New drawing methods for kids. Children's drawing techniques


Children and creativity are inseparable concepts. child learns the world, trying to reflect it in the game, modeling and drawing. After all, in the soul every kid is a singer and musician, artist and sculptor. Creative impulses in children are often associated with artistic activity, and the fine art of the child is an ideal opportunity for the manifestation of his imagination. This is an important condition for the normal development of the baby.

Non-traditional drawing techniques for children in kindergarten and school - this does not mean something complicated. Quite the opposite - such drawing turns an art lesson into fun fun. It is not at all necessary to have complex pencil and brush skills. IN simple tricks non-traditional drawing the child is able to create beautiful drawings and paintings, and this will give him an amazing creative experience with an excellent final result. He himself will be drawn to art when he feels that he can create beauty with his own hands.

Non-traditional ways of drawing

For children unconventional techniques Drawing is a wonderful way to create small masterpieces. It turns out that the palm can turn into a pink elephant, and a simple blot can become a tree, and a carrot and potato can surprise with unusual patterns.

Eg, kids 3-4 years old can offer:

With kids 5-6 years You can also try:

  • picture prints
  • plasticine printing
  • leaf prints
  • hand drawings
  • drawing with cotton swabs
  • magic strings
  • monotype.

And with children 7-8 years you can learn more complex techniques:

  • crumpled paper drawing
  • bubble painting
  • salt painting
  • blotography
  • plasticineography
  • scratching
  • frottage.

For children, modeling from plasticine is the whole world full of variety and experimentation! Under your strict guidance, a child can mold all kinds of things and become the most the best leadership to create various fairytale heroes, animals and plants.

hand drawing

Drawing with pens is the first technique that little children are able to master very early. The drawing turns out quickly - this is extremely important, because kids cannot do one thing for a long time. Dip a child's hand in paint and let the baby make an imprint on the surface of the paper. See what it looks like. Ask the baby what you need to finish to get some kind of animal or bird. The missing details can be drawn with your fingers.

Wet paper watercolor technique

To create small masterpieces, you will need a sheet of thick paper, watercolors and a brush. Help your child wet the sheet evenly, but without puddles. Let him pick up some paint on the brush and start creating. Each stroke with a new tone spreads across the paper, beautifully turning into a different shade. It's time to show the child the mixing of colors and explain what shades are.

Tell the child that all movements should be done easily and smoothly, no need to press the brush into the paper, as many children like to do. A light touch is enough. In this technique, it is good to draw backgrounds. And after drying, you can continue to draw the rest of the drawing.

Drawing in the technique of Adhesive Pictures

To draw in this style, you will need a glue gun. Help your child draw outlines on paper with hot glue, inside which the image is filled with paints. Thanks to the glue, the paint does not flow beyond these contours. It turns out something like a stained glass image. Using this technique, you and your child can create a real stained-glass window on glass, but then instead of a simple watercolor, you will need to buy acrylic paints water based.

Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, kindergartens host exhibitions of bright handicrafts and creative works kids who decorate the garden on the most magical days new year holiday. We offer you a variety of

Drawings in watercolor technique with wax crayons

To draw a picture in this technique, you need: a landscape sheet, wax crayons, watercolor paints, a squirrel brush, leaf templates.

Let the kid with your help draw several different leaves on the sheet. The drawing must be arranged according to the size of the leaves - first large, then smaller. Let the leaves overlap each other - after all, that's how it is in nature.

Now take wax crayons and circle the contours of the leaves, for this you will need warm-colored crayons: yellow, red, orange, brown, burgundy. You can use several colors in one sheet. Do not forget to draw veins on each leaf, except for rowan

Interesting! Crafts from plasticine. Step by step modeling for children

And now it's time to use watercolors - start painting over not the leaves, but the landscape sheet from the upper left corner. Show your child how to add other colors so that one shade flows smoothly into another without clear boundaries. Thus, we gradually fill our sheet with autumn colors.

Drawing funny prints

1. Plasticine stamps

It is very easy and convenient to make stamps from plasticine - just give a piece of plasticine the desired shape, decorate with patterns (lines, dots) and paint it in the desired color.

2. Stamps from threads

To create interesting “striped dies”, you can use threads that need to be firmly wound around an object. Then the threads are dyed with thick paint in the desired color. Now only fantasy will tell you how to apply a "striped pattern" to the surface of the paper.

3. Rolled cardboard stamps

By rolling a piece of cardboard into a roll, you can get an original stamp for "roses". And if cut off from the sleeve from toilet paper"kruglyash" and give it the shape of a leaf, then your child can independently create a beautiful composition.

4. Prints "leaves"

This technique is familiar to many. To print a sheet, you can take any beautiful leaf and apply paint to the veined side. Then, with the painted side, attach the sheet to the paper and iron it. After a few seconds, you can gently lift the leaf - its imprint will remain on the paper.

5. Prints with potatoes, carrots, apples

For kids early age this is a fairly popular technique. You will need any vegetable or fruit and gouache. Then everything is simple - dip the object into the paint and make an imprint on paper.

Stamps can be made from apples, potatoes, carrots, peppers and other vegetables or fruits. The easiest way to make a stamp is from potatoes. If you have a metal cookie cutter, simply press the cookie cutter into the potato and carefully trim any excess pieces around the edges with a knife.

Bubble painting

It will be very interesting for the child to draw a picture with soap bubbles. To do this, add any soap solution and paint to a glass of water and use a straw to make a strong foam. Gently place a sheet of paper on the bubbles and wait for the first patterns to appear. You can lift the paper - bubble patterns are ready.

salt painting

To give the background of the picture a whimsical texture, salt can be used when depicting any landscape. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle the background with salt. She absorbs excess water sticks and creates a very interesting effect. Excess salt should be gently shaken off after drying. Unusual light spots will remain in its place.

There is another unusual interesting option salt painting. To do this, draw a drawing with a pencil, and then circle with PVA glue. It can be a simple flower, patterns or geometric figures. We do not regret Clay. Generously sprinkle the pattern with salt, and then gently shake off the excess onto a tray. Now let's add colors - you can paint with a brush, or you can take a pipette and apply tinted water drop by drop to the drawing. You can see how the drops spread and bright patterns and shapes are obtained.

Drawing with crumpled paper.

Using a crumpled napkin or paper, you can get an unusual texture. There are two methods for this technique:


This unusual painting technique is based on a unique print, which can only be obtained in a single copy. Therefore, two absolutely identical drawings cannot be created.

Children and creativity are inseparable concepts. Every child in the soul is an artist and sculptor, singer and musician. Creative impulses in children manifest themselves in the most unimaginable form, but very often they are associated with artistic activity. Many mothers sooner or later wonder why a child needs to learn to draw? And really, why, if you do not plan to raise another Surikov or Aivazovsky? If your task is to see your child as a successful, self-confident person, then encourage creative manifestations, because any pictorial work - important condition for the normal development of the baby.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and at home help develop spatial thinking, eye measurement, and coordination. After all, the baby needs to connect the ratio of the sizes of the parts with a single composition and arrange them harmoniously on the sheet. When working on complex decorative composition the child learns to plan his actions, to choose suitable material. It is very important for him to understand that he can create something with his own hands.

Everyone knows that drawing is one of the most favorite activities of our children. With great pleasure they draw with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, dipping the brush into a bright substance. And why not get your finger wet there or smear the whole palm with paint? Fine art cannot be framed, it is necessary to destroy all the boundaries of the familiar and traditional!

Non-traditional drawing techniques attract our fidgets much more, because they do not require perseverance, they allow them to more clearly reveal their potential during creativity, they introduce the child to the opportunity to unusually use the things around us as materials for creativity. If the most unusual paints and bright pencils in the baby no longer arouse their former interest, then you can dilute the creativity of your fidget with other drawing methods. Why is drawing in non-traditional ways useful in kindergarten and at home?

  • The kid uses a variety of materials, learns the differences in textures, which allows him to improve fine motor skills.
  • There is an acquaintance with volume, form and space, which develops the imagination.
  • The ability to combine and mix shades develops aesthetic taste.
  • The use of unusual materials develops thinking, teaches to make non-standard decisions.
  • Drawings using such techniques are obtained much faster, which pleases the crumbs, who so lack perseverance.
  • It adds self-confidence and self-confidence, because even without outstanding skills you can create a unique “masterpiece”!

All the most interesting techniques and methods were collected and systematized by G.N. Davydov in the book "Unconventional Drawing Techniques in Kindergarten". This book is a great helper for both a teacher and a mom who wants to diversify her leisure time with her baby.

Let's start creating: fingers or palms

Non-traditional drawing techniques involve depicting images using various materials, including “non-artistic” ones: crumpled paper, foam rubber, threads, paraffin candle or wax crayons, dried leaves; drawing without using a tool - with palms or fingers and much more. Such methods are successfully used both in kindergarten and at home.

For different ages you can offer your own technique, for example, it will be interesting for the smallest to draw with fingers, because it is still difficult for a baby to hold a brush, but the baby already knows brilliantly with his own hands. Dip the palm of the crumbs in the paint and offer to leave a mark on the paper, as cat and dog tracks leave. Consider the imprint with the baby, who does it look like? It looks like an elephant or a turtle, and if we finish the eye, there will be a fish! All the action is controlled only by the imagination of your baby, and if suddenly he is confused, then help him, hold a master class - paint your palm and leave an imprint. “Look, the mother of an elephant turned out, but where is the baby elephant?”, - the child will be happy to join in such a fun game.

You can dip in paint not the whole palm, but only fingers, and leave tiny prints. The more multi-colored prints, the more interesting the drawing - let the kid fantasize for his own pleasure. Adults should be prepared for the fact that the paint will be not only on the leaf, but also on the baby, or rather, the baby will be all in it and the surrounding objects too. Therefore, take care of cleanliness in advance: cover the table where you plan to arrange a creative workshop with oilcloth, and put an apron and armlets on the baby, otherwise what kind of flight of fancy can we talk about if you constantly pull the baby: “Be careful, you will get dirty!”.

We continue to fantasize. Stamps, prints

Kids of all ages like to use stamps while drawing. This unique technique unconventional method drawing in kindergarten is so easy to perform and diverse in manifestation that it is perfect for work both in kindergarten and at home. Ready-made stamps can be purchased at an art supply store. But it is much more interesting to make a stamp on your own, and even better with a baby.

As a stamp, almost anything that can be dipped in paint and then left an imprint on a sheet of paper is suitable. You can cut an apple or a potato - this is the easiest stamp. On a half of a potato, you can cut out some figure: a heart or a flower. Another stamp is made from ordinary threads, wound on any basis. Threads can not be wound, but simply immersed in paint. After thorough impregnation, they are laid out on one sheet, covered with another, lightly pressed, and admire the intricate pattern.

It is easy to make a stamp from ordinary plasticine. Come up with an interesting shape and decorate a small piece of plasticine. It is better to choose thick paint for classic stamps. An unusual texture to the background can be given by using a crumpled napkin or paper, and then according to the worked out scheme: we dip it in paint and stamp it. Very beautiful stamps are obtained from dried leaves: paint the leaf with paint on one side, put it on paper and press it. After the painted leaf was removed, the picture “Golden Autumn” turned out - the kid is completely delighted.

There is another non-traditional drawing technique, similar to a stamp, but with an interesting feature - drawing with foam rubber. Cut off a small piece from an ordinary sponge, dip it in paint and cover the sheet with gentle pressure. It's so easy and simple to get a wonderful background for further drawing, and if you use stencils or templates for child drawing, you get an amazing floral, or geometric pattern.

Dot drawing

As a method of fine art for kids, drawing with dots can be distinguished. This simple technique understandable even to the smallest. You will need paints and cotton buds or regular felt-tip pens. We dip the wand into the paint, and with a slight pressure draw a dot on a sheet of paper, then another one - until the invented image appears on the landscape sheet. You can help the baby by drawing the outline of the future drawing, and he will fill it with a large number of bright prints. The subject of a bitmap can be any - a winter fairy tale, and a bright sun. Education at such a tender age should be carried out unobtrusively, in the form of a game.

Technique "monotype"

For older children, you can offer more interesting views. artistic creativity. For example, an interesting technique, which is also based on prints, is “Monotype”. Its goal is to create symmetrical pattern, such as a mushroom, an insect (butterfly or ladybug), for the older preschool group you can depict the landscape reflected in the lake.

We take a landscape sheet of paper, fold it in half, then unfold it and draw on one half relative to the fold line. Since we agreed to depict a butterfly, we draw one wing, then we iron the folded sheet with our hand. We open it - the butterfly already has two wings and they are exactly the same! Missing elements can be finished with a brush.

The feeling of delight is provided, while the child understands that his “hooligan” actions, when blots and splashes fly onto the album sheet, are also a form of art. "Blotography" also has the name "Splatter". With such techniques, unusual artistic effects can be achieved.

Paint splatter, aka "Splatter". A toothbrush will come to the rescue. Gently dip it into the paint and lightly tap with a pen or pencil towards you. A huge number of small droplets remain on the sheet. With the help of such an unconventional drawing technique, a very realistic winter landscape or deep space with many stars is obtained. "Blotography" will help the young artist populate the uninhabited planets of space with funny aliens. One has only to draw on the brush more paint and let it drain onto a sheet of paper - it turned out to be a blot. And now we blow on it, dispersing the rays in different sides. Let's draw a couple of eyes to the dried blot, or maybe two pairs, this is an unknown animal, and send it to populate its distant worlds!

An interesting texture can be achieved by using a dry brush. Lightly immerse a dry wide brush in gouache, wipe off excess paint on a jar. We draw with vertical poke movements. The image turns out to be “shaggy” and “prickly”, in this way Christmas trees and hedgehogs, a field with green grass are very realistic. In such an unconventional way in kindergarten, you can draw flowers, for example, asters.

Incredible possibilities of ordinary things.

  1. Bubble.

It turns out that soap bubbles can not only be blown and popped, but you can also draw with them. Dilute a little paint in a glass of soapy water, take a tube and blow bubbles into the glass. Your kids will do this trick with pleasure. Well, there is a lot of bright multi-colored foam, put a sheet of paper on it, and as soon as the bubbles begin to appear, the paper needs to be removed - the colorful pattern is ready!

  1. Salt.

Do not be surprised, but salt can be used not only in cooking. An interesting texture will turn out if the dry drawing is sprinkled with salt, and when the paint dries, just chill.

  1. Sand, beads and various grains are also used to create creative textures. There are several options for using such materials.
  • Sprinkle the sheet pre-coated with glue with grits, sand or beads, and then draw on the textured surface.
  • We cover with glue the areas where the drawing will be depicted.
  • Color and dry the necessary materials in advance, and then decorate the drawing with them.

Classics in an unconventional way

Let's put away the stamps and salt, wipe off the paint-stained pens, get the watercolors and brushes. Boring? Not boring at all, but very interesting, because with the help of classic watercolors we will work wonders!

It is necessary to take thick paper (the best option is special watercolor), wet it so that it gets wet enough. Pick up a little paint on the brush and lightly touch the brush to wet paper. The movements should be exactly light and smooth, the beauty of the result depends on this. Before your eyes, a drop of paint spreads in different directions, turning into something amazing! This is the right time to tell your baby about the rules for getting new colors and shades. Now this practice is the most obvious. The resulting unthinkable divorces will serve as an interesting background for future creative work.

The next non-traditional drawing technique that we will consider, also from the “miracles nearby” category, is called “Aquatype”.

This is a technique of drawing with paints and water, it is also known as water printing. Just as in the previous method, we need thick paper, we will choose no less traditional paints - gouache, we also need black or any dark ink. Think with the baby, what would he like to portray? This method produces unusually beautiful flowers. After the paints have dried, paint over the entire sheet with ink, then immerse your work in a bowl of water, and enjoy the wonderful transformations! All gouache will dissolve, only your drawing will remain on a dark background. Why not magic?

The series of incredible transformations has not ended! Let's take all the same thick paper, and with wax crayons (if they were not at hand, you can use an ordinary candle), we will apply a drawing or pattern. Next, apply watercolor paint to the entire sheet (places treated with wax will not be painted). A drawing will appear on a colored watercolor background, which will be a surprise for the baby, because when you draw with colorless chalk on a white sheet, it is rather difficult to imagine final result. The process of magic in the end can also bring quite a practical result.

Making "marble paper" is an extremely exciting activity that kids really like: it's fun to play with things that are generally not allowed to be taken. For example, daddy's shaving foam. For work you will need:

  • shaving foam;
  • watercolor paints;
  • flat plate;
  • sheet of thick paper.

First you need to get a saturated solution: mix the paint with water. Then apply a thick layer of shaving cream on a plate, and drip a few bright drops of paint into chaotic order. With the help of a brush, we draw with drops of paint on the foam, getting intricate zigzags and patterns. Here it is - a magical sacrament that will completely absorb an enthusiastic baby. And here is the promised practical effect. We apply the sheet to the rainbow foam, and then turn it over so that the foam is on top of the sheet. We remove the foam remaining on the paper with a scraper. And - about a miracle! Unimaginable stains appear from under the foam, similar to a marble pattern. The paper has absorbed the ink. After drying, "marble paper" can be used in the manufacture of crafts or as an addition to the decor.

There is no limit to creativity

For children who have already got acquainted with many interesting techniques and have shown their outstanding Creative skills, you can offer a rather difficult drawing technique - “grattage”.

Thick paper is needed, it needs to be painted with wax crayons, preferably in bright colors, then, using a wide brush, cover with black gouache or ink. If you intend to use gouache, add a little PVA glue to dried paint did not crumble. When the ink (or gouache) dries, the blank for further work is ready. Now take a thin stack (any sharp, non-writing instrument) and start drawing. But this process can be called drawing only conditionally, since the top layer of paint is scraped off. So, stroke after stroke, a bright wax layer appears and is projected into the artist's idea.

For young artists there will be a fascinating technique of drawing using plasticine on glass.

Choose the drawing you like, cover it with glass, draw the outlines of the drawing on the glass with a black felt-tip pen. Then we proceed to filling the contours with soft plasticine, trying not to protrude beyond the edge. The wrong side does not look so neat, but a bright and clear picture is visible from the front side. Insert the work into a frame, and you can use colored cardboard as a background.

There are a number of non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten that children of the middle and senior preschool groups can easily master. For everyday activities, a combination of appliqué with a classic pattern may be suitable. The pre-cut elements are glued onto the landscape sheet, after which they give the image a finished look with the help of pencils or paints.

One of the available and entertaining techniques is "Frontage".

This type of fine art has been familiar to us since childhood, remember, they hid a coin under a sheet of paper and shaded with a simple pencil? In the same way, instead of a coin, you can use dry leaves, and shade not with a pencil, but with colored pastels. The picture will turn out bright and saturated.

We have seen a lot of drawing techniques and have already learned a lot, so why not put our knowledge into practice? With the help of both traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques, any interior items are decorated. Decorative drawing in kindergarten it also has an applied character, the child can already decorate, for example, a pencil holder or a clay vase, or can please his mother and create a unique pattern on a cutting board. It should only be remembered that paints for such work must be chosen waterproof: acrylic or oil. To make the result please longer, cover the finished craft with varnish.

For interior decoration, the technique of "stained glass" is used.

The essence of the technique is to apply the adhesive contour and fill it with paint. There are many variants of this technique, but one of the most interesting is drawing a pattern on an oilcloth, and after drying, the pattern can be removed from the oilcloth and glued to any surface, for example, glass, - there will be a translucent bright picture.

Let us dwell in more detail on the execution technique itself.

The ideal option would be to use specialized stained glass paints, but if there were none, you can be smart and make them yourself. Take ordinary gouache and add PVA glue, after drying, the paints have an elastic structure, which will allow you to remove the picture from the film without difficulty. Choose the picture you like and draw its outline on a transparent oilcloth (you can take a regular file or a plastic transparent folder). It is better to make the contour first with a pencil or felt-tip pen, and then circle it either with a finished stained glass contour, or with ordinary PVA glue from a tube with a dispenser. Wait for the contour to dry, then fill bright colors. After complete drying, you can unstick the pattern from the film and decorate the intended surface.

You can decorate not only interior items, but also wardrobe items with special paints for fabric. This technique is called "Cold batik". Invite your child to make a designer painting of an ordinary white T-shirt, only your baby will have this, the one and only!

  • First, the T-shirt must be fixed in an embroidery hoop or in a stretcher for drawing on canvas.
  • Using a pencil and tracing paper, translate the image of your loved one cartoon character on fabric.

One of the most important stages of this method is the application of a reserve composition, in other words, a protective contour that will prevent the paint from spreading over the fabric. The contour must be closed to prevent spreading.

  • After drying, according to the scheme known to us, we fill the contours with paint.
  • Then the drawing must be fixed. Place one sheet of paper under the drawing, and the other on the drawing and iron it.

You can wash such a product, but it is better in manual mode in cool water. The unique product is ready.


All considered non-traditional drawing techniques are applicable only indoors. What about summer walks? fresh air? Are only outdoor games suitable for the street? No, you can do fine art. Drawing in the summer in kindergarten can also be done on the street using classic chalk. Drawing on asphalt in kindergarten is a great entertainment and cognitive activity. Children draw with crayons wherever there is a more or less hard surface: asphalt, tiles, fences, house walls. It's great to see a bright embodiment of fantasy instead of gray asphalt.

Purpose: to create in children joyful mood, delight and surprise from the variety of colors, colors of summer.

Learn to feel the nature of flowers and create your own image of summer. Improve compositional skills: the ability to create a composition on a specific topic (landscape), highlight the main thing, establish connections, place an image on a sheet of paper. Cultivate accuracy, good relations.

Material: paints, brushes, cups of water, napkins, sheets of paper, an envelope with silhouettes of trees, plants in different seasons, a large sheet of paper; music by P. Tchaikovsky "July".

The course of the drawing lesson "Colors of summer"

Children, today a letter has come to our kindergarten. Look how big and beautiful it is. And it came from the far North from the penguins. Do you want to know what is written there?

- (I open the letter, read): “Good afternoon, dear children! Penguins are writing to you from the far North. We know that you are very beautiful and smart children. You know a lot, like to read, draw, dance, sing, play. And we decided to ask you for help. The fact is that we study at our northern art school and our artistic director gave us a task draw a summer landscape. But the problem is that we live in a country where there is always snow and we have never seen summer, what it is, what color it is. help us please depict a summer landscape.

Goodbye. I'm waiting for a letter from you."

Let's help the penguins, guys?

We need to remember what colors we will depict summer with. The game "Compose a landscape" will help us with this. Here I have painted trees, plants at different times of the year. Let's pick those that correspond to the summer season. (Children select an image and lay out a summer landscape).

Well done, how well we portrayed the summer landscape. But this is only one landscape, and there are many penguins, and each of them wants to get summer. Sit down in your seats (music sounds), close your eyes, remember the summer, how you rested. Think about what colors convey a warm, sunny summer. Draw what you like best in summer, let it be your summer as you see it. (Children draw to the music)

Children, let's look at your creative work. Who wants to talk about their summer?

All of you did a good job, each of you managed to convey your vision of summer, and I think that the penguins will be very pleased with our drawings and will be able to complete the task of their artistic director.

Drawing lessons for younger students

Drawing master class. "In the flower meadow. Ladybug"

Purpose: A series of drawing lessons for younger students "On the flower meadow": "Ladybug", "Bee" and "Butterfly"

Drawings can be used to decorate the interior or participate in a competition, or as a gift.

Target: development of children's creative abilities through artistic and visual activity.


teach children to draw an expressive image of a ladybug in a flower meadow

reinforce children's skills in working with wax pencils and watercolor;

develop spatial thinking and imagination;

to show children the possibility of compiling a panoramic collective composition from a large number of drawings, to cultivate interest in co-creation;

to cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, to understand its fragility, to cause a desire to protect

The nature of our planet is our wealth, which we must appreciate. Our task is to preserve all the diversity and richness of nature. Let us admire our nature like a song! Let's become her friend and take care of her!

After all, to protect nature, to protect it means to love our native Earth.

carefree summer

Golden time

Festival of Sun and Light

Gives joy in the morning.

There is nothing more beautiful

In the grove of birdsong,

yellow-eyed daisies

White eyelashes.

Cornflowers bright blue

In emerald grass

And lilac haze

Over the river at dawn.

Ripe raspberries

Sweet juice on the lips

Like July's omen

In the forests near Moscow. (I. Butrimova)

How nice in the summer on a green, flooded meadow! Among the lush herbs, bright fragrant flowers are full of flowers. Elegant butterflies, bees and bumblebees flutter above them.

In the middle of a magical space

I will lose my heart!

There is so much beauty here, here is the kingdom

Wonderful fantasy dream!

The whole meadow is full of flavor and breathes,

Bees and bumblebees sing here,

And the butterflies in the whirl of the highest

Delighted looking for those flowers

That they give them the sweetest nectar! -

How intoxicating everything is here! -

The flight of the soul here is the highest! -

His name is happiness! (N. Klubnichkina "On the Flower Meadow")

Today is the first lesson. You will learn the plot of our drawing from the riddle rhyme:

I'm a harmless bug

not an ant, not a cockroach!

I don't moo and I don't butt,

although I call myself a cow!

Instead of horns, antennae

on the back, like beads,

black peas,

as if thrown by someone.

I am a ladybug

I'm sitting on a chamomile!

There are a lot of us

we are all like twins!

Carry me away

to the field flower

red wings

to the black dot! (N. Ileva "Ladybug")

That's right, we will learn to draw a ladybug on a camomile. From time immemorial, chamomile has been a symbol of Russian nature. Among the ancient Slavic people, it was considered one of the 7 sacred plants - hazel, chamomile, oak, hops, plakun, willow and mistletoe.

The name chamomile comes from Latin word, meaning "Roman" in translation into Russian. IN medical literature In the Middle Ages, it was called the "Roman flower". IN Ancient Egypt Chamomile was dedicated to the sun god Ra. And the Greek name translates as "white color ok."

For work we need: landscape sheet, colored wax pencils, brush (squirrel or pony No. 2), water cup, watercolor.

Lay the album sheet horizontally. Let's start working from the center of the sheet.

First stage.

Take a red wax pencil and draw an oval. Let's draw an arc in the middle.

Draw an arc with a black pencil - this will be the head. On the red oval, in random order, draw small circles-dots.

Let's draw eyes and antennae. Our ladybug is ready.

Draw an oval with a yellow wax pencil. This will be the center of the chamomile.

With a blue pencil, we begin to draw the petals. In shape, they resemble elongated ovals of irregular shape.

We complete the composition with green leaves.

Second phase: colorize our drawing using watercolor paints. Let's start with the ladybug. I suggest taking two shades of red. In my case, this is dark red kraplak and scarlet watercolor.

We will draw "raw". To do this, it is necessary to moisten the desired area and introduce paint there. The watercolor itself will begin to blur on the water in a random order, and adding an additional shade will create a unique pattern. The main thing is not to mix the paint, but to let it spread on its own. The wax pencil will hold water and paint in the desired area of ​​the drawing.

Paint over the head of the ladybug with black paint.

For the middle of the chamomile, I suggest taking three colors of watercolor: golden ocher, yellow and orange.

Moisturize the entire yellow oval and apply yellow watercolor around the edge. Then add golden ocher and finally orange color.

A real chamomile has snow-white petals, but in our drawing they don’t turn out like that (unless you paint over, but this way the work will look unfinished). For petals, I suggest taking lemon and turquoise watercolor- in the sun White color takes on different shades.

Since the water dries quickly, I suggest moistening not all the petals, but only four to begin with. We introduce lemon color closer to the center of the flower.

Enter turquoise into the free part of the petal.

Now we moisten three more petals and introduce turquoise closer to the center, and a lemon shade along the edges.

Alternating watercolor in this way, paint over the remaining chamomile petals. The change of color creates volume and gives movement to the petals.

With yellow paint, paint over the free distance between the petals in the center of the flower.

For the leaves we use two shades of green: viridian green and yellow-green watercolor.

This is how our work looks like in general.

Now let's add some green grass at the bottom of the leaf. To do this, moisten the lower half of the sheet and paint over with yellow-green watercolor. Then we introduce viridian green.

At the top of the sheet, draw a sunny sky. To do this, take scarlet, lemon and turquoise watercolor.

Working "raw" gradually introduce all three colors.

It is the “raw” drawing technique that can create such smooth transitions.

Let's paint over our ladybug's eyes and dots on the wings with purple watercolor.

Third stage: drawing small details with wax pencils. With a dark green pencil, draw the veins on the leaves and you can draw the outline of the leaves.

Below we will draw blades of grass.

Our drawing is ready.

I sit on a bench, I look at a camomile,

A funny bug quietly wanders through it,

Six legs, antennae and a red back,

There are three spots on the back - God's cattle:

I will NOT guess by chamomile today!

After all, where is the beautiful Bukashka to crawl then? ....

I'll take the chamomile carefully by the stem...

I'll take the handsome Bukashka to the meadow,

There are moooore daisies! And clover and porridge!

There is waiting for her MOST FAVORITE INSTITUTE!!! (Irina Il “Ladybug!!!”)

If all the children's work is put in one row, you get a whole chamomile meadow with ladybugs (panoramic teamwork). And you can insert the picture into a frame and give it to someone.

Ladybug - red bug,

Sat on a chamomile petal,

Fashionista of the field - chamomile, so glad

Red brooch on a white dress.

He nods his head to his girlfriends:

"Look! Look! Now it will fly away!" (L. Aleinikova "Red Brooch")

Here are some of the children's work.

Wish creative success!!! Before new meeting in the flower meadow.

Why do you need such a drawing

  • Unlike traditional drawing, a child has much more opportunities to show and develop their creative abilities, fantasy, and imagination.
  • The child learns to work with different materials.
  • Feeling materials and textures, he develops fine motor skills.
  • In the process of work, the child gets acquainted with the volume, texture and space.
  • The child works with color, learns to mix and match colors, develops artistic taste.
  • Non-traditional drawing calms and captivates, promotes the development of perseverance, encourages the search for non-standard solutions.
  • There is no "no" in this activity. We saw cones, leaves, berries, a tea bag - all this can come in handy.
  • Drawings in non-traditional techniques are obtained an order of magnitude faster than conventional ones. This plays a huge role for young children when they lack the perseverance and patience to complete their work.
  • Such classes add confidence in yourself and in your abilities, and simply give great pleasure.

Drawing with fingers and palms

This is usually the first technique with which children begin to draw even before going to kindergarten. The drawing is obtained very quickly, and this is extremely important when working with very young children. Dip the child's hand in the paint and let the baby make an imprint on the surface. See what it looks like. Maybe it's some kind of animal? Ask the baby what needs to be finished to get the finished image. Maybe ears, nose or tail? missing details can be drawn with fingers. It is much easier to control your fingers and palms than a brush. Therefore, it is more interesting for young children.

To do this, you only need finger paints. If your child is still very small, do not even doubt that he will be covered in paint. Therefore, it is better to immediately send him to the bath and give out paints there. Don't worry about repairs. Good finger paints will wash off both the bathtub and the tile without any problems.

These paints are good, but expensive. One package costs about 500 rubles. Takes her a few times. After all, children do not stand on ceremony with any materials and scoop up not as much as they need, but as much as they can fit into their hand.


It is also quite a popular technique for young children. You will need any object that is not a pity and gouache or any other paint (but it is better not to take watercolor). The technique is simple - you dip the object into the paint and make an imprint on paper.

Stamps can be made from apples, potatoes, wine corks, thread, cones, shells, and many other materials. The easiest way to do this is with potatoes if you have metal cookie cutters. Just press the mold into the potatoes and carefully cut off the excess pieces around the edges with a knife.

It can be made even easier. Take a small box, glue a sponge or cork various materials to the side surface or wrap with threads in a chaotic manner.

Rollers with a pattern are also of interest. They are sold in hardware stores and craft stores.

The imprints of the leaves are of particular delight. Choose leaves various shapes, paint them with paint and press them to paper. The entire texture of the sheet is well printed on paper.

foam drawing

We all tend to think that you can only paint with brushes, but this is not so. Foam rubber is quite suitable for creative work. Cut off a small piece of a regular sponge and give it to your child. Paint prints with foam rubber are completely different from strokes. They have their own texture and a large coverage area. In just a couple of minutes, you can create a beautiful background using just two or three colors. And with the use of stencils, amazing ornaments are obtained.

Drawing with a hard semi-dry brush

This technique is used for drawing spiky and fleecy objects. You will need a hard brush and gouache. An unnecessary brush will do. We do not wet the brush, immediately lower it into the paint and draw. This technique will come in handy at school when drawing animals. In the meantime, you can show the baby how to draw, for example, a Christmas tree.

Painting in watercolor on wet paper

To do this, you will need a sheet of thick paper (preferably watercolor), the watercolor itself and a brush. Moisten the entire sheet evenly with water so that it is well drenched, but not at the same time so that there are no puddles. Pick up some paint on the brush and start creating. Any smear spreads over the paper by one or two centimeters. It's time to show the child the mixing of colors and explain what shades are.

If the paint does not want to spread, then the sheet is dry, if it spreads in all directions, it is too wet. Need to find golden mean. In this lesson, show your child that all movements are done easily and smoothly. No need to press the brush into the paper, as many children like to do. A light touch is enough.

The cobweb on the right picture is drawn using a wax candle. Read about it below.

In this technique, it is good to draw backgrounds. Especially water. And after drying, you can continue to draw fish and algae as usual.

Wax and watercolor painting

The child draws lines, patterns, etc. with wax crayons, then covers the entire sheet with watercolor. Areas that have been waxed do not overlap with watercolor. It turns out quite an interesting background. For the same purpose, instead of wax crayons, an ordinary colorless candle is used. Since the lines drawn by the candle are not visible on white paper, the final drawing will be a surprise.

"Blotography" and "Spray"

In the "blotography" technique, children pick up paint on a brush in in large numbers, splatter on the drawing in a chaotic manner, then try to figure out what it looks like. When enough developed imagination you can get the whole story. Details are drawn with colored pencils.

The "spray" technique is similar. Only splashes are made with a toothbrush and a ruler. Paint is collected on the brush and drawn along it with a ruler towards you. If everything is done correctly, then there will be no splashes of paint on yourself. But around the sheet may well be. Therefore, you need to think in advance on what the sheet will be fixed on, and how to secure the space around it.


We take a regular sheet of paper. We put a drawing on one half, fold the sheet in half and get a new drawing. For example, a butterfly wing drawn on the left side will be printed on the right. The result is a whole butterfly. During such classes, it is very easy to explain the law of symmetry to a child.


This is not really drawing, but only an intermediate stage. Surely, in your house there are old postcards that are not needed, but it is a pity to throw them away. It's time to use them. Cut out individual elements and let the kid arrange them on paper. For this purpose, clippings from newspapers and magazines are also suitable. After the kid decides on the location of the objects, hand him a brush and glue and let him glue everything himself. Ready-made elements are very useful for children under three years old. After all, they still do not know how to draw complex objects, but they will definitely be able to add details to them.

Drawing with sand, grains or sawdust

Theme: "Hello summer"

Purpose of the lesson:

- To acquaint children with a new type of non-traditional drawing technique "blotography". Introduce children to the method of drawing with a straw and the method of drawing with rice and cotton swabs.To form the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints corresponding to the joyful summer mood. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Cause a positive response to the results of their creativity. INnurture interest, love and careful attitude to nature.


Sheets of white paper for drawing Watercolor paints, gouache. Cocktail straw, straw cups, rice, glue, brushes, napkins, plates.

Course progress. 1. Creating an emotional mood.

Let's hold hands together

And smile at each other

We are not afraid of barriers

If we are friendly!

2. Surprise moment.


Someone threw to us in the window

Look at the letter

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles our face

Maybe it's a sparrow

Dropped flying?

Do you guys want to know who wrote the letter to us?

"Hello guys!

My name is Lesovichok. Listen to my story. There used to be a lot of forests. But now people do not protect nature. Therefore, forests become less and less. People were cutting down trees, planting nothing. The rivers and lakes dried up, the animals all died without water. And finally, people realized what they had done, but it was too late. Help me and my forest."


Guys, can we help Lesovichka? Shall we draw a forest?

And what helps us to draw with all these and other objects? (With the help of leading questions, if the children do not answer immediately, get the right answer - hand and fingers).

Tell me, to be ready for a long one, interesting day, feel cheerful and cheerful, what do we do in the morning? What are we doing? (charging).

Right! So in order for us to start drawing, we need to prepare our fingers for work. Let's play with them.

Finger game"


We are beautiful flowers

(Squeeze and unclench fingers)

Moths love us so much

(Bend fingers alternately)

They love butterflies and bugs.

Children call us "daisies"

(Clench and unclench fingers)

Every mother has babies

(swipe fingers in turn)

All are beautiful and good.


- Guys, do you want to draw? Then take your seats at the tables.

What else can you draw? (Felt-tip pens, chalk, brushes and paints)

Let's remember together and list the seasons.

What time of year is it now?

Guys, what color is summer? (Children list bright colors, inherent in warm solar summer)

And what kind of insects do you know that fly only in summer and are very similar to flowers? (Butterflies)

Practical part:


Planted a seed, blew through magic wand and it started to grow higher and higher. And grew tall spreading tree.

The teacher explains.

Put a drop of paint on the bottom of the sheet, bring the end of the straw, while directing the movement upwards, changing direction - we make branches.


What else do you need to draw? How do you think?




That's right, and we will draw the sun with rice! Ah yes! From it not only cook porridge, but also draw. First, glue is smeared with a brush, let it dry, then we paint the sun and rays with paint. See how beautiful it turned out. The sun seemed to be voluminous and warm, warm. And you can use cotton buds to draw flowers.

And now it's time to get to work.

What needs to be done to make the drawing beautiful?

You need to try hard and do the drawing with love. Children draw.

Independent activity of children.

Each child draws a tree and branches by blowing from a blot.

We drew today and are probably tired

let's do some exercise.

Physical education "The tree sways"

The tree is swaying

Somewhere in the clouds, (Swaying torso left and right)

The clouds are swaying

On his hands. (Hands up)

These hands are strong

Rushing to the top

Keep the sky blue

Stars and moon.

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed. (Swinging the body to the left and right)

Wind hush hush hush, (Squats)

The tree is getting higher and higher. (Stand on tiptoes, stretch)

The wind gently shakes the maple,

Tilts to the right, to the left: (Swinging the torso to the left and right)

One slope and two slope, (Springy slopes)

The maple rustled with leaves. (Raise hands up, wave them)

Analysis of children's work.

    Children are looking at work.

    Give titles to your paintings.

    Tell how they drew.

    What materials did you use

    What mood do the children's drawings evoke?

Guys, we will definitely send our drawings to Lesovichk. I hope we helped him.

"Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and their role in the development of preschool children".

« The one who draws gets more in one hour,

than the one who only watches for nine hours.

teacher I. Disterweg

Drawing is a big and serious work for a child. Even scribbles contain quite specific information and meaning for a small artist. A certain advantage of drawing in comparison with other activities is that this type of creativity requires the coordinated participation of many mental functions. Being directly connected with the most important mental functions- with vision, motor coordination, speech and thinking, drawing not only contributes to the development of each of these functions, but also connects them together, helps the child to streamline rapidly assimilated knowledge, form and fix a model of an increasingly complex idea of ​​the world.

unconventional means

*Not based on tradition.

* Occurring not due to established tradition, settling not according to established custom. *Distinguished by originality.

* Not adhering to tradition.

Non-traditional drawing is the art of depicting without being based on tradition.

Children from a very early age try to reflect their impressions of the world around them in their fine art. Drawing in unconventional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children.
How many unnecessary interesting things are at home (toothbrush, combs, foam rubber, corks, foam plastic, spool of thread, candles, etc.).

We went out for a walk, take a closer look, and how many interesting things are here: sticks, cones, leaves, pebbles, plant seeds, dandelion fluff, thistles, poplars. Unusual materials and original techniques attract children by the fact that the word “No” is not present here, you can draw whatever you want and how you want, and you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable, positive emotions, and emotions can be used to judge the mood of the child, about what pleases him, what upsets him.

Non-traditional drawing is used at an early age so that the child draws quickly, because it is still difficult for him to show perseverance. And for older children, non-traditional drawing is a way of expressing creativity. Since the result is already important for an older child, so that the drawing is bright, beautiful and reflects all the events. This great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.
Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

* Helps to relieve children's fears;

* Develops self-confidence;

* Develops spatial thinking;

*Teaches children to freely express their intention;

* Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;

*Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;

* Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; sense of texture and volume;

* Develops fine motor skills of hands;

* Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.

*During work, children get aesthetic pleasure.

There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve desired result. For example, which child will not be interested in drawing with his fingers, drawing with his own palm, putting blots on paper and getting a funny drawing. The child likes to quickly achieve results in his work.

With children of preschool age it is recommended to use:

* finger painting

* imprint with potato prints;

*drawing with palms;


Children of middle preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques:

* poke with a hard semi-dry brush.

* printing with foam rubber;

* printing with stoppers;

*wax crayons + watercolor;

*candle + watercolor;

*prints of leaves;

*hand drawings;

*drawing with cotton swabs;

* magic ropes.

And at older preschool age, children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

*drawing with sand;

* painting with soap bubbles;

*drawing with crumpled paper;

* blotting with a tube;

*landscape monotype;

* screen printing;

* subject monotype;

* regular blotting;


Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

Finger painting - happening.

Introduce children to non-traditional technique drawing is better with finger painting - this is the easiest way to get an image. At an early age, many kids are just learning to use artistic tools, and therefore it is easier for children to control the movements of their own finger than a pencil or brush. Each finger-brush has its own paint. You can draw with dots, spots, stains - and it will snow on the street, and smoke will come out of the pipes, and what a bunch of grapes, just a feast for the eyes.

Children love to draw with their hands. We dip the child’s palm in the paint, and the kid makes an imprint on paper with it, then we supplement the drawing with tags from the fingers, and we get a giraffe, we pressed our palm against the column and drew dots with our fingers - it turned out autumn forest. And if you decorate your palm in different colors, you can get funny octopuses, or a cheerful sun and a beautiful butterfly.

Potato print.

This technique allows you to repeatedly depict the same object, composing a wide variety of compositions from its prints. The child presses the signet against the ink pad and makes an impression on a sheet of paper. You can use half an apple.

Technique "Tamping"

We use this technique from an early age. We give a swab of foam rubber and, dipping it in paint, the children create images. It turns out light, airy clouds, fluffy dandelions.

Stencil drawing with swab .

The child applies the stencil to the paper, dips the foam rubber into the paint and sticks the foam rubber on the stencil, then carefully removes the stencil, if necessary, repeats the procedure after the paint dries.

foam drawings .

For some reason, we all tend to think that if we paint with paints, then we must also use a brush. Not always, foam rubber can come to the rescue. We advise you to make a variety of various small geometric figures out of it, and then attach them with a thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The tool is ready. Now you can dip it in paint and use the stamp method to draw red triangles, yellow circles, green squares (all foam rubber, unlike cotton wool, is well washed). At first, children will randomly draw geometric shapes. And then offer to make the simplest ornaments out of them - first from one type of figure, then from two, three

Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush.

Means of expressiveness: texture of color, color. Materials: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, or a carved silhouette of a fluffy or prickly animal. Method of obtaining an image: the child lowers the brush into the gouache and strikes it on the paper, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.

Wax crayons + watercolor.

Expressive means: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: wax crayons, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child draws with wax crayons on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The chalk drawing remains unpainted.

Candle drawing.

Children love to draw with a candle. By drawing invisible strokes or putting dots, and then applying paint to the sheet, you can see rain or waves on the sheet, patterns on the window.

Technique "Monopity"

This technique is the most common. After folding a sheet of paper in half, apply a few drops of liquid paint on one part of the sheet, cover with the second half of the sheet, unfolding, you will see unusual patterns. In them you can see flowers, clouds, a fox. If you draw a butterfly with folded wings on one side, cover the image with the second half, you can see that the butterfly spread its wings and flew. Using these techniques, it is easy to explain the law of symmetry to children.

Technique "Diapitiya"

With a swab or paint, apply a light coat of paint to a smooth surface of the cardboard. Put a sheet of paper on top and invite the child to draw something with a pencil, trying not to put too much pressure on the paper. On the side that was pressed against the cardboard, an impression is obtained - a mirror image of the picture with an interesting texture and a colored background.

Drawing technique by wet sheet

How to properly wet a drawing sheet

This is the most important thing in the technique of painting on a wet sheet. You need to find a middle ground: too dry a sheet will not allow the paint to spread beautifully. If there is too much water, the paint will spread over the entire sheet and the drawing will not work either.

Draw on a wet sheet with light touches with the tip of a brush. When touching a wet sheet with a brush with paint, the paint should spread about 1-2 centimeters in diameter around the brush.

If the paint does not spread, then you did not moisten the sheet enough. If the paint spreads shapelessly very strongly, then there is too much water. Excess water can be removed with a dry brush or sponge.

Drawings are very believable, the theme of which is somehow connected with water: fish in a pond or aquarium, the sea, clouds with rain. Flowers are very vibrant.

You can only draw a background for a future drawing on a wet sheet. Or you can use a stencil to draw some figure (for example, an animal) and make the background wet only around this figure.

Learning to make a background.

Usually children draw on white paper. So you can see it more clearly. So faster. But some scenes require a background. And, I must say, all children's work looks better against a background made in advance. Many children make the background with a brush, moreover, an ordinary, small one. Although there is a simple and reliable way: make the background with cotton wool or a piece of foam rubber soaked in water and paint. You can make the background at the end of the work with wax crayons.

Technique "Blotography"

Games with blots (blotography) develop the imagination well. The child scoops up gouache with a plastic spoon and pours it onto paper. The result is spots in random order. Then the sheet is covered with another sheet and pressed. Children look at the image, determine: “What does it look like? ".

Technique "Threadwriting"

This technique causes great delight in children. You will need cotton threads, a set of diluted gouache or watercolor paints that need to be stirred from time to time, and paper. Cut the threads so that it is convenient for kids to work with them, 10-15 cm, lower the thread into the paint so that it is saturated. Holding it by the tip, carefully place it on a sheet of paper and cover with another sheet so that the tip of the thread protrudes. Hold the top sheet and pull the thread. It turned out very beautiful picture

Drawing with postcards .

In fact, almost every house has a lot of old postcards. Go through old postcards with your children, teach them how to cut desired images and stick to the place, in the plot. A bright factory image of objects and phenomena will give even the simplest unpretentious drawing a completely decoration. How can a three-, four- and even five-year-old child draw a dog and a beetle? No. But to the dog and the bug, he will add the sun, the rain, and he will be very happy. Or if, together with the children, cut out from a postcard and stick on a fairy-tale house with a grandmother in the window, then a preschooler, guided by his imagination, knowledge of fairy tales and visual skills, will undoubtedly draw something for him.

Spray technique

The “spray” technique is the spraying of drops, which a toothbrush and a ruler, a comb can handle in kindergarten. We pick up paint with a toothbrush and draw a ruler along the surface of the brush towards you. Topics for drawing can be absolutely anything. For example, on a sheet of paper we place a composition of dry plants. We apply the stencil of the vase and the stencil of the butterfly. Turn the toothbrush away from you (bristles up) and begin to “comb” it with a ruler, swiping from the bottom up. Do not be afraid to splatter, if you follow all the steps correctly, then splashes of paint and water will fly to work. Spray the created composition along the contour, choose darker and more saturated colors for this (burgundy, red, dark green). You can draw snow like this.

Semolina Drawing Technique.

A drawing is applied to a sheet of paper with a pencil (or ready-made coloring pages are taken). Then, one by one, the elements of the pattern are smeared with glue and covered with semolina. Let dry, shake off excess grain. When the drawing dries, we paint with gouache.

Sawdust painting technique.

This method is simple, accessible to almost every child. . A drawing is applied to the surface of the product with a pencil (or ready-made colorings are taken).

Then, one by one, the elements of the pattern are smeared with glue and covered with colored sawdust. The best wood- this is birch and aspen, sawdust should be white. If it is not possible to prepare birch or aspen sawdust, then softwood sawdust will fit. Harvested sawdust is dried and sifted through a fine sieve. Raw sawdust is sifted very poorly. After that, the prepared material is stained with paints. We use gouache paints. Paints are diluted with water in the right concentration. The amount of water is determined empirically. How more water, the paler the coloring material will be, therefore, the color saturation of the sawdust itself will change. Prepared sawdust is poured into marlichka, tied (not tightly) and filled with coloring solutions (stir thoroughly). For better impregnation, we leave the sawdust in the solution for a day (periodically stirring, after which we untie the gauze, put them on a film and dry them near the battery. We store the dyed and dried sawdust in plastic containers.

Eraser drawing

Shade the entire sheet with a simple pencil. Then we take an eraser, outline the middle of the flower and erase the petals with an eraser and draw like this a whole bouquet when you have finished "drawing" with an eraser, you can paint the yellow center and green chamomile leaves with paints.

Salt painting.

We first draw with a simple pencil. We paint a small section of the picture with watercolors. Sprinkle with salt. Salt absorbs excess water and sticks to the leaf. Shake off excess salt. We continue to work in the same spirit until the end. The use of salt gives an unusual effect. Try it - you'll see.

Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of correcting the psyche allow you to overcome the feeling of fear. It can be said that it allows the little artist to move away from the subject image, to express his feelings and emotions in the drawing, give freedom, instill confidence in his abilities. By acquiring the appropriate experience in drawing in non-traditional techniques, the child thereby overcomes fear. Further creativity will give him only pleasure, even from working only with a brush and paints.

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