The role of libraries in ideological work. Role of the rural library


Abstract on the subject of information culture.

Completed by: student Roppert Zh.V.

Irkutsk 2006


Library - what is it?

There are hundreds of library definitions, but their essence is still not fully covered. The reasons are that we are talking about the most versatile institutions ever created by man. Their wealth and importance grew as a person took the next steps in the knowledge of the world around him and himself. They contain "everything" and are related to "everything", are called upon to provide assistance and assistance "to anyone" and "in anything", to a person - at any age and in any condition, healthy and sick, free and imprisoned, sighted and blind . Libraries contain all the knowledge accumulated by generations of different peoples on a long historical path: about the living and the dead, about the microworld and about galaxies.

What they still lack is what is not known to man himself, for example, exact data about where the boundaries of the Universe are and when the world ceases to exist, what will happen after that. Among the wealth of libraries, there is also no definite answer to the question why man appeared on Earth (why was he created by the Lord from “the dust of the earth” - according to the Bible).

The libraries present what A.I. Herzen called the spiritual testament of one generation to another. “The whole life of mankind has consistently settled in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the book remained,” he wrote. it contains that huge confession hectic life humanity, that huge autograph that is called world history. But in the book there is not only the past; it constitutes a document according to which we are introduced into the possession of the present, into the possession of the totality of truths and efforts found by suffering, sometimes drenched in bloody sweat; she is the program of the future. So, let's respect the book!"

The library itself, according to the great thinker and democrat, is “an open table of ideas, at which everyone will find the food they are looking for; this is a reserve store where some put their thoughts and discoveries, while others take them on growth.

In a poetic form, the imperishable nature and significance of libraries was expressed by I.A. Bunin:

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, Only the word is given life.

From the ancient darkness in the world churchyard

Only letters are heard.

Nowadays, letters have acquired many new forms that facilitate their storage and transmission over a distance. But still they must be perceived through sight, as well as hearing. And the library will acquire new varieties. But all the same, its content in a figurative, public, traditional sense is a Book. To underestimate the library is to ignore the Book: a wonder of wonders made by Man.

And if people make a mistake in something and find themselves in misfortune, then “someday this will come to an end. And humanity will look back in confusion. And, delving into himself, he will think about the goals, the destinations of his path. And he will look for the answer in his abandoned and coarsened, overgrown with thistles, like a field, lying fallow for too long, his soul. And will not find an answer. And then the book will give him the answer. A book that man despised and threw away. A book, a strange fruit of dreams, and junk no one needs; a book so dull next to the "golden reality". A book that was thought to be dead; book, old cheap rubbish; book, the source of all life. The book, which measured the parallels and meridians of the human soul, invaded the depths of the brain, taking the old generations to the highest heights and to the farthest distance. The book is manna from heaven, capable of feeding the crowds; food, which, the more you eat it, the more it becomes; magic bread that gives satiety to the hungry, wealth to the poor, strength to the weak. A book through which anyone can become a banker, a Croesus of knowledge, a millionaire of thoughts.

Great Library Power.

XX century behind. Ten years before its completion, Russia - in the traditional sense of the word - in Once again changed social order, and at the same time geographical borders, while losing a quarter of the territory and half of the population. Scholars and writers are now looking for a definition that could be used to christen the bygone century as a whole.

In Russia, the 20th century includes a number of historical periods limited by revolutions, wars and other events, mostly of a tragic nature, with millions of victims.

Figuratively, this side of the century is also characterized by many poets.

For example, at the beginning of the century:

Twentieth century ... More homeless

More scarier than life haze.

Even blacker and bigger

Shadow of Lucifer's wing.

Alexander Blok

At the end of it:

I'm tired of the twentieth century

From his bloody rivers.

And I don't need human rights

I have not been human for a long time.

Vladimir Sokolov

Today, it is even difficult to imagine what our country and all spheres of life in it, material and spiritual, would be like if its path were smooth, calm, favorable for creation and creativity, including the development of libraries. In fact, their network grew and then dwindled, many libraries perished, but after this, observing the traditions of the centuries-old "book wisdom", the people created new libraries.

The record of the history of the current network of these institutions has been going on since the beginning of the Soviet period. This is both true and false. The Soviet system took over from pre-October Russia a significant network of libraries, especially large scientific and public ones, as well as private ones. And although, as a result of the nationalization of private and church libraries, large losses of printed works were allowed, librarianship nevertheless developed on the basis created in previous eras. A significant number of industry specialists who were trained and educated earlier also took part in this process. But whoever founded the libraries, they spent folk remedies. And libraries contributed to society becoming literate and rising to the heights of scientific and technical creativity, creating new spiritual values.

In the years Soviet power librarianship, becoming integral part cultural, educational and national policy, updated and developed on new ideological principles.

The network of libraries has grown many times - up to 300 and more thousand; about 5 billion books and pamphlets were accumulated in their funds. By the time this task began to be carried out in our country, it had been solved only in a few states - several European countries and the United States.

This took place in a very multinational and multi-confessional country. At the same time, writing was first created or improved for more than 40 peoples. Libraries have been developed in all republics - union and autonomous, and not only in cities, but also in the countryside; they started playing big role V various fields life - the elimination of illiteracy, the implementation of social, cultural and economic transformations.

In Soviet times, there was also something negative that largely determined the activities of libraries: the dictate of the Communist Party, uniform ideological guidelines, censorship, sometimes cruel. But the libraries had and widely used tens of millions of units of natural science, technical, agricultural, medical and other literature. The collections of mass libraries consisted of 50-60 percent of fiction, including works by many of the greatest writers of Russia and other countries.

Censorship, strict control over the composition of written and, later, printed works distributed in society, has existed all over the world for centuries, even millennia. Censorship became especially strict after the advent of printing. It also dominated Russia for centuries, with interruptions only during the revolution of 1905 and for the period from March to May 1917.

In general, the history of the book business in Rus', in Russia, in the USSR is the history of the persecution of the press, church, secular, state and party censorship. Under these conditions, the printed word developed, libraries were created, and readers were served. The bulk of the collections of today's libraries is, after all, what was accumulated before the beginning of the 90s of our century, during the censorship era, including a certain proportion of domestic and foreign publications that were published before 1917 in large libraries.

By the second half of the 20th century, the issue of censorship in terms of human freedoms had become an internationally recognized problem.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993, censorship has been abolished in our country.

It is unlikely that there is a country in the history of which there would be no periods, events, phenomena, acts of a negative nature in the past.

But it is customary to be proud of the best that was in the past. This corresponds to the wise English saying: "Right or wrong - my country."

In the 90s. years in Russian libraries there have been big changes. human personality freed from many things that hindered her

The Soviet regime left the stage of history, where it entered to the sound of fanfare.

The final assessment of the Soviet stage of library development, as well as the corresponding period in the history of our country, is a matter for the future. But today one should neither idealize it and regret that it has remained in the past, nor paint everything that was then with only black paints.

Political changes - the elimination of censorship - created favorable conditions for the activities of libraries, which coincided with the general trends in the development of these institutions throughout the world.

Libraries have received considerable freedom of activity from us. Conditions have been created for self-organization and initiative of their employees. Their commonwealth with colleagues in the profession from other countries is developing. There are opportunities to include libraries in the global library and information system.

There have also been changes in the typology of libraries. Concepts, directions, types of activities, are rooted in the librarianship of Russia.

Library Russia at the turn of the millennium.

In the last decade, both in professional circles and in public opinion, two opposing theses about what is happening in libraries have dominated.

The first thesis is that libraries in Russia are dying.

The second thesis is that libraries in Russia are actively developing.

There are hardly any objective criteria and methods for analyzing the activities of libraries, using which one could make a short and understandable diagnosis of what is really happening in Russian libraries today?

Modern library science has developed a sufficient number of such criteria and such methods. But even using all these tools in the most conscientious manner, it will not be possible to obtain a simple, unambiguous, understandable and shared by all assessment.

The development of librarianship and library services in Russia in the 1990s was marked by serious contradictions - undoubted achievements in some areas and losses in others, the activation of some libraries and the decline of others.

But this is not only in libraries - everything in Russia is contradictory to the limit.

Not so long ago, one of our well-known politicians said something like that, when analyzing what is happening in our country, making forecasts and making political decisions, we must constantly keep in mind: Russia is both Europe and Asia, West and East, North and South, a country very rich and at the same time very poor, still totalitarian, but already democratic, still closed to the world, but also open to insecurity, with high technology and at the same time backward, highly developed and developing.

Our libraries exist precisely in such an extremely heterogeneous environment, similar country and reflect what is happening in it. It is natural that we have weak, dying libraries that do not meet any, even the most underestimated, requirements.

IN last years we have witnessed how ideas about the tasks and possibilities of libraries, about their place in the cultural, scientific, educational and information infrastructure, their role in political life, development of democracy, local self-government, market economy, formation of a global information space. These ideas are undergoing changes at the same time at the professional, governmental, and philistine levels.

The social role of libraries is evolving. The traditional functions of an educational nature, preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage are supplemented by the functions of information centers that provide access to national information networks and banks.

Traditional intralibrary technologies, forms of library services to the population, the nature of interaction with authorities and various social groups are changing.

It is also logical that, compared with other cultural institutions in Russia, the reforms affect libraries most strongly and dramatically, qualitatively changing their role in society, expanding the requirements for them. Libraries are most dependent on changes in their environment - the state of book publishing, book distribution, the development of the information sphere and telecommunications, the work of mail and transport, customs, but most importantly - on changes in the structure of society, a decrease in the standard of living of a significant part of it, the emergence of new areas employment and new social groups with information needs.

Only libraries seek to keep track of all national repertoire prints, purchase publications published in the country in order to make them available to the public.

Libraries have become one of the few social institutions that take responsibility for ensuring the informational and cultural unity of the regions of such a vast country.

At the present moment, society needs new practical and fundamental knowledge, reliable, promptly received information. The need for this can only be met through state and municipal public libraries, since the library remains the only institution that provides access to culture, knowledge and information free of charge.

Since the end of 1980, the demand for libraries has increased markedly. With a significant reduction in the network of other cultural institutions, libraries have taken over the functions cultural centers organizing people's leisure time.

As of January 1, 1999, the library network in Russia has about 150 thousand libraries.

The largest in the country are the two national libraries of the Russian Federation with the status - Russian state library in Moscow and the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg, as well as the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All three libraries belong to the host of the world's library giants.

The most extensive and extensive network of public libraries, which includes nine libraries of federal jurisdiction:

Russian State Library;

Russian National Library;

All-Russian State Library foreign literature them. Rudomino;

State Public Historical Library;

State Socio-Political Library;

Russian State Art Library;

Russian State Youth Library;

Russian State Children's Library;

Russian State Library for the Blind.

Part of this network are 282 central libraries all 89 subjects of the Russian Federation.

In the system of higher and secondary special education there are approximately three thousand libraries of universities, academies, institutes, schools, colleges.

More than 63,000 school libraries operate in the general education system.

Large network of research libraries established Russian Academy Sciences. It includes 375 libraries.

During the Soviet period, each sectoral ministry (health, Agriculture etc.) created its own network of specialized libraries, which was headed by the central branch library. The scientific and methodological center for all libraries was the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the USSR, with universal funds on science and technology.

One of the largest libraries in the world in its field is the All-Russian Patent and Technical Library

To serve higher authorities state power the Library of the President of the Russian Federation and the Parliamentary Library of the Russian Federation were created.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other law enforcement agencies have an extensive network of libraries.

Libraries in Russia, in fact, are an integral single organism and traditionally interact with each other, as well as with foreign libraries, exchanging documents and information about them, if necessary.

Virtually every industry National economy has a central book depository at the federal level.

Unlike other countries, the state bibliographic record of Russian printed matter is maintained not by national libraries, but by a specialized bibliographic institution - the Russian book chamber(RKP). It publishes current indexes and yearbooks of published books, magazine and newspaper publications, music publications, geographical maps. Since 1994, the Russian National Bibliography has been published on CD-ROM.

Due to the fact that science in the USSR developed mainly not at universities, but at special research institutes, Russian university libraries are much poorer and incomparable in their significance with Western ones, since they were initially focused mainly on the educational process and never were open to the general public.

Due to this and some other circumstances, each of the territories that now make up the Russian Federation has one central regional library open to everyone with a universal fund that includes the main repertoire scientific literature. By type and composition of collections, such libraries are a combination of public and academic libraries in the Western sense, something like

national mini-library.

Many administrative centers of territories, regions and districts opened special libraries separately for children and separately for youth. The main emphasis was placed on the specifics of working with these categories of readers.

Economic reforms caused a decrease in the total number of libraries.

Party, trade union and scientific and technical libraries suffered the most. In many cases, these libraries have been fully accepted for budgetary funding by the cultural authorities, or their book collections have been transferred to public libraries.

New technologies in librarianship.

The most important tasks of libraries in the modern world are increasingly shaped as providing free and unrestricted access to information and preserving its sources, since these two tasks absorb almost all the others. The librarian, on the other hand, is increasingly referred to not as a custodian and promoter of a book, but as an information specialist, a navigator in an ocean of information that doubles in number every eight years.

The modern library, which is entering the third millennium, is no longer only a book depository, but also a kind of electronic archive. This the only place on earth, where access to information is provided both on traditional media and in in electronic format. Online service to remote users of libraries as well as provision of information from remote sources in libraries Western countries became the norm.

What will happen to libraries in the conditions of integration processes? Will our institutions be included in a single international system? It is difficult to give an exact answer to this question, and even more so, it is hardly possible to indicate any, even approximate, dates.

Let's start with the fact that the technological prerequisites for this already exist, and a similar process is underway - especially in developed countries. Our country is going through the same process.

Libraries will become more and more saturated with technology. There will still be sharp turns and jumps. Russia is now undergoing a transition from the stage when many libraries, especially rural ones, do not even have a telephone, not to mention copying equipment, to the stage of including these institutions in Information Systems, including global ones.

Than only, technically and technologically, a serious reader is not provided in libraries! Being within the walls of one of them, he can turn to the wealth of others and use the electronic delivery of the sources he needs; at his service - machine-readable databases. He can work with a computer and receive copies of materials - both in printed and electronic versions. A large library is able to provide the reader with translations from one language to another. Special conditions are increasingly being created for specific categories of users - age-related, with physical disabilities, etc.

What are social consequences innovations? Even today they allow visitors to do what is located in the so-called virtual world. From an institution that provided access to knowledge fixed on tangible media and stored on shelves, the library is turning into a full co-owner of the information wealth of other institutions, and its employees into owners of knowledge, genuine knowledge.

This led to a change in the composition of librarians by specialty. Many new professions appear, the structure of institutions, forms and methods of managing them are changing. In all this, both electronics and automation, as well as pedagogical and psychological approaches, play an important role.

Successfully marches on the planet Internet. The Internet, a product of human genius, being a global system, creates a new information climate on the planet, embodies freedom of speech, pluralism, provides an opportunity for a wide exchange of views between individuals and between nations. The great importance of the Internet as a means of education, scientific, technical and economic progress, and politically as a symbol of democracy is also noted. The Internet is a stage in the development of the person himself.

For libraries, the Internet has created and continues to create and expand the conditions for using their reference and encyclopedic potential. What until now required a huge effort to find sources of information and databases in almost hundreds of existing countries and thousands of places - libraries, archives, museums, etc., is now included in everyday life our institutions, strengthening their social role.

At the same time, on the basis of practice, experts noticed that the Internet cannot replace libraries. Moreover, its negative aspects were noticed. It is fraught with the threat of saturation with disordered information, in which there is a lot of chaotic; there are no restrictions on its composition, including moral and political ones.

Many people in the world are also concerned about the problem of information security associated with the general availability of the Internet.

But let's get back to libraries, which are obliged to use what they need, based on the requests and needs of the person who turned to them. The transition of the reader under the power of the Internet often changes his needs, affects the psyche, distracts him from those motives that brought him to us.

“Although the library is by its nature one of the bearers of conservative values, it does not have the right to abandon the Internet. But at the same time, she cannot accept all his resources and all his “rules of the game” indiscriminately. The library must carefully change the tradition of classifying the search, storage and consumption of information. Therefore, it has no right to trust the Internet as it is. Rather, she should take advantage of those of his opportunities that do not so much cancel the usual forms of his work, but improve and simplify them.

“The Internet is a fast-moving, rushing stream. First you need to find your ford, then your island, in order to gain a foothold, resist, and then swim with everyone together, without drowning and without being thrown ashore.

“All the same, the most affordable and highest quality transmitter of information remains on long time Gutenberg's great invention is the book... If people refuse the book, it's not the Internet's fault... Only a madman would read " Divine Comedy from the screen or multiply it on the printer... No Internet can replace an album with Doré's lithographs. You should not indulge in another Manilov dream. There is no royal way to the realm of world information. The road there goes through school, university, graduate school. The only thing dangerous about the Internet is the illusory involvement in science or culture of any electronic onlooker who knows how to open a file. The current electronic “Mitrofanushki” and “acidists” stare at the screen for hours, thinking that this way, without learning, easily and freely, they will become equal interlocutors of the gods. They forget that the "gods" are just virtual mirages, and therefore are available to everyone and everyone. Even a fifth-grader can talk with a virtual Einstein. Just remember that this Einstein is no different from Mickey Mouse.”

What are the social consequences of innovation? Even today they make it possible to make available to visitors what is in the so-called virtual world.

The library has been on the path of globalization for many centuries, gradually accelerating it and approaching what, according to the same scientists, should lead to the emergence of a single universal culture. Even in ancient times, libraries provided each other with their treasures for copying.

Since the Renaissance, especially in modern times, regular import and export of books has developed, the number of which today amounts to tens of millions of copies. International book exchange and international interlibrary lending emerged as permanent processes regulated by special agreements and instructions. Over the centuries, translation activity has been developing, playing, especially today, a huge role in the exchange of spiritual values. Thanks to translations, many monuments of ancient science, philosophy, and literature have come down to us.

Collections throughout the history of libraries have become more and more international, including multilingual. But the matter was not limited to this: for many centuries, the discerning reader sought to get into the library, which has a maximum of spiritual treasures. So not only the sources of knowledge were delivered to man, but the man himself was "delivered" to such sources. Nowadays, more and more conditions are being created for the use of any library by any person, including because the number of people who speak other languages ​​​​besides their native one is already in the millions.

The World Library System as a link of globalism is technically and technologically prepared. It is important that the political and especially economic conditions of the new century, the entire world order contribute to its creation in accordance with the interests of all mankind.


Kuzmin E.I. Library Russia at the turn of the millennium. Public policy and library management. - M.: Liberia, 1999. Fonotov G.P. Libraries - society - Russia. Research of the sociocultural environment. - M.: Liberia, 2002. Andreeva I.A. On the threshold of radical changes.- // Library.- 2004.-№1.-p.49-52.

... "The ethics of the librarian: the moral law is within us. Experience of different countries". The purpose of my work is to study the code of ethics of the Russian librarian and consider the main ethical problems of serving the modern user. 1. "Code of professional ethics of the Russian librarian" new edition"Code of Professional Ethics of the Russian...

In other words, the information resources of society are information different nature, materialized in the form of documents, databases and knowledge bases. The role of the information resource in the development of modern society is enormous. Information resources greatly simplify our life, make it more mobile, contribute to the high efficiency of our work; in general they...

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. The role of the rural library [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia site

The uniqueness of the role of rural libraries in the public life of the country is emphasized by the complication of the tasks of information and library activities, which predetermines the need to develop new approaches to library management. The former methods of managing this sphere, originally aimed at solving the problems of its survival, are no longer effective. In recent years, the growing role of rural libraries in the life of the local community has been noted.

Activities of the rural library

The successful solution of the tasks of building a social state, the formation of a regional socio-cultural space requires the active participation of libraries in these processes. Hence the need to study the characteristics of the activities of rural libraries in modern Russian conditions.

The library today is an information, cultural, educational, educational institution that organizes the public use of printed works. The library provides rural residents with free access to information and knowledge. In serving citizens, the library uses traditional and latest information technologies, document collections and modern information carriers, provides access to the global information space, and contributes to the formation of the information society. The library cares about the development of the younger generation and about people who need sociocultural support.

However, in recent years there has been a sad trend according to which the number of libraries in Russia is annually reduced by about a thousand, today their number does not exceed 39 thousand.

Today, we are increasingly talking about the rural library as an institution that performs social functions, works with groups of people in need of social support: war and labor veterans, the disabled, the unemployed.

In their activities, rural libraries rely on federal and local regulatory legal acts.

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture"
  • Model Standard for Public Library Activities
  • Federal Law N 78-FZ "On librarianship"
  • Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection"
  • Federal Law "On non-profit organizations"
  • Decrees, orders and other normative legal acts regulating the activities of libraries in a certain territory.

The activities of rural libraries are carried out in accordance with the norms federal law N 78-FZ "On librarianship". According to this law, rural libraries serve users in accordance with their charters, rules for using libraries and current legislation.

The law clearly regulates the inadmissibility of state or other censorship, which could restrict the rights of library users to free access to library funds, as well as the use of information about library users, reader requests. However, the exception is those cases when the information is used for scientific purposes and the organization of library services.

In addition, the law insists that all libraries, including rural ones, which are fully or partially funded by the budget, must reflect the ideological and political diversity that has developed in society in their activities.

If there are book monuments in the library funds, then the institution is obliged to ensure their safety and is responsible for the timely submission of information about them for registration in the register of book monuments.

At present, libraries in rural areas have become not only centers of reading and communication, but also "centers of attraction" for enthusiastic and inquisitive people, local authors - writers and needlewomen - masters of applied arts.

The role of the rural library in the life of the local community

In recent years, there has been an ongoing debate about future fate libraries due to falling attendance. Proponents of the reforms proposed to increase the popularity of libraries through recreational activities, however, this position has been criticized by experts and the public, who insist that libraries should preserve the cultural and educational function and claim that the transfer of libraries to the retail and entertainment sphere will destroy the very essence of libraries as places for cultural development and co-creation.

The public partially managed to defend the role of libraries as collectors and custodians of heritage, and in January 2015 the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation adopted the Model Standard for the Activities of a Public Library, which included a cultural, educational and educational function.

However, we should not forget that libraries are the oldest institution of society, performing a wide range of diverse functions and playing a huge role in the life of society. Today, the library is a social institution that plays a huge role in people's lives, especially in remote corners of our country and in villages. The modern library includes informational and cultural components.

A.I. Ostapov and A.L. Goncharov highlight the key elements of librarianship presented by different authors and on which the role of libraries in society is based:

  • structural-functional: the library is a "documentary resource" and not informational;
  • cognitive: the subject of work of librarians is "knowledge";
  • informational.

Thus, the spread of opinions about the role of libraries in the modern world is quite wide. Interest in this problem is very great, as evidenced by the huge number of articles and other publications on this topic.

Libraries are centers of historical and spiritual memory, cultural, local lore and educational centers. The upbringing of patriotism, love for one's country is impossible if the child does not know the history of his family, his surname, his small homeland.

In recent years, close attention has been paid to the formation of ecological culture. Therefore, one of the areas of work of rural libraries has become environmental education and education, the formation of an active citizenship every person in the conservation of nature. Funds of environmental literature are being completed and constantly replenished, environmental clubs and circles for children, club associations for an adult audience are organized. Thus, library staff perform important tasks:

  • formation of interest in the world around and the desire to protect nature;
  • overcoming the consumer attitude to nature;
  • popularization healthy lifestyle life;
  • fostering love for nature.

Disabled people are a special category of readers of rural libraries, they are given increased attention. Librarians, using various forms of work, try to support these categories of the population, help them adapt to society, and not feel lonely. Against the backdrop of numerous problems in the Russian countryside, such assistance is relevant and timely.

There are many unemployed among the inhabitants of modern villages, both among people of pre-retirement age and among young people. Libraries, relying on their potential, provide them with useful information about the opportunities for education, retraining, and the availability of jobs both in the region and in the region.

In recent years, the status of not only educational, information and cultural, but also social institution. Social partnership is the key to the implementation of one of the priority areas in the work of the library: "Cultural and leisure activities of the elderly."

The role of the book in the matter of spiritual and moral education and the formation of a person is invaluable. There is an undeniable need from childhood to instill a love for the book, for constant communication with the knowledge accumulated by mankind through reading.

A reading child is a hope for the future of Russian culture. In a few years it will depend on him what place and what role the book will take in society.

Through their activities, rural libraries help people learn about the past of their territory, appreciate the present, and not lose the connection of times.

Improving the activities of the rural library

The library in the village is not only the center of cultural life, but also the center of communication of the villagers. People come here for spiritual food, for advice, and to spend their free time usefully.

Preference should be given to interactive views that involve interaction between the librarian and the user. In working with young people, it is important to use game forms that help convey the idea of ​​the important role of books, reading, libraries for the intellectual and moral development of a person.

It is the interaction of rural libraries with the latest technologies is an indicator of the successful development of the library and the level of its promotion of literature "to the people". Today, no major event should be complete without multimedia resources. library event. We recommend using DVDs, slide presentations, music CDs, different kinds information from various sources, including global network Internet. This form of presentation of information is of great interest to a variety of people, enhances the nature of its psychological perception, depth of assimilation, provides active interaction. All this helps to carry out the tasks of promoting the book and reading.

At the same time, it must be remembered that regardless of the form of work, subject matter, a book and reading should always be at the center of any event, even if it is a purely entertaining action. The event should be exciting, which depends on the forms of presentation of the material, the activity of the participants.

However, informatization of library processes requires a developed material base: computers, scanners, printers, presentation equipment, digital video equipment.

In recent years, the role and importance of leisure activities has increased in the work of any rural library. Readers' evenings and interest clubs are in demand among library cultural and leisure programs.

All rural libraries should have stands with collections of regulatory and legal information that are relevant for the villagers. To increase the popularity and role of the rural library, special attention should be paid to the development of family reading traditions. It is recommended to implement family reading programs with various themes. For example: "Adults read to children, children read to adults", "Take a book into the family circle", "Modern family chooses a book", "We are friends with the book as a whole family". Thanks to this, the librarian will be able to involve adults in active cooperation in terms of instilling and supporting interest in the book and reading of their children and grandchildren, conducting joint activities, will help to educate and develop the child through literature.

Within the framework of the state program of accessible environment, it is recommended to carry out activities, together with the KFOR, aimed at people with disabilities. It is necessary to provide all possible assistance to those in need through spiritual enrichment and healing. This will help events from the series "Through the book - to goodness and light", "Without friends, I'm a little bit."

It is necessary to give all forms of support for the book a public and public character, to organize all-village events that raise the status of reading and the library.

The promotion of the library and reading is impossible without studying the situation with reading. Libraries should use the main methods of obtaining information: individual and group surveys, questionnaires. Sociological research is carried out both within the walls of the library and outside it. For example, surveys of residents can become an integral part of city events. The research will make it possible to find out the attitude of the population towards the library and reading, to determine the reasons for the decline in interest in reading, to identify the information needs and reading preferences of various age groups users, identify ways to improve work to attract the public to reading. Indicative topics of sociological research: "Let's talk about reading", "What does reading mean in your life", "Modern reader. What is he like?", "Youth and reading in a modern library", "Reading in the family circle", "Reading the classics", " Fiction: what the province reads". Rating polls for the best book, the most favorite book, can become popular.


  1. Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation: every year about a thousand libraries are closed in Russia // [Electronic resource] Access mode6
  2. Federal Law "On librarianship" dated December 29, 1994 N 78-FZ // Reference legal system Garant
  3. Verina T.V. On the experience of libraries in the "model standard of activity" // Official resource of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Access mode:›sites/default/files/doc/plan…8).docx
  4. Informatization of rural libraries: problems and ways to solve them (based on the activities of the libraries of the Verkhneketsky, Teguldetsky and Chainsky districts of the Tomsk region) // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. Culturology and art history Issue No. 2 (14) / 2014. P. 54-62
  5. Kuzoro K.A. Directions of social work of rural libraries of the Tomsk region // Bulletin of TSU. - 2013. - No. 3. - P. 41-45.
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  7. Fonotov G.P. Organizer and theorist of librarianship // Bulletin of the Library Assembly of Eurasia. - 2004. - N 2. - S. - 84

MYTHS ABOUT THE ROLE OF LIBRARIES IN MODERN RUSSIAN SOCIETY ********************************************* ****************************************** Libraries - repositories of the memory of mankind, the main source information - from ancient manuscripts to electronic resources. As D. Likhachev said: "Libraries are the most important thing in culture ... while the library is alive, the people are alive, if it dies, the past and the future will die." However, contrary to the opinion of a respected scientist, more and more often one has to deal with myths about the role of libraries and the library profession in modern Russian society . Let's try to dispel them. ***    A library is a place where only books are kept. Yes, the library is the place where books have been stored for a long time - the source and repository of knowledge. At first these were clay tablets, then - successively - scrolls, handwritten books, printed books. In a modern library (depending on the type and type) you can find everything: clay tablets, scrolls, books, both handwritten and printed, as well as audio books, video materials, electronic resources on a variety of topics, access to information networks, including the Internet . Libraries are not needed, because there is the Internet. The great network that has entangled the whole world is now trying to replace everything: mail, theater, cinematography, libraries, personal communication, finally. But, just as television did not cancel the theater in its time, the Internet will not be able to replace the library. The ability to use the resources of the Internet is a great blessing and a great benefit, but only those who know how to find, evaluate and explore the information found will be able to extract something useful for themselves from what is not in vain called the web. And there is no institution in the world that is better than a library to teach a person to work with information. How does our school and university life begin? From acquaintance with the library. Here, as well as on the Internet, you can find the answer to any question you have. Or almost any. Modern users, who believe that the Internet can replace the library, simply forgot that they got acquainted with His Majesty Knowledge in the library. So a teenager, having picked up the tops of education, considers his parents obsolete and backward. The time will come - and a teenager will appreciate not only knowledge, but also wisdom, and kindness, a sincere desire to help and understand. The time will come - and the development of libraries, and not gas and oil complexes, will become a priority for the smart and educated leadership of our country. Only "nerds" and people out of touch with life go to libraries. People who care about their own future go to the library. Our time is the time of pragmatists. A smart, modern person understands well that the time of wild capitalism and the rampant principle "there is strength - no mind is needed" - is passing. In order to achieve something in life - there are not enough father's capital and mother's connections, you have to cost something yourself. And what are you worth if you are uneducated, wild and rude? The school will give you the basics of science, the library - a wide field for self-education, self-education. If you want to take everything from life - do it yourself. Including using the library. The library is always quiet and boring. The library really needs to be quiet. But this silence is focused work, not boredom. A person who is bored in the library will be bored at the brightest holiday, simply because he is bored with himself. The world, limited by the space of a computer "shooter", is really boring. And the world that the library opens up is bright, but complex, diverse and requires effort to master. And it is also promising for those who want to make their life interesting and fulfilling. The choice is yours. Boring, uninteresting people work in the library. Working in an 18th century library was considered very prestigious. So prestigious that the payment for it was not always relied on. The title of librarian was already considered a high honor. Some names are worth something: N. I. Gnedich, I. A. Krylov, K. N. Batyushkov, A. A. Delvig, A. Kh. Vostokov. Women appeared in the library during the First World War, when the men went to the front. Without going into the wilds of the history of librarianship, let's just say that librarians seem boring and uninteresting only to those who are so immersed in themselves and their own affairs that they do not see the people around them. Librarians are modest - it's true. For the most part, they are truly intelligent and, spending their lives next to great people and great events, are not always ready to stick out their own significance. Librarians are delicate - that's also true. But intelligence, delicacy, a clear understanding of one’s need for people (not people in general, but those who live in your neighborhood, study at a neighboring school or university across the road) are not the qualities that our thoroughly technical and commercial state (and modern , and Soviet). Unfortunately. Librarians lend out books. Once upon a time, at the break of the old era, in the 20s of the last century, new library. This library, in the conditions of almost universal illiteracy of the population, was forced to take on educational functions. The library has become a school, a club, and a museum. Modern libraries continue to carry the banner of enlightenment - but in a different era, for other people. Readers of our day certainly have a great store of knowledge. However, a person needs not only dry information, he often lacks emotional understanding of this knowledge, especially at school age, when not only a future specialist in his field is being formed, but a person with the ability to love and be loved, to understand himself and others. Who, if not a librarian, talking with the reader, holding promotions, events, meetings with interesting people and books, can help you become a real person, filling dry information with a vivid feeling. Anyone can be a librarian. A modern library is an institution designed to collect, store knowledge, and provide readers and users with access to knowledge. A librarian, in addition to special library and bibliographic knowledge and skills, should be:    a highly educated person with a broad outlook, in order to easily answer the most different questions, for example: "What is acmeology?" Or: "How did the Hungarian economy develop in the 18th century?"? friendly and sociable to find mutual language with anyone: a boy, a girl, a young man or an old man, a locksmith, a manager, a teacher, an unemployed person, an entrepreneur, a representative of any party and confession; have a solid supply of patience, because readers are different: picky, meticulous, harmful, unkempt, drunk; a confident PC user, at least within office programs, since a modern library is not only forms and cards, it is also a solid set of electronic resources; always look good, because readers want to see a friendly and likeable person at the library pulpit; extremely unpretentious in everyday life, because it is simply stupid to hope for a tourist trip beyond your own garden on the salary of a librarian. Now tell me, can everyone work in the library? Libraries as custodians of knowledge and culture will always exist. Maybe they won't be the same as the ones we're used to. Perhaps in the future you will be met in the library not by a friendly girl or a strict lady with glasses, but by a young (or not so) scientist with a laptop in his hands (or whatever else inventive humanity comes up with). But they will always be. And woe to those people and that government that do not understand that the worthy existence of a library is a guarantee of a worthy future, because "libraries are the most important thing in culture ... as long as the library is alive, the people are alive, if it dies, the past and the future will die."

On the role of the library in the life of modern society

Library in the life of modern society.

Garafutdinova Ilsia Salyakhovna,

Head . the library of the gymnasium No. 15

The library is one of the oldest cultural institutions. Over a long period human history its social functions have undergone significant changes. The purpose of the first libraries was to store documents. From its inception to the present day, the library has evolved from a repository of knowledge for a select few to the most popular and universal source of information.

At present, there is a noticeable lag in the development of libraries from the level of modern society, and therefore, in its traditional understanding, the library plays an ever smaller role in the life of modern society. For example, I, even as a librarian, will not go to the library for a book that interests me: if it is a relatively long-released book, then I will download a pirated version on the Internet, and if it is new, then I will simply buy it (and, possibly, also via the Internet).

You can say that the electronic library on the Internet is also a kind of library. But in fact, the similarity ends with the name: there are no librarians, no forms, no return deadline. And in general it is created by the readers themselves. This is just a free repository of information from which you can get it in a matter of minutes, without getting up from the couch (on which you will later read this book).

So what is a library in modern society? In my opinion, at present the library (at least in Russia) is approaching the function of a museum. This repository is no longer information (as it was before), but books. This is precisely the repository of books as objects. More and more, the value of the book is as a copy, as an artifact, if you like. And the information that is in it, you can almost always get without even opening it. In modern society, the book in general is more and more turning into a kind of fetish for the sophisticated.

Of course, there are still scientific libraries and libraries in schools, but I think that the digitization of scientific libraries is a matter of time. And even now in scientific libraries you practically don’t get a book at home, you work with it in reading room. Well, just like you don't get museum exhibits! It’s good that they are not hidden in the windows and you can touch them, but perhaps this is also a matter of time.

The processes taking place in modern society affect libraries and force them to change not only the entire system of library work and library resources, but also for the first time raise the question of “boundaries” library space and the very foundations of the existence of traditional libraries and their functions.

In today's world, the library must constantly evolve. It is no longer enough to simply store and distribute books. The rhythm of life in modern society is now very fast and the reader now not only needs BOOKS, he needs opportunities. Truly modern libraries have begun to introduce information technologies: they create electronic catalogs, digitize books, and even launch Internet analogues of the library.

Imagine an ideal library: you are sitting in a reading room at a computer. You can simultaneously work with books in this library and access additional data from another library via a special inter-library network via the Internet (Library of Congress in the USA, for example), quickly receive this data, print fragments of books you are interested in and make copies.

This is what the modern user of the library needs now, such requirements are now being made by society to libraries. In turn, the ongoing social transformations affect libraries, which changes the entire system of library work and library resources, raises the question of the "boundaries" of the library space and the very foundations of the existence of traditional libraries and their functions. The modern library destroys its physical boundaries, moves from the real space to the virtual one. On the one hand, it offers access to information resources belonging to other libraries, on the other hand, it becomes interactive itself, digitizing its collections and collaborating with other libraries via the Internet. It turns out a kind of interlibrary loan, only without the transfer of books and even without the direct constant participation of the librarian, the librarian only models this process.

Branch of MKOU Novospasskoy secondary school - Yunopionerskaya school


Prepared by:

teacher librarian

Potemkina Larisa Alexandrovna.

2016-2017 academic year

The Role of Libraries in Society



Library as a social institution

New role libraries in the information infrastructure of society




The library is one of the oldest cultural institutions. Over a long period of human history, its social functions have undergone significant changes. The purpose of the first libraries was to store documents. From the time of its inception to the present day, the library has passed the first stage of the evolution of the public mission: from serving the needs of the ruling elite to meeting public needs. The library has become a social institution that includes information and cultural components and ensures the stability of ties and relationships within society.

Peculiarity modern era is that it is the arena of two revolutions at once, mental and technological: the first is associated with the process of globalization and the formation of a new cultural paradigm, the second with the consequences of a technological explosion in the field of communications. The ongoing social transformations affect libraries so decisively that they not only change the entire system of library work and library resources, but also for the first time raise the question of the “boundaries” of the library space and the very foundations of the existence of traditional libraries and their functions. The change in the role and purpose of libraries is reflected in the relationship of the library with society and individual social institutions, leading to the transformation of professional values ​​of library ethics, professional consciousness of the library community.

All these phenomena required the search for new models of library development that ensure the viability of the library as a social institution necessary for society in the context of building an open knowledge society.

In this paper, we will consider the issue of the significance and role of libraries in modern society.

1. Library as a social institution

In modern social structure there is a growing need for the institutionalization of communicative activity, which can induce, on the one hand, to personal self-determination (individual attitude to state and humanistic educational problems), on the other hand, to the formation of public opinion, cultural policy aimed at identifying the true interests and needs of a person. Modern society needs to develop and use ways of non-technical realization of the creative abilities of people, their spiritual potential, the implementation of "collective interests" and "collective ideas" about enduring human values: freedom, democracy, civil and political rights, social contract, justice of the social order, etc. .d.

Social institutions must ensure the development of such cultural and educational work, the results of which will ultimately determine new models of social action.

The library, being a relatively stable form of organizing social life, ensuring the stability of ties and relationships within society, can rightfully be defined as a social institution.

It is difficult to imagine any structure of society that could function without relying on the library. This explains the exceptionally wide variety of types of libraries that serve all socio-demographic strata of society without exception - from preschoolers to pensioners, representatives of all professions and occupations.

The term "library" comes from Greek word"bibliothēkē", where "biblion" means "book" and "thēkē" means "repository". Its content was interpreted by representatives different schools and epochs is far from unambiguous and changed along with changing ideas about the place and role of the library in the life of society. In different languages, this word means the same thing: a book house, a book warehouse, a book depository, a house for books, etc., and reflects the most ancient idea of ​​the essence and social purpose of a library: the preservation of books.

The purpose of the first libraries and their first mission was to store documented knowledge. The first libraries were treasury repositories for the most part of a closed type, since the collections of books that existed in them had a material and valuable value. Since the 19th century, its mission has been replenished with a new purpose - the enlightenment of the people. As human society developed, the process of institutionalization of the library took place: by the middle of the 20th century, it had turned into an integrative social institution, including informational and cultural components. Scientific and technical, environmental, cultural change, the global crisis phenomena of the 20th century led to the further evolution of the library.

The application of the phenomenological approach makes it possible to identify the socio-cultural changes taking place with the library in the context of building a knowledge society. In the most general sense, this approach is a methodological position, a descriptive method that allows you to draw an object through direct knowledge, “direct perception of the truth in the values ​​of a “concrete life”.

An analysis of practice leads to the conclusion that the modern mission of libraries is dictated by the increasing importance of information and knowledge as a catalyst for social development.1 It has several aspects:

promoting the circulation and development of the knowledge accumulated by mankind by providing free access to it;

preservation of documented knowledge as a public domain.

The mission of the library is implemented in specific social functions, so its transformation has led to a change in the social functions of the library. The social functions of the library are a generalized list of the library's obligations to society, which are dictated by it, are necessary for it, directly or indirectly affect it and correspond to the essence of the library as a social institution.2

Social (external) functions, which are the library's response to the needs of society, a way of interacting with the external environment, are considered as a means of adapting an element to a higher order system. “They contribute to the resolution of contradictions with the environment, serve as a means of adaptation to it. In the course of this resolution, any social system not only reproduces itself as a whole, but also constantly develops, and this is precisely the essence of the functioning of the library as a social institution.”3

The social functions of a modern library are determined by its essential features as a cultural institution, which are manifested in the preservation and transmission of documented knowledge that ensures sustainable social development, including social norms and cultural values ​​that stabilize society. However, they are dynamic in nature: the degree of their development and filling with specific content, the priority of some of them in specific historical periods times are different. Without changing the name, the functions change their content depending on what social role society assigns to them. These functions are memorial, communication, information, educational, socializing and cultural.

The memorial function is a generic library function. Collection and storage of documents that record the knowledge accumulated by mankind, samples and values ​​of the world, national and local culture, was and remains the social purpose of the library. The library stores public knowledge, objectified in specific documents as the primary elements of information and knowledge resources, which, in turn, are elements of the modern information space.

In the funds of many modern libraries, in addition to books, works of art are stored: paintings and engravings, posters and postcards, gramophone records, cassettes and disks with recordings of works of literature, music and cinema. Rare and valuable handwritten and printed books, which are the pride of library collections, are book monuments that are classified as objects of cultural heritage. Unique funds of regional and national libraries different countries of the world are also among the objects of cultural heritage.

Collecting and preserving documentary sources that recorded the spiritual achievements of human civilization, examples of social practices, the library is the embodiment of the "memory of mankind". Providing continuous quantitative accumulation of information, the library serves as a guarantor of the emergence of new qualities of social memory.

The library allows society to maintain the necessary margin of safety during man-made accidents and social upheavals, so that through certain time restore production, social relations and reach new level social development. Thus, the library ensures the sustainability of public life.

At the same time, the library does not turn into an archive or a warehouse of disparate information. Carrying out the systematization, storage and dissemination of cultural heritage, it organizes navigation in the world of culture, in the world of information and knowledge.4

The peculiarity of the implementation of the memorial function is that the library preserves knowledge and culture in the most convenient form for perception, distribution and use. Any library not only takes care of the safety of documents, but also provides access to them. The modern library solves this contradictory task by creating metadata, exposing its collections, transferring the stored documented knowledge to other formats and media.

As part of the memorial function, the modern library collects and stores electronic documents. In a situation of uncontrolled and uncontrolled flow of unsystematized information, especially electronic information, it acts as an institution that ensures the preservation and circulation of knowledge, guaranteeing compliance with long-term standards of electronic publications and maintaining the stability of the electronic environment. The library becomes the basic structural component of the virtual environment, which has stability, unambiguous identification, provides legal regulation regarding the access to information resources.

The implementation of the memorial function is subordinated to the implementation of the communicative function by the library. As part of the communication function, the library organizes the interaction of a person with the social memory of all mankind, transferring to him for use all the public cultural heritage accumulated by civilization. The library is included in a complex system of social communication, "ensuring the creation, processing, storage and distribution of documented texts for public use."

A modern library creates opportunities for members of society to satisfy their information and knowledge needs through a set of documents accumulated in the funds, as well as to use the information resources of other libraries and institutions for these purposes. At the same time, it should be noted that the information needs of users can be of the most diverse nature and relate to both different areas of professional activity and everyday life.

By organizing access to the knowledge necessary for various activities, the library thereby contributes to the growth of the material well-being of society. The information and knowledge resources of libraries are the basis for the development of philosophical, ideological, religious, political currents; with their help, various trends in culture and art are formed and developed. By providing a variety of information to its users, the library contributes to the regulation of the actions of members of society within the existing social relations. Contributing different types human activity, the library ensures the integration of human aspirations, actions and interests.

Arranging access to documents that store standards human values that ensure the sustainable development of society, its humanistic nature, the library contributes to the formation of the value system of society as a whole and individual in particular.

The desire of a modern library to provide equal and free access to socially significant information and knowledge contributes to the establishment of social justice, reducing social tension in society.5 Expanding the availability of information enhances the role of libraries as a stabilizing social factor which ensures social security, social sustainability of social development, equalizes the possibilities of production and consumption of information by different categories of the population.

The modern library aims to satisfy the real problems and requests of its users. Modern library services are focused on the individual, his dynamically changing needs, based on equal cooperation between a library specialist and a user.

Modern library practice has accumulated a rich arsenal of forms and methods of individual work with users and satisfaction of their needs. Being a specific social institution, the library focuses on the values ​​of each of its real and potential users, becomes a translator of these values ​​for other individuals, social groups and humanity as a whole.

The modern library emphasizes the principle of equality for all users. Especially important in this regard is the activity of public libraries that preserve and transmit cultural heritage to everyone, regardless of age, social status, race, nationality, religion, place of residence, gender, language and other differentiating features. It contributes not to the division, but to the consolidation of society, provides users with a starting minimum of information so that they can navigate in society and adapt to it. Thus, it softens social conflicts, contribute to the all-round development of users.

The library plays an important role as a public "place". It not only allows people to enter into informal contacts, provides the opportunity for comfortable communication with other people, but also becomes a “recreation corner” where you can hide from pressure. technological world. In this case, the library performs the social function of the “third place”, i.e. a place where a person feels protected (it is assumed that the first two such places are home and work).

The modern library is an institution for the consolidation of society. By providing opportunities for public meetings, organizing access to existing information networks, allowing every citizen to interact with the media, local and federal authorities, social services, state and private enterprises, the library creates conditions for virtual and real collective communications. The library becomes the center of social life, "a meaningful element of the socio-cultural infrastructure."

In the context of the growing intensity of the information and knowledge flow, the expansion of the availability of its constituent resources, the implementation of communication and information functions is impossible without the development of the cognitive activity of a modern library, which previously had an auxiliary character. The library ceases to be a passive information intermediary, it turns into one of the most productive and massive knowledge management systems.

It has such attributes of the sphere of knowledge as constant structuring, changing contexts, filtering and targeted thematization, translation and processing. The library provides ample opportunities for accessing the collective memory, removing the opposition of external and internal knowledge. The library creates special "meta-tools" with the help of which it manages knowledge arrays. Among them are systems of cataloging and classification, bibliography, methods of monitoring the knowledge needs of individual users, social groups, and society as a whole. By systematizing knowledge, highlighting its fragmentary and global levels, the library provides objectivity and depth of knowledge of the surrounding world. The development of the cognitive function of the library is the key to the demand for the social institution of the library in the knowledge society.

The modern library overcomes the boundaries of information and communication functions and takes on the role of another communication institution - the institution of education. The educational function of the library includes a set of activities aimed at ensuring the spiritual reproduction of society. The modern library participates in the process of education both in a broad sense (transmitting cultural norms and values ​​to current and future generations) and in a narrow sense (providing information support for an individual's education). Providing the unity of general (general cultural) and special (professional) education, the library contributes to the formation of a socially competent person. “Such a person adequately perceives the intended purpose of social institutions and trends in their development. It is capable of mastering developing technologies in the system of organization and management, i.e. able to be a conscious subject of social processes”8.

Performing an educational function, the library has always been one of the universal ways of learning. Universality is expressed in the stratification of social needs and levels of cognitive tasks solved by the library, for example: the initial elimination of illiteracy in general or in some particular field of knowledge, self-education or research work, etc.

Without referring to already known texts, knowledge in general in any science, art, religion is practically impossible. After all, it is only by identifying the corresponding differences that it is possible to separate the elements of new knowledge from the old, known. The library mediates the appeal of the cognizing reader to the texts of another culture, language, history, society.

In addition, the library is associated with the knowledge of the production of a new text, discourse. From this point of view, it becomes an instrument of "cultural creativity": it teaches the search for and creation of new meanings. In this situation, the text is “a methodological field… existing in the movement of discourse”, crossing other works, a field… permeated with quotations, references, echoes, the language of culture”.

The library provides compensation for the gap in people's knowledge by constantly feeding them with information about the latest achievements science, technology, culture. That is why it is customary to consider libraries as the main base for continuous education and self-education.

The modern library makes an important contribution to the dissemination and enhancement of information culture, which, along with computer literacy, is becoming one of the most important conditions for human activity as a full-fledged member of modern and future society. The productivity of cognition largely depends on the skills of subject differentiation and concretization of knowledge by library means, including systematization. With the introduction of modern information technologies the task of teaching users to understand and apply knowledge management methods, “filter” information, make their own individual critical choices becomes even more relevant, since most of them are not ready to work independently in an electronic information environment.

Activities aimed at the free spiritual development of readers, familiarization with the values ​​of national and world culture, creating conditions for cultural (reproductive and productive) activities constitute the cultural function of the library.

Being an integral and organic part of culture, acting as the greatest value of human culture, the library at the same time is one of the most important factors in cultural development, distribution, renewal and increment of the cultural heritage of countries and peoples. The role of the library is especially great in the cultural and reproductive activity of a person, ensuring the continuity of the world cultural heritage.

As a powerful and at the same time sensitive instrument of cultural and reproductive activities of people, the library contributes to the development of a common culture of users, introduces them to major achievements national and world culture, introduces norms, traditions, achievements of culture into their consciousness, life, way of life.


The modern library is an adaptive multifunctional, open cultural and civilizational institution. It collects, organizes and preserves documented knowledge, guaranteeing the sustainability of social life in the event of social upheavals. By organizing access to the accumulated information and knowledge resources, providing navigation in them, it forms and satisfies the information, educational and cultural needs of individuals, ensuring the integration of their aspirations, actions and interests, as well as the sustainable development of human society. The modern library broadcasts cultural norms and values ​​from generation to generation, contributing to the social adaptation and socialization of individuals throughout life. It becomes not only an active participant in information production, but also a necessary tool for knowledge management.

The library is one of the basic (initial) structures of each society, therefore, changes in it affect the library directly, and its public mission is determined by the nature of the development of civilization. Through the mission, the library is connected both with the situation of a particular society and with the global cultural process in general, it reflects the stages of the spiritual quest of mankind.

The changes taking place in modern society lead to the transformation of the social functions of the library. Its traditional functions (memorial, communication, information, educational and cultural) have been enriched with new content, and the possibilities for their implementation have expanded. Of particular relevance and development have received such functions of the library as communicative and cognitive, providing the opportunity cognitive process, the continuity of cultural development and the use of the public cultural heritage of mankind.

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