Theatrical activity in the middle group is a journey into the world of creativity. Synopsis of GCD in the middle group


Photo report on the puppet theater in the middle group.

Teacher Shamina N.G. MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 5" Golden Key "p.g.t. Aktobe Aznakaevsky municipal district RT.

March 24, 2016 in the middle group was declared "Theater Day" The day was dedicated to the puppet theater. The kids were told about the history of this type of theater, about the first heroes and folk puppet shows. Preschool children were able to try themselves as artists - with the help of the theater "bi - ba - bo" they showed the fairy tale "Turnip".

Theater is always a holiday. Joy, fun, vivid impressions, new feelings are associated with it. And how interesting it is to be not only a spectator, but also a participant in the performance! The theater is one of the most colorful and accessible areas of art for the perception of a preschooler. It develops imagination and fantasy, promotes creative development child and forms his personal culture. Theatrical activity helps children to liberate themselves, develops social and communicative skills, increases self-esteem, develops speech, emotional sphere and simply brings a bright, unforgettable variety to everyday life, enriching inner world child.

Thematic day "WORLD THEATER DAY" for children 4-5 years old

Development of children's communication skills by means of theatrical and gaming activities
Promote the development of individual creativity and artistic inclinations of the child;
To awaken in children a steady interest in the theater;
Cultivate friendly communication with each other;
To form in children a steady interest in literature;
Involve children in storytelling
1. Conversation about the theater
2. table theater"Masha and the Bear"
3. Fizminutka "We are in the theater of animals"
4. Game - concert "On the stage of the theater ..."
5. Didactic game"Collect a fairy tale"
6. Show of the play by the parents "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"
7. Drawing "My favorite fairy tale"

There's a stage and backstage
Both actors and actresses
There is a poster and intermission,
Scenery, full house.
And, of course, the premiere!
You probably guessed... (theater)

Today is World Theater Day.
- What is theater?
(children's answers)
- People, what professions work in the theater?
(children's answers)
- Today we will be both actors and spectators. I propose to poison yourself in a fabulous camp called "Theater".
- In order for us to be able to go to the performance, we need to buy tickets.
Why do theaters need tickets?
(children's answers)
Children go to the box office, buy tickets.
- Before going to auditorium, you need to remember the rules of conduct in the theater.
(children's answers)
- Hear, we are invited by a theatrical call to the auditorium. You need to have time to take your seats in the auditorium.
- In total, three calls are given in the theater before the start of the performance. The third call indicates that the performance is about to begin. After the third bell, the lights go out in the auditorium. Entering the auditorium after the third bell is indecent.
- Prepare your tickets and carefully look at what is indicated on the ticket?
(children's answers)
The children take their seats in the auditorium.
The third bell rings.

- Today we will see the premiere of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear", because the actors are on stage for the first time today.
Actors are children
- Did you like the story? Did you like the acting?
(children's answers)
A call rings out.
- I suggest you get some rest. Now a short break has been announced, and it is called INTRACT. During the intermission, all the spectators usually go to the theater lobby. At this time, you can go to the BUFFET, tidy up in the toilet room, and also get acquainted with various photographs of theater artists that are hung on the walls of the foyer.
- Today is an unusual day in the theater and therefore you and I can turn into fabulous animals ...
On a hot day through a forest path
The animals went to the watering place.
(Children walk in a circle one after another)
A moose calf stomped behind the moose mother,
(They walk, stomping loudly)
A fox cub crept behind the mother fox,
(They are sneaking around)
A hedgehog was rolling behind the mother-hedgehog,

A bear cub followed the mother bear,
(Move in deep squat)
The squirrels galloped after the mother-squirrel,
(Jump on toes, arms bent in front of chest)
Behind the mother-hare - oblique hares,
(Jump, making "ears" from the palms)
The she-wolf led the cubs.
(walk on all fours)
All mothers and children want to get drunk.
(walk on all fours)
A call rings out.
Children take revenge in the auditorium.
The third bell rings.

Children at will: read poetry, sing songs, dance.
And so our stay ended. fairyland under the name "Theater".
- Did you enjoy the theatre?
(children's answers)
- I propose to thank all the actors for their wonderful game of applause and give flowers.
- What have you learned?
- What do you remember?
- What new words did you meet, etc.
Children collect puzzles, call the name of the fairy tale according to the collected picture

Parents are actors, children are participants
7. DRAWING "MY FAVORITE TALE" (joint creativity of parents with children)

Material used:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Sakmara kindergarten"Birch"

Project "Theatre and Us"


Teacher Kucherenko Yu.A.

With. Sakmara

Project map

The main activities of children organized by teachers

Days of the week


Singing children's songs


dance moves

Drawing "Trees"

Music: Listening musical works"Song of Grandma-Ezhka"

Singing children's songs

Learning dance moves

Physical development: Morning gymnastics complex - "Khomka - hamster hamster",

Outdoor games - “At the bear in the forest”, “A gray hare is sitting”

Music: Listening to musical works "Lullaby of the bear" Y. Yakovlev

Singing children's songs "Song of the Crocodile Gena"

Learning dance moves.

Modeling "Kolobok"

Physical development: Morning gymnastics complex - “Chickens”, Outdoor games - “Liska-fox”, “Grey bunny sits”

Music: Listening to musical works "The Song of Grandma-Ezhka"

Singing children's songs

Learning "Antoshka"

dance moves

Physical development: Morning gymnastics complex - "Pinocchio"

Outdoor games - "Horses", "Mice in the pantry", "Mice lead a round dance"

Observations (excursions, walks)

Theatrical games on a walk: Card number 2 "Animals"

Theatrical games for a walk: Card number 3 "Let's take the Bear for a walk"

Theatrical games for a walk: Card number 3 "Hide and Seek"

Visit to the puppet theater

Theatrical games on the walk:

Theatrical games on the walk:

Theatrical games on the walk:

Theatrical games on the walk:

Theatrical games on the walk:


Dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok"

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Three Bears"

Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Tale of stupid little mouse»

Reading fiction

Reading art literature "The Snow Maiden and the Fox"

Listening to sound recordings of children's fairy tales - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Reading art literature: Russian folk tale "Mitten"

Listening to sound recordings of children's fairy tales "Three Bears"

Reading thin. literature: Russian folk tale "Cat, rooster and fox"


Games (desktop-printed and didactic)

D / I "My favorite fairy tales"

A game " Magic wand»

Lotto "Tales"

Artistic and creative activity:

Coloring the coloring pages "fairy tales"

Drawing based on the fairy tale "Turnip"

Designing houses for animals, teremka (tales "Teremok",

Sculpting characters based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

Project name: Theater and Us.

Project theme:

Theater is one of the most democratic and accessible types of art for children, associated with: - art education and upbringing of children; - the formation of aesthetic taste; - moral education; - development of memory, imagination, initiative, speech; - development communicative qualities; - creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension, solving conflict situations through theatrical play. The relevance of the creation of this project is due to the fact that theatrical activities can solve many educational problems.

Explanatory note: Theatrical activity is the most common type children's creativity. IN theatrical activities the child is liberated, conveys his creative ideas, receives satisfaction from the activity. The child has the opportunity to express his feelings, experiences, emotions, to resolve his internal conflicts.

Problem field of the project: IN last years Unfortunately, there is an increase in the number of children with speech disorders. And clear and correct speech is the key to productive communication, confidence, and success. Theatrical activity contributes to the disclosure of the personality of the child, his individuality, creativity.

Pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques used in the organization of children's activities within the framework of the project:

  • Problematic - search;

    Research - search;

    Information and communication technologies;

    Cooperation technology;

    Artistic word;

    Health saving technologies

    TRIZ technology

Objective of the project: Introduce children to theatrical art, to theatrical activities. Contribute to the formation creative personality; develop speech and communication skills in children. Create conditions for development creative activity children in theatrical activities, to provide conditions for the relationship with other activities in a holistic pedagogical process.

Project tasks.

1. Expand children's ideas about the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, scenery.

2. To create conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities of children and adults, aimed at bringing children, parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions closer together.

3. To form in the preschool educational institution an artistic and aesthetic creatively developing subject environment.

4. To teach children to establish and regulate contacts in joint and independent activities.

5. Develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in preschoolers.

6. Instill in children primary skills in the field theater arts a (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice).

7. Contribute to the formation of aesthetic taste.

8. Provide a relationship with other activities: visual, musical, fiction, design.

9. Involve adults and children in theatrical and performing activities. 10. Involve parents in the theatrical and cultural life of the preschool educational institution.

Planned results:

Personal qualities:

    shows a steady interest in knowledge in theatrical activities;

    has primary skills in the field of theatrical activity;

Intellectual qualities :

    able to apply acquired knowledge and ideas in personal experience, highlight the general in the particular and fill the general with specific content;

    Developed memory, expressive literate speech, lexicon, the correct sound pronunciation is formed;

Physical Qualities

    owns constructive skills.

    has teamwork skills.

    can use attributes.

    shows manual dexterity in the process of modeling.

Scenario joint activities for solving problems:

Middle group children

productive activity in process OOD


Organization of theatrical activities

Conducting OOD on the subject of the project

Preparation of the final event


Making attributes for theatrical activities

Musical director

Learning songs, dances

physical instructor

Learning new outdoor games

The wolf and the seven goats new way».

Description of the product resulting from the project:

Final event dramatization of a fairy tale "Wolf and seven kids in a new way" form of holding: a matinee joint with children and parents.

Type of project: creative - game

List of participants:

    Teacher Kucherenko Yu.A., teacher Sotnikova O.N. - to implement a project in kindergarten;

    All children of the middle group "Daisies" are participants in the project;

    Parents - making masks finger toys for center Artistic - aesthetic development, creating costumes.

Integration of educational areas:

Name educational field


cognitive development

OOD, conversations, card file of theatrical games on a walk

Develop coherent speech, activate vocabulary; Awaken children's interest in the theater;

To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical arts (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppetry)

Artistic and aesthetic development

Learning songs, dances

Develop thinking, ingenuity, observation;

Develop memory, expressive literate speech, vocabulary, form the correct sound pronunciation

Socially - communication development

staging of fairy tales;

Plot - role-playing game

To form the ability to develop the plot, organize games with peers;

Develop coherent and dialogic speech of children;

Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and

peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness in activities

Physical development

Outdoor games

Develop children's motor activity

Speech development

theatrical performance

Develop memory, expressive literate speech, vocabulary, form the correct sound pronunciation.

Additional information required to complete the project:

    Acquaintance with fiction;

    Creation of conditions for theatrical activities: preparation of equipment

    Communication with parents acting as participants and spectators.

Material and technical resources required to complete the project:

Knowledge Center: Illustrations for Russian folk tales

Center for Artistic and Aesthetic Development:

Fairy tale books: "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Mitten", "Three Bears", "The Fox and the Snow Maiden"

Finger theater; Puppet show; Dolls; Suits fairytale heroes.

Equipment for drawing, modeling.

Socialization Center:

Planned time for the implementation of the project by stages:

Preparatory stage 1st week of December

Main stage 2-3 week of December

Final stage - 4th week of December


Selection and analysis of literary, illustrative, game, photo and video material on the topic of the project


Analysis of the collected information and planning of practical activities to create a product. Scenario development



Experimental activity

Making crafts

2-3 weeks


Photo exhibition;

Public event « New Year's celebration»


Analysis of the activities carried out on the topic of the project, generalization.

Organizational forms of work on the project

Forms of work

Title / topic

Organized educational activities

Drawing "Trees"

Modeling "Kolobok"

Observation, walking

D / I on a walk: Card number 1 "Guess by the sound"

D / I on a walk: Card number 2 "Animals"

D / I on a walk: Card No. 3 “Let's take Mishka for a walk”

D / I on a walk: Card No. 3 "Hide and Seek"

Visit to the puppet theater

D / I on a walk: Card number 6 "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did - we will show"

D / I on a walk: Card number 7 "Finger game"

D / I on a walk: Card No. 9 "ROUND THE WORLD TRIP"

D / I on a walk: Card No. 8 "THE ONE AND THE SAME IN DIFFERENT"

D / I on a walk: Card No. 10 "TRANSFORMATION OF THE SUBJECT"



Independent work children

D / I "My favorite fairy tales"

D / I “Who-who lives in the little house?”

Game "Magic Wand"

Lotto "Tales"

Outdoor games


"A gray bunny is sitting"

"At the bear in the forest"

"A gray bunny is sitting"


"Mice in the pantry"

"Mice dance"

Viewing presentations

Listening to musical works "The Song of Grandma-Ezhka"

Listening to musical works "Lullaby of the bear" Y. Yakovlev

Interaction with parents

Costume making, photo exhibition

Group discussion

The final event "Wolf and seven kids in a new way."

Presentation Form: The photo exhibition is exhibited in the dressing room of the group.

Theatrical games



Game progress. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Starting the game, they get up and sit down in turn, keeping the pace and not interfering with each other's actions. This exercise can be done in different options, inventing interesting game situations with children.

a) INTRODUCTION. Some favorite hero of children's fairy tales appears from behind the screen (Carlson, Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio, etc.). He wants to get to know the children and offers to stand up and say his name clearly following the previous one.

b) RADIO GRAM. game situation: a ship is sinking in the sea, the radio operator transmits a radiogram asking for help. The child sitting on the first chair is a "radio operator", he transmits a certain rhythmic pattern along the chain with claps or a pat on the shoulder. All children take turns repeating it, passing it on. If the job is done correctly and last child- the "captain" of the rescue ship exactly repeats the rhythm, then the ship is saved.


Target. Train your listening skills.

Game progress. Sit quietly and listen to the sounds that will be played in the study room for a certain amount of time. Option: listen to sounds in the hallway or outside the window.


Target. Train visual attention. Game progress. The teacher arbitrarily lays out several items on the table (pencil, notebook, watch, matches, coin).

The leading child at this time turns away. On command, he approaches the table, carefully looks and tries to remember the location of all objects. Then he turns away again, and the teacher at this time either removes one object or changes something in their location. The driver, respectively, must either name the missing item, or decompose everything as it was.


Target. Develop active attention and speed of reaction.

Game progress. At one clap, the children should raise their hands, at two clap - stand up. If the hands are raised: one at a time - lower your hands, two at a time - sit down.


Target. To instill the ability to move freely in space, to coordinate their actions with comrades. (Sit on chairs, having built a given figure, it is necessary at the same time.)

Game progress. At the suggestion of the teacher, the children move around the hall with their chairs and “build” a circle (sun), a doll house (square), an airplane, a bus.


Target. Develop attention, memory, creative thinking. Game progress. The players stand in a circle and hold hands; leader is in the center. He explains the assignment; if they agree with the statement, they raise their hands up and shout: “Yes!”; if they do not agree, they lower their hands and shout: “No!”.

Are there fireflies in the field?

Are there fish in the sea?

Does a calf have wings?

Does a piglet have a beak?

Does the mountain have a ridge?

Does the burrow have doors?

Does a rooster have a tail?

Does the violin have a key?

Does the verse have a rhyme?

Does it have any errors?


Target. Develop memory, attention, observation, fantasy, endurance.

Game progress. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle and on the floor in Turkish style with eyes closed. The leading child invents and fixes a pose, showing it to the first child. He remembers and shows the next. As a result, the pose of the last child is compared with the pose of the driver. Children must be divided into performers and spectators.


Target. Develop voluntary attention, imagination and fantasy, coordination of actions.

Game progress. Children are divided into several groups of 4-5 people. Each group chooses a "photographer". He arranges his group in a certain order and "takes pictures", remembering the group's location. Then he turns away, and the children change positions and positions. The "photographer" must reproduce the original version. The game becomes more complicated if you invite children to pick up some objects or figure out who and where is photographed.


Target. Develop observation, arbitrary visual memory.

Game progress. The leading child stands in the center of the circle. Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and sing to the melody of a Russian folk song"Like ours at the gate."

For boys:

Stand in the center of the circle and don't open your eyes. Give me an answer as soon as possible: What is our Vanya wearing?

For girls:

We are waiting for your answer: What is Mashenka wearing?

The children stop, and the driver closes his eyes and describes the details, as well as the color of the clothes of the named child.


Target. Develop attention, coordination of actions, activity and endurance.

Game progress. Children sit on chairs or on a carpet, the teacher shows cards with a certain number of drawn nesting dolls. After a few seconds, he says: “One, two, three - freeze!”. There should be as many children as there were nesting dolls on the card (from 2 to 10). The exercise is difficult because at the time of the task, no one knows who exactly will be “stand up” and how many there will be. The readiness of everyone to stand up (if there are not enough "matryoshkas") or immediately sit down (if he sees that there are more people who have risen than necessary) effectively affects the activity of each child. As an option, children can be offered not just to stand up, but to form a round dance from a given number of children.


Target. Develop attention, endurance, coordination of actions.

Game progress. Children are divided into three groups - bears, monkeys and elephants. Then the teacher calls one of the teams in turn, and the children must simultaneously complete their movement. For example, bears - stomp their feet, monkeys - clap their hands, elephants - bow. You can choose other animals and come up with other movements. The main thing is that each group performs its movement synchronously, communicating only with a glance.


Target. Learn to hold attention, feel a partner.

Game progress. Children stand scattered, in front of them is a leading child - a "telepath". He must, without using words and gestures, contact only with his eyes with one of the children and change places with him. The game continues with a new "telepath". In the future, you can invite the children, changing places, to say hello or say something nice to each other. Continuing to develop the game, the children come up with situations when it is impossible to move and talk, but it is necessary to call a partner or change places with him. For example: “In intelligence”, “On the hunt”, “In the kingdom of Koshchei”, etc.


Target. Develop attention, coordination of actions, orientation in space.

Game progress. Children walk around the hall in a chain, putting their foot only in the vacated "trace" in front of the one walking. You can't rush and step on your feet. As the game progresses, children fantasize where they are, where and why they go this way, what obstacles they overcome.

For example: a cunning fox leads her cubs along a path on which hunters have set traps; scouts go through the swamp over bumps; tourists move over pebbles across a stream, etc.

Be sure to divide the children into teams, and each team comes up with its own version.


Target. Develop attention, coordination.

Game progress. The teacher or the leading child names the object, if it flies, the children wave their arms like wings; if it doesn't fly, put your hands down. If it grows, they raise their hands up; if it does not grow, they cover themselves with both hands.


Target. Develop attention, endurance, dexterity.

Game progress. Children are divided into two teams: "Sparrows" and "Crows"; then stand in two lines with their backs to each other. The team that the leader calls catches; the team that is not called runs away to the "houses" (on chairs or up to a certain line). The host speaks slowly: "Wo - o-ro - o ...". At this point, both teams are ready to run and catch. It is this moment of mobilization that is important in the game.

A simpler option: the team that the host calls, claps his hands or begins to “fly” around the hall in all directions, and the second team remains in place.


Target. Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction.

Game progress. Children are scattered - these are monkeys. Facing them is a child - a visitor to the zoo, who performs various movements and gestures. "Monkeys", mimicking the child, exactly repeat everything after him.


Target. Develop attention, observation, imagination, fantasy.

Game progress. One child - the driver walks around the hall, making arbitrary movements: stops, raises his hand, bends, turns. A group of children (3-5 people), like a shadow, follows him, trying to repeat exactly everything he does. Developing this game, you can invite children to explain their actions: they stopped because there was a hole ahead; raised his hand to catch a butterfly; bent down to pick a flower; turned because he heard someone scream; etc.


Target. Develop memory, attention, imagination.

Game progress. Children are divided into two groups of 7-8 people. One group of “cooks” is invited to cook the first course (what the children will offer), and the second, for example, to prepare a salad. Each child comes up with what he will be: onions, carrots, beets, cabbage, parsley, pepper, salt, etc. - for borscht; potatoes, cucumber, onion, peas, egg, mayonnaise - for salad. Everyone becomes in a common circle - this is a saucepan - and sing a song (improvisation):

We can quickly cook borscht or soup

And delicious porridge from several cereals,

Cut lettuce or simple vinaigrette,

Prepare compote.

Here's a nice lunch.

The children stop, and the host calls in turn what he wants to put in the pan. A child who recognizes himself jumps into the circle. When all the "components" of the dish are in the circle, the host offers to cook the next dish. The game starts over. In the next lesson, children can be offered to cook porridge from different cereals or compote from different fruits.


Target. Train orientation in space, coordination of actions, imagination.

Game progress. With the help of a counting rhyme, a leader is selected - a “needle”, the rest of the children become, holding hands, followed by a “thread”. "Needle" is moving around the hall in different directions, embroidering various patterns. The pace of movement can change, the "thread" should not break. Complicating the game, you can put obstacles on the way by scattering soft modules.


(ear, nose, tail)

Target. Train auditory and visual attention, speed of reaction, coordination of movements.

Game progress. Children imagine that they are in a forest school, where the teacher trains their dexterity and attention. The host shows, for example, in the ear, nose, tail and calls what he shows. Children closely follow him and name what he shows. Then, instead of an ear, he shows his nose, but stubbornly repeats: “Ear!”. Children must quickly orient themselves and correctly name what the leader showed.


Target. Develop memory, auditory attention, coordination of actions.

Game progress. Numbers from 0 to 9 are distributed among the children. Then the host calls any phone number. Children with the corresponding numbers come forward and are built in order of the numbers in the called number.


Target. Develop memory, visual and auditory attention, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, consistency.

Game progress. Children sit in a circle and perform a series of movements at the same time:

1) clap your hands in front of you;

2) clap both hands on the knees at the same time (right - on the right, left - on the left);

3) without straightening the elbow, throw the right hand to the right - up, at the same time snapping fingers;

4) do the same with the left hand.

When the children learn to act rhythmically and synchronously at\^/ different tempos, each child is invited to memorize their serial number starting from 0. The machine turns on again, and the children call their number in order of numbers for each click. At the next stage, with a click of the right hand, the participant in the game calls his number, and with a click of the left hand, any number that is involved in the game, thus passing the move to another child, etc. Children cope with this version of the game in the second half of the preparatory group.


Target. Develop memory, attention, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, consolidate knowledge of the alphabet.

Game progress. The letters of the alphabet are distributed among the children, with some children getting two letters. The host sets any word, for example "cat", and says: "Started." The first to clap is the child who got the letter “k”, the second is the child with the letter “o”, and the last is the child with the letter “t”. The end of the word is indicated by the whole group with a common clap or standing up.




Target. Justify the given pose, develop memory, imagination.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to take a certain pose and justify it.

1. Stand with your hand up. Possible options answers: I put the book on the shelf; I take out a candy from a vase in a locker; I hang up my jacket; I decorate the Christmas tree, etc.

2. Kneeling, arms and body directed forward. Looking for a spoon under the table; I watch the caterpillar; I feed a kitten I wipe the floor.

3. Squat. I look at the broken cup; I draw with chalk.

4. Lean forward. I tie my shoelaces; I pick up a handkerchief, I pick a flower.


Target. Develop the ability to justify one's behavior, one's actions with fantasized reasons (proposed circumstances), develop imagination, faith, fantasy.

Game progress. Children are invited to come up with and show several behaviors for a specific task: a person “walks”, “sits”, “runs”, “raises his hand”, “listens”, etc.

Each child comes up with his own version of behavior, and the rest of the children must guess what he is doing and where he is. The same action in different conditions looks different.

Children are divided into 2-3 creative groups, and each receives a specific task.

Group I - the task "sit". Possible options:

a) sit in front of the TV

b) sit in the circus;

c) sit in the dentist's office;

d) sit at the chessboard;

e) sit with a fishing rod on the river bank, etc.

Group II - the task "to go." Possible options:

a) walk along the road, around puddles and mud;

b) walk on hot sand;

c) walk on the deck of the ship;

d) walk along a log or a narrow bridge;

e) walk along a narrow mountain path, etc.

III group - the task "to run". Possible options:

a) run late to the theater;

b) run away angry dog;

c) run when caught in the rain;

d) run away, playing hide and seek, etc.

Group IV - the task of "waving your arms." Possible options:

a) drive away mosquitoes;

b) give a signal to the ship to be noticed;

c) dry wet hands, etc.

Group V - the task "Catch the little animal." Possible options:

a) a cat

b) parrot;

c) a grasshopper, etc.


Target. Develop the ability to justify their behavior, develop faith and imagination, expand children's knowledge.

Game progress. Children are encouraged to go to trip around the world. They must figure out where their path will lie - through the desert, along a mountain path, through a swamp, through a forest, jungle, across the ocean on a ship - and accordingly change their behavior.


In the theater, the audience believes what the actor believes. Stage attitude is the ability, with the help of faith, imagination and fantasy, to change one's attitude to an object, place of action or partners, changing one's behavior accordingly, justifying a conditional transformation.


Target. Develop a sense of faith and truth, courage, ingenuity, imagination and fantasy.

Game progress. The object is placed on a chair in the center of the circle or passed around the circle from one child to another. Everyone must act with the object in their own way, justifying its new purpose, so that the essence of the transformation is clear. Transformation options for different items:

a) a pencil or stick - a key, a screwdriver, a fork, a spoon, a syringe, a thermometer, a toothbrush, a drawing brush, a pipe, a comb, etc.;

b) a small ball - an apple, a shell, a snowball, a potato, a stone, a hedgehog, a gingerbread man, a chicken, etc.;

c) a notebook - a mirror, a flashlight, soap, a chocolate bar, a shoe brush, a game.

You can turn a chair or a wooden cube, then the children must justify the conditional name of the object.

For example, a large wooden cube can be turned into a royal throne, flower bed, monument, bonfire, etc.


Target. Is the same.

Game progress. Children are divided into 2-3 groups, and each of them comes up with their own version of the transformation of the room. The rest of the children, by the behavior of the participants in the transformation, guess what exactly the room has been turned into.

Possible options proposed by the children: shop, theater, seashore, clinic, zoo, Sleeping Beauty's castle, dragon cave, etc.


Target. Is the same.

Game progress. At the command of the teacher, children turn into trees, flowers, mushrooms, toys, butterflies, snakes, frogs, kittens, etc. The teacher himself can turn into an evil sorceress and turn children at will.




Target. Develop imagination, initiative, attention, the ability to act in concert, beat imaginary objects.

Game progress. The room is divided in half by a cord or a dash. On the one hand, there are “Grandfather and three or five grandchildren” chosen with the help of a counting rhyme, on the other hand, the rest of the children and the teacher who will make riddles. Having agreed on what the riddle will be about, the children go to the “grandfather” and “grandchildren”.

Children. Hello, gray-haired grandfather long long beard!

Grandfather. Hello grandchildren! Hello guys! Where have you been? What have you seen?

Children. We visited the forest, there we saw a fox. We'll tell you what we did, but we'll show you!

Children show the riddle they made up. If "grandfather" and "grandchildren" give the correct answer, the children return to their half and come up with new riddle. If the answer is given correctly, the children say the correct answer and after the words "One, two, three - catch up!" they run over the line, to their house, and the “grandfather” and “grandchildren” try to catch up with them until they cross the lifeline. After two riddles, new "grandfather" and "grandchildren" are selected.

In riddles, children show how, for example, they wash their hands, wash handkerchiefs, gnaw nuts, pick flowers, mushrooms or berries, play ball, sweep the floor with a broom, etc.

KING (variant of the folk game)

Target. Develop actions with imaginary objects, the ability to act in concert.

Game progress. A child is chosen with the help of a counting rhyme for the role of the king. The rest of the children - workers are divided into several groups (3 - 4) and agree what they will do, what kind of work to be hired. Then they approach the king in groups.

Workers. Hello king!

King. Hello!

Workers. Do you need workers?

King. What can you do?

Workers. And you guess!

Children, acting with imaginary objects, demonstrate various professions: they cook food, wash clothes, sew clothes, embroider, water plants, etc. The king must guess the profession of the workers. If he does it right, he will catch up with the fleeing children. The first child caught becomes king. Over time, the game can be complicated by the introduction of new characters (queen, minister, princess, etc.), as well as come up with characters actors(the king is greedy, cheerful, evil; the queen is kind, grumpy, frivolous).


Target. Develop skills of action with imaginary objects, "educate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.

Game progress. With the help of a counting rhyme, a child is selected who invites children to a “birthday”. Guests come in turn and bring imaginary gifts.

With the help of expressive movements, conditional play actions, children must show what exactly they decided to give.




Target. Be able to navigate in space, evenly placed on the site, without colliding with each other. Move at different paces. Attention training.

Game progress. At the teacher's clap, the children begin to randomly move around the hall, not colliding with other children and trying to fill the free space all the time.


Target. To develop the ability to control muscle tension and relaxation, navigate in space, coordinate movements, stop exactly at the signal of the teacher.

Game progress. At any signal, for example, cotton, the children begin to randomly move around the room, as in the "Ants" exercise. At the command of the “Cactus” teacher, the children stop and take the “cactus pose” - legs shoulder-width apart, arms slightly bent at the elbows, raised above their heads, palms turned back to each other, fingers spread out like thorns, all muscles tense. On the cotton of the teacher, the chaotic movement resumes, then the command follows: “Willow”. Children stop and assume the “willow” position: arms slightly spread apart are relaxed at the elbows and hang like branches of a willow; head hanging, neck muscles relaxed. Movement resumes, teams alternate.


Target. Tighten and relax alternately the muscles of the hands in the hands, elbows and shoulders.

Game progress. “A big, big palm tree has grown”: stretch your right hand up, reach for your hand, look at


“Leaves withered”: drop the brush. "Branches": drop the arm from the elbow. “th whole palm tree”: drop your hand down. Repeat the exercise with your left hand.


Target. The ability to relieve tension alternately from the muscles of the arms, legs, neck, body; move loosely with a soft, springy step.

Game progress. The children move around the hall in a scattered manner with a soft, slightly springy step, like little kittens. At the “rain” command, the children squat down and shrink into a ball, straining all the muscles. At the command of the “sun”, they slowly get up and shake off the “raindrops” in turn from each of the four “legs”, from the “head” and “tail”, respectively, removing the clamps from the muscles of the arms, legs, neck and body.


Target. Alternate tension and relaxation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.

Game progress. The child lifts a "heavy barbell". Then he leaves her and rests.


Target. Teach children to control the muscles of the neck and arms; navigate in space, evenly placed on the site.

Game progress. Children move in all directions, as in the “Ants” exercise, at the “airplanes” command they run rapidly, arms outstretched to the sides (the muscles of the arms, neck and body are tense); on command, the “butterflies” switch to an easy run, making smooth waves with their hands, the head gently turns from side to side (“the butterfly is looking for a beautiful flower”), the hands, elbows, shoulders and neck are not clamped.

The exercise can be done to the music by selecting the appropriate works from the repertoire for musical education.


Target. Develop the ability to properly tighten and relax muscles.

Game progress. Children move as in the “Ants” exercise, at the command “Pinocchio” they stop in a pose: legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, open to the side, hands straight, fingers spread out, all muscles tense. Movement around the hall resumes. At the command "Pierrot" - they freeze again, depicting a sad Pierrot: the head hangs, the neck is relaxed, the arms dangle below. In the future, you can invite the children to move, keeping the images of the wooden strong Pinocchio and the relaxed, soft Pierrot.


Target. The ability to strain and relax muscles, interact with a partner, train three types of exhalation, articulate the sounds “s” and “sh”; act on an imaginary object.

Game progress. Children are divided into pairs. One child is an inflatable doll from which air has been released, he is squatting, all muscles are relaxed, arms and head are lowered; the second - "pumps" air into the doll with a pump; leaning forward, each time he presses the “lever”, he exhales air with the sound “sssss” (the second type of exhalation), while inhaling, he straightens up. The doll, “filling with air”, slowly rises and straightens, arms are spread upwards and slightly to the sides. Then the doll is blown off, the cork is pulled out, the air comes out with the sound “sh-sh-sh-sh” (the first type of exhalation), the child squats down, again relaxing all the muscles. Then the children switch roles. You can offer to inflate the doll quickly, connecting the third type of exhalation: “S! WITH! WITH!"


Target. The ability to strain and relax the muscles of the neck, arms, legs and body.

Game progress. Children turn into snowmen: legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows are extended forward, the hands are rounded and directed towards each other, all muscles are tense. The teacher says: “The sun warmed up, under its warm spring rays the snowman began to slowly melt.” Children gradually relax their muscles: they lower their heads helplessly, drop their hands, then bend in half, squat down, fall to the floor, completely relaxing.


Target. The ability to strain and relax in motion, then right, then left leg.

Game progress. Children walk around the hall scattered, saying a nursery rhyme and performing movements to the text. Grandmother-Hedgehog, bone leg, Fell off the stove, broke her leg! (Children are scattered around the hall.) And then he says: “My leg hurts!”. (Children stop.) Went into the street - crushed the chicken, Went to the market - crushed the samovar! Went out on the lawn - scared the nut! (Children continue to move, straining first the left and then the right leg, limp.)


Target. The ability to strain and relax alternately the muscles of the whole body, to coordinate movements.

Game progress. First, the teacher, later the child turns into the “Snow Queen” and gradually begins to “freeze” all children: at the same time, he names certain parts of the body with the right hand, left hand, left leg, right leg, body, head), the corresponding muscles tense up. Children turn into an ice sculpture that begins to slowly melt under the rays of the sun. (The neck, arms, body, legs relax), the children first squat down, then completely relax and lie down on the floor.


Game progress.

Though it's hot, though it's hot,

All the people of the forest are busy.

Only a badger - a fair amount of lazy

Sleeps sweetly in a cool hole.

Couch potato sees a dream, as if he is busy with business.

At dawn and at sunset, he can’t get out of bed.

(V. Viktorov)

Children pretend to be a lazy badger. They lie down on the carpet and try to relax as much as possible.


Target. Training in complete relaxation of the muscles of the whole body.

Game progress. The teacher turns into a hypnotist and conducts a lulling session”; making characteristic smooth movements with runes, he says: "Sleep, sleep, sleep ... Your head, arms, and legs become heavy, your eyes close, you completely relax and hear the sound of the sea waves." Children gradually sink onto the carpet, lie down and completely relax.

You can use an audio cassette with music for meditation and relaxation.


Target. Develop a sense of rhythm, voluntary attention, coordination.

Game progress. The teacher in different combinations and rhythms alternates clapping, stomping with the foot and clapping on the knees. Children repeat after him. Gradually, rhythmic patterns become more complex, and the tempo accelerates.


Target. Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, coordination of actions with partners.

Game progress. Children are first divided into two, and as they acquire certain skills, into three or even four groups. The first group comes up with a rhythmic pattern and begins to reproduce it in claps. The second group joins the first, clapping their rhythmic pattern, then the third group turns on, and so on.


Target. Develop voluntary auditory attention and speed of reaction.

Game progress. Children are scattered. Their task is to react to the teacher's clap and clap almost simultaneously with it. The teacher offers to “catch” either a small ball, or a flower, or a coin.


Target. Development of coordination of movements, speed of reaction, imagination.

Game progress. The teacher turns into Ivan Tsarevich, and all the children into the Serpent-Gorynych. Ivan Tsarevich swings his sword (gymnastic stick or ruler), if the swing is at head level - the Serpent Gorynych must hide his head (children quickly bend down), if the swing is at leg level, the Serpent Gorynych saves the tail (children bounce).


Target. Develop coordination of movements, coordination of actions, a sense of rhythm, the ability to use gestures.

Game progress. Children pronounce the text and simultaneously perform movements.

One, two - islands Two claps, a semicircle with one hand,

then another to the side, as if depicting two islands.

Three, four - Two claps, both hands

we sailed to depict undulating movements

away from you.

Five, six - Two claps, alternating movement

we go here with our right hand palm down (as if we are hitting the ball),

left - palm up (toss the ball).

Seven, eight - Two claps, right hand stretched up,

how many pines! then on the word "pines" the left hand is pulled up

Nine, ten - Two claps, middle and index

we are on the way with the fingers of both hands to move forward from ourselves, depicting “steps”.

Do-counted Perform 4 movements, one per

to ten! each syllable:

1) the palm of the right hand on the head;

2) the back of the left hand under the chin;

3) the palm of the right hand touches right cheek;

4) the palm of the left hand touches the left cheek.

Perform 3 movements:

1) the right hand is extended forward;

2) the left hand is extended forward;

3) ringing clap.


Purpose, To develop speed of reaction, coordination of movements, the ability to use gestures.

Game progress.

Educator Children

- How are you? - Like this! show with enthusiasm


- Do you swim? - Like this! Any style.

- How do you run? - Like this! Bending your arms at the elbows,

kick alternately with your feet.

- Are you looking into the distance? - Like this! Hands "visor" or "binok-

lem" to the eyes.

- Looking forward to lunch? - Like this! Waiting posture, cheek


- Are you following? - Like this! The gesture is clear.

- Do you sleep in the morning? - Like this! Cheek handles.

- Are you kidding? - Like this! Puff out your cheeks and clap

fists on them.

(According to N. Pikuleva)


Target. To develop attention, imagination, resourcefulness, the ability to create images with the help of facial expressions, gestures, plasticity.

Game progress. Children join hands and walk in a circle, in the center of which is the driver; children sing a nursery rhyme and perform movements.

At Malanya's, at the old woman's, (They walk in a circle and sing.)

Lived in a small hut

seven daughters,

seven sons,

All without eyebrows! (They stop and

With such eyes, the power of facial expressions and gestures iso-

With ears like that, they talk about what they say -

With such noses, in the text.)

With such a mustache

With such a head

With such a beard...

They didn’t eat anything, (They squat down

They sat all day. ki and with one hand prop up

They looked at him (her), chin.)

They did it like this ... (Repeat after the leading person

fight gesture.)


Target. Develop the mobility of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Game progress. Children stand in the main stance and, in accordance with the words of the teacher, perform movements.

There is a neck - stand straight, showing a long neck.

There is no neck - raise your shoulders up, as if to “pull in” your neck (freaks). Repeat several times.


Target. Is the same.

Game progress. Close the book - shoulders forward. Open the book - take your shoulders back. Repeat several times.


Target. Develop neck mobility, relax the muscles of the neck, arms and body.

Game progress. Children stand in the pose of a doll: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, hands tense, fingers spread out, palms forward. It is desirable to carry out the exercise to the music, with a size of 2/4, for example, "Polka" by A. Zhilinsky.

Measure 1. Tilt your head forward for the first quarter, back for the second quarter.

Measure 2. Head forward, backward and straight (movement every eighth duration).

Measure 3. Tilt your head back, then forward.

Measure 4. Head back, forward, straight.

Measure 5. Turn your head to the right, then to the left.

Measure 6. Right, left, straight.

Measure 7. Turn your head to the left, then to the right.

Measure 8. Left, right, straight.

Measure 9. Tilt your head to the right shoulder, then to the left.

Measure 10. To the right, to the left, straight ahead.

Measure 11. Tilt your head to the left shoulder, then to the right.

Measure 12. To the left, to the right, straight ahead.

Measure 13. Movement as in measure 1.

Measure 14. Movement as in the 2nd measure.

Measure 15. Movement as in measure 3.

Measure 16. Head straight to the 1st beat, to the 2nd beat bend in half, drop your head and hands - the winding is over.


Target. Develop plasticity of hands.

Game progress. Children are scattered in the main stance, hands down, palms down, middle fingers connected.

1. In the morning tulip Connecting palms, raise your hands

opens to the chin, open palms,

connect the elbows.

2. It closes at night. Joining the palms, lower your hands


3. Tulip tree

palms and raise your arms above your head.

4. Spreads his Hands from above to spread to the sides, palm branches up.

5. And autumn leaves

fall Turn the palms down and gently lower down, slightly fingering.


Target. Develop plasticity of hands, coordination of movements.

Game progress. Hands to the sides, palms forward, main stance. Gently cross your arms at the wrists in front of your chest and gently move them to the sides. Repeat four times, from above, then the right, then the left hand. Gently cross your arms over your chest, as if trying to wrap your arms around yourself, gently spread apart. Repeat four times, alternating hand position.


Target. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Game progress. Get on your knees, then sit on your heels, put your palms on the floor and stick your “wet noses” into the backs of your palms. The cubs are sitting in a cage and trying to get out of it to their mother in the forest...

1. Right forward, then Without raising your head, pull forward

left right hand on the floor, then left hand.

2. To yourself, to yourself In turn, return your hands to their original


3. To the sides, to the sides Stretch your arms across the floor to the sides:

first the right, then the left.

4. To yourself, to yourself In turn, return your hands to ref. P.

5. Right hand forward, Leaning on the left hand, raise-

left leg - back from the heels, stretch with the right hand

forward, left straight leg back (as if trying to “push apart” the bars of the cage).

6. Sit down Return to the starting position.

7. left hand, right Run step 5.

leg, stretch!

8. Nothing happened! .. Return to the starting position.

Stick your noses in the back

sides of the palms and "howl"


Target. Develop a sense of rhythm, plasticity of hands.

Game progress. Children sit loosely in Turkish, arms to the sides, palms down, back straight. All together say the text:

Gathering to hunt, For each syllable, smooth movement

bring the backs of the palms closer to the shoulders and back, as if starting from the shoulder.

Snakes crawl, writhing. For every syllable the same movement

but raising your hands up and down. You can do the exercise without text on the sound "s-s-s-s-s-s-s".


Target. Development of coordination of movements, dexterity, sense of rhythm.

Game progress. Children lie on their backs, arms extended along the head, toes extended.

1. The hedgehog cringed, Bend your knees, press

curled up, to his stomach, wrap his arms around them,

nose to knees.

2. Turned around... Return to ref. P.

3. Stretched. Turn on the stomach through the right


4. One, two, three, four, Raise straight arms and legs five ... up, reach for your hands.

5. The hedgehog shrunk again! .. Turn on the back through the left shoulder

cho, wrap your arms around your legs, bent at the knees, nose to your knees.

Crawling snakes

Target. Develop flexibility, plastic expressiveness.

Game progress. Get on your knees and, bending your back, stretch your arms forward as far as possible, pressing your chest to the floor. Then pull up the legs (“tail”) and move forward again. The nature of the movement is undulating and continuous. Snakes can bend into different sides, plastically communicate, articulate the sounds "s-s-s-s-s-s-s", "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh", "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh -u”, “h-h-h-h-h-h-h” (1st type of exhalation).


Target. Is the same.

Game progress. Children squat and, without touching the floor with their knees, with their hands (“soft paws”) go in a circle to their “tail”, without turning the body if possible. They go alternately in different directions. In the future, panthers can plastically and with the help of sounds communicate with each other. (See the section "Culture and Technique of Speech", exercise "Yawning Panther".)


Target. Develop the ability to control your body, feel the impulse.

Game progress. Children are scattered in the main rack. At the clap of the teacher, they must impulsively, very sharply take any position, at the second clap - quickly take a new position, etc. All parts of the body should participate in the exercise, change position in space (lying, sitting, standing).


Target. Develop imagination and fantasy, improve the plastic capabilities of the body, the ability to act with a partner.

Game progress. Children are divided into pairs. One child takes on the role of the sculptor and the other takes on the role of plasticine or clay. Sculptors are invited to mold the non-existent fantastic creation, come up with a name for it and tell where it lives, what it eats, what it loves, how it moves. In the future, you can offer the creature to come to life and start moving. Then the children switch roles.


Target. Develop imagination and fantasy, learn to create images using expressive movements.

Game progress. Children are divided into buyers and toys, they choose a child for the role of a seller. Buyers take turns asking the seller to show this or that toy. The seller turns it on with a key. The toy comes to life, starts moving, and the buyer must guess what kind of toy it is. Then the children switch roles.


Target. To develop the ability to convey images of living beings with the help of plastic expressive movements.

Game progress. Children sort out cards depicting animals, birds, insects, etc. Then, one by one, the given image is transmitted in plastic, the rest guess. On several cards, the images may coincide, which makes it possible to compare several options for one task and mark the best performance.


Target. Train faith, fantasy and plastic expressiveness.

Game progress. Children are divided into spectators and performers. Each child imagines himself as a small seed of a plant. Children sit on their haunches (press their heads to their knees and wrap their arms around themselves). IN given rhythm a bore breaks out of a grain, it reaches for the sun, grows, releases leaves ... The audience is trying to determine what kind of plant has grown from each grain.


Target. Is the same.

Game progress. Children lie down on the carpet, press their knees to their chest, head to their knees and wrap their arms around themselves (“egg”). First, the head rises, the chickens break the shell with their beaks, spread their wings, try to stand on their legs, begin to move, get to know the world around them, try to peck at grains ...

miracle yudo from an egg

Target. Is the same.

Game progress. The game is similar to the previous one, but fantastic inhabitants of other planets must hatch from the egg: they can jump or crawl, walk on all fours or roll. They study everything that they come across on their way, look for food for themselves, communicate with each other peacefully or hostilely. Tired, they look for a suitable place to rest and go to bed.


Target. To convey in plastic free images the character and mood of musical works.


Each child improvises the proposed situation, as if answering the questions: where, when, why, what did he lose? Children with the help of facial expressions, gestures, plasticity of the body create a mini-performance (etude) on a given topic.

Musical accompaniment: "The First Loss", music. R. Schumann (Album for youth).


Children freely and emotionally transmit joyful mood in connection with the gift received. Fantasize when New Year or birthday), from whom (mom, dad, friend, etc.), what exactly did they receive as a gift.

Musical accompaniment: " New doll", music. P. Tchaikovsky ( children's album) or "Waltz Joke", music. D Shostakovich.


The wind is playing autumn leaves, they spin in a bizarre dance, gradually sinking to the ground.

Musical accompaniment: "Waltz-Fantasy", music. M. Glinka or waltz "Autumn Dream", music by A. Joyce.


Children lie on the carpet (sleep), feel how the sunbeam slid over their faces, slowly open their eyes, stretch, rise, go to the window and, having opened it, admire the early morning ...

Musical accompaniment: "Morning", music. E. Grieg; "Dawn on the Moscow River", music. M. Mussorgsky.


Butterflies fly in the summer meadow. Some collect nectar from flowers, others admire their colorful wings. Light and airy, they flutter and whirl in their joyful dance.

Musical accompaniment: "Moth", music by D. Zhabalevsky; "Waltz" from the ballet "Coppelia", music. L Delibes.


In the land of flowers, a festive ball. Each flower improvises its movements, expressing the general joyful mood.

Musical accompaniment: "Snowdrop" ("Seasons"); "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker"; music P. Tchaikovsky.


Now slowly, now faster, snowflakes fall to the ground, spinning and sparkling in their magical dance.

Musical accompaniment: "Waltz" from the opera "Yolka", music. V. Rebikov; "Waltz of the Snow Flakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker", music. P.I. Tchaikovsky.


Scary and mysterious enchanted forest; the branches of the trees are moving, slowly wriggling, luring travelers into the very thicket...

Musical accompaniment: "Gnome", music. M. Mussorgsky ("Pictures at an Exhibition").


The boy Petya walks bravely and cheerfully, a duck waddling funnyly waddling; softly stepping with its paws, a cat sneaks; the bird flies easily and quickly; Grandfather walks heavily, leaning on a stick, the wolf walks angrily...

Children are divided into several groups and within each they distribute roles.

Musical accompaniment: excerpts from symphonies. fairy tales "Peter and the Wolf", music. From Prokofiev.


In the sea kingdom of the Golden Fish, peace and quiet. Its inhabitants go about their business: fish swim, algae writhe, the shell opens and closes, a crab quickly moves along the bottom ...

Musical accompaniment: "Aquarium" ("Carnival of animals"), music. C. Saint-Saens.


IN underwater palace sea ​​king The Little Mermaid dances surrounded by fish and jellyfish, crabs and starfish, shells and corals...

Musical accompaniment: "Neptune", music. G. Holst.


In a distant and mysterious country ruled by the beautiful Anitra, she and her subjects lure and enchant travelers who accidentally find themselves in this country...

Musical accompaniment: "Dance of Anitra from the suite" Peer Gynt ", music. E. Grieg.


To an enchanted castle where life stopped and all the inhabitants of which, turned into statues, froze in different poses, hits the prince. He touches the sleeping princess, and everything around comes to life: the cat stretches and rises, the fire wakes up in the fireplace, the servants set the table, the guests, waking up from their sleep, begin to move and dance.

Musical accompaniment: "Romance", music. D. Shostakovich.


Spring has come. Everything is alive and flourishing. Only one Snow Maiden is sad: the warm rays of the sun bring her death; she says goodbye to everything that is dear to her, and slowly melts ...

Musical accompaniment: "Romance" by G. Sviridov (from the music for the film "Snowstorm").


The gnomes go to check if all their treasures are in place, if someone else has appeared in their lands. They come to the forest lake, rest on the soft grass and again, full of strength, go further...

Musical accompaniment: "Procession of the Dwarves", music. E. Grieg.


Robots took to the streets of the city, they are made of metal and plastic, their movements are sharp and elastic...

Musical accompaniment: "Montagues and Capulets" (from the ballet "Romeo and Juliet", music by S. Prokofiev).


The fakir plays the pipe, and the snakes lying quietly on the floor begin their dance, gently swaying and wriggling.

Musical accompaniment: "Arabian dance" from the ballet "The Nutcracker", music. P. Tchaikovsky.


Wounded, the swan tries to take off to catch up with his flock, he flaps his wings, but his strength is decreasing, the broken wing does not obey, his movements become weaker, he powerlessly sinks to the ground.

Musical accompaniment: "The Dying Swan" ("Carnival of the Animals", music by C. Saint-Saens).


COME HERE. Stretch your hand forward with your palm turned up, and then wave “towards you”.

LEAVE. Bend your arm in front of your chest, the hand is turned with the palm “away from you”, wave your hand “away from you”.

AGREEMENT. Nod your head once or twice (assertive).

DISSENT. Shake your head from side to side (denying).

REQUEST. The arm is extended forward with the palm turned up. The weight of the body is transferred to the front of the feet. The neck and body are directed forward.

REFUSAL. The arm is extended forward with a vertically set brush. The palm is turned “away from you”, the body is tilted back, the head is turned to the side.

CRY. Cover your face with your hands, tilt your head forward down, raise your shoulders, your shoulders tremble.

LASKA. Stroke on the shoulder gently, gently, looking into the eyes.

CRY. The palm is applied with a “mouthpiece” to the parted mouth, the body moves towards the “sound” being sent.

GREETINGS. The right hand is raised up, swinging the brush from side to side.

PARTING. The eyes are fixed on the departing person, the body is tilted forward; smooth swing movements with the brush of the raised right hand.

INVITATION. The right hand is moved to the side, the palm opens, the head turns after the hand.

GRATITUDE. The palms folded together are pressed to the chest, the elbows are apart, the head is tilted forward.

INDIGNATION. Outrage: “Yes, what is it!”.

DON'T KNOW. Raise your shoulders, arms slightly apart, palms open.

A gesture can also convey admiration and surprise, it can be aloof and commanding. With it, you can invite children to characterize the object in terms of size and shape.


CHARGING FOR LIPS "Cheerful Piglet":

at the expense of "times" lips stretch forward, like a piglet's piglet; on "two" lips stretch in a smile, without exposing your teeth;

elongated lips (piglet) move up and down, left and right;

the piglet makes circular movements in one direction, then in the other;

When finishing the exercises, invite the children to completely release the muscles of the lips, snorting like a horse.


Children often speak through their teeth, the jaw is clamped, the mouth is e, ajar. To get rid of these shortcomings, it is necessary to release the muscles of the neck and jaw.

1. Tilt your head to the right, then to the left shoulder, then roll it along the back and chest;

2. Surprised hippopotamus: throw the lower jaw sharply down, while the mouth opens wide and freely.

3. Yawning panther: press with both hands on both cheeks of the middle part and say "wow, wow, wow ...", imitating the voice of the panther, sharply lowering the lower jaw with your mouth wide open, then yawn and stretch.

4. Hot potato: put an imaginary hot potato in your mouth and make a closed yawn (lips close, soft palate raised, larynx lowered).


1. The sting of a snake. The mouth is open, the tongue is extended as far forward as possible, slowly moving to the right - to the left.

2. Candy. The lips are closed, with the tongue behind them we place the “candy” to the right - to the left, up - down, in a circle.

3. Bell. The mouth is parted, the lips are rounded, the tongue beats against the edges of the lips, like the tongue of a ringing bell.

4. Injections. With the sharp tip of the tongue, touch the inside of the left and right cheeks alternately. The lower jaw is immobile.

5. The longest tongue. Stick out your tongue as far as possible and try to reach your nose and chin with it.


Target. Warm up the muscles of the respiratory apparatus.

The 1st type serves a calm, smooth-sounding speech.

The wind whistles - SSSSSSS ...

The trees are rustling - shhhhhh...

A bee is flying - ZHZHZHZHZHZH...

Mosquito rings - 3333333333...

The 2nd type serves strong-willed, but restrained speech.

The pump is working - SSSSS! SSSS! SSSS!


Drill drill - 33333! 33333! 33333!

The 3rd type serves emotional speech at a fast pace.

The cat is angry - F! F! F! F1

Sawing saw - S! WITH! WITH! WITH!

The engine starts - R! R! R! R!

Children can invent similar exercises themselves and combine all three types of exhalation in one exercise.

For example: motorcycle. We start the engine: P! R! R!.. RRRRRR! RRRRRR! RRRRRR! Let's go faster and faster: RRRRRR! RRRRRR! RRRRRR!




Move. Children are invited to imagine that they have a very painful tooth, and they begin to moan at the sound "m". The lips are slightly closed, all muscles are free. The sound is monotonous, stretching.


Move. Children portray a capricious child who whines, demanding to be picked up. Whine on the sound “n”, without raising or lowering the sound, looking for a tone in which the voice sounds even and free.


Move. Children are divided into two groups, and each in turn depicts the ringing of bells: blow - bang! And the echo - mmm ... BOMM - BOMM! BOMM - BOMM! BOMM - BOMM! Ding - Donn! Ding - Donn! Ding - Donn!


Move. Children imagine that they are rocking a toy and sing a lullaby, first with their mouth closed to the sound "m", and then the same musical phrase of the lullaby to the vowel sounds "a", "o", "u".



Move. A child trainer is selected, who invites the rest of the children - circus dogs to solve the simplest tasks, invented by him on his own. Instead of answering "dogs" they say "aw-aw-aw!" corresponding number of times.


Move. Children imagine that they are in a large village yard, they must call and feed all its inhabitants. Children collectively or one by one call ducks (ut-ut-ut-ut), cockerel (sing-sing-sing-sing), chickens (chick-chick-chick), geese (tega-tega-tega-tega), pigeons ( gul-gul-gul), suddenly a cat appeared (kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss), she tried to catch a chicken (scat! scat!). The hen calls the runaway chickens.

ECHO (according to N. Pikuleva)

Lead Children

Get it together, kids! Ra! Ra!

The game starts! Ra! Ra!

Don't feel sorry for the palms! Lei! Lei!

Hit the palms more fun! Lei! Lei!

What time is it? Hour! Hour!

How much will it be in an hour? Hour! Hour!

And it's not true: there will be two! Two! Two!

Your head is dormant! Wa! Wa!

How does the rooster sing in the village? Wow! Wow!

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster? Wow! Wow!

Are you sure it is? So! So!

But really how? How! How!

If someone crowed, he gives a phantom, and the game starts over.



Game progress. Children pronounce each subsequent phrase, raising their tone of voice.

Chu-do-le-sen-koi-sha-ga-yu, You-so-tu-i-na-bi-ra-yu: Step-to-go-ry, Step-to-to-chi ... A-rise-em-all-you-she, cool-che ... Ne-ro-be-yu, sing ho-chu, Straight to the sun-tsu-I-le-chu!


Game progress. IN right hand children hold an imaginary toy plane. He then gains altitude, then smoothly descends, then again sharply soars up to the sky, then makes a “dead loop”, finally lands at the airfield. Hand movements are accompanied by a lingering sound AAAA... or 3333... The voice follows the movement of the aircraft up and down.




Target. To train a clear pronunciation of consonants at the end of a word, to teach children to select a rhyme for words.

Summer day

Ut-ut-ut-ut - flowers bloom in the meadow,

Yut-yut-yut-yut - the birds sing merrily,

Yat-yat-yat-yat - viciously mosquitoes ring,

It-it-it-it - a hare sits under a bush.

In the forest

Et-et-et-et- - the nightingale sings in the forest,

Ut-ut-ut-ut - mushrooms grow near the stump,

At-at-at-at - hedgehogs rustle under a bush,

It-it-it-it - a woodpecker on a pine tree knocks.

In zoo

It-it-it-it - the striped tiger growls,

Et-et-et-et - slowly the snake crawls,

From-from-from-from - the hippopotamus opened its mouth,

Ut-ut-ut-ut - the swans swim quickly,

Yat-yat-yat-yat - the monkeys are shalya there


Target. Develop imagination, replenish vocabulary, activate associative thinking.

Game progress. Children sit in a circle; the teacher, holding a basket in his hands, offers to put in the basket what can be found in the forest, or in the garden, or in the air, or in the sea, or in the garden; something that flies or something that crawls, etc. Children can independently figure out where to look for words for a magic basket. IN preparatory group tasks become more difficult: for example, to add words related to music (note, treble clef, register, rhythm, song, etc.) or to the theater (curtain, poster, stage, actor, rehearsal, intermission, etc.) After this game, it is easy to move on to theater games to "transformations".


Target. Expand vocabulary, cultivate the ability to communicate politely, actions with imaginary objects.

Game progress. Children sit in a circle, the teacher holds out a hand with an imaginary, for example, candy to the first child and, calling him by name, offers a treat. The child thanks and "eats". Then he puts it on his palm and treats his neighbor with something tasty. He thanks, “eats” and treats the third child, etc.


Target. To teach children to make a sentence, develop imagination, skills of joint activity.

Game progress. Children are divided into several teams, receive 2-3 cards each with the image of various objects specially selected from board games such as "lotto". After a while, each team says a composed sentence.


Target. Develop imagination, fantasy, imaginative thinking.

Game progress. The teacher pronounces the first sentence, for example, "Once upon a time there was a little grasshopper ...", the children take turns continuing the tale, adding their sentence.


Target. Learn to build a dialogue, independently choosing a partner, develop a quick reaction.

Game progress. The leader (first an adult, then a child) says a remark and throws the ball to the chosen partner, who must, having caught the ball, answer his question. Having completed the task, the child, in turn, throws the ball after his cue to another partner, and so on.


Target. Build a dialogue between two heroes of famous fairy tales, taking into account their characters and inventing a situation in which they had to meet.

Game progress. Children are divided into pairs, they are invited to come up with and play a dialogue between Kolobok and Turnip, Pockmarked Hen and Puss in Boots, Pinocchio and Kid, Little Red Riding Hood and Dunno. Children themselves can suggest famous heroes.


Target. Develop imagination and fantasy, replenish vocabulary, develop imaginative thinking.

Game progress. A group of children is invited to draw out cards with the image of different characters of some famous fairy tale. Each child must tell a fairy tale on behalf of their hero.


Target. To teach children to select rhymes for words, to plastically depict the selected word.

Game progress. Children are divided into groups (2-3), each of them is offered a word to which they need to pick up a rhyme (words with similar "tails") and depict these words using pantomime. For example, the word “cheesecake” is given, rhymes are selected: frog, pillow, old woman, cuckoo, Parsley, feeder ... All these words can be depicted using body plastics.

The word "bump" - a book, a mouse, a lid ...


Target. Develop imagination, fantasy, coherent figurative speech, develop the ability to imagine yourself as another being or object.

Game progress. The child, turning into something or someone, tells that the thing feels, what surrounds it, what worries, where and how it lives, etc.

Options: “I am an iron”, “I am a cup”, “I am a doll”, “I am a cat, a bee, a ball” - etc.


Target. Replenish vocabulary, develop speed of reaction.

Game progress. The host alternately throws a ball to each child, naming the word. The catcher must come up with his own word:

a) opposite in meaning (day - night, hot - cold);

b) definition to given word(tree - prickly, wolf - toothy);

c) action (the tree is growing, the boy is running).


Games with tongue twisters can be offered in different versions:

1) "damaged phone" - two teams play. The captain of each gets his tongue twister. The winner is the team that, at the signal of the leader, will quickly pass the tongue twister along the chain and the last representative of which will pronounce it out loud better and more accurately;

2) "handball" - the leader throws the ball up and calls the name of a child. He must quickly run up, catch the ball and say a tongue twister, etc .;

3) a variant of the "hand ball" - the children stand in a circle, in the center - the leader with the ball. He throws the ball to any child, he must catch it and quickly say a tongue twister. If the child failed to catch the ball or could not clearly pronounce the tongue twister, he receives a penalty point or is out of the game;

4) "snake with collars" - the children move in a chain behind the leader and pass through the gates formed by the last two children. The child in front of whom the gates are slammed must utter any tongue twister. If he does it well, the gates open and the game continues, otherwise the child repeats the tongue twister;

5) “phrase in a circle” - children, sitting in a circle, pronounce the same phrase or tongue twister with different intonation; the goal is to work out intonation;

6) “main word” - children pronounce the tongue twister in turn, each time highlighting a new word, making it the main one in meaning. Tongue twisters can be learned in motion, in various poses, with a ball or with a rope.

Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled

Six mice rustle in the reeds.

Serum from yogurt.

The wasp sat on the nose, I'll take the wasp to the branch.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies; two worse mice carried two pennies each.

Drying mice dried, mice invited mice, drying mice began to eat, mice broke their teeth!

The bristle is at the ingot, the scales are at the pike.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.

Centipedes have too many legs.

The hedgehog bear cub with the hedgehog and the hedgehog got scared.

The beetle, buzzing over the puddle, waited until supper for the snake.

A beetle buzzes over the honeysuckle, a green casing on the beetle.

A sluggish red cat rested his stomach.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The weaver weaves fabric for Tanya's handkerchief.

The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull's white lip was stupid.

Quail quail and quail in the woods hid from the guys.

The cap was not sewn in the style of a bell, the bell was poured not in the style of a bell.

It is necessary to recap, recap;

the bell must be re-belled, re-belled.

Clara put the bow on the shelf, called Nikolka to her.

Carl stole the corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Carl.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Three chattering magpies chattered on the hill.

Three magpies, three clappers, lost three brushes.

At the gate - daisies, three snails crawled up to them.

In the mornings, my brother Kirill fed grass to three rabbits.

Wet weather softened up.

Half a cellar of turnips, half a cap of peas.

The cat caught mice and rats, the rabbit ate a cabbage leaf.

Polycarp's catch is three crucians, three carps.

Kondrat has a short jacket.

Valerik ate a dumpling, and Valyushka ate a cheesecake.

Prokop came - dill boiled, Prokop left - dill boils, as dill boiled under Prokop, so dill boils without Prokop.

The king is an eagle, the eagle is a king.

The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grains.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain.

Margarita lost her daisies in the yard.

The beaver is kind to the beavers.

The engraver Gavrila engraved the engraving.

Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. An eagle under a feather, a mountain under an eagle.

Cook Pavel, cook Peter.

Pavel soared, Peter baked.

Khariton has four crayfish and three newts in his aquarium.

Barely Lena ate, she didn’t want to eat out of laziness.

Dear Mila washed herself with soap.

We ate, ate molts at the spruce ... They barely ate at the spruce!

Four turtles have four baby turtles.

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

The ship was carrying caramel,

The ship ran aground.

And the sailors for two weeks

They ate caramel aground.

Crested laughers laughed with laughter.


- Tell me about shopping.

- About what about purchases?

- About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases.

The mouse whispers to the mouse: “You are all rustling, you are not sleeping!”.

The mouse whispers to the mouse: "I will rustle more quietly."

The crab made the rake to the crab,

Served the rake to the crab crab:

- Rake the gravel, crab!

Theatrical entertainment "From what fairy tale the hero came"
for children of the middle group

Mastyaykina Tatyana Viktorovna, educator of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 96", Kemerovo region, the city of Prokopyevsk.
Material Description: I bring to your attention an entertainment scenario for middle-aged children preschool age(4-5 years). During the entertainment, the Wizard comes to visit the children, who asks them riddles about fairy-tale heroes. Then the children themselves transform into various fairy-tale characters.
Target: development of expressiveness of speech, the ability to communicate emotionally;
Tasks: develop imagination, pantomime skills;
participate in dramatization literary works;
nurture partnerships in the game.
The group includes the Magician - storyteller

Wizard: I am a fairy wizard
I am a good wizard
I write fairy tales
For small children.
Hello! Where did the Magic Wand take me?
Educator: Hello dear wizard. You are in kindergarten for children who love fairy tales.
Wizard: I'm very happy. I announce a ball of fairy tales!
But first you must guess my fairytale riddles.

A fairy tale comes out of the river ...
From the tram, from the gate,
What is this round dance?
This is a fairy tale round dance!
A fairy tale is clever and charming,
Lives next to us.

1. What fairy tale do they live in: grandmother, grandfather, hare, bear, fox and little round traveler? (Kolobok)

2. From which fairy tale did we learn about dad, his wooden son with long nose? (Golden Key)
3. In which fairy tale did big white birds carry away little boy to Baba Yaga? (Swan geese)
4. What was the name of the girl who went to visit her grandmother and met a gray wolf in the forest? (Little Red Riding Hood)
5. Evil stepmother, two daughters, Santa Claus... (Morozko)
An evil stepmother, two daughters, a king, a princess, a soldier, spring flowers in winter... (Twelve months)
What good fellows, they guessed all my fairy-tale riddles.
Educator: Now let's play the game "Tell verses with your hands"
Who plays the accordion
The pussy is the one on the drum
Well, Bunny on the pipe
You are in a hurry to play.
If you help,
Let's play together!
Oh, how fun they played - aren't you guys tired?
Let's say a phrase with a certain intonation.
Phrase: "It's my birthday soon!"
Intonation: 1. Funny;
2. Thoughtful and dreamy;
3. With sadness and regret.
Wizard: I'll tell you guys
I'm talking about fairy tales, riddles,
Who will solve the riddle.
Replies quickly immediately.
1. The fat man lives on the roof
He flies higher (Carlson)
2. She is beautiful and sweet
And her name is "Ash" (Cinderella)
3. What a strange man
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key? (Pinocchio)
Educator: Our holiday continues! Now, dear storyteller, try to guess from which fairy tales the guests came to us.
Turn away and don't look until we say one, two, three!
Children choose masks, fairy-tale heroes, pictures on which fairy tales are depicted, toys.
Children: One two Three! Turn around and look!
Children approach the Wizard and talk about their hero without naming a fairy tale. The Wizard guesses.
At the end of the holiday, the Wizard praises the children and invites them to dance.
Wizard: After playing fun, dance, friends ready?
Play music louder, invite everyone to dance!
Everyone is doing the 4 step dance

Educator: All the guys are great!
We slap you all
Let's stomp our feet,
Let's wave our hands:
Bye, say goodbye!
Wizard: See you soon! Leaves.

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