The value of music lessons, their originality. Musical and aesthetic development of preschool children


Musical education of children preschool age V kindergarten.

The value of musical education.

Preschool age is the most optimal for introducing a child to the world of beauty, in this regard, the educator is very important: his moral character, knowledge level, professional excellence and experience. Therefore, it is very important that the educator be fully developed and attached to the world. musical art. Music, like any other art, can influence comprehensive development child, encourage moral and aesthetic experiences, lead to the transformation of the environment, to active thinking. It is important not only to understand and love music, to learn to sing expressively, harmoniously in the choir, to move rhythmically and to the best of your ability to play the instrument. The most important thing is to be able to apply your musical experience in raising children.

Music is a means of aesthetic education, which is aimed at developing the abilities of preschoolers to perceive, feel and understand the beautiful, notice good and bad, act creatively independently, thereby joining various types of artistic activity.

Signs of musicality (N.A. Vetlugina):

The first sign of musicality is the ability to feel the character, mood of a piece of music, empathize with what is heard, show an emotional attitude, understand musical image. Music excites the little listener, evokes responses, introduces life phenomena, gives rise to associations. The rhythmic sound of the march causes him joy, enthusiasm, the play about the sick doll makes him sad.

The second sign of musicality is the ability to listen, compare, evaluate the most vivid and understandable musical phenomena. This requires an elementary musical and auditory culture, arbitrary auditory attention directed to certain means of expression.

The third sign of musicality is the manifestation of a creative attitude to music. Listening to her, the child imagines in his own way artistic image, passing it in singing, playing, dancing.

Music lessons contribute to the overall development of the child's personality. The relationship between all aspects of education develops in the process of various types and forms. musical activity. Emotional responsiveness and developed ear for music will allow children to respond in accessible forms to good feelings and actions that will help activate mental activity and, constantly improving the movements, they will develop the preschoolers physically.

“It is necessary to help the child through art to be more deeply aware of his thoughts and feelings, to think more clearly and feel more deeply ...”. N.K. Krupskaya.

The tasks of musical education

1. Cultivate interest in music. This task is solved by developing musical susceptibility, which helps the child to feel and comprehend the content of the heard works more sharply.

2. Enrich the musical experience of children by introducing them to a variety of musical works.

3. Introduce children to elementary musical concepts to teach the simplest practical skills in all types of musical activity, sincerity, naturalness and expressiveness in the performance of musical works.

4. Develop emotional responsiveness, sensory abilities and fret-altitude hearing, a sense of rhythm, form singing voice and expression of movement.

5. Facilitate the emergence and initial manifestation musical taste on the basis of the received impressions and ideas about music, first forming a selective, and then an evaluative attitude towards musical works.

6. To develop creative activity in all types of musical activity accessible to children: the transfer of characteristic images in games and round dances; using learned dance moves in new, independently found combinations; improvisations of small songs, chants. To form independence, initiative and desire to apply the learned repertoire in Everyday life play music, sing and dance.

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Organization: MBDOU No. 190

Location: Orenburg region, city of Orenburg

Essay "The Meaning and Consequences of Musical Studies"

music director MBDOU No. 190 of Orenburg.

All of us, as children, attended kindergarten. What do we remember the most? I liked to play with my friends and go for walks, where I was surrounded by beautiful flower beds, as I remember now " pansies' and 'garden carnations'. And in winter we loved to sled each other and play snowballs. But most of all I remember music classes and holidays, where I often recited poems and sang songs. Even as a child, I dreamed of learning to play the piano and becoming a music director in a kindergarten. Time passed and my dream came true. Every day, when I enter the music hall, I look forward to meeting my pupils and want to introduce them to the wonderful and diverse world of music. Preparing for classes, I ask myself the question: how to make them, my little know-it-alls, want to meet with me, and then leave with a smile and gratitude. music hall. In our days, when it became obvious what we lost for musical culture generation, the question of the need to reconsider the approach to musical education preschooler in accordance with GEF. The first stage in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is the musical education of children of early and younger preschool age, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. According to the data available in the literature, this age is the most favorable (sensitive) for the formation musical ability, including the main indicator of musicality - emotional responsiveness to music. In no case should one miss the moment of acquaintance of children of primary preschool age with the “correct” music, which in the future will become the foundation of their musical taste. On the basis of the knowledge about music acquired by children, they first form a selective, and then an evaluative attitude towards it, appear initial forms musical taste. Music lessons should, above all, bring joy to children. This is the main condition for their musical development. Only under this condition is it possible to “ignite” a child for life with love and interest in music, form a need for it, and successfully develop musical abilities. Children don't have to be organized. It is important that they feel at the music lesson freely, uninhibited. For a greater perception of musical material in the classroom, it is necessary to introduce new forms of work using ICT. The child needs creative freedom in the classroom, he needs to form an attitude towards creativity from the first steps of musical development. The role of a musical director is the formation of an individual musical culture in a child, in the process of observing him. Musical education has a purposeful character, when the music director, with the help of questioning parents, observation and taking into account the taste of children, finds that musical material which introduces children to the accumulation of musical experience.

It is in this way that conditions should be created that ensure the gradual assimilation by the child of the knowledge and skills necessary for the formation of musical abilities and their development at the next level. high level. The music director should build the work not from music to the child, but from the pupil to his experiences and desire to get acquainted with the world of music.

Music has the ability to influence not only adults, but also children themselves. early age. Moreover, and this has been proven, even the intrauterine period is extremely important for the subsequent development of a person: the music that the expectant mother listens to positive influence for well-being developing child(perhaps, and forms his tastes and preferences). From the foregoing, we can conclude how important it is to create conditions for the formation of the foundations of the musical culture of preschool children.

The main tasks of musical education can be considered:

1. Cultivate love and interest in music. Only the development of emotional responsiveness and receptivity makes it possible to widely use the educational impact of music.

2. To enrich the impressions of children by introducing them in a specifically organized system to a variety of musical works and the means of expression used.

3. Involve children in various types musical activity, forming the perception of music and the simplest performing skills in the field of singing, rhythm, playing children's instruments. Get to know the basics musical literacy. All this will allow them to act consciously, naturally, expressively.

4. To develop the general musicality of children (sensory abilities, pitch hearing, a sense of rhythm), to form a singing voice and expressiveness of movements. If at this age a child is taught and involved in active practical activity, then all his abilities are formed and developed.

5. Promote the initial development of musical taste. On the basis of the impressions and ideas about music received, first a selective and then an evaluative attitude towards the performed works is manifested.

6. Develop creative attitude to music, first of all, in such an activity accessible to children as the transfer of images in music games and round dances, the use of new combinations of familiar dance movements, improvisation of chants.

This helps to identify independence, initiative, the desire to use the learned repertoire in everyday life, play music on instruments, sing, dance. Of course, such manifestations are more typical for children of middle and older preschool age.

The successful solution of these tasks depends on the content of musical education, primarily on the significance of the repertoire used, teaching methods and techniques, forms of organizing musical activity, etc. It is important for a child to develop all the best that is inherent in him by nature; taking into account the inclination to certain types of musical activity, on the basis of various natural inclinations, to form special musical abilities, to promote overall development.

Musical abilities of children manifest themselves in different ways. For some, already in the first year of life, all three basic abilities - modal feeling, musical and auditory representations and a sense of rhythm - are expressed quite clearly, develop quickly and easily, this indicates musicality; others later, more difficult. The most difficult to develop is musical - auditory representations - the ability to reproduce the melody of the voice, precisely by intoning it, or pick it up by ear on a musical instrument. In most children, this ability does not appear until the age of five. But the lack of early manifestation of abilities, emphasizes the musician-psychologist B.M. Teplov, is not an indicator of weakness, or even less ability. Great importance has the environment in which the child grows up (especially in the first years of life). early manifestation musical abilities are observed, as a rule, in children who receive sufficiently rich musical impressions.

In kindergarten, we do musical activities every day. We are working on the development of musical abilities, instilling aesthetic taste. The kindergarten and the family are the two main teams responsible for the development and upbringing of the child. Musical art is of great importance in the mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education. We start working with children from the age of one and a half years and accompany them to school. At this stage of the journey, lasting six years, the guys are systematically, consistently engaged in all types of musical activities. We teach children to sing, dance, listen, play musical instruments. In the process of learning, singing, children develop memory, vocal cords become stronger, the ability to breathe correctly. Goes Full time job over diction, the child learns to sing sounds, words, sentences correctly. We teach children to dance expressively, rhythmically, beautifully. Express your feelings and emotions through dance. Children learn to invite each other to dance and see each other off after the dance. Dancing is very good for health, the child develops the correct posture, in the future he will feel confident in any situation. We also instill a love for classical music, broadening our horizons. With the systematic listening to music, children develop perseverance, attention is already preparation for school and later life. We see talents and abilities in every child and help develop them in the future.

Music is a means of education when it is consciously perceived by a child. A person who has opened a window to the world of beauty in childhood knows how to perceive life more fully and joyfully, to see the world in many ways. And we, adults, help children to see the beauty in nature, in work, teach them to worry and rejoice. Every parent needs to remember that there are no children immune to music. By teaching music, we influence general development And spiritual world child.

Music classes with children comprehensively develop and prepare them for schooling. For this, progressive methods are used that allow developing memory, thinking and imagination from an early age. Music lessons affect intellectual development, accelerates the growth of cells responsible for human intelligence, affects the emotional well-being of the child. Under the influence of music, the energy processes of the body are activated, aimed at physical recovery. Therefore, in music lessons, we carefully select musical material.

Each child has his own development of musicality, so there is no need to be upset if the baby does not immediately succeed in singing and dancing, this takes time. In music lessons, we develop each child and approach each child individually. Much attention is paid to such an instrument as the voice, it is the voice that can become the basis of the musical culture of a person in the future. Here we use the principle “from simple to complex”. The kid sings along, but very carefully, as the vocal cords are thin and fragile. When teaching singing, we take into account the physiological characteristics of the child, the method of working on breathing, tempo, and diction. The song and dance repertoire is selected in accordance with age group. Training involves individual approach and knowledge of the physiology of each age. By teaching the skills and abilities to play musical instruments, we develop hearing and emotional responsiveness. IN junior groups children sing along with adults, listen, clap, stomp. In the older groups, we teach children to sing in a choir, in groups, to dance in circles, to dance in pairs, the boys learn how to invite girls to dance correctly. At music lessons we teach children: to love to sing songs, to be able to listen to music of different genres, to move correctly, beautifully and aesthetically. I would also like to wish parents that at home, on vacation, while walking with their children, they pay attention to musical education. And we adults help to perceive reality realistically, without destroying wonderful world child.

The music director is responsible for musical education.

Organizes and conducts music classes, literary and musical matinees, evenings.

Identifies musically gifted children and works with them individually and in a group.

Participates in carrying out morning exercises, physical education classes and entertainment, provides musical accompaniment organized games children in the 2nd half of the day, conducts musical, didactic, theatrical and rhythmic games.

The most important criteria in the work of the music director of the preschool educational institution:

1.Creation necessary conditions for the development of musical abilities in children, taking into account the characteristics of the child (embarrassment, shyness, etc.), prevention of the occurrence of negative experiences in him.

2. The development of musical hearing in children: pitch, rhythm, timbre, etc. (are used didactic games, modeling techniques, etc.)

3. Formation of singing abilities.

4. Mastering elementary playing of musical instruments by preschoolers: metallophone, tambourine, rattle, etc.

5. Development of musical-rhythmic movements in accordance with the nature of the music.

6. Taking into account the achievements of the child in various types of musical activity, fixing attention on his potentialities and abilities. Achievements of a preschooler are not compared with the achievements of other children, but only with his own.

7. Creating conditions for enriching children with impressions that can be used in a musical game (reading fairy tales together, listening to audio cassettes, discussing events in children's lives; organizing visits to museums, concert halls, musical theaters etc.)

8. Introducing the child to world and national musical culture.

9. Familiarizing children with classical music: listening to music, talking about content, composers, etc.

10. Acquaintance of preschoolers with ghosts folk music and song folklore: organization of their listening and performance, acquaintance with ditties, carols, round dances; learning folk dances, songs, games, etc.

11. Formation in children of ideas about the types of musical art (opera, ballet, etc.) and various genres musical works (waltz, march, lullaby, etc.).

12. Introducing children in the classroom with diversity means of expression in music (mode, melody, timbre, strength, tempo, pitch, sound duration, etc.).

13. Familiarization of preschoolers with various classical and folk musical instruments (a story about ancient and modern musical instruments, acquaintance with their appearance and sound).

14. Introducing children to ritual, folk and traditional holidays and festivities.

15. Creation of conditions for the development of children's creative activity in musical activity; providing play material and equipment for the musical development of children.

16. Holding music lessons(listening to music, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, playing musical instruments). Stimulation and support of the child's desire to express feelings through facial expressions, gestures, movements, voice.

17. Encouraging children to improvise in singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, etc.: encouraging them to transmit musical means characteristics various characters, their emotional experiences and moods, etc.

18. Giving preschoolers the right to choose means for improvisation and self-expression: musical instruments, roles, plots, activities: singing, dancing, rhythmic movements, etc.

19. Creating conditions for development musical creativity children on the basis of the synthesis of arts, the use of a combination of different types of activities: musical, visual, artistic and speech, dramatization games, etc.

20. Encouragement of performing creativity in musical activities (participation in musical performances, concerts, etc.) with the support of the teacher of the individual interests and abilities of children, while taking into account their age characteristics.

21. Helping children (as preschoolers master game activities) in choosing different musical roles; organization of simple musical story games with several children.

22. Joint musical activity of children and adults: creation (if possible) of a choir, orchestra or dance ensemble with the participation of adults; holding joint holidays for children, parents and employees of preschool educational institutions, etc.

23. Development in preschoolers in accordance with their individual features the ability to behave freely when speaking in front of adults and peers (including giving the main roles to shy children, inclusion in musical performances children with speech difficulties), thus ensuring the active participation of everyone.

24. Constant consideration of the child's capabilities in order to prevent him from feeling inadequate6 to provide assistance in case of difficulties, not to "impose" complex and incomprehensible musical works on him.

25. Showing respect for the personality of each child, friendly attention to him; the desire to establish trusting relationships with children, showing attention to their moods, desires, achievements and failures.

26. Creation of a developing environment conducive to musical development and emotional well-being children (exposition of paintings, engravings, works folk art, portraits of composers and prominent performers; exhibitions of author's works of children; parents; flowers, etc.).

27. Organically incorporating music into different kinds activities of the kindergarten (when carrying out exercises, in the classroom for visual activity etc.).

28. Using Music to Organize regime moments(lullaby - before going to bed, cheerful music - on a walk, in the process of playing and practicing).

29. Conducting consultations and providing methodological assistance to parents on the musical education of children at school.

30. Ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection during classes.

31. Participation in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work.

32. Improving your professional qualifications.

Music lessons

Various forms of organizing music lessons enrich and diversify the content of the activity and methods of managing it.

A special role in solving the problems of musical and aesthetic education of children belongs to classes. This is a special form of organization of the pedagogical process. They are mandatory, are carried out under the guidance of adults and provide for the systematic coverage of the pedagogical influence of all the children of the group. All this makes it possible to build aesthetic education children in the program.

Classes are the main form of organization in which children are taught, their abilities are developed, personality traits are nurtured, and the foundations of musical and general culture are formed. Classes involve active mutual activity of the teacher and children.

The main task facing the teacher in the classroom is to arouse the children's interest in music and musical activity, to enrich their feelings. The development of children's emotional responsiveness to music throughout the lesson should be the focus of the teacher. When it is carried out, other tasks are also more successfully solved - to develop musical abilities, form the foundations of taste, teach children the necessary skills and abilities, which they can then apply in independent activities in kindergarten and family. In singing, playing musical instruments in children develops a sound pitch hearing, in musical and rhythmic movements, singing, playing musical instruments - a sense of rhythm.

Classes contribute to the education of many positive qualities child's personality.

In music classes, a versatile education of children is carried out (mental, aesthetic, physical)

Mental: Children gain knowledge about various aspects and phenomena surrounding reality, i.e. knowledge about the seasons, holidays and working days of people. Life experience is systematized.

Moral - volitional: A feeling of love for the mother, the Motherland is brought up, skills are formed cultural behavior(V organizational moments), the ability to listen, sing, dance in a team is brought up. Purposefully engaged, the ability to bring the work started to the end, to overcome difficulties

Physical: Dancing and games form certain motor skills that develop certain muscle groups.

Aesthetic: To be able to listen and understand music, you need to feel it, to know the beautiful.

Singing skills: Purity of intonation, breathing, diction, coherence of singing intonations

Types of musical activity:

1. Listening is the main type of musical activity. This activity, being independent, is at the same time mandatory. integral part any form of music-making, any kind of musical activity. For the aesthetic development of preschoolers, mainly 2 types of music are used: vocal, instrumental music. For early and younger age more accessible vocal form of sound. Older children listen instrumental music("Clowns", "Horse"). It is necessary not only to teach the child to listen to music, but also to speak emotionally about it (character), give some names (dance, march, lullaby), introduce the means of expression (tempo, dynamics, register) and the names of composers. Listening to a work repeatedly, children gradually memorize it, they develop a taste and a certain attitude to a particular work, favorite works appear.

2. Singing and songwriting is one of the most favorite types of music for children. activities. Choral singing unites children, creates conditions for their emotional communication. at the first stage, children can only sing along and reproduce onomatopoeia (a cat meows, a dog barks, a bird sings)

3. Musical and rhythmic movements include dances, dance creativity, musical games, round dances, exercises. Children learn to move according to the nature of the music, with the means musical expressiveness. Develop a sense of rhythm, develop artistic and creative abilities. At the initial stage, when learning dances. Movements, the teacher needs to show. In the future, only verbal instructions are given in the course of execution, errors are corrected. Children learn to communicate various images(birds fly, horses jump, bunnies jump). The educator verbally helps to more accurately convey the resemblance to the characters. In older groups, we seek from children a conscious attitude to their role and high-quality performance in performing movements. Therefore develops creative activity children through purposeful learning, expanding musical experience, activating feelings, imagination, thinking. To uncomplicated creative tasks includes staging songs.

4. Learning to play children's musical instruments (acquaintance with the sound of instruments performed by an adult, selection of familiar melodies on various instruments. In this type of activity, sensory musical abilities, a sense of rhythm, musical ear, musical thinking. Playing in an orchestra contributes to the development of attention, independence, initiative, the ability to distinguish the sound of instruments

Music lesson consists of several sections:

1. Introductory part: movements in various constructions(columns, lines, links, couples, in a circle), walking, running, dance steps (jumping, straight, lateral gallop, fractional, round dance, etc.). Movements to music create a cheerful, cheerful mood, improve posture, coordination of arms and legs.

2. Listening to music

3. Singing and songwriting -

4. Learning to play children's musical instruments (acquaintance with the sound of instruments performed by an adult, selection of familiar melodies on various instruments

Classes unite children with common joyful, aesthetic experiences, joint actions, teach a culture of behavior, require a certain concentration, manifestation of mental effort, initiative and creativity. They have an undoubted influence on other forms of organization of children. The independent musical activity of the children will be more active on the basis of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom. Holidays, entertainment will be more successful, more interesting if the songs, dances, round dances learned in the classroom are performed expressively and naturally.

Types of musical activities in the classroom can sometimes have a different sequence. Starting from middle group learning to play musical instruments for children is introduced.

At each lesson, the teacher must carry out general educational tasks. It is very important that the child experiences joy from communication with music, learns something new every time.

In teaching preschoolers, a variety of methods and techniques are used, taking into account the age of the children and the content of the classes.

Children should be introduced to new musical and didactic games in class. The music director then uses them in individual work with pupils.

What is distinctive is that the children are taught several types of musical activity at once, which is not the case in drawing, modeling, etc. classes.

The difficulty of building a lesson lies in the fact that the teacher needs to skillfully switch the attention of children from one type of activity to another, without reducing the emotional upsurge when works that differ in subject matter and mood are heard.

Another difficulty is the sequence of learning educational material: initial acquaintance, assimilation of skills in the learning process, repetition, consolidation, execution of what has been learned. In one lesson, the stages of learning a particular work may not coincide. For example, out of three songs that are being worked on, one is learned well and is expressively performed, the other is being listened to for the first time, the third is just being learned.

At a musical lesson, formal memorization of the repertoire, multiple, monotonous repetitions, coaching and drill are unacceptable.

Teaching children in the classroom should be supported by a variety of impressions of music received in other forms of organizing activities.

It should always be remembered that it is difficult to achieve desired results V musical development children.

When compiling a musical lesson, the teacher must take into account the following requirements: mental, physical, emotional stress of children; consistent distribution of activities, learning repertoire; continuity in the development of musical abilities, mastering skills, knowledge, learning musical repertoire; variability and consistency age opportunities children13.

Thus, a musical lesson in preschool educational institution is the main form of musical education and development of preschoolers. In the classroom, the process of cognition of musical art in all its forms takes place.

The meaning and tasks of musical education of preschool children

The meaning of music

Faculty of Preschool Musical Learning

Music is the art of a special, artistic and figurative reflection of life and inner peace person.

Music has the ability to reflect the experiences of people in different moments of life. It accompanies a person all his life.

Musical works reflect the pages of history. They unite people in a single experience, become a means of communication between them.

Another feature of music is that each person in his own way shows interest and passion for music, gives preference to any musical genre, beloved composer, individual work having some listening experience.

Most interesting us the peculiarity of music is to influence a person from the very first days of his life. Early emotional reaction allows from the first months of life to introduce children to music, to make it active assistant aesthetic education.

Tasks of musical education of preschool children

The main tasks of musical education can be considered:

1. Cultivate love and interest in music. Only the development of emotional responsiveness and receptivity makes it possible to widely use the educational impact of music.

2. To enrich the impressions of children by introducing them in a specifically organized system to a variety of musical works and the means of expression used.

3. Introduce children to various types of musical activities, forming the perception of music and the simplest performing skills in the field of singing, rhythm, playing children's instruments. To acquaint with the initial elements of musical literacy. All this will allow them to act consciously, naturally, expressively.

4. To develop the general musicality of children (sensory abilities, pitch hearing, a sense of rhythm), to form a singing voice and expressiveness of movements. If at this age a child is taught and involved in active practical activity, then all his abilities are formed and developed.

5. Promote the initial development of musical taste. On the basis of the impressions and ideas about music received, first a selective and then an evaluative attitude towards the performed works is manifested.

6. To develop a creative attitude to music, especially in such activities accessible to children as the transfer of images in musical games and round dances, the use of new combinations of familiar dance movements, improvisation of chants.

Content, types and forms of musical activity of children in a preschool educational institution

The organization of work on musical education implies the implementation of targeted musical education of children in various types of musical activities. These include: classes, holidays and entertainment, independent musical activities.

Musical head of preschool educational institution is responsible for the overall organization of musical education in kindergarten: conducts systematic work with children, using various forms of its organization, deals with educators, raising them musical level, organizes consultations, promotes issues of musical and aesthetic education among parents. The theory and practice of preschool pedagogy determines the following forms of organization of musical activity: classes, the use of music at holidays and in entertainment, in play, independent and other activities.

A game- the main activity of preschool children, in which round dances, role-playing songs, and outdoor games can take place.

Musically-independent activity arises on the initiative of children in the process of games and fills their lives with interesting content.

The source of the emergence of children's music-making is, first of all, music lessons. Here children learn the repertoire of songs, games, dances. They are systematically encouraged to act independently. Children transfer the knowledge gained in the classroom into independent activities. For example, in the classroom, children often sing accompanied by an instrument. But if they are taught to sing without accompaniment, then they will be able to sing at will without the support of the piano.

Many guys like to dance, march to the music.

But if they learn to sing a dance melody, a march, they will already be able to accompany the movements with their singing without the help of an adult.

In the life of a kindergarten, the child uses the types of performing and acting that are closest to him. creative activity. The participation of the teacher is indirect. The quality of independent children's performance, as a rule, is somewhat worse than in class, but the value of such performance is great, as it indicates the formation of interest in music. The use of music in everyday life is the responsibility of the educator.

Holidays and entertainment include a wide variety of types and genres of art music, which, with the creative initiative of educators and the activity of children, solves the big problems of musical and aesthetic education.

As O.P. Radynova, the holiday performs important functions only if systematic work is carried out in the kindergarten on the musical education of children.

Tasks of cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten A.N. Zimina sees in the following:

Give children joy and encourage them to be active;

Give vivid artistic musical impressions;

To instill interest and love for music, develop musical susceptibility and musical activity of the child.

Organization children's holiday, as Yu.I. Bratchikov, includes the following preliminary work:

1) careful selection of the script and actors;

2) choice of musical and literary material according to the theme of the holiday and the age characteristics of children;

3) learning musical and speech material with children and teachers;

4) conducting rehearsals;

5) making costumes and scenery;

6) selection of phonograms, special light and sound special effects;

7) cooking treats.

Entertainment reinforces and deepens the musical impressions received in the classroom, spiritually enriches children, develops the foundations of children's musical culture and gives children pleasure. The role and place of music in entertainment is not the same. Music can play a leading role (conversation-concert) or a role musical arrangement(play).

The holiday brings together different types art, therefore, first of all, it develops aesthetic feelings in children, an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality

Music lessons are based on mandatory program requirements, compiled taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

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