Pavel Bazhov. Slide 1 "Primitive nature"


Purpose: to show the multi-colored facets of P.P. Bazhov, who is an inexhaustible magical casket filled with everything that is not alien to a living, cheerful person.

  1. To create a creative atmosphere for obtaining a collective product of activity.
  2. Contribute to maintaining interest and desire to study the personality of P.P. Bazhov and his work.
  3. To cultivate a respectful attitude and love for P.P. Bazhov and his work.

During the classes

Introduction by the teacher.

Classes of the course "Literature of the Urals" are designed to introduce us to the poets, writers, storytellers of the Ural land, who help to reveal the secrets of our region, look at the environment with different eyes, join the culture of our region, feel its greatness.

The native Ural is famous not only for its amazing nature, rich storerooms, rare ores and semi-precious stones, but the main wealth of the Ural land is people who glorified their native land with their work, high results of their activities. Such a person, the pride of the Urals, is P.P. Bazhov (in the center of the board is a portrait of P.P. Bazhov with the question “Who are you, Pavel Petrovich Bazhov?”). For the implementation of the literary project “Who are you, Pavel Petrovich Bazhov?” you were offered work in creative groups:

1 group - "In the family circle",

Group 2 - “P.P. Bazhov is a deputy”,

Group 3 - "P.P. Bazhov - journalist",

The floor is given to 1 creative group.

We set ourselves the task of telling how P.P. Bazhov was at home, in the family. To do this, we prepared a photo tour and bright stories from the family archive, which will help to look at Bazhov in a different way. So “In the family circle” (see the presentation “In the family circle”, Appendix 1)

1. Mother - Augusta Stefanovna, father - Pyotr Vasilyevich

2. City of Sysert, Volodarsky street house 16. Here, on January 27, 1879, the Russian writer P.P.Bazhov was born

3. Pavel Petrovich with his wife Valentina Alexandrovna shortly after their wedding. “We boldly go forward hand in hand, keeping strong faith” From a poem given to his wife

4. Pavel Petrovich with his wife and children. Daughters Elena and Olga are standing, son Alexei and youngest daughter Ariadna are sitting.

5. The Bazhov family was friendly. In the evenings, they often gathered together, talked about the most interesting thing that happened during the day.

6. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov with his grandchildren Alik and Volodya, 1946.

Bazhov - grandfather

The daughters of Pavel Petrovich (Olga, Elena and Ariadna) could not remember the case of their father's severity.

I once asked:

Didn't he even spank either of you?

What are you, what are you! they wondered with one voice.

But this did not mean at all that Pavel Petrovich condoned the children, spoiled them. They grew up in the mode of labor duties, and until the last years, already married, the daughters did not need the father to repeat his request twice. It was the way of the indigenous working Ural family.

In the early forties, the eldest grandson, Vova, grew up and was brought up with the Bazhovs. His father then went missing at the front. Mother Olga Pavlovna worked from morning to night at a military factory. Vova was in the care of his grandparents. Vova grew up as a stubborn, mischievous boy. Behind him, as they said in the family, "you need eyes and eyes."

Once Vova - apparently for experimental purposes - decided to try how a cat would behave in a chimney of a burning samovar. And he put her head down there. A cat with a singed mustache and a burnt muzzle dazedly rushed to the closet and tearing the soul “mumbled”, as if complaining to Pavel Petrovich and those around him. It would seem that the guy needed to be given a memorable beating ... But this did not happen ... Although this act of his grandson brought Pavel Petrovich off balance so much that he resorted to the most terrible thing that could be expected from him - to silence.

It must be said here that Pavel Petrovich dearly loved animals. And this increased Vova's guilt...

A “wall newspaper” hung from the ceiling appeared in the Bazhovs’ house. It was a piece of paper on which briefly capital letters the composition of the crime was stated and the name of the culprit was called.

At first, such a superhuman measure of influence was not given any importance. And in particular, Vova said:

Just think, grandfather hung out a newspaper ... Who will read it ...

But it soon turned out that everyone who came read this newspaper. He read and emphasized loudly abbreviated about his deeds: “Surely such a good guy has come to this!” And the discussions began for about twenty minutes. And Vovka was hiding behind a closet... He was very ashamed...

Vova frankly and sincerely repented. The boy executed himself in such a way that on the seventh day of hanging the newspaper was removed and solemnly burned in the chimney of the same samovar.

And the cat with a scorched muzzle walked for a long time with a terrible reproach to Vova, which has since become unrecognizably better.

7. Pavel Petrovich watering the garden

8. Often you can find a writer doing such work ... Pavel Petrovich loved to work with the land.

Bazhov the gardener

The yard and garden in the old industrial settlements, as it were, continue the dwelling of the indigenous Ural life. It is difficult to imagine the home of a native worker without a barn with a hayloft, without premises for domestic animals. In this sense, the courtyard and garden of Pavel Petrovich's house do not differ from all other Ural courtyards. The Bazhovs had their own cow in the past. She could not help but be with a large family. Purchased eggs were cheaper than chicken feed and care. But how can one live when the rooster does not crow, when the chicken cage in the kitchen is empty in winter.

There was an everyday love for the ridge of many years of “butun”, tenacious horseradish, the joy of planting beans, peas, cabbage, turnips, radishes. The most expensive time of the year for Bazhov is spring. He rejoiced at her approach, like a young man, like a boy.

Doesn't fade from memory phone call to the hotel. Pavel Petrovich invites to his place: - Come today, both of you to hell. Valyanushka dug it up in the first thawed patch that had thawed by the fence.

“First horseradish” is Bazhov’s first spring breakfast. There will be hell with cat's tears, but he is the hero of the table, he is the herald of the awakening earth.

Bazhov was and never ceased to be a poet in garden beds. So very busy, Pavel Petrovich wrote to Evgeny Andreevich Permyak about the garden on six neat pages, a letter of instruction on garden matters. This letter reflects one of the facets of the multicolored sparkling Pavel Petrovich.

Here is a small excerpt from this letter: “Of garden work, I like to dig the earth the most. I dig in the spring, I dig in the fall. Sometimes I even dig into the pass when the first layer is at the bottom and the second is at the top. It just gives me pleasure: you work, you sweat in the sun, but I never thought about whether it is always necessary ....

From my boarding experience. Potatoes seem to be the easiest, but even here there is a lot of obscurity. The issue of planting density has not yet been resolved in the literature. Recently, they began to argue that hilling is not always necessary. I don't know anything here. My wife and I always plant potatoes at a distance of three-quarters bush from bush and row from row, regardless of variety. We roll twice. We sit under the shoulder blade, but not deep. We throw a pinch of ash on our bush. That's all"

And at the end the signature:

Your gardener Pavel Bazhov

9. House-museum of P.P.Bazhov in the city of Yekaterinburg at the corner of Bolshakov and Chapaeva streets

In this house passed interesting holidays in the Bazhov family, meetings with friends, where Pavel Petrovich revealed himself as a merry fellow and an entertainer.

Bazhov - a merry fellow and an entertainer

The winter of 1941/42 was cold even for the Urals. Cold and not that hungry, but still very satisfying. It was difficult time. And I wanted to make a Christmas tree. Pavel Petrovich has a grandson and Evgeny Permyak has two daughters. And the last daughter of the Bazhovs, Ridochka, was not averse to lighting the Christmas tree.

They decided to build a Christmas tree in the Bazhov house, and meet there New Year. There weren't a lot of Christmas tree decorations. But different typographic paper clippings, pictures could be typed enough.

The plot of the celebration was to get the Christmas tree. We decided to get the tree on the advice of Valentina Alexandrovna in a direct and short way - in the forest.

Olga, eldest daughter Bazhovs, and Evgeny Permyak set off along the old Uktus road. It was so cold that it was hard to breathe. And the tree was cut down. They dragged it. They dragged it in!

At home, the Bazhovs have “cheers”, and applause, and squeals, and kisses. A flurry of delights and, as never before in winter, - warm weather.

Pavel Petrovich, for the sake of the New Year, heated the stove with his own hands, by “one thousand two hundred and fifteen percent”, as he reported, to those who returned with a Christmas tree.

He met them in the hall, putting his hand to the non-existent visor, and reported:

Stoker Bazhov burned down a week's norm of birch firewood and a two-week supply to a single pine log. It is not known how we will live, but now take off your boots ..

While the Christmas tree was thawing, the children were kicked out to the nursery. And then the decoration began. They decorated everything. Who than could. Even, it seems, old postcards were hung up. Still, it's a colorful patch. And Pavel Petrovich hung on strings several circles of smoked sausage.

Now, in the full sense, “Yolka Mitrich,” he said.

Everyone wanted a fun evening. And when you want to have fun, fun comes even for a minor reason.

The main director of fun that evening was Valentina Alexandrovna and two artists with her: Vova and Permyak's youngest daughter Xenia.

During the evening, under the “ideological” guidance of Pavel Petrovich, they were changed fifteen times. These two charming artists appeared as a dancing couple, sometimes under the Spaniards, then under the Ukrainians, then under ... it is not known who in great-grandmother's lace pantaloons and grandfather's shirts.

Pavel Petrovich laughed to the point of coughing, to tears, demanding to encore dance numbers. Children, inspired by success, now not only danced, but also sang the unimaginable.

Pavel Petrovich danced “The Lady” that evening ... He danced excellently. A sense of proportion, a sense of tonality, an ironic key made the dance charming, without detracting from the halo - the oldest and most respected among the rest.

This story about new year holiday says that P. Bazhov was not only a writer, a public figure, but also a merry fellow, an entertainer, a loving father and affectionate grandfather, a gentle husband and a great comrade.

Not for the same “Malachite Box” everyone loved him. He himself was a casket, an inexhaustible magical casket, filled with everything that is not alien to a living, cheerful person.

Conclusion: Bazhov family: loving father, an affectionate grandfather, a merry fellow, an entertainer, a cheerful person, a gardener, a great comrade (the abstracts prepared by the children in advance on colored paper are attached by all team members to the board as an answer to the key question).

Group 2: “P.P. Bazhov is a deputy.

We set ourselves the task of conducting search work in our city and district in order to determine the places where Pavel Petrovich Bazhov visited in our city, as well as the opinions of old-timers about his activities as a deputy.

For a visual representation of the work done, we designed an information cot, where we placed photos of P.P. Bazhov with Krasnoufimtsy, the route of P.P. Bazhov in the Krasnoufimsky district (Figure 1.), a copy of the deputy ticket of P.P. Bazhov (Figure 2.), photographs of buildings in the city of Krasnoufimsk, where meetings with P.P. Bazhov and photographs, memoirs of old-timers about P.P. Bazhov.

First meeting.

On January 23, 1946, a meeting of the voters of our city with a candidate for deputy took place Supreme Council USSR P.P.Bazhov. the hall of high school No. 1 was full. More than 500 people gathered here the best people cities. 7 p.m. ... The voters greeted their candidate, the famous Ural writer, with loud applause

Building former school №1

Hello our dear guest!

February 1950 “The fast passenger train Sverdlovsk-Moscow took us to Krasnoufimsk took us early in the morning. From the car we saw a lot of people. Pioneers with banners, bugle and drums stood in a line on the platform. Pavel Petrovich became agitated: “Yes, I didn’t deserve such an honor ...” after listening to the sonorous discord of a childish greeting, he took off his hat, bowed to the audience with tears in his eyes and promised to visit the guys by all means. He kept his promise."

From the memoirs of Fedorov

Here, at the Krasnoufimsk station, a meeting was held for deputy Bazhov.

And again meeting.

On January 26, 1950, more than 700 representatives of working collective farmers from the Krasnoufimsky and Achitsky districts gathered in the festively decorated hall of the city cinema. The hall warmly welcomed the people's choice.

The building of the former cinema "October", where P.P. Bazhov performed

Folk love

“From Krasnoufimsk we had to go to Manchazh, which is 30 km from the city. We were going to ride on a horse, in a bag… Although the morning was sunny, it was quite frosty. We left the hotel yard, and there was a crowd of people on the street. It turned out that all the inhabitants of Krasnoufimsk came to greet their beloved deputy - with a smile they waved their hands, handkerchiefs, wished health, success ... Pavel Petrovich bowed to both sides and now and then quietly said: “Thank you, thank you, dear ones!” - and could not calm down for a long time ”

(From the memoirs of Fedorov)

The building of the former hotel where the deputy Pavel Petrovich Bazhov stayed

Memoirs of an old-timer about Bazhov and his deputy activities (see Appendix 2)

Pavel Petrovich did not know how to work badly. All his life he conscientiously carried out all the tasks entrusted to him, and when he became a deputy, the chosen one of the people, when thousands of people turned to him, he, of course, tried to do everything he could for everyone. And they went to him from Polevskoy, Artinsky, Sazhinsky, Manchazhsky districts, from Revda and Bisert, from many cities and villages. Deputy Bazhov was approached on the issue of land, water, electricity, hospitals, schools, pensions, apartments - it’s simply impossible to list everything. And Pavel Petrovich patiently and persistently went through every letter, every complaint.

“You know, I have a night work schedule. I sit for a long time, I wake up late. Today I was not allowed to sleep. Some uncle came and modestly said: "I'll wait." And waited for a while. I'm leaving. A man of enormous stature, keeps very quiet, even as if with caution: they were disturbed, they say. It turned out - a loader of one factory, a guardsman, three wounds, an order, medals. The story is like this. He is from Kursk. The family was evacuated "somewhere". He fought until the last day. Wounded a third time in Berlin on the eve of the surrender. Recovered. I went to the Urals to look for a family. I found a cousin in Revda. Stopped by him. Still your man. In order not to sit idle, he entered as a loader, and a week later he found out that his family was in Novosibirsk. For three months he has been fighting to either free himself or transport his family, but there is no sense.

So tell me, is it possible to refuse such a person. ”

In the first place, Pavel Petrovich put the care of children: he tried to arrange all matters related to schools, kindergartens, Pioneer Houses in the first place. Pavel Petrovich delved into the needs of a child even when they seemed insignificant to others.

Once a girl Rita wrote to Pavel Petrovich about her grief. Her mother died. Three babies were left in the arms and old grandmother. All this is best described by a letter from Rita herself:

“Our dear Pavel Petrovich!

I turn to you for help, I ask for your assistance - our father went to the front in 1941 and was wounded in both legs and taken prisoner. After the end of the war, he did not return. We live in the city of Polevskiy. We are a family of five people. I am 13 years old, Clara is 8 years old, Edik is 6 years old, Stasik is 5 years old and my grandmother is 67 years old. Our mother died in 1946 from tuberculosis. I studied in the fifth grade, left teaching at 46, helped my grandmother take care of her sick mother. During the war we received benefits, but not now. Our situation is very difficult.

Pavel Petrovich, help us find dad.


Bazhov did everything possible to help the girl.

Conclusion: Deputy Bazhov: a deputy, a sage from the Urals, a sensitive and attentive person, an honest, responsible servant of the people, a respected chosen one of the working people (the abstracts prepared by the children in advance on colored paper are attached by all team members to the board as an answer to the key question).

Group 3: “P.P. Bazhov-journalist”

We set ourselves the task of tracing in which newspapers P.P. Bazhov worked, what topics interested him as a journalist, how he treated his activities in the newspaper, what correspondents said about him. They designed their material in the form of a newspaper with photographs and information about Pavel Bazhov as a journalist.


After the revolution, in 1917, Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was appointed editor of the newspaper “News of the Kamyshlov Soviet of Workers”. But the time is turbulent, there are constant battles with the White Guards, and in 1918 Bazhov voluntarily joins the Red Army, in the regiment, which was nicknamed the "Red Eagles". In his diary entries, Bazhov later recalled: “Once a shell hit right under the wall of the station building, opposite the window of the room where newspapers were distributed for the front. The shell did not kill or injure anyone, and the soldiers began to laugh: “Look, you flew in for newspapers!” Newspapers, indeed, were needed not only by the Red Army, but even by the White Guards. Everyone wanted to read a newspaper that told about important matters and events, about front-line life. And the commander of the "Red Eagles" organized a mini-printing house in which the newspaper was born "Trench Truth", and Bazhov P.P. became its editor. He spoke about it this way: “The newspaper was published on the front line. I was the editor, and the secretary of the newspaper, and the issuer - all rolled into one. The newspaper, together with the printing house, traveled in two carriages. Came out irregularly. We produced 50-70 issues on the Ural front. The employees of the newspaper were Red Army soldiers.” Pavel Petrovich, releasing a newspaper, wrote essays, stories, feuilletons. The pen became for him a weapon of a fighter.

Printing becomes a way of life for Bazhov, and journalism becomes his profession. Working day and night, Bazhov did not have a minute of free time. He became weak and fell ill with malaria, but no matter how Pavel Petrovich fought malaria, no matter how he resisted, the disease finally knocked him off his feet. The doctors said that it is necessary to immediately change the climate; with such an illness, this is the surest remedy. Pavel Petrovich, completely weak from malaria, also contracted typhus, and then pneumonia. He became so ill that the doctors did not hope to cure him. A serious illness lasted for six months, but such a doctor was found, the best of all doctors, who cured Pavel Petrovich. Who is this doctor? Of course, this is the native Ural, with its forests, lakes, resinous healing air. The saying goes right: houses and walls help. Pavel Petrovich spent whole days in the forest, listening to the noise of the pines, inhaling the smell of resin and earth, communicating with the forest as with true friend. And this friend helped him, returned his strength. Soon Pavel Petrovich got stronger, recovered and gladly agreed to become editor of the Kamyshlovskaya newspapers "Red Way".

A year later, Pavel Petrovich was summoned to Yekaterinburg and offered to work in the regional "Peasant newspaper". He was assigned to head the department of peasant letters. The work was unrelenting. On some days, up to 200-225 letters came. The ringleader in working with letters was Bazhov. He distributed them into departments, made notes on letters, wrote out important questions, complaints. Shortcomings did not hide from the newspaperman's attentive gaze: drunkenness, hooliganism, superstition, bureaucracy, illiteracy, sabotage of the people, etc. Thousands of peasant letters passed through the hands of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, but he also helped rural correspondents who wrote from the farthest corners of the region. These rural correspondents were semi-literate, wrote notes with errors, but they did a very necessary and important job, because they wrote about all sorts of problems in the village, about its problems, exposed the wreckers of the people, who were afraid of revealing their criminal deeds, like newspapers were afraid of fire and therefore they even sometimes dealt brutally with rural correspondents. Bazhov helped the villagers, taught them, supported them, therefore, in such turbulent times, he spent whole months on business trips, in distant villages and in rural areas.

Conclusion: Bazhov is a journalist, editor, newspaperman, teacher of village correspondents, a strong, hardworking and sympathetic person (the abstracts prepared by the children in advance on colored paper are attached by all team members to the board as an answer to the key question).

Group 4 - "P.P. Bazhov - a collector of priceless Ural words and a talented storyteller."

Our school is located near the Krasnoufimsk breeding station, which breeds new highly effective varieties of wheat, barley, peas, clover, etc. Once P.P. Bazhov visited a breeding station and some time later, in 1947, the tale “The Amethyst Case” appeared, which tells in an interesting way about the breeding of a new variety of clover “Krasnoufimsky violet”. We bring to your attention a staging of the tale “The Amethyst Case” (see Appendix 3).

Bazhov P.P. - Collector of priceless Ural words

In the Middle Urals, there is hardly a corner where you have not visited, which Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, a tireless miner of oral speech gold, a seeker of native legends, a collector of priceless Ural words and expressions, would not know about. He spent the night in the shops at the mines, knew experienced people, talked with old people, listened to the guys. He delved into everything, marked and wrote down rare words, and then used them in his tales, so the tales are interesting and unique. So in our tale “The Amethyst Case” we found words - nuggets, the content of which was revealed in the drawings.

Slyakisha - "not every day the sun, sometimes slyakisha."

Menshak - the youngest son

Bolshak - the eldest son

A brush of pebbles - a handful of pebbles

Kukol is a herbaceous plant, a weed with dark pink flowers and poisonous seeds.

Gulbishche - a place outside the village where round dances were led.

Gorodba - wattle fence, hedge, tyn

Curly - curly guy

Spindle - a device made of longitudinal poles on poles.

Amethyst (stone photo 15x20) - a gemstone of purple or bluish-violet color

We bring to your attention a quiz-presentation based on the tales of P.P. Bazhov, with the help of which we will try to find out which of you is the best connoisseur of the wonderful tales of the Ural writer (see Appendix 4). Revealing best connoisseur tales of Bazhov, awarding a commemorative diploma, the rest of the participants were encouraged with sweet prizes.

Conclusion: Bazhov is a talented storyteller, a collector of priceless Uralic words (the conclusion theses prepared by the children in advance on colored paper are attached by all team members to the board as an answer to the key question).

Pay attention to how multifaceted the personality of P.P. Bazhov is (referring to the diagram built during the lesson on the blackboard).

Express your attitude to P.P. Bazhov, his work. What did you take for yourself while working on this project? What else would you like to work on?

I would like to end our literary project with the song “Bazhov's Land”, words by V. Radkevich, music by S. Sirotin. Choral performance of the song by all participants with musical accompaniment (see Figure 3).

Nadezhda Sharifyanova

project « Tales of Bazhov»

Relevance project. In the midst of our mainland there is a region where you live, where your native home and wherever you go, you will always remember your native Ural. Wonderful nature of the Urals, forest mountains, blue lakes, fast rivers. But not only this is the beauty of the Ural land. She fabulous rich and famous all over the world for its stones (malachite, gems, jasper, marble); minerals (coal, ore, gold). And what kind of people live in the Urals - real masters of their craft! Wrote about everything famous writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Introducing children to the work of P.P. Bazhov, We talk about the beauty of the region in which they live, we get acquainted with its past, with the rites and customs of people, their way of life.

Problem: At present, children know little about the history of their region, and therefore they are happy to listen to the works of the Ural storyteller Bazhov P. P. "Fire-Rap", "Sinyushkin well", « silver hoof» , "Golden Hair", "About the Great Poloz", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", « Stone Flower» etc.

Information card project

Organization "Kindergarten No. 5", Miass.

Address: Chelyabinsk region, Miass, st. Zhukovsky, d. 5

Kind, type project: medium-term, creative, information and research. Members project: children of the group preparatory to school, parents, educators.

Target: To introduce children to the work of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhov.


To acquaint children with the life and work of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhov, which turned 138 years old in 2017;

Expand children's information about the history of the Urals;

To form in children an emotional-figurative perception of works through artistic description images;

Cultivate the ability to enjoy artistic word, the appropriateness of using it in one's own speech (folk statements, sayings);

To teach children to negotiate, help, support, show interest in doing collective and individual work;

Formation of ideas about diversity skazov P. P. Bazhov, bring up positive attitude to them;

To acquaint with the customs and traditions of the Ural region;

Invite parents to family reading literary works;

Create conditions for search activities.

Location: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5", Miass

Children's age: 6 - 7 years

Expected results:

Subject to the implementation of this project the following can be assumed results: For children:

Creation in the group of conditions for familiarizing children with the work of P. P. Bazhov:

Reading works and looking at illustrations skazam P. P. Bazhov;

Drawing competition "Mistress of the Copper Mountain";

Creating a Teamwork "Mistress of the Copper Mountain";

Drawing up a card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs;

Expanding the horizons of children;

Cohesion of the children's team;

Creating a three-dimensional doll tale"Stone Flower";

Development of communication skills;

Development of creative thinking and imagination;

Development of skills of independence, self-organization, freedom and responsibility;

Development of interest in the collective, teamwork with all participants in the educational process.

For teachers:

Self-realization, increase of creative potential;

Increasing competence in the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process.

For parents:

Increasing the interest of parents in the values ​​of student-centered education;

The conscious involvement of parents in educational process with children at home;

Optimization of parent-child relationships;

Creation of an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation with all participants in the educational process;

Increasing the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Implementation plan project

Stage 1 - preparatory (one week).

The solution of the crossword puzzle on the work of P. P. Bazhov. Revealing children's knowledge about P.P. Bazhov and his works.

Stage 2 - the main, organizational and practical (two weeks).

Implementation of the main activities in the direction project. Presentation (group)

Stage 3 - final (final).

Includes collection and processing practical materials, correlation of the set and predicted results with the result of the work; generalization of materials project and presenting the results data.

Evaluation of performance based on the results of work is carried out according to three directions: children, parents, teacher.

Assessment of children's interest, their success in common cause monitored through observation and analysis of children's activities, classes, conversations with children.

Assessment of interest and participation in project parents occurs through participation in the conduct joint activities, analysis of participation in joint search activities.

Evaluation of the activation of teachers' activities is monitored by the quality of work with children within the framework of project.

Equipment and materials: Books of the writer P. Bazhov; pictures and illustrations for the works of P. Bazhov; board and printed games; video, audio recordings; tape recorder, computer; materials for productive visual activity.


1. Tolstikova O. V., Smirnova Z. I. We live on Ural: an educational program taking into account the specifics of national, sociocultural and other conditions in which educational activities are carried out with children preschool age. – Ekaterinburg: GAOU DPO SO "IRO". – 2013 -103s.

2. Bazhov P. P. Silver hoof: Skaz - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural book publishing house, 1985. - 16 p.

3. Bazhov P. P. Ognevushka- gallop: Skaz - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural book publishing house, 1976. - 24 p.

4. Bazhov P. P. blue snake: Tales - Moscow, ed. "Contemporary", 1991. - 92 p.

5. Bazhov P. P. Tales / Preparation of the text, after and comments. Slobozhanina L. M. - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural book publishing house, 1988. - 496 p.

6. Stories and tales Soviet writers . - Sverdlovsk: Middle-Ural book publishing house, 1990. - 544 p.

7. Bazhov P. P. Malachite box. ill. T. Lyakhovich. – M.: Ed. in EKSMO, 2004. - 592 p.


Event Objectives Responsible Persons Deadlines

Stage I - preparatory

Crossword on the work of P.P. Bazhov

To reveal the knowledge of children about the work of P.P. Bazhov. Educators 1st week

Library selection

Cultivate children's interest in art

P.P. Bazhov

3 Registration of the parent corner: placement of articles, consultations, recommendations on the topic project. Enlighten parents. Educators 1st week

4 Selection of visual and didactic aids, demo material By Skazam P. P. Bazhov Create conditions for the demonstration of works by P. Bazhov. Educators, parents 1st week

Stage II - the main, organizational and practical

5 Examination of books, illustrations based on the works of P. Bazhov To develop in children an interest in books and the writer's work. Educators 2nd week

6 Making a book corner. Create conditions for implementation project. Develop an interest in books. Educators 2nd week

7 Drawing up a card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs. form search activity when working with literature. To contribute to the expansion of the horizons of children, the development of cognitive interest. Educators 2nd week

8 Acquaintance with the work of the writer. Learn to understand the idea of ​​the work. To develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, to notice the means artistic expressiveness speech. Get to know the customs and traditions of your native land. Educators 2nd week

9 Examining images with clothes of the times Bazhov's tales, illustrations and books by P.P. Bazhov, illustrations about life ordinary people of those times To give children elementary knowledge about the life of people of those times Bazhov, about the culture and life of the peoples of the Urals. Educators 2nd week

10 Virtual Tour

to the Ural Geological Museum for children of senior preschool age

Awaken and maintain children's interest in the history of their native land. To develop in children the desire for knowledge of the natural resources of the Urals, through cognitive, research activities. Educators 2nd week

11 Reading works

P.P. Bazhov

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Fire-Rap", "Silver Hoof", "Blue snake", "Malachite Box", "Sinyushkin well" Develop interest in fiction, understand the idea of ​​the work, notice the means of artistic expression. Educators 3rd week

13 Audition audio fairy tales"Stone Flower", Contribute to the expansion of children's horizons, ingenuity, ingenuity, develop cognitive interest. Educators 3rd week

14 productive activity by works « Skazov P. Bazhov» :

Doing Teamwork "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

Making a drawing on a theme “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain - what is she like?”

Modeling and painting of a three-dimensional doll tale"Stone Flower"

Making illustrations for skazam P. P. Bazhov

Learn to display your impressions in drawings, applications, modeling and painting dolls. Educators 2-3rd week

15 Presentation project« Tales of Bazhov»

Create a folder of illustrations for skazam P. P. Bazhov. Teaching children to present the result of their activities Educators, parents, children 4th week

Stage 3 - final (final)

16 Processing and processing of materials Project Educators, parents, children 4th week

17 Quiz by skazam P. P. Bazhov"Malachite Box"

Educators, children, parents 4th week

Analysis: As a result of work on project« Tales of Bazhov» :

The group has created conditions for familiarizing children with the works of the writer;

There have been positive changes in the relationship between parents and teachers of the group;

The activity of parents, the desire to participate in activities held in kindergarten has increased;

There is growth creative activity children;

There is an increase in children's interest in books, the desire to consider illustrations;

Through Tales of the Great Bazhov the children saw a convincing image of the Ural master, whose products are the pride of Russia;

Children fell in love unusual heroes tales, "secret power", keepers of the land wealth of the Urals;

Children learned the true universal values Keywords: diligence, generosity, love, curiosity, creativity.


"Wise Tales

P.P. Bazhov"

Relevance of the project implementation

The upbringing of patriotic feelings is the task of every parent, educator, and teacher. Need to start with small-with love To hometown, edge.

The Ural region is rich in its history, its secrets, its masters and craftsmen. The Urals is "a rare place both in terms of craftsmen and beauty." It is impossible to know the beauty of the Urals if you do not visit the amazing, enchanting silence and peace of the Ural ponds and lakes, in pine forests, on the legendary mountains. Here in the Urals, talented craftsmen lived and worked for centuries, only here Danila the master could carve his stone flower, and somewhere here the Ural craftsmen saw the Mistress of the copper mountain.

Indeed, the Urals are very fond of their nature, but they are rather unfamiliar with the richness of the Ural fairy tale. literary heritage. But the images created by Pavel Bazhov are directly related to national self-identification. According to the apt expression of the historian and professor of linguistics Maya Nikulina, “the nature of the language conveyed in the Ural tales by Pavel Bazhov is the language of the Russian Odyssey. And Bazhov himself, by today's standards, is a real cult writer who created a new Ural mythology based on legends and traditions.

M. P. Nikulina, historian: “Bazhov’s roots should not be sought in the working Ural folklore, but in a wider and more distant space - in ancient myths that frankly insist that the Urals is a land marked, occupying a special place on the planet.”

Yes, our region is famous for its writers and storytellers. It is they who tell in their works about the life of our region, about its features and traditions. The Ural land itself gave birth to legends and fairy tales. P. P. Bazhov learned to see and understand the wealth and beauty of the mountainous Urals. Bazhov's tales were absorbed plot motifs, fantastic images, coloring language of folk legends and folk wisdom. Talking about the art of the Ural craftsmen, reflecting the colorfulness and originality of the old mining life, Bazhov at the same time puts in the tales general issues- about true morality, about spiritual beauty and dignity working man.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov wrote many interesting tales in which reality is closely intertwined with fiction. Reading his works, we plunge into the world of unusual and amazing. Acquaintance with the work of our writers is the basis and foundation for the formation of knowledge about the native land.

Problem: children do not have sufficient knowledge about culture and traditions Ural people and the work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov.

Causes of the problem:

1. The educational program provides for the inclusion of a regional component, but the content of the section "Fiction" does not allow within the framework of direct educational activities fully acquaint with the works of the Ural storyteller.

2. Modern society builds his life in the light of the latest resources and information, sometimes forgetting that the past and future of mankind are connected. family education pays less and less attention to familiarizing children with the traditions and culture of their small homeland, including due to low level parental competence in this matter.

3. There is an information starvation in the field of propaganda and in the field of historical and cultural heritage, traditions of the native land.

Objective of the project: deepening knowledge about the culture and traditions of the Ural people through acquaintance with the works of the storyteller P. P. Bazhov.


    to form ideas about the Ural storyteller P. Bazhov, his tales, as part of the culture of the Ural people;

    teach parents the basics patriotic education preschoolers aimed at familiarization with cultural heritage native land;

    create conditions for expanding the social experience of preschoolers in the process of getting acquainted with the historical and cultural heritage and traditions of the Urals"

    develop Creative skills children through productive activities, stimulate the desire to create beautiful things with their own hands;

    to form a sense of pride in their native land;

Project type: creative, information and research.

Project type: family, group.

Project implementation timeline: June July.

Project participants: pupils of the preparatory group, groups, educators, parents, music. worker

Expected Result:

The knowledge of children in the field of creativity of the Ural writer was enriched; have an idea about the life of people in the Urals;

Actively interacts with the teacher and peers in various activities;

Expresses his opinion, retells episodes of works; enriched lexicon;

Manifests creative individuality and independence in productive activities;

Parents are active participants in the implementation of the project.

Project implementation

Stage 1. Preparatory.

To introduce the theme of the project to children and parents;

Conduct a consultation for parents "Patriotic education of preschoolers through the works of P. P. Bazhov"

Organize an exhibition of books on the writer's work;
- Pick up proverbs, sayings about the native land and about work.

Stage 2 Basic.

Informative - research activities:

Conduct conversations with children: “How did people live in the Urals”, “Truth or fiction?”.

Examination of illustrations for the tales of P.P. Bazhov.

Presentation "Wealth of the Urals".

Communication activities:

Reading the tales of P.P. Bazhov, retelling of episodes.

Reading and discussion of proverbs and sayings about work, about the Motherland.

Telling poems about the native land.

Productive activity:

-"Lizard". Unconventional Techniques drawing (illustration for the tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain");
-Illustration for the tale "Silver Hoof". Non-traditional application techniques (teamwork).

Making a stone flower (plasticine, pebbles, pine nuts).

Musically artistic activity:

Learning on musical lesson:

Round dance "Uralsky";

The song "Native land".

Stage 3. Final .

Public event"Wealth of the Urals";

Exhibition children's creativity according to Bazhov;

Final lesson "Good storyteller P. P. Bazhov"

Design of the book “Wise Tales of P.P. Bazhov"

(children's drawings based on fairy tales, made together with parents)


At preschool age, such character traits begin to develop that form the basis of moral and patriotic education: diligence, mercy, humanity, etc. The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is surprised at, what evokes a response in his soul. And although many impressions are not deeply realized by him, but passed through children's perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

Childhood- the age of an inquisitive mind and vivid impressions, and we have the potential for the formation of social feelings, moral, patriotic. Patriotism, citizenship as personality traits are a deep spring that nourishes vitality of a person, colors actions, affects the worldview, social qualities of a person.

Completed by: Filipova E.V., teacher, 1 quarter. categories Yekaterinburg 2018 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten compensating type No. 49


“Where else can you find love for the motherland and loyalty to the common will, if not from the people themselves?”

Maximilian Robespierre

The formation of a person, the development of his personality occurs only if there are people like him around him - a society that includes not only the immediate environment of the child and the specialists interacting with them, but, most importantly, his peers. That is why we, adults, must make sure that all aspects of life are available to every growing person. And even more so it is necessary for children with special health abilities.

For special children, contacts with the outside world are limited, so the process of their social rehabilitation is difficult. At the same time, this process essentially depends on the norms that are accepted in the social environment of the child, on the requirements imposed by this environment on him. It is these norms and requirements that ensure the formation of his personality.

Children with special health abilities have access to a feeling of love for their hometown, native nature, his homeland. This is the beginning of patriotism, which is born in knowledge, and is formed in the process of purposeful education.

The stories of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov are a treasure of Russian literature.

Pavel Petrovich, with his tales, opened to the world the Ural way of life, legends and the language of the people. In his tales, the life and work of the Ural masters: lapidaries, stone cutters, prospectors are intertwined with fictional, fantastic heroes: The Mistress of the Copper Mountain, the Blue Snake. The readers are presented with the inexhaustible riches of the Ural land: the unique, peculiar beauty of the region with its wooded "emerald-malachite" mountains, deep and transparent, "like rock crystal" , lakes, "ruby berries" mountain ash and industrious people are beautiful as "gem stones" . We decided to help children understand and love Ural tales, to introduce children of senior preschool age with special health opportunities to the culture of their small Motherland.

View, type of project: long-term, creative pedagogical, artistic and visual, speech.

Project duration: Two weeks.

Project date: from 29.01.2018 to 09.02.2018

Purpose: To promote the formation of interest in the tales of P.P. Bazhov.


Correctional and educational:

Introduce children to the works of P.P. Bazhov;

To teach children to perceive the text by ear based on illustrations, to convey their empathy to the characters in speech;

To form primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relations of objects of the surrounding world (form, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and effects, etc.), O small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as common house people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world;

Familiarize with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature.


Develop all kinds of children's activities (playing, cognitive research (research of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them), as well as perception fiction and folklore, self-service and elementary household work (indoor and outdoor), construction from different material, including constructors, modules, paper, natural and other materials, pictorial (drawing, modeling, application), musical (perception and understanding of the meaning musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, games for children musical instruments) and motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of child activity) in the process of acquaintance of preschoolers with the works of P.P. Bazhov;

Develop social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, form readiness for joint activities with peers, form respectful relationships and feelings of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization;

Develop the perception of music, fiction, folklore;

To develop in children moral and aesthetic feelings in communication with nature.

Correctional and educational:

Encourage children to explain and discuss the actions of literary characters;

Stimulate empathy for the characters of works of art;

To educate children in the skills of cooperation with peers and adults in the process of joint activities;

To develop the ability to participate in the performance of collective artistic and visual (labor) skills;

Cultivate love for native land;

Cultivate a sustained interest in various types artistic activity.

Project participants:

Children 6-7 years old;

Teachers: educator, teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist, instructor physical education, music director, junior educator;

Parents of pupils.

Working with parents:

Involve parents in joint creativity within the framework of the project "Ural storyteller - Pavel Petrovich Bazhov" ;

Increasing parental competence in the process of introducing children to children's literature;

Consultation "Books" Tales " P.P. Bazhov for home reading.

Printed information (memo) "Pavel Petrovich Bazhov for children" . (See Appendix 1).

Venue: MBDOU - kindergarten of compensatory type No. 49.

Expected result from the implementation of the project:

Formation in children of interest in the tales of P.P. Bazhov;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the disclosure of the creative abilities of preschoolers;

Parents' awareness of the significance of the works of P.P. Bazhov in the upbringing of preschool children;

Expansion of interaction between the preschool institution and the family.

Educational and methodical set:

Programs for special preschool institutions. Education and training of mentally retarded children of preschool age. /Authors: Gavrilushkina O.P., Sokolova N.D. Min. Enlightenment of the USSR. M.: Education, 1991;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 Moscow "On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education» ;

WORKING PROGRAMM (module) on the development of children of the 7th year of life (preparatory group) basic general educational program- an adapted educational program for preschool education of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution- Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 49 in the compensatory group for children with mild mental retardation;

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. SanPiN 2.4. 1. 2660 - 10.

Attributes for dramatization: Sundress, kosovorotka, frock coat, kokoshnik, cap, etc. P.

Illustrations for works:

Nazarenko Galina. Illustrations for the tales of P.P. Bazhov: Portrait of P.P. Bazhov, "Last Autumn" , "Natal Gavrilovich" (to the tale "Tayutkino Mirror" ) , "Sadyk and Vakhonya" (to the tale "Sun Stone" ) , "Danilka Nedokormysh" (to the tale "Stone Flower" ) , "Dedo, tell me about the goat..." (to the tale "Silver Hoof" ) , "Jump" (to the tale "Fireworm - Poskakushka" ) , "Tanyushka" (to the tale "Malachite Box" ) ,

Tales of P.P. Bazhov in drawings by V. Nazaruk

Audio recordings:

Fragile twig The tale is read by P. Vishnyakova and K. Rumyanova.,

Silver Hoof Y. Medvedev,

Eagle feather B. Nikiforov


Visual: Portrait of P.P. Bazhov; photographs: houses, monuments; signal cards with the position of the articulatory apparatus; pictures of the Ural nature (Vereshchagin P.P. "Pictures of Chusova" ; Dobrov A.V. "Photos of the park" Deer streams " »; Shcheglov D.S. Series of paintings "Nature of the Urals" ) ; rug with signal images; symbol cards with the image of objects; cards with the image of the subject, color; small items; houseplants; signal cards indicating actions to care for the plant; paintings depicting the heroes of fairy tales; texts for theatrical performances; symbol cards with different animals; danger cards;


P.Bazhov. "Tales" Sverdlovsk, Middle Ural book publishing house, 1978 192 pp.

Bazhov P.P. "Malachite Box" /P. Bazhov; illustrator Lyakhovich - M .: Eksmo, 2012 - 592 p.

"Silver Hoof" P.P. Bazhov. Series: School Libraries. a Publishing house: Omega 2016

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain" P.P. Bazhov. Series: Classics for children. Publisher: Dragonfly-press 2007

"Stone Flower" P.P. Bazhov. Series: Favorite fairy tales. Publisher: Rosmen 2015


A. Frindländer score "Mountain Tale"

I. Keller - music for the ballet "Stone Flower"

K. Molchanov - opera composition "Stone Flower"

Ballet "Stone Flower" S. Prokofieva

Prokofiev, together with his wife and choreographer L. Lavrovsky, wrote a libretto based on five tales ("Malachite Box" , "Mountain Master" , "Stone Flower" , "Kazakhchikov's soles" And "Rapid Fire" ) .

ballet "The Tale of the Stone Flower" ,

Evgeniy Shchekalev - to the Rusichi Ensemble - Suite based on the tales of the PPB "Rapid Fire"


"Silver Hoof" 1977

"Malachite Box" 1972

"Golden Hair" 2007

"Rapid Fire" 1979

Equipment: TCO: tape recorder, TV; Tools for visual activity: white and colored paper, white and colored cardboard, colored pencils and felt-tip pens, brushes for coloring, brushes for glue, scissors, napkins for soaking, work napkins, non-spills, glue, cups for glue; Decorative material: rhinestones, sequins, beads, etc.; Sports modules - obstacles; maze; Tactile constructor; Ledyanka, multi-colored balls for throwing.

Long-term planning of work on the project:

Project “Following the pages of P. P. Bazhov’s tales”

Relevance of the project implementation:

Homeland ...... Everyone has their own. For someone it whole country, for someone this is a sweet corner of his heart, his hometown. And no matter how long a person lives on earth, there is only one homeland for him. The upbringing of patriotic feelings is the task of every parent, educator, and teacher. You need to start small - with love for your native city, edge. The Ural region is rich in its history, its secrets, its masters and craftsmen. Yes, our region is famous for its writers and storytellers. It is they who tell in their works about the life of our region, about its features and traditions. Acquaintance with the work of our writers is the basis and foundation for the formation of knowledge about the native land. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov wrote many interesting tales in which reality is closely intertwined with fiction. He told us about the life and life of the inhabitants ancient Ural. Reading his works, we plunge into the world of unusual, amazing. The developed project “Following the pages of P. P. Bazhov’s tales” gives children the opportunity to get acquainted with Kokovanya and the magic goat, with Podarenka and her cat.
Target: formation moral values in preschool children through acquaintance with the work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov.
- to acquaint children with the work of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhov;
- to form a sense of pride in their native land;
- to develop the creative abilities of children;
- involve parents in cooperation;
- to interest children in participation in competitions.
Project author: educator: Ostanina Victoria Alexandrovna
Project type: creative, information and research.
Project type: family, group.
children do not have sufficient knowledge about the work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov.

Expected results:

expanding the horizons of children in the field of knowledge of the creativity of the Ural writers, developing the creative abilities of children, involving parents and children in joint activities, establishing trust and partnerships with them.
Location: MDOUDS No. 53 "Silver Hoof".
Dates: 2nd week of February.
Working mode: outside of work.
Number of project participants: 2 educators: Ostanina V.A., Pepelyaeva A.Yu., children - 17 people, parents - 23 people.
Children's age: 4-5 years.

Conduct form:

Game activities, conversations, an exhibition of books and illustrations “Through the pages of P. P. Bazhov’s tales” (joint activities of parents, children and educators), making applications “Illustrations for the tale “Silver Hoof” (collective work), making works for participation in the city competition "Ural Demidov and Stroganov" (joint work of the educator and children).

Material and equipment:

Books by P. P. Bazhov, illustrations for the stories of P. P. Bazhov, “malachite” box, demonstration set “Stones of the Urals”, colored paper, glue - pencil, gouache, brushes, drawing paper, cardboard, beads, PVA glue.

Acquaintance of children and parents with the theme of the project. Explanation of its value and significance for children. Involving parents in the design of the exhibition in a group dedicated to the work of the writer.

Educator: Guys, tell me, what is the name of our kindergarten?
Children's answers.
Educator: Right. Our kindergarten is called "Silver Hoof". Do any of you guys know why it's called that. Where did this name come from?
Children's answers.
Educator: This name came to us from the tales of the Ural storyteller Pyotr Petrovich Bazhov. He wrote many interesting tales about our land, about the Urals. It was in his work that a magical goat lived, whose name was the Silver Hoof. Let's read this tale so that everyone understands what it is about. (The teacher reads to the children the tale "Silver Hoof")
After reading the story, the children answer the following questions:
- Who are the main characters of the story?
- Who do you like the most. Why?
- Should I have caught the Silver Hoof?
Does such a goat really exist?

Organization of project activities.
3.1. Artistic and speech activity.
Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children in the field of creativity of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov, to cultivate love and respect for their native land, to teach to listen carefully, to develop speech and memory.
Reading the tales of P. P. Bazhov.
Conversation: “How people lived in the Urals”, “Truth or fiction?”, “Ural professions”.
Reading proverbs and sayings about people's lives, about their native land.
Musical and theatrical activity.
Purpose: to teach to listen and hear music, to perform movements to the beat of the music, to follow the task received, to try to show the given hero with facial expressions and gestures, to convey his character, to skillfully enter the role of heroes of fairy tales.

3.2. Artistic and aesthetic activity.
Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children in the process of joint activities, to teach them to be careful when working with paper and glue, to continue to learn to draw with gouache.
Application from torn paper "Illustrations for the tale" Silver Hoof ";
Production of works for the competition "Ural Demidov and Stroganov", nomination "Secrets and legends of the Ancient Urals".
3.3. Exhibition of books and illustrations "Pavel Petrovich Bazhov and his tales"
Purpose: to draw attention to the work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov, to involve parents in joint activities with kids.

Stage 4. Project product.

4.1. Collective work“Illustrations for the tale of P.P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"
4.2. Exhibition of books and illustrations in the group "Pavel Petrovich Bazhov and his tales".
4.3. Production of works for the participation of children in the competition "Ural Demidov and Stroganov", nomination "Secrets and legends of the Ancient Urals"

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