Iso middle group rainbow. Complex lesson "Colored rainbow"



"Rainbow of colors"

for additional education

for children of the middle group (4-5 years old)

Implementation period: 2016-2017 academic year

Educator of the 1st qualification category

Novosinkovo ​​settlement 2016

Explanatory note

Fine art is one of the oldest areas of art. Every child is born an artist. It is only necessary to help him awaken his creative abilities, open his heart to goodness and beauty, help him realize his place and purpose in this beautiful world.

main goal modern system additional education is the upbringing and development of the personality of the child. Achieving this goal is impossible without the implementation of the tasks facing educational area"Artistic creativity", an integral part of which is the fine arts. Fine art has a variety of materials and techniques. Often, the child does not have enough familiar, traditional ways and means to express his fantasies. After analyzing the author's developments, various materials, as well as best practices in working with children, accumulated on present stage by domestic and foreign practicing teachers, I became interested in the possibility of using non-traditional methods art activities in work with preschoolers for the development of imagination, creative thinking and creative activity. Unconventional painting techniques demonstrate unusual combinations of materials and tools. Formation artistic image in preschoolers occurs on the basis of practical interest in developmental activities. Classes under the program "Rainbow of colors" are aimed at the implementation of the basic tasks of the artistic and creative development of children. Drawing unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, opens up new possibilities for using familiar objects as art materials surprises with its unpredictability. original drawing without a brush and a pencil, it uninhibits the child, allows you to feel the colors, their character, mood. Unbeknownst to themselves, children learn to observe, think, fantasize.

The teacher must awaken in every child faith in his creative abilities, individuality, originality, faith that he came into this world to create goodness and beauty, to bring joy to people.

Relevance program is due to the fact that there is a convergence of the content of the program with the requirements of life. There is a need for new approaches to teaching aesthetic arts capable of solving modern problems creative perception and personal development in general. In the system of aesthetic creative education the younger generation has a special role to play fine arts. The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, contributes to the education of a culture of feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, brings up purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, and makes it possible for the creative self-realization of the individual. The program is aimed at introducing children to creativity through art. Children get acquainted with a variety of non-traditional ways of drawing, their features, a variety of materials used in drawing, learn to create their own drawings based on the knowledge gained. Thus, a creative person develops, able to apply his knowledge and skills in various situations.

Practical significance of the program

An unconventional approach to the implementation of the image gives impetus to the development of children's intelligence, encourages creative activity child, teaches to think outside the box. Combinations come up with new ideas different materials, the child begins to experiment, to create.
Drawing unconventional ways, fascinating, fascinating activity. it great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.

Non-traditional drawing techniques --- this is a real flame of creativity, it is an impetus to the development of imagination, the manifestation of independence, initiative, expression of individuality

The path to creativity has many roads for them, known and still unknown. Creativity for children is a reflection of mental work. Feelings, mind, eyes and hands are the instruments of the soul. creative process is a real miracle. "In creativity there is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is only your own way"

Pedagogical expediency

From many years of experience working with children on the development of artistic creativity in drawing it became clear that standard sets visual materials and ways of transmitting information are not enough for modern children, since the level of mental development and the potential of the new generation has become much higher. In this regard, non-traditional drawing techniques give impetus to the development of children's intellect, activate the creative activity of children, teach them to think outside the box.

An important condition for the development of a child is not only an original task, but also the use of non-traditional waste material and non-standard isotechnologies.

All classes in the program developed by me are creative in nature.

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques for this program:

  • Develops self-confidence.
  • Helps relieve children's fears.
  • Teaches children to express themselves freely.
  • Encourages children to be creative and find solutions.
  • Teaches children to work with a variety of artistic, natural and waste materials.
  • Develops fine motor skills of hands.
  • Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.
  • While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.
  • Builds self-confidence creative possibilities through the use of various isotechnics.

novelty and distinctive feature program "Rainbow of colors" on non-traditional drawing techniques is that it has an innovative character. The work system uses unconventional methods and methods of child development artistic creativity. Homemade tools are used, natural and junk for non-traditional drawing. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using familiar household items as original art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability.


To develop creative abilities in children, by means of non-traditional drawing.


To acquaint with various ways and techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques using various visual materials.

To instill interest and love for the fine arts as a means of expressing feelings, relationships, familiarizing with the world of beauty.

Track the dynamics of the development of creative abilities and the development of the visual skills of the child.

Create all the necessary conditions for the realization of the goal.

Lesson Methods:

verbal (conversation, art word, riddles, a reminder of the sequence of work, advice);



Methods Used

They make it possible to feel the multi-color image of objects, which affects the completeness of the perception of the surrounding world;

Form emotionally - positive attitude to the drawing process itself;

Contribute more effective development imagination, perception and, as a result, cognitive abilities.

When organizing non-traditional drawing classes, it is important to remember that in order for children to successfully master skills and abilities, it is necessary to take into account age and individual characteristics children, their desires and interests. With the age of the child, the content expands, the elements, the shape of the paper become more complicated, new means of expression stand out.

Class mode:

middle group- Number of lessons per week 1, per month 4 lessons. There are 36 classes per year.

Duration of classes in the middle group -20 min

Tuesday-Wednesday (alternate) 15640-16:00

Form of occupation- thematic joint activities of the teacher and the child in the form of circle work.

Forms of summarizing the results at the end of the year of implementation of the additional educational program:

Holding exhibitions of children's works

Holding an open event

Conducting a master class among teachers

Organization of work with parents

The following forms of work have been chosen for cooperation with the family:

  • Making a visual campaign for parents
  • Conducting conversations
  • Consultations
  • Parent meetings, in order to assimilate certain knowledge and skills by parents, help them in resolving problematic issues
  • Joint events
  • Joint creativity of parents and children
  • Questionnaire

Expected Result

through this program, the teacher will be able to more effectively solve the problems of educating and educating children up to school age. Since the presented material contributes to:

Development fine motor skills hands;

Exacerbation of tactile perception;

Improvement of color perception;

concentration of attention;

Increasing the level of imagination and self-esteem.

Expansion and enrichment of artistic experience.

Formation of prerequisites learning activities(self-control, self-esteem, generalized modes of action) and the ability to interact with each other.

Work skills are formed

Activity and independence of children in creative activities;

The ability to find new ways for artistic representation;

The ability to convey in the works their feelings using various means of expression.

The implementation of the program will help children preschool age creatively approach the vision of the world that is portrayed, and use any available means for self-expression

Perspective lesson plan for the circle "Rainbow of colors"

in the middle group


Topic of the lesson


Program content



Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials necessary for working in non-traditional fine arts.

Decorate a handkerchief

Cork imprint. Finger painting

Learn to decorate a handkerchief simple pattern using typing, finger painting and sticking. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm.

Encourage children to work individually.

autumn tree

Eraser stamp print

Familiarize yourself with the technique of printing with seals.

autumn bouquet

Leaf printing

Learn how to print with leaves. Cultivate a child's artistic taste


Topic of the lesson


Program content

Harvesting for the winter "Compote of apples"

Apple print

To introduce the technique of printing with an apple, a foam swab. Show how to get a fingerprint. Learn to draw apples and berries in a jar. You can use finger painting if you like. Develop a sense of composition. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.

Drawing wax crayons, salt

To introduce the technique of combining watercolor and wax crayons. To teach children to draw with wax crayon along the contour, to learn to paint in parts, to work carefully with salt. Encourage children to work individually.

Mushrooms in a basket

Impression with seals (hat-cardboard), drawing with fingers

Exercise in drawing oval-shaped objects, printing with seals. Develop a sense of composition.

Cultivate a child's artistic taste.


Drawing with "Rice", cotton buds

Teach children to apply glue to a separate area, generously pour grits on a separate area, gently color the rice, “revive” the work with a cotton swab. Encourage children to work individually.

Two cockerels

hand drawing

Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image (cockerels). Develop imagination and creativity. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.


Topic of the lesson


Program content

Finger painting

Learn to draw berries on a branch (with fingers) and leaves (by sticking). Strengthen these drawing skills. Develop a sense of composition. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.

my favorite fish

Hand drawing

Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image. (Fish) To educate children in the ability to work individually.

First snow

Napkin print

To consolidate the ability to draw trees large and small, depict a snowball using the printing technique or drawing with fingers. Develop a sense of composition. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.


Gouache, cotton pads, sticks

To teach children to stick cotton pads, to teach them to carefully paint cotton pads, to “revive” the picture with the help of cotton swabs. Encourage children to work individually.


Topic of the lesson


Program content

Winter forest

Screen printing, finger painting

Practice screen printing. Strengthen the ability to draw with fingers. Develop a sense of composition. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.

My mittens

Finger print

Practice typing techniques. To consolidate the ability to decorate an object, applying a drawing as evenly as possible over the entire surface. Encourage children to work individually.

Bristle brush, napkin, finger painting

To teach to tint a sheet, to blot with a napkin (depicting clouds, wool), to teach children the technique of drawing by poking with a semi-dry brush. Strengthen the ability to draw with fingers. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.


Topic of the lesson


Program content

Christmas tree fluffy, elegant

Poke with a hard semi-dry brush, finger painting

Exercise in the technique of drawing with a poke, a semi-dry hard brush. Continue to learn to use such a means of expression as texture. Strengthen the ability to decorate a drawing using finger painting. Encourage children to work individually.

Candle drawing, watercolor

To acquaint with the technique of drawing with a candle, toning the background. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.


Paper creasing (rolling)

To consolidate the skills of drawing with gouache, the ability to combine rolling, crumpling paper and drawing in work. Learn to finish drawing a picture with a snowman (broom, Christmas tree, fence, etc.). Develop a sense of composition.

Cultivate a child's artistic taste.


Topic of the lesson


Program content

Printing, stencil printing, cotton swabs

Exercise in the technique of drawing with a poke, printing with seals. Develop a sense of composition. Learn to draw an object. Encourage children to work individually.

flower for dad

Potato prints

Practice drawing with prints. To consolidate the ability to finish the stems and leaves of half-blown flowers. Develop a sense of composition. Cultivate a child's artistic taste

Berries and fruits

Teddy bear

Foam rubber (2 pcs.), fine brush, gouache

Help children learn new way images - drawing with a foam sponge, which allows you to most vividly convey the depicted object, its characteristic texture appearance, continue to draw large, arrange the image in accordance with the size of the sheet. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.


Topic of the lesson


Program content

Mimosa for Mom

Finger painting

Exercise in drawing with fingers, rolling balls from napkins. Develop a sense of composition. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.


Hand drawing

To fix the technique of typing with palms. Learn to apply paint quickly and make prints - rays for the sun. Develop color perception. Encourage children to work individually.

Animals (rooster, bird, elephant, deer, bear)

Drawing with fingers, pencil or brush, felt-tip pen

Learn to draw the simplest figures, consisting of many fingerprints, use the entire multi-colored range of paint.

Cultivate a child's artistic taste.


Watercolor, wax crayons

Learn to draw snowdrops with wax crayons, pay attention to the bowed head of flowers. Learn to convey spring color with watercolors. Develop color perception. Encourage children to work individually.


Topic of the lesson


Program content


Tassel, buttons various shapes

Learn to draw with seals (buttons) of various shapes. Fix the primary colors: red, yellow, blue. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.

Magic pictures (magic rain)

candle drawing

Fix the drawing technique with a candle (magic rain). Carefully paint over the sheet with liquid paint. Learn to draw a cloud with a wax crayon. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.

Gift for cat Murka

Cotton buds, finished image of a cat (from geometric shapes: the head is a circle, the ears are small triangles, the torso is a large triangle, paws, tail are ovals), paints of different colors, for each child a set of geometric shapes for laying out an image of a cat, PVA glue.

Exercise children in laying out and gluing images from geometric shapes; fix the names of the figures; improve the ability to draw balls cotton swabs; cultivate accuracy when working with glue and paints, a desire to help a friend.

Insects (butterfly, spider, ladybug, caterpillar)

Drawing with fingers, pencil

Learn to draw the simplest figures, consisting of many fingerprints, use the entire multi-colored range of paint. Encourage children to work individually.

Topic of the lesson


Program content

bird cherry

Drawing with cotton swabs, fingers

Continue to introduce children to the technique of drawing with a poke. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm. Encourage children to work individually.

Watercolor or gouache, wax crayons

Strengthening the skill of drawing in watercolor or gouache, learn to draw a salute with a wax crayon. Cultivate a child's artistic taste.

Poke with a semi-dry hard brush, kitten stencil

To consolidate the skill of printing with a brush on a stencil. Encourage children to work individually.

how i love dandelions

Clipping, wax crayons, poking.

Improve aesthetic perception natural phenomena and the technique of their image - cutting and poking and others; develop a sense of composition and color in the process of using different materials to create expressive image dandelion in the landscape.

Cultivate a child's artistic taste.

List of used literature

  1. Akunenok T.S. The use of non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions // Preschool education. - 2010. - №18
  2. Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques Part 1. - M .: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003.2013.
  3. Davydova G.N. Non-traditional drawing techniques Part 2. - M .: Scriptorium 2003 Publishing House, 2013.
  4. Kazakova R.G. Drawing with preschool children: non-traditional techniques, planning, class notes. - M., 2007
  5. Komarova T.S. Visual activity: Teaching children technical skills and abilities. // preschool education, 1991, №2.
  6. Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten. - Moscow. 2007.
  7. Nikitina A.V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Planning, class notes: A guide for educators and interested parents. St. Petersburg: KARO, 2010.
  8. Tskvitaria T.A. Non-traditional drawing techniques. Integrated classes in the preschool educational institution. - M.: TC Sphere, 2011.
  9. Shvaiko G. S. Classes in visual activity in kindergarten. - Moscow. 2003.

educational program

The content of additional general developmental programs and the terms of training for them are determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities. The program of additional education for children, as a rule, includes the following structural elements: title page, explanatory note, educational and thematic plan, content of the course under study, methodological support of the additional educational program, list of references.

Download educational program team

Formation creative personality- one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. Its development begins more effectively from preschool age. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads-streams, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter child". According to many teachers - all children are talented. Therefore, it is necessary to notice in time, feel these talents and try, as early as possible, to give children the opportunity to show them in practice, in real life. Developing artistic and creative abilities with the help of adults, the child creates new works (drawing, application). Coming up with something unique, every time he experiments with ways to create an object. A preschooler in his aesthetic development goes from an elementary visual-sensory impression to the creation of an original image (composition) by adequate visual and expressive means. Thus, it is necessary to create a basis for his creativity. How more baby sees, hears, experiences, the more significant and productive will be the activity of his imagination.

Working with preschool children for several years, she drew attention to the results of diagnostics for visual activity. Children show good results according to the criteria:

  • Ability to hatch, apply various lines with colored pencils;
  • The ability to apply strokes of paint with a narrow and wide brush;
  • The ability to recognize, name primary colors, shades of colors and mix them;
  • Ability to properly use brushes, glue and plasticine in work;
  • Ability to clean up after oneself.

At the same time, the low abilities of children also manifested themselves:

  • Uncertainty and stiffness in actions and responses in the classroom;
  • Passivity in the independent choice of visual materials and the location of the image on the sheet;
  • Confusion when using non-standard coloring methods;
  • The expectation of a clear explanation by the teacher of a familiar way of drawing;
  • Completion of the decor.

Summing up, I understood that children lack self-confidence, imagination, independence. To solve this problem, I began to study methodological literature in depth. For myself, she clearly identified the criteria for guidance on fine arts, such as: knowledge of the characteristics of the creative development of children, their specificity, the ability to subtly, tactfully, support the initiative and independence of the child, and contribute to the acquisition of the necessary skills.

She was especially interested in non-traditional ways of drawing, with the help of which it is possible to develop intelligence in children, teach them to think outside the box and activate creative activity. According to psychologist Olga Novikova, “Drawing for a child is not art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express what, due to age restrictions, he cannot express in words. In the process of drawing, the rational fades into the background, prohibitions and restrictions recede. At this moment the child is absolutely free."

Studying and mastering more than 35 different drawing techniques that were not previously used in working with children, I experimentally tried to use elements of non-standard drawing in joint activities with children and observed a surge of positive emotions from the process of drawing. There was a desire to diversify the practical drawing classes for children planned by the program and open a circle for fine arts. For my work, I decided to take the children of the middle and preparatory groups for school. I think that children of 4-5 years old are very prone to experiments and they have elementary skills in drawing with paints, and with children of 6-7 years old, classes can be more complex and interesting, touching on more global topics.

Drawing No. 1

Having coordinated this idea with the administration of the kindergarten and the parents of the secondary and preparatory groups for school, she developed the program of the circle “Rainbow of colors” (Appendix No. 1). For better conduct of classes, she worked on interaction with kindergarten specialists: music director and psychologist. From September 2009-2010 school year The circle is held once a week in each group. This idea fascinated me so much that I decided to develop a series of seminars for parents and teachers (Appendix No. 2) visual activity.

Important components of such classes are:

1. Selection topics planned in accordance with the time of the year (“Autumn”, “Vyuga”, “Spring”, “Summer is coming”, etc.), as well as with accompanying holidays (“Halloween”, “Yolochka”, “Christmas Angel”, “Postcard for mom”, “Funny clowns”, etc.)

2. Preparatory work to occupation.

A) Conducting the necessary conversations, viewing paintings, illustrations or photographs on the topic, reading or memorizing the necessary artistic material, observing living objects, conducting didactic or outdoor games, etc.

B) Selection of standard visual and handout materials, as well as non-traditional junk and natural material which is very attractive to children. These are covers of various sizes, cereals, salt, flowers, seeds, branches, food coloring, beads, beads, sequins, threads of various structures, paper of various formats and structures, paints different techniques- stained glass, contour, marmarating paints, vegetable paints, etc. The more diverse and unusual the selection of materials, the more difficult and at the same time more interesting to work with them. Children have the opportunity to artistically use additional means. New ideas arise related to combinations of different materials, children begin to experiment and create

3. Conducting classes in a different game form(in the form of travel, show games, labyrinths, games with a fairy-tale hero, reincarnation of children into heroes or adults, treasure hunts, playing wizards, etc.) Each lesson is emotional, children follow all the processes with interest, and sometimes impatiently perform practical tasks leader. Getting into problem situation in the classroom according to the planned scenario, sometimes children offer unexpected ways of its implementation, which are used in the practical part, if possible. The non-standard arrangement of children in the process of drawing is also used. (Standing or sitting near an easel or table, sitting on the floor, lying on a carpet, etc.)

4. Use of non-standard drawing techniques with appliqué and modeling elements. Many techniques are interesting and complex, so it is prepared necessary material to work taking into account the capabilities of each child, some classes are held, taking into account their complexity in subgroups or the entire team of children, but always with an individual approach to each child. At the beginning of the year, drawing techniques in the classroom are given almost isolated from each other, and later it was noticed that some children offer their own additional ways of drawing to the already complicated combination of techniques planned by the leader.

I propose to consider several types of fine drawing techniques in the classroom in the middle and preparatory groups for school, which caused special interest and delight in children. (Appendix No. 3)

Spray paint on a sheet of paper.

Drawing method: apply paint to the pile of a brush or glue brush, direct it onto a sheet of paper (at a distance of 10 cm) and jerky movements finger of a free hand on the pile (from a sheet of paper to yourself) spray paint.

Complexity of the technique: Due to the weak motor skills of the hands, children quickly get tired, a warm-up pause is necessary before and, if necessary, during work.

Approximate topics for using the technique: “Leaf fall” (with stencils made of natural material), “Space” (with stencils made of waste material), “Snowflakes”, etc.

Marmarization of a sheet of paper.

Method of drawing: several multi-colored drops of marmarating paint are dripped into a container with water, streaks are made with a stick, and a sheet of paper is placed on the surface of this layer, on which unique streaks of paint remain. Lay the paper out carefully on a paper towel to dry.

The complexity of the technique: Work must be done with gloves and an apron. Carry out the procedure for applying paint, only individually.

Approximate topics for using the technique: “Sea”, “Butterfly”, “Frames for work”, etc.

Drawing with soap bubbles.

Drawing method: Option number 1. In several containers with liquid soap(1 teaspoon of water to 1 tablespoon of soap) add different paint(5 tablespoons per serving), blow into a tube until soap bubbles form and dip a sheet of paper about them. You will get an airy fabulous image.

Option number 2. The day before the proposed lesson, you need to mix 80 ml. tempera paint and 80 ml. dishwashing liquid in a tray with a capacity of 1 liter, stirring to add water to the edges of the tray. In this way, dilute 2-3 paints of different colors. Set aside the mixture for 12-14 hours. In order for the bubbles to turn out large and not burst for a long time, you need to add a few tablespoons of sugar. Use a straw to blow into the solution to make bubbles. Gently press the paper on the bubbles, which will burst and leave a trail. Repeat the procedure for each color.

The complexity of the technique: Work must be done with gloves and an apron. Carry out the staining procedure only individually. Follow the safety measures for children when working with soap.

Approximate topics for using the technique: “Postcard to Mom”, “Patchwork Rug”, “Smeshariki”, etc.

Drawing with large beads.

Drawing method: a sheet of cardboard is fixed at the bottom of the package and a silhouette image is attached to it. After that, large beads are divided and dipped in 4-5 containers with different diluted paint and laid out along the edges of the cardboard. The packaging is closed and shaken randomly. Next, the cardboard is carefully removed and released from the silhouette insert.

The complexity of the technique: Work must be done with gloves and an apron. Carry out the drawing procedure in stages, as well as individually or in subgroups. We need help for insecure children.

Approximate topics for using the technique: “Spider line”, “Blizzard”, “Salutes”, etc.

Other techniques used are: thread-writing, drawing on a wet layer of paper, drawing stained glass paints, waxography, palm and finger painting, drawing with salt on a layer of paint, prints with waste material, monotype, scratching on a thick layer of paint, stencils, stamps, overlaying cellophane on a wet layer of paint, tube outline, drawing with wax plasticine, hatching with wax crayons or felt-tip pens, drawing with cotton swabs or the end of a brush, appliqué using natural and waste materials for decorative work, modeling from salt dough, origami are perceived with the same interest and enthusiasm.

5. Musical accompaniment in the classroom. It forms the mood of children, their interest in the process of employment, develops musical rumor and opportunities. It is used in all parts of the lesson, depending on the constructed plot. (Appendix No. 4) In the classroom, choral or individual singing, singing along with the heroes is allowed.

6. not ruled out frame design each work created according to the ideas of the children or with the help of the head of the circle, using non-standard types of drawing or appliqué. Thus, the artistic and decorative abilities of children develop. To complete the design of the work in accordance with all standards, an accompanying note indicating the topic of the lesson and data about the child and the head of the circle is attached.

It is necessary to take into account in the work in the classroom:

Individual abilities of children:

  • Ability to use visual materials;
  • Ability to work only with the left hand;
  • Fast execution tasks;
  • Fear of poor drawing results;
  • The level of development of children;
  • Creation necessary conditions to experiment with visual materials and drawing techniques.

Psychological features:

  • Interest;
  • Uncertainty when performing a task;
  • stiffness;
  • Impatience;
  • Attentiveness;
  • Disgust, etc.

The difficulties of some non-standard drawing techniques:

  • Step-by-step explanation and demonstration of technique by the teacher;
  • Depending on the complexity of the drawing technique, carry out the process of work individually, in subgroups or with the entire team of children;
  • Monitor the safety of children when working with unusual visual materials;
  • Do not limit the desire of children to complement the drawing with their own elements, decor details, etc .;
  • For the personal hygiene of each child, an apron, sleeves, napkins are needed.

An indispensable stimulus was organization of group and general garden exhibitions children's work(from each lesson) and photo selections from the classes of the circle on the topics: “Little Artists”, “Rainbow of Emotions”, “Smeshinki”, etc. Arranging various exhibitions of works, parents get acquainted with the achievements and skills of each child over the past time of study. (Picture No. 2) In each group, an aesthetically designed corner of the “Rainbow of Colors” mug was created, where children's work is stored and there is a journal with all the information on the topics and program contents of each completed lesson. The team of children of the preparatory group for school, together with the educators Sokolova Yu.V. and Stepanova O.L., parents and leader of the circle “Rainbow of colors” Prokopieva N.S. took part in the city competition “Our Heart!” and presented the collective work “Mother's Heart”.

Under great impression As a result, in the classroom, children began to use non-standard methods of drawing in independent activities in kindergarten and at home, where they encountered a misunderstanding of some parents. When the child wanted to reflect his emotions and observations on paper, adults showed interest in the cleanliness of the house, the neatness and hygiene of the child, and not in his creative impulse. Therefore, it was necessary, when working with children, not to exclude and work with parents. They are - component preschool groups, our example for children and comprehensive support. Thus, the activity of circle work has expanded. In parallel with the classes of children, work with parents began to be carried out more often, through speeches at group meetings, where attention was drawn to the fact that the goal for each parent at this stage is to create all conditions for proper development their child, through workshops (Appendix No. 5), through individual conversations, home visits (at the request of parents), conducting a survey on topics of interest to them and subsequent explanatory conversations. Parents began to respond to the requests of the children and the head of the circle. Of course, not all parents are active yet, but still some show an increased positive interest in the activities of the circle. And this is already an achievement!

At the beginning of the school year there were carried out diagnostics children's skills and abilities. And it is planned to carry out diagnostics at the end of the school year, in order to identify the growth of the creative development of each child.

In the middle group, the following criteria were set for identifying the levels of assimilation of skills and abilities of circle classes in fine arts:

  • Ability to mix paints;
  • The presence of elementary compositional skills;
  • Image of objects and objects different forms;
  • Ability to experiment with visual materials;
  • Ability to use stencils and prints when working;

In the group preparatory to school, the following criteria were set for identifying the levels of assimilation of the skills and abilities of circle classes in fine arts:

  • Mixing paints simultaneously from 2-3 primary colors in a palette or on a wet layer;
  • Possession of non-standard coloring methods;
  • Ability to independently experiment with visual materials;
  • compositional skills;
  • The manifestation of fantasy, artistic creativity;
  • The ability to convey a personal relationship to the object of the image;
  • Use of skills in independent activity;
  • Ability to decorate finished work;
  • Interest in visual arts.

From the diagnostics of the "Rainbow of Colors" circle, carried out at the beginning of the school year, it can be seen that the children's enthusiasm for the topic is developed at a high level. Almost everyone lacks the ability to create an artistic image, as well as compositional skills. Possession of non-standard coloring methods among pupils is developed at an average level, with the exception of some children who have the highest level of development of all the above listed abilities.

Conducting a cycle of classes using a variety of techniques to identify the abilities of children over the past time, it is clear that children have the ability to work with paints using non-traditional techniques. In children with poorly developed artistic and creative abilities, the indicators are slightly higher than at the beginning of the school year, but due to the use of non-traditional materials, the level of enthusiasm for the topic and technique and the ability to color perception have improved.

Summing up the results of the work done, it is impossible not to note the emotional upsurge in children, the almost complete exclusion of stiffness and fear in communication or in expression own opinion manifestation of independence in the choice of material and technique for drawing in free time. The desire of children to experiment in a combination of non-standard coloring techniques with appliqué from accessible material or modeling from salt dough is tangibly manifested. Children are looking forward to these classes and repeatedly ask when they meet: “When will you come to us? Will there be club classes today?” And after such words, you understand that the work was not in vain. There are new ideas and desires to replenish the world of children with something interesting and exciting.

AT plans for next year:

1. In classes with children:

  • To diversify and complicate the techniques of non-standard coloring in the classroom;
  • Show ways to combine them with each other, taking into account the capabilities of children;
  • Enter previously unused drawing material;
  • Develop more occupational work in subgroups or collective;
  • Use the activity on the street;
  • Take part in various competitions and exhibitions of general gardens and city;

2. Working with parents:

  • Plan 5-6 seminars - workshops, replenishing the knowledge of parents about the ways of non-standard coloring;
  • Give parents guidance on working with children through individual conversations, home visits (at the request of parents);
  • Conduct monthly surveys on topics of interest and subsequent explanatory conversations;
  • Organize various exhibitions of completed works of parents and works done with children at home;
  • Continue to replenish the album “We and the colors”.

3. Working with teachers:

  • Schedule 4-5 workshops with guidelines to use elements of non-standard coloring in joint classes with children in visual activities;
  • Speak at the teachers' council with a summary of the experience of the circle "Rainbow of colors";
  • Conduct a master class for teachers of the city.

4. Engage in self-education. Continue in-depth study methodological literature, developing their ability to draw, using unfamiliar types of non-standard coloring and accumulating interesting methods and techniques in working with children and parents.

5. Admission to the Educational Institution Foundation Pedagogical University "First of September" in Moscow for training courses: "How to awaken an artist in a child: modern technologies for the development of creative abilities (based on prototypes of art)".

6. Continue publishing materials on this topic at the regional and all-Russian level.

Lilia Pozdnyakova
Abstract of a lesson on visual activity for children of the middle group "Rainbow"

Target: Continue introducing children with the science of floriculture. introduce children how many colors does rainbow, learn to correctly arrange colors, in sequence starting from the top arc (red) .



Learn the proverb. To consolidate knowledge of the sequence of the color spectrum.


Drawing rainbows by wet paper .

Choose the right colors


Develop skills, memory, cognitive interests ability to hear and listen

Methods and techniques:

Visual (show, demonstration);

verbal (artistic word, conversation, question-answer);

Practical (drawing).

Pedagogical technologies: personality - oriented, research, game.

Health saving technology: breathing exercises, dynamic pause, gymnastics for the eyes.

preliminary work

Observations while walking

D / I - "Paints". Examination of illustrations, sketches.

Means of education:

Demo Material

multimedia presentation

Watercolor paints, brushes, landscape sheet. Equipment: screen, projector.

Course progress.

The teacher shows a multimedia presentation " Rainbow"

teacher: Shows rainbow image.

Look guys at rainbow and count how many colors it consists of and which color follows which? You will you tell me, I will draw these colors rainbows.

Children name colors and count them.





7 purple

teacher: Get your brushes and paint rainbow, just be careful not to confuse the order of colors, arrange the colors in this sequence starting from the top red arc.

(After completing the task with the children)

teacher: It worked out great.


The purpose of the physical education session: increase or maintain mental performance children in the classroom; provide short-term leisure for children during class.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up (Torso right, left.)

Didn't want to sleep anymore (Torso forward, back.)

Moved, stretched (Hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew (Hands up, right, left.)

The sun in the morning is only a butterfly circling and winding (Spin around.)

: - Children, now listen to my story about science color science: Turns out, rainbow- this is not only a wonderful natural phenomenon, but also a key to color invented by nature itself. Rainbow called the color spectrum. In the spectrum, as well as in rainbow 7 colors and they are in the same order one after another. Do you think it is difficult to remember these colors and even more so the order in which they stand? We will deal with this difficulty quickly. You just have to remember this proverb:

"Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits"

Do you think what does the hunter have to do with it, what does the pheasant have to do with it?

And here's what!

The first letter of each word represents a color. Listen and repeat after me.

Everyone is red

Hunter - orange

Wish - yellow

Know - green

Where - blue

Sitting - blue

Pheasant - purple

And you guys, if you memorize this saying, then you will remember the sequence of the color spectrum for life.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Abstract of a lesson on visual activity for children of the middle group (ZPR "Special Child"). "Friends of the Goldfish"

Tasks:1. Continue introducing non-traditional visual techniques: drawing with a palm, typing with a signet.2. Keep teaching...

Abstract of entertainment on visual activity for children of the middle group "City of Masters".

Entertainment - bright and joyful events in the lives of preschool children. Combining different kinds art, they have a great influence on the feelings and consciousness of children....

Abstract of entertainment on visual activity for children of the middle group "Journey to the winter forest".

Entertainment in kindergarten is an important part of the pedagogical process, one of the stages of raising children, which carries a serious aesthetic and moral burden....

Abstract of a lesson on visual activity for children of the middle group "White and Black"

Abstract of a lesson in visual activity for children of the middle group "White and Black" Lilia Pozdnyakova Abstract of a lesson in visual activity for children of the middle group "White and Black ...

To introduce children to the technique of painting with watercolor on wet paper.

To expand children's knowledge about the properties of wet paper, about mixing watercolors.

Develop observation, creative imagination.

To cultivate love for beauty, the desire to reproduce it on paper.

Equipment: sheets of paper, watercolor, brushes, water containers, napkins, foam rubber sponges for wetting paper; duck toys behind a screen.

Material: samples of works made in the technique of "watercolor on wet paper" (landscapes); 2 still lifes "Flowers", made in various techniques for comparison.

The course of the lesson in the middle group:

V. - Today, children, we will draw. You have everything you need on your tables: paints, brushes... Oh, but where is the paper? (The voice of ducklings is heard behind the screen).

U. - It was we who took your sheets! We wanted to ask our mother to buy paper for drawing for us too. But they were careless, and scattered paper directly into the water. Now you won't be able to draw because all your papers are wet!

Sorry, we're sorry!

V. - No need to get upset, ducklings! Of course, it was impossible to take other people's things without permission, but it's good that you understand this. And we can draw on wet paper. Sometimes artists specifically wet the paper to make the drawing look more interesting. (I show two drawings depicting flowers, made in different techniques)

V. - Look at these works. Are they similar to each other? Of course, they are similar, because the same drawings are drawn on them, the same colors are selected. What is the difference? One drawing is made very clearly, while on the other the colors spread, shimmer into each other, the contours are fuzzy, as if blurred by rain. This drawing was made on wet paper. (Next, I draw, accompanying my actions with explanations) - and today we will try to draw in a similar way. And we will draw a rainbow that rises above the river. Such a phenomenon can be observed after rain, when the whole earth is clean, washed. See how I draw blue with free movements wavy lines, and immediately above them - the outlines of green bushes on the banks of the river. green paint slightly mixed with blue, and it seems that the bushes and trees are reflected in the water. And a rainbow rises above the water.

Can you tell me how many colors are in the rainbow? (7) When we draw on wet paper, it is not necessary to use all seven colors for the rainbow. It is enough to take red paint, then immediately apply yellow paint from it. See what's happening! Beyond the red and yellow paint formed orange, as in a rainbow! Immediately after the yellow, I draw blue and purple stripes. This must be done very quickly and close to the previous color. Then the colors are mixed, forming additional colors. And we cover all unpainted space blue color. Such a picture can only be obtained if the sheet is wet enough. If necessary, it can be additionally moistened, otherwise the paints will not spread and mix.

Children drawing

V. - And now you try to work with paints on wet paper. (I check the condition of the paper for each child, if necessary, I help to moisten.)

V. - Well, ducklings, you see what beautiful work our kids did! You can safely start learning to draw! And it doesn't matter if the paper gets wet in the water. You can also create beautiful drawings on wet paper!


  • educational- continue to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about beautiful phenomena various figurative and expressive means; arouse interest in the image of the rainbow; give basic information on color science.
  • developing- develop a sense of color.
  • educational- to cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations, postcards, stamps depicting rainbows and other natural phenomena for enrichment artistic impressions children.

Guessing the riddle G. Lagzdyn:

What's your name, tell me

The yoke that in the sky is an arc

Seven-color hung?


Equipment: sheets of white paper, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, paper napkins, brush holders, rainbow pictures.


Educator: Guys, let's think with you, what is joy? Children's answers: When everything is fine, when mom is at home. When dad plays with me. When the sun is shining.

Educator: In ancient times in distant Egypt, people called the sun by the name Ra, so the words "joy" and "sun" are similar in meaning. What words can you name that sound similar to "joy" (children's answers).

The teacher reads a poem by G. Lagzdyn "Rainbow"

In the rainbow - seven arches,

Seven colored girlfriends!

Red bow - orange girlfriend!

Yellow bow - green girlfriend!

Blue bow - blue girlfriend!

The purple bow is a friend to all the bows!

And they will go like hugging

Multi-colored seven girlfriends,

Starting to merge

AT White color- seven bright bows!

The seven-color arc is ours

Educator: Guys, how can you "decipher" the word "rainbow"?

Children: Solar arc, sun arc, joy arc, joyful arc.

Educator: Who among you has seen a real rainbow? Tell us about this joyful event.

Where was it? When?

Was it raining or was the sun shining at that time? How did the rainbow make you feel?

Children: We saw a rainbow when we were driving to the country house. We were happy. Etc.

Educator: A rainbow can be observed in the sky in the warm season, when a small, frequent, warm rain drips. And at the same time, the sun shines through the clouds or clouds: the sun's rays pass through the raindrops and a rainbow is formed.

Guys, do you know the colors of the rainbow, and do these colors always follow a certain order? (children's answers).

Educator: Now look what a rainbow looks like? (shows picture). And name the colors.

Children: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.

The teacher removes the allowance and asks to name at random. Then the teacher clarifies how the children will draw the rainbow - with the tip of the brush or with the whole? From left to right? Straight or curved? What should be done with a brush after each color?

Children: Rinse, dry on a napkin.

Children in the air draw an arc. Then they take brushes and draw beautiful and joyful pictures about the rainbow.

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