A genre of painting depicting military battles. Genres of painting


Paintings are divided by genre. Having become a form of reflection of life, genres are not constant, they develop, change, are born along with life, changing as art develops.

A genre that has abandoned the depiction of forms close to reality. Achieving harmonization by depicting certain color combinations and geometric shapes, causing the contemplator to feel the completeness and completeness of the composition.

- a portrait of himself. There are two main types: professional and personal. It also offers a more detailed classification: insert self-portrait - the artist is depicted in a group of characters of some plot; representative - the artist depicts himself in the image historical person or a religious hero; group portrait- the artist is depicted with family members or other real persons; separate - the artist is depicted alone.

- a genre in which a work of art contains a hidden and secret meaning. Goodness, strength, power, justice, love, etc., which are difficult to depict, are shown allegorically through images of living beings, animals or human figures with attributes that have historically been assigned a symbolic, easily readable meaning.

Animalism- a genre whose main object is animals.

- a genre dedicated to the themes of war and military life. The main place is occupied by scenes of land, sea battles and military campaigns. The desire to capture a particularly important or characteristic moment of the battle, to reveal the historical meaning of military events, which brings battle genre with historical. Scenes of military life connect him with the genre of everyday life.

Bidinga- a genre of works of painting and graphics depicting feminine beauty V traditional art Japan. The bidding notation can thus also be used for modern means art representing classic look beautiful Japanese woman usually dressed in a kimono.

- a genre of fine art in which scenes from epics and folklore are depicted.

- a genre dedicated to everyday, private and public life, usually a contemporary artist.

Vanitas- genre of painting of the Baroque era, allegorical still life, compositional center which is traditionally a human skull. Such paintings, an early stage in the development of the still life, were intended to remind of the transience of life, the futility of pleasure and the inevitability of death.

Veduta- a genre especially popular in Venice of the 18th century. It is a painting, drawing or engraving depicting a detailed depiction of an everyday urban landscape.

urban landscape- a genre in which the main subject of the image are city streets, buildings. Equivalent to the urban landscape, the difference in definitions is only that the first refers to large urbanized cities, and the second to small ones.

Illustration- a drawing, engraving or other image explaining the text. Illustrations are used to convey an emotional atmosphere artwork, visualization of the heroes of the narrative, demonstration of objects, display step by step instructions in the technical documentation.

Interior- a genre in which the subject of the image is an image internal view premises.

- a genre depicting a horse. special flourishing reached in the XVIII and in XIX centuries when, along with genre and battle works, including generalized images of horses, animal artists began to create portraits of famous horses and trotters, achieving documentary similarity.

- originates in the Renaissance and includes works not only on plots real events, but also mythological, biblical and gospel paintings. One of the main genres eventful past and present, socially significant phenomena in the history of peoples.

Calligraphy- the genre is often called art beautiful writing, the art of designing signs in an expressive, harmonious and skillful manner.

Capriccio- genre landscape painting popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. The paintings of the genre depicted architectural fantasies, mostly the ruins of fictitious ancient buildings. Capriccio is closely related to the veduta genre.

Karik atura- a genre that is the main form of pictorial satire, in a satirical or humorous form depicts any social, socio-political, everyday phenomena, real faces or characteristic types of people.

Marina ( seascape) - a genre depicting a sea view, scene naval battle or other events taking place at sea. It is a kind of landscape. As an independent type of landscape painting, the marina stood out in early XVII century in Holland.

Miniature- the genre of works of small forms, as well as the art of their creation.

- a genre that draws plots from mythologies different peoples. A feature of the mythological genre is the free interpretation of legendary stories. It formed in ancient art, and in the Renaissance, it flourished.

Mosaic- the genre of the work of which involves the formation of an image by arranging, setting and fixing multi-colored stones, smalt, ceramic tiles and other materials on the surface.

Still life- a genre depicting inanimate objects of everyday life.

New- a genre depicting the beauty and aesthetics of a naked human body. Nu is born in the Renaissance within the framework of the mythological, allegorical, historical and household genres. The formation of the nude as a genre takes place in the 17th century with the spread of the ideas of sensationalism.

Blende- one of the genres of fine art, a characteristic feature of which are special tricks perspective painting, which create the effect of an optical illusion, blur the line between reality and the image.

Parsuna- an early primitive genre of portraiture in the Russian kingdom, in its pictorial means dependent on icon painting.

PAINTING GENRES (French genre - genus, type) - a historically established division of paintings in accordance with the themes and objects of the image.

Although the concept of "genre" appeared in painting relatively recently, certain genre differences have existed since ancient times: images of animals in caves of the Paleolithic era, portraitsancient egyptand Mesopotamia from 3000 BC, landscapes and still lifes in Hellenistic and Roman mosaics and frescoes. The formation of the genre as a system in easel painting began in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. and ended mainly in the 17th century, when, in addition to the division of fine art into genres, the concept of the so-called. "high" and "low" genres, depending on the subject of the image, theme, plot. The “high” genre included historical and mythological genres, while the “low” genre included portrait, landscape, and still life. This gradation of genres lasted until the 19th century. albeit with exceptions.

So, in the 17th century. in Holland, it was precisely the “low” genres that became the leading ones in painting (landscape, household genre, still life), and formal portrait, which formally belonged to the "low" genre of portraiture, did not belong to such. Having become a form of reflection of life, the genres of painting, with all the stability common features are not invariable, they develop along with life, changing as art develops. Some genres are dying out or gaining new meaning(for example, the mythological genre), new ones arise, usually within the previously existing ones (for example, within the landscape genre, architectural landscape And marina). There are works that combine various genres(for example, a combination of everyday genre with a landscape, a group portrait with a historical genre).

SELF-PORTRAIT(from French autoportrait) - a portrait of oneself. Usually refers to a picturesque image; however, self-portraits are also sculptural, literary, cinematic, photographic, etc.

Rembrandt "Self-portrait".

ALLEGORY(Greek allegoria - allegory) - expression abstract ideas through specific artistic images. Example: "justice" - a woman with scales.

Moretto da Brescia "Allegory of Faith"

ANIMALISTIC(from lat. animal - animal) - a genre associated with the image of animals in painting, sculpture and graphics.

D. Stubbs. Mares and foals in a landscape by the river. 1763-1768

BATTLE(from the French bataille - battle) - dedicated to the image of military operations and military life.

Averyanov Alexander Yurievich. href="http://www.realartist.ru/names/averyanov/30/">Waterloo.

DOMESTIC- image related Everyday life person.

Nikolay Dmitrievich DMITRIEV-ORENBURGSKY (1837-1898). Fire in the village

GALLANT- "suave, polite, amiable, courteous, interesting" is obsolete. associated with the image of exquisite lyrical scenes from the life of court ladies and gentlemen in artistic creativity mostly 18th century.

Gerard ter Borch the Younger. Gallant soldier.

HISTORICAL- one of the main genres of fine art, dedicated to historical events past and present, socially significant phenomena in the history of peoples.

Pavel Ryzhenko. Peresvet's victory.

CARICATURE- a genre of fine art that uses the means of satire and humor, grotesque, caricature, an image in which comic effect created by exaggeration and sharpening of characteristic features. The caricature ridicules the lack or depravity of the character in order to attract him and the people around him, in order to force him to change for the better.

MYTHOLOGICAL- dedicated to the events and heroes about which myths tell. Gods, demiurges, heroes, demons, mythical creatures, historical and mythological characters. In the 19th century, the mythological genre served as the norm for high, ideal art.

Alexander Ivanov. Bellerophon goes on a campaign against the Chimera.

STILL LIFE- genre of fine arts, images inanimate objects placed in a real household environment and organized into a specific group; a picture depicting household items, flowers, fruits, game, caught fish, etc.

Aenvanck Theodore (Aenvanck, Theodoor)

NUDE(nude) - artistic genre in sculpture, painting, photography and cinema, depicting the beauty of a naked human body, mostly female.

Venus of Urbino, Titian

PASTORAL(French pastorale - shepherd, rural) - a genre in literature, painting, music and theater, an image of the idyllic life of shepherds and shepherdesses in nature.

SCENERY(French paysage, from pays - country, area), - a genre dedicated to the image of any area: rivers, mountains, fields, forests, rural or urban landscape.

Href="http://solsand.com/wiki/doku.php?id=ostade&DokuWiki=7593bff333e2d137d17806744c6dbf83" >Adriana van Ostade

PORTRAIT(French portrait, “reproduce something the devil in the devil”) - a genre of fine art dedicated to the image of a person or group of people; varieties - self-portrait, group portrait, ceremonial, chamber, costume portrait, portrait miniature.

Borovikovsky V. "Portrait of M. I. Lopukhina"

PLOT-THEMATIC PICTURE- the definition of a kind of crossing of traditional genres of painting, which contributed to the creation of large-scale works on the social significant topics with a clearly defined plot, plot action, multi-figure composition. Briefly: - mixing traditional genres of painting everyday, historical, battle, compositional portrait, landscape, etc.

Robert, Hubert - Inspection of the old church

CARTOON or FRIENDLY CARTOON(fr. charge) - humorous or satirical image, in which are changed and underlined character traits models are within the norm, with the aim of making fun, and not to humiliate and insult, as is usually done in caricatures.

In the 17th century, the division of genres of painting into "high" and "low" was introduced. The first included historical, battle and mythological genres. The second included mundane genres of painting from everyday life, for example, everyday genre, still life, animalistics, portrait, nude, landscape.

historical genre

The historical genre in painting depicts not specific subject or a person, but a certain moment or event that took place in the history of past eras. It is included in the main painting genres in art. Portrait, battle, everyday and mythological genres are often closely intertwined with the historical.

"Conquest of Siberia by Yermak" (1891-1895)
Vasily Surikov

Artists Nicolas Poussin, Tintoretto, Eugene Delacroix, Peter Rubens, Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev and many others painted their paintings in the historical genre.

mythological genre

Legends, ancient legends and myths, folklore- the image of these plots, heroes and events has found its place in mythological genre painting. Perhaps, it can be distinguished in the painting of any nation, because the history of each ethnic group is full of legends and traditions. For example, such a plot of Greek mythology as secret romance the god of war Ares and the goddess of beauty Aphrodite are depicted in the painting "Parnassus" Italian artist named Andrea Mantegna.

"Parnassus" (1497)
Andrea Mantegna

Mythology in painting was finally formed in the Renaissance. Representatives of this genre, in addition to Andrea Mantegna, are Rafael Santi, Giorgione, Lucas Cranach, Sandro Botticelli, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov and others.

Battle genre

Battle painting describes scenes from military life. Most often, various military campaigns are illustrated, as well as sea and land battles. And since these fights are often taken from real history, then battle and historical genre We find here our point of intersection.

Fragment of the panorama "Battle of Borodino" (1912)
Franz Roubaud

Battle painting took shape in times Italian Renaissance in the work of artists Michelangelo Buonarroti, Leonardo da Vinci, and then Theodore Gericault, Francisco Goya, Franz Alekseevich Roubaud, Mitrofan Borisovich Grekov and many other painters.

household genre

Scenes from everyday, social or privacy ordinary people, be it urban or peasant life, depicts the everyday genre in painting. Like many others painting genres, everyday paintings are rarely found in their own form, becoming part of the portrait or landscape genre.

"Seller of Musical Instruments" (1652)
Karel Fabricius

Origin household painting happened in the 10th century in the East, and it passed to Europe and Russia only in XVII-XVIII centuries. Jan Vermeer, Karel Fabricius and Gabriel Metsu, Mikhail Shibanov and Ivan Alekseevich Ermenev are the most famous artists household paintings during that period.

Animal genre

The main objects of the animalistic genre are animals and birds, both wild and domestic, and in general all representatives of the animal world. Initially, animalistics was included in the genres Chinese painting, since it first appeared in China in the 8th century. In Europe, animalism was formed only in the Renaissance - animals at that time were depicted as the embodiment of the vices and virtues of man.

"Horses in the Meadow" (1649)
Paulus Potter

Antonio Pisanello, Paulus Potter, Albrecht Dürer, Frans Snyders, Albert Cuyp are the main representatives of animalistics in fine arts.

Still life

In the still life genre, objects that surround a person in life are depicted. These are inanimate objects grouped together. Such objects may belong to the same genus (for example, only fruits are depicted in the picture), or they may be heterogeneous (fruits, dishes, musical instruments, flowers, etc.).

"Flowers in a Basket, Butterfly and Dragonfly" (1614)
Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder

Still life as an independent genre took shape in the 17th century. Flemish and dutch school still life. In this genre, representatives of the most different styles, from realism to cubism. One of the most famous still lifes painted by the painters Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder, Albertus Jonah Brandt, Paul Cezanne, Vincent van Gogh, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Willem Claes Heda.


Portrait - a genre of painting, which is one of the most common in the visual arts. The purpose of a portrait in painting is to portray a person, but not just him. appearance, but also to convey the inner feelings and mood of the person being portrayed.

Portraits are single, pair, group, as well as a self-portrait, which is sometimes distinguished as a separate genre. And most famous portrait of all time, perhaps, is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci called "Portrait of Mrs. Lisa del Giocondo", known to everyone as "Mona Lisa".

"Mona Lisa" (1503-1506)
Leonardo da Vinci

The first portraits appeared millennia ago in ancient Egypt - they were images of the pharaohs. Since then, most artists of all time have dabbled in this genre in one way or another. Portrait and historical genres of painting can also intersect: the image of the great historical figure will be considered a work of the historical genre, although at the same time it will convey the appearance and character of this person as a portrait.


The purpose of the nude genre is to depict the naked body of a person. The Renaissance period is considered the moment of the emergence and development of this type of painting, and the main object of painting then most often became female body which embodied the beauty of the era.

"Country Concert" (1510)

Titian, Amedeo Modigliani, Antonio da Correggio, Giorgione, Pablo Picasso are the most famous artists who painted pictures in the nude genre.


The main theme of the landscape genre is nature, environment city, countryside or wilderness. The first landscapes appeared in ancient times when painting palaces and temples, creating miniatures and icons. As independent genre the landscape takes shape already in the 16th century and has since become one of the most popular painting genres.

It is present in the work of many painters, starting with Peter Rubens, Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov, Edouard Manet, continuing with Isaac Ilyich Levitan, Piet Mondrian, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and ending with many contemporary artists of the XXI century.

« Golden autumn» (1895)
Isaac Levitan

Among landscape painting, one can single out such genres as sea and city landscapes.


Veduta is a landscape, the purpose of which is to depict the appearance of an urban area and convey its beauty and color. Later, with the development of industry, the urban landscape turns into an industrial landscape.

"Saint Mark's Square" (1730)

You can appreciate urban landscapes by getting acquainted with the works of Canaletto, Pieter Brueghel, Fyodor Yakovlevich Alekseev, Sylvester Feodosievich Shchedrin.


Seascape, or marina depicts the nature of the sea element, its greatness. Perhaps the most famous marine painter in the world is Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, whose painting The Ninth Wave can be called a masterpiece of Russian painting. The heyday of the marina occurred simultaneously with the development of the landscape as such.

"Sailboat in a Storm" (1886)
James Buttersworth

Katsushika Hokusai, James Edward Buttersworth, Alexey Petrovich Bogolyubov, Lev Feliksovich Lagorio and Rafael Montleon Torres are also known for their seascapes.

If you want to learn even more about how the genres of painting in art arose and developed, watch the following video:

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While still alive Titian Vecellio da Cadore He was awarded the title of "King of painters and painter of kings" by his contemporaries. He was considered the best portrait painter of his time, and to be captured on his canvas meant to gain eternal immortality. Whom did the great Titian immortalize on the allegorical canvas of the late period - further in the review.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/Tizian-0001.jpg" alt=" "Allegory of Time, which Prudence controls." (1565-1570). 75.6 x 68.7 cm .Author: Tiziano Vecelio.(London, National Gallery)." title="“An Allegory of Time Ruled by Prudence.”(1565-1570). 75.6 x 68.7 cm.

In extreme old age, living out his days in solitude and rethinking his experiences, Titian, apparently, remembered his old allegory painting “Three Ages” (1512) and in response to his reflections, the artist wrote an unusual canvas “Allegory of Time, which is controlled by Prudence”, at the top of which he inscribed in Latin: "Ex praeterito praesens predenter agit, ni futurum actione deturpet", which in translation reads: “Relying on the past, the present acts prudently so as not to harm the future”. This message, which is the key to deciphering the allegory of this canvas, and the picture itself should be interpreted as a testament of Titian addressed to posterity.

a three-headed animal with the heads of a wolf devouring the past; a lion, personifying the power of the present; barking dog awakens the future" .!}

Until some time, it was believed that the canvas depicted: on the left - Pope Julius II or Paul III, in the center - Duke Alfonso d "Este, on the right - Charles V. But researchers of the artist's work proved that when working on this allegory, Titian least of all thought about rulers who had once died, and that he was not thinking about death, but about life, depicting himself and two people so dear to him - his beloved son Orazio and his young nephew Marco Vecellio.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/Tizian-0010.jpg" alt="Self-portrait. (circa 1567). Author: Tiziano Vecelio. Prado." title="Self-portrait. (about 1567).

As we can see, the hawk profile of Titian, personifying the past, is the same face as in the famous self-portrait in the Prado, dating from the same period as"Аллегория". Тициану в то время было уже под 80. Понимая, что прошлое, как и будущее менее «реальны», нежели настоящее, художник все же изобразил его сияющим от избытка света.!}

In the center of the canvas is the devoted son of Orazio Vecellio, who, being the direct opposite of his vicious brother Pomponio, was his father's faithful assistant throughout his life. Then he was 45 years old.

The third young face in profile, personifying the future, belongs to the artist's nephew, Marco Vecellio, whom he took into the house and surrounded with care. By the time Titian wrote the Allegory, he was just over 20 years old. And, therefore, he, as it were, acts as the final link of the three generations of the Vecellio family.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/Tizian-0003.jpg" alt=" "Three Ages". (1512). Author: Tiziano Vecelio. National Gallery of Scotland (Edinburgh)." title=""Three Ages". (1512).

The above canvas"Три возраста", написанное мастером почти за полвека до «Аллегории», заключает в своем содержании пасторальные элементы, раскрывающие идею трех возрастов в жизни человека - младенчество, молодость и старость. Исходя из этого видим, что все образы вместе взятые заключают в себе иносказательное значение и "читать" их следует справа налево. А еще «Три возраста» – это история отношений двоих: мужчины и женщины. И совсем неслучайность здесь: два младенца, двое взрослых, два черепа. !}

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/Tizian-0005.jpg" alt=""Three Ages". Fragment.

The left side of the canvas is balanced by a loving young couple in the prime of life, filled with sensual pleasure, located under the dense canopy of trees. They represent the middle of life, when a person is young and full of strength, desires, health and energy. The girl seems to be taking away from the man his flute, his music, and together with the flute symbolically takes away his soul and life.

https://static.kulturologia.ru/files/u21941/Tizian-0015.jpg" alt="Pieta - Lamentation of Christ. Author: Tiziano Vecelio." title="Pieta - Lamentation of Christ.

Titian did not let go of the brush until his death. Even on the last day, completing your earth path, he finished his last creation - "Pieta. Lamentation of Christ." He even managed to sign it: "Titian did." He immediately bequeathed to install this canvas in the chapel over his gravestone and gave the order to set a large table for many people in order to pay tribute to his friends who had passed away earlier. But for the memorial dinner, which the artist planned to spend alone, Titian Vecellio did not have time to go out.

The theme of the pieta was touched upon by many artists and sculptors during the Renaissance. The crowning achievement of Michelangelo Buonarroti - master of genius great era was a sculpture of pink marble, stunning in its composition and artistic performance.

Genres of painting appeared, gained popularity, faded away, new ones arose, subspecies began to be distinguished within the existing ones. This process will not stop as long as a person exists and tries to capture the world around him, whether it be nature, buildings or other people.

Previously (before the 19th century), there was a division of the genres of painting into the so-called "high" genres (French grand genre) and "low" genres (French petit genre). Such a division arose in the 17th century. and was based on what subject and plot were depicted. In this regard, to high genres attributed: battle, allegorical, religious and mythological, and to low - portrait, landscape, still life, animalism.

The division into genres is rather arbitrary, because. elements of two or more genres can be present in the picture at the same time.

Animalism, or animalistic genre

Animalism, or animalistic genre (from lat. animal - animal) - a genre in which the main motive is the image of an animal. We can say that this is one of the most ancient genres, because. drawings and figures of birds and animals were already present in life primitive people. For example, on a wide famous painting I.I. Shishkin "Morning in pine forest» Nature is depicted by the artist himself, and bears are depicted by a completely different one, who specializes in depicting animals.

I.I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest"

How can a subspecies be distinguished Ippian genre(from the Greek hippos - horse) - a genre in which the image of a horse acts as the center of the picture.

NOT. Sverchkov "Horse in the stable"

Portrait (from the French word portrait) is a picture in which the image of a person or a group of people is central. The portrait conveys not only external resemblance, but also reflects inner world and broadcasts the feelings of the artist in relation to the person whose portrait he paints.

I.E. Repin Portrait of Nicholas II

The portrait genre is subdivided into individual(picture of one person), group(image of several people), by the nature of the image - to the front when a person is depicted in full height against a conspicuous architectural or landscape background and chamber when a person is depicted chest-deep or waist-deep against a neutral background. A group of portraits, united according to some attribute, forms an ensemble, or portrait gallery. An example is portraits of members of the royal family.

Separately allocated self-portrait on which the artist depicts himself.

K. Bryullov Self-portrait

The portrait is one of the oldest genres - the first portraits (sculptural) were already present in ancient egypt. Such a portrait acted as part of the cult of afterlife and was the "double" of man.


Landscape (from French paysage - country, area) is a genre in which the image of nature is central - rivers, forests, fields, sea, mountains. In a landscape, the main point is, of course, the plot, but it is equally important to convey the movement, the life of the surrounding nature. On the one hand, nature is beautiful, admired, and on the other hand, it is rather difficult to reflect this in the picture.

C. Monet "Field of poppies at Argenteuil"

The subspecies of the landscape is seascape or marina(from French marine, Italian marina, from Latin marinus - sea) - an image of a sea battle, the sea or other events unfolding at sea. Bright representative marine painters - K.A. Aivazovsky. It is noteworthy that the artist wrote many details of this picture from memory.

I.I. Aivazovsky "The Ninth Wave"

However, often artists also strive to draw the sea from nature, for example, W. Turner to paint the painting “Snowstorm. The steamer at the entrance to the harbor gives a distress signal, hitting the shallow water, "spent 4 hours tied up on the captain's bridge of a ship sailing in a storm.

W. Turner “Snowstorm. The steamer at the entrance to the harbor gives a distress signal, hitting the shallow water.

The water element is also depicted in the river landscape.

Separately allocate cityscape, in which city streets and buildings are the main subject of the image. The urban landscape is Veduta- the image of the urban landscape in the form of a panorama, where the scale and proportions are certainly maintained.

A. Canaletto "Piazza San Marco"

There are other types of landscape - rural, industrial and architectural. In architectural painting, the main theme is the image of the architectural landscape, i.e. buildings, structures; includes an image of the interiors ( interior decoration premises). Sometimes Interior(from French intérieur - internal) is distinguished as separate genre. In architectural painting, another genre is distinguished — Capriccio(from Italian capriccio, whim, whim) - an architectural fantasy landscape.

Still life

Still life (from the French nature morte - dead nature) is a genre dedicated to the depiction of inanimate objects that are placed in a common environment and form a group. Still life appeared in the 15th-16th centuries, but as a separate genre was formed in the 17th century.

Despite the fact that the word "still life" is translated as dead nature, in the pictures there are bouquets of flowers, fruits, fish, game, dishes - everything looks "like a living thing", i.e. like real. From its inception to the present day, still life has been an important genre in painting.

C. Monet "Vase with flowers"

How can a separate subspecies be distinguished Vanitas(from Latin Vanitas - vanity, vanity) - a genre of painting in which the central place in the picture is occupied by a human skull, the image of which is intended to remind of the vanity and frailty of human life.

The painting by F. de Champagne presents three symbols of the frailty of being - Life, Death, Time through the images of a tulip, a skull, an hourglass.

historical genre

Historical genre - a genre in which the paintings depict important events and socially significant phenomena of the past or present. It is noteworthy that the picture can be dedicated not only to real events, but also to events from mythology or, for example, described in the Bible. This genre very important for history as for history individual peoples states, and humanity as a whole. In the paintings, the historical genre is inseparable from other types of genres - portrait, landscape, battle genre.

I.E. Repin "Cossacks write a letter Turkish sultan» K. Bryullov "The Last Day of Pompeii"
Battle genre

The battle genre (from the French bataille - battle) is a genre in which the paintings of which depict the climax of the battle, military operations, the moment of victory, scenes from military life. For battle painting characteristic image in the picture a large number of people.

A.A. Deineka "Defense of Sevastopol"
Religious genre

Religious genre - a genre in which the main story line- biblical (scene from the Bible and the Gospel). According to the subject matter, iconography also belongs to religious, their difference lies in the fact that paintings of religious content do not participate in the services held, and for the icon this is the main purpose. iconography translated from Greek. means "prayer image". This genre was limited by strict limits and laws of painting, because. designed not to reflect reality, but to convey the idea of ​​God's beginning, in which artists are looking for an ideal. In Rus', icon painting reached its peak in the 12th-16th centuries. Most famous names icon painters - Theophanes the Greek (frescoes), Andrei Rublev, Dionysius.

A. Rublev "Trinity"

How the transitional stage from icon painting to portrait stands out Parsuna(distorted from lat. persona - personality, person).

Parsuna of Ivan the Terrible. author unknown
household genre

The paintings depict scenes from everyday life. Often the artist writes about those moments of life, of which he is a contemporary. Distinctive features of this genre - the realism of the paintings and the simplicity of the plot. The picture can reflect the customs, traditions, system everyday life one people or another.

Household painting includes famous paintings like “Barge haulers on the Volga” by I. Repin, “Troika” by V. Perov, “ Unequal marriage» V. Pukireva.

I. Repin "Barge haulers on the Volga"
Epic-mythological genre

Epic-mythological genre. The word myth comes from the Greek. "mythos", which means tradition. The paintings depict the events of legends, epics, legends, ancient Greek myths, ancient legends, plots of folklore works.

P. Veronese "Apollo and Marsyas"
allegorical genre

Allegorical genre (from the Greek allegoria - allegory). Pictures are painted in such a way that they have hidden meaning. Intangible ideas and concepts, invisible to the eye (power, good, evil, love), are transmitted through the images of animals, people, other living beings with such inherent characteristics that have symbolism already fixed in the minds of people, and help to understand common sense works.

L. Giordano "Love and vices disarm justice"
Pastoral (from French pastorale - shepherd, rural)

A genre of painting that glorifies and poetizes the simple and peaceful rural life.

F. Boucher "Autumn Pastoral"
Caricature (from Italian caricare - to exaggerate)

A genre in which, when creating an image, a comic effect is deliberately used by exaggerating and sharpening features, demeanor, clothing, etc. The purpose of a caricature is to offend, unlike, for example, a cartoon (from French charge), the purpose of which is simply to play a joke. Closely related to the term "caricature" are such concepts as splint, grotesque.

Nude (from French nu - naked, undressed)

Genre in which the nude is depicted human body most often female.

Titian Vecellio "Venus of Urbino"
Deception, or trompley (from fr. trompe-l'œil - optical illusion)

A genre whose characteristic features are special techniques that create an optical illusion and allow you to blur the line between reality and image, i.e. the deceptive impression that the object is three-dimensional, while it is two-dimensional. Sometimes snag is distinguished as a subspecies of still life, but sometimes people are also depicted in this genre.

Per Borrell del Caso "Escape from Criticism"

For the completeness of the perception of tricks, it is desirable to consider them in the original, because. a reproduction is unable to fully convey the effect that the artist depicts.

Jacopo de Barberi "The Partridge and the Iron Gloves"
Plot-thematic picture

A mixture of traditional genres of painting (everyday, historical, battle, landscape, etc.). In another way, this genre is called figure composition, its characteristic features are: leading role a person plays, the presence of an action and a socially significant idea, relationships (conflict of interests / characters) and psychological accents are necessarily shown.

V. Surikov "Boyar Morozova"

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