Bazhov's biography is briefly the most important. Childhood, writer's family


Bazhov Pavel Petrovich was born on January 27, 1879. This Russian writer, the famous storyteller, prose writer, processor of legends, legends, Ural tales, died in 1950, on December 3.


Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, whose biography is presented in our article, was born in the Urals, near Yekaterinburg, in the family of Augusta Stefanovna and Pyotr Vasilyevich Bazhev (this name was then written that way). His father was a hereditary master at the Sysert plant.

The writer's surname comes from the word "bazhit", which means "foretell", "tell". Even Bazhov's street boyish nickname was Koldunkov. Later, when he began to publish, he also signed with this pseudonym.

The formation of the talent of the future writer

Bazhev Petr Vasilievich worked as a foreman at the Sysert plant, in the puddling and welding workshop. The mother of the future writer was a good lacemaker. This was a help for the family, especially when the husband was temporarily out of work.

lived future writer among the miners of the Urals. Childhood impressions were the most vivid and important for him.

Bazhov liked to listen to the stories of experienced people. Sysert old men - Korob Ivan Petrovich and Klyukva Alexei Efimovich were good storytellers. But the future writer, Khmelinin Vasily Alekseevich, a field miner, surpassed everyone who knew.

Childhood and youth

The future writer spent this period of his life at the Polevsk plant and in the town of Sysert. His family moved frequently, as Pavel's father worked either at one factory or at another. This allowed the young Bazhov to get to know the life of the mountain district well, which he subsequently reflected in his work.

The future writer got the opportunity to learn thanks to his abilities and chance. At first, he attended a three-year male zemstvo school, where a talented teacher of literature worked, who knew how to captivate children with literature. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov also loved to listen to him. The biography of the writer has developed largely under the influence of this talented person.

Everyone assured the Bazhev family that it was necessary to continue the education of their gifted son, but poverty did not allow them to dream of a real school or gymnasium. As a result, the choice fell on Yekaterinburg religious school, as it had the lowest tuition fees and did not require the purchase of a uniform. This institution was intended mainly for the children of nobles, and only the assistance of a family friend made it possible to arrange Pavel Petrovich in it.

At the age of 14, after graduating from college, Pavel Petrovich Bazhov entered the Perm Theological Seminary, where he studied various fields of knowledge for 6 years. Here he became acquainted with modern and classical literature.

Work as a teacher

In 1899, the training was completed. After that Bazhov Pavel Petrovich worked as a teacher in primary school in an area inhabited by Old Believers. He began his career in a remote village near Nevyansk, after which he continued his activities in Kamyshlov and Yekaterinburg. The future writer taught Russian. He traveled a lot in the Urals, was interested in local history, folklore, ethnography, and journalism.

Pavel Bazhov for 15 years during school holidays every year he traveled on foot around his native land, talked with workers, looked closely at the life around him, wrote down stories, conversations, collected folklore, learned about the work of stone cutters, cutters, casters, steelworkers, gunsmiths and other masters of the Urals. Later this helped him in his career as a journalist, and then in writer's work, which was started later by Pavel Bazhov (his photo is presented below).

When, after some time, a vacancy opened up at the Yekaterinburg Theological School, Bazhov returned to the native walls of this institution as a teacher.

Family of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

In 1907, the future writer began working at the diocesan school, where he taught Russian language lessons until 1914. Here he met his future wife, Valentina Ivanitskaya. She was at that time a student of this educational institution. In 1911, Valentina Ivanitskaya and Pavel Bazhov got married. They often went to the theater and read a lot. Seven children were born in the writer's family.

During the outbreak of the First World War, two daughters were already growing up - the children of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Due to financial difficulties, the family was forced to move to Kamyshlov, where Valentina's relatives lived. Pavel Bazhov began to work at the Kamyshlov Theological School.

Creation of tales

In 1918-1921, Bazhov took part in the Civil War in Siberia, the Urals, and Altai. In 1923-1929 he lived in Sverdlovsk, where he worked for the Peasant Newspaper. At this time, the writer created more than forty tales dedicated to the factory Ural folklore. Since 1930, work began in the book publishing house of Sverdlovsk. The writer was expelled from the party in 1937 (reinstated a year later). Having lost his job in the publishing house because of this incident, he decided to dedicate free time tales that, like Ural gems, "shimmered" in his "Malachite Box". In 1939, this most famous work author, which is a collection of fairy tales. For the "Malachite Box" the writer was awarded State Prize THE USSR. Bazhov later supplemented this book with new tales.

Bazhov's writing path

The writer's path of this author began relatively late. His first book "The Urals were" appeared in 1924. The most significant stories of Pavel Bazhov were published only in 1939. This is the aforementioned collection of tales, as well as "The Green Filly" - autobiographical story about childhood.

The Malachite Box later included new works: Tales of the Germans (year of writing - 1943), Key Stone, created in 1942, Tales of Gunsmiths, as well as other creations of Bazhov. Later works The author can be called the term "tales" not only because of the formal features of the genre (the presence in the narrative of a fictional narrator with an individual characteristic of speech), but also because they go back to the secret tales of the Urals - oral tradition prospectors and miners, who are distinguished by a combination of fabulous and real-life elements.

Features of Bazhov's tales

The writer considered the creation of tales the main business of his life. In addition, he was engaged in editing almanacs and books, including those devoted to the Urals local history.

Initially folklore are the tales processed by Bazhov. "Secret tales" he heard as a boy from Khmelinin. This man became the prototype of Slyshko's grandfather - the narrator from the work " Malachite Box". Bazhov later had to declare officially that this was just a trick, and he did not just record other people's stories, but created his own based on them.

The term "skaz" later entered the folklore of the Soviet era to define the prose of workers. However, after some time it was established that this concept does not mean a new phenomenon in folklore: tales actually turned out to be memories, legends, traditions, fairy tales, that is, those that already existed for a long time genres.

Naming his works with this term, Bazhov Pavel Petrovich, whose tales were associated with folklore tradition, took into account not only the tradition of this genre, which implies the obligatory presence of a narrator, but also the existence of oral ancient legends of the miners of the Urals. From these folklore works, he adopted the main feature of his creations - a mixture of fairy-tale images in the narration.

Fantastic heroes of fairy tales

The main theme of Bazhov's tales is a simple man, his skill, talent and work. Communication with the secret foundations of our life, with nature is carried out with the help of powerful representatives of the mountain magical world. Perhaps the most striking among the characters of this kind is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, whom Stepan, the hero of the Malachite Box, met. She helps Danila - the character of the tale called " Stone Flower"- to reveal talent. And after he refuses to make the Stone Flower on his own, he is disappointed in him.

In addition to this character, the Great Poloz is interesting, who is responsible for the gold. His image was created by the writer on the basis of the ancient superstitions of the Khanty and Mansi, as well as Ural legends, will accept miners and miners.

Grandmother Sinyushka, another heroine of Bazhov's tales, is a character related to the famous Baba Yaga.

The connection between gold and fire is represented by the Jumping Fireball that dances over the gold mine.

So, we met such an original writer as Pavel Bazhov. The article presented only the main milestones of his biography and the most famous works. If you are interested in the personality and work of this author, you can continue to get to know him by reading the memoirs of Pavel Petrovich's daughter, Ariadna Pavlovna.

Sage and storyteller
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

Biography page
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born and lived his life in the Urals. He spent his childhood in the town of Sysert and at the Polevsk plant, not far from Yekaterinburg. His father at that time was a mining foreman, his mother was a skilled lacemaker. Pavel early began to realize himself as a responsible member of the family: going fishing meant “getting an ear, or even two”, going into the forest - bringing berries and mushrooms.
The future writer received his education thanks to the assistance of the veterinarian N. S. Smorodintsev, who persuaded his parents to send the boy to study. P. P. Bazhov studied at the Yekaterinburg Theological School, and then at the Perm Seminary. In these educational establishments usually belittled the children of the clergy, but sometimes made an exception for the "worldly". After graduating from the seminary in 1899, Pavel dreamed of continuing his education at the university, but due to political unreliability, he was denied admission to Tomsk University.
At the age of twenty, Bazhov began working as a teacher of Russian language and literature, first in the remote village of Shaydurikha, and then in Yekaterinburg and Kamyshlov. In the summer months, he traveled a lot around the Urals, looked at the life around him, talked with the workers, wrote down their well-aimed words, conversations, and stories. A rich stock of life impressions, samples folk speech helped him a lot in his writing career.
Since the beginning of the revolution, he went to work public organizations, in 1918 he volunteered for the Red Army, took part in military operations on the Ural front.
In 1923-1929, Bazhov lived in Sverdlovsk and worked in the editorial office of the Peasant Newspaper, speaking on its pages with essays on the old factory life, on the civil war. In 1936, his first stories were published in one of the magazines. Their success encouraged Bazhov to continue working. So he found himself as a writer. In 1939, Bazhov's most famous work was published - a collection of tales "The Malachite Box", for which the writer received the State Prize. In the future, Bazhov replenished this book with new tales.
During the Patriotic War, Bazhov took care of not only the Sverdlovsk writers, but also the writers evacuated from different cities of the Union. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 3, 1944, P.P. Bazhov was awarded the order Lenin.
After the war, the writer's vision began to deteriorate sharply, but he continued to edit, and collect, and creative use folklore. In 1946, Bazhov was elected to the Supreme Soviet.
In early December 1950, P.P. Bazhov died in Moscow. He was buried in Yekaterinburg.

Interesting Facts:

In 1999, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the writer, the P.P. Bazhov Prize was established, which is awarded annually in Yekaterinburg to writers for works on the Ural theme in five categories: "prose", "poetry", "drama", "literary criticism" and " journalism".

Timed to coincide with the birthday of P.P. Bazhov, the first presentation literary prize took place on January 30, 2001 in the hall Chamber Theater In Ekaterinburg. Especially for this solemn event, gold and silver medals were cast.

Images from the tales of P.P. Bazhov "Stone Flower" and "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" in the form of a green stone flower with a crowned golden (yellow) lizard are depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Polevskoy, Sverdlovsk Region, with the surroundings of which many tales are associated.

The writer's daughter Ariadna Pavlovna Bazhova was married to the son of a famous Soviet writer Arkady Petrovich Gaidar - Timur Gaidar.

Based on the works of P.P. Bazhov shot several films and cartoons, created the ballet "The Tale of the Stone Flower" by S.S. Prokofiev, plays based on the plots of his tales are shown in theaters, there is a fountain "Stone Flower" in Moscow, monuments have been erected to the writer.



Bright colorful quiz created in the program "PowerPoint". To play it, you must first rewrite it to your computer from a file hosting service, the archive size is 13.6 mb.


Someone is sitting at the window in the hut,
A little goat stands on the edge.
Hit with a hoof - stones fly,
And their placers shine under the moon.
With a goat next to the cat Muryonka,
And looks at them from the window …….

Beanie Lake
Says: "Be brave,
Rolling down the hill towards us
……. ……

Mistress of the Copper Mountain
Once I saw Daniel
And from this very time
A force is pulling up.
The white light is not nice to him.
He wants to see..........

A round window - like in a key, water.
Near that water, the old woman is angry.
Blue, skinny: blow - and she is gone,
The old treasure guards.

If you follow someone along the path,
You will surely find wealth.
Feel free to take the golden bast shoes ...
Tell me the name of that path.

Like a doll girl
Will dance to you with a refrain.
Appears on fire.
The name of? Tell me.

Only this master could
Make a stone flower

Answers to riddles:
Daryonka. Blue snake. Stone color. Grandma Blue. Murashina trail. Jumping fireball. Danila is a master.

When designing the page, materials from magazines were used:
"Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka". - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 22.
"Read, study, play." - 2013. - No. 10. - S. 26-27, 32.

Central City Children's Library. Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai. 2008-2014


Horizontal Vertical:
1. Herbal... 1. Tayutkino...
5. Fire-starter - 2. Silver...
8. Serpentine... 3. Malachite...
9. Sinyushkin... 4. Feline..
12. ... land. 6. Fragile...
13. Copper Mountain... 7. Blue...
15. Mountain... 8. Diamond...
16. ... in business. 10. Ermakovs...
18. Stone ... 11. Prikazchikov ...
14. Two...
17. Golden...

Write the words in the crossword puzzle to get
titles of P.P. Bazhov

The crossword was compiled by Galushko N.V.


Look at the picture (click on it to enlarge) and determine which characters and objects from P.P. Bazhov on it are depicted


Radkevich V.

Either kind or harsh
The dawn descends from the stone mountains.
You are beautiful, the land of Bazhov,
Labor Ural-land!

Flowers sprout through the rocks
The mountain blazes with fire

These new ones write tales
Miners and craftsmen.

Sunrise over the Ural Mountains
Man-made fire burning
Polished Gems
Life, joy and work.

And the word becomes a deed,
In every stone-flowers bloom...
Bazhov's tale continues.
Life and Labor continue!

Andrey Usachev

The mistress of the Copper Mountain is rich:
In the chambers of her golden carpets,
Crystal chandeliers, diamond arches...
What, imagine, she needs gifts,
If this mistress has a mountain
Full of malachite and silver?!

Everything was not nice to the rich hostess.
But the poor master Danila came to visit:
With a bow, appearing in a luxurious hall,
He handed me a modest malachite flower.

A poor young man was met royally,
Although he did not bring a diamond bouquet.
This story has become a legend...
Such etiquette works wonders!

I hope the smart reader understands:
Gift for friend and mom
More expensive is not the more expensive ...
And the one
What is made by hand!

Agapova I.A.

We hold with you, friend in hand
"Ural tales" about marvelous mountains.
There have been many stories here.
There was both joy and sorrow.

Lakes and rivers here are like mirrors,
An old willow will sing us a song
And he will tell us many fables.
The Ural forest is wonderful, beautiful.

And the mountains almost reach the sky
Beautiful nature - peace and comfort.
AND good people fairy tales are kept here,
who talk about magic.

Good wizard of the Urals,
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov,
So that we don't feel sad
Fairytale bolt unlocked:

Only the bolt opened
The door to the fairy tale has opened
The scent of the forests wafted in.
You believe in a magical world!

So that the fireman is funny
To the treasures opened the way for us,
Or a blue snake
Don't forget to read the books.

January 27 is the birthday of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, Russian writer, folklorist, author of a large number of beautiful tales. To that literary event V reading room The Central City Children's Library organized an exhibition of the writer's works for young book lovers, including "Silver Hoof", "Malachite Box", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Stone Flower" and others. The exhibition was decorated with bright and colorful illustrations to the Ural tales of P.P. Bazhov and a box with "gems". During the week, a computer toy library was opened, where children could touch the storyteller's work with the help of games. Our readers were happy to answer the questions of the computer quizzes "Malachite Box of Bazhov's Tales", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", put together mosaic pictures according to the writer's tales. More than 40 children took part in the events.
Verishchak E.A., leading bibliographer B


A well-known journalist, publicist and, of course, a writer who became famous throughout the world for his Ural tales. From under his pen came Danila the master, the mistress of the Copper Mountain, the narrator grandfather Slyshko. Juicy, original language, saturated with legends and beliefs, a working man at the center of each work, an intriguing and unpredictable plot. These characteristics distinguish his books from others.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born on January 27, 1879 according to the new style and on the 15th the old way. All childhood was spent in the small town of Sysert, near Yekaterinburg. Father Pyotr Vasilievich - a hereditary miner, worked at a local factory, mother Augusta Stefanovna wove lace for sale. The family was not rich, even poor. Paul grew up as an only child.

Initially, Bazhov had the surname Bazhev, from the word "bazhit", that is, to conjure. But one Siberian clerk, issuing a document to Pavel Bazhev, made a mistake in spelling and wrote Bazhov. Pavel Petrovich did not change anything, the name Bazhov remained with him for life and made him famous. The writer also signed with many pseudonyms: Koldunkov, Baheev, Derevensky, Starozavodsky, Osintsev.

Childhood and youth

Bazhov grew up among miners. Some of them were not only masters of their craft, but also good storytellers. From them, local children learned about the legends in which fabulous creatures, people, colorful Ural nature was also one of the characters. Especially little Pavel remembered the stories of the old miner Vasily Alekseevich Khmelin, who at that time worked as a watchman at factory warehouses. Local children constantly gathered at his gatehouse.

Pavel grew up as a smart boy. His elementary grades fell on the male zemstvo three-year plan. Later teachers recalled how Bazhov own will I learned the entire collection of Nekrasov's poems and recited the works to the class.

Further on the plan was a gymnasium or a real school. But the price of education was so high that it was unbearable for the family. Therefore, the boy is sent to the Yekaterinburg Theological School, where the price for education was low, and housing was provided to students free of charge. At the age of 14, Bazhov was enrolled in the Perm Theological Seminary, her student graduates with good scores. A young man dreams of a university, but it is too expensive for the family. He is offered a place at the Kyiv Theological Academy, but Pavel refuses. He does not see himself as a priest.

In search of myself

At the age of 20, Bazhov begins labor activity. He is a teacher at an elementary school in the remote village of Shaydurikha, where mostly Old Believers lived. Then he teaches Russian and literature at schools in Yekaterinburg and Kamyshlov. After that, he becomes a teacher at the Yekaterinburg Theological School, where he once studied. His career also includes the Diocesan Women's School, where he teaches not only literature, but also algebra and the Old Slavonic language. A fateful meeting takes place within the walls of this institution, Bazhov gets acquainted with future wife Valentina Ivanitskaya, subsequently the couple will have seven children, three will die in infancy.

Valentina Alexandrovna recalled the first meeting like this: “We heard a slight cough. A not very tall young man appeared in the classroom, with a thick, luxurious beard and slightly wavy, light brown hair. But especially the new teacher was distinguished by smart and radiant eyes.

During his teaching career, Bazhov dreams of entering Tomsk University. But he is denied due to political unreliability. At 20 s small years Pavel Petrovich is fond of revolutionary ideas and dreams of cardinal transformations in the country. The failed student is also interested in journalism, the history of the region, local legends and legends. Every summer, during the holidays, Bazhov went on a hiking tour to remote villages and villages. He collects folklore, gets acquainted with the craft of stone cutters, casters, enters rare words, expressions into a notebook, writes notes about nature. Later, all these sketches will form the basis of the famous tales.

Time for a change

After the revolution of 17, Bazhov worked in the Kamyshlov Public Security Committee, then became a deputy of the city council. And also consistently holds the positions of commissar of education and editor-in-chief of the newspaper Izvestia of the Kamyshlov Council, in 1918 Pavel Petrovich receives a party card.

During the years of the civil war, the future writer leaves for neighboring Alapaevsk to establish the work of the Okopnaya Pravda newspaper. The family remains in Kamyshlov when Kolchak's army occupies it. In this turbulent time, Bazhov writes letters one after another with the following content: “Valyanushka! My dear, good, dear! Guys! Where are you? What's wrong with you? How hard it is not to know!”

After Alapaevsk there was Nizhny Tagil, Omsk, Tyumen, and then Ust-Kamenogorsk (a city in Kazakhstan). Bazhov not only speaks for revolutionary newspapers, but also fights in the ranks of the Red Army. After the end of the civil war, Pavel Petrovich falls ill with typhus. After recovery, the family returns to their native lands.

Writer's way

They started talking about the writer Bazhov in 1924, when the book “The Urals were” was published, which tells about the hard work of miners. In 1937, "Formation on the Move" appeared, which tells about the history of the Kamyshlov regiment. For this work, the writer was expelled from the party, however, later restored.

The famous "Malachite Box" was released only in 1939. For her, in 1943, Pavel Petrovich was awarded the Stalin Prize. The book was published in several editions. Bazhov supplemented it with new tales. Stories about the mistress of the Copper Mountain, Danil the Master, Veliky Poloz, silver hoof, grandmother Sinyushka, told by grandfather Slyshko gained worldwide popularity and were translated into dozens of languages. By the way, the writer had to prove that he was the author of the tales, that he did not just write them down, but composed them.

Bazhov has two autobiographical stories. "Green filly" appeared in 1939 under the pseudonym Egorsha Koldunkov, the later "Far-close" dates back to 1949.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov - Russian writer, journalist, wonderful Ural storyteller.


Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born on January 15, 1879 in the Urals in a small working town, in the family of a hereditary miner. His father, Pyotr Vasilyevich Bazhov, worked as a welding master at the famous Turchaninov factories. Pyotr Vasilyevich was famous for his sharp tongue and restless character, for which he even received the nickname "drill". Various bosses always tried to get rid of the obstinate rebel as soon as possible, they sent him for airing. In the Urals, there was such a term in the working environment - “send for airing”, that is, to transfer a person from factory to factory, deliberately preventing them from settling down for a long time. Wherever the Bazhov family had to visit, they traveled all over the Urals. However, the family did not live in poverty at all, Pyotr Vasilyevich was considered a noble master and earned good money. In Sysert, the Bazhovs had a solid house with many solid outbuildings. Subsequently, in 1979, the museum of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was opened in the house.

Teaching is light

From early childhood, little Pasha showed remarkable abilities in the sciences. At the age of seven, the boy was sent to the Zemstvo three-year school, from which he graduated with honors. As a good student, Paul had the right to further education at the spiritual school. Pavel's father and mother decided to continue their son's education. So, with the blessing of his parents, after a short training, ten-year-old Pavel was put on a cart and sent on the road.

His path lay in glorious city. Arriving at his destination, the boy began to live in the house of the zemstvo doctor Nikolai Smorodintsev, an old friend of the Bazhov family. Education in the theological school was given to Paul, because by nature he was very gifted. Bazhov was distinguished by great curiosity; at the theological school, Pavel was in charge of the library. It was in the house of Nikolai Smorodintsev that a significant meeting took place: Bazhov was introduced to a good friend of the doctor, the famous Siberian historian Afanasy Shchapov. Communication with this wonderful person aroused in Bazhov a remarkable interest in the history and folklore of the Ural region. In 1893, Pavel Bazhov graduated from the theological school with excellent results. Then he entered the Perm Theological Seminary, from which he graduated in 1899. In the seminary, Pavel was one of the best students, Bazhov was predicted to have a successful spiritual career. The young man faced a choice: as an excellent student, he had the right to free education at the Kyiv Theological Academy, however, this obligated to take the clergy, which was not at all included in Bazhov's plans. The young man longed for a higher secular education. In law Russian Empire, he had the right to study at Dorpat, Warsaw and Tomsk universities, but at his own expense. Since Bazhov did not have money, he decided to take up teaching.

So the former seminarian found himself in a village located not far from the city. There, the young teacher successfully taught the Russian language, and part-time, the law of God. However, soon, through the efforts of Smorodintsev, Bazhov was transferred to Yekaterinburg to teach at a religious school. Bazhov teaches Russian and literature at the school, where he met his love. Valentina Ivanitskaya, student graduation class, at the end of the course she became the wife of Pavel Bazhov. After some time, she gave birth to two daughters of the same age. In total, they had four children.

During these years, Pavel Petrovich began his first ethnographic search, every summer he traveled to the Ural villages and factory towns. During his expeditions, Bazhov wrote down everything that seemed wonderful to him: these were fairy tales, songs, ancient legends. He also took photographs. It was Bazhov who first began to single out working folklore as a separate part folk culture before him, no one had done it. Soon Pavel Bazhov was known at all the Ural factories, the workers trusted him, they knew that although he was educated, he was their boyfriend, a man of working bone, the son of a mining foreman. Many miners turned to him for help, in the judicial or written part. For example, they were asked to speak in court or competently draw up the necessary paper.

staunch bolshevik

Early 20th century It was a time of major social change. The year 1905 came, with all unrest, the workers of many large factories, organized by agents of various political parties, for the first time acted as a single cohesive force. The workers of the Urals supported the general strikes. Bazhov, as a person with an active civic position, also did not stand aside, he participated in workers' May Day meetings, for which he was arrested, but was soon released. In 1914, Bazhov moved with his family to his wife's hometown. There he taught at a local school, and also studied journalistic activities He wrote articles for the local newspaper. In Kamyshlov, the Bazhovs had a son, Alexei, last child in family.

Year 1917. The February and October revolutions took place. Pavel Bazhov takes the side of the Bolshevik Party. In 1918 he became a member of the CPSU(b). started Civil War. Bazhov in the forefront, he immediately signed up for the Red Army. His service was in the Ural division, where Bazhov worked in the newspaper Trench Pravda. In heavy battles for Bazhov, he was captured, but he managed to escape. Power in the Urals passed to the Whites. As a zealous Bolshevik, Bazhov worked actively underground. At the beginning of the underground work, he introduced himself as a teacher Kiribaev, later Bazhov acted under the guise of an insurance agent Bakheev. As soon as the Soviets returned to Perm, Bazhov again entered the service in the Red Army. But, having served only a few months, he becomes seriously ill and after a while, according to the verdict of the doctors, he is demobilized outright.

Bazhov returned to Kamyshlov, but the religious school was closed. And he goes to work in the editorial office of the newspaper "Red Way". From that time until the end of his life, Bazhov's path was inextricably linked with journalism. In 1923, he moved to Yekaterinburg, where he constantly worked in the Ural Peasant Newspaper, and also collaborated with many other Yekaterinburg newspapers.

In 1924, Bazhov first made himself known as a writer by publishing a book of essays "The Urals were" and a series of essays "Five Stages of Collectivization". Bazhov sent the best of the essays to the Our Achievements magazine, which he edited himself. After some time, Bazhov received a letter from Gorky. famous writer highly appreciated literary talent Bazhov. He advised him to leave journalism and take up writing in earnest. During this period, Bazhov wrote several documentaries about the civil war: "To the calculation", "Formation on the move", "Fighters of the first draft". Bazhov was a convinced Bolshevik and all his works, one way or another, were politically motivated.

Malachite Box

In the 1930s, he again turned to work topic. He writes essays about the life of miners. And in one of the essays, in the image of a wise storyteller, a famous character in the future appears, a grandfather nicknamed Slyshko. The character was written off from a real person, an old Ural worker - Vasily Khmelinin.

In 1936, Bazhov entered in absentia literary institute. At the same time, he published a series of Ural tales in the Krasnaya Nov magazine. The tales were written by Bazhov on the basis of materials collected by him even before the revolution, during the summer ethnographic expeditions. All the best is well-forgotten old! Whirlwinds of three revolutions flew by, but the old wise tales remained. After the publication of the tales, the writer received a large number of rave reviews.

Inspired Bazhov actively worked. But the terrible year 1937, the year mass repression and party purges. Pavel Petrovich did not manage to escape the fate of many, although he was much more fortunate than others, who were tortured and shot. The fiery Bolshevik Bazhov was expelled from the party, skillful people prepared to start persecuting the writer. However, the intercession of many influential people saved Bazhov. In total, Pavel Petrovich was expelled from the party twice - in 1933 and 1937. whole year Pavel Petrovich spent in obscurity about his fate, in anticipation of the inevitable reprisal, but this cup passed him by. Bazhov was able to continue to live and work.

Initially, his tales were included in the collection of Ural workers' folklore, the publication of which was personally supervised by Maxim Gorky. But already in 1939, a separate collection of Ural tales, The Malachite Box, was published, and after the book was published, Bazhov became famous. Readers especially liked the tales “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain” and “The Stone Flower”. Someone admired the author's organic folk style, someone most of all appreciated the amazing symbiosis of the heroes of old fairy tales with the realities of life of the Ural miners, but everyone undoubtedly liked the book. During the Great Patriotic War, Bazhov added to his malachite box by painting several new wonderful stories: "Key-Stone" (1942), "Zhivinka in business" (1943), "Tales about the Germans" (1943), "Tales about gunsmiths" (1944).

Since 1940, Pavel Petrovich Bazhov became the head of the Sverdlovsk Writers' Organization. In 1943 he became a laureate of the State Prize and was awarded the Order of Lenin. After the war, Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was repeatedly elected a deputy Supreme Council THE USSR.


Pavel Petrovich Bazhov became a late writer. main book his life was published when the author was 60 years old. His book has been translated into more than 100 languages ​​of the world.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is a famous folklore writer, author of the collection of short stories "Malachite Box".

Born on January 15, 1879 in a small town near Yekaterinburg. His father, Peter Bazhev, was a hereditary mining foreman. He spent his childhood years in Polevskoy ( Sverdlovsk region). He studied at the local school at "5", the young man was educated at the theological school, later - at the seminary. Since 1899, young Bazhov has been going to school to teach Russian.

Active creativity began during the war years, after working as a journalist in the military publications Trench Pravda, Krasny Put and Krestyanskaya Gazeta. There is almost no information left about the work in the editorial office; Bazhov is better known as a folklorist. Letters to the editor and passion for history hometown Bazhov was initially interested in collecting oral stories peasants and workers.

In 1924, he published the first edition of the collection - "The Urals were." A little later, in 1936, the tale “The Girl of Azovka” saw the light, which was also written on a folklore basis. Skazovaya literary form was completely observed by him: the speech of the narrator and the oral retellings of the miners are intertwined and form a secret - a story that only the reader knows and no one else in the world. The plot did not always have historical authenticity: Bazhov often changed those events of history that were "not in favor of Russia, therefore, not in the interests of ordinary hard-working people."

His main book is considered to be The Malachite Box, published in 1939 and brought the writer world recognition. This book is a collection short stories about Russian northern folklore and everyday life; It describes the local nature and color in the best possible way. Each story is filled with national mythical persons: grandmother Sinyushka, Veliky Poloz, Mistress of the Copper Mountain and others. The stone malachite was not chosen by chance for the name - Bazhov believed that "all the joy of the earth is collected" in it.

The writer tried to create a unique literary style with the help of copyright original forms expressions of thought. Fairy-tale and realistic characters are aesthetically mixed in the stories. The main characters are always simple hardworking people, masters of their profession, who are faced with the mythical side of life.

Bright characters, interesting plot connections and a mystical atmosphere made a splash on the readers. As a result, in 1943 the writer was honorably awarded Stalin Prize, and in 1944 - the Order of Lenin.
According to the plots of his stories, performances, productions, films, and operas are staged even today.
End of life and perpetuation of memory

The folklorist died at the age of 71, his grave is located in the very center of the Ivanovo cemetery, on a hill.

Since 1967, a museum has been operating in his estate, where everyone can plunge into the life of that time.
In Sverdlovsk and Polevskoy, his monuments are installed, and in Moscow - a mechanical fountain "Stone Flower".

Later, the village and the streets of many cities were named after him.

Since 1999, in Yekaterinburg, a prize has been introduced to them. P. P. Bazhov.

Pavel Bazhov's biography is the most important

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born in 1879 near the city of Yekaterinburg. Pavel's father was a worker. As a child, Pavel often moved his family from place to place because of his father's business trips. Their family was in many cities, including Sysert and Polevskoy.

The boy entered school at the age of seven, he was the best student in his class, after school he went to college, and then to the seminary. Pavel entered the position of teacher of the Russian language in 1899. In the summer he traveled through the Ural Mountains. The writer's wife was his student, they met when she was in high school. They had four children.

Pavel Petrovich participated in the Russian public life. He was in the underground. Pavel worked on a fall resistance plan Soviet power. He was also a member October revolution. Pavel Petrovich defended the idea of ​​equality between people. During the Civil War, Pavel worked as a journalist and was fond of the history of the Urals. Pavel Petrovich was even taken prisoner and fell ill there. Several of Bazhov's books were devoted to the revolution and war.

The first book was published by Bazhov in 1924. The main work of the author is considered to be The Malachite Box, which was published in 1939. This book is a collection of fairy tales for children about Ural life. She became famous all over the world. Pavel Petrovich received a prize and was awarded an order. Bazhov's works formed the basis of cartoons, operas, performances.

In addition to writing books, Bazhov loved to take pictures. He especially liked to take photographs of the inhabitants of the Urals in national costumes.

Bazhov celebrated his seventieth birthday at the Philharmonic in Yekaterinburg. Many relatives came to congratulate him and strangers. Pavel Petrovich was touched and happy.

The writer died in 1950. Based on Bazhov's biography, we can say that the writer was a persistent, purposeful and hardworking person.

Option 3

Which of us has not read the tales of the innumerable riches lurking in Ural mountains, about Russian craftsmen and their skills. And all these wonderful creations were processed and published in separate books by Pavel Petrovich Bazhov.

The writer was born in 1879 in the family of a mining foreman in the Urals. IN early childhood the boy was interested in the people of his native land, as well as local folklore. After studying at the school at the plant, Pavel enters the theological school in Yekaterinburg, and then continues his studies at the theological seminary.

Bazhov in 1889 began to work as a teacher, teaching children the Russian language and literature. In his free time, he traveled to nearby villages and factories, asking old-timers extraordinary stories and legends. He carefully wrote down all the information in notebooks, of which he had accumulated a great many by 1917. That's when he stopped teaching activities, went to defend his homeland from the White Guard invaders. When the civil war ended, Bazhov went to work in the editorial office of the Peasant Bulletin of the city of Sverdlovsk, where he published essays on the life of the Ural workers and the difficult times of the civil war with great success.

In 1924 he Pavel Petrovich published the first book own composition"The Urals were", and in 1939 readers get acquainted with another collection of fairy tales "Malachite Box". It was for this work that the writer was awarded Stalin. Following this book, "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "The Great Snake" and many other tales were published in which extraordinary events. Reading these creations, you notice that all actions take place in the same family and in a certain place and time. It turns out that such family stories existed earlier in the Urals. Here the heroes were the most ordinary people who managed to see its good essence in a lifeless stone.

In 1946, based on his stories, the film "Stone Flower" was released. During the Great patriotic war the writer cared not only for his colleagues, but also for the evacuees creative people. Pavel Aleksandrovich died in 1950 in Moscow.

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

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