parent corner: placement of articles, consultations, recommendations on the topic project. Enlighten parents. Educators 1st week

4 Selection of visual and didactic aids, demo material By Skazam P. P. Bazhov Create conditions for the demonstration of works by P. Bazhov. Educators, parents 1st week

Stage II - the main, organizational and practical

5 Examination of books, illustrations based on the works of P. Bazhov To develop in children an interest in books and the writer's work. Educators 2nd week

6 Making a book corner. Create conditions for implementation project. Develop an interest in books. Educators 2nd week

7 Drawing up a card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs. form search activity when working with literature. To contribute to the expansion of the horizons of children, the development of cognitive interest. Educators 2nd week

8 Acquaintance with the work of the writer. Learn to understand the idea of ​​the work. To develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, to notice the means artistic expressiveness speech. Get to know the customs and traditions of your native land. Educators 2nd week

9 Examining images with clothes of the times Bazhov's tales, illustrations and books by P.P. Bazhov, illustrations about life ordinary people of those times To give children elementary knowledge about the life of people of those times Bazhov, about the culture and life of the peoples of the Urals. Educators 2nd week

10 Virtual tour

to the Ural Geological Museum for children of senior preschool age

Awaken and maintain children's interest in the history of their native land. To develop in children the desire for knowledge of the natural resources of the Urals, through cognitive, research activities. Educators 2nd week

11 Reading works

P.P. Bazhov

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Fire-Rap", "Silver Hoof", "Blue snake", "Malachite Box", "Sinyushkin well" Develop interest in fiction, understand the idea of ​​the work, notice the means of artistic expression. Educators 3rd week

13 Audition audio fairy tales"Stone Flower", Contribute to the expansion of children's horizons, ingenuity, ingenuity, develop cognitive interest. Educators 3rd week

14 Productive activities by works « Skazov P. Bazhov» :

Performance teamwork "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

Making a drawing on a theme “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain - what is she like?”

Modeling and painting of a three-dimensional doll tale"Stone Flower"

Making illustrations for skazam P. P. Bazhov

Learn to display your impressions in drawings, applications, modeling and painting dolls. Educators 2-3rd week

15 Presentation project« Tales of Bazhov»

Create a folder of illustrations for skazam P. P. Bazhov. Teaching children to present the result of their activities Educators, parents, children 4th week

Stage 3 - final (final)

16 Processing and processing of materials Project Educators, parents, children 4th week

17 Quiz by skazam P. P. Bazhov"Malachite Box"

Educators, children, parents 4th week

Analysis: As a result of work on project« Tales of Bazhov» :

The group has created conditions for familiarizing children with the works of the writer;

There have been positive changes in the relationship between parents and teachers of the group;

The activity of parents, the desire to participate in activities held in kindergarten has increased;

There is growth creative activity children;

There is an increase in children's interest in books, the desire to consider illustrations;

Through Tales of the Great Bazhov the children saw a convincing image of the Ural master, whose products are the pride of Russia;

Children fell in love unusual heroes tales, "secret power", keepers of the land wealth of the Urals;

Children learned the true universal values Keywords: diligence, generosity, love, curiosity, creativity.

Name: Pavel Bazhov

Age: 71 years old

Activity: prose writer, folklorist, journalist, essayist

Family status: was married

Pavel Bazhov: biography

Biographers of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov say that this writer had a happy fate. The great storyteller lived a long and peaceful life full of events. The master of the pen perceived all political upheavals relatively calmly and in those troubled times managed to achieve recognition and fame. For many years, Bazhov did what he loved - he tried to make a reality a fairy tale.

His works are still popular with young people and the older generation. Perhaps there are few people who have not seen soviet cartoon“Silver Hoof” or have not read the collection of short stories “Malachite Box”, which includes the tales “Stone Flower”, “Sinyushkin Well” and “Dear Name”.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born on January 15 (27 according to the new style) January 1879. Future Writer grew up and was brought up in an average family. His father Pyotr Bazhov (originally the surname was written with the letter “e”), a native of the peasants of the Polevskaya volost, worked at a mining site in the town of Sysert, which in Sverdlovsk region. Later, the Bazhovs moved to the village of Polevskoy. The writer's parent earned his bread by hard work, and agriculture did not work: there were no arable land plots in Sysert. Peter was a hardworking man and a rare specialist in his field, but the bosses did not favor the man, so Bazhov Sr. changed more than one workplace.

The fact is that the head of the family liked to sip a strong drink and often went into hard drinking. But not this one bad habit became a stumbling block between leaders and subordinates: the tipsy Bazhov did not know how to keep his mouth shut, so he criticized the working elite to smithereens. Later, the "talkative" Peter, who for this reason was nicknamed the Drill, was taken back, because such professionals are worth their weight in gold. True, the factory authorities did not immediately condescend to forgiveness, Bazhov had to beg for a job for a long time. In moments of thought of the helmsmen, the Bazhov family was left without a livelihood, they were saved by the odd jobs of the head of the family and the handicrafts of his wife Augusta Stefanovna (Osintseva).

The writer's mother came from Polish peasants, led household and raised Paul. IN evening time she was fond of needlework: she wove lace, knitted fishnet stockings and created other cozy little things. But because of this painstaking work that was carried out in dark time days, the woman's eyesight was severely impaired. By the way, despite the wayward nature of Peter, he and his son developed friendly relations. Pavel's grandmother even used to say that his father indulged his child all the time and forgave any pranks. And Augusta Stefanovna had a completely soft and docile character, so the child was brought up in love and harmony.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov grew up as a diligent and inquisitive boy. Before moving, he attended a zemstvo school in Sysert, studied excellently. Pavel grasped subjects on the fly, whether it was Russian or mathematics, and every day he pleased his relatives with fives in his diary. Bazhov recalled that thanks to him he managed to get a decent education. The future writer took a volume of the great Russian writer in local library on harsh conditions: the librarian jokingly ordered the young man to learn all the works by heart. But Paul took this task seriously.

Later it school teacher He spoke about the student to a veterinarian friend as about a gifted child from a working-class family who knows the works of Alexander Sergeevich by heart. Impressed by the talented young man, the veterinarian gave the boy a start in life and provided a native of poor family decent education. Pavel Bazhov graduated from the Yekaterinburg religious school, and then entered the Perm Theological Seminary. The young man was offered to continue his studies and receive a church order, but the young man did not want to serve in the church, but dreamed of poring over textbooks on the university bench. In addition, Pavel Petrovich was not a religious, but rather a revolutionary-minded person.

But money for further education was not enough. Pyotr Bazhov died of a liver disease, he had to be content with the pension of Augusta Stefanovna. Therefore, without receiving a university diploma, Pavel Petrovich worked as a teacher in theological schools of Yekaterinburg and Kamyshlov, taught students the Russian language and literature. Bazhov was loved, each of his lectures was perceived as a gift, he read the works of the great classics sensually and with soul. Pavel Petrovich was one of those rare teachers who could interest even an inveterate loser and fidget.

The girls in the school had a peculiar custom: they pinned bows of multi-colored satin ribbons to their favorite teachers. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov had no free space on his jacket, because he had the most "insignia" of all. It is worth saying that Pavel Petrovich participated in political events and perceived October revolution as something proper and fundamental. In his opinion, abdication and Bolshevik coup should have ended social inequality and ensure a happy future for the people of the country.

Until 1917, Pavel Petrovich was a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, fought on the side of the Reds during the civil war, organized the underground and developed a strategy in case of a fall Soviet power. Bazhov also served as head of the trade union bureau and the department of public education. Later, Pavel Petrovich headed the editorial activities, published a newspaper. Among other things, the writer organized schools and called for the fight against illiteracy. In 1918, the master of words joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.


As you know, as a student, Pavel Petrovich lived in Yekaterinburg and Perm, where instead of wildlife there were continuous railways, and instead of small houses - stone apartments with several floors. In cultural cities, life was in full swing: people went to theaters and discussed social events at restaurant tables, but Pavel loved to return to his native land.

Illustration for Pavel Bazhov's book "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

There he got acquainted with semi-mystical folklore: a local old man nicknamed Slyshko ("Glass") - the watchman Vasily Khmelinin - loved to tell folk tales, the main characters of which were mythical characters: Silver Hoof, Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Jumping Fire, Blue Snake and Grandmother Sinyushka.

Illustration for the book by Pavel Bazhov "Fire-jump"

Grandfather Vasily Alekseevich explained that all his stories are based on everyday life and describe "old life". Khmelinin especially emphasized this difference between the Ural tales and fairy tales. Local children and adults listened to every word of grandfather Slyshko. Among the listeners was Pavel Petrovich, who absorbed the amazingly magical stories of Khmelinin like a sponge.

Illustration for Pavel Bazhov's book "Silver Hoof"

Since then, his love for folk art: Bazhov carefully kept notebooks, where he collected Ural songs, legends, legends and riddles. In 1931, a conference on Russian folklore was held in Moscow and Leningrad. As a result of the meeting, the task was set to study the modern worker and collective farm-proletarian folklore, then it was decided to create a collection of "Pre-revolutionary folklore in the Urals." Local historian Vladimir Biryukov was supposed to search for materials, but the scientist did not find the necessary sources.

Illustration for Pavel Bazhov's book "The Blue Snake"

Therefore, the publication was headed by Bazhov. Pavel Petrovich collected folk epics as a writer, not as a folklorist. Bazhov knew about passportization, but did not carry it out. Also, the master of the pen adhered to the principle: the heroes of his works come from Russia or the Urals (even if these assumptions contradicted the facts, the writer rejected everything that was not in favor of his homeland).

Illustration for Pavel Bazhov's book "Malachite Box"

In 1936, Pavel Petrovich published the first work called "Azovka the Girl". Later, in 1939, the collection "Malachite Box" was released into circulation, which during the life of the author was replenished with new tales from the words of Vasily Khmelinin. But, according to rumors, once Bazhov admitted that he did not rewrite his stories from someone else's lips, but composed them.

Personal life

It is known that for a long time Pavel Petrovich was not involved in relationships with women. The writer was not deprived of the attention of lovely ladies, but at the same time he was not a Don Juan: Bazhov did not plunge headlong into fleeting passions and novels, but led an ascetic bachelor life. It is difficult to explain why Bazhov remained lonely until the age of 30. The writer was fond of work and did not want to spray on the young ladies passing by, and also believed in sincere love. However, this is exactly what happened: the 32-year-old folklorist offered his hand and heart to 19-year-old Valentina Alexandrovna Ivanitskaya, a former student. A serious and educated girl agreed.

It turned out to be a marriage for life, the lovers raised four children (seven were born in the family, but three died in infancy from diseases): Olga, Elena, Alexei and Ariadne. Contemporaries recall that comfort reigned in the house and there were no cases when spouses were burdened by household or other disagreements. From Bazhov it was impossible to hear the name Valya or Valentina, because Pavel Petrovich called his beloved affectionate nicknames: Valyanushka or Valestenochka. The writer did not like to be late, but even leaving for a meeting in a hurry, he returned to the threshold if he forgot to kiss his beloved wife goodbye.

Pavel Petrovich and Valentina Alexandrovna lived happily and supported each other. But, like any other mortal, in the life of the writer there were both cloudless and sad days. Bazhov had to endure a terrible grief - the death of a child. Young Alex died due to an accident at the factory. It is also known that Pavel Petrovich, although he was a busy person, always took time to talk with children. It is noteworthy that the father communicated with the offspring as with adults, gave the right to vote and listened to their opinions.

“The ability to know everything about your loved ones was amazing feature father. He was always the busiest of all, but he had enough spiritual sensitivity to be aware of the worries, joys and sorrows of everyone, ”said Ariadna Bazhova in the book Through the Eyes of a Daughter.


Shortly before his death, Pavel Petrovich stopped writing and began to give lectures that strengthened the spirit of the people during the Great Patriotic War.

great writer died in the winter of 1950. The grave of the creator is located on a hill (central alley) in Yekaterinburg at the Ivanovo cemetery.


  • 1924 - "The Urals were"
  • 1926 - "For Soviet Truth";
  • 1937 - "Formation on the move"
  • 1939 - "The Green Filly"
  • 1939 - "Malachite Box"
  • 1942 - "Key-stone"
  • 1943 - "Tales of the Germans"
  • 1949 - "Far - close"

Project on local history of the native land "Ural". At present, children know little about the history of their region, so they are happy to listen to the works of the Ural storyteller P. P. Bazhov: "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower", "Fire Jump", "Silver Hoof" etc.



Bazhov's Tales project

The relevance of the project. Among the expanses of our great land there is a region where you live, where your home is, and wherever you go, you will always remember your native Ural. Wonderful nature of the Urals, forest mountains, blue lakes, fast rivers. But not only this is the beauty of the Ural land. She is fabulously rich and is famous all over the world for her stones (malachite, gems, jasper, marble); useful fossils (coal, ore, gold). And what kind of people live in the Urals - real masters of their craft! The famous writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov wrote about everything about this. Introducing children to the work of P. P. Bazhov, we talk about the beauty of the region in which they live, introduce them to its past, to the rites and customs of people, their way of life.

Problem : At present, children know little about the history of their region, and therefore they are happy to listen to the works of the Ural storyteller Bazhov P.P. ”, “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, “Stone Flower”, etc.

Project Information Card

Organization : Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5", Miass.

Address : Chelyabinsk region, Miass, st. Zhukovsky, d. 5

View, type of project: medium-term, creative, information and research. Project participants: children of the preparatory group for school, parents, educators.

Target : To introduce children to the work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov.

Tasks :

To acquaint children with the life and work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov, who turned 138 in 2017;

Expand children's information about the history of the Urals;

To form in children an emotional-figurative perception of works through an artistic description of images;

To educate the ability to enjoy the artistic word, the appropriateness of using it in one's own speech (folk sayings, sayings);

To teach children to negotiate, help, support, show interest in doing collective and individual work;

Formation of ideas about the diversity of the tales of P. P. Bazhov, to cultivate a positive attitude towards them;

To acquaint with the customs and traditions of the Ural region;

Involve parents in family reading of literary works;

Create conditions for search activities.

Location: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5", Miass

Age of children: 6 - 7 years

Expected results:

Under the condition of the implementation of this project, the following can be assumed results : For children :

Creation in the group of conditions for familiarizing children with the work of P. P. Bazhov:

Reading works and viewing illustrations for the tales of P. P. Bazhov;

Drawing competition "Copper Mountain Hostess";

Creation of the Collective Work "Copper Mountain Mistress";

Drawing up a card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs;

Expanding the horizons of children;

Cohesion of the children's team;

Creation of a three-dimensional doll according to the tale "Stone Flower";

Development of communication skills;

Development of creative thinking and imagination;

Development of skills of independence, self-organization, freedom and responsibility;

Development of interest in collective, team work with all participants in the educational process.

For educators:

Self-realization, increase of creative potential;

Increasing competence in the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process.

For parents :

Increasing the interest of parents in the values ​​of student-centered education;

Conscious inclusion of parents in the educational process together with children at home;

Optimization of parent-child relationships;

Creation of an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation with all participants in the educational process;

Increasing the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Project Implementation Plan

Stage 1 - preparatory (one week).

The solution of the crossword puzzle on the work of P. P. Bazhov. Revealing children's knowledge about P. P. Bazhov and his works.

Stage 2 - the main, organizational and practical (two weeks).

Implementation of the main activities in the direction of the project. Presentation (group)

Stage 3 - final (final).

It includes the collection and processing of practical materials, the correlation of the set and predicted results with the outcome of the work; summarizing project materials and presenting these results.

Evaluation of performance based on the results of work is carried out according to three directions : children, parents, teacher.

Evaluation of children's interest, their success in the common cause is monitored through observation and analysis of children's activities, classes, conversations with children.

Parents' interest and participation in the project is assessed through participation in joint events, analysis of participation in joint search activities.

Evaluation of the activation of teachers' activities is monitored by the quality of work with children within the framework of the project.

Equipment and materials: Books of the writer P. Bazhov; pictures and illustrations for the works of P. Bazhov; board and printed games; video, audio recordings; tape recorder, computer; materials for productive visual activity.


1. Tolstikova O. V., Smirnova Z. I. We live on Ural : an educational program taking into account the specifics of national, sociocultural and other conditions in which educational activities are carried out with children of preschool age. - Ekaterinburg : GAOU DPO SO "IRO". – 2013 -103s.

2. Bazhov P. P. Silver hoof : Tale - Sverdlovsk: Middle Ural book publishing house, 1985. - 16 p.

3. Bazhov P. P. Ognevushka- gallop : Skaz - Sverdlovsk: Middle Ural book publishing house, 1976. - 24 p.

4. Bazhov P. P. Blue snake : Tales - Moscow, ed. "Contemporary", 1991. - 92 p.

5. Bazhov P. P. Tales / Preparation of the text, afterword. and comments. Slobozhanina L. M. - Sverdlovsk : Middle-Ural book publishing house, 1988. - 496 p.

6. Stories and fairy tales of Soviet writers. - Sverdlovsk : Middle-Ural book publishing house, 1990. - 544 p.

7. Bazhov P. P. Malachite box. ill. T. Lyakhovich. – M.: Ed. in EKSMO, 2004. - 592 p.


Event Objectives Responsible Persons Deadlines

Stage I - preparatory

Crossword on the work of P. P. Bazhov

To reveal the knowledge of children about the work of P.P. Bazhov. Educators 1st week

Library selection

Cultivate children's interest in art

P. P. Bazhov. Educators, parents 1st week

3 Registration of the parent corner : placement of articles, consultations, recommendations on the topic of the project. Enlighten parents. Educators 1st week

4 Selection of visual and didactic aids, demonstration material based on the Tales of P. P. Bazhov Create conditions for the demonstration of the works of P. Bazhov. Educators, parents 1st week

Stage II - the main, organizational and practical

5 Examination of books, illustrations based on the works of P. Bazhov To develop in children an interest in books and the writer's work. Educators 2nd week

6 Making a book corner. Create conditions for the implementation of the project. Develop an interest in books. Educators 2nd week

7 Drawing up a card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs. To form search activity when working with literature. To contribute to the expansion of the horizons of children, the development of cognitive interest. Educators 2nd week

8 Acquaintance with the work of the writer. Learn to understand the idea of ​​the work. To develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, to notice the means of artistic expressiveness of speech. Get to know the customs and traditions of your native land. Educators 2nd week

9 Examining images with clothes from the time of Bazhov's tales, illustrations and books by P. P. Bazhov, illustrations about the life of ordinary people of those times To give children basic knowledge about the life of people from Bazhov's times, about the culture and life of the peoples of the Urals. Educators 2nd week

10 Virtual tour

to the Ural Geological Museum for children of senior preschool age

Awaken and maintain children's interest in the history of their native land. To develop in children the desire for knowledge of the natural resources of the Urals, through cognitive, research activities. Educators 2nd week

11 Reading works

P. P. Bazhova

"The Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Fire-Rap", "Silver Hoof", "Blue Snake", "Malachite Box", "Sinyushkin Well" Develop interest in fiction, understand the idea of ​​the work, notice the means of artistic expression. Educators 3rd week

13 Listening to the audio fairy tale "Stone Flower", To help expand the horizons of children, ingenuity, ingenuity, develop cognitive interest. Educators 3rd week

14 Productive activities based on the works of "Skazov P. Bazhov":

Implementation of the collective work "Copper Mountain Mistress"

Making a drawing on the theme “Copper Mountain Mistress - what is she like?”

Modeling and painting of a three-dimensional doll based on the tale "Stone Flower"

Performance of illustrations for the tales of P. P. Bazhov

Learn to display your impressions in drawings, applications, modeling and painting dolls. Educators 2-3rd week

15 Presentation of the project “Tales of Bazhov”

Create a folder of illustrations for the tales of P. P. Bazhov. Teaching children to present the result of their activities Educators, parents, children 4th week

Stage 3 - final (final)

16 Processing and design of project materials Educators, parents, children 4th week

17 Quiz based on the tales of P. P. Bazhov “Malachite Box”

Educators, children, parents 4th week

Analysis : As a result of work on the project "Tales of Bazhov":

The group has created conditions for familiarizing children with the works of the writer;

There have been positive changes in the relationship between parents and teachers of the group;

The activity of parents, the desire to participate in activities held in kindergarten has increased;

There is an increase in the creative activity of children;

There is an increase in children's interest in books, the desire to consider illustrations;

Through the tales of the Great Bazhov, the children saw a convincing image of the Ural master, whose products are the pride of Russia;

The children fell in love with the unusual heroes of fairy tales, the "secret power", the guardians of the land riches of the Urals;

Children learned the true universal values Keywords: diligence, generosity, love, curiosity, creativity.

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