Project around the world on the topic: Project "Mini-Museums in Kindergarten".


Senior educator: Nosenko Tatyana Nikolaevna municipal autonomous preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 32 st. Novoalekseevskaya municipal formation Kurganinsky district

Why we created mini-museums. How often do our children go to them? We conducted a survey and found that most of Kindergarten pupils have never been to the museum. The reasons are very different. Firstly, there are no museums in our village and it is located in a place remote from the cities where most museums are located. Secondly, many parents believe that it is too early for preschoolers to attend such institutions. And, thirdly, many fathers and mothers simply do not come up with the idea of ​​such an excursion.

How to attract the attention of parents to museums? Direct campaigning is unlikely to help here. Therefore, to begin with, we decided to create our own "museum complex" , which includes mini-museums in group rooms and an art gallery.

What is a mini-museum. Of course, in a kindergarten it is impossible to create expositions that meet the requirements of museum work. That's why we named them "mini museums" . part of a word "mini-" in our case, it reflects both the age of the children for whom they are intended, and the size of the exposition, and a certain limitation of the subject matter.

Important feature these elements of the developing environment - participation in their creation of children and parents. Preschoolers feel their involvement in the mini-museum: they participate in the discussion of its topics, bring exhibits from home. The guys from the older groups conduct excursions for the younger ones, replenish them with their drawings. In real museums, you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums, it’s not only possible, but necessary! You can visit them every day, change them yourself, rearrange the exhibits, pick them up and look at them. IN regular museum the child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of the exposition. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families.

Placement of mini-museums. In any kindergarten there is a problem of free space. Various parts were used to locate the mini-museums group rooms, "dressing rooms" , bedrooms, walls at the entrance to the group, etc. One of the requirements for the location of museums was as follows: each of them must fit into the interior of the premises. The exhibits were located on shelves, racks purchased or made by parents, attached to the walls, stood on the floor.

Children's age. The content, design and purpose of a mini-museum must necessarily reflect the specifics of the age of children in this group. So, for example, a museum of measuring instruments appeared in the preparatory speech therapy group, and a mini-museum of birds was created for kids. Mini-museums are constantly updated with new exhibits. It also houses children's work done jointly with adults.

Project stages "Mini-Museums in Kindergarten" . In process museum complex Kindergarten employees had to try their hand as designers, artists, and as museologists and historians. The whole work can be divided into three stages.


At the beginning of the work, the team of each group (children, teachers) together with their parents, they determined the theme and name of the mini-museum, developed its model, and chose a place for placement. Mini-museums turned out to be different both in design and content.

Each educator developed his own subproject, which was built according to following scheme: decor (diagram drawing), description (equipment, exhibits), the name of the first study tour, development prospects, options for children and parents to participate in its creation.

The methodological service of the kindergarten developed a procedure for conducting a presentation on the best mini-museum, which was discussed with the team upon completion. Parents were invited to visit various museums with their children and discuss what a museum is, why it is created, why people visit it, etc.


Nondescript flights of stairs were turned by us into an attractive art gallery. On the walls there are photographs, reproductions of paintings depicting nature and animals.

Adults and children, following their models, created mini-museums in groups. Big role parents played in this process, bringing exhibits, helping in the design. At the last stage of this stage, the educators, together with the children, developed the content of excursions around their museum, and the preschoolers themselves suggested what exactly they consider it necessary to tell about their mini-museums. Those who wish to become tour guides.

Description of mini-museums according to the plan:

  1. Name.
  2. Supervisor.
  3. Location.
  4. Content and exhibits.
  5. Goals and objectives.
  6. How is used.
  7. Tour themes.

Making a presentation "Our Mini Museum" . For each mini-museum, the educators made business cards that contained short description exposure. The originality of the design and presentation of the material was welcomed. The plan for the presentation was announced at the very beginning of the work. First of all, the design, content and originality of the subjects and exhibits were evaluated. A jury member card was developed, which accelerated the generalization of the results. Such cards were pre-printed and distributed to each member of the jury, which included kindergarten teachers. The jury members discussed the evaluation criteria in advance, compared their understanding of these criteria and, after getting acquainted with the expositions, filled in "Score Cards" . The required characteristics were evaluated on a three-point system (each - maximum 3 points). When summarizing the materials, the data were summarized according to all criteria for each mini-museum. Thus, in the card of each member of the jury, overall score for each mini-museum. And, finally, to determine the winners, the scores of all jury members for this mini-museum were summed up. Based on the results of the calculations, "rating" mini museums. The winners, respectively, were those who scored the largest number points for all criteria from the majority of the jury members.

Mini-museum scorecard in groups

(to be completed by each member of the jury)

Mini-museums in groups allowed educators to make a word "museum" familiar and attractive to children. The exhibits are used for various activities, for the development of speech, imagination, intelligence, emotional sphere of the child. Any object of the mini-museum can suggest a topic for interesting conversation. preschoolers different groups got acquainted with the mini-museums of their "colleagues" .

Mini-museums have become an integral part of the developing subject environment of our kindergarten.


  1. Comprehensive educational program "CHILDHOOD" : / T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva and others - St. Petersburg: OOO , 2016 - 352p.
  2. Educational area "Social and communicative development" "Childhood" ) : Teaching aid / T.I. Babaeva, T.A. Berezina, L.S. Rimashevskaya; ed. A.G. Gogoberidze. - St. Petersburg: OOO PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" , 2017. - 384 p.
  3. Educational area "Cognitive Development" (Methodological set of the program "Childhood" ) : teaching aid/ BEHIND. Mikhailova, M.N. Polyakova, T.A. Ivchenko, T.A. Berezina, N.O. Nikonov; ed. A.G. Gogoberidze. - St. Petersburg: OOO PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" , 2016 - 304 p.
  4. Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" . Methodological set of the program "Childhood" : teaching aid / scientific. ed. A.G. Gogoberidze. - St. Petersburg: OOO PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS" , 2016 - 400 p.



"KINDERGARTEN No. 13 of the city of Kashira"

Mini - museum

"In the world of fairy tales"


to school group number 12

compensating orientation

Educators: Tultaeva Lyubov Yurievna

Titova Rimma Yurievna


Mini-museum: "In the world of fairy tales"


A fairy tale enjoys great love among children.

Fairy tale - ancient genre oral folk art. It teaches a person to live, instills in him optimism, faith in the triumph of goodness and justice. Real human relationships are hidden behind fantasy and fiction. Hence comes the great educational value fairy tales.

At this stage of life modern society this topic very relevant.

The creation of a mini-museum in a kindergarten is one of the first sources of introducing children to the treasures of history, culture, and art. The priority problem for the kindergarten of the museum is the problem of socialization of the younger generation, the museum is part of the educational process. It is obligatory to combine subject material with a program focused on the manifestation of the child's creative activity.

Of course, in a kindergarten it is impossible to create expositions that meet the requirements of museum work. That's why we called it "mini-museum".
The part of the word "mini-" in our case reflects the age of the children for whom they are intended, and the size of the exposition, and a certain limitation of the subject matter.

An important feature of these elements of the developing environment is the participation of children and parents in their creation. Preschoolers feel their involvement in the mini-museum: they participate in the discussion of its topics, bring exhibits from home and replenish them with their drawings.
In real museums, you can’t touch anything, but in a mini-museum it’s not only possible, but necessary! You can visit them every day, change them yourself, rearrange the exhibits, pick them up and look at them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of an exhibition. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families.

The mini-museum gives the opportunity to visit and view the expositions to all parents, including individually, with their children.
The mini-museum provides an incentive for communication.


Expands horizons, introduces children to folk tales, promotes the development of speech, imagination, fantasy, curiosity, makes it possible to enrich the knowledge of preschoolers about the world around them.


Enriching the upbringing and educational space with new forms of work with children and their parents.


Enrichment of the subject-developing preschool environment; the formation of preschoolers' ideas about the museum; expanding the horizons of preschoolers; formation of design and research skills and abilities; formation of the ability to independently analyze and systematize the acquired knowledge; development of creative and logical thinking, imagination; formation of an active life position; involvement of parents (families of pupils) in the life of the kindergarten.

Project stages:

Preparatory stage.

Stage of project implementation.

The final stage

In the mini-museum "In the world of fairy tales"

several sections:

1 section - "Fairy tales and their heroes."

In the museum you can see many books from fairy tales. These are large, beautifully designed books, and baby books, and thin books from the times of our mothers and fathers.
In our museum of fairy tales you can find portrait gallery great storytellers of the past and present.

2 section - "Fold the picture."

You can play in our museum. Here are puzzles with different fairy tales, cut pictures, with the help of which children really like to compose fairy-tale characters and plots from different fairy tales.

3 section - Guess the story.

In this section, children are invited to guess the tale from the illustration, from the passage. You can not only guess a fairy tale, but also tell it.
Also in the mini-museum "In the world of fairy tales" you can play the game "Hero and his magic item". For each picture of a fairy-tale hero, children select a picture of the corresponding magical object. For example: Emelya - a stove, the Frog Princess - an arrow, Cinderella - a glass slipper, etc.

4 section - Theatrical.

In our museum, you can become an artist for a while. To do this, in this section there are caps for different fairy tales and other types of theaters for independent children's dramatization of fairy tales.

In the mini-museum you can also find different Board games and coloring pages fairy themes, drawings for fairy tales made by children.

The mini-museum turned out to be so interesting, informative and bright thanks to the help of children and their parents.

We present to your attention the project

"In the world of fairy tales"!

The story is a miracle.
In fairy tales, children draw a lot of knowledge about the world around them and their own place in this world.
But, unfortunately, often we only touch this miracle. Yes, we read. Yes, we retell.

Yes, we are looking at pictures. If there is a mood, we can even show the theater.
But if we are friends with the TALE, then everything can be deeper and wider. A fairy tale will help to teach, support, direct.


  1. The red girl is sad, she doesn't like spring.
  2. It’s hard for her in the sun, tears are shed by the poor thing - the Snow Maiden.
  1. Mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window.
  2. Round side, ruddy side, rolled - Gingerbread Man.
  1. He will heal everyone, heal, the good doctor - Aibolit.
  2. She is beautiful and sweet, and her name is from the word ash? - Cinderella.
  3. The fat man lives on the roof, he flies above all - Carlson.
  4. In fairy tales, he is always a simpleton, everyone calls him a fool.
  5. But the mind will still show its own, this fairy tale hero- Ivanushka.


* He pounded, but he pounded on the plate with his nose. Didn't swallow anything and was left with a "nose".

* The kids opened the door, and everyone disappeared somewhere.

* Did not lie on the window, rolled along the path.

* The mouse found a home for itself, the mouse was kind. In that house, at the end, there were many tenants.

* And the road is long, and the basket is not easy. To sit on a stump, to eat a pie.

* Along the path, walking briskly, the buckets themselves carry water.

Riddles (descriptive):

  1. Lives in the forest, she has a sharp muzzle, sensitive ears, fluffy tail, golden fur. (Fox)
  2. Covered all over with feathers, two long legs He has a beak and wings. (Crane)

Didactic game "Guess the heroes of fairy tales"

Mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window,

Round side, ruddy side. Rolled ... (Kolobok)

The grandmother loved the girl very much,

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me, her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

The nose is round, with a snout, it is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

The tail is small, crocheted, instead of shoes - hooves.

There are three of them, and how friendly the brothers are.

Guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Three piglets)

Treats small children, treats birds and animals,

Looking through his glasses kind Doctor... (Aibolit)

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all. (Carlson)

Near the forest, at the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (three Bears)

My father had a strange, unusual, wooden boy.

On land and under water looking for a golden key.

Everywhere his nose sticks his long one - who is it? .. (Pinocchio)

Together with Carlson he jumped from the roofs

Our naughty ... (Baby)

I am beautiful, strong, powerful, I am more menacing than menacing clouds,

I'm smarter than everyone, there are no words, I have a lot of heads. (Dragon)

I am terribly charming and have a sensitive scent,

I am famous for my unearthly hairstyle, I know how to fly above the ground.

iron teeth, bone leg, all people know - I ... (Baba Yaga)

I'm rich, all-powerful, very slim, terribly feisty.

But I'm not afraid of death. Guess what's my name? (Koschei the Deathless)

The kindest cat of all cats

Suffering, poor, from mice - enemies. (Cat Leopold)

She knew how to work beautifully and deftly, in any business, showing skill.

She baked bread and wove tablecloths, sewed shirts, embroidered patterns,

I swam like a white swan in a dance ...

Who was this craftswoman? (Vasilisa the Wise)

I have never been to a ball, I cleaned, washed, boiled and spun.

When I happened to get to the ball, the prince lost his head from love.

And I lost my shoe at the same time! Who am I? Who can tell here?


A girl appeared in a cup of a flower.

And there was that girl a little more than a fingernail. (Thumbelina)

A girl is sitting in a basket with Mishka behind her back.

Without knowing it, he carries her home. (Masha and the Bear)

This fairy-tale hero, Caught in the hole in the winter, Talking fish. One has only to say the words, Miracles happen: Buckets of water are carried, Sleds carry firewood, The hero himself is on the stove, He goes to visit the king. Who is this? (Emelya).


  1. What goes around comes around.
  2. Live in neighbors, be in conversations.
  3. Good porridge, but a small cup.
  4. Know how to invite guests, know how to treat.
  5. What is in the oven, everything is on the table swords.

What proverbs and expressions would you choose for fairy tales?
A fairy tale teaches good to understand
Talk about people's actions
If bad, then condemn him,
Well, the weak - protect him!
Children learn to think, dream,
Get answers to questions.
Every time they find out something
Know your homeland!

Match proverbs and fairy tales

“Ryaba Hen”
It can break, it can boil, well, and if you want to, turn into a bird

Do not believe the speeches, where the honey is too much, do not be too self-confident

A small drop does a big job

"Wolf and goats"
Fear the wolf in sheep's clothing

"Masha and the Bear"
The other side will teach the mountaineer

"Teremok", "Mitten"
In crowded but not mad

“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”
Everything has its time
The good and the peaceful win

("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
A small drop, but it does a great job,
friendship helps to defeat evil
("Winter hut of animals")

Didactic game: "Learn a fairy tale from a passage"

Cockerel cockerel, golden comb.
Oil head, silk beard,
Look out the window, I'll give you peas.

("Cock-Golden Scallop")

The girl took the biggest spoon and drank from the biggest cup.

("Three Bears")

The red girl is sad -

Spring is coming.

She has a hard time in the sun.

Tears are shed, poor thing.

("Snow Maiden")

For a long time she ran through the fields, through the forests. The day is drawing to a close, there is nothing to do - you have to go home. Suddenly he sees: there is a hut on chicken legs, about one window, it turns around itself. In the hut the old Baba Yaga. And a brother sits on a bench, plays with silver apples.

("Swan geese")

And the road is far
And the basket is not easy.
Mishka would sit on a stump,
would eat delicious pie.

("Masha and the Bear")

And her mistress had three daughters. The eldest was called - One-eye, the Middle one - Two-eyes, and the youngest - Three-eyes.


There is no river or pond.
Where to drink water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof.

("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

An old man lived with his old woman near the blue sea. They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years.

("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

pounded yes pounded
On a plate with a nose,
Didn't swallow anything
And left with a nose.
("The Fox and the Crane")

Here in the hut the corners cracked, the roof shook, the walls flew out and the stove itself went down the street, along the road straight to the king.

("At the command of the pike")

The game "Tell me a word."

Boy - …

Flower - ...

Sword - ...

Carpet - …

Princess - ...

Boots - …

Wand - ...

A cap - …

Cockerel - ...

Sister - ...

Brother - ...

Geese - ...

Baba - ...

Koschey - ...

Horse - ...

Ivan - ...

Sivka - ...

Frog - …

Mouse - ...

Finist - ...

Fairy quiz questions:

* Where did the seventh kid hide from the wolf? (under stove)

* Where did the woman get the flour for Kolobok? (in the barn, in the barrel)

* What did the Fairy make a carriage for Cinderella? (from pumpkin)

* What color was Malvina's hair? (blue)

* Who brought Dr. Aibolit to Africa? (eagle)

* Name the smallest heroes of fairy tales. (Thumbelina, Thumb Boy)

* Where is Koshcheev's death? (at the end of the needle)

* What was the name of the girl who visited Wonderland? (Alice)

* Faithful friend of Winnie - Pooh. (Piglet)

* Who is to blame for the broken testicle? (mouse)

* An old woman capable of any meanness. (Shapoklyak)

* What Pinocchio had to sell in order to buy a ticket to puppet show? (ABC)

* Who rescued Thumbelina from underground captivity? (martin)

* Feathered servants of Baba - Yaga? (Swan geese)

* "Vehicle" of Emelya? (bake)

* How many dwarf friends did Snow White have? (seven)

Didactic game "What fairy tale is this from?"

  1. An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in that swamp someone caught her.

Who, having said goodbye to green skin,

Did you instantly become beautiful, comely?

(Princess Frog).

  1. There is no river, no pond where you can drink water,

Very tasty water in the hole from the hoof.

(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

  1. Opened the goat door

And they all disappeared somewhere.

(The wolf and the seven Young goats).

  1. Under the window for the yarn village

Wait for the owners, but looked

All for an apple. It

Full of fresh juice.

So fresh and so fragrant

So ruddy, golden.

(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes).

  1. I will serve you well

Diligently and very well

In a year for three clicks on your forehead,

There is also give me boiled spelt.

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda").

  1. You fool, you fool!

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish").

Didactic game "Tales lead a round dance"

At the beginning of the text, find out the Russian folk tale:

  1. “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived and was a king with a queen; he had three sons - all young, single, daring such that neither in a fairy tale can be said, nor described with a pen ... ". ("Princess Frog".)
  1. “Once upon a time there was Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan. And the king had a magnificent garden; an apple tree with golden apples grew in that garden ... ". ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf".)
  1. “Once upon a time there was an old man, he had three sons. The elders were busy with the household, they were torovat and dapper, and the youngest, Ivan - a fool, was so-so - he liked to go mushroom picking in the forest, and at home he sat more and more on the stove. It's time for the old man to die..." (Sivka is a cloak.)

Didactic game "The main characters of fairy tales"

In Russian folk tales, Ivan is most often the main character, then he is a fool, then he is a prince, but the heroines of fairy tales are called differently. Remember the names of the heroines of fairy tales:

  1. “At the command of the pike” (Marya is the princess).
  1. "The Frog Princess" (Vasilisa the Wise).
  1. "Ivan - Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" (Elena the Beautiful).
  1. "Silver saucer and a pouring apple" (Maryushka).

The tale "Turnip" teaches children to be friendly, hardworking.

The fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" warns: you cannot go into the forest alone - you can get into trouble, and if this happens - do not despair, try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Fairy tales "Teremok", "Winter hut of animals" teach to be friends.

The order to obey parents, elders sounds in fairy tales

"Geese-swans", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Snow Maiden", "Tereshechka".

Fear and cowardice are ridiculed in a fairy tale

"Fear has big eyes",

cunning - in the fairy tales "The Fox and the Crane", "The Fox and the Black Grouse", "The Chanterelle-Sister and Gray wolf" etc.

Hard work in folk tales is always rewarded in the fairy tales "Havroshechka", "Moroz Ivanovich", "The Frog Princess",

wisdom is praised in the fairy tales "The Man and the Bear", "How the Man Divided the Geese", "The Fox and the Goat",

caring for loved ones is encouraged in the fairy tales "Beanstalk".

Russians folk tales

Organization: MBOU "Putinskaya secondary school" structural subdivision of the DS

Settlement: Perm Territory, with. Putino

The federal state educational standard aims us at the implementation of the principles preschool education: “assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations; cooperation of the Organization with the family; introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state; formation of cognitive interests and cognitive activities child in various types activities". The Standard also imposes requirements on the developing subject-spatial environment: “the environment should provide the opportunity to communicate and joint activities children and adults…”, ensure “taking into account the national-cultural and climatic conditions in which educational activities are carried out” . Adhering to the requirements of the Standard, I would like to bring to your attention pedagogical project"Mini-Museum in Kindergarten".

This project is being implemented as part of the Development Program of the Moscow Children's Kindergarten "Putin's Kindergarten" "Formation of the value orientation of the individual in the context of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family" (2016-2018). One of the targets of the Program is “to improve the system of moral and patriotic education of children preschool age. Contribute to the expansion and deepening of the knowledge of preschoolers about small homeland and Fatherland. To form an emotionally positive and tolerant attitude towards the study of the traditions of the Russian people. To develop the ability to reflect traditions in various types of children's art, through folklore and museum pedagogy.

Project goal: to create conditions for the moral and patriotic education of preschool children through museum pedagogy, solved through tasks :

  • Create mini-museums in each age group, replenish the developing subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution.
  • Interact with parents in creating a mini-museum in groups.
  • Improve your level professional excellence teachers on the topic of the project.
  • To form an idea of ​​the museum among preschoolers, to cultivate love for their native land and people who care about its prosperity.
  • Involve children in activities and communication when organizing and operating a mini-museum.

Having introduced the educators to the project, we decided on the topics of mini-museums:

1 junior group - "Toys-fun",

2 junior group - "Decorative paintings",

middle group museum "Matryoshka",

senior group - "Military Glory",

preparatory group "Our village",

mixed-age group - "Dolls of our grandmothers" (Appendix).

  • mini-museums we took, taking into account the age of the children and comprehensively - thematic planning. During the academic year, creative work was carried out to create mini-museums in groups. I held a number of consultations for educators: “Organizing a mini-museum in kindergarten”, “Peculiarities of location and design of a mini-museum”, “Planning the work of a mini-museum”, etc. Parents were also informed about the creation of mini-museums in groups : at parent meetings, visual information was posted on the stands, information on the website of the preschool educational institution and in the group in the contact of the kindergarten. Throughout the school year, educators, together with children and parents, selected items for their museums. The teachers made catalogs, developed notes for excursions, didactic games, and chose the location of the mini-museum. And then the opening of mini-museums of all groups took place, the children went to each other on excursions. The first guides were the educators themselves (in the future we plan to involve children in the older groups for the tour). At first, the teachers talked about their museum, showed miscellaneous items, clarified the history of their appearance, then the children were asked to touch, take a closer look and, of course, play.

It should be noted that all educators reacted responsibly to the creation of mini-museums, showed their creativity and invention.

In the future, we plan to continue work on museum pedagogy by organizing a 3D museum in kindergarten - the creation of media resources for cognitive development children ( virtual tours, interactive posters).

The creation of a 3D museum in a kindergarten contributes to the education of patriotic feelings, sociocultural development of children and parents.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva, Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation:“Patriotism should be as natural in every person as breathing, walking. Without respect for the home, village, city, country in which you live, it is unlikely that we will succeed in anything worthwhile.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”;
  2. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”.
  3. The main educational program of preschool education MBDOU "Putin's kindergarten", 2015
  4. Development Program of the MBDOU "Putin's Kindergarten" "Formation of the value orientation of the individual in the context of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family"
  5. Averyanova O.V. Museum pedagogy in preschool education: history and modernity // Educator of the preschool educational institution. - 2015 No. 3. - pp. 102-110.
  6. Baydina E.A. Mini-Museum in the Preschool Educational Establishment as a Means of Patriotic Education” // Handbook of the Senior Educator. - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 32-37.
  7. Ryzhova N., Loginova L., Danyukova A. Mini-museum in kindergarten. M: Linka-Press, 2008
  8. Sveshnikova E.A. Museum in kindergarten: organization and planning of work // Kindergarten from A to Z. - 2007 No. 6. - p.72-80.

WORK EXPERIENCE "Organization of work on the creation of a mini-museum in the preschool educational institution"

“The Russian people should not lose their moral authority among other peoples - an authority worthy of winning by Russian art and literature.
We must not forget about our cultural past, about our monuments.
Literature, language, art… National differences will continue in the 21st century if we are concerned with the education of souls, and not just the transfer of knowledge.”
(D.S. Likhachev)

1. The main characteristics of the experience

1.1. Brief annotation
The essence of the experience is the implementation of the "Museum Pedagogy" direction in kindergarten, the enrichment of the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution, the enrichment of the educational space with new forms.
Practical significance experience lies in the possibility of its application in the daily practice of any educational institution.
Work in the museum is very exciting for children, it naturally stimulates their creative thought, strengthens and develops cognitive interests children.
1.2 Relevance of experience.
Now the country has not only an economic crisis, but also a crisis in the upbringing of the younger generation. Toddlers in our daily lives are surrounded mostly by modern rhythms, heavily distorted foreign words speech, comics. Traditions that existed in Rus' for centuries were broken, the threads that connected the older and younger generations broke. Therefore, it is very important to revive the continuity of generations, to give children moral principles, patriotic sentiments that have been preserved in folk art. In the educational process, the ruthless cutting off of one's roots from the nationality leads to lack of spirituality.
There are many museums in our city. We conducted a survey and found out that the majority of kindergarten students never went to the museum with their parents, and different reasons. Many believe that it is too early for preschoolers to attend such institutions. Some moms and dads do not come up with the idea of ​​such an excursion. A good solution to this problem was such a form of work as the conclusion of an agreement between the preschool educational institution and the Tula Antiquities Museum, where we have organized our pupils for many years.
How to attract the attention of parents to museums? Direct campaigning is unlikely to help here. Therefore, we decided to create our own “Mini-Museum”. When choosing the profile of the mini-museum, the direction was determined - acquaintance with folk crafts. This was due to the socio-pedagogical needs of modern society and the state of the problem of folk pedagogy. The conditions for the revival and further development of the traditions of folk pedagogy is the understanding of the importance of Russian folk toys in the system of preschool education. Folk toys disappear extremely quickly from childhood, preference is given to foreign toys (Barbie dolls, robots, etc.).
Our desire to know what a folk toy was, how it was played, and what it meant, this is not only a cognitive interest, but also a natural desire to know and remember the past of our people
1.3 Conditions for the formation of experience
The experience of working on the theme "Mini-Museum in Kindergarten" developed gradually. We started creating our museum in 2012. During the year, a creative group was created, the direction was determined, the location was chosen, the name of the mini-museum was chosen. Along with the paperwork, bit by bit, exhibits were collected for the exposition. Since 2012, the entire teaching staff of our institution has been participating in the work of the museum, in replenishing the exposition.
1.4 Novelty of experience
The novelty of the experience lies in the implementation, search and development of innovative approaches to solving problems of forming children's ideas about the museum, developing creative and logical thinking, imagination, forming an active life position of children, expanding the horizons of preschoolers. The importance of the museum in the upbringing of a child cannot be overestimated. The "dialogue" with the museum develops children's visual-effective thinking, forms an idea of ​​the objective world created by human hands, helps the perception of the sensory basis of the word, the verbal description of objects. The accumulated experience in museum pedagogy shows that the creation of a museum also contributes to the establishment of emotional closeness in parent-child relationships.
Modern programs of preschool education are focused, as a rule, on introducing the child to the world of universal values: the formation of an attitude to the man-made world, to people, to the Fatherland, to work, to art, and culture. The content of modern federal programs to varying degrees of manifestation is focused on these values, however special meaning has a regional component in their definition
1.4 Labor intensity of experience
The methodical process of organizing a mini-museum in a kindergarten is a long, but fascinating process. It included the following:
- organization of the subject-spatial environment (mini-museum), corners of the native land in groups;
- selection of artistic and didactic aids, materials, compilation of a bibliography on the developed topics;
-use of technical teaching aids (TME): audio, video - technique;
- professional development of teachers through consultations.
All work on the creation of mini-museums can be divided into three stages.
The first stage, preparatory- "Planning a mini-museum".
At this stage, we have created a creative group of teachers who organize the work to create mini-museums. Developed thematic planning of mini-museums and museum expositions. We determined the prospects for creating mini-museums and developed an algorithm for creating mini-museums:
Choosing a theme for the mini-museum, determining the location of the mini-museum, planning expositions, choosing the design for the design of the mini-museum, selecting exhibits, decorating business card and mini-museum passports, development of forms of work with mini-museum expositions, development of an introductory excursion to the mini-museum, development of class notes using the mini-museum expositions.
The second stage, practical - "Creation of a mini-museum".
Getting to work, we understood that a positive result can be achieved only if the interaction of all participants in the educational process is carried out: children, parents and the teaching staff.
The choice of the theme of the mini-museum is based on the interests of the children, the initiative of the teacher, who knows how to captivate and interest his pupils, often the museum appears in the group as a result of the implementation of the project of the same name, as happened in our case.
The location of the mini-museums was determined taking into account the interactivity and multifunctionality of the museum space, psychological comfort and safety of activities. folk wisdom says: "Who wants, looks for opportunities, who does not want, looks for reasons." Even in the most cramped conditions, if desired, you can find a corner for a small exposure. Even a folding cardboard screen placed in the dressing room will help make room for a small traveling museum.
Placement of the museum in a group room allows you to build the material of the museum gradually, as it becomes available. new information. The teacher has the opportunity to refer to the materials of the museum, and the children of the group, if they wish, examine the exhibits, discuss their features, ask questions to the teacher, use some of the exhibits for directing games, use didactic games and conduct independent research at the experimental table.
If the area of ​​the dressing room allows, the museum can be placed there as well. This allows for closer communication with parents. Halls and studios additional education also ideal for mini-museums. But in order to attract the attention of children and not merge with the general background, it is necessary for the teacher to show the art of the designer.
The attention of preschool children is still not sufficiently formed. It is characterized by short duration, instability. Therefore, the effectiveness of all work in the mini-museum will largely depend on how well the exhibits are located, on the degree of their attractiveness for the child. The best option is to place exhibits on different levels: vertical and horizontal. Racks and wall shelves, screens, stands, tables of various sizes, cabinets will help to solve this problem.
The location of all the exhibits in only one horizontal plane, for example, on a children's table, is not practical. In one plane, collections look best, that is, objects of the same name. For example, a collection of watches placed in this way will give an idea of ​​their diversity. Some collection can be presented in a mini-museum, but still its main task is to show an object with different parties reflect its relationship with other objects. Secondly, in the horizontal plane it is difficult to unite the exhibits by themes and separate them visually. The development of the vertical can be carried out as follows:
- placement of material on wall shelves;
- use of screens.
-use of stands;
-use of a mobile phone;
Involving Parents
When organizing the work to involve parents in the selection of mini-museum exhibits, we relied on the following principles:
- partnership of parents and teachers;
-unified understanding by teachers and parents of the goals and objectives of museum pedagogy;
-help, respect and trust from parents.
In the process of work, parents gradually became active participants in the creation of mini-museums in groups. Together with mom and dad, the children picked up exhibits, made them with their own hands (crafts from abandoned things), designed expositions, which helped stimulate the cognitive activity of children, brought parents and children closer, made them real partners.
The third stage, activity - "Functioning of mini-museums".
In real museums, you can’t touch most of the exhibits with your hands, but in our mini-museums it’s not only possible, but necessary! Here it is appropriate to quote the words of the outstanding Swiss teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi: "The mind, heart and hands of the child should be involved in the learning process." We attach particular importance to such a pedagogical possibility of a mini-museum as the maximum and systematic use of the principle of visibility, which was mentioned above, namely, the demonstration of exhibits, the opportunity to touch them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of the exposition, participant creative process. After all, each child replenished the exposition with his own creative works made in the classroom and in free activities. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. The mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families. The key to a good mini-museum in kindergarten is its interactivity. If children are allowed to touch, smell, play, examine a real medal up close, they feel involved in the process and begin to be interested in the history of the creation of the exhibit, it is easier to learn the material. Mini-museums have become an integral part of education creative personality and we are sure that the child leaves the museum with a sense of confidence climbing "one more step"
2. Theoretical base of experience.
Museum Pedagogy
The concept of "museum pedagogy", which appeared in the early 1980s, was borrowed from German terminology. Modern museum pedagogy is developing in line with the problems of museum communication and is aimed at solving the problems of moral and patriotic education and activation creativity personality.
The active use of museum pedagogy in the educational process helps to introduce children to the origins of folk and national culture, contributes to the preservation folk traditions, fostering a sense of patriotism and spirituality. Getting to know the museum allows preschoolers to develop the ability for aesthetic contemplation and empathy, to form respect for other cultures, the need and ability to independently master the world. Museum pedagogy in kindergarten is one of the components of preparing a child for further education At school.
So at what age should a child be introduced to the museum? This question can be answered in different ways. The pre-school stage of education can be considered as a preparatory stage for museum pedagogy. In the process of cognitive and play activities in kindergarten, the child gets acquainted with such an important phenomenon. cultural life society as a museum.
The leading method in working with preschool children is the game. It is in the game, simulating various situations, that the child learns the world around him, masters the necessary skills, gains his own experience. Imagination and fantasy, at its most developed in childhood, help the child to feel the spirit of a particular historical time, and therefore, to master, transform and appropriate the accumulated historical and cultural values.
The forms of museum pedagogy are Art Gallery, expositions of photographs, reproductions of paintings and children's creative works, creation of collections.
A museum is a place where objects of culture, everyday life, history, and arts are stored and exhibited. This is a place where people come to see, to learn something rare, something that everyone will not see. It is the repository of human memory. People come to the museum to touch something sacred, something dear, something they want to remember. Everything in the museum is special: both the exhibits and the atmosphere. And you need to behave differently than you can behave on the street or at home. Unfortunately, a preschooler does not often go to museums. And thus deprived of the opportunity to join this side of the culture of the people. But what if the museum is “brought” to a child, placed within the walls of a preschool institution? But such a museum must necessarily have a number of features in order to become interesting and enjoyable for him.
In the museum, first of all, you should collect exhibits that will allow the child to learn more about their own and other peoples, their way of life, art, folk art, costumes, toys, tools, nature and sights. Offering such exhibits to a child, we strive to develop in him cognitive interests, social feelings and, on their basis, lay the foundations of patriotism and a tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities.
The second feature of museums in a preschool institution is that each exhibit of the museum is available to the child. He can not only look at it, but also touch it. A preschooler tends to learn the world through the senses. It is not enough for him just to see something with his eyes, he remembers more and better when he touches the thing, takes it in his hands, maybe moves with it. The completeness of perception, the strength of memorization increases. Therefore, when coming to the museum, the children, of course, with the help of the educator, have the opportunity to take an object of interest to them from the shelf and examine it and even play.
All these features make the museum their own for a child. Museum pedagogy presupposes the presence of research and project activities with kids. In museum pedagogy, it is important to give children an idea that the process of formation and development of the surrounding world is complex and lengthy, but the way of its knowledge is no less complex and interesting. culture, and museum pedagogy with its methods and means can enhance the impact of the museum on the inquisitive soul of the child.
The work in the museum is based on generally accepted principles:
1. Visibility. When choosing a collection, first of all, it is taken into account educational function. The museum collection should contain a large visual and practical material.
2. Natural conformity - a mini-museum should take into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children different ages and provide conditions for disclosure creativity every child;
3. Integration - a mini-museum should take into account the content of the educational program of the preschool educational institution and help in the implementation of its general tasks and the tasks of individual educational areas, in particular
4. Scientific - presented exhibits must accurately reflect the theme of the mini-museum, explain various processes and phenomena within the framework of the chosen topic in a scientific and at the same time accessible language for the child;
5. Interactivity, which allows children to enrich their personal experience based on sensory perceptions.
6. Mobility. The compositions of the museum are designed in such a way that, if necessary, they can be used mobile (for example, taken out to individual groups in the "museum chest")
7. Availability. All exhibits must be accessible to visitors.
8. Humanism (exhibits should evoke careful attitude to the nature of things).
9. The regional component - a mini-museum should provide for the organization of work with children to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of their region, as well as the culture of other peoples, which contributes to the development of tolerance and the formation of a sense of patriotism.
3. Technology experience
The purpose of creating a mini-museum is to improve the civil and patriotic education of preschoolers through familiarization with Russian original art - folk crafts
Tasks of the mini-museum
familiarization of preschoolers with the museum and its meaning, with the most basic museological terms;
development of initial skills of perception of the museum language;
the formation of a sense of history, a sense of time, a sense of inseparable connection past with present and future;
formation moral guidelines pupils have a sense of pride in the Tula region;
increasing the role of museums in the education and upbringing of the younger generation;
familiarization with Russian folk crafts, the history of their origin,
fostering respect for working people, admiration for their creativity;
education of patriotic feelings, love for the native land and the desire to learn the culture of the Tula region (through folk crafts);
development of creative thinking, imagination, fantasy;
promotion professional level teachers through training seminars, mutual visits, exchange of experience, individual counseling.
4. Realization of experience
Mandatory conditions to create a mini-museum:
- a museum asset from among teachers, parents, pupils;
- museum items collected and registered in the book of receipts, premises and equipment for storing museum items;
- museum exposition;
- regulations on the mini-museum, approved by the head of the educational institution.
Mandatory documents when opening a mini-museum are: a passport, an inventory book of the main fund, an inventory book of other funds (scientific auxiliary, exchange, temporary storage, interactive), a work log (statistics on events held on the basis of a mini-museum, quantitative characteristics participants, name, types, forms of events, etc.); work plan.
The decision to open a mini-museum is approved by order of the head of the preschool educational institution. The head of the mini-museum is appointed, the schedule of work and the Council of the mini-museum are approved.
Responsibilities of the head of the mini-museum
The management of the museum is carried out by the educator -
responsible organizer,
The head of the mini-museum is obliged:
- Accept exhibits, ensure their safety, take them into account in the catalog
- To study pedagogical, local history, art-historical
- Plan activities (excursions, classes, conversations, leisure activities,
entertainment, etc.) with children, teachers and parents of pupils
- Carry out methodological and educational work with teachers and
- Assist teachers in using the exhibits of the mini-museum
in the educational process
- Keep records and ensure the safety of exhibits.
All exhibits are recorded in the inventory books of the main and temporary fund.
The thematic exposition of the mini-museum "Folk crafts" consists of 7 sections -
1. Filimonov toy
2. Dymkovo toy
3. Russian matryoshka
4. Golden Khokhloma
5. Gzhel ceramics
6. Gorodets patterns
7. Secrets of Tula masters
Forms of work in the mini-museum "Folk crafts"
Classes held in the mini-museum lay the foundations of humanism, provide preschoolers with the opportunity to touch the history of folk crafts, hometown, regions, assist in the process of forming a respectful relationship between parents and children, contribute to the rapprochement of the kindergarten and the family.
It must be remembered that mini-museums are not always adapted to conduct full-fledged classes. Long standing in one place and lack of space can negate the most fascinating story of the teacher.
Sometimes it is advisable to break all the information into several subtopics and conduct five-minute conversations. But if the teacher keeps the attention of the children sufficiently, then several topics can be considered at once in one approach.
In the mini-museum in the corner of independent activity, children are given the opportunity of independent activity. It is advisable to choose such exercises so that the children themselves can guess what kind of task they need to complete.
An important feature of mini-museums in preschool educational institutions is the participation of children and parents in their creation. Preschoolers feel they belong to common cause. In real museums, you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums, it’s not only possible, but necessary. It is convenient to visit them every day, you can independently change, rearrange the exhibits, pick them up and examine them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of an exhibition. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families.
An important place in the work of the mini-museum is given to sightseeing and thematic tours, informative conversations and events, and the organization of exhibitions. Much attention is paid to the training of young guides from senior preschool groups, who, with the help of teachers, conduct excursions around the museum for parents and children of primary preschool age. This work helps to solve the following tasks:
revealing the creative abilities of children;
expansion of ideas about the content of museum culture;
development of initial skills of perception of the museum language;
creation of conditions for creative communication and cooperation.

Parents and preschoolers try themselves as designers, artists, guides. But before "plunging" children into the world of culture and art, teachers introduce them to the professions of museum workers, the appointment of excursions. The children were able to learn the rules of behavior in public places, to feel the intellectual, emotional and aesthetic experiences, to prepare and mentally tune in to work on organizing their own mini-museum.
During the practical phase of the project, teachers developed perspective plan work with children and parents.
When conducting excursions, we try to build a cognitive process
in the following logical sequence: “from simple to complex
and unknown."
"Simple" - an informative part, which is presented in finished form by a guide or thought out by children on the basis of previously acquired knowledge;
"Complicated" - involves the participation of children in problem-search activities;
"Unknown" - this part includes material that is based on hypotheses, legends, and requires further reflection and study.
It seems to us that it is the inclusion of this part that makes children perceive the topic as something personal, affects natural desire each child to solve riddles, their craving for the unusual and interest in the inexplicable.
For children of younger preschool age, it is advisable to gradually introduce them into the world of the museum. We believe that the first excursion to the museum, direct acquaintance with the concept of "Museum", with the rules of conduct in the museum is best done in the middle group. Prior to this, it is necessary to build work in the “pre-museum period” with children of younger and middle groups in such a way that some of the exhibits become familiar to them. Then the first visit to the museum for them will be in many ways a "meeting with old friends."
The first acquaintance with household items of Russian people, products of folk and applied arts, it is most reasonable to carry out in the form complex classes, expanding and generalizing the knowledge of children and in various activities: familiarization with the outside world, musical development, children's fiction, speech development, mathematics.
Another most effective approach in the "pre-museum" period is "stories with continuation", when after the information received, the children are involved in productive activities. For example, after getting acquainted with a clay toy, preschoolers themselves "turn" into real Russian craftsmen and make toys from clay.
The content of excursions for older preschoolers is undergoing changes: tasks, forms and methods are becoming more complicated. The information part (presented by the guide) becomes much shorter and consists only of facts absolutely new for children. The main part of the tour is based on the dialogic interaction between adults and children.
Children are constantly involved in the work: they analyze, experiment, express hypotheses. At the end of the tours, young visitors always have the opportunity to individually examine the exhibits that caused them to special interest ask questions to adults.
Children of senior preschool age are already ready to get acquainted with the world of the museum.
The task of the educator is not only to acquaint children with the rules of behavior in the museum, but also to teach them to “communicate” with museum exhibits, listen carefully to the guide’s story, ask questions, pay attention to the smallest details, be able to highlight the main thing, analyze and compare. It also takes care of museum exhibits, sees their uniqueness and beauty, respects the historical and cultural heritage countries.
At this stage, it is necessary to emphasize for children the difference between museums in preschool educational institutions and "adult" museums, where they will soon go with their parents. If in kindergarten visitors can pick up individual exhibits, examine them, explore them, then in city museums this is most often impossible to do.
Of great importance is the active involvement of children in the formulation of ground rules for museum visitors in kindergarten. Only under the condition of the personal interest of each child, these rules will be naturally accepted, and not imposed.
Rules of conduct in the museum
1. Do not interrupt the guide and ask your questions only at the end of the tour.
2. You can pick up individual items with the permission of the guide.
3. Try to consider even small details.
4. Remember as many interesting things as possible, so that later you can tell your family and friends about what you saw, draw interesting drawings.
Possibly in verse:
We came to the museum and here
The tour guide met us.
He's in charge here - remember that
and heed the advice:
Do not interrupt the tour guide
Stay away from your group.
Don't ask questions right away.
wait until the end of the story.
Do not touch all the exhibits with your hands,
and look at some eyes.
Try to find out more
to tell others about the museum.
Recommendations for organizing a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution
Organization of the museum accommodation
1. If you are forced to limit yourself to a small room to create a museum, then:
- build work with children in subgroups - no more than 10 people, so that the exhibits are available for review by each visitor.
- carefully consider mini-zones that correspond to the content of the museum and the format of the available area;
- plan in advance the order of rotation of museum exhibits and options for their storage outside the museum (in the so-called "stores")
2. Do not overload the museum with showcases and stands, leave room for museum experimentation and organizing thematic exhibitions for interactive work with children.
3. Consider museum lighting in advance. It is best to additionally use lighting elements for exhibition cabinets.
4. Do not overload the museum room with color shades. Let all attention be paid to the exposition, and it is advisable to keep the color of the walls and floor in a laconic range. Blinds are best suited for windows - they do not burden the space.
Thinking about content:
1. Pick a Variety in Advance museum exhibits and their number. For example: to conduct an outdoor exhibition of a “museum chest”, several items of the same purpose may be needed. In this case, they are not all displayed in showcases, but are purchased for future use and stored in “stores” until a certain time.
2. When determining the subject of expositions, adhere to the rule of “gradual change”: something remains familiar for children, and something new is introduced in stages.
3. If you are on initial stage and do not have a variety of material - in any case, do not expose it all. the main task museum in a preschool institution to constantly maintain a lively interest in it and prevent boring monotony.
4. Be sure to build the perspective of the museum. Do not pursue active updating of materials. Separate themes and exhibits will be present in your museum with a certain cyclicity. This is due to the peculiarities of the educational process of preschool educational institutions: preschoolers are introduced to certain topics in stages, with additions and complication depending on age.
Mini-museums have become an integral part of the education of a creative person, and we are sure that the child leaves the museum with a sense of confidence climbing “one more step”
LIST of literature on the creation of museums in kindergarten
1. Panteleeva L.V. Museum and Children, Ed. House "Karapuz", Moscow 2000
2. "Museum Pedagogy", edited by A.N. Morozova, O.V. Melnikova, creative center, Moscow, 2008
3.O.L.Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva, “Introducing children to the origins of Russian
folk culture”, St. Petersburg, Ed. "Childhood - Press", 2008
4. N.A. Ryzhova L.V., Loginova, A.I. Danyukov "Mini-museum in kindergarten", Moscow, "Linka-Press", 2008

Municipal state preschool educational institution of the Shelekhovsky district "Kindergarten No. 8" Sun "

teacher of the 1st qualification category

Project: "Mini-Museum in Kindergarten,

as a form of partnership

with families of students

Type of project: information and educational.

Duration: long term

Project participants: children, parents, preschool specialists.

Relevance: Communication between teachers and parents of pupils has always been and remains a topical issue. One of the sides of this issue is the search for rational ways of interaction. The topic of museum pedagogy remains relevant, as one of the main tasks of the teaching staff is being solved, working with parents, creating necessary conditions to develop responsible and interdependent relationships with the families of pupils, providing holistic development in the personality of a preschooler, to increase the competence of parents in the field of education through project activities, the organization of a mini-museum.

In a kindergarten, it is impossible to create expositions that meet the requirements of museum work. Therefore, museums in kindergarten are called "mini-museums". The part of the word "mini" in this case reflects the age of the children for whom they are intended, and the size of the exposition, and a certain limitation of the subject.

The means of museum pedagogy help to interest and involve families of preschoolers in partnership, in order to develop in the child respect for society, the traditions of the family, the native land, the Fatherland, that is, an inextricable chain of universal spiritual and moral values.

Formulation of the problem: Creating the necessary conditions in the kindergarten for the development of responsible and interdependent relationships with the families of pupils, ensuring the holistic development of the personality of a preschooler, increasing the competence of parents in the field of education is the main problem of interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

Based on the experience, it became necessary to create a system of work on the problem of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the parents of pupils through the implementation of the project "Mini-museums in kindergarten as a form of partnership with the families of pupils."

Objective of the project: Creation of conditions and choice of forms of effective interaction between a preschool institution and a family, contributing to the successful socialization of a preschool child, the formation of his social competence. To achieve the goal of the project, I outlined the tasks presented on the screen.


Expand the ideas and enrich the knowledge of parents on the organization of joint project activities;

Harmonize parent-child relationships by implementing the technology of cooperation between children and adults;

Enrich the subject-developing environment for the design of the educational space.

Expected Result:

Strengthening relations within the framework of "Kindergarten - children - family" through joint activities in the implementation of mini-projects.

Project implementation stages:

1. Preparatory stage:

definition of the goal;

· setting goals;

meeting with parents in the "family living room";

development of questionnaires and conducting surveys;

drawing up a plan-project of the "Mini-Museum";

exposition planning;

selection of exhibits.

On the first preparatory stage I organized a meeting with my parents “In the family living room”, where together we determined the theme and name of the mini-museum exhibition “My dad and grandfather are defenders of the Fatherland”, developed its model, chose a place for placement, determined the topics of exhibitions in the museum.

Parents were assigned the initial task when creating a mini-museum: to help pick up the necessary exhibits. Parents with great pleasure responded to the idea of ​​creating a mini-museum, for them, as well as for children, it was a new and interesting thing. They enthusiastically helped us collect exhibits with the children, and then enthusiastically examined them already at the exposition during parent meeting, making their advice and wishes for the continuation of the work of the mini-museum. The most important and significant in the "museum business" for parents was the interest of children in this form of work. Children in a relaxed, free environment significantly expanded their horizons (they found out where dad served, where grandfather fought, learned to recognize the types of troops), learned a lot of interesting and informative things and shared their knowledge with their parents; children have an interest in museums.

Organizing the work to involve parents in the selection of mini-museum exhibits, I relied on the following principles:

Partnership of parents and teachers;

A common understanding by teachers and parents of the goals and objectives of museum pedagogy;

Help, respect and trust from parents.

In the course of work on the creation of the museum and in the process of " museum life» Parents and children were offered the following forms of joint activities:

Selection of necessary exhibits for the museum;

Making crafts from different materials;

Album production.

To determine the effectiveness of interaction with parents, a survey of parents was conducted , the purpose of which is to determine the interested attitude of parents to the mini-museum in the preschool educational institution. Thus, the results of the survey allow us to conclude that the parental community is an important link that contributes to the enhanced socialization of the child. Analysis and evaluation of the results obtained, their comparison with the plan, make it possible to see ways for the further development of project activities, the creation of mini-museums in preschool educational institutions.

2. Project implementation:

design and opening of the "Mini-Museum" in the group;

· individual work with parents;

Conducting excursions, classes, entertainment, leisure;

organization of a thematic exhibition;

Conducting informative conversations

joint activities according to the scheme: teacher - child; child is a parent; parent is a teacher.

Starting to implement the main stage of creating the mini-museum "My dad and grandfather are defenders of the Fatherland", I understood that a positive result can be achieved only if there is interaction between all participants in the educational process: children, parents and teaching staff.

In the process of work, parents gradually became active participants in the creation of a mini-museum in the group. Together with mom and dad, the children picked up exhibits, made them with their own hands (crafts from abandoned things), designed expositions, which helped stimulate the cognitive activity of children, brought parents and children closer, made them real partners.

The exhibits in the mini-museum were collected with the support and help of parents and educators on their own. Everything related to the February 23 holiday (calendars, books, postcards, drawings, toys, photos of dads and grandfathers) was accepted into the mini-museum.

With the help of parents, I made a selection of fiction in accordance with the age of the children. Parents sewed dolls on the theme "Defenders of the Fatherland". I had conversations with the children on the topics “Why the Native Army?”, “Airplanes are flying”, held entertainment “We are the future Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Friendship is strong, will not break”, organized a thematic exhibition on the theme “Beautiful military men”. I had consultations with my parents and talked about the significance of the museum. February 23 organized the grand opening of the museum, with the cutting of the ribbon.

I have developed the following forms of work with the expositions of the mini-museum: excursions, sightseeing and thematic excursions, family excursions, educational conversations and events, organization of exhibitions, classes with game elements and creative tasks, research activities, productive activity, as well as the ability to change exposures. Classes held in the mini-museum lay the foundations of humanism, provide preschoolers with the opportunity to touch the history of their family, native village, region, assist in the process of forming a respectful relationship between parents and children, and contribute to the rapprochement of kindergarten and family.

During the development of excursions around their mini-museum, the children themselves suggested which exhibits and expositions should be told to the guests: about what packages were sent to the front or about the difficulties of nurses on the front line. The children themselves became tour guides.

The mini-museum is part of the educational space of the kindergarten, it is closely connected with the system of classes, excursions, leisure activities, as well as with the independent activities of children. It was the result of cooperation between adults (caregivers and parents) and children. Through the museum, children learn about the world around them, join national culture, human values. The museum has created conditions for the comprehensive development of the child, contributing to his successful socialization. Children can play with exhibits, complement the museum with works made by themselves. The classes and excursions held in the museum take into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children of different ages, and create conditions for the disclosure of the personal potential of each child.

In real museums, you can’t touch most of the exhibits with your hands, but in our mini-museum it’s not only possible, but necessary! Here it is appropriate to quote the words of the outstanding Swiss teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi: "The mind, heart and hands of the child should be involved in the learning process." I attach particular importance to such a pedagogical possibility of a mini-museum as the maximum and systematic use of the principle of visibility, namely, the demonstration of exhibits, the opportunity to touch them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of the exposition, a participant in the creative process. After all, each child replenished the exposition with his creative works, made in the process of joint activity and free activity. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. Our mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families.

Joint participation in creative activities helped to unite families and fill their leisure time with new content. It has become a tradition to hold holidays, family gatherings, to which not only mothers and fathers gather, but grandparents come with pleasure.

Using a variety of forms of work, she involved parents in joint creative activities with their children, helped to establish partnerships that encourage the activity and independence of children. In the process of organizing parent-child interaction, parents gained confidence in the child, joy and satisfaction from communicating with their children, pedagogical competence in matters of aesthetic education and creative development of preschoolers increased through museum communication.

Thus, the involvement of parents in participation in joint museum events is an indicator of effective cooperation between teachers and families, in which parents gradually moved from observers of the pedagogical process to the position of initiators and active participants.

In the process of implementing this project, the mini-museum has become an integral part of the development environment of the preschool educational institution.

3. Final stage:

survey of parents;

analysis of questionnaires and reviews;

joint leisure (“There is such a profession…”);

generalization of photographic materials in albums;

· publication of an article in the newspaper "Shaman News".

A preliminary analysis of project activities in the form of organizing a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution showed the need to continue work in this direction, using forms of effective interaction between a preschool institution and a family that contributes to the successful socialization of a preschool child and the formation of his social competence.

Prospects for the development of the Mini-Museum.

1. Cooperation with parents:

· creation of the exposition “Mini-museum: “Clock”;

· creation of the exposition “Family tree of my family”;

productive creative interaction.

2. Interaction with children:

the formation of a value attitude towards history in children, the manifestation of interest in museums and exhibitions;

development of cognitive abilities of children;

3. Improvement of educators:

Improving the professional competence of the educator;

· strengthening relations within the framework of "Kindergarten - children - family" through joint activities in the implementation of mini-projects.

Therefore, in the light of new pedagogical tasks, our mini-museum will continue to develop with the involvement of parents in joint activities held as part of the mini-museum. In the future, I plan to supplement the museum with exhibits with the help of my parents and create new directions, such as a mini-museum of clocks, a family tree of my family. Undoubtedly, mini-museums were created mainly for children and for the sake of children, but having created the exposition “My dad and grandfather are defenders of the fatherland”, I noticed that the museum is visited mainly by boys. Therefore, in the future, expositions will be created taking into account a gender approach.

The implementation of the project and the expected results will help us build genuine partnerships, with shared responsibilities, with parents understanding that preschool institutions created to help the family.

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