Abstract of the lesson on the activity of fgos. Outline of a lesson in drawing (senior group) on the topic: educational area: artistic and aesthetic development summary of a lesson in art activities on the topic "self-portrait


Summary of GCD for children 6-7 years old on the topic "What color is the rainbow"

Author. Sokolova Svetlana Sergeevna, teacher of additional education
MBOU DOD Center children's creativity, p. Syava.

Material Description: I offer you a summary of the direct educational activities for children 6-7 years old, 1 year of study for additional educational program mug "Art studio". On the topic "What color is the rainbow." This lesson outline will be useful for kindergarten teachers and grade 1 teachers. secondary school. This abstract cognitive activity is an introductory in the additional educational program of the circle "Art Studio". The teacher can choose images for computer support of the lesson at his own discretion.

The topic of the lesson is "What color is the rainbow"

Target: Familiarizing children with the content of classes visual arts in the circle "Art Studio". Identification of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of children in the field of fine arts.
Familiarize yourself with the rules of work in the classroom and materials for
fine art classes.
Build workplace organization and work skills
brush and paints.
Learn to depict a natural phenomenon without a preliminary drawing.
Develop the ability to accurately paint with watercolors.
Develop aesthetic responsiveness to the beauty of the world around.
Develop visual memory in children and the ability to portray from memory and impression.
Raise interest in visual arts.
Cultivate love for native nature and respect for her.
Cultivate friendly relations in the team, the desire to help each other.
Class type: Learning new material.
Class type: Practical lesson with elements of conversation.
Methods: Explanatory and illustrative, partly exploratory using a practical method.
First year of study. Introduction to the additional educational program.
Children's age. 6-7 years old.
Lesson time. 35 minutes.
For the teacher:
- lesson presentation
- an exhibition of children's drawings made in different techniques,
- tape recorder, cassettes with melodies,
- gouache.
- For children:
- album,
- watercolor paints,
- brush,
- a jar of water.
Lesson plan.
organizational stage. 1 minute
/ greetings/
Preparatory stage. 8 minutes
/message topics, goals and objectives/
Main stage. 20 minutes
a/ theoretical.
b/ practical.
Final stage. 5 minutes
/ summing up the lesson /
reflective stage. 1 minute
/self-assessment of the lesson /
Lesson progress
1.organizational stage.
Purpose: Organization of the workplace, psychological attitude to the upcoming work.
Greeting, checking the group for the lesson.
2.Preparatory stage.
Purpose: To prepare children for the perception of new lesson material.
- Let's get acquainted. My name is Svetlana Sergeevna, I am a teacher of fine arts.
- Now you introduce yourself. (children say their names)
I really like to draw
Trees, and birds, and animals,
I like to think, dream
ABOUT future life Guys.
Smile, sun, we often.
Smile, sun, we are lucky. (Slide 2: children's drawings)

- Look how many children's drawings are in our exhibition. How do you think
Do the children who drew them like to draw? (exhibition of drawings, children's crafts), (children's answers)
- Guys, do you like to draw? (children's answers)
- In the classroom of fine arts, we will draw, sculpt,
make various crafts, learn to portray all that amazing,
what we can see around, invent, fantasize.
Purpose of the lesson: Today we will draw a beautiful natural phenomenon - a rainbow. We will master the first techniques of working with paints and a brush. We will develop imagination, creative thinking, the ability to work in pairs and independently.
- Guys, "Jolly Pencil" came to visit us and now he will hold interesting game"Artist's portfolio", you need to guess the accessories necessary for drawing. Guys, the one who knows the correct answer, raise up the signal - a colored pencil.
(The game "Artist's Portfolio" is being played. The teacher makes riddles)
- I go to school in the morning.
I take supplies.
I carry my house on my shoulders
And in it for drawing .... (Album) (slide 3: after the children's answers, pictures of answers appear on the screen)
- Who will color our album?
Well, of course ... (Pencil)
- Your pigtail without fear,
She dips herself in colors
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page. (Tassel)
- If you give her a job -
The pencil worked in vain. (Eraser)
- Multi-colored sisters
Bored without water
Uncle is long and thin
Carries water with a beard.
And sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke. (Paints, brush)
- Well done, guys, guessed the riddles correctly, and now let's place our accessories correctly on the desktop together.
1. Place all accessories on the desktop so that
they did not interfere with your work.
2. Paper for drawing lies exactly in front of the eyes and nothing
lights up.
3. Water, a box of paints are placed above the album.
4.C right side (for left-handers - on the left) located pencil, eraser
- Check if you have arranged the tools and materials for
drawing, (self-test by children on a reference signal) (slide 4)
- Guys, what are the names of the paints that artists use?
Children: Watercolor, gouache, oil, stained glass paints.
“Now we are going to play an interesting game.” multicolored paints". There are jars of gouache on your tables. Name the colors of the paints and say what you would paint with this color.
There is a jar of paint on the children's tables (everyone has a different color). Work in pairs.(slide 5: paints are shown on the screen. After the children answer, drawings of the sun, clouds, grass, etc. appear.)
3. Main stage.
a/ theoretical.
Purpose: Acquaintance of children with a natural phenomenon - a rainbow, its characteristic features.
colorful gate
Someone built in the meadow.
But it's not easy to get through.
Those gates are high.
Tried master that,
He took paint for the gate.
Not one, not two, not three
As many as seven you look.
What is the name of this gate?
Can you draw them? (rainbow) (slide 6: rainbow image)

- Amazing Phenomenon- rainbow. How does she appear in heaven? (children's answers, teacher's addition) On a summer day, when a warm rain passes, the sun's rays are refracted in droplets of water.
What is another name for this kind of rain?
- Mushroom.
- The rainbow has many names - rocker, ring, bridge.
- Guys, look at the image of the rainbow and name all its colors,
(children's answers)
- The colors of the rainbow are always arranged in a certain order. For that
To remember this order, listen to the rhyme:
Is sitting
- By initial letters each word of this phrase is easy to remember the order of the colors located in the rainbow. Name them.
Children: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.
- Guys, now listen to some good advice for young artists will give you a "Jolly Pencil".
- Gently moisten the brush in water, wipe the excess on the edge of the jar, you can use a cloth to blot the brushes.
- You can’t rub the brush on paper and spoil its “hairstyle”, and also keep it dipped in water. (hair twist)
- Rinse the brush each time to avoid staining the paint,
- After work, gouache should be tightly closed so that it. not dried, but watercolor, on the contrary, do not close, let the paint dry.
- While drawing, you need to sit straight so that the sharp tip of the brush does not get into the eye.
- Our friend "Merry Pencil" prepared for you interesting riddle- charging.
I'm running on paper
I can do everything, I can do everything (run in place)
If you want, I'll draw a house, (stand on toes, hands up, depicting a roof)
Do you want a Christmas tree in the snow, (squats)
If you want an uncle, if you want a garden. (turns to the sides, hands on the belt)
Any child is happy for me! (jumping in place)
b/ practical
Purpose: Formation of practical skills and abilities of children in the image natural phenomenon- rainbows.
- And now let's all draw a rainbow together:
- arrange the sheet horizontally;
-we take paints that need to be moistened with water in advance;
-draw the first arcuate line in red, pressing the entire pile
brushes to paper;
- place all the stripes of the rainbow close to each other.
/ independent practical work of children, accompanied by musical arrangement/ (slide 7)
4. Final stage.
Purpose: Summarizing the results of the work done in the lesson.
Rainbow colors game
Teacher: Guys, the colors of the rainbow are mixed up. Help put them in the right order (colored pencils are placed by the children at the blackboard in accordance with the spectrum of the rainbow) (slide 8)

Abstract of the lesson on visual activity. Senior group. Theme: "Fairytale fish"

Educational tasks:
- Clarification of children's ideas about fish.
- Strengthen the ability to work with waste material.
- Strengthen the ability to design your work with additional material.
- To consolidate the ability to economically and rationally spend material.

Development tasks:
- Development of fine motor skills of hands.
- Development of fantasy and imagination.
- Develop perseverance and creativity.

Educational tasks:
- Formation of accuracy and respect for materials.
- To form the ability to notice shortcomings in their work and correct them.

Preliminary work:
Examination of paintings depicting fish (goldfish). Fish talk.
Lepka " gold fish» using waste material. View slides about fish. Reading a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" Listening to the sound of the surf.

Demo material:
Slides, audio recordings of the sound of the surf, pictures of a goldfish.
Blue cardboard with the image of a fish stencil, sequins, scraps of fabric, a PVA glue brush, glue, paper napkins, scissors, oilcloth.

Lesson progress:

Sounds like the sound of the sea.
Educator - Guys, listen. What is this noise?
Children's answers. It is the sound of the sea.
Educator - Right. And now, we will fantasize a little. Imagine we are on the beach. We have a blue sky above our heads, warm sand under our feet, and the sea ahead. How beautiful! Let's remember the tale of A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".
Educator - Guys, what is this fairy tale about?
Children's answers. About the old man, the old woman, the goldfish.
Educator - Yes, this is a fairy tale about a goldfish that fulfills all desires.
Educator - A variety of fish live in the sea. There are fish that are edible for humans. Name some fish you know.
Children's answers. pollock, pink salmon, perch, etc.
Educator - There are dangerous fish. They can prick with a poisonous thorn, like catfish And sea ​​Dragon; and even shock like a stingray.
Educator - Yes, there are many fish in the oceans and seas.
Educator - And now we will see slides with the image of fish.
Educator - Guys, what kind of fish did you see on the slides.
Children's answers. shark, dolphin, whale, etc.
Educator - You see guys, what an amazing and very beautiful sea world.
Educator - Guys, let's remember what parts of the body fish have and why they serve them.
All fish have a tail. He serves as their helm. Fish also have fins. Why do you think fish have fins? The very word will tell you. Fins are needed for fish to swim. Of course, fish have eyes. What are the eyes for?
Children's answers. The body of the fish is covered with plates - scales.
Educator - Now we will have a little rest.

A steamer pushed off from the green pier (get up)
He stepped back first, (step back)
And then stepped forward (step forward)
And swam, swam along the river, (hand movements)
Typing full speed. (Walking in place)
Educator - And now, we will perform the “Fairytale Fish” application. You have ready-made stencils of fish on your tables. You need to show the scales of the fish with the help of sequins, we will make a tail from tracing paper. Then we will show the algae and pebbles in the aquarium, for this you have strips of green paper and shreds of fabric. Everything is clear, then let's get started. During work, I monitor the activities of children, if necessary, I help. After completing the application, we lay out the work on the tables and examine them.

Summary of the lesson:
General questions:
Educator - Guys, what new did you learn about fish?
Children's answers. Fish are different. Dangerous for humans. Edible fish.
Educator - Guys, did you like working with unusual material?
Children's answers. Yeah interesting.
Educator - Guys, do you like the resulting fish of your comrades?
Children's answers. Liked.
Educator - Today you did a very good job, and I prepared small gifts for you.
The teacher takes out stickers from the bag different fish and distribute them to the children.

with priority implementation physical development

Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Fun game

with a pencil

in the second junior group

Prepared and conducted


Groups No. 7


Elena Anatolievna

St. Petersburg 2011


"The pencil came with friends-

Children play with us!

Program content:

  1. to form an interest in drawing;
  2. introduce paper and pencils;
  3. learn how to hold a pencil correctly.

preliminary work:

During walks, show thin tricks. creativity: drawing with a stick on glass.


  1. Beautiful large pencil Red
  2. large sheet of white paper
  3. easel.


Under musical accompaniment the teacher brings a cheerful


Playback: - Who came to visit us, visited our garden? Say

Friendly together: Cheerful Pencil!

- Children, why do we need a pencil, what can it do?

(Pencils should be drawn).

And what color pencil came to visit us?


What can be drawn with a red pencil?

(Tomato, balloon, flower…)

What else do we need to draw?


Let's pick up red pencils and come up

To the easel. And now, in turn, draw everything that for-

I want to.

Look, Pencil, what drawings ours have drawn


Pencil: thanks the children and expresses the desire not to part with them.


Program content:

  1. continue to introduce children to pencils;
  2. consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bprimary colors (red-
  3. nom, blue, green, yellow);
  4. learn to notice strokes and lines on paper;
  5. introduce black.

Preliminary work:

Consider pictures depicting grass, flowers, the sun; pay attention to their color.


  1. large red pencil
  2. colour pencils
  3. large landscape sheet
  4. easel
  5. half of the album sheet for each child.


Kar-sh: - I greet you guys!

Let's draw again!

I brought my friends for more fun!

Playback: - What kind of sticks are these?

Not simple, but colorful!

One has only to take it in hand - they begin to draw! (points to cups of pencils)

Let's guess together what kind of friends the Pencil brought with him (the teacher approaches clean slate paper and begins to draw and read riddles to the drawing)

This is a yellow circle of the sun, a lot of sticks around! (draws the sun)

This little red flag is like a bright light! (draws a checkbox)

This blue flowers unprecedented beauty! (draws flowers)

This is green grass, tender grass - ant! (draws grass)

It's a brown bear, a fat, funny rascal! (draws a teddy bear)

And this is a black puppy, and his name is simply - Druzhok! (draws a puppy)

See what we got? Who helped us draw?

That's right, it's pencils!

Guys, now you can play with Pencil friends and draw. Sit down in your seats, there are sheets of paper prepared for you. Do not forget how to hold a pencil correctly (the teacher shows correct position pencil in hand)

At the end of the lesson, the children examine their drawings, say goodbye to the Pencil.


Program content:

  1. To fix the idea of ​​​​blue;
  2. Continue to teach how to hold a pencil correctly;
  3. Learn to draw raindrops with strokes;
  4. Enter the application;

Preliminary work:


  1. Easel
  2. large landscape sheet
  3. blue pencil
  4. half of the album sheet with the application of clouds for each child.


The teacher, together with the children, recalls how they watched the rain, read a poem about the rain, for example:

"Rain, it's full of rain,

Wet little kids!”

Playback: What is the poem about guys? That's right, about the rain.

And now we will play the game "Sun and rain." (When I say “The sun is shining more cheerfully, go out for a walk soon!” - you walk around the group, and with the words “Rain, the rain is getting stronger, hide in the houses faster!” - hide in the houses.) During the game, the teacher on the metallophone imitates the sounds of falling drops of rain.

And now we will listen to the song "Rain"(words by A. Barto, edited by G. Lobachev):

Rain, rain, drip, drip!

Wet tracks.

We can't go for a walk

We'll get our feet wet!

Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap!

After the song, the teacher shows a sheet with an application in the form of a cloud and asks:

Guys, what is on the sheet? That's right - it's a bug.

Look out of the cloud it started to rain (we show how the rain is drawn) - drip, drip, drip.

The guys on your table are sheets with clouds, let's draw a rain. We will take a blue pencil with you and draw raindrops from top to bottom (remember how to hold a pencil).

While the children are drawing, the teacher reads a poem:

"The rain is pouring drip yes drip

You do not drip for a long time!

We run through puddles

We shout loudly, cheerfully!”

In the final part of the game, the guys look at the drawings, note who has some kind of rain (strong, or is about to end).


GDOU d / s No. 39 of a general developmental type




creativity in the middle group:

handprint and finger painting.

Prepared and conducted


group number 7


Elena Anatolievna

St. Petersburg 2009

Theme: "Cockerel"

Program content:

  1. To cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude through the image of animals in an unconventional drawing technique, a caring attitude towards the cockerel.
  2. Develop a sense of color, texture, teach accuracy.
  3. Build children's understanding of characteristic features images of a rooster, chicken, chickens based on figurative and expressive means, poetic word, music and artistic creativity; continue to develop the ability to draw with the palm and fingers.
  4. Develop the ability to expressively display a cockerel, chickens, chicken in a poem, song, movement; to consolidate knowledge about color (red, yellow), to consolidate the ability to properly use a brush and gouache.


Artistic creativity, knowledge (development of speech, ecology), music.


  1. Cockerel (bee-ba-bo)
  2. hen and chick mask
  3. yellow and red gouache
  4. parallone sponges
  5. black markers
  6. gouache bowls
  7. jars of water
  8. cloth napkins.

Preliminary work:

  1. consideration book illustrations to the tales of the cockerel
  2. Memorizing nursery rhymes, poems, riddles, songs.

Game progress:

(Children are included in the group under the Russian folk music, stand in a circle and follow each other like cockerels. They walk with their heads held high, knees high and slapping their sides with their hands.)

Playback: Guys, look, while we were dancing, someone came to visit us. Who is this?

That's right, cockerel.

Cockerel: Here comes the cockerel

Proudly raised scallop

Red beard, important gait.

Playback: Reb. Let's play with the rooster.

A game:

Cuckoo!, Cuckoo! -children wave their arms like wings.

I'm sitting on a bitch, looking in all directions! -reb. squat on one knee and turn your head in different directions.

Proudly wears a comb -reb. They walk in place, raising their legs high.

Coloring cockerel.

Rises with the sun- slap themselves on the thighs

Calls him in the morning palms

Cockerel: You guys played so beautifully that I wanted to give you a yellow testicle (a small plastic chicken inside). And what's inside? That's right, a chicken.

Playback: -Guys, let's remember what kind of family the cockerel has (chickens and a hen).

Right. The cockerel gave us his chickens. Today we will draw friends for the cockerel. We take a sponge, dip it in gouache and smear it on our palm, and make an imprint with our palm, with our thumb. This will be our cock. Now wipe your palms with a damp cloth. (children repeat the actions after the teacher) Dip your finger in paint, whatever you like, and draw a tail - it can be multi-colored, and draw a comb and a beard with red paint. Let's play while the paint dries.

Game "Birdyard"

How does a cockerel breathe?- breathing exercise

"How the Chicken Runs"- fast running exercise

"How Chickens Peck"- children squat and tap their fingers on the floor

Playback: Guys, while we were resting, the tail of our cockerel dried up. Now we can draw the eyes and beak with a felt-tip pen (the children are doing the work), paws, the sun, grass, grains.

Analysis: - Children, please bring me your drawings, we will consider them. See what a bird yard we got. Cockerels are wonderful, one is better than the other.

Our guest liked all the drawings. Reb. It's time for the cockerel to return to his home, a hen and chickens are waiting for him there.

It's time for us to part

Goodbye kids!

I will take you home!

To the music, the children leave the group.


GDOU d / s No. 39 of a general developmental type

with the priority implementation of the physical development of pupils

Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Artistic leisure

creativity for

parents and children of the middle group

"Journey to a Fantasy World"

Prepared and conducted


group number 7


Elena Anatolievna

St. Petersburg 2009

Topic: "Journey to the world of colors and fantasies"


Artistic creativity, cognition (speech development), music.

Program content:

  1. To increase the pedagogical competence of parents in artistic and creative development.
  2. To create a favorable microclimate for the development of fantasy and imagination in children and parents.
  3. Facilitate partnerships between parents and children.
  4. Creating conditions for mastery non-traditional techniques drawings by parents joint activities with kids.

Material and equipment:

  1. on the wall: sad cloud - cheerful cloud
  2. Heel drawing
  3. White paper A3 in the form of a cloud for each child
  4. Puddle - wet paper
  5. Drawing Foam (Ink + Baby Shampoo + Water)
  6. Multi-colored gouache in jars
  7. Pipettes for inkblotography
  8. Multi-colored gouache poured onto foam rubber for printing
  9. Potato seals with different shapes
  10. Watercolor for finger painting
  11. Water
  12. Rags
  13. Musical accompaniment: rain music, the song "Clouds"
  14. Artistic word: poetry.

Introductory part for parents

We all know that drawing is one of the greatest pleasures for a child. In drawing it is revealed inner world. After all, when drawing, the child reflects not only what he sees around, but also shows his own imagination. And we adults should not forget that positive emotions are the basis of mental health and emotional well-being children. And since drawing is a source of a good mood for a child, you and I need to maintain and develop a child's interest in fine art.

- Today I want to tell and show you how unusual the world in which he lives can become for a child.

“Having worked with children for many years, I came to the conclusion that the child needs the result that causes him joy, amazement, surprise.

- And I chose the direction in my work - the use of non-traditional techniques in drawing:

  1. fingers
  2. palms
  3. seals
  4. chopsticks
  5. leaves
  6. colored soap foam
  7. pipettes (blotography)
  8. toothbrushes and combs (spray)
  9. wax chalk, candle
  10. cotton swabs and balls
  11. bristle brush
  12. on wet paper
  13. on wet cloth
  14. on plates, glass.

– After all, it is very important what results the child will achieve, how his imagination will develop, and how he will learn to work with color. The use of such techniques will satisfy his curiosity, help to overcome such qualities as: "fear of seeming ridiculous, inept, misunderstood." My classes are improvisation and play, and it is very important that they become a sustainable hobby for every child. IN kindergarten favorable conditions have been created for this.

- I would like to wish you to draw in the same way at home. You will become like-minded people, partners, friends for children.

“Now…meet the kids.”


- Hello guys! Look how many guests we have today! Let's greet them. And our main guests are your parents, they really want to draw with you today, come to them.

– Well, now, it seems you have gathered and it’s time for us to go on our journey… But what can we travel on?

- And we'll go on a cloud. To make it unusual, fabulous and very light, we will decorate it with soap bubbles. Want to?

(Need to touch the paper soap bubbles several times in different places without flipping the cloud. Work in pairs - child-parent).

- And while you are waiting for the start of the journey, look at your clouds ... Maybe someone else hid in the cloud and wants to go with you?

“Look, what a big cloud flew to us. Listen to why she is so sad.

A cloud flew across the sky
And looking for friends.
Didn't meet anyone
That's why she became sad.

- To make the cloud more fun, let's take it to a magical land. Get on the clouds and let's fly. Close your eyes.

(Music sounds).

- A white-and-blue steamer floats above the trees.
A steamboat will land us, carry us to the land of colors.

(Music ended)

- Open your eyes. Here we are arriving...

- Oh, guys, it's already raining here. Look at the puddle, how clean the water is. But the puddle looks like a mirror! If our cloud looks into the water, it will see its own Bad mood- even more frustrated.

- Let's cheer up the cloud with colored rain? (Showing the reception of blotography - dripping from pipettes).

Music of the rain. Children and parents "draw".

Joint activities of children and parents.

The rain stopped (music ended). What a beautiful and cheerful puddle you have turned out and it is very similar to a cloud. And our cloud? Look, she is smiling. Thank you for making her laugh.

- And now look at your clouds, on the other side they are white ... And we are in magical land colors. Let's see how you can decorate the clouds ...

- Seals. They are made of potatoes and they can draw, like that! (Show drawing technique)

Collective drawing.

They decorated the clouds very beautifully, but something remained on the clouds. What else can you draw? (Fingers)

Fill free space with colored dots

- The cloud was amused. Clouds decorated. It's time to return.

Music sounded. Children and parents sit on the clouds and fly away to kindergarten to the song "Clouds" - they perform in chorus. The music stops.

“Here we are back. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like?

- I hope you spent your evening to the benefit of yourself and your child.

And he will be just as interested with you at home as it was interesting for you - here and now! I wish you success!

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 3"

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development

Abstract of a lesson on art activities on the topic "SELF-PORTRAIT"


Tropkina I.V.,

Job title:


Severouralsk 2016

Subject: "Self-portrait"

Age group:older age

Leading activity:game, cognitive-research, artistic and aesthetic, musical, motor.

Integration of educational areas:

artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development.

The goal is promising:the development of pupils' practical skills in depicting people in the genre portrait painting.

The goal is relevant : Show the children how to draw a self-portrait.

Program and methodical set:

  • Approximate main general education program preschool education From Birth to School, ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M., 2014
  • Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Senior group.Lykova I.A.-M.: Karapuz-didactics, 2009. - 208 p.
  • Health-saving technologies of education in kindergarten.T.S. Yakovleva. - M., School press., 2006.
  • 500 riddles for children. Maznin I. A. - ed. Sfera, 2008.
  • 6. Lykova I.A.: Integration of arts in kindergarten. - M.: KARAPUZ: Sphere, 2011.


  • Visual range: presentation "Types of portraits", illustrations, diagrams of a person's face, portraits of moms and dads from past classes.
  • Literary series: poems, riddles
  • Game situation:physical minute "Artists", dynamic pause"One two three four five."
  • Equipment for the lesson:multimedia installation, computer for accompanying presentation, projector, music center.
  • Handout:on each easel there are brushes made of colored paper and palettes corresponding to them in color - for each child (red - high level, blue - medium, green - low); on a separate table for selection - colored pencils, wax crayons, flat and round brushes - medium and small number; on each easel, watercolor paints, a palette, a sponge, water, a napkin or cloth, paper (for a strong level - an empty sheet, for an average level - a line of an oval of the face is drawn, for a low level - a line of an oval of the face is drawn with points marked on it for the eyes, nose, mouth); mirrors.
  • Musical: fabulous music for drawing.
  • Dictionary: portrait, single portrait, group portrait, self-portrait.
  • Preliminary work:looking at photographs and portraits, drawing portraits of mom and dad, reading fiction, fairy tales, poems about the family.
  • Working with parents:Creating a favorable atmosphere in the family, fostering a respectful attitude towards the older generation,designing a booklet, talking about the family, looking at family photo albums together with children.

Organization of educational space:

  • Org. Moment - Exhibition Corner
  • Actual. knowledge, study of the material - game Zone, children sit on chairs in front of the projector
  • Physical minute - game zone; the children are on the carpet in front of the chairs
  • Practical work - a study area, where there are tables with the necessary materials prepared, an easel for each child.
  • The result of the lesson is a play area, sitting on the carpet, the children get up with their work and talk about it
  • Methodological techniques: game situation, decision problem situation, conversation-dialogue, productive activity children, analysis, summing up, encouragement.
  • Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic creativity cognitive development, speech development, physical development.
  • Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about portraiture, its features, that the artist in the portrait conveys not only the external resemblance, but also the inner world of a person, his character, mood;

Planned results

  • Interested in new, unknown in the world around;
  • Shows a steady interest in various types of children's activities: design, fine arts, play.
  • Emotionally reacts to works of fine art, music and works of art, natural world.
  • Organizes workplace; demonstrates accuracy and composure in the process of execution, careful attitude to materials and tools.
  • Works according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions. To form the visual skills and abilities necessary for the implementation various kinds productive children's activities
  • Methodical substantiation of the lesson:Form/occupation. Introductory phase, including the learning phase educational material, generalization and consolidation of children's knowledge on the topic. Methods and techniques of teaching. Creation of a problem situation, prompting a dialogue from a problem situation.
  • Methods.
  • Practical:
  • productive activity;
  • game exercises.
  • Verbal:
  • explanation;
  • conversation;
  • questions for children
  • instructions and stages of implementation;
  • creating interest;
  • artistic word (poetry);
  • Visual:
  • scheme;
  • display.
  • Principles of learning: activities; the principle of psychological comfort; the principle of cooperation; the principle of natural conformity (taking into account age and psychological characteristics). Forms of organizing the activities of pupils: - frontal form; individual (at tables, at interactive whiteboard); - group (at the tables).


educational program

Tasks taking into account individual characteristics

Pupils of the group


  • introduce the concept of "self-portrait";
  • to teach children to draw a “self-portrait”, to correctly position the parts of the face.


  • develop the ability to notice the similarity with oneself, manifested in facial expressions, in the expression and color of the eyes;
  • improve the technical skills of depicting a person's face;
  • to form communication skills;
  • develop cognitive interest the ability to independently identify the problem and look for ways to resolve it;
  • develop mindfulness, observation.


  • cultivate accuracy in working with watercolor;
  • evoke an emotional response, help to feel and understand the beauty depicted in the portrait.


  • expand and systematize children's knowledge about the concept of "portrait", "single portrait", "group portrait";


  • exercise children in drawing a self-portrait using the “image in a mirror” method.
  • teach how to compose descriptive story about your face.
  • continue to learn how to draw a portrait, transferring facial features, hairstyle, using gouache paints for drawing.


  • develop spatial representations:
  • develop productive activities;
  • develop creative thinking, imagination;
  • develop fine motor skills hands
  • activate and expand lexicon children.


  • educate love and interest in visual arts.
  • stimulate the desire to learn new things;
  • develop respect for every child

and children to each other;

  • motivate for independent creative activity.
  • Develop a sense of aesthetic admiration.

Annotation to the abstract.

Portrait - one of the genres of painting, dedicated to the image of a certain, specific person. IN concise dictionary terms of fine arts, as a necessary requirement for a portrait, the transfer of similarity in the image of a certain, specific person is put forward. In the art of the portrait, an interest in human individuality accumulates. In the portrait genre, there is an opportunity to talk about those people whose appearance, lifestyle inspired the artist to take up the brush, seemed extraordinary to him. Living and touching phenomena of life can last for moments and the artist has the opportunity to tell about them.

In a children's portrait created by the children themselves, most likely there will be no facial resemblance, but, undoubtedly, the child will try to convey his attitude towards the people he draws. It is imperative to give children the opportunity to express their feelings for loved ones through the world of art, leading them to a value perception of family relationships.






Children activities

(actions that will lead to the achievement of the planned result).

Methodical substantiation (planned result)

Psychological attitude

1 min.



1 min.

2. Introduction to the situation

10 min.



1 min.

3. Difficulty in the situation

Formulation of the problem

1 min.

4.Search engine

1 min.

Dynamic pause

1 min.

Practical work

10 min.


Recording results.

1 min.


2 minutes.

Welcome guests!

Establishing eye contact.


I say hello everywhere. At home and on the street!Evenhello, I say to the chicken. Hello morning! Hello day! We are not too lazy to say hello.


This eye is a special eye.
He quickly looks at you
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you. (photo)


Guys, photos of grandparents, mom, dad, friends are stored in every house. We look at them and remember where we were, how we lived, how we dressed.

Photos can tell a lot. Before, when there were no cameras, different events in people's lives were reflected by artists. Most often painted portraits of people.

We have already talked about what a portrait is. Remind me, please, what is a portrait?

(Portrait - is an image of one person or group of people). What types of portraits do you know? ( Single, group, men's, women's, children's, full height, to the waist, head with shoulders, self-portrait).


"Types of portraits"

prevents fatigue.

We poke our eyes.
Let's draw a big circle!
Let's draw a window.
And a big log.
Draw an elevator run:
Eyes down, eyes up!
Everyone blinked: one-two!
Head is spinning.
We blinked our eyes
Instantly, the garlands sparkled.
Looking straight ahead
This is a plane flying...
Blink once, blink twice
Our eyes are rested!


Guys, your parents have received a proposal to organize an exhibition of portraits on the theme "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family."

We already have portraits of moms and dads.

What do we lack for the complete design of the exhibition?(Our portraits).

Agree with you.

But where can we get your portraits?


And who will draw you? (… )

And what will help you with this? (…)

Guys, please stand in the place that you like, we will have a physical education session

The group raises its hands - this is the time

The head turned - these are two,

Hands down, look ahead - these are three,

Hands to the sides wider, deployed to four,

Pressing them to the shoulders with force is five.

All the guys sit down quietly - it's six!

The teacher invites the children to draw themselves, looking in the mirror.


  • “Brother and brother live across the path, but they don’t see each other.” Who are these brothers? (eyes).

They are the most important on the face, so they live in the middle of the face, but what do they look like? (on leaves, boats). The forehead is above the eyes, put the palm of your hand on the sheet, there should be eyes under the palm. In the middle of the eye is a colored circle - the iris, paint it with paint or a pencil of the color that is in your eyes. In the colored ball, the black dot is the pupil. Don't forget to draw eyelashes. Immediately above the eyes are the eyebrows. What do they look like? (arcs)

  • “Between two luminaries, I am alone in the middle.” What is this? (nose) We will draw it with a dash, this is the tip of the nose.
  • Between the tip of the nose and the chin, in the middle is the mouth. You can draw it with pink paint or a pencil, draw a smile with an arc. After all, we have good mood! From above we draw two arcs (This upper lip), and below another arc. Let's color it pink.
  • “They are not sown, they are not planted, they grow themselves” (hair).
  • Let's start drawing hairstyles. You need to find a paint or pencil of the same color as your hair. Do you have Sasha? Dima? Vika? Hair is straight and curly, everyone has different lengths. You need to draw them similar. Hair cannot stick up, they are drawn from top to bottom with lines, creating a whole hat on the head, they can fall on the forehead (this is a bang).

At the end of the lesson, look at the portraits.


Guys, what are you drawing now?


For what? What helped you

draw yourself?

What wonderful self-portraits you have! Admire. Whose self-portrait do you think is most similar to the author?

What helped you?

(Eye color, facial expressions, clothes)

What was especially successful?

What didn't work?

What surprised you in class?

(In the evening, children arrange an exhibition of portraits on the theme “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family”).

Creates an atmosphere of psychological safety: empathic acceptance, emotional support for children.

Engages in listening.

Emotionally includes in action, listening.

Involves in joint activities.

Uses the method of revitalizing children's emotions and activates perception with the help of ICT

Emotionally activates,

prevents fatigue.
Involves in joint activities.
Coordinates actions with children, their sequence.

Asks questions that stimulate the process of thinking.

Encourages children to speak up.
Answers children's questions.
Initiates a search for answers to the questions of the children themselves.

Involves in joint activities.
Initiates a general discussion.
Reminds me of what I already learned.

Asks questions that stimulate the process of thinking.
Stimulates curiosity and interest.
Encourages children to solve problems on their own.

Provides an opportunity for children to discuss, find a constructive solution. Provides enough time for study, observation.
Uses visual, informative tools.
Activates the discussion.

Uses health-saving technologies. Exercise relieves muscle tension caused by immobility, switches attention from one activity to another

Involves in joint activities.
Coordinates actions with children, their sequence.

As the work progresses, reminds children not to forget small parts: eyebrows, eyelashes, bangs, etc., because all the little things are important in the drawing. They reflect the unique character of a person.

Reiterate that children draw a self-portrait, i.e. themselves.

During the work of children, controls the process, provides all possible assistance.

Involves children in summing up, in reflection (introspection).

Provides openness to targeted



Draws attention to the features of each self-portrait.

Offers a place for children to exhibit their work for the public to see.

Expresses gratitude.
Encourages children to clean up after themselves after work.

Greeting guests. Participate in group activities.

Repeat words and movements after the teacher.

Receiving the information.

Express their own thoughts and feelings.
Tell, explain.

Improve communication skills.

Strive to draw their own conclusions and conclusions

Watching and discussing reproductions

They play actively.
Demonstrate physical activity.
Take on a role.

They participate in a dialogue, express their opinion based on existing ideas, recall what they learned earlier.
Answering questions, telling

They work together.

Improve communication skills

Use materials that can be used for

cognitive research

Observe the actions of the teacher and other children.
Looking for a solution.
Watch the transformation.
Express their own opinions.

Perform movements in accordance with the text.

Soothe nervous system and restore functionality

They sit down at their jobs, prepare for productive activities.


Techniques and skills of drawing a "self-portrait".

Convey the resemblance to real objects, enriching the image with expressive details, color, location

Share experiences; express own feelings to the work done; planning an independent (joint)

activity; express an emotional response.

Children's suggestions.

Psychological readiness of children for activities

formal readiness for upcoming activities, attracting involuntary attention.

Motivational readiness of children for joint activities.

The use of this method contributed to the development of components

perception, emotional responsiveness

Getting a new gaming experience.

Conscious, learned skills, skills, etc.
Mastering the methods of cognitive activity.
The ability to act independently, solve intellectual problems adequate to age.
Curiosity and activity.

Relieve stress, emotional and physical relaxation.

Manifestation creative activity in the process of visual activity.

Ability to select the necessary materials for work.

Make a logical conclusion, follow the rules

Skill:evaluate the result of their activities;

Express feelings;

draw conclusions;

to plan

independent (joint) activity.

Mastery:a certain amount of practical skills and abilities in teaching productive activities;
work according to the rule and according to the model; listen to an adult and follow his instructions;
constructive ways of interacting with children and adults.


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Slides captions:


Male, female and baby portrait M.A. Lvova. D.G.Levitsky "Portrait of Mika Morozov" Valentin Serov D.G.Levitsky Portrait of P.V. Bakunin Bolshoi.

Group D. G. Levitsky Portrait of pupils Imp. resp. total good. girls E.N. Khrushcheva and E.N. Khovanskaya.

Single DG Levitsky Portrait of a pupil Imp. resp. total good. girls N.S. Borshchova.

In full growth D. G. Levitsky Portrait of a pupil Imp. resp. total good. girls A.P. Levshina. Portrait of a pupil of the Imp. resp. total good. girls G.I. Alymova.

To the waist Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky Portrait of I.L. Golenishcheva-Kutuzova

On the shoulders Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky Portrait of M.A. Dyakova. 1778 Portrait of N.A. Lvov. 17

Head Bronnikov F.A. head of an old man

- through the game situation to promote the development of imagination, creative activity in children of senior preschool age;

- use visual means to embody images;

- create an expressive image of a tree in accordance with seasonal changes in nature;

- arouse interest in creating the image of a tree with various non-traditional drawing techniques.

Educator (V.). Children, I recently found a book. It has very interesting tale. Do you want me to tell you?

(Children sit on the carpet around the teacher.)

Once upon a time, Mother Earth had four daughters. The first daughter was friends with snows and blizzards. Do you know what her name was? (Winter.) The second played with babbling streams. (Spring.) The third daughter basked under the gentle sun. (Summer.) And the fourth with frequent rain cried. (Autumn.)

The turn has come to host the first daughter, Zima, in the forest. She covered the earth with a warm blanket, gave the trees snow coats. The day was replaced by a new snow-white day. But once the sun appeared from behind the clouds, the snow sparkled. And a small flower peeked out from under the snow. He dreamed of Spring...

What is the name of this flower? (Snowdrop.)

He was weak and defenseless. It's cold all around, and then the evil northern winds blew. What did the snowdrop feel? Please take the cards and show how the flower feels.

Children with the help of pictograms determine the feelings of the flower.

IN. Guys, why did he feel this way? (Children's answers.) I wonder what happened next? I did not know about this because old book didn't turn out last page. But we will not be upset and will come up with the end of the fairy tale ourselves, or better, we will become its participants. And since this is a fairy tale, a wizard will definitely appear in it, who will help the snowdrop.

Guys, look at my snowflake. This snowflake is not simple, it is magical.

(Snowflake suggests surrounding the snowdrop with magic trees to protect it from prickly winds and severe frosts.)

IN. Children, now you will turn into little wizards and help the snowdrop. But for this you need to do one very difficult task: pave the path with stripes of the colors that Winter loves. What do you think the colors will be - cold or warm?

Children lay out a path of strips of “cold tones”, one at a time pass along it and, “turning into magicians”, approach the tables.

IN. Here's the trouble! The evil northern winds managed to take over here too - they hid our brushes for painting. But we are wizards, we can do everything and we will cope with our task! Let's help the snowdrop to hide from evil winds and draw trees for this. Tell us how you will draw the trees that will protect him. (Children's answers.) Who else wants to draw in what way? Come to the table and take necessary material for work. (Children choose the right equipment for drawing on their own.)

In the course of work, the educator helps the children to realize their plans. In conclusion, they combine their work into a collective.)

IN. So we have become participants in the fairy tale. You are real wizards, you managed to protect the snowdrop from evil winds. What a beautiful fairy forest you made it! Guys, how does the snowdrop feel now, surrounded by trees? (Children's answers.) Take the pictograms and determine his feelings. (With the help of pictograms, children determine the feelings of a flower.)

Now find your heart and listen to how it beats. Imagine that it, like a gentle sun, pours bright and warm light all over the body, arms, legs. Let's send light and warmth to the snowdrop, and it will become even warmer!

The activity class was prepared by T. Sugako

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