Mini museum in kindergarten presentation. Studio "City of Masters"


Museum pedagogy, as one of the activities of the museum, is becoming more and more common in the practice of spiritual and moral, civil and patriotic, historical and local history education of the individual in a single educational process.

According to the annual plan work of preschool educational institution, in order to enrich the subject-developing environment of the group, to form ideas about the museum among preschoolers, to create conditions for the development of design and research skills, from February 20 to February 22, 2017, a competition of mini-museums was organized and held in the preschool educational institution, in which All age groups participated.

During the competition, the following indicators were evaluated:

- mini museum location(aesthetic appearance, creativity of design, safety, compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions, age appropriateness of children,

- theme of the mini-museum(connection of the selected topic with educational areas, patriotic education or speech development,

- the history of the creation of the mini-museum(story about the purpose of creation, interesting facts and objects of the museum,

- availability of documentation (summaries of GCD, work plan, content of work with children - a selection of games, fiction and etc. ,

as well as the variety of exhibits, the ability of the teacher to conduct a tour of the museum.

The “mini-museums” presented during the review competition are diverse in content, themes, aesthetic design, equipment with materials and manuals, are of a developing nature, created taking into account age characteristics, located in places accessible to children, created by teachers, parents and children.

Each of the educators did a lot of work, decided on the theme of the mini-museum, chose a place for its placement, filled it with content, thought out equipment, sections, forms of work in the museum.

The theme of museums turned out to be diverse:

In the "Polyanka" group, Mylnikova Natalya Yurievna and Savkina Nadezhda Alexandrovna shared some secrets of making exhibits. Everyone really liked the mini-museum "This is how our ancestors lived."

In the group "Rainbow" - teacher Ivanova Olga Viktorovna met the guests with pancakes and treats. Shrovetide in the yard! The mini-museum "Folk Crafts" was presented to the attention of colleagues. Olga Viktorovna conducted a fascinating tour about the past and present of our country, our region.

In the group "Ryabinka" educators Chikova Galina Alexandrovna and Korney Yulia Nikolaevna presented the mini-museum "Wonders from wood" and "Russian hut". Everyone appreciated beautiful decoration And interesting stories about the exhibits.

In the "Rays" group, the teacher Karelina Larisa Yuryevna presented the mini-museum "The World of Stones".

In the "Why" group, teachers Kolbina Tatyana Nikolaevna and Salomatova Svetlana Borisovna presented to the attention of colleagues the mini-museum "Porridge - our joy" hospitably, according to Russian tradition, and everyone else tried porridge "Friendship" with heat, with heat in a real cast iron and wooden spoons !

In the "Daisy" group, the educators Tamara Petrovna Korobatova and Natalya Ivanovna Popova presented the "Utensils" mini-museum, as well as the didactic material used in the work, to the attention of their colleagues.

The group "Yagodka" was represented by the teacher Bondar Marina Aleksandrovna. The teacher presented the mini-museum "Berest".

In the group "Sunshine" was Grand opening mini-museum "World of Clocks". The tutor Novikova Elena Mikhailovna told her colleagues about how the decision on the theme of the museum was made together with the parents, how the exhibits were collected and how they got acquainted with them. Visual and didactic material was also demonstrated.

The mini-museum "Russian Matryoshka" was represented by the teacher Borodina Lyubov Viktorovna.

In the "Bees" group, the novice educator Simonova Olga Olegovna presented the mini-museum "Sounding Toy", which Morshneva Polina Nikolaevna worked on.

The final excursion was to the "Rodnichok" group, which was presented by the tutors Deryabina Elena Viktorovna and Malenkih Roza Vasilievna. The mini-museum "Russian Folk Crafts" has existed in the group for a long time, but today it is presented in a new version. Also, the educators showed all the exhibits, collections, visual and didactic material accumulated in the group, on moral patriotic education. The educators told their colleagues in detail how the work on patriotic education is being implemented, what forms of work are most interesting in the implementation of the program for the regional component, etc.

Summing up such fruitful work preschool educators, I would like to note the coherence of work, kindness, mutual assistance and support of all members of the team, the interest and participation of parents.

We hope that the work in mini-museums will continue, teachers will develop museums, replenish exhibits, complicate didactic and theoretical material according to the age of the children.

The results of the competition will be announced at the Pedagogical Council in March 2017.

Natalya Ponamareva
Project "Mini-museum of local history in preschool educational institution"

Informative project« Mini-museum of local history in preschool educational institution» .

Museum values ​​of Siberia.

Informative project« Mini-museum of local history in preschool educational institution» .

View: cognitive, long-term.

The purpose of this project:

To promote the all-round development of children, to acquaint children with history, with the basics of Russian national culture, with the life and history of their ancestors, the formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers. Build teamwork skills. Cultivate a desire to help and yield to each other.

Tasks project:

Enrich the impressions of children, cause a vivid emotional response when visiting mini-museum;

To form in children a cognitive interest in the world around them, the history of their ancestors.


The project expands horizons, makes it possible to enrich the knowledge of preschoolers about the world around them.

Participants of this projects are: preschool teachers, children, parents.

Creation and placement mini-museum:

Mini Museum of Local Lore has been created in our group since October 2013, when creating the museum, we determined that in a kindergarten it is impossible to create expositions that meet the requirements of museum work. That's why we named it mini-museum. part of a word « mini» , in our case, reflects both the age of the children for whom it is intended, and the size of the expositions, and a certain limitation of the subject matter. Besides, distinctive feature our mini museum is, That What: you can’t touch anything in real museums, but in mini Museum of Kindergarten is not only possible, but also necessary! You can visit it every day, replenish the exposition and rearrange the exhibits and view them.

Mini-museum of local history in MBDOU"Kindergarten No. 97" located in a group "Flower-seven-flower". And was created by educators DOW: Ponamareva N. V. and Arakelyan T. M.

In building this museum took part not only creative Group preschool teachers, parents (who helped in the creation of the museum's expositions, replenishing them with materials).

Corner of Russian life;

Album of photographs of the city of Novokuznetsk;

Natural resources of our region;

Russian folk dolls;

In structure project we have identified three stages.

I. Preparatory stage. He included in myself:

Planning upcoming activities aimed at implementing project;

Model development mini-museum.

II. Practical stage (implementation stage project) .

1. Creating exposures in mini museum.

When we organized this mini museum, He "thinking" as an exhibition of natural resources of our region. In progress mini The museum was replenished with new expositions. Then, we thought that children should know not only about what the city of Novokuznetsk is famous for, but also about the culture and life of the Slavic people.

2. Development of a work plan mini-museum.

IN mini-museum are organized:

Thematic exhibitions, exhibitions of exhibits, objects of arts and crafts, Russian life, folk crafts, photographs, household items, etc.;

Excursions in mini museum, entertainment, gatherings, in accordance with the work plan;

Free entrance mini-museum by children together with their parents.

III.Final stage

Presentation of results project

IV. Integration of educational areas.

In this project integration of the following educational regions:

- « Artistic creativity» (drawing, application)- exhibitions of children's works are organized in mini museum;

- "Knowledge"- games-classes are organized to get acquainted with others);

- "Socialization"- excursions are organized to introduce children to the world of historical heritage;

V. Job prospects.

Replenish the plan of the content of excursions in mini museum;

Equipment mini- a museum with a video library for expositions (work in this direction has already begun and in mini-the DOW Museum has separate video materials for expositions).

The tasks of museum pedagogy: Expanding the scope of education through familiarization with museum pedagogy. Expansion of the sphere of education through familiarization with museum pedagogy. Development harmonization creative personality. Harmonization of the development of a creative personality. Formation of national ideology. Formation of national ideology. Preservation of traditions, return to primordial spiritual values; patriotic education citizens of their homeland. Preservation of traditions, return to primordial spiritual values; patriotic education of citizens of their Fatherland. Creation of a new museum auditorium; expanding the area of ​​influence of the museum. Creation of a new museum auditorium; expanding the area of ​​influence of the museum. Tasks of museum pedagogy: Expansion of the sphere of education through familiarization with museum pedagogy. Expansion of the sphere of education through familiarization with museum pedagogy. Harmonization of the development of a creative personality. Harmonization of the development of a creative personality. Formation of national ideology. Formation of national ideology. Preservation of traditions, return to primordial spiritual values; patriotic education of citizens of their Fatherland. Preservation of traditions, return to primordial spiritual values; patriotic education of citizens of their Fatherland. Creation of a new museum auditorium; expanding the area of ​​influence of the museum. Creation of a new museum auditorium; expanding the area of ​​influence of the museum.

“Museum pedagogy is an area scientific knowledge that arises at the intersection of pedagogy, psychology, museology, art (as part of common culture) and local history. She explores museum forms communication, the nature of the use of museum tools in the transmission and perception of information from the point of view of pedagogy. The subject of museum pedagogy is the problems associated with the content, methods and forms of the pedagogical impact of the museum, with the peculiarities of this impact on various categories of the population, as well as with the definition of the museum in the system of educational institutions. Thus, museum pedagogy is formed at the intersection of museology, pedagogy, and psychology. “Museum pedagogy is a field of scientific knowledge that arises at the intersection of pedagogy, psychology, museology, art (as part of a general culture) and local history. She explores museum forms of communication, the nature of the use of museum tools in the transmission and perception of information from the point of view of pedagogy. The subject of museum pedagogy is the problems associated with the content, methods and forms of the pedagogical impact of the museum, with the peculiarities of this impact on various categories of the population, as well as with the definition of the museum in the system of educational institutions. Thus, museum pedagogy is formed at the intersection of museology, pedagogy, and psychology. E. B. Medvedeva, M. Yu. Yukhnevich give the following definition:

Museum is an institution that collects, studies, preserves and exhibits monuments. natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational and popularization activities. Museum science is the science of the history of museums, their purpose and organization. Museums are an integral part cultural heritage. They cover almost all spheres of human life: art, science in general, history, geography, etc. In any major city There are museums of different kinds.

The task of a teacher involved in museum pedagogy is to create conditions for developing a position of creation among pupils; positions not of an outside observer, but of an interested researcher; positions of personal responsibility in relation to the past, present and future heritage; position not so much mechanical memorization of historical and other material, but its understanding and emotional and moral assessment.

Museum pedagogy has an integrated character. Museum Studies Museum Studies Psychology Psychology Pedagogy Pedagogy scientific discipline, is of an integrated nature, since the development of this direction is due to the interaction of museology, pedagogy and psychology. IN recent decades preschool institutions began to create their own mini-museums, the organization and use of mini-museums is considered as special form work with children and parents. In recent decades, preschool institutions have begun to create their own mini-museums, the organization and use of mini-museums is considered as a special form of work with children and parents. In preschool museum pedagogy, two major areas can be distinguished: In preschool museum pedagogy, two major areas can be distinguished: 1) cooperation of a kindergarten with museums (local history, art, etc.); 2) creation and use of mini-museums in preschool 2) creation and use of mini-museums in a preschool institution.

The principle of integration The principle of continuity and diversity The principle of activity and interactivity The principle of scientificity The principles of dynamism and variability The principle of partnership The principles of environmental friendliness and safety The principles of organizing a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution

Areas of work in the course of the implementation of museum pedagogy projects Creation of thematic collections and expositions Presentation of parent-child research projects Joint artistic activity for children and parents, as a result of which museum exhibits are created Museum pedagogy Project implementation Specially organized and independent artistic activities Integrated thematic blocks of GCD using ICT Folklore holidays, joint excursions and other aesthetic events

Stages of creating a mini-museum Preparatory stage At the beginning of the work (children, educators), together with their parents, determined the theme and name of the mini-museum, developed its model, and chose a place for placement. Final, summarizing stage Presentation of the mini-museum Presentation of the mini-museum Practical stage (or project implementation stage) Participation in the creation of children and parents. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families. In the course of work, all material is systematized and supplemented. Eventually the main objective achieved: the relationship between parents and teachers has changed, more united, there has been a rapprochement. Partnerships between preschool institutions and parents have been established.

Forms of organization of work with children: I. Daily. K Collecting with children; creation of mini-museums. II. Weekly. Museum Content Formation Games artistic culture, entertainment games; travel games; games - aesthetic exercises: filling in museum dictionaries (drawings, collages, etc.). Doing homework (draw, sculpt, come up with your own name, riddle). III. Periodic. Conducting educational and sightseeing tours, competitions and quizzes in mini-museums (a prize for the most curious museum visitor).

Mini museums in kindergarten relevant and effective. They give the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop Creative skills and communication skills. The leading method in working with preschool children, as you know, is the game. It is in the game, simulating a variety of situations, that the child learns the world acquires the necessary skills, acquires own experience. Imagination and fantasy, at its most developed in childhood, help the child to feel the spirit of a different historical time, and therefore, to master, transform the accumulated historical and cultural values. aim pedagogical technology is the education of morality of preschool children by means of museum pedagogy. The purpose of pedagogical technology is to educate the morality of preschool children by means of museum pedagogy. To develop the technology of using museum pedagogy as innovative in the process of educating children's morality, the following principles are identified:

What is the difference between a modern children's museum and a classical museum? His the main task educational, educational: any objects can be collected in it, and not just originals, as is customary in traditional museums. Another one specific trait children's museums: this is a playful or interactive educational space in which a child can do something independently, according to his choice, taking into account his own interests and capabilities. The Children's Museum is aimed at children of a certain age, at the family and at the pre-school institution. Its main function is educational, educational. It is interactive and involves the active behavior of the child in relation to the exhibits. The main thing in such a museum is not the value of the exhibits themselves, but the availability of conditions for creativity and independent activity of the child. From this point of view, a mini-museum in a kindergarten, in our opinion, is a kind of children's museum.

A mini museum for pupils, this kind of educational zone: Speech development - vocabulary work, the development of coherent speech, intonational expressiveness of speech, activation passive vocabulary, acquaintance with folklore, with folk tale. Speech development - vocabulary work, development of coherent speech, intonational expressiveness of speech, activation of a passive dictionary, acquaintance with folklore, with a folk tale. Mathematics - counting, measurement, comparative analysis and synthesis, familiarity with the calendar and time cycle, etc. Mathematics - counting, measurement, comparative analysis and synthesis, familiarity with the calendar and time cycle, etc. Music - getting to know folk music, With classical music, musical and rhythmic exercises. Music - acquaintance with folk music, classical music, musical rhythmic exercises. Art - acquaintance with the works of classical artists, acquaintance with the works of photo artists; with folk applied art. Art - acquaintance with the works of classical artists, acquaintance with the works of photo artists; with folk arts and crafts. Knowledge of the surrounding world - acquaintance with different professions, with the production technology of some products, with social life, with the environment. Knowledge of the world around - acquaintance with different professions, with the technology of production of certain products, with social life, with the world around. Health - give an idea of healthy way life, oh proper nutrition about vitamins. Health - to give an idea about a healthy lifestyle, about proper nutrition, about vitamins. Physical development - to expand ideas about physical development as an integral part general development. Physical development - to expand ideas about physical development as an integral part of overall development.

Museum pedagogy is an innovative technology in the field of personal education of children, which creates conditions for the immersion of the individual in a specially created subject-spatial environment.

The idea of ​​​​decorating a local history mini-museum in the group arose during the implementation of project activities on the topic "Why we love our native land." At present, there is an increasing interest in the history, culture, traditions of their small motherland. The preschool educational institution solves the problems of early involvement of children in folk culture, knowledge of the past. One of the forms of familiarization of preschool children with their native land is the organization of mini-museums in kindergartens. I bring to your attention a variant of such a museum.



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Slides captions:

: “Just as there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the Fatherland, and this love gives upbringing the right key to a person’s heart ...” K.D. Ushinsky

Relevance - arose from the interest of children in the history of the city, the region in which they live. No, and there cannot be a real citizen of his country if he lacks love for the Fatherland. Is it possible to cultivate love for one's Motherland by a simple statement that the Motherland must be loved? It does not even require proof that the formation of our worldview is greatly influenced by emotions, sensory perception of familiar facts, events in the history and culture of our people. How rich is Russian culture and what is our pride in? The first task of a teacher is to convey to children and instill in their hearts love and respect for their homeland. It is very important that children emotional basis received initial knowledge that would have aroused interest in the topic already in preschool age that would help them moral development in future.

The goal is the formation in children complete picture peace, interest in the history of their city and region, education of spiritual and moral qualities, love for the small Motherland. Formation among preschoolers of "the basis of culture" on the basis of familiarization with the life and life of the native people inherent in it moral values, traditions and culture. Tasks: To educate spiritual and moral qualities and patriotic feelings in the process of forming local history knowledge in children that is understandable to preschoolers. To instill in children a sense of belonging to Russian culture, a society that cherishes its past as a heritage. Develop aesthetic feelings, emotional responsiveness to beauty native land reflect impressions in their creative works.

Local history mini-museum of group No. 9

Voronezh historical

Voronezh literary

Voronezh grain-growing

History of folk costume

Folk crafts

Didactic game "Before and now"


Literature and teaching aids

Thank you for your attention!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes


PURPOSE: 1. To cultivate love for the nature of the native land.2. Introduce children to colors autumn leaves.3. Teach children to compare leaves by size: large, small.4. Work...


Purpose: 1. Help children remember a fairy tale, cause a desire to reproduce dialogues between fairy tales (initiation to a theatrical game) 2. Teach children to listen carefully, develop speech, memory ...

Irina Fedorova
Presentation of a mini-museum in kindergarten

Slide 2. First, a little historical background

Museum - (Greek - temple of the muses) - a research or scientific and educational institution that collects, stores, studies and popularizes monuments of natural history, material or spiritual culture.

The prototypes of museums were collections of art in the terms ancient rome and European churches and monasteries.

Slide 3. Systematic collecting began during the Renaissance. Then the first museum galleries appeared: Uffizi (Florence, Louvre (France, Prado (Spain). The formation of the main European museums was completed in the 19th century, when they opened to the general public.

Currently, there are over 12 thousand museums in the world, which are divided according to their profile: historical, technical, natural science, art history, etc.

slide 4. The word museum in Russian comes from the Latin "museum", which, in turn, was formed from the Greek museion - a place dedicated to the muses - patrons of the arts in Greek mythology.

Slide 5. So the museum is a way of preserving cultural property, conveying memories of the past and useful information from generation to generation.

slide 6. As we know, one of the basic principles preschool education, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, is: introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state, as well as the formation cognitive interests And cognitive activities child in various types activities.

Slide 7. Just one of the innovative technologies in the field of personal education of children is museum pedagogy. It creates the conditions for immersion of the individual in a specially organized object-spatial environment. Visits to museums, exhibitions and the organization of your own mini-museums are very important for expanding the horizons of children, opening up new opportunities for independent research activities, stimulation of interest in books and in learning in general.

slide 8. It is clear that not always and not everyone has the opportunity to visit museums. And the abundance of exhibits and expositions in a real museum can cause fatigue and absent-mindedness in a preschooler. In this case, the organization of mini-museums in a preschool institution comes to the rescue. Of course, in a kindergarten it is impossible to create expositions that meet the requirements of museum work, which is why they are actually called “mini-museums”. Part of the word "mini" in our case reflects the age of the children for whom they are intended, and the size of the exposure, and a certain limitation of the subject.

Mini-museum in the preschool educational institution - a tried and tested form pedagogical activity, which: allows you to improve the subject-spatial environment of the kindergarten; promotes acquaintance of children with museum culture, the world around them; opens up opportunities for independent research.

slide 9. The purpose of mini-museums is to prepare the younger generation for adult life through the implementation of the “museum pedagogy” direction and with the help of museum funds, introducing children and their parents to museum art.

The tasks of the mini-museum are:

1. Creation of a mini-museum as a reflection of the interests and manifestation of the initiative of children

2. Enrichment of the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution.

3. Enrichment of educational space with new forms.

4. Formation of ideas about the museum among preschoolers.

5. Expanding the horizons of preschoolers.

6. Development cognitive abilities and cognitive activity.

7. Formation of design and research skills.

8. Formation of the ability to independently analyze and systematize the acquired knowledge.

9. Development of creative thinking and imagination.

10. Formation of an active life position.

slide 10. The best results can only be achieved if vigorous activity children. If adults tend to look at things and listen to a story about them, then children's curiosity and restlessness are expressed in the desire to touch, feel, hold objects and especially see how they work. Therefore, a huge plus and guarantee of a good mini-museum in kindergarten is its interactivity, in which children can touch and study the exhibits closely; feel involved in the process. And, as a result, their interest in learning new things is growing; easier to acquire knowledge and educational material. In addition, a mini-museum for a child is something of their own, dear, since many children take part in its creation.

Slide 11. Pedagogical functions museum:


Development of visual and auditory perception, assimilation of information;

The use of didactic materials that expand the scope curriculum stimulating interest in art;


Activation of thinking;

Development of intellectual feelings, memory, sensory-physiological structures;

Enrichment of vocabulary;


Formation personal qualities, views, beliefs;

The formation of mental, moral, labor, aesthetic and environmental education;


Formation of skills;

Formation of an adequate, meaningful attitude to the information received;

slide 12. Construction principles museum exposition in kindergarten:

The principle of visibility: when choosing a collection, it is taken into account, first of all, educational function. The museum collection should contain a large visual and practical material.

The principle of taking into account age characteristics: when organizing the environment, considerable attention is paid to the availability of the selected material and taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

The principle of integration: where the content of the museum allows the teacher to introduce children to different areas of human activity: history, nature, culture, etc.

Principle of activity: the museum provides the child with the opportunity to realize different types art activities, such as replenishing the museum with works made by one's own hands; drawing pictures, making clay toys, painting dishes, playing with folk toys.

The principle of cultural conformity: the museum introduces preschoolers to world culture, universal values ​​(relation to nature, culture, society).

The principle of humanization: the museum creates conditions for comprehensive development child, supports his initiative, creative activity in education. Here, all conditions have been created for new relations in the “child-teacher” system and the transition to an interactive form of education.

The principle of diversity: the exhibits of the museum are diverse.

The principle of environmental friendliness and safety: the mini-museum does not pose a threat to the health and safety of a preschooler.

The principle of continuity: the museum, being part of the educational space of the kindergarten, is connected with the system of classes and independent children's activities, reflecting the topics of classes, excursions and walks.

Principle of partnership: the museum is the result of cooperation between adults and children and thanks to which the rights of the child are realized.

slide 13. Rules of conduct in the mini-museum:

Exhibits in the mini-museum are allowed to be touched.

Exhibits must be returned to their place and placed neatly and beautifully.

Exhibits cannot be broken and taken home.

You can and should: ask questions, make up stories and make up stories.

The replenishment of the museum with new exhibits and creative works is welcome.

That is, activity in the museum direction should not end at the stage of a successful presentation of the project. On the contrary, the exposition should be improved and supplemented, and its elements should be included as subject material in various types of activity.

A mini-museum in a kindergarten can be anything, as long as the imagination of parents, teachers and children is enough. A mini-museum in kindergarten can be organized for a while, can be timed to coincide with a specific date, holiday (for example, February 23 - military equipment, toy soldiers by type of troops)

In past academic year we have successfully launched a project to create a mini-museum in kindergarten. During the year, 4 expositions were arranged:

slide 14."Grandma's Chest" The purpose of this exposition was to acquaint children with antiquities that were used in everyday life by our grandparents, as well as with handicrafts.

slide 15."History of New Year's toys". This exhibition was organized to acquaint children with the history of the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree with toys on New Year and evolution New Year's toys in Russia.

slide 16. « Crystal fairy tale". We pursued the goal of introducing preschoolers to a variety of household items made of glass and crystal, to teach them to see and notice beauty in their immediate environment, to introduce them to the technology of glass and glass products production, to form careful attitude to things.

slide 17. The exhibition "Mom's Box" was dedicated to the women's holiday on March 8 and its purpose was to acquaint children with a variety of materials, shapes and design of boxes.

IN middle group educator Yankova L. N. also designed the exposition "Folk Doll", where dolls made from various materials hands of mothers and grandmothers of pupils. Looking ahead, I’ll say that part of this exhibition is presented in our mini-museum “Such Different Dolls”.

slide 18. In the current academic year, we continue to work on museum pedagogy. Now we have arranged the first exposition of this year “Such different dolls”, where dolls are presented in various costumes: special-purpose, folk, stylized. The exhibition is diverse and the objectives of this exhibition, with the help of dolls, are to acquaint preschoolers with professions, national costumes, culture and traditions different peoples, epic Olonkho.

In the future, in our plans in order to maintain the initiative, increase activity and raise interest among all participants educational process conduct a survey among teachers, children and parents, collect ideas and make a list of topics for our mini-museum for the current academic year

We also plan to introduce another innovation: to train guides from among children for educational excursions for pupils of other groups and parents.

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