How to teach a child to draw: step-by-step training, drawing with paints, video. Scheme of the image of a man in full growth


Step by step instructions. How to teach children to draw. Part 1.

How to draw a ladybug.

Ordinary things for the world of adults, in the understanding and representation of the child, seem completely different. When sometimes you walk in the park and suddenly the baby sees on the bench ladybug red color with black unusual spots - this is a whole discovery for him. He wants to touch, touch, examine the details. It is important to support this children's curiosity and help in the desire to see all the colors of the natural world. In this process, joint drawing lessons are very helpful. After all, you can always easily talk about something and show how it looks. We offer today to make a trip to the world of nature and draw a small and smiling ladybug. I think your baby, and you yourself, will be happy with such an exciting undertaking, and we will help you make this process accessible and interesting. Look at our step-by-step tips and you will succeed!

How to draw a goat.

Drawing a goat is not difficult if you are a professional, but not all of us are artists by vocation. And children love to draw different animals and they do not understand that adults may not be able to do this. What is the right thing to do in this case? Here will help you this instruction. It describes everything step by step. All you need to get started is a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser. Try it, for sure you and your child will be satisfied with the result.

How to draw a lion.

Many children want to be strong, brave, beautiful, to be in the spotlight. These qualities are often inherent in the lion as the king of beasts. Therefore, choosing a lion as an object for drawing with a child will never go wrong. It remains to acquire elementary stationery in the form of a pencil, paper and an eraser. A little effort - and you will get a delightful lion, or rather a lion cub for a start. So feel free to get inspired and start drawing. And our step by step pictures will help to cope with this task easily and without much effort.

How to draw an ostrich.

Your child has already tried to play with all his toys today, but nothing has entertained him. What to do? Take out paper and pencils and try to draw something unusual, at least a pretty ostrich. And it’s not a problem that you don’t know how at all and don’t know how to do it right, don’t worry - you have step by step instructions, with which you can easily do everything easily and simply, and most importantly - everything will work out. And so, we take paper, pencils, erasers and sit down at the robot. It would be best if you and your child draw separately, that is, everyone will be busy with their own creation, and, of course, you need to help each other if something doesn’t work out. Go ahead, look at the monitor and start!

How to draw a snail.

Simple and easy step by step instructions on how to draw a snail yourself with a pencil will help you learn the basics of drawing in a matter of minutes and replenish your collection or pamper your child with a new sketch.

How to draw an owl.

To learn how to draw an owl well, you do not need a lot of time and effort. Our simple step-by-step instruction with pictures on how to draw an owl will help you in this venture. You just need to be patient and pick up a pencil. Follow our steps and you will comprehend the basics of the art of drawing.

How to draw a tiger.

Do you want to quickly and easily master the art of drawing? Then our step-by-step instruction with pictures on how to draw a tiger cub is just for you. All. What you will need is a blank piece of paper and a pencil.

How to draw a fish.

How to draw a dinosaur.

Sometimes you ask a child - what should you draw? And in your mind you already draw funny little people, a cat or a dog with a pencil. And the answer sounds unexpected - I want a dinosaur. The task becomes more complicated, but this is only at first glance. If you look, these are the same four legs, torso, head and tail. So feel free to take a pencil, paper, eraser and surprise yourself and your child ahead. And we will help make this activity simple and fun. In any case, you can always say that you succeeded special kind a dinosaur that no one has seen yet.

How to draw a cat.

Many parents are faced with a situation where their child runs up to them with a piece of paper and a pencil and beseechingly asks to draw an animal. And you are far from finished. art courses but you can't disappoint a child.We offer you a simple step by step instructions in pictures how to draw a kitten yourself.

In order to teach a child to draw, you need to gradually teach him to break the drawing into simple shapes.

All children at any age love to draw, and the development of imagination is part of their life. Therefore, parents should take care to organize their own personal workplace so that wallpaper and other items in the apartment do not suffer.

How to teach a child to draw in stages?

To help your child improve their artistic skills, step-by-step lessons will help:


A chicken can be drawn in just seven steps:

Stage 1. First, take a light brown pencil and draw a contour. To do this, draw a circle - this will be the body of the chicken.

Stage 2. To form the head, draw a smaller circle.

Stage 3. With the help of an eraser, we erase an unnecessary line in the center of a large circle.

Stage 4. Now let's draw the eyes - these will be two small black circles.

Stage 5. Let's draw a pentagon - a beak.

Stage 6. A red-brown pencil is required for the contours of the paws.

Stage 7. Now we take a bright yellow pencil and decorate the body of our chicken, and brown for the paws.

The chicken is ready. The kid is happy with the result, and now you know how to teach your child to draw this wonderful yellow chick in stages.

How to teach a child to draw a person?

Probably, in every family there was a situation when the kid asked to draw a little man, and parents or grandmothers have no experience at all in this seemingly simple matter. It turns out that it is so simple that a child can easily draw it on their own.

How to teach a child to draw a person, a simple step-by-step lesson will show:

  1. First, draw an oval at the top of the sheet.
  2. Below, draw a rectangle and attach it to the oval with a small line.
  3. At the bottom of the rectangle, draw these primitive legs.
  4. Now it's the turn of primitive handles. These will be two segments with small dashes-fingers at the ends.

  1. Let's improve the primitive handles by adding two lines to each hand.
  2. We turn primitive legs into beautiful ones.
  3. We draw ears - these are two small semicircles on the sides of our head.
  4. Now let's do the hair. Here you can dream up and draw hair to your taste.

  1. In each ear, draw very small curls.
  2. The turn came to the face of our little man. Drawing the eyes, mouth, nose and eyebrows is not difficult at all, if you look at the example, and the child can easily draw them.
  3. We finish the neck and shirt with a collar.
  4. We circle the dashes-fingers and get palms.

  1. Now let's draw trousers with boots. On the knees of the trousers we will make small folds, and we will lace up the boots.
  2. The last step is to erase unnecessary lines, outline the main contours and decorate the little man.

If you look at the finished little man, you might not believe that a child drew it. But now you know that this is very easy to do. The main thing is to know how.

Video how to teach a child to draw

After reviewing the following entertaining video how to teach a child to draw a butterfly, ladybug, bee, snail and other interesting characters, your kid can easily repeat all the lessons he likes.

Also, parents will benefit from the advice of an experienced teacher:

What kid doesn't love watching cartoons? spongebob and his friend Patrick? Drawing loved ones cartoon characters will give the baby a real pleasure:

How to teach a child to draw cartoon characters?

Who are Krosh, Barash, Nyusha - every child and even adults know, because Smeshariki is a very popular and beloved cartoon today. How to teach a child of 7 years to draw these characters, you can learn from the following lessons:

Rabbit Krosh

  1. First you need to draw a circle and two lines.
  2. Then two big eyes and pupils. Note that one eye is slightly smaller than the other.
  3. Next - a small nose, mouth, teeth and eyebrows.
  4. Now you should draw the ears and paws. Krosh has one ear slightly lower than the other.
  5. Since Krosh turned a little to the side, his paws should differ from one another.
  6. Let's circle the contours of Krosh with thick lines and color the finished rabbit.


  1. Let's draw a circle with two lines.
  2. Then the eyes (Barash likes to dreamily look up), nose, mouth and eyebrows.
  3. Further, around the body, draw curls.
  4. The next stage is horns and hooves.
  5. With the finished drawing, erase the extra lines with an eraser, draw around the contour and color it.

How to teach a child to draw with paints?

Preparing the necessary items for drawing

children preschool age who are just learning the basics of drawing with paints, you should purchase suitable paints - watercolor or gouache. Water is a universal solvent for them, they are easy to wash off clothes and wash off furniture. These paints will not cause allergies and food poisoning in the child if they get into the baby's mouth (this is quite possible in young children).

Also for drawing you will need brushes of various sizes with soft bristles. Brushes made from squirrel or pony hair are considered relatively inexpensive and soft enough. In addition, sheets of paper are needed, and for very young children it is recommended to prepare large thick paper. For example, A3 format is suitable.

And the last item that you can’t do without when working with paints is a container of water. It is better for kids to immediately buy a non-spill glass. The special design of its cover will not allow water to spill when it falls.

Lesson number 1 - introductory

The first lesson should be devoted to the topic “How to teach a child to draw with paints”, on which, using a game form, tell about what paints and brushes are, how and when to use them and what they draw with. It would also be appropriate to tell the baby everything about flowers, what and with what color you can draw. Before starting to work with paints, the child must learn how to properly hold the brush in his hand. After he learns to do this, you can try to work with a brush. To begin with, you can simply move a clean brush over the paper and work out the intensity of pressure and precise movements. After that, we start painting with paints.

Lesson number 2 - draw in one color

When you start working with paints, you can only use one color for now. Let them practice drawing straight and wavy lines, strokes, closed contours that can be colored. Such exercises will allow the baby to understand how to pick up paint on the brush, how to rinse it, wring it out and how to put it in the stand correctly. If you purchased gouache for the first lessons, make sure that it is not too liquid and does not spread over the paper.

Lesson number 3 - draw and paint over light shapes

After the child has mastered the basic techniques of working with paints available to his age, you can introduce other colors. Now you can draw simple figures- square, circle, triangle, followed by painting over these figures. At first, the baby's drawings will be completely different from the objects that he tried to portray. The first lessons are aimed at practicing accuracy.

Lesson number 4 - draw more complex shapes

When the skills in drawing improve and the child learns to accurately paint the contours, he can correctly pick up paint on the brush (make sure that he does not stain one paint with another in the palette), rinse and wring it out, and draw drawings without mixing paints, then in subsequent lessons we will teach children draw step by step complex drawings. It can be a boat, an umbrella using several colors, a turtle, or any other item he likes. Can you teach a child how to draw a dandelion.

Technique step by step drawing paints are not particularly different from drawing with pencils or felt-tip pens. The main rule here is that after each stage in the process of painting a drawing, allow the already applied paint to dry. This will help to avoid mixing colors in the drawing.

The first drawings should not have small parts that the baby will not be able to neatly color. Don't forget to choose the right thin brush to draw the outline. And if your kid shows artistic talent, be sure to give it to art school or at least for watercolor lessons for beginners.

Rules for parents who want to teach their kid to draw:

  • You should not improve the drawing of a child with your own hand - this will offend him.
  • Teach your child to your workplace. After he has finished drawing, it is necessary to collect the pencils in a glass, put the paper in a pile, wash the brushes and the glass with water and put it away. He must do all this on his own. And do not allow your creativity to show on the wallpaper and other "appropriate" items. Order first!
  • Remember that the first creations of kids can rather be called not drawings, but “scribbles”. You should not treat these drawings with mockery - this way you can discourage the baby from drawing and offend him.

Now you know how to teach a child to draw, where to start, how to draw drawings in stages, how to work with paints and what not to do. creative success you and your children!

Do you teach your child to draw? Do you use step by step tips? Tell about it in

At what age can a child be taught to draw, why should one not be afraid of black in children's drawings, are there mediocre children, and is it too late to become an artist after 30? We are talking with Lyudmila Zymaleva - an artist, poet, journalist, photographer, master of an art doll as an art object, teacher of fine arts, author of many publications on teaching methods and art history.

Lyudmila Zymaleva with little students

Please tell us how your journey into the world of fine arts and teaching began?

Among those who become artists, there are two types of people: some expressively draw from childhood, others discover their talent at a more conscious age, at 11-12 years old (it is not at all accidental that this is the age at which art schools are accepted). I am from the second. I always drew, but, like many children, I did not particularly stand out against the general background either for the results or for the interest in this process. And at the age of thirteen, she suddenly drew all summer in a row and then entered a good art school.

Where do you teach? Who comes to learn to draw these days?

I teach students different ages and in different educational institutions. A couple of years ago from Moscow State Pedagogical University, from students, some of whom were older than me, I went to art studio to 3-5-year-old kids, the next day she taught lessons in primary school school, and in the evening - classes in the studio on the basis of the school, with children who have pronounced artistic ability. Thus, I teach both children and adults, according to programs like educational institutions as well as professional. All this is very interesting, everywhere has its own specifics, which you must know, otherwise problems are inevitable.

You teach drawing to very young children, it happens that these kids also don’t know how to speak well. What is special about this work? At what age can a child be taught to draw?

From my own experience I can say that it is possible to develop a child with the help of art from the age of three. Precisely “to develop”, since learning is a process that takes place in art schools from about 11–12 years old. The subtle difference between "development in the visual arts" and "teaching fine arts' lies in the purpose of these processes. For kids, this goal is one, for schoolchildren - another, for students of art schools - the third. But in any case, if a child was developed by means of art, this is useful and important, even if he does not later become an artist.

Does everyone really need to learn how to draw? For what? Maybe, well, this is drawing, there are more important things - programming, foreign languages ​​...

The childhood of a child is sometimes compared with the childhood of peoples: every people has folk dances, songs and visual arts. People have long been drawn to the beautiful, and a normally developing child also wants to dance, sing and draw to one degree or another. These classes allow him to better know the world and express himself. To prevent a child from drawing is to take away from him a part of his childhood, a part of his beauty. fine art has excellent opportunities for the development of abstract thinking - a type of thinking that, according to scientists, is characteristic only of man. In addition, they draw for the development of imagination, motor skills. No developed motor skills developed person, everyone knows perfectly well how important this is, and here fine art classes are the best fit.

If we talk about drawing lessons at school, do not forget that they allow the child, without interruption from a full-fledged educational process relax, immerse yourself in yourself, express yourself and, thanks to this, be ready to study again subjects that are more psychophysically demanding.

In life, the role of fine art, in my opinion, is in beauty, and not always external. child familiar with richest world fine arts, its various directions and styles, will be a more flexible, tolerant, attentive and understanding member of society.

Talented kids go to art schools, but sometimes they get dropped out. Why? Does something need to be changed?

Music and sports schools are indeed abandoned by many, unable to withstand significant physical exertion. IN early age difficult to make an informed choice. But the art school is smaller exercise stress and usually a conscious choice, and almost all those who enter it graduate. Some dropout process, of course, is underway, but this is normal, someone understands that he wants to do something else, someone does not cope with the program, and he can be expelled.

You often act as a member of the jury of children's drawing competitions. How do you think, to what extent the worldview of the current generation of children is shaped under the influence of modern cartoons and computer technology?

I'll probably surprise you with the answer. No way. Those who participate in such competitions are usually children with a certain level of general and artistic development, their acquaintance with the riches of the fine arts previous generations is large, and in the world around them they also see its various examples, including in the form of modern cartoons, of which there are a lot and the artistic quality of which varies greatly. Very rarely someone uses when creating creative tasks a pronounced style adopted in animation of one direction or another, for example, in anime style or Disney style. Such drawings are more common in children who do not yet have some experience in visual activity, but at the same time they try to copy their favorite characters.

Computer technologies, 3D graphics do not affect hand-made drawing in any way, and such children use the Internet, as a rule, only as a means to achieve the goal. For example, on the Internet it is easy to find the right visual information on the competitive topic, if you know which direction to look for.

How much do coloring and drawing from patterns, copying develop artistic abilities?

develop to a certain extent. Coloring and pattern drawing is rarely used by art teachers, as they have more than effective methods. However, coloring can develop to some extent the stroke technique, coloristic vision, and pattern drawing - the ability to play with the same form in different ways. Copying with a competent approach is a full-fledged teaching method, known since ancient times. Another thing is that it must necessarily go in combination with other methods and not take a leading role in teaching.

Are there any common clichés or misconceptions about fine arts?

In short, you should not be afraid of black in children's work - this is usually caused by a craving for graphic contrast, and not psychological problems. Art materials it is always necessary to select high-quality and in the right combination, the principle “the baby is just starting, it will do for him” is a wrong and dangerous approach.

The purpose of different drawing lessons is different, " Nice picture"," similarity "(even in classical realism) cannot be an evaluation criterion. Before drawing conclusions about the child's abilities, the success of the learning process and the professionalism of the teacher, it is necessary to carefully talk with the teacher himself in order to find out exactly what goals are set for different lessons, and why this or that result can be assessed differently by the teacher and the parent.

It is often said that a child has no talent. It happens?

If they say this about a child over 14, who from childhood was developed by means of art and who then tried to study in vocational school, then this formulation is quite acceptable. If about a child under 14, or about a child who simply did not have the opportunity to study, then, of course, this is an erroneous wording.

It should be noted that up to 12 years of age, interest in drawing and (to a lesser extent) success in this field should be considered as indicators of the normal development of the child, and not as "talent".

Artist-educators have such unscientific terms as "adult talent" and " children's talent". It is normal that not everyone has the first, and it is normal that almost everyone has the second.

When can you start drawing? Is it too late at 30 or 40?

It is important to understand why to start. The visual arts are not an “age-related activity” like sports, and do not require such technical skills acquired over the years as certain areas of music. It's never too late to start "for yourself" as a hobby. And then it can turn into something more than just a hobby, but how and when - everything is very individual for everyone. Here I really want to focus on what is more important, not WHEN to start, but HOW.

At a young age, starting “wrong” is almost impossible, especially if we are talking about undertakings in an art school with a certain status. An adult person has little free time, but a lot of ideas about “how to”, expectations and ambitions. You need to very clearly articulate for yourself what exactly you want, or ask for help in this matter from an experienced artist-teacher.

Otherwise, it will turn out like with one of my acquaintances, who finally decided to fulfill her dream of “drawing”, signed up for serious courses academic drawing from scratch to pretty large groups. As a result, after the first 6-10 hours of drawing geometric objects and draperies, she, having received some stress, did not achieve the expected result and made the wrong conclusion that “it’s too late for her”, then she left the studio and did not continue to try to look for another one. Someone may be indignant why the teacher in the courses did not identify these problems. But this identification was not within the scope of his activities, he carried out the work of teaching academic drawing, albeit from scratch. The fact that a person who was not ready for such a load, and perhaps did not need it, came to him for a group lesson, you will not notice in two or three lessons in this discipline, and no one turned to him with questions.

Therefore, if you decide to take up drawing, you definitely need to discuss your expectations with the teacher, tell what you would like to get in the end, how much time you have for this and other nuances.

What is the difference between an art school and a studio?

art studio- part of the system additional education, goals can be varied, mainly - development by means of art. In the studio, there are almost never exams, grades, dropouts. Possible maximum individual approach working with children and adults of all ages.

Art school- the first stage of professional art education. Reception at 11 12 years according to the results of entrance examinations, work in classes according to academic programs, evaluation system, screening of underachievers. The goal is to identify the most gifted children and give them a basis for further continuation of professional education.

Why is art school taken only from 11-12 years old? After all, music begins to be taught much earlier.

This point is directly related to the psychophysical characteristics of the organism and the characteristics of the subject being studied. In sports and music, the role of physiology is very important: if the body does not prepare for the load that awaits it with early age, it will not be able to withstand it in the future. It is necessary to go in for sports and music from a very early age, some of the little athletes and musicians will continue their professional education, some are not, but due to the peculiarities of the formation of muscle memory, muscle training and body structure at the age of 12, only fairly gifted children can join the process.

Despite the fact that training in the visual arts also involves "work with the body", purely physical training not so important, a more formed mind is needed. That is why selection for art schools is made at about the age of twelve, when the child's brain and vision have already formed in a certain way, and when it is already possible to determine the severity of artistic abilities.

Please tell me how you feel about individual training fine arts?

Without exaggeration, individual lessons with a student become a revelation every time even for an experienced artist-teacher. Only in one-on-one communication with a young artist are possible amazing mutual discoveries, the deepest penetration of the student into the personal world of the teacher and the teacher - into the personal world of the student. The group form of classes is no worse and no better, it is just different, and there are no more and no less positive moments in it. The perfect combination - work young artist with a teacher, both in a group and individually.

You teach at school and studio, draw, do photography, write poetry, teach Chinese. Do not list everything. Share a secret - how do you manage to do everything?

Firstly, everyone has their own reaction speed and ability to plan. I have both quite well developed in my field, so I can get quite a lot of work done in a short amount of time. In addition, I always carefully collect and store different materials, articles, notes, programs, other data (by the way, this applies not only professional activity), - this reserve is very important and often helps in case of unplanned situations.

And before that I had terrible secret, which allowed me to work not just a lot, but a lot, and I think he is familiar to many - due to his sleep. I used to sleep for 3-4 hours. It works well for certain types of people, mostly in youth, and usually, if overdone, is bad for health and future performance. Therefore, it is better to be very careful with this secret information.

And here real secret, which again is not a secret to anyone, but not everyone works in this direction, plus there are still different life circumstances and luck - I try to do what I like to do. Thus, the work is pleasant, there is a positive, and this helps to work more and better.

Interviewed by Alexandra Matrusova

Photo of children's drawings from the personal archive of the author


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To achieve good results in the upbringing and development of the child, you need to offer him activities to his liking. One of the activities that all children love to do is drawing. Offering the child to draw, we stimulate him cognitive interest, mental development, fine motor skills, creative thinking. From our article you will find out what are simple ways learning to draw for kids.

Types of drawing

Learning to draw is educational activities through which the child can improve their innate drawing skills. And adults should help him master the necessary skills - parents or teaching staff. The methods of teaching fine arts should aim not only to teach how to hold a pencil or brush in your hand correctly, but, above all, to cultivate aesthetic feelings, namely, to be able to see beauty and create it yourself, depict your thoughts, bring your ideas to life.

When teaching drawing, keep in mind age features child

"Advice. When teaching children to draw, methods should be selected that would arouse interest in drawing and evoke an emotional response in the soul of the baby.

Starting to draw with kids, you need to take into account their age characteristics, and select the appropriate types of drawing. Young children have not yet developed many skills. younger preschoolers they still cannot correctly hold a pencil and a brush in their hand, monitor the force of their pressure on a sheet of paper, correctly place images on a sheet of paper, do not go beyond the contours when painting over what is drawn, etc. Based on these reasons, it is best to start drawing classes for kids the simplest types, skills and techniques.

What you need to teach your child to do in the first place:

  • correctly hold a pencil in your hand (brush, felt-tip pen)
  • depict the simplest lines and shapes, "sticks" and "paths"
  • do not go beyond the contours of the picture when coloring it

When the baby masters this initial arsenal of drawing skills, he will be able to translate his ideas on paper, while feeling more confident.

It is easy to embody ideas if you master the simplest types of drawing

Show your child the simplest types of drawing:

  1. "Drawing in the Air" One of the first drawing lessons can be a conditional image of lines and geometric shapes with a hand in the air. You can do this with your index finger or the whole palm. This type of initial drawing prepares the child to start drawing something on paper. The same movement can be done on a straight, smooth surface, such as a table.
  2. "Co-Painting" The next stage in teaching children to draw is when an adult leads the child's hand with a pencil on paper. The kid sees how the images are created, and the adult comments on what happens. With the help of this type of drawing, the child learns to hold the pencil correctly, press it on the paper and, in the end, draw the simplest lines and shapes.
  3. "Drawing details". This is drawing based on a blank, where a part of the picture is drawn (like a mirror image) or a point for connection. The kid must finish the details that are missing in the drawing by analogy with the image on the right or left, or connect the dots, thus obtaining a drawing. It is better when the picture has a plot and an adult tells something exciting in accordance with the plot.
  4. "I draw myself." Having practiced in all the initial types of drawing, the baby will be ready to draw something himself. And an adult can help him by suggesting a plot for a drawing, giving a task.

Image tricks

Introduce your baby to those image techniques that are easy to master

If you continue to show your baby drawing techniques that are easy to master, it will greatly enrich him. visual activity. So the child will master what he could not do before. Make sure that the baby's hand is strong, he can hold the pencil firmly enough, quite consciously repeat the strokes he sees. Then show him several image techniques:

  • drawing lines (straight, wavy)
  • hatching with short straight strokes
  • hatching with long vertical and horizontal strokes
  • hatching with oblique tear-off and continuous strokes
  • hatching with extension strokes
  • image of round and rectangular objects
  • dabbing (with a brush)
  • painting (pencil, brush).

It's good when an adult not only shows the kid how to drive on paper with a pencil or brush, but accompanies creative process stories he understands. For example, by drawing different lines, an adult suggests depicting a path, a stick, etc. And a wavy line is already a river or sea, smoke from a chimney of a house, forest path. It is important that the images are familiar to the child.

Watch the video in which the art teacher talks about where to start when teaching kids to draw

How to teach a child to draw in stages

If you decide to teach your child to draw, be prepared for the fact that you will have to do a lot and regularly. This is how skills are developed. Parents themselves will have to depict pictures, because the baby needs to be guided by something. The child will look at the drawings you made and try to repeat them.

"Advice. There is no need to oversimplify the task by drawing objects for the child schematically. If you are drawing a house, then let it be surrounded by a dense forest, flowers, funny little animals. The drawing should be bright and attract the child.

In the phased learning to draw, it is important to voice the plot of the image. In this case, not only fairy tales but also poetry. So you will also contribute to the development of the speech skills of the baby.

Showing how to draw the simplest lines and geometric figures, gradually transform them in front of the child. So from the circle the sun will be obtained, from the triangle - the roof of the house, and short vertical lines become grass. This is the basic principle of step-by-step drawing.

See how easy it is to show your child how to draw a chicken:

Know that simple drawing quickly bores children. Do not be lazy to prompt and show the child new techniques, offer new images to consolidate the skill of step-by-step drawing. An interested child will draw better and better.

Pick up a pencil

Teach your child how to use a pencil

To properly organize your child's teaching to draw with a pencil, follow these recommendations:

  1. Teach your child to hold the pencil in their hand first. correct position, and then directly to learning to draw.
  2. Help first: guide the baby's hand with your hand.
  3. Start learning with direct and wavy lines, simple figures, gradually "revitalizing" the drawn.
  4. As soon as the baby masters the image of simple large forms, gradually complicate the tasks by inviting him to draw small details: a little man near the house or fruit on a tree.

"Advice. While drawing, teach your child to recognize colors, choose and combine them correctly.

Remember that in order to consolidate the skill, you need to regularly repeat exercises with a pencil.

We draw with paints

Starting to introduce the child to paints, choose watercolor and gouache

Tips for parents on teaching a child to work with paints:

  1. Starting to introduce the child to paints, choose watercolor and gouache. These paints are safe for children and wash off easily.
  2. Provide the baby with brushes of different sizes, which should be made of soft pile. Good pony and squirrel tassels are soft and inexpensive.
  3. Stock up on thick paper for drawing. The A-3 sheet format is ideal for preschoolers.
  4. Get your baby a special non-spill cup for washing brushes. Such a glass will not stain your beautiful carpet if the baby accidentally knocks it off the table.
  5. It's good to have a palette for mixing paints. And at first, a regular plastic plate will do.
  6. Start the first lesson with a story about paints and brushes. It is better if it is a fairy tale or even a small theatrical performance.
  7. Tell about flowers, supporting the story with visual materials (colorful pictures). Tell in an accessible way what color it is customary to draw.
  8. Teach your baby to hold the brush and use it: hold it in your hand, pick up paint, apply it to paper, rinse the brush, blot it. First, let the baby move a dry brush over the paper, practice the degree of pressure and fidelity of movements.
  9. Start painting using one color at first. Let the kid draw lines - straight and wavy, strokes, simple shapes with closed contours that can be colored. Show how to do priming.
  10. Learn step by step. When the baby masters drawing in one color, add another one, then another one.

Gradually, the child will learn to draw much more accurately.

When the child draws with two colors, you will see that the drawings are not clear and accurate. No big deal, 'cause little artist I have not yet fully consolidated the skill of depicting clear and neat lines. Multitasking is still beyond the power of the baby: you need to learn how to work with two colors, do not smear, do not go beyond the contour, wash the brush in time, do not pour water. Gradually, the child will learn to do everything much more accurately.

“If the teaching of drawing is guided by experienced teacher, then it will contribute to the development of observation in the baby, creative imagination, accuracy.

Drawings of three-year-olds are chaotic, since subject drawing they are still unable to. Do not demand accuracy in drawing and maximum similarity with real objects: all this will be gradually formed if the baby exercises regularly. To keep your child interested in drawing, you need to support him in every possible way and create positive situations related to drawing. Do not scold the baby if he stained clothes or carpet with paints. Clean up the mess together.

It's good when the baby visits kindergarten either the center child development, where he will be taught to draw simple objects, closed lines, color the contour.

“It is important that the baby does not get upset if the planned drawing does not work out. Mark what turned out well in the picture, praise the child, comfort if necessary. Suggest to draw on this topic again.

Now you know the simple ways to teach children to draw. Get your kid interested in drawing and create conditions for him to creative development. So you reinforce the kid's interest in drawing with positive emotions, and soon he will delight you with his masterpieces.

Many children love to draw in childhood, they come up with magical worlds and heroes. But at some point, a doubt may suddenly appear: “I won’t succeed” or even “I can’t draw.” What to do so that the child does not have a feeling of fear of a white sheet, and whether it is necessary to learn how to draw correctly right away, says Olga Aizenberg, founder of the Letal and Chagall art children's studio, art critic and mother of three children.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

Drawing is one of the ways of learning. Children are not focused on the result, the process itself is important to them. Often they, for example, draw and tell - this is such a narrative drawing, I love it very much.

My son drew and told a lot. It's always been story stories, which gradually developed on paper: some kind of battles, battles, supermen flying in these poses. The son easily drew, because he wanted to live longer in the plot. For example, he watched a cartoon - and immediately made sketches on paper. In addition to the opportunity to live the story again, such drawing allows the child to create his own Magic world, to supplement it - after all, he includes himself there, identifies with someone. All this is a process of understanding reality.

"People". Drawing by Maya Kutukova-Mendoza (3 years old), inspired by the painting by Konstantin Korovin

1. Do not be afraid of a white sheet

There is the development of knowledge, and there is the miracle of creativity - when you create something from scratch. Children certainly don't think about it the way we adults do, for them it's just fascinating process. And it is important for parents to keep their children the ability not to be afraid. clean slate. The ability to start, create new projects and not be afraid of new challenges will come in handy in any area of ​​life.

2. Give your child paint (and freedom)

When the child has the skill to hold objects in his hand, you can already offer to draw. Someone quickly gets a taste and begins to draw all the time. Some people are cautious at first. There are girls and boys who are afraid to get dirty. One will gladly crawl into the paint entirely, the whole will be smeared. And the other will look at this jar with caution.

It is necessary to offer different materials, in no case evaluate the result of the work and not put specific tasks: "Now you and I will draw a strawberry." Apparently, I myself am a very freedom-loving person by nature, it seems to me that in this area it is certainly necessary to give maximum freedom and not to limit. Any manifestation of fantasy should be encouraged.

"Ornaments Australian aborigines". Marusya Jalalyan, 6 years old

3. Not learning to draw "correctly"

We have very understanding parents in the studio. Rarely there are those who immediately want some kind of realistic school, results, techniques and developments. But it happens. It sounds especially strange when they bring preschool children of four to six years old and say: “Teach my child to draw beautifully.” I'm starting to figure out what "beautiful" is. What we have on the walls is beautiful? "Well, yes, but..." Gradually I understand that in their minds it is beautiful - it is realistic. Well, realistically - this is not our case, because it is not according to age and there is absolutely no need.

There are children who want specifics. Let's say we draw an apple. Let them draw. One girl with us, in my opinion, for a year, if not more, she called everything that she drew one in simple words: "Dog". She has always painted dogs. We offered her: look, Sonya, today we have a topic - medieval knights, come on, maybe a castle? No, dog. Well, we understood - it means that a person must work out this topic. A dog is a dog. Now this Sonya gives out masterpieces. And it's no longer a dog.

"Dog". Sonya Dulerain, 4 years old

Someone is completely satisfied with their abstractions as such, someone endows these abstractions with meanings and says that this is a car, and this is a mountain, and the car will go there now, and there is a tunnel. Therefore, it is important to feel the child well in order to understand what the result means for the child.

4. Do not compare with one sample (“I can’t do it”)

If you compare the "correct" apple you drew with the child's apple, he always sees the difference. Therefore, in the classroom we show children a lot different artists. We say: look, the sun can be drawn like this, like this, and ten more different ways. Because when the only correct option appears, it is clear that it may not work out, like Rembrandt. And then the motivation disappears.

There are children creating their own picturesque world. Such children are not disturbed by any authorities and models - they are self-sufficient. And there are those who are very susceptible to comparisons. They often worry: “I won’t succeed like someone else.” You need to understand that everyone has different sensitivities, and take this into account when showing children other people's work.

5. Discuss drawing

It is important not to evaluate the child's drawing, but to discuss the content. This is a great platform for conversations. A child is grateful when someone asks: what is actually happening there? And he says that this is an apple, a worm lives in it, now he will come out of here.

6. Stopped drawing? Not scary

Not all children draw. For some, drawing may just be a developmental stage. There are girls who draw princesses. Draw a little - and that's it. They are not interested in drawing before or after. There is nothing wrong with this. They show up in others. These girls can, for example, dance very well. They just have a different way of knowing the world. And that's okay.

Often children's drawing taken for artistic talent. Then the desire to draw passes, and the parents get upset. But this is life: it means that this activity was needed at this stage of development. Further, the child will learn new ways of self-expression, knowledge of the world, and they will be different, more logical. Maybe drawing will come back - or maybe not.

A copy of the work of Valentin Serov "Children" performed by fourteen-year-old Varya

7. Take your time with art school

They take to art school from about 11 years old, and this is the right age. There is already a motivation to strive for something, children want to compete: who did it better, who drew more realistically, shaded the cube in a special way. This is the age when children are interested, they can work. And until the age of 11, the most important thing is to preserve the inner freedom of the child, the absence of patterns and fears.

When the age of achievement comes, he puts everything in its place. Then a person already wants to learn the skill. And just closer to adolescence it becomes clear whether the child has something more than a direct childhood love for drawing. Someone experienced looks and notices a vision, good hand, sense of composition or color. And if such a child wants to continue drawing, he is making progress.

Photo: iStockphoto (Kikovic). Drawings: "Flew and Chagall"

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