"Cactus" graphic technique M. Panfilova Test



5 "Cactus" graphic technique M.A. Panfilova The goal is to identify the state of the emotional sphere of the child, to identify the presence of aggression, its direction and intensity. Instruction. On a sheet of paper (A4 format) draw a cactus, just the way you imagine it! Questions and additional explanations are not allowed. The child is given as much time as he needs. At the end of the drawing, a conversation is held with the child. You can ask questions, the answers to which will help clarify the interpretation: 1. Is the cactus domestic or wild? 2. Can you touch it? Does he wiggle a lot? 3. Does the cactus like to be looked after: watered, fertilized? 4. Does the cactus grow alone or with some kind of plant in the neighborhood? If it grows with a neighbor, then what kind of plant is it? 6. When the cactus grows, what will change in it? Processing of results and interpretation: When processing the results, data corresponding to all graphic methods are taken into account, namely: - spatial position - size of the drawing - characteristics of lines - pressure force on the pencil Aggression - the presence of needles, especially their large number. Strongly protruding, long, closely spaced needles reflect a high degree of aggressiveness. Impulsiveness - jerky lines, strong pressure Egocentrism, desire for leadership - a large drawing, in the center of the sheet Dependence, uncertainty - small drawings at the bottom of the sheet Demonstrativeness, openness - the presence of protruding processes, unusual shapes Stealth, caution - the location of zigzags along the contour or inside the cactus Optimism - usage bright colors, image of "joyful" cacti Anxiety - use dark colors, the predominance of internal shading, dashed lines Femininity - the presence of decorations, flowers, soft lines, shapes Extroversion - the presence of other cacti, flowers Introversion - only one cactus is depicted The desire for home protection, a sense of family community - the presence of a flower pot, the image of a domestic cactus The desire for loneliness - depicts a wild cactus, a desert cactus.

6 STUDYING SCHOOL ANXIETY OF STUDENTS primary school C / K / OU Instruction. Now you will make up stories from pictures. My pictures are not quite normal. Look, everyone - both adults and children - are drawn without faces. (Picture 1 is presented. Option "A" - for girls, Option "B" - for boys) This was done on purpose in order to make it more interesting to come up with. I will show you pictures, there are only 12 of them, and you have to figure out what the mood of the boy (girl) in the picture is and why he is in such a mood. You know that the mood is reflected in our face. When we have good mood, our face is cheerful, joyful, happy, and when it’s bad, it’s sad, sad. I will show you a picture, and you will tell me what kind of face the boy (girl) has - cheerful, sad or something else, and explain why he has such a face. PICTURES ARE DISPLAYING.

10 By conducting a qualitative analysis of children's responses, one can detect not only school anxiety, but also various indicators of school maladaptation. Indicators of maladaptation can be: a general negative attitude towards school; unwillingness of the child to study and attend school; problematic, conflicting relationships with classmates and the teacher; setting to receive bad grades, condemnation from parents, fear of punishment, etc. Thus, the method of studying school anxiety can also be used to study the general adaptation of the child to school. The authors of this technique suggest not interpreting picture 1, since it is a training one, and picture 12, which is designed to ensure that the child completes the task with a positive answer. In our study, we took into account the children's answers to all the pictures. First of all, because the first picture is a kind of diagnosis of intra-family relations. Secondly, because the students' responses to picture 12 were not always positive. Moreover, many children misunderstood the meaning of this picture and interpreted it in their own way, in connection with this, the answers of the children were completely different. We also believe that it is impossible to determine the level of school anxiety by the number of negative answers of the child, because these answers do not always indicate anxiety. For example, picture 8 (the child is doing homework). In our opinion, answers such as "he is sad because the TV is broken", "he is sad because he is alone and bored" are not indicators of school anxiety. We refer them to the group of neutral responses, which do not provide any data on the presence or absence of school anxiety in the child. But such answers provide an opportunity to get Additional information about the child, about his hobbies, desires, needs, interests. However, it also happens the other way around: positive answers “he is cheerful because he is at home, and the rest of the guys go to school”, “he is cheerful because the lesson is over and you can play during the break”, “he is cheerful because no lessons were given” also should not be considered as the absence of school anxiety in a child. Rather, on the contrary, the topic of the school causes anxiety in the child and, perhaps, he tries in every possible way to get around it. In addition, such responses are indicators of a violation of the child's adaptation. If he does not want to study, it is hard for him, he wants to relax and play, then he is not ready to study at school, and gradually appearing learning difficulties can subsequently cause school anxiety and maladaptation. Picture 1. This picture can be used to analyze the relationship between parents and children: how close are these relationships; what unites this family; whether parents show love and care towards their child, or do not pay any attention to him. Many children give a positive interpretation to this picture: "the boy is happy because

11 that he is going for a walk with mom and dad", "the girl is in a cheerful mood, as mom and dad are going to buy her a birthday present", "they are in a good mood, dad and mom go to work, and the girl goes to school". Such answers are estimated at 1. School anxiety can be observed in the answers: "he has sad mood, he doesn't want to go to school", "mom and dad force him to go to school, he doesn't want to". These answers are worth 0 points. Picture 2. This picture is an interpretation learning motivation child: whether he wants to go to school or not. Answers that speak of high motivation, desire to learn, go to school: "the mood is cheerful, in goes to school, wants to study", "joyfully goes to school", "she likes to go to school", "she has Bad mood, she is ill and cannot go to school" are estimated at 1 point. Answers of children in whom school anxiety occurs are evaluated at 0 points: "he is sad, he does not want to go to school", "does not want to go to school, it is not interesting there "," I'm leaving school, I don't want to study. "These answers are not only indicators of anxiety, but also clear signs of school maladjustment. A number of neutral answers also stand out:" the mood is bad, his mother calls home, and he wants to go for a walk, "" someone offended her, they don't want to be friends with her", "the mood is good, she is talking to her mother", "looks up and counts". These answers are evaluated as follows: if the answer is positive, 1 point is given, if the answer is negative - 0 points Picture 3. This picture diagnoses the relationship between children - whether the child knows how to communicate, establish contact with classmates.Since the picture shows the children playing, almost all the students' answers were positive: "he plays, he has fun", "he runs", "he scores a goal - 1 point. Negative responses such as "he's sad, he couldn't catch the ball" are not indicators of anxiety. In this case, 0 points are given for the answers: “she is sad because no one wants to play with her, be friends with her”, “the boy is standing aside, he is afraid to approach the guys”, “she is having fun, she does not want to study, but wants all day to play", "the mood is sad, three against one is impossible." Picture 4. The woman drawn in this picture is most often presented to children as a mother, and not as a teacher. Therefore, the following positive answers were: “walks with mom”, “mom praises him”, “mom pulls her arms to hug her” - 1 point. The negative answers were divided into two groups. The first group - answers in which school anxiety is observed: "mom scolds, did the wrong homework", "studyed poorly, mom scolds", "mom scolds for not getting an A", "mom scolds for not going to school went, doesn't want", "she doesn't want to go to school" are scored 0 points. The second group - neutral answers: "mom scolds, she went far from home", "mom scolds for spilling water", "mom scolds for dropping a flower", "aunt scolds him", they are rated as positive . Picture 5. The image in this picture is not always perceived by children as learning situation. As in the previous picture, some students associate the teacher with their mother. Therefore, answers that are not related to the teacher and to the learning situation can be considered neutral and rated at 1 point. These are the following answers: “mom says “let’s go home”, but he doesn’t want to”, “they came to visit her, she is happy”, “mom asks to do something”, “mom gives money to go to the store”. However, school anxiety could be detected in some of the children's responses. “The teacher asks: “Where is your briefcase?” - and scolds him”, “the teacher scolds her, she studied poorly”, “the mood is cheerful, she indulges”, “he is in a good mood, the teacher does not scold him”, “he feels good, he stands first, and the last boy can go crazy", "he was offended by the teacher, he scolds him." These responses are worth 0 points. Answers that are estimated at 1 point: "the teacher calls the children to her", "she has fun, she talks to the teacher", "they study", "they want to study well". Karinka 6. This picture shows a specific learning situation, so the children had no problems understanding its meaning. By using given image it is possible to identify the manifestation of school anxiety in the situation at the lesson. Positive answers, which are estimated at 1 point: "they want to study well", "he reads a lot", "sits well at his desk", "he is at school, he studies everything", "she sits in class". Negative answers, in which the child’s unwillingness to learn, bad mood, fear, are observed, are rated as 0

12 points: “she is studying, it is difficult for her”, “she is in a bad mood, she wrote the wrong thing”, “the mood is wrong, she holds her hands at her desk incorrectly”, “does not know what to write”, “does not want to study”, “mood bad, tired. Picture 7. The picture shows a teacher, several children are standing at her table, and one child is standing to the side, in the corner of the room. Most children with low adaptation talk about this child and give the appropriate answers: "he is standing in the corner , the teacher punished, he did something", "she is standing in the corner, she tore the teacher's sheets", "the teacher put him in the corner because he wrote incorrectly", "everyone is reading, and he is standing in the corner, calling names "," they put him in a corner for not obeying. " Such answers are a sign of possible maladaptation and a violation of the child's behavior. They are rated at 0 points, as well as the answers of children with school anxiety: "the mood is bad, she does not want to give work because she wrote poorly", "she is afraid, they can give her a "deuce", "one girl was given a book, but she was not." The positive answers of the children look like this: “he is talking to the teacher”, “the teacher praised him”, “they are given grades”, “the teacher checks the lessons and praises”, “she received “5” - 1 point. The rest of the answers are not related to the educational Picture 8. In this case, it is easy to recognize answers that contain school anxiety and low motivation for learning: "she does not want to study", "his mother forces him to do homework", "she is sad, she can put "2", "she could not do her homework." For such an answer, 0 points are given. Children with no anxiety gave the following answers: “he writes, he likes it”, “she did her homework on “5”, “he sits, studies”, “he is in a good mood, he reads”, “he studies at home”, “mood good, she does her homework" - 1 point. Some children gave answers not related to educational activities, they cannot be used to judge the presence of anxiety and adaptation of the child at school: "she draws at home", "the mood is cheerful, because the day off", " watching TV", "she is sad, she is at home alone", "watching cartoons", "he is alone and he is bored", "he is sad, the TV does not work". These answers are neutral and are also evaluated. Picture 9. Here also great importance knows which child (standing aside or talking) the student will begin to tell. This picture helps to identify the child's problems in relationships with classmates, the fear of quarreling, quarreling, fighting with the guys, the fear that no one will be friends with him, play and talk. Children with similar fears gave the following answers: “no one communicates with him, he is a loser”, “they swear, fight, someone took the ball away”, “they don’t play with her”, “they didn’t give her chocolate, they didn’t share it with her” , "classmates turned away from her", "girls kicked her out of the game", "he was offended", "no one plays with him and is not friends." These answers are rated at 0 points, since fear is the first sign of anxiety, and if the child is afraid that they will not be friends with him, then he is not confident in himself and what he can find mutual language with classmates. And this is one of the main indicators of maladaptation. The rest of the answers: "they talk", "she plays with girls", "he meets boys", "he plays with a boy" - are estimated at 1 point. Picture 10. Analysis of the children's answers in this picture, first of all, allows us to identify the relationship between the child and the teacher, and secondly, anxiety in the situation of answering at the blackboard. Students with an increased level of anxiety gave the following answers: "he has sad face, he doesn’t know the answer”, the teacher asks to draw, but he doesn’t know what”, “the teacher scolds him for messing around in the lesson”, “he has a sad face, he is afraid that the task will fail”, “the teacher scolds her for not doing her homework", "the teacher says to do the homework, but he does not", "the teacher makes her write, but she does not want to", "the teacher scolds". They are valued at 0 points. Answers estimated at 1 point were given by children who have a favorable relationship with the teacher and a high level of learning motivation: "the teacher tells her something good", "went to the blackboard to solve the problem", "she answers the question", "she is an excellent student "," she is in a good mood, she was called to the blackboard", "the teacher teaches him", "it is interesting for him to answer", "she was praised for the lessons", "he wants to write on the blackboard".

13 Picture 11. This picture does not reveal the presence of school anxiety in a child. But since a first grader is a former preschooler, the attitude to play activity is of great importance for research. In the game, the child projects his life situations, which can be conditionally divided into situations of success and failure. In fact, the responses of the children were divided. Positive answers, valued at 1 point, reflect the situation of success: "he was bought a game", "he is building", "guests will come to her and will play with her", "she sits at home and plays", "she has no lessons". And negative ones - a situation of failure: "he scatters toys, does not help his mother", "does not want to study", "the mood is bad, you need to collect toys", "she is sad, she could not make a game", "he scattered the toys", "she broke toys". Such answers are estimated at 0 points. Picture 12. The image in this picture is understood by children in different ways. Of the many answers, we chose those that help identify school anxiety or, conversely, confirm its absence. Answers of children in whom anxiety is observed: “the mood is sad, many lessons were asked”, “she just came, she needs to do her homework, but she doesn’t want to”, “he is sad, he threw the briefcase and went to class”, “she is sad, she was late for the lesson", "she barely came to school", "he is sad, forgot his briefcase", "angry, does not want to study". They are valued at 0 points. Positive answers about school are worth 1 point: "he goes home to do his homework, he likes to do his homework, and then he can relax, play with someone", "glad that he is going home", "dresses for school to study quickly", "goes home with a briefcase, she will do her homework, and then go for a walk", "goes home to do homework We also identified a group of neutral responses: “she put on the wrong coat”, “the briefcase is heavy”, “she can’t lift her backpack, she’s tired”, “she goes for a walk with a briefcase”, “dances”, “found her mother’s bag”, “bought a jacket", "trying on clothes". Analysis Quantitative points - we can say that school anxiety was not found in the child. 7-9 points - the level of school anxiety is normal. 0-6 points - the presence of school anxiety. Qualitative. Carrying out a qualitative analysis a single picture, you can identify situations where the child is experiencing difficulties.Picture 1 - communication with parents.Analyzes the child's relationship with parents, the desire to communicate, spend time together.Picture 2 - the way to school.The child's desire to go to school, desire or unwillingness is revealed to learn.Picture 3 - interaction with children.Attitude of the child to play activity.Problems in communication and interaction with a group of children are revealed.Picture 4 - communication with an adult (teacher).With the help of this picture it is possible to identify whether the child is able to communicate with an adult, and also comply with his requirements. Problems are found in the relationship between the child and the teacher, the child and the mother. Picture 5 - communication with an adult (teacher). The situation is similar to the previous one. Does the child know how to interact in a group of children and obey the rules, requirements of an adult. Picture 6 - the situation of the lesson. You can determine the mood of the child in the lesson, his desire to learn, to complete the tasks proposed by the teacher; in addition, learning problems can be identified. You need to pay attention to who the child chooses: the boy at the first desk with notes in a notebook or the boy at the second desk, whose notebook is empty. Picture 7 - the situation of the lesson. This picture allows you to determine the relationship with the teacher and with the children. In addition, you can understand how the child evaluates his knowledge and himself. For example, a child might say, "He's happy because he got an 'A' or 'He's sad because he got a '2'." The picture also makes it possible to identify violations in behavior. For example, a child says: "He was put in a corner, he was playing around."

14 Picture 8 - the situation at home. With the help of the picture, you can determine the mood and well-being of the child at home and assess the desire to do homework. Picture 9 - interaction with children. The situation of personal communication between a child and children. Identifies problems in communication, establishing friendly contacts, the child's attitude to a quarrel. Picture 10 - the answer at the blackboard, Allows you to identify the child's fear of answering to the whole class, to complete tasks on the blackboard, helps to assess problems in the relationship between the child and the teacher. Picture 11 - the situation at home. This picture does not reveal school anxiety, but helps to clarify the child's attitude to single player. Picture 12 - returning from school. You can drive the child's general attitude towards school, as well as his desire or unwillingness to leave school. Projective methodology for diagnosing school anxiety (A.M. Prikhozhan) Scales: level of school anxiety Key words: non-verbal, projective, test, anxiety, for schoolchildren developed in the years A.M. Parishioners based on the methodology of Amen E.W., Renison N. (1954). The technique is intended for diagnosing school anxiety in students aged 6-9 years. Description of the test For the test, you need 2 sets of 12 drawings 18 x 13 cm each. Set A is for girls, Set B is for boys. The numbers of the pictures are placed on the back of the picture. The technique is carried out with each subject individually. The requirements for conducting are standard for projective techniques. Before starting work, general instructions are given. In addition, additional instructions are given before some drawings are shown. Instructions for the test Now you will invent stories from pictures. My pictures are not quite normal. Look, everyone - both adults and children - are drawn without faces. (Picture 1 is presented.) This was done on purpose, in order to make it more interesting to invent. I will show you pictures, there are only 12 of them, and you have to figure out what the mood of the boy (girl) in each picture is and why he is in such a mood. You know that the mood is reflected in our face. When we are in a good mood, our face is cheerful, joyful, happy, and when we are in a bad mood, we are sad, sad. I will show you a picture, and you will tell me what kind of face the boy (girl) has - cheerful, sad or something else, and explain why he or she has such a face. Completion of the task in picture 1 is considered as training. In the course of it, you can repeat the instruction, ensuring that the child learns it. Then the pictures are presented in sequence. Before each presentation, the questions are repeated: What is the girl's (boy's) face? Why does he have such a face? Before presenting pictures 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, the child is first asked to choose one of the child characters and talk about him. Handling test results

15 Answers to 10 pictures (2-11) are evaluated. Picture 1 is training, picture 12 performs a "buffer" function and is intended for the child to complete the task with a positive answer. At the same time, attention should be paid to rare cases (according to A.M. Prikhozhan, no more than 5-7%), when the child in picture 12 gives a negative answer. Such cases require additional analysis and must be considered separately. The general level of anxiety is calculated from the "unfavorable" responses of the subjects, characterizing the mood of the child in the picture as sad, sad, angry, boring. Anxious can be considered a child who gave 7 or more similar answers out of 10. Comparing the answers of the subject with his interpretation of the picture, as well as analyzing the choice of the hero in the pictures with several children (for example, in picture 6 - does he choose the student on the first desk who solved the problem, or a student on the second desk who did not solve it), you can get rich material for qualitative analysis data.



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(Marina Pamfilova. Betrothed. 2000. No. 5. P. 12-13)

Aggressiveness" href="/text/category/agressivnostmz/" rel="bookmark">aggressiveness, its focus.

We remind you that in diagnostics, graphical methods are used in combination with classical tests and the main methods of psychology (observation, experiment, etc.). The combination of diagnostic techniques allows you to interest the subject, set him up for joint work, get more general characteristics personality and note possible problems, confirm the results of other tests.

During the diagnosis, the subject is given a sheet of white paper. standard size A4 and a simple pencil. A variant is possible with the use of pencils of eight "Lusher" colors, in this case, the corresponding indicators of the Luscher test are taken into account when interpreting.

Instruction."On a sheet of white paper, draw a cactus - the way you imagine it."

Questions and additional explanations are not allowed. When processing the results, the data inherent in all graphic methods are taken into account: the spatial arrangement and size of the drawing, the characteristics of the lines, the pressure force of the pencil. In addition, indicators specific to this technique are taken into account: the characteristic of the “image of a cactus” (wild, domestic, primitive, detailed, etc.), the characteristic of needles (size, location, number).

The following qualities of the subjects may appear in the figure:

Aggressiveness -

Impulsivity - jerky lines, strong pressure.

Self-doubt, addiction small drawing located at the bottom of the sheet.

Stealth, caution - disposition zigzags along the contour or inside the cactus.

Optimism - the use of bright colors (option with colored pencils), the image of "joyful" cacti.

Anxiety - the use of dark colors (variant with colored pencils), the predominance of internal shading with broken lines.

Femininity -

Extraversion -

Introversion - The picture shows one cactus.

Pursuit To home protection, a sense of family community - the presence of a flower pot in the picture, the image of a houseplant.

Lack of aspiration To home protection, a feeling of loneliness - wild, desert cacti.

Figure 2(boy 8 years old). Aggressively lonely cactus. The presence of aggressiveness, demonstrativeness, introversion, feelings of loneliness; lack of desire for home protection.

Figure 6 (girl 9 years old). Kind introverted cactus. The presence of a sense of family community, the desire for home protection, femininity, introversion, lack of aggression.

After completing the work, the child can be asked questions, the answers to which will help clarify the interpretation of the drawings:

1. Is this cactus domestic or wild?

2. Is this cactus prickly? Can he be touched?

3. Does the cactus like being looked after, watered, fertilized?

4. Does the cactus grow alone or with some plant in the neighborhood? If it grows with a neighbor, then what kind of plant is it?

5. When the cactus grows up, how will it change (needles, volume, processes)?

Attention! When interpreting the completed drawings, the pictorial experience of the "artist" must be taken into account. The presence or absence of visual skills, the use of stereotypes, templates, age features- all this significantly affects the diagnostic portrait of the individual.

The book by M. Pamfilova Game therapy of communication. Tests and correctional games" can be purchased at the bookstore of the publishing house "Gnome and D Moscow, p. 1. Phone: (0Book by mail).

Aggressiveness - presence of needles. Strongly protruding, long, closely spaced needles reflect a high degree of aggressiveness.

Egocentrism, desire for leadership - large drawing located in the center of the sheet.

Demonstrativeness, openness - the presence of protruding processes in the cactus, the pretentiousness of the forms.

Femininity - the presence of decorations, colors, soft lines and shapes.

Extraversion - the presence in the picture of other cacti or flowers.

Getting into new team The child is under stress. And it doesn’t matter at all with what mood the baby begins to go to school or kindergarten: the desire or unwillingness to attend these institutions is directly related to how he perceives others and how they treat him. It is in the study of the emotional sphere of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren that the Cactus technique helps.

The essence of the technique "Cactus"

The technique, developed in the 90s of the twentieth century by the teacher of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Marina Alexandrovna Panfilova, is considered one of the simplest, nevertheless it is very informative. Its essence is simple: the child is invited to draw a cactus as he imagines it. When compiling the test, the author was guided by the fact that it was projective techniques, pictorial in particular, are most useful for diagnosing children. This is due to the fact that through the drawing the baby unconsciously demonstrates:

  • attitude to the world;
  • his place among the people around him;
  • formed worldview;
  • level of mental development;
  • psychophysical state.

The "Cactus" technique helps to identify the characteristics of the psycho-emotional state of the subject, determine his resistance to stress and susceptibility to aggression (as well as its intensity) and understand the causes that cause negative feelings The child has. After analyzing the diagnostic results, the experimenter can easily conclude whether the baby is purposeful, impulsive, egocentric, secretive or demonstrative.

The English writer Iris Murdoch said: “Art is an inconvenient thing, it is bad to joke with it. The drawing expresses the only truth that ultimately matters. Only in the light of art can human affairs be corrected.”

The procedure for conducting diagnostics among younger students

Testing in small groups is allowed

The technique can be used in working with children over 3 years old, that is, with those who are confident enough to hold a pencil in their hand. At the same time, it does not matter how well the child masters the writing subject - all the strokes and lines that will then be explored do not require artistic skills. It is advisable to test in individual form, but if necessary, several children can be combined into a small group. For the subject, you need to prepare a sheet of A4 paper, pencils and colored pencils.

Instructions for the child:

  1. Imagine that you saw a beautiful cactus.
  2. Remember all the details of this image and, on a signal, start drawing a flower.
  3. You can't get distracted and ask questions.

If the baby has not seen the plant until this moment, it does not matter: an adult just needs to tell about the existence of a flower with thorns.

The test is given as much time as the child needs to create a drawing, however, the period of work on the task should not last more than 30 minutes. The technique allows the creation of both black and white and color images. The interpretation of the painted picture is recommended to be carried out with a professional child psychologist, since only he will be able to correctly draw conclusions from such a multi-level test.

To create more complete picture after the child completes the drawing, an adult needs to ask a few leading questions:

  • Did you draw a domestic cactus or a wild one?
  • Is it possible to touch him? Is he very prickly?
  • Does this cactus enjoy being looked after? Watering, fertilizing?
  • What will your "pet" be like when he grows up? Describe the size, needles, processes.

Processing and interpretation of results

Drawing style analysis

The pressure force and the nature of the lines

To evaluate the first parameter, one should consider the image with reverse side sheet. If the pressure is strong, then this indicates the growing tension of the child. When one detail is emphasized by hardness, this is evidence of the subject's impulsiveness. But a weak, barely noticeable pressure speaks of an oppressed state of mind, general physical and mental weakness.

The broken lines in the figure speak of impetuosity in the character of the child. Such children quickly light up with some business, but rarely finish what they started. If the cactus is depicted with strokes, then this indicates that the little artist is very worried about something, unsure of himself. When all the lines run clearly and evenly, it can be argued that the subject is able to adequately assess the situation and does not doubt his abilities.

Location and size

If the kid drew a plant at the bottom of the leaf, this clear sign low self-esteem. The location at the top, on the contrary, speaks of too high an opinion of yourself.

It is also worth paying attention to the direction in which the depicted cactus gravitates: to the right - the child is focused on the future, to the left - the subject is prone to constant analysis of the past. The norm is a picture located in the middle, this position signals that the testee is focused on the events that happen to him in the present.

An important characteristic is the size of the image. If the cactus occupies less than a third of the leaf, then the child's self-esteem is underestimated. The drawing, the size of which is more than 2/3 of the sheet, indicates an overestimated conceit. The cactus turned out to be large - we can say that the baby strives for leadership, and in his character there is an obsession with himself. A small plant gives out uncertainty, weakness and dependence of the subject on the opinions of others - such a baby does not make decisions without the approval of an adult.

Consideration of the plot of the drawing

All the details of the drawing matter: the size, color of the cactus, needles or their absence, and even whether the plant is “placed” in a pot or not.

This part of the analysis includes consideration of the cactus itself, the background and other possible characters.

When studying the image of a plant, the following moment is taken into account: whether it looks like a real flower or is depicted as a cartoon character. In the first case, we can say that the child has a very realistic approach to life, he knows where to behave “like an adult”, and when you can remain a baby. For example, the subject understands that if he performs the task differently from what is expected of him, he will not only upset his parents, but may not go to school (or not move to the next class). When the cactus is drawn as animation character, this indicates the infantility of the tested, rich imagination.

The test conditions do not imply the image of additional characters, but they may be present in the child's drawing. Any creatures that the baby added to the cactus, as well as shoots, flowers, or any objects indicate that the subject a good relationship with other people, he is comfortable in society and it is hard to work alone.

Experts came to the conclusion that in children's drawings, a number of common features, which give a clear picture of the nature of the child:

  • malice is expressed in the image a large number needles, while they are long and sticking out;
  • one can speak about the demonstrativeness of the subject when the flower is of a simple form and is drawn in bold lines with rare needles;
  • evidence of optimism tested - a large cactus with a smile from ear to ear;
  • anxiety is manifested by the creation of an image in dark shades with thick spines;
  • a simple and lonely cactus means the introversion of the child;
  • the test subject needs home protection if he draws a potted plant;
  • the image of a flower in the desert speaks of the loneliness of the baby.

Interpretation of colors

The color of the plant indicates how mobile the child's psyche is:

Interpretation of answers to additional questions

Answers to questions do not have independent interpretations as such, because the conversation is conducted with the child only in order to confirm the conclusions that will be made when analyzing the picture. For example, if a child says that he drew a wild cactus, it is more likely to say: he strives for loneliness, independence, freedom. A description of a home plant is an indicator that the baby is comfortable in those emotional and psychological conditions in which his life passes. If, according to the subject, the cactus is “bald”, then the child is completely open to others, but the story about the prickly flower speaks of the aggressiveness of the test. The realization that the “pet” needs to be looked after shows, on the contrary, the absence of malice and friendliness in character.

Psychologists apply different techniques. Basically, all research is carried out in a playful way. But sometimes, to determine certain characteristics of a person, it is enough to draw something. It is this technique that implies the Cactus technique. M. A. Panfilova is a child psychologist who is the author of this study.

What can be revealed

When carrying out this technique, the emotional and personal sphere of the child is investigated. With its help, you can determine whether the baby is prone to aggression, how intense it is and what it is aimed at. The Cactus technique is used by psychologists in working with children over three years old, because it is necessary that the baby knows how to hold a pencil well and draw.

The essence of the technique

So what is the graphic technique "Cactus"? For its implementation, it is necessary to prepare for each child one sheet of paper and a pencil. Ideally, the study is conducted alone with a psychologist, but in the absence of such an opportunity, the lesson can also be a group session.

So, all the young participants in the study are given “tools”. Since the technique is called "Cactus", then each child should draw this particular plant. Moreover, no questions can be asked to an adult, there should be no hints and explanations. The kid must depict the cactus as he represents it. Perhaps he does not quite know what it looks like, but this is precisely the essence of such a study as the Cactus technique.

Additional questions

After the drawing is ready, the psychologist asks the child additional questions in order to be able to correctly interpret the results. This will help you see the whole picture more clearly. So, what questions does the Cactus method offer? M. believes that you can better understand the condition of the child if you ask him the following:

Does he have a homemade cactus in the picture or is it wild?

Is it possible to touch it? Is he very prickly?

Does this cactus like being watered and fertilized, cared for?

Does any other plant live next to the cactus? If yes, then what?

What will he be like when he grows up? How will its needles, processes, volume change?

Interpretation of results

Conclusions are drawn both on the basis of the picture and on the basis of the answers of the little test subject. At the same time, considering the image, take into account such details as:

The force of pressure on the pencil;

The location of the cactus on the leaf;

Image size;

Line characteristics.

The "Cactus" technique allows you to identify the following qualities of a child's personality:

1. Impulsivity. Its presence is indicated by strong pressure on the writing instrument and jerky lines.

2. Aggressiveness. First of all, as you might guess, needles speak about it, especially if there are a lot of them. A high degree of aggressiveness takes place if they are long, strongly stick out in different directions and are located close to each other.

3. Egocentrism (otherwise - the desire to be a leader in everything). About availability given quality the child shows big size drawing and its location in the very center of the sheet.

4. Openness, demonstrativeness. This can be judged by some pretentiousness of the forms in the figure and protruding processes on the cactus.

5. Caution and secrecy. In the drawing of a child who has such qualities, one will notice zigzags directly inside the plant or along its contour.

6. Optimism. Bright colors will tell us about it, if they were used in the work or just a “happy” cactus with a cheerful smile.

7. Anxiety. This quality is reflected in the picture in the form of broken lines, internal shading. If colored pencils were used, then dark colors.

8. Femininity. You can talk about it if the drawing has soft shapes and lines, flowers and all kinds of decorations - everything that a true lady likes so much.

9. Extroversion. People with this quality are very sociable. So the cactus of an extroverted child will be surrounded by other plants.

10. Introversion. This quality is completely opposite characteristic. Accordingly, there will be only one cactus on the sheet.

11. Craving for home defense. If the child has a sense of family community, the drawing may show a cactus in a flower pot, that is, a house plant.

12. Feeling of loneliness. A desert, wild-growing cactus speaks of its presence.


As you can see, the Cactus technique allows, on the basis of just one drawing, to draw specific conclusions about the emotional state of a preschool child. Sometimes this is very important, because not all children openly make contact with adults. If not too encouraging results were obtained, you need to carefully consider the strategy further action so as not to frighten off the little man, but to win him over and try to help him.

2. To identify the level of aggressiveness, the graphic technique "Cactus" (M.A. Panfilova) was used.

This technique is designed to work with children over 3 years old and is used to study the emotional and personal sphere of the child, to determine the state of the emotional sphere of a preschooler, the presence of aggressiveness: its direction and intensity.


During the diagnostics, the subject is given a sheet of A4 paper and a simple pencil. The psychologist explains to the child: "On a piece of paper, draw a cactus - the way you imagine it." Questions and additional explanations are not allowed.

Data processing. When processing the results, data corresponding to all graphic methods are taken into account: space, location, size of the picture, line characteristics, pressure. In addition, specific indicators characteristic of this particular technique are taken into account:

Characteristics of the "image of a cactus" (wild, domestic, primitive, drawn in detail),

Characteristics of the manner of drawing (traced, sketchy),

Characteristics of needles (size, location, number).

The following qualities of the subjects may appear in the drawings:

Aggression - the presence of needles. Strongly protruding, long, closely spaced from each other;

Impulsivity - jerky lines, strong pressure;

Egocentrism - large drawing, center of the sheet;

Dependence - a small drawing, the bottom of the sheet;

Demonstrativeness, openness - protruding processes in a cactus, pretentiousness of forms;

Stealth, caution - zigzags along the contour or inside the cactus;

Optimism - "joyful cacti";

Anxiety - dark colors, internal shading;

Femininity - decoration, flowers, soft lines and shapes;

Extraversion - the presence in the picture of other cacti or flowers;

Introversion - the figure shows one cactus;

The desire for home protection, the presence of a sense of family community - the presence of a flower pot, the image houseplant;

The presence of a feeling of loneliness - wild, "desert" cacti.

When interpreting the completed drawings, the pictorial experience of the "artist" must be taken into account. After completing the work, the child is offered questions, the answers to which will help clarify the interpretation of the drawings:

1. Is this cactus domestic or wild?

2. Is this cactus prickly? Can he be touched?

3. Does the cactus like it when it is looked after, watered, fertilized?

4. Does the cactus grow alone or with some plant in the neighborhood? If it grows with a neighbor, then what kind of plant is it?

5. When the cactus grows up, how will it change (needles, volume, processes)?

On the basis of observation of children, analysis of the results of primary diagnostics, we can give a psychological description of some children, presenting them in the form of characteristics.

Sasha J. Analysis of Sasha's drawing (Appendix 2, Fig. 1) showed that the child had a high level of emotional anxiety. Namely, he did not start drawing for a very long time, he was unsure of his abilities. After persuasion, he hesitantly took a pencil, while drawing, the pressure on the pencil was weak, his hands were sweating, the paper was wet. Thus, he is very insecure, low self-esteem.

Answers to questions: 1 - homemade, 2 - does not prick, you can touch it, 3 - like it when they look after, 4 - he wants, but he is alone, 5 - everything will grow and the needles will grow.

When analyzing the drawing by Katya B. (Appendix 2, Fig. 2), a manifestation of egocentrism, a desire for leadership, and some aggressiveness are noticeable.

Answers to questions: 1 - home, 2 - prickly, 3 - it's good when they look after, 4 - I wanted someone to be around, 5 - it will remain the same.

Vadim O. (Appendix 2, Fig. 3) started work only after physical contact, when the psychologist stroked the child's back. The child is very anxious, there is low self-esteem, self-doubt.

Answers to questions: 1 - homely, 2 - not prickly, 3 - like it, 4 - communicate in the neighborhood, 5 - will change, he will become bigger.

Lisa A. began to draw, and without hesitation took Blue colour for drawing a cactus, which suggests that she probably lacks paternal care and affection. The presence of a flower pot supports the assumption that she needs a sense of family community. The drawing is located at the bottom of the sheet and is small in size, which indicates the presence of anxiety (Appendix 2, Fig. 4).

Answers to questions: 1 - homemade, 2 - not prickly, you can touch, 3 - like it, 4 - wants to grow alone, 5 - will grow.

Sasha P. Despite the fact that the drawing is located in the center of the sheet, the size of the drawing is small, the shading was applied after the psychologist indicated this. During work, the child sweated: both hands and paper were wet, which indicates high anxiety (Appendix 2, Fig. 5).

Answers to questions: 1 - home, 2 - prickly, 3 - like it, 4 - grow, 5 - the same.

In the drawing by Sasha R. (Appendix 2, Fig. 6), the presence of a blue pot indicates a lack of paternal attention. It is possible that resentment, anxiety, lack of attention causes defensive aggression in the child.

Answers to questions: 1 - homemade, 2 - you can touch it, where there are no thorns, 3 - like it, 4 - no, don't want it, 5 - it will become big, with big thorns.

Drawing of a cactus by Artem F. (Appendix 2, Fig. 7) - the presence of strong shading indicates probable anxiety.

Answers to the questions: 1 - homemade, 2 - no, not prickly, you can touch it, 3 - like it, 4 - wants to be around, 5 - the needles will become larger, too.

We also note that during the study, almost all anxious children are slow, silent, and, despite the fact that they understand the instructions and the task, it is sometimes difficult for them to answer the question. Children are afraid to answer, they are afraid to say something wrong and at the same time they do not even try to give an answer, or they say that they do not know the answer, or they simply remain silent.

Thus, according to the results of the “Cactus” graphical technique, on average, this sample is characterized by low indicators of openness and optimism, and the highest indicators of the state of the emotional sphere:

Enhanced Level aggression was shown - 14 children,

Anxiety - 17 children,

The desire for protection - 17 children,

Egocentrism - 12 children,

Introversion - 15 children.

After analyzing the drawings, a group was identified according to criteria that indicate manifestations of a sufficiently high degree of anxiety and aggression.

3. Additionally, in order to identify the level of anxiety in children, we used the “Questionnaire for identifying an anxious child” (according to G.P. Lavrentieva, T.M. Titarenko) by interviewing parents.

Instruction. If the statement contained in the questionnaire is correct, from your point of view, characterizes the child, put a plus, if incorrect - a minus.

Signs of anxiety:

1. Cannot work for a long time without getting tired.

2. It is difficult for him to focus on something.

3. Any task causes unnecessary anxiety.

4. During the performance of tasks, he is very tense, constrained.

5. Feels embarrassed more often than others.

6. Often talks about tense situations.

7. As a rule, blushes in unfamiliar surroundings.

8. Complains that he has terrible dreams.

9. His hands are usually cold and wet.

10. He often has an upset stool.

11. Sweats profusely when excited.

12. Does not have a good appetite.

13. Sleeps restlessly, falls asleep with difficulty.

14. Shy, many things cause him fear.

15. Usually restless, easily upset.

16. Often cannot hold back tears.

17. Poorly tolerates waiting.

18. Does not like to take on a new business.

19. Not confident in himself, in his abilities.

20. Afraid to face difficulties.

Data processing. The number of "pluses" is summed up to get a total anxiety score. If the questionnaire scored 15-20 points, then this indicates a high level of anxiety, 7-14 points - about the average and 1-6 points - about the low level. Examples of completed questionnaires by parents are presented in Appendix 3.

Based on the results of the questionnaires and after a conversation with parents, a group of children was identified for remedial classes with a high and medium level of anxiety (Table 2).

Table 2 - The level of anxiety (according to G.P. Lavrentieva, T.M. Titarenko)

No. p / p Name F. Floor Age Anxiety
low average high
1 Katya B. and 6 +
2 Series K. m 6 +
3 Sasha R. m 6 +
4 Pasha V. m 6 +
5 Sasha P. m 6 +
6 Series B. m 6 +
7 Lisa M. and 6 +
8 Sasha J. m 6 +
9 Vlad P. m 6 +
10 Olesya A. and 6 +
11 Lisa A. and 6 +
12 Egor B. m 6 +
13 Sophia K. and 6 +
14 Darina O. and 6 +
15 Denis A. m 6 +
16 Darina P. and 6 +
17 Vanya Z. m 6 +
18 Vadim O. m 6 +
19 Anton L. m 6 +
20 Igor L. m 6 +

Summarizing the data on the identified group of children with varying degrees of anxiety, we note that:

High level of anxiety - 55.0% (11 children)

Average level of anxiety - 35.0% (7 people)

Low level of anxiety - 10.0% (2 children)

This study allowed us to conclude that more than half of the children experience a high level of anxiety, 35% have an average level, and only 10% of children have low level anxiety. These data were also confirmed by the Cactus method and by the results of a survey of adults.

Thus, in the course of diagnosis, in the aggregate of the above methods, a group of children (18 people) with high level anxiety and fear, and a high degree aggression, and it is these children that our correctional and developmental program is primarily aimed at.

In addition, it should be noted that when observing children in the process of conducting diagnostic classes, we see that almost all children have difficulties. This is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, dissatisfaction. They then compensate for their dissatisfaction in a free game, on a walk, where they show themselves aggressively, get angry, look evilly at others, etc.

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