Crossword “Russian proverbs, sayings and popular expressions.


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1 Crossword "Russian proverbs, sayings and idioms» Horizontally: 5.. not an aunt. 6. Meli, your week. 9. If the fox did not arrive in time, it would have eaten the wolf. 11. Silence - consent. 12. Old age is not. 13. just opened. 15. Dashing trouble New cleanly sweeps. 18. Not all cats have a carnival, sometimes a great one. 19. Heard, but does not know where he is. 21. sees a fisherman from afar. 24. You can’t throw it on someone else’s mouth. 25. Close, but you won’t bite. 26. Not expensive, dear love. 28. There are no comrades for and for the color. 30. Will be crushed, will be. 31., but not that one. 32. Take care from a young age. Vertically: 1. more expensive than money. 2. Under lying water does not flow. 3. Your own does not pull. 4. Whoever remembers the old, get out.7 On the catcher and ... runs.8. Deal -...! 10 One in the field did not get stuck in the abyss of the whole bird. 15. on the table, and salted on the back. 16. The dog barks - wears. 17. Be patient, you will be the chieftain. 20. The thief is on fire. 22. sister is not a decree in cooking. 23. Road to dinner. 26. The woman had no trouble, so she bought 27. Look at! 29. not without good people. 30. Repetition - teachings. 20 Signed for print Conv. oven l. 1.0. Circulation 100 copies. Printed in GOU Education Center 1830 Moscow, st. 1st Volskaya 7, tel./fax, E-mail

2 There are grains in the spikelet, And knowledge and jokes are in the Sun. What phraseological units are shown in front of you? (The composition of one includes the noun "nose"). Sasha Kirillova, 7 B Dear friends! In this issue, we have prepared material on phraseological units, which are an integral part of our Russian language. These wonderful expressions contain not only meaning, but also our history and traditions. We hope you enjoy our miniatures, jokes, puzzles and illustrations. Authors: E.A. Makhanova, A.A. Kotlova, students 5B, 6A, 6B, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8G of the Education Center Olya Kidlo, 7 B Editors: Anna Frolova, Ekaterina Zhiganova. Artists: Kirillova Sasha, Kidlo Olya. Layout and design: A.S. Bazhenov. 2 19

3 Phraseology The selected phraseological units are brought together by the synonymy of the meaning. What do they stand for? One day, while walking home, Masha heard a rustle behind her. Frost ran over my skin. She walked a few more steps, and again someone stirred in the bushes. Masha's blood froze in her veins. She hurried home. Then the unknown person ran out of the bushes, his cautious steps were heard. The soul went into the heels, the hamstrings shook, and goosebumps ran through Masha's body. There was a squeal behind her, Masha turned around, beside herself with fear, and saw a puppy Diana Chernysh, 7 B Guess the idiom! Sasha Kirillova, 7 B Answers to the crossword: issue 3 hunger, Emelya, sheep, sign, joy, small chest, beginning, broom, post, ringing, fisherman, scarf, elbow, gift, taste, flour, Fedot, honor; agreement, stone, burden, eye, beast, tobacco, warrior, claw, undersalt, wind, Cossack, hat, brother, spoon, pig, root, light, mother. 18 IN THE ISSUE: I. Foreword... 2 II. Tutorials Scientific page... 4 Something about paradise III. Cognition Zoophraseologisms... 6 IV. Tvorilki Children write ... 7 How did the little mouse Peak help the old people? About the school The use of phraseological units Transcriptions...13 And again about the school V. Zanimalki Who is the boss ..? Phraseological primer

4 Scientific page Phraseology (gr. rhrasis - expression + logos teaching) is the science of complex linguistic units that have a stable character. These stable combinations are called phraseological units. The study of the entire set of phraseological units of the Russian language involves classification according to a variety of criteria. The most famous is the classification of VV Vinogradov. He distinguishes 3 types of phraseological units. 1. Phraseological fusions are stable combinations, the meaning of which is not derived from the meaning of their constituent components: get into a mess, beat the thumbs, eat the dog, out of hand, tell a joke (not a joke!). 2. Phraseological units are stable combinations, the meaning of which is partly related to the semantics of their constituent components, used in a figurative meaning: to reach a dead end, beat with a key, go with the flow, bite your tongue. Phraseological units are always perceived as metaphors or other tropes, for example: comparisons (like a bath leaf, like a cow licked with its tongue, like on pins and needles), metaphorical epithets (tinned throat, iron grip), hyperbolas (golden mountains, a sea of ​​​​pleasure), litotes (with a poppy seed, grasping at straws). Some phraseological units owe their expressiveness to a pun, a joke that is their basis: a hole from a donut, from a sleeve vest. 3. Phraseological combinations of stable turns, the meaning of which is motivated by the semantics of their constituent components: look down (but not the leg or arm), a delicate question (not a proposal or a decision). Phraseological combinations can have options: fail, fail, fear takes envy. Phraseological primer. Andrei has an Achilles heel in arithmetic. Boris beat the buckets. Everything fell out of Vali's hands. Galya has a head on her shoulders. You won't go far with Dima. Zina sets the tone. Ira does not lead by ear. Without Katya as without hands. Lesha is easy to remember. Misha is a master of all trades. Nastya pricked up her ears. Olya was left with a nose. Petya showed where the crayfish hibernate. Rita chopped from the shoulder. Sasha has his own head on his shoulders. Tim is quieter than water, lower than grass. Ulyana teaches the mind to reason. Khavronya's mouth is full of trouble. The queen has no price. Chuprikov gave honestly. With Shura jokes are bad. Yana's tongue is well suspended. Anya Babanova, 7 B 4 17

5 Who is the owner of the Sidor goat? One of the versions is that in Russian folklore there were works (most likely fairy tales), the characters of which were Sidor with his goat. Relying on folklore sources, we can draw the following conclusion about the origin of the phraseological unit “to beat like a Sidor’s goat”: if Sidor is usually characterized as “a rich, but stingy and petty person”, then this expression affected the desire for revenge on Sidor: if he himself is unattainable, then let at least his goat get it thoroughly. Anya Frolova, 7 B What hangs in the balance? This expression is used with many nouns: wealth, things, position, someone's candidacy for it, or even a real thing. But still the most commonly used word is life. This expression is often found in the works of Russian writers and poets. In the 18th century, the expression his death hung by a thread was often used, which is now almost never used. But with all these nouns, the expression "hanging by a thread" means "very dangerous situations for the existence, a situation close to collapse, death, end." Why hang by a thread? This is associated with the legend of the Syracusan tyrant Dionysius, who, wanting to show the complexity of the position of the lord, seated his court nobleman Damocles on a chair, over which a sharp sword hung on horsehair. Hence another idiom like under the sword of Damocles. This classification of phraseological units is often supplemented by highlighting phraseological expressions, for example: happy hour do not observe, to be or not to be. This group of phraseological units includes popular expressions, proverbs, sayings. Kotlova A.A. Something about heavenly places, or a little bit from the history of the Russian language. Each language changes in its own way. And after a change, traces of the past always remain, either in the pronunciation of words, or in the alternation of sounds. Knowing the historical alternations, we can easily determine the degree of kinship of those words that today have diverged quite far and are rarely recognized as related. Here, for example, what is paradise? Can you guess that the combination is related to religious beliefs of our ancestors that this is "something divine" - but that's all. It is also clear that the tabernacles are in paradise, where it is always good: light, quiet, cleanly tidied up. And what are the bushes themselves? You ask and rarely does anyone answer correctly. The most common answer: bushes? These are heavenly places. But this is not the answer at all. However, we want to find the original meaning of the word, to understand the original meaning of the turnover. In this case, the historical alternation deposited in it will help us. And in fact, maybe the heavenly bushes are heavenly bushes? The alternation -st- - -sh- is included in an extensive family of alternating phonetic roots: to flatter, lovely flattering, flattering. 16 5

6 Yes, and bushes, it would seem, have a relative in modern Russian: a crowded space (a place overgrown with bushes). So in the latest books, the word booths is found in the meaning of bushes. The most ingenious will translate our combination as heavenly pieces. Pieces, not bushes! Remember: search-at search-y, drag-at drag-y. Therefore, heavenly places as heavenly pieces formally have the right to exist. The meaning, however, changes somewhat. However, the paradise and the pieces have nothing to do. The fact is that the Russian h in Old Church Slavonic usually corresponds to u. Compare these words: I want az I want, night raven night crow. Thus, where in Russian there is an alternation of t h (I want to want), in Old Slavonic it is always t u (I want to want). And, therefore, heavenly places must be translated as heavenly heaps. This is the correct translation. Correct, correct, but incomprehensible. If we include it in the general series of Church Slavonic alternations, we get the ratio: hot-(children) hoshch(y), kut kushch(i). The word kut is very ancient, it is still preserved in Russian dialects in its original meaning angle. And in literary language many derivatives of this root. A nook is a space fenced in the corner, a blind kitten, which is kept in the house for the time being, etc. Thus, tabernacles are heaps, that is, rooms consisting of corners, having corners. In other words, this is a house, or rather, not a house, a tent, a hut, a hut. In Bulgarian, Serbian, and Slovenian, the word with this root still denotes a house. Russian writer Gleb Uspensky and translated in an ironic sense the solemn: paradise on available language: houses of paradise Zoo-phraseologisms, or animal world in the phraseology Take the bull by the horns, begin to act energetically, immediately and from the most important thing. In iron gloves strictly, severely, with great severity. That's where the dog is buried exactly in this true reason, essence of the matter; this is the main point. Chasing two birds with one stone, trying to achieve two different goals at the same time, doing two different things. To make an elephant out of a fly is a great exaggeration of anything. Like a squirrel in a wheel to be very busy, in constant chores, worries (sometimes without visible results). Like a fish in water, free, at ease, good. Like water off a duck's back, it's completely indifferent, it doesn't work at all. The mosquito of the nose will not undermine there is nothing to complain about. The cat cried very little. Cats scratch their hearts restlessly, anxiously, sadly, sadly. The lion's share is large and usually the best part. Neither fish nor meat stands out in any way, does not have bright distinctive properties, incapable of active action. Show where the crayfish hibernate teach a lesson, severely punish someone. Kill two birds with one stone, do two things at the same time, achieve two goals. Alexandra Vaganova, 7 B 6 Katya Zhiganova, 7 B 15

7 And again about the school, students and teachers Aphorisms Nothing is so firmly remembered by students as the mistakes of their teachers. (Anton Ligov) Good teacher can teach others even what he himself does not know. (Tadeusz Kotarbiński) The secret of teaching is to show that you have known all your life what you read last night. According to teachers, eggs do not teach a chicken, according to students, a chicken is not a bird. (Alexander Botvinnikov) Exams are the only way to know at least something for at least a few days. (Georges Elgosi) Children write: “What do I want to be?” If I were a coach, I would give all my strength to work. I would train even the smallest ones, and never yell at them or scold them. I would start my own Tekwondo club. We would go to competitions together, and in the summer to sports camps. I would teach them just like they teach me: I would give them my whole soul. They would reach with me the highest level. We would become great masters and the most respected people in the world. We would have the most happy families on the ground. I am sure that I will have all this if I become a coach. I have a chance for a bright future, and I will not miss it. Anya Frolova, 7 B *** The profession of a doctor appeared in the era of the ancient world, it is very important and interesting. People of this profession come to the rescue in the most critical moments our life. A doctor can only lead a horse to a strong and self-confident person who goes to a watering place, but you cannot force him to drink. (English proverb) You need to study a lot to know a little. (Charles Montesquieu) I know that I don't know anything. (Socrates) Live and learn, and you will die a fool. (Russian proverb) Live and learn! And you will finally reach the point where, like a wise man, you will have the right to say that you know nothing. (Kozma Prutkov). Collected by Maxim Aksyanov, 7 B can understand someone else's pain. This profession requires patience and compassion. If I were a doctor, I would strive to help the sick. To do this, I would try to create new drugs, diagnostics. I would like to see new modern hospitals, polyclinics and scientific medical centers built in our country. I want a person, coming to these buildings, to know that they are waiting for him here and they will definitely help him. I would like qualified personnel to work in medical institutions. I would like to have such qualities worthy of the profession of a doctor, such as: a desire to help people, kindness, calmness in critical situations, politeness. 14 7

8 I would try to instill important rules: no smoking, no drinking, no polluting environment, do not destroy yourself and those around you. Each profession is important in its own way. Working as a doctor, I would strive to do everything so that people get sick as little as possible. After all good doctor this is a person who relieves suffering, and often saves lives. Katya Zhiganova, 7 B *** If I were famous football player, I would definitely play in the European Championship for the Russian national football team in the summer of 2008. I would do everything to ensure that our team reached the final and won the European Cup. I would try to score the winning goal in the final and glorify the European team to the whole world. I would spend the money I earned on charity. I would invest in the development of children's and youth football in Russia so that good football players would grow up who would win new prestigious trophies. I would also definitely help homeless children and orphans so that they do not feel lonely, but feel the care and attention of the people around them. I think it's always nice to do good deeds. P.S.: Last academic year, Richard was in 6th grade, and since this year there is a 7th grade class of football players in our school, among which was (and not at all by chance) Richard. So, one step on the way to victory has already been taken. We wish good luck to the athletes who will compete in Sochi in November this year. Richard Anvarul, 7 D ON A NOTE Phraseological units updated by writers are sometimes distinguished into a special group of occasional phraseological neologisms. Like lexical neologisms, they perform in artistic speech expressive function, for example: Modesty adorns even those to whom it does not suit. Nikita Sevrikov, 7 V DECRYPTIONS Recently we wrote the Olympiad in the Russian language, and the task where it was necessary to determine the meaning of phraseological units caused the greatest difficulty. Here are the most “successful” examples of decoding: dress up in peacock feathers, put on the best outfits; dress smartly; hang dogs to wear anything from an animal; get food; let dogs go on a big hunt; according to Senka, the hat is suitable in size; shot sparrow on the hunt someone killed a sparrow. Vanya Kondakov, 7 B 8 13

9 The use of phraseological units in journalism The use of phraseological units gives speech liveliness and imagery. This is appreciated by journalists who willingly turn to Russian phraseology in feuilletons and essays. Humorists and satirists especially like to use phraseological units. A tried and tested stylistic device for updating the semantics of phraseological units is a change in the number of components in them, which gives it a new figurative form: Cats are not ordinary, but with long, yellow claws, scraping her by the heart. (Ch.) Replacing vocabulary components phraseological units is also used for their ironic rethinking: With all the fibers of his suitcase, he strove abroad. (I. and P.) A peculiar stylistic device of the author's processing of phraseological units is the combination of several expressions: Is silence gold because it is a sign of consent ?. One of the most striking stylistic techniques for updating phraseological units is the destruction of their figurative meaning. At the same time, the phraseological unit does not change outwardly, but loses its metaphorical meaning and is perceived literally: The writer Ivanov again received an open letter. It turned out that his letters were opened by a neighbor in the stairwell Sidorov. *** If I were a traffic cop, I would drive a Mitsubishi Lancer 4 and stop offenders. He held the rank of major. He married a young woman and had three children, a dacha (12 by 12) and a large bathhouse. I went fishing with my father on the Pru River and hunting in Kolomna. He opened a bank account and saved up for his children's studies at the institute. I would live well and very happy life and would not know sorrow and sorrow. Like this. Dima Gvozdev, 7 B *** I think that I am very lucky, because in my life there is a wonderful teacher Egorov Sergey Nikolaevich, who devotes all his time to the upbringing and development of adolescents. He runs the "Brave" club, which is visited by girls and boys in their free time from school. There we do interesting and useful things: we go hiking, revive folk games, get acquainted with the works of great Russian poets, sing songs to the guitar and just chat. We have no time to think about smoking, drinking, drugs. Unfortunately, there are very few such clubs, and teenagers are forced to spend free time on the street, where there are many temptations. I don't know who I'll be adult life, but I have a dream: if I am lucky and I become a rich person, then I will spend part of my money on creating such clubs for teenagers, where guys can do what they are interested in: play rock music, dance hip hop, draw graffiti , learn languages ​​and much more. In such situations, puns arise. The second plan of the meaning of a phraseological unit is sometimes revealed in a small context: I got into a bind, but was comforted by reading my name on the cover 9

10 If teenagers feel the support of adults, they see that there are a lot of guys with the same interests, then they will aspire to such teenage clubs. Many here can even choose a profession. They will be engrossed interesting business, and it will not occur to them to commit dirty and vile deeds. Then "thugs" will be less. Therefore, I want to become a philanthropist and benefit the younger generation. Ilya Borisov, 7 B Creative laboratory. How the little mouse Peak helped the old people. There lived an old man and an old woman. They lived, they did not rage with fat. Through their fingers they looked at their old hut. And then one fine morning, when the old people were still sleeping on the stove, someone squeaked in the corner of their hut: - The sun has risen high, but they are still sleeping and do not blow in their mustache. The stove is cold, in the barn it's a rolling ball, there's nothing to treat yourself to. There is dirt in the hut, you can’t drag your feet. You can't cook porridge with such owners. The little mouse Peak began to puzzle over how to fix things: - We must take them into our own hands. He ran headlong to the magic oak. But it was difficult to approach the oak tree, the old owl Fet was sitting there and guarding the magic acorns. “How can I wrap an owl around my finger and steal an acorn? - thought Peak. - At least shout the guard. Like snow on his head, the spider Shik, his old friend, suddenly descended to him. Spider knew Shik like the back of his hand. - Yes, he is neither fish nor meat, I will speak his teeth to him, and you will take an acorn, - Shik Pika soothed. That's what they decided. It was about the hat. Lucky Peak returned to the old hut with booty, and there are an old man with an old woman and their hands at their sides: - What kind of guest is this? And the mouse says: - Do you want to ride like cheeses in oil, dress with a needle, rage with fat? - Yes! - answered the old people. - Then pull yourself together, go to the garden, we will plant a magic acorn. Since then, at least rake in money from old people with a shovel. The barn is full of food. Grandmother, grandfather and little mouse began to live happily and in abundance. And the owl tore and threw for a long time, as he was so deftly circled around his finger. Olya Potkina, 7 B ABOUT THE SCHOOL by and large, at school, Everything goes like clockwork. Our guys are smart. Don't put your finger in their mouths. The teacher sees through everyone, Teaching the mind to reason, If someone beats the buckets, He will not chop off the shoulder, But he will give the task such that the head is spinning, So that the thought is scored with a key! And we'll roll up our sleeves! Sasha Kirillova, 7 B 10 11

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RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Option 4 School Class 4 Last name, first name last name, first name of the student INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS 45 minutes are allotted to complete the work. At work you will meet different tasks. In some tasks you

Inter-settlement central Library Valuysky District Department of Local History Vadim Butenko Darbin and his friends Tale of Valuyki 2012 BBK 84(2Ros-4Bel) B 93 Illustrations by Diana Kotova Responsible for issue

The group is festively decorated. Educator: Today we have a holiday, the Day of Knowledge The holiday of knowledge in the yard Joyfully all the kids. Knowledge is not enough, Right, children, I said? Children: Yes! 1 child: Here comes autumn

Municipal budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's (teenage) center" of the administration of the municipality Kireevsky district SCENARIO OF EXTRA-CLASS EVENT: Compiled by: teacher-organizer

MBOU "Secondary School" v. Teplaya Gora, Gornozavodsky District Class hour Defense of the project "My family is my joy" (for grades 6-7) Compiled by: teacher of fine arts and drawing Romanchenko A.S. Goal: Raising a caring attitude

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type 44" Cinderella "Summary of the OOD on the development of speech in the preparatory group using the teaching materials "Bear and the Sun"

N.V. Mazurina, librarian of the MOU "Basic Educational School 42" of the Privolny farm, Krasnodar region"COUNTRY OF CHILDHOOD" BY SERGEY MIKHALKOV Objectives: to acquaint children with the work of S.V. Mikhalkov; develop

New Year's lights (Scenario for middle preschool age) Children enter the hall behind the Snow Maiden to the music and stand around the Christmas tree. Snow Maiden: Guys, look at our beautiful Christmas tree, what

Oros khelniy hicheeliin suur bolovsrolyn khötölböriin aguulgyg khamarsan zhishig daalgavar. 12 angi Shalgaltyn devter - 1 / 60 minutes / I. Grammar and vocabulary. Task 1. Choose one correct grammar

Direction: “I am a person” LESSON OF KINDNESS teacher Kuznetsova S.V., Krasnoyarsk secondary school 5 Grade: 3 “B” (moderate degree of mental retardation) Purpose: the formation of ideas about kindness and

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of 51 general developmental types with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of children in the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg.

Map of speech examination of children aged 3 4 years MDOU CSO "Kindergarten of compensating type 43, s / n" Luchik "20 20 academic year n.g. c.g. n.g. c.g. n.g. c.g. n.g. c.g. n.g. c.g. n.g. c.g. n.g. c.g. n.g. c.g. n.g.

"History of Proverbs and Sayings" - Purpose: B medieval Europe collections of proverbs were compiled; Tasks: To get acquainted with the history of the appearance of proverbs. Many proverbs are based on some kind of fable or fairy tale. The first proverbs appeared a very long time ago. Usually proverbs consist of two parts that rhyme with each other. History of proverbs.

"Proverbs about good" - A good deed is more valuable than wealth. Good walks quietly around the world. Do not show a fist, but stretch out a palm. The shirt will wear out, but the good deed will not be forgotten. kind word that rain in a drought. REMEMBER! Go, my friend, always go the way of good! Life is given for good deeds. Do good - make yourself happy. Having done good, do not reproach.

"Proverbs about friendship" - A friend is your mirror. The friend's water is better than the enemy's honey. Don't leave your friend in misfortune. A tree is supported by roots, but a person is supported by friends. Friendship loves business. Proverbs about friendship. Friendship is paid for with friendship. Not years bring people together, but minutes. Money can't buy a friend. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.

“Proverbs about bread” - There was a whole loaf, it became open, and a slice separately. Survive from bread to kvass. Proverbs and sayings glorifying bread. There is no need to boast if you do not know how the bread will be born. "Bread and salt!" - says the Russian man, greeting everyone. The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies. The proverb says: "You can't stick a cut piece back."

"Proverbs" - What is the master, such is the work. IN healthy bodyhealthy mind. The kalach cheese is whiter, and the mother of all friends is cuter. Reading books is boring not to know. People feed on science. Own land and in a handful is sweet. While iron is at work, rust does not take it either. Our matchmaker has neither a friend nor a brother. Enmity does no good. To write is not to scratch with your tongue.

"Russian proverbs" - Proverbs are the treasures of Russian folk speech and folk wisdom. Proverbs about work. Crossword. Pick up a proverb. Proverbs about friendship. Proverbs about courage. Proverbs about nature. Proverbs about the Motherland. V.I.Dal. Proverbs about a person. Proverbs about Moscow. The proverb is folk wisdom. Proverbs. Proverbs about the book.

There are 12 presentations in total in the topic

Crossword "Verbal football" according to Russian proverbs and sayings

Explanatory note

This puzzle game can be used in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, in optional classes in the above subjects, or in classes in associations of journalistic and literary profile in institutions of additional education.

Target- to activate the knowledge of students of Russian proverbs and sayings.


  • expand students' ideas about the diversity of Russian proverbs and sayings;
  • demonstrate the accuracy and accuracy of the use of the word in this type of oral folk art;
  • create conditions for activation vocabulary students.

Audience - students of 8-10 grades.


  1. 20,000 Russian proverbs and sayings / comp. L.M. Mikhailov. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2009. - 382 p.
  2. Bersenyeva K. G. Russian proverbs and sayings / K.G. Bersenyev. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2010. - 383 p.
  3. Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people / comp. N. Bezdenezhnykh. - M.: Phoenix, 2012. -
  4. 347 p.
  5. Russian proverbs: an extensive collection of Russian proverbs and sayings [Electronic resource] //

Game Description

“He puts word to word, as if he is blocking cells,” says one Russian proverb. And here we have not just cells, but a real word puzzle. True, it's unusual.

We will solve it by playing our favorite game - football. The field is in front of you. The gate is on the left and the gate is on the right. And on the field - letters, more precisely - words. And every move (that is, a pass) on this field is a correctly found word. And, as you know, "For every word there is a proverb." So our words belong to one or another Russian proverb or saying. They are all written in the content of the puzzle. You need to find the missing words in them.

And the rules are simple, they are no different from football. Start from the middle of the field. And the first word (first pass) from the letter, which can be in adjacent cells around the center of the field (black cell). And then the chain word principle applies - the last letter of the previous word is the first of the next. When the word ends in one of the three cells (gates) highlighted on the right or left, a goal is scored for the opposite team. The game resumes from the center of the field. The opponents take turns. After a goal, the turn passes to the other team. The match, as in football, consists of the first and second halves.

So, to play verbal football, you need to split into two teams: the team whose goal is on the left, and the team whose goal is on the right. The team from the right half of the field goes first. The task is to determine with what score the match will end. And may the most accurate in words win. Good luck!

And “Luck,” as the proverb says, “does not come by itself: her work leads by the hand.” Then to business, more precisely - to the game.

playing field

playing field

<…>not torture, but demand - it does not matter.<…>cut with a diamond. Behind<…> <…>older than the law. Where the mane, there and<…>. <…>there is, but not all pushed in. New clothes are better<…>- old. Every wolf<…>sheds, but her temper does not change. What<…>, such is the loot. What tree, such is<…>; What is the father, such is the son. spoke, so<…>negotiate. To each his own honor<…>. <…>Yes, oohs will not give help.<…>good, and really not bad.

Who will sow<…>will reap the storm.<…>- a noble cause. Empty<…>- stands proudly.<…>you can't fool a sparrow on chaff. Having done<…>, do not repent.<…> <…>and the sun will rise in our yard. Young - in<…>, old - on the stove. What<…>, so is lunch. Hurry for good<…>, and the bad itself will ripen. Better<…>with water than a pie with trouble. February<…>snow, and April - water. persuasion<…>money.

The solution of the crossword "Word football"

The word sensible is worth a ruble


Attempt - diamond - great - custom (goal) tail - sense (goal) friend - year - getter - wedge - must (goal) road - ahi - truth (whistle)

Wind - risk - ear - old (goal) good - hunting - maybe (own goal) cold - grandfather - business (goal) bread - rich (goal) more expensive (whistle)

Game Score - 4:3

The correct version of proverbs and sayings

Attempt- not torture, but demand - it does not matter.

Diamond cut with a diamond

Behind Great you live your head on the chopping block do not put.

Custom older than the law.

Where the mane, there and tail.

Tolk there is, but not pushed all

New clothes are better Friend- old.

Every wolf year sheds, but temper does not change

What miner, such is the loot.

What tree, such is wedge; What is the father, such is the son.

spoke, so necessary negotiate.

To each his own honor road

ahi Yes, oohs will not give help.

True good, and really not bad.

Who will sow wind will reap the storm.

Risk- a noble cause

Empty ear- stands proudly

Old you can't fool a sparrow on chaff.

Having done good, do not repent.

Hunting does not run from work, pursues business.

maybe and the sun will rise in our yard.

Young - in cold, old - on the stove.
What grandfather, so is lunch.

Hurry for good case, and the bad itself will ripen.

Better bread with water than a pie with trouble.

February rich snow, and April - water

persuasion expensive money.

Location of correct answers on the field (highlighted in red)

arrangement of words on the playing field (answers)

Crossword about proverbs and sayings.


1. Brother - table, sister - ...
4. Not foldable ... in writing, but foldable in fiction.
8. ... satisfied - the owner is happy.
9. ... and full of seeds.
10. A thousand crows will drive away and one ... clay.
13. He said the word, so at least ... put it on him.
16. There is no lake without reeds, but ... - without melancholy
17. ... does not lead to good.
18. Peas yes ... - an enviable business: whoever goes will pick it up.
19. Your own ... is a diamond, and someone else's is a glass.
20. And smart, and handsome, but on ... not fine.
22. One ... here, the other - there.
24. How ... for a needle.
27. Without rain and ... does not grow.
30. ... they build not with a tongue, but with a ruble and an ax.
31. Goal like...
32. ... - science, and flour for the guys.
33. ... doctrine is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.


2. Like ... in the throat.
3. It is more worthy ... to wear needs than to ask for mercy from the soulless.
4. Truthful… hold on.
5. From time immemorial ... raises a person.
6. World that ...: everything grows in it.
7. Every ... praises the master.
11. Drop by drop and ... going.
12. If ... is one, he is invincible.
13…. on your tongue.
14. Thin ... flies on wings.
15. Trust and ... are lost only once.
20. One to go - and ... debt.
21. Decoy duck.
23. ... with water, in May with grass.
25. Take care of your nose in a big ...
26. About the need ... not written.
28. Good ..., but on someone else's dish.
29. Work is not ... - will not run away into the forest.



1. Brother - table, sister - bench.
4. A fairy tale is not foldable in writing, but foldable in fiction.
8. The guest is happy - the owner is happy.
9. The bird and the seed are full of food.
10. One lump of clay will drive away a thousand crows.
13. He said the word, so at least carry luggage on it.
16. There is no lake without reeds, and a thought - without melancholy
17. The game does not lead to good.
18. Peas and turnips are an enviable business: whoever goes will pick it up.
19. Your own eye is a diamond, and someone else's is a glass.
20. And smart, and handsome, but not fit for business.
22. One foot is here, the other is there.
24. Like a thread behind a needle.
27. Without rain, the grass does not grow.
30. The city is built not with a tongue, but with a ruble and an ax.
31. Goal like a falcon.
32. The alphabet is science, and the children are flour.
33. The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.


2. Like a bone in the throat.
3. It is more worthy to wear the yoke of need than to ask for mercy from the soulless.
4. The village is held by the truth-bearers.
5. From time immemorial, a book raises a person.
6. The world is like a garden: everything grows in it.
7. Every work of the master praises.
11. Drop by drop and the sea is going.
12. If the people are united, they are invincible.
13. Pip on your tongue.
14. Bad rumor flies on wings.
15. Trust and life are lost only once.
20. To go alone - and the road is long.
21. Decoy duck.
23. April with water, in May with grass.
25. Take care of your nose in a big frost.
26. The law is not written about need.
28. Good fish, but on someone else's dish.
29. Work is not a wolf - it will not run away into the forest.

Physical Culture is not only a culture of movement, but also theoretical knowledge. You can fix and check them with the help of riddles and crossword puzzles. In the classroom for physical education we introduce children to different sports equipment, sports equipment, sports. Children receive a large number of varied knowledge.
Best of all, memorization occurs in an involuntary form; poetic forms help to assimilate the material. And it is easy to move from rhyme to questions of riddles - tell a word; continue the offer pick a rhyme So gradually children learn to solve riddles.
Riddles also contain logical chains, i.e. the logical thinking of preschoolers also develops.
Riddles and crossword puzzles are very relevant during sports activities and holidays. They can also be offered in tasks for joint leisure of children and parents.
preschool age most beautiful time For comprehensive development, and physical education, games and literature are good helpers.


1. To run very fast
Take the bar all the time “cleanly”,
Throw the ball farthest
And, of course, be the first
Every day with friends
Came to _______________

2. He is with you and with me
Walked through the woods.
A friend walking behind
On belts with fasteners.

3. Picked up a stick - do not be shy.
There is no better game than ___________

4 . Here the spectators sit
And a lot of noise...
What is the name of the place?

5 . When spring takes over
And the brooks run ringing,
I jump over it
And she through me.

6 . I have two horses, two horses,
They carry me on the water.
And the water is as hard as stone.

7 . Shield with a basket, the ball on the floor ...
We play ________________

8 . He's not a player, but you can't argue with him,
Who whistles the loudest?

9. When the three sports are together,
They are called ________________

10 . Dragged a friend - grip

11 . Eat carrots, lettuce, oranges,
An athlete needs __________ to be strong.



1. Dragged a friend - grip
One hand in the fight ______________

2. He is a rocking chair and a bed
It's good to lie on it.
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Shows on weight.

4. We beat the ball with our feet - football,
What about hands? - _______________

6. Likes to walk in the forest
Sleep in a tent
And kindle a fire.

7. Run, twenty hit
Aiming for the goal
Two are standing - barriers are being repaired.
They chose a green field for battle,
Usually the massacre lasts an hour and thirty.

8. I ride it until the evening time,
But my lazy horse
Carries only from the mountain.
And always on the hill
On foot I walk
And I drive my horse by the rope


3. With a stick we drive it on ice
And we score at the gate.

5. There is a sports game
Her fans are countless.
The ball flies, and the net is in the field,
And in our hands ____________

9. This, children, is not a tourist
Climbing uphill _______________
10. A gang of guys went out on the ice,
Sticks on the ice ring loudly.
And the puck flies
We will shout: "Oh , kay!"
Games are no better than _________

11. Great football game
Already scored the first _________



2. Two straps hang on me
There are pockets on the back
If you go hiking with me
I'll hang on my back.

4. I rule a horned horse.
If this horse
I will not put on the fence,
He will fall on me.

7. The river flows - we lie,
Ice on the river - we run.

10. Throw in the river - do not drown,
You hit the wall - you don't groan.
You will throw the earth -
Will fly upward.


1. I twist it with my hand
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist at the waist,
And I don't want to drop.

3. small, remote
Screams loudly
Helping the judge
Tired does not know.

5. Two new maple
Two-meter soles:
I put two feet on them
And run through the big snows.

6. Stick in the form of a comma
Throws the ball in front of him.

8. All summer stood
Winters were expected.
Waited for the pores
Rushed down the mountain.

9. This bird is not a tit
Not an eagle and not a cormorant.
This little bird
It's called _______

11. What is it with Galochka?
thread on a stick,
thread in the water,
Wand in hand.



1. He will lie on the palm of his hand,
Not a clock, but there are arrows,
It will come in handy on the road
You can't get lost anywhere with him.

4. Through this obstacle
I have to jump over
Horses at the races.

5. Participate in competitions
Everyone is happy.
And they are waiting for orders from the judge:
"On __________ ".

7. Wind blown into the sea
Swan Wing.
The boy is on guard
He is a sailor on this __________.


2. Sunday day
Deserted at school
Run with the ball
Guys in ___________

3. And from the wind, and from the heat,
Will cover you from the rain.
And how sweet it is to sleep in it!
What is this? ______________

4. To swim
Learn faster
We need to go to _______.

6. There will be two brothers
Swim in the river:
Come out together
Dive together.
The boat is out of place
They are not allowed to stand.

8. I'm not looking at the first row:
On the edges of the boat stand,
I see horses nearby
There is no figure of their cunning,
Enclosed between horses
Our brave elephants
And there are two more fields,
And on them the king and ___________.

9. Hiking with a backpack
He carries a warm house with him.
Cooking food on a fire
But not in a pot, but in a bucket.

10. He stands at the gate
Protects them from the ball.


1. We dream to score a ball in the basket,
But the opponent is stopping us.
The ball is dribbled on the floor
In the game known ____________.

2. I'm sitting under glass
I look in all directions
You will climb into the forest with me -
You won't get lost along the way.

3. What is this good guy?
____________ swims in the pool.

4. There are no clouds on the horizon
But an umbrella opened up in the sky.
In a few minutes
Got down _________________.

5. From gate to gate
The people run briskly.
At these gates
Fishing nets.

6. I don't understand guys, who are you?
Birders? Anglers?
What kind of net is in the yard?
- Don't interfere with the game.
You'd better leave
We play _______________.

7. Participate in competitions
Everyone is happy.
And they are waiting for orders from the judge:
"On _________________ ".

8. Where Vanya, there we are.
We are fun in the days of winter.
And we are fine today
Bolted to shoes.

9. He's not a player, but argue
You can't with him!
Who whistles the loudest?

10. Eat carrots, lettuce,
An athlete needs to be strong

11. Swimming white goose
Wooden belly,
Linen wing.


1. Who sits at the patient's bedside?
And how it is treated, he tells him;
Who is sick -
He will offer to take drops,
For those who are healthy
Allow me to walk.

2. This bird is not a tit
Not a goldfinch and not an eagle!
This little bird
It is called _____________.

3. Hiking with a backpack
He carries a warm house with him.
Cooking food on a fire
But not in a pot, but in a bucket.

4. I take a racket in my hands
What a beauty.
Magic ball with feathers
Flying under the sky.

5. I just keep walking
And if I do, I fall.

6. We are your true friends
And we must not be forgotten.
Let's save the kids from a sore throat,
Eat in the winter _________________.

7. Bent over the river
Their deal is this:
The river will exchange it
Perch on a worm.

8. - Tell me about this:
How did you become a strongman?
- Very simple. Many years
Every day, getting out of bed,
I pick up ________________.

9. He keeps order on the field,
The judge helps and shouts loudly.
But he doesn't need current
Because he - _____________.

10. This riddle is not easy.
I always write through two "K",
Hit the ball and the puck with a club
And my name is ______________.

11. In an open field near a birch
There are stripes on the snow.
The fox came closer
- Somebody's _____________ ran here.


Crossword number 1

Crossword number 2

Crossword number 3

Crossword number 4

Crossword number 5

Crossword number 6

About vitamins

What are vitamins

And why are they needed?

We'll tell you all now

Vitamins are important!

Vitamin A must be taken.

He gives us growth

Strengthens hair and nails!

If you get tired quickly

Fell asleep in class

Drink vitamins "B" -

Life will be more fun!

And the immune system

We will all strengthen

And for this always

Take Vitamin C!

Helps with colds

Vitamin us "C" always.

He is in cabbage and carrots,

In berries, it is in lemon!

Strengthen your bones too

Take vitamin D.

He is in the sunshine

In fish, eggs, vegetables!

Vitamin alphabet

Learn from childhood.

So that angina and rickets,

Do not inherit.

There are a lot of vitamins

How to deal with them?

To the doctor always, friends,

Need to apply!

Health Day is a big holiday!

Take care of your health - everything will be fine!

"In a healthy body healthy mind!" -

These words are not empty words!

Get stronger every day

Do physical exercises

Plan your whole day

Strictly in order.

Diet is also important

To avoid spreading

Your athletic figure.

About nature

You don't have to go

And that will not be sweet with her.

AND last tip

"Bad habits - no!"

Compliance with all conditions

Save your health.


Take a deep breath, open your arms

Don't rush - three or four! -

Cheerfulness, grace and plasticity!

general strengthening,

sobering in the morning,

If he is still alive, gymnastics!

If you are in your apartment, -

Lie down on the floor - three or four! -

Do the right moves!

Away from outside influences -

Get used to the novelty -

Breathe deeply to the point of exhaustion!

Vysotsky Vladimir

Being healthy is trendy!

Being healthy is trendy!

Friendly, fun, playful

Get on the charger.

The body - recharging!

Adults and children know

The benefits of these vitamins:

Fruits, vegetables in the garden -

Health is all right!

You also need to temper

Contrast shower drenched

More running and walking

Don't be lazy, get enough sleep!

Well, with bad habits

We'll say goodbye forever!

The body will thank

It will be the best view!

You take care of your posture -

Sit right, walk

Drink more milk -

We always need calcium.

Proverbs and sayings

I am not happy without illness and health.

Without health there is no good life.

Care - salvation from diseases.

Causeless fatigue is a harbinger of illness.

God gave life, God will give health.

The disease comes in by the poods, and comes out by the spools.

The disease seeks fatty foods.

Illness finds the one who fears it.

The disease does not pass anyone, help the patient.

Sickness from weakness, and weakness from disease.

Headache - cut off naked, sprinkle with hedgehog fluff, and hit with a butt.

Pain without a tongue, yes it does.

Pain gives news, and therefore does not give rest.

The sick - get treated, and the healthy - beware of the disease.

The patient will help himself - the doctor will soon cure.

The sick and the golden bed will not help.

A sick person and honey is bitter.

More people die in wine than drown in the sea.

To live in the mud is to acquire consumption.

In a house where fresh air and sunlight, a doctor is not needed.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

In stagnant water, all evil spirits start.

Evening walks are useful, they remove from illness.

The doctor is a friend to the patient.

You do not trust the doctor - you will not overcome the disease.

Where there is anger, there is harm.

Where it is stuffy, there it is unhealthy.

Look at your feet: you won’t find anything, so at least you won’t break your nose.

Bitter is cured, and sweet is crippled.

God bless you, and many days ahead.

Move more, live longer.

Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm.

A good deed nourishes both mind and body.

A good word heals, and an evil one cripples.

A good look is medicine.

a kind person healthier than evil.

To be good is to live long.

A bad temper is a disease without pain.

Eating soon - not being healthy.

Eat garlic and onions - the disease will not take.

Greed for health is the enemy.

Hot day - go into the shade.

The desire to get well will take its toll.

The desire to be cured helps the treatment.

You live like that and health is like that.

Life does not forgive a careless attitude to one's health.

Behind bad habits don't hold on.

It is easy to get sick - it is difficult to recover.

If your nose hurts - stick it out in the cold, it will fall off on its own and be healthy.

Stale air and dirty water are a health problem.

Healthy and unhealthy is healthy, and unhealthy and healthy is unhealthy.

Health is more valuable than gold.

Health and happiness do not live without each other.

Don't trade health for illness.

Health can not be bought - his mind gives.

Save your health, get away from trouble.

Treasure your health - do not rush to lose it.

Angry and hot-tempered - the doctor will not help either.

Tobacco smoke is harmful to both old and young.

What thoughts, such dreams.

A stone heart cannot be healthy.

If you eat everything, food is poison.

Whoever got up before the day is healthy during the day.

He who overcomes his anger is strong.

Whoever wishes evil to people brings illness upon himself.

Whoever lies a lot, his side hurts.

Who does not smoke and does not drink, saves his life.

Whoever spits under his feet, he brings sickness on people.

Who does not give in to illness, he remains healthy.

You smoke, mess around and drink - you won’t get away from the ailment.

A smoker stings a non-smoker.

Do not brag about your health - you will be healthier.

If you don't get enough sleep, you lose your health.

If you dress warmer in the cold, you will be healthier.

From lying and sitting, ailments are added.

Do not expect kindness from drugs.

More people die from overeating than from starvation.

From the one who swears, health goes away.

From February to January, one woman coughed, and she says: consumption.

Give free rein to a cold - you will get sick more.

Sit and lie down - wait for illness.

Sweet to eat and drink - go to the doctors.

The fear of not being cured helps the disease.

Tobacco and stone dry.

Moderation is the mother of health.

Moderation in food is healthier than a hundred doctors.

Meet the morning with exercises, see off the evening with a walk.

You will be engaged in physical culture - you will forget about diseases.

Helping the sick is not a loss.

Bread and water are healthy foods.

Bread on the table is a throne, not a piece of bread and a table is a board.

Walk more, you will live longer.

Good little by little, not enough sweet.

Good medicine tastes bitter.

If you want to cough, don't forget to cover your mouth.

There is nothing to listen to bad speeches.

The better you chew your food, the longer you live.

Than whining from pain, it is better to drink medicine.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

Gnawing steel pipes If you clean often...

I take dumbbells boldly - I train muscles ...

I made friends with physical education - And now I'm proud ...

Want to get stronger? Raise everything...

So that the temperature subsided. Here's a liquid for you ...


Svetka is not lucky today - The doctor gave bitter ...


Yulia was lucky today The doctor gave sweet...

Juice, pills are more useful, He will save from everyone ...


Since childhood, people have been told to everyone: Nicotine is deadly ...

Although he stings and burns the wound, He heals perfectly - red ...

There is a bottle for Alyonka's scratches Full...

Declared a fight against bacilli: My hands are clean with ....

I got two injections yesterday...


A whistle is heard from the drill - He treats teeth for everyone ...

In this bright store you will see in the window

Not clothes, not food, And not books, and not fruits.

Here is medicine and pills, Here are mustard plasters, pipettes.

Ointments, drops and balms For you, for mom and dad.

For human health Opens the door - ...

This house is multi-storey

Clean, bright, very important.

You will meet different doctors here.

Treat adults and children.

You will lie in bed

Kohl was seriously ill.

We don't want to end up here!

Where, tell me? - ...

In the hospital

There are fruits and vegetables.

Children need to eat a lot.

There are more pills

Tastes like candy.

Taken for health

Their cold season.

For Sashuli and Polina

What is useful? - ...


I'll sit under my arm and tell you what to do:

Or I'll put you to bed, Or I'll let you walk.


Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And how to be treated, he tells everyone;

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

Who is for the good of all people

Does he share his blood?


One, two - head;

Three four -

They sewed a fur coat;

Five six -

There is porridge;

Seven eight -

We carry spoons;

Nine ten -

The dough is kneading!

One two three four five,

There is nowhere for a bunny to jump;

Everywhere goes the wolf, the wolf,

He teeth - click, click!

And we hide in the bushes

Hide, bunny, and you.

You wolf, wait!

How do we hide - go!

The ram walked through the steep mountains,

Pulled out the grass, put it on the bench.

Whoever takes it will go out.

Ace rode on a barrel,

Selling flowers

Blue, red, blue -

Choose any one!

Already like a dawn

Russ wove kerchiefs.

Who will unravel those braids,

The first con to drive is coming!

May I come in, sir?

No sir.

Why, sir?

I have a cold, sir.

Where did you catch a cold, sir?

At the North Pole, sir.

What were you doing there, sir?

Catching bears, sir.

And caught a lot, sir?

One, two, three, four...

(Count until you fail)

sweet cat

Eat a little.

If you do not want,

Don't eat it!

The cat was walking on the bench,

Handed out pins.

Walked on the bench -

Handed out pennies:

Who is ten, who is five,

Come out, look for you!

Primaries, friends,

Naughty boys

They began to play

Choose water.

Come on, Dodon,

Go away!

Bunny is a coward

Running across the field

Ran into the garden

Found a carrot

Found a cabbage

Sitting, chewing

Go away - the master is coming!

A crow walked across the field

She carried six mushrooms in her hem:

Russula, boletus,


Breast, mushroom, champignon,

Who has not seen - get out!

One two Three,

Four five.


little by little


The answer is:

"Cat -

And the mice

Sheep walked along the road

Wet feet in a puddle

They began to wipe their feet:

Who with a handkerchief

Who is a rag

Who has a holey mitten!

One, two - trees

Three, four - the animals came out

Five, six - a leaf is falling

Seven, eight - birds in the forest

Nine, ten - these are titmouses raised their red faces.

Among the white doves

A nimble sparrow jumps,

Sparrow - a bird,

gray shirt,

Respond, sparrow

Fly out - ka, do not be shy!

One summer along the Onega

Som went on a cart.

Instead of a horse - crucian,

He drove the cart into the mud.

Gets stuck asking for help

And scolds crucian!

Chiki - chiki - chiki - shcha!

You won't catch a bream

Not now, not in a year!

Sat on the golden porch

Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry,

Scrooge McDuck and three ducklings

Come out, you'll be Ponca!

If Ponochka leaves,

Scrooge McDuck is going crazy!

There was a funny dog


And the geese ran after her,

heads up,

And behind them - a pig,


Chicky bricks, repeat

What am I saying?

Horse lights

Sitting on the balcony

They drank tea

The cups were beaten

In Turkish they said:

Chobi, achobi,

Chelyabich and chobi,

Chelyabich and chobi,

The game is over!

We took water in our mouths

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