Find out what the last name means. Where to find out the history of the family: we determine the profession of ancestors by last name


With each year of his life, a person expands the choice of communication more and more, getting to know new people. In order for a new acquaintance to make contact with you, you need to make a pleasant impression on him. To avoid uncomfortable situations, it is important to know what nationality the person in front of you is in order to behave in accordance with the moral and ethical standards of his country. Most surnames can be unmistakably identified nationality your friends, neighbors, business partners, etc.

Russians- use surnames with suffixes -an, -yn, -in, -skikh, -ov, -ev, -skoi, -tskoi, -ih, -ih (Snegirev, Ivanov, Voronin, Sinitsyn, Donskoy, Moskovskikh, Sedykh);

Belarusians- typical Belarusian surnames end in -ich, -chik, -ka, -ko, -onak, -yonak, -uk, -ik, -ski. (Radkevich, Dubrova, Parshonok, Kuharchik, Kastsyushka); many surnames in Soviet years were Russified and Polished (Dubrovsky, Kosciuszko);

Poles- most of the surnames have the suffix -sk, -tsk, and the ending -ij ​​(-th), indicating masculine and feminine gender (Sushitsky, Kovalskaya, Khodetsky, Volnitskaya); there are also double surnames - if a woman, when getting married, wants to leave her surname (Mazur-Komorovskaya); in addition to these surnames, surnames with an unchanged form are also common among the Poles (Nowak, Sienkiewicz, Wuytsik, Wozniak). Ukrainians with surname endings in -y are not Ukrainians, but Ukrainian Poles.;

Ukrainians- the first classification of surnames of a given nationality is formed with the help of suffixes -enko, -ko, -uk, -yuk (Kreschenko, Grishko, Vasilyuk, Kovalchuk); the second series denotes the kind of any craft or occupation (Potter, Koval); the third group of surnames are individual Ukrainian words(Gorobets, Ukrainian, Parubok), as well as a merger of words (Vernigora, Nepiyvoda, Bilous).

Latvians- a feature to the masculine gender is indicated by a surname ending in -s, -is, and to the feminine - in -a, -e (Verbitskis - Verbitska, Shurins - Shurin)

Lithuanians - male surnames end in -onis, -unas, -utis, -aytis, -enas (Pyatrenas, Norvydaitis), female surnames are formed from the husband's surname using the suffixes -en, -yuven, -uven and the endings -е (Grinius - Grinyuvene), surnames unmarried girls contain the basis of the father's surname with the addition of suffixes -ut, -polut, -ait and endings -e (Orbakas - Orbakaite);

Estonians- Male and female genders are not distinguished with the help of surnames, all foreign surnames (mostly German ones) were Estonianized at one time (Rosenberg - Roozimäe), this process is still in effect today. for example, in order to be able to play for the Estonian national team, football players Sergei Khokhlov and Konstantin Kolbasenko had to change their names to Simson and Nahk;

French people- many surnames are prefixed with Le or De (Le Pen, Mol Pompadour); mostly dissimilar nicknames and personal names were used to form surnames (Robert, Jolie, Cauchon - a pig);

Romanians: -sku, -u(l), -an.


English- the following surnames are common: formed from the names of the place of residence (Scott, Wales); designating a profession (Hoggart - a shepherd, Smith - a blacksmith); pointing to appearance character and appearance (Armstrong - strong, Sweet - sweet, Bragg - bragging);

Germans- surnames formed from personal names (Werner, Peters); surnames that characterize a person (Krause - wavy, Klein - small); surnames indicating the type of activity (Müller - miller, Lehmann - geomor);

swedes- most surnames end in -sson, -berg, -steady, -strom (Andersson, Olsson, Forsberg, Bostrom);

Norse- are formed from personal names with the help of the suffix -en (Larsen, Hansen), surnames can occur without suffixes and endings (Per, Morten); Norwegian surnames can repeat the names of animals, trees and natural phenomena(Blizzard - blizzard, Svane - swan, Furu - pine);

Italians- surnames are characterized by suffixes -ini, -ino, -ello, -illo, -etti, -etto, -ito (Benedetto, Moretti, Esposito), can end in -o, -a, -i (Conti, Giordano, Costa) ; the prefixes di- and- denote, respectively, the person's belonging to his genus and geographical structure (Di Moretti is the son of Moretti, Da Vinci is from Vinci);

Spaniards and Portuguese - have surnames ending in -ez, -az, -iz, -oz (Gomez, Lopez), surnames that indicate the character of a person are also common (Alegre - joyful, Bravo - brave, Malo - horseless);

Turks- most often surnames have the ending -oglu, -ji, -zade (Mustafaoglu, Ekindzhi, Kuindzhi, Mammadzade), when forming surnames they often used Turkish names or everyday words (Ali, Abaza - a fool, Kolpakchi - a hat);

Bulgarians - almost all Bulgarian surnames formed from personal names and suffixes -ov, -ev (Konstantinov, Georgiev);

Gagauz: -oglo.

Tatars: -in, -ishin.

Greeks- the surnames of the Greeks cannot be confused with any other surnames, only they have the endings -idis, -kos, -pulos (Angelopoulos, Nikolaidis);

Czechs- the main difference from other surnames is the obligatory ending -ova in female surnames, even if where it would seem inappropriate (Valdrova, Ivanovova, Andersonova).

Georgians- Surnames ending in -shvili, -dze, -uri, -ava, -a, -ua, -ia, -ni, -li, -si are common (Baratashvili, Mikadze, Adamia, Karchava, Gvishiani, Tsereteli);

Armenians- a significant part of the surnames of the inhabitants of Armenia has the suffix -yan (Hakopyan, Galustyan); Also, -yants, -uni.

Moldovans: -sku, -u(l), -an.

Azerbaijanis- formed surnames, taking as a basis Azerbaijani names and attaching to them the Russian suffixes -ov, -ev (Mamedov, Aliyev, Gasanov, Abdullayev). Also, -zade, -li, ly, -oglu, -kyzy.

Jews- the main group consists of surnames with roots Levi and Cohen (Levin, Levitan Kagan, Koganovich, Katz); the second group originated from male and female Jewish names with the addition of various suffixes (Yakobson, Yakubovich, Davidson, Godelson, Tsivyan, Beilis, Abramovich, Rubinchik, Vigdorchik, Mandelstam); the third classification of surnames reflects the character of a person, the features of his appearance or belonging to a profession (Kaplan is a chaplain, Rabinovich is a rabbi, Melamed is a pestun, Schwarzbard is black-bearded, Stiller is quiet, Shtarkman is strong).

Ossetians: -ti.

Mordva: -yn, -in.

Chinese and Koreans- for the most part, these are surnames consisting of one, less often of two syllables (Tang, Liu, Duan, Qiao, Choi, Kogai);

Japanese- modern Japanese surnames are formed by the merger of two full-valued words (Wada - sweetness and rice field, Igarashi - 50 storms, Katayama - hill, Kitamura - north and village); The most common Japanese surnames are: Takahashi, Kobayashi, Kato, Suzuki, Yamamoto.

As you can see, in order to determine the nationality of a person, it is enough to accurately analyze his last name, highlighting the suffix and ending.


In the collection of the famous Slavic linguist B. O Unbegaun “Russian Surnames”, one can read that surnames with “in” are mainly the Russian type of surnames.

Why the ending "-in"? Basically, all surnames ending in "in" come from words with the ending -а / -я and from nouns female ending in a soft consonant.

There are not a few examples of the erroneous addition of -in to the bases with a final solid consonant: Orekhin, Karpin, Markin, where -ov should have been. And in another case -ov turned out to be in place -in: Shishimorov from the basis of shishimora. It is possible to mix formants. After all, among Russians -in and -ov have been semantically indistinguishable for more than a thousand years. The meaning of the difference was lost even in the common Slavic language, the choice of -ov or -in depends only survivingly on the phonetic feature of the stem (Nikonov "Geography of Surnames").

Do you know how the name of the famous leader came about militia 1611-1612 years of Minin? Minin had a personal nickname Sukhoruk, he did not have a last name. And Minin meant "son of Mina". Orthodox name"Mina" was widespread in Rus'.

Another old Russian surname- Semin, also a surname on "-in". According to the main version, the surname Semin goes back to the baptismal male name Semyon. The name Semyon is the Russian form of the ancient Jewish name Simeon, meaning "hearing", "heard by God." On behalf of Semyon in Rus', many derivative forms were formed, one of which - Syoma - formed the basis of this surname.

The famous Slavic linguist B. O. Unbegaun in the collection “Russian Surnames” believes that the surname Semin was formed from the Russian baptismal name after following scheme: "Semyon - Syoma - Semin."

Let us give another example of a surname, which we studied in detail in the family diploma. Rogozhin is an old Russian surname. According to the main version, the surname keeps the memory of the profession of distant ancestors. One of the first representatives of the Rogozhins could be engaged in the manufacture of matting, or trade in fabric.

Rogozhey was called a coarse woven fabric from bast tapes. A bast hut (bast mat, bast mat) in Rus' was called a workshop where bast mats were woven, and a bast mat was called a bast weaver or a bast mat merchant.

In their close circle, Rogozhnik's household was known as "Rogozhin's wife", "Rogozhin's son", "Rogozhin's grandchildren". Over time, the terms denoting the degree of kinship disappeared, and the hereditary surname - Rogozhins - was assigned to the descendants of Rogozhin.

Such Russian surnames ending in "-in" include: Pushkin (Pushka), Gagarin (Gagara), Borodin (Beard), Ilyin (Ilya), Ptitsyn (Bird); Fomin (from the personal name of Thomas); Belkin (from the nickname "squirrel"), Borozdin (Furrow), Korovin (Cow), Travin (Grass), Zamin and Zimin (winter) and many others

Please note that the words from which surnames are formed on "in" mostly end in "-a" or "-ya". We will not be able to say “Borodov” or “Ilyinov”, it would be more logical and sonorous to pronounce “Ilyin” or “Borodin”.

Why do some people think that last names ending in "-in" have Jewish roots? Is it really? No, this is not true, one cannot judge the origin of a surname by one ending. The sound of Jewish surnames coincides with Russian endings just by pure chance.

It is always necessary to research the surname itself. The ending "ov", for some reason, does not cause us doubts. We believe that surnames ending in "-ov" are definitely Russian. But there are exceptions. For example, we recently prepared a beautiful family diploma for a wonderful family named Maksyutov.

The surname Maksyutov has the ending "ov", common among Russian surnames. But, if you explore the surname more deeply, it turns out that the surname Maksyutov is formed from the Tatar male name "Maksud", which, translated from Arabic, means "desire, premeditated intention, aspiration, goal", "long-awaited, desired". The name Maksud had several dialect variants: Maksut, Mahsud, Mahsut, Maksut. This name is still widespread among the Tatars and Bashkirs to this day.

“The surname Maksyutov is an old princely surname Tatar origin. ABOUT ancient origin surnames Maksyutov say historical sources. The surname was first documented in the 16th century: Maksutovs (Maksutovs, obsolete Maksutovs, Tat. Maksutovlar) - the Volga-Bulgarian princely Murzin family, descended from the Kasimov prince Maksut (1554), in the genealogical legend, Prince Maksut was called a lancer and a descendant of the prince Kashima." Now there is almost no doubt about the origin of the surname.

How to find out if a surname starts with -in Jewish origin Or is it a native Russian surname? Always analyze the word that underlies your last name.

Here are examples of Jewish surnames ending in “-in” or “-ov”: Edmin (derived from the name of the German city of Emden), Kotin (derived from the Hebrew קטן- in the Ashkenazi pronunciation “kotn”, meaning “small”), Eventov (derived from Hebrew "even tov" - " gem”), Khazin (derived from the Hebrew “khazan”, in the Ashkenazi pronunciation “khazn”, meaning “a person leading worship in the synagogue”), Superfin (translated as “very beautiful”) and many others.

The ending "-in" is just an ending by which one cannot judge the nationality of a surname. You always need to research the surname, analyze the word that underlies it and try to search in various books and archival documents for the first mention of your surname. Only when all the information has been collected will you be able to establish with certainty the origin of your surname and find answers to your questions.


Many Russians have a firm and unfounded conviction that surnames in -sky are necessarily Polish. From history textbooks, the names of several Polish magnates are known, formed from the names of their possessions: Pototsky and Zapototsky, Zablotsky, Krasinsky. But from the same textbooks, the names of many Russians with the same suffixes are known: Konstantin Grigoryevich Zabolotsky, roundabout of Tsar John III, late 15th - early 16th centuries; clerk Semyon Zaborovsky, early 16th century; boyars Shuisky and Belsky, close associates of Ivan the Terrible. Famous Russian artists Levitsky, Borovikovsky, Makovsky, Kramskoy.

An analysis of modern Russian surnames shows that forms in -sky (-tsky) exist in parallel with variants in -ov (-ev, -in), but there are fewer of them. For example, in Moscow in the 70s of the twentieth century, for 330 people with the surname Krasnov / Krasnova, there were only 30 with the surname Krasnovsky / Krasnovskaya. But rather rare surnames Kuchkov and Kuchkovsky, Makov and Makovsky are presented almost equally.

A significant part of the surnames ending in -sky / -skaya, -tsky / -tskaya are formed from geographical and ethnic names. In the letters of our readers who want to know about the origin of their surnames, the following surnames are mentioned in -sky / -sky.

Brynsky. The author of this letter, Evgeny Sergeevich Brynsky, himself sent the story of his last name. We give only a small piece of the letter, since it is not possible to publish it in its entirety. Bryn - river Kaluga region, flows into the tributary of the Oka Zhizdra. In the old days, large dense Bryn forests stretched along it, in which the Old Believers took refuge. According to the epic about Ilya Muromets, it was in the Bryn forests that the Nightingale the Robber lived. We add that there are several settlements Bryn in the Kaluga and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The surname Brynski / Brynska found in Poland is formed from the name of two settlements Brynsk in different parts country and also, apparently, goes back to the names of the rivers Bryn, Brynica. There is no uniform interpretation of the names of these rivers in science. If the suffix -ets is added to the name of an inhabited place, then such a word denotes a native of this place. In the Crimea in the 60s - 70s of the XX century, the winegrower Maria Bryntseva was well known. Her surname is derived from the word brynets, that is, a native of the city or village of Bryn.

Garbavitsky. This Belarusian surname corresponds to the Russian Gorbovitsky (in Belarusian language the letter a is written in place of the unstressed o). The surname is formed from the name of some settlement of Gorbovitsa. In the materials we have, there are only Gorbov, Gorbovo and Gorbovtsy. All these names come from the designations of the terrain: humpback - hillock, sloping hill.

Dubovskaya. The surname is formed from the name of one of the numerous settlements: Dubovka, Dubovo, Dubovoe, Dubovskaya, Dubovsky, Dubovskoye, Dubovtsy, located in all parts of the country. To find out from which one, it is possible only according to the information preserved in the family, where the ancestors who received this surname lived, or where they came from to their place of further residence. Emphasis in the surname on "o": Dubovsky / Dubovskaya.

Steblivsky. The Ukrainian surname, corresponding to the Russian one, is Steblevsky; formed from the names of settlements Steblivka in the Transcarpathian region or Steblev-Cherkasy. In Ukrainian orthography, i is written in place of the second e.

Tersky. The surname comes from the name of the Terek River and indicates that someone from distant ancestors this person lived there. There were the Terek region and the Terek Cossacks. So the bearers of the surname Tersky may also be descendants of the Cossacks.

Uryansky. The surname, apparently, is formed from the name of the settlement Urya. In our materials, such a name is recorded in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Perhaps there are similar names in other places, since the name of the settlement is associated with the name of the river and with the designation ethnic group ur, as well as with the name of the medieval Turkic people Uryanka. Similar names could be found in different places, since medieval peoples led a nomadic lifestyle and assigned the name of their ethnic group to those places where they lingered for a long time.

Chiglinsky. The surname comes from the name of the settlement Chigla Voronezh region, which, apparently, is associated with the designation of the union of the medieval Turkic tribes Chigili.

Shabansky. The surname is formed from the names of the settlements Shabanovo, Shabanovskoye, Shabanskoye, located in different parts of the country. These names come from the Turkic name Shaban of Arabic origin. IN Arabic shaban is the name of the eighth month lunar calendar. The name Shaban is also attested in Russian peasant families in the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. In parallel with this, the spelling variant Shiban was noted in the Russian language - obviously, by analogy with the Russian shibat, zashibat. In the records of 1570-1578, Prince Ivan Andreevich Shiban Dolgoruky is mentioned; in 1584, the stirrup grooms of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich Osip Shiban and Danilo Shikhman Ermolaevich Kasatkins. The servant of Prince Kurbsky was called Vasily Shibanov - he was executed by Ivan the Terrible in 1564.

In addition, the name of the ethnic group is known Siberian Tatars Shibans and generic name Crimean Tatars shiban murzas. The Perm Region has locality Shibanovo, and in Ivanovskaya - Shibanikha.

Different types of proper names are so closely related to each other: personal names, geographical and ethnic names, as well as surnames.

In a conversation, you can come across the following statement: “Here, his last name ends in -in, which means he is a Jew.” Are Susanin, Repin and even Pushkin Jewish surnames? Some strange idea among the people, where did it come from? After all, the suffix -in- is often found in possessive adjectives formed from nouns of the first declension: koshkin, mother. While adjectives from words of the second declension are formed using the suffix -ov-: grandfathers, crocodiles. Did the words of the first declension as the basis for the surname were chosen only by Jews? It would be very strange. But probably, everything that is spinning on the tongue of people has some basis, even if it has been distorted over time. Let's figure out how to determine nationality by last name.

Ending or suffix?

It is not entirely correct to call the familiar -ov / -ev endings. The ending in Russian is a variable part of a word. Let's see what is inclined in the surnames: Ivanov - Ivanova - Ivanov. We can conclude that -ov is a suffix followed by null ending, as in most masculine nouns. And only in cases or when changing gender and number (Ivanova, Ivanovy) do endings sound. But there is also a folk, and not a linguistic concept of "ending" - that which ends. In that case, this word is applicable here. And then we can safely determine the ending of surnames by nationality!

Russian surnames

The range of Russian surnames is much wider than those ending in -ov. They are characterized by suffixes -in, -yn, -ov, -ev, -skoy, -tskoy, -ih, -yh (Lapin, Ptitsyn, Sokolov, Solovyov, Donskoy, Trubetskoy, Moscow, Sedykh).

Russian surnames with -ov, -ev are really as much as 60-70%, and with -in, -yn - only about 30%, which is also quite a lot. What is the reason for this ratio? As already mentioned, the suffixes -ov, -ev are attached to second declension nouns, most of which are masculine. And since in Russian surnames often originated from the name or occupation of the father (Ivanov, Bondarev), such a suffix is ​​very logical. But there are also male names ending in -a, -я, and it was from them that the surnames Ilyin, Nikitin arose, of whose Russianness we have no doubt.

What about Ukrainians?

Ukrainian ones are usually formed with the help of suffixes -enko, -ko, -uk, -yuk. And also without suffixes from words denoting professions (Korolenko, Spirko, Govoruk, Prizhnyuk, Bondar).

More about Jews

Jewish surnames are very diverse, because Jews have been scattered throughout the world for centuries. The suffixes -ich, -man and -er can be their true sign. But here, too, confusion is possible. Family endings -ich, -ovich, -evich are typical for Poles and Slavic peoples who lived in the territory East Germany. For example, one of the most famous poets in Poland is Mickiewicz.

But the basis of the surname can sometimes immediately suggest the Jewish origin of its bearer. If the basis is Levi or Cohen/Kogan, the clan originates from the high priests - kohens or his assistants - Levites. So everything is clear with Levi, Levitans, Kaganovichs.

What do surnames in -sky and -sky say?

It is wrong to assume that surnames ending in -sky or -sky are necessarily Jewish. This stereotype has developed because they were common in Poland and Ukraine. These places had many family estates, the names of the owners-nobles were formed from the name of the estate. For example, the ancestors of the famous revolutionary Dzerzhinsky owned the Dzerzhinovo estate on the territory of modern Belarus, and then Poland.

Many Jews lived in these areas, so many took local surnames. But Russian nobles also have such surnames, for example, noble family Dubrovsky from Pushkin's work is quite real. Is there some more interesting fact. Seminaries often gave a surname derived from church holidays- Preobrazhensky, Rozhdestvensky. In this case, the definition of nationality at the end of surnames can lead to errors. Seminaries also served as the birthplace of surnames with an unusual root for the Russian ear, because they were formed from Latin words: Formozov, Kastorov. By the way, under Ivan the Terrible, the deacon Ivan Bicycles served. But the bicycle had not yet been invented! How is it that there is no object, but there is a surname? The answer was this: it turned out to be a tracing paper from the Latin “swift-footed”, only with a native Russian suffix.

Surname ending in -in: we reveal the secret!

So what about the last name ending in -in? Nationality on this basis is difficult to determine. Indeed, some Jewish surnames end in this way. It turns out that in some of them this is just an external coincidence with the Russian suffix. For example, Khazin is descended from the modified surname Khazan - this is how one of the types of servants in the temple was called in Hebrew. Literally, this translates as "overseer", since the chazan followed the order of worship and the accuracy of the text. You can guess where the name Khazanov comes from. But she has the “most Russian” suffix -ov!

But there are also matronyms, that is, those that are formed on behalf of the mother. Moreover, the female names from which they were formed were not Russian. For example, Jewish surname Belkin is a homonym of a Russian surname. It was formed not from a fluffy animal, but from female name Bale.

German or Jewish?

Another interesting pattern was noticed. As soon as we hear names like Rosenfeld, Morgenstern, we immediately confidently determine the nationality of its bearer. Definitely a Jew! But not everything is so simple! After all, these are words German descent. For example, Rosenfeld is a "field of roses". How did it happen? It turns out that on the territory of the German Empire, as well as in the Russian and Austrian, there was a decree on the assignment of surnames to Jews. Of course, they were formed in the language of the country in which the Jew lived. Since they were not transmitted from distant ancestors from the depths of centuries, people themselves chose them. Sometimes this choice could be made by the registrar. So many artificial, bizarre surnames appeared that could not have arisen in a natural way.

How, then, to distinguish a Jew from a German, if both German surnames? It's hard to do this. Therefore, here you should not be guided only by the origin of the word, you need to know the genealogy specific person. Here, at the end of the surname, nationality simply cannot be determined!

Georgian surnames

It is not difficult for Georgians to guess the ending of surnames by nationality. If Georgians are likely to be -shvili, -dze, -uri, -ava, -a, -ua, -ia, -ni, -li, -si (Basilashvili, Svanidze, Pirtskhalava, Adamia, Gelovani, Tsereteli). There are also Georgian surnames, which end in -tska. This is consonant with Russian (Trubetskaya), but this is not a suffix, and they not only do not change by gender (Diana Gurtskaya - Robert Gurtskaya), but also do not decline by case (with Diana Gurtskaya).

Ossetian surnames

Ossetian surnames are characterized by the ending -ty / -ty (Kokoyty). Characteristic for this nationality is the ending of the surname in -ev (Abaev, Eziev), usually it is preceded by a vowel. Often the stem of a word is incomprehensible to us. But sometimes it can turn out to be homonymous or almost homonymous to the Russian word, which is confusing. There are among them those that end in -ov: Botov, Bekurov. In fact, these are the real Russian suffixes, and they are attached to the Ossetian root according to tradition in this way to convey surnames in writing. These are the fruits of Russification of Ossetian surnames. At the same time, it is foolish to assume that all surnames ending in -ev are Ossetian. The ending of the surname in -ev does not yet determine nationality. Surnames such as Grigoriev, Polev, Gostev are Russian and they differ from similar ones ending in -ov only in that the last consonant in the noun was soft.

A few words about Armenians

Armenian surnames often end in -yan or -yants (Hakopyan, Grigoryants). Actually, -yan - this is the truncated -yants, which meant belonging to the genus.

Now you know how to find out the nationality at the end of the last name. Yes, it is not always easy to do this with guaranteed accuracy, even with a developed language sense. But as they say, the main thing is that a person be good!

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We meet new people almost every day. Among them may be not only compatriots, but also people of other nationalities. Knowing what roots this or that person belongs to is quite important if you plan to establish with him good contact. Then we can learn the characteristics of his culture and, as a result, behave decently.

The easiest and most common way to find out nationality is to parse the last name. To do this, you need to remember the school, where in the lessons they disassembled words into parts: root, prefix, suffix, etc. These skills will come in handy.


  1. Take a blank piece of paper and a pen.
  2. Write a surname on it and disassemble the word into parts, that is, select the root, suffix, ending. It is suffixes that will be useful to us in the analysis, so select them as accurately as possible.

A suffix is ​​the part of a word between the root and the ending.


  1. Russians. Suffixes: -ih, -ih, -tskoi, -skoy, -ev, -ov, -yn, -in. For example, Voronin, Ivanov, Zolotarev.
  2. Ukrainian. Suffixes: -yuk, -uk, -ko, -enko. For example, Galchenko, Davidyuk, Grishko. Also, Ukrainian surnames include those that indicate the occupation (Gonchar, Bondar), individual surnames (Ukrainian, Gorobets), the combination of words (Bilous = White + Mustache).
  3. Belarusian. Suffixes: -enak, -ich, -ok, -onak, -chik, -ka. These are such surnames as Dubrovich, Milchik, Parshonok, Tsyushka.
  4. Polish. Suffixes: -sk, -ck. Endings: - th, th. For example, Volnitsky, Kovalskaya. There are also double surnames if the wife wanted to leave her maiden name. So it turns out the combination of the names of the husband and wife. For example, Bilyk-Kovalska. There are among Polish surnames with an immutable form, for example, Novak.
  5. Bulgarian. Suffixes: -ov, -ev. They are formed from names (Konstantinov).
  6. Czech. They are distinguished by the presence of -ova in female surnames, even when they sound absurd. For example, Ivanova.


  1. French. Often there is a prefix De or Le before the surnames. There is also a formation from ordinary names and nicknames that were given to a person because of the characteristics of his character or appearance.
  2. English. Surnames are a translation of words that indicate the place of residence, character traits or profession. For example, Sweet (sweet), Clerk (civil servant).
  3. German. Same as in english surnames. For example, Krause (curly), Muller (miller).
  4. Swedish. Endings: - strom, - sson, - stead, - berg. For example, Andersson.
  5. Italian. Suffixes: -ito, -ino, -etto, -ini, -etti, -illo, -ello. For example, Benedini, Morello, Esposello. In addition to suffixes, they can have specific endings, such as -i, -o, -a (Trovato). Surnames could also be given from the name of the river, city. So Leonardo da Vinci got his last name from the name of the city where he was born - Vinci. And the prefix "yes" indicated this. The prefix "di" is also found. He says that the surname comes from the name of the father. For example, Aldo di Nicolò tells us that Aldo is Nicolò's son. Also, surnames could come from the occupation of the family, but this was common among the working class. Contadino, for example, translated "peasant".
  6. Spanish and Portuguese. The names of these countries are very similar. Suffixes: -oz, -az, -ez, -iz, -es. There are also those that are translated as a certain trait of a person.
  7. Bulgarian. In this country, most surnames are formed from given names. The suffix -ev or -ov is added to them. For example, George + ev = Georgiev.


  1. Armenian. Suffix: -yan. In Armenia, most of the surnames have this ending. For example, Avanesyan, Galustyan.
  2. Azerbaijani. At the core are national names, to which either the suffix -ov or -ev is added. For example, Abdullaev.
  3. Georgian. Endings: -shvili, -si, -dze, -li, -uri, -ni, -ava, -ia, -a, -ua. For example, Katamadze.
  4. Chinese and Korean. Here, nationality is easiest to determine, since the names of these countries are very specific. They consist of 1 or 2 syllables. For example, Qiao, Li.
  5. Japanese. They consist of two words national language. For example, Katayama - piece + mountain, Wada - harmony + rice field.
  6. Jewish. The range of these surnames is very wide and they are determined not only by specific suffixes. There are several groups here:
    - the basis - the roots of Cohen and Levy. Hence - Levitan, Koganovich.
    - the basis is female and male national names, to which suffixes are added: -ovich, -on, -yan, -is, -inchik, -ik. For example, Yakubovich.
    - the surname can come from the appearance, character or activity of a person. So Melamed from the profession "teacher".

Many are interested in finding out how their surname came about, the secret of which is hidden behind the antiquity of years. Turning to our website, you can find out the origin of the surname in general, and also find out how it appeared in Rus'.

Why look for the origin of the surname

For a person big role the surname plays, which is comparable to the given name and date of birth. The history of the surname influences the human character and destiny, as the wheel of fortune turns in different directions, driven by family vibrations and energy.

Are you interested in the history of its origin and want to pull off the veil of mystery? Would you like to know what exactly your last name means? Or maybe you want to find out where the ancestral root of your family came from?

By contacting us, you can find out all the secrets regarding the family tree of your family. If you have to change your last name, then you need to keep in mind that this can change fate radically. Our experts will help determine the history of the origin of the family roots different ways and also find out what secret is hidden from you.

What allows you to do a pedigree search? You will be able to find out:

  • historical information about your family;
  • what characteristic features possessed by your kind;
  • where did the ancestors live?
  • what they did and were interested in;
  • where distant relatives with whom communication is lost live;
  • all information about ancestors;
  • what family traditions and legends exist in the family.

What does the surname mean and when was it formed

When a person is born, he is given a name, while the surname is inherited. Fathers and mothers choose our names for us, the ancestors (great-grandfathers and grandfathers) became the people from whom the surnames originated. Who was your ancestor? What secrets does the surname hide? Maybe your ancestors were noble people, but you don’t know about it yet, since after the revolution it was not customary to openly talk about your noble origin.

Therefore, the history of the origin of the surname is now considered very hot topic for all citizens not only of the Russian Federation, but also of the world. We will help you unravel the mystery of your last name, its formation and distribution throughout the earth.

The word "surname" is of ancient Roman origin, according to many researchers. They also argue that another concept was hidden behind this word. So residents ancient rome called a group of people, a community that included people belonging to a rich and respected estate, as well as their slaves.

The unification of people and their formation into certain group communities took place thanks to the word Familia, even with such a meaning. A simple solution to any financial and political issues on the territory of a large state took place on the basis of this definition. In addition, the lower strata of the population were easily controlled.

When the Great Roman Empire collapsed, information about surnames was hidden under the cover of secrecy for many centuries. How was the formation of surnames in the Middle Ages?

Consider the history of this phenomenon by country:

  1. The terminology only becomes widespread in various Italian regions at the end of the 10th century.. The country is in those days the most powerful and influential European power. And what is the reason for this? Scientists are still hotly arguing about this. The emergence of the institution of inheritance in Italy is the most plausible and reasonable variation of the answer to the question of the origin of the surname. This is due to the fact that the borders began to expand and citizens began to communicate closely. neighboring countries. Surnames could also arise due to the political claims of Italy, which considered itself the most powerful state, and therefore wanted citizens of other countries to obey its subjects.
  2. After some time, the French residents also picked up a new trend, a number of special institutions were created that specialized in compiling a pedigree. In those days, this service was provided only by wealthy noble families.
  3. The adoption of the surname in England continued for a greater amount of time. The end of this process falls on the 15th century. On the territory of remote Scottish and Welsh regions, the formation of surnames continued for many more decades.
  4. Citizens of Germany, Denmark and Sweden were organized their own family institutions at the end of the 16th century, as they were forced to play the game according to general rules, because in that time period a person who did not have a surname was considered an inferior member of society.
  5. The authorities of the Central European states such a definition as "surname" was forcibly introduced. But after some time, people quickly seized on new opportunities, although for several centuries the surname had only a nominal designation.

Surnames have become widespread since the end of the 18th century.

What is the meaning of surnames

What a surname means for a person is difficult to overestimate. From the time the child enters the 1st grade of the school, they stop calling him simply Katya, Sasha or Sonya, but they also begin to call him Volkova, Belov, Romanova. This important "increase" becomes the starting point that leads to human maturation. The distinction of people by surname occurs from this time. The exceptions are close relatives, friends and acquaintances.

The first impression about a person is due to the surname. For example, having heard a surname, you can almost accurately determine the nationality of its bearer. If you know the meaning of the surname, you can get a lot of knowledge about your ancestors, ancestors. Where a person lived, was tall or small, noisy or quiet, his occupation can be found out by the name of the surname. The root of the surname is hidden in a personal name or human nickname, professional skills, place of residence.

The history of the origin of the surname in Rus'

Surnames in Rus' began to appear in the 12-13th centuries. This process became widespread in the 16th century, and its completion falls on the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. Where this or that surname came from, experts can determine for certain, but they distinguish several variations that combine several hundred surnames.

The nicknames led to the origin of the surname:

  1. Begin to form at the turn of the 12th-13th centuries. The names of the parents, where the person was born, what he did, were contained in the root part of the resulting word. What can be traced in family ending-ich or -ov. For example, Petrovich, Popov.
  2. During the 14-15-year period, numerous boyar and noble families . It was during this time period that noble family names appeared: Shuisky, Gorbatov, Travin, Trusov, Kobylin.
  3. At the same time, surnames appear, derived from nicknames, which are characterized negative traits appearance or character. For example, Oblique, Krivosheev and others.
  4. Peasant surnames begin their education from generic nicknames. For example, Lyubimov, Zhdanov.
  5. Since ancient times, the name was considered a kind of amulet that directs the fate of a person in the right direction.. Therefore, surnames originated from given names in order to correct human karma. For example, on behalf of Nekras, the Nekrasov family appeared, Golod - Golodov.
  6. Surnames formed from the name of the father are widely used. For example, a descendant of Vasily began to be called Vasiliev, a descendant of Peter - Petrov, a descendant of Sidor - Sidorov.

Close contact between Western and Eastern countries, which occurred towards the end of the 15th century, served as the beginning of the formation foreign surnames. At the same time, Turkic borrowings took place in Rus'. Similar surnames appear before the beginning of the 20th century. Thus, tribal communities of the Yusupovs, Karamzins, Baskakovs arose.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Peter the Great introduced "traveling letters" indicating the name and surname (or nickname), that is, since that time, almost everyone living in Russian territories had a surname, albeit unofficially. But this phenomenon was common only in the central Russian regions. On the outskirts, citizens did not have a surname until the mid-30s of the 20th century, when passports began to be handed over to residents of the country.

What a person did and where he lived also contributed to the emergence of a surname. In the 16th-19th centuries, surnames appeared based on what a person was doing. So the Rybins, Kovalevs, Goncharovs appeared. Surnames appear in the place where a person was born or lived at the moment. In particular, many surnames appeared at the moment when the lands located beyond Ural mountains. For example, the Ustyugovs, the Verkhoturtsevs.

Among the clergy, the appearance of surnames occurred in the middle of the 18th century.

Their education often came from which parish or church the priest served. For example, Pokrovsky, Kosmodemyansky, Blagoveshchensky and others. Until that time, they were called father Vasily, father or priest Ivan. Their children, if necessary, were called Popovs. Some clergy acquired surnames when they graduated from the seminary.

They became Athenian, Palmine, Cypress, Myagkov, Gilyarov. If the students excelled in their studies, then they received euphonious surnames with a positive connotation. They were called Brilliant, Dobromyslov, Speran, Dobrolyubov. If the student received bad grades, then he received a dissonant surname. For example, it was called Gibraltar. In addition, the student could get a surname that was formed on behalf of a negative biblical character, including he could be called Saul, Pharaoh.

How to find out the history of your last name: simple ways and professional

At first, each person can himself make an attempt to find his roots. Parents, grandparents, and other older relatives can help you with this. It is possible to make records of all data on ancestors in a notebook. You can find out about relatives both on the maternal side and on the paternal side. When will it be accumulated a large number of information, you can state everything on a piece of drawing paper.

In the upper part, indicate the data that you managed to find out by first names, patronymics, surnames, indicating when you were born and where your oldest ancestors lived. In addition, it is worth recording the number of marriages of the grandparents with the names of their wives and husbands, as well as the number of children they have and the dates of their birth.

A lot of information will be given by the occupation of your ancestors. For example, your ancestor was a shoemaker, so you are Sapozhnikov. Or there was a service person in the family, so you, for example, Bombardiers. If your ancestor was a fisherman, now you are called Sturgeons. Or maybe you are a carrier of a family trait obtained due to a particular appearance, which is why you began to be called Ear, Nasal.

With insufficient information collected from relatives, you can turn to the World Wide Web. On various sites you can find out the essence of the origin of your surname. If the resources ask you to enter any amount of money, then this may lead to the fact that funds will be withdrawn from you, and no assistance will be provided. On our website you can find out where your family branch came from. Here you can also find distant relatives, by writing a message to them, you can find out information about where the family originated from.

Our experts will help you find out everything about rare family data. Having previously learned information from historical and archival information, our employees will professionally compile a family tree.

Professional research on the origin of the surname

If independent searches could not help with finding out the history of the origin of the surname, feel free to contact our specialists who will help solve all the questions that have arisen on this problem.

We provide the following services:

  1. At the first stage, professionals will be able to verify all the data you have collected by talking to your relatives, as well as filling in the missing information. This stage is carried out in a period of 2 to 4 weeks.
  2. At the same time as the first stage, specialists systematize the information received, enter the data into a special program with the construction of a prototype family tree.
  3. Carrying out a genealogical examination of the information received, including DNA, during which it is determined whether there is enough information for research, as well as where to find the missing data. This stage takes place within 2-4 weeks.
  4. Search for information in archives.
  5. Analysis of the information received with the preparation of estimates.
  6. Compilation of reporting information, as well as the creation of a family tree with the subsequent registration of the results of the work carried out. This stage takes place within 2-3 months.

How to use the information

After receiving and processing all the information, our specialists can submit a report in the form of:

  • compiled family tree;
  • compiled genealogical book;
  • a movie about the history of the origin of your family name.

Let's dwell on each of the points in more detail.

Drawing up a family tree

In our company, the family tree of the surname can be ordered in the form of paintings, diagrams, panels, as well as shezhere. The customer can decide how the report should look. It can be depicted schematically, drawn on canvas, or it can be cut out on a wooden board and look like a panel. In addition, the coat of arms, local attractions, cartographic fragments, photographs can be presented, and you can also decorate the report with a variety of ornaments.

If the client wishes, LED lighting can be placed inside the frame. All materials are processed to prevent premature failure. Family tree can be kept in your family for a long time.

Compilation of a genealogical book

All collected information can be framed as a genealogy book. In addition to information about the surname, it will contain family legends, family traditions, documentary photocopies, as well as photographs highlighting the history of the surname's origin.

This book, which includes the most valuable information, will be an invaluable encyclopedic storehouse of knowledge, passed down from generation to generation.

Making a film about the history of the origin of your family name

For every family, a film is important in which all its members play the main roles. Our company can offer a film based on events that really happened to you and your family.

We offer documentaries in the form of:

  • family film-portrait;
  • dedications to one person or a married couple;
  • a movie, during which the essence of the origin of the surname is investigated;
  • narrations about the military hard times or about the events taking place in the childhood of the hero;
  • a fascinating genre documentary story covering the events that happened to the hero;
  • documentary reconstruction of past events;
  • contemporary life events.

Professionals will be involved in the work on the film. The film will be shot by directors, screenwriters, cameramen, editors, sound engineers, composers and recorded on the highest quality media. The finished masterpiece will be recorded on the hard disk. Your personal life will become a source for shooting an exciting, exclusive film.

The full cost of a family pedigree

Before carrying out all the work, our specialists will be able to calculate the full cost of the services provided. Conducting a genealogical examination costs 95 thousand rubles. If specialists conduct a DNA examination, then its cost is 85 thousand rubles.

Contact our company, and in just 2-3 months you will be able to find out all the data about the history of your last name!

Nowadays, not all ladies are in a hurry to change their surname after the wedding. Someone does not want to redo a huge number of documents, someone has already become known by his own last name and does not want to “start all over again” under the name of his husband. And someone considers his maiden name more euphonious. But before, getting married, the woman automatically received the surname of her husband. And it wasn't even discussed.

Where did the tradition of changing the surname come from, when you should not change your surname, and what it can change in destiny the site will tell.

The tradition of changing surnames

Many centuries ago, surnames as such did not exist, nicknames were attached to the names, as a rule, reflecting the occupation of men - Ivan the blacksmith, Vasily the hunter, Fedot the archer, etc. It also happened that some kind of physical defect or character trait became a nickname - a bully, stutterer, lame, etc.

Married women and children received something similar to a surname. Initially, it sounded like this: Matryona, Fedor's wife, or in short - Matryona Fedorova. If a man was successful and famous in his business, then the prefix (surname) became his professional nickname - Akulina, the blacksmith's wife, in short - Akulina Kuznetsova. If the flaw or character trait was very striking, then the woman could turn out to be, for example, Marya Zaikina.

For sons, the prefix to the father's name became a real surname in two cases - if they were named after their father or they chose the same occupation.

After the surnames were fixed as an independent and no longer dependent fact, the change of a woman's surname after the wedding became, so to speak, automatic. That is, a woman who became a "husband's wife" ceased to belong to one clan and passed into another. AND new surname She said that the wife is wholly owned by her husband. It sounded like this: Whose Martha? - Fedotova.

Nowadays, changing the surname is optional, it's just a tribute to tradition. Although there are still men who take a woman's refusal to change her maiden name as a personal insult. In the event that a man cannot even hear without a scandal that you will have your own surname, it is better to strain yourself and follow the lead of your spouse, since this seemingly insignificant factor can cause constant quarrels between the husband and wife.

However, there are cases when the surname should not be changed even under the threat of a conflict.

When not to change your last name

Name change: traditions, psychology, numerology /

This is where numerology comes into play. The fact is that a conflict may arise between the personality that was formed before the wedding, and the personality that will be formed under the influence of a change of surname. And it’s good if the new surname begins to balance your shortcomings, as, for example, in the case of changing the Number of the Name (the sum of numbers in the full name) from 5 to 2, that is, from the “eternal wanderer” to the “ideal partner”.

But if you are “changed” from One to Nine, it will be difficult and very uncomfortable for you to live, since you will be transformed from a leader into a person forced to serve.

Therefore, before deciding to change your surname, do not be lazy and calculate which Number you belong to from birth, and which Number you will get if you take your husband's surname.

To get started, write the full name, patronymic and surname given to you at birth. Look at the table, which number corresponds to which letter:

Add up the numbers separately for the first name, then for the middle name, then for the last name. Roll each result down to a prime number (from 1 to 9) as needed. For example, you get 12, so 1+2=3.

Then add up the three results and collapse again, if necessary, to a prime number. This will be your Name Number.

Do the same operation with your first name, middle name and last name, which you are going to take after the wedding.

Now look at another tablet, what character you have from birth, and who you will become if you change your last name.


Brief characteristics character

Independence, craving for leadership, the ability to make decisions independently, male character traits

The mood for partnership, the ability and desire to work in a team and take into account the interests of another person. The eternal search for a compromise

The ability to achieve any goals with the help of a word, sociability, creativity. optimism, enthusiasm

Forced submission to circumstances, diligence, attitude to overcome difficulties and at the same time - unwillingness to live by the rules

The desire to change the place of residence, occupation and partners. Craving for extreme sports and adrenaline rushes. Disclaimer

Search for beneficial interaction (you to me, I to you), refusal to communicate if there is no such benefit. Search for balance and harmony. Responsibility for those around you

Closure, the desire to analyze everything, meticulousness, attention to detail

Craving for hoarding and power, the desire to measure everything with money, the ability to competently handle finances, the desire to manage the family budget

Service to others, submission to others - forced or voluntary, humility. Inability or unwillingness to make decisions. dreaminess, romanticism

If the characteristics of the Name Number that you have are fundamentally different from the characteristics that you will receive when changing your surname, then it is better to refuse this step, otherwise you will change not only your character, but also your fate. And it can be very painful.

Moreover, this may adversely affect the relationship with your spouse, because he fell in love with you not only for beautiful eyes but also for some specific character traits. And if this changes, it is not yet known how your husband will perceive it.

And by the way, ideal option from a numerological point of view, it is considered when the Number of the Name before the change of surname coincides with the Number of the Name after its change. This suggests that you have truly chosen your person, and you have every chance to live a long and happy life with him.

However, if you want to save yourself and not offend your husband, you can consider the option with double surname. And if the numerological indicators of this option suit you more than just changing your last name, then “the sheep will be fed and the wolves will be safe.”

The psychological factor in the change of surname

We figured out numerology, but we cannot discount and psychological perception his maiden name and the surname of the future husband. It happens that a woman is madly in love with the surname received at birth, especially if this surname is harmonious, “rich”, famous.

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