Program on the subject "Solfeggio" for students of the preparatory group of children's music schools. On musical education and preparatory group for school


During the seventh year of life, further development nervous activity child. This creates opportunities for the organization educational process with children 6-7 years old in more complex forms. The perception of music becomes purposeful, arbitrary memorization and education develops.

Children improve skills acquired in senior group. At the beginning of the year (almost the whole of September) there is a repetition of writing material. Gradually, thanks to the systematic movements to the music, they become more coordinated and accurate. Children master new types of movements: a side gallop, a polka step, a step with a footstep, elements of Russian dance different provisions arms: to the sides, folded on the chest, on the belt). Feeling the originality of the texture of musical works, children are able to convey the nature of music in movement: walk solemnly, festively; easy, smooth; run easily, rhythmically, rapidly and widely, PERFORM movements with and without objects (smoothly, energetically), walk in a line in folk dances and round dances, expressively reproduce various game images (a cheerful, funny parsley, a cowardly hare, an affectionate kitten, an evil WOLF and etc.).

The ability to navigate in space develops. By the end of the year, children should freely rebuild from a line to a circle, from small circles to a large one and vice versa, move diagonally from different angles hall, clearly perform snake walking, be able to find your place in games, etc.

In the preparatory group, more clearly and organized individual sessions. Children act with music, perceiving it through a tactile-vibrational and auditory analyzer. An individual task for a 6-7-year-old child already includes 4-6 movements to music.

Children develop greater endurance and the ability to wait for the appearance of music, to listen to its disappearance. This makes it possible to increase the duration of the pause between individual passages and parts of a piece of music.

When performing individual tasks with the fan turned off, a 7-year-old child can determine how many chords have been played, slam the simplest rhythmic pattern, determine dynamic shades (loud, quiet music).

The study of the "ringing alphabet" exercises also takes place in close contact with the teacher of the deaf, who first practices the pronunciation of this or that word with the child. With the musical director, he specifies the tempo of pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words and short phrases to the music.

While singing, breathing is more and more practiced, as children are able to sing longer phrases. Improving singing breathing leads to improved speech. The child's voice becomes louder and more expressive. Singing facilitates the work of developing lipreading skills. Watching the singing of a friend, the child trains to understand the oral speech of others. Children 6-7 years old should know the names of songs, games and dances.

By the end of the year, the volume of skills in the perception of music increases, which makes it possible to allow children to perform individual exercises in front of the kids. This technique gives good results: kids learn this exercise much faster than when shown by adults, while the elders experience great satisfaction - because they are in the role of teachers. In the process of such communication, children develop a need for music lessons and love. To him.

The duration of music lessons with children 6-7 years old is 35 minutes.

A musical lesson in a group preparatory to school includes:

1. Individual task (consists of 3-6 movements).

2. Listening to music with the task of recognizing and remembering the name.

3. Frontal task (consists of 2-3 exercises).

4. Exercise "ringing alphabet".

6. Song-game at the request of children.

7. Dance.

Sample summary classes in the preparatory group for school

Tasks. To consolidate the ability to perceive music through visual, tactile-vibrational and auditory analyzers. Teach children to recognize familiar works. Act in accordance with the nature of musical works. Work on the purity of the pronunciation of words in the songs "Drum", " yellow leaf”, emotionally convey the content of the songs. To teach the ability to rebuild from columns into two lines.

Preparing for the lesson. Musical director Works out all the material of the lesson with the teacher of the deaf and the teacher, coordinates with them the pace of singing the “ringing alphabet” exercise “Here is the drum”. Previously, the "Exercise with flags" is learned with two children. They

show this exercise to everyone. It speeds up execution individual task. On a walk, the teacher draws the attention of the children, as the leaves fall from the trees, and sings the song “Yellow Leaf” with them. In the hall, the music director arranges chairs along the wall, prepares two colored flags for each child and adult, a picture of a beetle, a drum, a hat, a wolf, signs “Exercise with flags”, “Music is cheerful”, “Music is sad”.

The course of the lesson Children, together with the deaf teacher and teacher, enter the hall one after another and line up. “Today I am the first,” says the child at the head of the line, and leads the children. Everyone sits on

First exercise(individual). “Exercise with flags” (see p. 183.) Vova, take two flags from the vase. Tanya, go listen to music,” the music director addresses the children (they know this exercise) and shows the sign “Exercise with flags”. The children say the name. After the children show the exercise, they pass the flags to others, everyone takes turns performing the task, standing with their backs to the instrument. Second task(frontal). "Beetles" (see p. 135). "Stand at the piano THE MUSIC DIRECTOR SAYS. Find out what I'm playing." Music is played *Beetles* Children recognize and sit down.

Third task. Exercise"Beetles". The music director shows a picture of a beetle and says, “You will be beetles. Listen to music". Children perform the exercise (lay down on the floor on their backs and move and move their legs “the bugs are floundering”),

fourth task,"Walking in different directions”(see p. 177). Children rise from the floor, walk one after another along the wall and sit down.

Fifth task. Exercise “Preparing for the Polka Step” (see p. 167). and the teacher of the deaf sit in front of the children and together with them rhythmically to the music. “Stand in a circle,” says the music director. Children in a circle perform a polka step to the music. With the end of the music, they stop and, at the request of the music director, "Go sit down" sit down.

The sixth task. Song "Drum" (see p. 292). "Let's sing. Here is the drum - the music director says and shows the drum, plays On him and passes it to the deaf teacher sitting in front of the children, then shows

"Music is fun" sign. The deaf teacher tells the children: “A funny song, the children go, sing, play the drum. There will be a holiday. The holiday is fun. Everyone shouts "hurrah!". Let's sing the song "Drum". Gives one child a drum and offers to play on it. The children sing standing up, the drummer stands in front of the children, he sings, turning his back to the music director, hits the drum for the chorus.

Seventh task. Song "Yellow Leaf" (see p. 294). The music director shows the sign "Music is sad." The teacher of the deaf speaks the text of the song to the children. This song is familiar to children, they sing it twice: once sitting, the other standing.

Eighth task. An exercise with flags for the October holiday (see p. 217). Adults distribute two flags to children, take flags for themselves. “Boys, stand in a column,” says the teacher of the deaf and stands in front of the column herself. “Girls, stand in a column,” the teacher addresses the girls and also stands in front of the column. The music director addresses everyone: "Listen to the music." Children perform the exercise once, following the actions of adults.

Ninth task. The game "Children and the Wolf" (see p. 198). Children are familiar with this game. Music director performs musical accompaniment game and offers to determine the nature of each part. “The wolf is running - the music is loud,” the child says. “The children are picking berries - the music is quiet.” The wolf is portrayed by a child, he is put on a hat. Adults play with children. The music director praises all the children for listening to music well and having fun playing. The children say goodbye and leave the room.




Music school is special educational institution, which, in its essence, is in many ways not similar to the general education that is familiar to everyone.

They also attend classes there, put marks, conduct lessons, exams, tests, but at the same time, music education is impossible without a creative component, the presence of certain abilities that are either given by nature or not.

The preparatory class of the music school is necessary to solve main task, which is the most relevant at this stage: weed out children who are simply not able to match even minimum criteria. Its main goal is always to identify truly gifted children from the general flow who will be able to successfully study in the future and achieve certain results in this area. In addition, studying at music school is always inextricably linked with the need to prepare for its general education program.

In any music school, each student throughout the entire period of study must study such disciplines as solfeggio and choral singing. Children are preparing for them. They take special preparatory courses, where they study musical notation, without which it is impossible to start mastering a musical instrument, as well as singing in a choir, which develops not only the student's voice, but also his sense of rhythm, tempo, and music.

Most often, only children under the age of 7 are admitted to the preparatory classes of music schools. Older children who are already in school and studying one of the obligatory disciplines there "music" in most cases have residual knowledge and skills to quickly navigate new area. On initial stage learning a musical instrument long time only the basics are included, for the development of which a minimum is required that is accessible to everyone.

After the end of the preparatory class, there is still no guarantee that the child will go to a music school. Before the beginning school year upon admission to grade 1, entrance exams are held, where, along with children who were trained in the preparatory class, there will be a competitive selection and those who did not attend it.

Every music school has a certain amount of places for which students are recruited in grade 1. Therefore, according to the results of entrance examinations, a strictly defined number of children is recruited. At the same time, applicants who were trained in the preparatory class participate in the selection for common grounds. But at the same time, in most cases, they still have a little more chance of admission.

Selection for grade 1 is carried out exclusively if the child has talent and abilities, but the preparatory class of a music school in many cases helps to reveal and identify them in children up to school age.

It makes sense to conduct this consultation at the beginning of the academic year, as part of the exit of specialists to parent meetings in groups.

Target : in an accessible, interesting way, providing information to parents about the benefits and importance of music education.

- in a correct, positive way general characteristics musical ability children of this group;

To tell about great interest children to music classes in the preschool;

Convince parents that children studying in music schools are intellectually and morally different from their peers, have an excellent opportunity to communicate with gifted children, can understand and appreciate works of art;

Provide information about the specifics of music schools and music studios Perm;

Briefly describe academic disciplines music school (solfeggio, musical instrument, musical literature, choir, orchestra);

Lead scientific facts improving speech in children of preschool and primary school age, through lessons on musical instruments (this information is very relevant today);

To focus, especially, parents of girls, on the fact that for their children music in the future can become a wonderful, wonderful profession;

To acquaint parents with the article “Ten reasons to send a child to a music school” by the vice-rector Russian Academy music to them. Gnessin, professor, doctor of art history, doctor psychological sciences D.K.Kirnarskaya (then place this information in the corner for parents).

Also at this meeting it would be appropriate to arrange a small concert for the children of the music school (students of grades 1-2).

Dear Parents! If at least one of the child's relatives has good voice and hearing, then the fact that the child is not deprived of musical data is quite natural. You can verify this by sending your child to a music school. Today it is much more prestigious to teach a child English, fast reading and writing than musical literacy, but music plays far from last role in the development of the child's personality. Perhaps the kid will like the choice of the instrument that you offer him, or maybe he himself has looked after himself a piano or violin. Often, children tend to imitate their idols, and if your child’s favorite actor in some movie is sitting in a black tailcoat at the piano and playing a beautiful melody, then the kid may like this instrument and ask you to teach him how to play it.

What will a child get in a music school? First of all, this musical literacy, aesthetic taste and the concept of beauty. Few children in early age understand the true meaning of the works of the classics, but they do their best to convey them to the listeners in their own way. The child learns to hear the subtlest changes in music, to understand its shades, in mood, and over time, he will learn to hear these changes in human speech - to notice the slightest changes in the mother’s intonation or the teacher’s unnoticeable displeasure. With the help of music, a child learns to communicate with people, to capture the mood of the interlocutor, his emotional condition. In addition, the influence of music on the development of the child is undeniable in the development of perseverance, patience, and systematic work.

However, it would be a delusion to think that if you send your child to a music school, he will immediately become diligent. Many children do not survive even a year at a music school, because they are bored there, they need to learn a lot of terms they do not understand, understand them, repeat the same melodies at home day after day. So if your baby opposes such teachings, do not scold him, because not everyone grows up. famous musicians, many musical education gives just another page of diversity in life, and nothing more. In any case, dear parents, it's up to you!

Expected Result

Parents, perhaps, will listen to the qualified advice of the music director and about 50% of them will take their children to study at music schools and studios in the city.


Ten reasons to send your child to a music school

Despite the fact that the child falsely yells songs of Cheburashka, and he has no hearing; despite the fact that there is nowhere to put the piano, and the grandmother cannot take the child “to music”; despite the fact that the child has no time at all - English, Spanish, swimming section, ballet and so on ...

There are good reasons to overcome all this and still teach music, and these reasons modern parents should know:

1. To play is to follow tradition. Music was taught to all aristocrats, Russian and European. Playing music is gloss, brilliance and chic, the apotheosis of secular manners. Duke

Ellington started playing the piano because there are always girls around the guy who plays. Well, around the playing girl? Attention parents of brides!

2. Music lessons bring up the will and discipline: you need to practice the instrument constantly, regularly and without interruptions. Winter and summer, weekdays and holidays. Almost with the same tenacity with which champions train in the gym and on the rink. But, unlike the heroes of sports, playing the piano, one cannot break either the neck, or the leg, or even the arm. Attention strict parents! Music is the education of character without the risk of injury: it's good that this is possible!

3. Making music, the child develops mathematical abilities. He thinks spatially, hitting the right keys, manipulates abstract sound figures, memorizing music text, and knows that musical piece as in a mathematical proof: neither subtract nor add! It is no coincidence that Albert Einstein played the violin, and Oxford professors of physics and mathematics make up 70% of the members of the university music club. Attention, far-sighted parents of future mathematicians and engineers! Making music is more pleasant than solving difficult problems from under a tutor's stick.

4. Music and language are twin brothers. They were born next to each other: first, the eldest - music; then the younger verbal speech, and in our brain they continue to live side by side.

Phrases and sentences, commas and periods, questions and exclamations are found both in music and in speech.

Those who play and sing speak and write better, remember it easier foreign words learn grammar faster. Music lovers-writers Turgenev and Stendhal, Boris Pasternak and Leo Tolstoy, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Romain Rolland, each of whom knew more than one foreign language, recommend music to all future polyglots. Attention, wise parents of future journalists and translators! In the beginning there was the Word, but before that there was the Sound.

5. Music is structural and hierarchical: major works break up into smaller parts, which in turn are divided into small themes and fragments, consisting of small phrases and motifs. The spontaneous understanding of the musical hierarchy makes it easier to understand the computer, which is also completely hierarchical and structural. Psychologists have proven that little musicians, students of the famous Shinichi Suzuki, even if not too successful in development musical ear and memory, but bypassed their peers in

2. the level of structural thinking. Attention, pragmatic parents of future IT engineers, system administrators and programmers! Music leads straight to the heights of computer science; it is no coincidence that Microsoft prefers employees with a musical background.

6. Music classes develop communication skills or, as they are called today, communication skills. Over the years of study, a child musician will get acquainted with the gallant and friendly Mozart, the ruffy and athletic Prokofiev, the wise and philosophical Bach and other very different musical personalities. When playing, he will have to reincarnate in them and convey to the public their character, manner of feeling, voice and gestures. Now there is one step left to the manager's talent. After all, perhaps the main thing for him is to understand people and, using his understanding, manage them. Attention, ambitious parents of the future founders of business empires! Music leads from heart to heart, and the most formidable weapon of a top manager is the disarming smile of a “good guy”.

7. Musicians are soft-hearted and courageous at the same time. According to psychologists, male musicians are sensual, like ladies, and female musicians are steadfast and firm in spirit, like men. Music softens morals, but in order to succeed in it, one must be courageous. Attention, far-sighted parents awaiting help and support in old age! Children who have studied music are sympathetic and patient at the same time, and therefore are more likely to give their elderly parents that same “glass of water”.

8. Music lessons teach you to "turn on on command." Musicians are less afraid of the terrible word deadline - the deadline for submitting work. At a music school, you can’t postpone the scale test and the cool concert until tomorrow or a week ahead. The position of an artist on stage teaches one to be as ready as possible "on order", and a child with such experience will not fail a serious exam, an interview when applying for a job, and a responsible report.

Attention anxious parents! Music lessons in childhood are the maximum endurance and artistry for life.

9. Music lessons bring up little "Caesars" who can do many things at once. Music helps to navigate in several simultaneous processes: for example, a pianist who reads from a sheet does several things at once - he remembers the past, looks to the future and controls the present. The music flows at its own pace, and the reader cannot stop, rest and take a breath. Similarly, an air traffic controller, computer operator or stockbroker monitors several screens and simultaneously listens and transmits information on several phones. Music teaches to think and live in several directions. Attention overworked and tired parents! It will be easier for a child musician than for you to run along several life paths and come first everywhere.

10. And finally, music is the best way to success in life. Why? See points 1-9.

It is no wonder that many celebrities have a musical background: Agatha Christie wrote her first story about why it is difficult for her to play the piano on stage; Condoleezza Rice, on the contrary, loves to play in public in her dazzling concert dress, and Bill Clinton is sure that without the saxophone he would never have become president.

Look at successful people in any field, ask if they were not engaged in music in childhood, even if only for a short time, even if without much zeal? Of course they did. And we have 10 reasons to follow their inspiring example.__

Irina Belan
The role of music lessons in preparing children for school

« The role of music lessons in preparing children for school»

IN modern conditions problem of art aesthetic education, education and development children is one of the central tasks in preschool pedagogy. Art and artistic activity have a profound emotional impact on inner world child, transform him, form in him the qualities necessary for further full life, active socialization and creative self-realization, thinking is improved, the child becomes sensitive to beauty in art and life. musical development in kindergarten is an organized pedagogical process aimed at educating musical culture, development children's musical ability with the aim of becoming creative personality child. Preparing children for school- one of the main tasks of raising a child of six years. We as teachers face the task of forming a comprehensively developed personality. Significant role in solving this problem, art is assigned, in particular music. Bright works of art, influencing aesthetic perception, become a source and means of upbringing and development of the child, including mental. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: « Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical upbringing is impossible for the full mental development of the child. primary source music is not only the world, but also the man himself, his spiritual world, thinking and speech. The attention of the child, as it were, focuses on objects and phenomena that, in a new light, she opened before them. music and his thought draws bright picture; this picture begs for a word.

IN preparatory group introduce children to musical culture we continue to educate artistic taste, conscious attitude to the domestic musical heritage and modern music.

When analyzing musical works, we teach to clearly express our feelings, thoughts, we contribute to the development of thinking, fantasy, memory, hearing.

In chapter "Hearing music» children are given the opportunity to learn how the same phenomenon is reflected in different types art: painting, literature. great attention we devote to the development of a dictionary of aesthetic emotions - the child learns to select the exact words to characterize piece of music. Music develops the child mentally. Dictionary children enriched with figurative words and expressions characterizing moods, feelings conveyed in music. Musical repertoire , used for listening allows you to broaden your horizons children, stock musical impressions gives children versatile knowledge about the environment.

At preparatory children group, the desire to perform a song, dance, show creativity, the desire to express their opinion about what they heard becomes more vivid. Between music and speech have much in common. musical sounds , as well as speech, are perceived by the ear. Attention draws while singing children on lip activity, clear pronunciation of consonants at the end of a word; we develop diction with the help of special exercises: jokes - jokes, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters.

In working with children, we introduce visual modeling for effective assimilation of the material. On their basis, developed didactic games "Loud quiet", "Fast slow" and others. Apart from music and movements, children familiarize yourself with the characteristics of oral speeches: voice coloring, facial expressions, gestures. Integral part mental development children is the development and improvement of children thought processes, elements logical thinking. Activation mental activity is achieved by the fact that each time I offer children a more complex exercise: another difficult version of the same task, another game situation, new musical composition . Expanding Knowledge preschoolers, developing their ability to think logically, I do not lose sight of such an important task of mental education as the development of speech. presenter role in the development of speech belongs to the song. Music attracts children to the speech basis, makes you listen and think about the content of the song.

Invaluable assistance in solving problems of mental education is provided by musically- didactic games and exercises, the game form of which facilitates the process of cognition, makes it conscious, allows you to ensure the mental activity of each child. Didactic tasks at each subsequent class modify, complicate, create feasible difficulties, which allows children to look for new ways to achieve the goal, activates them.

Great place in mental education and development children belong musically- rhythmic activity. Selecting games, dances, round dances, exercises and creative tasks I take into account, first of all, the methods and techniques of working on specific material. Work on all kinds musically- rhythmic movements begin with perception music, with her analysis by children. When working with children preparatory group use"finger games"- they are original and interesting in that they are a miniature theater where the actors are fingers. Finger games develop fine motor skills of hands, muscular apparatus, tactile sensitivity, increase the overall level of organization of the child's thinking. These games are very emotional, they can be played both in kindergarten and at home. They are fun and encourage language development. creative activity. By using « finger games» You can prepare your child for both writing and reading at the same time. On classes teach children convey their emotional experiences through movement. Conscious movement will allow you to more deeply perceive music and more expressively convey the emotional state that causes musical composition. expressive Speaking closely related to movements (gestures, musical intonation , thus becomes "bridge", which links movement and music.

As a result of systematic work on mental education children in progress musical activity in the classroom and in Everyday life children acquire the skill of active independent actions.

Music lessons, holiday matinees cause children special interest , and these forms musical activities help to see mental activity children, search qualities, creativity in their actions cognitive interest, working capacity, independence, and in general - readiness for learning activities V school.

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"In the park musical riddles» (in the preparatory group for school)

Author: Garipova Zulfiya Raisovna, music director, MBDOU No. 13 "Ryabinka", the city of Aznakayevo, Republic of Tatarstan.
Description: abstract music lesson. This development will be of interest to preschool teachers.

Target: Develop Creative skills children in all kinds of musical activities.
Instill a love for music in children.


- to consolidate the knowledge of children about winter, through listening to music, singing.
- enrich lexicon, to teach children to express their feelings, thoughts about the listened work.
- exercise children in distinguishing rhythmic patterns.
- to develop in children a sense of rhythm and hearing.
-form singing voice.
- develop creative abilities: fantasy, imagination.
- develop memory, attention, thinking.
- educate love and interest in music.
- educate independence, activity, benevolent attitude towards each other.
- make children want to listen instrumental music.

Methods and techniques:
Verbal: questions, verbal explanation.
Visual: showing illustrations, a portrait of the composer.
Practical: musical games, creative tasks.

Preliminary work:
- talk about winter changes in nature
-consideration of illustrations with a winter landscape.
- learning songs, games, poems on a winter theme.
Equipment: paintings of winter, portrait of A. Vivaldi, small and large snowflakes, illustration of a violin, notes cut out of cardboard, musical instruments: bells, triangles for each child, sultans for each child.
-Organizing time

Exercise "Sled"
- songwriting "Sing your name"
-listening to "Winter" by A. Vivaldi from the cycle of the seasons
- chanting "Snowstorm"
- musical game "Tap the rhythm"
- singing "Under New Year» Zarnitskaya, Shumlin.
- music. rhythm. movement "Dance of snowflakes"
- the result of the lesson

Course progress.

Musical director: Hello guys. Guys I am very glad to see you in music hall. I see you today good mood and I want to invite you to the park of musical mysteries. In the magical park, for the correct answers you will receive magical notes.
Musical director: Guys, what season is it now?
Children: Winter.
Musical director: That's right, winter came, fell out White snow, all around snowdrifts. How can we guys get to the park faster?
Children: Skiing, ice skating, car, sledding.
Musical director: That’s right, the guys can get there in different ways, but today we’ll go on the “sleigh”. Guys, look at how to make the sled correctly (we show it together with the teacher). The boys stretch their arms back, and the girls hold on to them. This is how sleds are made. We keep the back straight, the heads are raised.

Exercise: "Sled"

Musical director: We change the direction of movement along the cotton, the girls will take it further. (Perform the exercise to the music).
Musical director: So we got to the park. But you can enter the park only through these magical gates. Guys, what do you think we should do to get through.
Children: Sing a song, dance, recite a poem.
Musical director: There is a magic note here, now I will drop in and read the task. "Guys, sing your beautiful names and the magic gates will let you through.

Songwriting "Sing your name"

: To develop the creative abilities of children, the ability to improvise.
(the guys sing names and go through the gate).
Musical director: And now sit down on the chairs, rest from the road. All sat comfortably.
Musical director: Oh, guys, here is another magical note. Let's see what it says?
“Dear guys, we are glad to see you in the park, but sitting on the chairs, we invite you to listen to a piece of music, determine its character.
Musical director: Guys, let's listen to a piece of music foreign composer Antonio Vivaldi from the cycle of the seasons - "Winter". Listen carefully, you can close your eyes to concentrate. And then tell me your impressions that you presented when you listened to this work.

Listening: "Winter" by A. Vivaldi

: To develop the ability to determine the character, means of musical expression.
Musical director: Guys, what kind of winter did the composer want to portray in his work?
Children: harsh ......
Musical director: At first, we heard even jerky chords - probably the composer depicted sharp gusts of wind that sweeps snow. Nature seems to be bound by a cold. Guys, what was the nature of the music?
Children: Excited, anxious, restless, formidable, blizzard.
Musical director: Guys, you correctly identified the character, but what do you think this work was performed by one instrument or many?
Children: Lots of tools.
Musical director: Right, but what is the name of the simultaneous sounding of several instruments?
Children: Orchestra.
Musical director: Well done! what instrument was the soloist? (if they don't guess, I guess a riddle)
Smooth bow movements
Thrill the strings
The motive sounds from afar
Sings about the lunar wind
How clear is the overflow of sounds
They have joy and smiles
Sounds dreamy tune
He is played by ……….
Children: violin.
Musical director: Guys, a cold wind blew, a blizzard roared. Imagine how the wind howls?
Children - wow
Musical director: Guys, everyone got up, now let's remember together how to stand correctly while singing.
If you want to sing standing up
Don't turn your head
Get up nice, pull yourself up
And calmly smile
Once! Inhale! And sang
The sound flew like a bird
Arms, shoulders - everything is free
Sing nice and comfortable.

Chanting: "Snowstorm".

Musical director: Another note flew with the wind, now let's see what's on it. Guys here are snowflakes. We are invited to play musical game"Clap the rhythm." Be careful, big snowflakes will be long sounds, and small ones .......

Musical and didactic game "Slap the rhythm."

develop rhythmic awareness.
Musical director: And now a musical riddle. (An excerpt of the song sounds). What is the name of this song?
Children: New Year's Eve.
Musical director: What is the nature of this song?
Children - Cheerful, joyful, perky.
Musical director: Now we will be artists and sing together, fun this song.

Singing "Under the New Year".

work on the purity of intonation, articulation.
Music Director: The last note invites us to the dance floor. There are snowdrifts everywhere, so let's go to the site at a walk.
We're walking on snowdrifts
Through steep snowdrifts
Raise your leg up
Pave the way for others.
Musical director: How nice to look at the falling snowflakes. As if they are performing their dance, spinning in the air. So I suggest the girls turn into a snowball for a while. And let each of you come up with and perform your own dance, take the sultans.
In the meantime, the girls are getting ready to dance, the boys should take musical instruments. And what instruments are more suitable for the dance of snowflakes. (if the boys find it difficult to answer by guessing a riddle).
He sits under the hat
Do not disturb him - silent
Just gotta take it in hand
And rock a little
A call will be heard
Ding dong dong.
We will accompany the girls with you.

The dance of the snowflakes.

Musical director: Well done boys! You have completed the task. This is the end of our trip to the park. Now remember what we did in the park?
Guys, look, almost everyone got magical notes. Those guys who do not have notes, do not be discouraged. In the next classes, you will be more active and also get notes. It's time for us to go back, let's say goodbye

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